Nathalies Makeover Chapter Five free porn video

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Viv and I were both up and ready for work before he even woke up and I was in the office and at work before he wandered in with his big pretentious smile spread across his face, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. As always he charmed everyone with his smooth manner. The day progressed along reasonably well. We had client meetings as we prepared to finalise. The one thing that I could say, lately at work at least Yves aside from the intimidation, had been promoting and endorsing my work and suggestions. Today was no exception he went out of his way to ensure management were aware of the work I had done, especially Mike our boss. After the meeting Mike took me aside and asked whether I was keen on a new project starting straight after this one was finalised. Of course I was interested particularly after he offered me the project manager's position. I was on cloud nine as I walked away. Fucking hell I had been fighting to get my foot in the door here and now I was making some progress. Yves came into my office later to congratulate me. I had been working on the final spreadsheets and he stood behind me and leaned over my shoulder as he had been doing lately, as he cast his eyes over them, he leaned in and he let his hand slide down into my lap caressing my bulging cock. I left the chair in fright, taken completely by surprise. "Yves please stop somebody will see." I tried to push his hand away but he wouldn't budge. His hand clutched tightly, I was terrified someone would come in and catch us. His mouth was close to my ear as he breathed. "Relax Nathalie my little dove, calm down, you will have a heart attack, your little cock tells me you are enjoying this very much." I couldn't argue as my erection was building. "You don't want another spanking do you?" he whispered harshly. I couldn't breathe overcome with panic and unease, but my cock had a mind of its own as he massaged and caressed me under the desk. "Here my little angel, would you like to see it?" He pulled out his phone and selected the video clip of him spanking me. It was there in full colour as I screamed and wailed, yelling at him and ashamedly begging him to stop. As the video ended he smiled smugly. "I will send it to you so you can watch it whenever you want, it might make you behave." Right then I was saved by Mike who walked in and dragged Yves away. As he walked out the door I was able to breathe again. Thank god, although it took a long time for my erection to subside. Jesus he had such control over me, Why was I so afraid of him, it wasn't just his size there was something about him a power of some sort. That night I couldn't wait to get home and tell Viv my big news, but when I walked in the door she was already excitedly running around, getting dressed. "What's going on?" I asked. She kissed me on the cheek. "Yves rang and said he has some big news he wants to share with us so we are all going out tonight, something about a celebration so hurry up you need to get glammed up." I gave her the news about my promotion and a little about the project. She showed no interest aside from a cursory. "Well done you!" She quickly changed tack. "Now please you have to hurry as we are going out." She must have seen the look of consternation on my face. "Love it really is great news, but we don't have a lot of time." Feeling a little deflated I mumbled. "So what's this about going out?" She giggled excitedly. "Yves rang before and said we were going out for a big celebration, he didn't say what it was but hon we are going to the Ambassador for dinner." I slumped. "Oh fuck why can't we just stay home, I have had a big day." She kissed me. "Don't be such an old fuddy duddy. Come on love Yves will be here soon, let's just have a good time." "Viv I have had a big day myself, and I can't be bothered with getting dressed up, I will just shower and put on some clean clothes." She looked shocked. "No love this is Yves celebration, it needs to be Nathalie now come on it won't take long to get ready, please just for me, let's make it a special night, let's not forget it will be our last chance." I relented, I guess she knew I would, she always gets her way with me. She dragged me up the stairs to start getting ready. Viv didn't have a lot of posh clothes and we were going to have to share. She chose a little blue cocktail dress for me and she wore her favourite yellow dress. We spent ages in the salon as Viv helped me apply my makeup, as I was now able to do my own she really only assisted me. As she supervised she giggled playfully. I should get you to work for me in here. I could take you on as an apprentice." "Smart bitch," I replied sarcastically. She laughed. "No I am serious, you have got really good." As we played we had a few drinks and talked about the night, she picked that I was nervous and not that enthusiastic. By the time our makeup was complete we had finished the bottle and I was feeling a little more at ease. Viv helped adjust my bra so it sat properly under the dress, and said, "I wish these were real, god imagine if you had real ones, I could play with them every night." I gave her a disbelieving look and she peeked coyly at me out of the corner of her eyes. "Love don't take this the wrong way but you are a much prettier woman than you are a man." Her words actually offended me and as I pulled away from her embrace she saw I was hurt. "I am sorry hon, I didn't mean to offend, but look in the mirror, you are so bloody cute, and you look hot. I love you so much, all I meant was Nathalie is better looking." She pulled me back into our embrace and she hugged me. "I am sorry babe, honestly I didn't mean to insult you, I was just trying to be playful." She turned away and walked up the stairs leaving me feeling agitated. Was that what she really thought? Had she lost that much respect for me she didn't even see me as a man any more, fuck I couldn't blame her if she had, especially after that spanking Yves gave me last night. Even thinking about it brought a bright red blush to my face. I felt ashamed of myself for not being able to stop him, what sort of man can't protect his wife. OK in the end she liked it but she was so scared at the start I should have been able to stop him. I played with my hair as I stared into the mirror. I gazed at my reflection I realised Viv was right in many ways. I wasn't a big burly bloke, I was decidedly average. I had never been particularly athletic; I had always leant towards the scholastic aspects of life. I had never had a fight even at school I shied away from confrontation. My frame was about the same size as Viv, which was what made this whole thing so simple. I played with the lipstick applying a thicker coat and as I played I heard voices from upstairs. Yves must obviously here. As I was playing the voices got louder they were coming down to the salon, and I realised it wasn't Yves at all it was Carol and I was trapped, there was nowhere to hide. They burst in and Carol looked stunned as she saw me sitting there, she turned to stare at Viv who just babbled. "Carol this is Nathalie, don't mind her, just plonk your arse down, I will have to hurry because we are going