Figure 8 Ch. 02 free porn video

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Note from author:

Emma and Sylar’s relationship has plagued me for the last week with constant growth where I saw them as characters, not just pawns in a theoretically nice plot-line. If I manage to finish this story, I will most likely go back and edit to make the story run flawlessly. But right now, I need to get their story out before it bores me and I just stop writing. I’m apologizing for any little inconsistencies or overused metaphors in advance (mostly weird details like dates, moles, clothing or even unannounced friendships). I wish I could thoroughly plan out and write this story as a whole, edit and then submit, but I’m not that kind of writer. Thanks for understanding!

Emma wasn’t sure why she was so nervous. No. She knew exactly why. She always got speechless around hot, jaw-dropping men. Especially when they could hover effortlessly to her five foot two frame. Sylar was no exception to the rule – even if she wasn’t a fan of his long locks or unshaved facial hair. He was the first real man that actually looked like he had dropped out of a catalog. It had to be the confidence, Emma breathed, but she didn’t dare study him when he was so close.

She never looked at him once, not even a smile in his direction. Was it because he spent most of the time naked in front of her? But she didn’t act this shy in front of the other porn stars, at least the women. He wasn’t even sure why he had followed her out, he had just wanted to talk to her but now it was just awkward. So he spent the short time in the elevator studying Emma Ramsay, approving everything about her.

Everything about her was delicate. He would have no shame admitting that he’d like her underneath him. Girls like her were so hard to come by, especially one that looked like he could surround completely in a hug. It wasn’t even a matter of weight. The girls he worked with were goddess – tall, leggy and extremely well gifted in the chest – and it was too scripted.

Emma looked like she had wandered through a thrift shop for men. Maybe was she wearing a boyfriend’s sweater? Sylar frowned, the thought of her having a boyfriend, of her unavailable, made him annoyed. How was he going to get to know her if she was being reserved? No wonder she never tried speaking to him.

He was about to ask about her weekend plans, to figure out if she was taken, when Emma shot out the doors as soon as they opened. She made a beeline for the exit.

She didn’t know why Sylar was staring at her like that. She could feel the weight of his gaze even without looking at him. And in her head, all she could picture was him naked. She couldn’t even look at his feet because that meant envisioning his legs, and then his penis… all nine inches of engorged flesh. No. Stop. Shaking the image from her mind, Emma kept walking as fast as her short legs would take her.

All of a sudden she felt herself thrown back, the back of her head slammed straight into a hard surface. A car sped past her with a series of loud honks. Emma squealed as she felt an arm wrapping around her, pulling her up and back until she was well off the street. Emma panicked, trying to wiggle free of the tight grip, but the person was digging into her hard, as if letting go weren’t an option.

‘Fucking hell, Emma. You nearly died.’

She grew rigid as she recognized the voice to be none of than Sylar’s. He was breathing heavily over her head, and as she used both hands to try and pry his iron-clad arm away, she couldn’t help but secretly enjoy the warmth of his body. He smelled so masculine, musky and an underlying scent that she could vague recognize whenever…

‘Oh let me go. You didn’t even shower yet, let me go!’

Emma squirmed as if Sylar was burning her. He tightened his hold at first, enjoying the way she rubbed against him. Sylar bent his knees a little, lowering himself so that her ass rubbed the right spot.

‘Let me go!’

She jerked out of his grasp, falling into the street again. Another car had been coming so fast that he almost didn’t make it. ‘Fuck,’ he cursed, yanking the filmsy girl back on the pavement. All immoral thoughts drifted from his mind as he looked Emma over to make sure she was okay.

‘You should watch where you’re going.’

Emma flinched at his harsh tone and averted her gaze. His eyes were knitted in anger. She wriggled her arm. ‘I’m sorry.’

Why the fuck was she apologizing? Sylar stared right into her eyes, her doe-like eyes that slowly filled with trepidation until he realized he was still holding on.He let go, and Emma jumped out of his reach.

Her actions only made him want to grab her right back and prove that there was nothing to be afraid of. Instead he left his hand go through his hair, stamping down the desire to hold her again. That and he was used to women walking away when they didn’t really mean it. Most of them expected to be grabbed – he noticed Emma speeding down the dark street and swore aloud. Was she born an idiot?

