Indecent Exposure free porn video

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Indecent Exposure It all began when a mother and infant child were minding their own business on a park bench in a city park. The woman was breast feeding her infant child in plain sight of anyone that might walk by. A concerned citizen called the police on her. The officer that showed up to the scene was Barry White, a young rookie cop who took enforcing the law seriously. He approached the woman while wearing sunglasses that hid his disapproving eyes. As he got closer, he nodded recognizing the foul crime that was in progress. "Howdy, ma'am," the officer said to the woman. "Hello," she replied wondering why the cop had taken an interest in her. "You're...uh...exposing yourself in public. I am going to have to ask you to button up or take that inside," Officer White ordered. "It's only breast feeding. My child is hungry," she replied reasonably. "Well, you see ma'am, it's public indecency," he said. "I see homeless people expose themselves all the time in this park and cops never show up," she said irritably. "Yeah, well, be rest assured that if I ever see it, they will be cited as well," Officer White replied. A shirtless man ran by them as he jogged on the sidewalk. Officer White nodded in approval at the man as he went by. He wished more people would work out. "What about him?" the woman pointed out. "What about him?" Officer White asked confused. "He's not wearing a shirt," she pointed out. Officer White required a few seconds to register what she was saying. "Oh, that's not public indecency. It's only public indecency when a woman's breast is exposed in public," he said as if it were obvious. "That's sexist," she accused. "It's totally different, ma'am. Exposed female breasts are indecent because it triggers arousal in men. It disturbs the social harmony of the park," Officer White argued. The woman was not convinced. "And a bare chested man doesn't arouse women?" she asked skeptically. "Precisely, ma'am. Now, if a man were to expose his genitals to a woman that would be indecent exposure," he said. "I don't think you know what you're talking about. How can men write laws on what arouses a woman. If both men and women had breasts, this wouldn't be an issue," she said angrily. "I don't write the laws. I just enforce them, ma'am," Officer White said patiently. "I am not moving. Are you going to take me and my child to jail?" she asked rhetorically. "After I arrest you, your child will be in protective services until you make bail," Officer White replied. "I think you're bluffing. I don't think you're the kind of man that would arrest a woman and her infant for breast feeding in a public park," she challenged. Officer White smirked. He was exactly that kind of man. "Alright, let's have a chat down at the station," he said. "No, this is bullshit. You can't do this in a free society," the woman said outraged. "Ma'am, do not make me have to hand cuff you, because I will," he said. "I will have your badge for this," she shouted. "Nah, more like chewed out if anything. I've been chewed out before," Officer White said dismissively. "I place a curse on you, so you can understand a woman's pain," she hissed. Officer White simply stared at the crazy-looking woman. "Okay, you're coming with me," he said escorting her to his police car. After he placed the woman and crying infant in his cop car, he took his time writing a report on the incident. The entire time he drove to the station the woman was yelling at him. Just an ordinary day for Officer White. *** Later that day, Officer White was pulled into his Sergeant's office to discuss the breast feeding woman. "Nice report, White, very detailed," the Sergeant complimented. "Thank you, Sgt," White said pleased. "However, this could be politically incorrect now-a-days. The prosecutor's office will never charge her," the Sgt said. "That's not my business. I just write tickets or make arrests as I see them," White deflected. "Exactly but maybe you could have been a little bit more persuasive," the Sgt recommended. "I will work on it," White promised. "Good deal. Have a nice weekend," the Sgt dismissed him. *** As the shift ended, White took a shower in the locker room and changed into civilian clothes. "I heard you arrested an infant. Nice," his partner and friend, Eric Miller, said. "I didn't arrest the infant, just the mother," White corrected. "You got balls, man. That could become a firestorm of controversy," Miller said. White simply shrugged unconcerned. "I just think that kind of thing should be indoors. Imagine if someone took a picture of that and put it all over the web. Twenty years later, do you want to see a picture of your mom's tits available for all to see?" "I see your point," Miller grimaced. "These people should hate the game, not the player," White said. *** Back at his apartment, White lived alone. He would eat an easily prepared meal, watch some TV, prepare his uniform for the next day, and get to bed early. On weekends, White would occasionally go to the bars. He had no luck with any of the women but this was largely due to his own high expectations. The women he met would have too many physical, emotional, or intellectual flaws to keep his interest. This didn't prevent him from just getting a one-night-stand but nothing more than that. The next week, Officer White got a call at a popular diner. He strolled over to the diner and came in. The problem immediately became apparent when he saw her. She was minding her own business in one of the booths breastfeeding her infant. Officer White came by her booth and looked down on her condescendingly. "There's been a complaint, ma'am. You need to take that elsewhere," he said to her. The woman gave him an annoyed look. It was the same woman from the park. "Don't you have better things to do than harass me?" she asked. "Nope," Officer White replied. "Who's the asshole that made the complaint?" she asked looking around. "I can't divulge that information," Officer White said but in truth he didn't even know. "This is outrageous. I'm going to call the police chief," she said angrily. "You want his phone number?" Officer White asked bored. "Sure," she said still upset. Officer White gave her a note with the phone number on it. "Now, let's go," he said escorting her out. Once they were outside, Officer White felt a little sympathetic for the woman. The baby was now crying. "I am not going to give you a ticket this time. Just make sure to cover up," Officer White allowed. "Drop dead, asshole," she said angrily and stormed off. Officer White's sympathy immediately dropped but it was too late now. He went into his cop car and finished the rest of his patrol. *** After work, Officer White went to the police gym and began his work-out routine. He was one of the fittest on the force. Some of the older officers were big and fat from presumably eating too many doughnuts. Officer Miller was present acting as a spotter as he lifted weights. "I heard you ran into breastfeeding lady again," Officer Miller said amused. "Yeah, what are the odds?" Officer White said in between reps. "They say more states are allowing breast feeding in public," Officer Miller mused. "Well, until the law changes, I am going to enforce it," Officer White replied. He immediately lost strength in his arms and chest sending the weights down on his chest. "Oh shit!" Officer Miller said as he picked up the weight before it could crush Officer White. He brought the weights safely in position. "What happened?" Officer Miller asked as Officer White got up and felt his body for injury. "Just a sudden muscle spasm," he said painfully. "Take it easy," Officer Miller suggested. *** The next morning, White found two wet spots on his shirt. He took off the shirt and found his nipples wet and sensitive. He touched them and saw a small amount of fluid come out. White didn't have time to deal with this weird health situation. He put on another white shirt and then wore his police jacket that hid his white shirt. Officer White didn't think much of it and continued his work. He received a complaint from the public library. Officer White figured some punk kid was being too loud or disruptive. He walked into the library and went to the library desk. "What's the complaint?" he asked the librarian. "I didn't make a complaint, officer," she replied. Officer White gave her an odd look and then decided to scan the library for anything out of the ordinary. After a careful search, the only thing that could be considered "indecent exposure" was a woman breastfeeding her infant at a library desk. She was all by herself with no one around her. Officer White approached the woman and realized it was the same one from the park and diner. "Hello, ma'am," Officer White winced. He didn't want a scene in the library. He even considered ignoring the complaint but that would be out of character for him. "What do you want?" she asked scornfully. Officer White decided to use a more personal approach to police work. He sat down across from her as she read a book. "You know