out." Carol leaned over for an air kiss. "So who are you?" she asked. Viv interrupted. "Nathalie is Nathans sister, she is staying with us for a bit. So what is it you want me to do with this mess?" "Oh I don't know surprise me, I just want something different tonight, I'm meeting a new fella and I want to look good." Viv started to wash her hair and Carol stared at me. "So what's the deal Nathalie, how come I haven't seen you around before?" I blushed too scared to answer. Viv snickered. "Don't bother Carol she is shy, once she gets to know you she does speak." Carol looked at me quizzically. "You look exactly alike you know." She turned to Viv. "So where is the little shit anyway?" Viv shrugged. "He is around somewhere." Carol kept peering back at me as I fidgeted uneasily. Even as Viv chatted with her she kept turning and running her eyes up and down me and it gave me the willies. I was just about to make a run for it when she blurted out... "Oh fuck no! Jesus fucking Christ... I don't believe it. Nathan that's you isn't it. Blimey it is isn't it?" Viv slapped her on the shoulder. "Stop it Carol you are making her uncomfortable." I was mortified. I tried to push past but she grabbed my arm. "Hey don't run away, fuck let me have a look." She held me tight as she just stared. "Fuck me dead I still don't believe it, Nathan you look smashing. Who knew that this little hottie was hiding in there?" Viv laughed uproariously. "That's an understatement, I am in love all over again." Carol stood up and gave me a hug. "Honey you look amazing. As she let my arm go I made a run for it totally humiliated. I ran straight up to the bedroom and flopped on the bed and it was impossible to hold back the tears, my whole world was falling apart, even Carol knew. Viv came in and sat beside me. "Its OK love, there's no need to freak out." "Bollocks Viv, for fucks sake, now everyone will fucking know. Soon the whole bloody neighbourhood will be talking about it. I am going to be a laughing stock." Just as we were talking Carol walked in. "Nathan you don't have to worry babe I am not a complete bitch I won't say anything, I promise." I was shocked to see her but Viv patted the bed and she sat with us. "Nathan you look great, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You have to excuse me I am just shocked. Fucking hell I just never knew." Viv said. "Thanks babe, see Nath there's nothing to be upset about your secret is safe." Just then there was a knock on the door. Viv jumped up. "That will be Yves." She ran down to greet him. As we sat there Carol shuffled over beside me she ran her hand over my cheek trailing her nails along my skin. I was trapped and frozen to the spot too scared to move as she caressed me. Then she leaned in and her lips clasped on mine and her tongue slithered seductively into my mouth as she kissed me deeply. My head spun making me light headed but rather than push her away we fell deeper into the kiss. "What the fuck? What's going on in here?" Viv had come rushing back into the room. She stood there hands on hips glaring. "Fuck you two dirty girls need to calm down." Carol giggled. "Sorry babe but I have always wanted to do that...kiss a woman I mean, and this was my chance. Sorry." Viv smiled teasingly. "Nathalie you are a little slut aren't you." Carol giggled with her. "It was my fault Viv, I kissed her." Viv's grin brightened. "Carol we don't have a lot of time, but I am sure Nathalie would like another kiss so perhaps another day wouldn't you?" Viv grabbed her hand and led her away. "Carol it's OK I am not mad, in fact I would like to watch that kiss properly when we aren't rushed." She looked back over her shoulder and grumbled. "Nath now you have spoiled your makeup, you need to fix it, so hurry Yves is already getting toey." Carol was one of those gorgeous sexual creatures who managed to look sensational without even trying. As I watched her sexy arse undulate its way out the door I was thinking bugger me what just happened. I was still sitting there ten minutes later when Viv came hustling through the door, when she saw me just staring into space she barked. "Nath, what the fuck are you doing? Hurry up or we will be late." She dragged me over to her dresser and she helped me fix my makeup. "Viv I am not going." She gave me a stern look. "Nath don't be difficult, we are running out of time, hurry please." I shook my head. "No, I am a bit pissed off right now... why did you take Carol down to the salon tonight? You knew she would recognise me. Bloody hell, what's got into you lately? It's like you purposefully tried to embarrass me." She hugged me, trying to placate me. "Come on love it was just a little bit of fun, I didn't know she would recognise you, but I knew even if she did it wouldn't matter. She doesn't care, not everybody thinks like you love. Now come on and we will have a fun night and help Yves celebrate." I wanted to argue, but what was the point? She was going to get her way regardless of my apprehension. There wasn't a lot of chit chat as we drove to the restaurant it was actually uncomfortable. When we arrived we were shown to our table, which was weird because it was set out for a table of five. The waiter took our orders and brought drinks. I stared at Yves and Viv. "Are we expecting someone else?" They both changed the subject quickly. Viv patted my hand whispering. "Relax hon, just enjoy the night." I was uneasy with their secretive attitude. Trying to fill in the silence Viv babbled on about how excited she was to be so close to finishing her diploma and was already looking forward to setting up her own salon. Lately she complained many times that her job was driving her crazy and she couldn't wait to go out on her own in a proper salon. As she burbled on I interrupted. "Hon just because you will get your diploma doesn't mean we will be able to set up a salon. We are going to have to save a lot of money first." She gave me a mock sad face. "Don't be a wet blanket, just for one little moment I was enjoying the thought of getting out from behind that bloody checkout." Yves chuckled softly. "Well if it's only the money holding you back, I could help you know... I would be happy to finance your salon." Viv's smile overtook her whole face and she threw her arms around his neck. "Oh my god! Really... Yves that would be amazing." She gushed. "Oh my god did you hear that Nath?" Viv's demeanour changed instantaneously when I snarled. "No thanks Yves, it is a generous offer but we will do it ourselves thanks all the same." Viv' glared angrily at me. "Nath, don't be ridiculous. He wants to help." "No Viv he isn't even going to be here and this was always going to be our business, you and I together remember... we are not a fucking charity." Just then Yves jumped up and signalled to a couple of sharply dressed guys who had just walked in. They walked directly to our table and Yves introduced us all. "Paul, Stephen, this is Nathalie and Vivian, they are my girlfriends." His words made my stomach turn, why did he have to say that? They were apparently business acquaintances of his. He had clearly been expecting them. As they sat down the waiter brought more drinks. I swallowed my anger and the table fell into general chit chat before I asked how they knew