Scissors Sisters 6 free porn video

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Scissors Sisters. 6 List of Characters. Me. Peter. Susan. (Susie) My mother. Grandma My granny. Aunty Pauline My mother's twin sister. Charlotte My younger sister. (By one year) Persephone & Stephanie My youngest twin sisters. (By 3 years.) Emily & Judith My twin cousins. (2 days younger than me.) Janice Grandma's live in maid. At age eleven we three 'girls' sat our 'high school' exams and passed with flying colours. Several others in our class passed including our friend Sandra and the boys, Alan Powel and David Pickering my best friend amongst the boys. When we 'went up' to the grammar school (which fortunately were mixed in our part of the country,) we already formed a group of about nine children in a class of thirty. This served my needs well for it meant I had a sympathetic ring of friends and acquaintances who supported me in the classroom. Things were very different in the playground though. Within a day, the older children knew my condition and natural curiosity occasionally turned to teasing and bullying. Fortunately my long blond curls and utterly girly appearance prevented the boys from treating me as a boy so I was spared the fights and violence that often accompanied a new boy's life as new pecking orders and regimes were established in the high-school playgrounds. I spent my time mixing with the girls and this prevented any of the old abuses like skirt lifting. The older girls were very conscious of this and moved quickly to stop any such assaults. Furthermore the older boys acted as maintainers of good order if only to be seen as 'good guys' by any girls they fancied. However the girls were curious too, especially the middle year girls aged twelve, thirteen and fourteen who were on the threshold of puberty and sexual awareness. They would ask amongst themselves, 'What is this strange creature amongst us that started as a boy and now appears as a girl?' Of course the natural location for any 'investigations' were in the toilets and I had to make sure that my friends were always with me when I went to pee. It wasn't always possible though and on a couple of occasions, early on, some older girls caught me alone. Fortunately it was more a case of curiosity and after a check inside my knickers to confirm the rumours they tended to accept the status quo. One of the first teachers I grew to like was our gym mistress, Miss Forsythe. She had obviously studied my school file and when our class first changed for Gym; she took me aside and discussed everything. "D'you want to change in my office or are you happy in the changing rooms?" she asked. "It's OK in the changing room but I'd like you to be there. If only to explain in case any of the other girls get upset." "Well that's very thoughtful Petra, at least your showing the consideration that a girl would show. So what shall I say if any of the other girls are upset?" "Well my cousins Judith and Emily will be there to help explain as well as Sandra Davies, and Melanie Broadbent. They were all with me in junior school. If they are really doubtful and want to be certain, I'll be prepared to let them see that I really don't have a penis and that I cannot hurt them. But I'd want you there." "Oh I don't think it will sink to that, but thanks for being so helpful. Come on then, let's go and get you changed." As we stepped into the changing rooms Miss Forsythe turned again to me. "I've read your school report from junior school. You're good at football. Are you going to play football with the boys or change over to hockey with the girls?" "I'd like to play football, if Mr Smith the Gym Master agrees. I've got both kits though, Soccer and Field Hockey. Mummy wasn't sure," I replied. "Well that's thoughtful. I'll speak to him while your changing. Stay close to the door and use that bench." As I started to undress I heard her talking to Mr Smith outside in the corridor. There was a brief chuckle and Miss Forsythe reappeared. "Mr Smith says if you're happy to play amongst the boys, he's ok with it. He'll be refereeing the game so there's no opportunity for any mischief." I smiled gratefully and picked my soccer togs out of my bag. I saw the look of disappointment on Judith and Emily's faces for they had been hoping I would join them. My prowess with a ball also translated to hockey and they had bee itching to show off my skills on the field. They had told all the girls I was a whiz at hockey and we would easily beat the other class. Miss Forsythe noticed the disappointment and spoke to our class. "I'm sorry Girls, but for now, I think it's best for Petra to play amongst the boys. The other girl's class might complain and say you've got a boy on your team. That would complicate things. Petra will have to play with the boys. At least then she can't be accused of cheating." There was a long sigh of disappointment and the girls trooped out to the hockey pitches. I followed immediately and joined Mr Smith as he was just starting to explain the set up. Unlike the girls, he selected the teams from the alphabetical class lists. I saw some of the boys from other junior schools frowning when they learned that they had 'a girl!' playing for them but I caught David Pickering's smile. He knew better. Within five minutes, I had scored the first goal and cheers mixed with surprised looks as the other boys from other local junior schools realised that their 'girl' was a real asset. By half time I had my hat trick and Mr Smith had to put me in defence to avoid my team winning a whitewash. Even in defence I was able to shine but I did not have the stature to throw myself around in the tackles. I came off the field bruised and sore but that was my normal condition. The boys slapped me on the back and I retreated towards the girl's changing rooms as Mr Smith spoke to Miss Forsythe. Just as I was about to enter the changing rooms I heard Mr Smith talking to Miss Forsythe. I wasn't supposed to hear. "She's a natural Betty. (Betty was Miss Forsythe's given name.) Give her a couple couple of years and she'll be representing the school." "At football or hockey," chuckled Miss Forsythe as she turned and caught me eves dropping. "Hey! Get into those showers young lady. Big ears can get you into trouble!" In the changing rooms I stripped quickly and unthinkingly stepped naked towards the showers. As I did all the girls heads turned as one as curiosity overcame them. Judith, Emily and Sandra wagged their heads as they saw my bruises and cuts but all the other girls were staring straight at my stumpy. After a deafening silence the girls all started babbling at once until Miss Forsythe appeared. "Stop all this nonsense at once! Quickly now, get showered all of you." The babbling stopped and the girls quickly trotted into the shower cubicles. When I came limping out of my cubicle, Miss Forsythe was waiting for me. "My Gosh Petra!" You're bruised all over. Do you always play that rough?" "They all do miss," I replied. "D'you want a plaster for that cut on your shin?" I looked down to notice it still bleeding and realised it would stain my white knee socks. I nodded bashfully and she nodded towards my seat on the changing bench. "Wait there a moment." She returned with the first aid kit and I stretched out my leg as she applied the plaster. In the process she got a good look at my stumpy and 'left-overs' but she said nothing. The other girls also took a second opportunity to check me out but Miss Forsythe was a canny woman. The more I tried to hide it, the more curious the other girls would become. Better to let them get it out of their systems early. Whilst keeping a watchful eye for any unsavoury interest, she let the girls briefly indulge their curiosity. I hesitated briefly and stood naked before I stepped into my knickers and assumed my natural girl identity. It gave every girl a chance to make certain that there wasn't the slightest whisper or threat of a penis. My first hurdle had been cleared. After that ordeal was over, things settled down in my class. Occasionally I had issues in the yard with other classes, but by and large I managed to make it through the first year to aged twelve with few problems. Sadly for me however the other girls were growing all the time and with that growth of course, came puberty. At the end of that first year both Judith and Emily were beginning to develop little buds under their bras and I felt strangely jealous. One night when we slept together, because we had pulled our beds together, we experimented with Judith's nipples and she giggled then squirmed with delight when I touched them. She showed me how to gently brush my fingers against the soft silky cups of her new nightie and she gasped with delight. "Gosh! Is it really that nice." "Ooh! Mmmm. It's lovely. It sends funny fluttering feelings down to my clitty." (Judith now knew the correct term for her clitoris, thanks to the sex education lessons.) I paused thoughtfully for we had had several sex education lessons and what I learned distressed me. I wondered if I would ever be able to have nice feelings in my stumpy and I gently brought Judith's fingers down to the support panel on my panties. She felt my stumpy turn into a stiff little bud and she giggled softly. "You get stiffies. Do they feel any different?" I twitched sensuously and humped against her fingers. Judith recognised my actions as the 'up and down' motions described in the sex lessons and she sighed wistfully. "If you had a stiffy now, you could put it in me." "But I haven't. That's the whole point." "Well it's hard. Would you like to rub my clitty with it?" "D'you want me to?" I asked, unsure why she should particularly ask for that. We had often rubbed our ticklies together before going to sleep for it was always just a very intimate and pleasant sensation. I was pleased that Judith seemed particularly keen to do it tonight and she seemed to be getting excited. "Go on! Do it, she pleaded." Thus encouraged, we adopted the usual arrangement, where she lay on top and spread her legs whilst I pushed my stiff little nubbin between the lips around her vagina. Then she adjusted her position and located it precisely against her clitty. For a while we savoured the pleasures then something very strange happened. Judith became very excited and started rubbing her clitty urgently against my stiff little stumpy. She became quite excited about something and started making strange little sounds as she furiously pushed her clitty against my stiff little nubbin that was my stumpy. "What are you doing?" I gasped nervously. "Just keep doing that!" she gasped. "Doing what?" I begged. "Keep pushing your stumpy like that. It feels really good!" I hadn't realised that I was humping my stumpy against Judith's clitty, but she had. Now she was determined to keep me 'humping' as she felt really strange feelings spreading through her body. For a moment she hesitated then resumed humping even more furiously as whatever was happening seemed to be creeping up on her like some monumental earthquake. Like her, I hesitated nervously because I had never seen Judith get as excited as this before, and I wasn't even tickling her She squealed her protest about my having stopped. "Don't stop! Don't stop! Keep going! Oooh-oo! Don't stop!" "What's wrong with you?" I cried. "Nothing! Nothing! Ooooh this is nice! Keep going!" I was becoming nervous but Judith seemed adamant. 