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   ? Graymangazer 2113

                                                     CONTROLLING GRACE.

                                                     BY GRAYMANGAZER

A young wife decides to live out her submissive fantasies under the control of another couple, against her husband’s wishes.

Like any writer I thrive on feedback so please leave comments, good or bad, but please, if bad tell me what you don’t like.

I also welcome E-mails at [email protected]

Part 1.

I pulled the car to a stop in front of the bar. Killing the engine I turned my head to look at Grace; she smiled and nervously fingered the collar fastened around her neck.

?Are you sure you want to do this??  I asked her. She nodded her head yes, I could see that she was excited and it made me feel sad.

We climbed from the car, and I led her by the hand into the bar. An old hit from the eighties was playing but there was nobody on the small dance floor.  The twenty or so customers already there chattered and drank as we walked to the counter. I ordered myself a beer and Grace a glass of wine. Turing to face the room I saw a row of booths along one side opposite the bar, four of them were occupied, but only one warranted my attention: A man and a woman sat next to each other at the farthest end, I had never seen them before but I knew who they were.

Taking both drinks I crossed the room, Grace followed close behind, I placed the glasses on the table and nodded to the couple seated there ?Ian?  Clair??  I asked them.

The man stood and offered me his hand ?you must be John?  We’re so glad to meet you at last.? He said in a friendly tone, we shook hands and I slid into the seat across the table from them. Grace made to follow suit but Ian turned his attention to her ?nobody told you to sit,? he said in a matter of fact way, she jumped up as if scolded and stood with her head bowed.

?Did you shave today??  He asked.

She nodded and with a nervous tremor she replied, ?Yes Sir.?

?Show me? he said. Grace looked around biting her bottom lip; she was clearly worried that people were watching. ?I gave you an order slut? Ian growled. She immediately grabbed the hem of her summer dress and raised her hands, exposing her shaven and tattooed pussy. She stood like that for a minute while Ian visually inspected her; he then indicated the seat.

?Sit,? he sounded disappointed not to have found fault

She sat and demurely stared at the tabletop, after a few seconds I turned my attention from my subdued wife and studied the couple who had enslaved her; Ian was around forty years old, he had a rugged good looking face, topped with long black hair pulled back and tied into a ponytail. I estimated him to be around six feet tall, he was muscular and lean, and I imagined him to be an ex biker, and I knew, if it ever came to a fight between the two of us, I would probably come a poor second.

Clair was more of a surprise to me; she looked to be no older than her early twenties. Her straight blond hair hung almost to her waist. She had a pale, pretty face with a small nose and piercing blue eyes. She stood around five feet six with a perfectly proportioned body. She looked more like a cheerleader than somebody who spent her spare time dominating other women.

She was watching Grace with a superior smile on her face, and I was stirred from my thoughts when I heard my wife gasp, glancing down I could see Grace’s knees spread apart, and Clair’s booted foot pushing up under her dress, grinding the sole against her naked crotch. Grace made no move to stop her but I felt I should say something, I was about to protest but the `what are you going to do about it` expression on Ian`s face had me holding my tongue.

He turned toward Grace, and reaching across the table he said ?give me your hand,? She looked puzzled for a second, no doubt distracted by the foot between her thighs, but she complied and for a minute Ian studied her wedding ring. Then releasing her hand he sat back ?remove it? he told her.

She hesitated for only a few seconds before she worked the ring from her finger, she grunted once, but it was unclear whether it was caused by the struggle with her ring, or the toe of Clair’s boot forcing its way into her pussy. With some hesitation she dropped the ring into Ian’s open hand and he placed it on the table in front of me, he then slid another ring, this one dull and rusty and made of iron, across the table to Grace.

?You will wear that ring now, you will never remove it for as long as I own you,? he told her, her hands were shaking as she pushed the symbol of her slavery onto her finger.

We all sat in silence in the wake of my wife accepting Ian’s ring, until Clair suddenly stood up, and taking Grace by the hand she pulled her to her feet.

?Let’s go to the girl’s room,? she said. It was clear to all that it wasn’t an invitation, but an order


Ian and I watched them sashay across the room ?So John, how are things with you?? he said once the women had left.

I took a second to realize I was being spoken to ?W?what?? I replied. I couldn’t believe he was asking me that: This man, this bastard, had spent the last three months gradually enslaving my wife, against my wishes, and he was casually enquiring about my health.

He seemed to understand what I was feeling as he continued ?Shit man! I’m only asking. Look, I know it must have been a little awkward for you these past few weeks, hell, I’m not sure I could handle my woman doing something like this,? he shrugged and held his hands out palms up ? But John my man, I gotta tell you, I’m not the bad guy here. If anything its Gracie using us, she contacted me remember!  Nobody’s forcing her to do this.?

I slumped back into my seat. I knew it was the truth, but that didn’t make things any easier.

?How do you like the woods?? Ian asked.

I was a little thrown by the unexpected question and stumbled a bit on my reply. ?Er... the woods?  Er? just fine I suppose. Why??

?Clare and I were planning a trip out to the forest this Sunday, you’re invited to come if you like? he explained.

?Well, I don’t know, I’m not sure we have the time this weekend? I said, I certainly didn’t want to spend any more time with these people than I had to.

?Oh that’s too bad. Still, Gracie will be there. But if you do change your mind you’ll be more than welcome??

It was then that I understood; I was being invited but Grace would be commanded. I did a quick U turn ?Er, oh well, okay, why not? I should get outside more anyway,? I said.

?That’s great man. We’ll have us a few beers, have some fun. Here, we`re at this address, come by around midday? Ian slid a slip of paper across the table to me. We sat in silence for awhile until he fetched two more beers, as he retook his seat he looked up and smiled. ?Hey, the girls are back.?

