Extreme Board
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Work was going to have to take a back seat at least for a while, or until this all got sorted out anyway. If the trouble that Val had been experiencing was any indication, work was likely to be even worse.
She phoned up and asked to speak to the floor manager.
"It's Angie." she said, waiting to hear a "who?" on the other end of the line, but instead, she heard a muffled "oh shit, not her too..."
"Don't tell me you've got it too?" The idea that many of the folk at work had been changed from male to female or vice-versa, nearly made Angie fall off her seat, but Robert, the manager, qualified his fears. "Half the bloody factory is off today. I can't do without you too."
"I'm sorry Rob, but it's women's trouble for me." She wasn't lying; she'd just bent the truth somewhat.
"Women's troubles?"
"I can spell it out for you if you'd like..." she said innocently. There was a short pause, during which time, the sound of a small coin dropping could almost be heard.
"Er, I don't think that's necessary, thank you. How long do you think you'll be away?"
"Not sure. Not long I hope. I feel as though..."
"Just get back as soon as you can, okay?" said Rob, cutting Angie short before she got too graphic, ending by wishing her well and she heard the word "Fuck!" probably exclaimed followed by several exclamation marks, not just one as he put the phone down.
Next on the list of to do jobs — see Lynn...
I've been expecting you." said Lynn. "Perhaps not this soon, but I was expecting you."
"I hoped you might be." said Angie, stepping over the threshold and walking straight into the kitchen. "I hope I'm not disturbing."
"Your predicament: yes. You? No."
"I am glad. I'm worried about Val."
"She's not taking this well I assume."
"No. I was told that there was a spell cast to stop people concerning themselves with who I have become, but I'm sure that's not working on Val."
"She knows?"
"No, but she will."
"You're not going to tell her?"
"Lynn, I'm worried, really worried. In all the years that we've been together, I've never seen her like this. Yesterday is one I'd rather forget. We hardly spoke and she seems, well, really 'out there'. I just know it's all this that's causing it." She stood up and gestured down her body, sitting down heavily onto the chair.
Lynn rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
"Have you two had sex since you changed?" she asked. Angie blushed, the glow almost dazzling.
"Yes or no?"
"Did Val enjoy it?"
"I should think so. She shouted 'Yippee kiyay motherf... ' I mean um, yes." said Angie, her voice trailing off into something barely audible as the colour rose like a fog on her cheeks, unable to look Lynn in the eye.
"And you think all this with her started after that?" said Lynn, trying to stifle a laugh after Angie showed her discomfort.
"Absolutely! I had a shower, went downstairs and she was as she put it, 'out of sorts'. Since then, it's been difficult to get more than two words out of her, but I'm going to put that right."
"You are? How?"
"I'm going to tell her what's happened, that's how." said Angie, bashing the table with her balled fist. "That way, if she thinks it's her that's the problem, she'll know it wasn't."
"You can't do that." said Lynn. "She's not supposed to know for a reason."
"And that is?"
"Well, it's for your protection. It er, means that she will accept you the way you are and it may affect the magic."
"But that's not working is it?"
"Apparently not." Lynn conceded.
"Although it's not my doing, it's me that's causing the trouble and me that can put it right. I love her too much to see her suffer anymore. If I stand the chance of losing her, it won't be because of some foolish bloody fairy Godfather getting everything all to cock."
"Fairy Godfather?"
"Yeah, or at least, that's what they called themselves."
"More than one?"
"Two of them." said Angie. "All that popping in and out of the bathroom unannounced... It was most embarrassing."
"I see..." said Lynn. "Can you hold off telling Val until tomorrow?"
"I think so. What are you going to do?"
"Just you leave that to me. I'll get this sorted out." said Lynn. There was a look of grim determination on her face and Angie could see at once that it wasn't a good idea to mess with a woman on a mission.
Tomorrow it was then.
The next day, Val had woken up and found Angie spooned against her. It was as if Angie had lit the blue touch paper and Val went absolutely mental.
"Get off me... Stay on your own side... Don't touch me." It was all Angie could do not to break down there and then. Val in the meantime had grabbed her clothes and thundered out of the bedroom, muttering and grumbling.
