Alphabet of Brides Alessandra to Zjanet
- 3 years ago
- 39
- 0
Date-Uncertain. Location-Unknown.
Confusion, why was I so confused. Everything was hazy. It felt as if my mouth and brain had been stuffed full of cotton. Where was I? I struggled to clear my head from the fog, struggled to open my eyes. They felt glued shut. I tried to move my body, but something seemed to be restraining my limbs; all I could do was twitch.
Jake. Snap out of it. I’m doing my best to speed up your liver and kidney function to help flush the drugs from your system. Sorry, but you’re about to piss yourself.
I tried focusing on clearing my head as hard as I could when I suddenly felt a wet warmth spreading out over my chest, belly, and crotch. Great, I was urinating all over myself.
What can you remember?
I struggled with that too. What could I remember? A simple question, but for the moment, I was drawing a blank. So fuzzy.
You were drugged. Remember?
As if a veil was lifted from my memories, it all came back to me in a rush. They’d used the capture of my family to force Violet and me into a cargo van. They’d searched us, taken our guns, covered our heads with hoods, and injected me with something that knocked me out almost instantly. I gave myself a mental shake clearing out most of the remaining cobwebs.
I know. I just made you piss all over yourself, but if you didn’t mean that literally, then yes, I also know that you’re very fucking angry.
< Dude! You’re seriously going to joke now? What the fuck, man! I need to know where the fuck my family is!>
A little levity seemed appropriate to distract you from doing anything overly stupid before you’ve had a chance to think. I need you angry, but focused anger is better. When you’re upset with me, it seems to sharpen your cognitive abilities for some reason. Mayhap because you’re internalizing? I haven’t quite figured it out yet, but I will at some point. There aren’t many mysteries about how the brain works left for me to discover. When I eventually get freed from my soul prison, I’ll definitely need to write a book about the mind’s inner workings. I’ve learned some fascinating things from my various hosts over the millennia.
I opened my eyes a slit, not wanting to alert anyone that I was awake just yet. Not until I could better take stock of my situation and surroundings. Other than a few twitches when I’d first tried to move my limbs, I hadn’t moved. I hoped that no one had noticed, or if they had, then that they would’ve just thought I was merely moving in my sleep. Did people even move when put under by drugs?
I was glad that I had barely cracked my eyes and was only looking through my eyelashes because the fluorescent lights above me were harsh. It took a moment to adjust to the brightness, but soon I could see that I was in a plain-looking room with sterile white walls absent of decoration. Without moving anything other than just my eyeballs, all I could see besides the ceiling and about halfway up the walls was a silvery metal door directly across from me. It was approximately twelve feet away, and it had a small plexiglass wired window in the middle of it.
I could also see down most of the length of my body; I was nude and had massive thick metal clamps locked around my biceps, forearms, thighs, and calves, bolting me to the bed. Now that I was finally shrugging off the remnants of whatever drug they’d used, I could feel the cold of the metal underneath me. This was definitely not a standard prison bed, nor a hospital one; it was probably a particular type created just for the CIA. As far as I could tell, I didn’t have any intravenous lines stuck anywhere, so if they planned on drugging me again, they’d need to do it manually. I wouldn’t allow it to happen a second time, that was for sure.
They knew that I was extraordinarily strong, but I don’t think they realized by just how much. I hadn’t tested my restraints yet, but I felt confident that I’d be able to break them pretty easily using a charge of my ring. They probably thought that my strength was drug-induced, or maybe that I was just freakishly strong. After all, stranger things have happened, but I highly doubted that they’d be thinking that I was using magic. I mean, who believed in magic nowadays? Right?
No clue, m’boy. I was swamped within your subconscious; the drug put me back into the semi-aware state that I was in before you activated the ring by fucking your baby sister. I would guess probably for less than a day, though, and I highly doubt that it was for more than twenty-four hours.
Because it would’ve made sense to stick an intravenous line in you if they wanted you out for longer; otherwise, they need to keep sticking you with needles. I suppose they could’ve, but like I said, I doubt it.
I doubt they would’ve done anything more than rough them up—no point in harming them when they can be used against you. So, before you go all ballistic, play possum first, and try to gather as much information as possible. If you start killing or harming the idiots here, it might not turn out so good for the others if they are being held far away. They could suffer from your actions. Patience and control are what will see you triumphant, Jake.
I fully opened my eyes and lifted my head, taking a better look around. I was in a square-shaped white cell, roughly twelve-by-twelve. There was nothing else in the room except the metal table that I was strapped to and the cameras that were observing me from each corner of the ceiling. I flexed my muscles and felt the sturdiness of the restraints that held me fast. For anyone without Samson’s strength, they would be impossible to break. I was confident that with a good yank, they would go flying off me in pieces.
“Ahh, you’re awake, Good. You’re probably feeling a bit disorientated right about now as the drugs leave your system. We can see that you had an accident. We are going to send in a nurse to clean you up and take your vitals. Needless to say that if you attempt to take control of her in any way that it won’t be a healthy choice for your loved ones,” a voice said clinically as it crackled through a hidden speaker in the ceiling somewhere.
