A Fresh StartChapter 132: October Surprise free porn video

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Sunday, September 10, 2000

The first thing we had to do was get out of the hotel. All of our cell phones were going nuts, and a few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Frank opened it to find the hotel manager. The lobby and front entrance were swamped, and he was having a hard time keeping reporters from slipping past the lobby. I nodded.

Turning to the others I said, “Everybody! Five-minute drill! Get to your rooms and get packed, now!” I turned back to the manager. “I need two trucks or vans, to carry us and our luggage out the back. Can you make that happen?”

He stared for a second and said, “I guess so. They might not be very fancy, and I’ll need them back.”

I pulled out my wallet and slapped five one-hundred-dollar bills in his hand. “We don’t need fancy. We need quiet. Can you make that happen?”

The hand went into his pocket. “I’ll get right on it.” He headed towards the door.

I grabbed his arm. “Hold it!” I turned to Frank. “Order the limos brought to the front door, right out where everybody is. Tell them we will be leaving in fifteen minutes.” To the manager I said, “Get those vans to the back door in ten minutes. Go!”

Ten minutes later the manager was escorting us out the back door into a pair of courtesy limos, oversized vans of the type you rode into to get to long term parking at the airport. I gave him another wad of cash and we headed out a side entrance and through a parking lot to a side road. Nobody followed.

We took off and headed towards Washington. Along the way we all read and reread the only information we had available, an Associated Press reprint of what was being published by the New York Times. It was a heavily slanted partial version of the U.S. Army’s armed incursion into Nicaragua, led by the crazed Captain Buckman. By the end of the story, I was wondering if Martin Sheen was now heading upstream to kill Colonel Kurtz, or in this case, me.

I spent the rest of the trip back wondering about just how much the Times had gotten, and who had given it to them. This story had been buried for almost 19 years. I had rarely pushed the Bronze Star, and never, ever, publicly told how I had earned it. I simply fell back on the Top-Secret aspect and told people that I had sworn an oath and simply never budged from that point. From everything I had learned over the years, the Army had sunk this in the deepest vault they could find; it had not been the U.S. Army’s finest hour. Aside from the brass, though, who knew about it?

There were probably about a thousand soldiers and officers from the battalion task force who knew something about the mission, but while they would certainly talk about it to each other, they probably wouldn’t have said anything to a reporter, and wouldn’t have known anything damaging. The ones who knew the really dirty details probably numbered only a few dozen, and they would have been ordered to keep their mouths shut. The MPs and Provost Marshall’s staff had no reason to talk; they had moved on with their lives now and didn’t need their hometown newspapers writing stories about how they had arrested and beaten an injured officer. The various officers who had been cashiered didn’t need it either.

Politically, there had been about a half dozen of us in 1992 who knew about it, when this came up during the days leading up to the confirmation hearings for Hawkins. Nothing had been said at the time, and Hawkins had left Washington and announced that health concerns were keeping him from further public service. I had never heard about this from anybody in the days afterwards, but I figured it had to originate there. It hadn’t been forgotten or kept quiet. Somebody had told Bill Clinton. Now it was payback time!

I couldn’t do anything more until we landed, and we just didn’t have enough information from the one report. We would get into D.C. early afternoon and be able to get a copy of the Times, and probably be able to watch the news. After that I would be able to meet with Governor Bush and figure out what was going to happen. This was a perfect example of a VP being more trouble than he’s worth. In some countries the job is an appointed position. It certainly made me wonder about our political system.

We landed at National in the late afternoon and managed to grab a copy of the New York Times as we headed on through the terminal. So far, they were the only ones on this, but that would change by tomorrow. This was bound to be the big topic on tonight’s evening news, along with the very predictable response. “ Governor Bush has full confidence in Congressman Buckman and eagerly anticipates being able to discuss this with him.” He just as eagerly was sharpening a machete, the better to hack me into small pieces with. The standard response in this would be to have me ‘voluntarily’ drop from the ticket, so that I could ‘concentrate my energies on fighting the lies and falsehoods.’ Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, by the way.

I read the article twice on the way to the hotel. The article in the Times gave more information than the AP piece. They were reporting that during an international exercise in Honduras, my unit was dropped incorrectly into neighboring Nicaragua. Despite orders to turn ourselves in to the Nicaraguan authorities, I had disobeyed those orders and captured a Nicaraguan airstrip. Then, as the helicopters were arriving to rescue my men and to arrest me, I summarily executed my prisoners and threatened to do the same to my soldiers if they said anything about what I had just done. Afterwards, back in Honduras, I was arrested and charged with mutiny, disobedience to orders, and murder, but was released rather than have the truth come out at trial, for national security reasons.

