Room 112 free porn video

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Room 112
Im Vanessa my friends call me Vee for short. Im 5’2 about 180 lbs solid I do try my best to maintain as much as I can. I have short shaven black hair and brown eyes I wear heavy dark olive green frames glasses that add a hint of character to my face. I been at this training camp thing that I unknowingly signed up thought it be fun but I have since quickly realized its not what it was meant to be but I have already signed up and I am already here so might as well push on forward.
This training they make us roommate my room is 112 for at least a week I had no roommate but sadly this is about to end. I was informed that I will be having a room mate by this evening. So me trying to be friendly and make my new room mate welcome I bought a lil gift bags with all kinds of snacks in it and a small welcome roomie card welcoming her to my room. Sadly due to my schedule I be not available when she comes in but I still like her to know she is welcome and start things on the right foot. Nothing wrong with trying to be friendly. I place this little basket on ber bed. N left to take care of my day.
While I was up and down and around one of the other girls Angel called me over to introudce me to her new stray of misfit that she pick. Angel is a sweetheart she picks up random people and befriends them she did the same with me on my first week I think she quickly regretted it.when I come over to the table
“Van, meet Haylee, shes new and shes now one of us, be nice “ angel says while introducing me
Haylee is sitting at the edge of the table she has long red hair tied up at the top but loose at the bottom resting over her left shoulder. She has grey green eyes she has a left upper ear stud where a beauty mark would normally be. A bottom ear ring at the bottom of her lip in her chin and from the looks of it a tongue ring as well. She has a black and white hoodie swear over her. By me standing over her I can see down her cleavage “fuck nice tits” I think to myself (no it doesn’t take me long) she glanaces me over slightly and smile.
‘'Nice to meet you” I say and what was ur name again” I ask confirming I heard her name correctly and I can pronounce it correctly.
“Haylee” she saids reaching for my hand she has her fingernails paint half black n the other 2 fingers red interesting. I do love the black and red scheme. She gives a goth type of feel vibe but shes not goth or maybe she undercover. I love to un cover her I start deep thinking perv thought as my eyes look her breast over. I just tempt in rubbing my hands down her swear and grabbing her left tit and pinching that nipple for dear life like a death grib and hold it there. We did a lil mindlessness talk the common politeness of when u first meet someone.
After a few “Haylee pulled out a small bag of blueberries tropical skittles”(what else would I use? Like seriously “taste the rainbow, got support my skittle brand they been trying to convert everyone since the beginning hahaha also I do like skittles.) which immediately caught my attention.
“Haylee?” I called out to her abruptly she quickly responded immediately
“Where did u get those?” I asked pointing at the bag of skittles.
“actually I didnt my roommate left “ before she had a chance to finished I interrupted her finishing her statement for her. I left all kinds of snacks in the welcome basket in case she had allergies does not like chocolate. I am a chocolatephine so I often overdose in my chocolate intake (very true) but I knw a few abnormal people that do not like chocolate.
“Your room 112 aren’t you? I asked her
“Yes I am” she immediately responds back. The quickness and sharpness in which she responds to me I like it I cant pinpoint it but it a much sharper respond then what most people reply with. I can pick up on something but I cannot really pinpoint it.
“Good that’s my room, and ur welcome for the snacks” I reply.
“ oh that’s your room!” She questions
“No” I reply “it is our room I say welcoming her to the room and slightly tapping her on her left shoulder. I felt an impulse the moment I touch her line her. Body woke up from the sensation of my touch. Tben aga jst she is new and doesn’t know anyone it can be nervousness.
I like those newbie type of jitter the ones that r so eager to please that r so overwhelm with emotions to do as told. Well at least the ones I am use2 its been a long time. I start to reminiscences about the pass and my old adventures I once use to have.
I went about my day as normal. Made it back to the room by 8pm or so give or take a few. Haylee was already there and already sitting in her bed. She was wearing a black spagaratti strap top tight keeping her girls nicely secured but free to move about. With some very short grey basket. She looks like she was anxious, waiting on something. Like a small dog when they see u pull out their favorite bag of snacks but u do not give them something they way they stand there looking at u with eyes filled with anctiaption to such point they study every single movement u do.
“Hi!How are you? She immediately ask me with a big smile on her face likes shes been waiting forever to talk to.
“hi, im good thank you” I reply turning my back.
“ how was your day?” She sharply asks
“good I had a good day” I reply not trying to keep it short but just not in a talkative mood late evening.
“Good! Anything interesting?” she asked again. She reminds me of the lonely k** in high school that no one ever talks to and when someone finally talks to them they get overly excited and forces a conversation on you. Is like I don’t wanna be rude but I honestly don’t wanna talk to her either.
“No” I reply keeping my answer short
“oh,ok “ she mumbles
“you have anything plan for today? “ she asked again I feel like shes trying to get my attention or get me into a deep profound talk with her I am not the type to go into deep long talks(complete bullshit I am a talker if u listen to me for. 1min I will talk u to death and beyond).