I looked up to see my wife approaching, her hair was mussed and her eyes were red, as if she had been crying. It was her dress though, that caught my eye: it was wet through, and with no bra beneath she looked like she was in a wet t-shirt competition. Clair led her by the hand but rather than sitting down she pulled her over to the small dance floor.

Grace followed the younger girl’s lead, she looked very nervous; Clair placed her hands on Grace’s waist, and pulled her in close as they began to sway together in time to the music. They moved their bodies erotically against one another: Clair openly allowed her hands to roam over Grace’s body, and when she reached her arse, she pulled the thin wet dress up to expose Grace’s nakedness to anyone who cared to look.

Her bottom and the backs of her thighs were bright red, it was obvious to all she had recently been spanked. This accounted for her distressed expression when she returned from the ladies room.

It wasn’t long, I noticed, until the eyes of everybody in the bar were on them. I also watched closely, and despite the situation, I couldn’t deny the sight was a massive turn on: seeing Grace with another woman had always been one of my fantasies.

After a few minutes the song finished, to be replaced by a more upbeat number. Clair stopped dancing and took a moment to whisper something to Grace, who then, looking rather self-conscious continued dancing alone as the young girl returned to the table.

She sat down next to me and sipped the wine I had bought for Grace. The three of us watched Grace as she writhed seductively, she danced rather like a stripper would; caressing herself and lewdly gyrating her pelvis, I guessed that was what Clair had told her to do. Without the younger girl dancing with her, Grace had nobody to use as a shield, therefore her breasts and her body in general were clearly defined by her wet dress, and less than a minute later two men joined her, both ensuring they danced close enough to have Grace make bodily contact with them as she moved.

There was clearly a look of concern on Grace’s face, and I thought maybe Clair had also told her not to stop dancing. With Grace seemingly unwilling to leave the dance floor, the men were now confident enough to start pawing her. I thought this had gone far enough and started to rise to go to her, but I was hemmed in by Clair, when I looked to Ian for support he shook his head slightly in a warning to me not to interfere, cowardly, I slowly sat back down.

The two men were crowding in tighter now, but Grace obeyed Clair’s order and kept dancing. A third man walked onto the floor, he looked somewhat drunk, but he joined in the dancing and began to thrust his crotch against my wife’s arse. She looked increasingly worried and repeatedly looked over to where we sat; I could see the pleading in her eyes: she wanted to be rescued. But to my dismay, it was toward Ian that she looked. He sat back and watched her torment with obvious amusement. The drunk pushed up against Grace from behind, he worked his hips against her as if he were fucking her arse, his arms were around her as he mauled her breasts. She looked close to tears but kept dancing.  Finally Ian rose and walked across to the dance floor, and taking Grace by the arm he at last pulled her away from the men.

?Hey Bud. What’re you doing??

Ian stopped in his tracks, and he slowly turned back to face the drunk who had spoken. He stared hard at him and raised a finger ?one warning Pal, that’s all you get,? he said quietly, there was more menace in those seven words than I could ever have managed, he then made his way back to the table with a timid looking Grace following behind.

I wasn’t surprised that there were no more protests.

?Sit down,? he Pushed Grace into the booth somewhat roughly and as if to himself he added ?fucking whore,? and sat down next to her.

I watched in impotent silence as he made free with her body: he stroked the back of her head with his left hand, while his right cupped her breast, he squeezed, digging his fingers into the soft flesh. Then he grasped her nipple between thumb and finger; pinching and twisting, making Grace squeal in pain, as he dropped his hand to her lap he retained his grip on her nipple, dragging her tit down, stretching her teat until it slipped free. Grace emitted a low groan. He raised her dress to expose her crotch, I watched as first one, two, then three of his big calloused fingers were pushed into her pussy, when his thumb pressed on her clit she jerked and shuddered.  I looked at her and she had a strange expression on her face: her eyes were closed tight and her mouth gaped open, I couldn’t decide whether she was in pain or enormously aroused. I then thought that for Grace they were probably the same thing. When I looked back to Ian he was smiling at me, mocking me, he raised his hand with three fingers up, turning it this way and that, studying the glistening wetness from my wife’s cunt, he wiped his hand on her face, and she groaned and flicked out her tongue trying to taste her own juices. He pulled his hand away, and when Grace looked at him he suddenly grabbed her by the hair and pushed her head down into his crotch. He held her there with one hand and pulled his zipper down exposing his penis with the other.

All the time he was grinning at me, challenging me to say something.

I loved Grace so much, but I hated her for putting us in this situation. I was angry with her, but I was also so aroused: why was I excited seeing my wife abused by another man?

I finally found the courage to object and started to rise, but Clair’s hand suddenly grabbed my crotch, I was a bit shocked and looked at her, but the smirk on her face and the firm way she gripped my balls told me I wasn’t to interfere, so I sat back down feeling like a complete wimp, and watched helplessly as my lovely wife was forced to suck another man’s cock just three feet away from me.

I watched as Ian maneuvered Grace’s head into position and then as she began to move up and down, I was engrossed watching her lips slide down Ian’s cock, her mouth was so sexy and I wished it was my shaft between those red lips. Suddenly I jumped in surprise and my body stiffened as I felt someone undoing my pants. I looked down to see Clair’s hands searching for my cock, and I was a little embarrassed when it became clear that I was hugely erect, I looked back at Ian to see if he had noticed what Clair was doing, he stared back at me with a knowing smile, I felt ashamed and once more locked my eyes on the bobbing head in Ian’s lap. I gripped the edge of the table and gasped as my cock was finally freed. I so wanted to stop what Clair was doing to me but I seemed to have lost all willpower. Instead I grunted as she gripped my penis and I surrendered my pride. From the corner of my eye I saw the girl grin in triumph and contempt as her small hand stroked slowly up and down my shaft. I was as much a slave to Clair’s hand as Grace was to Ian.

