Nathalies Makeover Chapter Eight free porn video

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With my recovery complete it was time to get back to work. I reopened the salon and things slowly returned to normal with an ever increasing number of clients. Viv lost it the first time she saw me. Carol had kept my secret even although it was eating her up inside to share, she bit her tongue. It was a couple of weeks before I felt confident enough to see her. Viv turned up at home bottle of wine in hand for a catch up. The moment she saw me I thought she was going to feint. She walked up close her hands all over my face and as we stood toe to toe our nipples touched and she realised that there was more to it than just a facial. She turned to Carol and snickered. "Oh you lucky bitch, Nath, oh my god... you look sensational, so pretty." Her hands came up and caressed my boobs. "Oh god and these... They feel so good, fuck me, they are perfect. I am so glad you only got little ones, they are perfect for you." She kissed Carol and then me. "Fuck you are so lucky, I am jealous." It sort of became a thing for us to get together occasionally. Time did soften my stance but it was still tense and we still tip toed around the obvious subjects. Carol begged me to allow her to invite Viv and Yves around for dinner, it was her solution to the tension. "Nat, you have got to let go of the anger. Don't you think It is great having Viv around?" I couldn't argue with that, it was pleasant. When she saw my nod of agreement she added. "Your hatred of Yves is making it impossible to have a normal relationship with her. She is scared to talk about stuff because the mere mention of his name gets you all twisted and cross, consequently she is too blimmin scared to mention his name. Please it is time to let go, time to move on." She seemed so glib like I was just forgiving him denting my car or something. "Fuck me Carol I have told you how he treated me, it's not that bloody simple, I can't just forget." "You don't have to forget, just forgive. If you don't it will be with you forever and I don't want our children growing up surrounded by hatred, because believe me Viv is going to be around them. I want her to be god mother." That raised my eyebrows. "Get used to it babe," she cried wistfully. "Because it's happening." That conversation dragged on over several days until I realised she was probably right, the longer I hung on to the pain the worse it got. "OK Carol what do we do? How do I do it, you are the great philosopher, tell me Mr's Confucius, how do I let go?" She grinned. "Well babe I reckon it's easy. I just organise a little dinner party and invite both of them and some other friends over, simple job done." Confused I mumbled starchily. "And how does that help me?" "Think about it like this, it will be a chance for you to be in the same room with him. All you have to do is be nice, be polite and every time you feel an angry word wanting to get out you just bite your tongue. There will be other people there so it's not like he can do anything." "Part of what scares me is the way he humiliates me, he doesn't care what he says, if there are people around he is just as likely to say some shit to purposefully embarrass me." "I think it's worth the risk, don't you? Show him that he doesn't have that power over you, let's shove our happiness down his throat." She gazed at me. "You are happy aren't you?" I didn't even have to think about it. "Yes of course I am, happier than I have ever been." She smiled. "Good, then let's bloody show him that we have moved on, it will hurt him more than anything else we could do." My nodding approval was all it took to send her into hyper drive. She went all out for the dinner party, brought us sexy new outfits. We spent all day cooking and preparing. They were the first ones to turn up. Viv walked in looking glamorous and elegant, she had really developed an incredible style making good use of Yves deep pockets. As she walked in we kissed long and hard, Yves was right behind her and he leaned in for a kiss as well, but I stepped back quickly out of his reach and muttered a curt hello. He smiled. "Hello Nathalie, he leaned over to Carol and gave her a kiss which she warmly received. "Ahhhh Carol it is so nice to have you in my arms again." It might have been me but I know what I read into that, he couldn't resist reminding me that he had fucked her as well. As the other guests started to drift in things sort of warmed up and the conversation began to flow. Yves being Yves took over and commandeered the whole night, at his charming best he told stories and seduced his captive audience even Carol was enamoured by him. Everybody seemed totally enthralled by the pompous twat, well all except me that is, I just felt uncomfortable. Carol picked up on my discomfort and stayed close. "Maybe we misjudged him," she whispered with a cheeky smirk. It was when he started talking about work and he couldn't help big noting himself telling one and all how well the business was going now since the acquisition of the new company that vexed me the most. He was talking shit and I knew it. I had of course been following their progress since my departure, and I knew they were missing out on a lot of jobs they were bidding on, the opposition were eating them up. I couldn't resist I had to take a shot. "Didn't you miss out on the NKGP contract?" He raised his eyes. "Well we actually pulled out of that one." I nodded. "So you pulled out of the Dillon's deal as well?" He flinched giving me an evil glare. "Yes." Viv interceded before I reeled off another couple. "Let's stop all this work talk shall we, let's find something interesting to talk about." Carol laughed. "God yes work is so boring." Slowly the conversation shifted and Yves gave me a dirty glare. Later while we were drinking wine out on the deck Viv grabbed me. "You can still be a cruel little shit, you know fucking well they missed out on those tenders, why the hell did you have to rub it in?" I smiled. "If he hadn't made those snide remarks earlier I would have kept my mouth shut, but he had to say something." Yves tried the whole night to get close but I stayed out of his way. It didn't help that both Carol and Viv were trying to push us together. Carol fulfilled her promise of making my night special for putting up with him later in bed, we both laughed as we talked about Yves, she giggled. "See I told you it wouldn't be that bad, he is a bit