Two Fridays Part 3 Mother s Unwitting Example
- 3 years ago
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This story follows directly on from my previous story, Two Fridays – Part 2.
Once again, Saturday morning came, and for a second time, I awoke to memories of what my sister Tina and I had done the night before. Had we really fucked each other like that, and taken each other’s cherries? I felt that roller coaster feeling, and then the hardening of my cock, as I lay there, contemplating what Tina and I had got up to, and then after a few moments, I heard a knock, even though my bedroom door was already open. I looked over at the door, and saw Tina standing there, in her brunch coat, untied at the front, showing her pink satin nightdress underneath. She must have put them on after she woke up, but I was still naked under my blankets, because I had simply walked from Tina’s bedroom to my own, thrown my clothes in the corner, and jumped into bed. Tina walked quickly but quietly from the doorway to my bed, and sat on my left, with a big smile on her face, and said, “I can’t believe we did that last night.” “Well, we did it all right,” I answered. We were speaking quietly because we knew our mother would have been having her Saturday morning sleep-in. “I’m still tingling,” Tina smiled, and she put her hand on my chest and leaned closer, “but I don’t think we should go that far again.” “Guess not,” I answered, dropping my gaze. “Not the actual screwing part, anyway,” Tina smiled, “but I think the other stuff should be okay,” and she reached down and squeezed my half-hard tool through the bedclothes, and added, “I think you’re still tingling, too.” She got up off the bed, and tied the sash at the front of her brunch coat, and said, “You coming out for breakfast?” She left the room and went to the kitchen, while I got up and threw on some pyjamas, and went out to join her. Breakfast was much the same as any other Saturday morning, as we sat and talked, with the music video show on TV in the background. Once again, as soon as she finished breakfast, Tina went and stripped her bed, and put her sheets in the washing machine. She passed me in the hallway with the bundle of linen in her hands, and said, quietly, with her mischievous smile, “Better destroy the evidence.” The weekend passed as usual, and nothing more was said between Tina and me about Friday night, and then it was Monday, the beginning of another school week. At school that day I told one of my friends about the porn DVD, although I didn’t elaborate on what watching it had led to, and he asked if he could borrow it. I saw no reason why not, so I told him I’d bring it to school for him the next day. The next morning, of course, was Tuesday, and after our mother had left for work, Tina and I sat at the breakfast table, and I remembered the porn DVD. “I was talking to Jamie Bohringer about the porn movie, at school yesterday,” I said to Tina across the table. “I hope you didn’t tell him about us,” Tina said, looking at me. “Do you think I’m mental?” I asked, smiling, and added, “I just told him Katie loaned it to you and I watched it. He asked if he can borrow it for a couple of days.” “Can’t see why not,” Tina answered, and she got up and went to her room to get it. She returned a minute later, and put it on the table next to me, and I looked at it and smiled, remembering. I looked up and Tina was smiling, too. I got up to go and clean my teeth, and then Tina and I left to catch the school bus, and it wasn’t until my friend, Jamie, asked about the DVD at school, that I remembered I’d left it on the table at home. No problem, I thought, I’d just get it off the table and hide it when I got home from school, before our mother came home from work. That would have worked okay, but when we got home from school that day, my mother was already home, and she told us she had got off work early because the air conditioning broke down, and when the guys came to fix it, the manager had sent everyone home early. I looked over at the table, and the porn DVD wasn’t there, so I assumed my mother must have found it, and put it away, and I’d be in for a lecture later on. She didn’t say anything about it, and I didn’t bother telling Tina, because our mother would probably think it was mine, and it would never occur to her that Tina had anything to do with it. I wasn’t expecting any big dramas from my mother about the movie, because she was pretty cool about most things, but I kind of expected she’d lecture me about leaving that kind of thing around where Tina might find it. Tina got changed as soon as we arrived home, and left to go around to Katy’s place, leaving me, and our mother at home. I thought my mother might use the opportunity to bring up the dirty movie, seeing we were alone now, but she said nothing about it. She was already cooking dinner, and she said, “Steve’s taking me to the movies tonight, so I thought I’d get dinner ready early, and you and Tina can either eat before I go, or have it later on when you feel like it. You can just heat it up in the microwave when you want it.” “We’ll probably have it later on,” I said, “Tina’s gone round to Katy’s, so she won’t be back for a while.” I chatted with my mother in the kitchen for a while, as she prepared our dinner, and I watched her while she was moving around the kitchen. Our mother, whose name was Stella, would be forty next birthday, and she seemed to be holding her age pretty well. She still had a good figure, and looked like an older and slightly larger version of Tina, but with very dark brown hair, where Tina’s was light brown, and she had hazel eyes, instead of the blue-grey eyes Tina and I had inherited from our father. She was about an inch taller than Tina, and she was wearing a pale blue pleated skirt, that went to just above her knees, along with a darker blue blouse. Her boyfriend, Steve, was ex-navy, and he kept himself fairly fit, and he