Room 112
- 3 years ago
- 23
- 0
December 24, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
I woke in darkness curled into Dad’s back side, which caused me to remember the night before. Dad had told us last night that he had tasks to deal with in the morning. I did not want to chance waking him and end his sojourn in our bed, so tried to move nary a muscle and just enjoy our skin-to-skin contact.
I woke again when Dad moved, stretching both arms toward the ceiling.
“G’mornin’, Dad. Thanks for last night. It was great.”
He rolled toward me, dug his right arm under me and wrapped me tightly into him.
“It was. I’m ... I’m really enjoying my life. It was great earlier in the year, but it’s incredible, now.”
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you. You seem much more ... amenable to the Moms’ plans. Is that you or Mom?”
He leaned away from me a little, presumably to focus on my eyes, but ran into Rhee. She lifted her arm over him and pulled him into contact with her front.
“Yes, Dad. Is that you or Sandy?”
“It’s me. I’ve been thinking about what ... they want. Obviously, Sandy has ... always known what interests me, what I like, what I would want if ... I could have anything I want. I finally thought carefully about ... everything a while ago and realized that much of what they want ... meshes with my wants.” He shrugged in Rhee’s arms, “So I decided to go with the flow. Please don’t repeat this. While I’m more interested in Meka and Celeste, I’m not at all averse to adding Inez and Nira, particularly as all four seem ... inevitable. I would put my foot down if Sandy moved hard to gather Janice to our crazy family. However, that’s not because I don’t think she’s very attractive, don’t think she would be interesting as a lover. I simply do not want the potential problems of getting involved with the departmental secretary ... or any other ... addition that could easily cause problems. I also don’t want you girls to think I’m neglecting you for something new. The most difficult part of this whole thing for me is giving each the attention she deserves.”
“We appreciate that, Dad,” I replied. “While we certainly enjoy you, we do have each other. Mom seems like she ... would be nearly as happy just watching you with a host of other women as she would having you to herself. Well, as long as she could get her mouth on you and whomever. I worry more about Carol.”
“I do, too,” Rhee agreed. She inhaled, then added, “I really don’t want things going sour, as we ... we girls are having a spectacular time with the family.”
“You two are not far wrong, so I’ve been paying particular attention to Carol, to what she says, how she responds to various things Sandy says. Their respective wants are different, but Sandy is as aware of that as we are. She doesn’t want to queer the deal, either. While she suggests a lot of ... additions, Carol and I believe she’s simply testing the waters. Carol shows more interest when it’s your friends Sandy mentions, but she’s fully aware that we have to be very careful, opting for no additions if there’s any question at all.”
Rhee put her head on Dad’s left shoulder, seemingly to ask a question, but that caused Dad to lie on his back and pull both of us partly onto him. She asked it.
“Honestly, what’s your take on ... this whole thing? Particularly about additions. We’re becoming really good friends with both the seniors and the other freshmen. All of those girls are attractive. I know what Sandy would want. What do you want, Dad? Is there anyone beyond Meka that particularly strikes your fancy?”
Dad sighed, then replied, “I’m already living nearly every guy’s fantasy and...”
He broke off as we heard footsteps on the stairs. He nodded when I whispered, “Heather.”
Heather knocked on the door while asking, “May I come in?”
Rhee replied, “Come on in, baby girl who’s older than I am.”
As she entered the room, she began apologizing, “I’m sorry, but I heard you talking and...”
Rhee said, “Don’t worry about it. First, because you’re our wife, and we’ll never force you away from us. Second, we’re having a serious talk with Dad, and it would be good if you took part.”
Heather looked back-and-forth among us, and said, “I wanted to get your thoughts on various aspects about the competition, but, assuming that’s not your topic, I can wait.”
“Baby girl, climb up here onto Dad, and we’ll finish up our discussion then move to your topic.”
Heather followed Rhee’s suggestion, crawling up Dad’s bod, but then rolling down between Rhee and him so she could get under the covers with us. Once there, she crawled back onto Dad. She glanced quickly between Rhee and me, then looked at Dad.
“Your reaction to me, Dad, makes me know you really do think I’m ... sexy.”
“If there’s ever a time that you crawl your naked body over mine and I don’t react to you, you should probably call the coroner. Heather, we all think you’re adorably cute, and every one of us loves you tremendously. You’re a spectacular addition to what was already a spectacular family.”
She stared at him for a few seconds, then leaned in and kissed him lightly and thanked him.
