After The Energists: Mike's And Tempe's NIS WeekChapter 2: Rock My World, Little Country Girl free porn video

NIS Day 1 – Afternoon - Medway High School
12:17pm, Monday, October, 30, 1979
“Hey! Teresa! How’d you’re first period of being in your birthday suit go?” I said as I walked into the café. Our NIS tenth grader was obviously invited to join our lunch crowd, because her partner, Greg Smythe was in PE this sixth period. I figured Sammy, Lynette and Tempe didn’t want her naked and alone at another table.
“It was kinda scary and kinda cool at the same time, if you know what I mean?” Teresa replied after she swallowed a few French fries.
“Didn’t you have health? Greg was in there, too, wasn’t he?” Sammy asked as the table’s conversation changed when I arrived.
“Yeah, Miss Jacket started off asking if we wanted to take advantage of the relief option. I didn’t need it, but I could, you know, tell that Greg did. He ... he declined to go to the front to do it. He then leaned over to me and whispered that he hoped we’d go do it, together. But by then Miss Jacket had started her lesson on nutrition.”
“You two have got to talk about things now. Even if you may not want to do some things, you’ve got to be there for your partner,” Lynette advised the younger girl.
“Yeah, yeah. We’ve already said we’ll talk either before we go in our same classes, or as soon as we sit down. We already decided we’d sit together in our shared classes,” Teresa replied.
“How are you two getting along?” Tempe asked which was good for both girls because Teresa was obviously relishing being the semi-center of things for one of the first times here at school. For Tempe, I was real glad that her mysterious blossoming wasn’t limited to just being with Sammy and me. I hoped to have a little alone time with her to really find out more about her and how she liked living up in Ipperwash.
“We never really talked before, and I ... probably didn’t even exist on his radar, so I was a pretty scared that he’d be more into himself and ignore me ... but Greg has been very attentive and told a few folks to back off and give me space to move in the classroom and in the hallway,” Teresa half-way bragged on her partner.
I whispered to Tempe, “I partly encouraged and partly threatened Greg with the beating of a lifetime, if he didn’t help Teresa. He’s kinda the big dog in his grade, so I wanted him to use that top-dog status to help Teresa as much as he could.”
“Sounds like your two toned chat worked, Mike,” Tempe replied, and then bit into her golden delicious apple.
I spent the next ten minutes of our lunch explaining what Mr. W said about our Halloween costumes. Basically, he said as long as our ‘private parts’ and our butts were still on display, he was fine with any type of costume we could come up with on such short notice.
“I wonder if body painting would be okay?” Tempe wondered out loud. She then added, “Mrs. Stenn is a very good artist, and I bet she’d agree to do a few ‘paint-costumes’ for us.”
“We’ll find out in a few minutes, Tempe,” I said as I looked at my watch.
“Tempe lives a couple houses down from Wayne on Northcrest Drive, Cuda. She’s gonna come to our Halloween pool party, Wednesday!” Sammy excitedly said. As usual, the ‘fry-thief’ in Sammy returned and her sneaky little right hand pilfered a couple of my fries.
“So, Tempe ... I heard you had an eventful spare period in the library,” Elizabeth chuckled.
“You could call it that, Liz. I definitely got the surprise of my lifetime when a certain naked guy, who shall remain nameless, well his thick cock, kinda exploded in my face and hair,” Tempe replied with a huge grin on her face. She also tried to run her fingers through the sticky patches of her long blonde hair.
“Michael, you didn’t warn her before you erupted in her face? Shame on you!” Lynette exclaimed and swatted my arm with the back of her left hand.
“It was my fault, Cano,” Sammy said with a smile. “His mouth was a little busy ... suckin’ on my clit when our orgasms kinda hit us at the same time.”
“I think I surprised, Mike, too!” Tempe excitedly said which caught everyone’s attention. “I don’t think he was expecting a second set of fingers and another tongue on his hard cock. It was like, five seconds after I barely touched his shaft that he lurched up and let his stuff fly... And damn! Did his stuff ever fly!“
“If Cuda’s been locked and loaded for a good while ... watch out!” Sammy shouted and reached across the table to share a high-5 with my ex-girlfriend, Lynette.
“You gonna finish them fries, Cuda?” Brad, our lunch crowd’s regular ‘garbage-man’, asked as he reached towards my plate with about a dozen fries on it.
“Knock yourself you, Brad,” I replied and pushed my free plate of fries towards my friend.
