Pilgrim Tour With Mummy
- 4 years ago
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There was much for her to learn and Alicia became more and more aware of her ignorance with each passing day. Rona was very good about sending people to her who could train her in the arts that she was to learn and she was a bit put out when she began to comprehend the delicate nuances of her arts.
Janet worked with her and taught her all that she knew about using the instruments of flagellation and Alicia became very expert. Rona sent Orville to her every day and she whipped him and enjoyed doing it.
It was very strange to her but she seemed to enjoy abusing Orville more than anyone else and she spent a great deal of her time thinking up new ways to humiliate him or hurt him.
But, Orville adored her. And she was equally fond of him. It was her hope that she might marry Orville and thus have him for her very own for always. When she spoke to Rona about such an arrangement, the tall brunette smiled and said that she would think about it. Perhaps, if she turned out to be a very good girl and she worked hard, who knows? She might get her own villa and her own little husband and all the money and furs and jewels that she might want.
"You are so very lovely, Alicia," Rona said, patting her cheek and kissing the soft, sullen mouth. "I have great hopes for you and if you work out as I plan, I shall give Orville to you, to do with as you choose."
She had to be content with that. But, Orville came to her each day and she became fascinated with him. Perhaps it was his docility that appealed to her, perhaps it was his looks. She did not know why she felt as she did toward Orville. But, she was sure that she had fallen in love with him.
Very early in her career, Rona gave her a diary and she told her of the importance of writing things down in it.
"When you write in your diary, dear," Rona explained, "you can enjoy your little experiences all over again. You'd be surprised how much pleasure you can know by writing things down. And, later, if you think you should reread some of the things that you have learned it is all there for you to look at and review. I write in my diary each night before I go to bed. I find that I enjoy doing it."
And Alicia found that she did enjoy writing in her diary. And, she was quite candid about the things that she put down...
She would write in her diary at night, before she slept, and she would work on it in the mornings, too. She liked to get up early and write things down while Arturo and Janet still slept. She would get herself excited thinking about and writing about the things that she wrote and then she would want sex with her young slaves. She would assault Arturo, using her skilled tongue and sucking mouth to force several batches of honey from him. And then she would get into a sixty nine with Janet and they would feast upon each other's flesh and when Arturo was called upon to do so, he would screw one and then the other, adding his offerings to their frantic sixty nine. She loved her existence and she was a very happy girl...
And she put these things into her diary... "Dear diary," she wrote on the first page, "I have been here two weeks now and Rona says that I am progressing very well. She gave me this beautiful book and I know that she likes me. I hope that I can please her...
"Today was a very busy day for me. I worked hard and Janet helped me. I think that we whipped about twelve people. There was one pretty little brunette who comes from a very good family, and she comes to Rona's place for a week or two. Janet says that Rona charges these people about a thousand dollars a week but while they are here, they can enjoy anything that they wish to try. And, Rona told us that many of them come in pairs. A pretty girl will bring the man she hopes to marry and we are to teach him how to deal with her. When they leave, the boy is supposed to know just how to make her happy, and she is supposed to know what to do for him. Of course, if he is using the whips on her, she will do anything at all that he asks of her.
"We had such a couple today. But, they came to us after I had dealt with Orville so I wasn't really that much interested in them. You see, Orville came to me in the morning and Janet let him in. He was wearing a pair of shorts and I was sitting on the edge of the big coffee table and I crooked my finger and he came to me. I pushed his shorts down and then I began feeling his puffy balls and when he gasped in pain because my nails were hurting him, I gave him a very stern look and he began to cry.
"'I am going to whip you severely today, Orville, ' I told him, 'but first I must make you ready to be punished. If I touched these lovely things with a whip now you would pop and waste it all. You wouldn't want to do that now, would you?'
"He shook his head and he shivered a little as Janet finished taking his shorts off. I began sucking him and he popped as soon as I got him in my mouth. Janet got his shorts away from his feet and then she began handling his balls and when she felt his skin, she decided that he should have some of the depilatory and she smeared that all over him while I kept right on sucking him.
"Janet was watching me with a smile on her face. She knew that I loved sucking Orville.
"'Why don't you lie down, ' she said, 'and I will fuck him. That way you will get lots of goodies.'
