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But she didn't want to leave her children until they were old enough to care for themselves. Rich was 19, becoming a man; tall, strong and as handsome as his father. In less than a year he would be on his own leaving her with just her daughter at home. Jenny was just 17 and blossoming into a stunningly pretty and sexy young woman. If one were to look at the Yearbook pictures of the mother, they would see the daughter.

It started as a long restless night in front of the TV, she was watching pay-per-view, a sex laden movie, something she did to remember the nights with her husband before the accident that left her a crippled widow. She had learned over time that her mind could control her feelings, could feed the lust she still felt and overcome the absence of physical touch and give her some erotic gratification. She learned that her sexuality was still alive and she could stimulate it by watching movies then succumb to the power of her mind to create fantasies.

The foreign movie was explicit, rich with strong sexual content that left her yearning for a sensual culmination. The plot was not of her normal preference but the story rolled smoothly and built naturally to the bonding of a brother and his sister. The story line made the situation between siblings seem natural, real, desirable. The caution the pair displayed at the beginning gradually evolved into a torrid exciting intimacy as they realized the attraction they felt for the other was mutual and deep.

That night she dreamed. She dreamed that her son was bedding her daughter and woke up to the after effects of a strong orgasm. She hadn't touched herself but her mind was powerful enough to set a climax in motion. Awake and aware she shrank in shame from the dream but the image of her children in the act of coitus lingered enticingly in the shadows of her consciousness.

For days after the intense dream she watched her children acutely as they went about their lives. She noticed that they weren’t overly hostile toward the other, the care and loving they showed her was reflected in the way they acted with each other. Slowly over time her longing for intimacy and need for fulfillment caused a wickedly immoral idea to take seed. She began musing about Rich and Jenny actually having hot passionate sex and just her imagination caused her to reach a level of satisfaction she hadn't long enjoyed. Over time the fantasy grew, a magnificent tree on the barren plains of her mind offering erotic comfort, a place to escape from the growing intensity of her own loneliness and despair.

It wasn't long before the 'what if' fantasy was overshadowed by an ascending compulsion to have son and daughter carnally bonded. She dreamed often of increasingly erotic encounters between the two and each dream ended in a powerful climax. She had all the time in the world to envision a liaison between her children and the longer she thought about it the more powerful the desire became. It was during those moments of concentrated thought about her children she noticed subtle signs that what she was thinking was having an effect on Rich and Jenny.

The first time she noticed she was watching Jenny walk from her room in a short skirt and t-shirt; her legs were bare from feet to mid-thigh. She was thinking Jenny had nice legs and wondered if Rich ever looked at them. Just as she thought that her son looked up and said to Jenny “Wow girl, you have great legs.”

Surprised, she thought Jenny should like the compliment. As that rose in her mind the girl responded to her brother “You think so?” then turned her back to Rich and said “Look at them this way, nice?”

Rich returned “Yeah, nice and shapely, you got a sweet butt too.” He got a coy glance and a small smile of appreciation from his sister. The mother sat back and ran the short scene through her mind; the kids acted out and said what she was thinking at that moment. Coincidence?

The next time it happened was at the dinner table two nights later. She was watching Rich eat his dinner, his muscular arms flexing and moving just so as he cut the meat. She set her mind on seeing him without a shirt, asking silently if he had filled out as his father was. No sooner had the idea drifted into her mind Rich slopped a large dollop of gravy on his shirt. “Damn it, look at the mess” he grunted then pulled the shirt off and threw it to the floor. In moments the stunned mother was looking at her son's upper body. He was broad shouldered, deep chested with a tuft of dark hair between his nipples. She turned to the girl and projected her next thought; Jenny would like her brother’s body. Jenny looked up at Rich and commented “Nice abs bro, I bet girls like being up close and personal with you.”

Awed at what was transpiring the mother tried one more thought. She willed her son to stand and show off for his sister. No sooner thought than done; Rich stood, faced Jenny and posed as he if were showing his muscles in a body building contest. He posed and flexed while Jenny watched amused, unruffled by her brother's audacious display. The mother swooned with the realization she was mind-controlling her children. For the rest of the evening she teased her children with salacious thoughts, planting the seeds in their minds that she hoped would bloom as lust and desire for their sibling.