this is a public library, right?" he asked. "Yeah," she said shrugging. "And you're breastfeeding?" Officer White asked. "Obviously," she replied. "So, you're breast feeding in a...," Officer White continued. "Public library," she finished unconcerned. There was an awkward pause between them. "I am going to have to ask you to leave," Officer White said. "I'll make a scene," she promised. This didn't deter Officer White. Sure, the librarian would probably chew him out. He had been chewed out before. "I don't want a scene," Officer White allowed. "So, don't. Bug off," she said irritably. "I can't now. I am committed to taking action. If I don't, it will show weakness," Officer White reasoned. "You're such a big man forcing a mother and her infant from the library. Don't you have murderers and thieves to catch?" she asked. Officer White was inclined to agree. He would rather chase down some real criminals but a complaint was a complaint. "I have no choice, ma'am. There was a complaint," he said. "Who?" she asked looking around. "I don't know," Officer White admitted. "Just let it go," she insisted. Officer White frowned and shook his head. What followed was a lot of shouting and cursing as Officer White gently dragged her out of the library. Annoyed by the whole scene, Officer White gave the woman a ticket and then drove off. "Why me?" Officer White shook his head. *** At the gym, Officer White found his workout at the gym was suffering. He figured he was just dealing with a cold that would eventually pass. He could still outrun many of the fat asses on the force. After a few days, Officer White's nipples would leak creating wet streak marks on his gym shirt. To hide it, Officer White wore dark shirts. When that wasn't sufficient, he started wearing sweatshirts. When questioned about it, he merely said he wanted to lose water weight. A few days later, Officer White responded to a complaint in a grocery store over indecent exposure. Upon entering the store, he found the same woman in the fruit section. She was breastfeeding her infant while moving a cart. Officer White sighed as he approached her. "Hello, ma'am," he said approaching her. "You again, huh?" she said annoyed. "You know why I am here," Officer White said bored. "Look, if there was another way, I would do it," she said exasperated. "How about formula?" Officer White asked. "It's expensive," she replied. It dawned on Officer White that this woman was a single mother and probably low income. His tickets had probably hurt her budget as well. Something clicked in Officer White's mind that perhaps the law was not the final say in this case. He walked away from the woman and then placed a bunch of formula bottles in her cart. "I can't afford this," she said alarmed. "It's all on me," he replied. Officer White stayed true to his word and paid for everything. Once they were outside the grocery store, he helped put the groceries in her cheap car. "Thanks," the woman said awkwardly. "This is a one time deal. Now, there's no excuse," Officer White said and walked off. *** Back at the station, Officer Miller came by Officer White in the cafeteria. "I heard you got the breastfeeding mom again. Did you give her a ticket?" he asked. "Not this time. I gave her a warning," Officer White replied. "You getting soft?" Officer Miller joked. "I think I have met my quota for indecent exposure," Officer White sighed. "Don't worry. You'll get a real crime eventually," Officer Miller encouraged. *** Sure enough, there was a shooting incident on the streets. Officer White was the first on the scene and chased down the suspect. He easily caught up with the suspect who immediately took out a gun. Instinctively, Officer White fired off an entire magazine killing the suspect instantly. He paused as he still felt an Adrenalin rush go through him. He had never had to fire his weapon before. Some of the officers talked about the possibility casually but this was real. Officer White waited for backup to arrive and clean up the scene. Officer White was put on administrative leave with pay while an internal investigation considered the shooting as standard procedure. For the next few weeks, Officer White was on paid vacation. Without his job, he felt rather bored. He filled his days with working out and watching TV. In the shower, he noticed his nipples were swollen and that his body hair was falling out on the bathtub floor. White checked his soap wondering if it was the cause. To give him company, Officer Miller would come by for a beer. The two watched sports games and talked about what was going on in the department since he had left. "Everyone there supports you, you know that, right?" Miller asked. "Sure, easy case," White said. "Should be getting you back in uniform within a few weeks," Miller assured him. "Without me, who's going to give that breast feeding woman tickets?" White joked. "Speaking of which, your shirt is wet," Miller noted the two dark stains on his shirt. White noticed what Miller was talking about and became red with embarrassment. "Must have spilled my beer," he said as he went off to get a new one. "You sure you're doing okay?" Miller asked concerned. "Never better," White assured him. *** However, things were not as they should be. The entire time Miller was over, White felt increasingly uncomfortable. Without realizing it, he was checking Miller out and getting nervous over him. A part of him never wanted to see Miller again while another part wanted him over as much as possible. White could only see one solution: drink more beer. As it happened, White went back to the store to get more beer and other food necessities. As he was in the milk section, he ran into the breast feeding lady. "Heard what you did. He deserved it," the lady said to him. "Uh, thanks," White said awkwardly. "If he had been a woman, would you have still taken the shot?" the lady asked. "Absolutely," White said and then realized he should keep his mouth shut. The investigation was still ongoing. She smiled at that. She proceeded to pull down her shirt and breast feed her infant. "You going to say anything?" she smirked at him. "Not on duty," White replied. "Babies want real breast milk. Formula doesn't cut it," she said. "Nice to know," White said as he picked up a milk jug. "When you have babies of your own, you will understand," the lady said and walked off. White found the comment odd but then again must of the citizens he encountered tended to be odd. If he did have a baby, his wife would obviously deal with it. *** As the days went by, White had weird sexual dreams about the men in his department. He didn't remember them clearly but was disturbed by them none-the-less. He attempted to jack-off to Lesbian porn but found it difficult for him to get hard. Frustrated, he went to a club to hit on some chicks. White had a lot going for him. He was athletic, good-looking, and had a steady job. His job required him to have good communication skills and the ability to persuade. These things came in handy when talking with the ladies at the club. Still, even though he was getting along well with them he didn't feel hard at all. He felt nothing and became anxious that if he brought one home he wouldn't be able to perform. Disturbed by this, he went home alone and blamed it all on his anxiety over the police investigation. After a few weeks went by, Miller came by to check up on White. The two had a beer and made small talk. "So, the investigation is over and you're cleared. You come back Monday," Miller said. "You could have told me over the phone," White smirked. "I thought telling you in person would be better," Miller said. White began to feel uncomfortable with Miller's presence. He was feeling a sense of desire and danger from Miller. He wasn't aware of it, but he was feeling common female anxiety over a man being in his apartment. "Mind if I take a shower. It's been a hot day," Miller asked. "Sure, go ahead," White said at the odd request. He had never had Miller or any other co-worker use his shower before. Miller took the extra odd step of taking his shirt off before entering the bathroom. White felt a sudden and overwhelming desire to be with Miller in the shower. His dick remained flaccid, but he was getting some serious butterflies in his stomach. White was stunned by what was happening to him. He had showered with Miller before in the locker room and never had such a reaction. "What the fuck is wrong with me?" he wondered. Miller eventually exited the bathroom, said goodbye, and left. A part of White wondered why he didn't jump at the opportunity of being with Miller. But Miller wasn't gay, not even close. Was he becoming gay? How was it possible? *** Officer White came back to the force and was welcomed as a hero. In the locker room, he tried to hide himself away so as to no reveal his swollen nipples. After shift, he avoided the exercise room and never showered with the men. One day, Miller looked distressed in the locker room. "What's up, man?" White asked concerned. "My ex-wife died, drug overdose," he shook his head. "Sorry to hear that," White