Nathalies New Order Chapter Four free porn video

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My life was in turmoil, with my wife seemingly in control. She had unearthed my desires and now I appeared to be totally at her mercy. After Stephanie left I had a chance to reassess what I was going to do. Thinking about it I laughed, 'I was getting my fantasies fulfilled.' Sex with Stephanie was everything I had ever dreamed about and Mia, god she was insatiable. My desires to dress and be Nathalie were being supported. Mia surprised me in this by being supportive and encouraging so what did I have to complain about? Well what hurt was Mia's growing contempt towards me, since she found out about my desire to be Nathalie her attitude towards me changed. Now she treated me with utter contempt, Name calling, ugly terms like sissy, and she expected me to be her bloody slave, and that hurt. The only reason she supported Nathalie's development was for her own manipulations. She hadn't returned from her rendezvous with Terry her lover and when I looked at the clock it was after midnight, I wondered whether she was going to even bother coming home. Maybe it would be better if she didn't. I showered stripping off the last remnants of Nathalie in preparation for work the next day. I was in bed and sleep was about to overtake me when Mia walked in. Without showering she undressed quickly sliding into bed beside me and snuggling up tight. When she realised I had stripped away Nathalie she moaned. "You are a naughty little girl Nathalie, where is your makeup and your nightie?" "I'm too tired for this Mia, I am going to sleep." Sighing deeply she giggled. "Yeah me to, but tomorrow I may have to spank you." I got up early but Mia lay in bed, it had obviously been a hard night. I left her sleeping and headed off to work. Work was difficult trying to remain focused and put together something of value was hard. All I could think about was, well everything, Stephanie and Brooke, god that had been amazing, but the burning issue was Mia and what to do. The last thing I wanted was to live with her while she was off shagging her boyfriend. I know it sounds hypocritical and I had no right to complain but it hurt that she chose him over me. When I got home that night Mia was waiting at the door, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Hurry up and get dressed, we're going out for dinner." "No not tonight Mia, it's been a long day and I just want to relax with a nice glass of wine." "Oh don't be such an old stick in the mud, you can relax when we get home, tonight we shall let somebody else pamper us." Closing my eyes tightly I sighed. "No not tonight, if you don't feel like cooking then we can order in." Her arms slithered around my neck embracing me in a cloud of Chanel number 5. "No I want to go out, come along darling you can relax later I have already made the reservations." "Fine have it your way, I won't get any peace until I say yes will I?" Giggling huskily she murmured, "No you won't, now go and get ready. It's time Nathalie and I went out on a girl's night out." "What... No, that's not happening, it will take hours to get ready and I don't think I'm ready for that." "Rubbish darling Brooke thought you were lovely, it's time the world got to meet the luscious Nathalie, come along darling I'll help you get ready." There was no sense fighting her, she would have her way and I knew it. The flip side, the moment she mentioned Nathalie my cock started twitching uncontrollably at the thought of it. Upstairs she ripped my clothes off throwing them in a pile beside the bed. When she saw my cock twitching she grabbed it roughly tugging at with gay abandon. "Oh dear I think you like the idea of a girls night out don't you, you naughty little girl." She pushed me into the shower. "Now scrub everywhere and make sure that cute little derriere is nice and clean, inside and out." By the time I was finished she was waiting with a very sexy long sleeved silver sequined cocktail dress. It sparkled shimmering seductively in the light as she swung it around. God it looked so sexy, opulent. They polyester fabric was stretchy with a v neck that cut low at the front with a wide bodice that went wide to the shoulders. The hemline, oh my god, it was short. Mia handed it to me and as I played with it luxuriating in the sexy feel of the material sliding across my fingers she picked up a corset. "You are going to need this, to make that dress work, now let's get you into it." I carefully laid the dress on the bed as Mia walked around behind me and wrapped my waidst in the sexy corset. The moment she started to lace it in tight my cock sprang to attention poking out twitching and throbbing. I felt the air vacating my body as she laced it tight, then tighter. "Mia I can't breathe, loosen it off." "Oh shut up, don't be a sook." As she finally got it as tight as she could I felt it release a little and I was able to suck in some air and my heart rate slowed a little the panic subsiding. With the corset I didn't need a bra but the dress needed some weight in the chest to make it fit. Mia slid the tiny little padded silver bra into place. With my chest compressed and the bra I had just enough swell to fill the dress. Mia helped me wriggle my way into the figure hugging sequined sheath. Next were the cutest little ivory satin panties, they may have been small but they were at least strong, with a little pouch that my cock slid into. Mia adjusted the fit. "That should keep you under control." The tight panties felt like a tight fitting glove as they trapped my erection. "Sit on the bed." She commanded as I tried to get a glimpse of what it looked like. As I sat there putty in her hands she rolled stockings up my legs and if the sensation of the corset wasn't torture enough the stockings were the finishing touch. My cock was like a lump of coal stretching my little panties to bursting point. The finishing touch to the ensemble were a pair of open toed stilettos, the heels looked precipitously steep and I saw my life flash before my eyes as I wondered if I could wear them. Thankfully they had a dainty but strong strap for the ankles, I noted with interest that rather than buckle they were fastened with little padlocks, and after slipping them on my feet Mia dangled a little key on a golden necklace which she slipped over her neck. She held my hand as I stood. "God I could feel the muscles in my calves and hamstrings stretching beyond belief as I straightened and took my first steps. Mia clapped loudly as I moved trying to look less like an awkward duck and more like a seductive preying tiger. She led me to the dressing table where she helped me with my makeup. She worked quickly turning me from a wimpy little man in a dress into well maybe not a luxurious beauty but at least a passable woman, perhaps to the untrained eye even pretty. The crowning glory was the long blonde wig which framed my face with the long curly bangs shadowing my face mysteriously. With the wig in place I did feel like a sexy woman. As I paraded around the bedroom trying to get used to the heels Mia pulled on her own dress, a tiny little spaghetti strapped little black dress that was so short it showed off her sensational legs perfectly. She went braless as the dress was very low at the back, not that the front was any better. Sliding her feet into her black steepling Louboutin's she stood beside me. "There now don't we look like a couple of sexy chicks out for some fun?" Before I could answer there was a horn tooting out front. "Hurry up darling, that's the cab." She handed me a little silver clutch. "Don't forget your purse." I took out some cash from my wallet and my credit cards and phone. On the walk out to the cab I felt totally exposed and there seemed to be eyes everywhere watching as we sauntered out to the cab, the next-door neighbours who we were mildly acquainted with watched in shock as Mia opened the door and pushed me unceremoniously in. She refused to elaborate on the destination until we pulled up outside the Kingsgate in the middle of town. Of course I had to pay the cabbie who ogled me lecherously, he handed me a card. "Call me when you want