“ No” I do not” I reply this time very shortly and direct as I turn slightly back to to glance at her. She seems a lil upset no not upset more like disappointed. I think disappointed is the right word. Shes kind of new too me so im not sure how to read her yet. I finally turn around and look at uer for a few see if I can catch a good study on her but fuck sake im completely distracted by her tits. I try not to stare but(fuck that I am so totally gonna stare) it’s a losing war with my eyes. Suddenly I started to noticed the way she set up her side of the room near her bed. She has her shoes all aligned up under the side of bed bed her shower shoes a lil off since they r those cheap rubber leather type that r like less then 5$ but can last a lifetime I myself have a pair. On her bed stand next to her that set up along mines just about 2 feet away or so she has what appears to be one of them old Celtic crufix or war crosses not sure which is which I like the artful I could careless of the religious attributes to it I think those things r best to be interpret and not push down on others. To each is own I will confess its nice. She has that hanging off her drawer the knob just dangle it there. On top of her nightstand she has a thick book not sure abt what the title is facing away from me. Off on the side of it she has her brush a thick pink heavy frame type of brush with thick brushes. Not sure why she would have thst type of brush since its more for someone with really long long thick hair her hair does not look that long but I could be mistaken since she may have it double up rolled on top and only a lil hanging off. I have yet to see her undo her hair (hair play is coming wait for it) its nice brush I don’t know why it had to be pink but it is. Slighlt off on the center diving the book and brush is about 5 key strings with the lil loop like the type of key necklet u wear around your neck 3 are thick Velcro strap type and the other is 2 thin string like one u would buy at a dollor tree for 2$ or something with the clip on and off key ring type of loop one had one of them plastic ID badges type. Off on the corner by the right she has two long hair clips pin needle clips like the type u press off at one end to press down and open the other tip. One is a roselike design the other is like 3 lil hearts going up what appears to be a steam of rose that holds the pin down. That looks pretty interesting and it may be a family keepsake or airlum of some type maybe passed down from her grandmother or something of that nature. I will admit she is very organized and properly displayed. I find something off as to what shes putting out versus what she is keeping inside. Is like I feel like she wants me to notices these things which only makes me questions what else does she have that she does not display. All these minor things r nicely place in what feels like a rhythmic order but I also been known to read into minor details. Like I am the type that would set up various things in specific order to catch others attention but that does not necessarily mean anything to be specific I just happen to notice it while I was trying to get a good read on her.
“ nice hair pins” I say pointing at them. To which she immediately reply giving me an answer I was seeking but already knew.
“Thank you, my nana gave em to me I keep them wherever I go” she said reaching over them and holding them pressin them open and clipping one to the other placing them in a cross like shape.
“Well they r very nice” I say taking off my t shirt and revealing myself to a classic wife beater type of top but mines is green. You can see a lil of my use2 be in b**st mode shape arm sculpt and a few of my tattoos that I have at various spots in my body (no I will not go into specifics that’s for private eyes only. Ha, actually I am currently working on a 2year back and side pieces I have no specific because I haven’t done them yet in the process). She looks at me with her eyes watery and immediately turns red. Mmmmmm I picked that up. Mmmmm well well well I was not mistaken she is trying to get my attention I am almost sure of it. I wonder how much more red would she turn if I were to get up and take off my pants and drop to my undershorts revealing half of my whole body to her. I think she would define the color red. Mmmmm im very interested in doing that but mmmm I kind of like her worshipping me. That’s right bitch worship me! Look at me deeply and see what u cant touch. I know you want me but u cant have me. I am thinking in my head in a very playful teasing matter. Theres a part of me that wants to tease her so badly just to see her reaction but I must becareful how and what. I been at this training for a month I don’t wanna lose this month of training and also afterwards the money I will obtain from this is rewarding of all the bullshit going on. I must thread carefully but I will thread I enioy a new thrill u can say.
“haylee are you ok?” I ask her looking at her. I am sitting on the edge if the bed leanding forward with my arm place on my lap giving her a small galance stare
“Oh yes yes Im ok” she quickly replys.
“ your red over there” I say this time leaning back on my bed placing my hands towards my back resting up slowly opening my legs and spreading them up on the edge of the bed looking as if I was tryong to relax but if ahe picks up on my cue she will be boiling red
She turns 5 different shades of red and looks at me slightly. As if shes trying to control herself but is failing epically.
“No im fine, its just a lil hot” she saids trying to give me a very terrible explanation.
“Oh really cuz the a/c is on full blasted and for you to turn such bright red means there must be something making you hot” I explain and go on this time lowering my voice and talking very slowly. She looks over trying really hard not to look at me but failing it as her eyes keeps galancing my way each time more n more red she becomes.
Are you sure u didnt eat” I move my left hand to the center of my legs gently petting on my crotch, did u eat anything hot” I ask implying underlying cue (come on baby pick up them clues)
She looks at me holds my stare and looks at my hands slowly licking her lips with anctiaption as she turns mercury red this thermometer is about to explode if she keeps this up. Its kind of cute I like it. She picked up on my imply so yeah I think we r both playing the same game.
“No I haven’t ate anything” she softly anwers still licking her lips. As if she wanted to say or ask something but held back.
“Mmm it is getting late, ill see what I can do maybe order some food, you have any food allegeries or any specific food u don’t eat?” I ask her just to be safe
“No no Ill eat anything u give me” she saids
I look at her, hold a deep deep stare and slowly walk up to her with my hands in my pockets.
“Oh is thst right? You will eat anything I give u” I chuckle a little while playfully lowering my sweatpants bands down slowly midpoint just before revealing anything else stopping. What an intersting choice of words for her to say.
Her eyes filled with hope and turn all shades and color of red and anticipation as if she has been waiting for this.
“Chinese it is!” I suddenly say
Her eyes drop her stare was filled with disappointment. I can read that stare anywhere. I go and leave her in the room for a few. While I go take care of a few personal errands and put some space between us to ease off the tension in the room that can be slice and dice.
