Staying True To Who I Am free porn video

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I'm just an every day Joe. In fact, my name is Joe, Joe Walters. I'm not a great looking athlete, or a rich businessman. I don't have visions of future inventions or super powers. I have always been just a regular guy without a lot of drive. My job is okay, but I just want to enjoy myself without any of the unnecessary stress.

I'm in my late forties, I've lived in a nice trailer park for the past twenty plus years. I divorced a long time ago, and have two wonderful kids whom I love dearly. They're married and have kids of their own.

Back in high school, all I did was attend required classes and do my homework. I neither loved nor hated it. I wasn't a jock even though I could play sports with the best of them. But I didn't want to give up all my evenings and weekends practicing or playing sports.

Instead, I cheered for my school to win, usually with a cute girl sitting next to me. Some days I worked at the supermarket after school. It gave me the money to buy an old car and pay the insurance. That was the agreement with my dad; if I wanted it, I needed to earn the money to pay for it.

My parents wanted me to go to college, but I explained to them that I wasn't college material, so they would just be wasting their money. They convinced me to attend trade school, where I learned a little about being an electrician. I had only gone one year when the shit hit the fan.

Oh, I heard all the lecturers more then once about condoms and other birth control. I used them, but there was that one time it came off. I reached in and pulled the condom out and Marci saw it had cum in it so she wasn't too worried.

Three months later, she took a pregnancy test. It was positive. I guess a few of my swimmers got out. Fast little buggers they must have been. I wanted to do the right thing, so we got married. No one was overly happy about it, but I really liked Marci and figured she felt the same.

Her parents thought I didn't have a real future. I didn't really understand that, because I always thought I was an okay guy.

Anyway, I dropped out of school. Luckily, my dad had a good job in an auto plant and got me in. Taking the electrical classes helped too. They must have thought I was going to continue. My job offered courses, so I took those. They were usually only a couple of days to show us the latest way of doing things.

Eventually I made it into the general maintenance department. My job was quite secure, but the chance for advancement was almost nil. That was fine with me since I was happy to put in my eight hours and go home to Marci and the kids.

I say kids because right after the first one was born Marci was pregnant again. Both of our parents were pissed about the second pregnancy. I didn't understand the big deal. They aggravated me so much that I ended up having a vasectomy. I was happy with just the two kids. As I mentioned I was just an easygoing guy, and as long as the old pecker could get hard, I didn't care if it shot blanks.

Our second child was a few months old when Marci started back to school. She already had one year in toward her nursing degree. I guess that's why her parents were so aggravated when she was pregnant with our second child. Her mom watched the kids during the day so Marci could go to school full time. I even worked overtime to help make ends meet. I thought we were doing pretty well for a young couple.

We rented a small house and owned two used vehicles. Marci wanted something newer to drive, but I told her that we weren't going into debt just so she could have a better looking car.

Friends and family gave us a lot of our furniture, and I made sure we paid cash for everything we bought. Marci hated the idea that she couldn't have everything new and improved. I tried to explain to her that we didn't need debt; we were getting along fine.

About two years later, Marci received her degree. She got a job at a local clinic. Again, she wanted to go out and buy all this new stuff on credit. I put my foot down. If she wanted a new car, furniture or whatever, then she could save up for it and pay cash for it. I wasn't putting my name on any credit cards for her use.

It was downhill from there. She was even holding back the sex thinking I would give in. She loved sex as much as I did, so I thought I would just wait her out. After a couple of months, I had that feeling in my stomach that she was probably getting it somewhere else.

We had a big confrontation where she told me she wasn't having an affair, but wanted out of our marriage. She called me a cheap asshole and said I had no drive and would never amount to anything.

I thought to myself, there it goes again. Someone telling me I wouldn't amount to anything. I worked hard everyday to support my family. I never missed work, and always made sure my kids got everything they needed. Just because I wasn't this big go-getter who needed all this material shit didn't make me an asshole.

We ended up getting divorced. She lived in the rented house with the kids and I had to pay child support plus a little alimony. The alimony didn't seem fair since she worked, but the judge said I made more money than she did.

I rented a place in a nearby trailer park. I was close enough to see my kids even though I usually took them to my parents during our visits. It was the only time my parents were able to see them.

When they were older and involved in school events, I always went to see them. It looked like Marci enrolled them in everything. I guess she didn't want them to turn out like me.

We stayed friends for the kid's sake, but didn't have anything to do with one another in any other way. Within a year of our divorce, she married a radiologist at the clinic. I guess he had that great future she was looking for. At least the alimony stopped, even though I still paid child support.

The kids told me they had a new car and were buying a new house. I guess she got her wish and was now part of the millions of people overly in debt.

The trailer I rented was an older model but was in decent shape. The owners offered me an option to buy it when I moved in. I saved up the money and purchased it for a few grand. So I was a homeowner of sorts also.

Over the years, I fixed it up, putting in new windows and siding, and replacing the roof. I put trailer skirting around it and added a couple of nice sheds. I paid cash for most everything. What I did put on a credit card, I paid off each month, no interest.

After my divorce, I hung around a few bars. I would stop after work and have a few beers. There were always ladies present, and I took of their wares. Many would come back to my trailer so we could have sex. I never mentioned that I was rather well hung, but the ladies seemed to like it.

I usually did my own cooking, and could grill up just about anything. It was surprising how popular I became. We must have had near a hundred trailers in our court. Many were divorcees who needed a cheap place to live till they could relocate. I often invited them over (one at a time) and fixed something on the grill.

Later we would do another type of cooking in the bedroom. I can honestly say that I bedded more than a hundred different women. I have seen everything from the hairiest pussy to those shaved. My favorite probably falls in the middle: a nice close-shaved mound, with enough hair to rub my face on.

