CuttyChapter 38: A Morning Full Of Work free porn video

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It was Saturday morning and Donna was out with her children on the gym track at the school. She was very relaxed as she sat alone at their usual table. Lisa was running now and Trixy tried throwing the discus a bit.

It was cold outside but not too cold. And she was dressed against the cold: a warm beige fur coat, together with thick black stockings, a red woolen plaid skirt, reaching somewhere hallway her thigh and creeping up higher now she was sitting. High heeled white leather boots, with warm wool inside, and a thick tight white blouse, outlining her nipples as her breasts were only supported with a push-up bra, covering only the lower part of her breasts which left her nipples free. The fur coat luckily covered her upper torso completely, hiding her nipples. In all, not proper clothing for the weekly school training but very good against the cold. And lately, very standard for Donna.

Her large peach mirror sunglasses hid her eyes, dark outlined and with an abundance of red eyeshadow, from view. This way she could observe her surroundings unnoticed. Other mothers, families, were observing her. They were ridiculing her outfit, her abundance of make-up. They could see her bright red lips, the blush she had used, and the way her hair was now with blonde streaks. Still a bob, showing off her large hoop earrings. She could see them snickering, see them gossiping. Her reputation was quickly going down the drain, that was for sure.

But somehow, she started to feel contempt for these families. With their snobbish ways, thinking they are so much better than others, she did not like them anymore. What did they know that they could judge her? Were they ever confronted with problems like hers? No, they never were, so they had no right to judge. She was beginning to despise them for their simple mindedness.

She stretched her left leg on purpose to show off her long, well trained, leg with the white boot. The few men in the audience noticed and it pissed-off their women. She smiled knowing she had her revenge. They would not dare to confront her now.

With the mothers handled, she focused back on her kids. That was so much better. This morning was so delightfully different from her recent experiences. She had always loved these ‘soccer mom’ moments, where she was only busy with her kids, her family. How she loved them, how she missed them. Yes, she missed her old life. But, if her new life allowed her these moments a bit more ... she could stand it.

She clapped loudly and shouted encouragements to Lisa as she finished. Lisa had given her utmost and was sweating all over, but took her time to wave at Donna, her mother, with a smile. Donna felt her heart jump a few beats and returned the wave with her own and a very big smile.

With tears welling up in her eyes, Donna turned to look at her other child, Trixy. She had seen it too, and as she saw her mother look at her she gave her a big thumbs up. Stifling a laugh and a tear, Donna returned the sign. She was an emotional wreck but oh so happy. Lisa was acknowledging her again!

“You are Cutty?”

Disturbed, Donna looked up at the woman who had sneaked up to her and was now standing by her table.

“I figured as much.” The woman said as she sat in Lisa’s chair. “You are Cutty, the mother of those lovely ladies on the field. The wardrobe kind of gave you away.”

Confused and with suspicion, Donna looked at her visitor. The dark blond lady was dressed in a beige business suit covered by a brown coat, and looked very sharp, very executive. Who was she? What did she want?

“I am here to use your services.” The lady explained as she looked Donna over. “I need some relief, and Ms. Brendan assured me you are really good. A bit inexperienced maybe, but good.”

Donna now knew the lady was informed of her situation. But was she really implying to have sex with her? here? That could not be true, could it?

“Come, I do not have all day.” The lady said, as she patted Donna on her thigh. “You can do me and be back before they have their break.”

The lady got up and walked away in the direction of the parking lot of the school.

Donna looked around and got up too. She knew it would be foolish not to follow. The lady knew Ms. Brendan, so there would be grave consequences if she did not. But what was required of her, and more questionable, where?

She followed the lady to the parking lot where she got in a large extended limousine, with dark tinted glasses. Not the most discrete type of car. But you could not see what was going on inside.

Donna walked up to the car, and one of the rear dark tinted glasses opened a bit.

“Get in.”

Donna opened the back door and got in, glad to be out of the windy parking lot. She nestled herself onto the deeply padded seat and examined the interior. It was of a nice brown leather, looked pretty new, definitely something Ms. Brendan would like.

There was an open bottle of champagne in a bucket with ice and the lady was pouring herself a glass.

“Ok, I had a rough meeting this morning and need to get some frustration out of my system. So, no pleasantries. Just expose your breasts, get between my legs and start licking.”

With that, the lady made herself comfortable on her seat, spread her legs, took a sip from her champagne, and looked expectantly at Donna.

“Well?” She said impatiently when she saw Donna waver, “Get going, Cutty.”

Donna dropped her coat and willed herself forward onto her knees. She opened her blouse, exposing her breasts with the free nipples and bent forward.

“Ow, come on, will you!” The lady said annoyed as she pulled down her own panties.

Donna pushed her head up the lady’s legs, into the awaiting vagina. She inhaled the musk scent and set her mind at zero as she started to lick the dry labia.

“Fucking whore, use more spit! You’re hurting me!”

Donna gathered more saliva in her mouth and used her tongue to coat the lips she was slobbering on. The lady smelled pungent. She was really dry. Maybe too agitated? Donna just hoped she would be able to get her off fast.

“Shit, I needed this.” The lady sighed relieved moving a bit to give Donna better access. “A stupid fucking soccer mom in whore clothing sucking on my clit, while her children are outside, training with the track team, in total oblivion.”

“Come on, faster, Cutty! Faster!” The lady ordered as she grabbed Donna’s hair painfully and thrusted Donna’s face deeper into her vagina.

Donna could hear the lady gulp down the champagne as she was trying to lick her client to the best of her abilities. But the lady was so rough with her, making it very difficult to do her job.

“Oh, you fucking whore! Low life slut! Dumb cunt! Don’t think, just lick. Let me ride your face!”

Donna really tried to lick but, in fact, the lady was just rubbing her vagina across Donna’s face, which was now rapidly getting wet.