After a an hour I return with some food and place it up in our common dinner table that is off to the side but we both share it since it’s the only table in the room. She seems to be busy unpacking and going thru her things as if shes looking for something. She has a few things on her bed colorful outfits and belts and stuff hook and linked together. She looks like shes really looking for something to the point she has not noticed me walk in the room. I walk in placing the food down and noticing her. Whatever it is she it must be important she seem to have unpacked everything and packed it all the way out and back but at the same time shes been keeping it very clean n organized. The fact that she hasn’t noticed me kind of bother me. Like u fucking bitch r not gonna noticed I walked into this room. Well well this is not gonna fly.
“Haylee, is something wrong?” I finally ask sitting off on the side of her bed.
“no no no, I well is just that” she goes on she wants to tell me something but is not sure or hesitating to. She comes up around me and grab her luggage 2 big pink color rolling bag and puts them off inside her locker. Still looking around as if shes still looking for something.
“I misplaced something and its something I need to have but I cant seem to find it” she explains I sit up leaning on the side of the bed. She stands up directly in front of me shes dressed in all top black top with a red lace under bra and dark red lace type of shorts that cuts right up above her mid thigh. She smell like jasmine lavander she must have taken a shower shortly her hair is still wet hair is up tied back up to the top only a few strand gently falling down. Fuck she looks so good like thst her skin still glowing from a hot shower I bet her skin is soft. Her tits r nice and tender shes slightly cold I can see her nipples poking in thru her bra. Shes glisming im sitting on the bed leanding back just watching her her skin perfect not a single scarring untouched creamy white. Perfection if perfection was real. I sit looking at her licking my lips just watching her made me very very tthirty.
We made direct eye contact and when she saw me lick my lips she started to turn red again quickly look away or down as if not to look cuz she was only gonna turn more n more red.
“Oh man I hope I find it” she saids bringing her right hand to her forehead as if trying to recall where she placed it.
“Well what is it? Maybe I can help u look for it” I tell her not that I would but now im carious to what shes looking for my interest as been spark that and I am nosey.
“Oh thank you, I reallly appericate that hut its ok ill keep looking for it. Im sure I have it somewhere safe just forgot where thst safe place is” im sure ill find it in the next few days. She said stepping off to my left closer to the nightstand table and looking thur her cabinet drawers thst appear to only have some notebooks in there and a few spares of her cellphone chargers cords. She still looking for it but carefully going thur it. I look at her enjoying the view from the back mmmmm nice ass.
As I lean forward I felt something off the edge of the bed between the comforter and sheet in the inside lining of the sheet.
“Mmm whats this?” I say as I lean forward and go under the sheet and pull a long chain like that of a dog leach that was attach to a black chain collar something a dog would have around its neck.
“A collar!!!’
“hey that’s it “ haylee takes a large step forward towards me I immediately lean back all the way back reaching far up keeping the leach n collar away from her. In her rush to take it out of my hand she drops on top of me reaching above me. I am looking at her has her tits suddenly drop on my face.
“Please give me that”she demands
“It must be important to you isnt it?’ I ask with my left hand rubbing up her the spine of her back. She pauses for a second looking at me turning 3 degrees red realizing the comprising position that she is now.
“Yes yes it is,please return it” she now soften her voice and asks me minding her politeness.
“Slave or Sub?” I ask
She looks at me with a surprise blanked but shocked stare.
“I I- I you know about that? She asks cariously her hand droping down as she suddenly stops reaching for it.
“I will be the one to ask the questions”
So are you a slave or sub, identified yourself” I order bringing my voice up in a demanding tone.
“Sub, this girl is a sub” she imply replys as she starts to ease off me.
“Sub!” I firgured that’s what I needed to pinpoint she now has confirmed it.
“Sub are you now?” I say leaning up to where I am sitting and she is now standing up directly in front of me at 5’11 she towers over my 5’2 frame but I enjoy the mismatch it gives me leverage in other aeas. I sit holding her collar and leach over it wrapping it over my right hand. Js nothing special is like that u buy for a dog simple in its simpliest form clearly whoever gave to her was being very basic and put no thought into it maybe a poser or a Beginninger is always a bit confusing when in these types of adventures.
What is your preferences?” I asked holding her collar over my hand teasefully playing with it in front of me.
“either preferences it matters none to me” she saids still looking down her eyes following the trace of my fingers as I play with the chain n collar over my hand.
“May I please have my property back?” Ask very politely I caressing the collar slowly with my fingers.
I look at her and stare at her deeply for 1mintue
“Tell me does this have handler are you owned or free to play?”
“No handler, sadly this girl has not been able to find one. My collar and leach is tribute for if someone would like to take it. I have not received anyone injuring about it.” I am waiting and hopeful that someone will take this girl request”
A long minute goes by with no exchange of words. How phatic I bet she bought this herself and is trying to put it up for anyone to take it n therefor taking her with it a tribute token. Its been a long time since I seen anyone desperate enough to do thst.
She slightly looks at me and very politely and curtsey ask “May I please have my property?”
“NO!” I responded
She looks at me for a second confuse.
“Don’t raise your eyesight at me”
Kneel! I implied and demand it
She stands there for a second her legs shaking as if she wanted to but somethinf was holding her back
“Girl, whose holding your collar and leach?”
“you” she reply whispering
“Correct and if I am right about this because I am, I say so sure of myself the handler who holds the leach and collar is. Now ur new master so in that theory I hold ur collar and leach so therefor I hold u at my will now!
She drops immediately kneeling before me a few steps in from of me.