The pounding of his steps came closer and closer. Emma tried to walk away from him as fast as possible, but his legs were much longer. Why was he following her? He even snorted when her pace became a quick jog. Didn’t he have somewhere to be?

‘You should get a cab from here,’ he said as they stopped at a red light. While walking, he had noticed two dark figures watching her, following her. Not missing a beat, Sylar moved as close to her as possible, until he felt the heat of her body through his filmsy shirt. ‘Or ask Greg to call you one from the studio.’

‘It’s okay.’ Emma didn’t want to admit that it was too expensive. ‘The bus on the main street takes me straight home.’

‘The main street is ten blocks from here.’

‘I’m a fast walker.’

Sylar nearly missed her darting across the crosswalk. He had to jog to catch up with her and when they reached the sidewalk again, he tried to grab her arm. From the corner of her eyes, Emma saw something reach for her and sped up.

‘Fucking hell,’ Sylar hissed as he grabbed air. He walked beside her, keeping an eye out for strangers. ‘Emma, did you walk home last week?’

‘Yeah, it’s fine.’

‘Says the girl who nearly got run over.’

Emma rolled her eyes. I wouldn’t have gotten run over if I wasn’t trying to get away from you, she thought. Why was he following her anyway? She was pretty sure she heard the girl invite him over to her place to finish up whatever business they had. And she was pretty sure he agreed to it too. So why was he here?

‘Look,’ he sighed, walking beside her without breaking a sweat, ‘if you’re not going to get a cab then I’m going to at least see that you get home safe.’

Home? Like all the way, including the bus ride home? She halted in her steps, turning around to face him. For the first time she wasn’t afraid to get in his face. He was heads taller than her, but damn him if he was going to know where she lived. She didn’t need anybody in her neighborhood recognizing her with him of all people.

‘Stop. I told you I can get home fine.’

It was Sylar’s turn to roll his eyes. ‘Baby, what you’re saying and what that man,’ he pointed to a silhouette in the alleyway that quickly moved out of sight, ‘is thinking are complete opposites.’

‘I’m not your responsibility!’

Emma pouted. This bastard was making her life unnecessarily harder. After all, she wasn’t stupid. She had an idea of how unsafe the area was, but the key was to walk as if she belonged. Now Sylar was drawing more attention to them than if she had walked by herself.

‘I’ll be fine. Just leave me alone, okay?’

Just as Sylar was about to respond, his phone rang. Emma watched as he picked up the call, muttering yes and nods. Something sparked across his face and he closed his eyes in pleasure. ‘Mm,’ he said, ‘that sounds nice. Okay. I’ll be on my way back.’

Typical, she huffed as Sylar hung up. He h
eld his phone in his hands, flipping it back and forth as he spoke.

‘Alright, fine. I’ll leave you alone since you want that so bad.’

All that determination gone at the promise of sex! He was leaving her to die for a booty call. Emma held her hands into small little fists as she spat out a harsh, ‘Thanks a lot,’ and starting stomping her way home.

She barely made two steps before he grabbed her arm again. Emma fell backwards, colliding into his shoulder. Sylar steadied her without a second thought. He threw one arm over her shoulder and dug deep into his pockets with the other.

‘Do you have a pen,’ he mumbled, his breath in her hair. She smelled so good he didn’t bother hiding as he smelled her again. Emma dug into her bag for one and handed it to him. ‘Thanks.’

Emma scowled as he put the pen in his mouth and started absentmindedly chewing. Herpes! Her pen could have herpes now… she made a mental note to throw it away. Then Sylar groaned, and gave up digging. Without warning, he took her hand. It was in a fist again.

Sylar shook out her wrist until her hand loosened up. Then he spread her palm open, took the pen out of his mouth and started writing. Emma twisted as the nib tickled her. While she was completely unaware of how she was slowly backing up against an extremely turned-on porn star, Sylar had to fight the sounds from escaping his throat. He couldn’t wait to get back to the studio. As if Ashlynn calling him to whisper every dirty thing she wanted to do wasn’t enough, now he had to suffer through a growing erection with no immediate relief.

‘There,’ he finished with a strain.

Emma stared at the scribbles on her hand. She knew it was a phone number but ‘What am I supposed to do with this.’ She thrust her palm in his face. She didn’t want it.

‘Call me when you get home. So I know you’re safe, okay?’