to go home." Inside we were escorted to our table and I noted that it was made up for three. The waiter brough us drinks as we sat, Mia staring at me with wanton intent. "So why is the table made for three?" I asked. She snickered. "Well I wanted you to meet Terry my lover and seeing as how you were so adamant that he wasn't allowed at home I thought this might be nice." I felt the blood drain from my face. "You sneaky bitch, you conniving manipulative bitch." She laughed. "Oh please, we are going to have a nice meal, and you get to meet Terry, I think you will like him, he is very charming and oh so handsome." Before I could do or even say anything a very tall incredibly well dressed man strolled easily to our table. He was as Mia said very handsome, a chiselled jaw which looked like it was cut from granite, dark mysterious eyes that seemed to reflect light. As he approached the table he leaned down kissing Mia forcefully as she turned her head up accepting the kiss. He turned to me. "So you are the delectable Nathalie... Mia told me all about you." He picked up my hand and kissed it, his lips loitering wetly with intent, his three day stubble rubbing roughly on my skin. He sat between us and ordered a whisky. "So how has your day been Mia?" He asked focusing all his attention on her. She shrugged. "Oh you know, the usual, nothing really interesting." Turning to me he asked, "And you my sweet... what about you, has your day been interesting?" I felt trapped and I wasn't going to be able to escape without causing a scene but words just wouldn't form, I was speechless. His knowing smile broadened. "So Mia tells me that you know about us, our little affair?" I nodded as I glared at Mia who giggled, "Oh yes darling he knows all about it, I told him what a fabulous lover you are and his little cock gets all angry and excited doesn't it Nathalie?" I wanted to scream, curse her, slap her but nothing, I sat there like I was cast in bronze. "Nathalie is that true? Do you like to hear about me fucking your wife? Does it really excite you?" Just then the waiter arrived to take our orders. The wine waiter came over and topped up our glasses and brought Terry another whisky. As they left Terry turned back to me. "Well my sweet, is that true? Do you like to hear about Mia's sexy lips sucking my cock, licking my balls, getting it hard so I can fuck her?" I gulped down my glass of wine my face burning with embarrassment. Terry waved for the waiter to fill my glass and ordering a bottle be brought to the table. "Come along my love, at some point you will have to speak, tell me does the thought of her womb swelling with my sperm excite you? You know she is playing with my cock now under the table, squeezing it, stroking it." Mia giggled. "He is getting very hard baby, his nice big manly cock, why don't you have a feel, go on, give it a squeeze, you never know you might like it." My eyes were fastened on his, trying to read what he was thinking, what this was all about. Did they just want to humiliate me in public? Or was this something deeper? Because I was focused on his eyes I didn't see his hand move, but I jumped when I felt him clutch my wrist. Before I could register what was happening he dragged my hand under the table placing it in his lap and sure enough Mia's hand was already there stroking a very large erection. Her hand glided up and down the length which was obviously untethered by underwear. "Go on baby give it a stroke." Mia cooed, just have a little feel." I tried to withdraw my hand but she moved her hand trapping mine making it impossible to snatch it away without being obvious. I was nervous enough as it was. She squeezed my hand closing it around the throbbing shaft of Terry's very large cock. She moved it, sliding it along the length, I could feel the girth, its fat chubby flesh moving, throbbing, pulsating. "Oh yeah that's good, that's very good." He moaned softly. Mia chuckled softly. "See what I mean baby, now that's a real man's cock, not like Stephie's little thing, this is real." I tried again to pull my hand away but she grabbed me. "No baby, don't fight it, you know this is what you want, this is what you need, feel it, it's not even hard yet." The evil leering glare told me she was telling the truth. "Imagine what it's going to feel like in your mouth, I love sucking him, the taste is divine, you'll love it, trust me." That was all I could take, I snatched my hand away hissing, "You are such a bitch." She snarled back under her breath, "Maybe, but I know what I like, I like my men big and strong, so hard I couldn't break it if I tried." The food arrived and Mia made no attempt to hide the fact she was still playing with him under the table. She pushed her food around using just the fork. I focused on my food which was lovely. Terry and Mia chatted idly ignoring my presence until we were finishing up when he asked, "So are we going back to your place?" Mia nodded. "Yes please, I can't wait much longer to get you into bed." That was the straw that broke the camel's back. "Like hell." I hissed. They both stared at me, but it was Mia who laughed. "Oh yes we are my little sissy bitch, we are going to finally christen our bed." "Like hell you are, I'll burn the damn place to the ground before I let you defile it." She chuckled. "No you won't you will be too busy wanking listening to me get a real fucking." "You can die in the flames you nasty bitch, the pair of you can die for all I care." It was Terry who intervened. "Mia I think perhaps for the moment we should go back to my pad. Nathalie is obviously not ready for this." He smiled but Mia had a nasty derisive smirk on her face. "Oh very well, is that what you want Nathalie, are you going to deny me the comfort of my own bed?" "What I want is a divorce." I snarled, I want free of your manipulative manoeuvrings." Terry could see the determined look on my face even if Mia couldn't. "I think we should get going, I think you've had enough for tonight haven't you Nathalie." Staring him unflinchingly in the eye I muttered, "I've had enough full stop." Mia snarled, "You are spoiling what was supposed to be a wonderful evening you are being very selfish Nathalie." "Ha!" I spat. "Me selfish...Look in the bloody mirror Mia." "After all the trouble I went to getting you ready, this is how you repay me?" She glared at me and ordered, "Just go and pay the damned bill and we will leave." Terry interrupted curtly, "Mia when I take beautiful women out I don't expect them to pay. I'll get the bill." As we walked out he paid for the meal as we walked out. On the footpath Mia grabbed my arm spinning me around. "David, don't be a bitch. I wanted you to meet Terry and he really wanted to meet you. The moment he saw your photos he wanted to meet you." "You tricked me tonight Mia, if you told me what this was all about I wouldn't have come." "I know that you idiot, that's why I said nothing." Tarry arrived before I could reply, I certainly didn't feel like having a barney out here on the street. He stood between us. "Wait here ladies and I will get my car." As he walked away I pulled out the card the cabbie had given me and extracted my phone to call him. "What are you doing now?" Mia asked. "Calling a bloody cab so I can get home." She batted away my hand, don't be ridiculous, Terry can take us home." "I thought you were going with him?" "Well I might if you are going to be a bitch, but no I was going home with you. David this was for you as much as me, I see a curiosity in you. Wouldn't you like to feel what it's like to be a woman, not just with a sissy like Steph but a real man." "Mia this thing is moving too fast for me, I don't know what I feel. All I know is I will not be humiliated like that." She giggled. "I thought that's what you sissies liked? Stephie seems to enjoy it." "Well I don't." Terry arrived and Mia jumped in the front of his fairly new Jaguar. I climbed in the back. I couldn't help feeling a little envious, this was a very nice car. As he pulled out into the traffic Mia started kissing him and they were soon locked in a passionate embrace. I cried out, "For the love of god, keep your eyes on the bloody road will you." Mia turned