Nathalies Makeover Chapter Four free porn video

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So the bastard had stolen my cherry and as much as I enjoyed it I couldn't clear the image of his contemptuous smug smile. Conflicted, I lay there listening to Viv's soft snoring my mind a complete mess, did this mean I was gay? I should have been screaming rape. Awash with all these stupid weird uncertain thoughts my biggest concern was, what would Viv really think of me? She must secretly be disgusted and lost all respect for me? I was out of bed wandering aimlessly around when they got up. Yves obviously picked up on my unease. "Don't look so glum Angel, you were wonderful... Come, what say I take us all out for lunch!" Viv clapped her hands joyously. "What a great idea, yes lets go somewhere really nice." She hugged me tight. "That will take away that long face and cheer you up wont it loves." The mere thought of it filled me with dread. I shook my head anxiously. "No, you know how I feel about that, I don't go out dressed." Yves snapped curtly, "Don't be ridiculous, when I say I am taking you out I damn well mean it, so stop being a sissy and go and get ready." The words cut like a knife and I winced, 'sissy' it was as painful as a slap in the face, fuck him, he was right, that is exactly what I was, a fucking sissy, he had not only stolen my cherry he had robbed me of my masculinity. I was frozen to the spot, unable to move, Viv noticed and gave me a push. "You heard him love, move your arse." Grabbing me by the hand she dragged me off to the shower. "Come on let's make it special, I will make sure you look so spectacular every guy in town will want you." I was still in shock lost in that moment of self- loathing, I gripped the door as she tried to push me in. "Viv I can't do this, you know how I feel about going out in public." She scolded me like a child. "Nath stop acting so immature, nobody cares these days you are just being silly." She pushed me forcibly into the shower and turned on the water. As I soaked under the hot spray I started to catch my breath and relax, she started soaping me up until my body was covered in foamy suds, she smilingly worked my cock stroking it forcefully. "Babe, do this for me today and I promise I will make it up to you tonight." The thought made my toes curl and my erection grew firmer in her hand. "Just you and me?" "Don't be silly, Yves is staying tonight, just relax babe, chill and enjoy it. You are all wound up, I know last night must have been special for you but tonight... Tonight I will make even more special." Her slippery hand stroking my cock took away any argument. "That's a good girl." She grinned as she stepped out leaving me to finish on my own. I followed her instructions and shaved closely, stepping out into the bathroom. Yves was standing at the toilet peeing, when he saw me he smiled that cheesy self-satisfied evil grin, but as I watched him pee I couldn't get past the size of his willy, even flaccid it was huge. He shook it a couple of times as he finished, when he turned he caught me staring and his face brightened enjoying my embarrassed envious peek, he walked up to me with that haughty arrogance of a man who knew exactly the effect he had on me. "Would my lovely little Nathalie like to kiss it for me?" My mouth was dry and felt ashamed he had caught me admiring his manhood. Standing there naked before him without the fa?ade of my makeup to hide behind, I was just Nathan naked and exposed, it gave me an uncomfortable feeling of inadequacy. He was so big and imposing dwarfing me like a giant fucking bear. "Come Nathalie, give me a little morning treat, show me how much you enjoyed last night, his hand circled behind my wet hair and pushed me down. I was mesmerized spellbound, why did I let him do this to me. Any thought of resistance vanished and I bent over from the waist guided by the weight of his hand I lifted his pendulous swinging cock up in my hand and kissed the knob. "Oh god that is so nice." He purred. It tasted salty and a little acrid but not horrible. I opened my mouth and he pushed a little into my mouth. "Oh my god you were created just to suck my cock, you are the perfect little cocksucker." His words completed my shame. His hand ruffled and knotted my hair pushing in and out. He pulled out wiping his saliva covered cock all over my face marking me like a chuckling dog. "I think we had better stop or you will be getting an early breakfast." He kept rubbing until he was clean. As he let me stand up I saw Viv standing there watching with a smirk on her face. "God you really can't get enough can you." She leaned closer kissing me passionately her tongue swirling mischievously around my mouth searching out the last remnants of Yves taste. "Come on let's go down to the salon, we need to get your makeup perfect." I still didn't want to go but I was getting swept up in the moment. We sat side by side in the salon as we each did our makeup. I was a bit lost with this, I always did my makeup as if I was going out at night, and I tried to make it sexy and trampy, this was different. Viv sensed my hesitation, decided I needed help. "Let's start with a nice strong foundation shall we." She applied a strong layer working it in with her fingers and a brush, next she highlighted my cheekbones and lightened across my under eyes, for today she used a light mocha colour for the eyeshadow and lightened my eyebrows so they didn't look so bushy. "Nath please can I pluck some of this It will look so much nicer." Before I could say no... She had already started, she plucked away merrily and finished it off by shaping them into a more feminine arch. She chose a heavy pink coloured lipstick, although she used the darker plumper underneath. She finished it off with the blonde wig. As I sat admiring myself in the mirror she went about doing her own. Lost in my uneasy thoughts I heard her excited cry. "Oh god I can't believe this is happening, Nath this is what I always wanted, you and me going out together. It's going to be so much fun, thank you so much" She leaned over and kissed me, peering up into my eyes. "And thank you for last night as well, god it was so Blimmin sexy wasn't it." As we skipped back up from the salon Yves was already down in the kitchen fully dressed and waiting. "Hurry up you two, I am very hungry." Viv dragged me by the hand as she ran up the stairs to the bedroom and Viv fumbled through her wardrobe. "You put on your corset love, and wear those nice nude coloured pantyhose. As I pulled the pantyhose on she chirped. "Perfect." She held up a floral light cotton dress. "This will look great on you." She handed me the little padded bra and helped slip it into place. She helped me slide the dress up over my shoulders and wriggle until it was firmly in place. She knelt down to straighten it and as she stood to admire her creation she noticed the bulge sticking out from my panties. "Hmmm that is not going to work is it babe?" She gave me a rub and my cock sprang up in appreciation. She giggled. "God you really are excited about this aren't you." She was right actually as nervous and uncertain as I was I was also incredibly excited. God people we know might see us. Fuck I was so apprehensive, and yet with the tingles running through me I was euphoric. The dress looked nice and had a square bodice so it hid the fact I didn't have boobs, I was busy admiring myself and didn't see Viv with a roll of tape, which she used to tape my cock firmly back out of the way, just about breaking it in two as she roughly pulled it into place. She then turned to find her own outfit. She sorted out a little blue striped dress that was so form fitting it looked like it was going to burst. Bloody hell she looked stunning. She finished it off with a pair of three inch heels, she handed me a pair of white open toed sandals with about a four inch heel. I had to admit that they were perfect for the dress. I stood swirling around in front of the mirror as Viv Giggled impishly. "Yes you definitely should have been a girl." She shook her head adding. "It's not fair you know, how can you be so pretty? There are girls who would kill for your cute little features. God babe you are so sexy." We walked out arm in arm and Yves gave a whistle as we got to the front room. "Wow you two are so sexy and beautiful." He gave each of us a kiss. The moment he ushered me out the door and into the bright daylight realisation this wasn't fantasy, this was real and yes I was scared, I stopped dead in my tacks wanting only to go back inside but he urged me forward his arm circled tightly through mine. We all climbed into the cab and Yves gave directions. Pulling up outside a very upmarket little Italian restaurant we stood he slipped one arm through mine and the other through Viv's. We walked in arm in arm. I was expecting lots of knowing snickering stares, but there was nothing, nobody even blinked, although we did get a few admiring glances, mostly for Viv I was sure. Yves made a big deal of ordering for us. Granted he was very charming and giving, but so pompous. I wanted to hate the meal but unfortunately it was amazing. I had never seen Viv so outgoing and bubbly. Personally I couldn't get comfortable, continually glancing around looking for gossip about the bloke in the dress. It was impossible to relax. As we were leaving Yves announced we were going shopping, that sent Viv into raptures, which pissed me off. She was carrying on like I had never taken her shopping before. It annoyed me that she was making such a big deal over him, fawning over him like he was a king. She hung on to every cheesy word that came out of his mouth laughing outrageously at his flimsy weak jokes, yet irritated that I wasn't into it... But with every passing moment my resentment and hostility towards him was growing. At the local shopping centre he announced pretentiously. "Girls just choose whatever you want, don't even look at the price tags." Viv headed straight to the little clothes boutique dragging me along reluctantly, holding up dress after dress, skirts and tops, she was in heaven. "Oh damn Nath I can't choose, which ones