Scissor Sisters - Chapter Eight free porn video

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Scissors Sisters - Chapter Eight - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's husband; Jack: My boss at work. (A Closet transvestite.); Henry and Penelope: My and Judith's twin children; Susan and Jane: Emily and David's children, my nieces. Chapter Eight After discovering that Jack was a closet transvestite, I found my situation at work much more tenable. He arranged to have my desk moved closer to his office door on the pretence that the new deal concerning Uncle Reggie's house, involved a lot of work. This was undeniably true and the plans wrought excitement throughout the office. During Jack's weekly visits to the estate, he took the opportunity of showing every member of the staff the site and the plans. Finally after months of planning and permissions, the following summer the builders moved in. I was given the job of co-ordinating the finance for the development whilst Jack and two others from the office ran the sales pitch. The development sold itself and soon we had sold the lease to every apartment off the plans, before the work was finished. Indeed, towards the end, as news spread around the housing market, we were able to raise the prices on the final apartments and turn a very handsome profit. It certainly saved the house and my inheritance. Fortunately, the house was sufficiently large so that we in the West Wing were not unduly disturbed. Naturally Reggie was a little upset to think that the family might be losing a large part of the house for upwards of thirty years but I was able to reassure him. "Think of the benefits Uncle. You still get to live in the old family seat and yet it's been put back to 'as-new' condition. Besides, our new neighbours have been carefully selected." Uncle Reggie smiled softly. He had soon realised that Jack had discreetly chosen our neighbours from a lot of his more wealthy friends from his large circle of alternative life-stylers. Of the twenty new apartments in the East Wing, Central wing and the stable blocks, half of the clients were of some sort of alternative sexual persuasion. Uncle Reggie even recognised one of his old friends from his younger days. Within two years of starting the project, all the apartments were let and the house rang once again to the pleasant sounds of habitation. One of the main beneficiaries was Betty our cleaner, and her young daughter Angelica. She was awarded the main contract for cleaning and was able to set up a small cleaning company employing several staff to work for her. Of course, Uncle Reggie was enchanted with Angelica who had escaped the slums of Lower Moreton and was now living a storybook lifestyle of the little girl with a huge house to play in. Several of the tenants in the larger apartments also had children so Angelica even had friends living in other parts of the huge rambling pile. The fact that Angelica had the run of most of the West wing where we lived made her the envy of the other children. The only downside was that the west wing was being turned into a children's playground by Angelica and her friends, Uncle Reggie indulged Angelica too much. Fortunately our apartments were well isolated right at the far end of the wing so the main victim of his own indulgences was Uncle Reggie himself. He still lived at the central end of the west wing close to the main entrance where most of the traffic in the house gathered. However the tenants soon got to recognise the mincing Baron Mortimer and learned to accept him for what he was. Jack had chosen the tenants wisely. Having alternative sexualities themselves made them tolerant of others. Even the families with other children accepted 'The mincing Baron,' as a harmless old sweetie. The development proved to be a financial and social success and now that I had benefited hugely from the apartment deals, Judith decided it was time for her to have a child. For a couple of months it was all thermometers and turkey-basters as we giggled away each night getting my semen into the syringe and impregnating Judith. Emily, Judith's twin had also invited her new partner David to move into her apartment and the sisters fell pregnant the same month. That would be just typical of twins. David had dropped Charlotte after leaving college. My younger sister was a flighty, horny piece who would probably never remain loyal to one guy. David had been wounded by Charlotte's disloyalty and found compassion and solace in Emily's arms. I was secretly glad because David remained a firm friend of mine. Great Uncle Reggie was incandescent with delight upon learning of our success. This success was of course reported to our mothers ASAP, and Uncle Reggie quickly prepared the spare rooms for the arrival of his sister Penelope who was our grandma and our mothers Susie and Pauline. Judith's pregnancy had finally reconciled our forbearers and a Saturday afternoon party was organised for all the tenants of the apartments in the house to celebrate the happy occasion. Many eyes were raised in surprise when it became known that I was Judith's husband and actually stood to inherit the estate. Throughout the party people came up to me congratulating me then asking about my life. Finally I felt forced to stand on the lower steps of the grand staircase and make a little speech. "Yes, I'm Great Uncle Reggie's nephew; yes I'm a heterosexual transvestite, yes I stand to inherit this place when Great Uncle Reggie dies and no there won't be any evictions. The leases will be extended if the tenants prove mutually acceptable to each other, caring of the house and tolerant of their neighbours. With the tenants reassured, the celebrations went apace until poor Judith and Emily were exhausted. Finally, David and I had to put them to bed in the late afternoon before we settled down to a quiet shared brandy in Emily's drawing room overlooking the wide expanse of parkland to the south. As the brandy mellowed our mood, David looked at me and smiled. "You know that Emily and I are getting married." "Yes," Emily said, "I hope Judith and I are invited." "Of course you are! I want you to be my best man?" I hesitated thoughtfully. "Are you sure that's wise. I mean, me living as a girl and all." "I was thinking of getting married just like you and Judith did; in the village church, they all know us there. Your wedding was OK and the villagers accepted you in your wedding gown." "What would your widowed mother think?" "She attended your wedding and raised no objections then." I smiled with delight. 'What girl could refuse another chance and real reason to wear a beautiful gown?' "I wonder what the dress code is for a best man who wears a gown." David grinned as he sipped his brandy. "I would suggest that you and Judith wear matching bridesmaid's dresses. You mustn't upstage Emily." "Duly noted. Are there any other bridesmaids?" "Yes; my two younger cousins, twelve and fourteen." "Do they know about me?" "Not yet but their mother does. She's my dad's sister." "So it's a good old family affair then," I grinned as I squeezed myself with excitement. "Well, it's not a big affair. My mum's a widow now, as you know. Money's a bit tight. I'm putting a lot towards the wedding." I considered this then frowned. "That's not fair. It's Emily's mother Pauline and Grandma who should stump up. They're the bride's parents and Grandma paid for Judith and me. Why should you and Emily be any different?" "Well, there's not as much money there now. Apparently, your Grandma's stock took a hit." I was stunned. They had never mentioned this to us. Indeed, Grandma had not once spoken to Emily, Judith or me since I had met up with Uncle Reggie. It was only since Judith's becoming pregnant that things between Grandma and her brother Great Uncle Reggie had improved. I was a bit angry that despite all the heartache, Grandma was still more concerned about family lines and producing heirs than she was