Control Freak
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Control Freak.
- Part 1 -
I came to about three days later with little memories of what had happened. Gradually, working with a hospital therapist on a daily basis, I started to fill in the ?holes? in what had been my memory. Most of my memory came back to me in the first few weeks. But it was very difficult to try to remember the night of the accident. Only after a number of months did the fog start to lift in my mind and I could remember back and know what had happened. Up to a point, that is.
It was the night of our graduation from high school and me and my four best buds were out to have a good time. We had hit the ground running right after the ceremonies and didn’t stop until we had been to four of our small town’s five bars. Mel was our ?leader?, just as she had been all throughout school. She had gotten a bright red Camaro for graduation and she wanted to bust loose. So she talked the rest of us, Trish, Megan, Katie and me into hanging with her for the night. Dressed to kill, we took to the night like we owned it.
Everybody was our friend and we got more offers from guys of all ages, than any of us could handle for a hundred years. We were on top of the world and we knew it. There was nothing that could stop us?.
But then the unthinkable happened. Driving too fast into a turn, Mel swerved just a bit over the center line. In an instant everything changed and our lives and world were shattered. Normally that road would have been okay to drive fast down and with virtually no traffic ever, Mel’s maneuvering wouldn’t have been a problem. But that night, fate stepped in and dealt us a raw deal. A large Semi was headed in our direction. Perched up high in his cab, the driver had seen Mel’s Camaro come barreling down the road towards him and being new to the truck, had tried to swerve out of the way, by quickly steering towards the right. Unfortunately, his action threw the rest of his rig into a jackknife position and causing the back end of the truck to swing around and slide into our lane of travel. As we entered the turn, I ducked down to snort a line of coke from Katie’s compact mirror. That was the last thing I would remember from the accident. No amount of therapy ever brought back what happened in the next few seconds.
According to the police report, Mel was doing just over 80 M.P.H. when she collided with the back half of the truck. The angle of her car took it directly into side of the trailer just in front of the rear wheels. The body of the truck acted like a razor sharp knife and sheared off the top of the car as if was made of cheap plastic. All four of the girls were decapitated instantly. I was the only survivor, saved by bending over to do a line. The truck driver was shaken so badly that he collapsed after stumbling out of the trucks cab and seeing what was left of the car, half under his rig. He would never drive another truck and ended up with a major case of post-traumatic stress disorder.
The police report said that while only suffering some blunt trauma to my head, when they arrived, I was still strapped in my seat in the right rear seat, covered completely in blood, and screaming uncontrollably. I was in a severe state of shock, the headless bodies of my friends still sitting next to me and I had ?snapped?. It didn’t say that the first two officers to reach the scene had become violently ill when they too got to the car. It was the worst accident in the history of our town and, in fact the entire county. And I had basically walked away from it with just a bump on my head.
I first noticed that something strange had also happened to me about four or five months later. I was home at the time, my therapy now just two times a week and the therapist, a nice young woman from Honduras, would come to my parent’s home to work with me. I hadn’t gone out at all during all time since the accident, save to attend the memorial service given a month after the accident. There was no one I wanted to see and the parents of my friends haunted me, as I knew they didn’t understand how I survived but their daughters had all died. I didn’t know why either but I couldn’t face them yet.
But it was a bright late August day, the sun was shining and, for once, the humidity was extremely low. I had gone out to the back deck near our pool, to try to get a bit of a tan, and was wearing a simple ?wife beater? tee shirt and my bikini bottoms. My hair had nearly all grown back on the top of my head where the Camaro’s top had nearly scalped me [despite the police report of a minor bump to my head, I had barely escaped the same fate as my friends and had suffered a deep cut on the very top of my head, which had put a dent in my skull].
So when Polo called out at the front door to see if I was home, I told her to come around the back. The back of our house is very secluded with twenty-foot high hedges on all sides, so we were hidden from any prying eyes. I used to sunbathe nude to get an all over tan every summer in high school – actually my mom and I used to all the time. A frustrated nudist, she often walked around the back yard with nothing on while doing some gardening or slipped into the pool to cool off and then to lie back on one of the lounge chairs and read, her bright red hair and bush blazing in the sun. I had inherited the same strip-off-my-clothes attitude ever since I was young and it was hard for my parents to keep any clothes on me when we went to the beach or a friend’s pool.
But that day I was covered up when Polo came out to the deck. I bade her sit down and offered her a glass of lemonade from the large pitcher I had brought out earlier. She accepted and after taking a sip, dug into her canvass bag and started to pull out her books and note pad. Always a bit serious, she insisted that we get to work almost immediately as soon as she arrived for each session. Today was no exception.
But it was so beautiful out that working was the last thing I wanted to do that day. It was hot and sunny and I was feeling a bit horny. It had been months since I had even thought about sex, pushing all such thoughts out of my head to focus on my therapy and working on getting my mind working right again. Before the accident I had been pretty much consumed by thoughts of sex every day, buried mostly in my subconscious but there nevertheless.
So when Polo reached into her bag, I suddenly leaned back and stretched languorously, letting my tee shirt ride up a bit and one of my bare breasts poked through the sleeveless sides of the tee. I noticed that Polo glanced over and slyly looked at it. My nipple, with a mind of its own, began to thicken and elongate. The tingling I used to get in the sensitive tip slowly roused itself and I felt it start to work its way down to between my legs. I was becoming aroused.
But wait, I thought, I know I used to get horny at the thoughts of guys but not with girls? I know I like girls, but not like that... I continued in my mind. But then I looked over at her and saw that she was really very pretty with her dark Spanish skin and large brown eyes. Her body moved easily in her thin summer dress, the material barely containing what looked like a set of very big breasts and a shapely ass. Suddenly I wondered what her breasts looked like naked and how I’d love to see her stretched out on the lounger.
And that’s when it happened; she suddenly pushed her stuff back in her bag and turned towards me. My mouth fell open in surprise when she reached behind her and started to unzip the back of her dress, saying in a low, husky voice:
?You want to see my teats, don’t you??
I could only nod my head in agreement as she pulled the dress down around her and then stood quickly to pull it over her hips and onto the deck. She bent forward and then her bra was off and also at her feet. She took a step towards me and nuzzled those large breasts over my face. I reached up and rubbed my open palm over the very large and dark aureoles with their inch long nipples poking out from the center of each. I was panting now and Polo fed first one and then the other nipple into my eager mouth, humming a strange tune. I slipped my hand between her legs and found her white cotton panties had a large wet spot in front. I lightly rubbed my fingers over the thin material and she trembled a little, the spot getting much larger and very, very wet.
