Room 112
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
Everyone left. Sándor was apparently a really, really strong Begotten, to the point he surprised Fiona when he opened a pathway back to the real world without issue. A wave of the gargoyle’s hand, and the darkness in the forest flickered. Fiona, or Vrall or whatever, went through it with her man, and they disappeared, supposedly to arrive near Damien’s apartment so he could take a moment to recoup. Two crows sat on Damien’s shoulders, and several more plus a few rats scurried along with them. Mulder, Scully, and the few that survived Jack’s assault. A second later, Sándor did it again for Clara, opening to somewhere in the Carthian district. And then again, for Aaron, who was dragging the now barely conscious Othello. Sándor opened a portal to the outskirts of town, guided by Aaron’s suggestions. Mark had already left with Azamel, so, that left Beatrice, Jennifer, and the gargoyle.
“Why did you not leave with your friends?” the beast asked.
Triss shrugged, and dragged herself over to the altar she knew had been Sándor’s imprisonment. This was where Elen had done her ritual, with knife and skin. Triss could almost feel the residue of a strange power emanating from it. Not so strange, really. It felt similar to Crúac.
“I thought Athalia might come through. I wanted to talk to her,” she said.
“The door between our lairs has closed. I am, once again, closed off from the other Begotten.”
“Closed off?” she said.
“Yes. Athalia, Fiona, Azamel, and Mark have linked their lairs. They may travel between their many realms freely. I ... have not linked my lair with anyone in many years.”
“Sounds lonely,” Jennifer said. She came up behind Beatrice, and hugged her, arms looping around her stomach. She either wanted to keep close in case Triss started to fall, or she just wanted to be close in general. It was good, either way. Triss was too exhausted to be surly and dismissive. And it felt good to let Jennifer in close again. She leaned back into Jennifer’s body, and sighed.
Triss turned her head enough to give her friend a small kiss on the cheek. “How long were you under Elen’s control?”
“Four years.”
“Jesus Christ.” She shivered, and set her hands on the altar. It was sloped upward, but at the lowest point where it pointed toward the center of the clearing, it was low enough that her arms came down in order for her palms to reach it, with a bit of a slouch, too. “He murdered your family, to capture you?”
“ ... yes.” Slowly, with delicate hands completely at odds with the Horror she’d seen earlier, the gargoyle lowered some of the many bodies into the hole he dug. They didn’t deserve a burial, especially if they helped Jeremiah capture Sándor, and yet the monster was burying them. From how careful he was being, she suspected he’d give them a proper burial, if it’d been viable.
“Horrible,” Jennifer said. “Absolutely horrible.”
Triss winced. Yeah, it was horrible. But how long ago did Triss and Jen brutally butcher a bunch of kine, sacrificing them into a big rusty bowl, so Triss could communicate with some otherworldly entity of blood and pain? Those people had been brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, maybe even mothers and fathers too. Tough to think of the hunters as being so low, when—no. No, don’t think that shit. The people you killed were just scumbags and worthless cockroaches. What you did is not the same as killing the family members of the people you were hunting. Jeremiah and Angela were the lowest of the low. Don’t compare your journey into the world of blood sacrifice, to their pathetic, cowardly, shitty tactics.
“Well,” Triss said, “fuck him. He taught Angela to fight dirty like that, and it got them killed.”
“Yes ... yes, it did.” The gargoyle put on the smallest smile, before he came over to them, and squatted like he was perching on a jutting stone of a church wall. God damn he was huge, muscular as all fuck, and she stared at the beast for a few seconds as he pulled his huge wings in snug to his back.
His face was expressive in a way she hadn’t been prepared for. It was a demon face, yes, but a human demon face, with dark steel-colored skin, deep set eyes, pronounced eyebrow ridges, and of course, giant horns. Like, big, curly, scary, giant horns. And with his very hard, broad chin, he would have looked perfectly at home sitting on a throne, looking stoic, and giving orders to his army of demons. When he talked, she could see hints of his teeth behind his lips, all of them sharp, with some very nasty, pronouncd fangs. Those teeth had chomped Jeremiah into bite sized chunks.
Speaking of teeth, and biting.
“Your neck ok?” she said, gesturing to it.
That, of all things, brought a real, if momentary smile to the squatting monster’s face. “Yes, mostly.” He raised one of his hands to his neck, and rubbed at the wound. The skin was mostly closed, but she’d managed to fuck his neck up pretty good. Damn proud of that.
“I guess Athalia didn’t come back,” Jen said.
Triss nodded. “I’m not surprised. It ... it...” Fuck it. She turned around, and hugged Jennifer, full on hug. She set her face in her friend’s neck, and just held on. No crying, no sobbing. She’d cried enough for a decade, at least. But, she wanted a hug. “Killing Angela wasn’t fun.”
Jennifer chuckled, a tiny laugh, only audible cause Triss was close enough to feel it. “You thought it would be?”
“Yes. I thought I’d kill her, laughing and dancing the whole time, you know? It’d be great. I’d feel great.” Sighing, she ran her hands up and down Jen’s back a little, continuing the hug. “Instead, all I did was ... execute a defeated, broken, stupid girl. And I did it in front of her crying mom.” After making sure the hug was good and long, she backed off and set her hands on Jen’s shoulders. “Felt more like ... like a scene from Old Yeller, or something, you know? I was putting down a rabid dog. I wanted to be screaming with joy! Not ... not...”
“Jeremiah’s last words,” Sándor said, his quiet voice rumbling with so much bass, he sounded more like a subwoofer, “were to tell Angela to run. His last words ... were an attempt to save her, while he died.” The gargoyle, still squatting with his two lower arms resting on his knees, raised his two higher arms out in front of him, and slowly grabbed the air, as if grabbing Jeremiah again. “I did not kill a monster. I killed a person. It had to be done, but that does not alleviate the weight such death places on our ... souls.”