There was just enough truth to what was being reported that somebody must have leaked some sort of official documentation to them. They had all sorts of dates and places down accurately. The only other specifics were from the account given by ‘an unnamed source intimately involved in the cover-up.’ That was the damning part. So far it was almost all smoke and almost no fire, but that was going to change rapidly. Now that it was out in the open, other people would talk. Everybody who had been anywhere near Tegucigalpa that fall was going to find a microphone stuck in his face, and somebody was bound to talk.

Once we got to the hotel, a Secret Service agent was waiting for me and escorted me directly to the Governor’s suite. Unsurprisingly, Dick Cheney and Karl Rove were waiting for me as well. Nobody was smiling. “Well, I guess I know why we’re all here,” I told them, waving the newspaper.

“I sure hope that’s not an attempt to be funny, Carl,” replied George. He motioned us to some armchairs, and we all sat down.

“Not hardly.”

“Is it true?” he asked, cutting to the chase.

“Not particularly, but there is just enough truth there to make it a problem,” I answered.

“Don’t get cute, Buckman!” snapped Cheney. “We asked you about this during the vetting process and you lied to us!”

“The hell I did, Dick! I told you that it was classified, and I couldn’t talk about it. Not talking about it is a long way from lying, and don’t forget it!”

“Screw you, Buckman. I knew you would be a problem.”

George decided to calm things down, and said, “Forget the Top-Secret stuff. That’s all behind us now. It’s all going to come out. You need to tell us what happened. All of it.”

I nodded. “Fair enough. Somebody decided to leak classified files, so that pretty much lets me off the hook anyway.” I spent the next fifteen minutes telling the others what had happened and another ten pointing out the differences between what happened and what the Times was reporting. I did not admit to killing any prisoners, but simply reiterated my old line about releasing them.

“It doesn’t matter. They got their hands on something. By the end of the week, they will have people swearing that you butchered these people with your bare hands,” said Rove.

“Karl, you haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about. Out of all of us who made that drop, only one person made a complaint and he made it all up. He never witnessed a damn thing. He lied then, and if he’s behind it now, he’s still lying,” I told him.

“So what? Pack your bags and go home. You’re off the ticket immediately,” he told me.

Dick Cheney looked over at the Governor. “Well, we’ll have to do now what we should have done two months ago. Tomorrow you’ll announce that this asshole is dropping out and you’re naming me to take his place. Let’s hope we can rebuild things after this disaster!”

“You know, Dick, for a guy with six deferments, you’re pretty damn mouthy when talking to somebody who, quote, solves his problems with ruthless violence, unquote.” That last part I read out of the article. “If I am guilty of any of this, then I’ve already killed five men, so what’s one more?”

His eyes opened wide at that, as did Rove’s. I ignored them and said, “Now, you two can go. I need to talk to the Governor about this.”

“Carl, I don’t see the point in protracting this,” commented George Bush.

I turned my gaze on him. “Oh, I disagree. I’d like to discuss commitment with you, George. You know, the difference between commitment and involvement. Man to man.” I turned back to the other two. “You two are excused.”

They stared at me, and then stared at Bush when he said, “Why don’t you two go out for a bit and have a drink? We’ll be done in a few minutes.”

The Governor and I waited until all the doors clicked shut, and then he turned back to me, a hard look on his face. “I don’t care what you are thinking. There is no way you are staying in the campaign after this mess!”

I smiled at him. “George, do you remember when you offered me this position, how we talked about the difference between the chicken and the pig, and how you were looking for somebody committed, like the pig? Remember how we discussed that commitment, man to man? Do you remember that conversation?”

“This totally changes things, Carl! I can’t be held to something said then when I didn’t know all the facts.”

“So, you do remember the conversation. Good! Well, I’ve committed ten million facts so far. I told you then that my word and my deals are very, very important to me. Didn’t you believe me?” I asked.

He blustered, “That has nothing to do with this!”

“George, do you think for one single second that I am going to let you weasel away with ten million dollars of my money?”

“There is nothing you can do about it!”

