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A nite in Maine

She stood there, blindfolded, her hands tied behind herback with soft leather restraints and clad only in a black mid-calf skirt andmatching silk blouse. My wife was the picture of beauty. Subtly sexy yet shiveringslightly in anticipation, she had agreed to be displayed and teased and thoughtshe was ready for an evening of pleasure in front of near total strangers.This was a fantasy we had talked about many times and was now being realized.

I met a man through an online lingerie forum and subsequentlyagreed to have dinner with him and his wife to assure ourselves of compatibleinterests and their, shall I say, normality. My wife, who is always eager toplease me, decided that after meeting them she would allow me to tantalizeher in front of them. Driving on the way to their home in Maine we decidedon a safe word, one that she could whisper whenever she wanted me to stop doingwhat I was doing and I would. If she ever thought things were getting too hotor just felt uncomfortable, she could say our cat's name Liebschien, and Iwould cease whatever was going on and we would leave.

The scenario we decided upon was that she would allow meto disrobe her while blindfolded and bound, then display her precious charmsand lovely lingerie to the couple in the privacy of their home. That is howshe was now and I was enjoying it immensely. When we met this similarly agedcouple it was clear that the man, Steve was obviously a connoisseur of lingerie.His lovely wife Stephanie who sat quietly thru the dinner was apparently comfortablewearing whatever he suggested and they admitted they were exhibitionist mindedas well. At the end of the introductory dinner they invited us to their homein Maine sometime for an evening of fine dinning, wine, and some "consensualadult behavior" as they described it. Now, here we were, two weeks later withmy gorgeous wife on display in their ever-so-comfortable living room.

After having a lovely meal, some small talk about life ingeneral including our recent travels and what we had planned for the evening'sentertainment, we were eager to begin. We excused ourselves from the tableand I blindfolded Marie and gently tied her hands behind her back and stoodher in the center of their living room while they finished putting away thedishes. After a few moments they came quietly into the room and saw me as Ibegan kissing and caressing this sultry beauty, hugging her and gently squeezingher bosom and delectable ass.

Then, and ever so slowly, I began removing her clothingwhile Steve and Steph, as she liked to be called, watched. What Marie couldnot see was that for every button I undid on her blouse, Steph did the sameon herself, which she did not indicate she would do while we were discussingthe proposed events of the evening. Steve had encouraged her, which apparentlyhadn't taken much, and I of course enjoyed what I was seeing as well.

Feeling my gentle hands roaming over Marie's tall slenderbody, always excites me, and was having the usual desired effect on her aswell. She is such a beauty with very long legs, a wonderful ass and just theperfect sized pert breasts. At 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighing just 135 pounds,she carries her 34B breasts with ease and although she won't admit it, stillturns many heads of both men and women with the way she looks. Despite beingshall I say, 'past 40' she has the looks of a much younger woman and her sexualdesire and abilities are aging like good French wine. This evening she wasdoing especially well since neither Steve nor Steph were able to take theireyes off her.

Her blouse was now completely open and showing the top ofa black corset I had asked her to wear for the evening. Her cleavage protrudedslightly from the garment and I could tell her nipples were hardening underthe material but doubted if our hosts seated just a few feet away could see.

Marie says she 'hates' wearing lingerie but does so justto please me. I think it's a combination of regretting getting older sinceshe was such an incredible looking sex bomb in her youth with a perfect model'sbody including luscious long legs and her mistaken belief that I need to seeher clad in something naughty rather than see her totally naked with the blemishesof time that we all acquire showing. I admit I have a fetish, if you will,for lingerie and love seeing her adorned in satin and silk, but I also adoreher wonderful mature body. Her nakedness is always a turn-on for me and I justwish she would believe me that it is all her womanhood that I lust for; herbody, her mind and yes I want to see her wearing beautiful undergarments.

Another reason for her hesitation I believe, is that shethinks spending money on such frivolousness is a waste, but we certainly havesufficient resources and I enjoy indulging her in many areas and think thisshould be one. I want her to enjoy the feeling next to her luscious skin ofwearing satin, silk and lace as she looks so good in and out of lingerie andit should be a reward for how hard we've both worked and how well she has keptherself so utterly attractive. She still has a body most women would die forand I try to treat her like the Queen of my heart that she is. She is the oneI adore, clad in hundred dollar undies like tonite, or totally naked.

