Mulligatawny Soup free porn video

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This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved.

All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Many thanks to editor Tom Graham of Girls_cum_first. He suggested that I extend the story. I did.


My neighbor Julie sat on a stool at my kitchen counter making us ham and cheese sandwiches. Topless. I sure as hell hadn’t seen that coming.

I live in a country house just outside of town. The five and a half acre lot consists of about one and a half as a nice lawn and garden, the rest woodlands up the mountain behind the house. There is a mountain stream, rivulet really, that comes down partially on our property. It’s a big four bedroom house with a nice fireplace and large rooms. I love the property. We’ve been here twelve years and raised a family here. ‘We’ being my wife and I. Now it’s just me. She left me three and a half months ago.

On the other side of the mountain stream are the Cavanaugh’s. Bill died four years ago from Lou Gehrig’s — ALS, at age fifty two. It was horrible to watch Bill disintegrate. It was even worse to watch Julie cope with the inevitable.

The Cavanaugh’s have a similar slice of property to mine, but theirs is a big rambling two story, six bedroom home. A very nice home. Their three boys are gone now. Two are in university, one has his own place.

Our kids, a boy and a girl are both away at university too.

Before Bill died and before the ALS got really bad, Cora and I would get together with Bill and Julie and have a glass of wine or two (or nine) and a barbeque or pot luck. That’s just the way things work in the country. Your neighbors are your neighbors and you’ve got to look out after each other. As their youngest boy is about three years older than our eldest, the kids didn’t interact much and at first we weren’t too close.

Nevertheless eventually the friendship grew even though Bill and I were completely different. He was about a year and half older than me, an executive with a large bank — VP maybe, and an avid golfer. I refuse to play the wretched game. I would motor around on my ride-on Lawn-Boy, he had a service. I have every conceivable tool in my garage shop, he had people. It seemed to me that Bill spent half his time away, either in New York, Montreal, Washington or overseas.

Bill was the life of the party though. I really liked him. He was a larger than life character, physically big too. You couldn’t help but be drawn in to him. It was no wonder that he was so successful at the bank.

Julie and I were more similar. She was an artistic, free spirit type. And I’m…well I’m just nuts. The one thing that Julie and I had in common, we both had spouses that were doing very well, thank you. Cora has a very high profile position with an international pharmaceutical company. She looks after regulatory affairs.

The other thing that Julie and I had in common was an inability to interact with each other without figuratively poking each other in the ribs. We were always playful and sometimes there was a little sexual innuendo thrown in for good measure.

Lou Gehrig’s changed all that.

As soon as Bill was diagnosed his joie de vivre was gone. Julie’s too. Not only did she have to remain strong and deal with Bill’s degeneration, but she also had to deal with three teenage boys who had their own issues coping with their father’s disease.

When it was eventually over Julie was, not surprisingly, a changed woman.

Long gone were the parties. Long gone was the close friendship we had. Long gone was Bill.

We tried to comfort Julie as much as we could after Bill was gone. She was busy coping with the kids. Although we would occasionally get together to have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, the spark was gone. It was just polite neighborly interactions that were left ‘can you let the dog out?’, ‘we’re away on holiday can you water the plants?’ — that type of thing. We still had to look after our neighbors. Being out of town, it’s simply inconvenient for others to come and look after such trivial matters. That’s part of living in the country.

Julie still used a lawn service but did look after the flower beds and a vegetable garden. Basically I didn’t know what she did to keep herself busy. Sadly, I just didn’t see much of Julie any more, even though she was only a couple of hundred yards away.

I separated from Cora after twenty six years of marriage. Cora moved out, leaving the house to me and the kids. Graciously she still supplemented my income with hers. There was no animosity between us. She definitely loved her kids. I still loved her, but in a different way now.

I got back from town one day laden with groceries to find a voice message from Julie. I called her back.

‘I’m finally having the kitchen redone starting tomorrow, do you have room in your freezer for one fairly large bag of frozen things?’ Julie asked.

‘Sure, no problem,’ I said, ‘do you want me to come and get it?’

‘No, I’ll be right over.’

When she came over I asked if she would like a glass of wine. She declined explaining that she is still unpacking the kitchen into the dining room.

Sure enough, bright and early the next morning there were a bunch of trucks in her driveway. I wished I had a new kitchen going in.