'Keep going!' and 'aaahh! and don't stop!' seemed to be the only things she could say. Suitable chastened, I kept pushing as much as I could until suddenly, Judith let out a wail of, - well I didn't know what to make of it, 'was it pain?' I wondered or was it something else. Whatever it was, Judith seemed frantic and just kept on humping and pushing as she forced her clitty hard against my stumpy. She wailed and squealed several more times then finally started to calm down until eventually she slumped onto my prostrate form and told me to stop pushing. I thought she had had some sort of attack and lay terrified underneath her as I felt her heart thundering away. The thumping heart convinced me she had had a heart attack and I moved to go and get Mummy. Judith immediately gripped me with her legs. "Where are you going?" she demanded, breathlessly. "To get mummy. I think you've just had a heart attack." "Don't be daft. I know what I've just had." "What?" I asked, for reassurance. "I've just had an org, - an orgasm. You know, those things they told us in sex education!" For a moment I lay silent, not sure what to say then I remembered that the teacher had told us orgasms felt really nice. I opened my eyes to look at Judith who was still lying on top of me with her head on my shoulder as her heart thundered away. "Was it nice?" I asked. "Ssshh," he scolded me. "Don't talk just yet! I'm enjoying it." I fell silent, not knowing what to do. Then I felt my stumpy getting wet. For a moment I thought I had peed myself but then I realised it wasn't me. "Have you wet yourself?" I asked Judith. "Mmm. Wha-? Oh shit! That's cos I've come. I've wet my panties. It's my love juices!" She scrambled off me and dashed to the bathroom. I heard the bidet splashing and then she emerged again with clean panties. We finally cuddled together and Judith soon fell into a deep sleep. I however was left hanging and wondering if I would ever be able to have what Judith had just had. In the morning, Judith seemed particularly pleased with herself and hummed contentedly as we prepared for school. Even Grandma noticed her happy mood. As we waited for the high-school bus, she whispered to Emily and Emily smiled knowingly at me. I knew immediately what had been said and felt a little angry that Judith had betrayed our secrets. In school however, the other girls didn't give away any signs that they knew. Obviously Judith had only revealed her secret to her twin sister. When we got home I managed to get Emily on her own and demanded to know what Judith had said. Emily grinned knowingly. "She said your helped her have an orgasm. She came." "Is that all?" I demanded. "What else is there?" she replied. I fell silent. There had been nothing else. Despite the delights of sharing my bed with Judith nothing it seemed could or ever would happen between us. Emily recognised my despondency. "You couldn't even get to first base with her." "I can't even get on the team!" I confessed. "It's hopeless." Of course, what I hadn't realised was that puberty came later to boys. My body wasn't even ready for sexual pleasures even if I'd had a penis. Emily gave me a hug then kissed me. "Can you give me an orgasm tonight?" "But that wouldn't be right!" I cried. "Judith's my girlfriend." "I spoke to her in school. She says it felt so good that it's only fair that I should have an orgasm because I'm her identical twin. She says we should share and share alike." I fell silent. Then I had another thought. "What will mummy and Aunty Pauline say?" "They needn't know. We're identical twins. We can easily pass for each other." "But, it's wrong. There's private stuff between us," I persisted. "Are you sure Judith has agreed to this?" "Ask her yourself. There she is, coming down the path with Grandma." As soon as I was able I spoke to Judith. She nodded her approval but threatened me with all sorts of dreadful fates if I told Emily any of our bedtime secrets. "Yeah. I thought that was the catch. She's bound to be curious." "Well just keep shtum!" demanded Judith. "I'll try," I grinned. Judith thumped me and we started wrestling on the bed. Emily heard the rumpus so she came in and decided to help her sister. Within moments they had me helpless on the bed and were tickling me into a frenzy of giggles. As she straddled me to keep me trapped, I felt my stumpy getting hard and so did Emily. "Hey Sis!" squealed Emily. "She's getting a stiffy. I can feel it!" "Ooooh!" smiled Judith. "So who's a horny girl? Let's see." They checked my panties as I squirmed helplessly then Emily let out a squeak of pleasure. "Can you give me an orgasm now?" she urged. "Uh. I don't think so," I protested. "It's kind of a private thing." "Ooooh! Who's a shy girl then?" challenged Emily. "Ahhh. Come on Petra," encouraged Judith. "I'll help if you want." "How?" I argued. "I'll help with stroking Emily's nipples. She says hers are sensitive like mine now. It'll be easy." "Yeah. They are. Look I'm growing as well see." She slipped off her blouse then unclipped her bra to reveal the same nascent swellings under her nipples as her sister Judith had grown. There was no doubt that Emily was every bit as advanced as Judith. I capitulated. We all stripped to our bras and panties then Emily resumed her position astride of my thighs as Judith instructed her how to locate by clitoris directly onto my hard little nubbin. "Now sort of locate her nubbin between the lips of your vagina then press your clitty against her nubbin through your panties. The silky panties make it easier to slide your clitty against her stumpy." Emily wriggled deliciously and I lay back with a smile, as my stumpy grew stiff. Then Emily gave a little squeak of satisfaction. "Ooh That's it. I've got it. Mmm that' feels really nice. Tickle my titties." I reached up obediently and slowly caressed her stiff little nipples under the soft satiny cups of her bra. Emily soon began gasping and wriggling as I felt the urge to hump my hips upwards. Judith leaned forward and whispered into Emily's ear. "Can you feel anything?" "Yes!" gasped Emily. "When she tickles my titties, it sort of sends waves, all the way down to my clitty. Oooh! That's just so good." With Judith's knowledgeable assistance I soon helped Emily arrive at a comparable orgasm to the one Judith had enjoyed the previous night. The problem was that now Judith wanted to indulge again. It seems that orgasms are as addictive to healthy thirteen-year-old girls as crack cocaine. My cousins decided that orgasms were definitely the way to go and they decided to share my bed that very night. We finished our homework amidst a shared tension and I watched enviously as my cousin's kept twitching licentiously while their hands kept dropping below the table and their breaths came in short eager gasps. Oh how I wished I could somehow have an orgasm! My sisters somehow got through supper and watched television for a sufficiently long enough time to avert any suspicions then finally they drifted slowly up to my bedroom under the pretence of going to experiment with make up. Oh they were experimenting all right but it was not makeup! After watching some soccer and helping bath the twins, I finally declared that I was bushed and was going up for a shower. When I entered my bedroom I was not surprised to find Emily and Judith waiting expectantly in my bed. "I'm going for a shower," I declared. "Well be quick. We need you." I showered in no particular hurry but soon the girls were knocking on the shower door. "Come on Petra! We want you," cried Emily. They almost dragged me out of the shower and dabbed me dry in double quick time before selecting a pair of panties with a particularly silky, soft, satiny support panel. Once in bed, they wasted no time in exciting my stumpy into a stiff little nubbin then using me to relieve themselves. After sighing and squealing with delight, they finally assuaged their needs and sandwiched me between their soft girly curves. I twisted sensuously between their soft ripe curves and savoured their heavenly embrace. 