We must have made a bizarre spectacle to anybody who cared to look over at the booth: Ian and Clair both were grinning at me in amusement. I gripped desperately onto the table edge while I was masturbated and Grace was oblivious to everything except the cock pushing against the back of her throat.

Suddenly Clair increased the speed of her hand and I groaned aloud and leant forward, my head was almost resting on the table and my knuckles were turning white. I was going to cum; I could feel it building, Clair must have sensed this because she increased the speed of her hand, I felt humiliated by my approaching climax, but I felt unable to do a thing to prevent it, and I was at the stage when in truth I didn’t want to. ?Urrrgh! ?  I tensed, gritting my teeth; I could feel the tendons standing out on my neck. ?Ohhh Goddd? I moaned and spurted jets of semen over the front of my pants and Clair’s hand. I sat there shuddering with my head on the table trying to calm down and gather my wits. I now felt ashamed and slowly sat back upright, I was just in time to see Ian lean his head back and close his eyes.  Desperate choking sounds were coming from Grace as her head was held hard on the cock filling her mouth as Ian climaxed emptying his seed into her throat.

For a few long seconds all movement at the table stopped, the only sounds were deep breathing and Grace gurgling as she attempted to free her airways.

?Fuck that was good!? Ian announced. He pulled Grace’s mouth from his cock by her hair. She slumped into the corner of the bench seat gasping for breath, semen ran down her chin and she looked close to tears. ?Well, I think we’d better be hitting the road Babe. We have things to do,? he said as though they had just spent a normal evening with friends, he stood up, zipping his fly. Clair rose also, and leaning across the table she wiped my sperm from her hand on Grace’s hair.

?You two stay if you want, have another drink, have fun, there are some guys in here would love to see more of your lady,? Ian said ?I`ve enjoyed meeting you both and I’m really looking forward to Sunday. You be good now, bye.? He finished the last of his beer and the pair of them walked from the bar.

I stared into space; I was stunned, only becoming aware when I heard Grace sniffle. I reached across the table to her and wiped away the tear rolling down her cheek. I took hold of both her hands, ?are you okay??  I asked her quietly.

Grace nodded slowly and turned her head toward the bar area, I followed her gaze to see quite a few pairs of eyes staring at her, ?I think we’d better go,? she said.

?I think you’re right.? I agreed.


Later, as so often happened after one of her `episodes` Grace became so excited that she dragged me onto the bed as soon as we arrived home. She was almost at fever pitch as she tore at my clothes and demanded sex: rough sex. I was reluctant at first but I soon became embroiled in Grace’s lust. We fucked hard and fast with Grace demanding that I slap, pinch and generally mistreat her. After two shattering orgasms she was satisfied. Then, as was always the case, she became overcome with feelings of shame and guilt, and I held her close as she cried herself to sleep. I lay staring at the ceiling for some time unable to sleep while Grace snored quietly beside me. I wondered for the hundredth time how we had come to this, we were just a normal everyday couple, or so I used to think; now I didn’t know what we were or what would happen to us, and I was worried and I was scared.

I had met Grace when I was twenty five years old. She was three years younger. I worked in the design department of a small engineering firm; Grace worked in admin for the same company. She was everything I wanted in a woman, her long, wavy chestnut hair crowned a sensual face: dark brown eyes, slim nose and pouting lips, some might say her mouth was too wide but I found it so sexy, and when she smiled her whole face seemed to light up. She was tall: five feet nine, and slim, but still curvy, I admit to being fixated by her thirty six C cup breasts and her legs that seemed to go on forever.  We became friends and it turned out that she was as attracted to me as I was to her. I asked her out on a date and we fell in love, we were married a year later.

We were happy: we had a nice house, a good social life and our sex life was great. Nine years later and I loved Grace even more and thought I knew everything about her. But then something happened, and I realized I hardly knew her at all.

I had decided to do some maintenance work on our old and rather slow computer. After an hour or so I checked the internet history: What I found there tilted my world.

There were links to porn websites, not just a few sites but dozens of them, and not just any porn; they all appeared to involve BDSM. I knew I hadn’t accessed them so that only left Grace. I was no stranger to internet porn, like ninety nine percent of all men I secretly had the occasional peek, but as I opened the links I saw things I never dreamed of: the bondage and abuse were far more extreme than anything I had ever seen before. I must admit I was shocked at what my normally demure wife had been looking at, but I also knew I shouldn`t judge, she was an adult, it was her choice, who was I to say what was right and what was wrong. If Grace wanted to look at kinky pictures it was up to her, I actually felt slightly aroused that she was so open minded. But it was when I checked the most recent links that I really grew concerned.


Grace was reading a magazine as I watched the T.V.  It was a couple hours since I had been on the computer. And I was unsure of what to say, I was nervous but steeled myself and tried to attract her attention. ?Grace?? 

?Umm,? she mumbled, she didn’t look up from her magazine.

?I? I was looking on the computer today.  I? um? I found some things, some things from the internet.? I knew I wasn`t explaining myself very well so I decided to just came out with it ? Oh shit, look, I found some porn sites, chat sites, that you had looked at,? I finally blurted out. It had been the chat/contact sites that worried me. Grace didn’t answer or look up but it was clear she was no longer reading.

?I’m not judging you, Christ you`re an adult! You can look at whatever you want, it’s just that ?well, I was worried - is everything alright with us??

She at last looked at me. And I could see tears in her eyes. ?I’m sorry John. Oh God I’m so ashamed,? she covered her face in her hands and sobbed.

I moved across to her and hugged her. ?Hey, it’s okay, don’t cry. Like I said, I was just worried.  I thought maybe you were trying to find someone else, that you didn’t love me anymore,? I said gently, trying to calm her down.

She turned to me and her face was wet with tears, her bottom lip trembled. ?No ? no, it’s not like that. I do love you.  I was just...Oh I don’t know. I was just talking to people.?