"I really think that Janet gets a great deal of sexual pleasure out of strapping on the dildo and screwing Orville. She likes doing it to Arturo, too. Maybe she is becoming a bit perverted. But, I did lie down and Orville knelt astride me. Janet placed a pillow beneath my head so I could be comfortable and then she put the big dildo on and she rammed it into Orville and he began gushing into my mouth and I loved that. I just kept right on with Orville and Janet really screwed him thoroughly and I'm sure that she was being unnecessarily rough with him but Orville never complained. We could do anything that we wanted to him and he never complained.
"Even while I was busy sucking Orville, my mind was able to function and it dawned on me that Janet was jealous of Orville and that was why she was so mean to him. It seemed that she would really give him a marvelous whipping if she was jealous, so I took his cock out of my mouth long enough to tell Janet that I wanted her to discipline Orville while I continued to feed on him. I got a glimpse of the delighted smile that was on her face and then I saw that she was looking at Arturo's big hard-on and I told her that she could have some honey, too. She was still screwing Orville and she beckoned Arturo to come over. He sat astride my Orville's back facing Janet and she sucked him off many times while she kept on screwing Orville, and I was happy because the way she was grinding it into him was forcing more and more of his honey out and I was nursing on him like a hungry little girl.
"After a while I began to drift away because everything was nice and I was having such fun. And then Janet began using the whips on Orville and my boy really fed me then. I don't know why, but some men just keep spurting when they feel the whips. I guess that's part of why they want to be whipped in the first place.
"Janet kept it up and kept it up and I guess I spent hours draining Orville, but Janet, very thoughtfully, put Arturo between my legs and he was eating me nicely and I was having a very lovely morning. A really grand time.
"Rona's voice spoke to us and she put an end to our party, but it was just as well because my poor Orville was pretty well thinned out. I stopped sucking him and when I got Arturo away from my cunt, I got up onto my feet and I could see that Orville's bottom and his balls were as red as fire and I knew that Janet had been especially mean to him. I told her to bathe him and then massage his bottom with the creams that fixed it right up and she took him off to the bathroom. A few minutes later I went in there and she was sucking his prick while he was sucking her little twat which she had jammed into his mouth. At first I was angry but then I just laughed. He had his legs up and she had rubbed his bottom and now she was doing even better. I went back into my room again and I told Arturo to shower and put his shorts on. Then he could help me welcome our new customers.
"They arrived a moment or two later and the girl was exquisitely made. She was small and delicate and her soft brown eyes were gentle and extremely pretty. She was a blonde and her mouth was soft and full. She had a slow sexy smile and I liked her. The boy with her was not too tall for her. He had a nice companion for her because he was too gentle, too mild. She would require a mean bastard who would whip her and hurt her and treat her to the most glorious ecstasies of all. That was the way she was and she knew it.
"'Hello, ' she said, smiling at me. 'My name is Jean and this is Tod. Rona sent us up to you for attentions. I am very pleased to meet you.'
"The boy didn't say a word. She was wearing a peasant blouse that was transparent and her beautiful boobs were quite visible. They were lovely, and she wore shorts, exposing lovely young thighs. The prospect of abusing both of them thrilled me and I intended to get as much pleasure out of their sessions with me as they did.
"Janet and Orville came out of the bathroom then and Orville was wearing a pair of shorts and a happy smile. Janet, of course, had put on shorts and a halter, too. She smiled at Jean and Tod and then she went with Orville to the door. She let him out and then she returned to us. Janet was so pretty and I privately suspected that it was because she was getting so much honey all the time. They do say that a girl who has a steady diet of sucking cock will develop a beautiful complexion, a bright and cheerful personality and glowing, healthy hair. Janet had all of these things in abundance, and they say that I do, too. But, then, I am always sucking somebody. I think it is my nature to suck.
"I must admit that I was very much surprised when Rona came to visit with us before I got a chance to do anything to our guests. But that was fine, because she wanted to watch and she seemed eager to tell me a bit about the beautiful young people we were going to deal with.
"'Jean here is the daughter of a very rich shoe manufacturer in Paris. Her father has many millions and she has many millions, too. But, she has an insatiable desire to be whipped, to be hurt, and to satisfy her desires she pays much money. Don't you, dear?'
"The girl Jean was looking at Rona and there were tears shimmering in her eyes. She nodded when Rona asked her a question.
"'Oh, yes, ' she said. 'You know me so well. I have to be attended to properly so that I may rid myself of the demons which taunt me every day of my life. Tod will learn how to help me and we will marry and I shall be very happy. But, you must teach Tod.'
"Rona said, 'I will help you with this pair. And we will all have a very nice time.'