about family relationships and personal happiness. I at least could help Emily where money was concerned. I looked straight into David's eyes. "Well if money's an issue. I can help there. This apartment deal's led on to greater things. I'm investing in America." David stared at me. "Are you for real?" "Yes. You met Jack at the party. He and I are spreading our wings. We're working on a deal out in Mid America. There's a whole city block that's up for sale and a friend of Jacks reckons there's real potential. We've put down a retainer on a couple of sites and bought a short-term option. We're flying out to look at it next month." David fell silent as he stared into his brandy. "It would sort out a lot of stuff if you could. Emily is very hurt that your Grandma isn't helping with the costs." "Well honestly Dave, I never knew a thing about this. My Grandma can be a stubborn old cow at times. I'll sort it. Let me have some figures by next Friday and I'll know what I can do. I want Emily's wedding to be a happy occasion and every girl likes a big celebration." David smiled then stood up to hug me and kiss me as he whispered in my ear. "You're just an old fashioned girl at heart aren't you?" I squeezed deeper into his embrace and kissed him again before we separated and stood side by side staring at the sunset over the south parkland. David was a real friend, a man who accepted my condition and yet treated me like a girl whilst recognising my real sex. Friends like David came around once in a lifetime and needed to be treated properly. I never wanted to lose him. The least I could do was help him with the costs for his and my cousin Emily's wedding! "You're lucky inheriting all this," sighed David." "We nearly lost it," I replied bitterly. "We still have to share it but at least we got to choose our neighbours." "Yeah, Emily told me. That Jack is a canny guy." "He's taught me a lot and thanks to his lines of contacts we've pulled it off." "Yeah, I have heard," grinned David, "The tranny lines!" "Yeah, well keep shtum! Jack's a closet tranny. Hurt him and you might hurt this deal in America. I want to get my foot in the door over there." David nodded as he sucked his tongue thoughtfully. I knew I could trust David, he had proved his tolerance towards my transvestism since junior school. The least I could do was help Emily and him with the wedding costs. We bid each other goodnight and made our separate ways to our wives. The following month Jack and I made our way to Mid Western America. After studying the deal we bought in and debated the best way to go about things. Finally we decided that I should stay in the US, for a few years whilst Jack ran things from the UK. It involved a lot of to- ing and fro-ing for several months but eventually, things started to come together. Then I had to put the property stuff on hold briefly as I went home for the arrival of our twins. I cried with happiness when they arrived for when I held them in my arms a huge surge of emotion washed through my body and I even felt a strange tingle in my nipples. 'Oh if only' I thought. With a boy and a girl, everybody in the family had cause for celebration. Grandma in particular, seemed to relax now that the 'family line' seemed assured. Judith and I wound her up though by loudly wondering what would happen if baby Henry turned out to be gay. "You shouldn't be too surprised if he is Grandma, it seems to run in the family." "Oh tosh and fiddlesticks!" protested grandma as Uncle Reggie smiled at Judith's stirring. "If homosexuality ran in the family, the family line would die out." A silence settled over the family until I remarked softly. "Grandma, the family line almost did die out." "Well it didn't darling," replied Grandma as she took baby Henry from my arms. "Though I must confess I was worried. You had me really worried until I realised that you weren't gay" As she spoke, Judith let out a squeak. "Ouch! Penelope's tugging and I've no more milk!" Judith had decided on breast-feeding but the twins were placing too much demand. As the tears came to Judith's eyes I wasn't sure if it was pain or disappointment. Aunty Pauline took Penelope from Judith's arms and slipped a bottle of formulae into Penelope's mouth to assuage the baby's hunger. She turned to her daughter Judith concernedly. "Are you sure this is wise darling. Mixing formulae and breast milk?" "Well, I've not got enough milk for the two of them and Emily won't be able to help. She's expecting twins as well. How is she by the way? "She went into labour early this morning. I'm waiting for David's phone call." Almost as she finished speaking, Aunty Pauline's mobile sprang to life and she whipped it out eagerly. David's voice tinkled in the phone then after a couple of seconds a huge smile spread across Aunty Pauline's face. "And they're all OK!" We all heard David's joyous yes and a wave of relief swept through us all. Aunty Pauline, Grandma and Mummy immediately set off for the hospital leaving Uncle Reggie and me with Judith. As I settled baby Henry, Uncle Reggie nursed Penelope with the bottle that Aunty Pauline had passed to him in their haste to go and see her other newborn grandchildren. Uncle Reggie just couldn't be happier and his smile was infectious. Judith looked at him contentedly nursing Penelope and grinned. "What are you so happy about Uncle?" "Oh she's such a picture, my very own little great, great niece." "Well you look a natural there," grinned Judith, "I think you'd make a lovely mother." Uncle Reggie let out a squeal of amused laughter. "Oh don't be silly Judith. If it's help you want breast-feeding why don't you ask Petra? She's got lovely fulsome breasts." I gasped with surprise and made to protest but Judith's eyes widened thoughtfully. She stared at me for long moments and I could almost hear her brain ticking. "Would you like to help darling?" she asked quite openly in front of Uncle Reggie. My mind was in turmoil. After the delicious tingling I had felt earlier I had to confess, the idea had crossed my mind, and now again especially after Judith had run dry. "Is it that difficult for you?" I asked sympathetically. Judith nodded despondently. "I've got milk, but not enough for two. I wouldn't be surprised if Emily was short as well. After all we are identical twin sisters." "So you think I should help wet-nurse hers as well if she runs dry." "It would be nice to have back-up," replied Judith. "Well that's serendipity, I'm due to see my endocrinologist tomorrow, I'll speak to her about it." Judith smiled with delight and gratitude, whilst Uncle Reggie let out a shriek of delight. "Why that's just so beautiful! Oh! You're just so, so lucky. I only wish I could have done that when I was younger." "And who would you have fed uncle?" grinned Judith. "Why Susan and Pauline, your mothers of course." "Huh! I don't think the family would ever have agreed to that." "No," sighed Uncle Reggie wistfully, "They wouldn't. You and Petra are just so lucky!" That evening, Uncle Reggie and I went to visit Emily and David to see the other new additions. Judith of course stayed at home. She was not an invalid but Grandma Penelope deemed it unwise to 'risk infection by bringing Henry and Penelope to see their cousins Susan and Jane. We all smiled at grandma's 'old wives superstitions' but Judith was still tired. Once again, I felt that delightful tingle in my nipples when I picked up my nieces and I squirmed sensitively. 