carried himself well. He was a couple of years older than Mum, and handsome in a mature sort of way. He worked as a manager for an engineering company, and he got on well with Tina and me, but for some reason, our mother never let him stay the night at our place, although it was obvious their relationship was sexual. A lot of kids our age were disgusted at the thought of their parents having sex, but as far as Tina and I were concerned, we thought it was great that our mum had found someone she was happy with, and if he was satisfying her in the sack, then good for her. I looked at my mother, as we had our conversation, while she prepared dinner, and it occurred to me that most men would have thought she looked pretty good, especially in that pleated skirt, the way it showed the curve of her hips, and flowed down her shapely legs. Her boobs weren’t big, although they were bigger than Tina’s, but if anything, that had helped to stop them getting too saggy as she approached middle age. Overall, most guys would have thought she looked pretty good. After a while, I said, “I think I’ll go and see what Tina’s up to at Katy’s place,” and my mother said, “Steve’s coming to pick me up six-thirty, so I’ll probably be gone when you get back. Make sure you don’t stay up too late, you’ve got school tomorrow, and that goes for Tina, too.“ “Okay,” I said, and my mother kissed me on the head as I walked to the door, and she said, “See ya in the morning.” I walked around the block to Katy’s place, and the back door was open, so I walked straight in. I found Tina and Katy in Katy’s bedroom, and nobody else was home. Tina was wearing a short blue denim skirt, and a pale blue sleeveless top, and Katy had some pink shorts on, with a casual top, and the three of us sat around talking and watching TV at Katy’s place for quite a while after I got there. Katy Hutchins was my age, and I had known her since I was eight, when she moved in around the block from our place. She had always seemed to know more about sex than I did when we were younger, and she would sometimes tell me dirty jokes that went over my head when we were in primary school. She was also one of the two girls, apart from my sister, that I kissed, those times when we were fooling around at her place. These days, she talked big about sex, but as I sat there with her, and my sister, I wondered to myself if she’d actually had any. As often happened when Katy was around, the conversation got around to sex, and the girls started to talk about guys around town and at school that they’d like to go to bed with. We had a few laughs about that, and the girls started to challenge each other, asking how far they’d go with particular guys they knew, whether they’d just give head, or go all the way, and stuff like that. Now and again, they’d ask me if I’d screw a particular girl from school, but interestingly enough, they never asked if I’d go down on any of them. I have to admit that the conversation was making me pleasantly aroused, sitting there with my sister in her short skirt, and Katy in her snug-fitting shorts, talking about screwing and giving head, but eventually, Katy’s parents arrived home with her little brother, and some Chinese food for their dinner, and it was time for Tina and me to go home. Tina and I left Katy’s place, and walked around the block in the dark, and when we got to our house, Steve’s Cherokee was parked in the driveway, behind our mother’s car. “Looks like they’re still here,” Tina said, as we got to our driveway. Tina and I walked in the back door, and I expected to find Steve and our mother in the kitchen, or in the family room, but they were nowhere to be seen. We walked into the family room, and the TV had a blue screen, like someone had been watching a DVD and had taken it out of the player, but not switched the TV back to normal broadcast signal. Then, I saw the case for the porn DVD Tina and I had watched, on the stand next to the TV. Tina saw it, too, and she looked at me when I picked it up, but it was empty. Then, we heard the sound of voices from our mother’s bedroom. I walked into the darkened hallway, with Tina behind me, and I saw the flickering light from the TV in my mother’s room, at the opposite end of the hall from Tina’s and my bedrooms. I looked at Tina, and we both walked to our mother’s open bedroom door, and looked in. The first thing I saw was my mother’s TV screen. She had a DVD player in her room, and I saw a scene from the porn movie playing on her TV. It showed a dark haired girl fucking a square-jawed, muscular, blonde-haired guy, cowgirl style, and she was bobbing up and down on his massive cock like she was on a pogo stick, screaming, “Fuck me, Waylon! Fuck me deep! Fuck my cunt, Waylon!! Ohhh, Waylon, fuck my cunt!! Pound my pussy!! Fuck that thing!!” The guy she was fucking was saying lot of deep and meaningful porn movie stuff, like, “Ohhh, baby, your pussy’s tight! I’m gonna make you come hard, baby!! I’m gonna fuck you deep,” as the camera zoomed in on their onscreen fucking, but that was by no means the only action going on in that bedroom. I saw my mother on her bed, on her knees, with her head down, facing the TV screen, and she still had had her dark blue blouse on, but no skirt. Steve was kneeling behind her, and he was fucking my mother doggy-style. In fact, the word “fucking” just doesn’t do justice to what he was doing to my mother at that moment. Steve was relentlessly pounding my mother’s pussy, hammering it like there was no tomorrow, slamming into it like a jackhammer. He was holding her by the hips, like he didn’t want her to get away, but the sounds she was making, and the things she was saying, made it clear she was perfectly happy to stay right where she was, and Steve was only holding onto her for leverage. “Oh, Steve,” I heard her call out, “that’s fantastic!” She gasped, and went on, “You’re amazing!! Don’t slow down! I’ve already come twice, but