“Fuck!!!” The lady shouted out, as she sprayed her juices over Donna’s face, after which Donna was roughly pushed away.

“Yesss! ... I needed that.” The lady said, breathing heavily, as she collected herself.

She picked up her panties and slipped them on.

“How much?” She asked Donna.

“Uhmmm?” Donna could only say, still flabbergasted by the experience.

“Dumb cunt, don’t you know your own rates?” The lady fumed and pulled out her wallet. “Here fifty bucks for a lousy job! I basically had to do all the work. Now go back to that nice family of yours, you fucking whore. Give them my STD.”

The lady slammed the fifty dollars on the side table and got out of the car.

Donna breathed heavily as she recuperated from this ... this assault, this rape.

After a few minutes she heard a familiar voice come over the limo’s intercom: “You have to get out too, Cutty.”

Donna quickly seized the money, adjusted her bra, buttoned up her blouse and got out. She saw a BMW driving away in the distance, probably her ‘client’. She grabbed her fur coat a bit tighter and ran off the parking lot.

She made a detour to the toilets to clean up her face, apply her make-up again. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her make-up was smeared all over her face, together with the juices of the lady. She had even traces of her own lipstick on her forehead.

“What do I allow Ms. Brendan to do to me?” Donna wondered. “I have just been raped! And instead of being distraught, or run to the police, I am simply assessing the damage as if this is the most normal thing to happen.”

Donna looked at herself in the mirror. She needed a drink and fast. She hated her own weakness, and at the same time knew it was not yet the time to rebel. The safety of her family had to be guaranteed first. But her emotions where running wild again. She had just been paid a lousy 50 bugs for a oral job! She was just treated as a common prostitute!

She focused back to the job at hand. She completely cleaned her face and did an emergency make-up. She did not have the time for much more. She quickly applied a foundation again, followed by new eye shadow and mascara. The finishing touch was the bright red lipstick. When she placed the sunglasses on her nose, she saw that nobody would notice the difference from afar.

With confidence she walked out of the bathroom and on towards the bar. She ordered a white whine and went back to her table outside. In all, she was within 20 minutes back at her table, just as Lisa and Trixy came running up.

“Mom! I set a personal record time for the 440 sprint!” Lisa plunged into the seat to Donna’s left. “I feel really great!”

“Probably because you did not go out last night.” Trixy laughed, as she sat down to Donna’s right.

“You were out all night, Miss Lisa?” Donna asked.

It was good to find out Lisa did not really go out, but Donna was not so happy to learn Lisa had not returned home until early in the morning. Also because she, as her mother, was supposed to know where her daughter was. Especially at her age.

“Yeah, after the shopping spree and a movie we stayed at Jenifer’s all night to gossip.” Lisa explained. “We never went out.”

“The night life crowd must have missed the slut-crew.” Trixy mocked her sister.

“Miss Trixy!” Donna admonished, looking angrily at Trixy. Donna was too happy Lisa was in such good spirits, and talking to her, for Trixy to ruin it.

“Nah, just teasing, mom.” Trixy smirked. “Don’t worry, after the shopping spree yesterday, with your credit card, Lisa is bought and sold for.”

“You have abused the card too, little minx.” Lisa shot back, “I think your collection of ‘Zara’ maxed Mom’s card out.”

“Girls, girls!” Donna said, trying to sound lighthearted, “I am just glad you guys enjoyed it and we are now sitting together again, as a family.”

“You bought me, Mom.” Lisa said happily, “How can a girl resist a gold credit card?”

“Not to speak of ‘Jennifer’, so surprising how muscular she has become.” Trixy went on.

“Trixy!!” Lisa shouted angrily and sent a paper coaster flying her way.

Donna looked at Lisa, understanding now that she had spent the night with a boy, not with the girls. Trixy has hinted at a boyfriend, but staying the night? Without asking permission?

“Miss Lisa, care to explain?” Donna asked.

“No, ‘Miss Lisa’ does not care to explain. I spent the night with Jennifer. Trixy is just saying things to upset me.”

Now this was a blatant lie, Donna knew. She had to be very careful now, she did not want to jeopardize the current shaky truce there was between them, but she needed to know the truth. That was her motherly duty.

“Who is he?” Donna asked. “Someone we know?”

From the corner of her eye Donna saw that Trixy was about to say something, so she raised her hand to silence her youngest daughter. This one had to be answered by Lisa herself.

“I do not want to tell you just yet.” Lisa answered sheepishly.

“That is ok, I guess.” Donna answered, “But please do not lie to me again. And next time tell me beforehand. I need to know where you are.”

“Mom,” Lisa answered, “do you even know where you are?”

There was a moment of silence as they looked at each other. Donna could see the pain in Lisa’s eyes. She had said a great truth and hit a painful spot for the both of them. Lisa needed her mother, yet Donna was unable to be that mother. She was wrapped up in her own problems, in this terrible blackmail.

Donna grabbed the hands of her children.

“I really don’t know.” She answered Lisa and Trixy, looking them in the eye. “It is a difficult time for me, for us. But we have to stick together, no lies between us.”

Donna chided herself inwardly, given that now she was constantly lying to everyone she loved. But she wanted Lisa and Trixy to be open towards her. She had to know what they were doing, what they were thinking. If she knew that she could protect them.

“Who was that woman that you followed out, just now?” Trixy asked, completely changing the subject of the conversation.

“A business acquaintance.” Donna answered, “She wanted a talk with me about something urgent.”

“Hmmm.” Trixy smirked.

Donna looked at her and wondered how much of what was going on Trixy knew? Was this her test if she was being honest with them?

“I have been seeing this guy...” Lisa said, breaking the silence. “I kinda like him, but he ... is a bit of a ‘bad’ boy.”

“Not really, really bad.” Lisa hastened to correct herself, “Just ... everybody thinks he’s bad.”

“What is his name?” Donna tried again, also remembering how her friends had told her Lisa was hanging with the ‘wrong’ crowd.