“So, Teresa, you didn’t really do any ‘NIS lesson stuff’ in health, today?” Sammy asked as she looked at her relatively silent partner, Jason Duffy.
“Nope, just basic nutrition stuff around the basic food groups and about limiting our intake of sugars, desserts, and fats and meats,” Teresa replied.
“Man, I sure would love it that’s all that happens in our health class, right Jason?” Sammy said with a grin on her face
“What’s up, Jason?” Cano asked after she noticed the other naked eleventh grader was troubled a few of seats down from her.
“Can I talk to you for a sec, Mike?” Jason asked with a serious, yet slightly distressed tone in his voice.
“Yeah, man. C’mon,” I quickly replied and used my head to indicate we’d move away from the crowd.
After we moved over by the door to the smoker’s area, I put my hand on my bud’s shoulder and softly asked, “What’s got your goat, Jase?”
My portly friend took a deep breath and scuffed his sneaker in the tile, before he whispered, “I haven’t done any of that stuff before ... like what you did with Sammy and Tempe in the library. Kalena and I, well, we’ve only kissed and touched each other through our clothes. I, uh, slipped my hand under her top once, but she still had her bra on.”
“Its okay, Jason. I’m guessing that is one of the lessons the higher ups want us students to learn. ‘Bout the only thing I can say to you about a girl’s body is always start with light touches, kisses, licks and suction. From my experience, girls will let you know if they really like what you’re doing by their moans and actions. If they seem too quiet or bored with what you’re doing...
“Move onto some other thing,” Jason interjected with a smile. He then said, “I was hoping to do a bunch of this stuff with Kalena, first, so how do I...”
“Whoa, my friend. You’re in charge of what you do and who you do it with ... even with this NIS stuff. Is Kalena in any of your classes after lunch?”
“Yeah. She’s in my health class and eighth period biology with me and Sammy.”
“During your relief time, what’s stopping ya from asking Kalena to come and help with it?” I asked.
“She may not want to do anything with me in such a public setting,” Jason somewhat rightly replied.
“The simplest solution to this, Jase is to just talk with Toxic before you go into those classes and find out what her feelings are on helping you. If she doesn’t feel comfortable doing stuff with you in your classes, then you go to plan ‘B’ and ask her if she’ll be okay with having someone like Sammy or another girl in class help. If she gives any indication of not liking that either ... then you go to plan ‘C’, which is...”
“Taking care of my own business, right?” Jason correctly stated. He then sighed and added, “I’m not sure I’m gonna be good with doing that in front of the class, though.”
“Get with Sammy, or if Cano is in your class, and ask one of them to take care of their own business alongside you. That visual will help ‘inspire’ your relief, as well as lower your stress of doing it in front of others,” I softly said to my friend.
“You think either of them will do that for, uh, for with me?” Jason asked.
“Oh, yeah. Just ask them ahead of time so they don’t have any crazy ideas about getting someone else to help with their relief,” I replied.
Just then the warning bell sounded. I was glad to see that Jason’s prior frown slowly transformed into a partial or uneasy smile.
“Thanks for talking with me, Mike. All this crap is ... a little overwhelming, right now.”
“Get with me or anyone of us NIS folks, if you’re feeling a tad stressed with this, Jason. Today is scary but it’s also the easiest day. Later in the week, get with me, Paul, Jenn or Sammy if the requests and touching are getting to you, ‘kay?”
“I will, thanks for talking with me.”
“C’mon. Let’s get with our naked beauties and head out into the mass of wide-eyed gawkers!” I stated as I slapped Jason’s big, right shoulder.
“You ready for your nude modeling debut?” Tempe excitedly said as she waited alongside Sammy, Lynette and our crew for Jason and me.
“It will be fun ... I think. I’m just not sure that nude models are supposed to have this ... when they’re posing,” I chuckled and lightly touched my semi-erect cock with my left hand.
As we walked up the back stairs to the second floor, Tempe softly asked, “Are we gonna ask for relief and ... you know take care of our own pleasure?”
“That was the plan, but if you’re not good...”
“No, no. I just, I just need it ... kinda bad, now. Seeing you and Sammy in the library, and then talking about it at lunch, well...” Tempe softly prattled.
“We need to turn our chairs towards each other, so that visual will speed things along ... if Mrs. Stenn holds us to the five minute rule,” I said as we approached the art studio room.