“Crawl to me, right here “ I order as I point in between my legs. She does as told
Hands here and here” I order her to place them on my legs above my knees.
Shes a bright red if it was dark she be glowing.
I lean forwards using my left hand placing my finger under her chin I raise her face up to me. To look at her deeply in her blue grey eyes her facing glowing with tremendous amount of pleausre but confused as well.
“Losen up your hair” I order
She looks at me not sure but she does as shes asked and she reaches up and loosens her hair to let her hair fall mid waist
Wow fucking yeah she has nice long reddish hair. Mmmmmm suddenly the urge to pull her hair kicks in but no ill take it soft with her. I have to slowly break her in.
“Very nice” I say now get ur hands flip ur hair in between your fingers and flip it up in the air and gently let it fall over ur left shoulder. Do it slowly”
She looks at me slightly raise her eyes at me but taking her hands and doing excatly what I told her. I lean back watching her as she then slowly lets her hair fall up and ocer her left shoulder. Once shes done she gently looks at me as I am leaning back watching her.
“Very nice” I say I lean forward to her as shes kneeling before me between my legs looking down. I know where her eyes r fixated at I know her hidden thoughts her face doesn’t lie. Neither does all these multi different shades of red color that she turns the moment she glances over at meas I look at her.
“I will take this with me” You will from now on and over the next few days do whatever I say whenever I say however I say” no questioning, no feedback,no outside talking what goes on between us will stay as such”. Do I make myself clear?”
“yes ma’am” she immediately answer with her voice shattering with excitement yet a bit of confusion.
Im leaving make yourself useful and find whatever u can to be useful I think I may have a bag of lundary that needs to be washed and place in my lock you can also do my bedding just look around and make sure anything that needs changing is change upkeep with our room that is all on you. At lunch you grab my food for me n carry my tray and serve me if something needs peeling u will peel it for me. Pay attention to the foods I pick and buy I can be a picket eater. Very importsnt pay attention to me. I tell her as I get up holding her leach n collar. If by the end of the week you please me I may consider returning this to u.” I say as I grab my gym back and turn around to see her still kneeling by the bed she has not moved inot once. Good she is familiar with the customs.
“ do u understand me? I ask her as I stand by the doorway witb my bag in hand.
“Yes ma'am” replys
“ do you have any questions? I ask
“No no questions” respinds
“Very well once I leave ur free to move around and begin ur assignments. I order as I open the door and walk out.
As I walk out the door I am thrill this is going to be a fun week. Ha! N here I thought this place was borning.
About 5 days passes by and Kaylee is being a very very good obedient sub. She is following all my directions doing exactly what she is told and how. I have had yet one complain or incident with her shes well tamed. I am please if I may confess myself. I have given tasks after task snd randomness unnecessary stuff to do n shes done it all not once had an outbursted nor a complain nothing. Sad I wanted to punish her just for the hell of it. Actually I will punish her just for the hell of it mmmmm but then again……....shes so very orbident shes done all my requests to the detailed. I will confess I am impress
After the one week of having her do all my errands and carrying all my personal loads and doing all my work n maintaining and pretty much being my servant I believe is a time for a punishment and a reward.
I walk into the room and she has it perfectly cleaned and organized and is sitting quietly studying I do allow her time for herself to do as she pleases n she must keep up with all her own personal responsibilities. I walk in closing the door behind me and locking it.
I look directly at her as shes sitting there she notices me and immediately starts to get up as she flips her hair to her left shoulder looking at me sslightly.
“Go draw me my bath” u have 5mins she gets up goes into the bathroom starts to flow the water. After maybe 4mins she comes back to let me kown the bath is ready. I get up and walk towards the bathroom I lean forward tapping the water n is prefect more hot then warm. I turn around as shes about to walk out the door.
She stops.
“ turn around” oreder
She turns
“eyes on me, look at me watch me observe me”
She stands there and looks at me
I take off my clothing standunf naked in front of her. She glowing red her eyes fulled with tears of joy
I lower myself slowly into the bathtub
She immediately gets her clothing off I extend my hand to her for her to come in the bathtub with me.
As she comes in I pull her to me and I lean forward kissing her under the water I pinch her nipples drawing her closer.
After some soft tender kisses in the shower I pulled away n got out standing before her as she looks up at me
“get out” and dry me
She gets up and reaches for thr towel I smack her hand
“Dry me with ur mouth” inch by inch all over my body I order her as I lead her to the bedroom lying upon her bed. She follows me and is very eger to be please of course she is.
As she is trying her best to lick me dry and reach up and over her forcing her down on the bed. Straddling her over I lesn down to kiss her gently as I reach under the pillow and pull out an 16inch double headed dildo I slowly insert inside me as shes closely watching me insert inside me shes licking her lips shes filled with temptation with wanting I can see her yarning in her eyes the way shes looking at me her body nice hot n still wet.
As I lean forward she rolls her leg over shes wanting it inside her shes so open she wants me. I slide the head up and down her rosey pink pussy thst is spread open before meand after a few I slide it inside her as well as it begins to slide back inside me. I start to grinding up against her. Slow at first but after every 5min I begin to pick up the pace. I wanna see how much she can take. Her pussy wadens taking all of me inside her her body shaking filled with pleasure overpower by a overwhelming feelings that takes away what lil control she may have. I keep this even pace for a while making her pussy jucing it up making her want me getting use2 my pace giving her a chance to catch up n admiring her nice big titw bouncing up and down uncontrollably. Her body turning several colors of red. I suddenly stop
“Doggy style now!!!