I guess I almost have a pussy fetish. I got to a point where I love eating pussy. I feel great licking that little nub and watching the women squirm. It's even better when I can give them an orgasm with my mouth.

Most women have told me that their exes wanted oral sex but didn't like giving it. Even the married women I've been with have told me the same thing. I just don't get it. Give a woman all the oral sex she can handle and she'll let you do just about anything else.

I've taken a few married women anal who told me they would never let their husbands near them. Anal hurts my dick, but if it's taking a woman there for the first time, I'll go for it.

You have to understand that with these women it was all about sex. I didn't love them nor them me. We weren't out to build a relationship, we just wanted a little companionship for a couple of hours.

The trailer court has a lot of transient people always moving in and out. About a third of the trailers are rentals, so it makes for many new neighbors.

Back to the kids: I would have them every other weekend. Sometimes they stayed at my place and other times they stayed at my parents. I took them to the movies, the zoo, and museums among other places. We ate at home most of the time. I remember them telling me their mom and her husband, Dan, always ordered out. They rarely ate a meal cooked at home unless it was out of a box and microwaveable.

I did my best to spend quality time with my kids all the years they were growing up. At times, they didn't understand why I wouldn't buy them the latest play station, or other games and toys. I explained to them that when they were with me, I wanted to spend time with them. They could play their games at their house.

When my oldest turned sixteen, he asked me for a car for his birthday. Apparently, his mother told him they were too far in debt. I refused, telling him that just getting a car was the easy part. Paying for insurance and upkeep was the expensive part.

When he graduated three years later, I took him to a used car lot and let him pick out any car he wanted up to seven thousand dollars. I told him I would pay for his first year of insurance, but from there he was on his own.

Of course, my daughter asked if she would get a car for her graduation the following year. I did the same for her as I did for my son.

For my own vehicle, I generally bought a used truck and kept it for at least five years. I was always able to pay cash for it. I had a good job, a good life and no debts. Why others considered me a loser I never understood.

I got a little serious about a few women after my divorce. The problem was the sex was always great, but they all seemed to think I lived like a miser. They figured if I made good money, I didn't have to live in the trailer court.

Several asked why I didn't eat out more often. I explained that I preferred home cooking, even if it was my own. I wanted them to understand that I liked the trailer court, and met lots of nice people there.

After my kids were on their own, I took a part-time job bartending. I promised the kids I would pay for half of their college tuition. Their mother convinced them to go, so I figured I would stick her with half the bill.

My son John decided he wanted to be an electrician like his old man. That made me proud. My daughter was going to a community college for nursing. They both had the smarts, and got a few grants to help.

My boss at the bar was Sal, a friend of mine for many years. If there is such a thing as a mafia, Sal was part of it. He was into a number of side businesses, like setting up parties and catering services. I knew he owned a couple of whorehouses disguised as lounges and motels. If you were looking for anything, Sal had the connections to get it for you.

Sal has been trying to get me to bartend part-time for him for years. I just told him that I was with my kids every other weekend and they came first; he understood.

When I did start working for him, I covered special events or meetings at the watering hole when one of his regulars was off. I only worked Friday and Saturday nights so it didn't interfere with my day job.

Sal trusted me because he knew I could keep secrets and wouldn't be out to cheat him. He was one of the few people who understood I was happy with my state in life. The bartending job was to get me out more often. I got laid about every weekend since there was always some lonely woman who could use company.

The few times that I got serious about a woman, I was monogamous to her, and expected the same from her. If I found out she wasn't, I told her honesty and truth to each other counted in my book. Some might consider me a hypocrite because I fucked married women. They came to me and I gave them the loving they weren't getting at home. There was never going to be a future for us.

Here I was in my late forties, my kids had decent jobs and I would be a grandfather soon. Time was sure going by fast. I often wondered about finding a woman, maybe getting hitched, someone to spend the rest of my life with. The problem always came back to money and material things. Most women seemed to feel those things were more important than our togetherness.

Over a period of one year, I lost both my mother and father. It was really a downer for me. After we settled their estate, my share of the inheritance was well over a hundred thousand dollars. Most people would be elated. To me it was just money. I had more than that in my savings at work. So I decided to give each of my kids twenty thousand dollars to help them out. I took the rest and put it in a savings plan for retirement.

The kids loved their grandparents. They each got a few keepsakes, but my siblings took the bulk of my parents stuff. I didn't mind because they needed the furnishings more than I did.

I hoped my kids would use the money wisely, but within six months, they each had bought a new car. I guess they had their mothers spending habits.

I decided to try a little harder to find that special woman. I was working the lounge one Friday night when a group of eight women came in. They seemed a little classier than most.

One kept smiling at me while another one was casting dirty looks my way. Dirty might not be the right adjective, but she didn't seem to like me. I just figured it was her loss. In a way, she reminded me of someone I had seen before, but I would never be able to place where.

The smiling one came up to the bar and ordered another round of drinks. She sat on a stool and told me her name was Marilyn. This was her card clubs night out. They had gone to dinner, and then decided to come in for a few drinks.

"Who's the one giving the dirty looks?" I asked.

"Oh, that's my sister Sylvia. She's always watching out for me. Her husband manages the bank, and she owns a real estate business."

"Tell her when you get a chance that I don't bite," I said and laughed.

I carried the tray of drink over to the ladies at the table. They all seemed to be upper crust, but were still friendly. That is, all but Sylvia. She had one of those, 'My shit doesn't stink' attitudes. I just set her drink down and smiled at her.

Marilyn was back up to the counter a little while later. She wanted to talk, so I let her talk away. I found out she was in her mid thirties. She'd been divorce for four years. Apparently, they didn't see eye to eye. He wanted kids and she didn't. One day she found him making a baby with his secretary. End of marriage.

I told her the truth about myself. It's a lot easier to remember the truth than it is a bunch of lies. We seemed to hit it off rather well. Before the night was over, she slipped me her phone number. It was on a real estate card. She told me she was a secretary in her sister's business.