Ugh, she hated that that sounded right. Killing people brought with it something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, until Sándor just said it: weight. She’d been killing a lot of people lately, and that weight was starting to pull her down, like shackles tied around her throat. Killing Angela was more weight on her soul, and good god, that fucking sucked. Killing the bitch should have freed her, not added to a growing mountain of bones tied to her.
“You sound ... wise, I guess,” she said, smiling up at the gargoyle. Jen slipped behind her, and started hugging her again, this time putting a kiss on her ear as she did. Triss didn’t pull her head away this time. It felt nice, to have Jen’s hands on her, and after tonight, after the misery of Athalia’s sobs faded, maybe she’d let her do more. Not tonight, but later.
“I’ve been around for many centuries,” the beast said. “I guess ... wisdom snuck up on me.”
“Centuries?” Jen said from over Triss’s shoulder. “We thought Begotten aged. Slowly, but they did.”
“It depends on whichever Horror has cursed us. The ... gargoyle, ages very slowly, like the stones of a castle wall. I will live for centuries yet, I imagine.” With a great, heavy sigh, the beast slid his long tail along the earth, until it was curled around the front of his ankles, and then behind him again. “I ... I have to apologize, Beatrice.”
“Apologize? For—oh ... right.” Right. Sándor was a big part of the reason Julias was dead. “You were under a fucking spell, dude. And after learning about what Jeremiah did to you, the fuck am I going to do, yell at you because you were forced to help kill my boyfriend? Christ man, you lost your wife, and your son! I...” She’d started yelling, and only after her volume rose, did it slap her in her stupid face that she was yelling at herself. “H ... How was he, at the end? Julias, I mean.”
“Ridiculously strong. I knew of the ancilla, and what was to be expected of a Ventrue his age, and yet he surprised me. Defeated me. He demonstrated resilience, and strength that I had not expected. I could tell he was fighting for something, for someone.”
God damn it. She smiled, and took a breath, forcing down the sudden urge to cry again. “Tch, yeah, he was. Me, and for Jack, too.”
“Jack...” The gargoyle shivered, and that included his wings, all four of them reaching out with their long arms to shake, as if dislodging snow. “The curse is a horrifying taint. I ... I would have lost that fight, if he’d really tried to kill me.”
Jen and Triss both shivered as well. Yeah, she could believe that.
“So, Mr. Sándor, you’re going to stay here in your lair?” Jennifer stepped around Triss, and walked up to the squatting titan. Without a bit of fear in her step, but definitely a bit of sway in her hips, she came up under the monster’s head, and grinned up at him.
“I ... yes. I will heal faster here. And ... I have nowhere else to go, for now. Sándor’s life, my old life, is gone.”
The damn Ventrue put a hand on the gargoyle’s knee, and chuckled. Or, giggled, if Triss was hearing right. “So, you could stay in Dolareido?” Oh good god she was flirting with the gargoyle.
The gargoyle tilted his head to the side, as if perplexed by her blatant flirting. Maybe he was. Well, he’d helped them a fuckload, least Triss could do was save him from Jen’s legs.
“Jen, stop flirting with the giant gargoyle. It—he’s a gargoyle.” She was tempted to make a comment about his obvious lack of a penis, but then, she knew Jessy had sex with Eric when he was transformed, and werewolves didn’t walk around with dicks and balls. Maybe it formed when the desire was present? Werewolves were spirit things, not biological, and Sándor was a dream thing, not biological.
Hell, did vampires really count as biological? They may have lived in a world of blood, but blood and flesh were proving capable of more than she’d ever thought, considering what Elen had done, and what she’d done with Crúac. Maybe it was time she stopped thinking of vampires as simple bodies of flesh and blood, and more like how she thought of dream monsters, spirits, and ghosts.
“Athalia’s not coming,” Triss said. “Let’s go.” It was probably a good thing she didn’t. Triss wanted to talk to her, but she still hadn’t resolved her feelings about the whole situation, and she knew it. It made her feel guilty, not knowing how to feel. She’d killed a woman’s daughter, and that woman was a fellow monster, too. The least she could do was understand how she felt about it, so she could feel justified, or something. It was the least she could fucking do, so she could talk to Athalia, and know where they both stood.
“Fine, fine.” Jen rejoined her, and the two of them started toward the village road. At least, until Jen stopped, and leaned in close to Triss’s ear. “We should ask him to come home with us.”
“Jen, Angela’s been dead thirty minutes. Can’t you—”
“Not to sleep with, dumbass.” She looked over her shoulder back at the gargoyle, and draped her left arm over Triss’s shoulders. Ow, legs, not healed, ow. “Though, I mean, we’ve both seen him in his human form, without his shirt. He’s a sexy man. Hell, he’s sexy right now. But, not what I meant. I meant, he’s has no home, and he’s lost everything. Perhaps we should extend him a hand?”
Triss rolled her eyes. Jen wasn’t fooling her. It was true they’d both seen him without his shirt, that night they fought him and a few other hunters in Elen’s flesh chamber, and he’d been a gorgeous man. A little tall, quite lean, muscular but not overly thick. He actually kinda looked like Jack, just scaled up; even had the short dark hair. Only difference besides the overall size, was the Begotten had had some gruff on his face.
She tried to think about how hot he’d looked when they’d been fighting him, with his abs and shit on a sweaty display, but the image was ruined. That was the night Julias died. But, hey, if Jen wanted to fuck him, she was free to fuck him. Poor girl hadn’t fucked anyone since Superman died.
“Go ahead,” she said, and immediately regretted it. No, she didn’t want a stranger around. She wanted to be alone, or maybe talk to Jacob about all this shit, about revenge, about this hole in her fucking gut that wouldn’t go away. He’d understand; ancient fucker understood everything.
“Sándor,” Jen said, turning around, and hooking her other arm around Triss’s throat gently, so her wrist dangled over Triss’s further shoulder. “Did you ever find out where the Circle of the Crone sleeps during the day?” Except for Jacob, of course. Elders didn’t expose their backs when sleeping, even to their comrades.