“The way I’m feelin’, now ... five minutes will allow me to pop off two or three times!” Tempe chortled and shimmied her firm breasts as we stepped into Mrs. Stenn’s room.
“Good afternoon, Ms. Tempe and Mr. Mike!” Mrs. Stenn joyfully exclaimed. “I don’t think I’ve ever had such beautiful nude models in any of my studios, welcome! Come, sit down here until class starts.”
“Thank you and good afternoon to you, Mrs. Stenn,” Tempe replied as she held my hand. She then asked, “Mrs. S, would you be willing to do a little body painting before school starts on Wednesday? We obviously can’t wear costumes but Mr. Williamson said as long as our privates and butts are exposed, we could have any costume we could put together.”
“You want me to spray paint your body before school, Halloween morning?”
“Yes, please! If you think you’ll have time, I was hoping you could paint me, Sammy Labatt and Lynette Robertson before school. We’ll get here as early as you need us to be here!” Tempe excitedly said.
“It will probably take a good twenty to thirty minutes for me to do justice to your bodies, so, ahhh, if the three of you can be here by seven, that should be enough time,” Mrs. Stenn responded as she was mentally going through the spray painting process in her mind. The art teacher then asked, “Do you have any specific costume or design in mind?”
“I’ll leave that up to your wonderful imagination. I’ll try and get with Sammy and Lynette to see if they have a specific plan and I’ll stop back here at the end of the day. Thank you, thank you, Mrs. S. This is gonna be a great Halloween, now!” Tempe replied and joyfully hopped in place for a few seconds.
The sight of Tempe’s firm breasts bouncing on her chest had my semi-erect cock at full mast, now. When the excited beauty saw the dollop of pre-cum at the slit in my large cockhead, her blue eyes once more got seriously wide.
“I’m guessing by the state of your equipment, Mike, and the expression on your face, Tempe, you both would like to take advantage of your relief session?” Mrs. Stenn softly surmised.
“Oh, most definitely yes!” Tempe replied and then put her hands up over her blushing face when she realized how needful and semi-slutty her response sounded.
“It’s okay, Temp,” I softly said and hugged her to my chest. I looked at Mrs. Stenn and asked, “Should I move a couple of chairs to the front?”
“If you’re okay with that mattress, you can sit or lie down on it to take care of your conditions. I have it set up for my classes’ charcoal drawing sessions.”
“That works for me, Mrs. Stenn. Is that good with you, Tempe?”
The blushing blonde didn’t verbally reply but gave a quick affirmative nod. Tempe then pulled her hands from her face and quickly mashed it into my chest and whimpered slightly.
“What is it, Sweetstuff?” I asked as I ran my hands over her bare back.
“Pa-people are really, really gonna see my fat lips now, Ma-Mike,” Tempe replied as she lifted her head and peered up into my face.
“Just focus on me and what I’m doing with my cock, as well as what you’re feeling in your pussy, Tempe. Everything else here is just clutter and doesn’t matter,” I softly said and reached up to wipe a single tear from the corner of her right eye.
“Alright class!” Mrs. Stenn called out as all but one seat was filled in her art studio. “We have a super special treat for you, today ... the whole week, actually, as we have NIS students, Tempe and Mike Nevins, here to serve a nude models. This normally is an upper level activity at universities, so I really hope you’ll be on your best behavior and take advantage of this wonderful situation.”
The twenty one students gave Tempe and me a short little round of applause. Mrs. Stenn then said, “Both Mike and Tempe are going to take advantage of the NIS’s relief rule, so quickly get your charcoal pencils and stones, and your drawing book ready. Then you may watch respectfully as these to students take their relief.”
Mrs. Stenn then turned to us and said, “Make yourselves comfortable on that mattress and I won’t stop you if you need a tad longer than the official five minute time limit.” I loved how the art teacher used her fingers to quotation mark the ‘official time limit’.
“Thanks, Mrs. S, I doubt I’ll need more than five minutes, though,” Tempe softly responded.
“If ... I sit with my back to the headboard, and, uh, if you lie down with your head propped up on a couple of pillows here, Tempe ... think this will work for you?” I said as I moved two big pillows to the foot of the bed and then adjusted the two pillows at the headboard.
“As long as I can see and focus on what you’re doing, Mike, I’ll be just fine,” Tempe replied. When I sat at with my back to the headboard, I tapped the space between my spread legs to show this petite blonde where I thought she should park her naked tail.
“There was the class buzzer, Tempe, Mike. You can begin when you’re ready,” Mrs. Stenn replied and then graciously turned back to her make sure her students were doing as they were told.