Yves. Paul glanced at Yves before answering. "Well Yves what do you think can we let the cat out of the bag?" Yves confirmed his agreement with a perfunctory nod of his head. "Nathalie Yves has recently become a partner in our firm and he is going to be taking up his position with us. As of yesterday, Stephen, Yves and I are partners." I glanced across at Yves and he had his big cheesy smile beaming at full luminosity. Viv leaned over and gave him a huge congratulatory kiss, when she sat back down she nudged me whispering. "Well say something, don't just sit there give him a kiss love." She looked chuffed, and I realised she had known all along. I was completely dumbfounded, I ignored her as the waiter arrived to top up our drinks Paul fastened his gaze on me. "Nathalie part of the reason Yves got us all together tonight was not just to make this announcement that will happen soon enough, we asked you along because we would like to offer you a position as well." I just stared at him mouth gaping open. "You want to what? You don't even know anything about me." "Nathan Yves has told us everything about you, this was his idea, if you are only half as good as Yves suggests then we will all be very happy." Now I was furious. "Sorry Paul but I already have a job, and I am very happy with it." Yves glared at me angrily. "Nathan don't be so hasty, you haven't heard what's on offer. I think you might be pleasantly surprised." Paul interrupted. "Nathan, just let me tell you about the job, what it entails and of course the salary." I snapped. "I said no thanks and I meant it. Thank you anyway Paul." My cheeks were burning I felt ashamed, humiliated and very, very angry. The waiter topped up our drinks as Yves and Paul talked as I sat fuming silently. Viv was angry as well and fixed a cold icy dagger laden stare on me. We had our dinner which was magnificent and as we waited for dessert Paul tried again. "Nathalie please just let me tell you about the job." I sighed reluctantly knowing full well I wasn't escaping until I let him. "Yeah OK, go on then let's hear it." Paul looked chuffed as he gave me the rundown on the job. He was very effusive as he explained the finer details. He looked like he had just offered me the world, and I honestly think he thought I was going to be happy. When he finished I looked around the group and I think they like Paul all thought the same. "That is a great offer Paul, just not for me. Thanks all the same." He fell forward onto his hands, visibly deflated. "You mean what I just offered you doesn't pique your interest at all? I mean the salary alone must be a lot more than you are currently earning, and you would be in charge of your own team." "I don't doubt that it is a generous offer, but the answer is still no." Paul looked across at Yves. "If it's the money, we could possibly stretch it another 10%, but that would be tops." "Paul it's not the money. I like my current job." Viv joined the fray. "Nath, honey... this is a fabulous offer. It sounds exactly like everything you have been looking for. Don't be so rash." I returned her icy glare. "This is none of your business." You would have thought I slapped her face. "Fuck you then you ungrateful turd." That put a stop to the job talk. Yves looked very angry and Viv became sullen and petulant. Yves took over and dominated most of the conversation boasting about their plans for the company and where they wanted to go. He also bragged about his new apartment which he had just brought. We arrived home and Yves grabbed me by the arm forcefully. "You behaved like complete bitch tonight you insulted my friends and you ruined my celebration. Paul made you a very generous offer and you threw it back in his face and made me look stupid in front of them. This is not acceptable." He dragged me in close until our mouths were almost touching. "I am very angry Nathalie, you will need to be punished?" I looked pleadingly at Viv but she stood there with a strange look on her face. Yves turned to her and asked. "What do you think Vivian? What shall we do with her?" Viv said nothing. As we stared into each other's eyes I wanted so much to tell him to fuck off but my tongue was stuck and no words came out. His mouth closed over mine and his tongue drove forcefully into my mouth in a ferocious kiss, he gripped my head in both hands and there was no escape. His tongue was like a rampaging Viking raider. Giddy and lightheaded, already unstable on these heels, I had to hold on to his shoulders to stay standing, as I gave into the kiss my arms encircled his neck and I was lost, lost in the passion and desire, the bastard had done it again. Why, why did I just give in... He pulled away from the kiss and left me breathlessly hanging on. "So my little angel what should your punishment be?" I was just holding on and I buried my face in his neck, hoping he would stop talking about punishment. Unfortunately he had other ideas. "Vivian my sweet, what do think? How can I punish this petulant little bitch?" Viv whispered, "I enjoyed the last time." He grinned. "So a spanking, you want me to give her a spanking?" "No," I screamed as I untangled my arms and stepped back, and again I glared pleadingly at Viv for help. She nodded. "Yes, she was a bitch tonight I think she deserves it, well unless she apologises and changes her mind about the job." He snarled viciously, "So are you going to apologise?" I couldn't speak I was more scared than I had ever been in my life "So that is a no is it? Damn you are a intolerable little bitch. Get down on your knees and worship me." He forced me down onto my knees and dragged out his pulsating throbbing monster. Even now I was awestruck by the weight and feel of its velvety texture, so hard and yet so soft. I stroked it gently running my fingers up and down its smooth soft length, up and down my fingers barely reaching around as he started to grow. I always felt so inadequate with his cock in my hand, it was so massive. I had watched a lot of porn and this thing was still the biggest I had ever seen. I rocked forward on my heels and kissed the knob, swirling my tongue lovingly around the head, then I opened my lips and let a little slide in as he pushed forward. "Ahhhhhhh that feels so nice," he crooned staring at Viv. "Doesn't she look beautiful with her mouth full of my cock." She giggled softly. "God yes, she looks so sexy." His hands grasped my head and he pushed again deeper and harder as he held on tight with both hands. He thrust in and out slowly at first but then deeper and with more power his knees bending as he drove in, fucking my mouth. I became scared as his thrusts became stronger and the pressure on my head increased as he held tighter. In and out faster and harder, he pushed, deep into my mouth until it was in my throat and gagging, asphyxiating on his mammoth shaft. "Oh you like that don't you my little slut, my cock in your mouth." He pulled it out and I could finally gasp in a deep breath as he rubbed it all over my face. "Tell me my little angel, you like it don't you?" I didn't want to say anything, I hated exposing myself further by telling him. "Tell me, I want to hear it, you love sucking my cock." He thrust it back into my gasping mouth, it was brutal unrelenting and vicious thrusting as