said. "The bitch demanded full custody and was using drugs the whole time. I can't imagine what else she was doing," Miller said disdainfully. "You have a kid?" White asked curiously. He had never asked about Miller's personal life. "A boy, not even a year yet. Once the kid was born, she divorced me and left town," Miller said. The knowledge that Miller had a baby sent a chill through White. He needed to know more...for some reason. "So, what are you going to do?" "Pick up the kid and have him live with me. Not sure how I am going to manage it, being a cop and a single father," Miller said frustrated. "Just get a girl," White blurted out. Miller smirked at White. "Yeah right. No girl wants that kind of drama. My sex life is down the tubes." White felt uncomfortable with the way this conversation was going. He needed to leave the situation ASAP. "The kid is better off with you, you know," White told him. "I know...I know," Miller agreed. *** After work, White tracked down the breast feeding lady. He knew her address from all the tickets he had to do on her. She opened the door and gave him an annoyed look. "What do you want?" she asked. "What did you do to me?" White demanded of her. "What did I do to you?" she mocked. "I didn't do anything and you still gave me those tickets." "You fucked with my head and...," White began. "And what? You concerned that you're growing breasts, am I right?" she asked. "What is this?" White asked angrily. "I know you were just following orders from your pig superiors. I shouldn't have faulted you in particular, but I was angry at the time. I put a spell on you," she admitted. "A spell?" White asked in disbelief. "Come inside. I'll get you a glass of milk," she offered. White felt compelled to come in and took a tall glass of milk from her. "It's normal milk. Nothing weird," she assured him. As he saw her baby in the crib, he felt an overwhelming desire to hold the infant. "Your maternal instincts are kicking in right now. I can tell," she observed. "You trying to say I am becoming a woman?" he asked. "Exactly. A woman that will want a baby of her own to breastfeed," she said. "This is crazy. Magic doesn't exist," White said. "Then why are you here? How else could I have caused it?" she asked. White looked around and saw a full library filled with occult literature. "Reverse the spell," he ordered. "So, now you believe. The only way the spell will end is either you have a baby with a man or you put a baby in a woman. Either way, you're getting a baby one way or another," she said. "That's not fair. How can you force this on me?" White demanded of her. "Grow up, Officer White! There are only two solutions or else you will be tortured mentally forever. Every time you see an infant, you'll want to hold and care for it. As a police officer, you are supposed to protect the weak," she said. "I enforced the law!" he shouted back. "Fuck the law. The law would have had me hung centuries ago," she spat. "Alright, let's finish this," White said resolved. "What are you talking about?" she asked. "Right here, right now, let's get you pregnant," he said. The woman barked a laugh. "Have a child with you? Forget it," she said. "You need to take responsibility for your actions. I'll help you with child support but you have to carry it," he said. "All so you can save your dick," she said insultingly. "It's more than that. It's about my job, my career, my life," he argued. "You can be a police officer as a woman. You could even be chief one day. I might even help you do It. A woman as police chief might be more understanding," she said. "No. I absolutely refuse," White said adamantly. "Alright, I'll help you. Take your clothes off," she ordered. White went into her small bedroom and started to take his clothes off. He felt embarrassed by his A-cup breasts under his shirt. The witch entered the room and gave him an amused look. She took off her shirt and removed her bra. Both of her breasts were swollen with life-giving milk. "Suck on them," she ordered. White gave her a disgusted look. "Ever heard of foreplay. Do it," she insisted. White took hold of her breast and sucked hard on her nipple. She moaned at his touch and then leaked breast milk into his mouth. "Swallow it," she ordered. White reluctantly did so and then went to the other breast. As he did, his hair started becoming longer and his face became more feminine. The rest of his male body began to change form. The hands holding her breasts became smaller and more delicate. His muscles and bones became smaller except for his hips which expanded outward. Once he realized what was happening, White backed away. "What the fuck is happening to me?" he said in a shrill voice. "Don't worry about it. You'll be back to being a man once you impregnate me," she assured him. She turned her back to him and got out of her jeans. Once she was naked, she turned around and revealed a very erect penis. "What is this?" White asked confused. "How am I suppose to impregnate you if you have a dick? You're a man this whole time," he realized. "I choose to be whatever I want to be. You're the one making the assumptions. You assumed it was I that was the mother this whole time when in fact I am the child's father. You're way too far gone to ever impregnate a woman now. Suck my cock, and I'll make you a true woman," she said. "You bitch! I'll have you in jail for this," he said angrily, his voice cracking with every other word. "Jail me for what? Magic?" she asked incredulous. "I'll find a way to charge you with something," he said. "Shocking abuse of authority," she mocked. "Now, suck my cock. I know you want to," she ordered. White felt like he was losing control as he saw the penis. He put out his delicate hands to touch it and then snapped out of it. He ran out of the room, put on his pants, and tore out of the house. He quickly got in his car and left just as another woman drove up. The witch's partner and mother of the child entered the house and gave a suspicious look. "I just saw a half-naked man with tits just exit our house. What's going on?" she asked amused. "I was just having fun," the witch said and kissed her partner. *** White drove erratically as he tried to think of what to do. With the exception of his penis and balls, he nearly looked like a woman. He could barely recognize himself in the rear-view mirror. He needed help but didn't know who to turn to. In his clouded mind, he decided to drive to Miller's house. White knocked on the door and finally got Miller to answer. "Can I help you, Miss?" he asked surprised. "It's me, Barry," White said. Miller could see some resemblance. "What happened to you?" he asked. "It's hard to explain. Can I come in," White asked. "Sure," Miller said allowing him inside. White's eyes immediately turned to the infant in the living room. "The kid is already here?" White realized. "Yeah, I said I would pick him up," Miller said as if it were nothing. White tried to calm down even as powerful urges were trying to get him closer to the infant. As if on cue, the baby boy began to cry. Miller went over to the infant to see what was wrong. "He must be hungry," he determined. Miller went to the fridge to look for a formula bottle. Finding none, he closed the fridge. "Oh well, if only men could breast feed, am I right?" he joked. White didn't find the joke funny under the circumstances and wondered if somehow Miller was under the spell too. "I have to go out to get some formula. Can you watch the kid?" Miller asked. "Sure," White said as if his mind was on auto-pilot. If he had been rational, he would have refused and drove off. But the spell was warping his mind and making the two of them do things they would not ordinarily do. "Thanks. I'll be right back," Miller said and then exited the house. White stared at the crying infant. The crying felt painful to him, and he felt an overwhelming desire to solve the problem. Slowly, White walked up to the infant's crib. The crying was causing his breasts to feel swollen and painful. He rationalized that this was what both of them needed. White clenched his fists as he tried to resist the urge. Miller would be back in thirty minutes. He just needed to hold on. "Fuck it," White said finally and ripped off his shirt. He picked up the baby and led him to his right breast. The infant immediately started suckling and real milk entered his mouth. White felt relief go through his right breast as the pressure diminished. He couldn't believe what he was doing, breast feeding a baby. Only women did such things and he wasn't one. What if Miller caught him breast feeding his kid. Would he freak? White figured he could feed the infant before Miller would come back. He placed the infant on his left breast to relieve the pressure there as well. All the while, White's body was going through internal changes as he gave in to his female instincts. His flaccid penis became smaller-and- smaller until it was just a nub. His balls deflated as they went inside him. Miller suddenly entered the house. "Forgot my wallet," he muttered. He then saw White breast feeding his