Proud and excited by what I see in front of me, I brushher breasts and run the backside of my fingers up her long neck to her fulllips. She suckles them, one by one, and lets out a slight, but approving moan.I then began to unzip the back of her skirt, gradually, and she wiggles faintlyto let it slip to the floor. I leave the blouse on and open since removingit entirely would be impossible with her hands restrained as they were andit gave the hint of a cover-up, albeit an immodest one.

"Now step out of the skirt, Dear," I said, as I held herhands while she lifted one, then another leg and stepped out of the slinkygarment. Steph rose as well and began the process of removing her skirt justas Marie did, then sat down. Steve watched not knowing which beautiful womanto focus his attention on but clearly enjoyed every moment of this eye candyshow. Marie had him mesmerized but there was his own beautiful wife sittingacross from him now clad only in a pink satin bra, pink satin panties, anda matching pink garter-belt with black silk stockings and pumps.

Curiously, or maybe not so, her bikini panties were wornon the outside of her garters. I've always wondered why the catalogue modelswear them under the belts which makes taking them off for nature calls or otheractivities so difficult. Clearly, Steph was on the same page as I and had themadorned with an easy exit in mind.

Steph is shorter than my wife but quite a looker in herown right. It is apparent she works out as she mentioned when we had dinner,since her solid frame holds what I now estimate are 36C sized breasts quitealluringly. Her shorter legs and stockier build give off an air of confidencewhich I wish Marie had sometimes and although Steph is very attractive, I preferthe length of my wife's legs which seem to go on forever, 'up to heaven' asI have told her on many occasions.

Is there some dampness I detect in Steph's panties or maybeit's just a shadow? I can't quite tell standing across from her in the middleof the room as we are, but Steph by smiling and giving us her undivided attentionis clearly excited by what she sees and it could be her way of telling us sheapproves.

It's not until Marie's skirt is completely off and she hasstepped away from it that either of them notices that she is not wearing anypanties. She now stood before them clad in just a black satin corset, stockingsheld up by six garters, heels and her completely open black silk blouse. Ihear a gasp first from Steph then followed by Steve when they see her nakedness,which is so glorious.

I had taken great care to trim Marie's pubic hair closelythen shave her pussy lips earlier in the day, which she adores having done,and her loveliness now glistened in the semi-dark room. She was certainly becomingmore and more excited with her labia and clit swelling and pouting with justa hint of dampness of her own. I touched her exposed and naked clitty to geta drop of nectar, then let her lick the sweetness from my fingers. At seeingMarie's nakedness, Steph rose from her chair and immediately stepped out ofher own panties and tossed them to Steve with a grin.

Marie could tell there was movement in the room since shecould hear someone getting up and out of a chair occasionally, but she couldn'ttell exactly who it was or what they were actually doing. Her sight depravationwas heightening the excitement on one hand but would soon be a determent, asshe would love to have watched what happened next.

Steph couldn't contain herself anymore seeing the pleasureMarie was receiving by my fondling and her own exposure and went over to Steve,gave him a big kiss, and began unbuckling his pants. Before I knew it theywere off and she was licking and sucking his cock to erection. He sat therein total bliss as this artisan of pleasure bobbed up and down on his prickwhile he stared at Marie in all her beauty with pouty pussy lips standing beforehim. When I saw Steph lookup and stare at Marie with her big brown eyes, Idecided it would be a good time to gently push a finger inside her wetnessso she could feel what an amorous effect she was having on all of us. Justas I did, Marie let out a whimper and whispered "I've been wanting you to dothat so bad, what took you so long?"

Upon hearing Marie moan, Steph stopped her sucking on hisnow fully erect 7-inch cock and bent up to kiss Steve and ask him a question.I couldn't hear it, but when Steve replied "Of course, Dear," she stood upand I suspected I knew what she had asked. As she rose and began walking overto us I was certain so I whispered to Marie, "Someone else here wants to caressyour beautiful body, can I allow them?" Hesitatingly, she replied, "OK, butI don't want you to stop." "Of course not," I said and allowed Steph to comeever so close to smell Marie's perfumed charms and feel her superb and quiveringwith excitement body.