I laughed at him. “George, right now you are thinking that if I tell somebody I bribed you, nobody will believe me. It will be the crazed ramblings of a desperate man, right?” I could see in his eyes he had this all figured out. “One small problem, George. I have the account numbers where I wired the money to, and I have slips of paper with your fingerprints and your DNA on them from giving me those account numbers. They are locked in the deepest vault imaginable. If I leave this room as anything other than your continued Vice-Presidential nominee, I will head directly to the Justice Department and see if they understand commitment.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” he hissed.

“How long do you think those guys will take to trace that money, especially when I give them the account that I paid it out of?”

“They’ll arrest you for this!”

I wagged my finger at him. “They’ll arrest us, George. They’ll arrest us! You think anybody’s going to care about Nicaragua after you get photographed doing a perp walk in handcuffs? I don’t think your Daddy can write a pardon retroactively.”

“You’ll be in handcuffs, too.”

I shrugged. “Yes, I will. I will be ruined. I’ll have to resign my seat in the House. My name will be mud. I will be charged with all sorts of things. I will have to hire the finest lawyers in the country to get me out of jail, and I will probably have to pay a fine in the millions of dollars, maybe a billion dollars. And most important of all, I will have to turn State’s Evidence against you! The one thing I won’t be doing is spending any time in prison. You, on the other hand, will bankrupt yourself and your father fighting this, and you will spend time in jail. I don’t think you’d do very well in prison, George. As for me, well...” I waved the newspaper loosely. “ ... I’m a ruthless killer. I can handle it easily in case I end up there.”

George Bush looked like he was about to vomit. After a couple of quiet minutes, he said, “You son of a bitch!”

“I told you, George, I was committed. That cuts both ways, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, damn you!” He had surrendered.

“Why don’t you wash your face and let’s invite Dick and Karl back in, and give them the good news?”

“Don’t push it, you bastard!” I kept quiet and he composed himself, and then went to the door. A few minutes later Cheney and Rove came in. They found us sitting on the couch, side by side, and chatting amicably. Bush motioned for them to have a seat, and then said, “Carl has convinced me that this is a situation that can be dealt with and dealt with positively.”

“You have got to be kidding!” exclaimed Rove. Cheney simply stared like we had both grown second heads.

“No, not at all. Let’s face it; Thomas Eagleton proved the danger of swapping nominees. The Governor will be slammed for pushing me out and abandoning me. No, he’ll be hurt badly doing that. The only thing we can do is fight this,” I answered.

Rove turned to me and said, “And just how do we do that? This is a fucking disaster!”

“Two parts. One is that the Governor supports me fully and knows my innocence. He is standing by his principles. This is all politics and Bill Clinton releasing classified information for political purposes. Blah, blah, blah. Part two is me. I’ll handle this mess,” I told them, holding up the newspaper.

“How?” asked Rove, incredulously.

“First steps first. Call CBS and get me on 60 Minutes with Mike Wallace doing the interview. Make that call as soon as I leave. I want that interview as soon as possible,” I told them.

Cheney said, “You’ve lost your mind!”

I slammed down the newspaper on the coffee table. “I used to be a soldier, and a damn good one. I think it’s time some people in this town learn just what that means! Get the hell out of my way, gentlemen, and watch! I AM GOING TO WAR!”

I left them in stunned silence and went down to a car waiting for me. I went over to the house on 30th, where several reporters had set up camp, though none were daring to push past my security people. I went inside, ignoring their yelled questions, and went into my office. I was beat but needed to get some work done. The first call was to Marilyn, who had been getting hounded by reporters. I told her everything would be fine, and that I was still the VP nod. I told her I was staying in Washington until this was over, and to reassure the girls and not to worry. Then I made myself a stiff drink and started making notes on a pad of paper.

The one thing I didn’t quite understand was the relative crudity of the attack. Slick Willie was a master of manipulation. He could have slit my throat much more easily. Start out with a whisper campaign in the Senate, in the Intelligence and Armed Services committees. Start simple, with an investigation into possible false claims of military medals among Congressmen and Senators, something that would require a very quiet review of classified records. Then, leak the investigation to the Times, but don’t give any names out. Let the media start figuring out which politicians have medals. Then convene some very quiet and discreet hearings, and clear most of the people, but not everyone. At some point leak that Congressman Buckman didn’t pass muster, but that nobody could do anything about it. It leaves me swinging at ghosts and rumors.