“Where are they? If any of them have been harmed or if you hurt them, it will be the last thing that you ever do. I can promise you that not only will I end the life of everyone involved, but I will also see to it that the CIA itself is completely obliterated,” I growled out menacingly.
“Tsk, tsk, boy. You’re hardly in a position to be making threats, but I assure you, none of them have been harmed as of yet. Frightened, angry, yes, but other than that, they are so far untouched. As for where they are? Not too far from here, but not close either. We’ll talk very shortly. We have lots of questions for you, boy,” he stated evenly and without emotion.
“What do you want? And why am I naked?” I asked with derision as if I was being pestered by a lowly street bum and wasn’t currently strapped naked to a metal table.
I was met with silence, and I debated about what I should do. If he had spoken the truth, then my loved ones weren’t here, and anything that I did could spell dire consequences for them.
Hmm, you could take over the nurse...
No, you misunderstand. Take over their loyalty without alerting anyone, don’t use them yet. Wait, bide your time. Learn more about your situation first.
At that moment, the door clicked before automatically swinging open. I watched as a stunningly beautiful woman dressed in a typical white nurse’s uniform stepped into the room. She was pushing a metal cart full of various instruments in front of her. The pretty thing had silky black hair, which was bundled up into a bun on the top of her head; sexy little tendrils wisped down around her ears and neck, framing her flawless face. Her eyes met mine briefly before nervously dropping down to her cart; they were a pretty light-blue and seemed slightly almond-shaped.
Most likely, she was part Asian. She was small of stature, standing only around five feet or so, and had olive-toned skin. She had small breasts and a tiny waist; I’d love to wrap my arms around her. I couldn’t help but notice that she had gorgeously shaped arms, admiring their sleekness from where they stuck out of her short-sleeved smock. She was definitely a looker, probably mid-twenties, and I could tell that she was afraid. Her cheeks were flushed, and her hands trembled slightly as she maneuvered next to me.
“Hi ... er, I’m supposed to clean you up and take your vitals,” she stammered out nervously, refusing to look me in the eyes.
She’s scared shitless because she overheard the agent who brought her here speculating with another stooge about whether you needed direct eye contact to take control of someone’s mind or not. She’s running a mantra through her brain—repeatedly. Don’t look into his eyes, just do what’s needed fast, and hopefully, that’ll be all they need from me, and then I can go back to St. Mary’s.
You should reward her with your cum after all is said and done. Fuck her ass until she’s cross-eyed.
“Okay,” I agreed pleasantly. “What’s your name? I’m Jake—sorry, normally I’d offer you my hand, but as you might have noticed, I’m a bit tied up at the moment. Excuse the piss. Apparently, the toilets around here are out of order,” I laughed.
“Sorry, but I’m not supposed to talk to you,” she mumbled as she pulled the cart up next to my head.
“No worries, you’re just doing your job,” I replied cordially. “Relax, I won’t bite,” I said soothingly as she dropped one of the rubber gloves that she was trying to put on because she was shaking so badly.
I took momentary satisfaction in seeing that she instantly became a little more self-assured. I watched quietly as she dipped a cloth into a bucket of warm water and then started to wash the urine from my neck, chest, and belly. She had to touch my cock to clean it, and then she had to manoeuver it to get at the area around it, so obviously, I hardened, causing her to blush furiously. I watched, amused as she kept giving it furtive glances. I was proud of my dick and definitely had nothing to be ashamed of.
“Mmm, that feels nice. I see that you’re no novice when it comes to giving sponge baths. Well, I’ll give you a half-hour to stop touching me like that!” I murmured huskily as I flexed my shaft so that it pulsed in her hand. “What? Not going to talk to me or even tell me your name? Normally I’d at least take a pretty girl like you out to dinner before we got this physical,” I chuckled.
She blushed even harder but still wouldn’t look me in the eye or say anything.
“I seriously hope that collecting a sperm sample is a part of your check-up, Doc, ‘cause that feels too damn good. Besides, you wouldn’t wanna leave me suffering from blue balls, now would ya? That’d be against the Hippocratic oath, no?”
I watched her with interest, feeling highly engrossed as she cleaned around my groin area, all over my legs, under my ass (which I lifted up for her), and between my thighs.
I laughed to Malachar in my head.
Guess it sucks for you that your first foray into water sports had to be solo like this, huh? I bet you’d love it if it had of been Heather pissing all over your face and into your mouth instead! Then she truly could be your little Pee-nut!
< Dude! And oh, God—the laughing! Are you sure that you’re not really the ghost of the creepy janitor from my grade school?>
We’ve been through this before; stop being prudish. You can’t hide your desires from me, no matter how kinky they might be. I don’t judge you for it, besides as I told you before—after you live for a few centuries, you need to spice it up any way that you can! You’re all over the place, getting mad at me for joking a bit, and then you go from serious and anxious to joking and aroused yourself. Make up up your mind.
