Hostage To FortuneChapter 4 free porn video

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Tom Wainwright sat in the chair beside his son. In his hand was a book of poetry by Philip Larkin. He remembered Will at fourteen reading the poems to his mother. His mum never liked them because of the bad language. Will kept telling her, it wasn’t the words that were important but the way the poet used them. He kept on reading until Tom, seeing his wife’s discomfort, snatched the book and threw it in the bin. ‘There.’ He’d said. ‘That’s where your bloody poetry belongs. Why can’t you leave all this arty farty stuff be? Can’t you see you’re upsetting your mother? Why can’t you be more of a man, like your brother?’

He reached out and squeezed his son’s hand. ‘He knew a thing or two, this Larkin chap. You won’t be surprised to know I’ve never really read his work. I can see now why you used to like it.’

He went back to reading. He was still doing that when I got back. I’d been away for four hours in which I’d bought an I Pod and amplified speaker system, downloaded some music, moved into my hotel room, and even snatched a couple of hours sleep. As I walked into the room, Tom got up to greet me with a kiss on each cheek.

‘My you’re looking better lass.’

‘Thanks Tom it’s amazing what a few hours sleep and a shower can do. Anything happening here?’

‘Not really, they took him down for an MRI scan about an hour ago but no one is saying anything.’

‘Has Doctor Montand been in?’

‘No, Nurse Marie has been in a few times to check on him and change the drip.’

‘Perhaps we should go and find Dr Montand and then maybe you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee.

It took about five minutes to find Dr Montand who seemed very pleased to see a blood relation who could authorise any further operations. He explained exactly what he had done. I asked about the latest scan. He produced a tablet computer and flicked through the images.

‘Hmm, it looks encouraging. Monsieur Wainwright’s brain has stopped swelling. It may have even gone down a bit. We’ll know more tomorrow, maybe if this continues, we can reduce the sedation.’

We thanked him and went off to the staff restaurant to get a cup of coffee. I sat down opposite him trying to think of how to broach the subject I wanted to talk about. Tom looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.

‘Now young lady I’d like to think it was my irresistible charm that makes you want to be here with me. However, my ego is not that big. So what do you want to talk to me about?’

‘Well, I know that Will likes to think that he doesn’t need anyone. I don’t know how long it’s going to take for him to recover from this, or even if he will completely recover. He needs you on his side. I know you two don’t get on, but I don’t know why.’

‘Ah, so you want the potted family history. Okay, I’ll give it to you but I doubt it will help, too much water gone under the bridge. I’m afraid you won’t like me much after you’ve heard it all.’

Tom shuffled uncomfortably in his seat as he tried to figure out where to start. ‘You know Will is not an only child don’t you.’

‘No I didn’t.’

‘He had a brother, John. John was four years older, and when Will came along he became very jealous. Like most men, I could relate to a four-year-old easier than I could to a baby. I told myself that I was only compensating for the fact that Will got all his mother’s attention. It wasn’t true, of course, he was always my son, named after my father. As he grew up John was always what I called a real boy. He was in the school football team, the swimming team and he even ran for them, a real sports star, what father wouldn’t be proud. I went to all his matches and saw him presented with trophy after trophy, I even bought a cabinet for them. Will was a different kettle of fish. Everything was inside with him. In here.’ He tapped the side of his head with his finger.

‘He wasn’t interested in sports. Teachers said he was unusually gifted, academically. He loved it all. I’m an engineer, right? I can do maths, but he wasn’t just good at it, he loved it. It was the same with literature and science. Anything that required brainpower. At fourteen, he was county Chess champion. I mean chess, my son playing chess. But when he played his big tournament where was I? On the golf course, playing around with my mates. I couldn’t face sitting there watching while the clocks ticked away. I mean what did I know about chess. It was down to Emma, my wife, to be there and bring him home. When I got home she was full of it, county champion at fourteen. I’d had a couple of gin and tonics in the 19th hole, and couldn’t see what the fuss was all about. I think I said something like `It’s just a bloody board game.’ Emma tried to put the trophy in the cabinet but Will grabbed it, took it up to his room and we never saw it again. Later that year, we had another run in about poetry. Emma told me it was time I remembered I had two sons.’

