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October was almost always the worst month of the year. At least that was the opinion of eighteen-year-old Krystina Smith. Sure there was the celebration of the age-old pagan holiday that in modern times became known as Halloween; that was a plus. Although it had become a day when one could dress him or herself in garish costumes and pretends to be anything they dreamed; all the while parading around the town's darkened streets asking for candy from perfect strangers. However, the fact remained that the entire month was just pretty much a bust. During this time, everything was fading away and dying. It was a season where the trees would lose their leaves in cascading waves of red, orange and gold. The grass would soon become stiff stalks as the frost came by night and froze the thin blades from within.

The drops of morning dew settled on the ground and it seemed as though they were the stars themselves.Some evenings it was a time of unseasonable warmth and other times it was damned near unbearable cold. All of which depended on the particular day and the weatherman's predictions. Often times, one could sit at the window and watch as the storm clouds rolled silently across the dark and dreary skies, obstructing the glow of the evening sun. One would only have to sit still and listen with an attentive ear for the clouds to erupt into a grand natural symphony and chorus that was known by all as thunder.Tonight was such a night. Krystina sat hunched over her solid oak desk as the first crack of lightning flashed outside the large French doors of her bedroom. She had been furiously scribbling away in her diary, recounting one by one her beloved thoughts and precious memories. She listened keenly for the clash of thunder to sound, soon enough it pounded loudly against her eardrum and the world outside. Beyond the French doors held a small, yet modest, balcony that overlooked the vast and beautiful gardens of her parent's estate. She had often found herself sitting out there on one of the granite benches in the warm sunshine, pondering the mysteries of life and being lost within her thoughts. During the long summer hours, she'd sit on her balcony when she wanted a change of scenery and enjoy the feel of the wind rustling through her hair as she wrote down her private thoughts, emotions and desires within the blank pages of her diary. The leather bound text coveted everything that encompassed her and that she wished to convey, if only to herself.

Tonight, however, was different than most nights that had passed away into the darkness of time long before it. Krystina sat at her desk, speedily writing as the storm loomed above her home. She continued to write about the previous day's events when her hand finally screamed in protest over the onslaught of written language. Before the cramp encapsulated her hand, she had been describing the lovemaking she had experienced with her long time boyfriend DevonA clash of thunder brought her out of her reverie as the rain began to pour outside onto her balcony. She walked over to the doors, stretching her tired and cramped limbs along the way and pulled back the sheer off-white drapes. She watched the rain momentarily and thought of how miserable the weather was. It was as if the weather was coinciding with how she felt. She was stuck in her room in the first place, barred from any activities or school, because of a sudden case of the flu.

She awoke that morning expecting to feel euphoric from the night before, instead she had a clogged nose, a horrendous cough and full body aches.After seeing how she felt, Krystina's mother decided that school and friends were off limits until she was feeling better. For most of the day, she was unable to keep any foods down, not even crackers. It wasn't until dinner time when Rosalina, their maid, brought her a hot bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup that she was finally able to eat. Her stomach growled loudly as she ate her soup and crackers greedily. After drinking a cold class of raspberry ginger ale, she finally started feeling a little bit better.She missed going to school today, mostly because she desperately wanted to see Devon. She also wanted to gossip to Emily, her best friend, about what happened the night before. She knew that Emily had already had sex with Greg on more than one occasion and she wanted to brag about her own sexual experience. She also knew Emily would have wanted all the gory details and, of course, she'd have to dutifully oblige. After all, what were best friends for?She sniffled a bit as she looked outside, her clogged nose made her feel like her head was going to explode. She thought about how she had missed her Chemistry mid-term today.

Mr. Donavan was a hard-ass when it came to students missing classes; fortunately, her mother called the school receptionist and explained her daughter's absence. Luckily for her, she was a straight A student and Mr. Donavan was willing to wait until she was back in school to give her the exam.Emily called her earlier in the day to relay onto her the current assignments. "Okay, Krys. For math, you need to complete problems two through seventy-four on page 137. For history, you have to read chapter eight and answer the questions at the end, English class you have to read the short story on page 286 and for Chemistry, you just have to study for the mid-term. Got all that?""Sure, Em. Thanks a lot for helping me out. I really appreciate it." she told her best friend."Not a problem, Krys. Hope you feel better soon." and with that, she hung up the phone. She was not looking forward to catching up on her homework but she knew that it had to be done. She really didn't want to fail any classes because she was working hard to get into an upscale college. Her grades were more than good enough, but she still felt the need to keep striving to be the best that she could be. She laughed aloud when she thought about this notion; it was like she was advertising for the United States Army.Another flash of lightning ripped across the sky and a crack of thunder sounded outdoors. With each flash of light, Krystina could see the gardens below. Tiger lilies, roses and dahlias arose from the plush green grass like shadowed figures ready to jump out of the darkness and snatch an unsuspecting victim. When this kind of weather ran rampant, the flowers and wildlife were the intruders on her easy-going existence.