of a pompous arse though." "Yeah he is insufferable, a real pain in the arse." She broke into hysterics at that. "Yeah I bet he is, there's no way he would get that thing near my botty." I gave her a mock frown before she made my night special. I continued to monitor Pauls and Yves and they weren't doing so well. They had missed out on some contracts that they would have been hoping to win easily. I couldn't understand why they left Yves in charge of the tender process. Granted he is a great project lead but he is shithouse at winning them to start with. Me well I continued to focus on my little business and OK it wasn't scaring anyone but it was paying me a reasonable wage, it meant I didn't have to dip into any of my savings, and more importantly I met a lot of wonderful people. It was amazing how many people were in a similar position to me. Still my world was rocked when I was distracted from my fashion magazine by the arrival of my next client. The door opened and in walked a very cute CD. She was a few years older than me and her hair and makeup was amateurish at best but still she was very cute. She walked in giving me a little peck on the cheek as she breezed past. I directed her to the chair and as we chatted about what she wanted I noticed a familiarity with her voice. I knew it but couldn't place where from. She was after a new look and gave me carte blanche to do whatever I wanted. As I studied her face I noticed her blushing. I almost fell over when I recognised her. "Paul... Oh my god." She grinned. "Sorry I should have said when I made the booking, but I was interested to see your reaction." I stepped back taking in her look. "Well you look wonderful, I don't know why you are here." She slapped my arm. "Don't flatter me, I know what I look like, I have been doing this long enough to know I need help." I was a little stunned. "Does Yves know?" She laughed blushing even more. "Of course it's how we met. We were lovers for a couple of years." Now that stunned me. "Lovers... Wow, sorry I don't mean to sound disrespectful I am just... Well stunned...what happened?" She got a far off wistful look on her face. "Oh you know... work and well you know what Yves is like. I couldn't live with him he became unbearable." I laughed. "Now that I understand." I started to cleanse her face. "So do you have a partner?" "No not really, I have had a few, but nothing serious." I chuckled. "Sorry I am still trying to get my head around this." We chatted for a bit as I moisturised and applied some base foundation. She liked to be called Lynette and that seemed to suit. Midway through the makeover she muttered. "I liked you from the moment we met you know. It is why I hoped you would take up our offer and with us, I mean we wanted you for your skills. When I looked into your background I knew you would do well..." I gave her a quick hug. "Sorry Lynette, I understand you are friends but that was never going to float, with everything that happened I could never work with that fucking knob." She nodded. "Yes I get that, I am sorry for my part in it, but Yves managed to somehow convince me that he would get you past the ill feeling and history. I am an idiot I should have known better." We slipped into a brief silence before she whispered. "So how is your salon doing? I explained that I was going OK. She chatted before blurting out. "Nathalie, part of the reason for coming here was to ask if there is any way I could twist your arm to come back to work for us." I laughed. "You are joking right?" "No I am deadly serious, Yves is making a right cock up of this and we need your help, Christ the only reason we brought that flaming company was to get you." "I have told you I won't work with him." "Are you sure? He mentioned the other day that you had sort of buried the hatchet, I was hoping that if that was the case you might change your mind." "That dinner party was Carol's idea to allow Viv and I to get closer and it was really a one off to appease Carol, nothing has changed between him and me." "What if I gave you something to think about? You took great pleasure in beating Yves, I hope it was him and not me? Anyway think about this. We all know what a lousy job he is doing but he is a partner and god help me a friend. Imagine this, you ride in on your white charger and turn things around, you would effectively be really rubbing his nose in it." I laughed loudly. "Fuck you are a devious bitch, I thought he was your friend." She chuckled lightly. "He is but on our current trajectory he will run us all into the poor house." "No I can't, he would drive me batty. He wouldn't leave me alone." "What if Stephen and I were to both guarantee that we will support your decisions, regardless of what he says." "I will think about it, but no promises." When I uncovered her new look she was even more surprised. "Oh my god... Nathalie you are a genius... So many of my friends have told me, but now I see it. Wow, thank you." That night I was expecting to surprise Carol, but she already knew. Paul had talked to her before making the appointment. Bemused I asked, "So what do you think? Should I do it?" She shrugged. "The question isn't what I think is it, the question is what do you want to do it?" I sighed. "I have thought about this all day and I think if it was anyone else I would jump at it but no, I could not work with him, it wouldn't work, as much as it would be so nice to rub his face in it." In bed while we were making love. She rode me with my cock buried up her burning snatch. She moaned. "Babe, you still have the hots for him don't you... I bet you would love that fucking monster in your mouth again wouldn't you?" Her words shocked me. "Where the hell did that come from?" It didn't stop my cock from twitching and jerking inside her. "Ohhhh you dirty little girl you like that idea don't you? His big hard cock inside your mouth. Fuck you little slut I suppose you would bend over his desk as well and take that monster up your date as well wouldn't you?" Her hot gooey pussy clamped tight and she slid into overdrive getting faster and faster as she rode me towards a huge cum. Her eyes glued to mine staring deeply into my soul, her fingers painfully tweaking and twisting my nipples. "Yes come on you slut, you are thinking about it right now aren't you, thinking about what his cock tastes like, what it feels like, the feel of his balls throbbing in your hand as he squirts off into your mouth, filling you with cum." Fuck