‘Trouble is it was already too late, that was the last time he said anything to me that he didn’t have to. Even at Christmas and birthdays, Emma would ask what he wanted and the response was always the same. `I don’t want anything from him’’

‘He did two paper rounds, one morning, one evening. On Saturdays, he worked filling shelves in the supermarket. I tell you that boy did nothing but work and study. I thought he would come around. He saw his brother getting whatever he needed, just by asking. Yet he was prepared to work his arse off just to avoid asking. He wanted a new computer, he went out and bought it.’

‘John decided that he didn’t want to go to university. He didn’t see the point when he was only going to end up in the family business. Will never even considered that. When he reached eighteen, he bought himself a motorbike and took a place at Southampton University studying Economics and Statistics. That was where he got into sailing. From then on, I only saw him at Christmas, he got jobs in Southampton for spring and summer break. He came home to see his mum from time to time, but always when I was at work.’

‘One of my golfing pals had a daughter at Southampton. She said he was making a name for himself as a sailor. At last, he was doing something I could understand. A race is a race whether it’s running swimming or sailing. The first one over the line wins. You can tell how someone is doing by their position in the race. I were right proud lass. I wanted to go and see him race but I had no idea of where or when he was racing. I could have asked my friend, but I didn’t want to admit that my youngest son was a stranger to me. I just bluffed it out by saying that his mother and I were very proud of him.’

‘John went from bad to worse wherever I put him in the company he fouled up. He was usually late, hung over, or both. I had to employ someone else to double check everything he did. He had a company car, which he wrote off twice. He was a spoiled brat and I knew that I’d made him that way. Just as sure as I’d given Will the impression that nothing he did would ever be good enough, I’d given John the idea that he could do whatever he wanted and he would always be forgiven. I had no choice, he was all I had left. I had to hope that somehow he could turn himself around.’

‘While John was trying to act like a playboy Will was busy making sure he was in a position to become one. It was the time of deregulation in the city and while he was still at university, he started trading on the stock market. He graduated with a double first and no debt. His jobs and his trading meant that he was actually better off when he finished than when he started. He got a job as a trader in the city and became one of the champagne Charlies. Of course, he didn’t lead their lifestyle, just stashed all the money away for later. His only extravagance was to buy himself an eighteen-foot racing Skiff. He called it Blow Job but the sailing establishment didn’t like that and wouldn’t let him race. They said it was too embarrassing for the commentators. Will gave in and renamed the boat, Bee Jay. I saw him race in Cowes one year, he and his crew won their class. The friends who took me reckoned it was all to do with Will’s tactics. They suggested we go and find him and his crew, and take them out to celebrate. I wanted to, I really did, but I got scared. What could I say to my friends if he turned his back on me?’

‘Even at that point, there was still a way back. Emma and I studied the sailing calendar and arranged to go and watch him again. I knew he would never snub her even if that meant talking to me. I thought if only I talked to him I could undo some of the damage. I really thought I had a chance, then came the night I destroyed my world.’

‘I was supposed to accompany Emma to a big charity do, but I got involved in negotiations to supply one of the big car firms down in Birmingham. The talking went on a bit. By six thirty, we were still at it and I had to take them to dinner. Of course, I called Emma and she agreed to go on her own, as long as I picked her up. I was on my way home with a little time to spare when I ran into a big jam on the motorway. When I hadn’t moved for half an hour, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. So I phoned John and asked him to pick up his mother. When he refused, I really lost it. I told him either he picked her up or he would find himself out of a job and without a car in the morning. He kept protesting but I would have none of it. I hung up on him. I got past the holdup and realised that I would only be half an hour late. I tried to ring Emma but there was no reply. I guessed that John must have picked her up. I’d just got onto the elevated section when everything came to a standstill. All I could see was flashing blue lights ahead. As I got close, I could see someone had gone through the crash barrier. I can remember feeling sorry for them. I didn’t know you see.’