“We sleep on the outskirts of town, in a cave hidden in a ravine. It’s not far from the path you made for Aaron, East of there. You’ll know you’ve found it when you see three giant rocks propped up next to each other.”
The gargoyle stared at her, his steely expression so damn hard to read. Fucker was stoic, so stoic it was almost comical. It was so hilariously different from the raging bull that’d been trying to kill them before, she wasn’t even sure it was really him. If he got angry, would he become that raging death machine, like his Horror had been? It’d been scary strong.
And a scary strong Begotten would be a powerful ally.
Triss raised a brow as she looked at the Ventrue still hooking her neck and shoulders, and Jen spared her a quick, knowing smile. That crafty slut. Well, she said her sire had sired her because she was both attractive, and conniving.
“I will ... visit, sometime.”
“Wonderful!” Jen let go of Triss, and clapped her hands together once, before rising onto the balls of her feet for a moment, then landing on her heels. Just enough of a tiny, ‘girly’ flirtatious jump, to make her tits jiggle a bit inside her suit top. If it’d been someone like Fiona, Triss would have chalked it up to just natural flirtiness; the redhead flirted like breathing. With Jen, on the other hand, it was calculated, always calculated.
Calculated boob jiggle. The thought made Triss laugh, and she struggled to get it under control. Pain ripped through her, but she laughed anyway. When Jen turned to face her, Triss hooked an arm over her shoulders, and leaned on her, desperate to get some weight off her legs and ribs. But she still laughed. The pain didn’t matter. It felt good to laugh.
“Before ... you go,” the gargoyle said, “I...”
“Yeah?” Triss asked.
“I ... do not know who to tell of this. But, the presence that ... attacked me in my lair, months ago, the one that rescued Jack and the others...”
Oh shit. Triss’s laughter came to a quick stop, and she turned her and Jen around so she could look at the gargoyle again while keeping her arm on Jen’s shoulders. They hadn’t gotten very far, just to the edge of the clearing, and she wasn’t looking forward to limping over all the destroyed trees back to the creepy village road anyway.
“You’re talking about Black Blood,” she said. “A spirit.”
The titan nodded, and slowly looked down. “It came.”
“He came? Like ... like, tonight, he came?”
Of course he did. Of fucking course he did. The damn thing had probably been watching from outside the nightmare somehow, looking for an opportunity to take advantage of the situation.
“What’d he do?” she said. “If he showed up, he was up to something.”
“I do not know. Except ... it ... he helped me break the ritual.”
“Say what?” She stared at the gargoyle, but the beast simply remained where he was, squatting over the grass and death around him. Stoic bastard. “Black Blood helped you?”
“Jeremiah’s ritual took the nightmare from me, and blinded me. The ... the spirit, removed the veil from my eyes.” He snorted, just like a big, heavy animal that didn’t like its situation might. A damn powerful sound, and Triss shivered as she felt the heavy bass of it flow past her. “The spirit was ... cold.”
Triss and Jen looked to each other, and sighed. Yeah, that was Black Blood. His presence was cold, but not in temperature. It was cold, the way death felt cold.
“Thanks for telling us,” she said. “I’d avoid telling anyone else except for us witches. Black Blood isn’t exactly well liked in Dolareido.”
The monster nodded, and turned his head back to look down at the ground in front of him. He didn’t move. Literally. He didn’t breath, didn’t shift, didn’t adjust, he just squatted there like a statue. Like an actual gargoyle.
“Hungry?” Jen said.
“Oh god, very. Fucking starving.” She gave her friend a smile, and started to limp toward Dracula’s knock-off castle.
Angela was dead. Jeremiah was dead. The hunters were defeated except for some still hiding out in the city, and they weren’t nearly the threat they’d been with their leader. Triss and the gang had won. Yeah, Athalia probably hated them, but they saved Azamel’s life too, so that was a point in their corner for keeping the Begotten on their side. Jack managed to become Jack again, normal Jack. And they’d made an ally in Sándor. Everything was looking up.
She could go home now, maybe go visit Julias’s mansion, and do something to seek finality. Burn it down, maybe? The Invictus would probably have her head for that. Maybe walk around the mansion for a while, and just absorb the sad memories. Maybe cry until it hurt, like she’d done so many times already? No matter how bad she felt about killing Angela, about how horribly the night had gone and had been, there was a piece of her that was genuinely happy. Vengeance was had. Time to move on.
But, why was Black Blood here? How did he know what was going on? What the fuck was Jacob up to?
Flowing Sanctuary kicked them out of the Hisil, under threat of reporting them to Avery, and beating them to a pulp. And it had the power to make it a reality. It became clear, as the strange entity guided them to the nearest locus, and then sent them packing, that Flow was a very powerful spirit.
The boys told Tash a story, a third hand account of how Avery, who’d lost her pack and her previous totem spirit, met Flow when she was dying. They didn’t know what, but something happened to Simon and his pack, between now and the last time Avery had come to the city. Flow had been tiny then, apparently a water spirit who’d obtained a desire to protect others somehow. It wasn’t far fetched. Water could be a very protective force in certain circumstances. A river could be a wall between predator and prey. The surface of a lake could be the barrier between predator and prey. She’d have to ask to find out, and after tonight, she was afraid to ask Flow anything.
Together, Flow and Avery had helped each other survive, and forged a friendship. That friendship was how Flow became her totem spirit, instead of a deal struck or forced enslavement. Flow was too powerful to be forced to do anything, probably.
So, Tash and friends had been forced out, back to the physical world. Eric looked upset. The man was finally reaching out to affect the paranormal world, instead of being pulled into it, and got shut down for his efforts.
Natasha frowned down at the sidewalk as she turned the thoughts in her head. “I wonder...”
“Mm?” the boys said, looking over their shoulders at her. She’d fallen behind the group, trapped in her thoughts.
“I w-wonder how Flow found us. Dolareido is a b-b-big city.”
