- 3 years ago
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Lucknow, India 1858
The repercussions, retaliations and counter-retaliations associated withthe Great Mutiny continued to create great violence and brutality in the country.Military 'law' was in force and atrocities by both the forces of British colonialismand by the opposition continued. Following the rebellion by Indian officers,known as the Sepoy Mutiny, within the British Army and the massacre of Britishpeople, which followed in Cawnpore, feelings were running extremely high andrevenge and recrimination were the order of the day. From the end of 1857,the British had begun to gain ground again. Lucknow was retaken in March 1858.
Due to the bloody start of the rebellion and especially after the apparenttreachery of the Indian Empress and butchery in Cawnpore, the British believedthat they were justified in using similar tactics. The British press and Britishgovernment did not advocate clemency of any kind. Soldiers took very few prisonersand often executed them later. Whole villages were wiped out for apparent pro-rebelsympathies. The Indians called it Devil's Wind.
The last rebels were defeated in June 1858. Sporadic fighting continued to1859 but most of the rebels were subdued. The British adopted the old Mughalpunishment for mutiny and sentenced rebels were lashed to the mouth of cannonsand blown to pieces. It was the crudest war India had seen in a long time,with both sides resorting to what can only be described as barbarism.
It was a time of chaos and uncertainty; an environment ripe for abuse ofthe normal standards, of law and order and of human rights. Many people usedtheir power and influence to further their own perverted agendas. One examplewas the creation of a small renegade splinter group of the 15 th KingsHussars, which took time off from the formal duties of the regiment to takethe law into its own hands and dish out justice in its own style and for itsown ends.
A young Indian woman named Rani Singh, the beautiful daughter of one of theringleaders of the rebel army factions, found herself a victim of this environmentand of this renegade group. She had been 'arrested' in Lucknow by part of asmall group of the renegade British officers and enlisted men who had decidedto take the law into their own hands and to administer their own form of counter-revolutionaryactions and justice to opponents and their supporters. The pretext for Rani'sarrest, as if they needed one, was on grounds of supporting and aiding therebellion. On the basis of information supplied by an informant, four officershad arrived at the home of one of her friends where she was in hiding and seizedher before she knew what was happening. In a horse-drawn open carriage, theytook her to a large estate on the outskirts of the town, once the home of aregional mogul, now utilized by this army vigilante group as their temporaryheadquarters and 'barracks'. As family of a much hated rebel leader, Rani Singhwas considered fair game and an easy target for summary justice. The maverick'justice' system administered by this group, as Rani would soon discover, wasnot at all equitable or reasonable, but it was, indeed, quite objective inits victim selection process and its chosen methods of punishment. In her case,the reason for her capture had little to do with the alleged crimes of heror her father. It had much more to do with her obvious physical attributesand with the depraved fantasies of the Captain of this renegade group. Thiswas, in fact, the main reason why the pretty Rani found herself in her currentpredicament.
"We have apprehended the rebel, Sir, as ordered." Corporal Jonesgrinned broadly as he reported to his Captain.
"You're sure it's the Singh girl." Asked the Captain. "Aye,Sir. No mistaking this beauty. Can't be more than one pair of tits like hersaround these parts. She's under guard in the cells below."
"Well done, Jones", Captain Steele replied, unable to hide hisgreat pleasure. "You'll be well rewarded for this. Now go and organizethings for the punishment administration tomorrow. Make sure there's good crowd,mind. Invite some new blood. This one's going to make a real exhibition."
It was noon, next day. Rani stood tall and proud in the dark, humid cellunder a wing of the enormous house and listened with some trepidation to thefootsteps approaching along the corridor. A radiant twenty three-year old,Rani hated the British and all that they stood for, though, unlike her father,she had never been involved in any activities aimed against them. The violetsari of expensive silk together with the gold jewelry which adorned her wristsand ankles, revealed her wealthy family background and her high caste. Beneaththe sari, she wore a red choli, a tight-fitting blouse, designed to show anaked midriff and to accentuate the bust. It was very clear, despite the loosematerial of the sari, which was draped over her upper torso, that the garmentconcealed, as well as supported, a very large and full bust. Covering her longlegs, she wore red salwar-kameez; traditional, pajama-like trousers drawn inat the waist and ankles. There was sufficient bare flesh on display to showthat her dusky skin was smooth, firm and unblemished. Long, jet-black hairframed a round and pretty face with full lips and large dark eyes.
The captain, along with his sergeant and a corporal arrived at the cell door.The corporal unlocked it and they entered. The captain was clutching a rolleddocument. They stood, formally, in front of the young woman and took a longlook at her. Steele's loins stirred with sadistic excitement as he contemplatedthe event to come and which he had planned for several weeks. He had been introducedto Rani, briefly, at a local government function a few weeks before. He hadbeen struck by her beauty and particularly by her shape. He was a man witha sadistic desire to see women punished, particularly with the whip. He alsohad an obsession with female breasts – size being the most importantaspect of this obsession. These two things intertwined to create a particularfantasy, which his position of power had now enabled him to realize. Afterthe mutiny and when Rani's father had been identified as a rebel, he rememberedthe daughter and saw his opportunity. He was longing to see the treasures,which lay hidden under her clothing and was tempted to have his men strip herto the waist right then. But he decided to stick to the formal plan.
He unfurled the paper and read its contents.
"Prisoner Rani Singh", he said, still looking at the paper, "You have beenfound guilty of a series of crimes which clearly warrant a sentence of death."
Despite having braced herself for this eventuality, the words still rockedher and she had to summon all of her willpower in order to appear unperturbed.
"The officers of the Special Committee for Law and Order", he continued, "Havereviewed your case and have concluded that the swift death which would be affordedby the firing squad does not make amends and does not amount to a punishmentcommensurate with the crimes which you and your cohorts have committed." Thecaptain raised his gaze to the young woman and his eyes roved up and down herbody.
Rani listened more intently, apprehensive of where this line of oratory washeading.
The officer carried on. "To rectify this situation and to ensure that yousuffer properly for your actions against the British people, the Military Councilpresiding over this region," he said, in a matter of fact tone, "Has decidedthat your execution should be remitted to a sentence of severe public corporalpunishment followed by imprisonment for a period yet to be agreed. The corporalpart of your sentence will take place here in this barracks this afternoon.The nominal sentence ordered is a minimum of eight-dozen lashes and I havebeen granted a great deal of latitude in the implementation and to adjust thesentence as I see fit ." He paused to look at his horrified captive. "At twoo'clock you will be taken to the courtyard where the punishment is to be administered.That," he concluded his speech, "Is all."
"You bastards", shouted Rani. "This is barbaric…you can't…youhave no right…." she stammered. "If you do this you will all pay dearly,my people will see to that!"
A sadistic smile crossed the captain's face and he stared menacingly intoRani's eyes. "Oh you can be very sure that we will do this, Miss Singh", hesaid coldly. "You can also be sure that we will make the ordeal as painfuland as humiliating as it can possibly be. There will be a certain formalityabout the procedure but, unfortunately for you, the 'rulebook' for how thiskind of punishment should be conducted has been thrown away." His eyes, again,scanned Rani's voluptuous body, undressing her in his mind. "I have been quitespecific with my men about the manner of execution of your sentence." Raniwas silent, horrified and unable to find words with which to respond.
The captain rolled up his orders and concluded. "Prepare yourself Miss Singh.And note that our procedure requires that you be stripped to the waist whenled to the punishment area. Please ensure that you are appropriately disrobedwhen my men come for you at five minutes before two o'clock. Otherwise theywill be forced to remove the garments themselves. That is all." The men turnedand left the cell, locking the heavy door behind them
She sat down contemplating the frightening words of the captain. She knewthat the flogging of women was no longer a lawful form of punishment for anycrime in the country. She also knew that the army had no jurisdiction to tryand to sentence members of the public. There was clearly nothing official aboutany of this and these people, she knew, were acting completely outside of anylaws, codes and standards.
She spent the next two hours in a state of fear and apprehension, going overand over in her mind the terrible words of the captain and attempting to visualizethe myriad of possible manifestations. She worried about the pain and aboutthe nakedness to which they had alluded. Never in her worst nightmares hadshe contemplated such a horrible experience. In a culture which placed hugevalue on the female bosom, Rani was justly proud but extremely conscious ofher breasts which were much envied by women and greatly enhanced her desirabilityto men. Right now though, she wished she had been less well endowed in thatarea of her body. A group of men (how many she had no idea) would feast theireyes on her nakedness, leer and joke over the sight of her huge breasts. Wouldthey hurt her there? She could not bear even to think about the possibility.She was determined that, at the very least, she would retain her pride anddignity, whatever was to happen. She had no idea just how extremely that determinationwould be tested. She thought for some time about the comments which the officerhad made as he left about how she should be naked to the waist when taken out.In the end she had decided that there was little point in testing their resolve.They had made clear that they were very serious and she felt sure they wouldnot hesitate to rip the clothes from her body when they arrived. So, she hadadjusted her sari by taking the upper piece off her shoulder and pinning itto the rest of the material around her hips. She wore a short-sleeved shirt,which buttoned at the back, called a choli. The garment was short in length,leaving bare midriff exposed. The choli she wore was deliberately tight inorder to press her giant breasts into her body and to make them less obviousunder her sari. Rani was certainly not slim. There was plenty of firm fleshon her curvaceous form. Voluptuous was probably the right description. Sheunbuttoned and removed the choli, folded it neatly and laid it on the benchnext to her. Her upper body was now exposed. Her skin was not very dark, butmore olive in hue and completely smooth and unblemished. Her breasts were,indeed, amazing. Huge, firm, heavy and round, in this seated position theirlower curves were at the same level as her pretty navel. The very large aureoles,which adorned their centers were a brownish pink in colour and measured somefour inches across. Her nipples were wide but not long; more like three-quarterinch diameter hemispherical bumps in the centers of her aureoles. They werehighly sensitive but of the kind which did not harden much when touched orcold. Only her gold necklaces and bracelets now remained on her spectacularupper body. She took these off too and sat, waiting, with her arms crossedand the palms of her hands barely covering the wide, dark brown aureoles andnipples.