At about nine in the morning Julie phoned, ‘Jim,’ she said, ‘this fucking dog will not stop barking at the workmen. Can I bring Lulu over?’

‘Sure,’ I said.

Lulu her spaniel and Gomez my mutt, get along fine.

Julie brought the dog over. She tried to just hand the leash through the kitchen door, but I said, ‘Come on in, have a cup of coffee.’

She pulled off her jacket and sat on a stool at the kitchen counter. She had jeans on and a loose knitted multi-colored sweater. As usual, she looked great.

We sat at the counter sipping coffee as she explained she was getting all new appliances, new cabinets, counters, new floors, ceilings, the whole kit and caboodle — in four days.

‘Cool,’ I said, ‘are you thinking of selling the house?’ I wished I hadn’t ask that question, but it was out.

‘No, I love it here. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. The kitchen hasn’t changed since we moved into the house,’ she paused to think for a moment, ‘eighteen years ago. It definitely needs to be updated.’ There was a bit of sadness to her eyes.

‘I wish I could afford to redo mine,’ I said almost half under my breath.

‘Well now I can look forward to cooking dinner for myself in luxury,’ she said in a voice that betrayed her emotions. She knew Cora had left me and that I too now shared the same fate as her. Living in a big house with a dog as a companion, waiting for the kids to come and visit.

It hadn’t even occurred to me to perhaps rekindle the friendship that we once had, or to even pursue it to another level. I knew I could never be half the man Bill was.

Although Julie was about a year and a half older than me she was still a very striking woman. I’d say five eight, thin, shoulder length bleach blonde hair covering grey I’m sure, brown eyes, dark eyebrows, perfect teeth, high cheekbones and a winning smile. Aside from the chiseled lines on the face that middle age brings, she had very few wrinkles, just a few crow’s feet around her eyes.

‘Julie, you’ve got a new kitchen happening. You should be happy about that.’

‘I suppose.’

‘Hey it’s better than a kick in the ass Julie.’

‘I’m not so sure,’ she countered, ‘at at least a kick in the ass can be construed as physical contact.’

‘Now you’re being silly.’ I said. What a bitter woman she had become. I wondered if I had morphed into a similar grotesque since Cora left.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, ‘I’m just being miserable.’

‘Yeah, you are Julie. And
frankly I’m worried about you. When did Bill die, was it four years ago?’

‘It’ll be four years next month.’

‘You’ve got to move on Julie.’

She gazed at me.

‘And so do I.’ recovering quickly. ‘Tell me Julie, what do you do during the day?’

‘Oh I keep myself busy, I play bridge, I play tennis and I volunteer at the library. And I still do some of my painting. Although, I’ve been told it’s all dark now.’

‘That sounds to me like a slow slide into old age. Have you met anyone? Have you even considered building a new life together with somebody?’

‘Oh, I’ve thought about that. I’ve thought about that a lot.’

‘And,’ I paused, ‘what have you done about it?’

Julie looked down to the floor. ‘I…I…,’ she exhaled, ‘I don’t know what to do about it.’

‘Come on Julie,’ I said with perhaps a too optimistic tone of voice, ‘go on-line, go to a bar. Take a singles cruise…’

‘I’ve never dated in my life, other than Bill. I wouldn’t even know how to act.’

‘Come on Julie. You’re a perfectly fine, intelligent, good looking woman.’

She stared at me.

‘I know you’ve been through a lot,’ I continued. ‘Before Bill got diagnosed you were a glorious, vivacious woman. Full of energy, funny, fun.’

She continued to stare at me, with no emotion to her face.

‘That woman is still inside you.’

‘That was eight years ago.’ She said dismissively.

‘That’s exactly my point Julie,’ I said to her, ‘before Bill died, you had to deal with Bill, the kids, the house. I know it was stressful and you didn’t have a choice.’ I paused for a moment then added, ‘I suppose you could have simply run away from it all, but you didn’t Julie. You did the right thing. What a loving wife and what a loving parent would do. I have a lot of respect for how you dealt with it. And I know Cora feels the same way too.’

Why did I bring her up? Julie continued to stare at me blankly. I didn’t know if I was being too harsh, or too intrusive or just plain judgmental. Maybe I was way out of line.

I continued, ‘When Bill passed away, it was sad…’

‘It was a relief,’ she cut me off.

‘To a degree only Julie. You lost your husband. You still had to go through a grieving process. Maybe you still are, or maybe you haven’t yet.’

She sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said. ‘I’d just like to see the old Julie back.’

A tear ran down her cheek.

‘I’m sorry Julie, I didn’t mean to upset you, please forgive me.’ Now I felt bad. Clearly I was stirring things up that perhaps should have been left alone.

She wiped the tear from her cheek, ‘No, you’re right Jim. Even the kids have been bugging me.’ She stared into her coffee cup. Another tear rolled down her cheek. ‘Is it that obvious Jim? Am I just a sad, miserable, old woman?’

‘Hell no!’ My voice perked up. ‘You’re a beautiful, kind, intelligent, woman.’

She grinned at me dismissively. As if I was supposed to say that to make her feel better.

‘I’m dead serious Julie, and quite frankly I’m worried about myself too.’

Her eyes looked up to me, wondering where I was going with that last statement.

‘I’m not joining no frikkin’ bridge club, I’m not volunteering for squat…’

‘Is Cora ever coming back?’ She cut me off.

‘No,’ I said with some finality to the word. I paused for a moment before I continued my thought, ‘I’m not going to fall into a depression and become a miserable old man.’

‘Like your miserable old woman neighbor,’ she stated, rather than asked.

‘Sorry,’ I said staring into her eyes.

She sipped her coffee with downcast eyes, then lifted her head taking a deep breath.

‘Tell me Jim, are you seeing anyone new these days?

‘Sadly not,’ I answered. ‘I had one date as it were since Cora left. I think I did it out of spite or revenge or something. It wasn’t going to go anywhere.’

I knew what she wanted to know. I could see it in her face. Did we have sex? I wondered when the last time Julie had sex. I wasn’t going to go there.

After a moment Julie said, ‘Listen, I’ve got to get back to see what they’re up to. I’ll call you before I come by to get Lulu. Thanks for the coffee.’

She stood up grabbed her jacket and headed to the door.


She turned back to me.

‘You don’t have a kitchen. Come back for lunch.’

Before she had a chance to answer I continued, ‘But can you get the other Julie to come instead? You know the one that used to live next door, the one that used to always be laughing and joking.’

A smile broke across her face.

‘And,’ I continued, ‘can we not talk about history? Can we just move forward with our lives, you and I?’

Her smile, got even bigger.

‘Okay,’ she said, her eyes twinkling, ‘but the other Julie likes a glass of white wine with her lunch.’

‘Deal,’ I said.

As she walked across the lawn I noticed that she held her head up higher and that her back was straighter than before. Maybe my little tirade worked. Maybe my brutal honesty with her could snap her out of her funk. I knew too, that I needed to snap out of one myself. There was no way that I was going to let us both wallow in misery and self pity. Enough is enough. Time to move on. Perhaps we could help each other? Hell, why not.

Then self-doubt crept over me. Maybe she’s just tired from all the work in unpacking the kitchen. Maybe I was the bitter one and she was just reflecting my mood.

Either way, I resolved that when Julie comes back for lunch that I’ll have to lighten up her mood somehow. And mine.

I had bread, cheese, ham, mayo, lettuce and plenty of white wine. Lunch no problem. I didn’t know when she was going to be over or what she wanted. I simply pulled out the groceries and left them on the counter. I decided I was going to make myself some soup for later on.

I pulled out what I had. Tomatoes, frozen beef stock, onions, celery, green onions, garlic, green pepper, red pepper. What to make? I had some leftover cooked white rice in the fridge.

As I popped the cork to a chilled Chablis Julie tapped on the kitchen door.

‘Come on in it’s open!’

Lulu and Gomez greeted Julie as she stepped into the kitchen. I handed her a glass of wine as she slipped off her jacket. She was dressed the same as before, in jeans and a multicolored sweater.

Smiling she said, ‘Thanks.’

‘Ahh…do we have old Julie back?’ I hoped that I did.

‘I’m afraid so, that old broad from next door is here. I’m so sorry about this morning.’

‘No I am Julie,’

She took a sip of white and put down the glass.

‘You’re hardly an old broad. You’re middle aged like me, and a damn fine looking woman. Remember, were not going there.’

‘You’re right. We’re not. Sorry.’ She smiled after she said that, paused then added, ‘Do do really think that?’ then gazed at me with a bit of a smirk on her face.