kid. "What the fuck?" he wondered coming over to White. "I had to. He was crying and I had to do it," White admitted. The baby was placed in his crib happy and content. White turned to Miller. "You're my best friend. I'll do anything for you and your baby." Miller gave White a confused look. He no longer looked like a man at all. "What has happened to you, man?" he asked. "I was cursed by a witch for giving her public indecency tickets," White explained. "Witches don't exist," Miller objected. Somehow White knew his manhood was gone, the final proof that what had happened to him could not be explained scientifically. He lowered his pants and underwear revealing his new female vulva. "I don't know how it happened but it happened," she said to him. "Barry, wow, I'm so sorry," Miller said sympathetically. "Eric, this whole thing is torturing me. I need your help," White asked. "What can I do?" Miller asked. "I need you...I need you to put a child in me," she said finally. Miller gave her a stunned look. "I don't know. One child is hard enough," he muttered. "We can work together on this. We can take different shifts. I'll take care of your boy," White offered. Miller did see the advantage in their weird partnership. "Alright," he agreed. *** Miller laid the fully female White on the bed. The both of them were naked and feeling awkward with each other. "You better not be a bitch like my ex was," Miller warned. "I promise," White smiled nervously. "Divorce is betraying the brotherhood," Miller reminded her. "Brothers forever," White smirked. "Alright, this is getting weird. Try to be more like a woman when we do this," Miller asked. "Like what?" White asked. "Talk dirty, moan, grip my back hard. Stuff like that. Don't be a cold fish," Miller said. White didn't know if she could do this. Was she really going to have Miller's cock inside her? "One step at a time, buddy," she said nervously. Miller got on top of her and kissed her lips. In spite of herself, White enjoyed the sensation and kissed him back. She never had to worry about being teased for not being manly enough. It made sense to love a man with all of his strength, courage, and sense of righteousness. The two kissed for a few moments until White reached for his cock. "Let's just do this," she said. "Alright. I'll try to be fast," Miller said to her. White nodded. She wasn't ready to experience marathon sex with a man just yet. She just wanted the spell to be lifted. As soon as she got pregnant, she could get back to normal. Even as a woman nothing stopped her from enjoying the game and having a beer with Miller. Nothing had changed except for occasional sex between them. "This might hurt a little," Miller warned as he pushed inside her. White felt a sting as her hymen broke. "Keep going," she encouraged. Miller pressed all the way in and began thrusting at a rapid pace. Cautiously, White placed her hand on her clit as Miller kept going. It was hard for her to process that all of Miller's dick was inside her and that this was natural. Touching herself, she started to feel really good. It felt so much better than when she touched her dick as a man. Miller kept himself above White not wanting to kiss her or mess with her breasts just yet. He didn't want to freak out White who had just become female. He wondered if she was really enjoying this or just trying to free herself of the spell. White stayed fairly quiet except for occasional sighs. Miller knew that men were not expected to be very vocal and that White would be remained reserved in her expression for a least a while. It was hard for him to imagine White moaning and screaming during sex. Maybe someday she would get there. Right now, he just needed to finish up. Miller grunted as he was about to cum. White quickly started to think about her situation. Did she want It to end so quickly. "Hey, man, hold off on cumming if you can," she said surprising herself. "What?" Miller asked surprised. "I think I am building up to something," she told him. "Well, okay," Miller said trying hard not to cum immediately. White suddenly cried out as she felt her first female orgasm. She grabbed Miller hard as she felt continuous surges of pleasure go through her body. Miller realized what was happening and decided to release himself into her. "Holy shit!" White said as she felt her climax. She then felt different about Miller. He was still a cool guy, but she didn't feel obsessive over him. She felt relatively normal. The spell had been broken which meant she was surely pregnant. "Oh God," she realized. *** The weekend did not go as White expected. She did all the usual things with Miller like watch the game, play pool, and eat pizza. Miller took a sip of his beer and reflected on the situation. "Too bad you can't have beer for nine months," he joked. "Don't remind me," White said grumpily. The full ramifications of pregnancy were coming to bear. "No sweat. You won't even show for a while," Miller said. "What am I going to do? You think the chief will keep me?" White asked uncertain. "Yeah, he doesn't want to be sued," Miller said. "I should give him a call to give him a heads up," White said using his cell phone. He caught the chief on the third ring. "Officer White, what can I do for you?" the chief asked politely. "So, I just got a full sex change. I need a new uniform, and I imagine I will need to full out a lot of paperwork," White said miserably. "God damn! You got one over the weekend? That was fast. Who authorized you to change your sex?" the chief asked irritably. "Sorry, chief. Should have said something," White said expecting to be fired. "Well, come in Monday and we'll square you away," the chief allowed. "Also, I want the night shift, so I can take care of Miller's baby," White added. "Well, aren't we demanding? I think we can accommodate that. You and Miller together now?" the Chief asked. "Yes," White said awkwardly. "Well, God damn! Just come in Monday, the evening shift," the chief ordered. Thanks, chief," White said and hung up. Miller gave White an uncomfortable look. "This is weird for me, alright. You look good, and we're together now. So...," he said awkwardly. White went over to the breast feed the baby which turned Miller on even more. White felt a little pain but then a pleasurable sensation as the baby boy sucked on her breast. Once she was done, she placed the baby back in the crib. "Look, I can tell when you need it. I'll be a good sport," White said as she touched the outline of his dick on his pants. "Now?" Miller asked hopefully. "Sure," White smiled. *** Officer White came by the police station Monday evening and began the paperwork process to get a new female uniform. Her large bullet proof vest had to be reduced to a small and her helmet size went down a size. In order to avoid controversy, she was given a new name tag: Miller. It was inevitable as it was. Officer White awkwardly entered the woman's locker room and wondered how she would feel inside. Looking around, she saw a few women from the previous shift take a shower. Surprisingly, she felt nothing as if it were nothing. White found her new locker and began to change into her new uniform. Looking in the mirror, she saw a female version of himself as if his own sister were a cop. Female police officers weren't supposed to wear make-up, something Officer White was thankful for. "So, you're the new later transfer?" a female officer asked. "Yeah...," Officer White said keeping to the story. "Miller's wife, right?" the female officer smirked. Officer White wondered if Miller and this woman had a past history. Did she feel jealous? "Yeah," Officer White said. The female officer nodded and walked off. Officer White had little time to contemplate her new gender dynamic. She was assigned to an officer she had worked with before. "So, you're Miller's wife. Glad to meet you," Officer Smith said with a smile. "Nice to meet you too," Officer White said uncomfortably. Every male's smile was now different to her for some reason. Whether it was true or not, she got the impression all the male officers were attracted to her. She vowed she would never be one of those women that rush to conclusions. She was a female in a male dominated profession. Everything was different now. "Glad to meet you too, Smith," she said politely. "Let's get going," Smith said as they got into a patrol car. White felt a little anxious being in the same car as Officer Smith. She just needed to get over herself. A complaint appeared on the computer. "Looks like we have an indecent exposure complaint at the park," Officer Smith said. Officer White gave him a concerned look. "Let's just ignore it," she suggested. Officer Smith nodded in agreement. "We have better fish to fry." *** In the park, the witch breast fed her infant. She picked up her cell phone and dialed the police department dispatch. "What's the nature of your emergency?" the dispatch asked. "I would like to report indecent exposure at the park," she said. "We'll send an officer out to the park," the dispatch promised. The woman hung up and smiled. Which officer would it be this time?