"Now gently," I said, "and we'll confuse her whose handsare whose, and whose fingers are where." Marie's legs wobbled at the firsttouch of the second pair of hands and her excitement let off a barely audiblemini-orgasm. I unfolded her corset top exposing her now rock-hard nipples andSteph ran her hands over the satin material on her waist, then down her outerthighs to her stocking tops. Steve looked on with, shall I say, hard interest,as his cock was at full attention watching his beautiful wife caress my beautifulwife's waist and thighs. Steph and I changed places almost as though we hadrehearsed the maneuver and she cupped Marie's breasts and I caressed her innerthigh. I couldn't stop there, simply caressing, so I cupped her pussy thenpushed two fingers inside, which gave her another mini-orgasm. Just as Mariegasped, Steph pinched a nipple gently and she squirmed and squealed! God, thiswoman is such a stunning and incredible sex-goddess, I am so fortunate to bemarried to her and all the pleasure she gives, I thought to myself.

I could tell she was really getting quite aroused now andasked, "Sweetheart, can I use the toy we brought along on you?" Knowing itwas the four-balled pleasure giver, she agreed unashamedly, "Yes, fill me withthose golden balls, Please do!" As I move away to get them from her purse,Steph continued to roam her hands over Marie's body keeping her content forthe brief period it took me to retrieve them from her purse. It's obvious thatSteve was enjoying this almost as much as Marie since he continued to gentlystroke his cock while keeping his eyes affixed on the two gorgeous and nearlynaked women in front of him.

I really wanted Marie to see his manhood, especially howSteph treated it in her mouth, but first I wanted to insert the bliss ballsinto her pleasure zone to give her some serious pleasure and well-deservedrelief. After she has enjoyed them for a while maybe I'll take off the blindfoldand she can see for herself how much she has aroused both of them. This goddessof beauty and insatiable woman is such an incredible fuck, whether she letsme use my fingers and toy balls as she is tonite, my tongue, or my cock. Ican't believe how privileged I am to have her.

When I returned, I thought that instead of standing Mariewould be more comfortably displayed on the oriental floor rug with her handsuntied, so I lowered her gently and removed the restraints. Now I could takeher blouse off entirely and unfold the corset top to expose her delicious breasts.Keeping the blindfold on for now Steph knelt on the other side and caressedher occasionally, continuing to fondle her and gently pinching her exposednipples. I devoured her nakedness with my eyes, spread her legs and begin toslip the balls inside her wetness: one, two, three, then four, and feel anorgasm building deep inside her.

We are close enough to Steve that Steph can continue tocaress Marie with one hand as well as reach over to Steve's cock so she replacedhis hand with hers, continuing to stroke it without missing a beat. There issome pre-cum just about to drip from the tip and she drags a fingernail overit to remove it, then, savors it between her lips. I'm the only one fully cladand wish I could disrobe but won't until and unless Marie allows me. I wouldlike nothing more than to show them both how she keeps my cock bound with metalrings so it's hard and ready to fuck her whenever and wherever she wants. Maybelater tonite, as it aches for her, but for now at least it stays pressed inmy silk thong under my pants.

All four balls are fully inside her cunt and she wiggleson the floor in ecstasy while I insert one, then two fingers deep in her pussy.I push them in, and pull them out, in and out, in and out, and she cums forus, this time loud and gushingly. I can tell she is really beginning to getturned on now as she warms to the excitement of the moment, the sensory depravation,the balls wiggling inside her heavenliness, and my plunging fingers into hergaping wet hole. She can't contain herself and has yet another the orgasm,cumming again with a loud contraction and approving whimper. I adore how shelooks when she cums, and I do love making her cum, over and over and over again.I continue to tease her clitty, slip one then two fingers inside, and fuckher with my digits just like they were mini-cocks and she squirms on the floorgasping unashamedly for more. Steph admires her jealously while she continuesto thump Steve's cock harder and harder watching my sex goddess cum again andagain and again.

Finally, Marie can't stand it anymore and screamed out "Pleasetake the blindfold off, I need to see everyone." I nod, smile at both Steveand Steph, and as I lift it off, and as though it were on cue, Steph immediatelybegins sucking Steve's cock again just as Marie's eyes adjust to the light.The first thing see sees is a hard cock being enjoyed by a wanton and verytalented mouth. Steph devoured Steve's manhood for all of our pleasure butwas particularly proud of how she was now the center of attention.