They came, as promised, at two o'clock. Three men, in their red and whitearmy uniforms unlocked the door and entered the cell. She saw from their flashesthat their ranks were sergeant and two lance-corporals. One of the lower rankingofficers carried two manacles connected by a short chain.
" Oh my God", said one of the lance-corporals in his thick, Southern Englishaccent, "Will you just look at what we have here. What a little beauty. Notso little either; will you take a look at those melons." His eyes were transfixedon Rani's naked torso. "Have you ever seen anything quite like these".
"How could I miss 'em", said the other junior NCO, lewdly. "I've neverseen anything like them in my life"
"What a pity she's gone and done the job for us", said the other. "I'd havereally enjoyed taking your clothes off darlin'. Seems such a shame to ruinthis young stunner with the lash. Even if she survives eight dozen, there won'tbe much left to play with."
"Quiet you two", snapped the sergeant. "We've got a job to do. Just rememberthat this bitch has helped murder our soldiers and our women and children.But she's going to get her just desserts, you can be assured of that." SergeantParker was one of Steele's most loyal men. He too, took pleasure in violencebut in his case the gender of his victims made little difference.
He smirked, reveling sadistically in his power to make the young woman visiblyshake with his words. "And everything is prepared for you, young lady. You'llbe the center of attention for the next few hours. Now, up you get and let'sget on with this." He addressed his men again. "Secure her wrists behind herback and let's take her up."
Rani got up, her hands still clasped over her breasts. The men each seizedone of her slender wrists, pulled them away from her chest, then fixed eachone in a steel manacle behind her lower back. The action revealed to her captorsthe full magnificence of the huge, full, gourds and the enormous, smooth, darkercolored, slightly puffy aureoles, which adorned them. The restraint was ofcourse unnecessary and seemed more for effect or formality than practicality.Now the front of her body was fully exposed to their leering eyes. They hadrestrained half naked local women before, but none so magnificent as Rani.The soldiers could not resist the urge to grab a large handful of Rani's softbreast flesh and squeeze it roughly.
"Come on", ordered the sergeant, "Stop gawping and groping and move! Youcan watch the cow's tits bouncing for the rest of the afternoon. Let's notkeep these good people waiting for their entertainment any longer." The younggirl was led out, one on either side of her and each gripping her by the arm,just above the elbow. She offered no resistance.
They ascended some stairs and emerged through a heavy door into the openair, which though hotter, was less humid than the air beneath ground. Rani'seyes smarted adjusting to the bright, mid-day Lucknow sun. As her eyes becameaccustomed to the light, she recoiled in fear as she began to make out someof the details of the scene before her. They had emerged into a courtyard someforty yards square. To her left a crowd of people perhaps forty strong wereseated on four, long benches stepped up one behind the other so that thosebehind could see clearly over those in front. The people were mostly uniformedsoldiers both British and Indian and officers but also included about halfa dozen well-dressed British women. Their chattering was silenced as Rani waspushed into the courtyard and they all turned to stare at the captive. Therewere a few disbelieving laughs. But most were just stunned by the sight ofthe woman's body. But the scene to her right turned Rani's bowels to water.The centre-piece was what she believed must be the whipping post: a sturdyupright of square cross-section about fifteen inches wide and seven feet high,across the top of which had been fixed a cross timber perhaps half the thicknessof the upright, creating a 'T'. Heavy rungs were fixed into the 'T' at variouspoints: on the underside and on the face at each ends of the cross-beam andin the face of the upright at the top, middle and bottom. On the far side ofthis structure of restraint was a simple wooden frame, which provided a homefor an array of instruments clearly designed to inflict pain on the human body.Straps of various widths and lengths and with studs and spikes hung from itsmany hooks. So too did even more vicious looking whips of both single and multiplethongs. Canes and rods of various dimensions also had their places on the frame,together with ropes and cords. A long, narrow bench was located adjacent tothe rack. There was brazier too, with glowing coals. Five wooden pails filledwith water had been placed on the ground in front of the frame. A dozen orso Indian soldiers in full uniform stood at attention behind the post.
Captain Steele was there by the post as were two uniformed enlisted soldiers.The sergeant stood next to the enlisted men. Another soldier, Corporal Jones,in shirt-sleeves, stood next to the frame of instruments.
Rani's heart pounded hard within her chest and her breathing rate increased.
"Come on!" said the lance-corporal who gripped her right arm. "Time for yourcome-uppance." And he and his colleague pulled a now more resistant Rani towardsthe post.
The crowd had begun murmuring and chatting again, pointing, occasionallylaughing quietly. The men's eyes (and those of one or two women) feasted onRani's body and especially on her spectacular breasts, which quivered and swayedwonderfully as she was ushered to the heavy and foreboding-looking post. Thesoldiers escorting her stopped a few feet in front of it, faced her towardsthe onlookers, still flanking her and stood to attention. A new hush descendedas the captain walked forward to address the 'public'.
He read from a paper. "Standing before you", he said loudly and with gravitas, "IsMiss Rani Singh, recently captured in a raid on rebel forces supporting therecent mutiny. She has been found guilty of conspiring with mutineers and assistingin activities which led to the murder of innocent British and Indian civiliansand military personnel." He paused to look at his audience then continued. "ThisCommand of the British Army is mandated to take whatever actions it believesare necessary to quell the uprising and to capture, sentence and punish, inwhatever manner it sees fit, those perpetrators of violence against the government.Under this mandate, this prisoner has been sentenced to a term of imprisonmentyet to be decided." There was utter silence to the point where Rani's deepbreathing could be heard by all, as the people awaited the words which wouldclarify the nature of the punishment which they were about to witness. "Inview of the heinous nature of her crimes, the Council believes that imprisonmentalone does not make amends and does not constitute sufficient retribution.Consequently, an additional sentence of severe corporal punishment has beendeemed appropriate to help redress this inequity. Specifically, the prisonerwill be flogged in public. A nominal sentence of eight-dozen lashes is ordered,though I have the right, taking counsel from the Medical Doctor present, toextend that sentence depending on the physical condition of the prisoner. Theorder of the day is to ensure that the criminal suffers to the maximum extentpossible within these guidelines. You are all present here to witness thatthis is done. Punishment is to be carried out forthwith."
A buzz of excited chatter broke out amongst the spectators.
"Sergeant Parker, have the prisoner secured to the post for the first segmentof punishment", ordered the captain. The sergeant simply gave a small nod tohis men who had clearly been briefed earlier.
Rani had remained silent throughout the over-indulgent rhetoric describingher fate. Despite her horror and disgust, and though the desire to do so wasalmost overwhelming, she preferred to retain her dignity and not provide thesebarbarians any more fuel for their sadistic pleasure, by struggling, screamingor breaking down. The two soldiers holding her removed the manacles and ledher to the post while the shirt-sleeved soldier went to the frame of instruments.Rani had wondered (as indeed had some of those watching), whether they wouldnow strip her fully and complete her shame. However, it seemed that some measureof perverted morality and procedure was to prevail and her lower garments wereto remain, at least for the time being. She was pushed forward into the 'T'post. Taking cords from their pockets, the men, taking an arm each, tied oneend of their cords round each of her wrists. Then they looped the cords throughthe heavy rungs at either end of cross-timber and pulled them tight until shestood on the balls of her feet then tied them off. Her arms were spread wideand the round hemispheres of her breasts pressed hard into the rough timbercausing them to bulge out provocatively at either side of her torso below herarmpits. At least those tender and sensitive parts were, for now, now mostlyhidden from view and reasonably protected, she thought. One of the men tieda longer rope around her waist and secured her body firmly to the upright.Finally, using a short string, her long wavy hair was gathered and tied upso that it didn't fall across her shoulders and impede the whip. She was nowimmobilized in the traditional manner for institutional whipping and her strong,smooth-skinned back lay bare and ready for the lash.
Her torturer, the shirt-sleeved Corporal Jones, at six foot and one inch,towered over his victim. He was powerfully built and kept his physique in excellentcondition. He had selected a single-thong, standard military whip used, albeitrarely these days, for punishment of recalcitrant soldiers. It measured aboutseven feet in length and was made from supple, plaited leather. The soldiergripped its black handle in his right hand and moved into a position some sevenfeet behind Rani and to her left. Jones was the regular choice of the Captainfor wielding the whip. He had become quite skilled and he enjoyed his role.He gazed upon the half-naked form of the helpless girl with growing excitement.This young beauty would be one to relish, he thought and he was already contemplatingthe types of implements from his large selection he would use on the girl asthe punishment progressed. Rani twisted her neck to look over her left shoulderand see what he was doing. He was looking towards his sergeant.
"Very well," said the senior man, "First, two dozen lashes to the prisoner'sback. Begin!"
