Pilgrim Tour With Mummy
- 4 years ago
- 26
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It was almost lunch time when Alicia woke the next morning. She stretched luxuriously in her big bed and when she saw that Arturo was awake and ready for attention she began her day by sucking him off. She shifted in the bed and because she was exceptionally excited, she found Janet's little honeypot and began sucking that too. Janet whimpered in extreme pleasure and she parted her legs even further so that Alicia could enjoy her to the utmost. Janet woke up and she shifted in the bed so that she and Alicia could begin a sixty nine. Arturo sat up in the bed, holding his sore, inflamed cock, watching the two girls a bit enviously. Alicia always hurt him when she sucked him, but he didn't mind. He even liked it. He liked it, too, when Janet whipped him and now he knew that Alicia would whip him and abuse him often and he didn't care. He knew that he would like that, too.
Rona's voice in the loudspeaker, calling them to a late breakfast, put an end to Alicia's impassioned enjoyment of Janet. They showered together and Janet teased Arturo into an erection, then she knelt and dealt with it, and when Arturo spent, she stood, and kissed Alicia with bulging cheeks and a happy spirit of sharing.
They went down to breakfast in a happy and sated frame of mind. Alicia's mind was still busy with the events of the preceding night and she was on fire with new and interesting ambitions.
She had become enormously fond of the handsome young man she had met the night before and she was looking forward to many pleasurable hours with him. She suspected that she had fallen in love and that upset her a bit. She liked the young man, Orville, and she liked the way he behaved when a girl disciplined him. She had watched the night before, a fascinated, excited viewer and she discovered that watching a boy being whipped by a lovely young girl turned her on even more than she had supposed. She was able to experience massive orgasms without even being touched by anyone and when Janet and Arturo made love to her while she watched Orville's anguish, she nearly died with great, ecstatic frenzies that delighted her and thrilled her immensely.
Rona gave her a big smile when she entered the dining room and some of the others smiled at her, too. She was wearing a see- through blouse and a pair of see-through hot pants and she knew that she looked very lovely and young and she was very happy.
Rona said, "I'm afraid that you have made a conquest, my dear. Orville adores you. He is your absolute slave. I am looking forward to watching you train him. I will send him to you after the doctor has examined him and made certain that he is all right."
"Oh, I'm sure that he is," Alicia said.
Rona chuckled as she poured herself some coffee.
"If he is, it won't be your fault. You had yourself quite a time. A lovely time."
"Yes," Alicia said.
She and the others sat down and she was grateful for the coffee and some food. She was a bit tired but that would pass. In a way, she was a bit surprised at the things that she had done, but she was happy, too. She adored Orville and she wanted him. She even thought that she and Orville might marry. She would have to talk to Rona about that.
She had watched, like the others, as the boy, Orville, was strapped into the torture rack, and she had thrilled as the pretty young girl began systematically using the whip on Orville's rump and then the girl who was wielding the whip had halted her efforts. She announced that Orville was ready to pop and she wondered if someone would like to enjoy him. Rona told Alicia to volunteer, and, probably because she was so sexually over- stimulated, Alicia did volunteer. She went to the platform and the others helped her to lie between the boy's legs on her back, and then she found that there was a head rest and the boy's organ fitted into her mouth. Then the whip-master struck the boy's sensitive flesh and then she was tasting the sweetness of the young man's loins and she knew that she was having marvelous orgasms of her own. The girl with the whip continued to punish the plump buttocks and after a while, each blow of the whips forced another little surge of Orville's delicious product into her mouth and she feasted upon him shamelessly, aching constantly for more and more of his fruit.
She kept on for hours and the girl with the whips continued to turn Orville's rear into a broad expanse of inflamed flesh, and then the girl was stinging his loins, his dangling balls and that did things to Orville that Alicia never knew could happen. The boy began coming steadily and she was able to enjoy an exceptional period of intense sexual bliss.
In time, the girl with the whip tired and then the Doberman was led over to where the boy's red buttocks glistened under the bright lights and then the animal mounted the young man and sodomized him very thoroughly. Alicia sort of lost her grip on things and they finally pulled her away from the young man. She knew that he had been severely dealt with and that he had passed out, too exhausted to remain awake. But, even though he was taken from her, Alicia was sure that he was what she wanted. She returned to where Rona and Janet and Arturo sat waiting for her and she was glad when Rona asked for some coffee for her. She was so worn and so sexually sated she felt like a limp sponge.