I can feel another one on the way!” She made a throaty groaning sound, and said, “I think it’s gonna be a big one.” I looked at Tina, standing beside me in the dark, outside the door, and her eyes were like saucers, as she watched the spectacle taking place in my mother’s bedroom. Tina glanced at me, her mouth hanging open, but said nothing, and then looked back at our mother, being royally fucked on her bed. For a guy in his forties, Steve had a lot of stamina, and he was showing a certain amount of style, as he thrust relentlessly into my mother, fucking her like some kind of Terminator. I almost expected him to start talking like Arnold Schwarzenegger, as he said, “Stella! I can’t believe how wet you are! And you’re so tight! I can never get over how tight you are.” “I’m wet because you made me like that,” my mother answered, lifting her head off the bed, and taking a deep breath through her mouth, “You always make me so wet!” Steve kept on thrusting hard, each thrust deep, hard and precise, fucking my mother like a machine, like the machines he helped design and engineer at work. His body had become a precision instrument of pleasure, slamming my mother’s pussy with mechanical precision, going so deep with each pounding stroke, there could not have been a millimetre of her that wasn’t totally full of cock. “Are you close?” my mother asked, lifting her head to speak, an urgent note in her voice. “If you are, just hold on a little longer,” pausing, taking a gasping breath, “You’re getting me right in my sweet spot.” “Just go for it, Stella,” Steve said, “I can hold on, but you’re makin’ it hard.” “I like it hard,” my mother answered, pausing for another throaty gasp, “ And you never disappoint me.” I felt Tina touching me on the belly with the back of her hand when our mother said that, as if to say, Did you hear that? Steve’s cock was doing serious business with my mother’s pussy, and somehow, on some level, it was making me excited to see our mother, the woman who had brought Tina and me up on her own, and who had given us as much love as two parents, working hard to give us a happy, secure home, keeping us well fed, making sure we wore warm clothes when it was cold, doing all that motherly stuff, was now lost in a world of ecstasy, talking about the wetness of her pussy, and the hardness of her man’s cock that was being driven into it. My throat was dry, and I felt that oily feeling of arousal in my lower belly, as Steve pummelled my mother’s pelvis from behind, immersing himself in the pleasure it was giving him, to fuck the woman who was my mother. I wondered for a moment if my mother had come like this, the night I was conceived, and in a strange way, I kind of hoped that she did, and that in creating me, she had experienced such unbridled pleasure. Tina and I should have left, and gone somewhere to let Steve and our mother get on with it, but we were transfixed by what we saw, so we stood there in the dark, two teenaged voyeurs, watching our mother impaled on a man’s rigid, unyielding cock. “You’ve got a beautiful body, Stella,” I heard Steve say, a little breathlessly, “Fucking beautiful!” he added, as he kept on thrusting, and I heard my mother say, “I’m glad you like it,” pausing, gasping, “Because it’s yours any time you want it.” She put her head back down on the bed sheet, and then I saw her arch her back, changing the angle of her pussy slightly, and she began to thrust back harder at Steve, as he pounded into her. “I’m gonna come, Steve!” she said, and then louder, lifting her head, arching her back, she said, “I’m,” pausing, gasping again, “gonna come!!” My mother’s back arched again, and she clenched her fists on the bed in front of her, and my she lifted her head, and cried out, “Ohh, JEE-sus, that’s good Steve!!” Her whole body spasmed three times, each spasm bringing a throaty sound from her, and before her body relaxed, Steve, thrusting hard from behind, pursed his lips, gritted his teeth, and ramped up his thrusting, his pelvic movements becoming ragged and uneven, as he emptied his seed into my mother’s welcoming vagina. Steve’s thrusting slowed, and he stopped, still with his cock inside my mother, and he said, “I’ve had it, Stella, I’ve gotta lie on the bed. You took everything out of me.” He withdrew his half-hard cock from my mother, and she said, “That’s because you put everything into me.” She rolled over on the bed, with her legs spread wide, and lay on her back, holding out her arms for Steve to lie on her. For the first time in my life, I saw my mother’s pussy, just for a brief moment, the inner lips swollen and glistening with fluids, and the dark patch of pubic hair matted with the come that had leaked from her when Steve withdrew his cock. Steve lay down on top of my mother, taking the weight on his elbows, and they kissed, deeply, holding the kiss for a moment, as my mother wrapped her long legs around him. They broke their kiss, and my mother looked around, and said, “I think we’d better make ourselves respectable in case the kids come back,” and then she smiled, and wrapped her fingers around Steve’s tool, and added, “Although, that thing’s pretty respectable, I gotta say.” I felt Tina tugging on my shirt, and we both crept away from our mother’s door. Tina’s bedroom was closer, so we quietly ducked in there, and hid behind the door. I could hear movement and low voices in our mother’s room, and the tap running in my mother’s en-suite, and then a few minutes later, Steve and my mother walked out, and went towards the kitchen, and out the back door. They were fully dressed, now, and our mother had brushed her hair, but there had not been time for them to have cleaned themselves up, after their session of hot sex. Tina and I went to her bedroom window, and looked out from her darkened room, and we saw our mother and Steve walking down the driveway, in the moonlight. They were holding hands, like two teenagers, and nobody