Touchy, touchy! If it makes you feel any better, I’ve enjoyed my fair share of piss over the centuries. Why my wife had the best-tasting urine that I ever had the pleasure of sampling, especially after she drank a liter of chushionberry juice. I remember this one time, though—
Fine. What do you think the chances are that they’d hurt your family if you blew things up here and took control of these mental midgets? You might not end up having a choice in doing so.
I stayed still as the pretty nurse took a couple vials of blood, checked my blood pressure, took my temperature with a point and click reader, and then listened to my heartbeat. When she was finishing up, I decided to give her my instructions.
“Hey gorgeous, thanks for the poke and stroke. Do you wanna go for drinks sometime? Cause you’re smokin’ hot, Babe; the best! You gotta let me do that to you one day because I’d love to meet up with you and do it right. Stick around if you can, and I might just make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before in your life after they’re all done with me. I know that I definitely need to cum now, and I could really use your help too. I mean, you practically had me halfway there,” I said as I flexed my rock-hard cock.
Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle.
“But if you’ve got a husband or a boyfriend, just don’t tell them when we do. It’s not just anyone that gets me excited like this, you know—only the super sexy ones! So do you want to help me out here? Just for shits and giggles? We can pretend that you tied me up and that I’m your willing sex slave! Rrrroww! Want to stay to play? No? Maybe we can help each other scratch an itch and give them some entertainment on their spy cameras,” I stated flirtatiously.
Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle. Tingle.
What did you just do!?
Tykhê’s frozen tits on a skewer! That shouldn’t be possible! What did you just command?
Hmm, after giving it a second thought, theoretically, there’s nothing actually preventing the magic from working in the way that you just used it ... It’s certainly not conventional! Ingenius, m’boy! You’re an enigma, Jake! Sometimes I swear that you’re as smart as a Crumininch, and then at other times, you pull something like this outta your ass. I never for the life of me thought of using it in that manner.
They are similar to your Earthworms except stupider. They are attracted to the scent of electricity, and yet even the slightest voltage kills them. A whole species of electric mole-like creatures, Knittz, evolved around them as their primary food source. They emit low amounts of static charges underground in their burrows like a pulse, and their meals stupidly crawl to them. An evolutionary puzzle, to be sure.
“Bye, gorgeous! You can clean me up anytime, Darlin’!” I quipped as the sexy nurse pushed her cart out of the room, the door automatically clicking shut behind her.
So what do you expect her to be able to do to help you? Did you have a plan in mind already?
“You’re acting awfully smug for a guy who’s shackled to a table and doesn’t know where he is. I almost feel like making an example out of one of your women just to wipe that smirk off your face—”
“What the fuck do you want? And again, why am I naked? Do you like looking at a real man’s cock? Is that it? Do you want me to act scared? Grovel maybe? Sorry, not going to happen. Now, if you want to have a normal discussion, perhaps I could give you some cooperation. If not, quit wasting my time and get someone here who feels like telling me what in the Hell they want with me before I start getting angry. I can guarantee you one thing for sure, I’m going to get tired of these restraints very fast,” I sneered while looking into the closest camera.
“We want answers, and you’re naked for multiple reasons. At some point, we’ll need to perform a series of tests on you, and your clothes would be inconvenient considering how you’re being restrained. Plus, it leaves one feeling more vulnerable, and that’s just how I want you. So we’ll play it this way—for now. I ask a question—you answer truthfully.
“If I think you’re lying, I hurt one of your women. Maybe I’ll start with the little blonde one first; she’s your baby sister, I believe. How long do you think that she could take waterboarding? Longer than a minute? I’ve seen grown men, murderers, real tough guys, guys who fall apart and beg us to stop after just a couple of minutes. Why two of my own colleagues volunteered to try it out, and they both failed to last even more than a minute.
“So if you fail to cooperate, I’ll tell her that you caused it personally, and then we’ll do it to her for five. After that, If you still don’t see the light, then we’ll move on to the rest of them. We’ll go down the list one at a time, and that’s just for starters; that’s the tame stuff, the stuff that doesn’t leave marks. Do you understand what’s at stake here, O’Conner? Do NOT push me, son!”
Just bend a little bit, for now. If you keep antagonizing him because of your pride, he’ll probably really overreact and hurt one of them. See what he wants, also see what he knows. It might be useful.
“Fine! Ask away, just be warned—hurt my family, and you’ll suffer ten times worse!” I grunted angrily as I made a show of trying to break my restraints.
“How long have you been able to control people’s minds, and how do you do it?”
Just don’t be stupid.
“What makes you think that I can fucking control people’s minds!? Do you think that I’d be in here if I could do that?” I snorted with contempt.
“Really? You’re going to start off lying? I guess we need to make an example for you, after all. Tell you what, I’ll have a monitor brought in so that you can see what we do to,” he paused a moment, and I heard the distinct shuffle of paper, “ahh, yes, Heather. After watching her suffer for five minutes or so, then we’ll see if you decide if cooperation is worth it,” he said matter of factly.