'Oh gosh!' I thought, 'the very idea was turning me on.' The very next morning while the family were arranging to bring Emily and her daughters home, I slipped away to meet my endocrinologist's appointment. "Are you sure?" Doctor Lucy asked. "Are there any serious risks?" I asked. She smiled knowingly. "Well actually no. In fact there is a school of thought that thinks breast-feeding might even reduce the risk of breast cancer in later life. It's not confirmed either way though." "Breast cancer!" I swallowed. "Well yes Petra. Those are real breasts on your chest you know, and any breasts can develop breast cancer. You run the same risks as any other girl." "And you say breast feeding may reduce the risk," I repeated hopefully. "It's not proven, the old school of thought held that breast feeding might increase the chances of breast cancer but now it seems there might be some evidence to the contrary." "I'll start immediately!" I declared. "Uh not so fast girly, there's your whole libido thing to consider. What about your sex life and fertility? D'you want to have more babies?" "Oh! Could that side of things be affected?" "It's hard to be certain Petra. You're already on a veritable cocktail of hormones as it is. We'll have to go very carefully. Aside from your libido issues, what if the testosterone from your testicles was to get into your milk? If and when you produce milk, it will have to be tested." I sagged with disappointment. "How long?" "I can't say. If we started today, it would normally take an ordinary woman couple of months to come safely and properly into milk. I might be able to boost your production but I will still be at least a fortnight to a month at the earliest before you're producing a useful flow. It's the monitoring that's important. I can't risk your milk harming your children." I nodded dejectedly. "Oh well, you'd better start now." She smiled sympathetically as she wrote out my prescription. "You trannies want it both ways, the fun of making babies yet also the fun of nursing them. Just remember, it might be painful at first, and there's all the other problems associated with nipple care." "Huh," I grinned, "you're only jealous. Don't forget, I can never feel a baby growing inside me." She chuckled with amusement as she handed me the prescription. "Take this down to the pharmacists in Baker Street. She specialises in stocking the drugs I prescribe. I want to see you every day for the first week then every two days until you come into milk. "Crickey, I might as well be an in patient!" I observed. "Hey! Don't knock it lady. This is pretty unique territory. "Why? Other transsexuals have breast fed babies. I've read about it. "Yes," countered Doctor Lucy, "but only a few of them still had testicles and even fewer wanted to father more children." I nodded resignedly. She was right. There were just so many issues. With the appointment over, I made my way to Baker Street where the pharmacist gave me a strange look then grinned before she handed over a huge package of drugs. She obviously dealt with a lot of Doctor Lucy's transsexual patients. "So you want to produce milk for your baby," she observed. I nodded and pulled a wry smile but she didn't seem to be in any way offended or critical in her manner. She just smiled affably then raised a cautioning eyebrow. "These are very powerful drugs young lady. Don't be in too much of a hurry and don't overdose on these, or you'll grow horns and an udder." I giggled then nodded knowingly as I handed over the money. "Yeah, tell me about it. I've got to see the doctor every day." The pharmacist wagged her head. "Yes, I should think so with a prescription like this. You're pushing the boundaries a bit darling. Just be careful. Gosh the lengths you transsexuals go to!" "I'm not a transsexual," I declared boldly, "I'm a transvestite!" Her eyes widened with even more surprise then she smiled and wished me good luck with yet another caution about overdosing. "Ah! That explains this prescription. See you in a month, all being well. Take care now." "See you. Thanks," I replied then I closed the door behind me. In the street I hailed a taxi then made my way back to the office. There were some messages from Jack in America but nothing important. We had changed the arrangements and now he was handling America whilst two of the senior staff were covering his post back in London. I was taking twelve months maternity leave but calling at the office once a week to keep tabs on America. It was mostly my money that was invested. Back home I laid out the drugs on our dressing room table and Judith grinned as she studied them. "You're going for it then." "All the way darling," I replied as I counted out the tablets exactly then dosed myself as per Doctor Lucy's instructions. Within a day my breasts were beginning to ache slightly and my nipples started to swell. I had to buy some new nursing bras but my breasts grew so quickly that I had to change them each week to a larger cup. Finally at the end of the second week, my milk started to flow. Eagerly I delivered a sample to Doctor Lucy and was delighted to learn the next visit that my milk was safe. The fats, sugars and hormone levels were all within acceptable limits. That afternoon I savoured my first attempt to feed baby Henry. "Ouch! Oo-oh! They're tender," I winced as Judith grinned. "Now you know what us girls go through. Don't worry they'll get less sensitive." "That's just what I don't want. If they get less sensitive, I might not be able to make myself horny." Judith's grin faded. She better than anybody else knew that nipple stimulation was one of the main devices for my reaching an orgasm. If my nipples were made less sensitive, I might not be able to orgasm or at least take infinitely longer to climax. She smiled to try and reassure me. "Well then just try to relax. Make yourself really comfortable and fully relaxed then you won't transmit any anxieties to Henry." I settled more comfortably into the settee and took a long slow breath. Eventually the pain subsided slightly and I was able to endure it. For the first time in his short life, baby Henry suckled a full feed of natural milk and Judith sighed with relief. As Henry finally stopped suckling we gently prised him off my nipple and Judith grinned. "Just look at him. He doesn't want to let go. Typical boy, he's already got a breast fixation." "Yeah, with his daddy, what does that say?" "Oh tosh!" giggled Judith, "Now let's see you finish off your daughter." We placed Penelope at my breast and I smiled with relief. Penelope wasn't hurting my nipples half as much as Henry had. In fact after a couple of minutes, I was starting to feel horny. "She doesn't seem to suck so hard," I declared, "She's much less greedy." "Yeah," smiled Judith, "little girls are different even at this age. Boy's always seem to be greedy!" I looked at my son gurgling contentedly in his crib and smiled. This was the first time Henry had settled without crying for more milk. I felt quite proud of my achievement for I had done what every good father should always try to do and provided for my children. Then I smiled down at Penelope and a wave of protective feelings came over me. Already I was beginning to recognise the different feelings I had for my son and daughter. For Henry I had mainly hopes and ambitions, for Penelope I felt protective and loving. After only a few minutes, Penelope was full and refused to suckle any more but I still had milk. I was a bit reluctant to tell Judith in case she became jealous. I seemed to be producing milk like a prize Holstein. At first I tried to hide my condition but Judith soon noticed my discomfort. She looked at me and frowned. "Have you still got milk?" I nodded apologetically but Judith was not in the least put out. Instead she scolded me. "Well why didn't you say! You silly goose! Emily's got the same problems as me; I'll go and get her babies." As Judith stepped out, I put Penelope down in her crib just as Angelica walked in unannounced. My breasts were hanging out and her eyes fell immediately upon them. "Are those your boobies?" "Angelica!" I squeaked, "You should knock before entering!" Her smile disappeared, and she looked crestfallen while I struggled to tuck my boobs back into my nursing bra. "I'm sorry Uncle Petra," she cried as she backed towards the door. At that moment though, Emily and Judith returned with Susan and Jane who were both crying discontentedly. As a newly become nursing father, I