her. I couldn't control it my hips jerked shaking violently thrusting wildly as I gripped her hips pumping her full of my steaming goo. She laughed as she rolled off. "Now you are going to have to clean up that mess you little bitch, c'mon lick it clean." It was one of her favourite games making me clean up my own cum. As I licked her slimy pulsating hole she started again. "Oooh imagine it's his cum you are licking up, imagine he just fucked me with that raging fucking monster and it his goo you are eating." Her legs locked around my head and her fingers knotted in my hair so I couldn't escape. "Don't stop keep licking my sexy lesbian bitch, suck that pussy and get all his cum out." Her words might have been exciting me but they were arousing her as well. I felt her swollen pouty hole flood with juice and her hips thrusting wildly as her pussy tried to suck my tongue out of my mouth. Her orgasm was gut-wrenching and she screamed the bloody house down. As we were catching our breath she kissed me. "You really do still have the hots for him don't you?" I felt embarrassed but it was going to be impossible to lie. "I can't explain it but yes there is an animal attraction or something, but that is why I hate him, I suppose I should actually hate myself." She cuddled me. "It's OK babe you shouldn't be embarrassed, I see the same thing in Viv, she is absolutely besotted with him as well, you know he could do anything to her and she would go back for more, it scares me." I saw it as well, and I felt a little like that myself, we were like drunken lovesick teenage girls? She shocked me even more. "Babe if that is something you really want I wouldn't mind I am happy to share." "Bugger off, that is all in the past." But as I sat there her words sank in. "What do you mean share?" She laughed. "Not the impression I got a few moments ago. Babe at some point you have to accept it, I don't care if he gives you a stiffy, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, just admit it, own it and enjoy." "Yeah, yeah, but what the fuck do you mean share?" She looked anxious. "Well if you wanted to be with Yves, I might you know spend some time with Viv." I gave her a dirty look, and she hugged me. "Babe I am joking... Sort of. She couldn't leave it alone, and every day it blistered a little deeper in her, I could see it was burning her up until she had to have another go. "Babe you keep talking about moving on. I am sorry but I don't think you can, not while you hide from him. I don't think you will have your life back until you can look him in the eye and say yes, or no." Shit she made good sense, I was so scared of him and in some ways myself that I couldn't even stay in a room with him. That would be the best bit of going back there to work, showing him he doesn't have that control over you." "Aside from Yves there's all the guys I worked with, they are all going to be laughing at me." "Bollocks, there will be no laughing. Yes there might be a few snide comments, but mostly there will be erections, they will be wondering what it would be like." Fucking hell........ "What the hell would I do with the salon, if I close it even for a short while I will lose all my clients." "Well Viv and I talked, and she has the perfect person, especially for your clientele. She is a transsexual and has been working at her salon. Viv uses her to look after her special clients... Viv suggested that she could either rent the space of you and do it herself, or you could hire her to manage it on your behalf, her thought was if you hired her as manageress if the job doesn't work out you can come back." "You two are bloody sneaky bitches, you set the whole thing up didn't you?" She laughed. "It wasn't a set up. Paul mentioned to Viv that he wanted to talk to you, the rest was all him." "So this transsexual... Have you met her?" "Sure have and so have you, she did my hair the first time we went to Viv's, she is gorgeous." I struggled with what to do over the next few days and Carol took every chance she could to torture me. She tied me up and as I was bound and blindfolded whispered in my ear. "By the way lover I invited Yves around, he will be here in a minute and he is going to fuck that cute little arse, he said he wants to cum all over your new tits." I knew she wouldn't do it but her words were arousing and I writhed around wildly as she stuck her fingers up my arse and fucked me. "Don't worry lover he will be here soon and his cock will take over, imagine when I pull my fingers out they will be replaced with his great big cock." She took the game to a whole new level and it scared me, surely she wouldn't? But I remembered back to how easily Viv had fallen under his spell and I did wonder. Would she? Of course she wasn't serious, but the thought of it really excited me and it brought back a lot of memories, mostly bad but the feeling of his big hard cock in my mouth, the taste, the texture, how it made my heart pound when he thrust brutally into my mouth, fucking me without care, using me to cum. Jesus the thought of it drove me over the edge and she knew it. I could see it in her eyes, she fucking knew all right and that did scare me. It took a couple of days before she convinced me to play again. Over dinner she loaded me with wine and a big juicy blunt, by the time we finished I was toasted. "Right young lady it's time for bed." She whispered seductively. Without further ado she led me by the hand up to our bedroom and stripped me down to my underwear, nothing but stockings corset and little bra. She pushed me backwards onto the bed and then pulled out the scarves. "Right hands up by the headboard." I did as asked wondering how far she was prepared to take this game, was she going to bring out the plastic cock? She tied each hand to a corner, and then repeated the exercise with my feet. I was spreadeagled and defenceless. She smiled as she wrapped the last one around my eyes and the world went dark. I felt her hands and I heard her sexy voice as she whispered. "Now you are mine you naughty little girl." She tickled me with her fingernails dragging them up my flesh, from my toes to my ears. My cock was throbbing as she teased me. "Like that do you naughty girl?" "Hmmmmm yes it is driving me crazy." She laughed. "The fun has only just begun." I felt her mouth sink down slowly over my stocking covered toes, kissing and sucking each toe, her tongue gliding over the souls of my feet, licking, kissing, sucking and nibbling. Her