I remember telling her I was happy where I lived, and not looking to buy.

"I really am just the secretary, and I'm not selling anything," she said with a smile.

I wanted to put in a few less hours, so I told Sal I would be available every other weekend. He told me that was fine with him. I had decided that I wanted to leave some weekends open to date. Not every woman was free during the week, and Sunday was my day to rest and maybe go see the kids.

I called Marilyn on Tuesday and asked if she wanted to go out on Saturday. She agreed to go, so I figured I would take her to a nice restaurant for our first date. I think I surprised her when I picked her up in my pick-up. Hell, it was all I had, and it was good enough for me.

We went out and had a nice dinner and drinks. After she loosened up some, she became very talkative. Knowing she was married once to an insurance agent, I was interested to know more about her. They were married for seven years and she took birth control pills so she wouldn't get pregnant.

When her husband found her birth control pills, he went into a rage. He wanted kids, and ended up not talking to her after that. It was a week later when she found him fucking his secretary. They divorced shortly afterwards.

"What does your sister think about you going out with me?"

"I never told her. I know we would just get into a big argument."

"What the hell is wrong with her? Does she really think she's all that great?" I asked.

"To be honest with you, she thinks that you are beneath me."

"What? Who the fuck does she think she is? She knows absolutely nothing about me. Damn prick teaser!"

"Joe, she really isn't that bad. She married young to her high school sweetheart, and he turned out to be a real jerk. He never worked and went to prison for doing and selling drugs. She said after her divorce that she was through with losers. From that time on, she would only date men of distinction, with careers that would take them somewhere.

"She met her husband Ralph a few years later. As you know, he's the manager of the bank. He helped her get her real estate business started. Now she's worried that I might make the same mistake."

"So why are you out here with me tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know? I guess I like to live a little more dangerously. Look, it's a date, it's not like we're getting married or anything. You seemed like you would be fun. I don't have enough fun in my life anymore."

That seemed like an honest answer. So I decided to show her some fun. We got up and headed for a dance club that Sal owned. We had no problem getting in, and began to dance up a storm. We started with a few fast songs and were on the dance floor when the slow ones started.

I put my arms around her and held her close. She smelled good as I felt her breasts against my chest. There was no doubt she could feel my semi-hard on pressing against her thigh.

No pretence, I just kissed her; I wanted to see her reaction. She kissed me back. The rest of the evening, we danced all the slow songs. I held her as close as possible with my hands on her ass most of the time. She never said no or to stop, so I didn't. Both of us were getting horny, so I asked her what she wanted to do next.

"Take me home, please." She smiled, so I figured we weren't finished for the night.

When I pulled up to her home, I realized Marilyn and Sylvia both came from money. She lived in a beautiful house, expensively furnished. As soon as we were inside the door, we were kissing again. I unzipped her dress and let it fall. She stepped out of it then stood there in her matching bra and panties. They looked to be very expensive.

"Follow me," she said as she led me to the master bedroom.

Everything about her said 'High Maintenance': her clothes, her house, and the furnishings. I had to wonder why she had gone out with me. Right then I was only interested in getting laid and giving her the best sex of her life.

As she lay naked on the bed, I dove right into her pussy. Damn, she was wet. I licked, kissed and tongued her till she had an orgasm. She smiled when I took my briefs off and she saw the size of my cock.

I told her if she wanted it, she had to put it in. She grabbed hold of my cock, placed it at the entrance of her pussy, and said "Fuck Me!"

Usually I had to start out slow, but she was so wet and willing that we were both giving it everything we had right away. As I came, I could feel her pussy pulsating as it gripped my cock. Damn, she was one good fuck.

We started going out every weekend I didn't work at the bar. Often we spent time at her house in her hot tub. Every time we were together, we fucked.

She went to my trailer a few times, and we grilled out. She never said much about my place, but then again, I really didn't care. At least she wasn't calling me a loser.

When Sylvia found out Marilyn was dating me, the shit hit the fan. I couldn't get over why her sister was so negative. But Sylvia told her she should be looking ahead, at her future. She felt that even though I might be a nice guy, it would never work out.

Sylvia told Marilyn that I was content in living in a trailer and driving an old truck. But she wanted to see her sister meet a good businessman and live better.

I had to laugh when Marilyn told her sister I was hung. She said that Sylvia told her sex would get old after a while, and then where would she be.

Funny thing was I liked Marilyn. I liked being with her and having sex with her. She never pushed me to buy her anything, or told me I needed to upgrade my lifestyle. I was wondering if eventually we might get together. I wasn't getting any younger and didn't want to spend my later years alone.

I figured that Sylvia thought I was going after Marilyn because of her money. She had no idea I had quite a savings of my own, and I didn't intend to tell her. I liked seeing her get aggravated that her sister went out with me.

One day I got a call from Sal. He asked me if I would be available to bartend an exclusive Halloween party. Held at a major hotel, it was going to be an all male revue. The male dancers were from one of the colleges in another state.

There was a hundred dollar admittance fee, and drinks were about twice the usual price. He informed me the dancers were available for additional favors for a price.

I had done a few parties for Sal before. Discretion was of the utmost importance. Some of the ladies became aggressive after a few drinks. Sal had told me that his cousin Vinny was the host, while he supplied the booze and the bartender. Sal always liked to use his own bartenders to make sure he got his fair share.

Sal trusted me, so I agreed to do the party. It was a costume party and I had to wear some type of mask. I mentioned that I had an old Frankenstein one that didn't obstruct my vision. My voice might be a bit different since I would be talking through rubber, but Sal was okay with that.

I mentioned to Marilyn that I would be working that Saturday. She mentioned that her card club girls were getting together that night anyway. We agreed that after closing, I would go to her place and we could end the night with a bang.