was already able to recognise the sound of hungry babies. Their cries automatically caused my boobs to surge as my milk started to let down beyond my control. "Oh gosh!" I squeaked as I fumbled urgently to release the cups of my nursing bra. "I, - I've started leaking. Quickly, put them on!" "Without delay, Judith and Emily sat down either side of me and helped attach my nieces one to each breast. Once they were attached, I carefully held one in each arm whilst trying to ignore Angelica's popping eyes." I nodded towards Angelica but my cousins totally ignored my protestations until Emily turned and hugged Angelica to her. Angelic squirmed to study the image I presented as her little face wrinkled in puzzlement. "I thought Uncle Petra was a daddy!" Judith turned thoughtfully then stroked Angelica's cheek to reassure her. "She is darling, but she's a very special daddy." "She makes milk in her boobies," observed Angelica with a rare perspicacity. "Eh. Yes darling," replied Emily, uncertain where this was going. "Gosh! That's clever," remarked Angelica with all the finality of a child who easily accepted the unexpected. I could feel the tension wash away between Judith and Emily. With this hurdle over, Angelica squirmed free and sat right beside me watching Susan and Jane simultaneously avail themselves of their newly found reserve of mother's milk or more correctly, daddy's milk. Angelica looked up at me thoughtfully. "Are you their daddy as well?" "Uh no darling, Uncle David is their daddy." "But Uncle David's not like you, he doesn't have breasts." Angelica had seen David swimming in the communal pool often enough in his trunks whilst I always wore a one piece or bikini. It was obvious that David was a man whilst I was more a woman than man and Angelica obviously realised this. "Uuhhm, no darling," I replied, "wondering where this was going. "So you're a very special daddy." I smiled to reassure her then nodded for want of anything to say. "Does daddy's milk taste special?" "Uh, not really darling," I replied, "It's probably just like ordinary mummy's milk but Jane and Susan like it." I glanced down at my nieces as they busied themselves assuaging their hunger. Angelic leaned in to get a better look then she smiled. "Is it like the milk I have for breakfast? "Oh I don't think so Angelica. That milk comes from cows." "Can I taste it?" demanded Angelica with wide-eyed innocence "Uuhhm. Not just now darling," I replied nervously as Judith and Emily smiled benignly. Angelica's smile dropped with disappointment but I had to be brave about this one. "I think you're a bit too old to take milk like this." Angelica's disappointment was obvious but I let her sit beside me on the settee until Susan and Jane had finally satisfied their hunger. They finished within seconds of each other as though there was some secret signal between them but I suppose it might have been a function of their close bonding as identical twin sisters. They finished so quickly that for a few brief seconds my milk spurted out until I managed to hand the babies back to Judith and Emily before sitting up and reaching for my nursing pads and tissues. First I had to clean up the spilt milk and Angelica's eyes widened hopefully as she handed me the box of tissues. "You're still milking!" she observed, with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "Yes dear but I'll soon stop," I replied as I pulled out some tissues and cleaned up the mess. In future, I decided I had better wear a large nursing apron to protect my clothes. Angelica's eyes remained locked on my breasts until I finally spooned them into my nursing bra cups and made myself presentable again. Then she looked up at me expectantly. "You've still got milk. Susan and Jane haven't taken it all." "Well I'll save it for next time," I replied a little brusquely for I was becoming embarrassed. The problem was that now Angelica lived in the country, she had learned a lot about living things and one of her favourite pastimes was to visit the farm that still belonged to the estate. Although Uncle Reggie technically owned the land and farm, a tenant farmer of course ran it and in today's difficult times, the farm only provided a very modest income for the estate after all the expenses were taken out. Nevertheless, it was a mixed general farm and still ran a medium sized dairy herd. Angelica had often watched the cows being milked. She probably knew as much about milking as many adults. Her sharp little mind was still ticking. "If you've still got milk, you should get yourself milked. Mr Bryant, the farmer says it's bad if you carry too much milk around in your udders for too long. Cows get milk fever and stuff." I started to chuckle as Judith and Emily snorted with amusement. Then I corrected Angelica as I tapped my breasts. "These are not udders darling and I'm not a cow." Angelica was not convinced. At seven she had already made the connection between mammalian functions on the farm and the same mammalian functions in humankind. As far as Angelica was concerned, I was doing exactly the same as a cow and I would suffer the same problems if I didn't take the same precautions. She gave me an 'old' look then wagged her head knowingly. What she didn't realise of course was that cows had become nothing more than 'milking machines' through intensive breeding. In the wild, cattle fed their calves on demand many times a day but on dairy farms cattle carried the milk around for half a day between twice daily milkings, hence their udders grew huge compared with their wild sisters. Human's fed their babies just like wild animals, at least several times a day and sometimes more often. Whilst Angelica was in school I would probably feed all four babies another two or three times, depending on my and their mother's milk. I resolved to discuss things with Betty though, because there was no doubt I was producing excessive milk. Even after the first feed, I had realised that Doctor Lucy's prescription might need modifying. The pharmacists had been right. I may not have horns and an udder but by golly! I was sure producing a lot of milk. After the babies were settled in the nursery, with which Angelica took great delight in helping, we adults turned to our other tasks while Angelica skipped off to play in the grounds. Later I approached Betty about her daughter. "Well I was a bit embarrassed but it's perfectly natural so we let her see the babies being fed." Betty knew all about my condition and she nodded sagely. "Well, at least you look like a woman and we count you as one of our own, so there's nothing unsavoury about a little girl seeing babies being fed. Anyway, she sees enough on that farm! What with the rams and the bull." I lowered my eyes modestly for I had also seen the activities on the farm. There was no way any child could not learn the facts of life if they lived on or regularly visited a farm and Angelica seemed to spend most of her time over there. The fact that she had learned that there was another little girl of eight living on the farm was also cause for her to visit. Angelica had found a new friend who went to the same new school and shared the same class. The other children in the East Wing were either older or younger and whilst she played frequently with them, it was much nicer to have a special friend, a best friend who was in the same class at school. This same girl of course, took to coming over to the house and it wasn't long before she saw the babies being fed. However, the novelty soon wore off. She saw lambs and calves, piglets and foals feeding of their mothers all the time. On the plus side, the girls took great delight in dressing the babies then taking them out in their prams in the grounds where it was safe to do so. I however was beginning to feel like a dairy cow. I fed the babies every three hours or my breasts started to feel uncomfortable and my mind seemed to become all mushy and foggy as the hormones took control of my