You’re going to have to throw a Democrat to the wolves. You have to be bipartisan. Who do we sacrifice? It will have to be somebody in a district that will stay Democratic. How about John Kerry of Massachusetts? It will be easy to find somebody to damn him, since he turned anti-war afterwards. He won’t be up for re-election until 2002, so he can be ‘rehabilitated’ by then, evidence can be found to prove he earned the medals after all.

A campaign like that can work very well, but it takes time to make it happen. It could easily take a month of whispers to get George Bush to drop me. Didn’t they figure they had enough time? Did Al Gore’s pick of Kerry throw off the idea of killing a hero off? I knew that Al and Bill had differences, but weren’t they even talking, or had Al killed off the idea and Bill was running it anyway? Too many questions...

I ended up having a drink or two too many and woke up sitting in my armchair about four in the morning, my notepad still in my lap. I shook myself awake and headed upstairs. I might as well get some work done. I told the security guys to get the ball rolling on a car, and took a shower and shaved, then dressed. I skipped breakfast other than some juice and Advils and glanced out the front window. A few reporters were stirring, seeing the lights on in my house. I smirked at that. I told Jerry, “Let’s go.” We left the lights on and headed out the back door, through the back yard, and out a small gate in the fence. Then it was a ten-foot hike through some brush to the street and into a car. As we drove down the street I glanced back and saw the reporters still standing there in the early morning chill.

We snuck into the Rayburn building through the garage. The only people in at that time of the morning were some very early staffers and some more reporters assigned to hang around my office. We brushed through them, ignoring their yelling, and closed them out.

“Jerry, you want to make a phone call and hustle up something to eat for us? McDonald’s would do. Just something,” I asked him.

He grabbed his phone and asked, “Anything particular in mind?”

I shrugged. “Something from the four major food groups, you know - salt, cholesterol, caffeine, and sugar.”

He laughed at that. “I’ll order some bagels and cream cheese, too.”

“Fair enough. Thank you.”

While Jerry did his thing, I pulled the pages I had torn off my notepad and laid them on my desk. I was going to be making a lot of phone calls, and probably waking people up, but if I was going to get anything accomplished, I needed to start right now. At a minimum I needed to find out just what Clinton had leaked to the Times. The Army floats on a sea of paperwork, even if it is a classified sea. There must have been after action reports, JAG inquiries and investigations, documentation ordering us to do what we were doing. Only some of this seemed to be leaked. The only way to fight this was for me to do a full disclosure and technically violate my security oath. I found this mildly distasteful, but only mildly. Somebody else had really blown the doors open on this, so my keeping silent was useless now.

Anybody else keeping silent was also going to be useless. I still had contacts at the Pentagon from when I had been on the Armed Services Committee and Veterans Affairs Committee. What I needed now was names of people who could testify to what had happened. It had been nineteen years. By now most would have left the military, even the lifers, with twenty-plus years in. A few might still be in. Simply because of time, some would have died, and some would have moved and been lost track of. Still, the odds were that several of the guys who were in C Company would be available, and I trusted them more than I trusted Bill Clinton. Clinton would know he would need more than a nineteen-year-old report to jam me up, too. He must have somebody on tap as the unnamed source in the cover-up. Who? It would have to be one of the bad guys. Hawkins getting me back for ‘92? That shithead Provost Marshall or the numbnuts second john, whatever their names were? I was going to have to get copies of the records myself for review.

When my staff arrived, I greeted them and gave them all a basic rundown. No, I wasn’t a serial killer. Yes, I was being set up by the President. Yes, I needed their help, as much as possible. No, don’t say jack to the press. I was passed copies of the Times and the Washington Post and found more information was being leaked. The basement of the Pentagon was being turned into a sieve. Sunday’s stuff was just the appetizer. Now there were intimations that I had managed, with collusion from high places, to block the JAG investigation back in 1981. How a fucking captain could do that was left unanswered. There were also two unnamed sources now, with more expected to come forth. Until now they were reportedly too afraid of my retribution to come out. Joy!

I also cut a cartoon out of the Post. It wasn’t the first cartoon of me. Those had started right after I was picked as George Bush’s VP pick. They generally portrayed me as tall and slender, sort of a trimmed down Karl Malden, balding, and with a noticeably busted up nose. Ever since I had rescued Stormy, Stormy had been appearing in some of the cartoons as a St. Bernard with a barrel under her neck labeled ‘Votes’. Today’s had me with a sweatband tied around my forehead, carrying a machine gun with ammo belts crisscrossing my bare chest. The caption? ‘Rambuckman!’