She let the drapes fall back into place and tried to think of something she could do to make her imprisonment seem more bearable. She had read all of her books previously and the magazines she had she knew almost by heart. Also writing more in her diary was out of the question until her hand wanted to cooperate again. Therefore, she was inclined to find something to entertain her.After several moments of thought, she remembered that there were some old books in the attic that she had not yet read. According to her parents, there were things up there that were several years old, if not possibly decades or even centuries. There were heirlooms and trinkets that stretched back centuries that could keep her fully occupied.Now invigorated for the thrill of an adventure, albeit a small one, she slowly opened the door of her bedroom and peeked outside. She had to make sure the coast was clear, otherwise she'd get ushered right back into bed. Her mother warned her that not under any circumstances, save for a bathroom trip, was she to leave her bedroom. Surely even if she was caught, her mother would understand her boredom.Another peek outside revealed an empty hallway. She drew in a deep breath and stepped out the door, listening for any signs of life. Downstairs she could hear the television blaring loudly as her father watched a Red Sox game. From her place next to the banister upstairs, she could hear the commentators announcing Kevin Youkillis to the plate. After a few moments, she heard her father yell a roar of approval; she assumed that Good Ol' Youk got another homerun. She grinned; after all, Boston was her favorite team as well.Krystina listened for other signs of life, she could hear Rosalina vacuuming her father's office and her mother was washing the dinner dishes. From the lingering aroma, she could smell pot roast: her favorite meal. She scowled as she thought of the meal she had missed. She listened for a few moments longer, just to make sure that no one would venture upstairs and discover her out of bed.She crept toward the attic door at the end of the hallway.

The plush beige carpet muffled her footsteps and she knew she would avoid detection. Her hand settled on the knob and she gave it a slow twist, she felt the door unlatch and she opened it. In front of her loomed a steep staircase made of wooden planks and off to the right was a dingy white light-switch. She flipped it up and down a couple of times and figured that the bulb blew out or the wiring had become faulty over the years. She pulled her hand away and wiped the dust from her fingertips."Guess I'll just have to leave the door open for some light." she muttered to herself. She took a deep breath and began to climb the steep steps. With her hands pressed against the walls beside her, she carefully placed one bare foot in front of the other. She used her hands to help guide her through the dark stairwell. She now regretted not going back to her bedroom for a flashlight and a pair of sandals. Oh well, it's too late now. she thought to herself. She just hoped that she wouldn't step on something and injure herself.Despite having the attic door open, Krystina could barely see. She could make out vague black outlines of foreign objects but very little else. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she began to see objects clearer in front of her. Fortunately for her, she noticed a lamp on a nearby box. Before getting her hopes up too high, she wanted to make sure that it worked first. She examined it quickly and was relieved that it was a battery powered lantern. With a turn of the switch, the attic darkness burst into an aura of halogen light and it briefly stung her eyes. All around her she could see boxes, crates and other various attic knick-knacks. On top of all of these things was a thick layer of dust. Like most attics, hers was a place of storage, mostly for things her family accumulated over the years. She saw some boxes labeled "Krystina" and figured that inside were old clothes, toys and miscellaneous trinkets from when she was a child. As the years passed by, she outgrew many of her things and phases, and her mother packed them all away up here. Her mother was a pack-rat and she couldn't bear to throw anything away or even to try and sell it for that matter.Krystina lifted the lantern to get a better look at what lay around her. Off to her right, in a far distant corner, she saw an old mannequin used for making dresses. Behind it, there was a large antique mirror that once belonged to her great-great grandmother. Despite its age, the mirror was in excellent condition and could very well fetch a pretty penny from the right buyer. Continuing her attic excursion, she passed by several non-descript boxes. She walked around searching for something of interest, all the while being mindful that she was barefoot. In a room like this, she knew that it could be very easy to step on a sharp metal object and end up with tetanus. That was something she did not want to happen. She was beginning to think that she wasn't going to find anything that would entertain her until she saw a faint glint in the lantern's light. Directing the lamp towards the glint of gold she noticed, Krystina could make out the edge of an old steamer trunk that had been previously forgotten. Making her way toward it, she could see that it was made out of mahogany wood. It had gold trimming along the edges and it accentuated the mysteriousness of the trunk. Back in its hay-day, she was almost positive that the wood exhibited a high luster and the musky scent of felled trees. She could also bet that the gold trimming sparkled like diamonds on the sea.