do you like?" Yves poked his nose in before I could answer and moaned. "For the love of god woman, just get them all." Viv leaned in close to him and gave him a big wet sloppy smooch. "Thank you lover." She cooed sexily. She smiled at me. "Come on slow coach, choose something." I didn't want anything from him, the situation was making me nervous enough. I mumbled. "I can't find anything I like." Viv gave me a funny look and headed off to the shoe shop with Yves in close company. I stayed behind fossicking through the clothes racks and there were lots of great outfits, a couple that I really liked but I felt uncertain, the one thing I did know is I didn't want anything from him. I needed to find a way out from under his spell. I wandered down to the caf? and brought a coffee to try and mellow out, and steady my nerves. Sitting by myself I felt more aware of the people around me, and the insecurity grabbed me. After what felt like hours Viv and Yves came wandering out her arms full of bags and in high spirits, if I didn't know better I would have said she was high. She spotted me at the caf? and came running up. "What are you doing? You were supposed to help me pick something out." I shrugged lifting up my cup. "I needed coffee." She looked pissed and she huffed loudly as she flopped into a chair. Yves ran off to get their drinks and Viv grabbed my arm painfully. "What the hell is the matter with you? You are spoiling the day." "Yeah well this is hard for me, I feel totally exposed, like everyone is staring at me. I am not enjoying this at all." She hunched her shoulders sighing. "Babe you have to chill, there is nothing to be nervous about, nobody cares, guys have been checking you out all morning, so stop worrying, Yves thinks he has done something to upset you." Just then Yves returned with their drinks, Viv gave him another big sloppy kiss and purred huskily. "Thanks babe, you're the best." 'Huh the best aye...' Another stab to my wounded heart. We drank our coffees and Viv babbled on continuously, in between her chatter she kept snogging Yves, her hand had disappeared below the table, and judging by the grin on his face she was playing with him. Then out of the blue she leaned over and kissed me as well, her hand held my head as she erotically swirled her tongue around my mouth slithering enticingly along mine. As we separated I could see people all around the caf? staring at us and there were a few cries of astonishment. Yves and Viv both laughed but I was mortified. "Please let's get out of here." I jumped up and headed for the street. They caught up with me and Viv grabbed me. "Slow down babe, stop being so bitchy." "Fuck Viv didn't you see all those people staring, bloody hell what's got into you." She giggled. "Don't be such a stick in the mud, it's what's going to get into me later that I am interested in." As we walked in the door at home Viv pulled me into a very sexy kiss, Yves joined the embrace and soon it was his tongue that was dancing with mine, waltzing and gliding sensuously around the confines of my mouth. Viv moved behind me her succulent lips sliding wetly all over my neck and shoulders, she whispered in my ear. "Thank you for today babe, you were so brave I loved it." All my complaints were strangled with her sexy words. I turned and we kissed, Yves hard cock was jutting into my arse as his hands wandered over my body fondling and caressing. My own cock was trying to push its way out from under the confines of the tape and my panties. Viv giggled as she worked to remove the tape, the moment I was free, Yves big hand rubbed and squeezed it kneading it roughly. I could feel my knees going weak as he caressed and cradled my balls. "Oh fuck. "I moaned breathlessly into his open mouth. "You like do you my angel?" "God yes." The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, but god it felt good. His hands were rough and strong, so completely different to Viv's dainty little digits. Viv knelt down in front of me and Yves fed my throbbing erection into her eager mouth. She kissed and licked my knob as Yves forced it into her mouth, the moment she sucked me all the way into her mouth my knees gave out they were trembling so much. Yves let go of my cock and when I opened my eyes he was standing beside me pants around his ankles feeding his monster into Viv's mouth. She smiled up at both of us as she took both cocks in her hands and rubbed them together spreading the precum from knob to knob. I loved and hated it looking down at her hands and all the feelings of inadequacy came flooding back, he was huge, I mean porn star huge, I guess I am average in size but with his lying alongside mine, the comparison was laughable. Viv licked one then the other, kissing and caressing then sucking, she couldn't get both in her mouth because of Yves size but she did try. Yves mouth found mine and he kissed me his lips so powerful and strong he was impossible to deny when he was in this mood, he was on a mission of conquest and his tongue was like a marauding terrorist as he fought to dominate mine. I was so intoxicated and weak at the knee I had to hold on to his shoulders. When I thought I couldn't take it any more Viv stood up and she was beside us and joined our kiss. She gave me a quick peck before focusing on Yves, I was watching their kiss as it intensified, it was exciting and galling at the same time. Yves pulled away and as he peered into my eyes he smirked. "Well." Viv giggled as she glanced at me. "Babe I think he is hinting." She reached out her hand and pushed down on my head. I took the hint and knelt down my heart beating at a ferocious rate. I lifted his cock into my mouth, sucking it slowly and deliberately, gentle at first but then picking up the pace with a growing intensity. As I sucked that enormous fleshy giant into my mouth I bobbed up and down stroking and squeezing, caressing and kneading him as his cock throbbed wildly. He got rougher as his orgasm approached holding on tightly to my head he jammed his cock deeper and faster, I was no longer sucking him he was fucking my mouth thrusting and pushing his monster as far into me as he could. Saliva and juices flowed out of my mouth as I gagged and choked, but he didn't care he just fucked me harder, his cock disappearing into my throat. I was scared as he got completely carried away crushing my head tightly in both hands he pushed the whole fucking thing into my frothing mouth, his balls pressed roughly on my chin. My eyes bulged and I tried to push him away as his knob pulsated deep in my throat, I was on the verge of fainting before he pulled out letting me breathe. "Fuck you are a little slut," he bellowed loudly. "You are making me cum." His announcement scared me as he jammed it back into my mouth, I was still gasping trying to get my breath back. He thrust frantically for a few moments, short brutal frantic thrusts on the verge of cumming, I felt his balls convulse shuddering wildly. I was preparing to swallow his giant load when he pulled out of my mouth grunting. "Oh fuck here it comes." He held tightly onto my head as he stroked his cock keeping the knob firmly against my face. "Fuck I am going to cum, yes, yes... all over your face." I felt Viv's hand grip my hair stopping me from pulling back. The first powerful jet squirted over my cheek, then my nose and some even went in my eye as he kept spurting his white hot goo everywhere. I felt entirely humiliated and I was appalled at his disregard for me. As he stopped cumming he wiped his cock across my face smearing and spreading it over every inch of my face. He laughed. "Good girl, god you are a delight." His glare was contemptuous as he gazed down at me. "Did you like that my slutty cocksucking angel? Did you enjoy the feel of my sperm on your sweet cheeks?" Viv stared at me as I knelt there with his sperm all over my face and there was a hint of a derisive smirk twisting the corners of her mouth. I stood up quickly and rushed off to the bathroom to wash. I was at the bench wiping my face with a wet flannel when Viv walked hesitantly in behind me. "What's the matter love you seem upset." I was almost in tears. "That was disgusting, I wasn't expecting that." With a weird bemused expression she mumbled. "I don't understand, what's the problem?" "That was repulsive, it was not sex, it was about humiliating me, I bloody hated it." She gave me a hug. "Take a breath babe I will fix your makeup and we can get something to eat, I am sure he didn't mean anything by it, he was just having fun." "Yeah well he might have been having fun, but I hated it." When we went downstairs, I went into the kitchen to get a drink and Viv went and sat with Yves. As I got my drink I heard them whispering. When I went into the lounge he patted his knee. "Come my angel sit here, I am sorry you didn't like my little surprise, I did not mean to offend you." He chuckled. "Didn't you like my creamy reward? I just wanted to show you how much I enjoyed your blow job." I sat beside them on the sofa without responding, he hugged me. "I am sorry my darling, I will ask next time, or maybe not." Things slipped into a quiet sullen mood before Viv got up to start dinner "Come and help me love, I need a hand," she ordered. As I walked in to give her a hand she whispered. "Love you are going to have to give a little and stop thinking like Nathan, remember you are Nathalie now and he is our man. Just go and have a snuggle while I get dinner." I was reluctant, and still felt this sense of resentment towards him, and his lack of respect towards me, but she pushed me with a meaningful nudge. "Go on, you are just being silly, I thought it was sexy seeing you with our man's spunk splattered all over your face, if you hadn't run away I was going to lick it off." I wandered in and sat with Yves, he poured us both fresh glasses of wine. As we sat there he put his arm around me in that old time honoured way pulling me into a very tight embrace, we sat together sipping our wine for a while but as we got more relaxed he kissed me, it started of gentle and warm but quickly fell into a passionate mind bending kiss that had my toes curling and my cock