State Of Grace free porn video

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Grace’s unhappiness didn’t have a name. It was a shapeless, faceless thing. And yet, it was a feeling that had lain inside her, dormant or otherwise, for her entire life. It was never far away, even in the better times. She berated herself for giving it houseroom. She had it lucky, had it easy, compared to many. She had a job she was good at, that paid enough. She felt her colleagues liked her. She was fairly healthy, and more attractive to men than she would ever admit to herself. And yet…and yet. Something was missing. Something kept jarring as she went about her life.

She came down here to the river for…for what? For solitude? Probably not. There always seemed to be someone here. Walking their dog, ambling along with a loved one, catching Frisbees. For the fresh air? Hardly. She ran alongside the river every morning, and didn’t really need to come down here again each evening. Perhaps it was just the sheer beauty of it. The lazy slide of the water as it eased its way towards the city. The gentle whisper of the trees that hung over the surface, languidly reaching for its coolness with blossomed fingers. The winking of the lights as dusk fell.

But it wasn’t that. She had a view of the river from her apartment. It had been the reason that she’d chosen it. She could sit out on her balcony, with a glass of wine, and watch the world slip through the purple gears of sunset, on its way to another velvety night. She came down to the river, she realised, because she felt a compulsion to do so. It was more than just a pleasant interlude in the day. She felt a small but perceptible drive to be here. As if, in some unforeseen way, it would one day cause something significant in her life.

Today was no different to a hundred before it. The tropical weather made the days merge, a seamless transition from one part of the year to the next. The commuter boat down the river from downtown, wind snatching at her auburn hair as the suburbs zoomed by. The schlep uphill to the corner shop, where the shy Italian boy behind the counter would smile sheepishly as he served her. Mmmm but he was delicious, but way too young for her. The languid stroll to her house, and the fruitless check of the mailbox. Bills, junk mail, and never anything else. Say hi to Max, and listen for his squawked reply. Turn down the talk-station radio she left on to keep him company. And after a cool shower, collect her latest paperback and cross the road to the riverside park. Dinner always waited until her ritual was complete.

Dusk was approaching. Insects spiralled in the fizzing streetlights, diving away from the beaks of the lorikeets, which gorged themselves in preparation for night. An elderly man in a straw boater was shuffling his way towards the steps that led up to the rest of the suburb. Children were being called away from their park games for supper, a hundred mobile phones exclaiming the news from their pockets. She was travelling in the other direction, across the road to her favourite park bench. It sat at one end of the long, thin stretch of green that was trained along the foreshore. From it, when she looked up from the pages, she could see the park and everyone in it, as well as the river.

The air felt warm around her bare shoulders, almost stroking them as she sat down. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt cold, couldn’t recall what that felt like. She’d moved here to do just that. Forget about her last city, her last relationship. She’d done what she’d always done at the end of a love affair. She’d left town. Blessed with a job she could do just about anywhere in the country, it had been physically easy to move.

She knew it was just running away. She knew that wherever she ran to, she’d be there. And the problems and issues she pushed down to the recesses of her mind would lie dormant, but not dead. She knew she’d solved nothing. That knowledge scared her. She was an intelligent woman, almost too smart for her own good. To resist the endless replaying of arguments, bitter words, and recriminations, she’d shut down some of that intelligence. Because the rational part of her would reason that this couldn’t go on. That something would have to give. This constant cycle just couldn’t go on. Something was bound to break. That something would be a part of her, and it might never recover.

Her understanding of this just added to her fragility. The small child on thin ice knows no fear, because it knows no better. The parent watching the child takes on the anguish, because it understands. It knows the situation, the possibilities, and the consequences. Grace knew too much about herself to be anything other than fiercely protective of her heart.

The paperback was moderately interesting, but not compelling. Every few minutes she’d look up, take in the scene, and return to the paragraph before the one she’d just finished.

