Hostage To FortuneChapter 13 free porn video

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Samantha was surprised to find a strange man standing in the cockpit of the boat. He was about five feet ten inches tall, thick set with a swarthy complexion and a thick moustache. As she came out on deck, he took off his dark glasses and smiled. He offered his hand.

‘Madam Wainwright. I’m Davut Osman from the ministry of the interior. I need to talk to yourself and Mr Betts.’

Samantha shook his hand while wondering what it was all about. She called Ryan to come out on deck.

‘Please sit down Mr Osman.’

They both sat and waited for Ryan. When he burst out on deck he came to an abrupt halt on seeing Mr Osman. Osman got up and offered his hand.

‘Are you a cop or something? Are we under arrest?’

‘No, no, why would you think that? Have you broken the law?’

‘No! I don’t think so.’

‘Then we have nothing to worry about.’

Both Ryan and Mr Osman sat down.

‘Madam Wainwright, Mr Betts I have to ask you about your plans. How long do you intend to stay here on our Island?’

‘I don’t know.’ Ryan replied. ‘Until I get the full use of my arm back.’

‘So another week, yes?’

‘Well maybe, as I said it depends how quickly I get my arm working.’

‘You misunderstand me Mister Betts, it was not a question. In one week I expect you to be gone.’

‘I don’t understand, we’ve done nothing wrong.’

‘Not here Mr Betts, no you haven’t, but the British Police have issued arrest warrants for both yourself and Mrs Wainwright.’

‘Well yes but you’ve got no extradition treaty so it doesn’t concern you.’

‘What concerns me is that if our little island gets known as a place to hide we will have every wanted criminal hiding out here. We don’t want that Mr Betts. Neither of you has any links to Turkey or Cyprus. We have no obligation to protect you. One week Mr Betts or I will have you arrested and deported as undesirable aliens.’

Mr Osman stood and offered his hand first to Ryan and then to Samantha. As he shook their hands, he reminded them both.

‘So my friends, in seven days you will be gone, yes?’

They both nodded as he shook their hands. When he turned and left the boat Sam looked at Ryan.

‘I thought you said we’d be safe here.’

‘We are safe. No one has arrested us. In a week I’ll be fit enough to continue. We’ll be in Syrian territorial waters in no time. After that, it’s plain sailing so to speak.’

‘Just where are we going Ryan? Will we ever be safe?’

‘We’re going to Mauritius where we’ll get new identities, then we’ll be safe. We could go and live in Thailand or somewhere.’

‘And where are we going to get the money to pay for all this?’

‘From selling this baby.’ He said slapping the seats of Bee Jay’s cockpit. ‘She worth a small fortune, more than enough to buy us new identities and set us up for the rest of our lives.’

‘No you can’t sell Bee Jay, Will loves this boat, it’s his baby.’

‘When it’s the difference between selling his boat and going to gaol for ten years or more, then yes I can sell it.’

Samantha was unhappy, but couldn’t think of an alternative. Whenever she found any reference to their situation in the English language newspapers, they painted her as a scarlet woman. She read stories about how she’d conspired with her young lover to murder her husband and inherit his fortune. She desperately wanted to return home, to give herself up. However, she was also frightened of the consequences of such a move. The thought of going to prison terrified her. She didn’t know much about life in prison but what she did know frightened her. Maybe Ryan was right. With new identities, they could go almost anywhere, anywhere bar the only place she wanted to go, home.

She thought about her parents, they must have been going through hell dealing with the press and the police. She thought about Will. Could she really be a party to him losing his beloved Bee Jay forever? She desperately wanted to talk to him. He would know what to do. Will always knew what to do. In the short time they had been married, she’d come to depend on him for everything. Why on earth had she decided to stay at home when he’d flown off on his business trips? She wondered how he felt about her now. Could he possibly still love her?

Do I really love him? She asked herself. She thought she did but why then had she taken up with Ryan. Surely if she loved him, nothing would have kept her from his side. The more she thought, the more questions came up. In the end, she decided not to make a decision, at least not yet. She would wait until they got to Mauritius. From there she could get a plane home, or go to Thailand with Ryan. By then she might have a clearer idea of what to do.