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“Fuck!” John snarled, incensed that the Brimorians were causing him even more problems. Let me get this straight ... the Maliri fleets won’t make it in time, so now we’re rushing to save the Kintark from an Enclave invasion?! That’s correct, Edraele replied mournfully. Except we won’t make it in time either, Alyssa added, sounding heavily distracted. John froze. What do you mean? It’s kinda tricky to talk right now. Come up to the Bridge. He fastened up his trousers and reached for his...

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Six Times A DayPart 132 She Belongs to Me

Alan hadn't eaten dinner yet, and Susan had finished cooking dinner for him and the rest of the family while he was taking his shower. When he called Glory to tell her he was coming over, he found that she hadn't eaten either. So he packed up his dinner of eggplant parmigiana, including an extra serving for Glory, and went to her home. He'd changed into pants and a different T-shirt, but didn't bother with a sweater since it wasn't that cold of a night. For the first time since he'd...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 132

Larry goes to church and listens to the preacher. After a while the preacher asks anyone with needs to be prayed over to come forward to the front at the altar. Larry gets in line, and when it’s his turn, the preacher asks “Larry, what do you want me to pray about for you?” Larry replies “Preacher, I need you to pray for my hearing”. The preacher puts one finger in Larry’s ear, and he places the other hand on top of Larry’s head and prays and prays and prays. After a few minutes, the...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 132

I waited two days to call the automaker's CEO on the private number Martin had slipped me. "My name is Sylvia Porter, I understand you have a problem," I said. "It looks as though we have a huge inventory shrinkage problem. We also have labor relations problems simmering," he said. "Well I'm not a labor relations specialist, but I might be able to help with the shrinkage problem. The best and fastest way to find out what is going on is to come into the plant as a simple worker, but...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 132 Dirty Mother Nature

Even though I don’t remember doing it, I sure did a great job making myself look like I survived a tornado by lying in the lowest place I could find in a pinch. My goggles popped up a message that 911 had already been called and there were lots of emergency responders heading this way. No one was killed thanks to me getting the family behind Trudy’s house into their bomb shelter. In fact, I was the only one with even minor injuries. The family behind Trudy didn’t even yet know that all they...

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Runaway TrainChapter 132

I had barely gotten started when Liz arrived in the workout room. In spite of the fact that I was bent forward with my arm hanging downward, I felt a stirring below my waist when I saw her. She wore a pair of white transparent workout shorts that were rolled down at the top and up at the bottom. I was positive they were designed to be worn over leggings or a leotard or something. I was also positive from my first glance that Liz wore nothing beneath them. Her top was a white tank top that...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 132

At 0700 I was eating breakfast while I was reading today’s security briefs. Today there was a brief from the UN Ambassador about yesterday’s freighter and weapons capture. The brief contained a full listing of all the weapons captured and technical information about the crew and ship’s captain. There was also a complete description of the action including statements by the men of my coastal patrol ships and the four aircraft pilots. Admiral West had requested all video from the go-pro cams...

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Double TearsChapter 132

“Generalities are intellectually necessary evils.” —Aldous Huxley, Brave New World After Rachel and I had made love Christmas morning and I took her home, I spent a quiet Christmas with my family. I was already up, so I went to the kitchen and made blueberry scones. Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m no great cook. It was a package thing. But they smelled good and about the time I was pulling them out of the oven, Pey came padding into the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 132

September 11th 6:46 AM MDT – Ben, Jens, Ira and Mira – Back at the cabin It’s been some time so I need to catch you up on things that are going on. We had an uneventful trip back to America so I decided not to say anything about it. Jens and the twins were excited to be able to wear ‘normal’ clothes on the trip back. Of course I had to buy new (overly expensive!) clothes for them in the gift shop before we left. Thom did a hell-of-a job on the cabin. It was nice to be in our room and not...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 132

Rebecca, Trinity and Erin headed off to Las Vegas just after noon. But with them, they carried two additional passengers – Anya and Ekaterina. Anya would see Las Vegas again in a few days, she knew, but Ekaterina would be making the only visit she would make for awhile. She had determined after only a few minutes of talking to the group from Five Friends Casting that she would stay in the United States and work toward a resident visa. Ekaterina and Shelly had quickly become friends, partly...