The yelping of a dog attracted her attention. It was straining at a leash pulled by a middle-aged woman, resplendent in tight, pink latex pants. She was being half-dragged by the dog along the pavement. Grace tutted at her inability to control the dog. She shouldn’t have it, if it was going to dominate her like that. She could picture the woman’s house – stuff everywhere, dog jumping on and off the furniture at will, barking all hours and driving the neighbours mad. She’d checked before she rented the apartment that the building had a strict no-animals rule. And that parrots didn’t count, of course. She wouldn’t go anywhere without Max.

The dog had dragged the woman about thirty yards down the street by now. She was shouting at it, in a way that would clearly have no effect at all. Grace thought of the way kids ran amok in supermarkets, getting the same kind of tired, yappy shout from their parents. It was all too late, she thought. That dog knew it could do what it liked, and nothing the woman squealed was going to make the slightest difference.

Her eye was drawn to a man running towards the dog. He was clearly at the end of his run, and was tired. She knew enough about running to see the signs. His head was starting to loll slightly, his arms were falling towards his sides, and his knee pick-up wasn’t good enough. Damn, she should have been an athletics coach, she thought. He had about one hundred yards left in him, she mused. She couldn’t recall seeing him here before.

She watched as he began a slow arc, to veer away from the dog by running on the grass. At that moment, the dog wrenched free from the woman’s flimsy hold of the leash. Grace could recognise at once that he was terrified of the dog. She knew the signs. His hands went up to his chest, and he slowed to a halt as the dog ran towards him. The dog saw his lack of confidence, and reared up at the man claws-first. Grace saw the man’s ankle turn as he fell. The dog bounced around the prostrate man triumphantly, as the woman waddled towards the scene, wailing hysterically and unhelpfully. After several attempts, she managed to grab hold of the dog by its’ collar, and dragged it away, the dog raising dust as it dug in its claws.

Grace waited for the man to get up. He didn’t. She realised she was holding her breath. She got up and began walking towards him. She expected him to shout abuse after the stupid woman and her crappy dog, but he didn’t. In fact, he didn’t move at all. She began to trot, sensing some kind of urgency even though she could barely see his face in the gathering gloom. The arc of the streetlight didn’t extend this far. He was lying on his back in the borrowed light from the street and the hotel on the opposite side of the river. Just the way he hadn’t moved had raised her concern.

As she reached him she got a better view. He was about her age, tallish and slim, with mussed-up brown hair. His legs were firm and muscular, and sheened with sweat. He was clutching at his ankle, and pressing the bone with his fingers in a medically ignorant kind of way. Her shadow crossed him as she crouched down to help.

Later, she couldn’t recall how long they’d stared at each other, when their eyes met for the first time. It was achingly, horrifyingly, wonderfully long. At first, she’d looked because it was like looking into a mirror. Not physically, but somehow he seemed so familiar to her. Something about his face, his features, the way his face portrayed his emotions, she felt the immediate closeness of a kindred spirit. She could have no way of explaining it better. Nor of explaining why she felt that way. It was just an instant connection, of a kind she’d neither experienced nor anticipated. It should have had her confused, flustered, scared. But it didn’t.

‘I’m a nurse. Just lie still a second, I’ll check your ankle.’

He nodded, but looked at her instead of his ankle. The glint of the hotel’s light on her glasses hid her eyes from him, but he looked just the same. The shape of her face intrigued him. The way that her mouth fell open slightly fascinated him. The ankle hurt, but not much. Almost without realising, he glanced quickly at her ring finger.

She suspected in a few seconds his ankle wasn’t broken. Just sprained. It would probably be fine in a few days, especially if it was packed in ice for a while. So why did she continue to gently manipulate his legs with her slender fingers? Why was she thinking about what to say next? Why did it matter?

When she looked up, she gasped audibly at the fact that he was looking at her. Looking right into her eyes. Again, that unfeasibly long connection. An intensity that had no apparent source. She’d never seen this man before.

‘It’s sprained, not broken. If you can stand and hobble, my apartment is just over there. We can get some ice on it while you call a cab.’

He nodded, and began to raise himself up. She moved around and placed a hand under his arm, helping him up. With his ankle immobile and tender, he had to place some of his weight onto her. She was revelling in his dependence on her. It wasn’t a feeling she was used to.