Without thinking, he brushed the hair from her face and kissed her on the forehead before racing in the other direction. Emma stared at the number on her hand and the disappearing figure who was hurrying on his way to his next orgasm.

‘Good,’ she huffed and started trekking her way home. But with each step she eventually found herself growing extremely bitter until she was stomping her way all the way to main street. Was this how all guys operated? Chivalrous because they had nothing else to do?

Oo and he had to kiss her on the forehead to pretend like he cared. He was probably hoping to follow her home to fuck her, and then leave like nothing happened. She wondered if there was an on going bet at the studio – wondered if the whole crew was in on it. ‘Let’s all see who can fuck the virgin,’ she taunted underneath her breath. Of course he would run when another hot girl called. All men did.

Emma felt her ego drop into a bottomless abyss. She couldn’t keep Adam’s attention after he openly admitted that he wanted to kiss her. The numbers in her palm taunted her the same way Adam’s texts did. If she did text Sylar, and he actually texted back, she would be sucked into a loop. She wasn’t even sure she was over Adam… he had a knack of contacting her right when she wanted to give him up.

So no, she thought with determination, I’m not going to text him.

She spat in her hand and rubbed until the numbers were unreadable.

Sitting on the sofa, Sylar worked his way underneath Ashlynn’s shirt. Her nipples were hard beneath his fingers, and he loved how her breasts filled his aching hands. He flicked her nipples back and forth with his thumb. With the rest of his hand, he pushed aside her shirt until her tits were completely bare to his eyes. Ashlynn moaned as she felt Sylar’s mouth on her. He was always a much better fuck when the cameras weren’t on, so much more. She gasped as he bit down. Attentive.

‘Mm,’ she grabbed his hair and pulled him up for a long hard kiss. His tongue swept in her mouth, stroking her tongue against his until she was gasping for breath.

Everything about him was so fucking hard and hot. One of her favorite things was to rake her nails, against his chest or down his back, watching how his skin raised with red marks that lasted all throughout the night. Ashlynn kissed her way down his body until she reached the band of his pants. She could already feel him growing bigger.

‘Fuck,’ he hissed as she let his cock free. Her mouth immediately went over it, deep throating without abandon. His hips jerks up into her hollow mouth once, twice and then he grabbed her head to lift her off.

As much as he loved foreplay, they had the entire workday of it. ‘I already came twice today,’ he muttered, readjusting her body. He rubbed the tip of his cock against her pussy, letting her juices drip and lubricate his way in. Every now and then he slapped his cock against her clip, causing her to whimper. ‘So I’m just gonna fuck you now.’

Without warning, he flipped her onto her back, shoved a cushion underneath her hips and pushed himself in. He slipped right in, no hesitation or barrier, and began thrusting. Ashlynn rotated hips as he slid in and out, making sure to get deeper with each push.

Sylar arched his back, feeling the tip of his cock being squeezed tightly. Legs wrapped around him, pulling him further in. Deeper. He couldn’t wait. She was flexing her muscles, contracting around his cock until he was sure he was going to explode. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck,’ he muttered, thrusting his hips faster. Ashlynn screamed underneath him.

‘Yes! Yes. Oh my god, harder Sylar. Fuck, yes. Fuck me with your hard cock. Oh my god, it’s so deep.’ She pulled his head down and shoved her tongue in his mouth before sucking on his for all its worth. ‘Make me come. Right now. Now!’

His palm mashed her breasts for support as he threw all his weight into fucking her. Her cries were loud enough to bring the house down, and when he felt her convulsing around him, he merely fucked her harder. Ashlynn’s went wild, her legs failing to keep tight around him. But it didn’t matter. His hands went to cup her ass, pulling her tight against his groin as he grinded against her clit, throwing her into another orgasm.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuuuckk!!’

Unable to hold it in any longer, Sylar pulled out and began pumping thick ropes of cum over her stomach. He loved the way it landed on her. Like it was a part of her. Resting on her like diamonds and pearls. As he finished, he gave his dick a good squeeze and dropped on top of a laughing Ashlynn, reveling in the way her hands drifted over his body.

As soon as he caught his breath, he rolled over and reached for his pants. He searched his pockets for his phone, pulling out a pen and some receipts. He tossed those on the carpeted floor. Flipping his pants upside down, he shook them until his phone fell out onto the floor. There were over forty notifications and about twenty unread messages. Sylar rolled his eyes.