Tears were running down his face as he looked at me. I took both of his hands in mine. ‘Oh no, Tom not Emma.’

He nodded his head. ‘They never stood a chance, it’s about a hundred foot drop. The police told me John had four times the legal limit of alcohol in his blood. That must have been what he was trying to tell me, but I wouldn’t listen. I killed them, as sure as if I pushed them over. I know it and Will knows it.’

I moved to sit beside him, put my arm around his shoulders and hugged him tight to my chest. ‘No you didn’t Tom it wasn’t your fault. John knew how much he’d drunk. He could have picked up Emma in a taxi. He didn’t have to drive. I’m sure Will doesn’t really blame you.’

‘Oh, he does lass. You should have seen him at the funeral. He tried to avoid me all he could but my sister got us together. She told us we’d only got each other now and it was time we buried the hatchet. Will just looked at me and said that I killed all chance of that on that fateful night.’

‘But your still here when he needs you. You haven’t given up.’

‘I can’t lass. My Emma was right I had two sons I need to show him that no matter what, I love him and I’m proud of him. I always have been really, I just didn’t know how to show it. I hate what he does but I’m proud of the fact that he’s got where he is all on his own.’

I took his hand in both of mine. ‘We’ll pull him through this, you and I, and then you’ll get your chance.’

We finished our coffee. Tom left for the hotel and I settled in for another evening of sitting with Will. I set up the I Pod and started up the laptop to get a bit of work done. As Nigel Kennedy opened up with Vivaldi’s four seasons, I checked on the position of Bee Jay II. She was approaching the coast of Spain, off A Coruna. I checked the news. There was still no `Man Overboard’ report. As time went by it looked less and less like an accident.

After an uneventful evening, Tom relieved me at midnight and I went back to the hotel to have the best night’s sleep I’d had since it all began. Tom was asleep in the chair when I got to the hospital. I woke him up and took him out for breakfast. When we returned, they were taking Will down for another MRI scan. I promised Tom that I’d keep him informed and he went back to the hotel. It was midday before Will was returned to his room. Two hours later Dr Montand came in with a beaming smile on his face.

‘Good news Ma’mselle, the swelling is going down. We can start reducing his sedation.’

‘But what does this mean for Will. Is he going to be OK?’

The doctor shrugged. ‘There will be some damage, we do not know how much. It is possible that he will make a full recovery, we will know more once he is conscious. Give us a few days we will know more then.’

‘When do you expect him to come round Doctor?’

‘We will reduce the sedation gradually. He may start coming back to us sometime tomorrow, maybe a little later. We will keep an eye on him, if we see any signs of a return to consciousness we will remove the breathing tube.’

He seemed a little surprised when I hugged him.

When the doctor left, I went over to the bed and kissed Will’s forehead. ‘It’s time for you to come back to us. It’s all up to you now.’

I sat beside the bed and held his hand. I played his music and I read to him. From time to time, his fingers would twitch which caused me to stop and check him. Tom came in early at 10:00 PM and took over from me.

Tom Wainwright watched his son throughout the night. He noticed a few tremors of the hand but nothing to say he was waking up. From time to time, he would read aloud or play music that Will liked or would remember. The I Pod was playing ‘The Last Time’ by the Rolling Stones and Tom was singing along when it happened. He saw his son’s hand move. It was not just a twitch, the hand lifted and fell down again onto Will’s stomach. Tom fell silent and just watched his son sleeping. Will’s hand was still. Once more Tom sang along to the chorus. The hand lifted and seemed to wave to the right and fall again. Tom reached out and pressed the alarm button. The thirty seconds it took for the nurse to arrive seemed like three hours. Tom explained about the hand movement. At first, he couldn’t convince her that the movement was real. The nurse took Will’s hand in hers and pricked the back of it with a pin. She saw it flinch then put it down and recorded the results.