Nurse was stretching the point. She was a dental assistant. She had no idea for sure whether his ankle was broken or not. She lied compulsively.

He was heavy, but his legs were strong, and they hobbled and shuffled their way across the scrubby grass and the road. She cursed the fact that her apartment block was at the top of a flight of concrete steps, but between her frail support and his hobbling and apologising, they made it. Once in the lift, he rested against the glass. At first he stared across at the numbers as they flipped towards her floor. Then he lolled his head to one side, looked at her, and smiled.

‘Sorry about all this. I’m Jamie, by the way.’

His smile punctured her will, seared its way through and buried itself in her. She would remember that smile for the longest time. It would be burned in her retina, pouring into the space behind her eyes each time she closed them.

‘I’m Grace. And don’t worry about it.’

She smiled back. The lift lurched to a halt, and they joined forces again to help him down the corridor.

Inside the apartment, she had him slumped onto the sofa. Classical music played on the stereo, as he looked around the apartment. His police training helped him notice the lack of any personal effects. The furniture looked rented – functional, but lacking individuality. In fact, there was no sense of a personal style to the place. And no adornments – no photos, no keepsakes of holidays, or people from the past. This was clearly a woman who lived in the present. He could deal with that.

From his prone position, he leant on one elbow. Her figure moved in and out of the light as she moved around the kitchen, fixing up the ice for his damaged ankle. Her dress clung to her body more than he realised. She was slim, firmly toned. Her body language downplayed the way she looked, as if it were kept hidden from most. Deliberately demure. He liked that.

She’d packed the ice in a tea towel, and knelt down before him. She smiled again.

‘You have to leave the ice on for a couple of minutes, then take it off for a couple of minutes, and so on.’

She did it herself. Her left hand on the ice pack, her right hand pressed against his leg, ostensibly for leverage. But as they talked, about the city, and the river, and jacarandas and books, he could feel her hand begin to caress him. Slowly, absent-mindedly, as if only her sub-conscious wanted to play with him.

Grace could feel her heart beating more quickly. She had to make an effort to keep her voice firm and regular around this man. He had a relaxed, easy charm around her that she sensed he didn’t have around other women. She couldn’t place why she felt that, just had an intrinsic feeling, an instinct she ran with. She liked his self-mocking humour. She really didn’t like men who thought they were God’s gift, and she really didn’t like men who thought she was easy to seduce.

It was dark outside and, had they stopped chatting, they could have heard the cicadas chirp in response to the slowly falling temperature. The breeze flicked through the blinds on her window, and the fan above their heads twirled listlessly. That apart, they were the only things to make a sound. The CD on the stereo was silent, and Max shuffled noiselessly along his perch.

She learned of his family down south, and the daughter he rarely saw – snatched away by a judge’s edict, and held firm by his ex-wife. He learned of her love of reading, and the unfinished novel buried in the laptop on her desk. He learned it was a murder mystery, but she turned coy at the request for further information. It’ll be published one day, she’d said with calm assurance. One day.

His skin seemed to glow in the light of the table lamp, and by now, it seemed almost wrong not to kiss him. She leaned forward and took her courage in both hands. As she moved towards his face, she kept waiting for him to pull away, to recoil in horror at her advances, but he didn’t. Those calm brown eyes drew her forward, and his easy smile reassured her that everything would be okay. If only it were that simple.

Their first kiss was neither tentative nor exploratory. There was a firmness, a sureness to each other’s touch that spoke of a meeting of two hearts. It felt so natural, it was as if they were an old couple, kissing the one who’d shared their entire life. His hands meshed into her hair as she pressed herself against him, her nipples cushioned into his firm chest as their tongues met. She bit gently on his lip as her hand reached down his stomach towards his groin. His hand stroked the base of her neck gently, and she moaned softly as he found her erogenous zone without her asking him. It all felt so right.

She broke the kiss and looked deep into his eyes. Her eyes moved as she took in his face, searching for answers, and the reassurance her brittle emotions craved. He was so relaxed, so calm. It soothed her jagged edges, stroked them into a series of easy curves and gentle breaths. He had the tranquillity she sought, and he was willing to share it.