Angie was about to run after her, throwing the duvet back, but stopped in her tracks, sat naked on the bed, tears rolling down her face, barely able to believe that Val, her best friend, her lover and soul-mate, had just been so nasty. It was most unlike her.
What made things worse was there was no goodbye, no sharing a cuppa before she went and the first Angie knew that Val had left was the sound of the front door as it was closed and none to quietly at that. Angie was straight onto the phone to speak to Lynn, but there was no reply and she sat at the table, alone in the kitchen just worried to death that the whole thing had gone tits-up so to speak and there was nothing she could do about it.
Lynn was angry after Angie had left. It wasn't so much that the spells had gone awry, but that they had gone awry around her daughter. Anyone else, it would just have been a case of "there, there" and other soothing sounds to help the poor unfortunate person get used to things the way they were going to be from now on.
It wasn't like there weren't mistakes. After all, all fairy Godmothers and Godfathers for that matter have training to go through. None of them automatically know how to do stuff, like the vampires in Buffy seem to. One minute they're ordinary folk then they become vampires and suddenly they know karate and kung fu. Being a fairy Godmother, or Godfather for that matter takes time, patience and practice — lots of practice.
No, the mistakes she could handle, but not when it involved her daughter.
Don was in his office, sweat beading on his brow.
"Why does she have to come today? Why at all and so damned early too" he said, wringing his hands on the desk in front of him.
"Your boys screwed up, that's why." said Lynn, having entered the office silently.
"Oh God, you're here!" said Don almost jumping off his seat.
"I most certainly am." said Lynn sitting primly on a chair in front of Don's desk.
"How did you know?" he asked then his forehead wrinkled. "Er, just which screw-up are we talking about?"
"The subtle change of sex? That poor lad is my daughter's fiancé, that's which." she said calmly and matter-of-factly.
"You mean... ?"
"I do."
"Oh shit!"
"Shit indeed." said Lynn solemnly.
"You're going to have to put this right double quick." said Lynn, her expression dangerous to say the least. Don seemed to think so anyway and slid his chair back a ways, mopping his brow again.
"We told him it would take a couple of months." said Don.
"Poppycock!" said Lynn. "You know as well as I do that if he stays in that body for too long, it will start to take over. He will lose his masculinity as his brain readjusts to the new environment. If you wait that long, all that he was will be lost and even changing him back won't bring him back, it'll bring something or rather someone who might look like him, but it won't be him. You get this sorted out before my daughter decides to do something stupid and I have to come and do something equally stupid to you."
She leant across the desk menacingly. "I can still do that you know." Don's eyes went wide with fright and Lynn wasn't required to elucidate.
"Yes, yes... of course. Right away." he muttered, flustered and beginning a whole new chapter on worry.
"I'm glad we understand one another. It's been nice talking to you, Don. Good day." she said urbanely and Don became even more flustered, knowing full well that if she wanted to, she could turn him into a toadstool or something even less attractive.
Cedric and Stephen stood before Don's desk within moments of Lynn's exit.
"Now listen you two. You both screwed up and unless you want to be replacing the teeth of snot-nosed whiny kids with money for the rest of eternity or worse, I suggest you listen and listen good." said Don with as much malice as he could muster. "That guy you changed is the fiancé of the daughter of Lynneth Alleyn."
"Not the Lynneth Alleyn surely?" said Stephen, his face going whiter than hospital sheets and his eyes bulging.
"The very same."
"Oh dear."
"Who's Lynneth Alleyn?" asked Cedric. Both Don and Stephen looked at the little man, mouths open, incredulous. The fact that Cedric had no idea who the woman was prompted name-calling that is not normally heard in polite company.
"Lynneth Alleyn was only the fairy Godmother to Cinderella." said Stephen (but only after he and Don had finished calling him those other names).
"I thought she was a myth."
"She's very real." said Don, sitting behind his desk. "And even though she's retired from the game now, she still carries a lot of weight round these parts, not to mention the magical abilities."