laughing. "Getting jealous are you?" I sulked with my arms folded tightly angry at her tormenting. As we turned onto the main road she gave me a smirk and she crawled over her head disappearing into his lap. The car was soon filled with the slurping sounds of somebody getting a blowjob. I found the controls on the back of the seat in front of me and turned up the back volume of the stereo to mask the sounds. I reclined back listening to the soothing sounds of Passenger. As we neared home Mia popped up with a smirk she whispered, "Still jealous are you darling?" As the car pulled up to the curb I quickly jumped out and was about to make a run for it when Terry appeared beside me. "What...Aren't I getting a goodnight kiss?" His request caught me by surprised as Mia clambered out of the car. I offered my hand for a handshake but he smiled closing the distance between us. "I think we are past a handshake don't you? You just watched your wife giving me a blowjob, surely we can kiss goodnight?" He leaned forward his lips closing quickly. I stepped back trying to avoid him but he beat me to it his arm circling my head pulling me into an embrace his rough stubbly chin rubbing scratchily on my cheek. His forceful grip pulled me excruciatingly close his breath smelling strongly of whisky his lips parted and his kiss overpowered me. I stumbled forward pulled by his powerful grip. My hands rested on his shoulders as I tried to steady myself but his tongue, slithered into my mouth pushing past my tongue to slide sensuously around like he was cleaning my teeth. It was the strangest sensation, his rough stubble scratching almost painfully, his probing tongue and the feel of his suit rubbing. He was strong so very strong and I admit I gave in to the kiss collapsing against his chest, my arms sliding up over his shoulders, his on the other hand slid down to cup my bum cheeks crushing my crotch against him and his raging erection pushed against my own. Yes I was getting a hard on I could feel it building from deep inside my guts, light deadness made me swoon and fall even further under his powerful grasp. He must have felt it as he ground against me thrusting his cock hard against me, his clutching hands digging in painfully squeezing and massaging my arse cheeks. As he pulled his lips from mine I felt him sucking wildly on my neck biting and nuzzling. All I could do was breathe. "Oh fuck." I felt his finger probing at my arsehole pushing firmly through the flimsy fabric of my dress, saved mostly by the tiny panties. He picked me up with my arms clasped tightly around his neck pushing me hard against the side of his car grinding harder and harder into my crotch his monster cock pushing and prodding. He finally let me go stepping back smoothly. "Thank you my dear." He walked over to Mia and they fell into a deep kiss and I watched on with wobbly knees. As they parted I built up enough strength to walk towards the door, ignoring whether Mia was staying or going. As I slipped the key into the lock I felt Mia slide up against my back, her arms wrapping around my waist. "Baby, let's put aside the ego, ask Terry to come inside." There was a pleading tone in her voice, the first time I had heard that for a long time. "What so I can listen two you making love?" "No darling so we can all make love, don't you want to find out what that beautiful cock tastes like?" Weirdly my cock gave a strong throb hearing her words, "Come on darling." She whispered; don't miss out on what could have been the greatest sexual experience of your life." She stunned me with her words, my emotions were a swirling pool of boiling conflict. She was right the kiss had been incredible and I was overcome with how I reacted to it. As I opened the door I gestured towards him to come in. Mia giggled. "I knew it you dirty little bitch." As he walked in he picked up my hand and pulled me in as the door closed behind us. Mia grabbed him and pulled him into the front room. "Nathalie get us some drinks babe, Terry will have a whiskey, we can have wine." Once again I had been allocated the role of servant and it riled me. It did however give me a chance to be alone and gather my senses, was this what I wanted? As I thought about the kiss my erection returned, twitching and pulsing, yes it did excite me and yes I was attracted to him in a basic animalistic way. As I carried the drinks into the front room they were already hard at it. Mia sat astride him in a passionate kiss. I set the drinks down on the coffee table and sat watching as they snogged like drunken lovers. It was some time before they separated and Terry grinned. "Well don't just sit there, I want a kiss." I leaned in tentatively, slowly, hesitantly but he wouldn't have it he grabbed me pulling me into a deep kiss. His tongue ravaged my mouth, sliding wickedly around like a swirling dervisher, his rough facial hair rubbing coarsely across my smooth face, his rough hands on my neck. As I fell onto his chest my arms automatically curled around his neck and I held on cherishing every second. God he was so strong, I could feel it in his hands. I felt Mia's hands working behind me and realised she was playing with his cock, probably trying to get it out, but with me pressed between them she didn't have room. Terry pushed me away a little before speaking in a very commanding voice. "Well are you going to help her?" I knew what he meant, but still I felt unsure, uneasy. I sat back on my knees allowing Mia better access, but Terry put his hand down covering hers. "No let Nathalie do it." He turned to me, his hand caressing my neck and shoulders. "If you want it, take it out." I couldn't believe it but his words drove me, I reached forward and helped loosen his buckle and pull down his zipper. This was the moment of truth and I hesitated. "Go on." He commanded, do it, get it out." Swallowing a lump in my throat I reached down and found him hard and erect, throbbing, Jesus I needed both hands to work it out into the open. Oh my god he was huge, so much bigger than me, my fingers wouldn't close around the shaft. I sat back on my knees admiring it as my hand slid up and down his velvety shat. So soft, yet so hard. As I stroked him he pulled me back into our kiss and he probed and prodded with his tongue, all the while my hand slid up and down his monster. Mia reached up and ripped my wig off, running her hands through my hair as she tangled her hands in it pushing me harder into the kiss. I felt faint and had to pull away from the kiss to get some air, to regather my senses. As we separated he laughed. "So do you like it? Do you want it?" I stared down at his angry monster, my hands still stroking him gently. God yes I did want it, I wanted it more than anything I had ever wanted but words wouldn't form, I couldn't speak. It was he who spoke, "Well don't make me wait, do you want it?" I nodded whispering breathlessly, "Yes." He smiled. "Then give it a little kiss. Show me." I leaned down with Mia's hands still knotted in my hair and kissed the knob, my tongue prodding his urethra. He pulled me back up by the hair. "So do you want to taste it, feel it in your mouth?" Again I nodded. "Yes." "Do you want to suck it?" Again I replied, "Yes." Snickering softly he said, "Then say it, tell me what you want." "I want to suck it." I whimpered. Mia took control pushing my head down into his lap, his hard cock prodding at my lips. "Go on, open up and suck it." He moaned, "Go on babe suck it." I opened my mouth letting it slide in, but it was so big I could only get a little in. I swirled my tongue around it pushing the foreskin back and forth exposing the slimy knob. "Oh fuck yes that's good, suck it babe suck it deep." I did, my head bobbing up and down driven by Mia's hands pushing me down trying to force more and more into my mouth. His pubic hair was a mass of wet gooey saliva as I choked on his massive member. As I got into a rhythm he pulled me back up to kiss me. "Fuck you suck cock like you were born for it, do you want my sperm?" Enjoying the kiss I nodded. "Then tell me, I want to hear it, tell me you want my sperm." "I want your cum." I moaned into his mouth. "No." He cried, it is sperm, say it properly." The power