deep as he could and his balls crushed against my chin, in and out deeper harder, pulling out. "Tell me I want to hear you use the words." "Yes I love it," I whimpered, just hoping to get it over with. I hated this aspect of it, him making me say it just to prove his power over me. "Good little slut." he thrust back in all the way into my throat in one long crushing thrust. "Am I not the man in this house? Let me hear it from your sweet lips. "I am your man" His words bit hard at my ego, I wasn't saying that. I tightened my lips around his monstrous shaft and sucked harder. Turning his attention to Viv he groaned. "Vivian, am I not the man of the house?" She giggled. "Yes baby you are definitely the man of the house." Her words shamed me. Surely she didn't think that? He was relentless thrusting into my mouth, I gagged and choked as he forced it deeper. He pulled out again and stroked himself all over my face until it was covered in my saliva and his precum. "Say it you little devil, am I your man? Am I the man in this house? Are you going to do as I tell you? Well say it." He bellowed, "Say the words." I refused to say that, no way was I giving him that satisfaction. "Damn you are such a disobedient insolent little bitch, tell me now or I am going to get very angry." His hand stroked that monster cock in front of me, I kissed it and opened my mouth to trap it and suck it, anything to get it over with. All of a sudden he reached down and grabbed my arm brutally and dragged me screaming over to the sofa. He dragged me down over his knee. I realised now what was coming and started to flail and push with my arms. My feet anchoring on the ground trying to push, so I could get out of his control but his hand clasped me around my neck and his hands were so large they went right around strangling me. He pushed my head down and started to spank my arse. He bellowed, "Vivian come and pull her panties down and help me damn it." I saw Viv's feet as she walked over and I hoped was going to help, but I felt her fingers slip under the hem of my panties and she pulled them down. Before he started to beat my arse he said to Viv, "I want to capture this for prosperity, get my phone." There was a short break and I am ashamed to admit I begged. "Please Yves, don't do this, please...." He laughed ignoring my pleas, then it started and he was merciless, he spanked me harder and harder, fuck I was still bruised from the last one and this hurt, it was painful. The room was full of the sounds of his hand slapping down on my arse and me crying. "Please Yves, stop, this isn't funny it hurts, please stop." I sobbed. "Tell me then you little urchin, am I the man of the house?" "Yes you are the man," I whimpered between sobs. "You love my cock in your mouth?" "Yes I love it, please stop." On and on he continued, "Do you want me to fuck this sweet arse." "Yes, yes I want you to fuck me, but please stop." He stopped beating me, his hand running smoothly around my flame red cheeks. "Vivian, come and have a turn... Spank her." Surely Vivian wouldn't do that, but then I felt a slap, lighter almost gentle. "Not like that," Yves roared. "Harder, do it like you mean it, slap her hard." The intensity of the slaps grew harder and harder as she started to get into her swing. My arse was stinging again I couldn't believe how much it hurt, I thought I was going to pass out. Then it was over. Yves stood up and his cock was back in my face as I knelt at his feet. "Tell me I am your man, I am the man in this house." "You are the man," I sobbed, "you are the man." He thrust it deep into my mouth and quickly built a deep thrusting rhythm deep into my throat. "Vivian come and help." He barked. Her fingers caressed his balls as he thrust into me choking me with his engorged monster. I could feel the throb and I knew he was going to cum, I prepared for a big ejaculation, but he pulled out and his hand grabbed it and rubbed it over my face. "Do you want my cum over your face my sweet little cocksucker, do you?" I just wanted it to be over. "Yes I want you to cum on my face." "Vivian," he roared. "Stroke my cock, spread my sperm all over our little sissies face." Her hand grabbed it, becoming a blur as she stroked it all over my face until I felt the first spurts, his hot creamy goo squirting all over my face. There wasn't an inch she didn't cover, rubbing it and smearing it until my whole face was covered in white sticky goo. Once the last drops had been squeezed out he murmured. "Now suck it clean." I sucked and licked him until the last trace of cum was gone, while he kissed Viv passionately. After he was clean he laughed cruelly. "Go and clean yourself, you look like a dirty filthy little slut." I ran up to the bathroom with tears streaming down my face. I was in shock and felt completely humiliated. The smirk on Viv's face was the thing that really upset me, she had enjoyed it. I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed for a while my burning bum cheeks were still on fire and felt so tender. I wanted to rub them to ease it off. I hunted through the medicine cabinet and found some Paw, Paw cream which I massaged in. I was up there for nearly an hour, when I reluctantly returned to the living room Yves and Viv were locked in a steamy snogging session on the sofa, his hands were busily frigging her under her dress and she was purring contentedly as she stroked his cock which was now at full strength again. I felt jealous and angry as I watched on. When he spotted me he grinned booming. "Nathalie get us a fresh bottle of champagne, we need to celebrate properly." I went into the kitchen and collected fresh glasses and a new bottle. I poured us all a drink and he toasted. "Here is to my two favourite girlfriends." The smile on Viv's face was galling. That night in bed Yves was at his torturous best, he made me hold his cock and feed it into Viv's pussy while he fucked her. He made me lick it all out when he was finished, but it was what he said that was the hardest to take. As he fucked Viv who was on all fours he cried out, "Vivian, tell me my sweet, is my cock better than Nathans puny little thing." She didn't answer straight away but after he coaxed her for several minutes as he pounded her she whispered. "Yes Yves I love your big cock, it is so much bigger than Nathans, and it feels so good inside me, I love it." "Nathan is just a little sissy yes?" Between pants and grunts she purred. "Yes, yes... she is our sissy." I had to lick his cum out of her pussy and what was worse I still had not cum and my cock was still as hard as steel. In the morning I got out of bed and headed straight for the shower. I was just starting to relax when the door opened and Yves pushed his way in. I had just started to soap up when he pushed up against me pinning me to the wall. I felt him grab his cock as he rubbed it over my tummy, as he did I realised he was pissing on me, a thick acrid stream of piss was coating me. I was horrified and tried to push him away but it was wet and slippery, as I tried to fend him off I slipped, I could feel myself falling but could only grab him as I fell on my arse. I was left sitting on the floor with him standing over me sniggering. He grabbed a painful handful of my wet hair and held tight as I tried