She pops up flipps up and gets on all four pops her ass up and access her ass up to me. I reach under the bedside and I reach for her shower shoes. Placing them off to the side of the bed I reach over getting the 2 keychain like straps she hss snd the thicker strap she has loops oved with the plastic ID and I pop the 2 keyring off it.
I take the two thin strings and tie them up. Using one lf the keyring and loop one end woth the other and I place it up and ocer her neck pulling on the one string that relooped in the keychsin. Immediately locking her down in a choke hold chain using the two strings n keychain loop. As soon as I pull back she immediately gag.. Once I hesr her gag n pull back her breath I take the shower shoes with my left hand snd I smack her bare ass eith them.
Her nice hot wet ass thsts still dripping woth hot water n the soles of the shower shoes is pure rubber thread. The sting of the rubber sole shoes up against her ass. I start to smack her woth the shower shoes repeatly. She trys to scream a few times bit the choke loop she barely can make a sound. I lean forward placing rhe head of the dilo in the opening of her asshole thst nice tight ass hole.
I smack her a few times with the shoes to lry them falls as they stsrt to tesr and rip from the force of my firm hand smacking them against her bare ass. I tske hold of the loose string with my left hand as I hold the head of the dildo over her ass.
“Ok my pretty lil bitch rolls back”
Bring that tight ass back to my dick n tskr it tskr it all the way inside u. Make ur ass eat my dick now! If u want to a breath u better back thst ass up!!! As she is tryinf to takr my dick in her nice tight asshole I reach over to her desk snd take her brush with the solid pink handle and I take it down to her already pre wet pussy and I use the handle to push it inside her stroking it inside her into I jam it in there n keep it there holding the spot for me while I force her to still keep backing that ass into my dildo. I take a hold of this celitc like chain she has and a few od her cellphone cord cables. I take the celtic chain wrap it up in the thick verco strap thst she has and with it and grab the vecro and with the part od the verco thst is shsrp I place it the long way under knees forcing her on them. Wit the other extra slack and twist snd tie it up and around her waist n tits tying them tight almost as binding them.
By this time her tight ass is no longer so tight and shes up and rifing my dick her ass taking jt all the brush still holding my place kn her pussy putting extra pressure. She grinding it in n out n in n out. While she js going wild on my dick I get the 3 spare cellphone cord I interlace them like thst of a braided snd I leave the bigger part of the two usb port lose with itself making it look like a buckler. Im holding down the string of her neck loop with my left hand. As I am grinding her with the dildo inside her ass shes backing it up back n fourth rocking it back taking it all inside her. I slow down the grinding slowly and let her back it all. If she wants it so bad I might as well make her work for it. I wait for her to start slowing down her pacing as soon as I feel her slowing down while shes gaging I start to the the braide usb cords and I whip it back and right across her back lashing her it with.
She moans with a inside cry. The loop around her neck is pushing up against her shes barely able to breath.
I whip her again
“Back that ass up!’
I whip her again the usb cord waving up and down. The sting of her wet body taking the lashes of 3 cord braide together quickly begins to turn red as the cords strikes her skin.
I loosen a lil of the strung locking her loop giving her a chance to breath. As I let the tension of the loop out a little. I strap the side of the thicker strap up against her body tigbter as the teeth and shsro end of the verco start to rub against her.
“Bitch! That that dick and back it inside u# I lash her with the cord while press thr strap of the verco tighter
Shes catching her breath wile phishing back more n more time. Her tender bodt from the sensation of the hot seam bath is supersenitce.
“back it up”
She backs it up
I reach over her face and using the small plastic ID bafage cover I place it over her mouth like a gag seal.
I better not hesr a single word and you better do as told in the pace I give u. You understand me ? She nods I loose the lop around her neck juet enough thst she can takr deep breath shes going to need it.
I take the shower shoes and place one in tbe right n the other I leave it near the left
I pull down both sides of the verco strap pressing them tigbt up against her body that’s already feeling the sensations of it
When I say pussy u will oull forward take it out of ur ass and slide it back inside ur pussy I say ass and u will slide it out and push it back in ur ass and so on n u will do this into I say enough. I slide my left hanf down her pussy taking out the pink hanf brush she had thst I olace there holding my mark.
I wrap the strings over my left hanf wridtt locking them in place. The tension begin s sbe takes a few more breath before it begins to tighten up. I lashed her a few more times with the cord to warm up to my pace.
She slide out and finding the head of my dilo she silides back in softly trying to make sure she has it properly in palce.
I lash her with the cord again 2 times shes moaning from the over use sting that is marking on her back n shoulders her hair is wild fallong over both sides of her shoulders. As I have her strap in tight n ttightwr as I move my left hand cresating more tension. The constant rubbing of the verco up against her body shes feeling the burn around her thigh inner thigh and and up her waist and around to the lower side of her tits where her tits are hanging bouncing around with eaching motion and adjustment.
Using my left hand I reach over to the shower shoes on the left side and with it I smack it against her left tits.
She trying to left out a scream but being gag by the plastic of the id badge she barely gets a yelp out of any kind. I chuckle on the back of her as she slides my dildo in and out of her pussy pulls out and in the same stroke pushes it inside her ass taking it all the way to the base just that easily. Good shes getting the momented down. I push in a few hard hard strokes inside her ass spreading it more open as she moans and groans whole stroking her in the deep in storks I smack her left tit constantly each time her body bounces back. I pusb in my dildo inside her lock her down and samck her tit while at the same time I lash her with the cord.
“You like that’ yeah u like that dick u ditty slut u like having me inside you don’t you? I start egging her smacking her left tit and lashing her one more time with a simple crack of my hand I lash her twice with the cord stright up across her back while sitimantly smacking her tit with the shower shoe. I push in the dildo and I keep it locked in there as tight as I can.