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Like any off-year Election Day, the week before didn't bring out the voters a presidential election year would, and thus was the case in Bradford. There were only 540 votes actually cast in Bradford out of nearly 1500 registered voters, the Courier reported, and in many cases the voters just pulled the straight party lever. That didn't get down to the nonpartisan race for a seat on city council. A little to Emily's surprise, she got 149 votes, second to Leonard Pitkin, the candidate...

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Just one look is all it took

Working for a large company can at times be a lot to handle and that is why I no longer work for a very large company. My name is Tom Conroy and I own a modest size company and I have about sixty employees and it matters little what my company does so for now I won't tell you just take my word for it that the small company is doing well. The time of the year is summer and as I did every year since I started the company I close the place down for two weeks in the middle of July but before the...

2 years ago
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Hot girlfriend in Bangladesh cheating

Hi, all the readers & fans of this site. Here shomel again with my new sex experience. 1st let me introduce myself for the new readers. I am 22 years old. I am from dhaka city of bangladesh. I’m smart, attractive & 5’9” tall. I’ve fit body & fair complexion. I’m very much friendly, naughty and fun loving boy. I like girls who want to waste no time in developing a hot friendship & relationship . . I can fuck girls by my 7″ large & very much thick cock in many ways for a long time with true fun,...

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I Screwed Her Deeply

Hi friends, this is Casanova back again with my second story. I received a lot of positive comments and mails on my first story ‘My Girlfriend Virgin Fucking. Thanks a lot for those appreciation and I live in Panchkula, Haryana when I mentioned in the story and asked for horny girls and ladies to mail me to have a secret relationship, I didn’t expect any such mail but I wrote in because I saw it in every story on ISS. It worked amongst all the mails I got there was one from a girl names Rajbeer...

4 years ago
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Mom Was a Goddess

My earliest memory was of looking up at a beautiful face. She had curly brown-red hair, a little up-turned nose and freckles under her eyes. I fell in love with her then and I still love her today. She's my mom, Hermione. I'd always see her in a light yellow chiton. Even though she worked every day in the garden on her hands and knees her clothes always were clean. I remember her smiling while complaining that I hadn't inherited that trick. I must have been a messy kid. I remember sitting...

3 years ago
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MysteryWriters Final SpringChapter 5

I set up my computer on the picnic table, then began the laborious task of copying CDs. I didn't even stop for lunch. Instead I heated a can of BeanieWienies. "I ate enough of those in my childhood to make me want to throw up at the sight of them. I am going to go find real food while you play with that damn computer. If you let me drive the van, I will bring you something back." "Good plan," I replied. "Ice, I always need ice." "Right, I have my cell phone if Angela calls, I will...

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ShilohChapter 41 Clan Cleanup

A week after leaving the Second Regiment Kyle is again encamped with them at the same spot as where he left them. They’re taking a short break after cleaning up a few of the Clan caught in this valley and its side valleys before moving on to the next one. The next morning they’re out and moving to the first of the hidden valleys. Riders went out to the nearby farms and communities two days ago to ask for workers to help with the forest and to meet them there later today. By mid-afternoon the...

1 year ago
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Ballet Anyone

Jessica had been rehearsing her part for the big recital for weeks. She felt that she had it down pat, but knew that she would have to get together with Kate to be sure. She and Kate had to dance a special number together, so they needed to choreograph their parts so that they danced in sync. Ballet was her life, so Jessica hoped that this recital would go well. If it went as well as she hoped, she had a chance to be called back to perform with the local ballet company. It was just one more...

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Ed Sue

I had just sat down in my recliner in the living room and turned on CNN to catch the news when Sue came into the room wearing a bathrobe carrying a cup of coffee. "I thought I heard you come in." She said smiling at me. "I think I left some hot water in the tank this time too." She smiled embarrassed. "I really am sorry about the other day." She chuckled lightly. "Well you could have warned me that the water was cold couldn't you now?" I said, still...