I got to the hotel early and met Vinny. He seemed like an okay guy, but a little high strung. He let me know what he expected of me. I was there to be the bartender; not get involved with the ladies. The more attention they paid to the dancers, the more they would drink. The only foods supplied were snacks such as pretzels, crackers and cheese, and chips.

Vinny knew has business. The snacks were what absorbed the alcohol. He also rented out a number of hotel rooms for those too drunk to drive home, or for extra curricular activities.

He hired a limousine service to take the customers home if they so desired. Vinny had all the bases covered.

As soon as the dancers arrived, we showed them to the changing rooms. In their mid-twenties, they were all muscular. I explained their drinks would be soda until the last hour. Vinny didn't want a bunch of drunken dancers. Of course, the customers would be paying for their drinks. The show went from nine to midnight. They could touch and feel the ladies if they let them. The women could also touch the dancers, but there was no sex allowed on the dance floor. That was to wait till after the party.

There were ten dancers in all. The hotel had a separate room for them to relax in until it was time for them to perform. Vinny didn't allow any women in there. Instead, the dancers could come out and mingle during breaks.

The customers started coming in; mostly women, but it was surprising to see a few men show up. I had already donned my mask and was serving drinks. Vinny just wore a fancy hat and shirt. I never did figure out what it was supposed to represent.

Costumes weren't mandatory, but most customers wore one. Some had their bodies completely covered, while others showed just about everything. There was lots of music, and lots of noise. It was really interesting watching the women let themselves go. I could see why discretion was important.

I couldn't believe it when I saw Marilyn come in. I guess everyone in the group had the money to attend, but I was surprised that Marilyn didn't tell me she was going to a party.

They were all dressed like hookers of some sort, and had reserved a table near the stage. It was then that I remembered why Sylvia looked familiar. I had bartended a Valentine party and she was there. She got drunk and Vinny sent her home in a limo. I guess she didn't remember me; after all, I was a measly bartender.

I was busy serving up drinks but kept an eye on the card club group. I could tell that Sylvia was pretty much the ringleader. All the girls were feeling up the dancers, even Marilyn. The dancers in turn were doing some feeling up themselves.

I wasn't too sure what to think about Marilyn, with her feeling up the dancers and letting them do the same to her.

It was funny how many times someone came up for drinks, including Marilyn, but didn't recognize me when I talked. The mask must have really muffled my voice.

I had my cell phone on vibrate so as not to bother the customers. When I took a short break, I went into the kitchen and checked my messages. There was one from Marilyn. Because of the time she sent it, I figured she must have sent it while in the restroom.

Her text said she wouldn't be home later because she was staying at Sylvia's. They had all gone to a lounge but were back at Sylvia's getting hammered. She had added the she didn't want to drive home drunk.

I texted her back and told her that I would call her in the morning. Maybe we could get together then. I knew that most of what she had just told me was a complete lie because I saw the whole group.

The party was ending and Vinny said that he was going to need a limo to drive some of the customers home. The group Marilyn was part of arrived in two taxis, but since only six were leaving, they asked for a limo ride home.

He talked about several of the other customers also, but that was the only group I was interested in hearing about. Two of the women asked for rooms for the night Vinny said. You guessed it; they were for Sylvia and Marilyn.

They were having separate rooms, and that Sylvia (Vinny didn't know her name) was paying a thousand dollars to have some of the dancers sent to their room. He laughed knowing they would be fucked silly.

"Man, what I wouldn't give to have that on tape," I said to Vinny.

"What are you willing to give to have a video of them, Joe?"

I just stared at Vinny. He could see from my expression that there was a problem.

"Do you know one of the women?"

"Yes, I recently started dating the younger one. They're sisters and the older one keeps telling me I'm not good enough for her sister," I replied.

"I'm a businessman Joe. Since you're a friend of Sal's, I'll make you an offer."

"Okay, what's the deal?" I asked.

"You get three hundred dollars plus your tips for working tonight. I'm willing to let you keep your tips and give you a video of what goes on in each room. You won't get the three hundred. What do you say?"

Now I'm not for buying useless things, but here I wouldn't be giving up anything. I would make a few hundred in tips, and have the videos.

"It's a deal, Vinny. How are you going to do this?"

"Every room I rent has a bug. It's just business for me. You'll have the only copies of the tapes."

I had my doubts about having the only copy, but right then I didn't give a damn. Marilyn was cheating on our relationship and I would have the proof. Having a video of her sister wouldn't hurt either. The bitch thought she was better than anyone else was. I could prove her wrong, the slut.

After the crowd left, I helped the other bartender clean up the place. I had to take all the unopened booze back to Sal's place. Vinny was closing out the cash drawers and taking care of the business end.

When we finished cleaning up, Vinny came over to talk to me.

"Joe, are you sure you and that woman are through?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Why do you ask?"

"Don't get mad, but if you want nothing else to do with her, I thought about tapping her myself. I wouldn't do it if she was your woman."

I didn't know whether to be offended or laugh. The thing is, Vinny was serious. "I'll make you a deal, Vinny. I wouldn't mind tapping the sister. She's always been an uptight bitch and I wouldn't mind getting even. I'll wear the mask and just have her give me a blowjob."

Vinny stared at me for a few seconds. "Okay, but if she says 'no', then you have to let her go. She paid for the dancers so I don't want any problems."

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My Little VentrueChapter 105

~~Beatrice~~ “It this ... everyone?” Sighing, Jack nodded, crouched low on the roof of Robina’s. “Clara’s not here yet, but yea, h this is everyone. If any of the hunters escape into a nightmare, Azamel will send Fiona to help us on that end. You know, assuming she can find us.” Beatrice started counting. Six vampires, one werewolf, and one monster; potentially two monsters, if they had to fight in the nightmare. That was not nearly as many people as Triss was hoping for. And, for some...