Slowly composing herself back from the several orgasms,Marie watched in delight as Steve began to ejaculate in Steph's mouth. Suckingharder and clutching his balls, she milked the jism from his cock missing littleof the luscious liquid. Tiny drops spilled from her lips and dribbled downher chin but she didn't stop sucking and jerking on his dick until Steve wascompletely dry. Wide-eyed with satisfaction, Steph looked up directly at Marie,as she nodded back her approval. Not until the last droplet is squeezed fromhis sac does she stop, let the limp dick slip from her lips and smile. Bothwomen then reluctantly calmed themselves from their excitement and Steve relaxedback in the chair ever so satisfied. Blushing, they said together, "That wasgreat, wasn't it?' then laughed. I agree wholeheartedly smiling broadly andof course have an aching, erect, ring-bound cock to prove it.

Steve was clearly spent for the moment and despite his andSteph's inviting us to sleep mover that evening we couldn't. We certainly hadn'tanticipated exactly what would transpire, how much enjoyment we would all have,so it hadn't crossed our minds to make arrangements to stay. What we had thoughtwas that we would have a lovely dinner and simply 'expose' ourselves for eachother's pleasure, not have blushingly blatant sex in front of each other. Wewere very tempted, but unfortunately had to get back to the city so Marie roseand began to ever so slowly pull her skirt back on and cover her breasts withher blouse.

Steph sat next to Steve, still aroused but obviously a littlespent as well but didn't bother to re-attire herself as Marie did. Clearlyshe was not as satisfied as either Steve or Marie and I got the distinct feelingby her remaining disrobed that she would see to her own total release laterthat evening with or without Steve's help. My own release comes from simplyknowing that my incredibly wonderful and sexually insatiable wife had cum sowantonly for me in front of them and that she would eventually fall asleepin my arms later that evening in our own comfortable home.

What an unbelievably delicious evening that was seeing anotherwoman please her husband as I pleased and exhibited my gorgeous wife. Mariehad cum so long and so hard being the center of attention that lovely niteshe talked all the way home about how exciting it was for her to be on displayflaunting her sexuality. And then, upon being un-blindfolded, how incrediblysexy it was seeing another man cum in his wife's mouth. She also said thatshe never once thought about our cat, just her own pussy and how it was beingso well treated. Finally, she said "You know honey, I want to do it all againsometime soon and as a variation you get to be my toy for the evening, bound,blindfolded and teased." I can't wait.

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October was almost always the worst month of the year. At least that was the opinion of eighteen-year-old Krystina Smith. Sure there was the celebration of the age-old pagan holiday that in modern times became known as Halloween; that was a plus. Although it had become a day when one could dress him or herself in garish costumes and pretends to be anything they dreamed; all the while parading around the town's darkened streets asking for candy from perfect strangers. However, the fact...

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Boyfriend Helps In College Assignment

Story line - A boyfriend helps his girlfriend in a college project. She needs to get human reaction to a shock factor in life for her thesis. The boyfriend (already a closet crossdresser) helps by wearing a bra in public under a shapely feminine top and ends up loving it and wanting to wear all "the" clothes forever. Chapter One "Sally what are you doing for your college thesis paper?" Mary asked. "I don't know, I can't figure out a thing to do for that shock factor assignment...

2 years ago
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An alternate way to pay for computer repairs

I looked at my watch 430pm and bang on time my mobile rang it was Chris hi he said hey I replied ill be home in half hour Greg is following in his car are u still ok about it? Def I said as long as he fits my requirements lol I've told u he does said Chris don't worry! Ok see u soon I replied. My requirements were this computer man had to be 40/65 or at look it, clean,not obese and not a perv! We both had agreed a plan and as I knew Chris and Greg would be here soon I was getting more excited....

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 18 USS Madrid

I kept my own promise and went to Hasvik and lit a torch for Astrid, Elena did the same and we didn’t talk much on our flight back. I didn’t know Astrid as well as she did, but she was a friend and she saved our lives, paying with hers. I still feel stuffed from breakfast even though it was close to five as we returned to the Burg. Midril had prepared what must have been the most calories laden and without question the biggest breakfast of Nilfeheim history. Rodney turned out to be the very...