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TMWPOV Linda Weasley Bathroom Quickie Sex

The luscious beauty Linda Weasley gets up early to do her morning routine in the bathroom after a wild night with her boyfriend. She thinks that she is all alone, but she has no idea that her boyfriend is standing behind her and jerking off. She is very embarrassed when she finally notices him. But at the same time, she is ready to thank him in gratitude for a gorgeous night together. Linda gets down on her knees and starts sucking his dick to let him know how appreciative she is. She licks it...

3 years ago
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GenerationsChapter 6 Girl Talk

“Mommy!” Holly Graham screamed in delight and tore through the open gate into the back yard. She tackled her mother around the knees, hugging her fiercely. “Mommy!” Heather Mackenzie looked at Lauren curiously as she wheeled her bicycle into the yard, Jimmy in tow. “What are you doing here?” she asked. “Why aren’t you working?” Lauren smiled and reached down to wrap her daughter in a tight hug before sending her off. She dropped the reel of hose she had been wrestling with and answered,...

1 year ago
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Dans XXX Dream Part 3

Same day, later At home with Rachel, Becky and some guests It was now mid afternoon and Dan was hungry. He asked Becky if she could stay for something to eat, she answered that she was free all day and would love to stay. Dan called for pizza. In less than an hour the doorbell rang and Dan told Rachel to answer it; she held out her hand for the money but received none. Dan told her to handle it anyway she wanted and she smiled a wicked smile. While they had been waiting for the pizza...

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57 Shades of Lust

Dear readers, this is the bare arsed plot. To save you wading through pages of tedious exposition till you get to the smut, you get a brief set up below then it’s straight into the BDSM…The Set UpConan Steel is the cruel but brilliant twenty something millionaire CEO of a soft furnishings company in Rochdale. He acquires a young intern, the beautiful and headstrong Alexandra Rasputin, the daughter of Russian émigrés. Steel is intrigued by her ethereal nature and confession that she is a virgin....

2 years ago
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A Few Good Men

Drew tried not to show his nervousness. “How does one go about approaching something like this?” he wondered. “If she say’s ‘no’, then he was going to feel pretty stupid, but if she says ‘yes’, then it would become a question of how far he was willling to take it. He knew her fantasies, but was she going to be able to enjoy herself if it was really taking place? He had to try. “Let’s do something different tonight.” Anne looked up from her work. “Okay. What do you want to do?” She took a...

Group Sex
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Sunday AfternoonChapter 4

So we woke up the next morning together. As in "we're gonna be together" together. Here's where the fun comes in, you know, when two people who've never lived together find out who does what in the morning, who's not a morning person, how her routine and my routine are going to mesh. This is, of course, one of those "make or break" things in a couple's designs on permanency. I was into the bathroom first, not giving it a second thought, and was standing in front of the toilet peeing...

3 years ago
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Sex In My Classroom

You come to visit me in my classroom after school. My door is open, so you come right in and make your way over to my desk. I am finishing up some grading so I don't notice it's you until I feel you put your arms around me. We kiss. It's sexy and sweet, but quick. You rub my shoulders while I finish, and when I get up to put things away, you sit down on the desk and cross your legs. When I sit back down I notice you're wearing a skirt, and your legs look, as always, incredibly sexy. I still...

Quickie Sex
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And sister makes three

When are home; we always have a hard time keeping our hands off each other. I am always walking up behind her to grab her tits or ass. She loves to wear tube tops a lot and I love to come up behind her and pull it down and massage her tits or suck on her nipples. She loves to squeeze my ass when I was doing something in the kitchen and rub her hand thru to my dick. She also loved to hold my dick when I’d take a leak. Never understood that one, but it was fun. I work four nights a week...

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the christmas shelter

It was Christmas and the homeless persons shelter had opened, this year there were more people than normal there, 14 year old Colin was there, his family had been made homeless when his parents fell into arrears with the rent and they were evicted, Colin was in a quiet area when he saw 16 year old Sara walk by, he had gone to the same school as her she was well liked at school, Sara was a volunteer at the shelter and had spoken to him a couple of times. as she passed she said if you want some...

