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you hate yourself. that's all you can think of. every day. every night. you hate what you are. you hate what you have become. it's been one year since you've been k**napped. one year locked in this house! in the middle of nowhere. one year since the last time you saw your office. your friends. your wife. your son! it's been one year since you were normal. if you only knew... you would never have opened the window of your car! that guy would never have sprayed you! you would still have your life...

you hate what you have become...


1 year earlier...

this nightmare would never hit you. not like this. not to you. bad things happen to those who deserve them. you didn't deserve this. you have always been the nicest man. an ideal husband. a loving father. even when you woke up in that room. you tried to be nice to those bastards who had k**napped you. you tried to negotiate your release. you tried to talk with them.
but they didn't want to talk. you always thought that deep down everyone has good in him. but you were wrong. not everybody is like you. these guys were a****ls. and you had just been caught in their trap. if only you could see it back then. you may have tried to escape. when you had the chance. when you had your free will...
10 million was a lot of money. even for you. you knew Emma would never find that amount. you knew she couldn't pay for your release. that's what you had been telling them for months. but no. they thought you were lying. they thought since you had been trying to settle for 5 million, that you could find the money they were asking. but as we said. you were one noble bastard...
and so the minutes became hours. the hours became days. the days became months. and the words became pleas. the pleas became cries. the cries became screams. and nothing changed. nobody came for help. nobody called. nobody paid. nothing. nothing changed. nothing but you...
you were the only one who didn't stay the same. not after the first week. not after she said she would call the police. not after they saw they had to use extreme measures to get Emma find the money they were asking. that's when they first injected you. you still remember the look on Emma's face. they had her watching from her pc. it was so painful. knowing she can't do anything. knowing she blames herself. even if it's not her fault. so painful...
it was the first time you realized there's evil in this world. pure evil. it was the first time in your life that you begged for mercy. you begged and you begged. you cried. but nothing. you stayed there. in your bed. tied up. head to toe. the innocent victim of some sick bastards. you couldn't do anything. every 8 hours you would be injected with estrogen until they got paid...
estrogen! it wasn't a joke! even if you didn't believe it at first. even if you laughed in their face. even if you thought they were giving you some placebo stuff. no. it was estrogen. you started seeing the signs. small at first. but there. visible. your skin started getting softer. rounder at places! curvier. you started losing muscle. you started developing fat in places you never had before. your hands. your calves. your shoulders. you weren't sure but you couldn't even remember the last time you had a hardon. you couldn't believe it. you wouldn't admit it at first. you tried to hide it. even from yourself. telling it's all in your head. it couldn't be real. estrogen?

you started developing fat in places you never had before...

a month or two passed. that's how long you had to listen from Emma. all you remember from that time was your daily injections. and then your pills. yes. they also started giving you pills. 3 weeks after the first injection. 6 different pills per day. you still remember them. they said, they had to do this. they were afraid Emma wouldn't believe them, unless she saw something. and so you did. tied up. receiving pills. taking shots. you still kept telling yourself all these were fake. even though your bloodstream was filled with female hormones by now.

and then one morning you saw her. they gave you a pc. she saw you too. they had you naked. but still tied up. they freed your hands though. with one quick move you tried to cover your breasts. 2 months now, you never admitted that all these were true. but deep down you knew it. you knew something in you was changing. you couldn't explain it but you were not the same person. those things had fucked your brain too. weirds cravings had entered your mind lately.
Emma shouldn't find out though! you would deal with all these later. that's why you covered your breasts. you thought doing so, would prevent her from noticing your little a cups. you thought you could fool her. you had to. after all, you thought it wasn't that bad. you never forgot her face..

you remember her stop breathing. and then what still haunts you at night: her scream. her words a stab in your heart. "what did you do to my husband????"
you never forgot that moment. it was the moment you realized that you were the leading actor in someone's sick script. it was the moment you admitted it to yourself. your k**nappers were turning you into a woman! it was true. you saw the look on Emma's face. just for a second. and then.. blank.

things went downhill from that day. Emma called the cops. she swore she would find you and put them in jail. little she knew they had left the country with you. your k**nappers instead of agreeing to turn you in, they raised the price! the new price for you was now 15 millions! they said it was the last chance for your wife to see you again. even partly feminized...
but Emma couldn't pay. instead, she had people looking for you. you remember yourself all tied up. wishing every minute of every day to wake up and listen to the sound of a police car. outside your house. and so the hours became days, the days became months. and nobody ever came. nothing happened. nothing changed. nothing but the estrogen that kept flooding into your bloodstream...

you remember yourself all tied up...

it was a never ending nightmare. a constant torture. a normal guy flooded with female hormones. at first it was the skin. and a slight change in your breasts. but that was just the beginning. as it went on, that thing progressed. spread. all over your body. like a virus. you could see your feet. they were female feet now. noone would ever think those feet belonged to a guy. your hands too. they were smaller. soft. white. no hair. no muscles at all. only some body fat just where your triceps once were. even your face started looking different. your once ultra male characteristics like your strong chin or your deep eyes looked more... delicate now. your nose got smaller and shorter, your cheeks became fuller and got higher, your chin became more rounded. your eyes were larger.
and then it became even bigger. stronger. soon it started ruling your mind. your thoughts. it was the last fortress. you were not the same person anymore.
you started behaving strangely. one moment you were screaming for help and the next moment you were crying like a baby. then when you thought it was over, you were filled with anger. and you started swearing. threatening everybody around you. but the most weird thing that had ever happened to you (until that time..), was one day during one of your emotional outbursts...