This is very strange I thought. One minute I’m horny and thinking about what her body would look like and the next minute, she’s taking off her dress and having me suck on her breasts as if we’ve been lovers for years. It was almost as if she read my mind, I thought. But I’ve never had that happen before, I thought. Even with the memory loss since the accident, I’m sure I’d have remembered if I could do that from before. Maybe she’s a mind reader, I thought, but she keeps it to herself. Of course, that still doesn’t answer why she suddenly just stripped off right now. Nor why she suddenly seems as horny as I am, either.
I was pulled from these thoughts by Polo, suddenly grabbing at my head and pulling me tighter to her chest, while she tried to pull her panties down over her wide hips. She wanted more and I found I was responding to her as I never had before with my former boyfriend, Matt. Her hands then left my head and she was pushing them through the arms of my tee shirt, grabbing hard at my breasts, squeezing my nipples between her thumbs and fingers, pinching them hard to the point where they started to hurt and were sending little shocks right down to my pussy and clit. I too, pulled at my bikini bottoms and stripped them from me, exposing my bare puss to the air. I was still mouthing her tits and then I was sucking hard on them, almost biting the turgid nipples in my frenzy. She responded by pulling my breasts up painfully and then her mouth was on them, sucking my nipples as hard as I was sucking hers. We were attacking each other’s breasts like two possessed demons, biting and hurting each other as it fueled our passion.
Then suddenly her hands dove down between my legs and she was pulling them open while pushing me down onto the lounger. She pushed me around so my legs were facing away from her and then, like an animal she was suddenly straddling my face, her soaking wet slit just inches from my mouth. And as she bent forward, I felt her mouth on my pussy and her tongue flicked out and down, parting my hairs as she slipped into my wetness. Lifting my head, I slid my tongue into her slit and felt her shudder again. Then slowly she lowered herself down onto my face, impaling her pussy on my tongue. I began to hum a little, a trick I remembered from my going down on Matt. The effect on Polo was electrifying!!
Suddenly she was gyrating on my face, mashing her slit down hard on my mouth, her juices flowing over my lips and down my throat, grinding down on me as she got closer and closer to orgasm, my tongue still shoved deep into her pussy. I could feel her tighten and grip me hard, little ridges massaging my tongue, as she started cuming. And I felt her tongue force it’s way deeper into me as well, the tip of it hard and pointed, stabbing at my tender pussy and then, -
Oh My God!!!
Her tongue scrapped over my G-Spot and my world exploded in fireworks of light and heat, I felt my ass lift up and, as she sucked hard on my clit, I went over the edge in a massive rush of cuming and cuming, I was screaming and crying and laughing all at once, and then I felt her pussy contract suddenly on my tongue as she came hard, too. She ground down hard on my face and then I felt her hands slide back over my belly to my nearly forgotten breasts, kneading them like soft dough. I slid my hands up to grasp hers as well and, as I found her nipples, she squeezed mine painfully.
I responded by squeezing hers just as hard and then, as we dug our fingers into each others tender nipples as hard as we could, I could feel the second wave of orgasm crash down, taking both of us away at the same time until we were both thrusting our mouths into each others pussies, sucking as hard as we could on the others clit until both organs were bright red and rigid. And then we both gushed at the same time, our orgasms triggering our spasming pussys to ejaculate what seemed gallons of girl juice onto each other, soaking our faces, hair and the mattress of the lounger. Our tongues slurped at our reddened and swollen pussys, cleaning and sucking down all the wetness until the sense of urgency slowly faded and we could simply relax, comfortable in our warmth and sensuality. Polo arched up and then, swinging her legs around, came down to lie next to me, and we shared gentle kisses in the warm sun, our naked bodies sliding smoothly over each other, arms and legs entwined until we both fell asleep.
An hour later, Polo stirred and we both awoke. We kissed again but then suddenly she was sitting up and looking for her clothes, a sheepish look on her face. I found my tee shirt and pulled it over my head. I tried to get her to stop getting dressed and grabbed at her arm. She turned towards me but she had changed back to her ?professional? persona, and the sexually charged Polo was gone.
?I’m sorry? I – I don’t know what came over me? Please don’t tell the agency about what happened, I could lose my job? and, and, oh my god!, I could even lose my license?please don’t say anything, I beg of you??
Her voice trailed off into barely a whisper?..I held her tight and told her that I would never breathe a word of what we had done and that she shouldn’t worry about it at all. She got up and straightened out her dress, sniffling a bit. She asked if she could use the bathroom to ?freshen up? before her next appointment and then suddenly she was gone. I knew I would never see her again, and true enough, the next week; the agency called and said that she had resigned and they would be sending someone else in her place.
The next Tuesday a new therapist came to the house, a no-nonsense older matron who mumbled something about Polo suddenly requesting a reassignment to a different part of the city and she having to switch everything around to take me on. She was not happy about that at all.
That was my first inkling that something had changed with me. I was a bit afraid to try it on the new therapist, as she was too austere to even have such thoughts I reasoned and besides, I really had no desire to see her naked. Little did I know that I could have made her do anything I wanted her to do, just by thinking a certain way. I was satisfied with my session with Polo and had gotten the horny’s out of my system for a while??or so I thought??
- Part 2 -
Iris Brittain was Polo’s replacement. After her grumbling initially about having to change her assignments, she had warmed up to Anne within a couple of weeks. She was quite strict though and allowed for very little small talk between her and her ?patient?. She had set up what she referred to as her ?Therapy Rules? in the very first session and Anne was suddenly confronted with an entirely different methodology, in which she now had to work. Iris refused to conduct her therapy sessions anywhere but in the small ?sun room? off the main living room of the house. She asked that a small desk be brought in and would sit straight backed in the chair behind it for the entire session, scribbling down notes profusely, only asking a few scant questions during their hour together.
Anne was very put off by her demeanor and stubbornly refused to answer Iris’ questions the first two times they met. As Iris was not given to changing her ways, a very awkward silence permeated those sessions. Anne quickly realized though, that she really had no choice but to comply with Iris’ demands and her normally sunny personality just as quickly returned. She began to talk openly with her and soon felt that she was finally starting to make a break-through. Her mind, which had essentially shut down all these months since the accident, began to ?remember? some of her past and she found that the last few days before the accident were coming back to her. Snippets of conversations she’d had with her dead girlfriends also bubbled up to the surface. But when she tried to visualize them in her mind, she couldn’t focus and that they seemed to be in a thick fog, their faces, dissolved into nothingness, as if an eraser rubbed away any features that they had. Their voices were there and yet they weren’t there for her to see.