Dad said, “We were discussing my wives’ interests in adding to the family. I suggested that Nira, Meka, and Celeste seem inevitable, but we had moved on, at Rhee’s request, to your friends, specifically the seniors and freshmen of your ... lunch-table gang.” When she nodded in understanding, he continued with, “The point at which you came in was me starting down the road of answering Rhee. I am already living every guy’s fantasy, with, at last count, eight lovers of a variety of attractiveness, some pretty, some cute, some short [at which he seemed to have squeezed Heather’s lower cheeks, as she giggled], some taller, some blonde, some brunette, some black-haired.” He glanced among us with a slight smirk and added, “I guess I need a redhead or two. Do you have any candidates?”
Heather looked deep into his eyes and responded, “No redheads. We’d never get any loving ... unless you’re willing to share with us.”
We shared a chuckle.
“The point I wanted to make is that I was very happy with one lovely wife, a great daughter, and a bunch of wonderful friends of that daughter that filled the hole that used to be the only thing I would have changed about our life, having one or two more children. I know both of us have said this on multiple occasions, but well before sex became a part of ... this, I was very happy with having you girls in my life. You’re all smart, witty, and immensely fun and there was a time I could not imagine having a better life. The crazy thing is that I do have a better life, a life so wonderful that I couldn’t imagine such before this started. Of course, with that unguessed better life comes the concern about losing that better life. I’ve told you this before, too. While it would be a bit of a wrench giving up the sexual aspect of our relationship, I can and would do that the moment that one or more of you expressed that you wanted that change.
“And that gets us back to the topic of the Moms’ thoughts about additions. Rhee asked if there were specific young women among your friends that, as she said, particularly struck my fancy. To answer that, I need first to make sure that you understand that I’m probably not much different from most guys in that even if the guy is perfectly happy with a woman, that doesn’t mean that other women become less attractive. I say that because I would hate if you interpreted what I say as to mean that I thought particular of your friends were more ... interesting than others and that your interpretation got out to one or more of those girls.”
He held up a hand when we began objecting about us even considering that, then said, “I know you won’t say anything, but all I will say about your various friends is that, like you five, they’re all attractive, and if I were in high school with them, I’d be perfectly happy having any one of your friends as a girlfriend. Yes, Meka is more interesting for a lot of reasons, but at least some of those are due at least partly to what life has thrown at her. She’s more mature than the others, even the other seniors. And that leads to a slight detour to tell you that the single most important reason behind my willingness to entertain the idea of sexual relationships with you girls, much less to take part in such relationships, is the maturity beyond your years that all of you present.
“Of you five girls, four of you have gone through difficult periods in your lives and I interpret that as a ... tempering agent for you. Beth is the odd girl out in your fivesome, and I must admit that I’ve never completely understood where her maturity originated. However, it doesn’t matter that I don’t understand, because she and you have proven yourselves over and again.
“Finally, returning to what Rhee wanted to know beyond the question she asked: Other than Meka, there are no girls among your lunch-table gang that I would pursue, although I also admit that all of them are both attractive and sexy. I can tell you that Sandy has mentioned every one of them at one time or another. I can also tell you that I agree with something Beth said a while ago, that Sandy’s list of ‘four or six others’ is probably much larger than she lets on. Also, as I told Beth earlier this morning, I’ve decided to go with the flow that my wives seem to want, although I do have my limits. Could I imagine making love with all your friends? Yes. Will I make love ... have sex with any one of them ... other than Meka? Almost certainly not. I say ‘almost’ simply because I currently don’t know any of them anywhere near well enough to have any particularly strong interest in any of them. Were our lives different, I would be very interested in Meka. Of course, if our lives were different, Meka would probably be a different person, perhaps a young woman that would not lose both her parents before she turned 19.
“Even though she was hurting terribly, and still is, and, despite trying to deny she was losing her dad, she seems to have grown a lot. She’s not one of your senior friends that is looking to change her life because of past choices, decisions. Since I’m, essentially, finished with answering Rhee’s question, I’ll take this down another track. You girls seem to have worked your magic, yet again. Meka seems much more stable, much less like she’s hanging on by her fingernails than she did when she broke down in the dining room. I don’t know how you girls do it, but I find it amazing. Beth did it with Rhee, then she and Rhee did it with Gracey and Liya, and then the Go4 did it with Heather. You’re all much better off now than you were before you met each other. And look what you’ve done for Civia. She’s almost an entirely different person than she was when I first met her. I wonder how you young women will change our world, make it better.”