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Double TwistChapter 184

“Numquam praestantibus in re publica gubernanda viris laudata est in un sententia perpetua permansio.” (Sticking with what they think has never helped political leaders.) Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares, I, 9, 21 I DIDN’T HAVE TIME to mope about when Desi and her parents pulled out Thursday for Washington, DC. It was the first day of second semester and I had a mandolin lesson at seven-thirty. Sarah complimented our broadcast on New Year’s Eve and said it must have been a great honor to...

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Auf dem Altar geopfert

Auf dem Weg von der Kirmes finde ich Saskia die fette Tochter meiner Nachbarin sturzbetrunken auf den Stufen der Kirche. Sie hatte sich übergeben und lag da nun. Um sie etwas sauber zu machen hob ich sie auf und dachte das das Weihwasser hier einen guten Zweck erfüllen würde. Sie ar völlig hilflos und liess alles mit sich machen. Sie war sicherlich keine Schönheit mit ihren 135 kg und ihren gewaltigen Titten aber sie war gerade 19 und ein Weib. So bekam ich eine geile Idee. Ich wusste, dass...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriends Roommate Part 3

My boyfriend's roommate...Part 3 A week passed and then a month. Kabir and Arjun's trip to Delhi was delayed. I had messaged Arjun and he said he was preparing for his visit and that he would let me know once the plans were finalized. Eventually, Kabir work played spoilt sport and he had to cancel the visit. However, Arjun messaged saying he was coming down and he would like me to be around when he met his mother. I reluctantly agreed - I did not know Arjun that well, I had somehow...

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The Taylor family 8

She let out a little titter as his eyes devoured her, quite pleased with this result. Ruth was just beginning to understand what kind of power a good pair of tits had on both men and women.He just stared dumbly at her chest for quite some time, licking his lips and wondering what he had done to deserve a such beautiful and willing daughter as this. He was exulting in the fact that these wonderful new toys were now his to play with.Leaning across him, her hand found the control for his seat and...

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The Rock A Love Story

The Rock. A love Story. Trish, 2019. When you consider that even in the 21st century class divisions tend to dictate who you mix with in British society Lee and I never should have become friends, let alone the very best friends, yet we were. My family lived in the affluent old village on the edge of town while Lee was raised very much the wrong side of the tracks, but everyone loved the funny self-confident Lee. Even my mother whose aristocratic upbringing meant she was usually very...

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Maine Dhoban Ko Choda

Ye story h meri dhoban ki.. Jo mere ghr ke pass mein rehti h..Hua yu ke jb bhi mein office se nikaltaa wo mere ghr pr aati.. Hum bus ek dsure ko dekh paate the..Baat kbhi hui ni thi.. Meri dhoban ka naam pooja h.. Figure 36 30 36 tha jo mujhe baad mein pata chalaa.. Color ek dum fair height bhi 5.7 hogi uski.. Jb bhi mein use dekhta tha wo mujhe sexy lagti thi.. Jb bhi humara eye contact hota tha aisa lagta tha ke jaise wo mujhse kch kehna chahti ho… Bus aise hi din chalte rahe.. Ek din ki baat...

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Bunnii Lust Pt 3 Road HeadSquirting

I had been with Bunnii for two weeks at this point and not to say a pun but we had been fucking like rabbits. With each time I was learning more and more about how to please her more than anyone else could ever dream of pleasing her. We had done so many new things that I had only dreamed of trying. She had told me something she has done before and I had to make her do it again. Before hearing her tell me about squirting I had never even heard of it. The night before I had looked it up and I...

5 years ago
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My day had been lazy and generally unproductive – just the way I liked it, for a Saturday evening. I had lounged around the room all day in a pair of tight blue boxer briefs, watching television, eating whatever I fancied and idly playing on my laptop. This was my idea of a relaxing, enjoyable weekend alone. Nothing could disturb me. No sooner had I thought this than my phone vibrated on the table in front of me. An ear-piercing song that I had once loved – now a grating noise to be tolerated...

4 years ago
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11 October 2008Chapter 1

Dan had dropped Susan off at her home so she could pack an overnight bag for her and Alex. She washed her dress and packed another sexy dress, a low cut top and short skirt to wear for Dan. “Alex, hurry up and take a shower and change your clothes, we’re staying the rest of the weekend with the Haywards and having turkey dinner with them tomorrow!” “Can we take a shower together?” “I already had mine. Is that all you have on your mind now, is sex with me?” “Not all the time, Mom. I do...