October was almost always the worst month of the year. At least that was the opinion of eighteen-year-old Krystina Smith. Sure there was the celebration of the age-old pagan holiday that in modern times became known as Halloween; that was a plus. Although it had become a day when one could dress him or herself in garish costumes and pretends to be anything they dreamed; all the while parading around the town's darkened streets asking for candy from perfect strangers. However, the fact remained that the entire month was just pretty much a bust. During this time, everything was fading away and dying. It was a season where the trees would lose their leaves in cascading waves of red, orange and gold. The grass would soon become stiff stalks as the frost came by night and froze the thin blades from within.

The drops of morning dew settled on the ground and it seemed as though they were the stars themselves.Some evenings it was a time of unseasonable warmth and other times it was damned near unbearable cold. All of which depended on the particular day and the weatherman's predictions. Often times, one could sit at the window and watch as the storm clouds rolled silently across the dark and dreary skies, obstructing the glow of the evening sun. One would only have to sit still and listen with an attentive ear for the clouds to erupt into a grand natural symphony and chorus that was known by all as thunder.Tonight was such a night. Krystina sat hunched over her solid oak desk as the first crack of lightning flashed outside the large French doors of her bedroom. She had been furiously scribbling away in her diary, recounting one by one her beloved thoughts and precious memories. She listened keenly for the clash of thunder to sound, soon enough it pounded loudly against her eardrum and the world outside. Beyond the French doors held a small, yet modest, balcony that overlooked the vast and beautiful gardens of her parent's estate. She had often found herself sitting out there on one of the granite benches in the warm sunshine, pondering the mysteries of life and being lost within her thoughts. During the long summer hours, she'd sit on her balcony when she wanted a change of scenery and enjoy the feel of the wind rustling through her hair as she wrote down her private thoughts, emotions and desires within the blank pages of her diary. The leather bound text coveted everything that encompassed her and that she wished to convey, if only to herself.

Tonight, however, was different than most nights that had passed away into the darkness of time long before it. Krystina sat at her desk, speedily writing as the storm loomed above her home. She continued to write about the previous day's events when her hand finally screamed in protest over the onslaught of written language. Before the cramp encapsulated her hand, she had been describing the lovemaking she had experienced with her long time boyfriend DevonA clash of thunder brought her out of her reverie as the rain began to pour outside onto her balcony. She walked over to the doors, stretching her tired and cramped limbs along the way and pulled back the sheer off-white drapes. She watched the rain momentarily and thought of how miserable the weather was. It was as if the weather was coinciding with how she felt. She was stuck in her room in the first place, barred from any activities or school, because of a sudden case of the flu.

She awoke that morning expecting to feel euphoric from the night before, instead she had a clogged nose, a horrendous cough and full body aches.After seeing how she felt, Krystina's mother decided that school and friends were off limits until she was feeling better. For most of the day, she was unable to keep any foods down, not even crackers. It wasn't until dinner time when Rosalina, their maid, brought her a hot bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup that she was finally able to eat. Her stomach growled loudly as she ate her soup and crackers greedily. After drinking a cold class of raspberry ginger ale, she finally started feeling a little bit better.She missed going to school today, mostly because she desperately wanted to see Devon. She also wanted to gossip to Emily, her best friend, about what happened the night before. She knew that Emily had already had sex with Greg on more than one occasion and she wanted to brag about her own sexual experience. She also knew Emily would have wanted all the gory details and, of course, she'd have to dutifully oblige. After all, what were best friends for?She sniffled a bit as she looked outside, her clogged nose made her feel like her head was going to explode. She thought about how she had missed her Chemistry mid-term today.