‘That you’re good looking, intelligent and a fine woman? Yeah, I do,’ I said with I’m sure, honesty in my face. I washed the tomatoes in the kitchen sink.

She smiled and sat herself down on the stool at the kitchen counter.

I recognized that this was a make it break it moment with Julie. I had to take the initiative. Maybe she recognized too that we had come to some sort of emotional Rubicon.

‘What’s for lunch?’she asked, looking over the groceries on the counter, clearly changing the subject.

‘Nothing yet,’ I answered, ‘ham and cheese with lettuce and mayo okay?’

‘Sounds ideal,’ she said, ‘can I help?’

‘Sure, you make the sandwiches, I’m making some soup for later.’

‘What kind of soup are you making?’ Julie asked in an upbeat voice.


‘Mulligatawny? I’ve heard of it but I’ve never had it.’

‘Well I’ve not had it in a while,’ I said.

‘I’ve not had it in a long, long while.’

‘Ah, let’s not go there Julie.’ I said holding my arms out, face up to the ceiling.

‘I’m sorry I can’t help myself,’ she said. She straightened her back and drew a deep breath. ‘Right, no more of that.’

As she said that I could see that she was putting a brave face on. There was a steely determination in her eye. Maybe my harsh tirade had forced her to come to grips with herself. I hoped it had.

‘Good. We’re moving forward Julie, you and I. Even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming. I’m not going to let the two of us wither and grow into cranky old farts.’ I picked up my wine glass and held it towards her, ‘Do I have to drag you kicking and screaming or are you going to come along willingly?’

She picked up her wine glass, clicked my glass, smiled bravely and said ‘I’m going to come willingly.’

I think we both blushed at the same time, then both burst out laughing.

After the laughter subsided, while wiping a tear from my eye, I said, ‘I’ve got the old Julie back.’

‘Yes, you have the new old Julie.’ She replied with a huge smile on her face.

We clicked our glasses together again.

Still chuckling to ourselves I picked up a tomato and started slicing one up as Julie applied mayo to a slice of bread. At least I got her mood in an upswing.

She eyed what I was doing and said, ‘Those are really nice tomatoes, juicy and ripe.’

There was no way I was going to drop the sudden shift in mood, ‘I like your tomatoes, too,’ I stated calmly with tongue firmly in cheek.

‘What these?’ she fired back, pressing her breasts upwards with her wrists, knife with mayo in one hand, slice of whole wheat in the other. ‘I’ll give you that they’re ripe!’

‘Yeah — those tomatoes,’ I said. I couldn’t help but grin at her.

She had a look of shock and disbelief on her face, but stilled pressed her boobs up, ‘I hardly think they’re juicy anymore.’ Her eyes brightened up.

I liked where the conversation was going.

‘I think I’d be a better judge of that,’ I answered right back to her.

‘Really?’ She put the knife and bread down. With both of her hands, in one motion, pulled her sweater right off revealing her very nice, ample breasts encased in a white sports bra. In a second single motion, the sports bra came off revealing a great pair of boobs, albeit a little saggy, but with large, dark brownish-pink areola and thick long nipples pointing up and out.

My eyes bugged out, ‘Wow!’

‘Well, what do you think of these tomatoes then?’ she asked with glee in her voice.

‘I think they are lovely, luscious, obviously very juicy,’ firmly tongue in cheek now.

‘You really think so?’ she asked, her voice had a tinge of apprehension to it.

‘Yes I do,’ I answered back with certainty, ‘and I’m liking this new Julie a lot.’

Julie couldn’t help but smile as she sat back down on the stool. Topless. She picked the knife and bread back up, ‘Did I shock you?’ she asked.

‘Well, I’m seeing a different Julie yet again today. How many of you are there?’

‘Mmm…maybe there are a few more you haven’t met yet,’ she answered with a devilish grin while placing the ham on the bread.

She’s probably right. I’d not seen this coming. This conversation was definitely going in the right direction.

‘You know you’re staring at my breasts,’ Julie said breaking my reverie.

‘I’m sorry,’ I answered giving my head a little shake, ‘well, they are very nice though.’

‘Would you rather that I put my top back on?’

‘Hell no!’ I snapped, perhaps a little too crudely.

‘Oooh, okay…we’ll just leave it off for now,’ she came back with a giggle. She passed me my sandwich.

‘So, how do you make this soup?’ she asked as she bit into her sandwich.