“Just focus on me, Tempe because I most definitely will be watching what you’re doing around her lovely little pussy.” I took a hold of my cock with my left hand and used my right fingertips to smear my pre-cum around my sensitive crown.
Tempe fluffed up the two pillows with her arms as she reclined on the mattress with your legs spread on the outside of my bent legs. With a sweet smile, Tempe moved her right hand to her left breast and caught her nipple in a scissor-like pinch with her index and middle fingers. Her left hand caressed her stomach on its slow journey to her puffed up pussy and thick, meaty pussy lips.
Because I knew it wouldn’t take much ‘jacking’ of my shaft for me to cum, I lazily touched and stroked my cock as I watched how Tempe manipulated her awesome pussy to elevate her pleasure meter. Tempe used a variety of slow and fast circular movements over her puffy pussy and clit area, interspersed with the occasional middle finger running through her slit to ramp up her sexual excitement.
I winked and mouthed to Tempe, “I’m the only one here,” after she returned her sullen gaze to my face when we heard a couple of female students say, “That is one monster cock,” followed by, “Tempe’s lips are almost as thick as Mike’s dick.”
“This is so-so good, Mike,” Tempe whispered as she moved her nipple rolling right hand down her torso, and slid it around her softly gyrating butt. As she pulled up on her meaty pussy lips with her left fingers, Tempe slipped her right pointer and index fingers into the bottom opening of her vagina. The ‘squishing’ sound from her fingers plowing in her pussy, along with her elevated ‘ohs’ and ragged breathes created an orgasmic symphony for my ears.
With her vocalizations increasing, I began to take a little more interest in what my left hand was doing to my thick shaft. When I softly groaned, “Oh yeah, get there with me, Tempe,” the fingering blonde lifted her head from her pillows and stared at me with her big blue eyes. I then looked at her fast moving fingers and softly said, “Three, you need to use three.”
As soon as she heard that, Tempe rolled onto her left side and pulled her fingers from her pussy. She quickly sucked those probing fingers into her mouth and wetted her right ring finger. With a wicked grin, Tempe formed a triangular shape probe and twisted her three digits up into her tight, slippery pussy. With her left hand, she cupped her right breast and dug her fingertips into her firm mammary tissue. Her loud cry of orgasmic pleasure washed over her after her five left fingertips moved towards her right nipple and then gave it a sweet pull-twisting action.
“Ohhh! Shit! Tempe!” I cried as my cock exploded, sending three streams of white cum up towards my heavy breathing chest. I never did see Tempe curl up into a tight ball after her first NIS driven orgasm.
Our legs touched a few times during our mutual masturbation session. However when Tempe accidentally stretched her right leg out towards me from her balled up position, the shocking but not too painful sensation in my testicles caused me to crack the back of my head on the art studio’s headboard.
That loud whack and my accompanying cry of surprise and pain captured the whole room’s attention. Mrs. Stenn and a few students immediately asked if I was alright and rushed over to our location.
“My God! Mike, are you okay?” Tempe cried as she rolled to her knees and crawled up between my slow moving legs. I opened my eyes just as Tempe pulled me by my shoulders into her naked torso.
“I’m so-so sorry, Mike. I didn’t realize my foot could reach and kick your, your balls! God, I’m so-so sorry,” Tempe softly said as she rocked my head between her breasts.
“I’m okay, Tempe. Your foot didn’t hurt my ... It just surprised me, that’s all,” I softly replied as I rubbed my hands on Tempe’s tight little butt.
“Is the back of your head okay, Mike?” Mrs. Stenn said as she knelt on the mattress beside Tempe and me.
“It will take a harder whack than that to ‘K-O’ me, Mrs. S,” I replied and pushed hard on Tempe’s breast bone with the side of my head. I was glad to feel that Tempe recognized that little push as a cue to ease her tight hug on my shoulders.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Mike?” Tempe asked as she leaned away from my head and shoulders.
“I’m fine, Tempe ... and if you look at your ribcage and stomach areas, you’ll be able to see just how fine I am,” I replied. I then ran my fingers through the sticky, runny blotches of cum on her slender torso that had transferred from my stomach and chest to Tempe during her comforting hug.
“Can you run to the restroom, Tawny, and bring back a stack of wet and dry paper towels,” Mrs. Stenn smartly asked one of her students. The art teacher then said to us, “After you both get cleaned up, would you prefer to do a standing, seated or reclining pose for the class, today?”