?But why look at those kinds of sites?  What’s with all the bondage and kinky stuff?? I really needed to know what she was looking for. She turned away and I tried to gently pull her face back to me.

?No please don’t.  I’ll tell you, but I can’t speak about it with you looking at me – it`s?.it’s just too embarrassing, ?she was finally getting some control of her crying. I released her and sat back. She was quiet for a long time so I waited, I didn’t want to pressure her, and I would let her tell me in her own way.

?I’ve always had feelings about? Oh God this is so awkward? she said and then stopped; she took a breath and tried again ?I’ve always had fantasies about?.about being dominated. I never told you because I thought you would think I was sick or something,? she said.

?No never, I would never think that,? I stroked her back, trying to reassure her.

?Please, just let me talk,? she insisted, so I shut up; I could see this was hard for her - sharing her private thoughts. She took a deep breath and continued, ?It started when I was a teenager. I fantasized about being controlled, being made to do things, things that I didn’t like. Of course I never did anything about it, it was all just fantasy. Then a few weeks ago I heard from somewhere- I can’t remember where, about sites on the internet. I knew you could see pornography and things but it had never occurred to me that I ?..Well I decided to look, and it was there, my fantasy.  I realized I wasn’t alone, other people shared my desires.?

?Why didn’t you tell me? I would have understood, maybe I could have helped you,? I couldn’t stop myself from interrupting.

?Please John, don’t. I didn’t need help, and I couldn’t tell you,? she now turned and looked me in the eyes, ?I love you so much.  It may have been okay if I’d told you straight away, but the longer it went on the harder it was. Anyway there was nothing to tell, it was all just thoughts, just fantasy.  It wasn’t until I saw the things on the internet that I actually did anything about it,? she explained. I put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her to me, she rested her head on my chest and in a quiet voice she continued. ?An advert for a chat room popped up one day.  I realized then that I could actually speak to other people who shared my fantasies, they were strangers and I could say whatever I wanted and no one would even know it was me.  So that’s what I did, I spoke to people. I’m sorry if I’ve deceived you, I never wanted to hurt you. Please believe me, it was all just harmless fun, I never intended to go any further I swear. I love you too much.?

I kissed the top of her head. There was something she wasn’t telling me, I could hear it in her voice. ?What happened Gracie?  What changed? ?

Again she looked me in the eye, and the tears welled up again. ?I’m so sorry.  There?there was a couple, Ian and Clair. We chatted, we chatted a few times.?

?And?? I asked, I didn’t like where this was going.

?Well we chatted some more, they told me they were both Doms, I said I was submissive, and?.. Well they asked me if I would agree to become their cyber slave.?

?What did you say to them? Have? have you met them yet, this couple? What`s a cyber-slave anyway?? I felt myself starting to panic, I dreaded her answer. But I had to know.

?No, no, a cyber-slave is just that: it’s all done over the internet,? she said.  She had stopped crying now and spoke calmly as if she were explaining something simple to a child.

?So you haven’t actually met them?  You haven’t been with anyone else??  I pressed.

?Oh God no!  We talked is all,? she answered as if I were accusing her of murder.

I was so relieved I thought I would cry. ?Thank heaven. I thought you were seeing someone else,? I pulled her to me, hugging her. 

Grace gently pulled away and she averted her eyes again. ?There is one thing though ?. I haven’t met them, but, I did agree to their proposal. I think it’s what I’ve always wanted, what I’ve always needed,?

?What! You agreed to be their slave?  What the fuck were you thinking of?? I was really upset that she would be involved in something like this. I didn’t even want her talking to these people let alone becoming their slave, even if it was just pretend.  But she had already gone behind my back and I was scared now that if I forbade her she might do so again. And I knew I couldn’t handle that ?So what exactly have you agreed to?? I wanted to know.

  She shrugged as if it was nothing and turned away from me again. ?That I become their slave. They give me commands online and I obey them,? she said.

?So you don’t actually have to do anything?  You could just say you did whatever they told you?? I asked.

?I could, but there wouldn’t be much point to being a slave then would there?  No John, I agreed. Where would I be if I just kept pretending every time I was told to do something I didn’t like? ?She seemed to be more at home talking about things now. I could understand her point of view but I was still very concerned.

?I’m not really comfortable with all this.  Why didn’t you ask me?? I said.

?Would you have given me you’re consent?? she asked.

?No that’s not what I mean.  Why didn’t you ask me to have you as my slave??  I tried again.

?Oh God, if it were only that simple. I would love to say I wanted to be your slave.  In fact I really would like to be your slave, but that’s not what I need.  If I were your slave I would obey you because I love you.  But I need to feel I’m being forced.  The less I like my masters the bigger the turn on when I have to obey them,? she was talking now as if what she had done was the most normal thing in the world.

?So what do you plan to do now??  I asked her.

She took hold of my hands ?Do you want me to give them up?? she enquired.

I thought for a few seconds.  If I gave her my consent, I feared I might lose her. But if I refused her, I still risked losing her. I was in a no win situation ?I don’t want you doing this,? I told her simply. She looked sadly down at her lap and nodded slowly.

?Okay, I’ll e-mail them tomorrow, ?she said.

She stood up and without a word she left the room. I felt as if something valuable was lost to us. I had forced her to do something and I thought of how ironic it was that this problem started because she was seeking people to force her to do things.

The following morning I was walking on eggshells, it was Grace who had caused all the uncertainty but I was the one feeling guilty. I knew she had done wrong, but I loved her so much I felt I should forgive her anything. Our relationship was a bit strained in the days that followed. Grace acted normally, but I tiptoed around her. I didn’t want to risk driving her back to Ian and Clair. But I needn’t have concerned myself, because she had never broken contact with them.