7 months had passed. with you still there. still tied up. still no sign from Emma. you remember one of your k**nappers entering for your morning shot. you became instantly angry. very angry. you could feel the rage in your heart. the hatred in your mind. you remember seeing him getting closer. your rage was so bad, it was the first time you fantasized of killing someone. he stood by your side and gave you your dosage. you gave him your worst look. and then out of nowhere...
he gave you one more look. it was different than anything you had seen before. from a man! he checked you out. your face. your tits. your body. then he gave you a soft slap on the cheek. it was more like a compliment. and he said: "now that i see you, you are not that bad..." nothing more. he stood up and left.
what happened then, was something you never forgot. never. all this rage. all this anger. became in a second what you could describe... as the most orgasmic experience you had ever felt in your whole life.
seconds after he closed the door, you screamed like you had never screamed before, while your now tiny stick started leaking uncontrollably 7 months' juices. images of men fucking you like a whore filled your mind. it was like urges and feelings that had been suppressed for months, they were now violently brought up to the surface. you wanted to touch yourself. but you couldn't. and so you kept screaming. thinking about men. thinking about their bodies. their cocks all over your body. filling your holes. treating you like trash. cumming all over your face. one by one. and then.. you had a second orgasm. for the first time in your life. again. and then he entered...
your k**napper. the man whose touch had just made you cum twice in 2 minutes. he heard you. he saw the cum. he smiled. he sat in your bed. you stopped screaming. it was the hardest thing you had ever done. you were terrified. you didn't want him to find out. you tried to stay still. as much as you wanted to scream, you had to keep it for yourself. it was as if you had just been hit by a lightning and now you had to stay still. it was nearly impossible. new weird senses had been emerged. 1000% heightened. you were now fully aware that a male was next to you. you could smell his musk. like an a****l. you could feel the attraction. the urge to mate. with the male. it was as if nature was calling you to give yourself to him. you closed your eyes. you tried not to look at him. you tried to think of Emma. your wife. you tried your best. you felt as if it worked. a moment passed. he said something like "what do we have here, doll" and he gave your breast a soft squeeze. that was it. you had a third orgasm in a row. in front of him. it was so intense that this time you passed out.
you woke up the next morning. you saw him. he was doing something in your d**gs. he said it was for your own good. you didn't ask him anything. you just stood there all naked in your bed. naked but not tied up. that's right. for the first time in months you had the chance to escape. you didn't talk. you mind was foggy from all the d**gs. but you had to do something. you had to.
7 months ago you would have kicked this guy's ass and you would be on your way home by now. you were twice his size. but now. everything was different. you were different. even that guy seemed different. he seemed... sexier.
but that was your chance. maybe your only chance. to freedom. it was now or never. he was looking at your d**gs. and you were untied. you looked for the balcony. it was to your left. you could run. it seemed easy. your old self would surely succeed. for a moment you thought about how it is to be a big guy. how it is to be tough. and so you went for it. you took a deep breath and with a sudden move you tried to make your way to the balcony.
your old self would have escaped. unfortunately though, your new self didn't. in fact, your new self couldn't even make it off the bed. 7 months of extreme hormone replacement therapy had already made you more afraid of him, more reluctant, more submissive, but most of all. more weak.
with a simple move, he grabbed you from the legs and dragged you across the bed. that's when you realized how much weaker than him you had become. you put all your strength and he didn't even try to drag you near him. next thing, before you even realize what is going on, he kept you down there with his left hand, while he took his cock and put it in your ass. you tried to move but you couldn't. he was keeping you still with his hand. you did everything you could to get away, but nothing. there was no way to move. you just stood there getting assfucked by your k**napper.

you put all your strength and he didn't even try...

he just kept you down there with his left hand...

you did everything you could to get away but nothing. there was no way to move

after 15 minutes of wild fucking he shot his load in you. seconds later he was dressed. he headed to the door. he said nothing. he just asked you your name. you said "George". he said something like "i'm Jack, but i guess we're gonna need a better name for you" and left. you checked him out while walking to the door. you didn't admit it even to yourself that day. there was no way you had multiple orgasms during the assfucking. how? why?


3 more months passed. no news from Emma. you were now constantly receiving all kinds of d**gs. it wasn't that hard anymore. in fact, your body seemed to develop a need to this kind of extreme hormone replacement therapy. you now started feeling dizzy without your 8-hour dose. sometimes you were the one calling for somebody to give you your shot. they had even freed you hands now. so that you could take your pills all by yourself.
as for the effects, they were 100% visible now. you were clearly not the same guy you were when you first got there. in fact, you couldn't even pass as a guy anymore. and how could you? you were being given 10 times more female hormones than a normal female. for 10 months. one could say, you were being transformed into an ultra feminine female. your body was producing 10 times more fat now. and it was redistributing it to your ass, your breasts, your hands, your thighs, your calves. as for your face, you had now a heart shaped face, with a cute little nose, full round cheeks, big playful eyes and big pouty lips. in fact, your mouth was slightly open at all times now, showing your top teeth, even when relaxed.
but the worst part were the effects in your brain. you had now fully accepted the role of the female. there's was no way you could thing as a man anymore. men had become the definition of sexiness now. you started noticing everything in them. their hands. their necks. their shoes. their perfume. and the more you saw, the more you wanted. you were attracted to them like a moth to a flame.
but you were not just horny all the time now. you were not just on the verge of exploding every time a guy entered. that was something else. it was bad. it was intense. it was a torture. 24/7. you had 10 times more urges than a normal female. in the beginning. because from the day Jack caught you, everything changed. he started giving you more weird d**gs. he said they were for your own good. for some reason you believed him. even when he started using these headphones before you go to sleep.
see, you were not supposed to change mentally. in case, Emma paid the ransom. but Jack couldn't wait. he was the one responsible for your treatments. so he had access. and he took advantage of it. he changed your cocktail of d**gs. you turning into something more suitable to his likes, wasn't going to change the plan. in fact, Jack saw it as a chance. he was more like "we 're already turning him into a female. it won't hurt to make him the kind of female i like". and so he did.
that was the real torture. you may had been developed into a woman already, but that was different. your dreams became more vivid than ever. dirtier. darker. it wasn't only sex what you started craving. it was more. much more. and every night once he had you wear your headphones, you were falling deeper into this.