“I do not want to say.” Lisa responded. “Not yet. When we’re serious I will introduce you.”

Donna looked at her daughter and wondered why she would not say his name. And how could it not be serious if she spent the night at his place? And how could Donna avoid that happening again?

“Trust me, mom.” Lisa said, as she held Donna’s hand with both hands.

“That’s a good one, after you’ve spent the night with him.” Trixy remarked.

“Trixy!!” both Lisa and Donna said, silencing her for the moment.

“It’s Miss Trixy.” She only mumbled softly.

Donna sighed deeply. This was really awkward. She had to correct her daughter, yet was so afraid of upsetting her. And what could she do if she upset her daughter? She was not in control of her own life at the moment, let alone able to control Lisa’s life. But it was her daughter...

“It is not good to sleep with someone at your age. Let alone sleep over. Your too young, Miss Lisa.” Donna explained, “You are giving the wrong signals to your new friend. Move slowly, get acquainted first.”

“Mom, I moved slowly.” Lisa assured her, “We have been going out for quite some time now.”

“It can’t be that long.”

“Long enough, Mom.”

A long silence followed where Lisa and Donna looked at each other. No hate, no fight, just trying to reconnect again.

“Drink your water, we are running in the next race.” Trixy said, breaking the spell.

“Yes,” Lisa said with a reassuring smile towards her mother, and the kids jumped up and ran giggling back to the field.

Donna was left in her thoughts, believing things could work out. As long as they were together, they would be ok. Wouldn’t they?

She shifted her attention back to her children; they still had an hour to go before they had to go back again. She took a large sip from her wine, almost emptying it. She needed another one.

Lisa gave her a wave, which she responded in kind. A look at her other daughter saw Trixy laughing with some friends. All was well on the track field, so she stood up and went for a refill. It would be a bit much alcohol for the morning, but how she needed it!

“Hey Donna, how are you?”

Donna looked to her right and saw her friend Tammy smiling at her. Her friend was dressed in warm sport shoes, jeans and a thick, wooly, sweater. Or in other words; how she used to dress. She immediately envied her.

“I am fine, how are you?” Donna said, a bit reserved, recalling the last time they spoke. That was a few days ago when they tried to intervene after Bridgette had spilled the beans regarding her psychiatrist’ alternative method. After she had left her friends alone in her own house to visit Ms. Brendan they had not spoken anymore.

“You left us rather abruptly.” Tammy said, “And I see you still dress ... weird.”

“Yes, I had things to do. I was just back you know. I had work to do.”

“Tell me, what job do you have?” Tammy asked, not believing her friend really was so busy with work.

“I help out with a huge building project, revamping the old district.”

Tammy was obviously surprised at this. She obviously had expected her to lie. “Wow, that is really big. Really? What are they planning?”

“As I said; drastically restoring the old district. We try to save what can be saved, and the rest will be brought down and replaced with buildings in similar style. We want to make it into a thriving shopping and entertainment center, day and night.”

“Right now, I would not set one foot across 44th street at night.” Tammy laughed.

“There is a lot of work to be done.” Donna agreed. “What can I get you?”

“A lemonade, it is still early.” Tammy replied.

Donna ignored the subtle critique, as she ordered an additional lemonade when her wine was served.

“Are you dealing with your issues?” Tammy asked, sincerely worried now her friend drinks at such an early hour.

“I am. It is hard, though.” Donna acknowledge, “This helps at times.”

“You should not drink too much.” Tammy touched Donna’s hand as a gesture of understanding, “Try to keep it within reasonable bounds.”

“I will.” Donna assured her friend.

“Your issues ... You still have them, obviously.” Tammy looked her once over again as she said this. She did not say so but it was evident she thought her attire was ridiculous.

“Yes, they will not go away so easily. It will take time.” Donna took a sip of her wine. This would be hard.

“How come you have them? You seemed so normal? Happy with your family, happily married.” Tammy asked, trying to understand her friend.

“Let’s not talk about this.” Donna sighed, “It is hard as it is. I really do not need my friends reminding me of it. Support me by letting me go through this.”

A short silence fell as Tammy looked at the top of the bar, wondering what to say next.

“I am sorry for what I said about Lisa.” Tammy said sincerely.

Donna recalled Tammy’s angry remark about Lisa having ‘bad friends’, which she now linked to the new knowledge of the new boyfriend.

“Don’t be. I know you mean well.” Donna assured her, “What do you know?”

“Only what my daughter told me.” Tammy replied, glad Donna was talking to her, “So do not run and scream murder. It seems she hangs out with a couple of those colored dudes who we suspect are selling drugs around the school and at parties. You know how girls at Lisa’s age are lured by the ‘bad boy’ image.”

Donna looked worriedly at her friend. “She is sure?”

“Nothing is sure, this is gossip.” Tammy said, “But my daughter was quite confident, though. I really believe there is some truth in what she said.”

Donna was thinking. What could she do? Take her time and approach Lisa slowly to ask what was going on? She had no time to follow her around. She could ask Ms. Brendan to help her ... But what would that cost her again?

“So, I would talk with her, if I were you.”

“Yes, I will, thank you.” Donna’s mind was racing through her options; what should se do, what could she do?

“And apart from that, Donna, how can we help? You know we are always here for you?” Tammy laid her hand on Donna’s shoulder to enforce the message.

“I do not think you can help, apart from accepting me as I am now.” Donna said.

“We’ll try. But ... what Bridgette is saying sounds so outlandish.” Tammy said, offering a reassuring smile, “None of us has ever heard of a mental sickness like this. I mean ... having an affair, ok. Bad, but we understand. But outright becoming a slut, a nymphomaniac. Let alone the cure that you follow. Indulging in these crazy erotic fantasies. It just does not sound right. How is Robert dealing with this?”

Donna was silent for a long time. She wanted her friends help but was afraid to ask. What if they all ended up like Vivian?