After what she had already done I couldn`t help but remain suspicious and I constantly checked the computer, and a week later I found an email from Master Ian ordering Grace to shave her body from the neck down.

I was upset but I didn’t say anything to her; instead I decided to wait a couple days to see if she obeyed him. We were undressing for bed and I helped to remove her underwear, I looked to see that her pussy was shaved clean.

?You look sexy like that,? I told her. My voice was flat and I felt somehow defeated.

I watched as she put her hands on her hips and gyrated sexily. ?Do I??  She purred.

?Yes, you do, whose idea was it?? I asked.

?W?What do you mean,? suddenly she looked and sounded nervous.

I sat dejectedly on the bed and looked up at my wife ?Was it Ian?? I said and Grace seemed to visibly crumble.

?Oh God I’m sorry. I tried, I swear I did. I e-mailed them to say I wouldn’t contact them anymore, but they just told me I had to obey them. I’m so sorry, I can’t resist them, and I’m weak. I don’t know what to do, please help me. I can’t stop myself,? she was in tears again but I was no longer sure whether they were real and I didn’t trust myself to discuss it calmly anymore. 

I slept in the spare room that night. We talked again the following day and Grace promised again that she would stop but I didn’t think she really meant it. And after some time I made a decision that I hoped I wouldn’t live to regret.

We sat on the sofa; I held Grace’s hands in my own and looked into her eyes. ?I’m not happy about all this, but I can understand it really means a lot to you. I love you and I’m not going to risk losing you by giving you an ultimatum.? I paused and drew a breath,? so, I will agree to let you have your way, you can be the slave of these people, but I want to be a part of it? she looked up at me and I continued ?I want to be there with you, I want to understand what it’s all about. I’ll try not to interfere. I just want you to be safe, let me handle this with you, please??

That evening we entered the small room that we called an office. I booted up the computer and turned to see Grace undressing, ?I have to be naked whenever I contact them? she explained casually.

I shrugged, accepting that it would be one of the first commands any master gave a slave. She sat beside me and I thought about how sexy she looked: sitting there naked, and how aroused I had suddenly become. Grace opened her e-mail account and typed a message explaining my request. We waited in silence for a reply. Thirty minutes later it arrived.

Re. slavery.

Clair Sampson.

To Slut Slave.

Slave, I wonder whether you are worth the effort we are making to train you.

Your husband was never a part of our requirements.

You’re only concern is to please us. Our only reason to even know you is to use you for our pleasure.

But, there are things we may require of you that cannot be accomplished by one person alone.

So, bearing that in mind we have decided to allow your request, but under our conditions.

You will still obey every order given to you and accept any punishment we deem necessary.

Your husband is not to interfere with anything we decide for you.

If he wants to take an active part in your subjugation he must agree to do what we tell him to do, and only what we tell him. Otherwise he may observe only.

If this not agreeable to you both, then sign off now and never contact us again.

You have until eight o’clock this evening to answer.

It was only five minutes to the deadline. Grace looked at me, she didn’t speak, she didn`t need to, I knew what she wanted. ?Okay Grace. I’ll do it.  I agree.? She smiled a huge smile and her eager fingers flew over the keyboard typing our acceptance.

I hoped desperately that I had done the right thing.

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Episode 63 Jade and Grace

IntroductionThis pure fantasy story has been written for two xhamster friends julialover (Mark) and mackeral (Uncle Mack) and their real or imaginary little girls Jade and Grace.None are related, but Jade always calls Mark 'Daddy' when she hasn't got a mouthful of cock and Grace calls her pervert 'Uncle', especially when he is eating her out.Jade and Daddy have been relocated from the US to Plymouth England to make the story work.Jade and Grace attend the Marine Academy in Plymouth; this takes...

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Acts of Grace

For Robin and Grace, with love Tim Clarke took just a second to remember the moment. His daughter Grace sat beside him on the couch in front of the empty fireplace. She was looking at the cover of the book on her lap with the kind of concentration that only a seven-year-old can muster. He could smell the cookies that had just finished baking, a plateful was sitting on the mantle with the usual glass of milk. He could see the snow falling outside the house, the large flakes dancing in the glow...

3 years ago
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Misha Grace

Introduction: I Love Little Girls! It was just a few weeks ago, I decided to visit with my Step Mom and sister in Idaho. They live in a tiny little town Warm Lake. My dad past-away about 12 years ago when my adopted sister, Misha was only 3 years old, I was 23 at the time. I grew up with my natural mother but my whole life I visited Warm Lake as often as possible. I moved from Seattle to Northern California about a year after dad died. It had been almost 5 years since my last visit with...

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Misha Grace

I pulled into Jacks Corner, (The Store), to fill the gas tank and was greeted by several family friends who were hanging out in the bar that day. We talked while the attendant filled my tank and I caught up on some of the town gossip. After a few minutes I was ready to get back on the road and head to the house. Danielle and Misha live like most folks in that part of Idaho, in a mobile home. The lot is about 25 acres and the driveway is long and unpaved as are most in these parts. I pulled...

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Episode 83 Shopping with Grace

Saturday morning, my ex-wife Mary phoned out of the blue – we hadn’t spoken in ages. Would I take Grace, our youngest daughter for the weekend, as her new partner was staying the night and she didn’t fancy trying to explain to a 10 year old that Mummy was now a lesbian. They arrived a little later, dropping off Grace with a small overnight bag of clothes, but making it clear that she needed a new bikini if we were to go swimming, and some new underwear would be useful. Alia, our oldest – now a...

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Another Friday night has come upon us as I invited over my best friend Marcus to spend the weekend with. We decide we want to have some fun so we invite Grace to spend the weekend with us. I'm still the only guy Grace had ever fucked. After my 14th birthday, Grace and I had hung out several times after to fuck. She had gotten adventurous the last few times and she had me fuck her in the ass. She enjoyed it and had expressed several times that she would want to do two guys at once. Madison...