until about a month ago. you remember that day. you had just woke up when you saw Jack entering the room. he was hot as hell. the man of your dreams. just the thought of being near him could give you multiple orgasms. but lately it had been different. it wasn't just a normal female urge to get fucked by a man. no. it was more than that. it was the dreams you had been seeing. and in those dreams you were not an everyday girl. lately you were being transformed into something more... dirty than an everyday girl.
everyday girls are to be treated nice. well, you were being transformed into the exact opposite. that was it. you were more of a sex object now. a cum dumpster. in your dreams you were trash. pure trash. a cow. with no self respect. no brain. no moral values. no dignity. no control. a fuckpig. a dirty fuckpig with a thing for rough sex.
Jack fucked up your life for good. there was no turning back at this point. you had crossed the line. every day you could feel your body getting softer. your ass getting bigger. you could feel it. but you didn't care now. instead, you wanted more. in your dreams you were a low life fat cow getting hammered by strangers. every day you could feel your tits getting bigger. and you didn't care. soon, big mountains of flesh emerged in front of you. you lost sight of your belly. your thighs. your feet. all you could see now was a pair of huge boobs hanging. exactly like your dreams...

big mountains of flesh emerged in front of you...
so this time Jack came next to you. he knew what he was doing. after all, he was responsible for your situation. you were like an a****l in a cage. still tied up. with 2 months of extreme secret conditioning. and 9 months of super enhanced hormones replacement therapy overall. you couldn't speak. but your eyes were locked in his. like a tiger to its prey. so he sat in your bed. the flame inside you was inexplicable. your heart was ready to break. a male was sitting next to you. you could smell it now. you could tell when a male was near just from the scent. your soft body was craving for something. you couldn't admit it, but you knew what was that. millions of images had entered lately in your brain. voices. commands. the fuckpig in you, had taken over your body. you had no control anymore. Jack had left you only with extreme a****l instincts. and he knew it...

so he started caressing your huge boobs with his hands...

so he came over you and started caressing your huge boobs with his hands. a lightning hit you. the second he touched your nipples, it was as if he pressed a button in your ass. your mouth was shut, but even so, your moans were so loud that you could be heard from outside. you tried to cum. you wanted nothing else in the world more than this. but you couldn't! no matter how hard you tried. you couldn't get release. and so Jack started playing with them. your huge, soft melons. your brain was screaming. your eyes were crying. and that's when Jack whispered in your ear: "don't try to cum, babe. you need my command. i've been waiting so long for this. let's see what you can do..." and with a quick move he freed you.
for the first time in 9 months. you were free. for the first time. you could open the door and run. escape. right now. run to Emma. run to your wife. it was your chance to end this nightmare. once and for all. free. no more of this madness. no more hormones. no more shots. no more weird cravings. no more of this sick, fucked up world! but instead...
with a quick jump, you came over to Jack. with no regret. no remorse. no guilt. you came to Jack. not Emma. Jack. a man. your man. the hottest guy you had ever seen. the only one who could make you feel like a woman. you started kissing him. licking him. biting him. your nails entered his flesh. you made him bleed. you started moaning. you tried to think. you tried to speak. but nothing. nothing happened. you tried to use your mouth to say something but no words came out. you couldn't put your tongue correctly so that you speak. you could only lick. and that's when you realized something terrible. you had no will of your own...