The first time it happened to her, the effect was so unnerving that Anne burst into tears and sobbed uncontrollably for nearly half an hour. No amount of comforting words from Iris seemed to help. Frightened by how deeply the memories cut into her, she gathered herself up and on wobbly legs got up, apologized to Iris for her behavior and quickly left the room. She rushed through the house and then hurried up the stairs to her bedroom. Her mother, putting groceries away in the kitchen, and hearing her run up the stairs called out to her but was ignored. She put the milk and orange juice containers in the ‘fridge and then walked over to the bottom of the stairs. There she met Iris, who had packed up her books and notebook into her bag, surmising that the session for today was ended, about to leave the house. Iris looked up at her and then quietly told Elise, as that was Anne’s mother’s name, that Anne had suffered a small set- back today but that it would eventually help her to better recover. She continued that Anne’s experience was quite normal for the type of psychological trauma Anne had been through and it might happen over and over again. The idea was that eventually the girl’s faces wouldn’t disappear when the old memory came back to her as Anne’s mind healed. Unfortunately, she added, no one could predict how long it would take before this happened.
Seeing the shocked look on Elise’s face, she continued with a reassurance to the mother that fortunately Anne was quite young and very resilient. She said that she would return next week and that Anne should be okay until then. Any outbreaks would probably result in a similar reaction of crying and a rush to go to the sanctuary of her room, she added. She did give her business card, though, saying that if Anne became overly stressed, then Elise should call her and she would come over to talk with her. She had encountered this behavior in a few patients in the past and found that an extra therapy session or two would sometimes help. With this Iris picked up her bag and went to leave the house.
Elise, still a bit apprehensive that everything would be alright, made her way up to Anne’s room. She stood outside her door for a long time, hearing the sounds of sobbing from within but decided not to disturb her daughter. After some time, she quietly tipped-toed away and went down the hall to her bedroom. She closed the door behind her and then went to sit at the far side of the large 4 poster bed and dialed the phone on her night stand. She spoke softly into the receiver to Jilly, her husband Fred’s secretary. He was in one of his interminable meetings but when Elise told her it was about Anne, Jilly told her she would get him immediately. Within a minute or two, Fred picked up the phone, breathing hard from running out of the meeting.
?Elise, what’s wrong with Anne?? he practically yelled into the phone, wheezing from being nearly out of breath. He had feared every day since the tragic accident that Anne might one day ?snap? and suffer some kind of nervous breakdown. He had always been a very protective dad and had almost refused to let her go out that fateful night, but had relented after both his wife and daughter had reassured him that Anne was old enough to go out on her own with her friends.
Anne had always been a sensible, down-to- Earth, young girl and not given to the hijynx of other girls her age. He had not been entirely convinced but she went anyway. That Anne had somehow managed to survive the crash while the others had not, had plagued his mind ever since. He didn’t know why she had ducked down at that precise moment, he only knew that she had and that that one act, for whatever reason, had spared her. As the car was totally wrecked and also drenched in blood and body parts, the cops hadn’t completely examined the car but had had it towed to the impound yard and left in the very back of the lot, in an effort to keep the curious townsfolk as far away from it as possible. It eventually ceased to be of interest to anybody and slowly rusted away.
As Anne was too traumatized to tell anyone what had happened and the compact’s mirror had broken, when it flew out of Anne’s hand, the cocaine was never discovered. The cops never administered a breath-a-lizer test on Anne as they knew she wasn’t the driver and given her state, the hospital spent more time on getting her cleaned up and examined for any injuries rather than testing her for any substance abuse.
Besides, everyone knew that the five girls had been drinking, as they had hit almost every bar in town. So Fred concluded that Anne had bent over simply because she had had too much to drink and was about to pass out.
?Fred, relax hon, Anne’s going to be alright.? Elise said to him. She knew he was agitated and she wanted him to calm down a bit. His blood pressure had been rising since the accident, despite the fact that Anne had been unhurt, but she knew he was a worrier and, at his age, that was not a good thing. She quickly told him what had happened and what Iris the therapist had told her. He told her that he was going to head home but she told him that there was really no need, she would look in on Anne after she got off the phone with him, but that he should just come home at a normal time. She said good bye and hung up the phone.
Back in his office, Jilly watched her boss gradually calm down after initially rushing out of the meeting as soon as she had slipped in to tell him Elise was on the phone. He had jumped up as soon as she told him that it was about Anne, mumbled something of an apology to his boss and hurried to the phone. Everyone at his work, of course, knew what had happened in the accident and his boss knew that he had to run to take the call. Fred had confided in him only a few weeks earlier that he expected that Anne would someday suddenly remember everything about the accident and that there was no telling how she would react. Fred had told him that he thought she might suffer a complete breakdown and the two of them had discussed it over a couple of beers that night at the local bar after work. A kind and older man, he sympathized with Fred’s plight and had reassured him that if something like that ever did happen that he was to just drop everything and go to his daughter’s side, saying that family was more important than his job just then.
Jilly was also concerned about Fred. She had seen him change in the last couple of months as well. Hired a couple of years ago right out of high school she had blossomed in that time into a quite striking young woman. She had become his assistant almost from her first day there and she had been a valuable asset to him in his career. She was smart and well read, and soon Fred found he could rely on her to take over a number of the smaller assignments, freeing him up to spend more time on the large accounts. They worked together like a well oiled machine and soon his boss gave him a well deserved raise and he was promoted senior executive vice president. Jilly got a raise and a promotion as well. With her new found wealth, she began to dress better, even hiring a shopping assistant to help coordinate her wardrobe.
He always had an entirely professional manner, but she had felt a slight undercurrent of feelings between them and once, when it was late and they were hurrying to meet a deadline for a client’s report, they had accidentally collided coming out of his office. Flustered, he had apologized profusely to her, but she just cracked a bad joke about it. That broke the tension and both of them laughed until she was crying. When he took a tissue to wipe the tears off her cheek, she suddenly fell into his arms. The kiss was hot and passionate and she held him tight to her.
Embarrassed by what he had done, he hurried back to his desk, muttering under his breath another apology. This time she followed him back to his desk and then took his hands in hers.
?Fred, it’s alright.? She said; ?That was my fault, not yours. I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long and, well, it just sort of happened.?
?But –? Fred hung his head and wouldn’t look at her.
?Really – ?
She smiled warmly at him and rubbed his hands between hers. Fred finally looked up at her. There was a brief pause, as if all the air was suddenly sucked out of the room.