body. All I seemed to want to do was mother the babies and feed them from my generous breasts. There was little doubt that I was turning into a contented cow. The only problem was that Angelica's words were coming true. In the late evenings, I had to express my excess milk to avoid any complications and Angelica finally got to drink my milk, albeit from a glass at breakfast time. Betty was OK with Angelica drinking human milk instead of cows milk, but there was no way she was going to allow her eight-year-old daughter to suckle from my breasts! I of course was fully in agreement with Betty, besides, Angelica had teeth! For my part, Judith was becoming concerned with my mental condition and she mentioned it to me one evening after I had emptied my breasts and placed the large jug of my in the fridge for Angelica's breakfast. I noticed that my wife and sister in law as well as David also used it in their coffee. "Honestly darling, Angelica's right, you seem to be turning into a prize dairy Holstein cow." "Mmmm," I responded absentmindedly. "There!" she said snapped impatiently, "See. You just replied as though you're in a trance. Snap out of it! Pillow talk is the only chance we get to chat and you're becoming a proper bimbo. Talk to me!" "Yes darling. What about?" Judith almost screamed with frustration. "There! See! That's just it. A few months ago you'd have been chatting as we showered and chattering all the way into bed. Now the only way I can grab your attention is if I tickle those flipping udders of yours. Snap out of it! I want Petra back. I don't want to sleep with a contented cow every night, talk to me. Excite me, fuck me!" I gaped a little stupidly at my wife as my mind tried to understand what was upsetting her. Somehow, my cognitive skills just didn't seem able to make that important step and I was lost for words. Instead I started crying and suddenly Judith was all attention and apology. "Oh I'm sorry darling! Oh don't cry. I'm sorry, it's just that, - well, - you haven't been that attentive to my needs these past few months. We haven't had sex for weeks!" "Why?" I sobbed uncomprehendingly, "What's the matter with me. I don't understand! I can't seem to think, - I can't seem to think it through. What's wrong?" Judith became exasperated with frustration. "I want you to fuck me, like you used to before the milk thing. I want your little stumpy to grind against my clitty and bring me off. I'm horny! Don't you understand girl!" At last I got the message. I had been so preoccupied and contented with my mothering pleasures that I had ignored my other duties. I nodded dumbly as I re-arranged myself and invited Judith to mount me. With a sigh of relief Judith slid her leg over my thighs then lay on top of me with her thighs astride me as she urgently squirmed to locate my stumpy. Then she let out a little grumble of dissatisfaction. "It's not hard enough! What's wrong with you?" I frowned uncomprehendingly. If there was one thing I had never failed in it was getting my tiny stumpy hard enough for Judith the frot against. I reached down fearfully to realise that Judith was right. My stumpy as slightly soft and I mumbled stupidly. "I don't know why darling. Perhaps it's my tits. You might have to rub them a bit more." Judith was already preparing to do this as she gently caresses my swollen breasts and tried getting my nipples to stiffen in response. Usually when my nipples were stiff inside the silky cups of my bra or nightie, a light fingering by brushing with the backs of her nails by Judith, would bring me to 'full cock' like a pistol ready to fire. Judith persisted for several minutes, for this had always previously been plenty of time to get me horny but this time my libido just seemed to be switched off. I was puzzled. My nipples seemed to need something extra and I reached up nervously to join Judith's inquisitive fingers on my nipples. Cautiously I took my nipples between my fingers and thumb and gently pinched them. To my surprise and delight, I felt a spectacular tingling as sensations rippled down to my groin. "Ooo-oh! That's it. Just tug on them gently, as though you were suckling me," I gasped with delight. Judith did as I requested and the sensations persisted. Then I realised that it would be even nicer if my breasts were being suckled. I suggested this to Judith and she snorted derisively. "I knew it! That's what you want isn't it? You've got a bloody suckling fixation!" I nodded my confession, for I had often felt horny when the babies were using me to boost their allotted mother's milk when my cousins ran dry. Indeed, I had often taken on the whole feed during the midday session to allow Judith and Emily to have a break whilst I contentedly fed all four babies whilst orgasming into my panty-liner. Now I had become addicted to suckling as my primary means of stimulation. It was no use; Judith would have to suckle on my breasts whilst humping me for her own satisfactions. At my request, she gently cupped my breasts out of my nightie and lowered her head to take my engorged nipple between her lips. I squeaked with delight and squirmed contentedly but there was something missing. My other nipple was calling for the same attention. "Can you do my other nipple as well?" I begged. "I've only got one mouth darling," protested Judith, "I'm hunched over enough as it is. I'd have to be a contortionist to suckle both tits and bring myself off on your stumpy. You suckle it. I felt stupid at my own lack of perception. 'Of course!' My tits were big enough now for me to bring them up to my own lips. I had even tried it successfully soon after coming into milk, just to taste my own milk to see what it tasted like. With Judith's help I extricated my other breast and brought it up to my lips. I was surprised how easy it was. I didn't even have to bend my neck too much. By adjusting the pillow, I was able to get myself comfortable and suckle one breast, whilst Judith could lay her head on the pillow beside mine and suckle my other nipple. Within moment's I savoured the most exquisite sensations, as my nipples became super stiff and waves of pleasure surged up and down my tummy. Then to my delight, I tasted a few drops of sweet warm milk trickle into my mouth. Judith also tasted some from my other breast and she squeaked with pleasure. "Mmm, food and sex at the same time, what more can a girl want?" "Enjoy," I moaned languidly as our libidos started to respond. Soon, Judith was humping urgently and I sensed her orgasm just as mine arrived. We didn't often climax simultaneously so this was an added bonus and as we whispered contentedly afterwards, we both wondered if we had somehow found a new and more effective way to ensure future mutual orgasms. "I hope so," sighed Judith, "that was just so wonderful!" "Mmmm!" I responded contentedly, "Ah-mooo to that!" Judith giggled and thumped me affectionately before we finally drifted off to sleep. In the early morning, the usual ache in my breasts awoke me and Judith stirred to find me already in the nursery with Henry and Susan at my breasts. "Oh that's nice, I see you've changed them before feeding them. You're such a lovely dad," observed Susan as she unfastened her bra. Then she smiled and extended her hands to take Baby Henry off my breasts so that I could latch Penelope onto my vacated nipple. She grinned as she nursed Baby Henry whilst recognising that I still had plenty of milk. "Gosh! All you need is four udders like a cow, then it would take less time." "Don't you start again," I grinned, "I'm doing well enough as it is." With that Emily arrived and promptly placed Jane on her breast. There, we sat contentedly chatting in the peace of the early morning. By the time David awoke, we had finished the early morning feeds and the babies were bathed. "Huh!" I snorted, "Isn't that just typical of a man. He only appears when all the work's been done." David smiled self-consciously but we forgave him. He had a big