3 years ago
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TripinChapter 27

Since I had the cruiser anyway, I drove to a Hardee's for take out biscuits. If nothing else Jane, the Junkie, was going to put on some weight while she was with me. That might not last long since Royce, her new keeper, was convict thin. You know the ones who eat their meals and nothing else. Nobody brings them candy and their canteen fund is empty. They are the ones who run and lift weights every day. At least that is how he looked to me during our short visit. Of course he was in one of...

2 years ago
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PropertySex Katie Kush Reminds Me Of Home

I was having a shoot in my backyard when this gorgeous woman named Katie walked up and asked if I owned the house. Katie told me it reminded her of her childhood summer camp, and wanted to buy it. We went inside to talk, and I realized she was local celebrity Katie Kush! She offered me a million for the house, but there was sentimental value… so she offered me seven million, and showed me her pussy! Katie told me I could fuck her if I’d sell, and let me finger her, then lick her...

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Hot Young Thing Part 8 The End

Hot Young Thing - Part 8 – The EndWhen I awoke, the house was as quiet as a cemetery. I found Uncle Clyde at the kitchen table, hunched over his coffee cup. He looked despondent. When I asked him if he was okay, he looked up at me slowly, and motioned for me to sit down.He told me he got a call from my mom early in the morning. She was excited to report that she had landed a prime job, as a legal assistant in one of the top law firms in city. That sounded like good news to me, but then my...

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Working With WomenPart 3

Lunch at Claytons Restaurant, the place where powerbrokers and the city's elite meet to eat, is the most prestigious restaurant within a half hour's drive of the office. This is the place folks like me go for an engagement or an anniversary dinner. But today, it is business. The table is set for twelve, eight from our office and four from the auto parts manufacturer. I have never eaten there before. And actually, it's Jeannie, my alter ego and feminized self that is going to have...

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Jill Becomes A Hot Wife Chapter Two

Well it’s been a couple of years now since Jill found her hot sexual desire that day at the mall. She had no idea that voyeurism and exhibitionism could lead to so much fun. She always felt that was something weirdos and perverts did. But now she knows the real joys of being a hot sensual wife and it has really changed her for the better. It had a few bumps in the beginning as she started to feel that I did not love or respect her. She did not understand how I could watch her have sex and not...

Wife Lovers
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GF plans a bi surprise

When I got back to ourroom she was naked and ready to go. I quickly peeled off myclothes and got between her legs. I licked all over her pussyand ass. While I was doing this, our buddies peeled off theirclothes and began sucking on her tits and feeding dicksto her.I moved up and stuffed my cock in her pussy. She felt awesome.Her pussy was loose but when she flexed her muscles it feltbetter than anything I had ever experienced. It didn'ttake long before she had me over the edge and I was...

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After work gangbang

It was a dark and stormy night, I’ve always wanted to write that and finally I truthfully can. I invited a few guys working in my construction company over to watch Sunday Night Baseball. We had lots of beer stockpiled and although it was raining hard, I had the windows open. I like hot, humid weather and love the sound of falling rain. I must say I often admire my wife looks, but when it’s hot outside, she seems to look better. Just a little wet glimmer on her face. Sarah, my wife, was keeping...

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BackroomCastingCouch Rose 07192021

23 year old Rose is back. But you don’t know that because you haven’t seen her first casting session. Don’t worry, you will. Rose was so much fun that I felt it would be more interesting if we showed you her solo casting first. I really dug this chick, so I asked Rick if we could bring her back and he was like, “Hellz yeah Cam!” and I was like, “Awesome.” To catch you up a bit, Rose works at Bath and Body Works and that shit sucks. She’s super sexual and she’s got a boyfriend who thinks she’ll...

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Laurie Meets the Neighbor

You might want to read my previous ‘Laurie’ stories… She pushed the SEND button and the email was off. Attached to it were the pictures she had taken of herself in the classroom the day before. ‘Yesterday…’ she sighed to herself. Her thoughts drifted off to what she had done. Yes, back to what she had done. What she had those young studs do to her. It had all started off so simple. She had set the timer and took the pictures of herself posing around her classroom, just like her online sex...