hand followed as her fingers caressed my feet massaging and caressing. God it was torture as she took her time, slowly I felt her lips sliding up over my toe and sucking it deep into her mouth, then opening wider she sucked in another. My feet were wet with her saliva as she sucked my toes like they were tiny little cocks, her tongue working between my nylon covered toes, tickling and sucking. All the while her thumb worked at massaging the instep and sole of my foot, little circles growing bigger as she rubbed harder. Fuck if she didn't stop soon I was going to cum right there. But with a giggle she finally made her way up my legs. It was lingering delightful torment. "Fuck Carol, you are killing me." Again she giggled as her lips drew slowly up my inner thigh, up over the lace tops of my stockings and onto my exposed flesh, I felt the slippery feel of her lipstick as she kissed me, her tongue reaching out to tantalisingly dilly-dally near my balls. "Would you like it if I had two mouths?" She giggled. 'Two sets of lips, four hands, would you like that?" I couldn't answer I was holding my breath as her tongue gently caressed my balls. "Will you lick my pussy?" "Yes," I stuttered. I felt her legs as she climbed up over me. Her fanny perched just out of reach of my tongue. She tittered sexily as she moved back and forth, her pussy lips passing over me fully extended tongue. I flicked and licked as she lowered her pouting swollen pussy inch by inch, I stretched and strained as she kept just out of reach, my nose filled with the sweet scent of her desire. Then she began, she lowered her hips so that I could just reach the lips and she cooed, "That's it babe, use that girly little tongue." Lower until I could get my tongue into her groove, then lower still until she was covering my gulping mouth. Wriggling and writhing she pushed down harder forcing my tongue up into the gooey depths. I heard the soft guttural whimpers as she started to move, slowly gyrating and then thrusting her hips, back and forth sliding her gaping hole over every centimetre of my mouth, her clit squashed painfully against my nose. That brought a squeal of delight from her. She was masturbating rubbing her clit on my nose using me to get off. "Suck that pussy you little bitch, if you want it you got to earn it." I worked as hard licking and sucking but without my hands all I could do was lick and suck, not that she cared. She seemed lost in her frantic efforts to get off using my mouth as her toy. As I worked her she leaned down until I felt her moist warm breath settled over my cock, she blew little zephyrs of air across my throbbing willy. I heard her giggle as it twitched and jerked in front of her. As I was about to have a fit her lips engulfed my cock in one long sensuous dive, suddenly I was deep in her molten mouth. I cried out in sheer pleasure into her hole. Fuck that felt good, her velvety lipstick covering my cock as her head bobbed up and down. I just about hit the roof when I felt another mouth kissing my balls, first one then the other sucking them in and there were hands caressing my legs, fuck someone else was here. My hips thrust frantically in panic as I tried to come to grips with what was happening, who could it be? Carol approached her orgasm with a rush, I felt her body tremble her thrusts changing from rhythmic to frantic and demanding. My tongue hurt as she fucked my face. Her orgasm was ferocious violent and huge, it went on for minutes as her body shuddered and trembled as she totally lost control. She eventually clambered off me. "God you lick pussy good babe." I heard her kissing someone else and they were whispering. Lips touched mine, gently licking around the edge, I stuck my tongue out and then her lips closed over mine in a deep passionate kiss. It wasn't Carol, the taste was different. Carol whispered in my ear, "So you have figured out by now that someone else is here. Have you guessed who it is?" I shook my head not trusting my voice. Whoever it was giggled in my other ear, "Surely you haven't forgotten what I taste like." It was Viv and her tongue slithered back into my mouth as we kissed. "If you liked that then you are going to love this," she whispered. Her legs flung across my chest and her pussy crushed down onto my mouth, she was wet, hot and gooey. Yes I could taste it all right and no I hadn't forgotten. Her juices coated my face as she rode me hard and fast, Carol glued her mouth over my cock, I was going crazy trying to get more into her teasing mouth, but she was in control and she purposely tortured me, taking me to the edge of heaven then stopping as Viv fucked my face, yes it wasn't just my mouth she was using my whole face covering me in his slimy goo. She screamed as her body flew into an uncontrollable trembling shattering orgasm. Carol stopped sucking me and I could feel them kissing around my shaft, their wet mouths tormenting and teasing. One mouth and I couldn't tell whose lowered and sucked my balls, the other slipped over my knob and sucked me deep, up and down those sweet lips slid, carrying me all the way to heaven and this time she didn't stop this time I exploded wildly squirting stream after stream of my hot sticky cum into her mouth. There was giggling and kissing, and then her mouth closed over mine and her tongue pushed the remnants of my explosion into my mouth. Recovering was slow and as their bodies snuggled up against me Carol lifted off the blindfold revealing a naked pair of gorgeous sexy women smiling at me. "You aren't mad are you?" she asked. Still unable to trust my voice I shook my head. "Good she whispered and Viv kissed me again a deep sensuous spine tingler and rather than jealousy Carol joined in. After wards I watched the two of them as they kissed and caressed each other. "Are you going to fuck him? Or am I?" Carol sniggered. "I think we should share, you go first." It was Carols more sumptuous body that sucked my cock into her molten snatch. Viv kissed and whispered. "Did you like that?" She sucked my nipple and teased my balls as Carol rode me. I was getting close to cumming and Viv noticed. "Sit still Carol, don't move." I felt her lean back and Viv moved her mouth down between us and licked Carols clit. Then her fingers followed as she frigged her. I tried to thrust up into her, but again I was left on the tip of the precipice, my orgasm right there but slowly receding. It built again as Carols orgasm took over her shaking body. Once