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My Little VentrueChapter 7

~~Beatrice~~ Following the Invictus right hands was hard enough, but now she had to follow three. Shadowing Julias was easy. Like a typical Ventrue, he was useless on his own. His power was in creating and controlling armies. But damn he looked good in a suit. Those broad shoulders, the combed back mafia hair, even the damn tie. It was a good thing she wasn’t using the blush of life, or she’d be rubbing her thighs together already. Fuck, the stupid knight made her feel like a cat in...

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My Little VentrueChapter 8

~~Beatrice~~ She had to get something to eat first, then she’d show Julias. She’d show up and beat the undead shit out of that piece of shit, stupid shit fuck. Eat first though, definitely. She was drained and tired from shadowing the trio, and there was no way she was going to confront big bad ancillae Julias without a stomach full of blood. She’d tried feeding on some people gently lately, using the darkness and her strength to her advantage. It had worked well enough, and she’d had more...

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My Little VentrueChapter 18

~~Julias~~ A taxi would not do, not for this. Perhaps it was too ridiculous, too absurd, or just too over-the-top, but Julias took great delight in the magnificent limousine they were in. Other Kindred would arrive in their usual ways, but the Prince expected a certain level of presentation for her ball, and Julias got that. There was something beautifully innocent in the mindless indulgence of expensive vice, jewelry, and wearing someone on your arm. Jack was in the limousine with him,...

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My Little VentrueChapter 93

~~Natasha~~ She stood there in front of Sándor, frowning, arms folded across her chest, and chewed on the inside of her cheek. Antoinette stood beside her. A thrall was busy cleaning of the prisoner’s body; it was a human body after all, and it did things human bodies did. Pooping, peeing, all the nasty realities of trying to keep a dangerous person prisoner. The horror stories prisoners of war shared were never fun reads. “Still unresponsive,” Antoinette said, sighing. “The mark on his...

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My Little VentrueChapter 116

~~Jack~~ Her. It was her. No doubt about it. As if someone popped a balloon in his face, snapping out of his memory to the present was loud and painful. That was Susanna’s childe, and Jack’s great grandsire. “In the name of peace,” Antoinette continued, “these three hunters were invited to the ball to be shown that Dolareido, my city, is not as devolved as other cities with a Kindred presence. We are better than our baser desires.” She adopted an evil smile, and looked back to the hunters....

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My Little VentrueChapter 4

~~Jack~~ It only took a small nod to the bouncer for Jack to get in. Just a week ago, he wouldn’t have dared dream of it, but Invictus connections were endless – larger than just Xnomina - so now here he was, stepping into throbbing music and pulsing lights. The air smelled of sweat, body’s grinding against each other with the beat, and enough skin was exposed to make his heart race. Or at least, it would have if it still beat; the fact it didn’t never stopped unsettling him. Everything was...

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My Little VentrueChapter 26

~~Beatrice~~ Climbing down into the cavern was getting easier. But no matter how good she was getting at it, if the clouds decided to cover the night sky, the obsidian shadow below her was an easy way to get some broken, mangled limbs. God damn the canyon was a bitch, with no good footing anywhere, and enough jagged rocks to kill any kine who fell down, guaranteed. But she was familiar with it now, knew where the good rocks for grabbing were, knew where to put her weight into a crevice to...

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My Little VentrueChapter 64

~~Jack~~ Getting taken back to the real world was a curse and a blessing. Everything, everywhere, was teasing him with answers he couldn’t get to. What was the Ritual of Faces? Black Blood and the red wraiths, what did they have to do with the ritual, how were the hunters doing it, why were hunters and spirits working together, what did the red wraiths mean when they mentioned ‘who the monster speaks with ... the trail to their goal.’ Azamel? Were they talking about Azamel? If they were, how...

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My Little VentrueChapter 115

~~Jack~~ “Oh my god,” Jack said. “Oh ... dear Lord,” Damien said. “Now arriving, Mister Jack Terry, of the Invictus, and champion this evening. With him, Mister Damien Burksen, of the ... Lancea et Sanctum, and champion’s guard,” the ghoul in the tuxedo beside them called out. The crowd turned to them, clapped for a few moments, nodded their hands, and resumed socializing. Somewhere along the line, Antoinette’s invite to the ball, which had included a ‘some skin but not too much’ message,...

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My Little VentrueChapter 143

~~Jack~~ “So you let Tilly go?” Elaine asked, chuckling as she stepped in past the door. They were in his mansion, and Mulder and Scully sat on his shoulders, eying the much, much older vampire. Idly, Jack noticed that neither of the birds crapped anymore. They’d always been smart enough to not do that in the mansion, but apparently it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. “How do you know that?” “Do you think I came to this city alone? I have eyes and ears everywhere.” He eyed her. She...

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My Little VentrueChapter 157

~~Beatrice~~ The war was over. Jacob laughed when he told her that. Told her it was temporary, because the Carthians and the Invictus and ‘Churchies’ always eventually got in each other’s face and business. Tale as old as time, he said. But either way, for the moment, there was a truce, and that meant people could breathe easy; dumb metaphor considering vampires. Triss and Jen were at the cave when Sam showed up, and she smiled and waved at them before she slipped into Jacob’s alcove. They...

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My Little VentrueChapter 11

~~Julias~~ A sleeping Kindred is not really sleeping. Instead, they are nearly in torpor, an undead coma. When the sun disappears, they wake in an almost jarring pulse of energy from their dead body jamming vitae through their limbs. Older Kindred, like Julias, had long learned to rise with awareness and efficiency. Younger Kindred like Beatrice rose with a startle, as if someone had injected adrenaline straight into their heart. They had fallen asleep together on his couch when dawn...