in vain to push him away. He had stopped peeing during the scuffle but he started to spray me all over my face., pushing his big mushroom knob up against my mouth, pee squirted all over my face. "Open your mouth angel, open wide." He twisted painfully trying to wrench my face closer. I pushed on his legs with my hands but he kept going, the pungent bitter taste of his piss was all over me as he sprayed my face with a thick stream. "Open your mouth," he bellowed. "Open it now." I twisted and swung my arms trying in vain to push him away so most of it went over my cheeks, but it was everywhere, I reeked of his pee. I was disgusted. He sneered caustically. "You missed my treat, but next time you will open your mouth properly and accept my generosity." He finished quickly leaving me curled up in a ball on the floor crying. It took ages before I could stand, I finished my shower, as I walked out into the bedroom Viv and Yves were locked in a passionate tongue swirling kiss. I walked past them without saying anything, grabbing my clothes and headed straight down to the kitchen. I cringed listening to them fuck, even down stairs I could hear her screams. I was having a cup of tea when Viv finally walked in, she sheepishly walked up to me and gave me a kiss. I couldn't talk to her I was so angry. I focused on finishing my breakfast. She whispered in my ear, "Love Yves isn't going to be happy seeing you dressed like that, I think you should quickly go and change, you know he will hate this." She had a sort of complicit look on her face. "I don't think you should make him angry." Just then he appeared behind her. "Good morning ladies." He exclaimed. He looked at me and hissed. "Nathalie go and change immediately, that look doesn't suit you." I gave him a cold stare and was going to tell him to fuck off but the cold unyielding glint in his eye made me think better of it, thank god he was leaving, once he was gone hopefully we could go back to normal. I went up and changed I dawdled and took my time hoping he would be gone when I returned but he was still here, they were in the front room snogging on the sofa. I fell into doing housework as they laughed and made out. It was horrible, I said nothing just waiting for him to leave. Finally late in the day he announced his departure, Viv gave him a huge passionate kiss and he called me over. "You my love better learn to do as I say, I will not stand for your insolence. When I return we will talk about all of us moving in together in my new apartment, and you need to call Paul and tell him you have changed your mind... If you beg he might still take you on." Viv waved good bye to him as he climbed in the taxi. The moment she closed the door I grabbed her. "Thank fuck he is gone. Viv this thing with Yves is fucking over." She gazed at me, like I was a naughty child. "Don't be silly hon, he was just angry because you turned down their offer. If you think about it you will see its best for all of us." "The job... Fuck that I wouldn't take that if it was the last one on earth." "Wow what's got up you? I thought you would be keen as mustard, that offer was incredible, you would be a manager, and you would have Yves as your mentor." "Viv we need to talk, this thing with Yves is over. He is nothing but a disgusting perverted sadistic bastard." She tried I think to reassure me. "Love if this is about the spanking, you sort of deserved it, you behaved like a disobedient ungrateful bitch. He wanted to include you in his big news and they offered you an amazing opportunity to be part of their journey. You were rude and disrespectful turning your nose up at him in front of his best friend." I jumped up angrily. "Deserved it! Nobody deserves that, and my arse is covered with bloody bruises." She sucked in a big breath. "Hon you were being a bitch, he just got a bit carried away. I am sure he will apologise." "Him what about you? What the fuck was that about last night?" She flopped back on the sofa and turned her head away. "I am sorry Nath, it's just I got into the role play, and just like Yves I guess I got carried away." "It wasn't just the spanking Viv, before we left for the restaurant you convinced me to go by reminding me he was leaving and that would be our last night with him, but you knew all along he was staying didn't you? You knew the whole time. Why Viv, why did you lie to me?" "I had to love, I knew if I told you, you wouldn't go, but I felt sure once you heard their offer you would be happy. I just knew that once you heard all about the new apartment and moving in together you would finally understand and be pleased. I am sorry things got a bit out of control last night." "Fuck Viv I don't know you anymore that whole thing was horrible. No man wants to listen to his wife telling another bloke he is bigger and better. I was so humiliated. And to top it all off the filthy disgusting deviate pissed on me in the shower this morning." I watched her eyes bulge with incredulity. "What?" "He pushed me over in the shower and peed all over my face in the shower, he tried to make me swallow it. He is a fucking perverted prick." The look on her face changed from shock to something else... curiosity, fascination Jesus maybe it was even admiration. To make it worse there was a hint of a smile tugging gently at the corners of her mouth. She actually tried to downplay his actions. "Nath, Last night was just role playing, I didn't actually mean the things I said, I was just stoking Yves ego, he seemed to want to hear it, and it didn't hurt, it was just a little fun. About this morning... wow what can I say, god he is such a beast." "Yeah well it's over, the filthy prick is out of our lives. As far as I am concerned the slimy fucker can rot in hell." "Nath you don't mean that," she scolded. "You are just angry about the spanking. Let's just calm down take a breath and take time to get our heads around this, at the moment you are just angry about the spanking. I think once the anger clears you will realise it was not that bad. We have time, he is gone for a week." Her attitude scared me, she was making light of my feelings. "Say what you like Viv but this shit with Yves is over." She made soothing noises as she hugged me holding me in her arms trying to mollify me. "Love go and run a hot bath and soak in the tub, it might make your bum feel better. After dinner we had an early night and I decided that this was my chance to reconnect with Viv, we could make love like old times and hopefully convince her we didn't need arsehole. As I started to fondle and caress her she giggled. "Wow you are a randy little scamp tonight aren't you." "I just want to make love with my wife. I think it will be good for us to reconnect without that fucking prick getting in the way." As my hands slid over her body she kept pushing my hands away and I was getting frustrated. "Come on Viv, I want to make love." She put on a mock scolding schoolteachers voice. "No, not tonight, I just want to cuddle." "Well I want to make love." She pushed me away. "I said no Nath. Yves doesn't want us to have sex until he gets back and I promised him we would go along with it." I was stunned. "Since when does that sadistic prick control our love life." "Nath don't be like that, you know you don't mean that, in