That night as she lay in the dark with her mind tumbling, she fantasized again about her Rich and his sister together. Not only did she fuel her desire she determined to find out how much she could will the two into doing. Could she radiate suggestions to the kids that would overcome the natural aversion that siblings have for each other? She projected into the night air focused thoughts that Jenny wanted Rich to seduce and fuck her. Minutes later she heard the muffled sounds of a girl in bed with busy hands. As she listened to Jenny masturbating her own libido sailed on another erotic journey. Was Jenny acting out her mother’s thoughts? Did her son pick up on the unvoiced desires from such a distance, did he sense her mind? She wasn’t sure but she wanted to find out. She formed an image in her head; Rich's erection penetrating deep into his sister's warm velvet cunt, she urged him to feel Jenny's tender flesh surrounding the shaft of his cock. The mother experienced another sexual climax as she vividly sensed both her children in the act of self-satisfaction.

For the next few days whenever her boy and girl were in the same room together the atmosphere became soft and warm; cozy. Affected by their mother's increasingly potent mind control, Rich and Jenny flirted covertly and subconsciously preened and displayed. They secretly admired the other while the mother overwhelmed their minds with compelling carnal desires.

It was a chilly Friday night and Rich and Jenny were idling time in the living room with her so she asked “Are you guys going out tonight?” As she asked she wished that they would defer a night out, to want to stay home.

Rich answered “Not tonight, I don’t have a date, there’s nothing to do.”

She looked at her daughter for confirmation and got a nod of agreement “The weather sucks mom.”

“Good” she beamed, “Jenny go pop some popcorn, let’s watch a movie. Rich let's look at the pay-per-view channels, maybe there’s something interesting.”

Her mind was doing gymnastics trying to figure out how to get the two to watch the sibling romance movie. And that's what is was, a romance, not a pointless sex flick. She acted as if she didn’t know what the content was as the title selections came up on screen.

“What's that one?” she queried as Rich paused on the foreign movie.

Rich read aloud; “Us Against Them' – A brother and sister bond together to defy the brutal and isolating social stigma of being the new kids in an elite small-town school. It’s a French movie.”

“Let's try that.” She willed her children to watch the movie.

“It's a foreign movie, the rating is NR but the details says strong sexual content and nudity, are you sure?”

She twisted her head and yelled into the kitchen “Hey Jenny, are you old enough to watch strong sexual content and nudity in a small-town school?”

Her daughter came into the room with a bowl of hot popcorn “Well, there is strong sexual content at our school every day. Some guys and girls can't stay away from each other even in the few minutes between classes. The nudity hasn’t happened in the halls yet, but maybe the closets.” The three of them laughed lightly at the banter.

Satisfied that her thoughts were dominating she addressed the two “Then let's see what this is about.”

Fifteen minutes into the movie it became obvious that the brother and sister were forming a close intimate alliance against the hostile in-crowd in the school. The scene was of the brother talking to his sister in her bedroom while she changed into a night gown. She didn't seem at all perturbed or shy about stripping to her and panties then slipping a nightie down her arms and tugging it over her curves while he viewed the back of her tantalizing young body. That started the mother thinking that her own children would be more comfortable in their sleep wear. As this thought filled her mind Rich stood and said “Pause the movie, I'm going to change.”

Immediately Jenny voiced “Me too, it's warm in here.” As son and daughter left to change she glowed with an inner satisfaction that she could so completely influence the two. Her stomach tickled deliciously as she anticipated the rest of the night.

When they came back the mother formed a picture in her head of her son sitting on one end of the sofa with Jenny on the other stretched out with her feet lying across Rich's thighs. The two settled onto the couch, Rich on one end and after a few seconds of jostling around Jenny was lying on the cushions with her feet on her brother's legs, her legs bare from maroon painted toes to mid-thigh. “Hand me the popcorn” she requested. Rich handed it to her and she nested the bowl directly in the junction of her legs, close enough that her brother could reach it too. When he dipped into the popcorn the bowl pressed down on her crotch, the movie resumed.

It was dark in his room; he was asleep when she crept in to talk to him. She got onto the bed over the covers and nudged him awake. The sister in the movie needed to share her intimate feelings with someone her own age and her brother was the only inoffensive teen she knew. He woke, they whispered, grew closer. Then as the night lengthened he urged her under the blankets. In moments underwear was being discarded as the two seduced each other. Up to that point the movie was full of innuendo and covert flirting but there was nothing subtle about the consummation of the sibling alliance on the TV.