She trembling and shakong from the sensation her body is feeling as each one starts to slowly take over.
I release the tension on my left hand dropping the shower shoe down and grabbing a good porting of her hair pulling back and releasing the tension off her neck loop ring. She immediately takes a deep breath. Breathing hard trying to catch her breath
I use the cord lash her again crisscross up on her back
She pulls forward trying to release my dildo from her ass and silde it off and pushes it back mounting it insjde her pussy that’s wet and beging to drip with her inner body fluid. She slides inside and grind it in there for a few mintues teasing her with the cord but not lashing her but making her think I am her body tenses hp only to relax for a few into she feels the cord as I pull it back and push it back against her back. I push forward hard jamong the dildo deep inside her reach up her left ear snd in a heavy commanding whsiper:
Fuck that dick!
‘I know u wanna fuck it so fuck it u fucking dirty slut. You better give me a good fuck after all the bullshit I gotta put up with. Fuck my dick and fuck it good you fuckig worthless slut’
As I am talking to her I feel her body pushing back and shes grinding more and more forcing her body to keep going pass the breakong point with all the sensations that is sting n hitting her from all sides. I take my right hand using the shower shoes I smack her a few time on the right tit as I let her grind the dick harder n harder shes trying to pusb back and take it deeper she wants it I know she does I keep whispering to her occasionally biting her left upper ear for a few seconds
“ fuck my dick” give me a good fuck
You wanna know why no one accepts your fucking simple basic collar cuz it looks like you cheap simple replaceable a lazy fuck. You look useless if u cant even fuck me you r proving yourself worthless.”
I feel her body overfilles with pleaures from the force penetration of ass and pussy the sting of the tit smacking and the constant lashing of the cord shes exploding her pussy juice dripping all down her legs and soaking the bed. She keepings grinding more n more n more
She releases slides up and in one stroke she slides back and takes my dildo in her ass. I give it to her griding her smacking her right tit a few more times quickly letting go the teared up in half shower shoes and reaching over to the brusb and wjth3 back of it as I am stroking in n out in every out motion I take the back of the brush and smack her smacking her raw ass cheeks in every other stroking conditiatinf both ghe stroking shes beinf force to give me the lashing of the cord that r now in my left hand. With every wave if my left hand the string anf strap of the verco are locking up and releasing the verco scr****g up her skin makring her with perfect friction burns. Shes so consume with pleasure that she does not know or feels the sensations that her body will begin to be over powered by.
I spanked her with the brush a few times back to back it didn’t took very long before her ass was nice anf raw bright red with perfect marking of the baci of the brish imprinted upon her skin.
She was over zealous moan and goaning that after a few more of stroking, lashing and spanking I had to pull upward her and pusb her down releasing her from my grip.
“U stupid slut u forgot to breath’
Shes so overcome with the pleausre she fail to notice that the plastic badge was covering her mouth and even though I relesded her neck loop she was still gaged.
“Breath” I say pressing down on her
Letting go the strings strap and the brusb and I push my dildo inward and outward in a downward and upward motion lettkng myself bounce off her raw ass. Her pussy still exploding juices ever where. After a few mintues that seem like hours she startes to slowly catch her breath. I reach over for those hair clip pins and just using the pin point I press them both against her back rubbing them n pressing them up and down her already raw lashes marked back
Her back had serveral X markings cover alll over it. Her skin barely ripped or tear but red to the point I can smell her skin tear. I left many imprints all over her.
I finally stop grinding her and slide out the dildo taking it out n droppong it nect to her.
“Turn around slut” I say as I stand up on the bed her prefect placed between my legs.
She slowly turns around moaning and gronaing as she nows overcome witb all the feelings n sensation her bidy is finally catchinh up.
I stand over her looking down at her as shes looking up at me for the first time she gets to see my perfect waxed pussy facint her as she licks her lips. She is still so egaer to please. I watch her as she watches me
(If you are not into golden showers skipp this whole part in italics) as I stand over her I look at her “you ungrateful skit you came before I did you couldn’t even wait for me how inconsiderate you are” I say looking down at her shaming her as I stroke my pussy lips right above her and shes looking up at me wanting more she wants so much more she is trying to speak but her shes gone lost her voice from the string of all the maoning n gronaing ahe did while gag. She doesn’t releazed she stringwd her vocals for a day or two. As I am stroking my pussy on top of her heres your prize for cumming before I did
I let out a long heavy hard gush is hot piss all over her soaking her every where. Immediately the burning of my piss barely touching her hevily marked skin that is barely ripped snd tear from the lasbes and spanking. She lets out a scream as the piss soaks her at first its burning and painful but just as quickly it softens and eases off the pain numbkng it. After a nice piss I gush out some cum dripping off my leg
“Lick that off my leg” I order her shes shaking and trembling but leans up and starts licking all my cum as it drips shes very thirsty.
I look down at her and smile. As I take a step off n bounce off her bed leaving her there looking at me co fused not sure what to excpet from me if anything at all. I put on my sweat pants and a regular t shirt and walk over by the doorway near my bed before leaveing I turn around and look at her. Shes stinging from multi level type of sensations shes feeling the burning and cooling of everything as she body goes into shock from an overdoes of excasty. Like a junkine going in n out of a high shes in n out her body shaking with pleaures of all soruces.
“your collar is rigbt here” I pointed at the side of my bed to a stand lamp. Off the side by the on n off switch her collar was hanging off it.
“It has always been rigbt there you were always welcome to take it back.
After all it was never mines to keep……