As if she could read her mind, Tammy went on: “And we lost Vivian. That is another tragedy. Her body has still not been found. You are the last to talk to her, but you are so difficult to contact. We want to know what transpired in her last hours, you know, for closure.”

“That was a horrible tragedy.” Donna agreed, as tears came to both their eyes.

“At least you can still react like a normal human being.” Tammy said as she hugged her friend, and they sobbed for a moment together.

Donna opened her eyes and whipped away her tears but stopped when she saw something that caught her attention. Her husband’s friend Thomas was sitting somewhere behind, eying her. Now what was he doing here at the school? He had no children going here.

And as she looked his way Thomas clumsily turned away. He did not want to be recognized. Donna wondered...

“He is spying on me!” She concluded. “Robert sent him to spy on me!”

How she loved her husband for it! He was looking after her. He still loved her! He still truly loved her! And enough to send his friends to spy on her. He finally understood something was going on and he was trying to find out what.

At the same time, this posed a real problem. His friends spying on her everywhere would expose her actions sooner or later. And if they only looked superficial, they might conclude she was doing this voluntarily.

For instance, did he see her walking away with that lady just now? The limousine was on the parking lot out in the open, yet she had not seen anybody near it. But did he watch her walk to the car and coming out of it with her make-up and clothing all mashed up? She had not seen him. But it would look very suspicious if he did.

“You are ok?” Tammy asked as she looked at her teary eyed.

“Yes,” Donna said with a warm smile, thinking of her husband, “I am very much okay. It is good to have friends like you.”

Tammy smiled and hugged her again. “I will see if I can get more info on Lisa’s boyfriend.”

“That would be great. I would really like to know more and, most likely, she will not tell me.”

“That alone is already a red flag.” Tammy pointed out.

They finished their drinks and parted ways. Donna hurried to her table to watch her daughters’ last exercises.


“Not again!” Donna thought, as she looked up at the lady standing next to her. She had barely sat down.

This time it was a younger woman, not even 30 years old. She looked like a yuppie, probably living the fast live. A Child of rich parents?

“Yes, Madam?” Donna said, as she prepared for the worse.

The girl sat down on Lisa’s chair and gave Donna a friendly smiled. “I am new to this, so how does this work?”

Donna looked at her with a soft smile and said: “500 for oral, 1000 for the works Madam.”

“That is expensive!” the young lady smirked, “Almost my hourly rate.”

Donna felt offended but kept her calm. “It is what it is, Madam.”

“Ok.” The young lady said, “Where?”

“Follow me, Madam.” Donna said as she got up.

After a quick look at her children, she walked towards the parking lot. They would still be busy for a while, so she had time for this.

“It is quite exciting to be able to just pick a woman away from her daily life.” The girl chatted excitedly. “Though you are not really dressed as a soccer mom. That is a bit disappointing.”

“Well,” Donna answered, “I have to be available for my clients, hence the attire, Madam.”

She spotted Tammy looking at her, so she nodded to her as if everything was ok. Hopefully that worked.

Next, she also spotted Thomas, who looked suspiciously at them. He was getting up to follow them; now that she could do without.

“I have to go to the lady’s room first, Madam. Go to the limousine on the parking lot. They’ll let you inside.”

“Ok. Will you be long?” The young lady said, a bit unsure.

“No Madam, just need to get ready.”

“Or get rid of that nosy man.” The girl said. She had seen Thomas too, or had seen her looking at Thomas. Anyway, it did not matter. Donna had to get rid of Thomas, and splitting up would do the trick, hopefully.

Donna rushed to the toilets and saw in the mirrors on the outside walls Thomas trying to follow her. He was really bad at it, she noticed, which actually made her smile. Close to the toilets she saw he would not see her getting into them, so she walked towards the lady’s toilet entrance, slammed its door loudly, and walked quickly onward to the next exit. Just as Thomas entered the corridor, she slipped out again, unseen. He would think she was still at the toilets.

Donna rushed to the limousine and got in.

“Got rid of him?” The girl asked as she looked through the tinted glasses towards the school.

“You were being followed?” The driver’s voice asked.


“Ok, we will do this driving.” The limousine started and drove off.

“Exciting” the young lady said, “Who was he?”

“A friend, Madam.” Donna said.

“Ah, a friend of the husband, I guess.”

“This young woman is really too smart for her age.” Donna thought annoyed. It brought her again into a difficult situation. What can she tell this client? She did not want everyone that was abusing her to know all her personal details. She wanted, needed, some privacy.


“Yes, Madam.” Donna admitted, not able to come up with a quick lie.

“So hot!!!” the woman said excited, “A housewife turned prostitute and the husband suspects. What will happen if his friend reports he lost you? Your husband will be even more suspicious! You will really have to be wicked to keep this going.”

Donna smiled an insecure smile, thinking of the truth in her remarks.

“Now, I know I want the works!” the lady said, “So, start, do not keep me waiting.”

“Okay ... Madam.” Donna sighed. She had to concentrate for the mind shift. No more kids, no more husband, no Thomas, just this lady, this client whom she had to please the coming 15 minutes. Just 15 minutes if she got her going fast.

Cutty leaned over to the girl and tried to kiss her.

“No, no, no.” The girl said as she ducked away and moved to the window. “I think I want a different ‘works’ first.”

“What do you want me to do, Madam?”

“Tell about your husband while you masturbate. Why you like to cheat on him!” The lady said, “That would get me hot, then you can do me.”

“Shit!” Donna said as she closed her eyes. “This will be difficult.” Still, she willed Cutty to the foreground by looking at the dark mirror, and just let go of all reason.

Cutty pulled down her panty and displayed her vagina for the young woman. Next, she spit in her hands and moved it down to her cunt. She positioned herself so her customer had a good view of what she was doing.

“I found out I have these urges, these desires ... Madam” Cutty started, with a sly smile, as she fondled her nether lips.