I told you not to be stupid. You’re forcing him to make an example, and you don’t have enough information to react appropriately. It would be like blindly striking out in the dark.
When are you going to learn, m’boy—I’m always right.
“Okay, okay! Jeez! Leave them alone, I’ll tell you what you want to know. It started when I was very young—to be honest, I don’t remember if I was five or six, but my first recollection of being able to get my way was with my mother. I wanted to watch cartoons, and she wanted me to go down for a nap. I’ll never forget what happened next because it scared the shit out of me...” I paused, trying to give the impression of remembrance.
“What? What scared you, Jake?” a second voiced asked excitedly.
“When my Mom picked me up, her skin came into contact with mine, and all of a sudden, it was like I could hear her thoughts within my head, but at first, I just thought that she’d spoken out loud. She was saying—God, I can’t wait until you’re sleeping so that I can take a nap too; Mommy is soooo tired, Jake-e-poo! I replied to her—but I’m not tired; you go to sleep! I wanna watch cartoons. She just gave me a funny look and kept carrying me towards my bedroom, and then I heard even more of her thoughts swirling around. This time they were even more confusing—”
“So you’re saying that you need skin-to-skin contact to affect someone?” the second voice asked curiously.
“Yes,” I replied, doing my best to shrug while looking into the camera.
“So, why didn’t you take control of Aimee when she was cleaning you?” the original voice demanded.
“Because she put on those damned surgical gloves,” I vented, sounding annoyed. “Trust me, I wanted to. I would have made her suck me off! I mean, you guys aren’t gay, right? She’s fuckin’ hot! Send her back in without gloves if you want a demonstration. I’d love to cum in her sweet little mouth!” I chuckled.
“Nevermind that for now,” the second voice grunted, “continue explaining how you first discovered what you can do. Explain exactly what happened with your mother.”
“Well, as I was saying, I heard even more of my mother’s thoughts, but I still didn’t realize that she wasn’t speaking out loud. She was thinking about how she’d love a hot bubble bath but that she was so tired that she was afraid that she’d fall asleep in the tub. I remember it clearly because when I told her to take her bath and that I’d make sure that she’d stay awake, she looked at me funnily and said that she hadn’t said anything about a bath. I replied—yes, you did, Mommy, you said that you wanted a hot bubble bath,” I sighed, trying to look full of regret.
“So what happened next?” the first voice prodded impatiently.
“She got scared, very scared—it made me cry because she was suddenly terrified of me. We had a weird conversation, and the longer it went, the more terrified my mother got. Every thought she had I replied to and the last one, the one that makes me sad to this day, was that she wondered if I was somehow the spawn of Satan or had become possessed by the Devil...”
Ha! How rich! You were right; this is highly amusing. These morons sound as if they’re buying it too.
“So, what did you do?” the second voice asked, clearly enthralled by my tale.
I sighed again—dramatically. “Without even realizing what I was doing, I told her not to be scared of me because that in itself was frightening me worse than anything I’d ever felt. I told her that I loved her and didn’t want her to be scared of me because then I’d be sad. The effect was instant. She went from growing terror to tearful loving acceptance at my word,” I said with another shrug.
“So? That’s it? You didn’t command her to do anything else? No, bring me some cookies? Or my bedtime is whenever I say it is?” voice number one asked skeptically.
“No,” I replied, emphatically shaking my head. “I told you, I didn’t realize what I had done or how. I only understood what had happened years later. You asked me how long I’ve been able to control people and how. Well, that was my first time doing so, even if I didn’t understand the half of it. So no cookies or extended bedtimes; in fact, right after she stopped being scared of me, she smothered me in love, probably feeling a bit guilty, and we took a nap cuddled up together,” I stated evenly.
“At what age did you realize exactly what you can do? Can you read minds from a distance even if you need touch to control them?” the original voice asked.
“Around thirteen, when I hit puberty, and no, I need touch to do both,” I replied with another shrug.
It felt a bit surreal to be having a conversation while strapped naked to a metal table, yet I felt strangely calm as if I was the one in control, not them.
“Details—tell us exactly what happened the first time you consciously knew what it was that you were doing,” voice number two asked eagerly.
“Well, I’d been hanging out with a girl from my school, it was summer break, and we’d gone over to a mutual friend’s house who had a pool—you know, to go swimming. I had this crazy crush on her, and I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I was a bit shy. Anyway, we got to horsing around in the pool, and it quickly got to the point where we were trying to dunk each other, and that’s when it happened.”
“What happened?”
“I swam up behind her and grabbed her by the waist, intending to dunk her, but at the same time, she spun in my arms, and I paused just holding her. For a second, we both just froze, feeling that awkwardness that most kids felt at that age when their hormones were raging, but you weren’t sure what to do about it,” I said with a fake wistful grin.
“Just get on with it, how’d you use your ability, and what did you do?” an eager yet impatient sounding voice number two interjected.