Same as Indecent Exposure Videos

1 year ago
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Indecent proposal A cheating wife story

One Monday morning Roger came into my office, just after 10 am break and asked me if I had ever seen a film called Indecent Proposal. I told him that I hadn't seen it, but I'd seen some trailers and knew what it was about. "Well" said Roger, "What would you say if I offered you £500.00 to spend a night with me? After the party at Andy's house, I decided that it would be wiser not to involve Les in any further liaisons for the mean time. After all he was meant to be my hubby, John's best friend...

Cheating Wife
4 years ago
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This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the author. OVER-EXPOSURE By Lana B. Ken read the book as he rested comfortably in bed with his head propped up against the padded headboard. He'd already read this particular book several times but he returned to it every now and then to browse some of his favorite passages. It was, after all, no ordinary book. Ken had written it himself. He closed it and gazed at the title: "Confidential Scandal." And right below the...

4 years ago
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Indecent Kristy

The summer of my tenth year was an interesting one for me anyway, it was the year that I became sexually active, but that’s another story. I’ve started that one several times, but it’s been too hard for me to write. Not that it was traumatic, it was just very personal. I’d spent that summer being babysat by the elderly lady across the road—and her six year old granddaughter—because mom and dad were both working a lot of overtime. But when summer ended, my normal baby setter got busy, so...

3 years ago
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Indecent Proposal

Indecent Proposal By Katie Dale ---ONE I knocked lightly on the door to our apartment, then opened the door. We lived in a tiny apartment - ever since my father was abducted and my mother had to support the family all by herself. She wasn't qualified to work in a well-paying job - she got married young and hadn't continued her education past high school. She was a simple woman, content with a life as a mother and housemaker. Dad made enough money as a doctor, so that she didn't...

2 years ago
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Indecent Proposal for Molly and Brian

Molly and her young husband, Brian, had gone to Las Vegas for a long weekend, and while they were there, something very exciting happened in their encounter with a rich man named Rod Pitney that would change their lives forever. Brian and Molly were playing games in the casino when they were at a table with a very rich-looking and distinguished older man, possibly twenty years older than they were. Molly especially noticed that Rod paid a lot of attention to her and on occasion, Molly thought...

2 years ago
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Open House Exposure

Fresh out of the shower, and three hours before we expected anyone to check out our Open House, I was sprawled naked on my towel on a sofa, trying to tempt my busy wife. She left laundry half folded when I switched on a sex tape of some of our public exploits. I love watching her strip in public and this was a mix of her stripping in tales I tell like I BURIED MY NAKED WIFE IN THE DESERT, DAWN JOGGERS, Wet Wrestling and so many others. She couldn't ignore my dick climbing to full attention as...

5 years ago
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Artifacts of Exposure

This is a story of pretty girls and their newest possessions. Possessions that will come to be revealed as catalysts for their ultimate and humiliating exposure. An enigmatic profiteer roams the world even now, selling his cursed wares to unsuspecting young women. The tales are many but they all end the same. Ultimate embarrassment in its most naked and pure form! A few of these tales follow. They will grow as word of mouth spreads, as new stories emerge with recognition of our mysterious...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Accidental Exposure

Carol enjoyed accidentally exposing herself when she was younger, but it is a pleasure we both shared! It started when we had been invited to a barbecue to welcome new neighbours, the sort of occasion people turn up to in causal clothes. As she often does, Carol wore some sexy underwear under her demure summer dress. It made her feel good to look for all intents and purposes, like a a modest woman but if people knew what she had on underneath they would know she was far from chaste. It was on...

2 years ago
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Almost Arrested Public Exposure

I enjoy reading about your exploits here in on xhamster. I love true sexual adventures shared in such an open way. I wish there were more folks willing to share as freely. I was recently reminded of the times I thought we were going to jail when caught by a police officer. Yes when your "thing" is public exposure and humiliation such as being nude or at least topless in public places sometimes you must deal with the law.Now I do understand the US Supreme Court has ruled that exposing a woman's...

2 years ago
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ExposureI know her fears, the irrational terrors that lie deep within her third heart. Today I will exploit them to the full to test her will, to see if the steel is hardened enough so she can survive her ultimate test. She only knows that she is to meet me and to expect a night to pass before she returns to the real world. Today is a game day.I have told her to meet me on the bridge over the motorway at 8:30 in the evening. I will collect her at 9:00. She does not know that I will be...

