Hostage Part Two
- 4 years ago
- 24
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Tom Wainwright sat in the chair beside his son. In his hand was a book of poetry by Philip Larkin. He remembered Will at fourteen reading the poems to his mother. His mum never liked them because of the bad language. Will kept telling her, it wasn’t the words that were important but the way the poet used them. He kept on reading until Tom, seeing his wife’s discomfort, snatched the book and threw it in the bin. ‘There.’ He’d said. ‘That’s where your bloody poetry belongs. Why can’t you leave all this arty farty stuff be? Can’t you see you’re upsetting your mother? Why can’t you be more of a man, like your brother?’
He reached out and squeezed his son’s hand. ‘He knew a thing or two, this Larkin chap. You won’t be surprised to know I’ve never really read his work. I can see now why you used to like it.’
He went back to reading. He was still doing that when I got back. I’d been away for four hours in which I’d bought an I Pod and amplified speaker system, downloaded some music, moved into my hotel room, and even snatched a couple of hours sleep. As I walked into the room, Tom got up to greet me with a kiss on each cheek.
‘My you’re looking better lass.’
‘Thanks Tom it’s amazing what a few hours sleep and a shower can do. Anything happening here?’
‘Not really, they took him down for an MRI scan about an hour ago but no one is saying anything.’
‘Has Doctor Montand been in?’
‘No, Nurse Marie has been in a few times to check on him and change the drip.’
‘Perhaps we should go and find Dr Montand and then maybe you’d like to buy me a cup of coffee.
It took about five minutes to find Dr Montand who seemed very pleased to see a blood relation who could authorise any further operations. He explained exactly what he had done. I asked about the latest scan. He produced a tablet computer and flicked through the images.
‘Hmm, it looks encouraging. Monsieur Wainwright’s brain has stopped swelling. It may have even gone down a bit. We’ll know more tomorrow, maybe if this continues, we can reduce the sedation.’
We thanked him and went off to the staff restaurant to get a cup of coffee. I sat down opposite him trying to think of how to broach the subject I wanted to talk about. Tom looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.
‘Now young lady I’d like to think it was my irresistible charm that makes you want to be here with me. However, my ego is not that big. So what do you want to talk to me about?’
‘Well, I know that Will likes to think that he doesn’t need anyone. I don’t know how long it’s going to take for him to recover from this, or even if he will completely recover. He needs you on his side. I know you two don’t get on, but I don’t know why.’
‘Ah, so you want the potted family history. Okay, I’ll give it to you but I doubt it will help, too much water gone under the bridge. I’m afraid you won’t like me much after you’ve heard it all.’
Tom shuffled uncomfortably in his seat as he tried to figure out where to start. ‘You know Will is not an only child don’t you.’
‘No I didn’t.’
‘He had a brother, John. John was four years older, and when Will came along he became very jealous. Like most men, I could relate to a four-year-old easier than I could to a baby. I told myself that I was only compensating for the fact that Will got all his mother’s attention. It wasn’t true, of course, he was always my son, named after my father. As he grew up John was always what I called a real boy. He was in the school football team, the swimming team and he even ran for them, a real sports star, what father wouldn’t be proud. I went to all his matches and saw him presented with trophy after trophy, I even bought a cabinet for them. Will was a different kettle of fish. Everything was inside with him. In here.’ He tapped the side of his head with his finger.
‘He wasn’t interested in sports. Teachers said he was unusually gifted, academically. He loved it all. I’m an engineer, right? I can do maths, but he wasn’t just good at it, he loved it. It was the same with literature and science. Anything that required brainpower. At fourteen, he was county Chess champion. I mean chess, my son playing chess. But when he played his big tournament where was I? On the golf course, playing around with my mates. I couldn’t face sitting there watching while the clocks ticked away. I mean what did I know about chess. It was down to Emma, my wife, to be there and bring him home. When I got home she was full of it, county champion at fourteen. I’d had a couple of gin and tonics in the 19th hole, and couldn’t see what the fuss was all about. I think I said something like `It’s just a bloody board game.’ Emma tried to put the trophy in the cabinet but Will grabbed it, took it up to his room and we never saw it again. Later that year, we had another run in about poetry. Emma told me it was time I remembered I had two sons.’