Rani braced herself and gritted her teeth. The man slowly drew back the whip.He pulled it forward in a sweeping motion and it whistled as it cut the dampair. As the leather drew close to its target, he pulled his arm and wrist slightlybackwards causing the final eighteen inches of the whip to gain enormous speedas it smacked, with a report like a pistol shot, into the girl's smooth shoulders.Rani's head jerked back and it took all of her willpower to keep her cry short.In truth, the pain was far worse than she had ever imagined. She wanted toscream in agony. There was to be plenty of time and cause for that.
"One!" shouted the sergeant as a half-inch wide, fiery looking welt roseup across her dark shoulders.
She braced herself even harder as she heard the whip whistle a second time.The soldier had improved his timing somewhat and the 'crack' was louder, asthe whip bit deep into the flesh below her shoulder blades. A louder anguishedshriek erupted from her lips
"Two!" came the ominous count.
Rani began to breath more rapidly and tried to hold on to her composure throughthe extraordinary pain. The whip flew again, lower again this time, slicinginto the softer muscle either side of her spine, the tip curling round andbiting into the flesh above her kidneys. "Aaaahh! She yelled unable to controlher vocal chords as another stripe sprang up across her soft skin. The swellingbreast flesh at either side of her body presented an attractive target forthe tip of Jones' whip, but he resisted the temptation knowing there wouldbe plenty of attention placed on those parts in good time.
Oh God, thought Rani. Even the twenty-one more lashes of this promised 'firstsegment' seemed absolutely unendurable, let alone the thought of the seventytwo more which, I theory at least, would be required to complete the sentence.She would surely die long before the punishment was over.
'Crack!' the whip struck again, high across the top of her shoulders sendingpain coursing, once more right through her body. Each time a lash struck home,her head would fly back and she cried out in agony. But she was still far fromlosing control completely. Painful though the terrible lashes were, she wasnot going to beg for mercy. She would rather die first than give these dictatorsand their traitorous Indian supporters the pleasure of hearing her beg.
The tenth lash smacked into the firm flesh at her waist. Jones, the flogger,had now found his timing and rhythm on every stroke and the leather bit hard.The people stared, engrossed in the vicious spectacle. They were all thereby choice, supporters and members of this unofficial Division and its methodsand sworn to secrecy about its activities on pain of death. Some were therefor the satisfaction of seeing punished those they believed had taken partin the killing of their colleagues and friends. Others, the majority, enjoyedthe sexual sadism of the punishments, especially when the victim was female,young and pretty like this one. It was no secret that the captain had a specialpenchant for torturing young, buxom Indian girls. Four of the public punishmentsorganized in the last month had been of well-endowed young women. For the sectionof the audience with the same perversion, Rani was quite definitely the mostexciting 'event' they had witnessed thus far in the three months since it began.A woman, excited though slightly shocked by the whole affair, grimaced as thetwentieth lash sliced into the middle of the innocent young woman's back oncemore, rending another muted but tortured cry from her pretty mouth. Her oncesmooth and unblemished back was now covered with a mass of bright red stripesfrom neck to waist. Blood oozed from a few places where lashes had crossedand trickled down her dark skin in small rivulets. The flogger's timing andrhythm was now well in a 'groove' and the flick of his wrist was ensuring thatthe tip of the whip reached maximum velocity as it struck the woman's flesh.This was clearly a skill he had developed with much practice. In fact, CorporalJones had been employed in this role since this special Division had formeditself six months previously and had taken part in the punishment of twenty-onepeople in that time: ten women and eleven men. Female victims had become morefrequent recently. The audience seemed to get more excited when the prisonerswere women and of course, his captain had seen the opportunity to satisfy hispersonal perversion under the guise of 'just punishment for wrongdoers'. Joneswas happy to do his job whatever the sex of the prisoner but would admit tohaving a preference for whipping females and especially when they were builtas beautifully as this one today. And she was a strong one, he could tell.She was incredibly strong both physically and mentally and she was handlingthe best he could hand out as well as anyone he'd seen - man or woman. Normallythey would be screaming like banshees by this point. He was becoming irritatedand a little embarrassed that his strokes were not having the impact on thegirl which he desired. Still, he thought, the stronger they were, the morepunishment they could endure but, in the end, she would be screaming for mercy.It was just a question of time and method. He was pretty sure that the next'segment' of the punishment would create a different response from the girl.
"Twenty-four!" came the count at last. Rani visibly slumped in her bondage,or at least as far as was possible in her stretched position. She breathedheavily and rapidly. The spectators began chattering again as if it was anintermission in a theatre show. In effect, it was, just that.
The captain talked briefly with the Doctor then with the sergeant who gaveorders quietly to the two lance-corporals who flanked the post. They went eagerlyto their task and began to untie Rani, first the rope around her waist, thenthe bindings to her wrists. Though she tried hard to not let false expectationsenter her mind, Rani could not suppress, completely a small hope that her ordealmight be over. It was more out of desperation, than real hope. All others present,of course, harbored no such expectations. They knew from experience that thegirl's suffering had only just begun. As they turned the girl around, Rani'smagnificent chest was again on full display and the spectators feasted theireyes once more. Then Parker approached Jones. "What do you think Jones?" heasked, staring at Rani's chest. The spectators were too distant to hear thedialogue. "Even though she looks so pretty, the wench is as strong as a buffalo,Sir", he replied. "And she's hardly squealed yet, the bitch", he added.
"You're right, Jones", said the sergeant, "She's defying us. Aren't you,you arrogant sow", he said looking right into Rani's dark brown eyes. "Verywell," he continued, "We will give you something to think about now." He turnedagain to Jones. "We'll firm up those udders of hers with a couple of heavyleather straps in a few minutes. But first I want her to know who's in chargehere. I want to hear her scream. So pick a medium-heavy rod from your toolkitwhile I have her properly positioned for a little demonstration of power."
"Aye, Sergeant", said Jones. "I'll fetch something that'll do the job."
With a few words from the sergeant to his other men, they tied Rani's wriststogether in front of her. Then they pulled her around to the left side (fromthe spectators perspective) of the post. Pushing her back against the sideof the upright, they took another rope and attached it to her bound wristsand then threaded the loose end of that rope through the rung on the undersideof the cross-beam, which was positioned about two and a half feet from theupright. While one soldier then pushed her so her back was pressed againstthe side of the post, the other tied her at the waist again to the upright.In this position, facing out towards to the crowd's left, her torso was angledslightly forward from the waist. Her breasts were thrust outward and pressedtogether by the position of her arms, accentuating, even further, the massivemammaries. Her nipples, flaccid in the hot, humid, mid-day heat, pointed straightoutwards, horizontally, toward the frame of instruments.
"I want her more tightly restrained", said the Sergeant to his men. "Shecan move her body too freely." He thought for a moment. "Move the rope at herwaist down the her hips." They obeyed their order. The Sergeant himself thenfetched a longish rope and from behind the post ran it across the top of Rani'schest and under her arms. "Here", he said, "Tie this off tight so her shouldersare pressed hard against the wood. That should do it". One of the men tookthe rope ends from the officer and pulled them tight bringing her shouldersback against the post and extending and stretching her arms which were fixedto the rung at the wrists.
Rani grimaced as her tender, welted back rubbed against the rough timber.And what now, she thought. It didn't take a genius to figure out that her breastswould be the targets of their cruelty. Her worst fears were further confirmedwhen Sergeant Parker and Corporal Jones approached her. The sergeant laid hisrough hands on Rani's breasts, squeezing them as if he was testing the plumpnessof chickens at the market and pressing the big, puffy aureoles with his thumbs.This triggered some whispers and one or two lewd comments from the spectators.The breasts were truly stunning: round and heavy in the palms of his hands.Even in her current position and despite their firmness, they were so heavythat there was a crease at their undersides where they rested on the top ofher ribcage. This close, Parker could see the blue veins running just underneaththe almost translucent surface skin on the sides of the satiny orbs. He tookgreat pleasure in the fact that he would be the last man for some time to enjoytheir soft feel and perhaps his final opportunity to do so before they weredamaged forever. He didn't even look into her face. "Got something that'llmake her squeal, Jones?" The corporal showed him a long rod of dark wood. Somefour feet in length, the rod was made of willow, which had been carefully oiledand polished leaving it supple and strong. The leather-bound handle fittedsnugly into his right hand. Jones knew the instrument well. "Very well," saidhis sergeant. Now, I want just four strokes," he continued, "But all of themhere." He pointed at the girls' aureoles. "Just in this area and make everyone count. She'll not make fools of us any longer today."
Jones set his jaw in a show of grim determination. Then he stood back andgave his rod a couple of wide-arced practice swings. Rani stared in horroras she watched and listened to the deadly instrument slicing through the heavyair. Her insides were like liquid and a feeling of deep fear and despair beganto conquer the earlier resoluteness. She could not bear to imagine what theawful rod would do to her soft breasts, or what excruciating pain it was boundto cause.
There was growing anticipation and excitement among the spectators aboutthe next 'phase'. The chattering had grown louder as they watched the youngwoman being secured. Some of the first-time invitees clearly found it incrediblethat, apparently, a young woman was about to be punished in such a way. Theyhad expected to see the victim degraded by being partially stripped. They hadexpected the whipping of her back, though the savagery and the cruelty of seeingit so close had caught some by surprise. Now, to see that the intention appearedto be to flog her most sensitive woman flesh was, it seemed, beyond the expectationsand sense of decency of the few, more compassionate or naïve, in the group.Steele had been half ready for such a reaction and had a response ready. Hedecided he'd better provide some additional context to help them become morecomfortable with the proceedings. He held up his hand to Jones indicating heshould wait for a moment.