3 years ago
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Southern Exposure

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE Copyright Kristy Leigh 2003. All rights reserved. 1. Jess Taylor ambled swiftly up the driveway, fishing his keys out of his pocket as he approached the front door. He was a boy on a tight schedule; his Aunt would arrive home at five, dinner would be on the table no later than six. That left him less than three hours of free play; three hours of simple, childish joy through in the late September sunshine, three hours on the swings and slides and...

3 years ago
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Necessary Exposure

© Copyright 2003 Hayley stood before the mirror, working her brush through yet more tangles in her hair. As the brush pulled free, several drops of water fell from the ends of her hair, dripping onto her shoulder and down her breast. She looked at herself in the mirror. Age 40. Assessment. She wasn't 30 anymore, or even 35. Her breasts sagged a bit, but then, 38C was a mature size. Her skin wasn't quite... well, it was just looking aged. Not old, just older. Not clouded with spots,...

2 years ago
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Queens Four of a KindChapter 7 Exposure

Trish "One last hand?" I ask. "I thought we had to go to six?" wondered Pam. "I thought I would give you a break," answered Mark. "What do you say? "I sure could use the sleep," smiled Abbey. "Why not?" I agreed. What could he possibly have us do now? One last screw with all the ladies. That would be fun. "I am in," agreed a tired Pam. "I'll make it unanimous," added Maggie. "OK," Mark said dealing the card. "In this last hand, public exposure is at...

2 years ago
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Indecent act in Launderette seen by Janitor

I was emptying the washing machine in the laundry room of our high-rise apartment, when I heard a noise.Being on my own so early in the morning, might have concerned most, but this was a guarded establishment, so being attacked, never crossed my mind, but still I was in my nightdress and housecoat only, and only those two garments and it got my fertile imagination going.I put my clothes into the dryer, sat down and lit a cigarette(I sometimes smoked back then) and let my mind drift, what if...

2 years ago
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I have to thank him for the situation I was in.He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...

5 years ago
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My First Exposure

Introduction: Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until now. My First Exposure Meeting My Paperboy Part-1 ———————————————– This story is woven around an old friends fantasy she shared with me over a span of nearly 30 years. ———————————————– Like a lot of women, Ive had some fantasies during my 40+ years, but had never had the opportunity or nerve to live any of them until Mike took me for a...

2 years ago
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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH……. NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH First Sexual Exposure By: Londebaaz Chohan This is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don’t say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth. Due to the f****y business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I was supposed to attend was...

3 years ago
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I have to thank him for the situation I was in. He humiliated, cheated and threw me away like a dirty oil rag. To prove him wrong I decided to do something I would never have done in a million years. I was really a shy, reserved person that believed that a woman’s sexuality is holy, only to be exchanged for security by marriage to a wealthy man. He called me prudish because I would not wear a bikini, calling me a cold fish when I refused to let him stick his finger in my vagina. He said I was...

2 years ago
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My first public exposure

My first public exposure . . . I had been going through a period of denial, not self imposed though rather a period that I had no one to spend my personal gurl time with. The friend that I had spending time with for the last year and a half that my wife convinced me to open up to Steve, had determined he no longer wanted to be unfaithful to his wife. Regardless of how much he loved me dressing up for him, how much he enjoyed touching my lingerie and especially how well I had learned what really...

4 years ago
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My first public exposure

My first public exposure . . . I had been going through a period of denial, not self imposed though rather a period that I had no one to spend my personal gurl time with. The friend that I had spending time with for the last year and a half that my wife convinced me to open up to Steve, had determined he no longer wanted to be unfaithful to his wife. Regardless of how much he loved me dressing up for him, how much he enjoyed touching my lingerie and especially how well I had learned what...

3 years ago
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First Sexual Exposure

ALL TRUTH....... NOTHING BUT THE TRUTHFirst Sexual ExposureBy: Londebaaz ChohanThis is exact and true count of my first sexual encounter. I don't say each word I narrate is exact and true but I take an oath that the incidence I am going to narrate and the way it took place is all truth, nothing but the truth.Due to the family business commitments, my dad decided to move to this relatively serene and tranquil neighborhood on Staten Island. The Middle School I...

3 years ago
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how it got started first wife exposure

Indeed recalling hot situations of past adventures is very enchanting – for those who write them down but also for all likeminded having a chance of participating in an imaginary way. The story gets an extra kick when beefed up by accompanying pictures of that very wife.We got into lifestyle after my wife Agnes found out about an affair I had with another woman. We then openly talked about me lacking an arousing sex life. And I confessed my ambition to have her enjoyed by other men. Because we...

2 years ago
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Pledging Tau Geta Delta Part 6 Public Exposure

Pledging Tau Geta Delta - Part 6 - Public Exposure By Farleven "Well, well, look who finally made it." Alex laughed as I stumbled through the kitchen and managed to collect up something resembling breakfast. I shot the spunky blond a quick glare before I poured myself a glass of orange juice. I was feeling a bit run down after so many late nights in a row. Even the afterglow of last nights marathon sexing wasn't enough to offset the fatigue. I was a bit surprised it had taken this...

4 years ago
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A nite in Maine She stood there, blindfolded, her hands tied behind herback with soft leather restraints and clad only in a black mid-calf skirt andmatching silk blouse. My wife was the picture of beauty. Subtly sexy yet shiveringslightly in anticipation, she had agreed to be displayed and teased and thoughtshe was ready for an evening of pleasure in front of near total strangers.This was a fantasy we had talked about many times and was now being realized. I met a man through an online...

3 years ago
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Dennyz Exposure

Very early this New Year's morning, my so-called shy wife was lying naked, face down on our bed as a new friend massaged her whole body while his wife and I closely watched silently, lustily. To be fair, Deni had a towel, folded into a small strip, across her sexy, naked ass. Gorgeous Rita was in just a small bra and panty; I was just wearing my briefs. We were softly stroking each other's upper thighs. Our small party was apparently a success. Don't ask! Before we all got further carried...

2 years ago
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Thirtysix exposures

This is a work of fiction. Thirty-six exposures It was just a simple manila envelope, my name and address labeled dead center—the words “photographs, do not bend” stenciled across the bottom. I’d grabbed it out of the mailbox with a thick handful of other letters and was halfway across the porch before I realized what it was. I absently jiggled it for a second and then dropped myself into one of the old rockers we had out there,the other bills and junk left scattered across my lap as I ripped...