She glanced at her boy and girl; they were focused intently on the pair in the movie. She mentally moved her son’s hand until he was caressing Jenny's leg and was gratified when he did exactly that. She thought that Jenny should enjoy the contact then saw her daughter relax a little more into the cushion under her butt and straighten her leg ever so slightly. Rich tickled his sister’s skin just over the knee while the two on the screen huffed and panted their pleasure at discovering a new dimension of their relationship.

The mother was getting hotter, the movie was working on her but also were the perverse sexual thoughts rampaging in her head. The stronger her own feelings became the more effect she was having on Rich and Jenny. As the desires in her grew she noticed Rich stroking his sister's leg from ankle to thigh and Jenny had increased the distance between her knees giving him more skin to touch.

She sat immobile in body but her mind was racing; she was radiating memories, images of her and her husband when they were young. Rich shuffled around until he was lying on the sofa, against the back of it. Jenny shifted and rolled to her side, to give him room so he was behind her. As they settled into the new positions his arm went around her stomach and he pulled her close. Jenny rocked her butt rubbing it delicately on her brother’s groin. The movement, the closeness, the acceptance of the intimate contact seemed natural, unconscious and desired by both. Jenny did not object to her brother’s body pressed against her, Rich did not recoil from his sister rubbing her ass on him as they focused on the television.

As the movie siblings got more involved his mother wondered if Rich had an erection. She couldn't see, couldn't check herself, so she got Jenny to do it for her. Jenny reached behind her casually and slipped a hand between them and felt the long hard extension of Rich's body. She flexed her fingers over the sweatpants and gripped her brother’s hard-on then began to rub it lightly. The mother's fingers tingled with warmth and she felt Rich convulse as Jenny played with his cock.

She thought back to the times when she and her husband would play with each other while lying like her kids were just then. As she remembered Rich eased his hand from Jenny's stomach and slid it lower, past the hem of the short nightie then under the band of her panties and cupped the fresh young vagina. He began to slide his long finger through the lips of his sister's sex while she increased the pressure on his erection. Jenny lifted her top leg and rested it on her brother’s giving him a better position for his hand. The mother could sense the increasing levels of sexual desire building in both her children. She felt the moment when Jenny no longer focused on the movie, but on the hand between her legs lightly pressuring her clitoris.

From playing with each other side by side her husband would move to the floor, turn her around so he was between her knees then put his mouth over her body and take her on flights of ecstasy with his tongue. As the memories flooded the mother's mind Rich moved just as his father had done so many times and ended up on his knees in front of Jenny's open legs. She lifted her butt so he could pull her panties off then settled back with her hips on the edge of the cushion.

The TV was forgotten. The movie had set the mood, the mother's mind had set the two in motion, now all she had to do was sit back and watch her children as they fulfilled her fantasies.

Rich was licking his sister, she was rolling her hips, her stomach jumping with small contractions. The mother was feeling her husband eat her, turning her on to sensations and desire long missed. She was ready to let him in, to get him between her legs and fill her with his hard-throbbing erection. As her mind radiated her readiness to Jenny a small warning flickered through her thoughts so she questioned the girl telepathically, was she virgin? The idea formed immediately that her daughter was still chaste. She didn't want this first experience to hurt the girl so she concentrated on a single idea. She projected to Jenny that Rich won't hurt you. You will feel no pain when he enters your body.' The suggestion focused with laser sharpness and accuracy on the girl and she felt when Jenny accepted that her brother's large erection could not hurt her.

The mother liked sex with the man over her back so she silently instructed Jenny push him away then turn over on the cushion, offer him sex from behind. The sister urged Rich to lift his head from her then when he stood she pulled his sweatpants to the floor. She regarded his proud standing cock for a moment as if debating then turned her back to him and lay face down on the sofa, knees on the floor. Rich dropped to his knees and without hesitation put the swollen blue head of his hard-on against his sister’s pussy. He rubbed the end of it up and down her slit mixing their flowing juices. When the end of his cock was slick with body fluids the mother commanded her son to penetrate Jenny. Rich flexed his ass and pushed slowly, exquisitely into the girl until his balls mashed against her body. Jenny uttered a soft groan, dropped her head to the cushion she was lying on then smiled directly at her mother. Crippled mother and 18-year-old daughter locked eyes and shared the experience of the girl losing her virginity.