1 year ago
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Limo ride straight no more

I drive for a Limo company, Slow Ride Limo. I had this job to take a group of guys out for a night out on town in Boston. It was obvious they were gay, but I didn't care. A job is a job. Being straight, I was a little nervous. But they were nice guys, and were drinking heavily. They had me drive them to a house where I was to wait for about 6 hours before bringing them back (this after several bar hops). The guy in charge, Dave, gave me a drink. Invited me in, but I said no. After about 30...

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Alias The Green Archer

ALIAS THE GREEN ARCHER (c) 2014, 2017 by Anthony Durrant Over the past few weeks, I had been amazed to see the old summer residence being torn apart and the grand Merlin Manor put in its place, having been taken apart block by block and shipped over the sea from England. I was amazed at the sight of the beautiful English home and its pleasant just across the street from my home and said to myself: "I can't think I've seen anything as beautiful as the Manor, especially at night...

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Hallelujah Ch 05

El Puente hasn’t aged a day. It still looks exactly like it did more than a decade ago. It’s a mystery to me how some restaurants manage to look brand new no matter how old they are. It just seems like it would be expensive to maintain that. But the white exterior is spotless, the windows are all translucently clean, and even the fucking entryway rugs are without marks. So there it is. I’ve arrive late on purpose, parking along the street about a block down so she will be less likely to see...

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Two Fridays Part 3 Mothers Unwitting Example

This story follows directly on from my previous story, Two Fridays – Part 2. Once again, Saturday morning came, and for a second time, I awoke to memories of what my sister Tina and I had done the night before. Had we really fucked each other like that, and taken each other’s cherries? I felt that roller coaster feeling, and then the hardening of my cock, as I lay there, contemplating what Tina and I had got up to, and then after a few moments, I heard a knock, even though my bedroom door...

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The Most Erogenous Zone Part Nine of Nine

Over the next few weeks, we grew closer and closer, our sexual intimacy taking down the final barrier that had remained between us. It was a golden period, in a sense, with nothing to interrupt a steady stream of discovery, love, and happiness. With Corey still in jail, there was no dark cloud over Julia’s mind and we luxuriated in our ability to be together.I fielded a call from an unknown number three days after the riverbank rescue – the kind of thing I rarely answer, but for some reason did...

Mind Control
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I'd just taken Donna to work, it was a warm sunny day and I was sat out reading, when our neighbour an Asian girl who Donna and I had fucked some time ago was hanging her washing out, she smiled at me and said she hadn't forgotten what had happened, but it had to be our secret, Smiling I told her it was. Then her friend appeared, she was pretty too.She introduced me to her friend, Alisha, and we were chatting for a while, she spoke very good English, she was 20 and lived in Pakistan and was...

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Ericka the Slut part one

Ericka sat in fear as she reread the email sent from Earl. How could this of happen? How could I have been so dumb to have done this at work, she thought? Why was Earl threatening her? She had known him for short time. He was an older fellow, around 50 she guessed. He had always seemed professional and if she was to be honest to herself she had even found him to be sort of cute. But now here he was holding her future in his hands and telling her to meet him in the men’s room of all places....

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FM Caught masturbating naked and fucked by my ro

Freshman year of college, I lived in a dorm with 4 girls. There were 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom that we all shared. I had gotten pretty close with all the people I lived with so at a certain point I would just walk from the shower into my room without any clothes or a towel. Some of my roommates would occasionally do the same. I think I saw all of them naked at least once during the year.Near the end of that year, my roommate told me that her cousin would be visiting on Friday, but by the time...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 6 SamanthaChapter 41 Working Arrangements

January 23, 1993, Chicago, Illinois “She’s doing OK?” Jessica asked when I went back to the great room after talking to Caroline. “Yes. She’s taking her class and slowly getting on with her life. To make a long story short, her two visits here kind of unlocked things, and she told me she finally told her counselor everything, which I think was the real key to all of this.” “Good! Your little friends were looking for you!” I shook my head, “Samantha is a troublemaker just like Kara and...

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Pleasure in bus on tour

Hello my dear friends Garv here, I have read so many stories on human digest & enjoy these stories very much, I m 30 yrs old from Bathinda (Punjab), I m enjoying my life very much, I also want to share my story which occurred 10 yrs ago when I was studying in college & my college tour gone to shimla, in the Chandigarh in winters, we were 7 boys with 6 girls & sir 7 madam. We were all enjoying very much in Chandigarh & shimla. We then return boys separately while girls return with sir & madam....

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