After clearing my mouthful I looked her in the eyes, rather than her tits, and replied, ‘I can’t show you, unless you agree to try some.’ I thought I was being clever. ‘But it won’t be ready until tonight. So Miss Julie, seeing as you don’t have a kitchen — would you care to come to dinner tonight?’

With a smirk on her face she answered, ‘I suppose you would expect me to dress the way I am now?’

I wasn’t expecting that. ‘Something not too far off…it is a tomato based soup after all.’ I said chuckling.

‘So are we going on a date then?’ she asked, with a little uncertainty in her eye.

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the first time i had sex

I went to an all girls catholic high school, though I'm not catholic and not that it matteres my parents thought it was the best choice for me. The summer before my junior year I went on a tour of a popular teacher's college. There I met KiKi, I very hot, very sexy, very bisexual student at the teachers college. I took a liking to her and we exchanged numbers, you know...just incase I had any question..We spoke over the phone alot, we became fond of eachother. We would do each otheres manis and...

4 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Second YearChapter 25

"I know you planned this. But how the hell did you get my dad, her mom, and your folks to go along with it?" I grinned knowingly. Actually, it just happened. Tami's mom was going to be gone for the weekend and had already arranged with my mom for Tami to stay with us. Then Aunt Patti called from Kirkland and invited all of us up. My mom wanted to go because she hadn't seen her sister since her surgery. She talked to Tami's mom, and they decided that we were old enough and trustworthy...

2 years ago
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Toms Crosley

‘Tom, are you there?’ ‘Ed?’ Tom asked, over the static. ‘Yes, Tom, I’m….’ Thunder cracked violently above the house, cutting Ed out. Tom held the phone away from his ear while it passed. ‘Give Gracie our best.’ Ed came through the receiver, once more. ‘Ed, tell Marion that we miss her.’ ‘Will do Tom, is there anything else?’ Rubbing his chin a moment, Tom thought. ‘Yes Ed, there is one more thing,’ but the line was dead. *** The following evening, in his study, Tom pushed himself up...

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Fantasy Sugar Daddy To Reality Sugar Daddy chapter 3

Fantasy sugar daddy to reality sugar daddy By LaTanya S Chapter 3 I sat next to Charles in the back of the limo. He kept on looking at me and I kept on blushing. He pulled me over and put his arm around me. I was so tired that I put my head on his shoulder. I started to dose off. I was going thru the day events in my head and I couldn't believe what was transpiring. Just yesterday I was a heterosexual male fantasizing about being a woman, playing...

2 years ago
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My wife gets tied blindfolded and switched

Having thought I would never get out of the office with such a busy day, I finally arrived at my house. It was late and there were no lights on in the house. "That's strange," I thought out loud. Turning the key and walking into my house I wondered where my husband Peter was. He would normally tell me if he were going out.The sound of my heels echoing as I walked across the wooden floor sounded very eerie before I turned on the lights and headed into the kitchen.I took a glass from the cupboard...

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Blue Velvet Ch 05

About an hour later I was awakened by the sound of my bedroom door opening and closing. That sound was followed by the sensation of someone lifting the blankets of my bed and climbing in next to me. The scent of my mother filled my nostrils as she spooned up next to me. She draped her arm across my body, pressing her soft breast against my back, and seemingly passed immediately into sleep. As I said earlier, this was a common occurrence in our house, sometimes I felt like a husband without the...

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NuruMassage Lena Paul The Confused Nerd

Justin Hunt shows up to the massage parlor not expecting to be told that he’s going to be massaged by a woman. He doesn’t have much experience with women and is kind of shy. The manager assures him that he has nothing to worry about he’s still a little reluctant. Lena Paul walks into the room overhearing the conversation. She introduces herself and assures him that she’ll be gentle with him. He sees the sincerity in her eyes and follows her to the massage area, confident...

3 years ago
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Road side show for the truck drivers

Story 3- , All my stories are true experiences.. My girlfriend and I were traveling around Australia and had some fun along the way, If you have checked out my other stories you’ll know Amy and I love to be watched among other things. So on second morning driving across the Nullarbor we have fun cheering up every truck driver that goes past and by lunch time we had it worked out, as a truck comes towards us I flash my lights which gets his attention and Amy wearing only this sexy Playboy bra...