It was another five days before Ryan felt sufficiently fit to set sail again, He wanted to be sure he could handle the boat without Sam’s help. She seemed more disturbed since Osman’s visit and he half expected her to disappear any day. He was surprised when she came out to help as he prepared to set sail. They left Kyrenia mid-morning and by mid-afternoon, they were in Syrian territorial waters. He headed south down toward Lebanon and Israel. Three days later, they docked at Port Said.

Ryan had assumed that passing through the Suez Canal would be a simple matter of paying the passage fees and sailing through. Instead, he was forced to join a convoy of tankers and cargo ships. This meant a twelve-hour delay. A delay that left him nervously watching the quayside for signs of impending arrest. It was a great relief when the Canal company official told him to prepare to set sail.

‘What’s the position in the Wainwright case?’ Inspector Davies asked

Sergeant John Robson looked at his computer. ‘Well, Guv we managed to get the Turks to force them out of Kyrenia. As before, he’s been staying in territorial waters. Now they are docked in Port Said.’

‘Port Said? Oh shit!’

‘What’s wrong with Port Said?’

‘It’s the entrance to the Suez Canal meaning he’s going through to the red sea, then down to Mauritius. Wainwright said it was madness to do that.’

‘It seems sensible enough to me. ‘ The sergeant said looking at his screen. ‘It looks like an excellent shortcut to me.’

‘Look at the coastal waters he’ll be sailing through.’

‘Oh shit! –They wouldn’t be interested in a sailing boat surely. It’s only tankers and container ships that interest them.’

‘Wainwright thinks they’d be interested and don’t forget He paid six million for his little toy and that boat is a lot easier to seize than a tanker.’

‘Nothing we can do about. We’ve got to wait for them to stay somewhere long enough for us to have them arrested.’

‘Maybe, maybe not. I’m going to talk to the Chief Super, if we’ve got a shipping protection vessel out there we might not have to wait.’

‘Why are you so keen to get this one Guv? I mean it’s just another rich bloke’s toy. I’m getting the idea that you like this Wainwright bloke, or is it the lovely Miss Fletcher you’re interested in.’

‘I’ll have you know that I’m a happily married man, well a married man anyway. The lovely Miss Fletcher is a great piece of eye candy John but right out of my league. No, I just don’t like being made to look stupid and young Mr Betts has been doing just that. I don’t want to let him get to Mauritius and disappear.’

‘And that’s it is it? You think he’s taking the piss.’

‘The little shit tried to commit murder, and he damn near got managed it. Since then he’s kept one step ahead of us. If I’m right and he’s planning to sell the boat, by the time we complete extradition proceedings he’ll be gone and the boat will be unidentifiable. We can’t let that happen, John. If I can’t get the old man to involve the navy then I’m going to see Wainwright, to see if he can lean on people.’

As they emerged from the canal, the convoy didn’t break up immediately. The space between the vessels opened up but they all continued along the north coast of the red sea. As they travelled along the coast of Saudi Arabia, the traffic thinned out as some of the tankers anchored at the oil terminals. They sailed on down to Djibouti and Yemen. Ryan stayed with the convoy hugging the coast of Yemen. They were out in the Gulf of Aden when Ryan started to break away from the others. They passed to the east of the island of Socotra and he laid in a southerly course towards Mauritius. Samantha noticed Ryan becoming more relaxed.

‘You seem happier has something happened?’

‘No not really it’s just that we’re on the final leg of the journey. Only a few more days and our worries will be over.’

‘How can you be sure they won’t be waiting for us in Mauritius, they’ve not been far behind us so far? Maybe they know where we’re going.

‘No one would expect us to go through Suez. No one takes a sailing boat through there; they consider it too dangerous being so close to all those big ships.’

‘So why did we go through it?’

‘Because this is no ordinary sailing boat, and we did use the engine all the way through. –No, they’ll be waiting to pick us up in Gibraltar.’

‘So where are we now?’

Ryan went up on deck and returned with a chart that he spread out on the table. ‘We are here.’ He said, putting his finger on the chart. He moved his finger. ‘This is Mauritius, and we are making 15 knots, so we should be there in three or four days’

‘What is this land over here?’ Sam asked running her finger over the chart.’

‘That’s Somalia, and that is Kenya.’