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Only in October

Only in October (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume 1989 "Come on, Jimmy, it's time to get ready!" I bounded up from the family room floor and raced as fast as my twelve-year-old legs would take me. Halloween! Trick or treat! Next to Christmas Eve, it was every kid's best day of the whole year. Even if this year, I would be stuck going around the neighborhood with my stupid sisters. We had just moved to California from New York, and my parents didn't know my new friends well...

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Mary Smith Hanged for murder 31st October 1873

MARY SMITH. HANGED FOR MURDER. 31st. OCTOBER 1873 "I don't like this"! "Oh yeah," he sighed impatiently, "What's wrong with it." "It's dark," she continued to complain. "Of course it's fucking dark; it's ten thirty at night at the end of October," he replied irritably, "What do expect...blazing fucking sunshine!" "Please don't swear at me Andy," she scolded him, "I can't help it." "Can't help what," he demanded angrily. "I'm scared!" "Scared," he questioned, "Scared?" "Yes," she answered...

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October 31st 1951 A Prequel

OCTOBER 31st, 1951. Daddy never cared much for fog. Like the time, in Central Michigan, when he was driving from Crystal Lake to home in Saint Johns. To get from Crystal to Maple Rapids, Daddy drove south on Main (Co565) to M57, then east to Carson City. Next, Pop turned right on Co 555, a straight shot to Maple. then south to Hubbardston and on to Pewamo to make a left on M 21 and head for home. That was Dad's planed route ... it's paved. In 1951, only main roads were paved. The area...

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October Scars

“Now then, shall we make a deal, Maxwell?” the man asked, reaching out gnarled fingers to move an onyx pawn one square forward across the chessboard. The man looked up from the game, lips forming a slanted, unnatural smile. I jolted awake in a sticky cold sweat at one in the morning to a clock flashing neon light and a whistling, icy draft. The scratch of my antique record player coming to life only added to the absurd horror story cliché of waking up to find a young woman downstairs, tapping...

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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 15 He had never liked October

“He had never liked October. Ever since he had first lay in the autumn leaves before his grandmother’s house many years ago and heard the wind and saw the empty trees. It had made him cry, without a reason. And a little of that sadness returned each year to him. It always went away with spring. But, it was a little different tonight. There was a feeling of autumn coming to last a million years. There would be no spring. (“The October Game”)” {r}Ray Bradbury, Long After Midnight Monday,...

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Mary Smith Hanged for murder 31st October 1873

MARY SMITH. HANGED FOR MURDER. 31st. OCTOBER 1873 ‘I don’t like this’! ‘Oh yeah,’ he sighed impatiently, ‘What’s wrong with it.’ ‘It’s dark,’ she continued to complain. ‘Of course it’s fucking dark, it’s ten thirty at night at the end of October,’ he replied irritably, ‘What do expect…blazing fucking sunshine!’ ‘Please don’t swear at me Andy,’ she scolded him, ‘I can’t help it.’ ‘Can’t help what,’ he demanded angrily. ‘I’m scared!’ ‘Scared,’ he questioned, ‘Scared?’ ‘Yes,’ she...

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Second Weekend in October

As Tish and Boyd headed home after the annual retreat, refreshed in their love for each other, she reflected on the wonderful and spectacular sabbatical, designed to renew their love. It had begun on the second Friday evening in October, as tradition dictated. They’d traveled eighty miles north to the rural antebellum mansion, now transformed into a sumptuous bed & breakfast and restaurant choked with antiques evoking the gentility of a century now long passed. The matron at the front desk...

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Cold October rain

I'll write this in several segments, "Cold October rain" is the beginning of how I met my last lover back in 2001.My husband and I lived in what was a semi rural town with lots of freedom after we were married. An older house with two lots on a not so busy street with fairly nice older neighbors who minded their own business unless stirred, but friendly enough folks. Well, as with all things, change was in the wind. The older neighbors began dying off, replaced with younger people who...

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An October to Remember

An October to RememberThe last Friday in September started out as any other workday. My work buddy Bill and I drove to an Eastern New York city to make a delivery, We are team drivers for a local trucking company. Being out so long, we decided to stop for dinner as we would not return to the yard until after 6PM. As I got out of our truck I felt a pop in my belly. Having an umbilicus hernia I was used to strange things happening to my navel. We ate, and headed back to the yard. As we drove...