'Gosh!' I thought, 'my cousins seemed to be getting sort of softer and squidgier.' As I savoured their embrace I couldn't resist gently squeezing Judith's bum and she sighed softly then whispered 'again, do that again' Almost immediately, Emily demanded to know what I had done and Judith giggled. "Petra just squeezed my bum. It feels so nice." "Do it to me as well," demanded Emily. To avert any jealousy, I reached back and gently stroked Emily's bum before giving her a similar squeeze. She sighed then cutched up to me and finally fell asleep. In the morning, Mummy found us together and smiled knowingly. It was Saturday so we didn't have to get up for school and she didn't have to go to work. We anticipated an easy day. Judith and Emily decided to go swimming with Charlotte and the younger twins but I wanted a chat with mummy. Mummy sensed that I had something on my mind and nodded sagely when I declined the invitation to go swimming. As soon as the house was empty mummy sat me down for a chat. "So. What's troubling you?" At first I was reluctant to say much. I didn't really know where to start. "Mummy, why do nipples make girls, - you know, - horny?" "Oh. So when did you discover this?" Smiled mummy. "It's Judith and Emily. They're growing titties and their nipples are ever so sensitive." "Yes darling. Haven't you learned about this in your sex education lessons?" "Well most of it. I know about the puberty thing and periods and stuff, but I'll never have those." "No of course you won't. Inside your still a boy." "I know. That's what makes it worse. I would so love to be able to have nipples and titties like Judith and Emily. It gives them so much fun." "And how do you know? As if I need to ask," asked Mummy knowingly. "Well. Last night. Emily had an orgasm." "Oh! And how would you know?" I hesitated nervously. Not sure just how much I should tell. I decided to tell some of the truth. "Well. They use me." "Use you?" Countered Mummy as her eyebrows raised. "Uhhm, - yes! They get me to brush their nipples through their bras or nighties and that seems to make their clit, - their, -" "Go on young lady," encouraged Mummy. "Well, it seems to make their clitorises get all ticklish and they eventually have orgasms." "Oh really! Well you have been a busy little trio haven't you?" I sensed the censure in Mummy's voice and cringed nervously. "Is it wrong for me to help them? I mean should they only do it between themselves." This question perplexed Mummy. For I was actually asking her if it was more correct for Judith and Emily to indulge in Lesbian sex instead of a heterosexual m?nage-a-trois. Mummy fell silent for long seconds. "Would it be better if I had sensitive nipples and breasts as well?" Mummy looked at me and frowned. "Why. Is that what you want?" "If it makes my stumpy have orgasms, then yes. Judith and Emily love them!" Mummy sat silent again for another interminable period and I became restless. "Well?" I pressed. She stared into my eyes with concern written deep and licked her lower lip anxiously. "D'you want to be a girl Petra?" "Well, I am a girl," I replied, "well sort of. I like girly clothes." "Yes but, - well I mean, do you want to be like a real girl, you know, a vagina and breasts and curves. All that." I had often considered this but always rejected it. I wanted to marry Judith and give her babies and the doctor had definitely said that this would be possible. I suspected I knew how (Turkey Baster style.) but until I reached puberty, I would never be certain. I knew that somehow, Judith would have to get my sperm inside her vagina. What I wanted was to grow like a girl and reach puberty earlier to have orgasms. I also was fairly certain that in a year or two, I was going to grow all hairy and big like a boy and this I definitely didn't want. The girls would never accept me if I was big and muscular. I liked girl's company and wanted to keep it and share girl's secrets. I explained to Mummy what I really wanted. "I want to be able to make babies but look like a girl." "What? You mean breasts and curves, rounded hips and small shoulders." "Yes, but still be able to make babies for Judith." Mummy frowned uncertainly. "I'm not sure if that's possible. We'll have to speak to your specialist." "Can you I asked hopefully." "Well it's more up to you than me. Are you sure about this?" "Yes. Definitely." "You'll have to give up playing football with the boys. They'll grow bigger and stronger and faster than you. Girls just can't compete with boys in those sorts of sports." I considered this and frowned. I loved football, but there was always the opportunity to play girl's hockey. Even If I couldn't play in proper tournaments and leagues, at least I could play in casual games on public parks and things. One way or another, I'd get to play ball games. I sighed and accepted Mummy's observations. She smiled but I couldn't mistake the regret in her eyes. "Well, I'll see what can be done." She sighed. "I'll also speak to Grandma about it. She's usually pretty wise about these things. I kissed Mummy by way of saying thank you then disappeared up to my bedroom and the computer. On the Internet I had found a medical site explaining about transsexualism and 'she-males' and I called my mummy up to show her. "See. She's got breasts and a penis. And it's erect." Mummy looked a little shocked at first but managed to contain her feelings and we searched further through the site. "There's a lot of information on here," she observed. I nodded agreement although I did not understand all the medical terms for drugs and chemicals. "It's all about endocrinology," I added. "Well that's who we will have to speak to. Are you really serious about this?" "Yes. I don't want to suddenly have to mix with the boys. There's still the toilet thing and having to tutty down." Mummy printed out several pages of information and I left to go and play football with the rest of the village boys. They had long become accustomed to me playing in a hockey skirt down on the village green beside the church. After the light faded, we chatted about the village girls and David Pickering wondered if I would put a good word in with Charlotte. "She's my sister," I warned him, "you'd better not upset her." He fell silent then as the other boys gradually disbursed to their homes and we chatted alone as we strolled home. "Petra, you should know because you're sort of both sides of the fence. What sort of boys do girls like?" "Well they don't like boys who try to lift their skirts and tug their knickers. They don't like boys who show off or try to put them down." "Do they like gentle boys?" "They like boys to be gentle with girls but not necessarily gentle when they are playing football or something." "What does Charlotte like?" "Gosh! I dunno'! I've never asked her. D'you like Charlotte?" "Yeah. Could you organise a date with her?" "Crikey Dave! She's not Godzilla. You can ask her yourself. She can only say yes or no." "She might say no." "So try another girl." I realised I hadn't been very fair to David. He was OK at football though not good enough to make any of the school teams, and he was a nice guy who never seemed to get involved in arguments or fights but he was a bit awkward with girls. I knew that the girls in our class didn't really think much of him. In fact I don't think they really noticed him. He was good at science though and one of the best in his year with computers. I know several girls often asked him for help in I.T., but they didn't extend that goodwill to any relationships. David wasn't a nerd, but he just seemed to move around in the background of the class and not get involved much. He was really a bit shy. He pressed again to get me to ask Charlotte if she was interested and I finally capitulated. Then he chatted about me and the other girls. "What do the girls really think about you?" He pressed. "I dunno'. They don't attack me or leave me out of things. I suppose it's because Judith and I are close." "What about Sandra? Judith's other friend." "We get along fine. Sandra's got her eyes on, - well, - that would be telling wouldn't it. Those are girl secrets and that's why I'm allowed to be one of the girls, by the girls. I don't betray their feelings or secrets." "Yeah. I suppose so. Remember me to Charlotte." We parted at the street junction and I strolled home alone to find everybody at home preparing dinner. I pitched in to finish my chores then went upstairs to chat with Judith while the food was cooking. "You'll never guess what," I told her. "What?" "David Pickering wants to fix up a date with Charlotte." "Crickey. He's a bit of a dark horse isn't he?" smiled Judith. "Why?" "Well have you noticed your younger sister these days?" "Well, I know she's pretty but I would say that, she's my sister." "Charlotte's the toast of the juniors," squealed Judith. "Every boy wants to get into her pants. Her tits are as good as Emily's and mine!" "I don't think David likes her because of her tits. He's not that kind of a guy. There are three pairs of bigger tits in our class and he hasn't made a pass at any of those girls." "Yeah. I suppose your right. I don't suppose he is. Have you told Charlotte?" "I'm going to mention it to her after dinner. Forewarned and all that stuff." "Yeah. She'll feel really honoured to have an older boy interested in her." "But David's not that much of a catch," I observed. "He's just too shy." "Still, It'll do Charlotte's ego a power of good." Countered Judith. Come on lets go down and tell her, he's keen." After dinner, we surprised Charlotte and she seemed quite keen. Judith was elected to act as go between. The following weekend David and Charlotte had a date in the mall. My gosh! Judith was good at organising that sort of stuff. A week later Mummy had a surprise for me. "You're not going to school today. We've got an appointment to see an endocrinologist. I've spoken to the headmaster." "Is this about, - you know, girly stuff?" I asked hopefully. Mummy nodded and added, "Normally, they would expect you to reach puberty and live as a woman for another two years, but you've already lived as a girl for over five years so there's no contest. They're also curious to follow your progress. You'll be a guinea pig, a laboratory rat." "Ugh! I won't sprout two heads, will I?" I grinned. Mummy smiled. "Don't be silly. It's just that you're still young and not yet pubescent. The medical team want to see how your body responds. Apparently, if you want to keep a male function, that is produce sperm, then it's a very tricky thing. I think they're even keener than you are about this. Apparently it'll help them a lot." I fell silent. If this worked, I'd be the happiest girl in the world! We spent all day at the hospital and I learned that I would have to attend every month so that they could closely monitor my progress. The endocrinologist was a pretty young woman and I fell for her hook line and sinker. As she and the other doctors took batteries of tests and samples, she explained to me as best as I could understand. By the end of the session I was pretty well clued up on hormones, sexuality and puberty. Whilst I was starting my treatment, Charlotte became enamoured of David. Naturally, we two older cousins and sister had to assist David because he was a remarkably shy introspective boy. Little hints and snippets of advice were liberally given and thankfully received. However we were delighted to see Charlotte gradually draw him out while David's divorced mother was delighted, and not a little relieved to learn that her only child was interested in girls. She had been getting concerned about his shy retiring ways. We all met one Saturday several months later in the local market town and his mother enthused about how good for David, Charlotte was. My mother also added that had it not been for