He moved to get out of bed when he left Ashlynn slap him lightly on the hip. ‘Just stay the night,’ she mumbled into her pillow. ‘It’s my super horny time of the month. I’m going to want you in the morning.’

He smirked as he crawled back into bed, shifting underneath the covers. When he was comfortable, he reached for Ashlynn’s hand and pushed it towards his soft cock. ‘Slow strokes, I don’t need to get hard, baby.’ Ashlynn smiled, her eyes still closed as she hummed and squeezed. He closed his eyes, feeling a heaviness over his eyes. While he wasn’t ready for the rest of the night, he was very much looking forward to the morning.

Sylar jolted awake. His eyes popped open as if lightning had struck his chest. His heart was beating rapidly with fear running through his mind. He had forgotten something. Last night. Something important. Drastically important. Carefully not to wake Ashlynn, he reached over the side of his bed to look at his phone. Forty notifications and twenty unread messages.

He typed in his passcode, scrolling through a load of
trivial things. Texts from Janice, Lexi and other girls he had worked with. Girls that texted him every weekend along with all the other stars they had worked with, looking for a fun night. While Sylar had been in several film orgies – they were always so fucking arousing – he was less keen to partake in an unplanned one. He finished reading his messages and started checking his email.

There was one from Nick about work. Work.


He looked back at his message, scrolling through the names. Not a single one from her. Did she get home okay? He shifted until he was sitting up, the blanket barely covering his lower body. Damn, why didn’t he take her number? Now he would never know… unless…

Greg Buchanan woke up to the worst alarm ever. He had a special ring tone made for Sylar, a stupid hope for the day they were both drunk and on their phone, ready for a fuck. But this morning was not the morning he wanted to hear a man screaming his way to an orgasm. It only sounded like a banshee crying. With fumbling fingers, he managed to answer the call.

‘What the fuck, Sylar.’

‘Morning to you, Greg.’

Greg tried not to look at the time. ‘What do you want?’

‘I was wondering, do you have Emma’s number? Emma Ramsay.’

If Greg hadn’t been awake then, he was certainly awake now. He swung his legs over the bed, sitting up and alert as he said very slowly, ‘Sylar, I told you to leave her alone.’

‘It’s not that. I just wanted to know if she got home okay.’


He heard Sylar sigh. ‘I left the studio with her after work. Did you know she walks through the ghetto to her bus stop? Anyway, I told her to give me a text when she got home. She didn’t.’

‘I’m sure she’s fine. Emma’s not the type – wait, I thought you left the studio with Ashlynn.’

There was a long pause on the other end.

‘I left with Emma first then Ashlynn called me over, so I went back.’


‘Listen, I just want Emma’s number. To see if she’s okay.’

‘And I’m not giving it to you. Emma made me promise not to give her number out to anyone, especially after Buddy – ‘

‘What did Buddy do to her?’

Fuck, Greg thought, mentally slapping himself, why couldn’t he just shut up. He cringed as Sylar started to threaten him. ‘Calm your fucking tits, boy. He was here for a shoot with Kendall and tried to chat her up. When she refused to give her number, he tried to steal it off the call sheet. Nothing happened.’

He waited for Sylar to respond. There was heavy breathing before anything further was said.

‘I won’t do anything to hurt her.’

‘Not the point, babe. A promise is a promise. You’re going to have to ask her for her number yourself.’ And with that Greg hung up, because he was dangerously close to giving Emma’s number up. Maybe it was paranoia or just plain fatherly instinct, but Sylar was right to worry. Stupid mouse, he thought as he picked up his phone, why would you go into a world of cats all alone?

Emma stared at the text message that had just appeared on her phone. Here she was, watching porn like any teenage boy, in the middle of a rare sunny Saturday, and then came this particular message that made her stop and think about life outside of her four walls.

Ever since she was young she preferred being alone. Talking took a lot of effort, like a game except all she could focus on was how to keep the other person interested. People always kept talking to her, asking her questions, her opinions, when she never really had any. It probably explained why she loved editing so much. It wasn’t about putting pictures together or the thrill of making a movie, it was about being in a dark room and getting lost in a whole nother world where nothing went wrong.