“It probably tracked Matt and me down,” Art said. “We’ve been working together for years. I’m sure it can find us if we’re in the Hisil.”
That made sense, she supposed. She wasn’t sure how spirits sensed, but if Flow was acutely familiar with the ‘scent’ of its pack, then—”Um, then m-maybe Eric should do what he wants ... without you?”
Eric glanced over his shoulder at them, shrugged, and continued on. He was cranky, but she was confident he’d get over it. And the streets of Dolareido weren’t the best place for this sort of conversation anyway.
“She’s right,” Matt said. “Sorry Eric. I mean, we knew Flow would disagree, but we didn’t think it’d actively block us.”
Art sighed as he shrugged. “Avery must have warned it, tipped it off that we might do something like this. Damn woman knew what you were going to do, Eric, and of course whatever Avery thinks is right, she does.”
Avery was strong willed, to the point it’d be a problem if she ever disagreed with Antoinette about something important. She’d willingly fight the elder, if she thought it was the right thing to do. And, while the werewolf must have been extremely dangerous, Antoinette was half a millennium old. Eric, on the other hand, was a fresh pup, and Avery would have no trouble smacking him around.
She pulled out her phone, and checked her messages. She’d gotten into the habit of turning off the vibration, for fear it might get her in trouble someday in a precarious situation. And—oh, oh god. One from Jack, one from Antoinette, each a couple hours old, and a new one from Antoinette. Uh oh.
“Um, I have t-to get back to the Elysium, immediately.”
“Business?” the boys said together.
“Yes. Um, Jessy, you’ll w-want to talk to McDonald, too. Something happened. Something ... b-big.”
“Y-Yes. Um ... we ... we d-d-don’t need to worry about the hunters anymore. M-Most are ... dead, including Jeremiah, and Angela.”
Everyone stopped, and stared at her. She’d had to whisper it, so quiet they wouldn’t have been able to hear it if they hadn’t been paranormals. The text said some hunters were still in the city, and she couldn’t risk them hearing. Even letting normal kine hear such a profound statement was risky.
“Wow,” Matt said, “um ... ok? I guess we’ll head back, and see what Avery knows.”
Natasha stared at the text again for a moment, took a second to nod to each person in the group, including a knowing one for Jessy, before she vanished.
As she descended the stairs of the Elysium tower, she froze. People were talking, voices she recognized.
Jack, and Samantha. The two were sitting in one of the recreation rooms, the one with couches and an enormous TV, meant for digesting news in luxury. Jack was talking about his fight with the hunters, from the little Natasha picked up, and mentioned Angela was dead.
So, Natasha did what any self respecting Mekhet would do. She Cloaked herself, and pressed her back to the archway of the room’s entrance. Spying! No, not spying, but she just couldn’t help herself.
“Angela’s dead?” Samantha said.
“Yeah, she’s dead.”
“I ... I ... I don’t know what to say.”
That earned a chuckle from the kid. “Neither do I, Mom. I don’t know how to feel about it. It ... it...” Natasha couldn’t see him, from how she kept her back to the frame of the arch entrance, and Jack might be able to spot her if she peeked, with his new power. If he could sense her right now, he wasn’t letting it affect his conversation. Maybe he was too tired to.
“It must have been horrible.”
“Yeah, it was. We won, really won. We took them down and didn’t lose a single person. But ... yeah, it was bad.” After a long sigh, one Natasha knew Jack often made while rubbing his buzzed hair, he continued. “But, we’re safe. Or at least, a lot safer. There’s still some hunters in the city, but—”
“What about Athalia?”
“Athalia? She ... she was there, yeah.”
“Oh no. She helped kill her daughter.”
“No. It was the plan that she’d help kill her, or possibly capture her. In the end, she ... she tried to save Angela, and we had to kill her anyway. I ... I don’t think ... Athalia’s ever going to forgive me, for that.”
“Oh Jack. I can’t imagine. I ... I can’t imagine.”
“I have to go talk to my bosses in a minute, Mom. But later, we can—”
Some shuffling fabric sounds signaled that they were hugging, and Natasha felt her heart break. She’d been super happy to learn the hunters were defeated, so happy she’d forgotten about Athalia. Antoinette would tell her to not concern herself with Athalia’s pain, but it was easier said than done. Maybe with a hundred years under her belt, Natasha could close off her heart like that, but for now, it all hit her no matter how hard she tried to keep it out. It was one of the reasons she didn’t hang with people as much as someone like Jessy. She absorbed the emotions of people around her, whether she wanted to or not.
She didn’t stick around anymore, and instead moved on to the primary experimentation room, where she knew Antoinette awaited her. It wouldn’t be good to come to Antoinette feeling emotional about poor Samantha and poor Athalia, and poor Mary, and poor ... whoever else was hurt. Undoubtedly, other people had been hurt. But Antoinette would want her calm, smart, and logical.
She walked into the grand room where Antoinette stood by the massive table off to the side, covered in laptops. In the center of the huge room, was the dangling chandelier of blue, though it was off, and some regular white LEDs were on instead. All the laptops were on, and around the laptops, were a host of strange items Natasha had never seen.
“Prince, I—oh, w-what are these?” Immediately, the shrunken head grabbed her attention. It’d have creeped her out in the past, and while it was still definitely creepy, it didn’t bother her anymore. After months of dealing with Antoinette’s strange research, a shrunken head was pretty normal.
Except, it wasn’t just a shrunken head. There were a whole bunch of things! A knife that must have been carved out of a bone. A necklace that had bits of bone hooked on it. It was a smörgåsbord of occult objects, and they all had a very obvious motif: the key aspects of each were made of human body parts. And, in the center of it all, was a very creepy book, a big, fat, thick book that demanded she read it. Except, the cover was obviously made of skin, probably human skin, and if she opened it, she was likely to summon the Apocalypse.
The book put everything else into context. This was the hunters’ stuff, the shaman’s stuff, and Antoinette had taken it from the dream.