would have imagined that just minutes ago, this handsome middle-aged couple had stoked each other into a critical mass of frenzied lust and desire, riding the mutual orgasms they had triggered to a deeply satisfying finality, in my mother’s bedroom, just metres away. Somehow, in that same way that watching their passionate fucking had aroused me earlier, the thought that my mother still had Steve’s come in her pussy, and Steve still had a mixture of his own come and our mother’s sex fluids on his cock and balls, sent a wave of excitement through me, but it would be hard for me to explain why. My mother had a swingy, girlish gait, similar to Tina’s, and her pleated skirt was ruffling around her legs as she walked, emphasising the sway of her hips, and the smartness of her step. They walked to the passenger’s door of Steve’s Cherokee, and he opened it gallantly for our mother, and as she stepped inside, she paused halfway, and they kissed, gently and lovingly, holding the kiss, and making eye contact for a brief moment as they broke it. It was obvious that, as much as Steve and my mother lusted for each other’s bodies, they were also in love, and I felt happy for my mother at that moment, as I watched Steve’s car reversing from the driveway. Neither Tina nor I had spoken since we stopped outside our mother’s bedroom door, and saw what was going on in there. I assumed they must have started watching the porn DVD on the TV in the family room, but had gotten so horny, they had adjourned to our mother’s bedroom, and put it on in there, and started fucking as they watched it. “Did you see them?” Tina said, “I’m surprised she can walk after that!” “I could see them all right,” I answered. Watching my mother and Steve had made me very horny, and I could feel my hard cock in my jeans. “I need to touch myself, big time,” Tina said, and even though I felt much the same way, I couldn’t help giggling explosively at the way she had just blurted it out like that. “Well, I’m not the only one,” she said, defensively, as she touched my hard cock through the front of my trousers. She looked me in the eyes for a moment, but said nothing. “I’ve got an idea,” Tina said, turning to me, as we stood in the dark, “ Let’s cuddle up in my bed, and do it to each other.” She looked at me, waiting for my response. “What if I can’t make you come?” I asked. I was all for it, but I wasn’t sure I could make Tina come by fingering her. “Well, I’m pretty sure I can make you come,” Tina said, playfully, “but if you can’t get me off, I’ll just take over and you can help,” as though that was the most normal thing in the world. She put her arms around me, and her face close to mine, making eye contact, and said, “What do you reckon?” I kissed Tina’s sweet, sexy mouth, and said, “Sounds like a plan.” Tina walked to her bed in the darkness, the only light in the room coming from down the hall, and sat on her bed, kicked off her sandals, and sat back. She smiled, and then lay down on the bed, on her right side, with her left leg bent, so her short denim skirt was lifted, revealing her white cotton panties underneath. A ripple of desire passed through me, and I walked to her bed, slipped off my shoes, and got on next to her. I turned over on my left side, facing Tina. She kissed me on the mouth, and I wasted no time in putting in my right hand on her left thigh, caressing her there, and feeling her smooth skin, as the excitement washed through me. I slipped my right hand under her skirt, where I felt the coolness of her buttocks through her cotton panties. I gently caressed Tina’s smooth, firm buttocks through her panties, and she moved her own right hand down to unzip my jeans. She gently put her hand inside, and touched my hard cock through my underpants. Tina and I kissed each other, gently, with just a touch of tongue from each of us, as I caressed her bottom, and she felt my tool through my underpants, and I slipped my right hand inside the back of her panties, to continue caressing her bottom, with my hand now inside them. Still kissing me, Tina slipped her hand inside my underpants, and stroked her thumb across the head of my hard cock, gently swirling the fluid that was leaking from the end. She pulled her lips away, just far enough to speak, and whispered, “You’re rarin’ to go, Jace.” “What about you?” I said, and I slipped my hand out of the back of her panties, and between her legs, to gently feel the crotch of her panties. It felt very moist, and I softly probed at her slit through the cotton material. Her pussy felt more slippery than usual, and I said, “You’re pretty wet, too.” Tina had a look on her face, like she was waiting for something to happen, or she was waiting for me to find something, but she said nothing to show what she was thinking. I started to rub Tina’s pussy through the her panties, and it felt very wet, For some reason, Tina’s pussy lips felt much more slippery than usual, inside the gusset of her panties, and when I eased a finger inside the crotch, to touch her pussy, I couldn’t feel any hair. I looked at her, and she still had that slightly expectant look on her face, and I kissed her mouth one more time, and then I moved my hand up to the waistband at the front of her panties, and slipped it inside. I could not felt any pubic hair, and my fingers went right to the top of her moist, slippery pussy slit, with nothing but the touch of smooth skin. I smiled, and said, “Did you shave yourself down there?” and Tina smiled, “Today,” she said, “Katy and I did it today.” “Both of you?” I asked. “Yeah,” Tina grinned, “We were looking at a porn magazine from her dad’s stash, and practically every girl in there had her pussy shaved, so we decided to try it. No-one else was home, so we shaved ourselves in her bedroom.” I laughed and said, “Can I have a look?” “I’m surprised you haven’t done that already,” Tina smiled, as she turned onto her back, and leaned over to switch on her