2 years ago
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Kylan Academy Chapter 1 Grace

Chapter One - Grace "You know that you deserve this, correct?" A stern male voice admonished from beyond the closed door. "...Your k**ding me, right?! Like, there's no way you can do this! It was my first time!" A haughty, insolent young girl replied. That comment elicited a smirk from the administrative assistant sitting to the left of Grace. Grace brushed a loose lock of luxurious purple hair from her visage as she wondered why the lady behind the computer was finding the conversation...

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Time for Grace

I’m not sure when it first hit me that she was no stranger to me, and it took several weeks longer to realize the entire disturbing truth. But why am I awake and why did I wake to this thought? I don’t think I was dreaming anything about this. Or was I? I do remember something like this in a dream, but was that just now or last week? Get a grip, girl. Either snap awake or drift back off into sleep. Angel has buried her furry little muff into my neck. She’s tickling me with her whiskers, which...

2 years ago
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Coup de Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn’t resist a quick glance toward Grace’s computer station when he hit the top. He’d hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he’d missed her in the couple of years she’d worked in the warehouse. She’d proven a godsend to everyone farther down the line too, as the last operator at...

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The Metamorphosis of Grace

Grace was walking to her car. Classes were out for the summer. She had finished some last minute administrative paper work that needed to be turned in to officially end the semester. The papers were in and she was free until mid-August. Over two months for her to do whatever she wanted. Free from the rigid schedule she had to keep. Free from the immature college students that thought they knew it all, or knew they did not know anything. God, what a relief. She often thought to herself that she...

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Grace and I had known each other for a very long time, seventeen years in fact. In all that time, though we’d loved each other for at least fifteen of those years we’d never consummated our love. There were reasons: when we first met, I was married and I loved my wife. Later, by the time my wife’s constant infidelity had destroyed that love, Grace was married and in love. Later still, when I was divorced Grace was still married, albeit unhappily, but hanging in there for the sake of her kids. ...

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An Afternoon With Frank and Grace

Frank and Grace: Frank's POV Frank strained at the ropes which bound him, making sure that escape was not possible. He lay there in anticipation seeing nothing - his eyes were closed under the blindfold - and saying nothing - the gag in his mouth would keep him from saying anything intelligible, so he chose to say nothing. He could hear Grace in the distance rummaging through a box (at least he imagined it was a box). At these moments, Frank has found himself thinking about a lot of things -...

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An exhibitionist wife Teaching Grace

Another little story from the past that some might like.A couple of years ago while we were taking a short beak in Kefalonia we met a Woman named Grace who was on holiday with her elderly parents. We first got talking to her while we were around the swimming pool where we found out that she was recently divorced and her parents had treated her to the holiday to help her get over the break up. We had already noticed her earlier in the holiday when Mrs O had playfully accused me of eyeing her up...

4 years ago
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Not A Word To Grace

Pressure was the first thing that hit me – literally – as I groaned reluctantly back to the waking world. Rolling over under the familiar duvet, my forearm draped over my eyes and shielded me from the world that seemed so harsh. My head throbbed so painfully I almost feared my skull might pop like an over-stretched novelty balloon. Cautiously, I opened my eyes and winced, whining as the burning light of day seared into my brain. Through a determination that surprised me, I managed to open my...

Straight Sex
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 29 Nicky Grace

We could hear the music from the Pavilion as we approached. It looked like they had a good turnout, as most of the ranch guests seemed to have shown up for the dance. There were quite a few older couples dancing, but the girls were all in a bunch at one end. However, Nicky and Grace were not with them. I scanned and located them still in Nicky's room back at the Lodge. I went to where the girls were seated and bowed. "May I have this dance?" I asked the group. "Who are you asking?"...

3 years ago
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Damsel in Need Grace

This is the story of Toby and Grace, workmates who were thrust together to install a new computer system, and to train the staff in its use. The difficulty for both of them was that the location was on the other side of the country, and the engagement time was 4 weeks. Their employer placed them in a hotel for the 4 weeks. For Grace it was the first time that she had been away from her husband of 10 years. Steve and her had been high school sweethearts from the age of 15 when they started...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 5 Amazing Grace

Mo rode in a fury through the car park after Grace. It was just typical of that brazen Italian bitch hoe that she’d tricked him into saying he already had a bike, so that he’d be the only one on a mountain bike, with its huge, slow knobbly tyres, while everyone else had a road-racing bike. He didn’t even have cleats on his shoes, so he could only push the pedals on the downstroke while the girls could power the upstroke too. They’d pulled that trick on Paul as well, he could see. Well ......

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Coup De Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn't resist a quick glance toward Grace's computer station when he hit the top. He'd hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he'd missed her in the couple of years she'd worked in the warehouse. Good timing, he thought as he caught sight of her. She was bent over, looking at...

1 year ago
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Tina and Grace

Tina was, and for that matter still is, my niece. My sister-in-law’s daughter. She was a stunning girl from an early age and no, I did not take advantage of her at all when she was young and vulnerable but I must admit to having stirrings in the loin when she sat on my lap and wriggled when I tickled her, or when I read her a bedtime story and she would sit, enthralled, listening, her knees pulled up to her chest exposing herself. It was very tempting but I resisted.I used to tell my wife...

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Second Time Through Book IChapter 4 Grace

So I was a twin. I hesitated a long moment as I considered what Grace had just told me. "Are there other siblings I haven't met yet?" I wondered. Grace just sat there patiently watching me as she waited for me to respond. "Nicky?" I finally asked. "Of course!" she exclaimed with delighted glee. "And I think she's wonderful! She has been so worried about you. Almost every evening after I got off work, she was here. She was afraid of losing you too." I frowned at that. I really...

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A First for Grace

Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black; a...