She took a step toward him as he sat back in his black leather chair. And then she was on his lap, her kisses hard and hot. He stiffened for a moment as the last of his resistance to her drained away, his hands on her shoulders, his mind whispering to him to push her away. But he was under her spell and not able to control himself. He succumbed to her kisses and then was hugging her tightly to him, feeling her heat burning through her dress and lingerie. She was desperate now and pulled feverishly at his shirt and tie. Loosened by her fingers, his shirt was suddenly torn open and with a low growl, she pushed it down over his shoulders and arms. Caught, he tried to move his arms and found that she had effectively pinned them to his sides.
As he struggled to free his arms, she suddenly stopped kissing him and turning in his lap, pressed her hands into his arms forcing him down a little into the chair. Bending down she licked up his chest, her sharp tongue digging little furrows in his chest hair. As her tongue slid up his neck and across his cheek, her nails cruelly dug into his arms until he gave a little yelp. She was scaring him and he started to shake.
?What’s the matter, lover?? she whispered into his ear. ?Don’t tell me you’re not excited??
Her right hand left his arm and she slipped it down over his exposed stomach and then under his underwear. He was hard and the tip of his cock was wet with pre-cum.
?Well, now, I think I have the answer to that?hmmmm, don’t you agree?? she again whispered in his ear, followed by a girlish giggle.
He went rigid and his cock suddenly grew another two inches as she simultaneously bit his ear lobe and dug her finger nails deep into the thin flesh of his cock. The pain shot through him and he nearly cried out but then almost as quickly as it had hit him, the pain was gone.
She slid off his knees and pulled her hand from his pants. Standing up in front of him, she unzipped her skirt at the side and he watched, mesmerized, as it slipped down off her hips to puddle on the floor. Somehow she had taken off her shoes, he didn’t remember when and, as she stepped out of her skirt, he saw that she wasn’t wearing any panties. She was also very, very wet.
Looking down, she saw the perplexed look on his face that she wasn’t wearing panties. She shrugged her shoulders and said:
?It saves time.?
He was shaking uncontrollably now, his arms still tight at his side. Pulling her blouse over her head, she quickly squatted down and reached for his belt buckle. Undoing it, she unzipped his pants and then with a sudden hard tug on them, pulled them down to his knees. His erection tented his boxers and she saw how wet they were across the front. His eyes had taken on a glassy look and he made no move to stop her. She unclasped her bra and her large breasts fell out, the dark aureoles stiffening in the air. Her nipples had always been extremely sensitive and they now grew until they stood out more than an inch. She rubbed them over his knees and then across his groin, pushing them against his erection. He began to whimper softly.
?Yes, that’s much better, isn’t it?? she said looking up at him. Her tongue licked her lips obscenely.
?I think I had better free you, big boy, before you explode.? She continued, reaching into his boxers and pulling his stiff member out through the large fly. She was tender this time and merely rubbed her fingers up and down the shaft and tickled the large bulbous head. Gently pulling his balls from under his cock, she played and toyed with them until she felt them start to tighten up and his breathing got heavier. Pressing down hard at the base of his cock, she slowed him down, preventing him from cumming. Excited by how quickly she had gotten him to this point, she realized that she wanted to draw it out as long as she could. She wanted him badly but only on her terms and when she was ready. Flicking a finger over her hard clit she also knew that would be very, very soon.
She really had wanted him for a long time, that part was true, but she also had her own agenda. She wasn’t out to screw him out of his job and she didn’t want to be his wife either. She simply wanted to have him as her personal boy-toy. He wasn’t particularly rich but he made enough that he could set her up well enough for a long time.
Deep down, she was very lonely, having lost her parents years ago in an accident aboard a cruise ship. This had happened at the start of her freshman year in high school and she had become very withdrawn, her natural shyness fueling her grief over the death of her parents. She had retreated into books and became a voracious reader. Her father had a huge library in their home and she found he had books on nearly every topic and a large collection of first rate novels, all bound in rich brushed leather. She had also discovered a hidden room that held an extensive collection of erotica, most of it very old and which included some illustrated selections. These books she read thoroughly but realizing they were ?special?, only read them at night when she was alone in her bed.
Over the four long years there she had only made one friend, a female exchange student from Nicaragua named Polo. Jilly was nearly fluent in Spanish, as her parents had originated from Cuba and Polo needed help with her English, so they had become friends. But Polo was more outgoing than her and by her senior year had a large circle of friends. She had gone off after high school to get her degree in physical therapy at the local community college and the two lost contact.
Jilly smiled down at Fred’s dripping cock and then began to flick her tongue over and around the head. He started to squirm a bit and she squeezed down.
?I wonder if you taste as good as you look? she said looking up at him with a devilish smile. They locked eyes, Fred feeling like a puppet controlled by a cruel mistress, unable to tear his eyes from her steady gaze. Then without looking away she suddenly opened her mouth wide and took him whole, deep into her wet warm mouth. He bucked again and she slid further down his now engorged cock. She sucked hard and swirled her tongue around the head, while her fingers pulled and tugged hard on his aching balls. He was close to cumming she knew and she slurped harder. Freeing one hand, she slid it down over her left breast and, making sure that Fred was watching, she viciously grabbed the turgid nipple, pinching it hard and pulling it down, like she was milking it. A guttural sound came from her throat and then her hand slipped further down and was furiously rubbing up and down her sloppy wet slit. The guttural sound was like a drop of water on a hot griddle to Fred’s cock. With a loud groan, he was suddenly cumming; pouring thick ropes of cum down into her hungry mouth, his cock pistoning farther and farther down her throat.
Jilly exploded as her fingers rubbed hard over her clit, making little pulses of pleasure rocking up to her nipples and then back down to her pussy, each wave building on top of the previous one until she had cum so many times she lost count. And still she sucked hard on the cock that filled her mouth, pulling from it seeming gallons of thick luscious cum that she eagerly gulped down.
Then she started to feel the ache of yearning deep in her pussy. Despite her cumming by rubbing her clit, she also wanted, no, she needed to feel Fred’s cock, hard and hot, filling her pussy. Her vaginal walls stiffened and grabbed at her finger as she slipped it into the tightness. Locating her G-Spot, she pushed her finger up hard on it and rubbed vigorously while her walls convulsed and spasmed. A gush of girl juice squired out of her, coating her hand as she came again. Fred’s cock slowed its relentless thrusting and slowly began to soften and deflate in her mouth.
She began to hum a non-descript song as she felt him soften. The vibrations from her humming reverberated in Fred’s cock and, combined with a sensuous tongue bath, he soon started to get hard again. He was still caught in his shirt and as he struggled, she pushed him down harder into the chair. Her hard nipples scraped against his thighs. He was breathing heavy again, his mind blank focusing on the pleasure she was giving him.