Until the real world came knocking via text message.

I’m in town for two months. Let’s meet up.

Adam Bates. Her hand was shaking as she thought about how to reply his text. She tried typing a few things. Sure! When are you… but the exclamation mark sounded too eager, and maybe she should wait a few days before texting him back. He would flake the first few times before eventually showing up on his terms.

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my girlfriend and i were driving down the road(i was driving) we had been together for awhile i had gone down on her, but she never really gave me head. well on this night we turned off on the usual road home and it was about 10 miles away from the next town it was dark outside. she leaned over and started kissing my neck. i told her this isnt fair im driving and your teasing me. she replied(i loved this part) ‘let me make it up to you’ she unzipped my pant pulled out my thich hard cock and...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Secret

My Wife and I are not prudes when it comes to Sex and her past sexual experiences' when she was single is not a Problem for me but for the most part a Turn On we have been Married for quite a few years and have shared a couple of MFM experiences , But as far as new she has never ventured out sexually with another Man alone --Until Now--.last week I discovered she has a Friendly relationship with a Younger Man that works in the same building as her Conversation and Flirting I was told in...

4 years ago
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new guy next door

It was summer i had turned 18 a couple of months before the start of my senior year in high school.I noticed that the for rent sign had been taken down on the flat next door. I could not help but wonder who might be moving in there. The very next day a moving van and a car appeared next door. I went over to the young muscular man and asked him if he was moving in he said yes and told me his name was David i said my name is James...

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My Three Sons 16 Out of the Bathroom

My Three Sons 16: Out of the Bathroom By Ron Dow75 Blond bobbed Jesse jiggled the locked knob and jiggled as she pounded on the bathroom door, "How long are you going to be in there?!" {She was standing in her bare feet sticking out of a gingham dress while forced to pay more attention on what was happening at the other end of her legs.} Brunet Winnie said, "I heard it takes women longer to do things in the bathroom." She was standing near her. {She was standing in black...

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Adult Theater Bukkake

I work up the other day feeling extremely horny and decided to wear some lingerie under my conservative work clothes. I choose a black outfit which consisted of a garter belt, stockings and a shelf bra and off to work I went. That mood stuck with me most of the day and on several occasions I hiked up my dress and played with my pussy in my office. I had been chatting with one of my Hamster friends and I suggested that I drive home with out my dress on and hoping others could see my in only...

2 years ago
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Its Greek To Me

It's Greek To Me By J.L. Williams, [email protected] With the most sincere apologies to The Professor From the first Ovid story, Jim had become a fan. It wasn't like him to be that involved, but he loved the writing, and the cleverness of the stories. He enjoyed reading CD stories, and had refined his taste to enjoy the R ratings as opposed to the X and XXX versions. He had even written a couple of notes to The Professor praising his work, and had written reviews on at least...

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BBC Billy

These events took place about about six years ago when I was 35. I had known for years that I was bisexual. If I were to tell the truth, I have known since high school. It took me until I was 32 to finally try it for real though. By the time I met Billy I had already had many experiences with several men and had learned, for sure, that I was bisexual. I was married to a pretty hot woman at the time, but still craved my M2M time occasionally. I met Billy on an online chat...

2 years ago
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Carol and Monster A Skipping School Story

Carol and Monster: A Skipping School Story By Lana Lawrence Carol's sister walked downstairs, the stairs groaning under her bare feet. It used to be Melissa was so light on her feet she the stairs replied with squeaks but now that she was six months pregnant. Melissa sat down and poured her Corn Pops into her bowl with some milk. She didn't need to go to school no more. Mama said fifteen was old enough to quit. Daddy came in smoking a cigarette still in his wife beater and...

3 years ago
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UniversityChapter 6

"Guess who the twins introduced me to?" "Julia Gillard?" "No, silly. Really." "No idea." "Gordy Hollister!" "You're kidding me!" "No. He's from Mitchell and our age." "You know who he must be, don't you?" "No idea. I thought it was a funny coincidence." "He must be Jacky and Alice's son. I was at their wedding! I wasn't even a year old. I think I last saw him when I was four or five. Wow! I've got to meet him! And I'll have to tell dad." "Weird." "What...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Brandi Love I Knew This Day Will Come

I invited my good friend and colleague, Bill, over today to chitchat and discuss work. After having a glass of wine together, I had to tell him that I notice him always looking down at my and other women’s feet at the office. At first he was speechless, but then I admitted only someone with the same foot fetish could notice and he lit up. I’d been waiting for this day to come so I could finally take advantage of my husband being on a business trip to have my goddess feet worshiped by a man with...