“How long ago, how long have you had these urges?” the young lady interrogated.

“For the last eight, nine, months they really flourished, but I probably was always a hidden slut, Madam.” Cutty answered, “I just never showed it, as the people around me wouldn’t understand.”

“Ah,” The lady understood, “So the husband, the children, the family, they must not know?”

“No, of course not, Madam.” Cutty acknowledged, “Actually, it is a great turn on to have this big secret. It is so hot if I think of all the nasty things I want to do, things I do, without them knowing it.”

“Especially your husband? What is his name?”

“Robert, Madam” Donna answered. She hated the interruptions, the questions. It made it difficult to stay in the Cutty character. She should have drunk more wine; then she could have easily answered these questions without falling out of character due to the real images in her mind of her husband, her daughters.

“Robert who?”

“Robert Alldring, Madam”

“I know him!!!” The girl exclaimed excitedly, “He is the new marketing project manager in China! He’s rather good looking and so smart!”

Now this was getting awkward again, Donna felt. This lady was not supposed to know her husband, she was supposed to be an anonymous client, wasn’t she?

“He works so hard! Even given the huge time difference you can call him anytime.”

And she called him good looking, both a compliment as well as a threat.

“And so ... you are his promiscuous wife...” The young woman said as she sat up to get closer to Donna. “Keep frigging yourself, adulterous woman, don’t slack. This is really getting interesting.”

Donna did as instructed. Luckily the ever-present itch helped, as her mind was now not at all focused on sex. This bitch in front of her, this girl barely out of her diapers, knew her husband and was humiliating her with it. She would love to slap some decency in her.

Same as Cutty
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215 Wendy and Andrew reworked

215 Wendy and Andrew reworked This story has been reworked due to hubby sending me his version of his involvement!They were living in Norfolk it was a nice house, not new but very well appointed, it had a long and secluded garden at its rear fenced to 6ft on all sides. A neighbouring house was the only other home in range so the pretty 38year-old Wendy always sunbathed nude. Her husband Andrew and she being the only ones around except as I said the one next-door neighbour, she tended to throw...

2 years ago
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JacquelineChapter 2 Laura and the workman

"BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!" Laura Poultney-Davis woke to the sound of loud hammering and rending of timber. "Oh what now! As if that row last night wasn't bad enough I have to be woken up by bloody workmen." She thought back to the argument that had raged the previous evening. She didn't want to marry that peasant from Birchtree Farm. "How can they expect me to even try to seduce such an uncouth slob?" she asked herself. But of course her parents insisted that it would be to her benefit...

1 year ago
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A beautifull morning

It's Saturday morning, I sit comfortably in a small cafe and drinking my latte. The sun is shining and leaves my hair golden, because it is very warm, the top button of my white blouse open and leaves a little to look at my breasts. Long time nothing happens and I am enjoying this beautiful morning, unaware that he is much more beautiful.I see them already come from far away to the cafe. Her black hair shines and her long skirt blowing in the wind at her long legs. It is quite big, I guess so...

3 years ago
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Vanessa and the workmen

The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with the tiniest lycra red halterneck dress which barely concealed her ass or bulge. She undid her robe and looked at herself in the mirror. Her long blond hair and heavily made up face looked as good as...

2 years ago
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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmates After moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed, I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and...

1 year ago
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I live with a very handsome guy who works the night shift from 10pm to 6am at a local factory, he leaves for work at 9pm so i am on my own from the time he leaves. He left to go to work one night last week as usual so before he left i was dressed in a sexy g string panty lace bra and i was looking real hot so he could think about me all night at work. About ten minutes after he left i heard a knock on the door so i thought he had forgot something so i opened it without thinking that it was his...

2 years ago
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In the hands of my workmates

In the hands of my workmatesAfter moving to L.A. I got a nice new job and of course, new workmates. One of them, a nice guy from my office called Thomas, suggested that we might like to go to a club on Friday evening, in order to meet other coworkers. He said it was a nice place with a small dance floor. Victor agreed; I decided to wear something conservative as I really did not know what the form would be. I dressed in a long flowing skirt zipped up the back, a white blouse, nylon hose and low...

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Saturday Morning4

“Good morning”. My eyes opened rapidly as I heard: “Have you missed me? It’s only been three days, but I want you now.” I replied: “When would you like to get together?” She answered: “Well, guess I could wait two or three minutes. I’m right outside.” I opened my door. Her hug nearly knocked me over. I kissed her gently. We passionately hugged some more. I said: “Why don’t we sit down and get to know each other a little more?” We sat together on the couch, as her hand...

2 years ago
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Marians Garden 3 Morningwood Tease

Jack wakes up to see a pair of soft blue eyes watching him. She smiles upon seeing him wake and roll over to face the ceiling. The interior of the house annoyed Jack in many ways, but the slanted cedar slabs cut by two long skylights was not one of them."Morning," says Marian beside him."Overcast," Jack replies."It was raining earlier," Marian says. "I enjoyed watching the water droplets fall down. They made little rivers along the glass.""I am glad we fixed those first,” he says,...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Friday Morning0

My hand slipped in between my legs for a split second, adjusting my shorts and brushing over my mount ever so lightly. Did I mention I was impatient? With my mind wandering I quickly fell back into a light sleep, I must've been more tired than I thought I was. When I woke up it was about an hour and a half later, the light was still on but it wasn't really dark outside anymore. By now the cat had left and curled up somewhere in the living area. Outside it was gloomy, rainy, just how I liked...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning1

Dad dropped me at the end of the bay by the headland, amongst the trees next to the BBQ area on the little patch of mown grass where families congregated on hot weekends to cook up and hang out. It was deserted this late in the year, and the rangers had closed down the grill and disconnected the gas knowing there wouldn’t be any more business till next may. I was so sure I had the place all to myself that I changed on the green, slipping off my sneakers, jeans and t shirt. I hadn’t put any...