4 years ago
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Four Exposures

His offer: I have four frames remaining in my old manual drive Olympus. Each time you see me with this camera you may nod assent or call it quits. If assent is given, I will advance the film one frame. You may offer no further protest until the shutter has been released. I choose the locale, the background, the costume, the action and the pose. Each shot will be progressively more interesting. Do we have a deal? I gave this some thought before replying. I love the way...

4 years ago
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Indecent Affair

Slutty VelmaThe minutes ticked by. Blake lay on the bed, his anticipation growing by the moment. His thick cock had already grown to its full length as he played with it. His eyes were glued to the bathroom door, waiting for it to open.The door opened a sliver, teasing, and then fully opened. Out came Katrina, his fuck buddy, dressed in a hot cosplay outfit modeled after the character Velma from the cartoons. Her tight sweater hugged the ample curves of her braless tits as she jiggled and...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Indecent Proposal The Next Chapter

It had been a week after we had received another foreclosure letter from the bank. We were down to only a week and a half to go before they were to sell our home. I had to end up fucking a 40 year old guy to save our home 6 months ago. I am 23 years old and my husband is 25 years old. We had bought our first home together two years ago and then got behind on the mortgage after I had lost my job. It definitely put a lot of stress on our marriage since that time. I still hadn’t found a job and it...

3 years ago
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Indecent Proposal And Its Aftermath

My husband and I were married two years ago. I am now 23 years old and my husband is 25. We bought ourselves a very nice house a year ago. I thought everything was great until I lost my job several months ago. It was a big lost for us and our bills were starting to pile up. We couldn’t keep up on the mortgage payment and fell several months behind. The bank had now filed foreclosure papers. We had only 3 weeks to get our account current or our house would be auction off. It took me a few days...

4 years ago
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Indecent Proposal Wife Being Blackmail

I had just received a phone call from a guy who works with my husband. I always hated this guy. He had tried hitting on me several different occasions at my husband work functions. He was very cocky and very much into himself. He worked out several times a week at the gym and thought his body was so spectacular. My husband also hates him. He caught him on a few occasions hitting on me at different parties. He also doesn’t get along with him at work. I didn’t really want to talked to him but I...

4 years ago
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Indecent Proposal

Marie had been ecstatic to when she had been promoted from her simple office cubical to secretary for the VP of customer relations, Mr. John Clinton. She?d only been working for the company for a year and such a high promotion was quiet surprising. Why, Mr. Clinton himself had come to her little box and told her the news citing how she had the best qualification. Almost a week in her new position she began noticing little things that seemed... odd. Mr. Clinton would call her into his office to...

4 years ago
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Indecent Proposal By Son

This is a story of me. I am Mallika and I am 43 now. It all started when I was about 42. I was happily married with my husband and our only son Ramesh. On an unfateful day I lost my husband due to an illness. I was pretty devastated as is my son Ramesh. We could not live anymore in that town so we sold our house. My son got a transfer to a remote village and we both moved and settled there. My son was 21 then and he is already working and earning well. Since Ramesh started working he gave us...

3 years ago
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Indecent Affair Of Mom And Son

It was Friday, Ravi couldn’t concentrate on his work. He was waiting to leave office quickly and get ready for special someone who was going to come tonight. Ravi finally packed his work, and left for his room, on leaving he called his sister, Seema, living in Indore at family home. Ravi: (on phone) ringing Seema picked up. Seema: Hello Ravi bhaiya Ravi: kaisi ho seema Seema: good Bhaiya how are you, haappy b’day in advance Ravi: I am fine, mummy nikal gayi hain Pune ke liye? Seema: haan...

2 years ago
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Indecent Proposal The Next Chapter

It had been a week after we had received another foreclosure letter from the bank. We were down to only a week and a half to go before they were to sell our home. I had to end up fucking a 40 year old guy to save our home 6 months ago. I am 23 years old and my husband is 25 years old. We had bought our first home together two years ago and then got behind on the mortgage after I had lost my job. It definitely put a lot of stress on our marriage since that time. I still hadn’t found a job and it...

3 years ago
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Indecent Proposal And Its Aftermath

My husband and I were married two years ago. I am now 23 years old and my husband is 25. We bought ourselves a very nice house a year ago. I thought everything was great until I lost my job several months ago. It was a big lost for us and our bills were starting to pile up. We couldn’t keep up on the mortgage payment and fell several months behind. The bank had now filed foreclosure papers. We had only 3 weeks to get our account current or our house would be auction off. It took me a few days...

4 years ago
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Indecent proposal ii

It was all over after that night with him i was feeling few changes in my self to! What i did really! Was it a right step for me. I was thinking about the social boundrees about me. What happend if somebody will know or saw me to going with him. Yeah! It was a narrow escape for me. I decided to come out & not to do it again in my life. I was ended towards my self although i am a married woman what is need of me. I made busy my self again in my family life. But some times its only your luck...

3 years ago
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Indecent Arousal

So to start this off -- I don't condone cheating, but I completely understand that things happen. I needed extra money this summer, so I got myself a job as a private duty nurse to this elderly lady whose family offered to pay me to live with her for just the summer. It seemed pretty easy. Anna, as she insisted I call her; basically took care of herself. I got to live with her for free. I couldn't have asked for a better job. She had a gorgeous six-bedroom house with a large swimming pool,...

2 years ago
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Indecent Proposal

I picked the couple up at the international airport. They were German, the girl around twenty-four, the man around forty-five. Still, from the way they talked and held on to each other, I got the impression that they were husband and wife. He had a hand on her waist, in the manner of one who married a young wife and is proud of the fact that it was out of love. As a taxi-driver in the rapidly expanding city of Islamabad, I have learned to derive characters of potential passengers with a single...

3 years ago
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Exhibitionist group exposure

To set the scene, I lived in a two family house with a huge backyard and right behind my backyard was a bank with a good sized parking lot bordering my yard. There was a fence separating the two properties but it was a chain link fence and offered no cover so you could see directly into my yard without any obstruction. On the next 2 blocks were two 6 story apartment buildIngs that had a direct view into my yard with many windows. I'm guessing you're already thinking what I already knew. This...

4 years ago
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Pennys Promiscuity 49 Exposure

They say the road to hell is the smooth, straight one; the deceptively easy path that descends so slowly you hardly know you’re on it until you reach your fiery destination.They also say that the Devil makes work for idle hands.As far as Penny Barker is concerned, they are right on both counts.*After the extraordinary revelations of that week and to everyone’s surprise, life returned to what approximated to normal in our household and remained so for a long time. At the time, it felt as if...

4 years ago
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Backyard Exposure

Jeff moves to his wife who is in the kitchen and playfully pinches her nipple through her blouse, “Went well, Mrs. Fletcher. Nothing new. We did get a new account. It should be a good one. Did you get some sun again today?” She gives a smile but dips her breast to thwart his attempt at her other nipple, “Yes. Another couple days I will have the tan I want,” then she rubs one hand up her forearm. Connie is a 42 year-old woman who is about 5’8” at 165 lbs. and short wavy black hair. She has...