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Darkroom Saturday

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Roomies part 1

The three of us had been roommates for about a year. AJ, Jim and I usually got along pretty well. But AJ and Jim had a thing for each other. They tried to hide it, but I could tell. I thought she may have quietly liked me, as I swear I’d catch her looking at the bulge in my pajama pants every now and then, but neither of us ever made a move, so I assumed Jim was her choice. It didn’t keep me from checking out her ass in her pajama shorts or her nipples when she wore a skimpy tank top around the...

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Ashley and her boyfriend of a year were your average couple. Jake, her boyfriend, had just been laid off work and Ashley was a receptionist at a small dentist’s office. Struggling to make ends meet they decided to bring in a roommate for a bit of extra cash. Finally, after a hot and sticky hour long drive through peak hour traffic, Ashley walked through the door of her home. Immediately she felt the cool air from the air con all over her body. “Babe, I’m home!” she called out to Jake who’d no...

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Roomie readys me for my date

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Mailroom Girls

Her name was Kirsten Allen, but at work she was simply "Mailroom Girl #12."  Her work uniform was an armband and nothing else.  Her job duties were simple: she was to deliver mail and to be barefoot and nude while she was at it.  Her armband held a company iPhone.  She wasn't allowed to use it, rather it served as an electric leash that gave her assignments and dictated her movements.  She'd just finished her assignment so her armband displayed her number on a kelly green field, signifying her...

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Roomy Service

Chapter 1 Molly and I didn't get to bed until late, and we didn't get to sleep until very late. We didn't stay asleep all that long between amorous bouts, either. On Sunday, we didn't keep at it until 2 p.m., as Molly had predicted. I was whipped long, long before that. It didn't matter. We slept until 2 p.m., anyway. I woke up first, and went to make coffee. I was a happy, happy man. Why the hell not? I'd just had the best, and the most, unrestrained wall-to-wall sex that I'd ever...

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It was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...

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Rooming with my sister

I was in a bind. My roommate had just dropped out of school and was leaving. He had lasted only one month in college. Now I would be stuck with all that rent, which was an expense I couldn't afford. I also knew I couldn't turn to my parents for help. They were struggling to make ends meet as it was. They lived on a farm back home. Dad did the farming, but he also fixed cars and did a little welding on the side. Mom was the typical farmers wife. She cooked. She cleaned. She basically did what...