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The Witch the Warlock and Me

The Witch, The Warlock, and me. - Meeting Dianna - I met Dianna in my sophomore psychology class. We had assigned seats, and she ended up sitting next to me. She was one of those girls that most guys would figure that they'd never have a snowballs chance in hell with. She was drop dead gorgeous. Long black hair, down to the middle of her back. The face of a movie star, with a body to match. And, she had an air about her that said, I know who I am, I know...

2 years ago
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Searching Dick For Sister

Hi I am Rohit, 22 yrs old student from Pune. I live with my parents and elder sister. My sister Nisha is 25 yrs old working in an MNC.She is fair,5’2″ tall with short brown hair and has a great body (34 28 34). I used to fantasize her since I was 18- 19 old. Initially I thought I should not fantasies her as she was my sister but later I realized that there’s nothing wrong in it. I sometimes masturbated imagining her and sometimes even looking at her when she was sleeping. I often get a glimpse...

3 years ago
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A Road Trip with My Grand DaughterPart II

There was a steady rain, not hard, but just enough to make a drumming noise on the motor coach’s roof. That noise was adding to my insomnia, as I watched the clock turn 4:00 in the morning; so much for going to bed early and getting a good night’s sleep. If only Kristy hadn’t got frightened the storm, then I wouldn’t be having these conflicting feelings. If only she had allowed me to put some cloths on before she jumped into my bed. If only she hadn’t scooted back into my cock. If only...

1 year ago
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Learning about jacking off Part Ten Marcia

My days were very busy. Tomorrow I would have a Beggar's Night gig entertaining four women. The idea was intriguing since having just fucked Mrs. Martin while her friend and possibly a new employer named Gloria watched us. I found that very exciting.Today was a client from the list given to me by Mrs. Wilson, who was on vacation at the ocean with her husband and daughter, Dan and Ellen. One new name on the list she gave me was Marcia who was set for today. I called her number at 9:00 a.m.,...

3 years ago
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Innocent Experience With College Girls

Before I start I'd like to apologize on the way I wrote this piece, I could barely recall the details and I'd like to share it before I completely forget. This did happen, probably in a more erotic way than I wrote it and to protect those involved, I wrote their names differently, except Ann because fuck it. When I was a freshman in high school, I didn’t really know any better. I grew up with three older sisters and ever since I could remember, I always took a bath with my youngest of my older...

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Lilys mastiff

As she wiped the tears from her eyes, she heard the sound of paws on linoleum. She smiled, seeing her large bull mastiff, Tank, had come to greet her. “Hey buddy, I’m fine. It’s just some stuff that happened in class today.” He licked her hand and followed her to her room. Dropping her things off at her desk, Lilly kicked her shoes off and fell on the bed. Tank followed shortly, making the bed sink with his bulk. She scratched his favorite spot and gave a small laugh when his leg started to...

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Wifes BBCs has me join Creampie CS My

From that first moment I saw my wife impaling herself on that giant Black cock I knew it was not going to be a one off. She was hooked and would certainly be repeating the pleasurable experience at any cost.I was not complaining, aside from the amazing erotic image that stayed with me and provided hours of great jerk off fantasies, she was also in a new state of heightened sexuality. That one incident had flicked a switch and she had become even more wild and passionate. She seemed to be more...

4 years ago
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GoldChapter 28

Thursday: I tried to put it out of mind, but I had trouble sleeping during the night. When Lee woke me in the morning, I was not feeling fully rested. Not a good way to start out a day. During breakfast, I mentioned the problem regarding the lack of security and the number of trucks we could recover. Bill said, "Judy can shoot. She has gone hunting with my Dad and me since she could pack a rifle all day." "Then, if Judy agrees, she can go with us." I stated. Judy said she was willing...

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Here is a true story about me being caught masturb

I'm a bi sexual 31 year old male who lives at home with my family. I'minto a lot of kinky dirty sex stuff, but I'm a totally masturbation addict.From an early age I always enjoyed doing it in public places, like restroometc... It started when I was at school, and I have been doing it eversince. I been caught a couple of time and it always a big thrill. Thishappened to me a few days ago and I had to share itI finally have a day off work, my first in months and I have the wholehouse to...