bedside light. I moved between Tina’s legs, and she lifted her bottom from the bed, and reached behind herself to unzip her skirt, then looked at me. I took her cue, and gently slipped her denim skirt down her legs, and dropped it on the floor, revealing her white cotton panties. It was obvious her pussy was very wet, from the way the crotch of her panties was moulded to its shape. I peeled her panties down, and the crotch of them stuck to her slick pussy as I took them off her. Tina’s pussy was completely shaved, and where there had been a neat triangle of hair last time I had seen it, there was now smooth skin, and even the sides of her labia were hairless. “You did a thorough job,” I smiled, looking at my sister’s hairless pussy. “Katy helped me,” Tina smiled back, “We helped each other.” The mental image made a hot wave of excitement pass through me, and I looked at her face. “Wish I was there,” I sighed. “I don’t know if Katy would have let you watch her doing it,” Tina replied, teasingly, “and she’s not supposed to know you’ve seen mine, so I don’t think it would have helped.” Tina’s shaved pussy looked so cute, I just had to lean down and kiss her on her hairless pubic mound, inhaling the sexy scent, although it was a little fainter now that there was no hair to hold it. I don’t know what it was about her shaved pussy, with its slit so clearly visible, but I felt like I would love to fuck her in it, with just the very head of my cock, nestling it just inside the very opening of her cunt, using slow and shallow strokes, just teasing her with the head of my cock, and coming just inside her opening, instead of right inside her pussy, but I knew she had said on Saturday morning that we shouldn’t actually fuck any more, so I thought that would never happen. Even so, the thought was exciting, and I knew Tina would let me go down on her, so moved my mouth down, to gently lick the outside of the hood of her clit. I licked it a few times, like an ice-cream, and then I probed into the recesses beside it with the tip of my tongue. After I had tasted these intimate parts of Tina that were normally obscured by her pubic hair, I moved down a little further, to taste her clit, and the juices that were pooling in the recess between her puffy inner lips. Tina flinched once or twice as I licked and tasted her clit, and I heard her say, “Careful, it’s very sensitive there.” As before, Tina’s pussy was sweetish and tangy, and I scooped some of her juice onto my tongue and spread it round my mouth, so I could taste it properly. I ran my tongue up and down the outside of Tina’s shaved labia, licking the smooth skin, and tasting it, then I used my tongue to probe and taste the very opening of her pussy. The taste, and the scent, of my sister’s sweet pussy were making me so excited I could burst, and my cock felt rock hard in my jeans, begging for some attention. Tina’s shaved pussy seemed to be wetter that it had been before, and I took my time over licking and exploring every fold, tasting and enjoying my sister in ways that brothers are never meant to do, and she wasn’t saying much, just sighing or occasionally saying, “That’s nice,” or “That feels lovely”, in a wispy voice, but after a while, she said, “Jason?” I was just about to start getting serious about trying to make her come by gently sucking on her clit, but I lifted my head from her pussy, and said, “Yes?” “Would you like me go down on you, too?” Tina asked. “Only if you want to,” I said, still tasting her pussy on my lips. “Lets do it to each other,” Tina smiled, and she opened her arms, and said, “Come up here.” I moved up the bed, to lie on top of her, taking the weight on my elbows, and we kissed deeply for a moment, and after the kiss, Tina said, “Lets have a sixty-nine, like in the movie.” There had been a couple of sex scenes in the porn movie, where the actors had gone down on each other in the sixty-nine position, and I had seen it in plenty of porn magazines, but the thought of actually doing it with my sister made me almost breathtakingly excited. “Okay,” I said, “I think I’d like that.” “You lay on your back,” Tina said, “and I’ll get on top,” then, with a giggle, she added, “It’s more ladylike that way.” I rolled onto my left side, and Tina moved over to make room for me, then she looked at my jeans, and said, “Better get these off.”
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Hello readers, In the previous episode of this story I had written how I managed to rope in my friend’s help to reach his mother’s bedroom and put my cock into her pussy, as he was secretly watching my actions on top his mother. As she spread her thighs I pushed my dick deep into her pussy which was silky smooth and warm and also sufficiently moist to slip my cock comfortably into her cunt. I knew my friend was watching the drama of his mother’s hole getting drilled and I started fucking her in...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 01 By Libnos The sight of the flashing red and blue lights in my rear view mirror caused me to look quickly at my speedometer. Shit! I was doing 45 in a 30 mile zone. Damn it! I'd just forgotten where I was momentarily and the foot on the accelerator pushed down a little too much. I was caught. Pulling over to the side of the street I made sure my seat belt was on and rolled down the window. While I was waiting for the officer to...
Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...
My parents divorced when I was six, and we hardly saw our dad from year to year, so our mum brought Tina and me up on her own. I think that as a single mother, she was pretty protective, and that probably made us even closer, and she worked two jobs for a few years to try and get ahead, so we spent a lot of time on our own together. Our mother used to bath Tina and me together until I was about five, and naturally I was curious about the fact that she had no penis, although that’s not...