3 years ago
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A Very Good Morning0

I groan and push my face deeper into the warmth of the pillow. Hands run up and down my arms slowly bringing me out of my dreamy trance. "Maddie." Kayla says in a sing song voice. I sigh and finally roll over and see my beautiful black goddess with her head propped up on her elbow and smiling at me. Her curly black hair was cascading around her shoulders and her brown eyes looking at me lovingly. I smile back and cover my eyes with my hand. "Oh god. I don't think I'll ever get...

3 years ago
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The full body workout

I really like to work out. So, to avoid getting sick, I bought full set of gym equipment to home. Well, not full set since that would have been overkill. But more like bench, bar, dumbbells, and enough weights to manage. It's funny how much you can get done just by even having a simple lifting bar at home. I wouldn't say that I am addicted to working out, but that is my standard method of staying in shape. I am quite athletic, and I like to show it off. What's the point of working out if...

4 years ago
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In The Workshop

Hey! Thank you for the responses. I’ll get straight to the experience, continued from my previous experience. The driver stopped the bus and we didn’t bother as the conductor was rubbing my vagina by pushing my hips in his hairy legs even after i got an orgasm. I didn’t want him to stop either. It was a strange but good feeling. In about 3 minutes or so the driver came in with another man. The driver asked me to get up. I got up and saw that it was a motor workshop. They asked me to sit on the...

3 years ago
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Transition to Vikki part eight reworked

Transition to Vikki part eight (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.The story continues. Vikki settles into her new surroundings and with new friends. Plans are made for a visit and the club is seen for the first time.As with the others, this part has been heavily revised since first writing. Typo's, grammar and story plot mistakes have been corrected. Best to read these chapters...

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Transition to Vikki part four reworked

Transition to Vikki, part four (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Next part of Steven Jennings' tale how he abandons his old life to become Vikki. Valerie and Gina get closer and more life stories are told. This is updated from the original scripts.All original chapters have been rewritten and updated. Typos corrected, grammar put right and plot errors sorted out. Parts have bee...

3 years ago
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Slut Born To Tease Reworked

Slut: Born to Tease (part one). Reworked.I’ve just completed my chosen ensemble for this evening and I'm now standing in my bedroom, looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view the full reflection of my pink PVC lingerie clad curvaceous body, when my husband walked into the bedroom, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was...

1 year ago
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I had a coworker in which I was not too fond of. He called in sick many times repeatedly making everything difficult. Apparently he had some sort of issues in his life, which I understood but it got pretty annoying. Aside from that I didn't really like his attitude either. His responses were pretty snappy. Most of the time he seemed like he didn't even care. I also was not fond of him being bisexual. I mean , no offense, he can do what he wants, but I was cautious when he was around. He was...

2 years ago
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Jaq And The Workmen

It was a nice afternoon; Jaq and I decided to take a stroll. We live fairly close to some building work that is taking place; a complex of industrial units are being constructed.The building site was within view. Being Sunday, the site was fairly quiet but there did seem to be some activity taking place. As we approached we stopped to see how the building work was progressing; the workers were in a prefabricated building obviously having a tea break.One of the guys looked up and saw us. "Get...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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wife shows herself to workmen

We used to go out on "flashing sessions" as we called them over a period of many years, but haven't done it lately, as we seem to have cooled off to how we used to be. A sign of age we presumed. Until this week! We had the use of a friends caravan at a lovely but quiet beauty spot not too far away from our home. As has happened before when this has occurred it seems to make the both of us "fruity" shall we say? One early afternoon we were both sitting on the decking at the front of the caravan...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride Part 4 The Masters Workshop

This is a continuation of the Bus Ride series – Parts 1, 2 and 3. I welcome all comments, both positive and negative, on my stories or please feel free to email me on [email protected]. Bus Ride – Part 4 – The Master's Workshop “Hey sleepy head!” Gaby aroused from her deep sleep to look up at her new ‘friend’ Mary who was shaking her arm gently. Mary wasn’t really a friend but was the only person she felt she could trust and talk to. She was a former ‘slave’ and now...

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Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP Chapter Four Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop

Teaching the Sissy Maid Workshop at the MVP, Chapter Four: Daisy Training Prepares Her for the Workshop Synopsis: Flashing between Daisy's training before the seminar and the seminar's beginning, more is learned about how Daisy trained to be ready as Ms. Rebecca's sissy maid example and how the Sissy Maid Workshop is run to insure the transformation of the submissive male candidates into the sissy maids and cuckolds wanted by their owners. I loved the look on Daisy's face as...

3 years ago
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The Workshop

Evan grew up in a tough environment and was a lot smaller than his two older brothers and large father. Being the runt of the litter life could’ve been far harder for him, but thankfully compassion and tolerance ran in his family. Evan was also the apple of his diminutive mother’s eye, a feisty woman whom one didn’t want to mess with.Like the rest of his family, Evan wasn’t academically inclined. He wasn’t stupid but came from a blue-collar family, where education was not deemed a great...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Madges wonderfull Christmas party

Madge's wonderfull Christmas-party It was a rather festive do and all the guest were dressed to the nines, the ladies wore their prettiest dresses and the men wore their best suit and tie. Madge herself looked sublime as usual in a gorgeous black satin tailored pants suit (Madge chatting to her best friend Ruth) "You'll be amazed, darling. I've been working on Tim ever since I found him in my bedroom lounging about in my prettiest lingerie, dresses and high heels. I can't...

1 year ago
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It was wonderfull like an orgasm

My name is Lale, I am twenty eight years old and I am gay, I love boy and man. One years ago, Ali,Cenk and I went to market and bought some beer. we back home because that night was important football match on tv. Tv was me and ali's room. Ali and I shared same room.This room is bigger the other room. Ali stayed his bed and I stayed my bed but Cenk has no bed, Cenk and I stayed my bed. We watched football match and drank beers. I felt Cenk's cock my back but I don't care becasue bed is only for...