1 year ago
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One Slip A Hard FallChapter 2 At the Hospital

Donna: In the grim black and white ruins of Donna's world, there remained a window of hope. One magic portal back to the land of colors and living creatures, but blocking the door like a lineman on a pro football team was Darlene's husband Bill. Rational thought had died for Donna when she got Darlene's clipped voice mail in her hotel room. "Steve's had a massive heart-attack, they don't think he'll make it, DON'T come to the hospital, but you might want to start getting the legal...

1 year ago
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Pussy Licking Contest

I watched them undress, fast and urgently. There was a camera pointed at my pussy, but not my face. I was tied to the bed, I stared at the ceiling. Why was I this way. I was a drunken fool who loves sex, but bondage? " We're gonna fuck you now" Elle, holding another camera said. Dani, another girl who was getting a few toys ready smirked. "Ready for some fun?" She asked, in which I nodded shyly. There were cameras pointed in every area, even my face. now. Elle looked at Dani. In the direction...

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FamilyStrokes Judy Jolie My Stepdaughter The Escort

Sometimes, an unexpected twist of fate is just what two people need to cum together for the most erotic experience of their lives. That is exactly what happens when Judy Jolies horny stepdad calls an escort service to set him up with a special date for the evening. When the escort arrives, he realizes it is his stepdaughter Judy! They are super embarrassed, but Judy still has to get paid. Her stepdad hands over some cash, and Judy shows him a dicksucking trick that she learned from months of...

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A Fantasy Fulfilled

 My wife and I are in our mid-forties. We are both in a second marriage and have a good sex life. Sex is always good, but there is always something new to try. This is what happened on a recent holiday to Greece.We landed on the wonderful island of Mykonos in May this year. On our first night, we found a nice little taverna down a little side street. The waiters were all really nice and paid a lot of attention to my wife. Now, this is no surprise as she is very sexy and knows how to flirt....

Wife Lovers
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Call Me Daddy

"Owen! Oi! Get your ass down here!" Owen winces at his stepdad's booming voice and looks at Quinn with troubled eyes. She flashes a long sympathetic smile as her friend gets up on his feet and holds his hand out to to help her up. Quinn clutches it tight and he pulls her up to stand in front of him. "Does he always talk to you like that?" she asks. Owen shrugs. "Only when he's drunk and with his asshole friends," he says, picking his jacket up from the coat hook and slipping it on. "He probably...

Group Sex
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Waking up

It was one of those hot Gold Coast nights, muggy, windless and as i said hot. I was laying in bed next to my partner, both all night tossing and turning laying on top of the sheets as it was just too sweaty to do anything else.We had a friend staying over for the weekend as she had come up for a break and to swim at the beach, being from the bush inland and was sleeping in the spare room we had at our house. Our bedroom has double glass doors facing out which were open to try and catch a...

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Another Welcome Guest 14

-------------- Zeus - King of the Greek gods Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty and sexuality Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage,...

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Third Party

We took a long time – several months – before choosing. The decision was important because we are not an irresponsible young couple playing the field. We are both nearer fifty than forty, in the third decade of our marriage, still very much in love but wise enough to recognise that sex, though pleasurable, was fast becoming routine. Before we got together we had both enjoyed other relationships, I more in number than Monique, but in marriage we had been sufficient to each other. Until now.There...

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The Piper Chapter 6

It is Sunday, Joel heads home from work. He enjoys the drive, it's a time to think, to mull over the day’s events or work through problems. Surprisingly, he is not worried about the decision he will soon have to make about the threesome with Anna and Camille. Anna, Camille and Lucas would still be in the hills and he will have a chance to relax, listen to some music, and even have a nap. Lucas’s suggestion that any decision must wait until Wednesday has allowed Joel time to think and work...

2 years ago
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The Beltane Code Part 1 Fire

To: (Withheld)From: Byron LordSubject: Your client’s commission As you requested, I examined the material you provided and have succeeded in deciphering it. The cipher used to encrypt the body of the text is a Ceasar cipher using a displacement of 5 letters. Given the plaintext, it seems likely that the number 5 was chosen for symbolic reasons. Transcribing the material from the photocopies provided took 66 minutes. The cryptanalysis took another 6 and the report a further 30 minutes making a...

Group Sex
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Cheryl and Mike watched as the girls danced, tipped them when they came around, and had a good time whenever they went out to the strip clubs together. They usually had a few beers, allowed themselves to be entertained by the half naked girls for a while, and then went home and had great sex, which is why Cheryl came to the clubs with her husband of 5 years, instead of demanding that he never enter one again, as some of her friends had done. It was fun, and it made him horney! Tonight there...