With a slutty ?Pop? Jilly suddenly pulled her mouth off of Fred’s now rock hard cock. She playfully gave it a slap with her palm and watched as it swung back and forth. Fred groaned in frustration. Despite having cum only a few minutes before, he found he was ready again. Her teasing act had excited his imagination and his libido to heights he had never felt before. He lay back panting hard as he watched her.
Grasping the base of his cock, she quickly crawled back up into his lap. Spreading her legs wide she squirmed down until she had the tip of his cock positioned directly under her pussy. Then, as she rocked forward and gave him a lingering, wet kiss, she sat down slowly on his cock, feeling it slide into her, and filling her completely. He strained upwards but her arms wouldn’t let him move more than a few inches.
?Why Lover, you’re not trying to move, are you?? she said to him, as she ground herself down on him.
?But I want you to just stay nice and still. I’m going to use that hard cock of yours to get myself off.? She said through clenched teeth.
Fred could only lie there under her full weight on his arms, feeling like a butterfly pined to a table as Jilly humped his lap. He was simultaneously scared of her and highly stimulated. As he was held down he could only rock back and forth as she used him as her own fuck-toy. His cock was rubbed raw as her pussy clamped on to it and she rode him hard. He thought he should say something about the pain he was feeling but one look into her eyes made his words dry up. He had no choice but to accept the pain. He knew that if he said anything, she would either just ignore him or worse, she’d grind harder into his groin. And probably dig her nails into his arms again, as well.
She saw the beginning of a thought flash across his face for an instant and then he looked like he was going to say something to her. Secretly smiling to herself, she saw the confused look on his face and knew that he had succumbed to her domination over him. Now the fun starts, she thought and ground into him harder and faster. The thought caused her pussy to tingle and gush. With a series of sharp loud grunts, she rode him to her orgasm as hard as she could. He cried out over and over again, but she ignored him, as her pleasure was the only thing that mattered to her.
She finally stopped moving and quickly pulled his spent cock from her pussy, releasing a stream of girl juice and sperm that flowed out of her. Climbing off his lap, she bent down and pulled up her blouse and skirt from under his desk. Smoothing her clothes, she straightened up and walked over to her shoes. Slipping them on, she turned to see him still slouched over in the chair, his pants and boxers still at his knees.
?Better get dressed, Fred. I think I hear the cleaning crew coming down the hall. Wouldn’t be good if they caught you with your dick out in the open.? She said as she walked out of his office, shutting the door behind her.
But that had happened well before the accident?
[Continued in Part 3]
Cast –
Anne – recovering from accident- was college bound before accident – now maybe community college, per her recovery
Polo – first therapist for Anne – she sent thoughts into her mind and she went into lez lust for Anne – then abruptly quit –
Iris Brittain – new Therapist for Anne – 40 ish and very strict – has BDSM tendencies, along with latent lesbian desires
Matt – Anne’s former boyfriend – secretly wants to be dominated by an older woman – goes to community college – new girl friend is Rachel – Mel’s cousin
Elise – Anne’s mother – nudist at heart – secret lust for Matt, but can’t act on it [she thinks]
Fred – Anne’s father – haunted by the 4 girl’s deaths having lusted after all of them over the years – and feeling guilty about it
Jilly – Fred’s secretary – 2 years older than Anne
“Wow!” “And I want your nipples much bigger” “They’re big now! How much bigger do you want them?” Terrill turns his laptop towards Gloria and shows her a video of a guy fucking a woman’s nipples. “It’s called nipuru faku. Her nipples are fake, but yours will be real. I want your nipples 2 inches long and 1.5 inches thick, and they must have deep holes that will stretch so I can fuck them with my cock. Your nipple holes will be new erogenous zones for you. I want your...
Maybe this is not as much a story, as it is an introduction. See, I've been into piss play for as long as I can remember. It all began as a result of my first, being, a bed-wetter, and then having experienced piss play as in integral part of my very first initial sexual experiences, coupled too, with my first experiencing sex with a man, and then with a man and a woman together for my first two initial encounters. In other words, plain old, straight ,missionary position, suckie-fuckie-sex, just...
As my arms were stretched above my head, I could hear, but not see there were more than a couple of voices in the bedroom I was in. I thought back to the moment I was still sitting behind my computer upstairs. Try as I might, I couldn’t concentrate on the article I was writing. In it, I was exploring the human reaction to insecurity, and it’s opportunity for growth: ‘In your greatest fear lies your greatest reward’. At this point though my greatest distraction was downstairs. My wife, let’s...
Group SexIntroduction: Some of my experiences leading to who I am now….a total freak! For me, just fantasy is kinda hard because Ive done so much in sex and the things I do fantasize about are to have repeats of things Ive done, or what I plan to do with someone, or even the memory of what Ive done because being a nasty freak of a perv, I get off on being this way. Ill be the first to admit that I am total gutter trash and my cocks pleasure is my priority in life. I dont give a fuck if anyone thinks...
Ima freak in the nicest way....the GULF got skills to make punanny spray...the big man put in main mission please a woman 1st....make her squirt...gettin nastier than joe dirt.....super negro vision can see what's under your skirt..gemini flirt...stickin em wid that dagger as if my name was dirk...nervitski....hands an mouth never idle they always stay busy...fluent in clitorish....labia minora an majora...rub ya skin with my beard to see if your tickleish s not...
From the first time we touched it was obvious that the spark between us was something special.The way we responded to each others touch was celestial,the passion was unlike any other either of us had ever experienced.So it was ovious we were campatible in many ways very early on.So it should of come to no surprise that I would discover she was a freak as well.I mean after all,my dream woman would be,right.So as soon as her freak flag became apparent,I ran it right up my flag pole so to speak. ...
? Graymangazer 2113 CONTROLLING GRACE. BY GRAYMANGAZERA young wife decides to live out her submissive fantasies under the control of another couple, against her husband’s wishes.Like any writer I thrive on feedback so please leave comments, good or bad, but please, if bad tell me what you don’t like.I also welcome E-mails at [email protected] 1.I pulled the car to a stop in...
Serious Witchcraft using freaks......A tale of the Evil Fag-Hag... 'Girls night out' was how Filly described it. Stallion Freddy's committed cross-dressing black queen and consort. The Fag-Hag even sanctioned their relationship. Some Wicca rite and ring ceremony, performed with her suburban coven of space-cadets awhile back. Filly is athletic looking, tall and muscle toned, a looker but with an ex-convict edgy attitude showing sometimes. A strong-arm queen bee and enforcer, amid...