Mr. Donavan was a hard-ass when it came to students missing classes; fortunately, her mother called the school receptionist and explained her daughter's absence. Luckily for her, she was a straight A student and Mr. Donavan was willing to wait until she was back in school to give her the exam.Emily called her earlier in the day to relay onto her the current assignments. "Okay, Krys. For math, you need to complete problems two through seventy-four on page 137. For history, you have to read chapter eight and answer the questions at the end, English class you have to read the short story on page 286 and for Chemistry, you just have to study for the mid-term. Got all that?""Sure, Em. Thanks a lot for helping me out. I really appreciate it." she told her best friend."Not a problem, Krys. Hope you feel better soon." and with that, she hung up the phone. She was not looking forward to catching up on her homework but she knew that it had to be done. She really didn't want to fail any classes because she was working hard to get into an upscale college. Her grades were more than good enough, but she still felt the need to keep striving to be the best that she could be. She laughed aloud when she thought about this notion; it was like she was advertising for the United States Army.Another flash of lightning ripped across the sky and a crack of thunder sounded outdoors. With each flash of light, Krystina could see the gardens below. Tiger lilies, roses and dahlias arose from the plush green grass like shadowed figures ready to jump out of the darkness and snatch an unsuspecting victim. When this kind of weather ran rampant, the flowers and wildlife were the intruders on her easy-going existence.

She let the drapes fall back into place and tried to think of something she could do to make her imprisonment seem more bearable. She had read all of her books previously and the magazines she had she knew almost by heart. Also writing more in her diary was out of the question until her hand wanted to cooperate again. Therefore, she was inclined to find something to entertain her.After several moments of thought, she remembered that there were some old books in the attic that she had not yet read. According to her parents, there were things up there that were several years old, if not possibly decades or even centuries. There were heirlooms and trinkets that stretched back centuries that could keep her fully occupied.Now invigorated for the thrill of an adventure, albeit a small one, she slowly opened the door of her bedroom and peeked outside. She had to make sure the coast was clear, otherwise she'd get ushered right back into bed. Her mother warned her that not under any circumstances, save for a bathroom trip, was she to leave her bedroom. Surely even if she was caught, her mother would understand her boredom.Another peek outside revealed an empty hallway. She drew in a deep breath and stepped out the door, listening for any signs of life. Downstairs she could hear the television blaring loudly as her father watched a Red Sox game. From her place next to the banister upstairs, she could hear the commentators announcing Kevin Youkillis to the plate. After a few moments, she heard her father yell a roar of approval; she assumed that Good Ol' Youk got another homerun. She grinned; after all, Boston was her favorite team as well.Krystina listened for other signs of life, she could hear Rosalina vacuuming her father's office and her mother was washing the dinner dishes. From the lingering aroma, she could smell pot roast: her favorite meal. She scowled as she thought of the meal she had missed. She listened for a few moments longer, just to make sure that no one would venture upstairs and discover her out of bed.She crept toward the attic door at the end of the hallway.

The plush beige carpet muffled her footsteps and she knew she would avoid detection. Her hand settled on the knob and she gave it a slow twist, she felt the door unlatch and she opened it. In front of her loomed a steep staircase made of wooden planks and off to the right was a dingy white light-switch. She flipped it up and down a couple of times and figured that the bulb blew out or the wiring had become faulty over the years. She pulled her hand away and wiped the dust from her fingertips."Guess I'll just have to leave the door open for some light." she muttered to herself. She took a deep breath and began to climb the steep steps. With her hands pressed against the walls beside her, she carefully placed one bare foot in front of the other. She used her hands to help guide her through the dark stairwell. She now regretted not going back to her bedroom for a flashlight and a pair of sandals. Oh well, it's too late now. she thought to herself. She just hoped that she wouldn't step on something and injure herself.Despite having the attic door open, Krystina could barely see. She could make out vague black outlines of foreign objects but very little else. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she began to see objects clearer in front of her. Fortunately for her, she noticed a lamp on a nearby box. Before getting her hopes up too high, she wanted to make sure that it worked first. She examined it quickly and was relieved that it was a battery powered lantern. With a turn of the switch, the attic darkness burst into an aura of halogen light and it briefly stung her eyes. All around her she could see boxes, crates and other various attic knick-knacks. On top of all of these things was a thick layer of dust. Like most attics, hers was a place of storage, mostly for things her family accumulated over the years. She saw some boxes labeled "Krystina" and figured that inside were old clothes, toys and miscellaneous trinkets from when she was a child. As the years passed by, she outgrew many of her things and phases, and her mother packed them all away up here. Her mother was a pack-rat and she couldn't bear to throw anything away or even to try and sell it for that matter.Krystina lifted the lantern to get a better look at what lay around her. Off to her right, in a far distant corner, she saw an old mannequin used for making dresses. Behind it, there was a large antique mirror that once belonged to her great-great grandmother. Despite its age, the mirror was in excellent condition and could very well fetch a pretty penny from the right buyer. Continuing her attic excursion, she passed by several non-descript boxes. She walked around searching for something of interest, all the while being mindful that she was barefoot. In a room like this, she knew that it could be very easy to step on a sharp metal object and end up with tetanus. That was something she did not want to happen. She was beginning to think that she wasn't going to find anything that would entertain her until she saw a faint glint in the lantern's light. Directing the lamp towards the glint of gold she noticed, Krystina could make out the edge of an old steamer trunk that had been previously forgotten. Making her way toward it, she could see that it was made out of mahogany wood. It had gold trimming along the edges and it accentuated the mysteriousness of the trunk. Back in its hay-day, she was almost positive that the wood exhibited a high luster and the musky scent of felled trees. She could also bet that the gold trimming sparkled like diamonds on the sea.