‘SOMALIA? Are you mad? I may not be all that bright Ryan but even I know what goes on in Somalian waters. That’s what you meant when you said no one would expect us to come this way. You meant that no one thought we would be that stupid.’

Ryan grabbed her wrist and sharply pulled her hand away from the chart. Sam winced at the pain.

‘Don’t EVER call me stupid. There is nothing stupid about it, I know what I’m doing. We’re a hundred miles out. The pirates don’t come out this far, and even if they did, they are only interested in tankers and cargo vessels. They hold the vessels and the crew for ransoms of millions of pounds. They’re not interested in a private yacht.’

‘How can you be so sure? This boat is worth a lot of money, you said so yourself. I know Will would pay plenty to get her back, probably more than he’d pay for me.’

Ryan let go of her wrist and moved to her side. He put his arm around her shoulders.

‘Relax, you know I’d never let anything happen to you. We are too far offshore for any of that sort of problem. Believe me, Sam, we are perfectly safe and in a few days we can start our new life.’

Sam let herself be comforted by his arms as tears ran down her cheeks. She wiped her eyes and turned to face him.

‘Ryan, I’ve made a decision, I’m not going with you.’

‘Don’t be daft, of course, you’re coming with me. What else would you do? Where would you go?’

‘Home, I’m going home. I’ll tell them you dropped me off in Mauritius and sailed away. I won’t help them find you.’

‘But why? They’ll arrest you when you get off the plane, you’ll go to prison.’

‘I don’t care. I’m not like you I love my parents. I feel terrible knowing what all this is doing to them. I can’t bear the thought of never seeing them again.’

‘You’re lying. You’re going back to him aren’t you?’

‘Men! Why do you try to turn everything into some macho contest? Do you seriously think he wants me back after what we’ve done? I’d like the chance to explain to him but I don’t expect anything from him now. No, it’s my family, my friends, England. I can’t live without them. I’d rather be in prison in England than free in Thailand, always waiting for the fateful knock on the door.’

‘But what about us.’

‘There never was an us Ryan. We’ve got a few more days, let’s just make the most of them.’

A disappointed Ryan folded up the chart and took it aloft to stow it. When he came back, he looked at Samantha with puppy dog eyes.

‘Does that mean I can move back into your cabin?’

Samantha smiled and kissed him. ‘Why not?’

Ryan woke with his erect penis pushing into Samantha’s bottom. He moved so that his cock nestled in the crack of her arse and pulled her closer to him. Samantha moaned and wiggled her arse, pushing back against Ryan. His hand moved up to her breast and he started kissing her neck. As she turned her head to kiss him, they heard a thump and the boat shuddered. Ryan rolled away from her.

‘What was that?’ Samantha cried out.

‘We’ve hit something.’ Said, Ryan, as he pulled back the duvet and sprang out of bed.

He was just pulling his jeans on when the door burst open. Two men came into the cabin. They were short thin and black. Each one carried a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The men turned and pointed the guns at Ryan and Samantha. They barked out orders in a language that neither Sam nor Ryan understood. Samantha sat on the bed with the sheets pulled up around her neck. All she could do was scream as the men kept shouting and gesticulating with their guns. Ryan was still struggling into his jeans when a third man with came in with a pistol in his hand. He waved the gun around.

‘Where are your crew?’ he asked in English.

‘What crew? This is it, just us.’ Ryan replied.

‘No! A boat this size needs a crew of four or five. Now, where are they?’

‘I’m telling you it’s just us. The boat is all automatic she almost sails herself.’

‘You two will come with me.’

‘I need to get dressed. ‘ said Samantha.

‘So get dressed.’ He turned and gave orders to the other two men, who left the cabin. He pointed the gun at Samantha.

‘Get dressed, NOW.’

They could hear shouting from on deck, followed by banging. Ryan looked up.

‘What are you doing up there?’

‘Nothing that concerns you, now get dressed quickly.’

Sam gave up expecting the man to turn his back and did her best to preserve her modesty, as she got dressed. Once she had clothes on the man waved the gun motioning for them to leave the cabin. Ryan went first and the man followed close behind Samantha. As they reached the cockpit, Ryan grabbed a flare pistol from its place on the cockpit bulkhead and turned to face the man with the gun. Three shots rang out and Ryan fell to the deck. Samantha tried to go to him but the man pulled her away dragging her out into the cockpit.