I nearly lost it, but managed to keep from crying, and said, “You say the nicest things, Dad. I love you so much.”
After a few minutes, Dad begged off, saying he had to talk to his wives, and they needed to do some stuff. Heather brought up the next semi-problem.
“I don’t see how we can do the clothes-and-body painting before a Thursday get-together that’s not during winter break. We could get it to work for a Saturday, but will Celeste give up a Saturday shift?”
I was about to verbally agree with Heather when Rhee asked, “Might she be more willing to give up a money-making shift delivering pizzas if she’s getting her spring-semester lodging for free?”
I snapped my mouth closed and thought about that.
Heather responded, “That’s a good point. She might. It doesn’t hurt to ask her if she could switch the Thursday night of one of the first weeks in January to Saturday night. The only other thought I had was taking advantage of a school holiday, but all we’ve got is MLK Day, and that’s a Monday. Does the university honor it?”
Rhee replied, “We have a holiday in February. Right?”
Heather nodded, adding, “We do, but I think Celeste will be a family member before February. We all know that the whole competition thing ... Well, much of the competition is intended as ... well, seduction of Celeste.” When Rhee started to interject, Heather held up a hand and said, “She hasn’t made any overt indications that she’d join the family, whether in January or later, but I really feel she wants in. I think she’s also made the intuitive leap – although it’s not that big a jump with all the hints we’ve provided, although not purposefully, that we’re all involved with Dad.
“I don’t know what Brit’s idea is, but she seems to really want to do it, and I get a strong feeling that she’s ... letting her libido out, that she’s using us as something of an alter-ego for her own wants. I think her idea is ... very suggestive, if not well beyond just suggestive. I don’t know what role she intends for Brett, but he and we are all wrapped in it together. I think.
“My point is that if Celeste’s already a family member before we can get Brit’s idea effected, it will mean much, much less. Again, while I have no real clue what her idea is, I think it will be really sexy and I’d really like to ... live her idea, if that makes sense.”
I looked at Heather for a while, cogitating, then responded, “You may be right. At least, I’m not willing to bet you’re wrong.” I frowned in thought briefly, then said, “MLK Day is far enough out that Celeste could probably switch her schedule. If we do that, then we need to have Brit and Cera stay here Sunday night. We’ll also need to ... Oh, we can do the clothes painting during break, we just need to keep them hidden from Dad and the Moms.”
Rhee responded, “That shouldn’t be difficult. We just put them in Meka’s room in the new house.”
“Cool,” Heather replied. “Should we ask to move the get-together currently scheduled for the 11th or the one the next week?”
“Or,” Rhee asked, “do we just add an extra get-together? I’m sure Celeste would go for that option, as would, at least, Sandy.”
I looked at Rhee for a few seconds, then grinned and said, “I love that you’re in my life. I vote for Rhee’s option.”
“Thanks, Love. Heather better be right about Brit’s idea, because she’s elevated my libido with her guesses about Brit.” She grinned at Heather, then at me, before adding, “To summarize: We’ll need all the particulars here on ... Tuesday for ... Oh, hell. It can’t be Tuesday, as we need Celeste here.
Heather asked, “Would Brit have all the fabric paint she would need before this Tuesday, anyway? Since we need to push it to Friday, we just need to confirm with Brit that she can have everything she needs by then. Also, we should convince Celeste to stay here Thursday night ... which will not require twisting her arm. In fact, I’ll bet she stays over after every get-together for the foreseeable future.”
Rhee replied, “I won’t take that bet! To finish the summary, we need the BBC, Meka, Celeste, and the Go5 here Friday morning. We do NOT want the BBC spending the night here Thursday night. We must coordinate ASAP with all the particulars and figure out travel plans for Friday. Oh, hell. Nira leaves on Friday. We’ll have to figure that out, although...” She obviously thought hard, then continued with, “Would we be okay with inviting the BBC – and only the BBC – to stay over on Friday night, then have the rest of whomever show up for the Saturday get-together-slash-sleepover?”
“I was moaning about this to Meka, that we’ve suddenly gone from having a relatively free winter break and dealing with most or all of the videos to a winter break jammed with ... stuff.”