you had to obey someone. and that someone was Jack. you had to obey Jack. you realized that, when he commanded you to get on all fours, you did it with no second thought. and not only that, but you also felt an orgasmic wave of pleasure when you did so. "obey is pleasure" was the only thing ringing in your head. and so you did. you got on all fours. you fat ass was now ready to be hammered. your massive tits were hanging. you had become the girl in your dreams. you had become the nasty cow that you wished for. and that's when Jack entered in your ass. Jack. a man. a male. for the first time. you tried to talk. to say something. but still no words. millions of thoughts. trillions of images. but no words. Jack laughed and said: "you don't say much, hah?". you wanted to speak. you tried. so hard. but no. your tongue kept hangin as if it was not a part of your body. Jack laughed harder. and he started spanking you. bad. real bad. with each hit you took you could feel an explosion in you. the harder the hit, the bigger the explosion. one thing though. you couldn't cum. no matter how hard you tried. you screamed. you cried. but you couldn't cum. you couldn't even say it. you could feel as if you had now gallons of cum stacked in your belly, ready to burst out and someone just couldn't get the door open. but you knew that someone was Jack. you knew he was holding the keys to your agony. controlling every aspect of your essence. you knew it. and he knew it...
"you wanna cum?" he said. but there was no answer. you were screaming inside. but no answer.
"you wanna cum, whore?" he asked again, giving you another bad spank. no answer though. another internal explosion for you. more gallons in your belly.
"oh, i know! i guess you need my permission to cum. right?" another spank. more screams.
"you were a bad mother fucker. you know that?" another spank.
"a bad mother fucker who never gave a fuck about his employees." more hits.
"and your whore doesn't seem to give us the money!" he was talking about Emma. you tried to think of her while taking his glorious cock into your hungry hole. it was too damn hard though.
"others still think they're gonna get the money. but i'm no stupid!" and with this he gave you one hard push. you felt his cock up to your belly. of course he was not stupid..
"so, i'm not doing this for nothing!" another spank.
"i may not get the money, but i'm gonna put you to good use!" you wanted to speak. you needed to speak. what did he want?
"listen, fucker.." he got close to your ear. his cock still in your ass.
"9 months have passed. and still no money from your whore. but you know what? i got to ask you. where do you put all that estrogen, "man"??" man. you were not a man. you had to think of yourself as a man for months now. you knew that wasn't right, but with all those d**gs you had no choice but to accept it.
"listen, fucker. there's gonna be no more "George" for you. as from today you're gonna be "Georgina", or "Gina" for short." more explosions in you. Gina. the name in the dreams. the name all the voices were talking about the last 2 months. of course. it was perfect. it was hot. it made you wanna suck cock even more.
"i don't care about taking you back anymore. and i don't care about your fucking money! you're gonna become "Gina the fuckslut". more hits. more explosions. Gina the fuckslut. your dream. your future. it all made sense now.
"you will obey me and only me. and you will help me make money." you screamed. you cried. you needed to cum. you needed to get out of this torturing ecstasy.
"you will fuck whoever i tell you, when i tell you and how i tell you." pain. you could feel pain everywhere.
"you will do all kinds of dirty stuff so that i ask for money"
"seducing big executives."
"happy fathers"
"anything that can bring me money!!" you couldn't listen anymore. you had to cum. you getting assfucked like a whore by a happily married father was too much to handle. your body was trembling. just at the thought of it.
"that's it, you filthy whore! get used to it! you're gonna be my wild a****l. my personal tiger. your job will be to go out and find nice guys and make them fuck you. use you. hit you. i don't give a fuck. you're gonna tape everything. so i'm gonna ask for money later." images emerged into your mind. images that were hidden in your subconscious. the dreams you had been seeing. of you seducing people. nice men. happy fathers. getting them drunk. getting them hard. for you. having their cocks sucked. having them shoot their loads in their wife's bed. while looking at their c***dren's picture. you had to cum. you were on the verge of fainting.
"so, listen to me, whore! you 'll just keep your mouth shut. others must not find out. in 3 months you'll be just like i want you. you're not gonna say anything about the extra conditioning. anything! you hear me?" you were crying. you tried to talk. but you couldn't. you just needed to say something. anything.
"that's it, whore! i don't want to hear your voice at all. you 'll keep changing but you 'll say nothing to anyone. even if they start asking questions. about your cow tits. your huge butt. you 'll say nothing! hear me? you can't talk from now on. i'm gonna make sure that you forget how to speak until we get out of here. in fact, every time you try to talk to someone you 'll just "moooooo" like a cow! ok, whore????"
you tried to answer. you wanted to say how much you want him. how bad you need his glorious cock. how much you want to obey him. but most of all you wanted to beg him give you the permission to cum. but nothing. all you could do was just look at him like... a cow.
"answer me now, whore! speak!" he said while tearing your ass apart. your could feel his cock deep in your stomach. you were trembling. feeling Jack's cock in you was like a dream come true for you. you knew that wasn't right. you knew you had a family. a wife who loved you. but you couldn't help it. your soft body needed this now. you needed a male. you knew it was the d**gs speaking. and you felt utterly humiliated for this. but you couldn't do anything. you had to do this. you were like a heroin addict now and Jack had your dosage. feeling him in you was the only thing soothing the pain.
"you wanna cum, whore????" he said as he slapped you once more. you tried to shout. you tried to cum. with all your heart. but no.
"answer me, cow!!!!!!!!!!"
"you won't cum if you don't say it!!!!!!!!" you had to say it. you had to cum. you had to. you had to. you had to. you had to...
"that's it. now cum for me, whore..."

that day basically, became the first day of your new life as Gina.

you had to cum. you had to say it. you had to...


3 months had passed since the first time that you ever came for a man. many things changed since then. you were now his sick, perverted fantasy. you couldn't stop it. you couldn't go back. that was you now. it's been a year in this room. a whole year of rough programming. a year of sick changes. but you couldn't do anything now. the only thing that relates you with your past is the faint memory of your wife, your family, your friends, your job. but it's more of a dream now. a dream that Jack wanted you to have. just to control you better.
and so every second of every moment of every hour of every day you think about this memory. and you try to escape so that you follow it. but just when you think you can, your body takes over. and you start rubbing your pussy for your Master.
there are no ropes now in your bed. no locked doors. nothing. there's no need for them now. because in this room there's not a man anymore. in this room lives Gina. Jack's sick dirty fuckslut. the only reason to lock her doors now is to stop her from eating every man in this house alive.

just when you think you can escape, your body takes over
and you start rubbing your pussy for your master...

today is the day you and Jack are escaping. you will do exactly as you are told. you love obeying Jack. he is the man of your dreams. you wish you could help him make money. he said he has something for you. oh and he also said that if you are a good girl, in a month he will let you have your old life back. Jack is so kind...