"Rona was dressed in a soft, clinging shift of jersey and the way it clung to her body it showed everything. I could tell that Rona was very excited and she would want lots of attentions too. She had not brought Nick with her and while I wanted to ask where he was, I didn't. I just didn't know what I could say to Rona and what I should not say.
"Janet became very helpful right then. Rona sat down and she was smiling at Jean and her friend Tod and I could see that Rona really liked Tod. I think that Jean knew it, too, but she didn't care. Janet went to her and she was very nice and kind to Jean. Rona and Tod were eyeing each other and they looked like a couple of animals. I decided right then and there that if I got the chance to hurt Tod I would do it. I sort of liked Jean.
"Janet spoke to Jean. 'I think that you should take your things off now.'
"It was very strange but when Janet spoke to Jean like that, Jean's whole face changed and she became very meek and docile and very sleepy-like. She shifted right into a state where it was like she was hypnotized. Janet held out her hand for the halter and when Jean took it off her pretty little breasts sprang from her chest and stood out like pretty little pears. The nipples were like the erasers on new pencils and when Janet pinched the little nips, Jean gasped and then she moaned and we could see a quick triangle of wetness at her crotch. Janet smiled at her and Rona kept staring at Tod while she spoke to me.
"'I think that Jean will have a nice time if you put a string around her nipples and keep tightening it as you punish her. I'm sure that she will enjoy that.'
"'Yes, Ma'am, ' Janet said.
"She seemed to know all about how to make that little trick work. She told Jean, sharply, to get out of her shorts. The girl obeyed her, moving slowly almost like she was drunk. She was shaking and I know that I was surprised to find that she had not wet herself which is what I had supposed. She just came easily under the proper circumstances and being with us and knowing what was coming was the proper circumstances, it seemed like. She was made very nicely, very delicately and it was a shame that she was the way she was, because if she wasn't careful someone was liable to mark up that beautiful young body of hers.
"Janet found some string and she began tying loops around Jean's boobs and the girl began weeping and gasping as soon as Janet pulled the strings tight. She was being hurt horribly but she was loving every second of it all. Watching her face, you could see that she was having lovely little thrills all through her boobs and of course she was feeling nice sensations in her twat, too.
"I was about to pick up the whip and begin giving her tits some attention but Rona told me to let Janet do it, and that was all right with me. Rona had Tod get naked and she pulled him into her crotch and she made him eat her while she prepared to watch Jean get a going over from my little Janet. Rona had lots of plans for Tod. Janet began stroking Jean's breasts almost gently but the tips of the leather strands attached to the handle were stinging the delicate flesh and it began to turn red and the plump, firm breasts began to swell as Janet's blows became stronger and hurt more. Rona laid back on her chair and it became a couch, and as she settled herself comfortably, she pulled Tod's head up so that she could kiss his face. Her hand was on his dick and she pushed it right into herself and then she began screeching and squirming as Tod began giving it to her with a real wild fury. She must have been a good lay because Tod popped his nuts in a hurry but he just kind of paused a little, then he gasped for breath and went right at it again.
There was no sleep for any of them that first night. The girl, Janet was so pretty, so eager to be useful and helpful to Alicia, and she was very much the dominating force in the young boy's life. Janet explained to Alicia that the boy was her devoted slave, obsequious in the extreme and Janet hastened to assure Alicia that they could do anything to Arturo and he would accept it because he was a very mild mannered youth and he knew that he belonged to Janet and that both of them were now the...
Alicia and the others did not swim for very long. After a while she noticed that couples were leaving the pool and going back into the house. Rona and Nick were having coffee at their table and finally, Rona beckoned to Alicia and she and her slaves got out of the pool and went over to the table. "It is time for us to leave," Rona said. "We will have some coffee served in my suite and you and I can look at our nice people and see how they are occupied at the moment. Come along. You won't...
When she thought about it, afterwards, Alicia decided that attending the party that Rona gave for her guests and for her own entertainment, too, was one of her nicest experiences ever. The party lasted for most of the night and she was able to be with Rona and Nick and learn many new tricks. Rona told her about the parties when they had dinner together. "I'm sure you know, dear," Rona said, "that different acts or activities give different people the very ultimate in sexual pleasures....
It was almost lunch time when Alicia woke the next morning. She stretched luxuriously in her big bed and when she saw that Arturo was awake and ready for attention she began her day by sucking him off. She shifted in the bed and because she was exceptionally excited, she found Janet's little honeypot and began sucking that too. Janet whimpered in extreme pleasure and she parted her legs even further so that Alicia could enjoy her to the utmost. Janet woke up and she shifted in the bed so...