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Saturday, late morning, the weekend before Spring Break Week--Tylea and Lee. The Pizza Grande Northeast Regional Operations Center control room looked like something more akin to what might be used by a commercial airline to manage its operations than a simple pizza delivery company. Jack Perkins, the Sigma Lambda Tau engagement team leader and a soon-to-be graduating senior at Middlebury College, looked over the room from the center of the rear and on the uppermost of three tiers as he made...

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The Saga of Tuck Chapter 9 Walks Like a Tuck

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Walks Like a Tuck Copyright 1997 by Ellen Hayes. No part of this work may be distributed as an original work by another person or group. Permission is given to redistribute this by electronic means, as long as the entirety of the work is distributed, and credit is given to the original author, me. Any resemblance between the writings in this work, and any actual persons or places, living or dead, are purely coincidental, except when used for...

1 year ago
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An Old Flame in a New City Chapter 2

“So, how’d the meeting with the guy go?” Her roommate asked, already knowing the answer. “Oh my God, he was amazing. I cannot fucking wait for tomorrow” the thought already making her wet. As she closed the door to her room, she looked at her phone and saw Joseph had left her a message. “You are not allowed to cum without my permission. You are not to cum until the next time we see each other. I will be sending you instructions for next time by text”. He did not prompt her for a response,...

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Lost In Her Eyes0

Chapter 1 Hello. My name is slave. Sometimes slut. My false name was Jackie. Jackie Dallas. I am a cunt munching whore. It's my purpose in life. To eat pussy on demand, or suck cock. Mistress taught me that. I think back to my vanilla life and I can't believe I didn't realise it sooner. That I was born to kneel at My Mistress's feet. Thankyou Mistress I love you and I will do anything for you. My life is yours to shape however you want. Thankyou for showing me what I am. Thankyou for...

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Conclusion The White Cougar The Black Bull The Suck The Fuck

on with our touch and our "dirty talking" back n forth. Now almost ready to fuck each other senseless Helene focuses on her BBC and wraps her lips around the pulsating and throbbing head of my big cock vigorously sucking away at the magnificent specimen she always had dreams of when she was younger, but now here she is an experienced SlutWife with my virile Big Black Cock ready to OWN her dripping white cunt, big round ass, and hungry whore mouth. " Cum own your white whore's holes baby...

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Threes Company

Well, one night a group of friends and I had decided to go out for a night of drinking and dancing. Mostly girls I worked with but a couple of the guys tagged along too. We started off with something to eat, then started club hopping. Drinking and dancing from bar to bar, getting slightly more loose as we went. Late into the night/early morning, a few of the girls decided to go to a club that didn’t even open until 2am to finish out their night of partying. I was pretty lit by this time...

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Femdom Origin

...It all happened to me earlier in life, when i had very little idea and understanding of what real erotic meant. Ever since i was a child, i had this fantasy of being amongst a group of girls, who would humiliate, disregard, torture, abuse me, even beat me up. At the time i had no idea where this all came from, or what it meant. I could not make much sense of this all, and i´d still be in the darkness now, if it wasn´t for this one experience, which opened up the horizons for me, in regards...

2 years ago
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Wasps 1 Invasion EarthChapter 9

The brains back at Auburn had finally doped out how to make an antigravity belt, and they built a couple of prototypes to test their theories. It turned out that the secret of the system was not all that exotic, after all. Given a few more years and Earth scientists would have come up with the principals, so they had little trouble modifying the design to fit human tastes and idiosyncrasies. All of the fighter-jockey types wanted a single-seater fighter where they could strut their stuff....

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Big Blue

Ruth and I usually watch TV for an hour or so in the evening. We were sitting on our couch in front of the TV while Blue, our two-year-old Bull Terrier, lounged on the sofa with us. Bored by the TV, he went to the door and looked back at me. I went to the sliding glass door, pulled it open, and let him out. A few minutes later, he was back at the door wanting in. I got up again and opened the door for him. Blue was almost pure white with a big black patch around his left eye. He seemed...