David's gentle ways, Charlotte might have gone off the rails and fallen in with a wilder crowd. Their relationship was to take them right up to university where they both read sciences. When we met, David's mother stared at me then turned to mummy and frowned nervously. "Is this your Petra? The b' -." She hesitated, unsure how to proceed. I smiled with the commensurate degree of shyness and replied softly to avert her embarrassment. "Yes I am Mrs Pickering." "Gosh. You're turning into a lovely lass. I'd never have believed it. I can see where Charlotte gets her looks now." I grinned and nodded towards my mother and Aunty Pauline. "Uh, I think Charlotte gets them from these two." "Well yes of course, but you're a bonny lass. Who'd have ever thought?" I thanked her one more time and left her chatting to my mother and Aunty while we girls took off shopping. I needed some new bras because to my delight, I was staring to grow soft sensitive swellings. In the changing rooms we giggled with delight as we compared titties and made our selections. When I came out, our mothers were still chatting and Mrs Pickering gaped with undisguised astonishment at the swellings under my summer top. Obviously my mother had been explaining things but Mrs Pickering still found it hard to reconcile the facts with the evidence. "Why Petra! I do believe you're catching your cousins up." Again I smiled shyly for whilst I was ecstatic with my development, I was still a little self-conscious. As we sat sharing tea and cakes, David appeared with another boy who was not from our school. He was a really nice looking piece of 'eye candy' and looked really good in his summer shorts. David had only eyes for Charlotte but nobody could fail to notice the other boy's eyes wandering salaciously as he studied the other three apparently 'available titbits'. I felt his gaze land on my chest and stay there and the feeling was nice but a little invasive. We three girls smiled knowingly as David's friend remained standing and striving to take a sly peek down our bras. Eventually we tired of the game so Emily shifted along the seat and invited him to sit beside her. His eagerness betrayed his interest but it was broad daylight on a Saturday morning so there was no risk. He squeezed in and Judith and I grinned as we noticed Emily deliberately letting him squeeze up tight to her butt. "So what's your name then?" Teased Emily. "Nigel," replied the boy. "D'you want a coffee or milk shake or something?" offered Emily. "Oh! Yes please. But I've spent my allowance. David and I were in the science shop. I lent him my last quid." "Never mind, I'll get it," offered Emily. "Thanks. I'll pay you back." "Oh. When?" "Next Saturday. You'll be here won't you?" Emily exchanged a sly smile with Judith and then made to stand up and slide past Nigel to get the drinks. As she stood up, she squeezed between him and the table and then pushed her rounded butt into his face. For a brief second Nigel's nose disappeared up into the cleft of Emily's flimsy summer frock and we grinned, as he turned crimson. He tried to play the gentleman and turned his face aside straight into Judith and my grins. It was only then that he realised Emily's move had been quite deliberate. As she stepped away to buy the drinks, Nigel turned to us. "I'm sorry, I should have stood up and let her through. She didn't give me time." Judith grinned. "If she tries it coming back. Pinch her bum. She fancies you." His eyes widened nervously but he lost his nerve. As Emily returned with six milk shakes, instead of letting her repeat her little game, he stood and made room for her. Judith and I exchanged glances. The boy was OK. A slob might have taken us at our word and remained seated then pinched Emily's bum as she struggled to get past. That of course would have sent the drinks flying and warned everybody off Nigel. Emily exchanged glances with Judith and I as we gave our secret sign to declare that the boy was OK. He had passed one of our tests. Safe in this knowledge, Emily pressed her silky panty-hosed leg against his bare legs and the boy smiled contentedly. He and Emily had 'clicked'. When David returned with Charlotte we handed on some tips for him to pass to Nigel. Judith, always the leader, got him aside briefly. "Your friend Nigel." "Yes. What about him?" "He's OK. Emily likes him but give him a bit of advice." "What's that?" asked a slightly perplexed David. "Ask him to talk to our faces not our tits." David had the decency to be embarrassed but he smiled and nodded as he left with his mother and Nigel. Naturally, we learned on the grapevine that David's mother had laughed when David told Nigel this advice in the car. During the week, David's mummy had met my mummy in town when we were coming back from the doctor's. "Well you could have knocked me down with a feather, my David of all people, giving advice to another boy about how to handle girls. I nearly crashed the car through laughing when he said it. When I spoke to him about it he told me that your Judith had told him. Still, it was nice of Judith to make it obvious. Your girls are a breath of fresh air around here. Well, that's two boys who've learned to be a bit more genteel. By the way, Nigel's mum is pleased with developments she asked me to ask you if your girls would like to come around to a barbeque at their house next Saturday?" Mummy turned to me and raised a questioning eyebrow. I replied eagerly, "I'm sure we'd love to. I'll just check with my cousins." A quick mobile phone call confirmed our agreement and we separated happily. In the car Mummy grinned. "Well, you girls are getting quite popular." "Emily says that Nigel's family have got a swimming pool," I replied happily. "I'll be able to show off my new bathing suit." "Yes, and your new figure young lady. You just be careful now, not all boys are as nice as David and Nigel." "I've only got eyes for Judith Mummy. You know that." Mummy smiled. The fact that Judith and my relationship was showing every sign of enduring and even strengthening gave both her and Grandma hopes that they would see a grandson through a paternal connection. Grandma had old-fashioned Sallic ideas and she believed that inheritance should pass through the male line. She had a lot of 'family tradition' invested in me but in those days I was too young to understand. Grandma you see, was not Mummy and Aunty Pauline's mummy, she was my daddy's mummy. Aunty Pauline had married daddy's cousin who was grandma's nephew. Such were the relationships in small village communities. It wasn't technically called inbreeding but it was perilously close and that is why twins really ran deep in my family on both sides! Really my generation was the first generation to travel further abroad and inadvertently improve the mix of the gene pool. So technically grandma was my real grandmother while she was Judith and Emily's great aunt. However, Judith's grandma had been my grandmother's identical twin sister so Grandma was known to all of us children as 'Grandma'. What a web my antecedents wove! It's a wonder we weren't all born with six fingers or something. However on the other side of the argument, Village life proved very enjoyable to young children. Everybody knew each other and in many cases they were related one way or another. This family set up therefore reinforced Grandma's determination to somehow make sure that a child was born of my loins to perpetuate Grandma's family name and inherit the family estate. Oh! I also forgot to mention, and I did not know it during my childhood. If grandma's brother died without an heir, then I stood to inherit a minor title. Grandma and her brother did not get on because my great uncle was reputed to be gay. If this was true, then I was a sure-fire bet to inherit. Grandma was convinced that my transvestism was somehow connected to some sort of 'bad blood' in the family and Great Uncle Mortimer's homosexuality was the same 'bad blood'! Even the efforts of my endocrinologist and psychiatrist could not persuade Grandma that transvestism was not connected to homosexuality. It was only my apparently persistent and determined relationship with Judith that gradually convinced grandma that I was actually heterosexual. She still had problems reconciling my heterosexuality with my transvestism but as I grew up demonstrating my deep and abiding affection for Judith, (which was returned with equal intensity by Judith,) Grandma slowly came to terms. By the time I was going on thirteen and demonstrating a sexual interest in Judith, Grandma had reconciled her prejudices to her hopes for lineage. This was expressed just after my thirteenth birthday one night as Judith and I indulged in our usual nocturnal delights. Judith was trying on a new baby-doll nightie that she had bought that Saturday afternoon. After slipping it over her shoulders, she was behaving in a very provocative way wiggling her delicious butt and shaking her frilly matching panties. "D'you like it?" She giggled. "Oooh yess!" I squealed. "It's delightful. D'you think I should get one?" "It's too late today. But the fair is open tomorrow because it's the Candelmass fair." "Oooh! Goody! We can go back to the stall tomorrow." This agreed we tumbled into bed and cuddled up as Judith wrapped her soft sensuous legs around mine. Sunday found the pair of us accompanying Emily back to the same market stall. "Look! There they are hanging up on that rack, see." My eyes fell upon the baby-doll nighties and the stallholder took them down for our inspection. There were only two left in the same design and we really took to them. The panties were just so divine and covered in frills. It was the frills on Judith's panties that had so tickled my stumpy that previous night. Of the remaining sets one was pink and the other pale blue. The stallholder smiled as we debated the colours. Emily was just so set on the pink set and that meant I would be left with the pale blue one. "Well girls. Have you decided?" he pressed, eager to complete a sale. Judith was elected as the arbiter and she used the utmost good sense. "Emily, you take the pink set because you don't always sleep with us and you Petra take the blue set. Then it's pink for a girl and blue for a boy. Is that OK?" We nodded happily but the stallholder nearly fell off the box he had stood on to reach the baby-dolls down. He gaped stupidly as he found his voice. "What d'you mean, the blue one for the boy?" Judith