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I love having sex with older women. I find they’re usually so much better at it than their younger counterparts, plus they don’t go gossiping to their friends after you’ve fucked them and quite a few of them are very grateful, especially the less attractive ones. I don’t care myself, as long as they’re over forty and not too fat, then they are fair game. My first oldie was a teacher from school. Miss Shaw was her name, Helen Shaw. She was fifty when I fucked her and still a miss. I was twenty...

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The Original Candid has been around for a little over a year now, though you probably wouldn’t know that from stopping by the landing page. In fact, there’s basically nothing to be seen out front except for a header graphic of the site’s name in 3D letters. You’ll have to sign up for an account to see anything, but they’ve switched from their original invite-only model to free, open registration to anyone who loves candid is a good name for a site, because it tells...

Porn Forums
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This story is complete fictional! "Everybody ready to go?," the manager said as the 18 yearsung passengers bucked up and prepared to embark on a trip to Virgina to see and old boss. Amoung the passengers were the junior supervisor Plex, who was 19, and the delightfull student worker, Cya, who was 15. Plex was a Junior in college, and he had just returned to his job at the National Aquarium in his city, but this time he returned as a Junior supervisior instead of a stundent worker. He was chunky...

First Time
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Regina 39 Jahre, war eine allein erziehende Mutter. Ihr Sohn lebte bei seinem Vater. Sie war schlank und hatte ein Körbchengröße von 75 D sowie kurze blonde Haare. Schon während ihrer Ehe, hatte sie immer wieder mit anderen Männern geflirtet, was zur Trennung geführt hatte. An jenem Tag war sie alleine im Hallenbad. Es war Freitagabend und sie wollte die Arbeitswoche ausklingen lassen. Im Schwimmbad war auch Chris, der gerade mit der Schule durch war und immer wieder kriminell aufgefallen...

4 years ago
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She is 15 years old, 147 centimeters tall, with well-muscled thighs and a high bottom. Her breasts appear large for a girl her age, although an inspection of her underwear drawer uncovers only C-cup bras. Size in this case is an illusion, a contrast between the firm, fleshy bulbs and the diminutive frame. On a musicological whim, I dub them (her large breasts) “The Mighty Handfuls.” Her mother is frequently absent, leaving us (Regina and me) alone together. Three nights per week are spent at...

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Georgina By Samantha Jay © January 2010 Chapter 1 "MOMMYEEEEEEE" I awoke with a start, my breathing was fast and shallow, and my heart rate was elevated. I couldn't remember who or where I was. A bedside lamp was switched on and its light illuminated the room. "You okay, love?" a gentle, but concerned voice asked. I closed my eyes and forced my heart to slow down. I willed myself to take slow, regular breaths....

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Imagination Jayne Spenser I was thinking about what might have happened. It was a Sunday afternoon in the late 1980s and I was a fifteen-year-old boy, single-handedly operating the small motorboat that was the passenger ferry between Woodbridge Mill and the north bank of the River Deben where a pathway went up towards Sutton Hoo and the old excavations. The first half of the afternoon was always spent generally ferrying people north to the Hoo and then later returning them all to...

2 years ago
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September 9, She:Hey…I thought of you last night.I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed.My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you…thinking of your lips on mine…our tongues exploring…your mouth kissing its way down my neck.I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive,sending waves of pleasure down my spine.I stroke my slit once and pull away,I imagine again...I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching.I can’t stop moaning,I need you so much!You kiss...

Love Stories
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I was looking at the picture of you, the one you first sent me in the see-through dress / blouse. In my imagination it is a dress, and you and I are alone in your own home. You are wearing that dress and standing in the doorway with the moonlight behind you. Your body is clearly on display to my eyes, you might as well be wearing nothing. I walk to you and put my arms around you, tilt your head up, and bring my lips to yours. The kiss starts gently, tongues stroking lips, lips massaging lips....

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September 9, She: Hey… I thought of you last night. I thought of you when I was naked and alone in my bed. My pussy throbbed, already wet, thinking of you… thinking of your lips on mine… our tongues exploring… your mouth kissing its way down my neck. I rub my nipples, they are so hard and sensitive, sending waves of pleasure down my spine. I stroke my slit once and pull away, I imagine again… I imagine you kissing my tits, sucking and licking and pinching. I can’t stop moaning, I need you so...

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© Sven The Elder - November 2004 We were taking tea when she asked the question. "What do you think of when you're making love?" I thought for a moment and then responded, "Many things, the pleasure of sliding into you, feeling you ripple around my hardness. The depth of colour in your eyes as we gaze into each others' soul. The feeling of your muscles as I cup your ass in my hands, pulling you even further onto me. Many things, but most of all the love I feel for you at that...

2 years ago
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Talented Olivia

“Come on, Baxter,” Olivia said in a wheedling tone as she tried to pull him along with her. “I promise you are going to love it!” “Oh I don’t doubt that, Liv,” he replied. “But you know, it’s you. I’m just not sure how comfortable I am with doing that with you.” “What? You don’t find me attractive?” “Of course, I do! It’s just that we’ve been friends for so long and I would really rather not take a chance of messing that up.” “Baxter,” Olivia said in a tone that sounded like she was addressing...