twitching. It was like I had no power to resist him, I was drawn like a moth to a flame and it irked me, that I lost my sense of control, bugger I hated it, but as the kiss continued my hand was caressing him through his trousers, I didn't even realise I was doing it until he moaned loudly and his lips fastened onto my exposed neck and he bit and sucked leaving enormous love bites. I went to remove my hand but his hand fell over mine and he growled, "No, leave it there, or better still take it out... Yes go on my little angel take it out." I slowly unzipped him and slipped my hand inside and pulled out his big turgid throbbing monster. God I was in awe of him. He pulled me back into the kiss as my hand stroked him to a full erection, it felt so empowering to bring him to life knowing I had aroused him, and that excited me in return. I couldn't help it I slipped off his knee and knelt between his legs and sucked him into my mouth, I could still taste his cum from earlier. As I sucked him and he grew to full size he lifted up my head and pulled me back up onto his lap so I was sitting astride him. His big wet sticky monster was trapped against mine as I wriggled and writhed rubbing my silk covered cock up and down his rampant shaft. His moan was loud. "Oh you are a sexy little slut are you not? God you make me hard." My face flushed with his words but I ground down a little harder moving faster and faster massaging my cock against his, like an out of control lap dancer. "Carry on little girl and I will lose control and your little arse will be mine again." Hearing his words incensed me and I slid up and down that monster grinding and mashing it harder and harder. Our lips were locked together and as I pulled back to get a breath he slid his finger into my mouth. "Lick it, get it wet for your arse." He pushed it in and I licked it making sure it got wet and slippery. He pulled it out and we kissed again, his tongue was strong and insistent. As the kiss intensified I felt his finger sliding inside my panties pressing against my arse, nudging and pushing until the tip slipped inside. "Oh god," I cried out. "Oh fuck." He laughed. "You like that don't you, you little slut, fuck you are a teasing sexy bitch." This time it was me who kissed him as his finger toyed with my arse sliding in and out slowly but with ever increasing insistence. As I ground down on his lap writhing on that raging monster he fucked my arse with his finger. "Do you want my cock in that arse?" He moaned, "Because if you don't stop you are going to get it." I was lost, uncaring I ground down on him with more fire and intensity crushing him as my tongue danced with his. He grabbed me forcefully and pushed me away. He gazed into my eyes never blinking. "Go and get the lube you little slut and be quick." He pushed me off his lap and I felt powerless, I just stood there watching. He barked in a deep commanding voice. "I said go and get the lube." I felt humiliated, who did he think he was, but I turned and walked hesitantly towards the stairs. "Hurry up angel," he barked with a sneer. I put my head down and scurried away like a scolded child. Why, why did I let him treat me this way? I couldn't fathom why. I should just go down and tell him to fuck off. I snatched up the tube off the cabinet, yes I should just tell him to fuck off. I headed back down with resolve building. Yes I will just tell him to fuck off, that's what I will do. As I walked into the lounge he was leaning back stroking his monster and as his hand slid up and down it I felt my own give a twitch. Ashamedly the thoughts of telling him to leave evaporated the moment I saw him stroking that giant snake. "Good girl, now where were we," he whispered as he held his hand out. " I held out the tube and passed it hesitantly to him and he pulled me back onto his lap in exactly the same position. As I sat astride him he put his hands on my hips and moved me back and forth. I felt his power as he manipulated me like a doll. I fell forward as I lost balance and as my face was close to him he kissed me again, more powerfully than ever and his hand slid back around me and I knew what was coming. I edged closer allowing his finger to slide up under my panties and his cold wet finger slid easily into my puckered arse. Soon we were back where we were with me riding along his shaft and his finger fucking me, but that changed as he pushed another finger into me and I cried out in surprise when he barked, "You want it don't you slut?" I locked my lips on his neck and bit him as he ravaged my arse adding another finger buried all the way inside. "You want it don't you?" His voice was now insistent and commanding. "If you want it say so." I didn't respond vocally but I was grinding down on that pulsing monster. "Come now bitch I want to hear you beg, do you want it?" I whimpered tearfully against his neck. "Yes." He snickered. "Good then put it in, guide my cock into your gorgeous little le cul." I couldn't believe I was doing it but as I sat staring into his piercing eyes I reached between our bodies and wrapped my hand around the pulsing shaft and guided it to my arse. As soon as the knob was against my portal he pushed up brutally driving into me. "Oh you fucking little slut, fuck you are so tight," he howled. "You slutty bitch." His hands fell onto my hips and he lifted me up and down his giant shaft and as I got used to the size I took over and I rode him, bucking and grinding urging him on faster and faster. My cock was like a steel bar crushed between our bodies and I was aroused beyond belief, in a frenzy I fucked him harder pumping up and down crying and whimpering as his grunts became louder. "You didn't like it on your face what about your arse do you want that? Do you want my cum in your arse?" he cried between breaths. "Do you want it?" "Yes." My voice a barely audible whimper, I was breathless and my knees ached as I rode him harder and harder. "Yes fuck me, fuck me, cum in me." And as I bounced up and down my cock rubbed against him through the silk panties and I was so aroused my own orgasm blasted all over the inside of my panties making them all wet and gooey. When he realised I had cum and I had stopped moving he got rough his forceful hands grabbed my hips lifting and jamming me down hard on his giant cock he was using me, masturbating with my body thrust after brutal thrust until his cum squirted so hard I felt it hot and explosive deep in my bowels. Collapsed on top of him I cried breathlessly. His big arms wrapped comfortingly around me and held me tight. As we sat locked together Viv who I had completely forgotten about muttered. "Fucking hell, god you two are fucking insatiable aren't you, Christ I said fucking cuddle him not fuck him." She was standing off to the side grinning. "Fuck that was unreal, Jesus I am fucking wet." She wasn't the only one, my panties were now sodden and uncomfortable. The look on her face didn't give much away and I thought she might be angry. I started to say sorry but she shushed me with a kiss. "Nath I am not upset, I thought it was amazing, god Yves was right though, you are a little slut aren't you." I blushed and they both laughed at my expense, I had a little titter myself, yes I didn't know what had come over me. I eased myself up off Yves shrinking monster and there was a loud sloshy gurgling fart as he popped out and then his sticky goo oozed out in a slimy stream running down the inside of my thighs. I felt embarrassed and whispered, "I am going to get cleaned up." Viv flopped down beside Yves as I rushed up the stairs to get cleaned up. I went straight to the bathroom and my heart was still pounding and I tried to gain some control, bleeding heck my cock was still hard as my arse convulsed clenching and relaxing as his sperm dripped out. I felt so alive, every fibre of my being was tingling. I stood up and stood in front of the mirror my makeup was a mess, I fixed it up and wandered downstairs where I was greeted by the sight of Viv on her back with her limbs wrapped around him as he fucked her viciously. I could see her pussy clamped tight around his glistening giant as she held tightly. His cock coated in her glistening juices. Her eyes were rolled back as her head rolled from side to side. "Fuck I love your cock," she croaked breathlessly. "It's so big, it fills me up so much." I stood rooted to the spot jealously watching and listening, neither of them noticed my return as they were lost in their moment of passion. I wanted to scream, to beat them both to death, but what could I say, I had been there myself, and I knew what she was feeling. As his arse raised and fell in a wild fury she cried out, "Fuck, don't stop, I am going to cum again, ooooohhhh fuck me, you bastard fuck me." He thrust harder and harder using her body and it wasn't long before they were both cumming loudly. After they calmed down they kissed and in some ways that hurt more, the look of affection on their faces gave away how deep their connection was. I waited until they were separated before I made my entrance. When Viv saw me she scurried over and kissed me her arms wrapped around my neck. She rushed off to get the dinner and rather than sit by Yves again I went out to give her a hand. She giggled as we worked. "Fuck what a day babe... What a flaming day." I was a bit lost for words and just nodded. "Yeah it was unbelievable." She kissed me as she walked past with some plates. "Yeah unbelievably great." Dinner was anticlimactic after the prelude, the food was nice and the drinks flowed easily. Yves muttered, "I have to be up early in the morning, so I must go to bed early I am afraid." We were in bed early although it was hard to sleep for me anyway. Yves was plonked in the middle, I wanted to cuddle Viv as we usually did but with Yves there it was impossible, this bed wasn't made for three especially a big mammoth like him, and he always wanted to be the centre of everything, like here he took up the majority of the bed with Viv on one side and me on the other. I woke in the morning to Yves fucking Viv. The bed was bouncing as he pounded that monster cock deep into her. He was spooned