2 years ago
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Paying For My Mistakes

Paying For My Big Mistakes Written by "Christine" Synopsis: A young man pays the price for using a date rape drug on the wrong women. Part I I'm a 25 year old male, a little slim for my 5'10" frame, weighing in at about 150 pds. Completely heterosexual, I love to cruise the bars. Not the best looking man, I decided after many failed conquests to give myself a better chance. After purchasing a 'date rape' drug from a friend, he advised me to simply put one tablet into a girls...

3 years ago
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Tie Me Up

You had a limit, and you needed me to push it. Whenever you thought about me pushing you further than you had been before, you couldn’t help but get excited. You wanted me to tie you up, to have me in control. You wanted it more than you had ever wanted anything before. It wasn’t just a desire for you anymore, it was something you needed.To tie you up, and to take away your resistance. To stop you from struggling, so you had no choice but to submit to my will. You would only be able to...

2 years ago
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Sam and Vanessa Part 1

Sam and Vanessa Part one A little background Authors note. This is a sequel to the story of Mike and Sam that I wrote in 2004. It follows their son, Sam, from his preteen years through college. If you haven't read the original five parts, it might help you follow this story better if you do. If you went back and read the first five parts, you can skip down to The Story Starts, as this part just describes the four main characters. Our little family has four members to it....

3 years ago
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Anji or how my Indian bird got knocked up

I was 25 when I met Anji. She was a strikingly beautiful Indian girl, 24, with luminous dark skin, and think black hair that fell down past her firm, ripe breasts. We hit it off immediately, and wound up in bed together a week after we met.She had the healthiest appetite for sex of anyone I'd ever known - most nights we were together, we'd fuck three times in a row, then sleep it off and go at it once or twice more in the morning. And she usually came more often than I did, which is saying...

4 years ago
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Return EncountersChapter 4

A couple weeks later I was chatting on the phone with Carlotta. Our conversations were becoming more frequent and relaxed, and I wasn't too surprised when Carlotta mentioned she was going to give Isabelle a tour of the national monuments in Santiago, and asked if I'd like to come along. Of course I said yes. We spent the whole day touring the capitol. It was a beautiful sunny Saturday in mid August, mid-winter but cool, not cold. The sculptures and architectures were very interesting. And...

1 year ago
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It was too late to run, and for a hot second both startled parties just stared at each other trying to figure out exactly what to do next! The woman glanced back at the still open door and was about to make a break for it when Pete pulled a switch blade from his pocket and said menacingly, "You'll never make it, honey, so why don't you just set down the bags and let's think this through!" "W-what are you doing in my house?" the woman asked fearfully. Pete reached out and grabbed the...

3 years ago
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Packaged Deal Ch1

Michelle and her daughter, Audrey received multiple bikinis to try them on in Michelle's room since she had a body length mirror on the far side wall; both stood some feet in front of it to check their current swimwear.“I think the sizes are a bit too small, Mom…” Audrey examined her reflection with unsure eyes. Her medium-sized and perky breast were barely contained by the small, red bikini top and her curvy hips and crotch were on display with the narrow bottom, making the outfit...

2 years ago
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The initiation

 I had just turned 21 and my 13 year old sister was budding into womanhood. I’d only really noticed her when she had strutted to the pool side wearing her usual black bikini. Now, to put this into perspective, she had owned the garment since she was 11. The bikini was now a ‘micro-bikini’ and the fabric stretched tightly over her body. I was stunned but even more so when, after she had taken a swim, she walked over to me. The bikini clung even tighter to her and every part of her womanhood was...

3 years ago
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Gay Threesome

A few weeks after my first gay experience I still had a rush to try more. I started exploring again on Craigslist to see what I could find and it did not disappoint. I found this man that was hosting a threesome and I thought since I was already this far mass as well keep going. I e-mailed him and soon started texting him on when and where to meet. I left my apartment complex and started my drive to his place. I was excited for what was to cum. I got to his house where he let me inside...