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CockSucker App GAY

"Cocksucker needs aggressive men to fuck my face."That was the entirety of my profile on the Fuck My Face app. The app promises to find guys who want to plow their cocks into eager young throats like mine. It lets you know when guys looking for sex are nearby. It uses the GPS to show where everyone is, supposedly accurate to within a few feet of their real life position. I arrived at the mall at 9 a.m. looking to buy a new pair of jeans and thought I'd give the app a try for the first time,...

1 year ago
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Camping with the family

It was any other July in California, hot and dry. Our family was thinking about what to do this year for our family vacation. Every year the whole family gets together and we spend a week doing something fun. Last year we all went to Disney world. My wife and I have for beautiful children. It was the second Friday night of the month and we were barbequing in the back yard of my house. The kids were all there and having a good time. We have a pool and my daughter Patricia was running around with...

2 years ago
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An Officer and a

"Here's the deal cop." He said as he pulled the knife away from my chin. "I'm not gonna hurt you. Just do what I say and you'll be back on the road in 10 minutes. Okay?" He smiled at me as he waited for an answer. "Yeah sure kid, what the hell. Just tell me what you want and nobody gets hurt." My voice was shaky as I spoke. I didn't know what he wanted but I knew right now wasn't the best time to show my independant side. "I want you to pull your pants down and your...

2 years ago
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Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereAs soon as I found out I had a love for anal sex, I knew the exact person I wanted to involve in living out my fantasies. His name was Mr Blake and he was my history teacher, and that was the only problem as far as I could see. I had fancied him for years, but now that I was in sixth form and finally of age, I knew now was my time to try and get...

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iWank Creampie

Welcome to, a free aggregator website covering a wide array of porn niches. Whatever you feel like wanking off to today, I am pretty sure that will satisfy your needs. This website has it all, from gorgeous MILFs sucking hard younger pricks to slutty amateur chicks getting gangbanged, and everything in-between. It all depends on your personal preference, obviously.Considering in which section you found on TPD, you already know that I am here to talk about the beauty...

Creampie Porn Sites
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After the Dream

Ever since I turned 16 sex had preoccupied most of my dreams, but the dream last night had felt so real. Standing under the shower hot water pouring down over me, my pussy was still sticky and wet with cum. Closing my eyes I could still feel his fingers rubbing my clit and his voice whispering in my ear.“You love it don't you?”By the time I finished my shower he was already at the table eating breakfast. I tried to keep my voice cheerful, "Good morning Daddy."I leaned down to kiss his cheek,...

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Winter FiresChapter 15

Gradually, Simon became aware of his surroundings. He was in a narrow bed with crisp sheets; the ceiling was high and the walls pale green and cream. Where ... oh. Hospital. He forced his head to roll first to the left, then the right. There was a curtain between him and anything to his left, on the other side he met the eyes of his mother. "Oh, thank God, you're awake. I'll go tell the nurse!" she told him, standing quickly and giving him a peck on the cheek as mothers do. A nurse...

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A huge Moroccan cock at home

My wife’s girlfriend Camilla had been fucking a huge Moroccan man after her divorce. The bitch loved huge black cocks and this lucky bastard apparently had a very massive thick one. Ana had told me she had met this man at Camilla’s home and I was sure my slutty babe would want to try such a big black cock…My sexy wife told that one day at lunch time, this man had visited Camilla at their office and, when her girlfriend went out for a second, the Moroccan told my wife he wanted to fuck her with...

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A hot start

This story is completely fictionals! It was 6 months since I had started working for a guy who owned some sun bed shops, I had wanted promotion and worked hard, I was given my own shop and it was doing well. Our boss was having a BBQ at his house for all employees to say thank you for a good year. We were allowed to take along our partners, husbands etc. The party was going well but my boyfriend, Tony and I had argued before we left his flat and I wasn’t feeling too sociable, the boss caught me...