behind her and fucked her so hard the bed was bouncing. She moaned loudly as he pumped her. I didn't know what to do. I just lay there watching them. Viv's scream announced that it was soon going to be over. "Fuck you bastard don't stop, fuck me, fuck me. Jesus I am going to cum, ooooohhhh fuck, fuck, fuck I am cumming, god I am cumming." His brutal frantic thrusts meant that he wasn't far away either. He had no sooner cum and he was jumping out of bed rushing for a shower. I lay there thinking what do I do? Pretend to be asleep. Viv snuggled up beside me as she giggled. "Wow now that's the way to start the day." Yves rushed out of the shower getting dressed. "Do you want to share a cab?" "No thanks I muttered." Yves kissed us both and scampered out the door. Viv and I both showered together and she teased my erection. "Poor baby," she cooed. "You missed out this morning didn't you." She wasn't trying to get me off she was just being a teasing bitch. At work the guys gave me shit about the love bites all over my neck. The ribbing went on all day and every time Yves heard it he broke into an evil laugh and smirked at me. Thankfully the project was drawing to a close and we could be finished this week if everything went smoothly. With the end of the project in sight it meant Yves would be going back to France and that thought made me feel a little better, yes I was going to be glad to see the back of him. Yves spent a lot of time at my desk taking every chance to lean in close. I was sweating over getting the project update ready he leaned over my shoulder, I tried to ignore him whilst I typed, but he whispered in my ear. "I cannot wait to get you home tonight... I am dying to feel your sexy lips on my cock.... Hmmmm your sexy legs around me as I fill up that sexy little arse." He was driving me crazy, I looked around to see if anyone was watching or could see what he was doing. I couldn't focus and I was making so many errors. I hissed. "Fuck off Yves, please let me work." His laugh was a cross between a snarl and a hiss trying to keep his voice low. "You my sweet little angel are heading towards getting a very severe spanking. One more outburst like that and you will be over my knee." The tone of his voice sent shivers through me and not in a good way. His words were cold and menacing. When I didn't answer he whispered. "Let's try this again. "Are you going to let me cum in your mouth tonight angel? Are you going to swallow it all? Or do you want me to spray it all over your face Hmmmm?" His lips were right beside my ear and his breath was moist and hot. "Come on little angel tell me, you liked it didn't you my sperm all over your face, yes you liked it did you not my sexy little slut." I knew he was trying to wind me up and it worked my anger was growing at the same rate as the growing erection in my pants. Christ it annoyed me that he had this level of control over me. I whined, "Please Yves just fuck off. Let me get this finished." He walked away without saying anything else. As we were getting ready to finish for the day Yves was dragged away by the clients into a late meeting which saved me. On the drive home I contemplated what had happened and why I was so confused. As I walked in Viv was running around and when she spotted me she walked over for a hug and a kiss. "Where's Yves I thought he would have come with you?" "He is stuck in a client's meeting," I muttered glumly. She kissed me. "Well dinner won't be for a while so go and get changed. I am sure Yves will appreciate Nathalie greeting him." I went up and showered and as I was getting out Viv appeared with a bath towel and helped me dry off. She rubbed me down and nuzzled on my naked flesh as she worked her way up and down my body. "Bloody hell look at these love bites, wow he really left his mark. So what outfit shall we get for Nathalie tonight?" I sucked in a deep breath. "Viv can we talk before he gets here." She said hesitantly, "Of course love, what's the problem?" I led her over to the bed and we sat together. "Well this has all been a bit much for me, I think we need to give ourselves some space, take a breath as it were. I was hoping you and I could spend some time together without him. I want to make love with my wife." She appeared stunned and she sat quietly for a while. "What brought this on love?" I gazed into her eyes unable to put what I wanted to say into words. "Come on Nath, just tell me what is going on." "Viv this is hard, I am nervous about what is happening he is taking over everything." She giggled. "Hon he is a very dominant man, I feel it as well, but I think that's just the way he is, I mean none of this would have been possible if he wasn't that way." "I know that Viv, I can't explain it, I just feel inadequate at the moment." As we were talking the phone went, it was Yves. He was going to be late because he had to go to dinner with the clients. Viv just said. "Yes OK we will see you later." She gazed at me with a confused look. "OK so what do we do? He will be here soon and you need to make up your mind up." "I don't know, I am scared this has all happened so fast, I am scared you will hate me because of what's happened, and you will lose respect for me." She held me tight. "Love I enjoy the sex and he is good fun. I love watching him tease you and the way he forces you to do things." I sagged staring at my feet as I muttered. "But you must be disgusted with me. You watched him fuck me, and then he squirted all over my face." "That was incredible, how many times do I have to say it? I love watching you with him, blimmin heck I am getting all tingly just talking about it. I was so looking forward to him being here tonight. At work today it was all I could think about." We sat silently for a while. "Babe there's still time, we could bring Nathalie out before he gets here." "I don't know Viv this thing is tearing me up." "Babe please just for me, I want us to enjoy the next couple of days, he will be gone after that anyway, and if we let this chance go it may never happen again." As we talked she caressed my aching cock and whispered, "Come on babe, please I know that you want to, this doesn't lie." She squeezed my erection gently. "You want it, I want it lets just go for it........ Let Nathalie be the dirty slutty little harlot she is for a few more days." She was insistent and managed to chase away my fears. As she was helping with my makeup I told her what Yves had said at work and she giggled. "Shit a spanking, what did you say?" Puffing out my chest I said, "I told him to fuck off." She giggled louder than ever. "Do you think that was clever? Now he might really give you one." As she stroked my hair I started to think. "Surely he wasn't serious." She laughed snidely as she selected the blonde wig. "I wouldn't bet against it love, you know what he is like." As she worked on my makeup she chose a very dark sexy sultry look for my eyes, long lashes with dark mascara big bright red lips which I loved. As she was putting on the final touches she was still giggling. "Jesus wouldn't that be something, if he did spank you." The look on her face was teasing but I think she was enjoying my look of horror. "Fuck a spanking, he is a bastard isn't he." She helped me with my sexy little corset and stockings. Even though we weren't going out she made me wear the heels, not that I was complaining, I loved the way they really made my legs stand out. We were dressed and downstairs when Yves walked in and he was pretty drunk. "Ah my lovelies you both look so gorgeous." He kissed first Viv then me. As we separated he held me. "You my little angel, you were a naughty girl at work today weren't you." He gave my bum a pat as we walked into the lounge. "Vivian Nathalie was very bad girl today, How shall I punish her?" Viv looked teasingly at me, plainly thinking about what I had said earlier. "Well I suppose you could make her lick my pussy." Yves laughed loudly. "You are a deliciously mischievous little witch, always thinking of yourself, but it is a good idea, I would like her to lick it and get it ready for me." He glanced at me while his tongue played hockey with Viv's. "Well my angel would you like to lick Vivian's juicy little La Chatte? Hmmmm," When I didn't answer he growled. "Well tell me, I am waiting." I didn't want to get trapped by his demands, I tried to sidle away but he grabbed me aggressively and pulled me into his kiss. The feel of his strong manly lips crushing mine made my cock twitch and quiver. His tongue tasted of tobacco and brandy as he ravished my mouth. Viv wasn't idle as she kissed both of us her soft silky red lips sliding across our faces. The contrast between kissing Viv and Yves was massive. He was forceful and demanding whereas she was gentle soft smooth and tasted of the sweet wine we had been drinking, her skin soft and downy. As the kiss intensified he grabbed both out hands roughly. "Come my lovelies we are going to bed and we are going to make love." Vivian didn't need encouragement but I struggled with his dominant and pushy nature. He tugged ferociously on my arm to get me moving and as he did I got a dark glare. In the bedroom He commanded Viv to strip me, she didn't even hesitate, one word from him and she just jumped. Once she had removed my dress, leaving me standing in just my corset and stockings he pushed me back on the bed so I was lying on my back. As I watched nervously he physically ripped Viv's clothes of as he pushed her down on top of me in a sixty- nine position. Viv wasted no time in swallowing my cock in one engulfing swoop. I watched as he removed his clothes but I lost sight of him as Viv ground her juicy fanny down hard on my face, rubbing her swollen open slit all over my face grinding and mashing it against my lapping tongue. Time stood still as I lapped at her licking and sucking her open hole, god she was so juicy I could hardly keep up, my mouth was constantly flooded with her hot sticky secretions. She was really worked up and her movements rougher and more urgent as she rode me, mashing her clit on my tongue and nose, rubbing back and forth working herself into a frenzy. I wanted to stick my finger