she was done Viv climbed on and she took over riding me slowly tantalising me, torturing me with the slow merciless fuck. She was trying to make it last but she was losing her own battle , her own approaching orgasm was making it impossible to stay slow and gentle, she raced bouncing up and down like a mad woman as Carol frigged her swollen clit and she fucked me. Her lips locked on mine as she came, grinding her hot hole on me, her pussy walls gripping, convulsing milking me dry. Viv stroked her hand up and down my body. "So did you enjoy?" I laughed. "Of course I did." "So you don't hate me then?" "I never hated you." "Liar," she whined. "You should be ashamed telling fucking porkies like that. You hated me all right, the day you locked me out you hated me." "No I didn't hon, that wasn't hate it was self-preservation. I was scared if I let you in you would convince me that it would be all right, and I knew I would fold like I always did. I have never hated you." She snuggled up beside me. "I never meant to hurt you, I promise that was not what I wanted." Carol snuggled up with us. "Don't talk about the past, let's talk about the future, because I really loved this." Viv giggled and she reached over me to kiss Carol, as she did I felt that fucking necklace drag across my nipple. When she finished her kiss her lips sucked on my nipples. "God look at these things they are fucking gorgeous. Honestly love you look smashing and I love this look." "So does Yves know you are here?" She sighed. "Yes, he knows and let me give you the tip, he is not happy, I am going to get a spanking when I get home." I was horrified. "Oh for fucks sake Viv, then don't go home, stay here with us. You don't have to put up with that shit." She kissed me and giggled. "Relax love, I will get a spanking not a beating and I will get his big juicy cock afterwards, it's not a bad trade off. Unlike you I love those spankings." Carol looked on in bewilderment. "I can't believe you let him spank you, I wouldn't bloody stand for it I can tell you that." Viv laughed. "You might change your mind if you got to experience it, don't you think Nath?" I shook my head. "No I bloody don't... I think she would hate it just like me." She shivered. "I disagree I don't think you know till you try." The conversation got serious. "Nath please tell me you are going to help out Paul." That comment surprised me and I snapped angrily. "So that's what this was about, it's just a bribe to make me change my mind." They both looked shaken by my outburst. Viv kissed me. "No love this was something I have wanted for a long time and when Carol told me she thought you were ready I couldn't wait. This has nothing to do with my request." Carol seemed hurt as well. "Nat I told you once I would never lie or trick you. Tonight was because we wanted to." It was really nice to lay with the two of them on my arm. Viv jumped up. "I better go." Watching her walk out dragged at my heartstrings and it hurt more than I thought it would, all this time I thought I was over her. Carol walked her to the door and came back to bed. "So, how are you feeling? Are you really OK?" I snuggled up beside her. "Yeah I am fine, thank you for that, it was incredible." She chuckled. "That my darling is an understatement, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed being with her." I sighed. "I could see that, maybe you would prefer to live with her." "Fuck that, I couldn't put up with all that shit, and I couldn't prise her away from him, she is obsessed." I did consider Pauls offer but in the end I couldn't do it. He was disappointed but I eased the pain by offering to help him with some of the tenders in the evenings. So he started to email me tender docs to go over and strategize for him. As we worked together we formed a very close friendship. He started coming over in the evenings with arms full of papers and a bottle of whiskey or if he was in a good mood champagne. We sat in the lounge drinking and reviewing the docs. Surprisingly it worked. God knows how but he started to get his head around it. The other good thing to come from those evening sessions was I managed to convince him that what they needed was a proper business development manager. He agreed. Yves was his problem, his huge ego wouldn't allow him to bring in someone else. I knew from my conversations with both Paul and Viv that they were arguing vehemently and it took a long time before they were eventually able to employ one. It did not sit well with Yves he was furious with Paul and Stephen. Viv and Carols relationship grew tighter as time ticked by, they had always been tight but now... Well they were more like sisters. For my part though it was Impossible to be around her all the time, it tore me up inside. Carol tried time and again to get us together but when I explained how I felt she seemed happy enough. It did mean that some of their girl's nights got pretty frisky and they did end up in each other's arms. The first time Carol came home drunk with her hair messed up and her lipstick smeared all over her face I was shocked. Carol though was on fire and quickly seduced me with her sweet kisses. "Where the hell have you been?" I managed to squeak out. She giggled crazily. "With Viv silly, can't you taste her pussy?" Of course I could her juices were all over her face. "So what you went to their place?" She sensed my unease and teased, "Oh I see, are you worried that she had some help?" I was but didn't know what to say. She laughed. "Don't worry lover we went to her salon." "Why?" "Well apparently as much as Viv doesn't mind the spankings, Yves has been getting a bit rough so she doesn't want to tell him about us." At first I found the nights they were together difficult the good bit was it always ended up with Carol and I in a very passionate night as she told me everything about what happened, in very explicit detail. Life however never runs in straight lines, there are always twists and turns. Carol burst into the salon a month later with tears streaming down her face sobbing her heart out. "Hurry up grab your bag we have to go, I just got a call from the hospital. Viv has been admitted and she listed us as next of kin." "What happened?" She was beside herself. "I don't know they wouldn't say, but it must be bad if she couldn't talk. Hurry we have to go." We fought traffic the whole way and Carol was a mess when we finally got there. We were shown to Viv's room and she looked terrible, bruised and