2 years ago
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Beach Fireworks

The fireworks are hotter inside the condo!I had watched her for several days at the beach resort we both were guests at in Ft. Walton Beach. Her name was Kate, a retired school teacher out for a week of sun and fun with her son and daughter’s small family. There appeared to be two children to each family who were a handful - that’s all I knew until tonight.She was very pretty, wore great fitting bathing suits and carried herself like a lady. Her legs were slender and had that nice separation at...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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A Morning Workout

It's a nice lazy morning for us. We have nothing planned for the day, so we take our time getting going. I'm already up and moving around, while he lounges on the bed, playing with his phone.I'm still feeling a little sore from my previous day’s workout, so I set up my yoga mat and began to stretch out my overused muscles. I warm up pretty quickly when I start moving, so I dress lightly, wearing only a t-shirt with a lacy bra and panty set underneath.I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths....

Straight Sex
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Kim does strip tease for coworkers

My wife Kim is an exhibitionist. She has never come out and admitted as such, but you only need to look at her face when her tits are exposed to others to know that she enjoys the attention. Sometimes she made it look like an accident. Sometimes she blamed it on an alcohol-induced loss of inhibition. Either way I think she has just wanted to maintain a certain innocence in the process and I figured that was a good thing. It's not like I was entirely opposed to her exposures. They always...

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The bell announced the completion of my second week as a teacher. It was not my intent to teach high school students, but with the times being what they are, I accepted the only job I could find. ‘Miss Parker?’ The voice made me jump. I must have phased out there for a bit. When did the door to my room get closed? Why did the school seem so empty? The voice belonged to Darren Sloop. He sat in the middle desk of the third row. Aside from roll, I don’t think I’d ever heard him talk. ‘Miss...

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pretended he was the boss. I was ok with him telling me what to do though, maybe it's because I'm submissive. It was 11:50Pm, I had counted down my till, put the cash in the safe and clocked out at 12. I watched Kris drive off. It was time to walk home. After being on my feet for nine hours, I was tired. My aching feet made me decide to walk in the grass on the way home. The grass path takes you away from the road. A group of trees blocks the view from the road. I crossed the street and...

3 years ago
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Titcage Chapter 41 continued posted with permission from AllTheseRoadworks

Michael instructed Claire and Kitten to go out dressed like this with one goal: bring him back something to play with. Michael explained (while fucking Claire’s mouth) that some sluts were still unenlightened, and thought they were people, like men. They didn’t understand that they were pieces of fuckmeat to be used and bred, yet. Claire and Kitten were to go out and find a group of some ignorant women and bring them back for Michael and his groomsmen. He showed them some videos of women who...

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Jenny's family are super-rich real estate investors, and as long as I've known her she's sped around town in a flashy sports car. On this saturday morning, Jenny came roaring into the shop. I was just about to leave for the day, when I noticed the sizable dent in Jenny's car. "Mr. Malone!" Jenny hopped out of the convertible without opening her door. Her cute pleated skirt flew up on her thigh as she vaulted the distance. Her breasts rose and fell beneath her sweater provocatively due...

3 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. “ 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldn’t keep his mouth shut!” He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock, slurping and worshipping at his meat . This mildly pacified the good DR. Higgins who...

4 years ago
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Wife Gets Banged By Union Ironworker

WIFE GETS BANGED MY A UNION IRONWORKER My wife Annie and I live in the suburbs of New York City. We are in our late forties, kids are all grown and gone, we each have decent jobs and are starting to enjoy life without worrying about pets or children. A few weeks back we decided to visit the Hamptons for a long weekend. We love the beach and since it was the off-season, the motel rates were reasonable and the weather was fantastic. So we left on Thursday and had until Sunday to enjoy our...

2 years ago
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Candy From Strangers 1 Yardwork

Introduction: The Chesterson twins get their first taste Heavens Cove, one late October night late 1990s Doctor Higgins sat at his desk in his laboratory in his basement, staring in abject anger and disgust at the papers laid out before him. 20 years,..20 years of my life because of food colouring, gelatin and a dumbass that couldnt keep his mouth shut! He almost got to his feed but his wife pushed him back into his seat. She knelt under his desk slobbering all over his truly massive cock,...

3 years ago
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Birthday Surprise Rework

You are stirred awake by the vibrations of a car. You blink groggily, before seeing your gorgeous mother, Scarlett Walker, sitting in the driver seat. She has long, flowing gold hair, wide hips, and perfect melons. All in all, the perfect MILF. She seems like she doesn’t actually know how sexy she is, and dresses fairly normally on anyone else, but she always accidentally ends up looking like a common whore. “Hey, baby!” Mom smiles, and you marvel at her naturally husky voice that may have...

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Youre a Celebrity Reworking

As of now you are a Celebrity to the world, you worked really hard to get to where you are today or maybe you were lucky. With fame comes opportunities, risks and consequences. It is time for you to go experience this life but you need to be wary as you are in the public eye alot and getting caught could put you in a tricky situation, Maybe you will meet other celebrities that you could potentially meet or get with and see where the story progresses from there. Notes: Remember you can modify...

4 years ago
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The doors to Dreamworks

You don't know why it happened, or HOW it happened, all you know is that you were watching a marathon of you favorite Dreamworks Animation movies, when you suddendly fell asleep and when you woke up you find yourself in a strange dark room filled with several doors. You notice that all of them have the name of different Dreamworks movies.

2 years ago
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It was a very warm night at the Litton School for Girls. The school sat on the edge of a small, isolated town that many former students had decided to settle in. The school itself was for women from the ages of 18 to 21. They were instructed on the proper way to behave in society. Though the U.S. was beginning a sexual revolution, the school functioned the same way in 1961 as it had it 1901. The instructors, taking a cue from the school's headmistress, neither discouraged nor encouraged...