in and fuck her but my arms were trapped and I couldn't get free. Then blackness overtook me as Yves sank onto the bed between Viv's legs and his huge pulsating monster swung down onto my open lips. He rubbed it across my lips and pushed hard forcing its way into my mouth. I was choking but he gave me no respite, his big hairy balls flopped loosely on my forehead as he jammed it into my mouth. There was no easing it in, no gentleness, he just crammed as much into my mouth as he could and not satisfied with just my mouth he forced himself into my throat cutting off my air supply as I coughed and gagged, suffocating on his throbbing meat. Thankfully he pulled out allowing me to breathe. But I had to watch in a full technicolour close up as he rubbed it up and down Viv's engorged swollen wet slit. Back and forth he went sliding it up and down from her arse to her clit. She screamed out in ecstasy her body shuddered as she moved and gyrated her hips trying to trap his giant cock. "Do you want it slut," he cried out. "Fuck you are a tease, yes I want it I want It in me now," she cried in delight. I had to watch as in it went, in slow motion right before my eyes he sunk slowly into her molten pit. It was like a giant anaconda slithering into a rabbit burrow, I thought it was never going to end, well until his balls blocked off my eyes. Then with a slow inexorable expectation he pulled out and fucked her, long slow very deep sensuous thrusts in and out, in and out, grinding his root against her forcing her clit down on my tongue and chin. She had forgotten about sucking me lost in her lust. As he got more forceful I could hear her moaning. "Fuck me, fuck me, oh god, sweet Jesus that's good." Her writhing grew wilder her body squirming uncontrollably, but as quickly as it started it was over, he pulled out of her pussy with a loud sloppy squelch and slid it up and down the crack of her arse. "No, no, no, oh fuck Yves don't stop oh you teasing bastard," she cried out. His slimy juice covered shaft slid up and down her slit and arse crack. Then his hand appeared and I watched in horror as he lined it up at her arse hole. Viv went crazy scrambling forward trying to get out of his reach. "No Yves, please I can't do that." He grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her head down until her lips were smothering my cock. "Vivian you are a sexy little delight but you have to learn I am in control, and tonight I am taking your arse, just like I did Nathalie's." Viv cried trying crazily to crawl away I pushed up as hard as I could trying to dislodge him, as I pushed and tried to free my arms he sat up growling viciously. "I am getting angry Vivian." Viv had moved up by the pillow with her knees drawn up under her chin as I sat up I snapped caustically. "Hang on you prick she said no." I barely had the words out when I saw his face turn almost blue with rage, he grabbed my hands powerfully dragging me across his knee. I lay face down and he pushed my head down hard with a vicelike grip around my throat. "I told you today Nathalie you little bitch if you continued to misbehave you would get a spanking." As he roared he slapped my arse, slap, slap harder and harder. "Vivian, come here, we need to film this, get my phone, hurry." I screamed, "Stop Yves, stop please, this isn't funny you are hurting me." Christ it hurt, I couldn't believe how strong he was, he was like a bear the strength shocked me. His stranglehold on my throat got tighter as he became incensed. I tried to get up but I was suffocating I couldn't breathe and I flailed around trying to get free, I tried kicking him, slapping him but the harder I fought the harder he hit me. This wasn't a gentle spanking this was assault and I was scared. "Nathalie, you must learn who is in charge," he screamed, smacking my bum brutally and all I could hear was the sound of his hand slapping down on my upturned arse. Slap after slap fuck it hurt. His grip on my throat softened as I ran out of fight and with tears rolling down my face I cried, "Please Yves you are hurting me... please stop." I couldn't see Viv but as he stopped the beating his hand rested on my burning cheeks and he caressed me, his hand massaging sliding between my legs. "Open your legs slut." I tried to complain and clamped my legs shut. That only incensed him more and he slapped my arse again. It hurt so much I opened my legs. He stopped beating me and went back to feeling my bum, as he kneaded and massaged my cheeks his finger slid up and down my crack before it slid into me, gently in and out, then he pulled it out and slapped my arse, then he slipped his finger in again, the routine continued, he slid his hand under me and grasped my cock, stroking it along the length. I couldn't believe I still had a hard on, but I did and it was like steel. "Ah you enjoyed that didn't you slut?" He stroked and massaged, then slapped then fucked my arse with his fingers until I was a blithering mess. "So Nathalie are you going to behave?" I nodded. "Yes, please anything just stop." He groaned at Viv. "So my little Vivian are you going to behave or do you want to be spanked as well." I couldn't see but I heard her resigned whimper. "Yes you win I am yours." He laughed. "Good girl." He lifted me up and pushed me back on the bed. "OK let's try this again." Viv looked scared and she moved hesitantly as she clambered back on top of me. "Please Yves, be gentle, even Nathan has never even touched me there." As she babbled hysterically she jammed her pussy down on my face. She was wet and open, her lips red puffy and filled with blood. "Lick her arse Nathalie get it nice and wet for me," Yves barked. Viv pushed down hard grinding her arse down on my face until her arsehole was riding my tongue. I was shocked and horrified that as I reluctantly kissed her puckered hole her arse opened and my tongue edged in. I heard her moaning as my tongue eased in She wriggled as my tongue slid in and out. She writhed around and then slipped her pussy back over my mouth. Riding me and pushing her gushing hole over my gasping mouth. It didn't take long before Yves was back nudging that monstrous cock against her quivering pussy, he pushed past my tongue and fucked her slowly. She purred and moaned, I could see her hole as she clenched and milked him, hoping I am sure that he would cum quickly and she would save her arse, but he had other ideas. He slid that slimy monster out of her and moved it back against her arsehole. I felt her tighten up as he edged it in. She wasn't giving up without a fight. Yves pulled back and slid his cock across my lips. "Suck it bitch get it nice and slippery." He pushed and his knob filled my mouth. Oh god I could taste Viv's arse as he jammed it deeper into my mouth. "Suck it bitch, suck it good." He pulled out and then much to her delight drilled it back into her pussy, I could feel her hole squeezing and convulsing around his cock, but he wasn't finished he pulled out and moved it back to her other hole and I watched as it edged into her inch by inch it disappeared up her, it took what felt like hours until his balls were crushed against her pulsating pussy. Viv pushed down hard crushing my mouth mashing her cunt on my mouth. I could hear her crying and moaning as he started to fuck her. I could feel her pain as every time he pushed in she pushed down trying to ease his thrusts. He pulled out and slid his long shiny cock along her slit and across my open mouth, he pushed it all the way through rubbing his knob against her clit. Then pulled back and down into my mouth. I couldn't believe it, I was disgusted and nauseous, revolted at myself I sucked him trying to make it better for Viv the earthy and pungent taste wasn't as disgusting as expected. I sucked him deep into my mouth and now he was fucking my mouth. "Oh you dirty filthy fucking slut, you filthy little cock sucking sissy bitch." He pulled out and rammed it back into Viv's pussy for several deep squelching thrusts before moving back to her arse and started to pound her driving viciously up into her. I licked her open foamy hole, sucking and feeding voraciously on her clit trying to give her some pleasure. As he fucked her I noticed the cries had stopped and she was pushing back, she was no longer fighting it. Her body stiffened as she was closing in on a huge orgasm. She was screaming so loud I could hear, in fact the whole fucking street could probably hear. "Fuck me, you bastard fuck me." Her pussy convulsed, her body trembled and shivered wildly. "Fuck me, Jesus fuck me." Then with a hard grind she crushed her pussy hard against my mouth and she was cumming . Yves was losing it as well his thrusts were short and urgent as he shoved everything but his balls up into her and held it in her. I watched as his balls throbbed and pulsated squeezing every bit of his foaming sperm deep into her bowels. They both crashed down on top of me I was crushed by their combined weight. After several minutes I felt him lift his weight and ease his cock out of her arse, as it plopped out there was a gush of goo seeping out of her palpitating arse. "Lick it up Nathalie you little slut, lick it and make sure you get it all." It wasn't like I had any chance of escape he held my head as Viv squeezed the last drops of his cum out into my mouth. I thought it was over until he pushed his cock into my mouth as well. "Now clean me up my little angel. Yves dropped straight off to sleep. "Are you OK?" I whispered. She moaned, "My bum hurts." I was sympathetic, I knew exactly how she felt. "Don't worry babe it will ease off." She whined through some sniffles. "What about you, how's your bum?" I winced. "It hurts." We kissed and she sniffled. "What a pair we are." "Are you ashamed of me?" She kissed me. "God no why would I be ashamed?" "He spanked me and I couldn't stop him." "Don't be silly, there is nothing to be ashamed of. I loved it, sorry but I thought it was erotic. I am still trembling. He is just bigger and stronger than you, there's no shame in that." Now I felt completely humiliated. My wife just admitted he was bigger and stronger. Crushed disgraced and inadequate, I was a complete joke.