“Simple, really; I just looked into her eyes and told her that she should kiss me and be my girlfriend. I felt a tingle shoot from where I was touching her bare skin all the way up into my brain, and I saw her eyes kinda glaze over funnily as she said, okay. The next thing I knew, she was giving me a kiss that made my knees weak. At that moment, I realized what I’d just done and what I could do. I felt it, and when it happened, it was like a switch clicking on in my head.”
“What did you do with it after that? Did it always work? How long does your control last? Do your subjects know that they are under your control? After knowing what you could do, how did you use your abilities?” voice number two excitedly rambled out at me rapid-fire.
“What didn’t I do!” I laughed with a snort. “Let’s put it this way, I got laid—a lot! No, my abilities don’t work on everyone. Some people have way too strong of a will power. I’ve only encountered a handful of people like that, though,” I shrugged with a smirk. “My control lasts roughly two to three weeks. I never did figure out why some lasted longer than others. As far as them knowing if they are under my control? Sometimes—it depends upon what I make them do and how I word things when I initially take them over. If it’s against their nature, then they’ll know something isn’t right.”
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This is a copyrighted original work of fiction. All rights reserved. All characters featured herein are at least eighteen years of age, even if not expressly stated. Any resemblance between actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. Many thanks to editor Tom Graham of Girls_cum_first. He suggested that I extend the story. I did. * My neighbor Julie sat on a stool at my kitchen counter making us ham and cheese sandwiches. Topless. I sure as hell hadn’t seen that coming. I live...
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Sexy Shae is a pilot in public, in private a personal fine friend from long love at long distance of ten hours.Sexy Shae is sometimes at Schphol for a short stop-over, but never ever came at coffee meeting me there.Sexy Shae is aware I am in Amsterdam, but prefers privacy above all. She does not want to risk her juicy job.Sexy Shae is commuting up and down in her hot long hauls across the Atlantic Ocean to me in Amsterdam.Sexy Shae shares her looks with me, "real time":...
Written by Master Lord_Mithus for HIS cookie A. Is for ankle, surrounded by leather B. is for breast, encircled with rope C. is for corset, confining you snugly D. is for dedication to serving Master E. is for eyes, hidden by silk F. is for foreplay, whenever Master chooses G. is for gag, that I desire H. is for heart, sounding the rhythm of love I. is for intensity, the bond between us J. is for joy, felt at the sight of Masters restraints K. is for key, hanging from Masters...
My Chicken Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was just sitting there on my nest when it came out. I had layed an egg! Shocked, I stood up and looked at it, seeing that it was indeed an egg, a very real egg! I sat down again and spread my wings a bit to protect it, and never moved until I felt movement, which somehow felt very natural. Then the egg hatched! Laying an egg, was way out there, but then having it hatch? Now that was really out there! The chick screamed at me...
Maria led me to the nearest bathroom and shooed me inside. "You are going to need some endurance for the first event, James." Endurance, I thought to myself. What was she talking about? But she just pointed at my jeans. "Off, please." Now, again, I'd made out with some girls at school and fooled around a bit, but this was beyond anything I'd ever even conceived in my head. I had a gorgeous, naked Italian woman still in her 30's telling me to remove my pants. I couldn't comply fast...
Jared watched in horror as Amanda stepped into the room. What a time for her to come back! Amanda’s eyes grew wider and wider as she slowly scanned the living room and kitchen area in front of her. Very slowly she opened her mouth and said, “Whaaaaaat the hellllll!” The place resembled a bomb site! Jared himself had been so busy with the ‘affairs’ of the morning that it was not until now that he was able to fully appreciate just what the place had turned into. On the table was the remains...
Max and I are cruising around the town, like we often do when we spend time together. As we go to different colleges it is these moments of simple driving that feel the most valuable way to spend our time. It is late afternoon, and after driving through the most populous section of town Max decides to go through the county lanes. "Hey, look," he says, pointing out the windshield. "Somewhere's car is on the side of the road up there." I look to where he's pointing and sure enough...
I was happy for my cousin. JR had been doing great and my friends liked him. I took him to a party one Friday night and he didn't even drink. There was beer there, but he said he didn't want any. Over the weeks he had been living with us, JR had become a pretty good swimmer. He could hold his own with Ted, one of the stronger swimmers on the team. Our coach told me he was a natural. Kim had been talking about JR since she saw him in the shower. Girls talk, a lot like guys do, and she...
It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swollowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So as I sat there trembling with a bowed head, Penny told me all about the phone call she had gotten earlier that day from Mary! Yes the very same Mary who was the wife of my secret gay friend Robert and...
Hi reader, this is my fantasy story of getting cuckold by my huge dick friend and my wife willingly taking it! My name is Morgan. I am 27 years old. I am an average-built guy with a slim and tall body. I got married recently. About my wife, her name is Katy. She is a little dominant type but she is not used to doing it with me as I am the leader of the family. My wife is short and slim with a perfect body. Her tits and ass are round and perfect for her short height. No guys will leave a chance...