project on at work and he had come home very late. I wondered when I would return to America to take up the reins from Jack then I wondered if I wanted to. I was enjoying motherhood so much I wasn't at all sure I wanted to give up breast-feeding. Besides, the sensations in my nipples were just too delightful. I was orgasming during nearly every session and was compelled to wear panty liners almost all the time. If, as Judith observed, I had become a human dairy cow, then I was certainly a very contented one. I looked at David holding his daughter Susan up and beaming at her with pleasure but I felt sorry for him in my heart. Poor David would never enjoy the deep intimacy that only a nursing mother could share with her babies. I was one of an extremely small group of nursing daddies who would ever share that ultimate feminine pleasure. Then David picked Jane up and hugged her before apologising to Emily for having to leave for work again. I wagged my head sadly as David reluctantly slid into his car and drove off to the station. It was such a beautiful August morning and already, Angelica was enthusiastically preparing for us all to walk through the parkland over to the farm to meet her newfound friend Elizabeth. We were responding to a recent invitation from Elizabeth's mother to visit the farm. On the farm, they had introduced a pedigree bull to the beef herd and the vet had induced the cattle into season with the hormone drugs. I wasn't much interested but I smiled at Angelica and Elizabeth as they watched with eyes wide open. 'Farms could be such educational places,' I thought to myself. 'No wonder Angelica and Elizabeth were so aware of sex and reproduction.' I listened to Angelica and Elizabeth discussing things and smiled as they debated how and when they were going to have babies. Then they turned to Judith, Emily and me as their minds ticked away but I had anticipated their questions. I had already slipped back out of earshot and left my cousins to face the inevitable barrage of questions. Later in the farmhouse kitchen, Elizabeth's mother and I howled with laughter as Judith and Emily repeated the questions. "They're going to have to unlearn a lot about the mechanics of human anatomy before they ever get to boys and sex!" cackled Emily. "Well I tried to explain some things," added Susan, "but I was really flummoxed by some of their questions. You should have stayed with us Petra," scolded Judith as she turned to me. "You might have been better able to answer some questions. They do know that you're the father to Henry and Penelope." I smiled coquettishly for if anybody understood the problems with human anatomy and sex, that someone had to be me. "I'm not sure it's my place to explain," I protested, "They should have asked the vet or Elizabeth's father. Besides, I not best equipped to explain precisely, far worse give any demonstrations." As the laughter died away, Elizabeth's mother, Jemima, looked concernedly at me but said nothing. I was certain she wanted to ask about my sex life but was too embarrassed or polite to ask. She was an earthy, worldly farmer's wife who brought a sensible practicality to every aspect of her life. Once she had learned that I was a cockless transvestite and totally incapable of any unsavoury behaviour towards her daughter, she had promptly allowed her only child Elizabeth to come a-visiting Angelica. She had had a long chat with Betty about me and concluded I was OK. By the time we had finished chattering, the babies were demanding to be fed again, so Elizabeth's mum invited us feed them there and then in the kitchen. Elizabeth and Angelic were eating cake in the orchard so she called to the girls and instructed them to bring the babies in for feeding. The girl's chatter stopped immediately, and they appeared pushing the twin- prams from the orchard. Watching the babies being fed was one of their favourite pastimes. I suspected that Elizabeth's mother wanted to establish for Elizabeth that breast-feeding was a perfectly ordinary thing and that her daughter should treat it just as Angelica did, namely a simple biological function. We settled in the wheel-back kitchen chairs and were soon blissfully feeding the babies while the girls looked on with interest. A couple of times I caught Jemima glancing at me slightly nervously but as time passed and we three 'feeders' idled the time away with more chat, Jemima became more confident. Eventually, she overcame her uncertainty and asked me why I had chosen to help feed the babies. "Because Judith and Emily were short of milk," I replied, "there's four mouths to feed here." "Yes, I quite understand that, but you being a man and all, I mean your actually Henry and Penelope's father." I explained that although I was a heterosexual transvestite, I had always wanted to live and present externally as a woman. Breast-feeding was one of those wonderful activities that would reinforce my efforts to be accepted as a woman. "Short of actually giving birth, can you think of a more womanly and motherly pleasure than breast feeding?" I asked Jemima. "Well, I had to give up, my milk dried up through overwork. Anyway, it was too painful for me, besides, there was the farm to run and we were just getting started back then." "D'you regret it?" I pressed. Jemima thought for while then nodded a little despondently. "Well, to tell the truth yes, I would like to have fed Elizabeth for about nine months, or until she cut her teeth. There just wasn't the time, or the support." "There, you see. You've hit the nail right on the head. That's the nub of it isn't it, time and support," I smiled. "I'm that support. Judith and Emily can even miss the odd feed because I've always got excess milk. It gives them time to get on with other things whilst I can indulge my most feminine feelings and needs, like establishing a deep bond between the children and me. It's a tranny thing but I'm sure you'll understand as a mother." Jemima grinned and wagged her head with amusement. "Ay. Whatever. If it makes everybody happy then I suppose that's a good thing. So when d'you intend to give it up?" "When they cut their first teeth," I replied. Jemima nodded and smiled. "Ay! I like a practical girl, and that's a very practical answer. Well done!" At that moment, Ted the farmer and the young lady vet entered the kitchen and we three mums hastily pulled our nursing shawls around our shoulders. Jemima turned to her husband and the vet. "Out! This is girl's stuff. Do the accounts in the office were you're supposed to." "But I only came in for a cuppa'!" protested Ted, "And anyway, Samantha's a girl!" "OK. You in the orchard then, Elizabeth will bring the tea out to you. If there's no business to conduct, Samantha can stay!" Reluctantly, Ted went into the orchard but the young lady vet elected to stay with her own. Once Ted was outside, we slipped the shawls off our shoulders and allowed Samantha to indulge in sharing the fun. She hip- hoisted her butt onto a kitchen stool and sipped her tea as we chatted. It wasn't long before Angelica and Elizabeth were pumping her with questions about babies and calves. Finally the 'party ended as the babies finished their feeds and we returned home with Angelica and Elizabeth skipping in front of us as they acted out various farmyard games and activities. Mostly they were two sheepdogs and we were the sheep with lambs. Thus my life passed blissfully until finally the babies cut their teeth, then, reluctantly, we all three 'mothers' gave up feeding and it was time for me to consider taking up the reins in America, after all, the bulk of the money invested was mine. After a few weeks, Jack and I swapped places and I took over the American development whilst Judith stayed back in England for the interim period. Things were getting exciting in America. The property market was booming and we had entered the ring just at the right time. End of Chapter Eight - To Be Continued Feedback appreciated !!