savoured the moment because we didn't care if anybody from the fair found out I was biologically a boy. The stallholder was a complete stranger and would be gone by Tuesday. Judith explained. "Oh yes! Petra's a boy, but she's our cousin and she lives as a girl." The stallholder's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he stared at us. "So which one is, - is Petra!" I put up my hand to shoulder height and gave a little girly wave. "Me!" He stared at me and shook his head. "What, you're really a boy?" I nodded as he finally recovered his composure then wrapped up the baby dolls while Emily handed over the money. Then like any good salesman he had a brain wave as he studied us intently and recognised the close similarities. "Are you triplets or something?" he smiled eagerly. "Eh, no, cousins." Confirmed Judith. "But you're girls, or at least you live as girls." We all nodded and he clapped his hands. "I can do you a wonderful deal if you like frillies." We paused and looked interested so he dug into a box under the counter and produced some delicious samples of frilly rumba panties. Their colours matched the nighties. Our eyes widened with delight for they were delightfully frilly with thick rows of lace from the waistband to all the way under the crotch front and back. I gasped with delight and Emily grinned knowingly. "How much?" demanded Emily. He gave us a price and we beat him down by a third. I think he thought we would be too embarrassed to stand in the middle of the market and haggle while people around us had learned that I was a boy who wore panties. He misjudged us though. I had lived as a girl for seven years now and there was little that would faze me. With a final, "See you again next year!" we bought a dozen assorted colours and skipped away leaving the stallholder bemused and nonplussed. That night we had a fashion parade in my bedroom that ended up with Emily joining us in my bed. I wore my new frilly panties and squirmed with delight. We indulged in the usual pleasures with Emily and Judith attending to my sensitive nipples, which had become my favourite activity. I squirmed ecstatically as my nipples stiffened under the silky baby doll nightie and I gasped as the exquisite sensations sent pleasurable waves fluttering down to my stumpy. As usual, I humped languidly and Judith decided to 'mount' me and take advantage of the stuff little nubbin that brought such delight to her tickly. Our silky, frilly panties slithered together and I suddenly found myself wanting to hump a little harder. I let out a little squeak and Judith giggled. "What's up with you? Stop wriggling!" "Mmmm!" I gasped. "I can't! I, - I, - something's wrong, I, - want to, - Oh! Ooo-ooh! Hold on! Something's wrong! I, - it's, - doing something! Oh my God! Hold on! I, - I'm going to, - I, - Oooh! Aaah! Aaah! Lookout! It's, - Aaah-aaah! Oooh - oooh! Aaaaagh!" I gave a series of urgent humps and the most divine sensations seemed to explode from inside my stumpy and I seemed to wet myself. For several seconds I could not control my stumpy and it spurted wet stuff all inside my panties. For a brief second it stayed inside my panties but then Judith squealed. "Oh God! That's gross! You've peed yourself!" Shocked with my own behaviour I squirmed fearfully as Judith lurched off me to investigate her wet panties. It was only when Judith whipped her panties off and realised that her panties were not soaked in urine. She dashed into the bathroom then returned squealing. "This isn't pee. Have look!" By now Emily had switched on the lights and she and I were investigating inside my panties. Emily gasped. "Your right Sis! She hasn't peed herself. This is, - this is come! Petra's just wanked!" To illustrate her discovery Emily reached down into my panties and fingered some of the pearly, sticky fluid off my stumpy. She held it under the bedside light and squealed with excitement. Judith leaned down and gasped confirmation then she became concerned. "Oh my God. If any of this stuff gets inside me, I could become pregnant!" I swallowed nervously but Emily, ever the rational scientific sister grinned knowledgeably. "I doubt it Sis. It's the wrong time of the month." I sagged with relief. If there was one thing sex education had taught us it was the biology of reproduction. Even I knew that Emily and Judith were in perfect biological synchrony. We'd lived in feminine intimacy for long enough to understand our own and each other's bodies. If Emily knew she wasn't fertile, then Judith wasn't. Their twin body clocks ticked in menstrual synchrony to the hour. Having determined that there was virtually no chance of Judith being pregnant, it now became a time for euphoria. Judith investigated the pearly drops in her panties and looked at me thoughtfully. "D'you think there's sperm in this?" "I hope so." I replied. "Otherwise, I'll never give you any babies. The doctors say that if the hormones work as they expect, I'll be able to produce viable sperm and make you pregnant." Emily stared at the sticky droplets that now lay liberally entangled in my few, newly sprouted pubic hairs. "But you'll have to collect it and take it to your endocrinologist. She'll be able to tell." This said, we all three decided to gather up the remaining evidence. Emily washed out a small jar whilst Judith and I scraped together what droplets we could; mainly from our panties and my pubis. Eventually we had about a teaspoonful of the precious sample in the jar and proudly scampered down stairs to meet Mummy, Aunty Pauline and Grandma gathered around the breakfast table. Judith proudly held up the little jar. "Petra's had an orgasm! Look!" Mummy and Aunty Pauline stared with a mixture of surprise and delight but it was Grandma who expressed the greatest joy. Despite her more conservative and elderly strictures about sex and sexual relations, her hopes aroused by my production of semen far surpassed her other concerns. She held the jar so tightly, that her knuckles turned white as tears of hope started to leak from her eyes. "We must get this tested, immediately." Mummy looked askance. "Well, I'm off to work and Pauline's going after she's delivered Persephone and Stephanie to the junior school. You'd better take it straight to the clinic. I'm sure Petra's endocrinologist will be keen to check it." Grandma wasted no time and was gone before we had even got dressed for school. She was obviously obsessed with perpetuating our family line. When we returned home from school that Monday afternoon, Grandma was waiting at the bus stop. Sadly, Grandma could not hide her favouritism and she hugged me tight as Charlotte, Emily and Judith looked on. Her reasons were obvious and after releasing me she eventually remembered to hug her other granddaughters. As we walked from the bus stop to the house, we met Janice the maid with Persephone and Stephanie at the front door. Finally, Grandma told us the news. "They phoned your mother with the results and she phoned me. Petra, I'm delighted to tell you that you're fertile. You're producing sperm." Judith gave a whoop of joy and immediately phoned Aunty Pauline on her mobile, whilst Charlotte phoned Mummy. I heard them chattering excitedly while Grandma gave me another hug then started to explain the issues. "You won't be able to sleep with Judith any more." "Why not!" I cried. "Well, you might get her pregnant and it's too early for that. She's only just turned thirteen, and she's too young to get married yet." I pouted with disappointment and grumbled. "But that's not fair. We've always slept together. Girls are allowed to share beds. You told me that you slept with your sister right up until you got married." "I those days Petra it was different. Adults often shared a bed; remember the Laurel and Hardy films. It was different then." "Why?" I demanded with clinical logic. Grandma hesitated for a moment then thought she had found the answer. "Well, people were poorer in those days and families were bigger. Space was at a premium so sisters often slept together in one bed whilst brothers slept in another. It was pure cost and economics." "That's not right," I protested, "I've been to great Uncle Mortimer's house, it's a huge place! You never stop telling my how many rooms it's got, go on tell me again, how many bedrooms are there?" Grandma fell silent for she knew the old house had over thirty bedrooms. Great Uncle Mortimer had a baronetcy and I stood to inherit when he died because there were no traceable Sallic descendents closer than my grandfather who was in fact my grandmother's fourth cousin once removed. The great First World War had seen to the destruction of any closer male line. Living in Uncle Mortimer's house had meant Grandma and her sister had enjoyed the run of dozen's of bedrooms. There had been absolutely no reason for her and her sister to share a bed short of companionship and affection. Grandma realised my argument was watertight so she tried another tack. "OK then Petra. I'll put it to you bluntly! Your semen proves categorically that you are biologically a boy! We cannot risk Social services learning that you and Judith are sleeping together and you know how tongues wag in this village. If you were to get Judith pregnant before you're both sixteen, then they'd be down on us like a ton of bricks! I'm afraid both Mummy and Aunty Pauline back me on this. You sleep in separate bedrooms from now on." Judith and I howled in unison with protest, but Grandma was not to be moved. That very evening, our beds were separated and Judith was moved back in with Emily. The following day, grandma had the builders in and three of the unused spare rooms were made useable so that Judith and Charlotte each got to have a room of her own while Persephone and Stephanie would be separated when they moved up to high school. When Mummy came home that next Tuesday night she had been to see my doctors. We had a long chat as she warned us that we must never let the school know that I produced viable sperm. For that would be prima facia evidence of my masculinity and the school authorities might decide they have to act in the matter of my presenting and dressing as a girl whilst at school. "Now Petra this is important!" Mummy continued. "Only Grandma, Pauline, Judith, Emily, Charlotte, you and I know about this business. This whole fertility thing must be kept secret for the next three years until you and Judith are sixteen. OK!" I