Heather responded, “Yeah. And it’s bad enough that Inez is here all next week, but what if Nira decides to join this week.” She looked at the ceiling for a few seconds, then added, “It’s likely that Inez and Nira will not be interested in playing with us, so we might be able to get a lot of video review done on three or four days this week. Gracey and Liya are scheduled with Dad on Christmas night, but nothing else like that is on the calendar, although I’ll certainly want to get some unscheduled Dad loving, hopefully along with my wives and/or my other sister-friend-lovers.”
“Like I said, suddenly we’re very busy over Christmas break.”
We all looked toward the close door as we heard steps on the stairs, steps that preceded our sister-friend-lovers walking in. We greeted them and they joined us in bed. We snuggled together under the covers as the three of us explained what we were discussing and how far we’d gotten in the decision-making process.
Gracey said, “That sounds like the best compromise. It’ll be sort of nice to have our friends here for both Friday and Saturday nights. Actually, I’ll bet the Moms would appreciate us decamping to the Jacobsen house for the weekend. They and my mom will have Dad mostly to themselves. We’ll have to make sure they know we’ll probably be wanting some of Dad on Sunday.”
Heather said, “Since we’ll be moving the competition parameters planned for this week to a future week, we’ll need to let Celeste know that plans have changed. I’ll text her first, then, once I’ve answered any questions she has, I’ll send out the parameters for this week. Will that work for everyone?”
She got nods all around, so began a text conversation with Celeste. After that ended, Heather sent the competition text: Competition parameters 24-30 Dec: Long sleeves and CHEEKY!
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Daniel was a young man of 18, he was small for his age, rather skinny with boyish curly hair, he was slightly pale and had a tone body, he lacked in body hair unlike most of the kids his age and had a profoundly immature sense in his look, and personality. Owen, despite being Daniel’s younger friend was taller, average weight, with flat, straight spiralling hair. Daniel and Owen had opted to share a colledge room, but already, problems were occurring. “What the hell is this Daniel?” barked Owen...
GayI sat in bed a though about how I felt, over all I felt amazing. My body felt like it still had the intense glow from the orgasm last night. I decided I would go and find Lucas but sat on the edge of the bed I noticed that my feet were not on the floor, in fact they were quite a way off of the floor. I hopped down off the bed and noticed that i landed more heavily than I normally would have, I felt slightly heavy and un co- ordinated. I looked around the room and found that everything...
Hi, mein jile singh, 52-years old, bahut sharif sexy banda hun.Mujhe komal, namkin kanyaon ke sath sex ka nanga ashlil khel khelne ka chaska h.Subeh se raat tk mein is khoj me rahta hun ki koi chidiya fanse, mein kisi kabutari ko dabochun, aur koi shadishuda mgr 20-22 ki murgi halal karun.Mere kai shauk h jisme andhi-gungi-bahri ladki ko chodna, mandir jati suhagin auraton ko taakna aur unki asmat lutna, bahin ke samne uske bhai ki gaand marna, adi kaam shamil h.Mein to bhikharin chhoriyon ko...
Lana and Maggie are fantastic in sharing.Few months back I went to Levant to visit a cousin; she's older now, married with k**s that are almost grown. When we were growing up, it was me she came to when she had questions about boys, and sex. Even though I was younger by about 5 years, her name is Lana, she's now 36, stands about 5' 3", 130, 36c-24-37, black hair.I hadn't seen her in over a year, the last time was at a family reunion, and we couldn't get off by ourselves to talk, but the lust...
The events in this story are partly true. Descriptions of the places and even some of the girls are certainly accurate, which is why there are no names. I have exaggerated some events and others are pure fantasy. I will leave it you your imagination to work out which parts of the story are which, but hope you enjoy all parts the same.....I went to a large, English public school (which for the non-English means a fee paying private school, the differences between Private and Public schools in...
I had told Viki about Phil and his fantasies. About how he wanted to watch me with another woman. I knew it excited her. She told me she thought Phil was hot and would love to have him watch her and me lick each other’s pussies. Would you let him join us? I’d like that she had said. We used to talk dirty when we were in bed together. I want to suck his balls as he fucks you Mona she said. And when he has filled your pussy, I want to suck his cum from you. When Phil gets back, I’m going to let...