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Pauline The Slut Part 16 Home Alone

He arrived back one morning when I was still in bed. He came into the bedroom, stripped, flung the bedclothes off the bed, turned me over and started fucking me in the arse. "What are you?" "I'm an ass fucking slut." I sobbed. He came and rolled off me. "Clean my cock slut." I went down and took his shit stained smelling cock in my mouth and sucked it clean. When I finished, he showered, dressed and left without saying another word. That afternoon the phone rang. It was Beth....

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Getting Caught

Hi everyone, it’s great to get a chance to do another story, as quite a few of you have already asked for! So here it goes, story number two. I hope you enjoy it. Not very much time had passed since my story was posted. Writing it though, had gotten me extremely riled up. However, people were home! I couldn’t just masturbate with people around. I knew I was very loud during masturbation, so I thought better than to give it a whirl while people were around. Or so I thought. I stepped out of...

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Pizza Delivery Chick

Geez I get sour looks and no tips occasionally from milf’s expecting the pizza boy ‘to fuck brainless’ before they indulgence themselves with a Supreme. They don’t realise I don’t mind a lesbian dabble now and then. I’ve never been lucky enough to deliver to a buck’s night so I’ve no idea how far I would go in the gang bang direction. I keep hoping.Anyway recently I had the; what I supposed was one of the standard boring middle class suburban deliveries. You can tell by the number of pizza’s...

1 year ago
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Valentine8217s Day Celebration With Reader Radhika

Hi friends, I am Vignesh from hosur working in Bangalore. Pls, read my last story to know more about Radhika and what we did in the movie hall. Radhika mailed me after reading my three stories in ISS and we became close to each other.Radhika is from Vizag, AP she is working in MNC in Bangalore.As we both planned our Valentine day celebration in Radhika flat. Coming back to the incident. On Feb 12, I got a call from Radhika. She told me that her roommate sowmiya’s BF had met an accident, so her...

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A Day Alone With My Diving Instructor

I had been spending the summers or at least large part of them with Christian, a friend that had moved down to Florida. I had been going down for a few years and sometimes I got to spend a month, sometimes a week, before I was back on my way home.  The summer after I turned seventeen, I was going to get to spend almost the entire summer with him and his family. The two of us thought that was awesome and we started planning what we wanted to do. Both of us being seventeen, we luckily got to have...

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Maiden by Decree Chapter 4

Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Four A Potential Sister-in-Law, Others, and a Royal Decree Or: What was I Thinking of When I agreed to this?!! He was almost used to being on horseback when they reached the palace gates and were ushered inside by respectful grooms, one of which helped him dismount. The man's hands on his waist as Deirdre was easily...

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truth or dare

I am not sure who suggested truth or dare but we all seemed up for it.There were 6 of us all together you me and two other couples.It started pretty tame, truths about hoe many people we had slept with, telling fantasies ect ..... I think everyone was getting a bit horny from listening to all this talk if sex and with quite a few drinks down our necks we were all up for some dare's!One of the girls seemed a bit apprehensive when you asked her to show how she gives head on a banana so we came to...

2 years ago
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International Relations

I checked into my hotel today (I spend around 180 nights/year in hotels). Got settled, did a bit of work, then went to dinner.On return to hotel, I thought I'd hit the hot tub. Now, normally, the pool area is rarely occupied at this property. I was surprised to hear a bit of splashing as I opened the door. Glancing to the left, I noticed 2 adults - one male, one female. He was in his 50s, tall with a slight paunch, and was wearing a Speedo. She was in her upper 40s to 50, but in very...

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BlackPatrol Maggie Green Joslyn Prostitution Sting takes pervert off the streets

Tonight we are going undercover into the city’s seedy underbelly. Looking for street rats come sniffing up the trash. Officer Green dressed up like a hooker to set up the bait. We mic’d up Officer Green and stationed some cops along the corners of 8th street. It didn’t take long before every piece of filth came weakling their way from the cracks to try to hit her up. Most of them were too broke to take the bait, but along the way one man looked to have enough cash to afford to make this pick...

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Confessions 4 Blond beauty hot Helena

Unlike the first three tasty cunning confessions in my series, this is one from my own privacyWith blushes at my cheeks I tell the tasty tale of me and my sexy younger sibling, still so shyWe are back then young teens - hardly know anything about love lust tease or any sexy seductionTelling my true sweet sexy story emerged from an unexpected challenge by a sexy slim fresh friendWonderful woman wonders why I get wet hot and horny by watching tasty teens at the toiletA fresh female fine friend...