Mind Control
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Wet Workdays

Ms. Marietta Miller was a slave driver in the old sense. She tolerated no slacking, didn’t allow breaks and made you redo your work if she found just the tiniest mistake. And all this even though she wasn’t old -- in fact, she was the second youngest in the office, which didn’t make things easier. With her twenty-five years -- ten less that my thirty-five, for example -- she often rubbed us the wrong way, but there was nothing we could do about it. Mr. McCormack was hardly ever in the office,...

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For a couple of months I have been helping an elderly lady from our neighborhood to maintain her garden. Next to this lady lived a woman of, I estimate in her late thirties, who caught my attention because she looked attractive. One day she opened an upstairs window and shouted at me if I sometimes had time to help her. I felt red all the way to my neck, I happened to have just thought of this beautiful woman. I told her that I did have time and that I would ring her a bell when I was done with...

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It was a going to be perfect late spring day in the Northwest. I decided to call in sick. My wife, an assistant teacher, and k**s left for the school at their normal time. I had the whole house to myself. Part of wanting to skip work, was to get an early start on cleaning up the yard, which not only meant mowing the lawn, but weed pulling. FUN!!! As I was picking weeds out of the bark dust, my next-door neighbor Kelly popped out of her house to do some yard work herself. Now Kelly is no beauty...

2 years ago
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the time my wife started sharing me to her coworke

Im sorry I couldnt handle that of having a friend or anyone else fuck my ol lady if I couldnt please her Id have to leave her and not know it was happening before Id let it happen in front of me thats why when I thought I might have a problem some where I read studied learned and practices only to find out that the only problem i would have is wanting to fuck for longer amount of time than she wanted or needed it got to where I was always frustrated from not cumming before she would quite on me...

3 years ago
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Memoirs Back in the Workhouse

We continued the rounds of the workhouse and at one point found Miss Harrington sitting on a chair pretending to be dusting. When I challenged her, she sort to suggest that elderly ladies like her should be treated with respect and not be forced to do menial work. She even tried to suggest that I was already exceeding my role and would petition the vicar for my removal. Seeing the vicar played little part in my appointment, I almost laughed at her but just said, "We will see, Miss Harrington,...

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Memoirs continues New Master at the Workhouse

Chapter 6. New master at the workhouseMargaret sat at the computer again the following afternoon. She was a little tired from the morning’s exertions and Jeremy had given her the afternoon off but she wanted to find out more about Josiah Winsberly. The pair had spent the morning in the punishment room sweeping and vacuuming and looking over the apparatus there. Moving the items around was heavy, dusty work particularly as some of the frames were constructed of heavy timber and wedged in...

3 years ago
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))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) CLOCKWORKS by Laika Pupkino ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .., )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) PART ONE: HOME OF THE HOMO WAITERS )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Finally, after a long wait, a waiter wiggled up to the middle-aged couple that was seated at table #7. He studied them a while, issued a faint snort of disbelief at their touristy clothing, and with an amused little grin asked, "May I have your...

3 years ago
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In need of Help for Witchlings with their spellworks

Witchcraft is fun for us girls Witchy Spells to gender swap males at your command. Spell#1 Every mans a real sucker for you. Lollipop Effect, lick & suck on an unsuspecting guys manhood, tell him you'll give him a blowjob like he's never had before & it only costs an inch per min. He'll instantly become intranced & the passage of time will slip forward 10mins. She'll have her orgasm & rub her now quite sizable tits while you finish her off. Her Clothes have...

2 years ago
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G12 houseworks

G's 12 housework I had received a message from M, my Mistress, summoning me to her home in her office for her cleaning. I presented myself at the appointed day and hour. As usual, M made me get naked to go about my business and equipped me with bracelets and ankles. Before starting the cleaning, M made me bow down to her and tied my wrists to my ankles. Well open, M whipped me for long minutes with his flogger, insisting on the buttocks, between the buttocks and viciously seeking to reach my...

1 year ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 15 Preparing the Breastworks

Once in his chambers, Judge Rule turned and said, “Roycealee, Peter, Joe Bob, anybody want a drink? Sweet tea? Jack and branch water? Some of Pappy Smith’s ‘shine? No? Well, we’ve got big problems. This smells bad enough to gag a maggot! Y’all get that feelin’ too, don’t you?” Roycealee frowned and told him, “I’ve had a bad feeling for quite a while, but I never could get it to jell. Y’all both think we have a white slavery ring operating - at least sex trafficking, don’t...

1 year ago
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Stiffkey BluesChapter 5 Fieldwork

In Mill Cottage, Angela was looking out of the window at the top of the stairway. The view stretched across the cottage's small garden and beyond to the great, broad, expanse of marsh that divided them from the low ridge of the sand dunes fringing the beach a mile a way. A small group was making its way along the bank beside the ditch that ran from the mill towards the sea. "Who do you think they are?" she said to Krysta, who was coming up the stairs behind her. Krysta peered over her...

3 years ago
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The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaChapter 9 Legwork

I woke up in the warm and secure embrace of my husband and smiled sleepily at him. Last night, I'm not sure exactly when, we woke up to the sounds of someone else in the suite getting very lucky. At least, the lady in question sounded like she was having the time of her life. That sparked a divine early morning lovemaking bout of our own. Afterwards we curled up against each other and went back to sleep. Without waking Ted, I gently disentangled myself, slipped out of the bed and padded...

1 year ago
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RebelChapter 85 Bedwork

Since she seemed such a small, frail, light-boned young woman despite her wild writhing and her almost-continuous moans of pleasure at what I had done with my hands and tongue after stripping her bare, I was extra careful when I mounted her, spread her long legs and got the swollen head of my rigid pintle through her curly fleece and up into her narrow inner lips. She squealed and closed her eyes as I grabbed her round buttocks, lifted her hips, popped my smooth-headed ram forward and sank a...

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