She watched as her son thrust in and pulled out of Jenny. His long thick erection so similar to his fathers was causing Jenny to pant and groan, she gripped the cushion in her hands as her brother fucked her. The mother's mind was firing bullets of hot lust toward her children causing them to heat up even more. The pair were so impassioned, so turned on she could see how Jenny was dripping fluids, Rich's balls were covered with the hot wet evidence of the girl's pleasure. She wanted to hear how her daughter felt so she sent a message, 'Say it, how does it feel?'

Jenny began to moan, then between ragged gasps for air she managed “Ohhhh! Rich don't stop! Oh sweet heaven this feels good!”

'Get naked; both of you then fuck her on the floor Rich'

Her son paused and slid his cock from his sister's hot tenderness. He sat back then pulled his shirt off, revealing everything for the mother. Jenny slid wordlessly to her butt then raised her arms so Rich could pull her gown up and off. She could feel the upsurge of desire Rich experienced as he looked at his sexy nude sister. As the woman wished she could put her fingers around an erection again Jenny did just that. She gripped her brother's hard-on then went to her back on the floor. Rich unfolded his long legs then rolled up and over her as she spread her thighs pulling him close by the handle between his legs.

The mother had her first orgasm when Rich pushed into Jenny again. The girl was rasping, moaning, her hips rolling with the rhythm of the long, deep penetration of her brother’s hard-on. Her children were lost in the feeling of uninhibited turbulent sex when she needed to hold Rich's balls. Jenny reached between their slapping groins and cupped his large solid scrotum in her hand then massaged his nuts lightly while he continued to fuck her. The new contact caused Rich to groan his pleasure which caused his mother's heart to thud even harder.

She was climbing to the peak of a second orgasm, she could feel it begin to boil in her loins, it would be strong. 'Jenny! Roll him over! Sit on his lap, ride him!'

Waves of immense pleasure washed through her while the girl urged her sibling lover to roll to his back. She threw her legs across his lap, centered on the long hard pole then lowered her body onto him. Unbidden by his mother's mind Rich reached up and covered Jenny's bouncing breasts as she flexed her back, fucking him. The mother's nipples stood like miniature erections from her own withered tits when Rich caressed Jenny's. The orgasm in her loins boiled over. Waves of ecstasy overflowed from the cauldron of lust inside her and the mother flew from her useless body, floating on clouds of rapture, she was barely aware of Jenny's cries of unfettered passion as she experienced her first heart stopping climax from her brother. The mother felt her womb grow warm as Rich fired heavy surges of heated cum into his sister.

All three were exhausted, the two teens lying on the floor side by side, him smiling broadly, she staring at the ceiling, wonderment danced in her wide-open eyes. The mother was huffing long gulps of cool air. Gradually Jenny sat up and looked at her brother from face to feet then returned her gaze to his half standing cock. She looked from her brother to her parent as she began to realize what she had just done. A surge of shame began to grow as she locked eyes with her mother but in an instant, she felt reassured that everything was alright, that fucking Rich was desirable and natural. The longer mother and daughter looked at each other the calmer the girl became until the glow of love and the afterglow of the strong orgasm reclaimed her feelings. She leaned to Rich and kissed him tenderly, lovingly and with a hint of things to come.

Rich didn't feel regret or disgrace. He felt like he had just fucked the hottest girl on the planet and doing it while their parent watched caused him to enjoy screwing her even more. When Jenny kissed him his cock began to solidify for a second round. Brother and sister quickly started up another mountain of passion by making out on the rug in front of their chair bound parent. Naked bodies bonded, hands grasped and groped, fingers explored. Rich and Jenny were acting out the memories and thoughts projected by their mother. She was remembering the long exciting nights with her husband when they would fuck three or four times. Her mouth began to water as she remembered how his erection felt sliding over her tongue; she yearned to feel him penetrate her ass again. She set her mind to work sending the pent-up craving and desires as hot turbulent ideas to her children.

Later, when Rich entered his sister for the third time that evening the mother focused on a single thought; her mind massaged it, it grew from a fleeting idea to an overwhelming desire. She wanted a grandchild before she freed herself from her body. She pictured a fast-moving determined sperm cell swimming from the depths of Rich's balls, blasting into the girl in a frenzy of ecstasy then migrate through Jenny's womb, searching for a place to rest and complete the mission it was created for. It would be a boy, as strong and handsome as his father and grandfather. Her own children would raise him as a couple, bonded in life as she and her husband had been. There would be a girl born of the union between Rich and Jenny and in time she and her older brother would become the earthly vessels that would continue the unending love and lust their grandmother and grandfather felt for each other.