"I sense discomfort in some of our new guests," he said, reassuringly, "Regardingthe substance and form of the punishment sentence being conducted. It is entirelynatural for this to seem shocking to those of you unaccustomed to witnessingsuch scenes. But let me remind you", he continued, looking towards the helplessgirl, "That the methods and severity of the sentence being conducted are entirelyconsistent with the terrible nature of the crimes committed by this woman,who helped organize the massacre of your country-folk: men, women and children.Think especially of the children she helped murder. Our normal rules and punishmentsare too lenient for this criminal. Feel no pity. She is going to get only whatshe deserves. Our purpose here today is to ensure that she suffers to the maximumpossible and we intend to use all of the means at our disposal to see thatthis happens. My men have both knowledge and experience in this matter andthey know that flogging a woman in this way will cause the utmost suffering.She must pay dearly for what she has done. This woman's physical form lendsitself, I'm sure you would agree, to a whipping of this manner. She is verystrong and can absorb much punishment". He paused for a moment. " And be inno doubt that it will be long and cruel – so prepare yourselves. However,any one of you gentlefolk is, of course, at liberty to leave at any time. Doesanyone wish to leave?" he asked looking carefully from face to face. No oneresponded. "Good", he concluded. "Then let us now continue with our task."
Much as she had sworn to herself that she would not beg, Rani the sight andsound of the terrible had weakened her will. "Please don't do this", she saidquietly, her voice trembling. "It's inhuman. Whip me if you must, but not thisway".
Jones smiled. He knew that complete subjugation of his victim was not faraway. He had taken a cane to a woman's breasts before, though none so fullas those of Rani, and he knew the effect it could have, especially wieldedwith the strength and timing he had acquired. Furthermore, a caning focusednot just on the breasts but only on the victim's nipples would be absolutelyunbearable.
"What," he replied equally softly, "And cheat our paying guests of theirafternoon's entertainment. I'm afraid not".
He stepped back slowly, not taking his eyes from his tantalizing targets.He drew back the cane slowly. For a moment, the scene of sadistic erotica washeld in limbo. Jones looked to his Sergeant, who had moved to the oppositeside from him and about half way between the audience and the whipping post,from where he could get a good view of the punishment. He nodded to Jones signifyingthat he should proceed. The silence was broken as Jones, with his full andsubstantial strength, swung the cane towards the girl's exposed upper body.The swish of rod through the air ended with a loud but muted 'SLAP!' as thewillow sliced deep, deep into the very centers of both thrusting and vulnerablebreasts. The wood disappeared completely from view where it struck just belowthe line of her nipples, the soft flesh enveloped the rod and absorbed themajority of the energy of its savage blow. A fraction of a second later, thepoor girl's head whip-lashed back and the first, ear-piercing, tortured screamerupted from her wide-open mouth. It would be the first of many more to comethis afternoon. The audience gasped, some incredulous that the ferocity ofthe lash had not sliced the girls breasts completely in two. Jones smiled withsatisfaction.
Captain Steele almost ejaculated into his breeches as he watched the barbaricand sadistic scene. It took all of his British self-control to maintain hisoutward composure.
The rod was ejected outwards as the resilient tit tissue sprung back intoits former shape leaving the two globes shuddering uncontrollably. An initiallywhite stripe across the flesh where the rod had struck was fast turning redand scarlet. Rani's scream had turned into rapid gasps for breath and copioustears streamed down her cheeks. It was a miracle to many watching and a tributeto her great strength that she had not passed out. Thirty or forty secondspassed, allowing Rani both to recover her breath and to contemplate the secondlash. With the knowledge she now had of its power, she screamed even as therod sliced through the air for a second time. SMACK! It bit savagely into herbreasts once more, this time just above the sensitive, brown buds. A few ofthe new women could not avoid turning their heads away, an automatic reactionto the shock at seeing the thin rod smack ferociously again into the spongyflesh of the tortured girl's opulent bosom. "AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!" Ranilet out another high-pitched wail of sheer pain as the soft mounds of fleshwere smashed into her chest wall once more. Again, the young woman managedto remain conscious, though she wished, with all her heart, that she couldfaint into an oblivion, which would release her from the awful pain.
Two gone and two to go of this short segment. And Jones intended to makethe most of them. Caning the tits, he pondered to himself, never failed tobreak them. Filled with renewed energy from his success and having had twolashes with which to practice his aim, the third stroke was more powerful thanever and it struck both nerve-rich nipples square on. This, most cruel of lashes,had the young woman straining to breaking point in her efforts to wrench freefrom her bonds and escape the agonizing rod. She writhed, screaming in hertight ropes, flinging her huge tits from side to side in reaction to the horrendouspain she was being forced to endure. A third, horizontal stripe sprang up acrossthe centers of both gourds, split by the cleft between them. Jones let anotherminute pass so that his victim could come to rest once more and he could placehis lash more accurately across the nipples once more.
"No, No, I beg you", pleaded Rani, gasping for breath. "No more like this.I would rather die….plee…"
Her pitiful plea was interrupted by the swishing rod, as it cut, again, withunbelievable ferocity into the breast flesh of the helpless young woman. Fortunatelyfor Rani, while the blow was cruel enough, it missed it's intended targetsand landed lower across the dark skin of her broad aureoles, lifting up theweighty orbs as it did so. Another ear-splitting scream rent the Lucknow airbefore Rani slumped exhausted and gasping in her bondage and with tears streamingdown her contorted young face.
The Captain approached, more than satisfied with the progress thus far. "Welldone Jones", he said, "That got the bitch's attention, I think." He noddedto the sergeant who gave quiet orders to his men and they moved in to untiethe girl from her present position. As her wrists were released from the bindings,Rani automatically grasped her lashed bosom with both hands in an effort toslightly relieve the burning agony. The respite did not last long.
The glimmer of hope that her pain was over, quickly faded for Rani as thesoldiers pushed her back against the heavy timber and each took hold of oneof her slender wrists, pulling her hands away from their protective positions.There was to be no protection for these wondrous gifts with which she was endowed.She was facing the leering crowd now. Through the still terrible pain in herbreasts, she scanned their faces and found little pity. She saw only sadisticexcitement.
Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the brutes to either side tyingher slender wrists to the rungs at either end of the cross-bar. Her upper bodywas completely exposed and vulnerable once more. Rani remembered now the talkof the straps. They pulled the ropes taught until the muscles in her arms werestretched tight and she stood on her tiptoes with most of her weight held byher wrists. Her chest heaved, the giant mounds had lifted a little and wereslightly separated by the position of her arms. Two men then set about tyingher ankles to the base of the post while the other two ran a rope three timesaround her waist. After each loop, they took an end each of the rope and withtheir full strength, pulled it tight constricting her waist and pushing theair out of her lungs. The course hemp almost disappeared in the folds of flesharound her abdomen. This done, they passed another rope across the top of herchest and armpits, pulling strenuously once more to tighten the binding tothe maximum extent. With two loops here, the rope was tied off at the backof the post. Finally, the same procedure was carried out around her wide hips.There had obviously been very clear instructions about the way in which Raniwas to be bound for the next phase of the punishment. Captain Steele movedin front of Rani to check the work.
"One more", he ordered. "Under the tits." The soldiers eagerly obeyed. Theydelighted in lifting up each of the weighty, lash-marked gourds to positiontheir final rope, sliding it up so that it rested snugly where the velvetyundersides met her ribcage. The thick rope also served to lift the globes furtherand provide a little support. Twice the rope was wrapped around the girl'supper ribs then wrenched tight like the others and tied off. She was utterlyimmobile. Only her head could she move, as she did, slowly from side to side,as she gasped for breath, trying to expand her lungs against the constrictionof the ropes. The Captain approached. This was perfect, he thought. He graspedher waist and tried to move her, watching to see how much the breasts moved.Satisfied, he lifted the left one with the palm of his hand, still surprisedby its considerable weight and still intrigued by the feel of the malleableflesh in his fingers. It was at one and the same time, soft and firm, heavyand full. She winced in pain as he ran his thumb once more across the huge,dark, lash-marked aureole. He inspected the melon-sized mammaries closely.Now they could continue with their work and with great accuracy. Every lashwould be placed exactly where desired.
"Very well", he concluded. "We are ready to continue withthe prisoner's flogging."
Rani grimaced as her tender, welted back rubbed against the rough timber.Sergeant Parker and Corporal Jones approached her. The sergeant laid his roughhands on Rani's breasts. He took Rani's nipples between his thumbs and forefingersand squeezed them hard turning to the Corporal once more.
"Just a dozen with the light willow rod Jones. Spread the lashes", he said, " Butdon't forget to continue to pay special attention here," he added pulling onthe brown buds, causing Rani to grimace and then rubbing his thumbs acrossthe broad aureoles. Separately, mind you. Six to each one. Make her screamfor mercy. Then we'll give you a rest and have two of the Indians soften upthe rest of these ripe melons with the straps".
"Aye, Sir", he replied. "It'll be my pleasure". This was another opportunityto make her really pay. She would beg for anything by the time he had completedthis next segment of her punishment. He went to his rack to select a tool capableof delivering the order he had been given. He doubted that this Indian girlwould be conscious after even half a dozen. Rani was in a state of limbo betweenhorror and shock after hearing the men talk about their intentions. The whippingof her back had been terrible. The lashing of her tender nipples had been worsethan anything she had ever imagined. But now she feared even more for the pain,which would be caused by the continued whipping of her soft and vulnerablebreasts. And she was now bound in a way, to take maximum advantage of thatvulnerability. In this position her bust was thrust out from her chest in anexaggerated fashion, almost asking to be molested. She tried hard to remaincalm and regain her composure.