‘Trouble is it was already too late, that was the last time he said anything to me that he didn’t have to. Even at Christmas and birthdays, Emma would ask what he wanted and the response was always the same. `I don’t want anything from him’’
‘He did two paper rounds, one morning, one evening. On Saturdays, he worked filling shelves in the supermarket. I tell you that boy did nothing but work and study. I thought he would come around. He saw his brother getting whatever he needed, just by asking. Yet he was prepared to work his arse off just to avoid asking. He wanted a new computer, he went out and bought it.’
‘John decided that he didn’t want to go to university. He didn’t see the point when he was only going to end up in the family business. Will never even considered that. When he reached eighteen, he bought himself a motorbike and took a place at Southampton University studying Economics and Statistics. That was where he got into sailing. From then on, I only saw him at Christmas, he got jobs in Southampton for spring and summer break. He came home to see his mum from time to time, but always when I was at work.’
‘One of my golfing pals had a daughter at Southampton. She said he was making a name for himself as a sailor. At last, he was doing something I could understand. A race is a race whether it’s running swimming or sailing. The first one over the line wins. You can tell how someone is doing by their position in the race. I were right proud lass. I wanted to go and see him race but I had no idea of where or when he was racing. I could have asked my friend, but I didn’t want to admit that my youngest son was a stranger to me. I just bluffed it out by saying that his mother and I were very proud of him.’
‘John went from bad to worse wherever I put him in the company he fouled up. He was usually late, hung over, or both. I had to employ someone else to double check everything he did. He had a company car, which he wrote off twice. He was a spoiled brat and I knew that I’d made him that way. Just as sure as I’d given Will the impression that nothing he did would ever be good enough, I’d given John the idea that he could do whatever he wanted and he would always be forgiven. I had no choice, he was all I had left. I had to hope that somehow he could turn himself around.’
‘While John was trying to act like a playboy Will was busy making sure he was in a position to become one. It was the time of deregulation in the city and while he was still at university, he started trading on the stock market. He graduated with a double first and no debt. His jobs and his trading meant that he was actually better off when he finished than when he started. He got a job as a trader in the city and became one of the champagne Charlies. Of course, he didn’t lead their lifestyle, just stashed all the money away for later. His only extravagance was to buy himself an eighteen-foot racing Skiff. He called it Blow Job but the sailing establishment didn’t like that and wouldn’t let him race. They said it was too embarrassing for the commentators. Will gave in and renamed the boat, Bee Jay. I saw him race in Cowes one year, he and his crew won their class. The friends who took me reckoned it was all to do with Will’s tactics. They suggested we go and find him and his crew, and take them out to celebrate. I wanted to, I really did, but I got scared. What could I say to my friends if he turned his back on me?’
‘Even at that point, there was still a way back. Emma and I studied the sailing calendar and arranged to go and watch him again. I knew he would never snub her even if that meant talking to me. I thought if only I talked to him I could undo some of the damage. I really thought I had a chance, then came the night I destroyed my world.’
‘I was supposed to accompany Emma to a big charity do, but I got involved in negotiations to supply one of the big car firms down in Birmingham. The talking went on a bit. By six thirty, we were still at it and I had to take them to dinner. Of course, I called Emma and she agreed to go on her own, as long as I picked her up. I was on my way home with a little time to spare when I ran into a big jam on the motorway. When I hadn’t moved for half an hour, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. So I phoned John and asked him to pick up his mother. When he refused, I really lost it. I told him either he picked her up or he would find himself out of a job and without a car in the morning. He kept protesting but I would have none of it. I hung up on him. I got past the holdup and realised that I would only be half an hour late. I tried to ring Emma but there was no reply. I guessed that John must have picked her up. I’d just got onto the elevated section when everything came to a standstill. All I could see was flashing blue lights ahead. As I got close, I could see someone had gone through the crash barrier. I can remember feeling sorry for them. I didn’t know you see.’
Tears were running down his face as he looked at me. I took both of his hands in mine. ‘Oh no, Tom not Emma.’
He nodded his head. ‘They never stood a chance, it’s about a hundred foot drop. The police told me John had four times the legal limit of alcohol in his blood. That must have been what he was trying to tell me, but I wouldn’t listen. I killed them, as sure as if I pushed them over. I know it and Will knows it.’