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Amazing Grace

As this is my very first story post, please bear with me but all feedback would be gratefully welcome - please, please comment. This is based on a true story that happened to me and my reason for posting is to demonstrate my resultant love for ebony women.A few years ago I took a holiday in Kenya – principally to go on a safari, but the last few days were spent at a beach resort near Mombasa. The hotel was right on the beach which was frequented by the usual groups of hawkers selling local...

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Naugty Grace

It had been 3 satisfying months since I first made Grace my mistress and I craved her as badly as I did before I fucked her. Because of her age and school restrictions I didn’t see as much of her as I liked but I made sure she regularly got flowers and gifts and I arranged for her to have a car at her disposal. I don’t think this would’ve been possible had her family been just a little more observant but she went to boarding school and her parents trotted her out at dinners and social functions...

1 year ago
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State of Grace

Grace’s unhappiness didn’t have a name. It was a shapeless, faceless thing. And yet, it was a feeling that had lain inside her, dormant or otherwise, for her entire life. It was never far away, even in the better times. She berated herself for giving it houseroom. She had it lucky, had it easy, compared to many. She had a job she was good at, that paid enough. She felt her colleagues liked her. She was fairly healthy, and more attractive to men than she would ever admit to herself. And yet…and...

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Divine Beauty and Grace

On the continent of Aerent, life was simple and uneventful to most - maybe not exactly safe, depending on where they lived, but simple all the same. Barely developed, most settlements kept to themselves, smaller villages littered throughout the continent of lush greenery, with only the occasional traveling peddler keeping villages informed of what was going on outside their limited scope. Every so often, a kingdom or empire would spring up somewhere far away, but by the time news...

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Dayla Rue Grace

“Grace, that’s lovely. Let me have a look at you, Grace.” She pulled my hood back and took off my hat she pulled down my bun and ran her fingers through my ratty red hair. “When we get back to Chicago we are taking you to the Spa! Do you have a Family?” “I had a brother.” “Had, I’m sorry my little sugar plumb. Why don’t you close your eyes and lean on me and we will be home in no time.” I did as she said. I had not slept so well in years. I woke up to sunlight in my eyes, a reflection off...

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A Girl Like Grace

His hands slowly moved from my waist down to my ass and he began to gently rub. “You’re not supposed to be doing that.” I knew he could hear me, even over the loud, thumping music the DJ was playing. Still, he refused to answer me for several seconds. “C’mon, I just want to get my money’s worth, I’ve been watching you dance all night and I just wanted a little feel.” There was only about a minute left in the song and the lap dance would be over. It was just easier to be a trooper and get...

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A First for Grace

Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black, a...

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Shaving Grace

I remember when I first started to pay attention to my pussy hair. It was many years ago, when I first began seeing Evert. He was a few years older than me and liked everything to be ‘just so’. He had encouraged me to wax my bikini line and trim my pubic hair into a neat little triangle. Of course, I had been too shy to think about going to have it done professionally, back then, but Evert was already experienced in manicuring his own ‘bits’ and applied the strips of cloth to the wax and ripped...

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Fallen From Grace

Fallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...

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His Fall From Grace

Strolling around Harrods on a Saturday John milled about with the multitudinous and variously garbed tourists from Russia, China, the Gulf and miscellaneous credit card laden shoppers from virtually every country in the world. Wandering between the aisles most people can’t help being impressed by the copious amounts of completely unnecessary and excessively expensive shit piled high—the excrement of a “consumer society”. As John moved from floor to floor in the garishly decorated store he just...

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The State of Grace

PROLOGUE PROLOGUE ??????????? The State of Grace was a new colony, formed after the second civil war of the UnitedStates had almost destroyed everything.? The State was lenient as far as laws go.? Many of the more frivolous laws were removed from the books, especially ones that were based in the theocratic form of government that eventually led to the war.? Prostitution was legal but heavily regulated and as long as all of the adults involved were consenting, they could do just about...

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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

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Fall From Grace

The clouds raced by. The wounds where my wings had been burned off halfheartedly tried to flap and control the fall. The peerage of angels called it a fall from grace, and surely there was nothing graceful about the twisting burned nearly naked figure I made falling back to earth. I was still convinced that it would be worth it in the end. She had made quite the convincing case; getting caught trying to steal the crow of minds from the heavenly throne was just a small wrench in the plan. Now...

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Coup de Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn’t resist a quick glance toward Grace’s computer station when he hit the top. He’d hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he’d missed her in the couple of years she’d worked in the warehouse. She’d proven a godsend to everyone farther down the line too, as the last operator at...

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My Neighbor Grace

I originally posted this on another site but re-posted here for the enjoyment of more readers.Growing up in small town on the Canadian prairies during 1950s, held a vast storehouse of lust filled fantasies for many young men and women. It was an era when the young married ladies of the day hardly dared to set foot outside of the house without looking or trying to look like the glamor models that they read about in Life magazine. The only time this cardinal rule was broken was when there was an...

4 years ago
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Bound To Grace

Bound To Grace Carmenica Diaz The Beginning Henry groaned as Virginia skilfully stroked his rigid cock, bringing himto the edge of orgasm yet again. As his body began to stiffen and tremble,just when he thought Virginia was going to let him finally come this time,she removed her hands. 'Poor baby,' Virginia whispered and smiled. Groaning in frustration, Henry turned his head as tears pricked his eyes. It's too much, I can't stand it! Lashed down and naked, Henry had been in that position...

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Getting Physical With Grace

"Adams?" I perked my head up hearing the call of my last name. A small, pale blonde woman In a white coat peaked her head out of the waiting room door and gazed into the crowd looking for a response. "Here,” I replied and grabbed my phone next to me and walked through the door. She lead me through the back offices "You'll be seen here, just go ahead and sit and the nurse will see you shortly, " she explained. I nodded with a simple reply and thanked her before she closed the door behind her....