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New Discovery

Friday night,at a corner coffee shop where friends meet up.I had gone down to met up with some friends none of which had turned up.As i waited around reading a book I noticed that there was a girl over yonder that i had talked to a few times trough some common friends.She looked over my way and i gave her a warm smile- up she got and walked right over to sit next to me.Hey there's not much happening around tonight would you fancy coffee at my place i don't think you have ever been,it's...

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Our sexual tuesdays

I was home alone one Tuesday afternoon and completely bored nothing on tv nothing to do around the house and nothing on the computer interested me either. I then decided to text an old fling josh I had went for a wax the day before and thought someone should come over and enjoy it :) i sent hey josh I'm home alone and bored would you wanna come see me ? I got a reply 3 minutes later sure I'm in your area might as well pop in ! So I quickly ran to freshen up Do my hair make up and get dressed I...

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SisLovesMe Izzy Lush Simon Says Fuck My Pussy

Izzy Lush and her stepbrother used to play hide and seek all the time when they were younger, but as they got older, they tweaked the rules to be a bit more fun. Now the game is always on, and instead of finding a sibling hiding, they have to find their sibling naked. Lucky for her stepbro, Izzy never locks the door when she takes a shower, so the game is easy! He walks in on her and gets his cock sucked right away. But she is not so pleased when he unexpectedly busts a nut in her mouth! Later,...

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My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story Part II

This is a continuation of ‘My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story’. It is recommended that you read that chapter before reading this chapter. After my appointment with Dr. Samantha Johns, I wrestled with my emotional ups and down. I felt I had become jaded by my past sexual activities and could no longer have a sexual relationship unless it was taboo or kinky. Actually, I had no control over my sexual desires. My wife controlled me. It did not seem normal but I was addicted to it. I showed up at Dr....

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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 12

I awake to find Therai again rubbing her clit against my dick. But this time she’s whispering with Marie and changing her action as per Marie’s instructions. Taking a careful hold of the lovely tits I have, I ask if I can have any input. Therai would’ve jumped if I hadn’t been braced for it. I fondle Therai’s breasts until she settles down. Jehra and Sarai walk around and kneel on the floor by Marie. Pulling the quilt back to view the action, Jehra tells Therai she enjoys this particular game...

2 years ago
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Initiation at Sixteen Part 2

God! How I wanted her! But I was too shy to ask, and too shy to lay a hand on her. For weeks I watched and hoped. I had begging eyes and I was very conscious of anyone recognising my hunger. My especial fear was that my mother would realise that my longing looks were more than a shy boy’s bored stares. But even then I couldn’t stop. I had no control. But she ignored me!Every chance I got I ensured that I was around to watch her dusting and vacuuming. My particular favourite was when she had to...

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My son and I take care of each other

I’m a thirty nine year old, average looking woman. I live in a small apartment with my eighteen year old son, Paul. He is a good looking guy, not very muscular and has short hair. Our life is not perfect but we are happy, and I always try to take care of my son, his studies and other expenses. Things were going good between us but I had no idea that one day we would cross some lines. It was one after noon when I found out that my son had grown up. That day I was feeling a bit sick so I came...

4 years ago
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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 17 Wedding

Grace was in the kitchen kneading dough. “What on earth are you doing woman? You should be getting your beauty sleep for your wedding tomorrow.” Grace smiled at him, “I find it relaxing.” “What? Are you nervous about getting married?” he asked as he went to the icebox and scooped some slushy ice into a jug. “Yes.” “Why? Hugh loves you. Anyone can see that,” he inquired, finding himself sitting at the table and watching her as he sipped his drink. Grace finished shaping the loaves as she...

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Weekend at Mother Inlaws House

Last weekend the wife "Made Me" drive her up north to spend the weekend at her mother`s house. it was late when we got there almost morning. i headed up to our room to take a nap. well let me help you get relaxed she said with a nasty grin on her face and pushed me down on the bed and pulled out my cock and started giving me one hell of a blow job. i was all most ready shoot a big load in her mouth when she stopped and said wouldn`t it be funny if my mom walked in right now and saw you cumming...

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