I moved to sit beside him, put my arm around his shoulders and hugged him tight to my chest. ‘No you didn’t Tom it wasn’t your fault. John knew how much he’d drunk. He could have picked up Emma in a taxi. He didn’t have to drive. I’m sure Will doesn’t really blame you.’
‘Oh, he does lass. You should have seen him at the funeral. He tried to avoid me all he could but my sister got us together. She told us we’d only got each other now and it was time we buried the hatchet. Will just looked at me and said that I killed all chance of that on that fateful night.’
‘But your still here when he needs you. You haven’t given up.’
‘I can’t lass. My Emma was right I had two sons I need to show him that no matter what, I love him and I’m proud of him. I always have been really, I just didn’t know how to show it. I hate what he does but I’m proud of the fact that he’s got where he is all on his own.’
I took his hand in both of mine. ‘We’ll pull him through this, you and I, and then you’ll get your chance.’
We finished our coffee. Tom left for the hotel and I settled in for another evening of sitting with Will. I set up the I Pod and started up the laptop to get a bit of work done. As Nigel Kennedy opened up with Vivaldi’s four seasons, I checked on the position of Bee Jay II. She was approaching the coast of Spain, off A Coruna. I checked the news. There was still no `Man Overboard’ report. As time went by it looked less and less like an accident.
After an uneventful evening, Tom relieved me at midnight and I went back to the hotel to have the best night’s sleep I’d had since it all began. Tom was asleep in the chair when I got to the hospital. I woke him up and took him out for breakfast. When we returned, they were taking Will down for another MRI scan. I promised Tom that I’d keep him informed and he went back to the hotel. It was midday before Will was returned to his room. Two hours later Dr Montand came in with a beaming smile on his face.
‘Good news Ma’mselle, the swelling is going down. We can start reducing his sedation.’
‘But what does this mean for Will. Is he going to be OK?’
The doctor shrugged. ‘There will be some damage, we do not know how much. It is possible that he will make a full recovery, we will know more once he is conscious. Give us a few days we will know more then.’
‘When do you expect him to come round Doctor?’
‘We will reduce the sedation gradually. He may start coming back to us sometime tomorrow, maybe a little later. We will keep an eye on him, if we see any signs of a return to consciousness we will remove the breathing tube.’
He seemed a little surprised when I hugged him.
When the doctor left, I went over to the bed and kissed Will’s forehead. ‘It’s time for you to come back to us. It’s all up to you now.’
I sat beside the bed and held his hand. I played his music and I read to him. From time to time, his fingers would twitch which caused me to stop and check him. Tom came in early at 10:00 PM and took over from me.
Tom Wainwright watched his son throughout the night. He noticed a few tremors of the hand but nothing to say he was waking up. From time to time, he would read aloud or play music that Will liked or would remember. The I Pod was playing ‘The Last Time’ by the Rolling Stones and Tom was singing along when it happened. He saw his son’s hand move. It was not just a twitch, the hand lifted and fell down again onto Will’s stomach. Tom fell silent and just watched his son sleeping. Will’s hand was still. Once more Tom sang along to the chorus. The hand lifted and seemed to wave to the right and fall again. Tom reached out and pressed the alarm button. The thirty seconds it took for the nurse to arrive seemed like three hours. Tom explained about the hand movement. At first, he couldn’t convince her that the movement was real. The nurse took Will’s hand in hers and pricked the back of it with a pin. She saw it flinch then put it down and recorded the results.
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Office SexThings have been slowing down for Matt and I over the past few weeks. With the holidays fast approaching and both of our jobs needing more from us, we haven't had much energy left for anything but working and sleeping. And as sad it is to admit, anyone who's been in a long term relationship knows that when the sex life starts to slip, fuses get shorter and shorter. Arguing about petty things like the laundry certainly doesn't spark a mood either. Just as I was starting to get concerned about...
BDSMThe doorbell chimes, Nicola rushes barefoot across the house to the front door and greets the redhead in front of her.“Hi, I’m Stella; I work with your husband, Dominic.”“Oh, yes, please come in. We have met at a few of Dominic’s work events, haven’t we?” Nicola says.“Yes. I got a message asking me to call by on my way home. You have some papers from him that need to go to the office.”“Yes, that’s right, please come in.”“Okay, thank you.”“Dom’s not here at the moment, he had a meeting out of...