She watched another trial and a pretty girl was put on trial, charged with sucking off a dog, and then offering herself to a handsome young man for love making. The girl pleaded guilty and the judge said that she too would be whipped.
The same young girl who wore the policeman's hat handled the girl who was to be punished. She tied the young girl's hands and then the prisoner was required to kneel and thrust her breasts upward. The girl with the policeman's hat backed away and a young man dressed in a leather apron and the armament of an executioner on his chest moved into the scene. The man had several whips of different sizes hanging from the belt of his leather apron. An immense erection stood up between the two halves of the leather apron and before the young man did anything he moved close to the girl and while he began sorting out his whips, seeking just the right one for what he had in mind, the girl began licking and sucking his immense cock. She was using her tongue with a wild abandon and just before the young man erupted into orgasm she slid her mouth down over his dick and she devoured him and kept on licking and sucking him until he backed away from her.
He had chosen a short handled whip and when he stood in front of the girl, she threw her head backwards and her beautiful breasts were thrown into sharp prominence and the small whip began stinging and thrilling the lovely flesh.
Alicia watched the procedure with great interest. She was enjoying the young girl's discomfiture but it was not nearly so stimulating as watching Orville being whipped.
The lovely female prisoner began to shiver and shake as the whips teased the sensitive flesh of her breasts and then the whip- master began whipping the tiny nipples and they turned a dark red and seemed to thrust themselves even further our of their nests.
It was apparent that the man who was whipping the girl loved doing it. His sexual organ was again enormous and after he and his whips brought the girl to a tearful, sobbing state he presented his organ to her for attention and she quickly sucked him off, trying to continue her efforts even after he backed away.
The whip-master placed his foot against the girl's back and he shoved her forward. She wound up on her belly and then as he began selecting another whip, the girl rose up on her hands and knees and her bewitching buttocks glistened whitely under the bright lights. Her thighs were apart and her sexual cleft was displayed and it was in that region that the whip-master chose to sting her with his vicious weapons.
A sense of pity came to Alicia and she discarded it in a hurry, knowing that the young girl suffering so exquisitely was actually glorying in the abuses she received and having wonderful sexual reactions quite beyond what she might imagine, and she began to wonder if she too, might be the type of girl who could know such excruciating joys. She decided that she would most certainly find out.
She watched the whips sting the rear end of the girl and each time the whip-master wanted to begin one of the massive orgasms in the girl he would sting her sexual flesh with short, vicious strokes and the girl would respond with, quick liquid convulsions and it would go on and on. Each time the whip-master would reach a point where he was too excited to continue, the girl he was abusing would relieve him with her mouth and then it would all begin again.
There were many others who wanted to be whipped and Rona explained to Alicia that some of those who yearned for such treatment had been promised that they would be dealt with.
"Would you like to try your hand at punishing some of my naughty guests?" Rona asked.
"I don't know how," Alicia said. "I will have to learn how to do such things."
"Yes," Rona said, smiling. "You can begin learning now if you like. Come along and we'll get you started."
There were other girls who were eager to learn how to handle the whips and many who wanted to feel them. Alicia and Rona walked among the busy young people and Rona told Alicia that she had a present for her. They would go into an adjoining room and Rona would present her gift to Alicia. Mystified, Alicia followed the tall brunette into another room and there were built in drawers on one wall. Rona opened a drawer and then she brought out a long flat case, fashioned of exquisitely tooled leather. She held it out to Alicia and she smiled and gave her a little bow.
"This is my present to you, Alicia, dear," Rona said. "Use it wisely and well. The young girl who left it behind has become very rich and very successful. Open it and see if you like it."
Alicia placed the flat case on a small table and she opened it and then stared at the remarkable collection of whips that were inside. There were twelve, each designed for a different purpose, capable of inducing a different type of sensual ecstasy and as Alicia examined them she knew a very special gratitude toward Rona. It was a very wonderful present, Alicia thought.
"How could you know that I would like that sort of sex?" Alicia asked with a happy smile.
"I watched you when Orville was being punished. Later, after you have developed some skill with the others, I will arrange for you and your slaves and myself to be in a room alone with Orville and I will ask you to discipline Orville again."