Same as Scissor Sisters - Chapter Eight Videos

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Eleven

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Eleven - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Now Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid; Uncle Reggie: Grandma Brother and a Baron; David: Emily's...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Nine

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Three

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 2

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Eight Part one

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Two

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style...

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Only A Gothic Sisters Love Chapter 2 Part B

Introduction: Just read and enjoy Authors note. Hope you guys still enjoy reading these stories ha ha SORRY FOR THE LONG AUTHORS NOTE BUT IT NEEDED TO BE DONE!!! NOW REJECTS AND SHEJECTS WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY Only a Gothic Sisters Love Chapter 2 part B Liz, Taylor, and I walked out of the parking lot into the South Shore Plaza mall. People in the mall where buzzing about trying to get there Christmas shopping done, or finished I couldnt tell which but I didnt care. Liz grabbed my hand and...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 6 Breeding His Mermaid Sisters

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my three mermaid sisters—and they were my sisters, they looked identical to Lasla...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 484 A Tale Of Three Sisters

Sadie hugged her sisters, pulled the hood and face-covering back into place, and went with her sisters. Before they got to where I saw the woman who had to be Sadie’s mom, she said, “So you know, the only good thing that came out of her blinding me is David. He is why I didn’t kill myself during the darkest times. I’ve heard everyone talking about him. I knew him before any of them, and David hasn’t changed the least bit since then, except for getting bigger all over.” That caused all three...

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Charlie and the Seven SistersChapter 3

The trio of females from the church van fit into Charlie's band of sisters with relative ease. Grace the eldest was a wise and kinky twenty-two and she never hesitated to follow orders no matter how perverted or illegal. The twins were perfect opposites with the virginal Alicia and the slut-like Alice. All of the other sisters enjoyed Alice the most because she was a true nymphomaniac with no inhibitions or slightest hesitation to perform whatever was required. Obviously, Alicia was saved...

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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 2 The Sisters of the Weeping Road

There were a million places along the Shadar, it seemed to River Dambro, where a young girl her age could run into trouble. The Sister's Tower at the Pontir Bridge was not one of them. Officially it was 'The Spirit-Blessed Residence of the Sisters of the Weeping Road', but we just called it Pontir Tower. The Sisterhood was dedicated to rendering aid to travelers along the Shadar, and given that it was navigable for almost its entire length, there were lots of travelers. I had taken to...

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Sisters of StoneChapter 2

Sara felt the full moon breach the horizon and in Her minds eye She could see it's silvery light play across the stone circle that had for so long protected Her sleeping form and She knew that as it reached it's zenith She would feed. At first Sara had sated herself with the sisters at the convent, the one's whose sexual energy had sustained Her through centuries of sleep, but now She was ready for really fresh meat, the virginal meal that would restore Her to Her full potential and She...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII The Sisters

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 19 Little Sisters

JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...