“Oh m-m-my god...”
“Indeed.” Antoinette looked to her, grinned a knowing grin, and sat down at the table as she gestured for her to do the same. “The hunters are defeated, and I have gained many new items for my collection. We will have much to study, I think.” And, without fear, she opened the book. Natasha froze, expecting it to scream, to burst into flame, to unleash a black demon arm, or at least do something more than be a book. But it just sat there, doing book things, waiting to be read; deciphered, actually, as she didn’t recognize the letters.
“I can’t b-b-believe it. The hunters are gone?”
“Yes, except for, as I warned you, perhaps a dozen that remain in the city, leaderless. Though tomorrow night, you, I, Daniel, and Jack will talk with Harcourt.” She frowned at the mention of the hunter’s name, the one she’d mentioned in her text. “These hunters must come to my tower, and only after I have personally inspected them, will I allow them to leave. I expect that there will yet be more deaths, hunter deaths, before this problem is completely resolved.”
“The p-part of war no one talks about. It never stops instantly, d-d-does it? It always ... trickles to a stop.”
“Quite true, Miss Vola.” Antoinette smiled at her, proud, and Natasha buzzed with joy. Teacher’s pet. “The realities of war are never as final or definitive as in literature. But, for all my frustration with Jack for the reckless assault he led tonight, the hunters are defeated. Only one true problem has been created in the aftermath.”
Uh oh. “Problem?”
“Elen lived through the encounter. And, while I admit that I had hoped she would, so I could capture her, and learn what she knew, it is not I who possesses her.”
“She lived, b-b-but she’s not here? Then, who ha—Jacob. J-Jacob has her.”
Again, Antoinette smiled. “Your deduction skills improve, my student. Oui, that infernal Nosferatu has taken her, with Black Blood’s aid. And now, my strongest ally, and perhaps strongest enemy, is potentially armed with the skills of a terribly skilled shaman of flesh.” Sighing, smile gone, she gestured to the assortment of occult goods. “And while both Jacob and I gained from the fallout of my beloved’s assault, I fear he has stolen the better of the spoils.”
“B-But, we have her book, and—”
“I doubt she needs this scripture, Miss Vola. For a creature that absorbed in her craft, it is likely that she can wield the art as easily as a musicians plays their instrument.”
“B-But, even a musician needs their sheet music for really long and complicated songs!”
That pleased the Prince, and she nodded as she sat back, tapping her chin with a finger. “Correct again, little one. Yes, it may be true that Elen will need the book, or her tools, for some of her more grand efforts. Jacob may come to bargain for said tools, or, he may attempt to take them by force.”
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December 24, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, I woke in darkness curled into Dad’s back side, which caused me to remember the night before. Dad had told us last night that he had tasks to deal with in the morning. I did not want to chance waking him and end his sojourn in our bed, so tried to move nary a muscle and just enjoy our skin-to-skin contact. I woke again when Dad moved, stretching both arms toward the ceiling. “G’mornin’, Dad. Thanks for last night. It was great.” He rolled toward me, dug...
Dear Brianna, I think, that my first master was trying to use me and my first sister concubine in order to gain power. Why he thought that having us offer ourselves for sex to other sponsors should gain him power I don't know. But that is the only thing I can figure out that he might have been doing. Up until the time that I came to Master Will's family I considered sex to be an unpleasant job at best. But that was because I was a working prostitute when I was picked up. And that was not...
This one is compliments of salyers1932 Karl Marx never achieved the wit and humor of Groucho Marx. Here is a sampling of the funny Marx. Groucho Marx, may he rest in peace, processed the world with a quirky mind: Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. All people are born alike ... except Republicans and Democrats. I must say I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good...
The scene shifted an instant before Jeff asked the AI to show the helipad. On the screen, an Escalade, driven by Arlene, stopped well back until the helicopter settled and its rotors had stopped. Reed and his wife exited the copter, then assisted the Wade family in getting out. Arlene drove her vehicle nearer the helicopter, stopped, got out and opened the doors of the Escalade. Jeff Watched as Wade, carrying a large bouquet of flowers, obviously introduced his family, then Arlene ushered...
Ben Benedict sat and puzzled over what was in front of him. When he first saw the script for "Dragon Lore" he doubted it could be made. Once he learned he could find the funding, he doubted he could assemble a cast. Now, three short months after he'd met a group of people he now considered friends as well as coworkers and collaborators, he realized he was going to have to sift through literally two dozen messages from people who wanted a part now that news had leaked out. Major studios...
Even though she and Yvette had shared a dozen very intense orgasms during their brief orgy, Laura's appetite for Trina was undiminshed. She arrived at Trina's apartment at nine o'clock. Shawna had only gone to bed fifteen minutes earlier, and they resisted the urge to surrender themselves to completely wanton fucking until they could be sure she was asleep. "She usually go out like a light," Trina smiled as they both peeped in on her to check. Shawna was sleeping deeply. Trina closed...
January 1988 The New Year's day weekend proved to be pretty decent. It was fairly warm, for winter, although nowhere near the freezing mark, though it was blowing pretty good. The day afterwards, Saturday, was beautiful, and Mike got up in the morning with an itch to run the dogs. He was still pouring himself a cup of coffee when the phone rang. "You want to go for a run today?" Mark asked. "Might as well," Mike replied. "God, I'm sick of football, after yesterday. Where do you want...
In a spirited debate the Council eventually agreed with Morgana’s proposal to send a token force to show support with the Murians as well as equip the Gorgons and Nosferatu with modern Mage armour, the wolves not really needing any armour at all. In the end it was Morgana’s statement that the Mages would be going to ensure that civilian casualties would be kept to a minimum that eventually swayed the decision to a large majority, from a slim one. An expedition of fifty was assembled; Team...