bloody, black eye, she must have had broken ribs as well as she was swathed in bandages. She was awake but obviously sedated and groggy. Carol rushed in and they hugged tightly. Once they separated I gave her a hug as well and I could feel her body shaking and trembling uncontrollably. When she had recovered enough I asked, "What happened?" She burst into tears again and it took ages before she dribbled out between sniffles. Yves beat me up." Carol and I stared open mouthed at each other, not knowing what to say. Carol sat beside her and grabbed her hand and squeezed. "Oh babe I am so sorry." Viv sobbed. "He found out about us and he threw a fit." "But what happened babe." "Oh god I don't know he flew into a rage, it started as a spanking but then he just lost it and when I started fighting back he went off the deep end. I blacked out so I don't know what happened, when I woke up the neighbours who heard all the yelling and screaming called the police and ambulance." "So where is the bastard?" I snarled. "I think he is locked up, from what the police said they were looking for him when they took my statement." Viv and I took turns staying with her until her mother turned up. She was completely blindsided totally unaware of what Viv had been up to. At least it gave us a chance to sneak away and get something to eat. Viv ended up staying with Viv as her mother couldn't stop lecturing Viv about bad decisions and mistakes making her feel bad. The truth came out Yves had discovered Viv and Carols trysts at the salon as he had fitted security cameras in the salon and jealousy got the better of him. As we were sitting with her keeping her company she asked, "Hon would you look after the salon until I get out?" What could I say? "Yes of course, but won't the others be miffed with me sticking my nose in?" "I don't care they are going to need somebody to hold it all together." The next day I got dressed up trying to imitate Viv's style. When Carol saw me emerge she cracked up. "Fucking hell babe... Jesus you did not have to try and be her, just manage the salon." As I unlocked and was getting ready the employee's started to filter in. They all gave me strange stares but as I explained that Viv was ill I got some sympathy. I worked with the most senior stylist as she was the most familiar with what was going on. I had to do my share of the actual work, I was nervous never having worked in this environment and not being formally trained, but the girls all accepted me, especially after they saw I could hold my own. It became apparent that Viv was seriously overstaffed. I also took the opportunity to go over her books and she wasn't doing as well as I thought. She was still a mess when she got out of hospital so Carol made her come and stay with us. She was so worried about her salon that I volunteered to keep going in until she was fit. It took nearly a month before all her scars had healed enough for her to feel comfortable enough to go back to work. What that meant was I had to schedule my clients to go into Viv's salon, but I only charged them my prices. The whole thing was a mess. Yves proved what an arsehole he is. He not only kicked her out of their place but he demanded she pay back the money he had invested in the salon. Viv's stay was traumatic, she was a mess the whole time, she cried and sobbed, at any given moment for no apparent reason she broke down into a blubbering heap. The house was in a constant state of upheaval and the tension was unbearable. At work she was no better and she begged me to stay on just to help out. The salon was doing OK, it was sound and making money but not enough to pay back Yves that was for sure. Viv and Carol ganged up on me over dinner fuelled a few wines, Carol started it. "Nat, how are you going working at Viv's?" Worried by the furtive glances between the two I muttered. "OK I guess well at least from my perspective. Do you want me to leave?" Viv interjected. "No, god no, it's the opposite." Carol filled up my glass and added. 'Babe Viv can't manage the salon alone at the moment and Yves is being a real pig, we think she needs a partner, somebody to buy into the business... What do you think?" Viv couldn't hold my gaze as I digested her comment. "So you mean me right?" I gazed at Viv. "Are you sure Viv?" She nodded. "Nath the business has never been as busy as it is at the moment, you have done an amazing job and I thank god every day for you just being there. I couldn't think of anything better." Carol lifted my hand and kissed it. "Please babe it is the perfect solution, we all win." All of us I thought... How do I win? Even with my reservations I agreed, I didn't know what else to say. So within a week she had a new partner, I paid out Yves his money, there were a couple of employees who didn't really fit and now there was no room for them so my first action as part owner was to fire them. We ended up with a small but dedicated team. Viv really struggled through this period, she seemed lost, and her confidence completely shot it really affected her badly. Yves the scumbag went to court but because Viv wouldn't appear at his trial his weasel attorney got him off with a very light sentence, although he did have to pay Viv compensation and write her a letter of apology. The legal system is fucked when money lets guilty bastards like him walk free. Paul was disgusted and his reputation really suffered, he was forced to take a backward step as the publicity started to affect the business. It fucked his life up OK he didn't go to jail but his reputation was tarnished and he was very unpopular. It took time but slowly Viv started to come right. Her old bubbly jovial personality shone through. The salon was the best thing for her and it turned out to be a blast working with her. Between my clients and Viv's established clientele we had a bustling vibrant atmosphere, diverse friendly and exciting. We got back on track and started to make money. The funny thing was Viv and I found a deep friendship, maybe we were never destined to have anything more than that? Carol and Viv did have a little fling but it was unsustainable because as hard as Carol tried I couldn't do it. It just felt wrong. In the end they slowly saw less and less of each other and the three of us became friends. Viv had a few boyfriends but nothing serious, not for a long time, but that's another story altogether. Carol and I, our relationship grew stronger and stronger every day. The End........