-sighs- I can't help that I'm a sexual person, I love to kiss, make out, wrestle a little bit and get a little touchy feely, ya know? I can tell when the mood isn't right, especially when I'm being forced to get in the mood and I'm not stimulated. You tell me that you're too much of a woman for me, truth is, I'm too sexual for you. I've been in some relationships (FWB) where it was just, you could call most like a porno but it was arousing and.........I am an exhibitionist, to an extent, but I...
This is the first time I’m sharing story of mine which happened during my first job. After my graduation I got a job in chennai. Before that let me tell you about myself I’m 5’9 in height and have an average body little bit on the heavier side and fair complexion. I’m a great fan of boobs and admire from such a long distance because of a habit which was started during my school days through a teacher. From that day till now I love to admire beautiful big firm boobs in bus/trains/roads/...
Hi all, This is my first story on ISS and I hope this story make you guys shag of like hell and girls wet like a rainy day This is Nishad. I am currently staying in Pune and working in a renowned MNC. Pune is indeed a city with lot of possibilities and you never know when your luck shines for you :D You are sitting in a cafe and you suddenly start talking with a girl and you hit it off pretty well, then if you are good at it, there you go you are laid ! As simple as that.. I love this place...
By Ramya. Hi I am Ramya back again. I am out with a fresh episode which I experience few days back at the gym near my house. Since my husband had been to Aussie on his 3 month project deputation work, I was feeling very lonely at home. Being a young 28 year old wife, my 2 years marriage life really stressed me out. I felt I really miss my husband. I really felt of revealing my pressure. Being a fitness freak, I decided that I needed to get a workout in, so I made plans to go to the gym. We live...
Beth was sent to America. She was just ten years old. For a couple years she lived with a married couple and loved the household. But then things changed and she had to go live with Frank. It was ok there but she did not like it as well. Frank was older but very handsome and he brought several pretty women to his house. Beth used to peek and watch them naked in the hot tub. The women were so pretty and so sexy. They all had big firm tits and nice asses and shaved pussies. She hoped she would...
My former college roommate says I'm a freak.I tell him to fuck off, then we both laugh. He's married and I'm divorced, so I can be with different women (whenever I manage to find one who'll have me which isn't too very often I'll admit).When we talk on the phone he always wants to hear the details if I've been with a woman. I tell him he's a freak because he just wants to beat off while I tell him about something he's not free to do. He tells me to fuck off then we both laugh.He says I have an...
Oral Sex“Man, where do these people live?” Gary asked, as he steered the car around another tree limb. “This area is a shambles!” “To be fair, the roads aren’t bad. It appears they’ve suffered a microburst, a mini-tornado,” Al said, as the car rolled over another branch. “How far away are we?” he asked his sister, traveling in the car behind them. “We’re close. You should see them soon. We’re almost on top of them.” “There’s a utility vehicle,” Gary said, indicating the bright orange bucket...
I had used crack in my pass and bcuz of selling it I was locked up for several years. Once released I was paroled to a homeless shelter. While there I met a guy named Franciss who had been incarcerated and had been released a week b4 me. We met, talked and started hanging out together, job searching, apt hunting etc. In our time together we found out that we both like crack and he knew several people who sold it. We both had applied for work and school and both ended up with cash left after our...
But she didn't want to leave her children until they were old enough to care for themselves. Rich was 19, becoming a man; tall, strong and as handsome as his father. In less than a year he would be on his own leaving her with just her daughter at home. Jenny was just 17 and blossoming into a stunningly pretty and sexy young woman. If one were to look at the Yearbook pictures of the mother, they would see the daughter. It started as a long restless night in front of the TV, she was...
People think we are freaks, some even called us sluts. All of these statements are true. The seven of us have sex a lot and often. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Kelly. I am a senior at Port Clinton High School in Port Clinton, Ohio. I am 6’1 blonde hair blue eyes, I have 45 C breasts. I should introduce the rest of my lesbian sex gang, First is Cassandra, 5’9 dark brown hair, and 45 D breasts. Next, is Jessica, 5’5 blonde hair 30 D breasts. Vikki is next brownish black hair 5’7 25 B...
DISCLAIMER: This story is for adults only. Many things in it are twisted, perverted, impossible, improbable, illegal, immoral or fattening. Minors should not read this work of fiction. This story may be distributed freely, to anyone, anywhere and at any time. This story is a work of fiction, and resemblance to a real people, living or dead, is because I wanted it that way. No animals were harmed in the making of this story. Contents may settle during shipping. House Of Freaks By...
People think we are freaks, some even called us sluts. All of these statements are true. The seven of us have sex a lot and often. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Kelly. I am a senior at Port Clinton High School in Port Clinton, Ohio. I am 6’1 blonde hair blue eyes, I have 45 C breasts.I should introduce the rest of my lesbian sex gang; First is Cassandra, 5’9 dark brown hair, and 45 D breasts. Next, is Jessica, 5’5 blonde hair 30 D breasts. Vikki is next brownish black hair 5’7 25 B breasts....
LesbianAuthor’s note: The fireworks show HG talks about is in reference to a 4th of July flash I wrote for the Hot Flashes page, and can be found there. If it’s too much trouble to sort through, drop me an e-mail and I would be happy to send it to you. This story is the intellectual property of Frustrated, not to be duplicated, copied, or reproduced without the author’s express permission. Please e-mail me at the address in my profile with all complaints, comments, criticism, and naughty...
Our late arrival turned out to be a blessing in disguise. As my beautiful co-worker approached me in the parking lot explaining why she was late I took advantage of my opportunity to eye hustle a quick look from her head to toe and realized she was wearing open toed heels with her business suit. I then realized she was wearing sheer black stockings. Because we were late we had to sit at the end of the table next to the window. Midway through the meeting I was dozing off from boredom but was...
Once, I went to a Black Freaknik recently andthere were thousands of folks. As women walk down the street, they get felt on. BBC'son both sides of the side walk ready to get their feel on. As I walked, severaland I mean several hands were squeezing mybutt, tits and pussy. At first, I couldn'tbelieve how open everyone was to squeezingon female body's from head to toe basically.It was at night, as I walked, then I wascicled and couldn't go anywhere. BBC'sall around me feeling me, squeezing...
It had been a long night of partying. I was over at my friend Tim's apartment, drinking beer and smoking pot for most of the day. He had decided to call some girls over, which I had no objection to. Being only 19 at the time and hanging out with a 28 year old definately had its benefits, especially when I saw the two girls arrive.Lisa was a petite Spanish girl, with full lips, sexy hips, and a nice, juicy ass. Her friend, Carol, was not quite as attractive but very slutty, with a big round ass...