OutdoorI was supposed to meet a buddy of mine to go fishing on Saturday morning. I arrived at his at 6:00 am as planned. Upon arrival I noticed that his truck was not there. I knocked on the door, his wife Mary let me in. I asked where Jim was and she said he had gotten an emergency call from work but should be back by 10:00 if all went well. She offered me a cup of coffee and said I could wait for him if I liked. Since my wife was going to shopping I decided I might as well wait.Mary said she was...
It was nearly noon before Kyle managed to struggle out of bed the next day. Struggle was the operative word here, because Emma had come into his room with a pan full of very cold water and was taking great joy in splashing it on critical areas of his body as he slept. Of course, when she aimed for the most critical part, he was awake and up, well tangled up in wet sheets, but up anyway, and flailing at Emma to capture the water. "Get up, Sleepyhead," she said. "It's the middle of the...
Hi, everyone. I am Rishu. It is my first story on ISS please don’t forget to send tour feedback at And please ignore the grammatical errors.Not wasting your time I’ll jump to the story.This story is the read incident between me and my aunt (Chachi). My aunt. She is 37 years old but had maintained herself like a girl in late 20s. She has a fair skin tone. A figure on 36-28-34.I am 19 years old. Live in Chandigarh. A college going boy with a normal body and a height of 6.1 feet. My dick size is...
IncestWhen I came to, I wished I hadn't. I was tied up in an old cellar in an old brick building with thick walls and high ceilings. A small skylight set into a tall shaft the only illumination. The way in and out of the room was blocked by a large wooden door. Even if I could get free, I doubted anyone could escape here without help. I heard voices outside the door, and then the sound of a key entering the lock. I went slack, and pretended to still be unconscious. "So this is the monster that...
Well, before this started, let me rewind the story and look back into a little history between us. Luther and I have been best friends for 5 years. Actually, more like best friend for benefits. We would have casual sex once in a while when we were singles. But if any of us got a partner, we would temporarily forgo the 'benefit' part, until we both hit back our single lives. Nevertheless, we were never a couple. Friends forever! We were at the bar a few days ago, talking, bitching and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Uncle Slim isn't realy my uncle we just call him that. He always comes over when we need little things done. My mom always goes out on Thursday afternoon and Slim knows it. I think thats why he comes over.Two weeks ago he came over just after Mom left. He said he felt like talking and so we sat in the living room and talked. All I had on was a pair of cotton shorts and a loose tee shirt. He was staring at my tits all the time we were talking.They have...
IncestWell, I might be exaggerating just a little but during the remaining weeks of school, everybody would ask me what was so different about me. I would walk with my head up and look straight ahead knowing what my Daddy had taught me how to make love with the most wonderful man in the whole world, my Daddy. And with that knowledge, I was determined to go forth and experiment with my new found gifts. I began walking right up to the cutest guys in my class and boldly start flirting with them. ...
Goddess Sister I was doing my studies, and waiting for an admission process to complete before I got through the admission. Meanwhile my Aunt, invited me for a short stay and for a change as I was waiting for the admission. I too accepted and visited her. They live in a town, as my Uncle has lands and looks after agriculture. It was during my stay I had my first and exiting sex experience with my own cousin sister. Her name is Suganya, she was fare and good looking. She had just completed her...
Incest“Time?”“Not sure, but… going by how it’s looking outside…. I’d say it’s around 4 am.”“Wow. Oddly specific. Oh, fuck!”“What’s up?”“I think we’ve found my sweet spot.”“Nice. Should we stop?”“Have you cum?”“No…”“Then keep fucking me, Mr. Kane.” Alex was right, we did not get much sleep that night. After having sex in Claire’s bed, we moved to my room and went at it all night until the early morning. We had to stop once or twice because Alex passed out from having too many orgasms. It happens. I’m...
TeenStephani, Steph for short, strolled down the street reminiscing about her wonderful high school years and how sad it would be to graduate in a few days. The goodbye would probably be very teary and near unbearable as she cut ties with friends she had come to know and love over that four—year period. So many memories would be left on that football field, on that campus, and in those hearts, and it was dreadfully sad that most of that would probably fade away in a year or two as friends move away...