Haloo , doston main yahan pe naya hoon. Meney kafi story padhne bad socha kinyu na main apni story post karlon Mein 33 shal ka hoon . mera naam manjesh hai. Hum log delhi , noida main rehte hai . main mera daddy aur mera step-mom . Yeh story hai mara aur mere step-mom mom ki . her name is shushma , who 49 shal ki hai . dekh ne main chodi moti hai. Size 34c, 30 , aur 47 . yeh sab main mom ki inner wear se size bol raha hoon. 5.10’’ Height aur dekhne main average hai . shamli , aur ushki adda...
The landing platform was above the clouds, but some of Pluribus architecture was much taller than the cloud ceiling and from the edge of the platform I had a magnificent view. The local sun was setting and produced a deep golden shine across the wispy clouds and the tall buildings. The cloud cover was light and I could see much of the breath taking city below. It stretched as far as I could see and there was flier traffic everywhere. The man in the white uniform said.” Sir, I know how...
I paced over to my full length bedroom window and sparked up a cigarette. As I took a drag, I gazed over the garden, absorbing the sun light upon my face. I turned my gaze to the adjacent garden, and saw an angel of a woman, who's beauty astounded me. She lay elegantly on her deck-chair, her slim body worshiping the sun. She wore only a white bikini, perfectly framing her smooth buttocks and pert breasts. Her legs, sleight and tanned, caressed each other, sliding up and down as if unable to...
Adult HumorThe retinue of the small contingent of Knights Templar numbered slightly less than a score of individuals. They were mostly male but some were of the female persuasion without the guise of femininity that would tempt dedicated warriors of Christ from their appointed tasks. Judging from their demeanor, Rowena suspected the females were displaced former nuns similar to her own situation. They all appeared noticeably literate with quills, ink and scrolls forever in their sphere like the...
"kasem, are you seeing that little indian girl again tonight?" mumtaj khan asked her eighteen year old son. "Yup," he replied while combing his hair, "I think we'll hit a movie and stop off for some burgers after the show." mumtaj leaned against the bathroom door jam while admiring the build on her only son. Solid as a rock without and ounce of fat and handsome to boot! "Don't you think it's time you brought her around to meet me?" she asked casually. "Not yet, mom," he replied softly. "Maybe...
Jason swallowed, excitement and nerves making it seem like there was an immovable lump in his throat. He was seated on the couch, in the dark, looking down into the upturned face of his mother as she knelt before him. Her lips were parted, and the flush in her cheeks made her seem younger than she was. Her hands were resting on his knees, lightly grasping, and she was meeting his gaze with an intensity that felt like it was burning him. Helen gently applied pressure to her son’s legs,...
I was 17 and my boyfriend John and I were able to get fake i.d.s thru the mail. The first adult movie we saw was DEEPTHROAT and from that moment on all he could think about was getting all of his 11.5 inches (More than Peter North! He could only get about 8 inches in my pussy and less in my ass) down my throat!I loved to suck cock and sucked him off just about every day for the last 3 years, even swallowing his cum when he didnt plaster my face with it. But the idea just didnt seem possible! It...
Story #: Ani-Can 4 Copyright ©2006 Written: October 4 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) **************************************** Note: Since my first story in this series a lot of people ask me what is an Okonomiyaki use this link below to see a full description. **************************************** The school day ended at the sound of the final...
I am Mark Reynolds, 21 year old successful IT specialist and I make living from freelance contracts. I love freedom, That's why I live in my trusty trailer and travel from city to city. My notebook allow me to make money from any part of the country. And I made quite a lot, my bank account has healthy $150 000 and increasing. The only thing that I really lack is sex... I don't want any relationships because that will take my freedom. As for whores... It's disgusting to use their services. No I...
BDSMWell, the day started innocently enough. I was still in my pyjamas, having a spot of breakfast when the doorbell went. At the door the postman explained he had a parcel for my next-door neighbour, could I take it in for them? No problem, I realised that Kate would be taking her k**s to school, her husband Fred having left for work about an hour earlier.So, some time later after I had washed and dressed, I realised Kate's car was in her drive and I popped round to give her the package. Let me...
“Exerting yourself to the fullest within your individual limits: that’s the essence of running, and a metaphor for life—and for me, for writing as a whole. I believe many runners would agree.” —Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running 28 SEPTEMBER 2021 I only did ten miles yesterday. Nanette says my goal this week is to stay loose and not try to set any land speed records until Saturday. Very funny. I’m glad she’s running the Covered Bridge Half Marathon with me....
Hello guys this is akshay thakur I am 25 years old 5’11 athletic body not heavily built and this is the first time I am writing on this platform about incident happened with me 8 months ago and since this is the first time please forgive the mistakes. I’ll be writing the story in english, hindi and marathi in between so that you can enjoy the story to fullest and you can also communicate your comments and suggestions on Now coming to the story, in 2015 I shifted to mumbai for my work this is...