in his words made me quiver. "I want your sperm." "Where? Where do you want it?" "In my mouth, I want you to cum in my mouth, I want to taste it, feel it, I want it." He pushed me down on his cock until it was forcing its way roughly into my throat, pushing on my hair shoving me down deeper and deeper. Mia took over raising and lowering my head forcing his massive cock into my aching mouth. The sheer size of it made it so hard but I tried, god I tried swallowing him like it was everything and as I found a smooth rhythm Mia pushed harder and I felt the giant head force into my throat. Gagging and coughing I sucked in as much air as I could before I felt it. His hips thrusting up powerfully his fingers knotting tighter in my hair and his balls swelling and boom... He exploded in my mouth. Not a gentle oozing release a giant Vesuvius like explosion of thick gooey cum blasting right into my throat, covering my mouth in the sticky salty brine. Mia lifted me off him and covered my lips with hers, licking and sucking on my tongue trying to get any remnants from his explosion. As the kiss subsided he pushed my head back onto his cock. I was kneeling on the sofa beside him, my head going up and down his giant shaft when I felt his hand slide down up under my dress and down into my panties. He quickly found what he was after, my arsehole and it took less than a second before it slid up into me. His finger disappearing easily into my puckered bum hole. Thank god I had heeded Mia's advice and used lots of lube. My mouth full of his pulsating throbbing cock my arse was now full of his finger as he shoved it roughly in and out adding another as he worked it. Mia who had been kissing him joined me on his cock and we shared going from mouth to mouth, licking sucking savouring the taste and feel. My panties were gone, ripped off me like paper, his fingers fucking me wildly. "Ah fuck I want that arse, I am going to fuck that cute little arse." He stood up pushing Mia onto the floor, picked me up and rolled me onto my back pushing my legs up against my chest. Before I could complain he was on me, between my legs, his hard throbbing cock prodding my arse. "Put it in bitch, if you want it you do it." I reached down by my arse, grabbed his giant fleshy monster and aimed it at my arse. Jesus I knew it was going to hurt the fucking thing was enormous but I wanted it. Some base instinct drove me, I wanted that monster inside me. I held it tight as it slid inside. Oh fuck it did hurt, god it was huge. I closed my eyes and bit his shoulder as it drove up inside me. Then it was in, all the way inside, his coarse hairy bollocks hard against my arse. "Like that do you bitch? Do you like my cock inside you?" I had to stop biting him to speak. "Yes, god yes." He pulled out slower than he went in, then he built up that time honoured rhythm fucking me. Slowly at first but then with a more vigorous thump. His mouth closed over mine and I sucked his tongue as I heard and felt the slapping slamming flesh colliding wetly. He fucked me, pounding me down onto the sofa, his cock splitting me in two. Oh god such sweet agony. It hurt, it was painful but the feelings were so arousing. I pushed back as hard as I could with my legs trapped pinned against my chest, his giant balls slapping on my arse. My own cock was trapped between us and his shirt tails tangled around it with each thrust it was roughly caressed by the cotton and his flesh. It was then I realised I was going to cum, fuck I was so close. I pushed back as hard and fast as I could my fingers digging into his neck. He was close as well I could feel it in his now ferocious pace he was no longer fucking me he was pounding me. My arms flailed, I scratched and grabbed at him as my orgasm sprayed up between our bodies covering my dress and his shirt. It was an orgasm like I had never felt in my life it was so powerful so all encompassing. I started to open my eyes and I stared up into his tightly screwed up face and he came again filling my arse with his sperm, exploding deep inside me. Afterwards as he pulled out I felt his goo seeping out of what must have been my gaping arse. He stood up and Mia rose beside him and they shared a deep kiss as I lay with cum oozing out all over the sofa. "Let's finish this in bed shall we." Mia stated. She reached down and pulled me up. "Come on you little slut, let's get you to bed. In the bedroom the clothes were quickly dispensed with and Mia and Terry fell onto the bed in a passionate embrace. I sat and watched, he had a magnificent body, toned and muscular. Mia turned back to me. "My turn now, suck him and get it ready for my pussy." I was a little hesitant, the thing had been up my arse but she tugged me by the hair until my mouth was again full of his cock. Jesus how did he stay so hard, it was like he had a permanent erection. The taste was a little earthy but not awful, I slowly worked it until he pushed me out of the way and climbed between her legs and this time it was slow and gentle. It took him a long time to build up the pace. Mia on the other hand was frantic, bucking vigorously beneath him, her legs coiled around him, her heels banging on his arse driving him harder, faster. "Fuck me you bastard fuck me hard." God knows how many orgasms she had, I lost count but he fucked her until I watched as he filled her womb with sperm, hot gooey cum and as I looked into her eyes I saw a deep sated gratification I had never seen before. As they lay together Mia giggled. "Go on you little cock sucker, clean him up, lick all that cum off his cock." The swelling arousal had passed but I did as she asked and slowly licked and sucked him until it was clean. Jesus you are a little faggot, sucking cock like some dirty little slut." She grabbed my hair twisting my face to peer into my eyes. "Yes that's what you are a fucking faggot, a limp dicked little faggot, a cock sucking sissy." She pulled me into a kiss before climbing on top of me and pushing me onto my back and pushing her cum filled cunt onto my face. "Go on you little sissy suck his cum out, lick me clean as well." I felt totally humiliated by her scathing snarling words. I hurt and the fact she was squeezing his cum out of her gaping hole and I was forced to lap it up to try and stay alive that rubbed salt into the wound. She finally had her orgasm and we feel asleep huddled together in a sweaty steaming mass. My mind was a mess. The sex had been amazing but her words bit to the quick and I wondered, was that what she really thought? The morning brought me awake with a slow burn, the bed rocked wildly as Terry pounded Mia their bodies wrapped together like mating cobras, her voice screaming wildly as the bed bounced on the floor. Jesus my cock ached watching her was so brutal. When they were finished he flopped on the bed beside me his breathing ragged. I got up on my knees and offered my cock to his mouth hoping for at least a blow job but he recoiled slapping my cock with a vicious swipe. "What the fuck are you doing you fucking freak? I'm not fucking gay like you, you queer little faggot." Mia burst out laughing as I sat there ashamed and embarrassed. "You idiot, Terry isn't gay, that's your job." I quickly retreated into the bathroom and tears flowed as I tried to come to grips with what happened. I showered quickly looking for escape. When I emerged back in the bedroom to pick up my clothes they were again in the throes of passion. Mia called out, "Come on babe, come and help me with this monster." I was dressing for work and Terry laughed. "Yeah come on gay boy." I finished dressing and virtually ran out the door escaping on the bus to work. All day I struggled to come to terms with what happened. Last night I thought we were all enjoying a wonderful sexual experience when in fact all he wanted was to humiliate me, treat me like some sex starved slave. I suppose I was my own worst enemy having fallen so easily. As the day progressed the embarrassment grew to such a level it switched a light on in my head. OK I may be bisexual, but I refused to be treated like some second class citizen and Mia's attitude infuriated me to such an extent I made a life changing decision there and then.