5 years ago
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A Theatrical Exposure

The butterflies in my stomach threatened to explode as I waited for my cue to make my next entrance on stage in my first professional theatre production. I had to get back into character quickly. I closed my eyes, emptied my mind and let the blond Suzie, the slut, take over. This wasn’t an easy task.As the daughter of the small-town pastor, I hadn’t known anything about acting – movies and television were forbidden – and a whole lot less about sexuality. The only thing I was ever allowed to...

3 years ago
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Accidental Exposure

We'd put in for an apartment in a new complex being built but while waiting for some final touches to be taken care of, we'd rented an apartment where my father lived. It was a row of older homes a man had bought and converted into apartments. We were in the apartment directly below my dad's apartment. We left for the beach for our honeymoon right after our wedding. So this was before we had any idea about swinging.The weather had been awful and the forecast for the rest of the week wasn't...

2 years ago
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Emma sat at her desk in complete silence. Her mouth hung open in utter shock at the image displayed on her computer screen. With a shaking hand caused by a sudden adrenaline rush, she took a deep breath and clicked to minimise the image before trying to regain her composure.  Feelings of buried lust and guilt at her forbidden voyeurism coursed through her as she slouched in her chair, the mental image of her gorgeous housemate still fresh in her mind. He had been sat at the desk in his...

4 years ago
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Hospital Exposure

A few weeks ago, my wife Dee and two co-workers were returning from a client meeting and while entering a taxi, the cab was struck by a pickup truck . Dee was thrown against a parked car and was knocked unconscious. Ted, one of Dee’s co-workers injured an arm and luckily, Joanne, the third member of the group was uninjured. While Dee and Ted were attended to by the EMTs and placed in the waiting ambulance, Joanne called and told me what happened. I ran out of my office building and went...

2 years ago
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Danielles first exposure

It all started for Danielle about three months ago, it was a lovely summer day and she come home from work hot and bothered. Because of the beautiful weather she decided to get changed into something much cooler and comfortable and sit out in the garden to relax. She sat on the edge of her bed and undressed, relishing the slight movement of air across her naked body, she lay back on the bed finally feeling comfortable. Her eyes closed and she began to daydream, she ran a hand over her body...

3 years ago
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Public Exposure

Since my last series was fantasy, and I couldn’t decide on a new theme yet, I decided to just write a few of my own true experiences. About two years ago I decided to fulfill some fantasies and adverstised on a casual sex web site for couples looking for a bi male. One of the first I met was a couple from out of town here on business. They weren’t really a couple, but a gay guy and his straight girlfriend who liked to watch each other play. They proposed meeting at their hotel pool and all of...

2 years ago
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Emma eyed the half loaded commuter train car for a few moments before deciding to take a seat across from a middle aged business man who was busy reading the morning paper!!! She waddled down the aisle and stopped at his shoulder and asked in a sweet voice, Is this seat taken, while motioning to the empty bench directly across from him!?! Uh no, maam, he replied while shaking his head, its been empty ever since I got on board, help yourself!!! Thanks, Emma replied while plopping down in front...

2 years ago
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Hollywood and First Time Exposure

She never considered something like this. Never in her life had she considered it at all. Shelly, an adorably attractive although a bit chubby in her opinion, was approached by Cam Nelson one late afternoon just after she’d heard an inside office joke. He loved her eyes and smile once he saw it. He adored how her face lit up after seeing her many a time never smiling, whatsoever, but finally just as she overheard the joke and walked away he saw it. He saw her grin which wasn’t something she...

2 years ago
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Adventures in Accidental Exposure

Carol enjoyed accidentally exposing herself when she was younger, but it is a pleasure we both shared! It started when we had been invited to a barbecue to welcome new neighbours, the sort of occasion people turn up to in causal clothes. As she often does, Carol wore some sexy underwear under her demure summer dress. It made her feel good to look for all intents and purposes, like a a modest woman but if people knew what she had on underneath they would know she was far from chaste. It was on...

2 years ago
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Realized Fantasies Chapter 1 Exposure

Steve wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard the bathroom door close. He was in the shower and the bathroom fan was running, so he stopped for a moment to listen. Maybe one of the guys came in to use the toilet, he wondered.“Hello?” he said aloud.No reply. It was probably just one of the other guys getting something they’d left in the bathroom, he thought. Steve was one of the last to shower, and the other guys had left a variety of toiletry items at the sink. So he went on showering but hurried...

4 years ago
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A tale of vouyerism and assisted exposure

We all know the usual ENF story. A girl, usually the protagonist, ends up naked thanks to, more often than not, to forces beyond her control, which causes her to lose her clothes over the course of the story. These forces often take the form of many things, be it a rival girl who puts a nasty prank on the protagonist, a perverted boy looking to see her naked body, a close friend which causes an accident that leaves her naked, and many more. But what if ?, you were that one of those forces...

3 years ago
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Joeys Ultimate Exposure

Joseph is a shy college student, seemingly your textbook nerd at first glance. He's on the short and skinny side, making him appear much younger than he actually is. This isn't helped by his utter inability to grow facial hair and his limited wispy, pale body hair, much to his embarrassment. He has curly red hair, freckles, thick coke-bottle glasses and braces. He manages to fly under the radar, but he has two big secrets! The first is his penis. His overall childish appearance made him...

2 years ago
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Mrs Samuals exposure

There is this black woman naked mrs Samuals who is a teacher at a all girls school with her top A student name cindy. Through out her day rather it's school or home she winds up naked and is seen by cindy. Mrs samual when naked is known to have some bush on her pussy. Anywhere or everywhere she in with Cindy, Cindy alway has Mrs Samuals striping naked in public. What does mrs samuals teach? And were does her day start?

3 years ago
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VRMMO Exposure

The year is 2042, Virtual reality, which first started getting really popular in the mid 2010s, has grown exponentially, almost every major game comes out in VR these days, and the technology has advanced greatly, you no longer have to worry about kicking your desk.. or breaking a lamp, or anything of the sort, now you can simply lay in a pod and be directly put in the game while your body sleeps, at least you can if you have the money, for those not rich enough, they can buy a cheaper headset,...

4 years ago
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Neighborhood Exposure

Jason Fladger sits at home just before lunch time, browsing through his favorite 'erotic' websites and getting hornier by the minute. He is 31 years and recently unemployed, so he finds he has a lot of time on his hands to surf and jerk. Most days that is enough to get by, but today he has a serious craving for pussy. Jason's new wife, Leanna, works for the local university. She has a mostly Latin ethnicity, with a little African mixed in. She is very short, only 4'11", with wide hips and a...

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