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My Little VentrueChapter 13

~~Beatrice~~ Beatrice had no idea Dolareido had so many dark, hidden corners. “You Carthians. It will never cease to amaze me how much you want to adapt the modern,” Jacob said. “Modern?” The two of them were deep into North Side, and probably near the edge of the city. It was a big city; she’d never been out this far. “That you would take a car, instead of this!” The crazy Nosferatu gave that weird chuckle of his, and jumped. With the old, dark robes he was wearing, he looked like a...

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My Little VentrueChapter 25

~~Jack~~ “Oh ... god...” He couldn’t cum anymore. Just the thought of another orgasm made his insides ache in pain. No more, his balls cried. We’re dry! The devil and her two imps didn’t seem to agree. Ashley and Julee had both let him drink them, just a little, just enough to spark the arousal in his Kindred body once more, without either of them succumbing to exhaustion for it. And they took advantage. “One more?” Antoinette said, smiling up at him. The Prince was on her back on her...

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My Little VentrueChapter 34

~~Jack~~ If there was one way he was going to die, it’d be between two dangerous women. Antoinette’s tiger eyes returned, with all the ferocity and rage of when Lucas had crashed her ball. Like a crushing storm, being so near her shook him to his core as the rage poured off of her, buried him in rolling thunder that vibrated his bones and pulled his gut up into his throat. She wasn’t looking at him anymore, thank god; her eyes would have bore holes through his body and couch otherwise. The...

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My Little VentrueChapter 80

~~Antoinette~~ Oh no. She sat upon the highest floor of her tower, a tower she had built upon what she designated would be Elysium territory, where Kindred-on-Kindred violence was prohibited, where feeding was prohibited, and where discussion was encouraged. To place her tower within its embrace was a choice she had made, a political stance signifying her devotion to peace and cooperation. And within the highest floor, her main office was her place of control, and where she could personify...

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My Little VentrueChapter 84

~~Damien~~ One of the hunters came out of the shadows. He recognized this one. A woman, short, thick with muscle, and with a shotgun in her hand. “ ... you’re dead,” Damien said. “You were one of the hunters killed in the chaos, in the—” “In Sándor’s chamber, yeah.” She came closer, tilted her head, and showed them her neck. There was a giant scar where an Uratha had torn into her. “How!?” Matt asked, growling as he began to pace. The big guy put himself between the group of them, and the...

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My Little VentrueChapter 91

~~Beatrice~~ The two vampires jumped up and spun around, looking around in the dark. That voice. She recognized that voice. What the fuck, why was it here? Both of them pulled out their phones and started shining them around, but the catacomb was empty. “You ... you can’t be here,” she said. “No one’s ... no one’s been sacrificed.” Jen stepped in closer to her, and pressed her shoulder to hers, enough for Triss to feel her friend trembling. While Triss was still shaking because her world...

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My Little VentrueChapter 95

~~Jack~~ It’d been two weeks since the incident. Two weeks since the news broadcasted Jack’s fuck up with the crows. Two weeks since Julias’s death, his mother’s embrace, and the capture of Sándor. Two weeks of futile attempts to understand what had happened to him. He’d stuck with journaling, organizing his thoughts and putting them to words, but it wasn’t working out very well. All he could manage to write were succinct paragraphs that were obviously bitter, cynical, and angry. Sometimes...

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My Little VentrueChapter 98

~~Antoinette~~ “Does he speak?” “No.” Antoinette sighed as she glared at the bound man. Two thralls were seeing to his body, cleaning and maintaining Sándor so he did not drown in his bodily fluids, or die of starvation. An unfortunate consequence of keeping a prisoner alive was handling the frustrating elements of biology. It was not a process she was unfamiliar with. She kept several prisoners in her tower, after all, emergency sources of blood should she or an ally need them. Dealing...

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My Little VentrueChapter 113

~~Beatrice~~ Jacob hadn’t been in the cave when she came back with everyone. She was kinda thankful for that. Stressful conversations could wait until another time. Waking up was a strange feeling, and the memories hit her hard. Angela, Jeremiah, Athalia, the fucking twisted curse Jack, the huge gargoyle Sándor, it all came back to her a little faster than she’d have liked. Joy, over knowing Angela was dead, and Jeremiah too. Sadness, about Athalia; not a lot, but enough to make things...

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My Little VentrueChapter 119

~~Jack~~ “It’s been a long time,” Michael said, and he pushed open the door. Jack, Jessy, and Damien followed. The leader of the Invictus, and the three Right Hands, together, in the home of Viktor Honors, and then later, Julias Mire. A beautiful mansion, very Victorian, with its grand entrance room and big wooden stairway with fancy railings. Hell, there was a chandelier. It was very Viktor. It was very not Jack. Michael stepped over to the stairs, but didn’t go up. Instead, he leaned...

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My Little VentrueChapter 132

~~Antoinette~~ Veronica, still unconscious, lay in the ritual circle, bathed in the blue light of her chandelier. Antoinette and Elaine both pointed their tablets at her, observing with keen eyes as the humming machine in the background ran through the various wavelengths the devices were programmed to respond to. They started with the same frequency that had detected the remnants of the Strix upon Jack’s person, and moved outward from there. Nothing. Antoinette breathed a sigh of relief,...

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My Little VentrueChapter 158

~~Antoinette~~ Three months later. She stared down at the corpse, and sighed. Sigh turned to frown. Frown turned into snarl. In her youth, she would have likely elevated to outright rage, and destroyed all in her vicinity. But she had long learned to control her anger, and she quelled it now as she stood, confused and frustrated. Blood seeped out over the lines of the ritual circle, over the dark tile, and around her feet. She stepped about it effortlessly as she motioned to Daniel. “It...