Thanks John JOKE OR ANTI-JOKE? A farmer in the field with his cows counted 196 of them, but when he rounded them up he had 200. What’s the best part about living in Switzerland? Not sure, but the flag is a big plus. There was a prison break and I saw a midget climb up the fence. As he jumped down her sneered at me and I thought, well that’s a little condescending. I used to think the brain was the most important organ. Then I thought, look what’s telling me that. The midget fortune...
We were out of Bolivian air space in a matter of minutes, but we had to overfly Brazil. It was scary, even though we were not challenged. It was the middle of the night, so I counted on the duty pilots of the Brazilian air force being asleep. We landed at the Caracas airport shortly before dawn. While the ground crew gassed the PBY, we had breakfast in the main terminal. When we finished, we climbed clumsily back into the plane and left. The no name pilot gave me a lesson on flying the...
The trouble started right away, the Secret Service decided they were in control of my security. They went through a whole list of demands and orders like I was a child. They even wanted an agent to accompany me in the bathroom. When they finished, I started speaking. ‘‘First, this is how it’s going to be. My personal security is going to be my JBG security. We train together and know what to expect from each other and what our limitations are.” ‘‘They trust me and I trust them - they have...
“It only becomes art if it touches other people.” —Andreas Eschbach, The Carpet Makers “IS IT ... IS THAT OKAY?” Beca asked on behalf of all of us. I couldn’t even imagine asking an ex to help the current love and I wasn’t sure what was happening here. Beca still had hold of Donna’s hand and I could tell Donna wasn’t interested in letting it go. “Yes, of course,” Donna laughed. “He owes me this one. Don’t worry.” “Donna,” I said. I didn’t mean to whisper but my mouth suddenly would...
Sara watched Jill and Mary as they walked toward the store, gossiping and laughing. "She must really hate me." "No, she doesn't hate you. She understands you. She understood you before she even met you. Jill doesn't look at things and decide they're the way they look on the surface. I'm just the opposite. I take everything anybody says at face value, and it's gotten me into trouble. A lot. No, if Jill hated you, I know you wouldn't be in this car today and you probably wouldn't be...
I got to have a nice, quiet (albeit late) supper with my girlfriend – one of the few times we’d dined alone since my injury. We ordered up light fare and then snuggled on the couch together watching mindless television and just visiting. The solitude lasted until a little after 10 o’clock when the chirping of a cell phone intruded. It took me a second to realize it was my phone. I doubted it was my mother. It was in the small hours of the morning in Ohio. I also knew that Liz had told Rick,...
Flashback – Masha – The mission I came out of the bedroom, Louise took one look at me and laughed, “Masha, how many bars have you been to here in America?” I replied, “None. Why, am I not dressed correctly?” Louise continued, “Masha you look too good. If you go into the bar looking like this no one will talk to you because you look like a cop. The only part of you that works right now are your high top boots. Why don’t we see what I have in my closet that might fit you?” We walked into...
Author’s note: No sex this chapter. Nothing but politics, business and real estate. Chapter 21 — Deja Vu, but Not What I intended to do had many difficulties. For starters, I was dressed to meet with high priced lawyers. For another, I was not about to expose Shadow to the south side. Most important, I was not about to expose Elspeth to Veronica, or vice versa. To solve two problems at once, I told Elspeth to take Shadow to the garage and return with the Toyota. She did not want to go and I...
Author’s note: Virtually no sex this installment. Siobhan goes into business and gets pulled into politics. Chapter 17 – Office Politics The dinner in White Plains would echo for years. I am very glad I had no true understanding of the importance, because even Dr. Richards might have frozen. That said, it had little impact in Hanover. There is a reason higher education is referred to as a tower, ivory or otherwise. What happened in the real world took its time filtering into our world. For...
Chapter 12 – Storming Hanover After the meeting with the local powers of Siemens, Lars walked me to the car. I had the Mercedes, with Russell driving. Loaning me Russell was the sort of generous gesture I learned to expect from Sheila. I was also glad she sent Christine, who makes a great human comforter. It was good that I did not yet know about Lars’ transfer. I would have worried all the way to the garage in Manchester. God must have been paying attention, because the clerk at the garage...
Author’s note: This story takes place in the Richard’s Enterprises universe: Kitty & Teddy, LLC, K&T, LLC, [K][T] and Family. At least some understanding of the events of those three books is necessary. This story is about Siobhan. I consider this a coming of age story, even though the main character is in her mid-20s. There is no sex in this installment. Prologue—Moving Out but Not Going Away. I dreaded my return to Hanover. Summer in New Jersey had been, quite literally, coming home. It...
Hi all....I have been so bad about posting stories here, I actually enjoy writing when I have the time and have many, many great true stories that I want to share with all of you naughty perverts ;)So watch this space for several new stories shortly.....This is an entry that I wanted to share with you about something that happened earlier this evening when I offered to take a fellow Xhamster writer's fantasy and flesh it out into a story...... They had no interest in doing it and I and several...
LittleMissLipService Gets More Than She Bargained For...So I was having a conversation with a friend on here and we started talking about how sexy our painted toenails and feet made us feel - I started to tell her about one adventure of mine. This friend insisted she wanted to hear the rest and so I ended up having to take my time and type it up because i hadn't really shared all the details with anyone before - and it was very sexy - and I wanted to be able to remember everything years from...
The screen before us flickered as the image changed, but I could hardly pay attention. In fact I was only looking at the screen because Daddy told me to. If I’d had it my way my eyes would be closed, mouth open, moaning low and deep. It was vintage movie night at the cinema, and I’d been really excited to go. Now I didn’t even remember what the film was or the premise, now I could hardly remember my own name because Daddy’s fingers were shoved deep inside my sopping cunt. He’d spank you if he...
Riana was up early as usual and had breakfast for everyone ready. When she finished eating, she hugged her mother, kissed her baby sister, ruffled the hair of her brother just because he hated it, and left. It looked beautiful today weather wise, and promised to be an even better day when she got to the Mrs. Nomy's shop. On her way, she heard how some young man had taken out Greggor, and his gang but everyone knew it wasn't going to last long. There was also some talk about another set of...