In spite of Rona's desire to have Alicia installed in her own mansion quickly, a long time passed before it actually took place. But, for Alicia, the time of waiting was a time of learning and there were many lovely experiences that she was able to enjoy. Rona owned a beautiful house that was high up on a hill and she had the problem of furnishing it with the very special type of furniture that would lend itself to sexual games and activities of carnal glee. Janet and others of great...
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MatureI bounced the tennis ball lightly off the dirty storefront window. Only 7:52, I thought to myself as I caught the ball coming back towards me. Still over an hour before we shut this shithole place down. Who shops for dog toys and fish food on Friday night anyway? I was getting anxious about going out already but I still had to run home and change out of this stupid uniform before I met Leslie at her house. I had been to the house this party was at once before with her but she had...
During my time in the forces, i was deployed to the gulf for a period of about 6 months which is long enough for some. We used to pull into one of the ports about every 3-4 weeks. During this deployment he had an american traslator, ashlee, on board for various reasons. I never really spoke with her as she wasn’t my cup of tea but god did she have a pair of tits!! We pulled into Dubai this time, got off the ship and got on the booze as you do. Now there were about 4 of us guys and 2 girls...
(Important note: this story is largely non-erotic, any sex that occurs will happen only when logically demanded by the plot and is incidental to the main thrust of the tale. If it does happen it will be suitably steamy however...) It is the Year 2532. In the wake of the 'Miranda Wave' public outcry on the core worlds has completely revised the government of the Alliance and ousted its former leadership. Gone are the days of secret eugenics projects on backwater worlds and training facilities...
‘Hi, Chayne! What you like today?’ says the Salon owner. We are going to go with French tips for the pedicure and I would like Shellac for my manicure. Also I need to have a waxing session with whoever is in today. ‘Okay, girl. Have a seat and we will be right with you.’ Chayne likes to be waited on. Her job involves customer service which she delivers exceptionally well so when it is her turn to receive she expects perfection. The only thing with expectation is it always disappoints. Chayne...
She set her phone down and said out loud, “I really do love you but my hungry cunt needs more meat than any one man can provide.” Then she did something that seemed both crazy yet terribly erotic. She spread her legs as wide as they would go and in a move that was incredibly agile she bent forward at the waist and slipped her legs behind her shoulders and planted her mouth over her glistening oily cunt and gave her slit a passionate french kiss. Then she actually started talking to her pussy....
As our erections slowly began to melt away, both George and Tom walked up and shook my hand. “Long time, no see. How’ve ya been, Charlie?” asked Tom. “Just fine, Mr. Nelson, but I’m sure my face is ten shades of red at the moment. Pretty dirty trick!” “Actually, your Dad got me the same way the first time we came out here,” he confessed. “He started talking about all the sex he was having with your Mom, and my little prick was at full attention when he dragged me out to meet the other...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 19 vayathu pennai usar seithu aval veetil yarum ilatha pozhuthu oothen. Vaarungal eppadi oothen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil solgiren. En peyar Prakash, vayathu 24 aagugirathu. En veethiyil puthithaaga oru kudumbam kudi vanthu irukiraargal, avargal veetirku naan oru naal sendru irunthen. Appozhthu oru azhaga pen kathavai thiranthu vanthu ena vendum endru ketal? Aval azhagil naan mayangi poi viten. Velaiyaaga kerala pen pola sexiyaaga...
"Hi mum," I said as I entered the living room."Hi Steve," my mum smiled. She was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, which was at the back of the single-storey house she and I lived. "How was school?" she asked."The usual, boring," I replied, dumping my schoolbag on the floor and kicking my trainers off. I didn't do too badly at school, and was an ace at sports, but like most fifteen-year-old boys I didn't exactly find it terribly thrilling. It was nice to be home.My mum, Helen,...
Introduction: my first experience Hi my name is Mark and this story is about my childhood and my earliest memory of my mom being a pervert.of coarse back then I did not know what was going on. After I came of age in my late teens I realized my mom liked little boys. I guess my first memory was when I was about 8. My mom always gave me baths and one day she was drying me off and I got hard. I can remember she kept rubing it with her hand. I just stood there in the tube and smiled cause it felt...