Same as Nathalies Makeover Chapter Eight Videos

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Four

So the bastard had stolen my cherry and as much as I enjoyed it I couldn't clear the image of his contemptuous smug smile. Conflicted, I lay there listening to Viv's soft snoring my mind a complete mess, did this mean I was gay? I should have been screaming rape. Awash with all these stupid weird uncertain thoughts my biggest concern was, what would Viv really think of me? She must secretly be disgusted and lost all respect for me? I was out of bed wandering aimlessly around when...

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My Makeover

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All comments welcome -- [email protected] Don't read this if you can't, or can't claim you can. Makeover by Vickie Tern It really was the most amazing birthday my wife could ever have given me! Even now my eyes fill with tears just thinking about it. It seemed overwhelming two nights ago, when she first proposed it. But since then? She'd sat me down and told me the whole thing was arranged, never mind thanking her, there...

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Straight Sex
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Aimees Makeovers 3

Aimee's Makeovers Part Three By Jena Corso As we arrived at the spa, we were greeted by the flamboyant host, Claude. "Aimee, it's been too long, girlfriend." Claude smiled and looked at his appointment book. "I'm so glad you are back, and I see you are going to spend a nice day with us." "Thank you, Claude," said Aimee, kissing him on the cheek. "I know it's been too long. I've been so busy and trust me, I really could use a little pampering." "Of course dear, you deserve...