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Sensations Escort ServiceChapter 13 Successful Makeover

Amber and Edie exchanged air kisses with Kir – Mike’s stepmother – as they greeted each other at Louie Modern – a high-end restaurant in the downtown area right in the midst of a dozen exclusive art galleries and another exclusive boutiques that they frequented. The thrift stores were long behind them in their salacious careers. The two younger women were dressed in chic business suits and wearing CFM heels. Kir was dressed more casually in shorts, sandals, and a colorful top. After a round...

4 years ago
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Fiona Murphys Last FlingChapter 4 Fionas Total Makeover

(This is the 4th in a series of short stories about Fiona Murphy, a 65 year old widow who has blossomed into an erotic sexpot shortly after the demise of her spouse of some 45 years. She has graduated from the use of various sex-toys to jump-start her long neglected sex-life into naughty encounters with available males including workmen, wayward husbands, and even her much despised brother-in-law. She never could stand Reggie, but his huge cock overcame her dislike and she became his shagging...

2 years ago
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"Loneliness is a bitch," I thought, sitting on my patio and watching the grass grow. My cell phone buzzed, a glance revealed it was my friend Gloria."Hi there, bestie, how you doing?""Gloria, life sucks.""You still trying to get over the asshole?""No. I'm over that, but life is empty, and I am just trying to wrap my mind about what's next. The vista is gloomy. Two failed marriages sap your confidence in yourself. Anyways, I'm off men for now.""What you need, Girl, is to treat...