It was a hot spring day, a day of my life I would never forget. I was currently dating this guy named Eddie. I am a well portion woman, I have the long pretty hair, full lips on both ends. I can make a dress pucker up a little in the back, my hips are pushed out like a coke cola bottle. Breast are little more than a mouth full, along with my pecan color skin. I am the total package for most men.Eddie on the other hand, is a very slim thug type guy. He has these long dreadlocks that falls...
Real estate can be one of the best careers around. You get to see the interiors of all the fancy houses in town, you meet fascinating people, you set your own work schedule, and you help families fulfill their dreams of home ownership. On the flipside, at certain times of the year, it can-and will-suck up every moment of time you'll give it. Last night, after a weekend of open houses and showings, I arrived home just after 8:30. My husband, bless his heart, greeted me with a glass of wine and...
I was just 15 yrs old when a older couple taught me all about sex. I was taught by this couple how to fuck a girl and a man. I was taught how to be fucked by a man. I learned how to suck cock and how to do a 3some. They were a nice couple in their early sixties. I moved in with my dad when I was 15; my parents had divorced and now I needed discipline from my Dad; according to my mother. I remember her saying, ‘he will make a man out of you.’ My Dad did a lot of repair side jobs and...
Virtually the entire tribe of Celestialites came out to the open ground in front of the temple to welcome home Scott and his squad. Most were surprised to see them back so soon and even more surprised to see the strangely dressed man they had with them. David and Beckie made their way to the front of the crowd and greeted the squad. "It's good to see that you're still in one piece all of you. We didn't expect you back for a while yet. Come on, tell everybody what you have achieved!"...
Dosing Cheryl proved difficult. She had a subtle distrust of people that I never noticed until I tried to get her a drink. At first, I thought she avoided allowing me do things for her because of our roles, but after a frustrating couple of days I paid closer attention to how she interacted with anyone near her. It was small things. Cheryl's body moved around people in an unconscious fashion, as if they were furniture that she did not want to bump into. Her shoulders tensed when someone...
Judy Carlson arrived the wrestling gym late that night. She had such a rough day at her job now it's time to get in the ring and learn some things from the girls. However most of the girls had gone home by that point. The only one left was the champion of the gym, Peggy Willis. Peggy was a very attractive woman in her early forties and muscular. She had dark raven hair pulled back in a long braid, and bright green beautiful eyes. Judy had looked up to penny for quite a while but never had a...
FetishStepping out of the plane Melissa took a look around and felt nature’s beauty calm her ruffled nerves. The golden sun was going down behind a green mountain, casting rays that made the clouds in the sky seem like layers of blood floating, mingling and threatening to pour down. Insects had begun to sing their night songs and the last chirps from the birds indicated the descending darkness that was soon going to shroud the trees. ‘Feels good to breathe in the fresh air doesn’t it?’ said Psyche...
Lindi set an unrelenting pace through the passage under the mountain, even Lori who knew first-hand what would happen if the Elves caught them, desired some time to rest. Finally Tamarilla gave an exasperated sigh and sat down. "I refuse to go any farther until I rest! My legs are very tired, I'm not used to the frantic pace you set Lindi. I'm thirsty too." The look on Tammi's face was stern and Belinda knew that stopping for a short time would be alright if it kept the group happy. I...
When I arrived at Joey’s for Spaghetti Monday, I sat outside in my car for a few minutes trying to figure out what to do about the situation I found myself in. Not only did I look like shit, had scratches on my face and was wearing clothes that were obviously not mine, but Suzi and her parents were in there. I was conflicted about how to explain my appearance to them. Joey thankfully sensed me and read my mind. He brought out some clothes I kept there for when I stayed the night like that...
Rhaya is having some trouble! Her voice is not up to par for an upcoming recital and practicing just isnt cutting it. She calls up one of her homies for some advice, and the regimen they prescribe is nothing short of insane! They suggest she suck on the biggest cock she can find and make sure she swallows all the cum. The only guy around is her stepdad, looks like she will have no choice. She approaches him just as he exits the shower and tells him the deal. He thought it was a bit...
xmoviesforyouThe huge dildo hypnotized Kyla. She saw Jill pass it to John and it seemed to beeighteen inches long and at least four inches in diameter. It was curved and it had abulbous head. It was black and sleek and they were going to put the thing inside ofher. She gasped and let out a loud keening wail."Shawn, pull her panties off," fired John. "Get her down on the floor and hold her legswide open," he ordered.In a daze she felt their hands on her. Her flimsy underwear was stripped off and shewas...