Jones had returned holding a fearful looking rod, which he had selected fromhis rack.
Rani stared at the vicious looking instrument, aghast, trying to imaginewhat kind of unthinkable agony it would give rise to when lashed across herbosom. The rod was similar in look to the one that had been used a few minutesbefore. However, this one was more slender and slightly shorter. Three-quartersof an inch thick at the leather-bound handle, it tapered evenly along its lengthto a fine point. Jones tested it with a few practice swings as he walked tohis new position. The cane made a menacing, but higher pitched 'swish' as itcut more easily through the heavy air and he greatly enjoyed its feel. Joneswalked purposefully to a position to Rani's right. There was another hush ofintense anticipation. The captain could hardly contain his excitement as hewatched the scene unfold. Rani's chest heaved in fear and she stared at thecorporal as he casually prepared himself. Jones allowed the tension to mount,allowing the anticipation to mature for a full minute. The, slowly he drewback the rod. With awesome force and a sickening 'SLAP!' the slender rod cutfearfully into her heavy, right breast, a fraction of an inch above the protrudingnipple. The portion of willow which struck the target, was buried in the softflesh yielded and enveloped it. The breast was split into two smaller moundsfor a moment before the youthful, resilient tissue re-formed and pushed backthe offending article. There was another unified gasp from many women in theaudience.
A few of the more sensitive of them even turned their heads away for a moment.Rani's eyes closed tight, the back of her head struck the post and after asecond to recover the breath which had been shocked out of her, the first realscream erupted from her parted lips. Jones smiled. "Twenty-nine!" came theloud, impassionate count from the sergeant. Even though he had just missedthe nipple itself, Jones had made a satisfactory impact. He watched the lineof his lash turn from white to dark pink as the blood, first forced out ofthe skin, suddenly flowed back into the damaged area. But he was grateful tosee that the skin was not broken. He had feared, for a moment, that in hisanger, he might have overdone it too early. Before Rani could regain any ofher senses, the rod whistled down once more. This time Jones was preciselyon his target and the supple wood lashed directly into the rubbery teat whichprotruded just half an inch out from the curve of her breast. 'THWOP.' Thenoise was muted as the flesh around the rod absorbed the energy, which wouldotherwise have been have been emitted as sound. This was not like the 'CRACK'of the whip on the taught skin of her back. The compliant meat of her bosomabsorbed almost all of the energy of the lash and spread it, in the form ofexcruciating pain, through her whole breast. She screamed, louder than before,as the cane ravaged her most sensitive parts and caused the full flesh of themolested mammary to shake violently while the rest of her body remained immobile. "Thirty!"
'SMACK' The third terrible, gut wrenching stroke bit deep, deep into thebreast tissue, even before it had come to rest after the impact of the previousblow, this one an inch or so below the nipple, which now swelled slowly. Rani'smouth opened wide again and she wailed in pain. "Thirty-one!" came the shout.In spite of the terrible pain of the rod and the terror of what was still tocome, she somehow managed to strengthen her resolve a little during the briefrespite. She remained determined to resist utter humiliation for as long asshe could. She would rather die than to give them what they wanted – hertotal subjugation. Sweat glistened on the dark skin of her spectacular upperbody. The ropes bit deeply into her flesh, particularly around her torso andespecially when she breathed in. Her chest rose and fell as she did so. Shebraced herself for Jones' next onslaught. He was more determined than everto have her screaming for mercy in short order. He saw in her eyes that sheremained resilient. But she had only felt three of these most barbarous andsavage lashes. There were nine still to go. Her eyes closed tight as his rodswished again through the air once more. 'SMACK!' Perspiration sprayed offthe skin of the glorious mound as the cane sliced, with seemingly even greaterforce than before, into the upper half of the right aureole. "AAAAAAAAARGH!" thegirl let out a rasping scream as her tit flesh was cleft in two for an instantbefore bouncing and shuddering violently upon her chest from the savage blow.Another bright welt sprung up on the silky skin. One or two more small gaspscould be heard from the more sensitive female spectators. They stared, transfixed,half in horror half with excitement at the unimaginable cruelty they were witnessing.'THWAP'. Another brutal stroke cut into the girl's body. The higher pitch ofthe scream of agony which followed, gave indication that the lash had struckdirectly into the girl's tender nipple. Indeed, a few moments after the spongytissue had expelled the rod, it was clear that the nub had been split and darkblood began to ooze from the wound. The effect was clearly the worst she hadsuffered so far because the howl continued for longer and she shook her headvigorously from side to side. It was the only movement over which she had control.Motivated by his success, Jones gave her another, straight after, in exactlythe same spot, splattering the blood across her aureole. The poor girl letout an ear splitting wail as her tender, damaged nipple was smacked and crushedagain by the merciless rod.
"Stop", ordered Parker. He approached his corporal. "Careful, Jones", hesaid. "We don't want the prisoner expiring on us too early. Move to the othertit and carry on."
Jones moved a little to his right to position himself for the lashing ofRani's left breast.
She stared fearfully at the rod, breathless, her chest heaving within thetight constraints of the bindings. The nightmare was to continue.
Jones drew his arm back once more, staring at the perfect full, curve ofthe flesh he was about to damage. SWISH!…THWACK! The savage blow struckthe smooth dusky skin horizontally, half an inch above the nipple, and thewood sunk deep into the dense tissue. The helpless young woman squealed asthe intense pain shot through her most tender flesh once more and the nerve-richaureoles were ravaged again by the lash.
"Thirty-four", came the call. Rani's breathing came fast and heavy now. 'SMACK!'Jones' rod sunk into her left breast again, this time a direct hit on the firmnubbin which was smashed into the flesh behind it until the hard bone of herrib-cage prevented further deformation. "AAAAARGHHH" The tortured girl wailedagain. "Noooo….please…no more…..No…. Her plea wasabruptly cut-off by the next stroke. 'SMACK!' The flexible rod sliced intotender woman-flesh once more, below the left nipple.
Stop", ordered the Captain, much to the disgust of Jones' who was about tolay another lash into his senseless victim. But the officer did not want theyoung captive to expire too quickly. They would have to tone down the severityfor a while in order that she could remain conscious and suffer the fullestsentence.
"Freshen up the prisoner Sergeant Parker", he ordered. "Then pick two ofyour Indians to continue with the straps. No count Parker", he added, "Threeminutes duration. At their own pace."
Jones had fetched a bucket of water. With little ceremony, he stood in frontof her and threw the water over her face and chest. Rani coughed and spluttered,unprepared for the drenching. She shook her head and blinked her eyes. Parker,in the meantime had selected his turbaned Indian soldiers who were each pickinga heavy strap from the rack of tools. The straps were identical. Heavy lengthsof leather, about two inches wide, a quarter inch thick and some two and ahalf feet long. Short bound handles afforded the instruments a good grip.
"OK, my lads", said Parker to the grinning soldiers. "Do your duty. Tenderizethose ripe melons good and proper."
The enlisted men moved to their positions. One, bearded, was picked becausehe was left-handed and he stood to Rani's left. The other, clean-shaven, movedto her right. This was an added humiliation for the proud, well-bred woman.Two men of low caste were to have the great pleasure to punish a high castewoman in the most humiliating and painful manner. They relished the task. "Takeit in turns", said Jones. "One lash at a time. Begin!"
Rani braced herself, her eyes raised up to the clear blue sky.
'SLAP!' Strap of the bearded one smacked hard into the fullness of her leftbreast flattening the flesh. Rani gasped. Not like the rod, but bad enough,landing directly on the nipple. Only a couple of seconds passed before theright handed man brought his strap heavily down upon the top of her right breastand dragging it roughly to the side causing the mound of flesh to shake wildly.Even before the left mammary had come to rest from the first blow, the secondcame thudding into its lower curve, the force lifting it up high on her chest.'SMACK!' Another landed to the right, smashing the soft tissue hard into herupper ribs. She gasped hard with each stroke. Red bands began to appear onthe smooth, tawny flesh, less fiery than the marks of the rod but coveringa much broader area. The two soldiers, clearly enjoying their jobs, were gettinginto a rhythm now. 'SMACK'! 'THWOP'! The thick straps ravaged the helplessgirl's tender woman-flesh. A minute went by. The heavy, giant pear shape orbsswayed from side to side and became more crimson in color. They began to swelltoo, from the terrible beating as blood flowed into the increasingly damagedtissue. Rani's face was turned skywards, contorted in agony, teeth gritted.Fifty, sixty lashes. People had lost count. All protocol had long since beenignored and the stroke count had stopped. Small flecks of blood appeared wherethe lashes had struck most frequently and blood flowed freely now from thewounded right nipple. Two minutes went by. Rani's shrieks were diminishingand had become grunts after each lash. After about two and a half minutes,her head slumped forward as she fainted, mercifully, from the pain.
"Stop!" came the captain's order once more. "Revive the prisoner, Jones.Then complete the phase. There is a minute and a half remaining". Another bucketof water was brought by Jones. Once more, he threw its contents over the headof the limp girl. She came around again, coughing up the water which she hadbreathed into her lungs. She made a pitiful sight as she raised her head andrealized once more where she was, sensing the pain in her swollen breasts.They gave her a minute to recover. Her eyes became wide with horror as shesaw the two soldiers take up their positions again and realized they were aboutto continue. Before they did so, Sergeant Parker approached her. "Not quiteso cocky now, are we, my pretty", he said to her, his face only a foot fromhers. For an ill-considered moment, rage took over Rani's better judgment and,gathering all of her will, she spat violently in the face of the sergeant.There was a surprised response from the crowd and some sniggering laughter.The sergeant stepped back, enraged and humiliated as well as amazed that thewoman had such spirit.