Every night was a struggle for Rina.When she wasn’t focusing on an assignment or study for exams, she was procrastinating, and nothing seemed to grasp her attention more than the sound of her housemate, Rebecca, laughing obnoxiously into her phone.Every night like clockwork, a tirade of nonsense would overwhelm any hope of concentration. Even if she tried studying earlier in the day, the same thing would happen: Rebecca loudly chatting and complaining to her girlfriends, or talking dirty and...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi“Oh yes, fuck me like a whore,” I screamed when my perverted, dirty, little brother, Mike, pushed his cock deep in my pussy and pulled my hair. We had just arrived to our beach house this afternoon, and he was fucking me second time in a row. It had been two years of my marriage but it could never end between me and my brother. Sorry, let me start telling from where it began. It was Sunday afternoon. I was in my bedroom with my mother and we were just checking everything we bought that day. For...
IncestIntroduction: Connie and Maria are sisters Maria and her sister Connie Maria and Connie grew up in a big Greek family in Brooklyn. Maria was younger than Connie and they were best friends growing up. Even though they were three years apart they almost looked like twins and people could always tell they were sisters. All girls have secrets and Maria and Connie had their fare share. Maria never knew it but her big sister Connie was always jealous of her ever since they were little girls because...
He had one sister, Claire, who was two years below him in school, aged 16. She was a lot more popular than him, but despite this they got on pretty well, both in and outside of school.. Claire was stunning, tanned skin and seemingly endless legs that ended in a perfect bubble butt. Here boobs were amazing too, she wore a 34DD bra (James knew this from finding them in the laundry, as well as going through her draws once in a while). James had always fantasized about his sister, but never...
Based on a true event in my life. My name is Joey, I was in college when this all took place. Being a freshman in college, I was extremely small compared to everyone else. I was only 5'10 and 110lbs. I was extremely boney all the way to my woman like hips that I wished every girl I met had. I had a good life of a kid, drinking alchol here and there, chilling with my good friends. My two best friends were Eric and Jimmy. Eric was your average Justin Bieber looking kid, long hair and all that. He...
GayNote : This story is completely fictional! Sean was a typical 19 year old boy. He had good looks, he was relatively charming, and he was very athletic and muscular. He was coming home from water polo practice after school, and he decided to take a shower. The shower was a rather long one, consuming forty five minutes of Sean's time. The reason behind Sean's "dilly-dallying" was: He had recently seen a hot girl in the girls locker room. He went in to peek, and he saw her undressing. After he had...
GayHi iss readers vadiraj again here people who don’t know me let me tell you about my self-male24 with a good healthy 7 “ long penis living in hyderabad. So the story I am going to tell you it’s the story of one of my best story about me and my elder sister having sex since last 2 years. My sister name is prathiba 26 years old what a girl a beauty that you not only want to fuck but keep here for whole life with you and fuck here whole life what a figure 38 30 38 even in cloths she will give you a...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin amma udan kama uravu ear patu avargalai sex seitha anubavathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar praveen vayathu 23 aagugirathu. Thirumana vayathil irukum naan ithu varai entha penaiyum sex seithathe illai, naan oru single paiyan. Naan veliyil selum pozhuthu pengal en arugil vanthu nindraale enaku moodu ear aaarambithu vidum. Avargal ennai idika matargala endru eanguven, enaku oru nanban irukiraan avan...
He was gorgeous, Angie decided. Over six foot, blonde hair, wide shoulders that trimmed down to a flat stomach and slim waist, a butt that made her hands itch to feel if it was as firm as it looked. As for the smile, it not only invited her to come to bed, but turned back the sheets, and fluffed up the pillows for her. Oh Wow!She could feel the dampness already starting between her legs. He was perfect, apart from one thing. He was taking absolutely no notice of her at all. This really annoyed...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHumiliating Ass FuckingBy: Londebaaz Chohan Laski slapped Nussbaum’s lovely ass when he did not answer immediately a question asked by Laski, if he got turned on by the roughness shown by Laski. "Answer me, bitch”, he said; “Are you turned on by my roughness? Are you ready to take my hard cock deep inside your throat and beg me to fuck you?"Laski was not in a mood for games tonight. He was very horny and he simply wanted to fuck Gifford Nussbaum very hard and rough, making him scream and shout....
Hi there, this is Sunil from Kochi and I would like to share my true experience with a hot lady whose husband was in abroad. This happened in the year 2001-02 when I was doing my graduation. I used to take tuitions for students and since I was learning computers, one of my neighbor who had a computer shop approached me and said that if I would take tuition for a lady for whom he had installed a computer recently. As I did not have much job at weekends I agreed immediately. It was the month of...