3 years ago
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Crystal Gets a Makeover

When Crystal Harper thinks about her life she wanted to cry. She was rapidly approaching her fortieth birthday, she thought, having recently celebrated number thirty sixth. She was a divorced mother of two teenage boys, Matt and Kevin, and she has been struggling to make ends meet, ever since her moron of an ex-husband left her after a one night stand with a drunken slut he’d fallen in love with. Tom Harper rarely paid child support and when he did, it was always late. As a result, it made it...

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Cindys makeover

I do not claim to be a grammar expert and as such you will find some grammatical errors in this story. The errors can be the switching of tense, spelling errors, or typos. I ask if you find an error please send me an email so I can correct and make the story enjoyable for others.WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are u******e Eighteen, PLEASE DELETE THIS FILE NOW!!!!Cindy's...

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High Society Makeover Aunty

Hello friends, I’m Rahul aur me Bangalore me ek IT company me kaam karta hu, umar 25 years hai meri. Mai iss ka daily reader hoon toh maine soch mai bhi story post karta hoon yeh story mere aur meri aunty ke beech hui ghatna ke upar hai. Agar koi bhi mujhe contact karna chata hai toh meri id hai Aapko aur na bore karte hue mai apni story par aata hoon. Me apne ek family friend uncle ke yaha rehta hu. Uncle (48) merchant navy me hai aur ghar par sirf aunty (44yrs) rehti hai. Unka beta boarding...

1 year ago
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Extreme Makeover

Chapter 1 ========= It all started by accident. "By accident?" I hear you say. "How can something like that be accidental?" It's simple actually. It all stems from that old adage: "be careful what you wish for" and for Gary Jones, no truer words were e'er spake... +++++ Gary and his girlfriend Valerie or Val as she preferred, were classic 'couch potatoes'; their evenings mapped out by TV programmes. Admittedly, Gary had things he liked as did Val and whilst their...

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Rock Star Makeover

Rock Star Makeover "You can't be serious!" "Why not enter the contest?" "Well, duh, it's for girls?" "Doesn't say that anywhere. Says you have to be 15 or older, that's it." "Come on! I know you like Cathy Mason, and that the contest winner gets a meeting with her, as well as a trip to Hollywood for the winner, their parents and a friend. But it also includes a new wardrobe, as well as a 'makeover'. You know, like makeup and stuff?" He just grinned at me. "He" was...

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Makeover Roleplay

Makeover Roleplay By Deborah Lewis-Smith Synopsis: A recently divorced man decided to try a makeover service advertising 'role-play'. He gets a little more than he expected and has to rethink his own sexuality. ------------------------------------------------------------ I sat in the car, my knees shaking as I turned the key, killing the engine. I'd arrived twenty minutes early, and now sat in my quiet car, trying to get my heart to slow it's rapid beat. My legs felt odd and...

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The Makeover

Note: In this story one of the characters has a lisp. I have indicated their pronunciation by simply substituting 'th' for 's' and a soft 'c' and sometimes 'w' for 'r' (where the 'r' might usually be rolled e.g. 'breast' would be 'bweatht' but 'her' would stay 'her'), in both cases the rest of the correct spelling of the word stays the same. I'm aware that it makes difficult reading, especially for those for whom English isn't a first language, but I can't think of any other way of...

2 years ago
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I Started II The Makeover

Chapter-2 Janet's Makeover. I Started Getting real nervous when Kathy came in the bathroom with me. I said, "I've seen my mommy on the toilet many times and I really don't need your help." Kathy wasn't paying any attention to me as she pulled down her bikini and sat on the toilet. When she started peeing, I was surprised the amount of splashing noise she was making. I thought boys made all the noise while the girls were the silent ones. Kathy said, "Girls have to...

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The Makeover Massage

The Makeover Massage Inspired by Mike Allegretto K.Moore "Oh man, that feels so good!" he said as the pretty but strong-fingered masseuse dug into his tired muscles. Between his grunts of satisfaction and bliss, he reflected back on just how hard it had been to drag him here. His girlfriend, Amy, had been imploring him for weeks to go to the new "Everything" salon that had opened to rave reviews...

4 years ago
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Bryan Gets a Makeover

This story is the sequel to ‘Crystal Gets a Makeover’, but is free standing. Please don’t forget to provide feedback good or bad and score, fives are appreciated. ***** It was late when Bryan Ryan finally crawled into bed next to his already sleeping wife of five years. She was snoring lightly and as he slid under the covers, her breathing pattern didn’t change. He had spent another late night playing ‘Call to Duty’ instead of coming to bed early to talk. ‘Why did women always want to talk?...

2 years ago
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The Makeover

The Makeover by Laura Brooks Part One I couldn't imagine a more delightful way to spend a Tuesday afternoon. Outside, it was a cold, dreary late November day. The sun woke up in the morning and then decided not to bother, leaving a gray pallor over just everything. And while it wasn't raining or snowing, those clouds certainly wanted to do something and the air was just as damp as if it were raining. Inside, though, I was curled up on my couch, my stockinged feet...

1 year ago
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Makeover by Selena Pride I had been watching him for years, studying his strengths and weaknesses, making my plans, waiting my moment. He wasn't ideal -- too big, verging on fat, with all the inborn grace of a ruptured hippo -- but he was all I had to work with. And at least he was pliable. I'd already had some success in planting suggestions in his mind. I'd made him grow his hair, to the despair of his elderly parents: the beard had been his idea, and he'd resisted my efforts to...

2 years ago
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Romantic Makeover With My Girlfriend

Hi to everyone this is my first story in ISS… I don’t want to waste much time let me come to the story.. My name is Shiva and my girlfriend name Aarthi.. We both love each other for past two years this incident happened last month let me describe my girl she is little short to me but bubbly her boob size is 38 which is really sexy and her ass will be like a half cutted apple over all appearance will be 38-32-36 and about me i’m around 6feet tall and slim and my dick will be 6″ Let me come to...

2 years ago
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Limitless Wishes Beauty in the Bathroom and The Great Makeover

[General Note:] This story is X-rated for a reason. The sequel to chapters 3+4, it starts in an alternate universe with a morality that in comparison to ours is... outlandish. It changes further. No gross things like torture or rape though. ==== Chapter Five: Beauty in the Bathroom ===== I followed my best friend Phill into the boys' room. My first impression was that the tiled floor was too cold. I was barefoot, but I couldn't really stand my heels. It was either the cold floor...

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The Steubens Day Makeover

The Steuben's Day Makeover Belladonna "Why can't I get changed?" Steve whined. "You made a bet," his father retorted. "But that guy was hitting on me!" "Heavy girls need love too," his sister responded with a laugh that was soon joined by her mother and father. "This is sickening." "Steve, would you stop whining. This is your own fault," his mother lectured from the front seat. The frown remained on Steve's face as he burrowed his chin into the bust that was...

3 years ago
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The Writers Makeover

THE WRITER'S MAKEOVER by Throne "Please, you don't understand." The man strapped into the make-up chair was short and slender. All he had on was panties and a ruffled band around is chest that covered his nipples and the next few inches below them. "I do write those stories but I never wanted to really.... to actually..." "Never you mind that, honey," said the woman who was looking over a selection of cosmetics. She was Black and wore her hair natural, like an Afro, but very...