"I didn't think she would still have any of that." said Stephen. "I would have thought she'd have relinquished that upon her retirement."
"Tell you what," said Don brightly. "Why don't you test her out?" The skinny man flinched and lost what small amount of colour he had regained since learning of Val's mum's real identity.
"You're going to have to undo what you did." said Don.
"But what are we supposed to do? It hasn't even been a full week, let alone the two months."
"You're going to put it all right is what you're going to do."
Stephen sucked through his teeth. "That's complicated even for you, Don. I certainly wouldn't attempt it and I wouldn't even give Cedric here the responsibility of posting a letter, let alone something like that." Cedric was about to say something but thought better of it.
Hello thanks for reading my previous one which I title as Hungary for pleasure that was my 1st sex experience with Riya. As I had mentioned after Riya left and no contact from her I was missing her lot and masturbating thinking my memorable moments of sex had started to quench my sex hunger. For sex I was going mad and irritating with my life I couldn’t concerting arrange good reasonable call gal. First she didn’t let me allow having sex as per my wish even I got scared n angry. I carry with...
My name is micky, 35 years old , a doctor by profession and a slave to highly dominating, extremely cruel and perverse females who love to humiliate, degrade , torture and enslave males to the extreme.Unusual for a country like India, where society is mainly male dominated, but TrueEverything whateever I am writing is true partially and I went thru all the hell in the 20 years. Yes I was enslaved by this cruel sadist who rented one of the floors of our Duplex Bunglow along with her husband and...
I did not write this. What is given below is a first hand account of one slaves extreme punishment at the hands of a Mistress who shows no mercy.link: http://www.maxfisch.com/thehang/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showthreaded/Number/1556910/Searchpage/1/Main/147753/Words/chalet/Search/true/Long_term_imprisonment_tortureStory:I was fortunate enough to spend three days with Madame Celeste de Monial, at the house of Madame Carah, at Germany's infamous Chalet of Pain...
TO ENABLE THE MOST EXTREME CONTENT YOU WILL FIRST NEED TO CLICK START GAME IN THE MENU TO THE RIGHT. Of all the people in the world who could have discovered the magic lamp, it had to be this fucker. The genie is not impressed. She can instantly tell that he is a wrong'un. "Oh sweet, a genie!" He chirps. "A hot one too! So do I get three wishes? If so, the first one is gonna involve my dick and your asshole." "No, just the one wish I'm afraid." She tries to pretend to be bitterly disappointed...
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Scat Porn SitesChapter 1 ========= It all started by accident. "By accident?" I hear you say. "How can something like that be accidental?" It's simple actually. It all stems from that old adage: "be careful what you wish for" and for Gary Jones, no truer words were e'er spake... +++++ Gary and his girlfriend Valerie or Val as she preferred, were classic 'couch potatoes'; their evenings mapped out by TV programmes. Admittedly, Gary had things he liked as did Val and whilst their...
Humor‘How do you like it?’ Alyssa said, with bright, forced cheerfulness. Everything about the question stressed that it was not, indeed, a question. It assumed that the answer was ‘I love it.’. She mandated it by her tone and her face that reflected back in the mirror at Dez, a tight smile, focused eyes that pleaded as much as they threatened. The camera was on, else her gaze would be imploring, her voice beseeching, striving for compromise between the two warring factions. Speaking of which . ....
(You may skip this if you desire to, just explaining in depth what this story will be like and why.) WARNING: In this story I will be trying something new for me at least. Here I will not be doing a few things: • Explaining a characters thoughts or feelings. • Using standard paragraph story telling writing format. (Continue) • Explaining past information via narrator. • Having narrator exposition of any kind. • Using titles for every chapter, but maybe arcs or large groupings of chapters....
Non-EroticHello Everyone. My name is Prashant. I am settled in Dubai, though I am from Delhi, basically. Today I am going to share a real story of my life about extreme cuckolding with you. The story goes back to 2015 because that is when the real fun in the story began. However, I would like to share with you the sequence of events that gave birth to my all-new fantasy, and the events that led to its execution. To make the story more interesting and erotic, I have also added some fiction to...