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Nathalies New World Chapter Two

The night was a restless one for me, Mia on the other hand seemed completely at ease and slept the sleep of a totally sated contented kitten, her little snores breathlessly echoing in my ear. As the grey light of dawn filtered in I was more agitated than when we went to bed. I lay there petrified, what to do, how to approach it. Mia did not even move, her arms and legs wrapped around me like a python squeezing the last life from a dying prey, but eventually she did move uncoiling...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Three

As I walked in Viv was sitting at the table looking confused and nervous. "Nath love what happened?" I sat down opposite her. "You know full well what happened Viv. You fucked Yves, right there in front of me. All this bullshit about lesbian fantasy and loving seeing me dressed up was all just a load of shite. All you wanted was an opportunity to fuck Yves guilt free. You are so transparent, you thought if you could get me involved I wouldn't complain, and you would be able to carry on...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Seven

We continued to beat them to every contract. They had been bitten so hard by that failure they became more cautious which just made it easier for me. It was so easy in fact that it started to take some of the gloss off it for me. Paul had reduced Yves input, obviously holding him responsible for the failure. So things progressed easily for us, Mike was more than delighted and showed his gratitude with ongoing pay increases and bonuses for me. At home things were going great...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Five

Viv and I were both up and ready for work before he even woke up and I was in the office and at work before he wandered in with his big pretentious smile spread across his face, looking like he didn't have a care in the world. As always he charmed everyone with his smooth manner. The day progressed along reasonably well. We had client meetings as we prepared to finalise. The one thing that I could say, lately at work at least Yves aside from the intimidation, had been promoting and...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter two

Chapter Two: My phone rang and rang but I ignored it trying to build up courage to answer, I knew it was going to be Viv. What the hell was I going to say? Fuck she had probably already talked to Yves, bloody hell my face was a bright burning red just thinking about it. Surely he wouldn't tell her, would he? God hopefully he wouldn't be that much of a prick. Why would he tell her anyway? Shit I couldn't clear my head, I had all these crazy thoughts zooming round and round. The phone...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Six

Viv called several times but I couldn't answer, she came to the house but I had to leave the doors locked. I just knew that if I let her in I would breakdown and fold as I always did, I just wanted some space and time to think. I needed to break the hold they had over me I needed separation. It was hard listening to her pound on the door, her sobs and cries really cut, but I needed to be strong for myself. It was a cold and wet day Monday morning but it was with a fresh purpose that...