4 years ago
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Punked by my Little Brother

I opened up the door and what I didn’t expect was to see Rob sitting on the toilet wanking his magnificent uncut cock. He stopped his hand motion, but I could see the precum collecting in the little pool formed on the top the his dick by his foreskin. We both were silent and still, neither of us knowing what to say. Then I saw his dick pulse a little and the precum overflowed and ran down the under side of his cock. Seeing that I couldn’t help myself. I turned the shower off and got down on...

4 years ago
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SS NerdChapter 25

Our first day was spent touring the island and all of Mark's discoveries and improvements. The natural gas discovery was huge and was being piped to Limon for sale. The island had sufficient gas escaping from the field to fuel all of the islands' needs and more. What would normally be burned off out in the water was being diverted to the islands. All of the carts, tractors, and other vehicles had been converted to natural gas. Mark had even been experimenting with a way to fuel the light...

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The Owl House Girls in Diapers

Thanks to the abundance of magic, the Demon Realm is full of possibilities when it comes to ABDL stories. But why exactly would any of these girls be wearing diapers? Could the biology of a witch differ from a human? Maybe someone was cursed? Maybe they just need them? The decision, my friend, is up to you. (NOTE: All age play involved is non-sexual in nature. Characters in this story MUST be written as 18 years old or older, and obviously, from the show The Owl House. Additions are more than...

3 years ago
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So this man asked me out Pt 7

by Vanessa Evans Part 7 When I woke up the next morning I at first forgot about my surgery, it was only when I nuzzled my butt up against John’s morning woody that I felt some pain as the tip of John’s cock entered me. The pain wasn’t that bad so I kept going until he was nearly right inside me. I decided to just lay there enjoying the feeling. When John woke up and realised that his cock was inside me he said, “That’s nice, but didn’t it hurt?” “Yes, but I needed you inside me.” “I’ll...

1 year ago
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An Apology

Mark gently closed the door behind him, and set his keys down on the small table next to the door. He stretched his long, muscular body as he moved into the small apartment. His crystal blue eyes scanned the room as he hung his jacket in a closet next to the kitchen. As he moved across the spacious living room, he saw Helena emerge from the bathroom wrapped in a large fluffy towel. She stopped when her emerald eyes caught a glimpse of him and they quickly narrowed in anger. Mark sighed and...

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One Lust Filled NightPart9

I held the pillow against me as I watched him undress by the side of the bed. Becky's hand was under the pillow playing with my breasts and pinching my nipples. It felt so good as it added to the pleasure I was feeling as I watched David straighten up. His cock was at full erection and bobbing in front of my face. He motioned with a nod of his head for me to move over in the bed. I held the pillow against me as I moved to the center. Becky moved over toward the edge, taking her hand out from...

Group Sex
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The Sisterhood of Spite

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? The Sisterhood of Spite.  Chapter 1. The Brides of the Emperor.  ???????? The house was impressive, even by year 2537 standards. As was the fashion in the Empire, and had been since the first Emperor had ordered it some ninety years before, the building was of Ancient Roman style. An exact replica of a second century Roman Villa in fact. Plush and luxuriously furnished and...

2 years ago
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Little sister Kimmy0

I was fifteen playing football on the high school freshman team; left outside linebacker and second string fullback. I wasn’t real big. From the time I started school until eighth grade I was one of the biggest kids in my grade, however, I stopped growing and everyone else shot up the summer before high school. I was five foot eight and weighed around 120 pounds. Shoulder length “almost” black hair and was shaving by this time about twice a week. Football practice at my school started a week...

3 years ago
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The Student Teacher BluesChapter 10

Of course it wasn't as seamless and simple as either might have wished their second time to be. Cecelia had assumed she would get her second sample right there in the pool. Bob knew that the water might wash away her natural lubrication, and cause pain, which was the last thing he wanted. And, while she was more comfortable than she'd believed she'd be, naked in the pool, when he took her hand to lead her to the house, she was suddenly shy. "I'm naked!" she moaned as he tried to pull...

2 years ago
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28 February 2007Chapter 1

Karen smiled, rubbing her slight baby bump and preparing the ingredients to make two batches of cookies, peanut butter and chocolate chip. She was feeling good today and quietly hummed her latest favourite song. “Mrs. Hayward, are you home?” Karen heard loudly from the front door. “Is that you Abby?” “Yes, it is!” “I’m in the kitchen!” Karen looked up to see the budding young woman who someday might be her daughter-in-law. “I thought you were working this afternoon?” “I was but there...