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My Blonde Pixie

It was a bland and boring summer, I had taken my holiday pass for collage, and my friend had me house sit his large estate for a total of two weeks. My best friend lived not but a few houses away. She was the type of lady that every man wanted and most likely many ladies too. You could imagine my frustrations as she had labeled me her ‘friend’. I had been talking to her for the past few days as i had not much to do in this rather huge house. Today was different though, after our morning...

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Caught in the MiddleChapter 9

Gretchen's brother, Rob called her an hour and a half later to tell her that they were fifteen minutes away from her place. Gretchen drove over with Tom and me riding along. Gretchen was wearing an old housedress and sandals. Tom and I were wearing shorts and sneakers. We pulled up at Gretchen's house and went inside. "Gretchen, pull that off and get in the spread position like Rob wanted you in. He will get a surprise after they get in." She pulled the dress off over her head and lay on...

4 years ago
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Young Justice a Super poweful and even more Horny Newbie joins the team Alpha Edition

You try to be good, you really do, but your power... You can control people's minds. In subtle and major ways you can reach in and change people, you know it is immoral to do but you can so at some level whenever you interact with anyone you are tempted. You aren't even sure if the reason that Green lantern (The black guy: John Stewart) brought you here today was his idea or yours, training with a group of junior heroes... doesn't exactly sound like the kind of thing you would think of...

1 year ago
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AssParade Bella Rolland Wet Booty Popped

This week we got the beautiful Bella Rolland. She has a fantastic body and has one of the most massive asses we have ever seen. She loves to oil it up and give us a show. She Jiggles it for us before crawling to a better twerking spot. She even twerks it in the pool. She is so horny and needs black dick to fuck. Damion Dayski is here to step in; He whips out his massive, powerful cock. Transfixed on his pecker Bella gets to work. She swallows all of his cock in her petite mouth. She finally...

2 years ago
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Seducing Jennifer Pt 2324

Please note that all participants are at least 18 years old unless otherwise specified. Part 23 I awoke at the first glimmers of false dawn and found Tse-ni-sa sleeping on top of me in the position in which we had collapsed the night before. We were covered by several blankets and a thick bear skin, and I was warm enough with her hot little body above me, but if I moved at all the cold seeped in and I knew that the temperature of the house was near the freezing point. The dog was curled up at...

4 years ago
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P I And MagicChapter 35

The first thing I noticed was that I hurt. Everywhere. Even my hair felt like it hurt. I opened my eyes, and wished I hadn't. I must have made a noise, because someone was at my side asking me how I felt. "My Lord, you must drink this. It will help you," said a soft voice. "What is it? What happened?" I asked still confused. I drank the crap they gave me. Yes, medicine everywhere, tastes like crap. But I immediately started feeling better. I started to feel well enough; that I thought...

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Hi Guys and Gals,Let me introduce myself first, I am Dirty.....Mr. Dirty.I love this website and i feel i should share some of my fantasy with you all.Hope you will love my stories.Do comment if you like it or not.******************WHEN I COME TO KNOW GIRL'S BODY IS TOO HOT********************I was 22 then. I was going to my college for studying engineering in bus. It was winter season. It was too cold that day. I took a seat in middle of bus and then fell asleep. After some stops a girl aged...

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Ghost StoriesChapter 2

Peter's Story - A Girl called Miranda Peter was upset with his parents. Peter was born in the city of Bismarck, the capital of the great northern state of North Dakota. He had spent his entire life in a city, named after the man who started the Second German Empire (or called in German – die Zwitten Deustches Reich) and was forever at war with the French and Austrian Empires. Peter was a high school student, enjoying the city life and always hanging out with his friends and classmates,...

2 years ago
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Bridgets SpiritChapter 7 A Reason to be Thankful

At exactly 12:30, Mary O'Shea and Gina returned home. When they entered and did not hear any noise in the house, they looked at each other nervously. They were starting to remove their coats when a loud bellow erupted. "DAMN!" Both women forgot about their coats and ran to the kitchen where they stopped abruptly in the doorway. "Yeah," Liam laughed, "and then she started telling him off in front of the entire band! I didn't think anyone could turn that deep a shade of red! I don't...