The next morning, Ryna was awakened by a light weight on his chest. His eyes snapped open, searching for the source of the weight in the dark. His eyes settled on a familiar feminine figure, sitting on his stomach. ‘Good morning!’ Sensara said, beaming down at him. She was sitting upright in the space between his stomach and the back panel of the beat-up old couch, with her legs draped lightly over his stomach. Also, he noticed, she was dressed in comfortable clothing that clung tightly to her...
Originally the story was about the two main characters, but since it took so long for them to reconnect, Chris's girlfriend Hailey took on a larger part of the story than I had originally planned. Here is th story from her point of view. Fair warning, it takes a while before any sex occurs. “So how was your big date?” Hailey could hear the excitement in her best friend’s voice and sighed. “It was awful. He’s a total ass.” “What happened? What did he do?” The concern in Amanda’s...
For years, I have sent nude pictures of Bonnie, my wife, to my close friend Jack. It began back in the Vietnam War years. Jack was over there and I was safe here at home. I'd tried to join the Navy as a dental student, but couldn't see well enough; too nearsighted, even though I was corrected with contact lenses to 20:20. That same problem kept me out of the draft. I felt bad. Here Jack was making all these sacrifices for my country and there was so little I could do to support him. Well,...
For those of you who think this is not possible, think again. This story is loosely based on fact and I know someone who can be abused in this way when drunk and asleep or even partially awake and remember nothing in the morning. So enjoy the story and believe is CAN happen!***I’m not sure when the change in my attitude to Vikki began. I’m also not sure what set it off but I have an idea about that.She was 18 and I was 26 when we married. Her parents weren’t behind us 100% because of her age...
One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum’s brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time, and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn’t mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as kids. ...
IncestI lay in bed many nights thinking about what had happened that morning always ending up wanking over this event. I somehow knew this wouldn’t be the last time something like that would happen, i wasn’t to wait much longer to find outIt was three weeks later when i made sure i was about when sue came for her daily routine looking after mum , sue seem very pleased to see me again, once again she went straight up stairs to mother, i could hear her chatting to mother even if mother couldn’t chat...
Holly crept up behind Kate with instinctive ease, then like some guard dog she bit on Kate's cunt then chewed playfully on her flesh through her latex while her hands shot forward, and grabbed Kate's tits. She let out a deep, long moan that resonated through the latex into Kate's cunt as latex covered flesh muffled it. She couldn't resist Kate's succulent position one moment, and she wanted some of that sweet pussy so badly! "Ahhhhhhhhhhh...., uuuhhhhh....,...
She came down the stairs and passed him on the way to the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder and watched her hips sway from side to side as she walked. His whole body shivered. “Hey Alex your brother just called, he’s in town for the week.” Alex groaned. His older brother Greg had always tormented him. At home and at school he always talked down to him and teased him, but everyone laughed along because it was all just ‘sibling rivalry’. “He’ll be here by the time you get back from...
In one of my previous narrations I had given my first experience of fucking my horny mother and her cousin ( my aunt). And it was a lovely experience for me, a horny young man. Almost every day I used to get to fuck my mother or aunt, depending on circumstances. And that helped in a different way to get job, in a government department, as I was tension free to prepare for competitive examinations. 9 Only recently I read in one of the sites that in Japan, mothers used give their sons lavish sex...
It was on a Wednesday in the first week of September 2003, at the start of term at Fairweather Private School in Montreal that the year’s crop of freshmen made their way into the auditorium of the 100 year old Academy. The school prided itself in being exclusive, traditional and somewhat above the law. But, as many alumni were lawyers, the school managed to adhere to the letter, if not spirit, of the law in carrying out old-school traditions. Frosh Fun Friday (aka FFF) was one such near by not...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 02 By Libnos It was a tough week of choices for me. I had never gone such a long time without masturbating so that by the time Friday rolled around I was decidedly horny. Maybe my heightened libido was responsible for me to shave off all my body hair. I then followed it up with a treatment of Nair to remove any residual stubble before meeting Anita on Friday. I was as slick and smooth as a baby when I picked her up. It actually...
SPECIAL FRIDAYS - 04 By Libnos Waking in the morning after promising I would suck a cock for her I found our bodies still entwined and facing one another. Gently kissing her on the lips I slipped away from her and went into the bathroom, pissed then showered. Coming out of the bathroom later wrapped in a towel I found her watching me from the bed still covered with a sheet. "Do you still love me?" she asked with a grin. "You know I do, my...
Suddenly, the door behind them slammed shut. "No need to call the police," a dark shape that had been hiding behind the door spoke. Both William and Kateri were too shocked to say anything, but the shape spoke again. "So, you're a lesbo, huh?" It laughed. They could smell the liquor on its breath. "That explains a lot." "Who are you?" Kateri demanded, but her voice was shaky with fear. "What do you want." "Ask your little bitch girlfriend," the voice said, angrily. "Because...