The keep was a nice large one. The stables had several horses that took Brad's attention right a way. Tim scooped him up so he couldn't get into trouble. Little Ally was sound asleep so Seleena took Madeline to where the nursery was. Little took Riana around. He showed her the library, the kitchen, the main hall, the main dinning room, the stables and the gardens. Then where her little brother and sister's room was as well as her mother's, finally showing her to her room. "Is this...
Little walked into the constabulary office and up to the desk where a bored looking man sat. Little had come into the city looking different, so he could see for himself what had happened to Martin's place. Part of the stables looked like they had been hacked down and someone had tried to start a fire but failed. Martin was now working to get the area cleaned up so he could rebuild, then Little checked on Mrs. Nomy finding her well and working hard. After clearing his throat, to get the...
Little was getting closer but still could not see his target. In truth, he wanted to take to the air, but feared the men that had Riana and Brad would hurt them so he ran, and ran fast. "Little, are you almost here, I feel strange." Riana said as she was hit with a wave of dizziness. "Little, I... " Then she was gone. Little was so stunned that his running faltered and he fell. He ended up face down in the dirt trying to get his mind and his body working again. Then his mind snapped and...
Pae was just standing there looking out of their cave. "Pae, what is it darling, what has you out of bed so late?" Sarrone asked as he came to his mate's side. "I don't know, love. I just got this feeling. I cannot really describe it. Something big, important is happening," Replied Pae, continuing to look out of the cave. Sarrone learned years ago that when his lovely wife and mate got this feeling He had better be ready for it. However, he needed more to go on. "Love, just relax,...
The next afternoon, the little city of River's T saw not one, not two, not three, but four dragons land at the South gate, the biggest of it's gates. Martin, Ray, and the other Elites were waiting, as was most of the town. What they saw first was a young looking women jump from the back of the smallest dragon and wait. Then another slightly older looking woman slide to that ground and waited. The two looked to the remaining two dragons. Seleena was the first to change from dragon to...
Looking for some tiny Asian porn at Little Asians? Well, gather around perverts. I’ve got something really special for you today. If you like little chicks, Asian chicks, or little Asian chicks, you’re really going to love It’s a porn site, so naturally, the petite babes in question are getting their cunts hammered by dicks that seem way too big.OMFG, They’re So Tiny!I pulled up the landing page and holy shit, they ain’t lying about the little part. Asian chicks are known for...
Premium Asian Porn SitesYou are a young boy, approaching the awkward age of puberty, but not quite there yet. You live in a small village in the mountains, and your father is a goat herder. You are likely to inherit his profession, as there is not much else you could do in this place. You spend your days playing with the other children of the village and chasing unruly goats around with sticks. Ultimately, life is boring. You gobble up the stories about grand adventures that the occasional traveler tells you and the...
Stephanie woke up and couldn’t move. It wasn’t long before she realized she was tied down. Three large leather straps ran across her chest, belly and hips and pushed her down into the mattress. Her arms and legs were free to move about. She pried on the leather straps but she couldn’t find a buckle anywhere. What was going on? Where was she? It was dark, she could barely see a thing. The silhouette of bars surrounding her. Was she in a cage, but why tie her down if she was already...
I’ve always been very curious about my sexuality, but I’ve never had the courage to try another man. My wife and I have been messing around with a strap on for the last couple months getting me ready for this night. We drove to an exclusive club 15 minutes out of the city limit, and turned off the car.“Are you ready for this baby” Cindy asked“ I think so, I’m getting hard just thinking about a cock in my mouth”We walked up to the club and showed my card to the man at the door, he took a quick...
WARNING! THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE. DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006: This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this else ware please let me know and give me access to it. ...
Hello boys and girls, and my favorite sissies. I have been here and there and enjoyed the Christmas holidays, I hope, and pray all of you have also. I am back from my sabbatical and in the mood to tell you a story. Yes, I know I have several story's that are not complete, but here is another new one. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. This story is very familiar to me and hits me from the past. Like some musicians have said in the past that "we have had our ups, and downs...
Oh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her. Texas. The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here. And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special. Her parents were in America on a...
LITTLE LULU by Deirdre Rosamond O'Conor I. Permanent Wave "He looks so cute with his long, blond hair, Maggie." It was the next-door neighbor lady, talking to Mom in the kitchen. Jimmy was on the back porch, playing with his soldiers. Mom had not cut his hair since the awful news about Daddy not coming home again, ever, and it was now down to his shoulders. "Really, though, you ought to do something with it besides just brush it." "Such as?" said Mom. "Give the little...
It was his favorite thing to do every morning to her now for the past few months. Every morning he would go into his little girls room, slowly strip off her PJ's and blankets, making sure she was dead asleep still, and then take out his huge dick and tease it against her clit before roughly ramming it in and raping her. She was always still asleep when he did it, and each time he would ram in rougher and deeper before continuing to hump her little prepubescent pussy full of cock. For the...
Little Darlings by Robin Lane Sandy walked along the side of the decaying asphalt road, clutching her raggedsweater about herself as tightly as she could against the chill of the lateevening rain. Locks of her light brown hair, soaked and dripping with rainwater,dangled loosely in front of her face. Her tattered and filthy canvas shoesplopped through the shallow puddles on the pavement, and her thin blue skirt,stained and hopelessly dirty, swayed limply back and forth with each step.She felt...
Brad rarely saw his sister Emma anymore. Between their going to school in separate cities and busy schedules when they were home in the summer, it was rare if they spent more than an hour in each other's' company. He still always loved seeing her, though she and he both were changing as they followed their own paths. And oh did every time he did see her remind him that she was a stunner. As they were going through school Brad knew she was going to be a beauty when she got prettier and prettier...