Home Grown Freaks! If this is the first time you are hearing about Homegrown Freaks, it is a free community of people who share a similar love for ball bursting amateur porn uploaded by slutty members. Even better; not only do you get to see everyone else’s collection, but you can also upload your own and show the world just how depraved you can be if given the opportunity. There are plenty of things to love about this porn destination and being the ultimate nerd; I’m the best placed to tell...
Black Porn SitesShe Freaky, Shes Freaky,...? “She's Freaky and she knows it...” reads the logo on this all-black amateur and homemade "shefreaky" porn tube site. I love the direction they took the branding with for this one. The site’s name, as well as its slogan, sounds like it could be a line from a popular rap song. It actually reminds me of a little bit of Kanye West and Lil Pump’s song that they did for Porn Hub awards this year; the chorus goes, “She such a freaky girl…I love it.” (not...
Black Porn SitesHentai Freak! That’s this website’s slogan – if you visit this site then do not hold back at all and fap away. This website, known as ‘’, contains one of the world’s most organized collections of pornographic Japanese anime the world has ever seen. For those of you who have been living in a dark brooding cave aka your room for the past 10 years, Hentai is Japanese animation but with a XXX twist to it. Now you probably know what Hentai is if you do happen to live in a room that...
Hentai Streaming SitesFor the last couple of weeks I had endlessly been looking for a job. By any means necessary I was going to find me a decent paying job before the week was over with. That Monday morning I got up at the brake of dawn, and began doing online applications for jobs in the area. Around 9’o clock I received a call asking me to come to an interview, it was for one of the positions that I had applied for. I got dressed and made my way to the company that had called me. When I walked into the building I...
I recently found myself not being able to sleep because I was so damned horny! I am a night owl by nature so when I can't sleep I am usually horny at 2am. Anyway I called a local phone chat line for laughs, remove boredom and perhaps talk a hot chic off and got to bed, best case scenario....or so I thought!After 15 minutes of my "free trial" had already elapsed I received a message from a very sexy woman with a very sexy voice. Her reply to my ad was " Damn, you have such a sexy voice, just...
My former college roommate says I’m a freak. I tell him to fuck off, then we both laugh. He’s married and I’m divorced, so I can be with different women (whenever I manage to find one who’ll have me which isn’t too very often I’ll admit). When we talk on the phone he always wants to hear the details if I’ve been with a woman. I tell him he’s a freak because he just wants to beat off while I tell him about something he’s not free to do. He tells me to fuck off then we both laugh. He says I have...
by Krosis of the Collective --- If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it...
Max was 22 years old, unemployed , & smoking a joint while sitting on the living room sofa . Beside him as a smooth jazzy porn like song played ,his mom Carol(52) was 5ft 8 135 pounds with 38dd juggs danced a sexy dance in her 5 inch spiked heels while in her yellow bikini. His stepmom Joyce who dispised him only a month ago was now sucking on his 9inch penis. As Max got high from the pot Carol swung her hips gently to the music . Max had hypnotized her 6 weeks ago. He was a man in...
It's torture helping you with squats and having to see your beautiful ass bending over repeatedly under my watchful eye. That inner thigh machine you love so much, ok I admit I'm not supposed to be looking then but it's just so damn tempting. Every time you catch me you smile but I know this can't go pass a professional relationship. It's a two way street though, I see you looking at my dick when I spot you on the bench press. Too bad we are both too busy to find time outside the gym....
I'll be the first to admit that I am total gutter trash and my cock's pleasure is my priority in life. I don't give a fuck if anyone thinks I'm wrong for it, because I live my life with sexual intentions. Sure, I am a responsible guy. I support myself and function in everyday society, but I do so, so that I can continue doing the nasty things I like to do. For instance, when I was 16 and in high school, my buddy Steve spent weekends over sometimes and he told me more than once he...
Day1 I had a date with cindy. Cindy was a beautiful woman with dd breast. I could tell she wanted the time of her life. Like always we skipped the date part and went straight for the sex. I went to her place. We could not wait to undress. She ripped off her shirt exposing her bra less body and then pulled down her skirt exposing her clit. My god it was beautiful I almost exploded when i saw it. then i showed her my cock. She got down on her knees and began sucking. I could not...
As my arms were stretched above my head, I could hear, but not see there were more than a couple of voices in the bedroom I was in. I thought back to the moment I was still sitting behind my computer upstairs. Try as I might, I couldn’t concentrate on the article I was writing. In it, I was exploring the human reaction to insecurity, and it’s opportunity for growth: ‘In your greatest fear lies your greatest reward’. At this point though my greatest distraction was downstairs. My wife, let’s...
I live in a co op in the bronx and their is these college girls that have and aparment on the first floor. This moring one of the girls who i will name lala was having a little trouble with her labtop i was walking in the the building when she asked ‘ do you know how to lock a wifi? I told her i would be happy to help! so we sat in the lobby of our building and i fix the labtop she ask what floor do you live on i said foue but let me tell you about this hard body 24 year old black girl 5’tall...
Allia felt a strange feeling luring her into the forest outside of the city walls. She felt more and more comfortable, warm, and safe as she approached her destination. Before too long, she came upon a large wooden house in the middle of nowhere. Thirsty, hungry and very tired, Allia had no other choice than to knock on the strange house’s door. “There’s a good chance it’s abandoned”, she rationalized She waited for a while and just before giving up, a young man opened to door. She immediately...
Fantasy***My wife Wendy was a virgin when we married and wouldn't even let give her oral sex much less giving me any. But man did she change over the years. (MMF, wife, oral, cheat, fetish, preg, glory)***I got to know my wife Wendy back in high school when she become friends with my sister. At first I thought she was just a dumb k**. But when she was in 10th grade, she changed like more night. She went from this skinny not so good looking girl to a young lady with a good start on having all the right...
When a woman is in her prime, guys can feel that – she exudes a sexual scent, her feet are perfect and almost palpable aura of sensuality that cannot be duplicated. That’s why her hot roommate was always checking her feet out: she was a beautiful petite MILF in the early forties, someone who has enough confidence to left a room full of men breathless; she knew how sexy and attractive she is, and always ran around their apartment half-naked, in the bathrobe or skinny outfits, showing her...
(originally writed in french, google translated/sorry for broken sentencies ;) Before I Discovere the art of BDSM lifestyle, i was married ten years with a religious man i never loved (but he was wealthy ;)) without imagination in sexuality and was deeply emotionally disable.I was feeling myself a kind of submissive since my birth, but I quit my very vanilla, boring and prude way of life when i meet a Great BDSM Master from Ukrainia few year ago.I fall crazy in love with Him !This passion...