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My Little VentrueChapter 159

~~Jack~~ “Not long after I sired Viktor, I left him, and disappeared.” Elaine held his eyes, for a while, but eventually she looked down. “I was not proud of abandoning him. I do not think he ever forgave me, even after my return.” The two of them were still on the stairs in his mansion. The stairs were the best place for a conversation, and their magic powers could hopefully disarm an elder vampire. “I wondered about how you could have been his sire, without anyone knowing.” “It was not...

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The Sawhorse

Sawhorse –        I awoke this morning like any other day.  Little did I know what was in store for me.  I made breakfast and helped Christie get the kids ready.  When I got out of the shower I was brushing my teeth when my sexy wife came up behind me and removed my towel.  Her gentle hands traveled to my backside, feeling me up and quickly I responded, my long shaft started to get hard.  I couldn’t help myself and felt my rear sway in time to her gentle touch.        ?Ooh, shake it for me...

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My Little VentrueChapter 15

~~Jack~~ Every time he woke up, it was a shock. Julias had said a Kindred doesn’t really sleep, cause how could a corpse sleep? They just become a corpse, and when the sun sets, they un-corpsify. Each and every time, it was like someone jammed adrenaline straight into his heart. He sat up in his bed with a jolt, and could feel the Vitae spike through his system to wake him with its unnatural power. But then it settled. He’d grown more comfortable with his new body, its strange, thinned and...

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My Little VentrueChapter 17

~~Natasha~~ Nothing was as satisfying as the sensation of keyboard keys giving way to just the right movement of the fingers for flawless typing. Did that make her a geek? She was too old to be a geek. Fifty-years embraced, and another twenty-five kine years on that meant she was older than commercial computers. By a lot. But she picked them up quick. Perhaps it was her lifetime of piano play that drew her to typing. Even as a kine, she found typewriters fascinating. “Yo, Natasha.” Snap...

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My Little VentrueChapter 47

~~Antoinette~~ The next evening was not a pleasant one. She’d hoped to awaken to news from her thralls of the boy’s whereabouts. She’d awoken to despair. “Why am I not out in those streets, Daniel?” “Because we’re trying to find a needle in a haystack, Annie.” The man stood and watched out over the city along with her, the two of them by the large window in her office, at the top of her Elysium tower. “I am an extra pair of eyes!” “You know that’s not how you find someone in a...

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My Little VentrueChapter 74

~~Damien~~ Damien looked over at Amanda, and she smiled at him before offering a small wave. She seemed like a kind little creature, dark skin and long black hair. Damien did not care for her sire, Gloria Jenning, who had a far larger mouth for gossip than any Mekhet should have, but Amanda seemed alright. Perhaps a little ditzy, but then, after being around Fiona, ditzy didn’t seem to bother him so much anymore. Ditzy people had the amazing ability to be happy and enjoy themselves. For...

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My Little VentrueChapter 87

~~Damien~~ He looked at the picture again, then put the phone away. Gulping, he pulled the phone out again, and looked at the picture. She was so beautiful, and fun, and joyful, and overwhelmingly sexual. The frizzy red hair, bouncy and big, her soft face and pale skin, her golden eyes, it was all gorgeous. Of course, she knew she had large breasts, and in classic Dolareido fashion, had no issue using them to get what she wanted; in this case, him. Lucky him. He was damn glad she left her...

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My Little VentrueChapter 102

~~Antoinette~~ High within her tower, Antoinette perused the latest information she had acquired through her network of spies. Pictures of Terra Den and its enforcers were cropping up, far more than she wished, as were pictures of the various Xnomina thralls and ghouls, moving against them during daylight. Forever a frustration, that a Kindred’s movements and actions were limited to the night, while their far less capable thralls and ghouls could move about freely whenever they desired....

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My Little VentrueChapter 112

~~Beatrice~~ Everyone left. Sándor was apparently a really, really strong Begotten, to the point he surprised Fiona when he opened a pathway back to the real world without issue. A wave of the gargoyle’s hand, and the darkness in the forest flickered. Fiona, or Vrall or whatever, went through it with her man, and they disappeared, supposedly to arrive near Damien’s apartment so he could take a moment to recoup. Two crows sat on Damien’s shoulders, and several more plus a few rats scurried...

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My Little VentrueChapter 125

~~Jack~~ Not much longer until sunrise. God, he was starving. Strong as the curse was, it wasn’t invincible, and it’d used a lot of his available vitae to fight that creature. Fought, and won. Don’t forget that. Jack silenced his thoughts as best he could, and waited, but the curse said nothing. Just as Jack had noticed throughout the battle with the azlu, and Sándor’s Horror before that, and the attack on the hospital before that, the curse had trouble maintaining control after expending...

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My Little VentrueChapter 153

~~Jack~~ ~Are you alright, master?~ Scully asked, perched on a powerline outside. ~I’m fine. Any kine wandering nearby?~ ~No.~ ~Any signs of Michael?~ ~Not yet, ~ Mulder said. The ability to communicate with his familiars over distances psychically was freaky and awesome. Normally Animalism required some sort of visual or auditory contact. But now that Mulder and Scully were his familiars, dead and revived as half vampire creatures, no auditory or visual connection necessary. Full on...

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The Pool of the Truest Reflection

This is a stand alone story involving the Black Djinn, although you do get to see how he works. TALES OF DJINNAR: The Pool of Truest Reflection by Raven John sat in the bar with his close friend, Aleem. The setting was early Friday evening, nearly seven o'clock, and the place was filled with young professional women celebrating the onset of another weekend. Aleem noted his perpetually brooding buddy, and reminded him in his faint Arabic accent, "John? This is called Happy...

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My Little VentrueChapter 6

~~Julias~~ It didn’t matter how many times Julias stood before the triumvirate, he never felt safe. Viktor was old. Michael and Maria were there as well, and while they were older and stronger than Julias, it was Viktor that made his inner-beast recoil. Sometimes Julias wondered if his sire would try another torpor, before his strength grew to the point that he’d need Kindred blood to survive, and not kine blood. Every time he stood before him, he started to worry more and more about that...