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Nathalies Makeover Chapter Eight

With my recovery complete it was time to get back to work. I reopened the salon and things slowly returned to normal with an ever increasing number of clients. Viv lost it the first time she saw me. Carol had kept my secret even although it was eating her up inside to share, she bit her tongue. It was a couple of weeks before I felt confident enough to see her. Viv turned up at home bottle of wine in hand for a catch up. The moment she saw me I thought she was going to feint. She...

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Controlling SisterChapter 4 JP and Lavernersquos son Newtrsquos story

It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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Maid To Order Chapter Four

Maid to Order - Chapter Four By Michele Nylons While Michele slept Bill drove home very carefully aware that he was drunk and glad he didn't have far to drive. It took him three attempts to get his key in the front door lock but eventually he made it inside to find his wife snoring on the couch and the TV tuned to an all night shopping channel with the volume muted. Her skirt had ridden up exposing the dark bands at the top her tights and glimpse of black satin knickers. Ordinarily...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 5 City Streets

James found himself outside the police, station faster than he would have thought possible. They hadn't quite thrown him down the front steps but they hadn't been too polite about showing him out either. He had no more idea of why they had freed him than of why they had picked on him in the first place. That was one of the problems with being a solitary — you were easy pickings as far as the police, the benefit squads, the tax enforcers were concerned. Maybe they were planning to follow...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 2 The Work Ethic

He decided to walk in to work. It wasn't much of a decision; it was that or go without something to eat at lunch. Besides the men-only buses were getting fewer and further between. It was a grey morning. He hunched his shoulders up against the cut of the east wind as it sliced around the edge of the buildings. His coat was threadbare, he hadn't been able to afford a new one for a couple of years and it was the only one he had. There were a few other men, shuffling along as he was, this was...

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Nathalies Adventures 1 The Garage

This is the first story about Nathalie, a beautiful sissy who gets herself into all sorts of sc****s.Nathalie is shopping for clothes. In the changing room she tries on a very sexy mini dress and she shows off her fantastic tits as she tries it on. The tits cost a small fortune but were worth every penny. She looks at herself in the mirror. Her boyfriend will love this dress. She changed back into her skirt and blouse and took the dress to the till. "It fits perfectly" she said and the pretty...

2 years ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 3 On The OC

James didn't go straight back to the flat. The last thing he wanted was his landlady asking why he was there in the middle of the day. He managed to make a coffee last an hour at a stand up booth round the back of the bus station. He'd moved on when a black and white had pulled up, its crew looking for their morning break. He walked for another hour or more, staying off the main streets. Then he queued up with others — no doubt also newly work free as a result of the latest initiative - at...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 5 A New Order

The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 13 Camp Lima

The first sight that James got of the place was when they took him out of the van on the inside of the wire fence that ran around the facility. A white curved wall, may forty feet high with doors at regular intervals along its base hardly seemed like a prison or a police station but he didn't have too long to think about it as the police urged him out of the van. He found it difficult to climb down from the van; the shackles on his ankles made sure of that. Under the haranguing of his...

1 year ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 7 Opportunity Anniversary

The trouble with her job, thought Becky White, was that most of the staff didn't want to be there and most of the clients didn't either. Placing sponsorship opportunities had been interesting once upon a time. There had been more sponsors than clients and the sponsors had been keen to get the right placements. There had been bonuses for finding the right clients, they'd been paid well. Now though? Well, there were more clients than sponsors and the clients were there because they had run...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 05 A New Order

The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other animals, but there weren't many animals left on Stedman Farms. Very soon, there would be none at all. The metamorphosis of the estate was well underway and it was already serving a different purpose than raising animals and staple crops. Margaret heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They approached her from behind, work boots clomping on...

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Chapter 23 ndash Order of the Chalice

Chapter 23 – Order of the ChaliceShortly after my time with Jackie, Steve dropped by the shop late one morning. We talked as he purchased a few things for Jackie. It was lunch time by the time he completed his purchases. I got permission for Susan to go have lunch with Steve. We went to a café nearby, ordered cocktails and a light lunch. He gave me his overview of the formal dance weekend and I didn’t let on that I had already talked with his Jackie. “We had non-stop sex…don’t worry, I was...

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New World OrderChapter 3

Young Stacie Doyle was a virgin no longer... Fifteen minutes later, Mum Samantha and Daughter Stacie both watched as 18 year old Tammy Doyle's hymen met a similar fate. And then, twenty minutes later the two sisters got their first taste of the humiliating pain their mother was experiencing as their anal ravishment began. The pencil thin finger-like probes in their anuses were withdrawn slightly, fully inflated and then driven deep into the shrieking girl's tight bowels. They could...