Now alone, Madhav couldn't believe what had happened. The events of the day all seemed to mesh into one outrageous orgasm of emotions. First there had been happiness at his homecoming, then rage at Ramesh, then humiliation of being aroused by his mother. Next had come the hot, steaming stimulation that it had lured both of them into an act so vile and depraved, he still couldn't believe it had happened. How would all this change their life, he wondered? He didn't know, but he did know it would...
She stopped the vibrator's motor and let William collapse in exhaustion onto the mattress. "See," she whispered as she kissed the slender bra and slip straps on his narrow, bare shoulders, "I told you you'd like it. You're my girl... now and forever. I love you, Billie. I love you so much." "I love you, too." He turned so that he could kiss her. His dark red lipstick leaving traces of color on her soft pink. "Can we...?" His eyes were desperate with lust. "Can we... do it...
Introduction: He learns a lot by invading his moms privacy. His Mothers Diary -1- Ahh yeah, yes! Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Mirandas big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. Yes! He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed. Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. Wow, he whispered...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Mommy-Slut Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Chae-Won “Cherry” Kang – Virgo It was a strange for me to be excited to be at college once my classes were over for the day. Normally, I liked to get home as soon as I could so I could masturbate my virgin pussy. Tonight, however, was special. Tonight was the first true meeting of the Mother Fucking Club. This would be such a wild...
Chae-Won “Cherry” Kang – Virgo It was a strange for me to be excited to be at school once it was over. Normally, I liked to get home as soon as I could so I could masturbate my virgin pussy. Tonight, however, was special. Tonight was the first true meeting of the Mother Fucking Club. This would be such a wild time. I couldn’t wait for all those slut mothers—all those whores like my own mom—getting fucked and gangbanged. Being used by their sons and other young men. It was hot. My boyfriend...
For, Jessica Denver, the week was mostly a blur. Since allowing her son into her bed and his delicious cock into her pussy, she hadn't looked back. The boy hadn't been to school in three days. Every morning she would peck her husband on the cheek, send him off to work and immediately tear into her new teenage fucktoy. The house had become a den of debauchery. Nothing was off limits and nearly everything had been tried. She was sore, and she was tired, and she had never felt better. Over the...
One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum's brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn't mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as k**s. My...
One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum's brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn't mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as k**s. My...
“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some...
My eyes opened. Mom was standing at the dresser, pulling a pair of jeans up over her see-through thigh-highs. Her firm and voluptuous breasts, which filled their respective 36G brassieres, were unclothed as she zipped up her jeans. She had a nice, thick body. Not chubby, but definitely had some woman to her. Morning, I said, closing my eyes and rolling over to put my head on Moms pillow. It had her ever-so-recognizable scent engulfing it. Howd you sleep, sweetie? she said, riffling through...
“You cunt” the mother said “$100.00”, “no way $50.00”, I said “unless you want to go for broke and give up that ass of yours”. “$5 K” the mother said, “Fuck off” I said, “$500”, “no way” said the mother, “that monster cock is not going in my ass for less than $3 K”. “There are a 1000 dollars in the nightstand, take it or leave it” I said.“YOU Cunt” said the mother, turning to her daughter she stroked her hair kissed her forehead and turned and said “Show me”, standing and walking to the...
Work parties are not my cup of tea. I’m not sure they’re anyone’s, so sometimes I wonder why they even exist. I don’t really want to know any of the people I work with any better. As much as I’d like to be, I’m not a teenager anymore and neither are they. I already have friends, friends who never blow payroll deadlines. Maybe it’s just me, but irritation is not the greatest foundation for friendship. “This was great Jamie.” Carl worked in...
For many years my mother had a full time carer, she had suffered for years with a illness and living alone she needed help around the house, she couldn’t talk or move without help,she found it very difficult cooking, cleaning and even dressing and undressing herself, and as she aged it became a such help to her having someone to give her this help, her career was a middle aged lady who came every morning. I was home for a week and as always the mums helper Sue turned up on the Monday morning...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Mommy Slut Orgy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! In the shipping department of The Institute of Apotheosis Research, Ulrich Geller threw his mom down across the sorting table, his hands ripping up her tight pencil skirt. The short, black-haired women moaned and wiggled as she squirmed. “I... I have to become a slut, don't I?” his mother asked. She ran the shipping department where...
Please Rate. Please Comment. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx XXXX READER SURVEY BELOW XXX Prior: Happy Mother’S Day Prior: Happy Mother’S Day-1 “Clean off that mess from you boys cock. Lick off the shit and the cum.” “No No I can’t. Don’t make me do that, no more, please.” Maribel only raised her hand and Mom quickly grabbed my dick and started to suck it clean. “Lick those balls too.” We all watched laughing as the pig was licking my balls clean. The...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Naughty Daughter Joins the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He'd never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out...
It was the next day before Tom could get his interviews with each of the Malan Mothers. He struck more than a few problems with identities. Margo didn't want her husband back on Earth to know where she was; Ruth didn't want the criminals she had infiltrated to know where she was; her employers also wanted it kept secret. Esther was extremely wary of revealing to the US military that she had effectively deserted her military responsibilities, and preferred it remain that she had simply...