The Captain, too, was surprised. This female was strong-willed and resilient,indeed. It was good, he thought. It would make for a longer punishment andher resolve would be broken in the end….all the more time to live outhis deepest fantasies in the whipping of her stupendous breasts.
"Permission to use the whip on the cow's tit's Captain", the angry sergeantasked, turning to his senior officer. "Permission denied Sergeant", was thereply. "I don't want the prisoner expiring too soon. Be patient. Continue withthe straps."
"Aye sir", said Parker. Still furious, he grabbed a strap from the soldierto his right. "I'll show you pansies how to use this," he seethed.
He stood in front of Rani, about five feet away. He brought the strap over-armand down vertically, smacking its final six inches hard into her left globe,directly over the nipple.
"AAAARGH" she screamed as the renewed pain surged through her bosom.
"THWAP!" Again he used the same motion to punish the same area again. Twovertical stripes appeared on the Rani's pain-filled left tit, now streakedwith some purple amongst the fiery red. Every muscle in her voluptuous bodystrained to their limit as the onslaught of lashes continued to her left breast.After ten strokes he moved to the right and began the same procedure, usingall the strength he possessed.
"Beg me for mercy, you bitch", he shouted. "Beg me and I'll stop."
Ten more brutal lashes slapped hard into the flesh of her right globe.
"Enough", came the call from the captain, having to shout over the screamsof the tortured woman. "Time's up."
Reluctantly, Steele stopped and moved away, breathing heavily from his exertions.Rani also breathed rapidly, moaning, her chest heaving up and down.
"Surgeon," ordered the captain, "Your assessment please."
Chattering broke out among the spectators as the doctor reviewed the boundgirl. He lifted her head and opened her eyes with his thumb, one at a time.Then he lifted, prodded and fondled the swollen red breasts. He returned totalk with the captain. Parker joined to help make a judgment on how to proceed.The doctor suggested that if they wanted to proceed with flogging as the chosenform of punishment, they should move their attention to a different area ofthe girl's body if they wanted to prolong the punishment for as long as possible.
The men talked for a few moments while the spectators conversed and speculatedabout what might be next.
Captain Steele spoke to his men. "Untie the prisoner", he ordered, "And bringover the whipping bench."
Two soldiers went to the heavy wooden bench situated behind the post whiletwo others began to untie Rani who was, by now, fully conscious once more.So heavy was the bench, that the two Indian soldiers had trouble carrying itto the front of the post. Twice they had to put it down and rest. Its weightwas a result not only of the solid wood from which it was constructed, butalso the many heavy iron rungs fitted along its sides. The other two soldiershad released the wretched Rani from her constricting bondage and she stoodbetween them to the right side of the post while the bench was maneuvered intoposition. They positioned it perpendicular to the post such that its lengthwas pointing towards the spectators. The end opposite the crowd was placedfirmly against the base of the post and then attached to it by ropes connectingrungs fixed in the sides of both the bench and the base of the post. Havingfixed one end, the men moved then to the opposite end. Here, two lugs fittedinto the base of the bench lined up over two holes bored into a stone in thecourtyard floor. Heavy bolts were placed through each lug then screwed tightlyinto place. The bench was now immovable. Quite why the bench needed to be sowell fixed would become apparent to those ignorant of the proceedings, in ashort while.
"Very well", said Steele to his men, "Let's have the prisoners' lower garmentsremoved and get her on the bench."
Rani screamed out as soon as she knew they meant to strip her completely.
"No….no….you cannot do this", she pleaded. "Leave me some dignity.Do what you must, but let me keep the remainder of my clothes".
"Remove the pants, or whatever they call them", ordered Steele, "Now!"
One eager Indian soldier took his knife and cut the cord around her lowerwaist. He was able, then to pull down the salwar-kameez to her ankles. Ranicried in shame as her wide, shapely hips, her long legs were exposed to all.Eyes roamed up and down her naked flesh, most, resting eventually, on the enticingtriangle of thick, curly jet-black hair at her crotch.
"Get her onto the bench", ordered Parker, taking over the management of affairsfrom his leader. "On her back.", he added. "And then secure her from the waistup."
The four soldiers did as they were bid, pushing the struggling and ashamedyoung woman onto the timber. Through the embarrassment, she wondered, as didothers, what they had in store for her next. Did they mean to punish the frontsof her thighs, her stomach?
She didn't have long to find out. They placed her on her back. A couple ofmen tied her wrists to the rungs on either side of the post while two morewent to work securing her upper body to the bench with heavy ropes at her waistand above and below the magnificent turrets of her breasts, which gravity,in this position had flattened slightly and caused to fall away a little, toeither side of her chest. She continued to struggle and at the same time triedto keep her silky thighs tightly together and avoid as far as possible anyexposure of her most intimate parts to the lecherous onlookers. But her effortswere cruelly thwarted when the order came which horrified the helpless girl.
"Very well", said Parker, "Now you lot", he ordered, pointing at four ofhis Indian subordinates, "Tie each of her ankles back to the cross-beam." Theydid as they were commanded. Two of them grabbed an ankle each and pulled hersmooth, light-brown legs apart. The other two tied tight ropes around eachankle leaving long loose pieces free. These were threaded through each of therungs in the cross-beam; the same ones which had secured Rani's pretty wristsonly a few minutes before. Pulling on the free ends of the ropes, the legsof the shocked young woman were pulled upwards and apart, exposing her mostintimate parts. The pink gash at the apex of her thighs grew wider as the menpulled on the cords, causing first the outer, then the inner labial lips topart and her clitoris to become exposed. Rani moaned in abject shame as herwomanhood was crudely displayed. This was the ultimate indignity for one soproud and bred into such a high caste. Clearly visible also, was the puckered,dark brown anus in the center of the widening cleft between her smooth buttocks.The moans of shame turned to pain as the men pulled the cords as hard as theycould, stretching the poor girl's legs tightly into an unnatural and obsceneposition, before tying them off to hooks lower down in the sides of the post.The bondage also caused her lower back and buttocks to be raised up off thebench
Of course, the fascinated audience chattered noisily all through the activity,sharing observations about the lurid scene unfolding before them. With theirprisoner now stripped of dignity as well as clothing, the sadistic sergeantcontinued with his task.
"Fetch a heavy caliber cane, Parker," said Steele, "And lay two dozen strokesacross those thighs and buttocks."
Parker already knew which of his savage instruments of torture he would select.He picked the longest rod on the rack. Fashioned from English birch, the darkstraw-colored rod was four and a half feet in length. At the grip it measuredthree-quarters of an inch in diameter and it tapered evenly along its lengthto about half of that at the tip. It had been cured so that about ten percentwater content remained, giving it remarkable flexibility. And Parker had caredfor his favorite toy by frequent applications of linseed oil to further increaseits suppleness and its ability to conform to the contours of the female bodyit had been designed to torment.
Silence reigned again in the courtyard. The audience was transfixed to theCorporal and his menacing new weapon. Parker swished the vicious rod swiftlythough the air, both to get re-accustomed to the weight and also to impressthose who watched. They were, indeed, impressed. Especially the helpless girlwhose young flesh awaited its fearsome lash. From her Rani strained her headaround to look behind her and saw the powerful man approaching once again.The tone of the rod's swish was low, reflecting its mass and its power. Combinedwith the now obvious strength of Parker, it was clear to all, that the impactof its lash on the backs of Rani's satiny thighs and on her round, unblemishedbottom, would be quite horrific. Rani's breathing quickened again as her heartbeatincreased with the renewed fear of the impending flogging. Her eyes were widewith a mixture of horror and disbelief. It seemed she had lost the will toresist any longer. She had done nothing to deserve such barbaric treatmentand it was incredible to her that these people could inflict such awful punishmentin such a cold-blooded and systematic fashion. And while the thought of therod across her buttocks was bad enough, the position of her legs spread wideapart made her fear even more the plans these monsters might have for her mostsensitive woman-flesh. It was unthinkable.
"Please," she moaned. "I cannot take any more. Its inhuman, what you aredoing….please…"
Parker ignored the pitiful pleas, anxious to get on with his sadistic duties.He moved into his preferred position in front and to the left of the benchas viewed by the spectators. He gazed for some seconds upon the beautiful skinof the girl's legs and buttocks and also on the pink flesh between the spreadlips of her sex. He felt sure there would be an opportunity to lay a few lashesacross that super-sensitive area between her generous thighs.
To be continued
tied her wrists together in front of her. They pulled her around to the leftside (from the spectators perspective) of the post. Pushing her back againstthe side of the upright, they took another rope and attached it to her boundwrists and then threaded the loose end of that rope through the rung on theunderside of the cross-beam, which was positioned about two and a half feetfrom the upright. While one soldier then pushed her so her back was pressedagainst the side of the post, the other tied her at the waist again to theupright. In this position, facing outwards to the crowd's left, her torso wasangled slightly forward from the waist. Her breasts were thrust outward andpressed together by the position of her upper arms, accentuating them evenmore. Her nipples, flaccid in the hot, mid-day heat, pointed straight outwards,horizontally, toward the frame of instruments.