“You’re the professional artist, Mrs. S, so you can have us pose as you think is best,” Tempe replied.
“Mike, I have a semi-decent acoustic guitar, here, which I often use for figure drawings and paintings. How about sitting on the bed and maybe sing a song to the girl you just spent a special moment with ... Ms. Tempe.”
“That sounds like a plan ... a fun plan at that, Mrs. Stenn,” I replied.
“I’d like that,” Tempe replied as she took a few of the wet towels from Tawny to wipe off my transferred cum from her stomach, and her own juices from around her shaved pussy.
“How do you want me to here, Mrs. S?” I asked as I took a few of the wet paper towels from Tawny and began to clean my chest, stomach and groin areas of my sticky fluids.
“When you have the guitar in your lap, why don’t you lean against the headboard ... just don’t whack your head again, ‘kay. Do you think you could sit and play the guitar with your left leg out straight and you right leg bent, like this?” Mrs. Stenn asked and then demonstrated how she thought I should sit on the studio’s bed.
“I’ll be able to play sitting like that,” I said to the art teacher and moved to toss the wet and dry paper towels in the trash can.
“I’ll get that guitar for you, Mike,” Tempe said after she tossed a handful of soiled paper towels in the trash.
“Tempe, why don’t you lay down on the bed with your head on Mike’s left calf. That way, you’ll be able to look at him playing and the class will have a nice view of your stretched out body,” Mrs. Stenn said to my NIS partner.
I got into the position that the art teacher described, and asked, “Is this how you want me, Mrs. S?”
“Perfect, Mike. I hope you’ll be able to play the guitar like that. If not, just hold it like you would be playing it,” Mrs. Stenn replied and then turned her attention to my NIS partner. “Tempe, lay down here, please ... that’s it ... put with your arm over his left leg and your head on his calf. Now, if you can bend your legs at the knees to help your balance. Good girl ... If I may, I’m going to lift your left knee up just like this ... Perfect! Are both of you good with holding these positions for fifteen to twenty minutes?”
“Oh, yeah,” I replied as I peered down at Tempe’s face, and along her beautiful naked body.
“I’m good with this, Mrs. S,” Tempe said as she used her right fingernails to lightly scratch my left upper thigh.
“Okay, class, after I adjust these hanging lights to create a shadowing effect for their pose, you’ll have about twenty minutes to capture either a general overall drawing or to focus on some specific aspect of Mike’s or Tempe’s bodies. I’m still debating on whether to have them recreate this pose tomorrow to allow you to either finish your drawing or to focus on a different artist characteristic.”
With the two lights creating bright and shaded areas on our bodies and this guitar, Mrs. Stenn had the class begin their charcoal sketches. She walked to the end of the studios bed and said to me, “Feel free to play something, if you’re up for it, Mike.”
“You have a request or a favorite song you’d like me to play, Tempe?”
“I’ve seen your band play four times this fall, Mike, so anything you play will be wonderful,” Tempe replied as she closed her eyes and relaxed her body at my lower leg.
“Four times, whoa! Was that your sister, I saw with you at our concert at the Aeolian?” I asked.
“Yeah, we went to both your Friday and Sunday concerts,” Tempe replied with sparkles in her baby blue eyes.
“Okay, I’m glad you like our band’s songs. So, ah ... here’s a little country-rock song for you, Tempe.” I replied and started to strum this acoustic to get an ideal of how this guitar sounded and felt in my hands. While it wasn’t up to my Sweet Baby James’ standards, I was thinking if I turned the ‘D’ string’s peg a skosh tighter, it wouldn’t be half bad.
“Sounds good, Mike. What’s this song called?” Tempe asked as her propped up left leg slowly moved with the tempo of my playing.
“I haven’t officially given it a name yet, but I think something like, Rock My World, might be a good title,” I said and then sang:
“She’s got a T-Top Camaro with a scoop on the hood.
And two big speakers blasting Johnny B. Goode.
Looking so sweet it oughta ... be a crime,
She plays with my heart and messes with my mind.
Acts like Madonna but she listens to Merle.
Rock my world! Little country girl.“
Tempe’s face was radiant as I sang this song to her and the class. During that first verse, Tempe’s right fingertips moved slowly towards to my inner thigh and my scrotum. As I played the guitar before the second verse, Tempe whispered, “My fingers aren’t gonna distract you from your song, are they?”