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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 13 Stunning News for Mark

Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 6 Step By Step

It had been a bad day. James had been to the Opportunity Centre. There had been about twenty of them standing around in the big room where they handed out appointments. The two appointment windows that opened through the security screens remained closed. On the far side James could see half a dozen Opportunity Centre staff doing something. It wasn't terribly clear what it might be and they didn't seem to be in any hurry to open the appointment windows. James took the time to look at the...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 10 Service With A Smile

James struggled to sit up, trying to make sense of his situation. Across the room, silhouetted in the light of the doorway the women that had brought him here were talking to a thin, short man. He showed every conventional respect to the women; nodding and barely speaking as they made their points forcibly, gesticulating and using a commanding tone. "You will put this one with the others," the one that had snatched him said. "But my client, Mistress... "Whose client?" "Yours,...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 11 The Dangers of Resurgent Males

Constable Margery Dennis scowled at the mess in the room. The woman sobbing beside her was distraught; her house ransacked; the man she thought was hers, and locked in chastity to her, gone. It was a common enough occurrence, Margery knew. The woman had thought she could keep a man with only the most rudimentary security. Too often it ended like this. She looked at the cage he had been kept in. It should have been strong enough but it obviously hadn't been. He had burst out of it somehow,...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 12 Special Weapons Tactics

Florence Daniels, Minister for Home Affairs, sat waiting for the count down at the start of the programme. She was already sweating under the lights. With luck she'd get in her points this time. She could hear the voice of the producer in her ear piece. "Quiet studio, please. Three ... two ... one... , Roll credits, Ready on one. Coming to one. Cue Kirsty..." "Good evening and welcome," Florence's interviewer smiled. "In tonight's programme we will be looking at some of the latest...

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An Abridged History of the OrderChapter 2

The Schism As the Order grew with Christianity itself, the men who would come to oversee the warriors of God grew increasingly troubled. Though Jesus had invested Peter as the head of the Church in Rome, the patriarchs of the other sees grew contentious, seeking to steer stewardship away from the successors of Peter and to themselves. This trouble only increased with the decline of Rome and the ascension of Constantinople. The Patriarchs of Constantinople grew evermore independent, straining...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 5 A New Order

It was a lovely morning as the sun crested the horizon at Stedman Farms. Margaret Stedman looked out the main window of the kitchen as she sipped her morning coffee. It was late autumn, but it was still fairly warm out. This time of year it rarely dropped below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and even during the Texas winter, going below 60 was rare. The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other...

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Latex Futa Nuns From HellChapter 5 A New Order

It was a lovely morning as the sun crested the horizon at Stedman Farms. Margaret Stedman looked out the main window of the kitchen as she sipped her morning coffee. It was late autumn, but it was still fairly warm out. This time of year it rarely dropped below 70 degrees Fahrenheit and even during the Texas winter, going below 60 was rare. The recent rains had turned the farm grounds into a sticky, muddy mess. Normally that would create difficulty while working with horses and other...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

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Eternal Awakening Chapter Four

Just so everyone knows, I am posting 2 stories at a time, it takes about two days for it to go through the system. I am posting them the same day the two before it come out. That way I can verify there is no problem with each chapter. Now, on to chapter Four. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As always please rate and comment. This is part of a double post so if you...

2 years ago
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The Order of New America

This is a long story coming in installments. Although it has its graphic moments, description of sexual acts and torture, it has a full plot of its own and doesn’t run through it. If you’re offended by strong depictions of domination, slavery and torture I invite you to not read further. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I did in writing it.Elago [email protected]: a visit to RashbeltIn the small town of Rashbelt, the monotonous, quiet struggle for survival had been...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 60A The New Order

Irma was emotional on the way home, apologizing and berating herself. Only one exchange really bothered Mary... "Mary, is Stick... hung like his father?" "You saw it, didn't you?" "I was busy being outraged, I'm afraid. It wasn't a good idea at the time," Irma replied. "Well, he's a bit above average, but nothing like his father. I've seen white guys Stick's size." "How on Earth do you compare him and Teddy? The poor boy..." "Momma, Teddy is totally different -- that...

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Trouble and Strife Chapters Three and Four

Chapter Three The next morning, wearing a clean and dry pair of jockey shorts, Charlie headed into the office where he was met by knowing looks from Simon and a hug from Beatrice. Beatrice was three years older than Charlie with a plump figure and an open, welcoming smile that spread all the way into her eyes. In her own way she loved both of the men she worked with but she found neither of them attractive. Preferring to gaze at the parade of young women that walked passed the...

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Nathalies Sissy Christmas

Nathalie has always loved Christmas. Waking up with presents was always fun. Even though she was 19 now and she had her own flat and a promising career as model, actress and escort it was still a thrill. Best of all was visiting Father Christmas in his grotto. She was attracted to dirty old perverts and lots of Santas fitted this description. It was two weeks before Christmas so it was time to visit Santa. After a shower she put on black lace bra and panties. Her breasts were now 36c after a...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

1 year ago
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Dots and Dashes of ColorChapter 4 Borderline Behavior Across The Border

"Why does the phone always ring, just when we're sitting down to dinner?" I asked Harriett. Her all-day crock-pot stew was bad enough hot, but cruel and unusual punishment when lukewarm. Annie must have picked it up, because the ringing stopped. Given the silence, I figured it was one of her friends. To stop imagining any of them naked, I focused on the lumps of meat and veggies on my plate. Annie called from the hallway, "It's Mr. Cocksworth, from across the street." She giggled,...

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New Order of the AgesChapter 6

When Rachel was released from the hospital, to her surprise, she didn’t have to be taken to Dan’s house by the authorities. Dan went and collected her personally, though hospital regulations required her gown to be removed as soon as Dan signed her release papers. She was completely naked, collared, and leashed as Dan led her out of the hospital to his truck. She was also very quiet for a bit as Dan turned on some very old music that bored her to tears, but she was also relieved: while she...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 9 The Hot Tub

Tanya Charles was entertaining two of her most helpful contacts. She had long known that success in selling to the public sector came from cultivating a network of those that could influence or inform as much as those that actually made the decisions. Chief Inspector Adrienne Costa and Maggie Forbush from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had been happy to take advantage of Tanya's invitation. After all it wasn't often they got the chance to visit the sort of places that Tanya's expense...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter Four

Scissors Sisters - Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter(Soon to be Petra); Susan(Susie): My mother; Grandma: My granny; Aunty Pauline: My mother's twin sister; Charlotte: My younger sister(By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters(By 3 years); Emily & Judith: My twin cousins(2 days younger than I me); Janice: Grandma's live in maid. Chapter Four Once home, Judith and I escaped up into our tree...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

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An Abridged History of the OrderChapter 4

The Enlightenment As the Renaissance and Reformation unfolded, it loosened the power of the Church over the domain of academia. The result was a flowering of intellectual pursuits that ranged the gamut of human experience. Philosophers, scientists, historians, politicians, theologians, and others found new freedom to explore the world and universe around them. The Roman Catholic Church fought a fruitless rearguard action against this, clinging to the idea of their supremacy over all...