3 years ago
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QuadrupletsChapter 20

Alicia gasped, “Are you telling your husband to sleep with us?” Ming smiled, “No Alicia, I am telling him that the two of you need a man to take care of your needs and he is the best one for the task. I suggest you do as I request, and yes Master, I know about Tammy, she is already waiting for the three of you to join her. All three of them should put you to sleep tonight.” Elena looked at Ming in surprise, “You mean you already have one woman in his bed waiting for us?” Ming...

1 year ago
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Basement Experimentation With My Tomboy Pal

The smooth, white skin on the inside of Tara's thighs was soft and sensitive. I slid my hands up and down from her knees to her girlish shorts, taking in the flats and the curves, noting the hem of her white panties poking out from beneath the pink and yellow denim. She watched me with interest while I explored her. It was the first time I'd been this close to a girl's body and the intimacy was as exciting as was the forbiddenness of it. We knew we had to stay quiet in my parent's basement. No...

1 year ago
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The Bimbocalypse

(This story is originally from Fiction.Live, It was done by me, I just don't have the time currently to add a lot to it over there so I'm porting it here so it has a chance to have more added to it, either small chapters by me or others.) A strange new virus is quickly spreading across the globe, turning anybody, male or female into sex crazed bimbos. The virus is spread by bodily fluid, the more someone is exposed to, the faster they change. The transformation can take anywhere from a few...

3 years ago
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Mrs Jone gets a taste for young cum

Mrs Jones lived on a grand 5 acre plot, centered with a large mansion. Her husband had several car dealerships and worked most weekends, their busiest time. Being such a large property they had struggled to keep on top of the gardening. To solve the problem each Saturday Mrs Jones had employed a young lad to mow the lawns, cut the hedges and clean out the stables.At 45 Mrs Jones had been married for 23 years. After only one c***d she had remained slim with larger than average bosom. Her...

2 years ago
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Colors By Cassandra Morgan Jellybeans. They reminded me of jellybeans, all sweet and pretty. I looked out over the offices, and the secretaries of the building moved around, pretty and inviting in their office clothes. They were beautiful, and smart, and loyal to the company. There was a crisp professionalism about them. Tropical fish. They reminded me of tropical fish, all colorful and free, darting this way and that. It was my lunch period, but I always ate at my desk so I could...

2 years ago
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Naughty Nerd Lust Sarah and Charles Part 1

Those annoying college classes at 9 a.m. nearly killed Sarah. She was a night owl, but she didn’t stay up till 2 a.m. just studying if you know what I mean. Late nights were one of her favorite things. Early classes weren’t ideal, but college had its perks. She shared a four person deluxe suite dorm room with three other girls she couldn’t care less about. They didn’t bother her and she didn’t bother them. Unlike traditional dorms, these came with their own personal bedrooms, and Sarah was...

3 years ago
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Where Am I

I was at the bar on a Saturday night drinking as usual. I was scoping out the girls and hoping I could find something to spend the night with. I found absolutely nothing. I continued to drink and drink and drink until I blacked out for the most part and cant really tell u anything after that. When I came too I was in what appeared to be a womans room, there was a fish aquarium in the room and it appeared to be early morning outside. I had morning wood and I was wearing some males bikini cut...

4 years ago
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Bi men and me at Chameleons

I go to a club on a bi night most weeksLast week I was joined by my handsome friend from London, tall, blonde, good looking, we have met several times before.He met me at a local restaurant and he wined and dined me, all the while we had a good giggle but the sexual tension was evident. He loves munching my clit and fingering me until I cum all over him. And even more he liked to fuck me and join in whilst I fuck others.We left the restaurant and entered the club.I slipped into a sexy little...

3 years ago
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Cinema Fun

It was a warm night, rare for the time of year so before we left for the movies I changed in to a pleated black skirt and breezy tank top. Iv always had very large breasts so it was essential to find a white bra for underneath my top. I was feeling a little frisky this particular night so I decided to go with out panties for a change. We were seeing a drama film, just to pass the night along, which had already been at the cinema for quite some time now, so we knew we‘d be the only...

2 years ago
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The Trouble With Bathrooms

Just for those of you who don't know 'Dr Who' is a UK science fiction TV series for family viewing - most kids peer at it from behind the sofa. It is about guy a who looks human, but isn't - he's a Time Lord - who travels with a girl companion through time and space in a TARDIS (Time And Relative Displacement In Space) If you haven't seen it you should, it really is good. Old King Cole was a merry old soul, And a merry old soul was he, He called was a light in the middle of the night,...

3 years ago
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Kinky brother and sister

My freshmen year at collage has finally concluded, yesterday was the last day of my classes. It’s summer time and I just arrived home after completing the three-hour drive from campus, but that’s when reality set in. Being home again…. I’m twenty and being here isn't going to be easy. Any freedom I had over these past few months is now gone, now that I’m back under my fathers roof and have to answer to him. As for my privacy, well that’s gone too especially with my two eighteen year old sisters...

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Alix Ludivine Slut sisters Cousin Joh

Alix & Ludivine, the Slut sisters with their Gorgeous Cousin JohnIntroductionWe are two beautiful twin sisters. We sleep together in the same bed since ever. Our late parents were very permissive because of our cuteness. We are blond, blue-eyed. We love sport clothes, always in track or sweat suits. We love sneakers, tennis, basket, skate shoes.Now, at the age of 18, and still never touched by men, we continue to love each other very very much indeed. We live by our own, making lesbian porn...