Masters extreme Bitch Part 1 The Phone rang i didn’t answer it. i couldn’t i was in the dungeon which my Master had me construct under his watchful eye and specifications to him alone under his strict command just for me and his use he said all those months ago fully fitted out with CCTV. As so he could go down stairs and have a break whilst be able to watch me from every angle tied up in many of the contraptions and restraints, the phone ringing was the signal he was outside and had parked...
Boss’s Desperate Wife Hi friends. I’m Arun. I’m 25 years old and I’m here to share with you the unforgettable sex barrage I faced with my boss’s wife Maria who was so desperate for a long duration intercourse. She is 28 years old and looks really hot with a beautiful face wheatish complexion, cylindrical arms and a pear shaped figure. The incident happened when I was on a business trip to Cochin where my boss stays. I had a room booked in a hotel which was just about a 5 minute walk from my...
Dear All, I am back with the 2nd part of the story. I would like to say sorry for the long delay. I was too busy. I got an overwhelming response from the readers in the first part. I am thankful to everyone who sent me emails of appreciation. Those who haven’t read the first part yet, please do read that before reading this one. So let us move forward into the story of extreme pleasure. The next day I started searching online for a perfect bull for my beautiful wife. Although, by now, I was...
Dear All, those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this part. For the next couple of weeks, we met Sameer more than twice. We went out on weekends. Sameer and I both wanted Nisha to get a little acquainted with him. Now we were becoming family friends. One day when I was in the office, Sameer called me. He said that it’s now time for us to move one step further. He was confident that Nisha appreciates his...
With trembling hands, I unlocked the door to our condo. I knew She would be at work, but I had nowhere else to go.Walking quickly to my room, I dropped my backpack, then stripped off the clothes I had left, and walked to my bathroom. Flicking on the light, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was in deep, deep trouble.My pussy was shaved, which it hadn’t been when I left home. And written in black marker were the words “Nikki’s Cunt”. Quickly, I took a washcloth and soap, and tried to scrub it...
BDSMExtreme Tube is a page that is all about the hottest extreme videos of girls getting pounded hard as fuck until they are turned into wet messes and until their holes are all sore. Does something like that interest you? Of course, it does, who wouldn't want to see things like that? Sure thing, some people aren't really up for hardcore pornography, but for those of you that are into it, you should definitively come on right in and check out Extreme Tube. Since they have a lot of stuff for...
Free Porn Tube SitesMy name is Rahul & my wife is Nisha, we were of same age i.e 33 year old when this things started happening in our life. Story is really interesting and extremely erotic and goes in smooth flow so be patient and read properly and revert with your comments on white.k**[email protected] studied our engineering together and placed in reputed MNC in Bangalore, India after college. After being friend for 4 years in college and colleagues in same company for 2 years we have started liking each...
Warning, this is a story that has extreme transformation, muscles, dick girls, giant endowments, water sports, sweat, farts, scat, few WTF moments, and much more. Having seen the series is not required to enjoy this. Chapter 1: Corruption of the innocent Misato Katsuragi laughed, as she would drive back to her apartment. She had just seen in the store limited edition beer that she had yet to try. Being the lovable drunkard that she was, she had noticed it was extra cheap and had bought...
Dear All, those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this part. Sameer went down on the carpet, and Nisha came near me and laid on my lap. She looked up towards me. I kissed her forehead, and she held my hand tight. Sameer came closer and started kissing on her legs above her knees and then upwards on her thighs. Nisha’s legs were closed, and Sameer was not able to reach her inner thighs. Naturally, he wanted to...
Dear guys and girls, I am very sorry for the long delay in writing and publishing this part. I have been really busy lately. Many readers sent me emails asking for this part about the bull’s huge monster, and I could not even reply to them. My sincere apologies to all of them. Anyway, finally the 10th part is ready, and I am sure you would enjoy it. Those who haven’t read earlier parts of the story, please do so before reading this part. Please email me your feedback at Alright, without...