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We are are an attractive forty-ish professional couple, both of us have good sexy bodies, Charles loves my ‘glorious big ass’ and legs while I am constantly impressed with his toned body and thick, eight-inch erection. I do enjoy my man licking my cunt lips while I watch another man sucking his cock. Or perhaps another woman blowing him while he licks my cunt lips. One of my favourites - and his - is watching him masturbate while I blow another man with another woman licking my cunt. In turn...

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The Drifter Ch10 Final Chapter

While driving north on Route One, we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic around LA. The so-called expressway was slow and crowded with cars, trucks, motorcycles and buses. Horns honked and exhaust rose from cars that moved a few feet and then would not budge for five or so minutes. I thought about the people who drove this expressway everyday to work and then back home and imagined the number of hours they spent in their cars sitting in polluted traffic. This is insane. I bet they spend two...

Straight Sex
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Lost Episodes

The old man had been an avid collector of movie memorabilia, but I soon noticed most of the items were not all that valuable. Well, that's not quite true. They would have been worth decent money for someone like me, but the fact was that selling them would not have made a noticeable difference to Wilson's bank account. I still accurately appraised and catalogued everything, since I was a professional and I wanted Wilson to consider me for further work in the future, but I was certainly...

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Answering a late night ad

I wandered over to the computer after working out in the hotel gym in t-shirt and loose fitting shorts. I thought I would place an ad on Craigslist to see if I might meet up with someone that night - or possibly to my favorite web-site a bit later for some good material to get myself off - assuming I would receive no positive responses. For an older man I was still in fairly good shape - late 40's with toned legs but certainly not the toned athlete of years past. I placed my ad for...

4 years ago
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A Most Happy Birthday

Alone, again, on his birthday. Another year had passed as many have. The obese, lazy cat, the dog and he were celebrating by sitting around the living room watching MASH reruns. Of course, maybe next year, she would be there. His heart leapt at the thought. He glanced at the wall clock and was dismayed to find it was nearly 4:30 p.m. He had expected to hear from her before now. He settled back into the worn settee and tried focusing on the slapstick comedy of Alan Alda, but his thoughts kept...

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He gives me and ORAL encounter

3 weeks later: As our relationship progressed, during our make out sessions, we would get really hot and heavy at times, but I would back off b/c I was afraid of going all of the way. I didn’t want to get hurt. I felt like things would change when we started having sex (I was right everything changed). I wanted him so bad, but at the same time I was in conflict with everything I had been taught at church all of my life and by my parents. I wanted to be a virgin when I got married and wanted...

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Julies Triumph

JULIE'S TRIUMPH Julie smiled at Everett over the candle lit dinner at Morton's Steak House.The grizzled, former Foreign Service officer, now an export magnate, caughtJulie's eye and smiled right back. His brown, tanned hand traveledacross the steak tartare and, reaching Julie's small fingers with their Frenchmanicure, squeezed them gently. Julie really liked Everett, and thoughthe seemed malleable. Most men were fairly malleable in Julie's hands;she was your traditional big-busted, full lipped...

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Julie Part 10

desires. (M+/F, exh, d/s, inc, mast, oral, anal, bd, beast, orgy) This is Part 10 of a 12 Part e-novel. If you read Parts 1 thru 9 you will get much more out of this awesome story which contains mother and son incest, mother and her son’s best friend in a three way, multiple females on females, beautiful mom and a very horny dog, oral, light bondage, and orgy. If you do not like stories of this type you should go no further.*** Part Ten Chapter Forty...

3 years ago
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Anyway, it all started one day after school, I came home early on the day because school had finished an hour early due to parent teacher interviews, mom was home per usual as it was a Friday. "Hi honey, how was school"?....... "Good", I replied. Leaning in towards me to give me a motherly kiss , she then came in for a hug, I knew she had no bra on because I could feel her DD boobs as she pulled my head closer to her chest, and like I always did every time, I hugged her back,however I...

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Doing It For Dad chapter 4

DOING IT FOR DAD Chapter 4 Part of my training as a woman was to help Elaine cook dinner. She made me wear one of her kitchen aprons in order to protect my dress. I had to keep my high heels on the whole time, too, so that I would get used to walking around in them. It was very strange to hear my own footsteps click-clacking across the wooden floor of the kitchen, and to feel my skirt softly brushing against my legs. Once dinner was out of the way, I was dispatched back into the...

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