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An October Afternoon

                                    A n October Afternoon.   It was a slow in the office that early October afternoon so Wendy left early for the day.   Pulling into her driveway, she saw her son Brandon’s car which meant he'd already picked up his younger sister, Brittany, from high school cheerleading practice.   Once inside the house, Wendy kicked off her shoes then went to the kitchen and found the kid’s books on the dinette but, no evidence of the usual afternoon...

2 years ago
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One Week In October

A Week in October Part I Bloody Golf At thirty four I reckon I have weathered not too badly,at 5ft 6inches my 34-26-35 figure is fairly well proportioned, wavy auburnhair drapes over my shoulders and I am told I am "quite pretty" by those whowould offer an opinion. OK I may not make page three anymore but my husbandAndy reckons I am his dream girl. Married for five years, Andy and I had beenan item for three years before that – eight wonderful years in all. Apartfrom the fact that we are...

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11 October 2007Chapter 1

The past seven weeks were pure agony for Brad Hayward, watching his team play while he couldn’t. Abby took a real interest in Brad’s recovery from his cracked ribs and wasn’t afraid to challenge his physical abilities. The sooner he was fully recovered, the quicker they could get back to having their great sex together. Abby was gutsy enough to call the team doctor and received clearance to allow Brad on the ice for pleasure skating three weeks after his injury. He received such a teasing...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 117 The Fifth of October

It was about six o'clock in the evening; an opal-colored light, through which an autumnal sun shed its golden rays, descended on the blue ocean. The heat of the day had gradually decreased, and a light breeze arose, seeming like the respiration of nature on awakening from the burning siesta of the south. A delicious zephyr played along the coasts of the Mediterranean, and wafted from shore to shore the sweet perfume of plants, mingled with the fresh smell of the sea. A light yacht, chaste...

1 year ago
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Dear diary october

October 2 Dear Diary, We all got together this afternoon to map out strategies for seeing a big cock! Ems said that she has seen her dad's cock when he came out of the bath room after a shower, but it wasn't hard at the time!! All of the guys we saw on line had been circumcised, but she said her dad's cock had the head covered by loose skin!!! Said she liked the looks of the ones in the pictures better cuz the heads were always uncovered! Talking about that stuff made us all hot, so we pulled...

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Nightmare in October

By: Greg This is a rewrite of an earlier story of mine. It has been rewritten to have a more realistic storyline. It is a brutal tale of unrelenting violence against innocent victims. I was in a weird place in my life when I first wrote it. I was venting frustrations and decided to put it all into a story. I do not condone any of the actions described here. Remember, this is just a fantasy.This story involves a gang-rape of a mother and daughter in the presence of the husband. If...

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October Weekend

I’m squirmy and nervous all day at work on Friday, anticipating our first whole weekend together. It’s perfect, gorgeous, crisp, cool fall weather, just right for an October weekend in the woods, and I am so excited I can’t concentrate on my work at ALL. Finally, it’s time to leave, and I head out to the car to freshen up my makeup. (Yes, we are going to a cabin in the woods and yes, I am freshening up my makeup for the occasion! You can take the girl far away from the Sephora store, but you...

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Jury Inn Birmingham October 2016

26-27th October 2016.. Jury’s Inn. Broad St. BirminghamQuite a lot of PM interest in what we got up to on the above evening so rather than repeat everything I’ve written it down as truthfully and accurate as I can remember.Jayne and I had tried for a good while to find a trust full partner to meet and have some fun with and recently two blokes came out of the blue. Chris from Southampton and Karl from Stourbridge. It’d been my persistent pleading to Jayne to take them both on together and...

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Calender Girls October Ghouls Night out

CALENDAR GIRLS OCTOBER - Ghoul?s Night Out by Tammy Fairbanks It was a dark and stormy night. A shot rang out! As May pulled her car over to the side of the secluded wooded road in the Marquam Hills a loud clopping sound diminished in frequency until it was silenced. April, sitting next to her in the passenger seat asked her friend, "What was that?" "A blowout," answered May calmly. "I guess we?ll have to fix it in the rain." It had started out as a calm but overcast...

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October Ki Barish Humko Kareeb Le Aai 8211 Part I

Hi friends, this Sahil 27 year old guy from Agra I am smart handsome with 5 feet 9 in height. This is my first story which I’m posting on this site. Hope you guys like it. So coming on to the story, it’s about a mom of my student and me. Now let me describe My sex tutor first, her name is Sharda, She was born n brought up in small city (town) even she was n in a town, she was very moderate and hungry for sex and sex it’s a true experience of my life Chalo apka time waste naa karke seedhe stori...