She smiled and kissed his chest through his shirt, gradually sliding her body down as she undid his zip. He caught his breath momentarily, as she snaked her fingers around his cock, and gently lifted it from his trousers. She looked at it, still semi-erect, and kissed the tip. He flinched, and she smiled at him as she rubbed his cock against her cheek.

‘I believe in the holistic approach.’

He grinned and looked to the ceiling for a second. She loved that he was so turned on. She always doubted herself. Despite the looks she got, that insecurity always burned through her. And yet, each time she tried to turn a man on, it worked like a charm. Men loved her. They loved what she did and how she did it. It was something she could never quite learn, never quite take to heart.

She licked from base to tip, eyes locked onto his face, as he stared at her technique. She drooled some spit onto the head, an
d laved across his glistening skin, gently fisting his cock as she licked. She took the head into her mouth and let her tongue drift across the glans. Slowly. Very, very slowly.

Keeping hold of his cock with one hand, she raised herself up and straddled him. Her dress rose up across firm, tanned thighs, which he stroked gently. She leaned forward and he framed her face with his hands, gently kissing her on the lips, the cheeks, and the eyes. His tongue snaked down her throat as she gently lowered herself onto him.

The first contact was electric. Almost too sensitive. Almost too perfect. She had to lift up, and gently try again. Her pussy lips were wet with anticipation. She wanted him, badly. His finger was tracing her jaw line as she lowered herself onto his cock once more. Her pussy wrapped itself around his cock as if it had never been designed for anything else. A smooth, liquid, perfect fit, closer and more intimate than either of them would have dared to dream. So perfect, she could barely bring herself to move. Nothing else mattered. None of the insecurities, the imagined imperfections, the problems in her life, none of it. All that mattered was this perfect connection.

His shirt was now open, and her hands pressed against his firm stomach as she began a slow, erotic grind around his cock. As much horizontal as vertical, it was a slinky, flowing motion that corkscrewed her pussy around on him. She squeezed and flexed her pussy muscles as she moved, almost rippling up and down his cock as she licked her lips. Ohhhh fuck this was delicious. She’d forgotten how good this could be. How wonderful when everything felt right. How she could feel that there were no limits to how she could feel, to what she could do.

He couldn’t hold back, no matter how great she felt. He wanted to make it last. He wanted more and more of this woman, with her smile, her tight butt and her hungry, sexy look. He wanted her again and again. He wanted to touch her, caress her, and be in her, on her, under her, all at the same time. He grabbed her hips and thrust up into her, making her shudder with every stroke. She closed her eyes and he could sense her drifting into some other space, transported by the cock that slammed up into her dripping pussy as she rode him.

They came together, her fingers raking into his chest, the slight pain delicious as he released into her, making her shake and clench her eyes tightly shut. He felt light-headed, and yet perfectly relaxed.

She fell onto him, her hair sliding gently across his face as he wrapped his arms around her, stroking her back and feeling the warmth of her thighs on his legs. Her pussy juice and his cum mingled sweetly as they oozed gently down his cock.

She whispered in his ear.

‘Lie still, sexy.’

Her hand reached under the sofa, and traced itself around the handle of the long, slim knife. Just a short caress, to reassure herself. Just a reminder of the times she was trying to leave behind. The times this man might help her to forget.

Her finger swirled across the blade as she breathed slowly. It wasn’t in the past, that one time. It stretched and entwined itself into her present, no matter how she tried to outrun it. But maybe, just maybe, it could be. Maybe there was a relationship out there that could put the past to rest, once and for all. And maybe this was it. She swallowed, and took a deep breath, and decided to try.

Satisfied, she returned her hand to his warm skin, and snuggled into him as the last of the twilight died behind them.

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Amazing Grace

As this is my very first story post, please bear with me but all feedback would be gratefully welcome - please, please comment. This is based on a true story that happened to me and my reason for posting is to demonstrate my resultant love for ebony women.A few years ago I took a holiday in Kenya – principally to go on a safari, but the last few days were spent at a beach resort near Mombasa. The hotel was right on the beach which was frequented by the usual groups of hawkers selling local...