I was twenty-eight or so when I met Melanie Brown. I had been visiting a family member on the north side of Phoenix, Arizona when I spotted her and her little brother watching me. I was driving a small, open air, tiller steered car that was used in local parades. Though it was a modern piece, the car resembled an antique from the late nineteeth century. I had made some repairs to the car and was test-driving it before returning it to its owner. At first I saw a small boy and what I thought was...
Love StoriesAuthor's note: Lil sis: 'Caught by my big sister wearing her panties again' is not part two of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis' that I have planed. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is...
Author's note: Lil sis: Going out with sis on a double date is not part two or three of 'Lil Sis'. This is another version of the original 'Lil Sis'. I am trying something different and I would enjoy your feedback on this. I am posting the ages at the top of the story because they may change between the different versions of 'Lil Sis'. My thoughts with these new stories in the 'Lil Sis" series is that the story can go all different directions, and that is what I'm going to do. Each...
Authors Note: One of the many traditions in the British legal system is that in the law offices, often called chambers, the male lawyers are always addressed as sir by the support staff and the female lawyers, irrespective of whether they are married or not, are addressed as Miss. The Dinnie Stones mentioned in the story are real. You can view a very strong woman lifting them on YouTube Little and Strong The Interview Jamie Evans...
This is a work of fiction. I've done some research to get most of my facts correct. I've enjoyed both writing this series, and developing a plausible storyline. Any similarities between this story and persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. Mind you, if the opportunity ever arose . . . ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [b]Little Sister’s Dilemma - Part...
January, 2044, Winnisimmet Massachusetts neighborhood of Twatville It was snowing heavily as she wander through the streets, clad in only a thin jacket and shorts. She had shoes, but they were barely fitting and flopping around as she took each step. It was tough to walk, but she was determined to continue on until she found somewhere nice and warm to sleep. She was only four-years-old yet was smart and could figure out that sleeping in an abandoned building or a back alley wasn't...
Imagine that you are standing naked in daddy's upstairs media room. In the middle of the room, with your slender arms secured with manacles stretched out above your head, secured with a chain to the steel ring in the ceiling where daddy usually hangs his kickboxing bag... You have been standing like that for a while, only wearing a black leather collar with a steel ring in the front of it, a mask covering your eyes, and your spider-gag in your cute little mouth, making you rely on your hearing...
Me (Nick/Nikki): 17 Beth: big sis 21 Miley: little sis 13 Max: 18 Mom: 42 Big thanks go out to Rhonda who did a great job editing my story. Thanks again hun, I couldn't of did this without you. Hugs Little Sis By Princess Panty boy "Hey, I'm home anyone here?" I look around and hear the TV on. So I walk into the TV room and I see my big sister sitting on the couch. "Hey sis what ya doing? Thanks for responding when I yelled to see if anyone was home." I see my sister...
After the movies I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up before bed. Once I got cleaned up I decided it was time for bed, and off to bed I went. We had a lot of family members but we had a big enough home that we all had our own rooms. I went in, then closed and locked the door. I walked up to the bed and leaned over and pulled the note from out of the jeans I had left on the floor. I opened the note and it read "there is only one thing I want for my birthday present. I can't get it...
Little Letme Rideurwood- Sam DarquesiedDancing shadows played on the forest floor as Little Letme Rideurwood pranced and skipped through the woods. She had turned eighteen that day, and her years of seclusion were now over as she eagerly headed to grandmother?s house for the arranged match to the boy from Gottlotts. Little Letme?s isolation had kept her innocent, na?ve, and pure, the only acceptable pairing that a rich boy from Gottlotts would consider. Grandmothers from the poor village of G...
Witchy Woman had rubbed Big Louies cock all over with “her” breeding salve. This stuff made his already huge cock, inflate and harden to even more swollen rock hard size. Little Momma was gasping, eyes wide open, in total complete fear, of the cock that was rock hard and swollen solidly before her, breathing heavy breaths of disbelief and absolute horror of it’s size! Now screaming out, No oh hell no, it will tear me apart, It’s to big!! I’ll never be able to...
Jenny watched the clock as it got closer to 3:00 o’clock. When the bell sounded today at three school would dismiss for 3 whole months this year. Jenny would spend this break with her Grandparents. She loved them very much and enjoyed her visits but this would be the longest visit she had ever done in all of her 18 years. Jenny’s Grandparents lived on a large farm. It was a 5-hour drive from her house to theirs. The closest neighbor was 10 miles away. The closest store was 20 miles...
It was her idea to seduce me, but now that she was mine, I intended to enjoy her as much and as often as possible. I stood up, grabbed her by the hand and walked her to the shower in the master bedroom. I was taking her into my matrimonial bedroom, into the same shower I had fucked her mother many times before. While I turned on the water and adjusted the knobs for the right temperature, Olivia came up behind and put her arms around me, telling me that she loved me. I replied that I loved...
Little Lola is a delightful little girl with such a sweet tooth. She is my young step daughter. The poor little girl never had a stable father figure in her life until I came along. Her mom, my wife Gina, is a stripper, a drug addict, a slut, and an unfit mother, but I love her. I am a chemist with a regular job in the research and development division of one of the major pharmaceutical companies. I am also a Libertarian. I don’t think the government should interfere in matters relating to...
Once upon a time there was a gorgeous eighteen-year-old girl, loved by everyone. By the women and girls because she was so kind and polite to everyone and never lost her temper, by the men because she was absolutely beautiful, with shoulder length dark brown hair, amazing green eyes, a fantastic petite body and large tits, and by the boys because of the above plus the fact that she was very friendly to the point of being fairly easy. But most of all she was loved by her Grandmother, who had a...
Once upon a time there was a gorgeous eighteen-year-old girl, loved by everyone. By the women and girls because she was so kind and polite to everyone and never lost her temper, by the men because she was absolutely beautiful, with shoulder length dark brown hair, amazing green eyes, a fantastic petite body and large tits, and by the boys because of the above plus the fact that she was very friendly to the point of being fairly easy. But most of all she was loved by her Grandmother, who had a...