a couple of days you will have got over your sulky little tantrum and everything will be fine." Angrily I hissed, "Viv I want to make love, and I don't care what Yves wants." Scolding me like a schoolgirl she snapped forcefully, "Well I said no, so there... You ought to be grateful, he wanted me to put a cock cage on you." "A what? What the fuck is a cock cage?" She reached over to the dresser and pulled out this little steel contraption that fits over your dick and gets then gets locked. She handed it to me and I toyed with it as I gave her a cold stare. She smiled. "See, you should thank me, because I convinced him we didn't need it. I said you would go along with our little game, so please hon, let's just cuddle." I threw back the blankets and stormed out. "Fuck you I am going to sleep on the sofa." "Nath please don't be like that, it's just a game, please stay and cuddle with me." I didn't answer. I grabbed a pillow and a blanket and went downstairs. "You might not want to have sex with me but my hand still works fine." After I was laid out on the sofa and I had calmed down I was laying in the dark, suddenly I was blinded as Viv flicked the lights on. She threw back the blanket and grabbed my hand. "Nath, please. Yves said no sex, Bloody hell, have some self-control, it's only a few days." I pulled up the blankets and rasped, "Fuck off Viv, I would prefer to make love to my wife but if you don't want me then I will enjoy a nice wank." "Nath it's not that I don't want you, I would love to make love, I am just as randy as you, but I promised we would abstain, god it's only a week, please......" I rolled away from her and she must have thought my silence was agreement. "Thank you Nath, I promise it will be worth it, imagine how randy we will be by the time he gets back." At breakfast Viv teased, "So did you sleep well on the sofa?" "Yes thanks it was fine after my wank, in fact I enjoyed it so much I had another." Yeah it was childish but I felt that by her choosing his wishes over mine was an insult, disrespected, maybe she really did think he was better, maybe she had lost all respect for me and that hurt. She sighed. "Oh Nath, why did you do that, god you are such a child." "Life's not a game Viv, you are my wife and I wanted to make love. Yves does not control our lives. Tonight we are making love so you better get ready." I stormed off out the door leaving her staring after me. That night was a repeat and I left another dirty tissue for her to find beside the sofa. The next night things were no better I tried to talk to her but she wouldn't listen. She walked out yelling she was going around to Carols place. She got back late and this time I beat her to the bed. She sauntered in without saying a word, but as she was climbing in I said. "Don't get in here unless you are prepared to make love." She stopped in her tracks. "Fine I will sleep on the sofa myself." She stomped off downstairs. I left another dirty tissue on her pillow. By Friday night things had calmed down a little and I tried to talk to her. "Viv, this has gone on long enough. We need to talk properly, no yelling or name calling." She sighed. "Thank god, things have got so out of control, we do need to clear the air." "Good, tonight when we go to bed, we are making love, we don't have to worry about Yves because he is no longer part of our life." She looked at me with sad eyes. "Hon, you are just angry, once we all talk and get over your little tanty we can talk like adults, hon Yves is a very dominant man, you just have to learn to bend a little and let him lead." "Viv babbling and listen to me. This is not a negotiation. I am telling you as of now Yves is out of our lives, gone see you later alligator gone." "Nath you are just upset because I wouldn't make love, but he is back tomorrow and everything will be OK." "No Viv, he is never stepping foot in this house again, got it." "This is my house as well and he is my friend to." She was laying down her mark in the sand. "Viv I am warning you. Tonight you need to make a decision, it's him or me." "You are just being melodramatic to make me give in and make love aren't you?" She got a smile on her face. "That's what this is all about isn't it? You are angry and want to get one up on him, god you are so juvenile and transparent." "Don't you see Yves is just a sadistic filthy pervert, he has done nothing but belittle and humiliate me. I am serious. I want you to choose right now." She looked confused and I honestly think she thought I was playing a game. "No I won't choose, tomorrow Yves will be back and everything will be OK." She smiled evilly. "But I think you might get another spanking when he sees how naughty you have been. "Viv I am not joking this isn't a stupid game. Me or him, you choose." She stormed off up the stairs yelling, "I will not choose anything." In the morning she came down and I tried again but she wouldn't listen. We argued back and fought all day. In the end she said, "I am going to Carols until you calm down, you will see, once he walks in it will be OK and things will be back to normal." That was it, she was gone. I knew that this was one of those moments in time. I had to choose for myself. If I let him back in it would be all over. She seemed so besotted, even obsessed with him maybe that was it, I had lost her... All I knew is that I had enough and wasn't going to live under his rule. If I had lost then so be it. I went down to the hardware shop and brought new deadlocks for the front and back doors. By not making a choice she forced me to make it for her. I was done! It was about six when I heard her come home and she tried her key but obviously it didn't fit. She banged on the door. "Nathan, my key won't work, hon let me in." I stood there beside the door listening. I heard her go around to the back door and try that one as well. More banging on the door. "Nathan, let me in, what the hell is going on?" I couldn't talk to her now, I knew if I let her in I would give in and it would be all over god I couldn't trust myself. I sent her a text message. 'Viv I have changed the locks, you are no longer welcome here, I will be seeing a solicitor Monday to discuss divorce.' I heard her phone ping through the door and she must have read it because she started banging again. "Nathan this is ridiculous, open the door so we can talk, please Nath... Please." I sank down behind the door leaning my back against it listening. In the end she ran out of steam and I heard her slide down the door, her back against mine separated by just the door and she was crying, sobbing. "Nathan please, let me in." We stayed like that for over an hour and I heard her phone go. And she cried and sobbed. "No Yves you don't understand, he has kicked me out. I am locked out and he won't talk to me." There was silence before she said. "No don't bother, if he won't talk to me, he certainly won't talk to you." More silence then I heard her stand up. "Yeah OK I will meet you there." She stood by the door and cried. "Nathan I know you can hear me, this is your last chance, if you don't let me in I will go to him, please I am begging you let me in so we can talk." When I didn't respond I heard her walk away. "Fine have it your way." That was it, our marriage was effectively over.