5 years ago
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Naugty Grace

It had been 3 satisfying months since I first made Grace my mistress and I craved her as badly as I did before I fucked her. Because of her age and school restrictions I didn’t see as much of her as I liked but I made sure she regularly got flowers and gifts and I arranged for her to have a car at her disposal. I don’t think this would’ve been possible had her family been just a little more observant but she went to boarding school and her parents trotted her out at dinners and social functions...

2 years ago
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Divine Beauty and Grace

On the continent of Aerent, life was simple and uneventful to most - maybe not exactly safe, depending on where they lived, but simple all the same. Barely developed, most settlements kept to themselves, smaller villages littered throughout the continent of lush greenery, with only the occasional traveling peddler keeping villages informed of what was going on outside their limited scope. Every so often, a kingdom or empire would spring up somewhere far away, but by the time news...

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Dayla Rue Grace

“Grace, that’s lovely. Let me have a look at you, Grace.” She pulled my hood back and took off my hat she pulled down my bun and ran her fingers through my ratty red hair. “When we get back to Chicago we are taking you to the Spa! Do you have a Family?” “I had a brother.” “Had, I’m sorry my little sugar plumb. Why don’t you close your eyes and lean on me and we will be home in no time.” I did as she said. I had not slept so well in years. I woke up to sunlight in my eyes, a reflection off...

4 years ago
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A Girl Like Grace

His hands slowly moved from my waist down to my ass and he began to gently rub. “You’re not supposed to be doing that.” I knew he could hear me, even over the loud, thumping music the DJ was playing. Still, he refused to answer me for several seconds. “C’mon, I just want to get my money’s worth, I’ve been watching you dance all night and I just wanted a little feel.” There was only about a minute left in the song and the lap dance would be over. It was just easier to be a trooper and get...

5 years ago
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A First for Grace

Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black, a...

4 years ago
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Shaving Grace

I remember when I first started to pay attention to my pussy hair. It was many years ago, when I first began seeing Evert. He was a few years older than me and liked everything to be ‘just so’. He had encouraged me to wax my bikini line and trim my pubic hair into a neat little triangle. Of course, I had been too shy to think about going to have it done professionally, back then, but Evert was already experienced in manicuring his own ‘bits’ and applied the strips of cloth to the wax and ripped...

5 years ago
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Fallen From Grace

Fallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...

4 years ago
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His Fall From Grace

Strolling around Harrods on a Saturday John milled about with the multitudinous and variously garbed tourists from Russia, China, the Gulf and miscellaneous credit card laden shoppers from virtually every country in the world. Wandering between the aisles most people can’t help being impressed by the copious amounts of completely unnecessary and excessively expensive shit piled high—the excrement of a “consumer society”. As John moved from floor to floor in the garishly decorated store he just...

2 years ago
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The State of Grace

PROLOGUE PROLOGUE ??????????? The State of Grace was a new colony, formed after the second civil war of the UnitedStates had almost destroyed everything.? The State was lenient as far as laws go.? Many of the more frivolous laws were removed from the books, especially ones that were based in the theocratic form of government that eventually led to the war.? Prostitution was legal but heavily regulated and as long as all of the adults involved were consenting, they could do just about...

3 years ago
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stepmom grace

So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...

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Fall From Grace

The clouds raced by. The wounds where my wings had been burned off halfheartedly tried to flap and control the fall. The peerage of angels called it a fall from grace, and surely there was nothing graceful about the twisting burned nearly naked figure I made falling back to earth. I was still convinced that it would be worth it in the end. She had made quite the convincing case; getting caught trying to steal the crow of minds from the heavenly throne was just a small wrench in the plan. Now...

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Coup de Grace

Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn’t resist a quick glance toward Grace’s computer station when he hit the top. He’d hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he’d missed her in the couple of years she’d worked in the warehouse. She’d proven a godsend to everyone farther down the line too, as the last operator at...