"But he has already been punished so severely," Alicia objected. "Why must there be more?"
Rona laughed at her and she tilted her lovely head to one side as she asked a question. "You want to whip Orville, don't you? If you do it nicely, I will let you have Orville for your lover. That way you will have him and Arturo and Janet, too. You will keep them at all times. You will like that, I know."
Alicia ran to Rona and she kissed her impulsively and Rona laughed with great glee.
"Now let us go back and you can try your new toys on some of the lovely people who yearn so pitiably for your attentions."
She followed Rona, carrying her case of whips and when they joined the others, she was amazed by what she saw. A dozen lovely girls in various posed were being whipped and abused by other boys and girls, and those who were being whipped were, in many instances, sucking cocks or screwing someone and the whips were simply added ecstasy. There were two islands and in one, girls who wished to be whipped, waited, while the other island contained young men who were in varying states of tumescence, anticipating the thrills that they would know at the hands of a pretty girl.
Rona crooked her finger at a young man and he came to them, bent over a long coffee table and waited patiently for Alicia to whip him. Rona began teaching her how to use the leather strips to sting and tease the sensitive flesh and she very quickly became a dedicated student of the pleasures of flagellation.
She was able to deal with many of the young people and Rona complimented her outrageously. She knew that she was providing the very nicest type of entertainment for Rona and while she instructed Alicia she sat on her throne while Nick ate her and gave her many orgasms of fantastic intensity. Rona enjoyed everything, it seemed. And, Alicia knew that she was rapidly becoming just like her beautiful mentor. The thought did not distress her. Instead, she was quite pleased. After all, that was what she had run away from home, and that was why she was in Europe.
There were many seeking various sorts of sexual acts and they all found that which they sought. In time, Rona wearied of the games that were being played and she sent Janet off to find out if Orville was in his room and ready for Alicia's attentions. Janet returned swiftly and she announced, smiling broadly, that Orville was quite recovered and eager for new pleasures. Rona led the way and Nick followed along with her. Alicia followed Janet as she led them to Orville's chamber.
He lived in a huge room that was very much like the one that Alicia occupied. He smiled when Rona and the others walked in on him and he glanced a bit apprehensively at the flat case that Arturo was carrying.
"Alicia is going to discipline you, Orville," Rona said. "I shall watch and enjoy your misery. Does that please you, Orville?"
The young man nodded. He was naked and Alicia was surprised to see that his plump buttocks showed no sigh of the whips and she glanced at Rona with a question in her gaze.
"We use very special whips, dear," Rona explained. "We do not want to mutilate or maim or mark the flesh of our people. It is our desire to give and receive erotic ecstasies and that is what the whips you will use can accomplish. You may whip Orville as harshly as you wish. You won't do any real damage."
It was strange the way Orville looked at her, she thought. He had the hang dog look of the male who knows that he is to be dominated and subjugated by the female but he also looked as though he liked her very much. She hoped that he did because she liked him and she would be very happy if she could keep him for her very own.
There was no sleep for any of them that first night. The girl, Janet was so pretty, so eager to be useful and helpful to Alicia, and she was very much the dominating force in the young boy's life. Janet explained to Alicia that the boy was her devoted slave, obsequious in the extreme and Janet hastened to assure Alicia that they could do anything to Arturo and he would accept it because he was a very mild mannered youth and he knew that he belonged to Janet and that both of them were now the...
Alicia and the others did not swim for very long. After a while she noticed that couples were leaving the pool and going back into the house. Rona and Nick were having coffee at their table and finally, Rona beckoned to Alicia and she and her slaves got out of the pool and went over to the table. "It is time for us to leave," Rona said. "We will have some coffee served in my suite and you and I can look at our nice people and see how they are occupied at the moment. Come along. You won't...
When she thought about it, afterwards, Alicia decided that attending the party that Rona gave for her guests and for her own entertainment, too, was one of her nicest experiences ever. The party lasted for most of the night and she was able to be with Rona and Nick and learn many new tricks. Rona told her about the parties when they had dinner together. "I'm sure you know, dear," Rona said, "that different acts or activities give different people the very ultimate in sexual pleasures....