This story happened about a 3 months before my last story, its the summer of 2010, Im miserable, lonesome, and feeling down about just about everything. That means its time to hunt some strange on craigslist. An add appears in women for men, its title reads something like "seeking man who likes anal play." I like anal play, though I had never done it with anyone else, so why not give her a shot? I send her a message with a pic of me using some of my toys, I fully expect her to: 1. be ugly,...
THIS IS THE SECOND HALF OF SILK PANTIES....................As we pull into my driveway she is hanging out the window of my truck letting the warm breeze hit her hard nipples. All the while her sweet ass is up in the air and that beautiful camel toe ready to be eaten. No sooner did I put the truck in park I was laying on my back under her flickering my tongue across her clit. WOW was she juice and smelled so sweet.She got real quite as I licked her camel toe up and down, side to side. I could...
As a purveyor of fine porn, xHamster has kept me well lubricated. I routinely change the oil 4 or 5 times a day. The beauty of having a smartphone is that you can truly take it with you.I routinely scan the personals for real people that are somewhat local. I never thought I'd be able to find a friend that would meet in real life. Most are cammers, spammers, or just to shy/not interested (which is perfectly fine). I have found a few to chat with who are totally sweetly kinky. I must have subtly...
One late night after smoking a joint of some good 420 & had the munchies i took a trip to the Wendy's not to far from my house .I placed my order & pulled around to the pick up window & see this cute girl working that i see alot when i go there,but most of the time when i went ,my girlfriend (at the time) was in the car, so i would normally just get my food & keep it movin .This time i was by myself ..So when i pull up i say hello & asks her "What's her name ?" .....She...
So I get a text from Stacey reading " have my bitches ready" be over in an hour. I call Ema and Amy, and pour myself a drink. The girls get to my house before Stacey, and we hop in the hot tub and wait. Stacey finally shows up and tells us to be patient, she has to get ready. We pour another round and wait. The girls are already naked and Stacey walks out only wearing a double cock strap on. The top cock was a good 10 inches, the bottom one about 7-8 inches. I get out of the tub and start...
I actually met Mike and Pam one Saturday at the adult book store where I was buying a few toys. I wore my shortest mini skirt with a skimpy thong and a tight low cut t-shirt with no bra. Quite a few men watched me shop as I have D tits and my nipples were hard and showing thru the shirt. It was fun to get all the stares. But Mike came up to me with Pam behind him and asked if I was interested in being with his wife. I looked her over. She was cute and a small girl with C cup tits. She was...
I live in a co op in the bronx and their is these college girls that have and aparment on the first floor. This moring one of the girls who i will name lala was having a little trouble with her labtop i was walking in the the building when she asked " do you know how to lock a wifi? I told her i would be happy to help! so we sat in the lobby of our building and i fix the labtop she ask what floor do you live on i said foue but let me tell you about this hard body 24 year old black girl 5'tall...
This true story is dedicated to those brave men and women who fought long and hard and at great personal sacrifice for a cause. The dream of a tolerant society seemed far fetched, impossible to obtain in their own life times, but a torch that was carried on by a few equally persistent generations that has seen leaps and bounds in changing non-conformist attitudes, and a safer environment for today's gay youth. A long way to forge still, but a down hill trek. Maybe I'm a dreamer in believing...
ADD MORE PLAY WITH THE TONGUE PIERCING Series 9, Episode 7: Josie Bolton (26), from Peterhead We fade in on a desolate, baron coastline ... Wind and rain whips over rocks and tufts of grass, above a deserted beach ... Rain spatters against the camera lens and wind whistles over our microphones. There is no-one for as far as the eye can see. We pan away from the beach and look inland at a small carpark, picnic tables, and public toilet block. It’s hard to imagine who would drive out here...
Series 9, Episode 19: Cameron Chambers (40), from Swindon An establishing shot of a large mechanical workshop, half a dozen mechanics in blue overalls working on a couple of commercial trucks... And then our host steps into frame ... This week it’s former webcam girl, Kimberly, whose good looks and great figure, are always a welcome sight – especially when, as today, she’s wearing her short-shorts and really showing her legs off. The mechanics in the background certainly approve of her –...
If you've followed my story through the first two chapters, you would know that my name is JP, short for Jean-Paul, and when I was 14 I found I could control my older sister Marie's body. Not mind control as in I told her what to do and she did it, but I actually took control of her body and I could move and feel it as if it were my own. A side effect of this ability was that she had no memory of the experience afterwards. As you can expect, it didn't take long for a horny teenage boy...
Sara was a flight attendant and she lived with an other flight attendant named Allie and 2 other girls. They were all mid 20s recent college grads sharing a big party house. Sara was a pretty brunette with big natural tits and a nice fat ass. Her body was built for sex. Sara and I had only hung out a few times before we began fucking. The sex was amazing and it only got better and crazier as the weeks became months. We would fuck like rabbits and the whole house would hear Sara's moans of...
one day you find a strange device laying around on the street. you pick it up to see what it is and you get a shock and faint. once you wake up you have a terrible headache that you just wish would go away. and as soon as you think that thaught, it does. confused about what happened you look around and you realize that you should have drove here instead of walking so that you could get home easier. as soon as the thaught enters your mind your car is next to you. you wander what the heck is...
FantasyControlling DawnBy Dawn1958Email [email protected] email me your suggestions and comments. This story was written for a young woman who had dreams, but no way of expressing them. I hope she likes my version of her story.Chapter 1Brenda had been reading erotic stories for a few years. During a recent tour of her favorite story website, she stumbled across a writer who instantly hit a nerve. Dawn1958 posted stories about normal, everyday women who were blackmailed or humiliated...
- RoryMy wife (Allie) and I (Rory) have been together for a little over three years now, she is quite aware that I’m the kinky, weird one out of the two of us. We are both in our late twenties with fairly successful careers thus far. Soon after we started dating, through casual talk, she informed me that in every relationship, she was the controlling one.Why she didn’t feel it necessary to be like that with me, I may never understand. For the first couple of years, she satisfied my fetishes on...
FetishThank you to all my faithful readers who have continued to ask for this next installment and have waited so long for it. I know it has been a long time coming and I hope that you find it worth the wait. If you haven’t read the previous chapters you should. This will make a lot more sense if you do. I enjoy corresponding with the readers so if you send me an e-mail I will reply. Although I appreciate constructive comments and suggestions both positive and negative, Nasty or abusive comments...