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Bryan Gets a Makeover

This story is the sequel to ‘Crystal Gets a Makeover’, but is free standing. Please don’t forget to provide feedback good or bad and score, fives are appreciated. ***** It was late when Bryan Ryan finally crawled into bed next to his already sleeping wife of five years. She was snoring lightly and as he slid under the covers, her breathing pattern didn’t change. He had spent another late night playing ‘Call to Duty’ instead of coming to bed early to talk. ‘Why did women always want to talk?...

2 years ago
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The Makeover

The Makeover by Laura Brooks Part One I couldn't imagine a more delightful way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. Outside, it was a cold, dreary late November day. The sun woke up in the morning and then decided not to bother, leaving a gray pallor over just everything. And while it wasn't raining or snowing, those clouds certainly wanted to do something and the air was just as damp as if it were raining. Inside, though, I was curled up on my couch, my stockinged feet...

1 year ago
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Makeover by Selena Pride I had been watching him for years, studying his strengths and weaknesses, making my plans, waiting my moment. He wasn't ideal -- too big, verging on fat, with all the inborn grace of a ruptured hippo -- but he was all I had to work with. And at least he was pliable. I'd already had some success in planting suggestions in his mind. I'd made him grow his hair, to the despair of his elderly parents: the beard had been his idea, and he'd resisted my efforts to...

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Romantic Makeover With My Girlfriend

Hi to everyone this is my first story in ISS… I don’t want to waste much time let me come to the story.. My name is Shiva and my girlfriend name Aarthi.. We both love each other for past two years this incident happened last month let me describe my girl she is little short to me but bubbly her boob size is 38 which is really sexy and her ass will be like a half cutted apple over all appearance will be 38-32-36 and about me i’m around 6feet tall and slim and my dick will be 6″ Let me come to...

2 years ago
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Limitless Wishes Beauty in the Bathroom and The Great Makeover

[General Note:] This story is X-rated for a reason. The sequel to chapters 3+4, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that in comparison to ours is... outlandish. It changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. ==== Chapter Five: Beauty in the Bathroom ===== I followed my best friend Phill into the boys' room. My first impression was that the tiled floor was too cold. I was barefoot, but I couldn't really stand my heels. It was either the cold floor...

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The Steubens Day Makeover

The Steuben's Day Makeover Belladonna "Why can't I get changed?" Steve whined. "You made a bet," his father retorted. "But that guy was hitting on me!" "Heavy girls need love too," his sister responded with a laugh that was soon joined by her mother and father. "This is sickening." "Steve, would you stop whining. This is your own fault," his mother lectured from the front seat. The frown remained on Steve's face as he burrowed his chin into the bust that was...

3 years ago
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The Writers Makeover

THE WRITER'S MAKEOVER by Throne "Please, you don't understand." The man strapped into the make-up chair was short and slender. All he had on was panties and a ruffled band around is chest that covered his nipples and the next few inches below them. "I do write those stories but I never wanted to really.... to actually..." "Never you mind that, honey," said the woman who was looking over a selection of cosmetics. She was Black and wore her hair natural, like an Afro, but very...

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Her Boyfriends Makeover

Her Boyfriend's Makeover by Throne When Callista started dating Rob, she noticed how shy and easily manipulated he was. Until then she'd always been with outgoing and self-confident guys. His weaknesses ignited a flame of devilish desire in her. She began to intentionally push his limits, control him, and remake their sex life. From allowing him intercourse she switched to just giving him hand-jobs. Then she started him on providing her with oral sex. He didn't like eating her...

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Makeover Gone GoodReal Good

Here is another story that I have decided to write. If anyone has any suggestions that I should write about, please feel free to send them to me and I will make sure to mention you as a way of saying thank you. Enjoy!! Talk about getting picked on all of the time. That is how Jamie Willis felt every day that he went to school. Jamie was an average guy who was not bad looking at all, his crystal blue eyes made him stand out but he was more wrapped up in his studies and playing Halo 2 online than...