There was much for her to learn and Alicia became more and more aware of her ignorance with each passing day. Rona was very good about sending people to her who could train her in the arts that she was to learn and she was a bit put out when she began to comprehend the delicate nuances of her arts. Janet worked with her and taught her all that she knew about using the instruments of flagellation and Alicia became very expert. Rona sent Orville to her every day and she whipped him and enjoyed...
In spite of Rona's desire to have Alicia installed in her own mansion quickly, a long time passed before it actually took place. But, for Alicia, the time of waiting was a time of learning and there were many lovely experiences that she was able to enjoy. Rona owned a beautiful house that was high up on a hill and she had the problem of furnishing it with the very special type of furniture that would lend itself to sexual games and activities of carnal glee. Janet and others of great...
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IncestThe alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. and I reached over my wife to shut it off. My morning hard-on pressed against her back. She was beautiful lying there naked with her blonde hair cascading down her pillow. I thought about waking her up for a quick start-me-up this morning. Instead, I jumped out of bed and got in the shower.By 7:00 a.m. I was showered, had breakfast, and on the freeway to start my day. Traffic wasn't too bad this morning and I reached work around 7:30 a.m. I checked my e-mail and...
Charlie wasn't that keen on attending the monthly meeting of the social club he and his wife belonged too; he still wasn't feeling the best after weeks of putting up with one of those long lasting viruses. Added to that was the fact that the social club was more for his wife's friends, sure he had no problem with the men, but for his wife this monthly meeting was also the highlight of the month. It was a case of grinning and bearing it. "We best hurry", his wife said as she applied her...
21st Century Subterranean Slavery Part I By ReavanA young woman is drugged in a bar, abducted and sold into sexual slavery in a secret underground facility along with hundreds of other slaves. She?s coerced into total submission by various means including severe beatings and total isolation in a pitch dark rat infected concrete pit for days on end. She is...
Prelude Prelude Danny and his friends stood in a group in front of the Orange Julius, ogling the girls walking by. ?Hey, sexy, come on over here!? Danny cat-called. The attractive young lady walking past gave him a withering look and his friends laughed.Steve whistled at a trio of teenage girls walking by and called out, ?Mm, baby, let's go have some fun!? Danny laughed and echoed his friend, ?Oh, yeah, babygirl, we could have lots of fun!? He punctuated his leering with a pelvic thrust....
Hello all friends. Main iss ka regular reader hu. Aap sab ki stories read krke mera bhi mann hua k main bhi aapko apni life ki ek sachi ghatna btau.Ye ek sachi kahaani hai.. Let me introduce myself. My name is bunty aged 24 from punjab.. Meri id hai. Jyada bore na krte hue story pe aata hu.. Baat un dino ki hai jab main 18 saal ka tha.. Aur garmio ki chuttiyo mein main apne chacha k yaha gya hua tha.. Mera chacha ki shaadi hue 5 saal ho gye aur unke ek 3 saal ki beti aur ek 1 saal ka beta...
The water as finally filled and we lie entwined in the bottom of the bath, the warm water soaking our hot and sweaty bodies – washing away the layers of cum and easing your sore stretched muscles. As we lie in the bath my fingers slowly move to your pussy, slipping inside and playing with it, gently massaging you and exciting you, you moan and ask me to sit on the side of the bath. I figure its time for you to have some fun so I raise myself up and sit on the edge of the bath, my legs apart in...
I am an average boy from Hyderabad with a 9-inch penis.Coming to my teacher her name is Sowmya(changed) and she has 36-26-36 measurements.She was very fair and hot as hell.She was the mother of two and her age was between 32-35. Coming to the story everybody in my class had a crush on her and used to stare at her perfect big breasts and navel rather than listen to the class.It was during rainy season,there was a heavy rain and only few students made it to the class.There were 4-5 boys on the...
So, my sister is 6 years elder. She had a boyfriend when she was studying away from home. My dad rejected his proposal. But she used to visit home often. Then she came home after completing her studies. So now she is living at home and is going to get married asap. The search for a good match was going on. I remember when her we were young. Our parents left to town and we had to sleep together because we both were afraid of ghosts. So basically at that point, masturbation for me was a art. I...
IncestDisclaimer: Fictional story. All characters are made up and any similarities to you or anyone you know is coincidental. No daughters were fucked during the making of this story.(contains i****t from a daughter's pov, look away if this bothers you)"Yes daddy! Fuck me, fuck your little girl just like that!"My sister's muffled plea for a good hard fucking can be heard through my bedroom wall, along with the creaking of my daddy's bed. They were at it again. Not that I was surprised, ever since mom...