Her long absent husband appeared from a mist and reached for her hand. For the first time since the accident he stood with her as they waited for their grandson to begin. At the moment of conception, the mother left her mortal prison and joined her husband, they would be together again, through Rich and Jenny, the son and daughter, brother and sister, who were bonded as man and woman.


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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....

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You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...

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Prologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...

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Sam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...

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Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...

1 year ago
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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

4 years ago
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Computer Problems

As usual my computer is on the fritz. Kim, our IT girl, is a sweet natured girl that has never done anything wrong in her life. I text alerting her to the problem that I was having with my computer. Kim shows few minutes later, we exchange pleasantries, she begins the hunt for the corrupted file that is having wreaking havoc on my pc. She come across a folder that is untitled, promptly she opens it, before I can stop her she opens the contents. To my dismay she opens a picture of me in all my...

4 years ago
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We Enjoyed Going Dutch

Some friends have rented a large Alpine chalet in Austria, and although I’m not a very confident skier, they’ve kindly invited me to join them when they fly out in a few weeks time. Looking at the resort on-line it seems there are plenty of nursery slopes and simple blue runs that would suit my ability, so I’m really looking forward to it. I learned the basics when I was a teenager, but since then I’d only been on one other skiing holiday, which was about three years ago with a former boyfriend...

Straight Sex
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If You Go Down To The Woods Today

If You Go Down To The Woods Today.(You could be in for a big surprise) Simone was a very beautiful, sexy figured, totally convincing, submissive, twenty one year old red headed male to female transvestite living in Prague in the Czech Republic. She stood 178cm, or five foot nine inches tall in her bare feet. She wasn’t vain, she didn’t consider herself to be sexy or beautiful at all but anyone who met her became captivated by her sheer feminism. Very few passed her in the street, men and...

3 years ago
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Mr Parker Has Lunch with His Daughter in Law

exhibitionism mutual She asks her Father-in-Law to jerk off while she watches.I am Jason Parker and you have been married to my son for 10 years. Hisname is John. I have known you since you were just a sexytwenty-something and have since seen you blossom into a real woman inher sexual prime. I have always considered my son very lucky, if not abit boring, for what you seem to be- a firecracker.You and I have never flirted openly. But since my divorce 5 years ago,you have taken it upon yourself...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotist

The Hypnotistby Emile Copyright 2007.? This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.? You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. --- You know I actually started learning about hypnosis for myself.? As a teen I was a little rough looking, not your pretty boy at all, and with my lanky body, growing up with my biker brother, everyone thought I was a rebel deadbeat.? I got into fights a lot, and I...

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The NonentityChapter 6

Pre-dawn, the motor running as Simone and I moved around dealing with the shore-lines; all of us wrapped up against the chill of the morning. Simone neatly coiling the last spring as I carefully backed out of our berth ... getting clear out into the estuary and Kelly hoisting the smaller of my two Genoa staysails as Simone got the main up. I watched from the cockpit as they both swigged on halyards to get the sails up the last bit then turned to deal with the jib. Almost before I knew it, we...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 15

There was a tightness to the atmosphere when I got back to the kitchen. I know that seems like a "Gee ... ya think?" kind of comment, but I want you to think about it like this. Imagine standing on the street, getting ready to cross, when with no notice, a car swerves around the corner and somebody starts shooting at you out of the window as it roars past. You don't get hit. Okay, now imagine the same scenario, but when that car roars around the corner, there is no shooter. Instead, the...

3 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 3

Much had changed topside in the short time it took to retrieve their belongings. The bodies, both merchant crew and privateer, had been removed, thrown over the side Dent assumed. Here and there crew from the captured ship were kneeling, scrubbing blood and gore off the deck. So, Dent thought, they didn't kill every man onboard. It seemed the privateers weren't that stupid. Now at least there would be a few able hands to bring the ship to port. Of the women there was no sign, something...

4 years ago
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Watching her do it

My wife, Estelle, and I had been swapping with another couple, Ron and Megan, but we had never been in the same house together while doing so. So even though we knew that each was fucking the other's spouse, I had never actually witnessed it myself. My wife and Megan and I had had a threesome together in which my wife had not only seen me fucking Megan, she had held my cock while I spurted my seed up into another woman's pussy. I wasn't sure that I could handle seeing Estelle get fucked by Ron...