"I want her more tightly restrained", said the Sergeant to his men. "Shecan move her body too freely." He thought for a moment. "Move the rope at herwaist down the her hips." They obeyed their order. The Sergeant himself thenfetched a longish rope and from behind the post ran it across the top of Rani'schest and under her arms. "Here", he said, "Tie this off tight so her shouldersare pressed hard against the wood. That should do it". One of the men tookthe rope ends from the officer and pulled them tight bringing her shouldersback against the post and extending and stretching her arms which were fixedto the rung at the wrists.
, bisecting both tender nipples and flattening the resilient tissue againsther chest. There was an audible gasp from the crowd. Only those most hardenedto such spectacles were able to remain unmoved by the brutality. The noviceswere sure that the poor girl would surely be sliced in two by the blow. Theparts of the cane making contact literally disappeared from view as they wereenveloped in the voluptuous flesh of the twin globes. At the same moment Rani'shead snapped backward then a half second later, a scream erupted from her widelyparted lips clearly reflecting the shockwave of agony which exploded throughher body. The cane fell away leaving a white line split by the cleavage ofher bouncing and quivering bosom, which quickly turned fiery red as the bloodsurged into the tissue underneath the damaged skin. The ravaged orbs came torest after a moment but the girl's scream continued for some seconds more untilshe began gasping for breath. As she regained a modicum of composure, Raniknew that her huge efforts to maintain her dignity and pride would not be enoughto overcome this most barbaric torture. The agony was completely unbearable.She was already beginning to lose control. Before she had even taken in it'sfull impact and pain, the willow whistled through the air again. A second,horizontal stroke sliced the into the aureoles, just above her nipples, witheven greater force than the first. The full force of the cane once again wascompletely absorbed by the soft flesh with a loud, wet 'THWAP" sound whichechoed around the courtyard. The helpless young woman shrieked again as theagony of the lash ripped right into her core. Indescribable pain filled herravaged mammary glands. It took all of her considerable willpower to limither reaction to a long scream. For a moment she felt a compelling urge to begfor mercy, to offer anything they wanted so that this excruciating torturewould cease. But her pride and anger re-emerged dominant in her senses andshe remained quiet.
Jones knew she was getting close to breaking, though. He knew no woman couldwithstand this form of brutal punishment for very long.
While Jones was evidently pleased with the results of the change of approachin the punishment sentence and clearly relishing the task, his captain wasnot so satisfied. His sadistic desire to ensure this woman suffered to thegreatest extent possible was overwhelming. While the whipping was quite barbaricand obviously causing huge suffering to the helpless girl, he wanted perfection.In this position she still had too much room to move and in her frantic effortsto escape the lash, her body writhed and her breasts swayed and bounced makingit difficult to land the rod precisely across the broad aureoles and nipples.He wanted total control; the ability to strike this female's enormous breastsexactly where he desired.
"Stop!", he ordered. Jones, more than a little annoyed that hisenjoyment had been interrupted, ceased his lashing.
"Men", he ordered, "Untie the prisoner and re-tie her to thefront of the frame, facing the gallery. Bind her with the utmost security sothat she is unable to move her body even a fraction of an inch".
The men went to their task once more. They released the breathless Rani fromher bindings and dragged her to the front of the frame once more.
Use the strap, a heavy one mind, for this next session." Jones went to pickthe required implement. "Twenty lashes to each." added Steele.
Jones had picked a wicked looking strap. Two and half inch wide and a quarterinch thick, the leather was split at the end for about a third of its threefoot length. The other end was bound with thin cord to make a grip
"One more thing for this next phase", he said. "Give me somethin leather cord." A soldier brought him two lengths of thin cord. Hetook one and slid it under the curve of Rani's right breast until it met thehidden crease where it's base met her rib-cage. He looped it around and crossedthe cord on the top, pulling the ends tightly and constricting the full flesh.Rani looked down in horror and some pain as the meat at the base of her titwas cruelly constricted causing the breast itself to swell out like a balloon. "What,,,,whatare you going to do?", she asked in a trembling tone. Captain Steele smiled,enjoying the power he wielded and the terror he was able to impart to the helplessgirl. "Since you ask", he said, "Just firming up the flesh ofthis udder of yours so that Jones' implements can bite more effectively." "Please...",she pleaded softly. "No more. Have you not punished me enough." Steelegrinned. "My dear, we have not yet even begun to make you pay." Threetimes more, he wrapped the cord around the breast as close to her chest aspossible. When he had finished and tied the ends, her breast looked like asoccer ball, the flesh taught and the aureole even bigger than before withthe short, fat nipple pointing straight out from the distended globe.
Now only the ravages of their whips would cause the massive orbs to move.
"Let me just check the difference between them now," he said. Hedrew back his arm and without warning slapped hard, the left side of Rani'sfree right tit with the palm of his hand. It made a satisfying loud 'SLAP'and the fleshy hemisphere shook violently from the blow. 'Smack!' Again heslapped the breast as hard as he could. Rani yelped. Then he moved a littleto his left and brought the palm of his hand hard down onto the now harderright tit. A different sound, the firm flesh absorbing much less of the energy.
Jack was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. There was no way he was letting hisloud-mouthed sidekick have first crack at Teresa's delicious orbs after hehad gone to the trouble of tyin' em up in such a pretty package.
Teresa looked from one to the other in horror -- the cane's bite had beenappallingly painful before; the thought of Black Jack Slocum whipping her excruciatinglysensitive bound breasts with the wooden rod he was pounding into his palm wasinconceivable.
Ernie looked a little glum, but assented. "OK, Jack." Ernie, asalways, was deferential to the senior partner of the firm Slocum & Gibbs.
"Back against the bar, mija; you're gonna need somethin' to hold youup." Black Jack Slocum bared his fangs at Teresa as she tremulously backedup until the backs of her thighs pressed against a pair of barstools. Erniemoved one of the stools out of the way, and Jack the other, and then Jack putthe jagged tip of the broken broom handle into her belly button and pushedher backwards until her hips were flush against the edge of the bar.
Ernie had overcome his initial irritation; this promised to be good! Withevery passing second, Teresa's breast bondage seemed to make her tits swellup bigger and harder and rounder as they mushroomed boldly outward from theconstricting breast-ropes.
"I'm fixin' to take me a little batting practice Teresa," Jackgrinned. "Less'n you decide you wanna tell my third base coach, here,what you done with his money?"
It hadn't occurred to Ernie before, but in their trussed-up state, Teresa'sboobs did somewhat resemble a seamless pair of tawny, cocoa-tipped softballs.He couldn't wait to get his own hands on those babies, now that they were cinchedinto swollen spheres of pain!
Teresa's dark eyes were almost catatonic; she stared at Jack's weapon disbelievingly.But she did not, or could not, speak.
Jack stood slightly to Teresa's right and a few feet back -- far enough wayto build up some speed in his stroke.
"Batter up!" Ernie called out. "Step right up to the plate,partner,' Ernie cheered, "and let's see you lay into them beisbols! Theycalled him "Joltin' Jack, The Texas Thunderbolt" back in east Texas,mija. Sweetest home run swing you ever saw!'
Teresa's tear-filled dark eyes were aghast with horrified disbelief. " can't.."
"Yeah, but I'm a little outa practice, Ern. But let's see if I can'tsmack me a double," Jack grinned as he leered down at the bloated brown-tippedspheres that so provocatively protruded from the tit-choking ropes.
The words were hardly out of his mouth when Jack swept his cudgel back withone hand and, then using an uppercut motion he swung it rapidly upward towardthe taut undercurves of Teresa's bulging lust-globes with a swing worthy ofthe great Cap Anson himself.
WHUPPPPPP!!!, the improvised bat embedded itself deep in Teresa's abusedbreastflesh, its jagged end raking her left breast.
"Aaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeeaahhhh!!" Teresa screamed, as she sank toher knees in unspeakable agony.
"Stand up, slut," Jack barked. "I fouled that one off. I'mgoing for the fences next time. Andale!"
As their tortured prisoner struggled to her feet, Ernie noted that Jack'sswing had opened up a fresh gash a little below the nipple on Teresa's swollenleft breast.
"Yeahhh, you got some good wood on that one, Jackson," Ernie enthused,as a second thin stream of crimson began to flow. "But you got under thatone a little. Let's see you straighten out that swing this time."
Jack grinned down at his diminutive companion. And then, like a good batsman,he practiced his stroke by slowly taking the blood-stained rod back on a horizontalplane and then deliberately bringing it forward, until it softly kissed thepoints of Teresa's rigid brown nipples, daubing the left one blood-red as itdid so. Twice more he repeated this motion, grooving his stroke. The tasty-lookingtips of Teresa's breasts were visibly quivering in terror.
"Hold still, darlin'," Jack warned, "Or I'm gettin' out thematches again." Teresa took a deep breath trying to compose herself --anything was better than the infernal matches.
"That's better," Jack acknowledged and he took the rod all theway back, extending his long and powerful right arm to its fullest, and thenswept it forward with a savagery that would have propelled a baseball to thedeepest reaches of a Texas ballfield.
"WHHUPPPPPP!!!!" This time the solid wooden rod unleashed everyscintilla of its violent energy on the very centers of Teresa's breasts, hammeringher dark chocolate nipple-buds violently back into the surrounding breastflesh.Once again the rough edges of the club-end stabbed into her swollen globe.
"AAAAAAAUGGGGHHHHHAAAAAHH!!!" Teresa screamed the screams of thedamned, as she absorbed the atrocious punishment. Once again she crumpled slowlyto the floor, where she knelt between the domineering twosome, choking backsobs of pain.