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Frank Goes Down on Grace

Frank and Grace lay naked in the most comfortable bed together. She was on her back, and he was propped up on one elbow, his head resting on his hand, enjoying her beauty, while his other hand made lazy circles on her skin. He leaned over, kissed her fully on the mouth, parting her lips, and letting their tongues meet. His hand stopped making circles and moved up to her face as their tongues slid over and around each other erotically. While still kissing, he caressed her cheek with the back of...

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"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...

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Sam Falls Even Further From Grace

© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 67 The Dancers Ebony Grace

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – The Black Tide, The Nimborgoth I stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the nixie crew moving about. I stared at the stark coast of the Halani Desert....

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay.  Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, so I went over and asked if she minded if I shared her table. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was wrong. She smiled at me again, this time with a sad look on her face. “Well Mike,” she said, “if you must know, I’ve realised I’m getting past it. While I was getting dressed this morning I looked in the mirror...

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Growing Old Disgracefully

I'm asked how I got 'into' dogs, or they 'into' me, so here it all is, why they still excite me. Despite it now being years since I had full sex with a dog I do still dream about it regularly. I've been divorced for several years now but in my marriage in the eighties and early nineties my husband and I were then active swingers. We experimented with all kinds of kinky sex. I was bisexual, liked threesomes and eventually our sex games led on to me letting a dog fuck me too. I was only...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

2 years ago
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World of Warcraft Fantasy Elvish graces

The owl hooted softly, gliding through the trees. It saw the great black cat seated below and descended. It perched itself on the branch nearby the panther. The panther looked at it with it's flashing eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement. Some silent word passed, but no one knew. Suddenly, the panther growled in a reassuring way, turned, and pounced through the trees, it's shadow growing fainter as it approached the jagged line giving away the huts hidden in the trees. Teylyn burst...

3 years ago
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A Fall From Grace

NOTE 1: A special thank you goes to my two editors (Estragon and Steven B) who made this work A LOT better than it originally was…as usual. NOTE 2: This is my Earth Day contest story. The story is a mind control, revenge, lesbian story…that also saves the environment. Enjoy and vote… * ‘Fucking oil spill,’ Victoria muttered, looking down from her office to the street below. ‘There must be 10,000 fucking protesters there. Sure, I gave the order. Sure, I fired the man who actually told me...

1 year ago
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Fall from Grace

"Headmaster Matthew, why isn't anyone here today?" she asked. Startled he looked up from his bible. "Oh, Katie. It’s only you. You scared the daylights out of me," he said. "Everyone is at home. Today was a mandatory meeting for the teachers. It's over now so I'm the only one here." Katie's face slowly changed from surprise to aggravation. "Why wasn't I told there was no school today?" "Well," Matt said, "since you've been absent for the last two days, and you...

4 years ago
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Shaving Grace

I remember when I first started to pay attention to my pussy hair. It was many years ago, when I first began seeing Evert. He was a few years older than me and liked everything to be ‘just so’. He had encouraged me to wax my bikini line and trim my pubic hair into a neat little triangle. Of course, I had been too shy to think about going to have it done professionally, back then, but Evert was already experienced in manicuring his own ‘bits’ and applied the strips of cloth to the wax and...

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Lorelais Fall from grace

I heard so much about Chuck. Lucie was so excited about him. It has her first real relationship. She had a boyfriend before but it didn't really last. It seems she was head over heals all over Chuck. I haven't had a chance to meet him yet, but I'm glad to finally get to meet the man that's having such an impact on her life. Lucie is everything I wasn't in my teens. Smart, intelligent, driven with a bright promising future. My daughter is everything I wasn't and being a polar opposite to me, I...

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Elizabeths Fall From Grace

....and here IS the story as recounted to me by the delightful old lady, Bettina.The early morning spring sunshine lights up a pretty country scene. Whitewashed cottages line a neat and tidy village street. ElizabethSchmidt is in the local shop to buy provisions, but times are verydifficult, and even though she trims her shopping list to the bare minimum,she finds that she doesn't have enough money. Prices seem to be rising bythe day and her account at the shop is already too much for her to...

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Velvets Fall from Grace

I gave up porn during my pregnancy and after giving birth to another baby boy, I became a housewife for about 4 months before accepting a job doing old man fetish porn in Europe. Mikey stayed in the US as I toured France, England, Germany and Russia, fucking old men that ranged in age from 65 to 85 for the next 6 months. It was the only steady porn job I could get and my addiction wouldn’t let me turn it down. I shot over 120 different films during that short period and returned home pregnant...

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A Fall from Grace

Anne-Marie was dressed as neatly as she could be; just back from work she had decided to make her request whilst she still felt business-like and efficient. Now after having removed her jacket she stood in just a pale lemon silk blouse and the short pin stripe skirt which terminated a good three inches above her knee. Her hand shaking just a little she reached her right index finger - it's nail expertly French manicured - to press the door bell. There was a dull uninteresting electric...

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Barbs fall from grace

       "Hey Barb," Colin said over the phone, "how's it going?"It had been five days since that night, that intense, orgasmic, traumatic, horrible night where they'd fucked me, made me beg and whimper, had stripped away my illusions, and reduced me, as they had so many other times, to sodden, satiated, fucked out cumholes.   But that last time had been different, intensely different.   They'd known.Here's the thing.   Colin was a scumbag.  One night, he'd tried to slip me roofies.  I'd spotted...

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A Fall from Grace

*** Have you ever experienced what it’s like to live in a living hell? Well, I have, and I’m still gazing into the deep abyss while it stares right back. I sit in silence with nothing but the soft hum of the heater running in the background. Thoughts roam my head as the cold air buffets outside, the strong breeze ringing in my ears as it whistles by the windows. God, why is it so fucking cold? I think to myself. I try to relax, but my body only becomes heavier, the stresses of life weighing...

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