That whole day at work I was useless, I couldnt concentrate, my mind kept wondering what my wife was doing. I didnt know what was happening at my sister-in-laws house. Perhaps my nightmare was over, one night of my wife fucking another man was all Id have to deal with… perhaps not. My mind kept coming back to the worst possibilities. I returned from work that first day to my nightmare confirmed. My wife and Todd were out by the pool, laying in the shade of an umbrella naked. My wife was on her...
My name is Alex, I am in my mid thirties and I want to find love! My best friend and her husband are so happy...... They recently got back from a holiday to the realm of the Olympian Gods with the greatest of news "So Alex we have some amazing news.... We just learnt that we are about to have an egg together!!" "What?? Already.... I thought it would take a lot longer for you two to have small people together? I mean I told you it would take a lot longer to conceive, mingling human and harpy...
FantasySheer lingerie highlights every slender curve that Alexa Grace brings to the table as she prepares to wake Tyler Nixon in the best way possible. She struts to the bed in tall high heels and then touches Tyler lightly, letting him wake gradually and discover his gift for himself. Once Tyler is awake, Alexa goes to work. She starts by peeling off his briefs so that she can kiss the tip of Tyler’s hardon and then take the whole thing in her mouth for a deep throat blowjob. Her sucking and...
xmoviesforyouHello,everyone I am Raghu posting a story ( real) which happened between one boy and his mom. I am free for chat and intimate relationship. Just mail me on . pls give feedback. It is a real thing happened in somewhere of Kerala ,and now continued in andhra. so the story will be long.( it is real,so what else stop you from reading it) I make a fake id in social networking and chatted with some incest lovers to make a erotic story,but most of them want to jerk their cock by abusing theirs mom....
IncestLee decided that she needed help to sort this issue out. She called Kyle, Philip, Sean, Gavin, Ulani and Magda to meet her in the Pixs new office. She also called Iain, who hadn’t left yet as well. It turned out Captain Clark was with Philip, so Lee told him to bring the Captain too as it probably affected him as well. She considered these people were the best to have this council of war waged by. They set up a conference table, and Lee posed her first question to the Martyns. Alis, Haf...
It had taken some time to get over my divorce, not that it had been particularly messy or sordid, quite the contrary as we had settled everything in a business-like and polite manner. It was simply that after 15 years of marriage, I found the transition back to bachelorhood to be difficult.I had always thought myself to be fairly open and friendly and enjoyed meeting people and good conversation, but now I was conscious of the fact that I was treated with some degree of scepticism. I could...
I walk up and slap her tits and put my cock all the way down her whore throat. She gags spit all over my cock as I pound her head down on it. I put my fingers down her throat and spit in her face and she sucks my balls. I fuck her face and spit on her more then I stand on the coucn and throat fuck her. I sit on her face and she eats my ass. I fuck her hard from behind and then she bends over me on the couch and I figure four her head with my legs… She rides my cock then I flip her upside...
xmoviesforyouI was traveling to Charlotte for work and asked my college buddy Andy if I could stay with him since he lived in there. I got to his house late at night via Uber from the airport. He was awake but his wife Kelcy was sleeping already. We hung for about an hour with some beers before we both went to bed. Some background: Kelcy was a friend of mine from high school that I had set Andy up with. Me and Kelcy used to flirt a bunch in high school but were friends, nothing more. Though she did used to...
It was back in late middle school early high school. I was doing a summer course at a different city school. One day I get out of the shower and my locker was cleared out. Someone told me that it was put out in the hall. With a towel that barely stayed tucked I went to look out and didn't see anything. One of the guys who were left came out as I did and said there's a towel bin down the hall. So I got the guts to walk down there to look, I left the door a bit open to stay unlatched so I could...
by Vanessa Evans This story is the sequel to ‘The Hunt’. Part 01 Hi, my name is Julia. I’m a first year university student who has a 32A 24 33 figure. At the end of my first year at uni I entered a competition where I won £10,000 for not getting caught by a group of about 15 male Hunters for around 36 hours in a forest. By the way, all the 5 girl contestants had to be naked and bald below their necks for the duration of the competition. At the end, of the competition Charles, the organiser...