Amazingly, though, when Jack had pulled the broomhandle back, Teresa's batteredbrown nipple-nuggets had sprung back at him with a youthful resilience thatwas remarkable to behold.
Jack had to give her credit. He had ripped into her tits with everythinghe had, but still she would not talk. He was more than ever convinced thatTeresa didn't have Ernie's dough.
But Ernie wasn't. He had been concealing something behind his back sincehe'd come out of the kitchen.
"Sorry, sweetie. We ain't done with you yet. And we won't be until Iget my dough! On yer feet!"
The raven-haired Latina once again climbed unsteadily to her feet, her facestreaked with tears, her breathing ragged.
"N-n-no ... please
The Captain recognized the surprise and slight degree of shock in the expressionsand body language of some of the dozen or so newcomers, especially the women.He decided to provide some additional context to help them become more comfortablewith the proceedings.
"I sense some discomfort," he said, reassuringly, "Among some of our newguests regarding the substance and form of the punishment sentence being conducted.It is entirely natural for this to seem shocking to those of you unaccustomedto witnessing such scenes. But let me remind you that the methods and severityof the sentence being employed are entirely consistent with the terrible natureof the crimes committed by this woman who helped organize the massacre of yourcountrymen and women. Our purpose here today is to ensure that she suffersthe to the maximum possible and we intend to use all of the means at our disposalto see that this happens. My men have both knowledge and experience of thiswith both men and women. They know that
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William picked me up from a hostel and told me to bring all my stuff, as I would be staying with him that night. We went out and partied hard with people from all over Europe. Then we went back to his place. He brought me up to his room and we immediately were making out on his bed. I was sitting up on my knees as both of us were pulling my clothes off and I squirmed about in a sexual way, knowing what was about to happen. I couldn't help much with his because I was pretty smashed at that...
Hi friends this is Harsha once again. a million thanks to ISS for publishing my stories, now I got lot of chat friends and well wishers around me I’m really thank ISS from my heart. New to my story please read the previous part of Guna my partner 1,2,3,and 4. now let us continue to my life, after the shit thing we guna and Suresh once again had some good sex with my mom, I just sucked and licked both guys ass and cock from that Suresh start to stay in our house itself he very rare go to his...
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Wife LoversVoluptuous nurse Blondie Fesser has had her eye on her colleague Briana Bounce for months, fingering herself every night to the thought of the curvaceous Russian rascal’s tongue exploring her clit. The problem is that Briana is straight. But today Briana calls her and asks her if she can take her shift for that night so she can go on a date with a guy. Blondie agrees — but only if Briana will do something for her! Briana starts her countdown to blastoff by fingering her dripping...
xmoviesforyouLena Paul is killing time on social media. Wondering why she still has an account on this damn site, she regrets ever logging in. When she stumbles upon a picture of her ex, Casey Calvert, she can’t believe her luck; she still looks amazing! She stares at her picture wondering how long it’s been since she last saw her. She suddenly notices a phone number. Could this be her chance to rekindle something with her long-lost love? She stares at the screen and wonders if she should call...
xmoviesforyouKaren’s directions to Thor and Tanya, saying anything goes, were finally affecting her body. Her stomach was constantly churning, filled with a variety of liquor, pills, and human waste. Her body was continually shivering and cold, yet her ass and pussy felt as if they were on fire. Her face was unrecognizable to those who know her, with a combination of dripping cum, and most anything available liquid smeared over it. She was soon feeling sick from the latest excrement down her...
It had been maybe four or five days since he had made it with a woman. He had been buried, figuratively in paperwork and general pencil pushery. Slade, his gray-haired, wide-bellied boss counted on him to make him look good, and he had clutched it out over a grueling two-day period. He was very professional, but now that business was taken care of, it was time to take care of business. He rubbed his eyes as he walked around his huge desk, and made a beeline from his study to his room, where he...
I realized that I might not be able to stop the trend that's going on here, other than shutting down. I had to find a way to make it work in my advantage. I thought of a few ideas, but needed to run them by Karen and get her opinion on them. Even though it is kind of late I called her to see if she could come down. She answered with a what do you want. I asked if she can come down to the gym, I need your opinion on some changes I want to make here. She hell no I am balls deep in a sissy slave I...
It’s got to be secret hasn’t it? You can hardly go up to a girl and tell Her, can you? The conversation would go like this:“Hullo Miss, you don’t know me, but I‘ve been worshipping you for some time. I’m not making a pass, that’s not what I do. I’m just a wanker, I only look at girls, I don’t do dating or anything like that, in fact I’m amazed I’m talking to you as usually I’m too bashful and tongue-tied, specially when it comes to girls I worship so much, like I do you.“I’m not sure what else...
Tony should have been on seventh heaven after that experience. But one thing nagged at him.“Why... why did you kiss my feet?”“I am parachi, you are karaiyar. For centuries my people have prostrated themselves before you.”“No! I don’t believe in the caste system. We are equals.”“I was only teasing,” She grinned. “Your parents were telling me how the community here thinks of caste. I did not tell them, but actually they are stuck in the eighties. In Sri Lanka, we have moved on. The rebels did not...
First TimeThe vid started with a close up of a hard penis. Frank had a 60” TV. The image filled the room!This guy was very thick, had a big tip and large, purple veins bulging out. A hand entered the screen and grabbed it tightly, showing how impressively thick it was. A girl’s mouth entered the picture and started slowly nibbling its way down the shaft. Two thirds of the way down her mouth reached her hand.i was totally amazed how big it looked on the screen. It was as if it filled the entire room. The...
It seemed to her like a crazy idea at first, to go out on a boat ride like this. When you went out with a boy, everybody knew you went to a movie or maybe an amusement park, or you went to sit on a bench or just hang around on the street. Of course some of them just wanted to park somewhere, but Jasmine didn't go for that -- or only for part of the date. This boat thing was really different from anything she had ever heard of anybody doing. And she found that it really was different. The sky...
Mia Lelani has been on quite the fitness journey, but now when she wakes up in the morning she is seeing results and feels great about herself. Being in shape makes her feel younger and more likely to get some great cock. After weighing herself and checking her bodyfat, Mia made her way to the kitchen for a pre workout shake, then set up her yoga mat and thighmaster so she can start getting to work Just as she began, one of her neighbors came by to share some details about the neighborhood...
xmoviesforyou'Creak... creak... creak...' came the soft footfalls upon the basement steps. 'Pat... pat... pat..." whispered the quiet sound of bare feet on the concrete floor outside my bedroom. 'Eee...' the moan of protesting hinges desperately in need of oil. Then came the barely heard footfalls upon my bedroom carpet followed by the whisper of clothing hitting the floor. I knew who it was and why she was in my bedroom. She wanted to torment me yet again. I had been home a little over four weeks and damn...
Chapter 7: More PantiesI had just received the best handjob of my life. I lay cuffed to her bed, my smooth slender body glistening with sweat. It had just hit me that my loving, caring girlfriend had locked my cock back up in a pink chastity cage. My heart sunk. But I remembered my determination to be a perfect boyfriend for her. Once she took the gag out, I meekly asked her when she would let me out next. She replied "When the time is right, sweety" as she planted a a warm kiss on my quivering...
I Slip Up Big Time On the following Saturday I picked Katie up in the car at her home promptly at 2.00am as I had promised. She sat very close to me all the way to the shopping centre with her hand possessively placed inside my pants on my cock well hidden under my raincoat as I drove. When we parked on the deserted top floor of a multi storey car park She crushed her young body against mine, her hand continued to play with my cock and I in turn was busy fondling and sucking her breasts, as...
Hana Ito is a young schoolgirl living in Japan. She has long brunette hair, that falls below her shoulders. Bright purple eyes with long lashes, and a petite figure contrasted dramatically by her large perky breasts. She’s an enthusiastic girl, and her friends would describe her as polite and soft spoken. She usually takes on the role of the older sister in the group too, offering emotional support and encouragement. For all her charm she isn’t always the most studious, often passing her...
TeenZia dreamed of a naked man kissing and sucking her. She felt her nipples tightening again and the wetness in her pussy had started again. This was not normal, she thought quickly before she felt her body heating yet again. She gasped. She wanted the man to take her hard, and she tried to reach for him, to hold him closer to her, to have a hard cock inside of her body. Suddenly she felt a weight on top of her and she gasped as she realised this was no dream after all. A large man was lying...
They each took a side of me, but Avery still didn't appear to be all that enthused, though. Nevertheless, she did help herself to feel my left tit. She didn't speak, but I could tell by her vibrations that she liked it."Go ahead, Avery lick her nipple or kiss her. She's a sweet woman and not just the bitch you've branded her as, remember," Scarlet made clear, before I felt her licking my other nipple."Fine, Scarlet," she groaned, prior to bringing her head towards mine. "I don't hate you,...
LesbianIt's a dark night in the beautiful region of Alola, your brand new home. You and your mother have just moved to the tropical region after some......difficulties back home with your father. Let's just say there's a very good reason for your mother wanting to move as far away from Kanto as possible. The best part about the move is the fact that the Pokémon Professor, Kukui wants to give you a Pokémon of your very own! Which works well with you since you were never able to go on your journey in...
Want to share one of the most memorable incident of my life the memories of which r still a fresh in my mind… As my college was quite far from my place I lost most of the time traveling 2 and from, so I rented a room near my college vicinity, my landlords were very friendly and nice people the had a daughter Anjali. She was in 12th standard; she was very cute looking gal with a very nice physique with 34 c boobs fair in complexion and around 5’3 inches tall. It so happened 1 day that I came...