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Best Service Ever

Let’s say the day started out as any normal day. Being the single mom I am, dropping my boys off at daycare and speeding to get to work on time. Of course this was one of my late days in which I had a lot of paperwork to rap up before the holiday. These days my boyfriend Jay always picks up my boys. Now don’t get me wrong I love him to the moon and back but our bedroom life was lacking. It seemed I had the male brain when it came to sex and he was the wife with the headache. So now you see...

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The Rape of Maya

Chapter 1 Things Like This just do not Happen to Married Women in India The woman in this story is a 40 yr old attractive Indian woman. She was educated in the states and married to what she thinks is a conservative Indian man. They had met while attending college together. They have been married for about fifteen yrs and have a daughter in her early teens and an eight year old son. She has been intimate with only two other men in her life and...

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Husband gets his Birthday Wish Blacken

One Saturday I was out on some errands and on my way to Lowe's and I got a call from Monique, my wife."Hello," I said."Hey babe. How long are you going to be gone?" Monique asked."Not too long. I just have to get a couple of pieces to fix the sprinklers," I replied."Well, don't be too long. I have your birthday present for you when you get home."My birthday was in a couple of days and I always tell Monique that the only thing I want is birthday sex. So maybe this is the day I will get my...

3 years ago
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With Friend8217s Wife

Anil and I have been friends since childhood. We grew up together and drifted apart after college. We met recently after almost 10 years. His introduced me to his stunning looking wife Namrata who is a 5″7 tall Sardarni with a clear rosie complexion. I was very taken by her looks and her gorgeous figure. She is pretty and voluptous and knows she is extremely sexy and held my attention. I could not help thinking how Anil kept her happy – they have 2 kids 6 and 9. Upon coming home I masturbated...

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Trophies Part 1 Of 2

Women my age will understand: menopause and its flood of hormones can really mess up a woman's view of herself and her world. Mine made me feel older, unattractive, and okay, ugly. My husband worked at changing my opinion. "You're more beautiful now than when I married you," he said and he persuaded me to pose nude for him one Saturday morning because "You may become more beautiful but you will never be younger."  The camera was incidental to the foreplay but far from incidental to this...

3 years ago
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A humiliating orgy

This is my first story. I don't claim to be much of a writer, but I find the act of writing down one's fantasies to be a great cock tease during the day.Plus it's safer to write porn at work than draw porn at work ;)It's cold outside. I come home from work, chilled to the bone. I drop my keys in their usual spot, shed my coat, and head for the kitchen. I'm stopped by sounds coming from the living room. Soft mewling, and some sort of rhythmic thumping. I sigh, any number of my friends have the...

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How Im cuckolded

My beautiful little wife has two sides that coexist perfectly. She and I are happily married and enjoy what appears to be a normal marriage. To our family and friends to are just a typical pair of married folks. But the fact is I haven had sex with my wife in over five years. Ever since I introduced her to cuckolding she has found it more exciting that I thought she would. Once she was convinced that it wasn't a trap and that I actually wanted her to have sex outside our marriage she went to...

2 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 10 The Moment of Truth

I was thankful that we were on winter break. I could feasibly not go back to school for a term, but if I wasn’t enrolled in school, then I had no health insurance. And I got the good news that my tuition waiver had been renewed. Lily helped me set my class schedule, but I was going to need help with childcare. She worked full time and had already taken on most of the cleaning since Thanksgiving. I dusted, but it had been difficult to lug the vacuum cleaner up the stairs and outside in the...

1 year ago
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SweetheartVideo Aaliyah Love Cherry Torn Inappropriate Touching

Young and over-worked office assistant, Aaliyah is overwhelmed with phone calls and people dropping things off for her powerful and gorgeous boss, Hollywood agent Cherry Torn. Cherry keeps her beyond busy and to top it off she makes comments to Aaliyah, asking her to dress a little sexier. Aaliyah’s finally had enough when Cherry playfully smacks Aaliyah’s ass! Aaliyah flips, telling Cherry she is quitting. Cherry apologizes; she had no idea that Aaliyah was unhappy. Aaliyah...

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Adams AppleChapter 5

Christine smiled as her brother and niece hugged, putting the past behind them. "Thank you, Daddy," Lynne said after releasing Ron from her embrace. "Thank you for forgiving me. I was being pig-headed." "It's okay." Ron smiled at his daughter and said, "As long as I'm in town, I thought I might look up a couple of old friends." He then turned to Christine and added, "If you don't mind me staying another night?" "No, of course not," Christine answered. "Is that fine with...