Second part of My door is open.....While we are enjoying a cocktail, we are hearing more knocks. Mark gets up to answer the door. This time a man and woman come in. She is kinda scared when she wees all the black men. He's telling her things will be ok and she will enjoy herself. I'm sitting on the bed rubbing my tits with one hand and stroking Matt with the other. The new guy comes up to me and introduces him and his girlfriend as Tim and Beth. I tell Beth to come over by me and have a...
Hiro sat in his new office on Jupiter Station reviewing the reports from his staff. They were compiling a list of technologies, and evaluating available Confederacy technology with their understanding of Mitsubishi developments to see which ones would offer the most likely benefits. Each department head was diving into a different aspect of ship technology, from energy and propulsion, to sensors, to weapons, communications and other ship’s systems. Within this box of puzzle pieces might...
"The Wrong Sister" by Kathy Core When she turned fifteen my sister Clare became obsessed with switching places with me. I can't really describe how embarrassing it was to have her constantly talking about how she would one day be my brother, and I her sister. She'd spend hours dreaming out loud to our Mom and Dad that she was looking forward to being their son again, and how much I was looking forward to being their daughter. "That's nice, dear, " my Mom would say. To...
Mera naam nikhil hai aur ye mere saath 2 hafte pehle hua. Mere pehla sex ek mard ke saath wo bhi mere papa ke dost ke saath. Aur ye sab mere papa ke permission ke saath hua. Main 20 saal ka hoon. Gora rang, patla dubla body shareer pe ek baal nahi, mera figure ladkiyon jaisa hai par main ladki jaisa dikhta nhi bohot hi cute young kid jaisa dikhta hoon. Mere papa ki umar 54 saal hai.. Wo bhi gore smart hai achhi gealth ke hain. Aur jo mere papa ke dost hain wo papa ke saath kaam karte but papa...
Wer meine Stories liest, wird schnell feststellen, dass ich versuche, um den wichtigen Teil eine Geschichte zu packen. Ich finde zwar auch Geschichten toll, wo es schnell zur Sache geht. Aber hier ist es mal wieder etwas mehr Text geworden. Kommentare sind ausdrücklich erwünscht! Diese Story ist frei erfunden! Mögliche Ähnlichkeiten mit Namen und Orten sind rein zufällig.Ich war erst vor ein paar Tagen in meine Wohnung im Hamburger Randbezirk gezogen. Nach der Trennung von meiner Ex musste...
It was almost quitting time for Charlie. Delivering pizzashad proven to be a pretty good part time job while he was ingraduate school. Fortunately, the GI bill and a scholarshippaid most of the tuition, with his Army savings and prettygood tips from pizza delivery making up the rest. Hecertainly wasn't close to living the good life that heplanned to attain, but he was getting by. In fact, it was alot better than the three years he spent in the Army thoughhe didn't discount the skills he picked...
Master Ray, after allowing Bess to remove her blindfold, insisted that still naked she sit beside him on the sofa, legs as wide apart as she could comfortably manage. Well my cock loving slut, tell me how you began to be the humility loving slut that you are today, and don’t even think of leaving anything out or any punishment would be trebled. Bess blushed as she admitted her problem had begun when she was only fifteen; well actually just days before her sixteenth birthday and she developed...
You know how in life we all want to get laid by our crush? I mean, we at least think about it more often than we admit. Well, I got my wish around my third year in college. It was an accident actually. I wasn’t even trying to impress him. If anything, I was actually trying to avoid him. Anyways, let me give you a rough idea on how I and some of the other people look like before continuing with the story. I was a rather average height girl, with ice blue eyes and straight blonde hair which...
Reluctance“Court is dismissed” the deputy sheriff called out. The judge stood and left as the crowd of onlookers slowly exited too. The younger woman sat and watched him leave as the people walked out. She did not move. She had a “thing” for the slightly older statesman. In truth, she’d had a thing for him for a long, long time. No, she wasn’t warped in any way. She has known the man for a long while now. At one time, he was a partner with her daddy. The judge was a number of years younger then her daddy...
First TimeFirst Adult Bookstore ExperienceThis is an account of the first time I went to an adult bookstore, located in the outskirts of the city. Since then ABS have become one of my favorite haunts but this one remains one of my favorites.One weekend I went to visit Larry, but he wasn’t up to meeting, so I was in the city horny and looking for some dick. I had heard about adult bookstores and glory holes but had never been to one so decided to check one out. I found one in the outskirts of town, once...