3 years ago
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Sweet Revenge Chapter 5

Bye Silvia." And then I quickly hung up before anything else could be thought of or said to cause suspicion to our conversation.My second call was to Cindy informing her that Silvia had taken the bait."See? I told you she'd go along with it.""Yeah...hook, line and sinker. Only in this case, a treble hook." I added smugly. "Greed, lust and power for bait.""Just keep in mind sweetie, even a cagey old fish sometimes spits the hook, even a well concealed one.""Yeah...I know. I'm sure if she gets...

2 years ago
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Amandas Decision

Amanda was tall, strong and smart; things unheard of in a woman. Her black flowing hair provided a stark contrast to her light brown great coat. Her steely blue eyes hid a fragile side to her. When she wanted, her eyes would reveal her fragile side. She always wore thigh high leather boots with high heels, which were thought of as daemon's shoes by some folk. Slowly she rode her horse, Elsa, through the winding thoroughfare of the squalid section of London. She knew these streets; she had...

2 years ago
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Ballbusting or Cuntbusting

You just entered a Ballbusting/Cuntbusting tournament! You can pick your oponent and than its up to you if you beat their it the crotch or they beat you! You can also decide if you want to play as a male or a female! Each oponent would have a short describtion and a picture and than you would choose your play style. For now there would be two play styles and that is Sub - wich means that the oponent will beat you, and the Dom - where you would beat the oponent! You can cuntbust a girl of your...

4 years ago
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The Marketing Mix

Introduction Introduction Long before Freddie Clegg recruited Larry as his Marketing Manager (see ?Market Forces?) the Clegg organisation had another brush with the world of marketing professionals. This story was originally (?2003?) posted on the forum at The House of Abductor (since closed), hence the references to this and the Secret Society of Kidnappers in this story. The logo used on The House of Abductor web site is referred to in the story. It?s reproduced here as an...

3 years ago
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The Fan Girl

This story, unlike my blog posts, is purely fictitious, although is it heavily inspired by a certain hunk of a guy with a gorgeous cock who knows who he is lolEnjoy ;)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Oh my god, I can't believe I finally get to taste him!" I thought excitedly to myself as I made my way to the hotel room.I was alone...

2 years ago
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Healing Scars With Love 8211 Part 3 Her First Newly Married Life

The next few days of Ridhima’s newly married life went by without any unusual incidents. Sandeep and Ridhima had shifted to Delhi after their marriage. They lived just like any other married couple. Sandeep came from a family of affluent businessmen. He was managing a small firm of his family’s large business estate somewhere in Delhi, NCR. They also owned a lavish penthouse in a high-class society nearby. Sandeep and Ridhima started living in this penthouse. In the eyes of society, it was an...

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Kelly Girl Part 14 Floop and Happenstance

Rated R for context. Nobody under 18 should read this, or whatever is the appropriate age in their community. This story deals with transgenderism in children and may be uncomfortable for some readers. Kelly Girl Chapter 14 "Floop and Happenstance" By Wanda Cunningham Kelly stared, squinting a little without his glasses. Andie had just removed Melissa's wig revealing thinning brown hair and a receding hairline, very much at odds with the rest of Melissa's appearance. Moments before,...

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Spanked and Restrained

***Comments welcomed and encouraged!  I hope you enjoy my story as much as I did writing it.  Thanks and enjoy!   She is to be punished, her transgressions somewhat unknown to her.  A tingle of anticipation shivered down her spine.   The voice spoke, " I'm going to make this by far the most painful and humiliating experience you have EVER had.   I'm going to position you so that your most intimate charms are lewdly displayed and I am going to get hard watching you cringe and blush as I describe...

1 year ago
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Nannas Texas cowboy pizza boy

Note : This story is completely fictional!Terry Priest was divorced. His wife caught him banging his 18 year old cute" gushed Nanna."He thinks he is in love with me" said Doreen."He's in love with your pussy" teased Nanna."Boys are like that" laughed Doreen."Where is you mom?" ask Nanna."Out getting laid somewhere" said the girl."Does she know you fuck boys?" ask Nanna."She encourages it, she got me birth control pills" bragged the girl.Doreen went to the answering machine and pushed a button....