nodded regretfully 'It just didn't seem fair. Now that I had finally had an orgasm I was to be denied the pleasures of sharing them any more with Judith, and for that matter, Emily. It just seemed so crazy. I mean I even looked like a girl now and my titties were growing nicely and my nipples were just so sensitive. I cursed all social workers. Judith and I were both devastated at our parent's decision to separate us from sleeping together. Fortunately we were able to still play together and that weekend we were excited to be going to another barbeque and swimming party at Nigel's house. Aunty Pauline delivered us at Nigel's house and we all tramped into the house where Nigel's mum and younger sister Angela were preparing the food. Being well used to 'sharing our duties' at home, we all four offered to help Nigel's mum get food ready. She smiled appreciatively and immediately directed us to various tasks. Once this was done, we were directed up to Nigel's sister's bedroom to change into our swimming costumes. There, as we four, Charlotte' Emily Judith and I were changing, Nigel's sister Angela walked in. She had obviously learned about 'Petra' and she wanted to learn more. "Are you really a boy?" she asked as curiosity overcame her shyness. I nodded a little uncomfortably because I was unsure of how Nigel's family might react to me supposedly 'exposing myself to an eleven - year- old girl. Instead I hurriedly tugged my one piece, royal blue, bathing costume up over my breasts and slipped away downstairs to discuss things with Nigel's mother. There I explained concernedly. "Angela wanted to see my private parts Mrs Johnston and I was a bit concerned. She may be a bit too young, I thought." Mrs Johnston turned from the stove and nodded sagely. "Well I'm glad you were concerned enough to let me know. What do you think you should do?" I explained what I had always done before when girls learned of my situation and demanded to see for themselves. I only let then see if there was a responsible adult present to witness that there was no 'hanky panky' going on. Mrs Johnston smiled and shook her head with amusement. "Well Petra, I'm a doctor. So if you would be prepared to allow Angela to satisfy her curiosity I'll gladly stand by as a chaperone. You're quite a local celebrity you know. Every doctor in the county knows about you. However, it's your choice entirely." My eyes widened slightly with surprise. "What! Every doctor?" Mrs Johnson nodded just as Nigel stepped into the kitchen carrying the lemonade and other drinks. He had been down to the store with his dad and David. Nigel's dad was also a doctor and his eyes immediately fell upon me as he recognised 'Petra' the 'girl/boy' that David had been talking about in the car. Fortunately he was all tact for what he immediately recognised was an attractive, curvy, pubescent girl with a nicely developing bust in a well-cut figure hugging one-piece costume. "Well hello Petra. That's a nice costume." "Thank you Mr Johnston. Mrs Johnston and I were just talking." "About what?" Here Mrs Johnston intervened while David and Nigel stood curiously by. She chased Nigel and David outside then explained about their daughter Angela. "Angela wants to see Petra's genitalia. Just to satisfy her curiosity." Doctor Johnson frowned. "I don't think that's a good idea. Petra's body is her own personal affair. Angela didn't ask to see the other girls did she?" I wagged my head to confirm this and he nodded knowingly. "Quite. Angela's just being puerile and nosey. You will be treated as a normal girl in this house Petra, and Angela shall not indulge her curiosity. None better than us should make sure of that. We're both doctors for heaven's sake." I sensed a bit of tension and cautiously interjected. "I've no objections, Doctor Johnson. I'm used to this sort of stuff and if it resolves Angela's curiosity then it might help." "Help what?" Countered Nigel's dad. "It will only settle her salacious curiosity and she will then use her knowledge to brag in school that she's seen Petra, the freak." He turned to his wife as he continued. "No. I'm putting my foot down. Angela is not going to be allowed to take a puerile interest in Petra's physical appearance." "I'm not a freak!" I protested. "Of course you're not, Petra. That's exactly my point. Angela seems to think you are. I'll speak to her later." I smiled as I recognised Doctor Johnston's point. Angela had absolutely no right to be nosey and I of all people should have realised that. I began to suspect my own motives for thinking it acceptable to expose myself to Angela, even with a doctor present, albeit Mrs Johnston, Angela's mother. With this issue resolved the barbeque went well. Other young people arrived and we enjoyed an excellent time around the pool. Of course there were lots of high jinks and much interest in my body by the boys as they learned that the stunner in the royal blue one piece was actually a boy. I got chased around the pool several times and usually ended up getting caught. It was fun at first but eventually the boys got cheekier and the captures ended up in me getting my boobs groped too often. Although I was used to boys fancying me, for the first time I realised what a problem boobs could be when I tried to be very active. In my bras I had plenty of support but in my one new piece bathing costume, my boobs tended to bounce just a little too much and even threatened to pop out. Several times I had 'adjust' my suit while running and the boys leered hopefully. Then when I was caught, it was just too easy to scoop my boobs out of the flimsy, but stylish one-piece suit. I was getting flustered and annoyed but the real problem was that my nipples were betraying my arousal. The boys all knew that girls nipples got stiff and swollen when they were horny, and my nipples were betraying me. There was no escape in the pool either, several times in the water, I was either 'groped' or 'petted'. Boys seemed to be like octopuses when they had the chance and eventually I decamped from the pool to sit on the lawn next to Judith and Mrs Johnston. There at last I got some peace and savoured a quiet moment with a hot-dog and a large jug of lemonade. We discussed the swimming pool issues and Mrs Johnston was sympathetic. She offered to censure the boys but I explained that I was well used to such stuff. It was no use trying to punish the boys for their inevitable curiosity. Boys would always be boys and apart from Charlotte and my cousins, I was probably one of the most attractive girls at the barbeque. I had to admit, despite the excessive attention, it was still nice being a girl. Judith expressed her anguish and I reassured her that it was only her I loved. We embraced briefly and Mrs Johnston's' eyes widened with surprise so I was forced to explain that I was a heterosexual transvestite. Being a doctor, she nodded wisely and simply resumed drinking her lemonade. However, Judith and I went no further. That would have been plain bad manners. Later that evening after most of the boys had left; I savoured a long relaxing swim in the pool with Nigel for company. He was a really good swimmer and we must have covered a couple of miles just chatting and doing the breaststroke before Emily and Judith ordered us out. "We want to talk as well," they protested. "Well join us in the pool," replied Nigel as David and Charlotte reappeared from somewhere behind the leylandie hedge. We all grinned knowingly but they protested furiously that nothing had happened. Later as we sipped our drinks in the coolness of the evening, Angela appeared and apologised for her request that lunchtime. I spread my arms wide and invited her for a hug, which she happily accepted. Then I whispered in her ear as I explained my situation. "To you and everybody else darling. I'm a girl. I live as a girl, I certainly look like a girl and I think like a girl." Angela sat back and stared at me happily before replying. "Yeah. Those boys from my class at school couldn't believe you had ever been a boy. I think it's great that you prefer being a girl. Girls are much better." I returned home that evening as a very happy girl. The issues concerning the onset of my puberty were now resolved and nearly every evening, we would share Judith's or my bedroom whilst we did our homework then I would retire to my own room to sleep. As often as not after completing our homework, we all three sat together on Judith or Emily's bed and cuddled up together and chatted. However, I was obedient to our parent's will and separated to my own room for sleeping. What made me jealous was that Judith and Emily were often found embraced together in the morning but woe betide me if I was found in either of their beds. Mummy even threatened to send me away to a boarding school if she caught me. The very thought of being 'sent away' terrified me. 'What sort of school would have me?' I wondered. It would have to be some sort of girl's school because I was now a girl to all outward appearances. But how would they accept my male fertility' No it would have to be a very unusual school and that would mean very unusual stuff. I felt a bit like Groucho Marx when he declared that he wouldn't want to belong to a club that accepted people like him. I didn't want to go to a boarding school that accepted 'freaks'. Better to be a good girl for three years and stay at home, but it would be hell on earth sticking to the rules. Sleeping alone was dreadful for those next three years. My body developed as all teenaged girls developed and I became unbelievably horny. Every evening I would retire alone to bed and gently caress my wonderful nipples and savour the delights of my body as the sensations fluttered down my tummy in waves until my stumpy started to respond. Then my fingers drifted from my sensitive nipples and titties to my stumpy as the urges grew down below. Invariably, I used every variation of fingering to excite my stumpy but always the best was to play with her whilst encased in my silky panties until she exploded with delight. Many times, Judith and Emily heard me gasping and moaning and they would arrive in my room to see the results. But despite the desperate, unspoken invitation in my eyes, they never accepted my invitation for them to join me. "We can't Pet, you know the rules," bemoaned Judith. "And we daren't get pregnant!" added Emily. Thus it was for three long years. Fortunately Judith still loved me d