3 years ago
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My Sisters SlaveChapter 5 strip proposal makeover and ownership

By the time I got home it was very late and I had school the next day. So I undress and went to bed. A couple days later Rose call Kara and wanted another date with me. Kara and Rose talked for a long time, I know because I was between kara’s legs eating her out as they talked to each other. I could only hear my sister’s side of the Conversation, I heard Kara say; “how much? No that’s not enough, how about 10,000 dollars, you’ll do that! Let me think about it, but I want her to have my ......

1 year ago
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 8 The Makeover

“Where’s Debbie?” Brett asked Stephanie as she strode purposefully down the stairs. “Amber’s taken her to get her hair and makeup done for her big photo shoot,” Stephanie calmly informed him as she wrapped her arm around him and pulled him close to whisper in his ear. “I want to talk with you for a moment about tonight. Look, you have really hurt your beautiful wife over the past few days. Despite all that you have done to her she still wants to do something special for you for your...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 35 Seeing to Biancas Welfare and Louises Makeover

"What are y'all doin' tonight?" Draper asked Nate. "I'm gonna go see Mama after school, but no big plans after that. Probably be a good idea to take Nora somewhere," Nate muttered. "Probly, bein' it's Friday night. Wanna double? Last weekend was a kick..." "Sounds good. I'll talk to Nora," Nate agreed. "Cool. If 'Nisha gets grabby an' goes diggin' in my fly, won't be no uproar if we're with y'all," Draper chuckled. "You make it sound like you're sufferin'..."...

4 years ago
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Extreme MakeoverChapter 2

"YOU DID WHAT?" asked Don, the head fairy Godfather through gritted teeth as Cedric and Stephen stood before him like two schoolboys before the headmaster. "What were you doing casting spells alone?" "Well, he wished." said Cedric, shrugging, his fake fairy wings fluttering gently as he did so. "It was a mistake, sir." said Stephen quickly stamping on Cedric's foot, who suppressed a squeal. "I should have been there." "It's a bit more than a simple mistake don't you think?"...

2 years ago
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Wife Customized by Black Lover and BossChapter 5 The makeover

After a month I got a call from her, “The surgery was done and I am almost healed. I have to wait one more month to suck a cock. It is extremely painful, but now I am happy that I did it.” “Why don’t you come home for the period and that you can work for her boss after that.” “I am doing a workout to keep her body fit and hot, and I have gotten a physician. My boss is making some slight modifications to my body and it won’t affect my physical beauty, causing her to hope she will look...

3 years ago
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Scissor Sisters Chapter Eight

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's...

1 year ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Eight

Right from the start, Chapter Eight 8 - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson(Jane): Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school. Miss Webster: Their form teacher. Sophia: Mary's mother. Alicia: Sandra's mother. Chapter Eight Alicia and Sophia flew midweek to visit their daughters. It gave them two extra days shopping for while their daughters were working, their mothers could indulge in...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers

Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...

4 years ago
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Sissy Farm Chapter Eight

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie Jamie, ...

2 years ago
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Two Makeovers

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Two Makeovers by Amy Brett I found that I really didn't know what to do. The situation was so totally alien. I had spoken softly to Barbara for a scant moment after she had admitted me to the basement room of the...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 2

Aimee's Makeovers Part Two By Jena Corso Edited By Waking up the next morning in each others arms was fantastic. "Did you have a good night's sleep, honey?" Aimee said as she kissed his cheek. "Is it morning already? Damn I'm exhausted, but yes it was a lot of fun" Said Tony. "Why are we getting up so early?" "I want to squeeze in everything I can with you this weekend," she said as she rubbed his back gently. "I know you have some things you wanted to do, and so did I,...

3 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 4

Aimee's Makeovers Part Four By Jena Corso As the waiter returned to our table Aimee ordered for both of us. "We'll have a bottle of your finest red wine and two house salads for starters. For his entree I'll have the porterhouse steak - very rare please and his friend will have petite fillet - children's portion please - well done - she's on a bit of a diet," said Aimee forcefully. "Thank you." "Wow, I'm on a diet too!" "Damn right you are!" said Aimee smiling. "Pretty ladies...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers 6

Aimee's Makeovers Part six By Jena Corso Shawn took Tony's hand and they entered a crowded sports bar. Shawn immediately knew many people; high fiving them as she worked her way through the crowd and over to an open elevated small table with two stools where they sat down. As the waitress came over, she ordered them two beers as they relaxed and watched a few games on different screens around the bar. "See, isn't this better than going to the mall or something that Aimee would...

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