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My Little VentrueChapter 19

~~Antoinette~~ Her Black Hall had more faces than she’d expected. Wonderful, that meant tensions had lessened between covenants and individuals alike. There would be lasting peace in her city, even if it meant she had to drag the idiots into the peace like kicking, screaming children. She took a moment to look around. Garry, Jacob, Maria, Michael, and Julias up on the balcony. Delightful, all the primogen were there. It was the first time in a long time the primogen had come to a ball of...

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My Little VentrueChapter 30

~~Jack~~ “I uh, have a girlfriend.” “Oh, damn.” She let go of his shoulder, but shrugged and kept walking. “Glad you told me though. Surprising, given your circumstances. Figured you might have said yes to a date just to get on my good side.” “The thought had occurred to me.” Except suffering Antoinette’s wrath would have been a million times worse than pissing off Clara’s whole pack, let alone just her. “It’s not Natasha is it?” “No.” “That’s good. It’d really make this whole situation...

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My Little VentrueChapter 53

~~Jack~~ There was still plenty of time before sunrise, and Antoinette felt like pampering him a bit more. To the pool they went, but instead of using the pool, they stepped down into the hot tub. “I’m ... pretty drained, Antoinette,” he said. “Came twice, you know?” She laughed, and reached out to touch his nose as she stepped into the water. “I am sorry, my love, but I know you drank of both my ghouls only a couple hours ago. I suspect you have much sexual energy left for me to feast...

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My Little VentrueChapter 58

~~Natasha~~ “Something ... h-horrible?” she said. Art stepped forward into the buildings, into the civilian lobby, and sniffed the air. “Monica told us she found out that, apparently Jack managed to bust his way out of here, and kill a few hunters on the way out. I assume you know more. Can you spare us any more details?” What details could she share that she’d read about? Antoinette had her ways, and especially so did Daniel, to get detailed reports about what happened here, more than...

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My Little VentrueChapter 79

~~Julias~~ “Mister Terry, you’ll be working with Madam Leauvion and Madam Jenning.” The boy raised a brow. “Sire?” “I know you expected to be working with Mister Burksen and Madam Herrington, but ultimately, they have a lot of experience that would be better served working with younger, less experienced Kindred. In your team, your experience is key, and will compensate for Jenning and Leauvion’s lack thereof, while at the same time, Jenning is Mekhet and old enough to provide a quality use...

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My Little VentrueChapter 83

~~Damien~~ As the night went on, two things were becoming painfully clear. First, that the hunters were either not in the tunnel, or hiding terribly well. Second, that working with Fiona was extremely distracting. It wasn’t that Fiona was too juvenile to focus, or too bubbly to ... not bubble around everywhere, but rather Damien’s own mind not being able to concentrate. She was too attractive. Ever since that date, where they’d both enjoyed a meal together, it’d become impossible to ignore...

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My Little VentrueChapter 100

~~Beatrice~~ They walked through the cemetery gates, and stepped among the tombstones, a bunch of brainwashed kine behind them. She tried to not show it, but she was a little scared. Not of Jacob and the madness he pursued; that ship had sailed. No, she was afraid of Jack. He’d accidentally hurt these kine, their brains, with how easily he’d dominated. Accidentally performed an act most ancilla Ventrue would have struggled to perform, let alone a neonate, no less. And he wasn’t lying about...

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My Little VentrueChapter 104

~~Eric~~ They took a trip to a club. Eric was kind of sick of the club scene, working at Bloodlust all the time; not that Bloodlust really counted as a club, more of a night lounge thing. Bloodlust had the music, the low light, and the people, just less of them. To go to a proper nightclub was not how he wanted to spend the night, but Matthew and Arturo assured him it was temporary. They didn’t need to convince the bouncer to let them in. Natasha wrapped them in her Kindred powers, and...

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My Little VentrueChapter 111

~~Antoinette~~ Jack had seen her. She knew he must have. And yet, he gave chase into the forest, with Beatrice over his shoulders. So committed was he to his plan, to his need for revenge, that he would ignore her approach, the Prince of Dolareido, and his lover, to pursue it. It was not Jack she saw. It was the curse, a relic from ages past, from those infuriating striges and their obsessive need to disrupt the lives of Kindred. The curse. The damned, bloody curse, that crawled into her...

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My Little VentrueChapter 120

~~Jack~~ “Consider a glass cage, my love, and within, a glowing sphere bounces up and down. The cage holds the sphere perfectly still on the horizontal plane, forcing the sphere to remain locked on its vertical path. It bounces at the speed of light, which, as you know, is the limit matter may travel. No faster. 299,792,458 meters per second.” Jack nodded, eyes wide and engaged as he watched Antoinette. Understanding the world in terms of special relativity was always a troubling mental...

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My Little VentrueChapter 124

~~Eric~~ Jack, Clara, and Sándor, had taken a very strange route. First, they’d left the mansion, and headed into North Side. Then their trail ended inside an old, abandoned hotel. Not a hotel, but some sort of motel? Hard to tell. According to Jessy, the city went through some gold rushes and job rushes during development at the beginning of the twentieth century, and a lot of people moved to the city for seasonal work, building the subway and whatnot. So some companies set up temporary...

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My Little VentrueChapter 134

~~Jack~~ He knocked on Damien’s door. Someone very much not Damien opened it. “Fiona,” he said, smiling. “Jack! How are ye, ye bawbag? And who’s this lass?” “Veronica, meet Fiona, Damien’s girlfriend, and ... a paranormal creature.” Both Jack and Veronica were dressed in suits, though Veronica’s was less fancy. It was how Invictus did things. Vampires and their servants were well dressed, but it was obvious who the master was. Fiona, on the other hand, was wearing a white button shirt,...

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