Roland was still in a bit of a daze by the whole process of becoming a Baron. Duke Taft had indeed sponsored him. At the mid-summer's council, Roland had been elevated to the nobility as 'Baron Roland Talvon'. It had been a week now since he had been ennobled, and he was basking in the glow of the ceremony. He had been nervous during the days leading up to the ceremony, but when he had taken his vows of fealty, a calmness had seemed to settle over him. He had been proud that his father...
Viv and I were both up and ready for work before he even woke up and I was in the office and at work before he wandered in with his big pretentious smile spread across his face, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. As always he charmed everyone with his smooth manner. The day progressed along reasonably well. We had client meetings as we prepared to finalise. The one thing that I could say, lately at work at least Yves aside from the intimidation, had been promoting and...
Three months my mother spent in the hospital before she could go home. The cost of her recovery was tremendous both physically and emotionally. In all, my mother lost both of her legs from the knees down. She lost her pinky finger and ring finger on her right hand. She had a massive scar across her cheek and several smaller scars around her entire body. During the crash she sustained a severe concussion, lost most of her teeth, brain bleeding, a burst spleen, a ruptured appendix, several bone...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Long golden hair, features the finest in the kingdom. Skin like porcelain and a body so perfect in proportion grown men would weep at her beauty. Her name was Eleanor.Eleanor had a twin sister named Esmerelda Esmerelda was also quite beautiful but didn't quite compare to Eleanor's beauty. Esmerelda had a slightly larger frame but smaller breasts, she didn't have that perfect waist and hips of Eleanor, Her nose was slightly larger, her hair rather...
This story is with another aunt of mine and where I come from I have whole lot aunties and relatives out there who want the real stuff.Fact no 01 woman dont get off much on porn 80% I have talked to say it is way too rough for their taste and they wouldnt like to do such things with a guy. So forgive me if I dont cater to people with such taste. My story is about when I was doing my studies here in Hyderabad. I was living a bachelor life in my aunt house with another friend who used a run a...
I was at the pool with some friends and my girlfriend, we had decided to back to one of their houses and I needed to change back into street clothes. As I got to changing rooms they were all full but one and as I got there I met this old lady who wanted the same room, "we can share as long as you don't mind seeing an older woman changing out of her swim suit" she said as we went in and locked the door behind us. For as long as I can remember I have had the hots for older women. I don't know...
Mike smiled at the girl on the couch. She returned an inviting smile and he took a seat at her side, touching her from shoulder to thigh. He had always thought that Susan was the prettiest girl in his class, but he had never worked up the courage to tell her. He turned his face sideways and her face was right there, waiting to be kissed. So he did. He kissed her softly at first and then he moved his lips on hers and then he slipped his tongue in her mouth. He slid his hand across her flat...
Christmas morning started with a phone call. I reluctantly got out of bed and looked for my pants, finding them in the hall. I dug my phone out and answered the call. “Hi, Mom,” I said sleepily, walking down the hall to the kitchen to talk. It was early, but my mother loved Christmas. Today was her Superbowl. She had a big gathering there in Phoenix every year, so she was probably calling me between getting the turkey in the oven and starting on the sides that hadn’t been prepared...
His hand is on my throat and goose flesh breaks out over my ass and thighs. He loosens his grip and the goose flesh disappears. He tightens it again and watches as my eyes dilate, my breathing becomes shallower and the goose flesh reappears. I look up at Daddy and see he is smiling, which makes my heart zoom and my pussy swell and fill. I can feel all the power in Daddy’s arm as he squeezes my throat. His face is relaxed; amused at the slackness in my muscles and at the automatic opening of my...
BDSMI'm just an every day Joe. In fact, my name is Joe, Joe Walters. I'm not a great looking athlete, or a rich businessman. I don't have visions of future inventions or super powers. I have always been just a regular guy without a lot of drive. My job is okay, but I just want to enjoy myself without any of the unnecessary stress. I'm in my late forties, I've lived in a nice trailer park for the past twenty plus years. I divorced a long time ago, and have two wonderful kids whom I love...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers. Never thought I will ever write to indian sex stories, but here I am with my life experience that I can’t live nor forget. At least writing it down will allow me some peace of mind. My name is Rani, 34 years old. Married and have 1 son 6 years old. Just like my name, I lived my life on my own terms. I got married to my own choice boy, Prasad and always get what I want. Everything goes on fine, we both working in Malaysia. On 1 unfortunate day 2 years back,...
With each passing year, the feelings and urges increased. The yearning desire, never going away, only got stronger. When I was very young, I had a few experiences with other boys. Years later, they are still the best, most thrilling, most erotic sexual encounters of my life. For years, I fought my urges. Being in a traditional, committed relationship with my girlfriend, I didn’t want to jeopardize it. However, my lust for cock grew. I found myself first watching straight porn and fantasizing...