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Liz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad. His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never...

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Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...

4 years ago
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Rooming For The Winter

Rooming For The Winter By Don Davidson Meanwhile...still standing in the front hallway... He stood there... in the rubber and steel holding his limbs; the woman was behind him... he heard the snapping of rubber gloves... The man came over to him... walked to his left side... and the man gently put his hand on his shoulder and leaned close to his rubber covered head... "Well Sweety... time to get to know each other... we've been kept apprised of your progress... and are very...

2 years ago
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Rooming For Winter II

Rooming For Winter II The day continued... one session after another... round and round... walking... drinking... cleaning... ejaculating... he was being conditioned... trained... The drinking tube was getting lower and lower... he had to bend down at the waist... it was difficult to keep his balance as he took the tube in his mouth... it was getting longer... he had to relax his throat muscles to get it down deep enough to push the plate to get the liquid in him... It was a...

5 years ago
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

2 years ago
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Darkroom Wednesday

This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...

4 years ago
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Roomies Ch 01

I’ve been working on this series for awhile now, and figured I was finally far enough along to submit some of it and see what kind of response I get. PLEASE, if you like what you are reading, VOTE and COMMENT! I love feedback and thrive on your votes to tell me if you like it! Lesli was ecstatic: She was finally here, in her dorm room, ready to start her freshman year of college! What a relief to finally get away from home, away from her mom and step dad, and be able to do all the things she...

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Roomies part 2

It had been a month since our first threesome. AJ and I had hooked up a few times on our own, AJ and Jim had, too. None of us were ever jealous of the other since we all got what we wanted and had a foundation of friendship before things got steamy.This week at work had been a stressful one for me, so my Friday was going to be spent relaxing. AJ had gone to the bar with her girlfriends and Jim was out of town for a couple of weeks visiting his parents. I had the whole place to myself. I thought...

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Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...

5 years ago
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Ballroom Affair

The party was huge. A hundred or more costumed people drinking and dancing their way around the city's most exclusive hotel's ballroom, an invitation only affair put together by Merlin Oberon, the famous billionaire turned philanthropist. The night's gala had already raised, according the thermometer-like gauge on the wall, nearly fifty thousand dollars to support stem cell research, and the fete was only two hours old. Peter Overbee was smashed. He wasn't a frequent drinker, and it'd...

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Showroom Se Bedroom Tk

By : Cooljaat Hi ISS readers I am Rohit from Chandigarh I am a regular reader if ISS having read so much of stories I have decided to share my personal experience with you all as this is my first story so please forgive me for anykind of mistake I am 20 years old 6″ ft tall, good looking guy. I am a student of btech frm delhi bt holidays k chalte apne ghar pe hu chandigarh me kuch din pehle mai apne friends k saath 17 sector ki market me kuch shopping krne gya tha wahin ek showroom me mujhe...

4 years ago
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Back when I was around 23 or 24 I moved in with a girl that I had known since grade four. Her name was Sheri; she was a cute little blue eyed blond girl who was probably the first crush that I ever had. From the moment we met we just seemed to gravitate toward one another. What I remember most vividly was how on class field trips the two of us would always be lagging behind the group annoying our teacher and just making each other laugh.All through elementary school and most of high school we...

3 years ago
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It’s Friday, September 13, 2013, triskaidekaphobia day. I’m at the mall and go to the washroom. There are 3 urinals and the middle one is not occupied. I stand between the two guys there and unzip and start to relieve myself. The guy on my left has an average uncut dick with a long overhanging tube-shaped foreskin. He is pissing away and doesn’t look over at me at all, he just looks down at his pecker and does his business. The guy on my right is also doing his business. He has a smooth cut...

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Groomsman gets the Bride on her wedding night

I met Julie while we were in college. Initially, I thought she was out of my league when it came to dating. She was 5'6" 125-130lbs, pale skin with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was big into golf which is why we hung out often. She started dating a friend of mine and the three of us would golf 4-5 times a week and hang out together too. Over time, Julie and I became more like brother and sister. Talking trash, she was always getting on me about girls I dated, nothing was off limits. Julie and...

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Roommate Fucked My Sexy Sister

Hello guys this is Ajai from Lucknow. I’m 23 years old. 5’11” fair in colour, athletically built, musician, engineer, gentleman, 6-inch cock and a lot of sexual experience. I’m here to narrate a real incident that took place in my life 3 years back when my little sister visited me and was fucked by my roommate while I was gone. Let me tell you about my sister first. Her name is Smriti and she was 19 years old then. She has a very fair skin colour and has a big, firm, round and tight ass which...

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I woke up in my boyfriends room, hung over and naked. His load was leaking out of me, but he was nowhere to be seen. I heard his roommates downstairs, so i put on a pair of panties and a t-shirt that was long and went downstairs. When I got down there, I saw that 4 of the 5 were downstairs in shorts, mostly without shirts. Since we were close, i didn’t even bother to hide what i was wearing, and it was obvious that they were happy with what i was wearing. I offered to make breakfast, and they...

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