Daughter's Roommate from Hell - Part 4 I woke up with a start on Tuesday morning. Had I overslept, no, but I felt panic in that I had a million things to accomplish today. I laid in bed just for a second. I looked down and saw my pert, little breasts and my pointed pink nipples still pushing out the tight pink silk camisole. I could also see my new belly-button ring and, and I could feel the small butt plug, deep inside me. The butt plug, at least, felt wonderful. I wasn't...
Here it is the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I am sitting all alone at my kitchen table with a bottle of Jim Beam and my gun. I'm not a big drinking man but I did get the Jim Beam whiskey to build up my courage to do what I'm about to do. You see, this is the first Christmas I would be spending by myself in my sixty-four years of life. My wife of forty-two years died three months ago leaving me alone. Not everyone has Happy Holidays. I can see that now. It's not that my marriage was all...
Hi there all u dicks and pussies its my first story..This is Rohit Patel from Mumbai. i’m a commerce student.i’m 24 yrs old,5 feet 8 inches tall and a very athletic body with a big 7 inches long and 3 inch fat dick..i’m not too long but i can make women go wild..i don’t say that ..the gals whom i slept with experienced it. try me out! u hot chicks and Aunts if u have any doubt….contact me on for further assistance…lol..anyways lets get to the story now. I was not a virgin before this happened....
Nurse Anderson put a diaper on James, wrapped him snug in a soft blanket and placed a light blue coloured cap over his head to keep him warm. Dan’s cheeks were hurting from smiling so much as his newest son was placed in his arms. “A newborn’s fingernails are quite long and can easily scratch their soft skin,” Nurse Anderson said of the reason for securing James in the blanket. “Hi James, I’m your dad.” He walked him over to Tina who managed to sit up a little. Dan handed him to her. “Hi...
Sex Club 7 - Chapter 4Hannah walked back in to the changing after the photo shoot and began to pack her stuff up to leave. She looked towards the back of the locker making shore that she left nothing behind. She felt her dildo and began to pull it out.The black sex toy was quite wet. Hannah was puzzled she hadn't used it today. Who could have found it, Tina or Rachel or even Jo could of? For no reason at all she sucked on head and caught the taste. Suddenly she felt extremely horny thinking of...
‘Come on in Leif.’ Glen encouraged him to enter. ‘Want anything to drown your sorrows with?’ Sir Marcus tried rye wit to make the cloud hanging in the room lighten a bit, but there was no use disguising the topic that had been holding them all at bay. Leif stayed in the doorway. ‘If you are going to take her, take her now.’ Sir Marcus put down his glass. ‘We’re still talking about it. And I’d shut that door if you want to be a part of the conversation.’ Leif closed the door but skulked in...
He knows best I reminded myself. He’s older and done this before, I should stop being such a chicken. Still, I’m scared and I start to try and edge away little by little. As if he could read my mind he grabbed my arm, stared into my eyes and told me that If I loved him and still wanted to be his girl friend it was time to do this. Ripping off my panties, he smirked at me with a glint in his eye that I never seen before. As if thinking that I was going to try get away he held me down with one...
The next few weeks are the closest I have ever had to a relationship. Not because exclusivity had been promised, but because between work, and fucking Paul, and fucking Tam, and sleep I had no time for anyone else. Paul and Tam led very independent lives and so they each had plenty of time for me separately…. But I wanted both of them at the same time… I wanted my delicious lady love, and my hard fucking cock at the same time. These two had me obsessed.One lazy afternoon, while Tam and I lay in...
BisexualWEEK TWO FOR CLARA Paul was well rested after a day without sex on Sunday. He was still gloating over his good fortune of making it with the very hot Clara Faulkner. Even though his date on Saturday date had gone better than expected he was still anxious to get back to the experienced woman. At her house the weekend had been routine and she had taken good care of her husband which wasn’t hard to do. Henry was only good for one ejaculation and since he wasn’t into eating pussy, Clara was...
This is a 100% true first time story that I experienced. Here is my story:I started with a post saying virgin bottom looking for first time. I was nervous and not knowing what to expect. I didn’t have a set kind of person I wanted to fuck me I knew I just wanted a dick inside of me. I received many posts that night and scrolled through them the next day. I replied to a few but was nervous to actually go through with it. An older man replied me again.He said he lived near by and being horny I...