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Tears Of A Vamp Chapters Three and Four

Chapter ThreeWhen I woke clear headed enough to sit up in my bed I was surprised to find myself naked on top of the covers. I shook my head in disbelief, What a crazy dream... Then I noticed that I wasn't naked on top of just my sheets. No, I was naked on top of the covers and on top of the plastic mat that is used to play Twister. The game with all the different colored circles. Right Hand Red, Left foot Blue... I'm sure you know the game. My memories were jumbled but I was sure I would have...

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An Abridged History of the OrderChapter 3

An Age of Change Two waves of events came close to destroying the Order: the Age of Discovery and the Reformation (and its subsequent religious wars). It was not necessarily the events themselves that were the important factor in the near-demise of the Order, but the close proximity of the two waves of events to each other and to an uptick in the conflict between Christianity and the new Islamic power that became the Ottoman Empire beginning in the end of the 13th century. When the Seljuk...

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New Order of the AgesChapter 8

“Oh, relax, it’s Halloween, baby! Everything will be just fine,” Tanya reassured Rachel with a kiss, her hands wandering all over her body as she watched the slave girl walk nervously into the city-sponsored Halloween Gala in an outfit for the first time since her enslavement and subjection to the Mandatory Slave Nudity Ordinance, “Halloween is a statutory exception to the law, I promise you. You’ll make one hell of a lovely Highland girl in your kilt and everything, just keep your mask on,...

4 years ago
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New Order of the AgesChapter 9

As for Olaf, he inquired after his bride, and after a short time of searching, he learned that she was with Dan. Entering the bedroom, he found her with Dan and his stepdaughter, which really put him in a nasty mood. Walking over to the mother, his own bride, he yanked her up by her hair and started slapping her face, at which point Dan sucker punched him and kicked him to the ground. The daughter, still partially dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, pulled her mother close and cradled her a...

2 years ago
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New Order New Opportunity

Chapter 1: Stop & Search ?Identity card. Papers.? The police officer peered through dark glasses at James Leonard as he stood sheepishly, fumbling inside his jacket.?I have them, really I have,? he stammered, disconcerted by the officer’s fixed stare. With relief his hand closed on the plastic folder that held the card that carried his social identity number and photograph. He pulled it out and passed it across.The officer peered at the card and checked the photograph carefully, holding the...

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New Order New OpportunityChapter 14 Future Project Opportunities

Tanya Charles had made a point of asking to see Maggie Forbush at the earliest opportunity. Their conversation at first hadn't been too rewarding. "No," Maggie had said. "I don't believe there are any plans to extend the trial of the inhibitors." "Oh," said Tanya, determined not to be deflected and trusting in the information she had. "Well, if things change I just wanted you to know we're in a position to undertake mass-production now with the consequent savings in costs and...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Four

Also due to the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader keep from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin sister is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin sister is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Four 3567-B didn't know or care how long her and 3567-A made love before they fell asleep...

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Darrens Dilemma Chapter Four

Darren's Dilemma Chapter Four The Shopping Expedition By Suzie Q Haff I awoke to the sound of a gurgling brook, chirping birds, and Jana calling me gently in the distance. She was bent kneeling over me. Her long hair was tickling my nose on purpose. Jana gently shaking me: "Darla dear... Wake up already!" I started to stir and she kissed me gently. "Good morning Little Sis." She tugs the leash. "I love you and now you are mine." How could I forget? "I have everything I need to...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 4 The Order of the Strap

The Order of the Strap We made our rendezvous with Paula at the auto doc and revived her. When she came to Paula was all smiles and in the sexiest voice I could remember ever hearing said, "Hello, Master! How may I serve you?" She was still recovering from the drugs a bit and I could hear the snickers behind me. I repeated my instructions to Paula on rivalries. She looked at the other ladies, grinned and said, "Our new companion learns way too fast". Paula then noticed the red eyes and...

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Amanda Joins The School Newspaper Chapter 2 of Schoolgirl Amanda Learns Discipline

“Finally I found you Amanda. I thought we were going to meet at the end of the school day and instead you just ditch me. Do you mind telling me why” Jenny said, the hurt clearly sounding in her voice. Amanda stopped and turned as her friend caught up to her on the street. They were a few blocks from school although not on the route they normally took home. Amanda looked at the sky but if she was hoping for divine intervention to whisk her away or at least inspire her tongue on what to...

1 year ago
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The Newlyweds Chapter 1 Boyshorts

The Newlyweds Chapter 1: Boy's Shorts Ji-min, my new wife, wanted to be called Jasmin now that she arrived in America. We have known each other for for about three years. She served on several mission trips in Africa. And I served in the Peace Corps. Thinking myself too small and not aggressive enough for regular military service I thought it was a good choice. And it was. When we met she was fifteen and I was eighteeen. Over the years she and I exchanged love letters, text...

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The Newlyweds Chapter 2 Heart Shaped Betrayal

The Newlyweds Chapter 2: Heart Shaped Betrayal The alarm sounded. I remembered Jasmin had made a promise to a new friend that we'd have brunch with them down the street at a small bistro. How could she make friends so quick? I asked myself while still lying in bed. We've been in town for about five days. Already she made a dozen friends and was on the phone or texting people like they were war buddies or childhood friends. Jasmin must have just gotten up, her pillow was still warm....

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