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Her Boyfriends Makeover

Her Boyfriend's Makeover by Throne When Callista started dating Rob, she noticed how shy and easily manipulated he was. Until then she'd always been with outgoing and self-confident guys. His weaknesses ignited a flame of devilish desire in her. She began to intentionally push his limits, control him, and remake their sex life. From allowing him intercourse she switched to just giving him hand-jobs. Then she started him on providing her with oral sex. He didn't like eating her...

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Makeover Gone GoodReal Good

Here is another story that I have decided to write. If anyone has any suggestions that I should write about, please feel free to send them to me and I will make sure to mention you as a way of saying thank you. Enjoy!! Talk about getting picked on all of the time. That is how Jamie Willis felt every day that he went to school. Jamie was an average guy who was not bad looking at all, his crystal blue eyes made him stand out but he was more wrapped up in his studies and playing Halo 2 online than...

Straight Sex
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Extreme MakeoverChapter 3

Work was going to have to take a back seat at least for a while, or until this all got sorted out anyway. If the trouble that Val had been experiencing was any indication, work was likely to be even worse. She phoned up and asked to speak to the floor manager. "It's Angie." she said, waiting to hear a "who?" on the other end of the line, but instead, she heard a muffled "oh shit, not her too..." "Don't tell me you've got it too?" The idea that many of the folk at work had been...

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Aimees Makeovers 3

Aimee's Makeovers Part Three By Jena Corso As we arrived at the spa, we were greeted by the flamboyant host, Claude. "Aimee, it's been too long, girlfriend." Claude smiled and looked at his appointment book. "I'm so glad you are back, and I see you are going to spend a nice day with us." "Thank you, Claude," said Aimee, kissing him on the cheek. "I know it's been too long. I've been so busy and trust me, I really could use a little pampering." "Of course dear, you deserve...

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My Sisters SlaveChapter 5 strip proposal makeover and ownership

By the time I got home it was very late and I had school the next day. So I undress and went to bed. A couple days later Rose call Kara and wanted another date with me. Kara and Rose talked for a long time, I know because I was between kara’s legs eating her out as they talked to each other. I could only hear my sister’s side of the Conversation, I heard Kara say; “how much? No that’s not enough, how about 10,000 dollars, you’ll do that! Let me think about it, but I want her to have my ......

1 year ago
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 8 The Makeover

“Where’s Debbie?” Brett asked Stephanie as she strode purposefully down the stairs. “Amber’s taken her to get her hair and makeup done for her big photo shoot,” Stephanie calmly informed him as she wrapped her arm around him and pulled him close to whisper in his ear. “I want to talk with you for a moment about tonight. Look, you have really hurt your beautiful wife over the past few days. Despite all that you have done to her she still wants to do something special for you for your...

2 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 35 Seeing to Biancas Welfare and Louises Makeover

"What are y'all doin' tonight?" Draper asked Nate. "I'm gonna go see Mama after school, but no big plans after that. Probably be a good idea to take Nora somewhere," Nate muttered. "Probly, bein' it's Friday night. Wanna double? Last weekend was a kick..." "Sounds good. I'll talk to Nora," Nate agreed. "Cool. If 'Nisha gets grabby an' goes diggin' in my fly, won't be no uproar if we're with y'all," Draper chuckled. "You make it sound like you're sufferin'..."...

4 years ago
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Extreme MakeoverChapter 2

"YOU DID WHAT?" asked Don, the head fairy Godfather through gritted teeth as Cedric and Stephen stood before him like two schoolboys before the headmaster. "What were you doing casting spells alone?" "Well, he wished." said Cedric, shrugging, his fake fairy wings fluttering gently as he did so. "It was a mistake, sir." said Stephen quickly stamping on Cedric's foot, who suppressed a squeal. "I should have been there." "It's a bit more than a simple mistake don't you think?"...

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Wife Customized by Black Lover and BossChapter 5 The makeover

After a month I got a call from her, “The surgery was done and I am almost healed. I have to wait one more month to suck a cock. It is extremely painful, but now I am happy that I did it.” “Why don’t you come home for the period and that you can work for her boss after that.” “I am doing a workout to keep her body fit and hot, and I have gotten a physician. My boss is making some slight modifications to my body and it won’t affect my physical beauty, causing her to hope she will look...

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Aimees Makeovers

Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...

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Two Makeovers

Although I particularly like comments on how wonderful my writing is, I can accept constructive criticism as well. If you want to tell me how great I am, make suggestions for story ideas, or just BS about something contact me at: [email protected] Two Makeovers by Amy Brett I found that I really didn't know what to do. The situation was so totally alien. I had spoken softly to Barbara for a scant moment after she had admitted me to the basement room of the...

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Aimees Makeovers 2

Aimee's Makeovers Part Two By Jena Corso Edited By Waking up the next morning in each others arms was fantastic. "Did you have a good night's sleep, honey?" Aimee said as she kissed his cheek. "Is it morning already? Damn I'm exhausted, but yes it was a lot of fun" Said Tony. "Why are we getting up so early?" "I want to squeeze in everything I can with you this weekend," she said as she rubbed his back gently. "I know you have some things you wanted to do, and so did I,...

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Aimees Makeovers 4

Aimee's Makeovers Part Four By Jena Corso As the waiter returned to our table Aimee ordered for both of us. "We'll have a bottle of your finest red wine and two house salads for starters. For his entree I'll have the porterhouse steak - very rare please and his friend will have petite fillet - children's portion please - well done - she's on a bit of a diet," said Aimee forcefully. "Thank you." "Wow, I'm on a diet too!" "Damn right you are!" said Aimee smiling. "Pretty ladies...

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Aimees Makeovers 6

Aimee's Makeovers Part six By Jena Corso Shawn took Tony's hand and they entered a crowded sports bar. Shawn immediately knew many people; high fiving them as she worked her way through the crowd and over to an open elevated small table with two stools where they sat down. As the waitress came over, she ordered them two beers as they relaxed and watched a few games on different screens around the bar. "See, isn't this better than going to the mall or something that Aimee would...

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Aimees Makeovers 7

Aimee's Makeovers Part Seven By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Tony walked out with a long beige overcoat over his outfit and stepped into the car as Melissa greeted him. "So how was the lesson, sweetie?" Melissa asked him. "Why did I need a dance lesson?" Tony answered. "Did Aimee know about that?" "No, I thought we'd surprise her. It was my idea," said Melissa. "She'll be pleasantly surprised though, I bet." "So what am I supposed to do?" whined Tony. "Dance for her?...

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Aimees Makeovers 8

Aimee's Makeovers Part Eight By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers Tony went into the ladies room with Marcy and stood there watching her as she freshened up her makeup. He opened his purse and glossed up his lips, not knowing what else to do, as he was mentally exhausted. "This will be fun, girl!" Marcy said as she closed her purse and grabbed his arm. "Come on, lets get blitzed." Tony walked out into happy hour and was greeted by Jose and Adrianna. They began by buying...

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Aimees Makeovers 9

Aimee's Makeovers Part Nine By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers They exited arm and arm, walking outside and jumping into the waiting car with Melissa and Shawn. "So, congratulations you two love birds," said Melissa, hugging Aimee. "Thank you so much," said Aimee, with her hands all over Tony. "Thank you for making this trip possible Melissa." "Oh please, stop. We were coming out here to party anyway, so what's a few more passengers?," said Melissa, smiling as she...

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