Dear guys and girls, I am very sorry for the long delay in writing and publishing this part. I have been really busy lately. Many readers sent me emails asking for this part about the bull’s huge monster, and I could not even reply to them. My sincere apologies to all of them. Anyway, finally the 10th part is ready, and I am sure you would enjoy it. Those who haven’t read earlier parts of the story, please do so before reading this part. Please email me your feedback at Alright, without...
Never could possibly imaginer that your bi-sexual girlfriend would luv to watch her man play with not 1 but 2 bi-sexual women for hours on end & go to the extreme......SKETCH :1.,(MAN SPEAKING)..Cumm with me girls my girl is going to punished by me not to be able to film me & neither watch me live just hear the sounds..to make her jealous so she can prouve to me that she has trust in me pleasing other sexy women for her & for me espicially when she pick out a card (OUR SEX...
Hey all, finally after being regular visitor of ISS from last 2 years I finally decided to narrate my own story. Initially my introduction, Name Ali, 23 Yrs, 5’ 10”, Slim yet athletic, Lahore, Pakistan. Cock size 6.5” and real massive one :P that’s what 3 professional girls said, you’re wife would be in deep trouble, I’m a bit different in sex, I like foreplay, games, exposing, public sex and somehow mild forms of BDSM. I love to do it new every time doing always crazy shit and that really...
----Note from the author: This chapter was rewritten in October 2010 with a new POV and some minor storyline changes.----Introduction This is an actual account of the events as they happened during the startup period of the adult web site company ExtremeToyland.com. Owned and operated by Mistress Lisa, the company aims to cater images and videos of extreme sadomasochism to subscribers who can also submit scenarios and dares to the production team.All of the sessions are held at Lisa's large...
This fantasy was born in my late teens but stayed hidden until 2012 when a man explained in grave detail just how eloquently he would execute it. I was 100% game except I couldn't do the tazing. That person left my life faster than they entered. The details, the fantasy, the story and need for this never did. Something about being abducted on my way to a park and being CNC raped. Idk what else to call it so excuse my use of the word. As a survivor of molestation and rape in the past I fully...
Story No. 2Never in my wildest-fantasies, did I imagine that my obsession with used-condoms and humiliation would see me sink to the depths of cowering in an escort's bathroom, secretly devouring the sperm from ten of her client's used-condoms. In my defence, just prior to this sordid little episode, I had been diagnosed with sperm-addiction (a self-diagnosis, admittedly). Ironically, what made this experience even more deliciously-depraved for me, was the fact that I was seeing a counsellor...
Dear All, those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this part. As Friday arrived, I was getting very excited. But for Nisha, she was feeling more and more anxious. It was just 10 AM in the morning, and I could see clear signs of nervousness on her face. I asked her- Jaan, are you all right. If you are not comfortable, we may call it off. You know your comfort is the first thing that matters to me. Nisha- I don’t...
Dear all, those who haven’t read the earlier parts yet, please read those before reading this one. With that being said, let’s begin this part. Sameer came inside the room and asked – Is everything fine? I said – Yes. All is fine. Please carry on. He turned towards Nisha, held her hand and, made her stand again. Nisha stood up, and he pulled her. He was kissing her on her neck, throat, shoulders, and back and was caressing her all over with his hands. He then moved his hands on Nisha’s ass,...
Have you ever wanted to bathe in buckets of cum? Of course, you haven’t. That’s a female dream. Women were meant to bathe in cum and men were meant to supply it. But alas, one man can only provide so much cum in a single load. Hell, you could barely fill up an espresso cup in a single day’s worth of faps and that’s if you actually optimize for time. To get a bitch properly doused in cum you’re going to need a lot of help. It’s going to take a veritable army’s worth of fappers to glaze a woman...
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Hiiii everyone and thank you all for the wonderful feedback for my previous stories. This has made me write more about my experiences. This time it is an incident which happened just last week with my Ex girlfriend’s friend named Sonal. I broke up with my girlfriend a few days back. Talking about Sonal she is an extremely beautiful and nice girl who is very very very pretty. Wears specs and looks cute. She has always been the studious one in the group. But still, she had a great figure which...