Les met her at LaGuardia Airport--sort of. He was waiting at the arrival gate, but he wasn't watching for her; he was busy talking intimately with an elegantly dressed and extremely attractive young woman. The woman nodded past him, towards Amy. Les turned and spotted her. "Amy!" She ran to him, happy to see her big brother--and surprised. He'd sent a photograph of himself six months before, but it hadn't done him justice. He was tall, powerfully built, handsome, and wore just about...
I am sitting naked blind folded on the sofa, waiting for you. The door is leaned but not closed. I do listen to a nice mix cd in my room. Full of excitement I am waiting what happened next. You suppose to arrive any minute. I started earlier a drink and I am not sure should take of my blind fold and finish the drink? Or should I wait? I hear someone outside the hallway.I leave them on and waiting with great excitement. I can hear the door opening very slow and quietly. Is that you? I hear the...
The holidays were getting close and, with Lee's strong encouragement, I decided to take a few days off. "Jackie, you're starting to get a little obsessive," she told me. "I think it's wearing you down, day after day with Spook. Even when you're with me he's still on your mind. Let's just be normal people for a while, OK? Go Christmas shopping, decorate the place, see a movie, visit an art gallery, stuff like that." Well, I recognized that "stuff like that" wasn't quite the...
My name is Enrique and I am from Chihuahua Mexico. Since a c***d I never really liked girls, but I didn’t seem to like boys either. That was true until I first went to visit the USA. I fell in love when I met a white American boy. His beautiful blue eyes, his pretty smile, his perfect body, and his tall frame attracted me to him. I never met a man like that in my life. I was 18 and he was about 23 years old. I didn’t know much English so it was hard to talk to him. But he knew I wanted him. He...
After having alot of fun with a few girls i really wanted something new! One day i was young and really horny (like most young guys)I was hanging out with a friend we were both playing guitar and messing around. When my buddy asked me if he could tell me something. He told me he was gay and i looked at him and said so what lol. He told me he wanted to play with me which got me hard. I said that would be fun so we went up to my bed room. When he got in my room he got nude in a sec he is handsome...
Hii friends this is Rajeev from Delhi. I am going to narrate my first sexual relation with my own married sister used to call her didi. I am 24 now and my didi is 35. I was just 16 years old when my didi got married. I was in my village with mumy and papa, didi was studying in local city. She was residing in the hostel. At the age of 16 I had no knowledge or feelings abut sex. My didi got married and after few days jijiji left for banglore. He was there in a job and thought to take didi there...
IncestHere comes the Troubleshooter! Part 4 The circle closes Once we landed in the Middle East, we got ushered to a converted army base, where a bored looking guard called out our names without even looking at us. "Captain Andrew Mays and Sergeant Carl Ryan?" "Actually, I go by Andi, now," I said gently. "And we lost our ranks." He looked up, and did a double take. "Oh. Sorry." He didnt sound very sorry, which only made my bad mood worse, to the point I was ready to snap at anybody...
I got there as the doors were opened, so quickly got undressed and put the towel around me and looked around, several rooms looked interesting, the group room was my fist choice. Soon more guys came along, and one caught my eye, a nice good sized guy with a decent buldge in his towel, we chatted and made our way into the group room and stripped of, I had picked well. Taking his meat into my mouth he grew some more, now 8 inchs stuck out proud, and I gobbled it all in, just then a cock went...
Adjoining Rooms Part II- Bonnie and Kayla's story "My name is Bonnie. Bonnie Rocket." I kissed the tip of his cock and it jumped to attention. "Sounds like a pornstar name," he mumbled. "Then let me act like one," I said, swallowing as much of his shaft as I could. He groaned and came almost immediately. A bit premature, but tasty nonetheless. "I've decided that you're just a dream," Ken said, his eyes blinking as he fell to his knees, then keeled over and passed...
Series 1, Episode 19: Nadia She’s a good looking girl – slim and petite, with long straight black hair, olive skin, and a smile that looks like it was created for dental advertising. She’s almost playful in the way that she moves and talks, but between the jokes, the laughs, and the enthusiasm, there are brief moments where her mask slips and her true face shows through. It’s the surface that’s happy, beneath that, she’s miserable. Her accent is South London, flavoured with just a hint of...
I am a frequent visitor in human digest.even though there are many other sex story sites i like this one particularly because they are comletely created by my fellow indians.i thank the human digest team for such a erotic site. First some thing about me, I am anjali, i am from dob is 25/1/1981.(i wish i ll get a lot of wishes from u).i am 27 now.i understood the full meaning of sex wen i was 16.but i being in a very good family i am also grown with all the good habits.but i always...
Aaaaaahhh! Dear God, I’ve never had a three-iron used like this before! My knees buckle and I almost collapse, as you relentlessly push its long shaft even further into me, and its ribbed plastic grip rasps along the walls of my vagina. This was so unexpected: I’m bewildered, and don’t know what to do – but now my body is taking over, responding to your mouth and hands and (aaahh, fuck!) what you are doing between my legs, and my hips are bucking in time with your urgent forceful...