Straight Sex
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Extreme MakeoverChapter 3

Work was going to have to take a back seat at least for a while, or until this all got sorted out anyway. If the trouble that Val had been experiencing was any indication, work was likely to be even worse. She phoned up and asked to speak to the floor manager. "It's Angie." she said, waiting to hear a "who?" on the other end of the line, but instead, she heard a muffled "oh shit, not her too..." "Don't tell me you've got it too?" The idea that many of the folk at work had been...

3 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 3

Aimee's Makeovers Part Three By Jena Corso As we arrived at the spa, we were greeted by the flamboyant host, Claude. "Aimee, it's been too long, girlfriend." Claude smiled and looked at his appointment book. "I'm so glad you are back, and I see you are going to spend a nice day with us." "Thank you, Claude," said Aimee, kissing him on the cheek. "I know it's been too long. I've been so busy and trust me, I really could use a little pampering." "Of course dear, you deserve...

3 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 5 strip proposal makeover and ownership

By the time I got home it was very late and I had school the next day. So I undress and went to bed. A couple days later Rose call Kara and wanted another date with me. Kara and Rose talked for a long time, I know because I was between kara’s legs eating her out as they talked to each other. I could only hear my sister’s side of the Conversation, I heard Kara say; “how much? No that’s not enough, how about 10,000 dollars, you’ll do that! Let me think about it, but I want her to have my ......

1 year ago
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 8 The Makeover

“Where’s Debbie?” Brett asked Stephanie as she strode purposefully down the stairs. “Amber’s taken her to get her hair and makeup done for her big photo shoot,” Stephanie calmly informed him as she wrapped her arm around him and pulled him close to whisper in his ear. “I want to talk with you for a moment about tonight. Look, you have really hurt your beautiful wife over the past few days. Despite all that you have done to her she still wants to do something special for you for your...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 35 Seeing to Biancas Welfare and Louises Makeover

"What are y'all doin' tonight?" Draper asked Nate. "I'm gonna go see Mama after school, but no big plans after that. Probably be a good idea to take Nora somewhere," Nate muttered. "Probly, bein' it's Friday night. Wanna double? Last weekend was a kick..." "Sounds good. I'll talk to Nora," Nate agreed. "Cool. If 'Nisha gets grabby an' goes diggin' in my fly, won't be no uproar if we're with y'all," Draper chuckled. "You make it sound like you're sufferin'..."...

4 years ago
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Extreme MakeoverChapter 2

"YOU DID WHAT?" asked Don, the head fairy Godfather through gritted teeth as Cedric and Stephen stood before him like two schoolboys before the headmaster. "What were you doing casting spells alone?" "Well, he wished." said Cedric, shrugging, his fake fairy wings fluttering gently as he did so. "It was a mistake, sir." said Stephen quickly stamping on Cedric's foot, who suppressed a squeal. "I should have been there." "It's a bit more than a simple mistake don't you think?"...

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Wife Customized by Black Lover and BossChapter 5 The makeover

After a month I got a call from her, “The surgery was done and I am almost healed. I have to wait one more month to suck a cock. It is extremely painful, but now I am happy that I did it.” “Why don’t you come home for the period and that you can work for her boss after that.” “I am doing a workout to keep her body fit and hot, and I have gotten a physician. My boss is making some slight modifications to my body and it won’t affect my physical beauty, causing her to hope she will look...

3 years ago
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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Always Faithful Chapter FiveThirty

Always Faithful by BobNbobbi © [Author’s note: I combined chapter 31 with chapter 30 because they seemed to go together in thrust and timeframe – there will be no chapter 31, the next chapter after this will be chapter 32] Chapter Thirty - Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg - 2 LF had scheduled a Monday evening posing the day following Laura’s return. Greg was not pleased, but he didn’t sulk. “Okay little girl, strip down and let me ravish you. I’ve missed having you while you have been off playing...

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Aimees Makeovers

Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...

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Two Makeovers

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Two Makeovers by Amy Brett I found that I really didn't know what to do. The situation was so totally alien. I had spoken softly to Barbara for a scant moment after she had admitted me to the basement room of the...

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Aimees Makeovers 2

Aimee's Makeovers Part Two By Jena Corso Edited By Waking up the next morning in each others arms was fantastic. "Did you have a good night's sleep, honey?" Aimee said as she kissed his cheek. "Is it morning already? Damn I'm exhausted, but yes it was a lot of fun" Said Tony. "Why are we getting up so early?" "I want to squeeze in everything I can with you this weekend," she said as she rubbed his back gently. "I know you have some things you wanted to do, and so did I,...

3 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 4

Aimee's Makeovers Part Four By Jena Corso As the waiter returned to our table Aimee ordered for both of us. "We'll have a bottle of your finest red wine and two house salads for starters. For his entree I'll have the porterhouse steak - very rare please and his friend will have petite fillet - children's portion please - well done - she's on a bit of a diet," said Aimee forcefully. "Thank you." "Wow, I'm on a diet too!" "Damn right you are!" said Aimee smiling. "Pretty ladies...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 6

Aimee's Makeovers Part six By Jena Corso Shawn took Tony's hand and they entered a crowded sports bar. Shawn immediately knew many people; high fiving them as she worked her way through the crowd and over to an open elevated small table with two stools where they sat down. As the waitress came over, she ordered them two beers as they relaxed and watched a few games on different screens around the bar. "See, isn't this better than going to the mall or something that Aimee would...

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Aimees Makeovers 7

Aimee's Makeovers Part Seven By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Tony walked out with a long beige overcoat over his outfit and stepped into the car as Melissa greeted him. "So how was the lesson, sweetie?" Melissa asked him. "Why did I need a dance lesson?" Tony answered. "Did Aimee know about that?" "No, I thought we'd surprise her. It was my idea," said Melissa. "She'll be pleasantly surprised though, I bet." "So what am I supposed to do?" whined Tony. "Dance for her?...

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