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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 4 MindControlled into Lesbian Sisters

Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they’d locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy all the research that went into making the Halos. They were never meant to be mass produced. Luckily, no one person could re-create them. Only their dead guru and his wife fully...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 1

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters at the beginning of the story. Also this story features taboo themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 6 Sistersrsquo Naughty Roleplay

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! January 28th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I strode into the Sacramento Superior Courthouse with my partner, Sunny Savage. She had a march to her step like she was going into battle. In a way we were, the battle to take down that bastard Clint Elliston. He thought his perverted ways could continue. To flout propriety. This investigation was getting bigger by the day. Once we hit him, we could hit so many others. The administration of his high...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

1 year ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Eight

Right from the start, Chapter Eight 8 - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door; Mrs Benson(Jane): Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school. Miss Webster: Their form teacher. Sophia: Mary's mother. Alicia: Sandra's mother. Chapter Eight Alicia and Sophia flew midweek to visit their daughters. It gave them two extra days shopping for while their daughters were working, their mothers could indulge in...

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Twisted Sisters Chapter 2

Elizabeth, Anne, and I got in the car and headed to the restaurant. Liz had just gotten off work after a tough day, and with her sister visiting from England, I thought it would be a good idea to take the girls out to dinner. I had made reservations at a local steakhouse so Anne could get a sampling of American food. It was about a 15 minute drive across town to the restaurant and I chuckled to myself seeing how excited the girls were getting! They were chattering like a couple squirrels and...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 2 Baby Sisterrsquos Sweet Cherry

Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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SistersChapter 8 Fugitives

Linda awoke with a start, sitting up in bed. Someone was screaming in the hall. It was Mom. Nikki woke up too, still bewildered from sleep. Nikki lay in bed next to Linda. Last night they hadn't made love, only sweet cuddling, arms intertwined, feeling the warmth and softness of each other's bodies. "What the hell's going on?" Nikki asked, trying to snap out of her groggy state. "Dunno," Linda said, getting up and slipping on her robe. "I'm gonna see what's happening in this crazy...

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My Three SistersChapter 2

Even though it was Rachel whose body I craved, I had now experienced sexual encounters with all of my sisters. My problem was, I was now hornier than ever (after actually experiencing the immense pleasure of sinking my cock into a real, live pussy) but I still had nobody to fuck! My earlier encounter with Rachel had been when she was passed out drunk and unaware of what I was doing and that wasn't likely to happen again. Susan had just fondled me, in curiosity, while she thought I had been...

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Sissy Farm Chapter Eight

Sissy Farm - By: Beverly Taff List Of Characters. Me: Michelle - A Natural transvestite sissy. Janice: My Younger sister Aunty Bev: Janice and My mother's Sister. Mistress Janet: Headmistress of the young lady's academy Dr Shirley: My endocrinologist. Miranda: A very effeminate Sissy sales assistant. Miss Stern: Miranda's mistress who owns the shop. Peregrine: AKA. Uncle Penny. My transvestite uncle. (Aunty Bev's brother.) James: AKA. Auntie Jamie, ...

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Charlie and the Seven SistersChapter 5

The smog hung low over the city that weekend. It was so thick that it had a smell and a life of its own. Charlie paid absolutely no attention to it but the others were less stoical and made low-key snide remarks about how the pollution was a curse aimed at them because of the sins of Hollywood. It was uncertain if "Hollywood" was the city or the industry or just the sign that was always in a state of disrepair no matter how many times they sent work crews out to refurbish it to its former...

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SistersChapter 2 Kiss And Tell

Linda closed her eyes, pulling her hair back once more, getting annoyed with her constant struggle for keeping her tresses away from her eyes and mouth. She had already thought about cutting them shorter, shoulder-length. But Mom and her sisters - especially Nikki - insisted she shouldn't. They all said she had such beautiful hair, long, shiny, full of golden curls, the envy of her female classmates, and one reason why she was so damned popular with the guys... But at that moment Linda's...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 7 Sisters Tease the MILF

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sisters Tease the MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! The Armstrongs would be here in an hour for their second lesson from my brother, Clint. It was two weeks since that wonderful Saturday morning when my brother showed Mr. Armstrong what sort of wife he had. Two weeks since she was spanked and fucked and shown to be a cuckold. Clint was having fun teaching Mr. Armstrong to control his wife. The...

1 year ago
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Looking After My Sisters Chapter One

ADAM  “Yeah, okay then,” I agreed. “Bye, Mom.” I put the phone down and smiled to myself. My mum had asked if my two younger sisters were allowed to come and stop with me in London for a week as they were off school for their half-term break. I was excited because I hadn’t seen them since Christmas about six months before, and quickly agreed. Moving away from my home town on the other side of the country had been a tough decision for me as I had always been close to my family, but when I...

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SistersChapter 12 To Die For

Nikki and Zoë waved good-bye to Pete. Nikki found it amazing how different Pete could be when he was away from the rest of the gang. He was more patient, and instead of behaving like an asshole trying to impress them with smooth moves on the surfboard - far too difficult for beginners - he made sure you knew the basics before attempting something more daring. Nikki and Zoë were discussing this when they got home. "Hi, Nikki," Linda greeted them as they came in. "Hi,...

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Virginia and Her SistersChapter 3

It was Friday evening and I had arrived at Valerie's place to collect Simone. I was escorting her to her graduation ball. I hadn't met her in person, only having seen Simone's photo last weekend when the twin sisters had organised me as escort for the evening. I had splashed out with my allowances and hired a stretched Hummer to take us to the downtown hotel venue for the ball. I was also armed with a beautiful bunch of flowers and corsage when I arrived. Virginia met me at the door and...

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Thomas Theodore Randle the FourthChapter 2 Suntan and Sisters

The cook served me breakfast and said that she and the other staff would leave at 9 but be back tomorrow at 5. I thanked her and she said, “You and your sisters are very close. It’s good that you can be as intimate with each other as I saw the other morning.” Alarm bells went off in my head, thinking where this conversation was going. “I was as close to my two brothers,” she said, “and wouldn’t change a thing. I love them both. We still get together when their in the country.” She took my...

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