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THE BIRTH OF A CD SISSY SLUT In coining that old phrase "Time flys when your having fun," its hard to believe nearly five full years have passed since the birth of CD DIXIE which is now forever my feminine side created name.This all started back in late 2015 when I inherited and shortly afterwards moved into my Aunt Helen's small country ranch home located on Pine Bluff Court.When alive, Helen my dads older sister was a very popular lady quite active in this rural towns everyday affairs. Never...

1 year ago
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Day Trip to London Part One

As slave (My Husband) had to go away on business for a couple of days myself Gemma and Kiran decided to go to London for the 3 S's (Shopping, sightseeing and sex).I decided to wear a black leather mini-dress with black fishnet stockings and black thigh length boots with 5" stiletto heels and skintight opera length black leather gloves, over this l would wear a silver mink full length coat with a matching head band.Gemma decided to wear a pair of skintight black leather trousers tucked into knee...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 23 Old Friends and New Lovers Part II

July 1982, Milford, Ohio Joyce, Kara, and I sat quietly on the lower bench while the steam built in the sauna. I was really going to miss the easy access to a sauna when I went back to Chicago. IIT had a steam room that I could use, but they required towels and it wasn’t ever quiet. It also wasn’t co-ed. “Joyce, I didn’t see Terry at your grandfather’s house yesterday,” I said after about five minutes of silence, other than the steam hissing and our breathing. “He’s sort of upset with...

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Adventures of Raghu

This is not a real story. I read it somewhere in some other language. It may be real but it is not mine. Just decided to translate for the beautiful people who take so much hard work to write their experiences to us. This may be a little bit boring, a little too elaborate in the beginning but I promise all of you it will be intense as it progresses. It will be very intense… there is a humble request, please rate the story after you are done reading. This one is for all of you… Raghu belonged to...

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Kellys Story A Whateley Tale Part 5

Chapter 32 Kelly could feel the subtle movement of the boat caused by someone stepping onboard, even from where she sat in the starboard rear cabin. "Kelly you down here?" She heard Sarah call out. "Starboard cabin," Kelly called in return. "Starboard?" Sarah sounded confused. "The one on the right," Kelly's chuckle came out as a little girl's giggle. "What ya doing?" Sarah asked as she walked into the small cabin. Holding up a pair of men's swimming trunks, "Going though...

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Great Times With Cousin Sister Rekha

Hi everybody. This is Karan from Mumbai. I have been reading a lot of sex experiences of others and that has inspired me to write my own. It happened two years back in Diwali vacations when she, my cousin sister Rekha (name changed), came to stay with us for two weeks. I am writing this with her permission. Those days her husband was not doing well in his business and all that frustration used to come out on her. They used to fight a lot every day. She got fed up of all this and decided to come...

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Shadow on the EdgeChapter 11

A week later we showed up at the drop point to Providence. There was a Leopard Dropship with four Mechs and two aerospace fighters waiting for us. They exchanged places with the No-Name Leopard and gave the Colonel the message. He didn't even unload. We just extended the sails and started a quick recharge. Two days later we were on Tortuga Prime. All three of the Dropships dropped. We had every Mech that we could man aboard and went in ready to repel an invasion. Captain Jacobs is a Very...

1 year ago
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Kyles conversion

This is my first story, I have enjoyed all of yours and though I should finally submit one, I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments. Come on Kyle, just take them off no one will see us. Todd said again, finally Kyle relented. Todd and Kyle had been friends ever since Todd moved in across the street, 10 years ago. Kyle and Todd were 16 and 17, it was the end of their sophomore year, and they'd just started to enjoy a summer unsupervised while their mothers worked. Kyle's mom never...

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Two Mistress Dominated Sissy Slave

From the last story I got good reviews and many interested mistresses contacted via mail. Below is one special story for slave lovers. I got a mail from one of the mistress after reading my story. She mailed me asking that “can I become her slave for 2 day”. I saw that mail next day, I replied for that mail saying “yes mistress”. After that next day again I got a reply about asking my details, I sent all my details. After that she asked me for a contact number. I sent her my contact...

3 years ago
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Strange Land

It was a vast, unfriendly, alien world, slowly dying. The landscape consisted of nothing but gigantic black pillars, so tall it was impossible to see above them with the naked eye. These vast, dark columns totally covered this weird worlds surface, jutting defiantly out of the white, sponge-like ground. Within this huge forest, two creatures, indigenous to these lands stumbled. Renak the male and his mate Seela, a female. Though of different sexes, initially there was no visible difference in...

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