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Matt meets the GayMaker

Matt, whose anal cherry I had just taken, said, "I can't believe we just did that. I thought I was straight." "I knew you weren't," I replied, as I returned from the washroom. The irony was crazy as he was a really loud-mouthed, in your face linebacker on the field, but now in my arms he was a tame, insecure man wanting to be cuddled and loved. "What do you mean?" He asked, looking offended. "I just knew," I shrugged. "How?" He questioned, clearly worried others would know he was a cocksucker....

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The Wayward Slave

This is just a short story about a slave that thought he knew better than me! Once upon a time there was a Mistress that owned a very loyal and dedicated slave. She had always been very proud of him and secure in the knowledge that she could take him anywhere and always know that he knew how to act. She was invited to a party that would be having several of the Mistresses in the community there with their slaves. So, the Mistress told her slave to get his ass dressed and she put his collar...

1 year ago
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The Girl Scout 19 The Meat Wagon

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter The Girl Scout -14 Exam Hell The Girl Scout -15 Training and...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 13 A Very Important Date

June – Year 1 The next Friday I called Lynn and asked her if I could take her to dinner and then to the bar afterwards. She gladly said yes. I told her that I would go commando if she did. She giggled and agreed. After work on Friday I went home and showered and shaved and pulled on a nice shirt and Lynn’s favorite holey blue jeans. I got to her house at 6:30 and knocked on the door. Dara answered and gave me a huge hug and a kiss. We hugged again until I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Am I...

2 years ago
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Sex Encounter In Pune

Hello admirers, its Rahul here and I am uploading my first story on ISS. First a little bit about own. Like most people around here, I love intimacy. I have pursued b.Tech degree. I believe in forward thinking. I love to hangout with open minded people, especially with girls and women. With a height of 6 feet and weight 77kg, I am an average looking guy. I believe in giving satisfaction. Any girl, lady, aunty, bhabhi nearby Pune and Mumbai who wants to have satisfaction in any sexual desire and...

1 year ago
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Day Sixty-five, 3:20 PM James "FIND THE MAN, AND BRING HIM TO ME. I COMMAND YOU!" one man shouted. The minute the man stopped talking, the horses charged down the hill. I looked at the man riding right towards me, and I was trying to bring the rifle up to kill him when I heard a shot. The man who had been speaking flew backwards off his horse and the men around him pulled their weapons out and started firing in the distance. They wheeled their horses around and charged for the gunman...

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Bhaujanka Sange Taanka Bhauni Ku Bi Gehili

Banabrata: Bhauja , aaji tuma bhauni asuchanti na Pudyadini: Ha dina egara tiris ta re pahanchiba Banabrata: Kie kie aasibe aama gharaku aasiparibeta Pudyadini: Eka mo bhauni aasiba se ta aagaru aasichhi tenu eka aasipariba kahari sahajya loda naai Dekhib thik egara tiris re pahanchijiba Kanapaai e sabu pacharuchha je Banabrata: Tumara sabu ta dekhaila Tike taankar bi dekhaideba Pudyadini: Ki besaram toka te tume mo ta ta dekhila jaha kala sabu raaji heli Mo bhauni uparaku kahiki najar...

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Cindy is your average high school student she has a boyfriend named Dean who loves to party her best friend is Hannah now Cindy is African American Sam as her family Cindy wakes up and isgetting ready for school she goes to the bus stop and heads to school On bus Hey Cindy says Hannah come sit here .did you hear about the attacks last night at kimy s party evadintly this guy attack a guest and fled So he's still on the loose that is unnerving says Cindy At school Cindy is sitting in class...

2 years ago
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Malathi An Unsatisfied Horny Indian Wife

Hi, This is Rahul, I live in Chennai now, one of the readers Malathi( name changed, of course), an indian wife with whom I had been chatting for quite some time Invited me to her place, the following Sunday since her husband was away on a trip. On Sunday morning, I reached her place without any difficulty, I left my vehicle a few houses before hers, I rang the bell and Malathi opened the door, “Good morning!” She smiled and replied Hello Rahul, Good Morning,she led me in. We were seeing each...

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