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Experience With 2 Sisters

Hello people, once again it’s Jatin with his new story. First, thanks to all the ISS readers to have taken interest in reading my real life incidents and coming to me with their feedback and also thanks for the emails and getting in touch with me. If you like my stories do email me on Those who haven’t read my previous story, here is some brief information abt myself. I am Jatin, 26 years old living in UK (soon returning to India), but I spent most of my life in India as my parents have a...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 9 Marrying His Naughty Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...

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Three Pregnant Sisters

Three Pregnant Sisters I’ve just got to tell you what happened seven months ago. But first I guess I should tell you about us. I am a twenty-five-year-old male, my wife Ella is twenty-three years old, and then she has two younger sisters, Gina age twenty-one and Lily age nineteen. Well since all of the girls were June brides all three of us couples decided to go on vacation together one year. Lily was the newlywed celebrating her first year of marriage. Gina had been married...

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Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters

Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters Formally known as Goldilocks and The Three Bears Players: Chuck, nicknamed Golden Locks for his curly blond hair; Sam, Chuck's best friend; Paula Bear, Mona Bear and Brenda Bear also known in wrestling as the Bear Sisters. Synopsis: Chuck is a huge fan of the huge sisters that wrestle as a tag team known as the Bear Sisters. A big enough fan to throw caution to the wind when he discovers they live near by. He missed a chance one night to get...

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Shrunken at home with Futanari Sisters

With the blessing of Mr.z I am transferring his story "Shrunken at home with Shemale Sisters" to this site. First thing you may have noticed is I changed the name slightly. I just like Futanari better than Shemale personally. If you know the original then you know the ages where lower then what this site allows, so I've gone to the liberty of upping the characters ages. While I don't think this will cause too much issue with the chapters, it does mean that the majority if not all of the younger...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 6 Breeding His Mermaid Sisters

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my three mermaid sisters—and they were my sisters, they looked identical to Lasla...

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brother Caught Peeking at sisters

Growing up as the only boy in a house with three older sisters and a mom can be a real drag. Every aspect of family life is female. Shopping, talking, even what they watched on television or what music they listened to. The girls got all of the easy inside chores while Norm was left with mowing the lawns, trimming the shrubbery, raking leaves, etc. He often wondered if life would have been different for him had his dad not been killed by a drunk driver when Jim was only 3. He barely remembered...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 484 A Tale Of Three Sisters

Sadie hugged her sisters, pulled the hood and face-covering back into place, and went with her sisters. Before they got to where I saw the woman who had to be Sadie’s mom, she said, “So you know, the only good thing that came out of her blinding me is David. He is why I didn’t kill myself during the darkest times. I’ve heard everyone talking about him. I knew him before any of them, and David hasn’t changed the least bit since then, except for getting bigger all over.” That caused all three...

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Slutty Sisters

Slutty SistersI was in heaven. Pure blow job heaven. Standing at the end of my bed in my typical bachelor pad flat wearing not a stitch of clothing. On her knees and a little to my right was Lisa Duncan, she was similarly naked, showing her curvaceous body (a short five foot five, long blonde hair and the kind of impish cute face that no-one could ever be annoyed at atop her excellently proportioned bosom and a round, firm ass) while she worked over my heavy balls in her mouth. A delightful...

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Lust Sisters

Laura charged through the front door to meet her younger sister Alexis sitting on the sofa watching the TV. Alexis didn’t expect her sister home so soon and was dressed in a light tank top, no bra and tight pj shorts. Laura was looking just as hot as when Alexis watched her longingly leave only an hour before. Laura’s sweet body was poured into a pair of white jeans, that showed off her perfect bubble butt. Laura was wearing a bra under a nearly see-through pink top. Both girls had light blonde...

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Lust Sisters

"I'm through with guys!" grunted Laura as she threw her jacket onto the floor. "Yeah, me too" mumbled Alexis through a mouthful of popcorn. Slumping down on the sofa Laura took a handful of Alexis's popcorn and began to watch the movie. She had a glazed expression on her face. Gulping down her last handful of popcorn Alexis gazed over to fifteen year old sister Laura. 'Fuck, sis is so cute when she eats.' Laura turned to face Alexis, who was smiling at her. "You okay Lex?"...

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Oh my sisters

Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi’s marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...

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Fun With My Wifes Two Sisters

My wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don’t get to see her very often. She’s been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she’s forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there’s Melissa, she’s thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...

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Fun With My Wifes Two Sisters

My wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don't get to see her very often. She's been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she's forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there's Melissa, she's thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...

Group Sex
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Rods Sisters

I hadn't seem him for six plus years but as soon as he entered the Kamikaze Topless Bar on Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio, on a beautiful early May evening I recognized him — Rod Munroe, aka 'Surfer Rod', aka 'Blond Rod'. Our paths had crossed in 1988/89 at OSU when Rod and I had lived in the same dorm during our freshman year at the University. Although we had never become close friends, we were acquaintances and due to an odd quirk of fate got to know quite a bit about the other during...

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How I Had Three Sisters

She would host team parties at her house and loved a good drink, always making sure everyone was enjoying one too. I was kind of new to drinking any kind of alcohol and she delighted in getting me drunk enough to make the room spin. Instead of having me drive home drunk, she had me stay the night at her place after the party ended and everyone else left. I thought I'd be fine just sleeping it off on the sofa with a blanket, but when she turned off the heat to the house, it got quite cold...

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Sex Slave Sisters

Sex Slave Sisters ???????????????????????????? ??????Sex Slave Sisters???????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????A work of total fiction by Taskmaster??????????????????????????????????????????? Part One?????????????????????????????? [email protected] For me she had always had that special indefinable something about her, even now after four years she looked so damm good. Sure the only reason she was speaking to me was because I am the father of her sister?s two boys and when...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XIII The Sisters

Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex LifeChapter 19 Little Sisters

JULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...

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The Best Sisters

THE BEST SISTERS By ShannonQ PART ONE Synopsis--The Best Sisters are identical twins. They find that their beauty is beyond their control at times. They live through historical times. They are gorgeous, selfish, become wealthy and love only each other. Rated X Note--Transformation comes in Part Five. ONE The howling wind outside the tiny house chilled Melissa and Michelle...

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Sex with 6 sisters

This was some few years back when I lived with my whole family, 6 sisters and one brother in a beautiful Garden house in Hyderabad .I was only 18 yrs old, very strong and tall. We were a very close knitted family. At night we slept in one room all together. My sister was very pretty and sexy. All of them had big Breast and lovely body, this I notice when they would be sleeping. They use to wear sarees and blouse. At night my two married sisters would only wear petticoat and blouse, showing most...

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Moriyama sisters

"My name is Eiko Moriyama. I have reservations, two rooms, together." I punched her name into the computer and, sure enough, two rooms with an adjoining door. As I entered her credit card information I looked her over out of the corner of my eye. She was in her forties, pretty but kind of conservative, her deep black hair cut straight across at her shoulders, parted on the side, and she wore a trim knee length skirt and blazer. I sort of compulsively flirt with women, and when I handed her the...

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Quarantined with Mom and My Sisters Chapter 5 Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters

Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...

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surprise by sisters

I remember the summer my sisters surprised me with their secret. I was the oldest c***d, and pretty much did anything I wanted. I was 2 years older than one of my sisters and 3 years older than the other one. I was a typical 13 year old male, high sex drive and all. I would steal panties from my sisters room to rub on my cock and balls as I masterbated. I went in and got a good dirty pair one day, and thought I would go to my shed and rub one out. I could smell the musk of the panties from my...

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MindControlled Blowjob Bliss Chapter 1 Blown by His Mom and Sisters

Chapter One: Blown by His Mom and Sisters A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure puts the last touches on its next creation. Its next way to have fun. A belt. Brown leather. A silver buckle with the words “Suck” on it. A simple concept. The Figure is thrilled by this. It knows just where to place it. Slipping through the mist into a mortal world, it slips into a department store. No one “notices” the...

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Secret Pact of Sisters

Secret pact of sisters Thank you ISS for displaying my two previous submissions…” First time Blues…” and “…The Return Gift…” …this is the third part Hello readers…this is Kiran…please read on…for continuity please read ” First time Blues” and ” Return Gift ” …about a month and half passed…for the last few days Veni started looking pale and weak… ‘…let us go to doctor…’ I said with concern… ‘…it’s ok…I will do that today…on my way back…’Veni replied and visited one… ‘…what did your doc say…?’...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 12 Sarah and Susan sisters

VOLUME-1 Chapter XII I had now passed my twentieth year. The new servants were sisters (how many times have sisters fallen to me!); the eldest who was cook was named Sarah; the youngest, Susan. Sarah was about twenty-six, Susan nineteen or twenty. I carefully arranged the key in the key-hole of their door the first night, but saw nothing for two or three nights. Then oh! fortune again. They rose later than my mother liked; she came up to their room one morning and found them locked in, so...