1 year ago
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Is it a Costume Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I never felt more alive, the softness of the clothing making me swoon in delight; I had never experienced anything like that before, so you could safely say that I was both confused and excited at the same time. I had never dressed up as a girl before, so I was unfamiliar with the inherent thrill it caused. As I looked in the mirror I saw my mother behind me, and she was smiling! "I just knew that you would look absolutely...

3 years ago
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Housewife Trapped

Hello to all readers…this is my first story on net so forgive me if any spelling mistakes are there.. this is really true will feel the reality in this story.. this story is about a housewife seduced and trapped by me and my friend Rohit helped me in doing this. My name is Sazy , im 25 year old doing job.this incident is about 4 years back. Rohit is one of my best online friend i had,we chatted for around 3 months before trying this.Rohit likes to chat about his wife Sunita.According...

2 years ago
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SecretsChapter 21

“I can’t raise Nikki on either the police radio or her cell phone,” said Sheila as Linda walked through the door of the office. “Where is she?” “She found a similar murder to ours in some old records. A Marjorie Timmings. Widow. Her daughter was killed about twelve years ago. Owns a farm out past route 57. Nikki went out there to interview her.” “How long ago?” asked Linda. “Almost three hours. She should have been back by now - at least have called in.” “Okay, get the timings woman on...

2 years ago
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The Wheel of the Seasons

Imbolc It was Imbolc when first I saw Rhiannon Goch - Rhiannon the Red -named for the flame of her hair and the fire that was in her. The snow lay thick that year and we struggled up to the Druid's Ring that crowned the hill above the village. We were warm enough when the fire was blazing and, after the hymn to Bel, I sought her out. I had braided my hair and, although my warrior's scars were still fresh upon my cheeks and arms, I felt myself the man. But when I fell into her green eyes, my...

4 years ago
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My Hot Aunty Priya

Hi and I’m Amit from Gurgaon and this story is about my hot aunty Priya and my aunt is damn hot, thinking about her has made me horny and she is of white complexion 34 boobs and great milky thighs and I always wanted to have her as my fantasy Queen but I never showed it or rather you can say I was not able to and but who knows what can mind do and I never miss any chance to see each part of her body. I wish can be made easily but fulfilling it is very difficult it was last month that and I...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 the Flaming WomanChapter 3 Nubile Thiefrsquos Passion

Xandra – Unmik, Asunow Princedom, The Princedoms of Zeutch The rain was cold on my naked body as I stepped out from the shadowed shelter and walked towards the entrance of the castle where my husband and friends were held. Minx watched me, was counting on me, to make a distraction so she could get over the walls of the castle. We had to free Chaun and the others before it was too late. I ignored the rain, my hands stroking the two totems I held in my hands. Energy coursed out of my body and...

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A Journeys End

This story is told by the main character, Henry Gordon. Prologue The story begins with Henry Gordon sitting with his grandchildren, from his daughter Emily. I had sought out the help of the Charmed Ones and the Power Rangers to find a way to try and kill the Beast and also rescue my cousin Bruce, and my half sister, Jennifer. All that the Halliwells could do was put him to sleep. After I defeated The Leader, I traveled to Angel Grove where I met the rest of the Power Rangers (from when...

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A Fantasy

I knock on your door. As soon as you answer it I push in close and lock the door, then I wrap my arms around you, giving you a deep, deep, passionate kiss. My hands begin to roam all over your body. Stroking up and down your arms, your back, grabbing your gorgeous ass, then back up your back until my hands reach your shoulders. I start pulling you against me tighter with one hand as the other works up into your hair and starts forming a fist. I pull your head back by your hair and tell you,...

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The bars pickup

It was a usual Saturday night at the local tavern. I had gone up for a few beverages just to get away from the wife if nothing else, I wasn’t even thinking of trying to pick someone up. The night started as usual with my pulling up a stool to the bar, buying a drink and saying “hi” to a few friends. I sat there drinking my second beer when Kelly walked in the door. She is a regular and to tell the truth quite easy to take home from what my friends had told me. Kelly is 5’3″, around 140 pounds...

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So my baba is now ready for the next lesson..“What lesson’ I asked with great astonishment.”……… Till this you read in my earlier stories.. ( MY ABC OF SEX I & II ) how Veena taught me to Suck her boobs and how to kiss. Now my next lesson…!She made her hand reach to my shorts and put inside it. My fucking machine was almost fully hard to go for any lesson. She undress me, pulled down my shorts and grabbed my penis in her hand. Veena kneeled down to me with a smile on her face and dropped down...

1 year ago
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And So It Begins

And so it begins.... By X X after weeks of exchanging e-mails and one face to face meeting he has deceided. he walks up to the modest house and knocks on the door. he is greeted by a "come in" and recognises the voice as Hers. he opens the door and steps in, setting the duffle bag on the floor and is greeted by Her " hello" he see's Her sitting at the kitchen table, it's cleared except for a file folder and some forms before Her. "come, sit" motioning to the chair across from...

4 years ago
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Strangers in the NightChapter 20

Strangers in the Night:20. "Should we call before we go?" I asked Wendy. "Are you crazy?" she replied, "Absolutely not." And then she laughed. We took the Valmaat helicopter back to the factory, picked up Ursula's car and boogied home. From Uusikaupunki, we followed Route 43 to Porintie/Route 12/Route 2 in Huittinen. That took 1 h 3 minutes. Then we headed east on Vakka-Suomenkatu/Route 196 toward Vakka-Suomenkatu/Route 196, not far ... nearly two and a half football pitches. Then...