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We finally closed school and I can't wait to get home. There is a party at my best friend’s house. And I and my sisters are of course invited. My parents decided to have three children me, 18 year Nicole and the youngest, Alexa who is 15. Nicole does get everything she wants because she is cute; Alexa on the other hand gets almost everything she wants because she's hardworking. I also get ALMOST everything because I am dad's favorite, he won't admit it but he shows it. "Nice party...
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LesbianIt was a day like any other. I was sitting in my office, masturbating to porn on my computer when I hear "What are you watching?" I turned around and saw my beautiful wife staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad, upset, or anything in between. She walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the computer monitor at what I was watching. "What's cuckold?" I was so afraid of what my wife would think of me. I knew she could Google it, so I just told her. "It's like when a wife fucks other...
"Hi honey, are we all set?" "Yes babe, I'll be round in about half an hour" "Is it as we planned?" "Pretty much, yes. Are you dressed as I said?" "To the letter, hon" "Good. I'll see you in about 30 minutes. Thanks for this." "No : thank you". Dave was such a good, regular client. He always phoned when he said he was going to phone and never let me down for a meet when he had booked. Once he had booked an hour of my time but had hAd his shifts changed at work, and he had worked nights the night...
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Hi guys, This is Rakesh from Mumbai. I am 25 years old and work in private sector. I was traveling due to work to Bangalore and it was my first business travel. It was for 2 nights from Wednesday until Friday. Since I was in a new city and had no one known there, I installed many gay dating apps and had uploaded my profile pic and was looking to hook up someone since I didn’t have a lot of work on Thursday evening. I had some time post lunch and hence I decided to check out a couple of guys in...
Gay MaleThere i was typing away on the keyboard chatting to others in the hope of a meet up for dressed up playing together.The private screen popped open to reveal a message from a genuine girl requesting a chat, well as I was there and hopeing for a meet what was there to lose, she started by the introduction that she liked to be called barbara and her other half she would tell me later depending how things went.babara stated that she wanted both a lover to give her some good sex and a tv to try sex...
MASTER Bitch 2 Right for all that read part 1 oh and this is all fantasy so far and not me i wish so here goes from part one.I got to the hotel in Stockholm as ordered and what a view but I wasn’t here for the sites only the training and more torture, my phone rang as i got in the reception I voice commanded room 202 and the word “ Steiger “ sod knows what it meant but the way the voice on the other end of the phone said it I knew I was to hurry and no messing around well I got in the door as...
I want to get right down to what is important. I am Raj and like a regular Indian middle class family I have mom dad and an elder sister. The story is about my sexy and hot sister Pooja. She is 6 years younger to me at age 18 which makes me 24 yrs. My sister was as sexy as a kingfisher model. I always used to try to suppress my feelings towards her but her sexuality was unbearable so every now and then I used to touch her hug her and watch her beautiful assets like her soft and huge boobs...
IncestHello Friends, this is Pleasure Boy from Pune. My mail Id is I am a student and 21 years old. I had read various stories and with the help of that I got a chance to explore my fantasies. In Pune Bachelors have a lot of problems for living in flats. So every time we have to shift from one place to another. Once me and my friend had shifted to a newly constructed flat. It was cheaper as well as standard. We shifted during the month of May 2012 and settled. One day I was leaving for my college...
Incestwow, today i had a shower and i feel so horny, i cream my Asshole with neutral shower Gel and fingering my Ass slut, it goes more and more opener and i entry my Hand full inside, mmmmmm so hot!!!! After I try a aubergine (eggplant) 8 cm of diameter and 27 cm around , it whas so easy to insert this big thing!!!! i let it inside, walk in my home around for 1/2 hour, stroke my horny cock in the same time but not cumshot, i want to hold this crazy feeling in my head. By
The story I’m going to narrate here is not like all other stories, it is extraordinary from other normal sex tales. It happened few years ago. I went to visit my Mama’s (maternal uncle) house in the long leisure vacation after finishing my higher secondary. Mama and Mami (Mama’s wife) live alone there in a bungalow. As their all children are married and are established in their own field. My Mama was a happy man, he was in the Foreign Service and retired with a huge amount of gratuity and were...