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Voyeuristic IncestChapter 4

It was very odd. As we sat down at the dining room table for dinner, everyone seemed very subdued. Unlike the way it had been at breakfast earlier, the kids hardly spoke, even picking through the meal, which normally had been one of their favorites. Even Jackie raised her eyebrows towards me questioning. Though all I could do was shrug my shoulders in response to that. I had no idea what was going on. Something. I could only surmise that perhaps the kids had sat down and talked about it later...

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smokeSCREEN bookpHOR

smokeSCREEN bookFOUR : THEbecoming * * * part ii : the coffin nail * * * whenever i’m alone with you you make me feel like i am home again whenever i’m alone with you you make me feel like i am / whole again * * * * * * The flashlight bobs and I throw the heavy blankets across the bare army-surplus mattress. ‘I really don’t need the mattress,’ I say. ‘You’ll sleep on it and like it,’ Michelle tells me. Here in the sub-basement – which I’m hoping Crow has given up –...

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My Brothers Horn

I was finishing my lunch in the noisy cafeteria when Marcie plunked herself down beside me and whispered loudly, "Did you know your brother had a really big cock?" I made a face at her and kept chewing. "Oh sure," I said when she continued to nod. "And I suppose his skin's cleared up too." "Buck saw him in the shower," Marcie said, looking superior as she usually does. "He said it looked like a python." "Right," I said. "And do you know he's only fourteen? He skipped a...

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Mensroom Opportunity

I was shopping at Sears the other day, customers were rather sparse, I decided to check out the men's room, as luck would have it there was a well dressed middle aged gentleman standing at the urinal. There were four urinals, now most men in this situation will take the urinal as far from the man already there as possible, unless of course he's trolling for cock. I stepped up to the urinal next to him and fished my cock out, as I did I looked over at my neighbor, he was draining a very nice...

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Monster Dicks

Reddit Monster Dicks, aka r/MonsterDicks! Reddit is obviously not a foreign term if you like to invest some of your time fapping your sorrows away. These little fucks refer to themselves as the ‘front page of the internet,’ and I can assure you that’s not empty braggadocio. After all, the internet is porn, for the most part, so you can guess Reddit is a big part of it. In layman’s language, Reddit is a massive collection of forums where people can share all manner of adult content and interact...

Reddit NSFW List
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My Aunt 8211 2 Kamini

Hi, this is umaresh again. I fnger fucked my aunt to reduce her hunger. After the finger fuck, aunt was resting in the bed naked. My cock was still errect. I know pretty well that it will take some more time for my aunt to get ready for the second encounter. I went for bath to cool off myself. When I came out of the bathroom, I could not see my aunt in the bedroom. She was in the kitchen preparing lunch in full attire. She was wearing a saree tightly and the falls in between her boobs. The...

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Sunshine Valley

Hi, my name is Dave. 1995 was the summer I was fifteen. It was June and my life sucked out loud. We had moved two months before because my dad was transferred to a new plant. I hadn't really had much time to make any new friends at the high school before my freshman year ended. As a result, summer was here with no friends and nothing to do. The only thing that kept me from going out of my mind was that my dad had gotten me one of the first Sony PlayStations. It was a Japanese model he had...

4 years ago
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The Physical

“It will be fine honey.” My mom made every attempt to ease my nerves. Her motherly voice was hollow, offering little to find comfort in. I knew she was trying her best, but behind the words, she too remembered her experience. “I know, just not sure I want Dr. Andrews seeing me in that way.” I was comfortable with my doctor, but had never revealed much of myself to a guy before. Sure he had depressed my tongue, pressed the stethoscope against my chest, but my mom had done me the disservice...

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Granddaughter Gives Me A Hand

When I was growing up, sex was something people got into gradually. Birth control was available but not like it is today. And, well, girls just didn't fall over and spread out at the drop of a hat. I was 19 when I had my first time.Looking around now, music, movies, TV, well it's a different wold, I guess. I just missed out on all that and I'm sure there are a lot of guys in my age group who feel the same way. That doesn't mean that I don't like sex, of course I do. I'm only 64, hardly that...

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East Meets West Pt 01 Ch 01

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. Like most generalities, that is generally wrong. I think that most people actually need to have a reason to have sex and if they care for each other, if they love each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at...

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