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10 Best Indian Sex Stories Of October 2021

Dear Readers, we are back with the list of the top 10 stories for the month of October 2021. 1) By: In this steamy tale, the son decides to take a step ahead and seduce his mother, breaching all barriers between them. Read how he hatches a foolproof plot. ‘She started laughing and said, “I still wonder, how the hell did I raise such a naughty boy.” While she was laughing, my attention went to her chest, where I saw her breasts bouncing. With great difficulty, I looked back at her face and...

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The Adventures of Juggs October 2010

October 2010 (Breakfast In Bed) This story is dedicated to the real Juggs. Yes, she's a real person and this story is based on one of my fantasies about her. Thanks, Juggs, for being such great inspiration! Warning: I'm sure you're all sensible people and don't need me to tell you that messing around with asphyxia can be dangerous, but consider yourselves told anyway! "Ohhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhh! Oooooooooohhhh!" moaned Tony, breathlessly. "I ... I'm ... I'm gonna cummmmmm!" "On...

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11 October 2008Chapter 5

The puck had barely touched the ice surface when Susan began to guide Dan’s left hand up under her short hem. She had brought a sweater to wear for the cool October air and it covered her lap perfectly. Susan smiled at him as his fingers moved closer and closer to their intended target. “I think the scoring will also take place in the stands,” she smiled as the tips of two fingers found her lips. Dan felt Tina take his other hand and place it high on her leg. “You know what I want, the same...

4 years ago
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Tomorrow Is Another DayChapter 21 The Missiles of October

When I woke up, Greta at my side, I remembered that I had had vivid dreams, featuring legs. Greta, happily was one of the taller, leggier women. I began kissing her awake, but soon moved down to lick her womanhood. As she awakened, I grunted “legs around my head.” She did so, and began to grind her hips against my face. For some reason this morning, I was especially hot for Vivian, which was most convenient since she was my Companion of the day. Her hair, cut short, gleamed, a light but not...

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Sweet Dreams Are Made of TheseChapter 10 October The Light of the Sun

For all of the human heart's shortcomings, there is a great deal to be said for the sphere of emotion. Reason, insight, and intellect are admirable, even outstanding in their ability to teach us to overcome our obstacles, but on their own, they lack depth and complexity ... a soul to give them context. Physics and engineering give us a glimpse into the inner workings of the universe, but curiosity and inspiration take us to the stars and beyond. A composition might be technically precise, so...

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19 October 2007Chapter 4

As the camera steadied on host Ken Morrison, Mark Bailey, and commentator Jim Turner, they began to analyze the second period. “Jim once again the period belonged to Brad Hayward. Is there no stopping this rookie sensation in his first OHL game?” “He already has two hat tricks and two assists for eight points, and still the third period yet to be played. I don’t think even he was expecting a scoring output like this. Kingston knows one player doesn’t make a team, and they’ll have to find...

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The October Surprise

The Townsend's had an on again off again marriage, and an eleven year son, Jason, he was six when Brooke had started. Mr Townsend worked as a car salesman at some dealership in St Louis County and had inherited money. Mrs Townsend had been nice enough to her, but Richard Townsend had been something different entirely. In Brooke's mind, he was absolutely the best looking man she had ever seen. He was blond, he was handsome, he had beautiful eyes that she kept staring at, he had curly hair....

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October of 2005 last weekend with Jack

Once again, just before Tom and I were leaving the house to meet up with Jack for some hot 3way sex, Tom got a call from one of his club brothers who had broke down on 19 in Hudson. Tom told me to go ahead and meet with Jack and enjoy myself. With the change in plans, I kissed Tom goodbye as he headed south. I went back inside and changed my clothes. I put on a pair of tight jeans, that I had modified, a see thru black mesh shirt that did nothing to hide my boobs, my dark nipples easily seen....

3 years ago
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October Scars

“Now then, shall we make a deal, Maxwell?” the man asked, reaching out gnarled fingers to move an onyx pawn one square forward across the chessboard. The man looked up from the game, lips forming a slanted, unnatural smile. I jolted awake in a sticky cold sweat at one in the morning to a clock flashing neon light and a whistling, icy draft. The scratch of my antique record player coming to life only added to the absurd horror story cliché of waking up to find a young woman downstairs, tapping...

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