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My Big Horsecock and my two Sisters

This is my first story. This really happened in my life and it is the first time I have told this story. My BIG HORSECOCK and my two older sisters. It all started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in a large family but I was closest to my two older sisters, their names are Julie who was 20 years old with massive tits and Lana who was 18 years old and huge double D tits. I had a big cock for a ten tear old boy at about 6 inches long and very thick. I loved to jerk off at night thinking...

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Kim and Susan Fucking my Sisters

Linda; I liked the part where you felt so nasty cummming, while sucking your brothers cock... I know you said penis, but that's a little girls word. Look at it this way, you are both grown-ups, what your doing is for nothing but unadulterated Nasty pleasure. Remember, this is the guy that know just how Nasty you like your sex. I'll never forget the first time I fucked you in the ass, that's one Cherry I'll never forget popping. There you where bent over in front of me, your long legs...

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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 4 MindControlled into Lesbian Sisters

Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they’d locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy all the research that went into making the Halos. They were never meant to be mass produced. Luckily, no one person could re-create them. Only their dead guru and his wife fully...

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Seducing Sisters

Hi,i’m Vivek staying in Banglore. I’ve 2 elder sisters(Arpana studin in 12th & vanita studyin in 11th) who r good looking and sexy.This is a true story.originally i’m Bengali.i live with my mom and my sisters and a dog.i started watching porn since my day as my mom had gone out of station for a week.i was watching porn in my pc.i started to watch by being naked without closing the door as i thought every1 were Sleeping.unfortunately arpana woke up and came into the room as there was...

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Scat Sisters

years. Born only a year apart, the two girls quickly became best friends, and, later on, grew very attracted to each other. And after discovering the rich variety that the internet had to offer, the two found that they could bring their love for each other to a sexual level and forged a passionate incest relationship. Though they enjoyed both gay and hetero pornography as well, the siblings desire was so strong that the two could not even think of fucking another person. And because they...

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Halloween Sisters

Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...

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Sisters By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal boy like most 10-year guys, and my name is Barry. I am the only boy in our family and I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I am. When my sisters turned seventeen the world changed for them and us. The twins just got their driver's licenses, so we do not see much of them anymore with school and there different boyfriends and cheerleading practice and games and...

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SistersAmy: I saw her do it, my big sister. There, I’ve admitted it now haven’t I? The man standing looking over my shoulder has given a sly chuckle. He is making me write this, and checking that I don’t leave anything out. It is my final humiliation, on a day that has brought so many. As I write, I am sitting at a desk, completely naked, apart from a pair of tights around my ankles, and the flat shoes my persecutor finds so arousing. My bare bottom is so sore I can barely stand the pressure of...

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Giving Tuitions To My Sisters

This incident occurred when I was in post graduate college. I had to take a room nearby my college and I was not interested to stay in boys hostel. My parents feared I may be addicted to drugs, smoking or alcoholism. They arranged a small room at my father’s friends friend. The room was small but it was quite enough for my PC, table a cot. Daily I used to get up early and get freshen up and go to college and back from college on time and my daily time pass was studying or browsing the net. My...

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"Why are you always so mean to your sister?" I asked my cousin Sarah."Because she's mean to me!" Sarah yelled back."I am not!" Janet said equally as loud."You are too!" Sarah yelled as she threw a pillow at Janet.Janet caught the pillow and threw it back in a sweeping roundhouse fashion. The pillow caught Sarah off guard and knocked her over the side of her twin bed. There was a loud thump and groan as she hit the floor.I was up and off the chair by the desk in a shot. I should not have worried...

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The Sisters

I was sitting in the company box just to the third base side of the Braves dugout. Because of a conference that pulled most of the company's executives out of Atlanta, I had it all to myself. It was the fourth inning and the Braves had a comfortable 5 – 2 lead over the Diamondbacks when I spotted the two girls attempting to sneak into the adjacent box. I knew the usher would be on them as soon as he looked their way. It was obvious they didn't belong. For one, they looked about sixteen. Then...

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Blackmailing My Twin Sisters

Blackmailing My Twin Sisters Well I was going to blackmail them. Really! But as you’ll see I didn’t have too. It was probably for the best that way. Then they couldn’t accuse me of taking advantage of them. I am a fourteen-year-old boy that has a beautiful set of thirteen-year-old twin sisters that drive me absolutely fucking nuts. Pardon my French. I mean to tell you that even I have trouble telling which is which. They look alike, they dress alike, and they are sexy as hell. They...

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Revenge on my sisters

This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...

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Weekend Sisters

WEEKEND SISTERS BY JANICE My name is Howard, I have a twin, brother named Dexter, we are fifteen and have a sister, seventeen. Her name is Corrine. One weekend our parents wanted to take a weekend skiing trip, away from us kids. As luck would have it. It was also the weekend Corrine wanted to go away with some of her girl friends. Both plans had been made several weeks in advance but as always happens, no one...

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Band of Sisters

Band of Sisters By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Special thanks to Robert Arnold for his assistance. Chapter 1 I slowly came to, fighting off a feeling of nausea and bewilderment. I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but it looked like some sort of medical facility. I was on my back and when I tried to...

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My Four sisters

Okay now onto the story. Well this story ha-ha if you can call it a story is about me David. I’m just an ordinary 18 year old kid, I’m a senior in high school yeah I play baseball but I am far from a jock I’m one of those kids who never does their homework or studies but still manages a C+ average. It’s not like I’m stupid or anything but after baseball I have to take care of my four sisters so I cannot do my homework. You see I’m the middle child I have two older twin sisters, who...

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my sisters

With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now. I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my...

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My Fantasy To Fuck My Sexy Sisters

Hi my name is Rocky, I am 28 years of age with medium athletic body. This Story revolves around my 3 cousin sisters – Neha , Angelina and Ritu. Eldest amongst the three is Neha, she is smart and tall with a sexy figure of 38d-28-32. Her asset is her large boobs which are very hard to resist even her ass is perfectly shaped. Second one Angelina, she is sexiest amongst the three with small and perfect boobs, long legs and a perfect ass. She has also been a part time model and a smiling and...

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Teased by mommy and my sisters

Teased, by my mommy and my sisters! By Princess Pantyboy Me/ Chris/Chrissie 11-year-old boy Karen: older sister 16 years old Sally: little sister 5 years old Cindy: neighbor girl 8 years old Steve: neighbor and twin of Cindy Tammie: older sisters best friend 16 years old I am just skateboarding in front of my house with my new friend Steve. We moved in just at the end of the school year, and it...

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Andrea Dannielle Twin Sisters

Introduction: Twin sisters explore each other… Leahs twin daughters, Andrea and Dannielle, couldnt have been more different. Even though they were identical, they were complete opposites. Andrea was very girly. She loved makeup, spa treatments, and shiny dresses. Dannielle, however, enjoyed soccer, burping, and sports bras. Despite their significant differences, Andrea and Dani were best friends. They did everything together. Andrea went to all of Danis soccer games, and Dani tried to contain...

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My hot horny sisters

Hey, my name is Cooper and these are acounts from my teenage years growing up with my two sisters,casey and brooke, at the time of this lustfilled incidet i was 15, going into my sophomore year in high school, casey had just turned 13 and was going to be in the 8th grade, and my oldest sister booke was 16 and a year ahead of myself.At 15 i had reall started to mature, i had brown hair with blue eyes at the time and was pretty athletic. and wasnt a slouch with the ladies either. Brooke was a...

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Taken in Hand by my Wifes Sisters

I was just 20 when I married Sally and we didn’t find it easy keeping our heads above water after we got our first house. We often found that we were short of money by the end of the month. Despite this we both sometimes bought stuff when we shouldn’t and we needed to find a way of controlling our spending. We’d tried a bit of role play spanking and enjoyed that but I wondered if a proper spanking might be worth trying to make us change our ways. The next month end was the same so we sat down...

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Taken in Hand by my Wifes Sisters

I was just 20 when I married Sally and we didn’t find it easy keeping our heads above water after we got our first house. We often found that we were short of money by the end of the month. Despite this we both sometimes bought stuff when we shouldn’t and we needed to find a way of controlling our spending. We’d tried a bit of role play spanking and enjoyed that but I wondered if a proper spanking might be worth trying to make us change our ways. The next month end was the same so we sat down...


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