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The UhOh Movie

Well, its Friday night again and as always each week your mother has forced the family together for Family Movie Night. You'd much rather be out with your friend Jason, but hey, there it is. Tonight's exciting selection: anime. You hate anime. But for whatever reason your mother and sisters seem to love it, so its, sadly, a constant theme at your house. The movie starts up with the typical japanese bullshit: schoolgirls striking dramatic poses, guys looking off to the right, feathers, sun...

2 years ago
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Dayner Jake

I naturally felt inclined to spend even more time with him than I used to and show my love and gratitude for him in different ways. I was never a very affectionate person, I always thought I had to keep my distance from men so that there wouldn't be any misunderstandings about my sexual orientation, but now I see myself doing things quite out of character for me. I don’t know if the divorce brought back some insecurities or if Jake has really warmed my heart even further with his decision to...

3 years ago
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Kings Bay Ch 05

After that weekend, I went to King’s Bay whenever I could. June somehow turned into July without me noticing. I spent as much or more time at Callie’s place than I did at Manny’s. Manny invited me to various parties and barbeques and get-togethers, but I always begged off. I wanted to be with Callie as much as possible. One day I came down with some kind of virus that made me as sick as a dog, and only Manny hiding my car keys kept me from going to Callie. ‘For fuck’s sake, what is wrong...

4 years ago
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The Courtesans Journal Ch 2

Every so often Eleanor would challenge me to seduce one of the maids. It wasn’t long before I first succeeded. I chose one of the servants, a chambermaid, whom I knew was of a looser nature than the others. I followed the maid as she snuck out of the house to the stable to meet her lover. After some time kissing and petting each other, they sank into the hay. The maid took the stableman’s pants off, and then jacked him to orgasm. I waited until he had pulled her loose nightdress over her...

3 years ago
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Old convertible

I have this wonderful old convertible Sprite. It runs beautifully since I had been taking it in to this vintage repair shop. They recently sold the business and I haven't found anyone who treats my car the same way and it hasn't been into the shop for at least 6 months.It was a beautiful day and I didn't have to work. I had only plans to go to dinner with my friends at 7pm. I decided to take a drive around the lake,the long way, enjoy the scenery and the weather. So I dressed in comfortable...

3 years ago
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Secured helpless and loving it Chapter 2

She sat there looking up at you with her doe like eyes, the innocence in them warped by the eyeliner and fact she was naked. A vision of perfection she very nearly oozed beauty and sexuality.Walking to the tabel by the wall you pick up a set of leather cuffs with metalic fasteners. The leather had been oiled recently and it gave off a strong scent that a cured hide gives off. Walking back to the waiting woman you take her hand and place the cuff on her arm. The weight being lighter she wondered...

2 years ago
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Two Minute PenaltiesOvertime

The rest of the week was hot. As in pushing ninety degrees. Didn't it snow just a week ago? Welcome to Colorado, I grumbled. Saturday it finally started to cool down and I wondered whether I might need a coat that night. Then I remembered—my coat was still in Sandy's car. While she and I had carpooled to the post-game party on Wednesday, I'd let Steve take me home. We'd spent several delightful minutes kissing goodnight, but concerns about work the next day had discouraged anything...

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California Business Trip Ch 01

I had to go to Southern California on a business trip and my wife Stacy wanted to go with me to visit her sister. Stacy hadn't seen her sister Laura in a couple of years and my wife was looking forward to a week with her only sister in the warmer weather. The sisters were almost complete opposites. My wife Stacy being petite with D cup breasts, red hair, pale skin, and lots of freckles loved the colder climates. While her sister Laura was a tall leggy blond with tanned skin and dark eyes that...

1 year ago
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Top of the Morning

It had been a good night. I was hoping for a better morning. So, I stood at the counter in the kitchen, rinsing the little bread plate I’d had my muffin on. The coffee cup would follow. I never heard him coming. His arms came around me from behind, his hands going to the places they normally found when he held me from behind. I felt his face press against the nape of my neck, the slight roughness of his day’s worth of growth scratching gently as his lips pressed against me. That kiss was...

Erotic Fiction
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Hentai Comics Free

Most mother fuckers who frequent this section of ThePornDude usually cannot get enough hentai comics in their daily read. They binge through every fucking issue from every fucking site that they can think of, yet, find themselves jonesing for another batch of comics to read. Now, you are probably one of those fuckers, but don’t worry; I know exactly what you are feeling, and I have got you covered.Don’t get me wrong; I’m not into all of that. Personally, I’d rather beat off to living, breathing...

Porn Comics Sites
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Caleb Woke Up Ch 02a

OK, I am trying something weird here that is probably going to confuse some folks. I wanted to twist the original story so I decided to do an alternate version on chapter 2. This is basically the same plot with a little more sex thrown in. Just to recap, Caleb is a naive boy raised in a sheltered, religious home. Somehow this clueless innocent found a magic necklace, but he hasn’t figured out the powers of the necklace yet because he isn’t that bright, and it’s been a pretty busy day. This...

3 years ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 7

My Wonderful Obsession Part 7: The First Dress The big event of June 1996 was my brother Phil's high school graduation. Mom, Natalie and I all attended and watched as Phil and his friends received their diplomas. Natalie would get hers next year, and in just three years it would be my turn. The class valedictorian's speech was pretty good, I thought, and it made me think of what life might hold for me after graduation. Would I get a job? What kind? Or go to college? I wanted to, but...

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