Copyright© 1999-2003 A young man of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll While bent over plucking a dingle Had the whole of Eisteddfod Taking turns at his pod While they sang some impossible jingle. You may have visited my web site. Or you may have come across it in one of your browsing hours. Its rather popular but unpretentious. I don't need to spam, advertise or announce my site in any way. I don't need too, its more popular than I could ever hope for. The site is an adult site, to be...
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A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Daughter Enjoys Incestuous Creampies By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Yes, that would be so hot,” Henry Archer, the newest god created by the Institute of Apotheosis Research, had said only moments ago. He was answering his new girlfriend he created with his mind-control powers. The God's words echoed in Ulrich's mind. The gangbang happening in the break room of the Institute's...
It was now three weeks since seventeen-year-old Christopher Jenkinson had been caught by his mother Julie wearing his sister Catherine's old school uniform and she had given him two hairbrush spankings.The atmosphere between mother and son was a bit strained but the events of that fateful evening were not mentioned.Christopher still had urges to wear female clothing but he had so far refrained from doing so.Julie, on the other hand, was concerned that she had got sexually aroused by spanking...
CrossdressingIntroduction: A mother offers herself to save her daugthers virginity for her groom In medieval times in Europe the law in some fiefdoms was that the lord had the privilege to fuck the bride on her wedding night unless the bridegroom could offer a certain monetary payment. The Latin term for the policy was jus primae noctis or first night rights. In this way the lord maintained his dominance over his manor, increased his coffers as well as experienced the obvious pleasures. This event takes...
"Indeed I did, General. And from the other ladies as well, who had similarly borne a Malan child. Were you aware that all the army – uh – "volunteers" – were rewarded with a million dollars for their service to the nation?" "Umm ... no sir. I was not aware of that fact." "There was a lady from the RAF who also took part, and she was similarly recompensed by the USA." "Is that so, sir?" "It is, General Mackenzie. When it comes to our USAF officer – the one who disappeared to...
This will serve as a series of examples to Chyoa authors trying to figure out how to build a loop for their stories. It is remarkable unsexy so no entertainment here sorry To test it you do need to hit "Start Game" Note: If you wish to add something please do it in a fully new example that way your work doesn't get tangled up in other people's stuff. This story is meant to help authors build better content so if you have a example of something you want to show add it. Conversely if you want to...
I rose from the bed knowing we were alone, his Father had an early flight. As I soaked in the tub my thoughts were of Michael, my son and lover as well. The last few days have been rather idle but today has just begun. I began to wonder what my Son must be thinking. He's aware his father is already gone and his thoughts must be enticing. Over the last few days his Father was home our secret was again, well hidden. My suitable attire didn't alter his thoughts, his memory served him...
PRELUDEJill Hastings and Laura Kelly were sunbathing in Jill's backyard. Both single mothers, who were knockouts in their bikinis, were discussing their dilemma. "What are we going to do Jill to get things back under control?""I don't know Laura. We certainly opened up a can of worms.""Big worms at that," Laura replied with a mock chuckle and then said, "Seriously, we can't go on like this.""I know. You know your son brought two friends over the last time and they screwed my brains out. I have...
Ulrich Geller, a young man barely in his twenties, worked fast in the shipping department of the Institute of Apotheosis. Orders had to be process, but all he could think about was the coming 10 AM break. The other men working in shipping moved fast, too. He’d never seen packages readied so fast. They were sending out the various electronic components the Institute produced to pay the bills and support the creation of the Halos. At 10 AM, the shipping department would enjoy another round of...
This story has two part. In the first part, I will narrate how I fucked Vivek’s mother and she became my loving wife. Next story will be narrated by Vivek on how he fucked my mother and made her his wife. Loneliness is a terrible thing people say. But for me and Vivek, it was a great gift by god. I and Vivek are cousins. Everything started on a long afternoon when we heard the most terrible news of our lives. I was 9 then and Vivek was 3 months younger. It was a dull afternoon in 1999 where we...
IncestTwo Mothers Chapter One: Walter "Walter!" Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and scowled at her son's bedroom door. "Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you in your room every day! Walter, are you listening?" Her teenage son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continued louder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall as Walter eagerly beat his fist up and down his stiff, throbbing cock....
“About last night,” Sonia began. “We’d had too much to drink. But that’s no excuse.”“No its not, we’re all responsible for our actions, whether we’ve had a drink or two, or not, you understand that don’t you boys.” Chloe said.“Yes Mum. We’re sorry, we got carried away, and took advantage,” Jack said“I’m sorry to,” Harry told them. “This is our secret, you understand!” Sonia said. Both boys nodded.“No really, this is to be kept between ourselves.” Chloe said“We won’t tell,” Jack said.“Good,”...
Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...
Welfare Mothers Make Better Lovers Neil Young was right. Welfare mothers do make better lovers. Divorcee! So there I was doing my laundry when a young mother entered. She was pushing a shopping cart full of dirty clothes and her baby was in it too. Just then the music that was playing, started to play Neil Young’s song. Well that young mother let go of that shopping cart, lifted her arms up over her head and started gyrating her hips to the music…and then she started singing along...
Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...