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Degradation of the Human ConditionChapter 14

The days blur together for Page. She doesn’t leave Eris’ quarters for anything. The matriarch herself barely leaves the room. Their food is even delivered to them. The pair has four activities: sleeping, easting, bathing and fucking. Strangely too, Page feels more like a queen then a slave. Page has learned several things over the last few days. She has learned more about what Eris and her family are and their history. She even learned about how the feral came about and why the Rowen family...

2 years ago
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Becoming a black cock sissy slut Part 1

I think every man feels at least a little insecure about the size of his penis.Okay - maybe not every man. There are certainly some sizable cocks out there that leave no doubt about the superiority of the man attached to it. Of course - the stereotype is the big, black cock everyone craves, the ideal piece of man meat so swollen when erect that it seemed impossible for any woman to actually fit it inside her pussy.Yet she always does.I get it. I know that porn isn't reflective of reality. But...

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Era 2

I was over there in 30 mins, went thru the backdoor as I was told it would be unlocked. Heard Jack’s TV on in his room as I went up the stairs. I was greeted by two naked women inviting me into their bed. Within a minute I was naked and being mounted by Shelly. Like the night before she was wild in riding my cock. The difference was I had one nipple in my mouth and Era had her other nipple in her mouth. Shelly’s orgasm was not far off. And like the night before she kept going, riding me for a...

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"Very simply put, we offer the finest oral, vaginal, and anal sex in the world." My mouth dropped open as I stared at her. She didn't blink. She didn't grin. She was profoundly serious. She had made what she believed was a statement of absolute fact in answer to my question. I closed my mouth and swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in it as I pondered the possibilities of the transaction that I was considering. I couldn't help glancing again at the large notebook which she had...

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A Pair of Chairs

"Oh the Professor certainly is misbehaving," the strange old man in the bathrobe said as he shook his head from side to side. His long white beard swayed slightly as a look of frustration covered his face. "Well, well, to intervene or not... I did owe The Good Professor one," he mumbled the last bit as he swept his hand across the crystal ball. Then a small bell rang above his shops wooden door, a door that strangely led into the well appointed mall outside his humble shop. "Ah,...

4 years ago
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Maa bani maa

Hi i am 20 years old guy. My name is alok. I m from baroda. I want to tell u all incest reader,this is my first story n it is not fake but its true. Me baroda me rahta hoo,mere pariwar me me,papa,mummy aur 1 bhai hai.Wo mera bhai hai duniya ki nazro me lekin me aur mom jante hai ki wo mera beta hai.Ha mene apni mom ko chodke use pregnant banaya.mere papa dubai me hai 10 saalo se.Aur wo saal me sirf 1 month ke liye ghar pe aate hai.Me meri maa ke saath rahta hoo.Uska naam falguni hai.Umar 40...

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The Little Pleated Skirt Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Dear Diary Another long day has come to an end. So now that Aunt Karen has given you to me a diary. I think I can now get some of these things in my head out. Dear diary what a day it has been. Gary wanted to dance all the time at the party. I think he is ok. He is just a bit old for me but then again. I have no idea what to do about a boy. Unlike my girlfriends, boys are all they talk about. I cannot get into boys right now. I am still dealing with my new...

1 year ago
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Hardware shop

Friday afternoon need Ironmongers before they shut !!! On way there in the van a notice one very tidy woman going in size 14 who knows size 5 shoe with 5" heels fu**ing super sexy fashion tights and fluffy jacket long dark hair nice , hanging about couple mins let her go first. On entering a find her trying to explain what she needed, young Sean behind the desk ( head less chicken ) trying to figure out what she means looks as confused as she explains, making way round the shelf's so I get...

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Raped at Home

I got off the bus and strutted down the street to my house. Thank God that I wouldn't be riding it anymore! I finally convinced my mom and dad to buy a car for me. I turned eighteen four months ago and got my driver's license two years ago. After years of pleading and arguing, they decided that I was mature enough to own a car. I'm a good student and I never get into trouble, so it wasn't too hard to convince them. My best friend Chris and I are getting together tonight to look through the...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 6 Sinning for the Cameras

Chapter Six: Sinning for the Cameras By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Discovering my preacher father was a hypocrite had awakened me to the sexual desires I had suppressed. As I watched him through the window of his church office at Thousand Oaks Methodist fucking the redheaded Donna Paxtor, married to Deacon Bill Paxtor, I realized how the adults in my life had lied to me. They told me sex outside of marriage, and in it strictly for procreation, was sinful. It was a chore to create new...

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