I smiled down at her and gave a slight negative head movement and then sang:
“She wears snakeskin boots made by Calvin Klein.
And cheap sunglasses from the ‘Five and Dime.’
All the other girls in school, they give her dirty looks.
She got an “A” in math and never cracked a book.
Sure looks good in her denim and pearls.
Rock my world! Little country girl.“
I gave Tempe my own ‘dirty look’ when I felt her right thumb and index finger gently squeeze my left testicle. After she gave me a double shot of ‘eye-brow’ raises, Tempe barely scooted her body and head upwards on my straight left leg.
‘Oh Lordy!‘ I thought as her fingers could now easily reach my guitar hidden genitals. Fortunately, this little development didn’t impair my singing the chorus:
“Rock my world!
Drag me out on the floor.
Dance with me till I can’t dance anymore.
One-step, two-step, get in a line.
I gotta find a way to make you mine! Oh! Mine!
Rock my World!“
Tempe’s fingers were doing their best to ‘rock my world’ as I played and sang those lyrics. Her pointer fingertip and thumb weren’t able to touch as she slowly stroked my nearly rock hard shaft. Because of the ‘stickiness’ from my earlier orgasm, the skin on my shaft was deliciously tugged by her lightly circled fingers.
As Tempe lightly jacked my shaft, I played an acoustic riff on the guitar. During this little riff, I decided to spice this country song up a tad by singing an adjusted version of, Mustang ‘Tempe’ (Sally), before I closed the Brooks and Dunn’s song by singing:
“I tell her that I love her but it ain’t enough.
She says I got to learn to ... loosen up.
Get a little WILD on Saturday night.
But make sure she’s home before the mornin’ light.
Sunday she’s all ribbons and curls.
Rock my world! Little country girl.
[Repeat chorus]
Rock my world! Little country girl.
Rock my world! Little country girl.
Rock my world! Little country girl.
All you got to do is to ride, Tempe, ride!“
(Note: Rock My World (Little Country Girl) was written by Bill LaBounty and Steve O’Brien, and performed by the country duo, Brooks & Dunn. This song is from their 1993 album, Hard Workin’ Man. Kix Brooks sang lead on this song instead of their regular lead, Ronnie Dunn. RMW-LCG reached number one on the Canadian Country Tracks, and number two on the US Billboard Hot Country Singles Chart.)
That mixture of two songs took about eight minutes, so I easily transitioned into the acoustic introduction to Two Steps Behind. As I did that, Tempe closed her eyes again and idly tickled my shaft and balls. Before I started to sing that Def Leppard song, she softly whispered, “Did you know I am a country girl, at heart?”
“Well, you are from Ipperwash, Sweetstuff,” I replied.
I never did get to sing Two Steps Behind while modeling with Tempe as I simply strummed out the music to that song on this borrowed guitar. Tempe and I softly chatted and learned a few little tid-bits about each other until Mrs. Stenn told us we could get up off the mattress.
“This gonna be interesting,” I said as I laid the guitar down on the mattress as Tempe moved to a sit at the edge of the mattress.
“What is? Oh, my! Did I cause that?” Tempe playfully asked as she nodded to my high angled hard-on.
“Unless somebody else’s fingers were strokin’ my shaft and tickling my balls, I would say, ‘Yeah! You did!’”
“Will you survive ‘til the next relief session?” Tempe innocently asked.
“Oh, yeah,” I replied with a smile and swung my legs around to the floor. When I stood up, we heard a few, “Ohs!” and “My gawd! Look at that!” type comments from several of the female art students.
“You two are welcome to walk around and look at the drawings if you like,” Mrs. Stenn said.
Tempe started her journey through the art stations on the right side of the room, while I angled down the left side.
“Mike, you’ll see a wide range of abilities in here, as well as a variety of perspectives based on how the students viewed your bodies for their drawings,” Mrs. Stenn softly said as she moved in behind me. “Some students will focus more on shading techniques, while Cari’s drawing, here, shows good use of an artist’s ‘exaggerated perspective’.”
“That sure is an exaggerated perspective!” I chuckled as I saw the ‘ballooned boobs’ on Tempe’s smaller than expected body, and the baseball bat sized cock lying between my way too thin and short legs.
“I like having a little fun when I’m drawing, Mike,” Cari said with a grin on her face. Cari Kendall was a twelfth grader with an obvious artistic gift.
“Come look at Ellie’s drawing, Mike!” Tempe called from the center of the room.

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