Jizzy swallowed his thirty-fourth load of cum. The prick inhis mouthpulsed and spewed forth a spray of slime which ran over hiscum coatedtongue and throat down into the lake of cocksnot forming inhis stomach. Theguy he was sucking was just a kid, probably nineteen likeJizzy himself. Hepulled out and the dick which had not yet finishedshooting, sprayed theyoung African American cocksucker's face. Globs of cum hung from Jizzy'sthick lips, swollen even more by the hours and hours of...
I've been married to my hot wife Andrea for several years and over time I've introduced some ideas for her to consider. My very small penis was the main reason I suggested her to take her first lover. Fully erect and throbbing my penis measurements are three and a half inches long and one and a quarter inches wide. I was her first and I had to really convince her that I was to small. Typical woman she kept saying you are all I need. I told her over and over I wanted her to fuck one of my...
Sammi watched helplessly as Marta was being doggy fucked on the bed right in front of her. She was gagged, and tied to a chair next to the bed, as a vibrator snuggled up to her clit and curved around inside her, clinging to her G-spot.The vibrator seemed to be animated by a demon that was bringing her to the verge of cumming, then dragging her back, not once, but over and over again. And the demon seemed to know her innermost thoughts and feelings, because it kept dragging her closer and closer...
BDSM"YOU DID WHAT?" asked Don, the head fairy Godfather through gritted teeth as Cedric and Stephen stood before him like two schoolboys before the headmaster. "What were you doing casting spells alone?" "Well, he wished." said Cedric, shrugging, his fake fairy wings fluttering gently as he did so. "It was a mistake, sir." said Stephen quickly stamping on Cedric's foot, who suppressed a squeal. "I should have been there." "It's a bit more than a simple mistake don't you think?"...
You and your sister Amy are having a sleepover with her friends. Your sister is 5'4 with brown hair and brown eyes. Heather, a 5'9 cheerleader with red hair and green eyes. You have had a crush on heather for 6 years now but she does not feel the same about you. Jane, a 5'3 black girl with brown eyes and black hair who plays volleyball and takes the same gym class as you. Scarlet, your sisters girlfriend who hates you and sometimes makes you kneel by the couch with your mouth open so that you...
FetishI had to meet my female best friend in New Delhi..... My hands were on her ass now, I was just moving my hands gently on her ass… [email protected]
LoveJenny was already stripped, down on the floor, masturbating wildly. Her boyfriend Charlie was supposed to come over within the next hour, and she wanted to get herself off before he came. Her blue eyes sparkled with life as she stuck the 4-inch hairbrush handle into her pussy, making it grind up against her g spot. She came all over it, got off the bathroom floor, and walked to the sink, shaking. Jenny washed it off, grabbed a shampoo bottle, and took another brush with a flat handle. She...
MasturbationPart 1 Hi All Today I’m gonna write about story of me my wife and her lover (Illegal 2nd Husband). My name is Rahul & my wife is Nisha, we were of same age i.e 33 year old when this things started happening in our life. Story is really interesting and extremely erotic and goes in smooth flow so be patient and read properly and revert with your comments on We studied our engineering together and placed in reputed MNC in Bangalore, India after college. After being friend for 4 years in college...
This is the story about a lady working in a office, how i dealt with her, I love the way she does her job very well. Now for a while let’s through some lines about me to you … Hai to all the ISS Readers…. I am from India. i am Arun (name changed) I am from Karimnagar Telangana . I am good looking tall and my dick size is 7 inches in length. I am 31 years old. Any ladies interested in sex, privacy is assured. Mail me at I love the ISS the way the authors describe their story. I just thought for...
Nora stretched and turned in the bed, not quite either asleep or awake yet. As she moved, she felt something tight around her waist. Her first waking thought was puzzlement. She brought her hands down to her waist and felt a hard metal band encircling her. The strange feeling chased the cobwebs out of her mind and she opened her eyes and sat up. She was naked, as she always was in bed… but as she looked down she was shocked to discover she was wearing what she instantly realized was a chastity...