4 years ago
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My Neighbor Grace

I originally posted this on another site but re-posted here for the enjoyment of more readers.Growing up in small town on the Canadian prairies during 1950s, held a vast storehouse of lust filled fantasies for many young men and women. It was an era when the young married ladies of the day hardly dared to set foot outside of the house without looking or trying to look like the glamor models that they read about in Life magazine. The only time this cardinal rule was broken was when there was an...

4 years ago
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Bound To Grace

Bound To Grace Carmenica Diaz The Beginning Henry groaned as Virginia skilfully stroked his rigid cock, bringing himto the edge of orgasm yet again. As his body began to stiffen and tremble,just when he thought Virginia was going to let him finally come this time,she removed her hands. 'Poor baby,' Virginia whispered and smiled. Groaning in frustration, Henry turned his head as tears pricked his eyes. It's too much, I can't stand it! Lashed down and naked, Henry had been in that position...

3 years ago
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Getting Physical With Grace

"Adams?" I perked my head up hearing the call of my last name. A small, pale blonde woman In a white coat peaked her head out of the waiting room door and gazed into the crowd looking for a response. "Here,” I replied and grabbed my phone next to me and walked through the door. She lead me through the back offices "You'll be seen here, just go ahead and sit and the nurse will see you shortly, " she explained. I nodded with a simple reply and thanked her before she closed the door behind her....

4 years ago
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Frank Goes Down on Grace

Frank and Grace lay naked in the most comfortable bed together. She was on her back, and he was propped up on one elbow, his head resting on his hand, enjoying her beauty, while his other hand made lazy circles on her skin. He leaned over, kissed her fully on the mouth, parting her lips, and letting their tongues meet. His hand stopped making circles and moved up to her face as their tongues slid over and around each other erotically. While still kissing, he caressed her cheek with the back of...

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"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...

2 years ago
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Sam Falls Even Further From Grace

© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 67 The Dancers Ebony Grace

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – The Black Tide, The Nimborgoth I stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the nixie crew moving about. I stared at the stark coast of the Halani Desert....

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay.  Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...

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Growing Old Together Disgracefully

One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, so I went over and asked if she minded if I shared her table. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was wrong. She smiled at me again, this time with a sad look on her face. “Well Mike,” she said, “if you must know, I’ve realised I’m getting past it. While I was getting dressed this morning I looked in the mirror...

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Growing Old Disgracefully

I'm asked how I got 'into' dogs, or they 'into' me, so here it all is, why they still excite me. Despite it now being years since I had full sex with a dog I do still dream about it regularly. I've been divorced for several years now but in my marriage in the eighties and early nineties my husband and I were then active swingers. We experimented with all kinds of kinky sex. I was bisexual, liked threesomes and eventually our sex games led on to me letting a dog fuck me too. I was only...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

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World of Warcraft Fantasy Elvish graces

The owl hooted softly, gliding through the trees. It saw the great black cat seated below and descended. It perched itself on the branch nearby the panther. The panther looked at it with it's flashing eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement. Some silent word passed, but no one knew. Suddenly, the panther growled in a reassuring way, turned, and pounced through the trees, it's shadow growing fainter as it approached the jagged line giving away the huts hidden in the trees. Teylyn burst...

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State of ChaosChapter 26 Final Judgment

Nashville, Tennessee March, 1986 Track Life showed the project completion status at 98% on March eighth. Of the two percent left no original tracks remained, only overdubs and a re-take of Anita on a track that somehow picked up some noise. Tony had talked everyone into giving her one guitar track anchoring the rhythm to one of his 'boxes'. That would at least get her name on the album credits as a guitarist and not just a vocalist, something he knew she coveted after working so hard on...

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A Fall From Grace

NOTE 1: A special thank you goes to my two editors (Estragon and Steven B) who made this work A LOT better than it originally was…as usual. NOTE 2: This is my Earth Day contest story. The story is a mind control, revenge, lesbian story…that also saves the environment. Enjoy and vote… * ‘Fucking oil spill,’ Victoria muttered, looking down from her office to the street below. ‘There must be 10,000 fucking protesters there. Sure, I gave the order. Sure, I fired the man who actually told me...

2 years ago
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Fall from Grace

"Headmaster Matthew, why isn't anyone here today?" she asked. Startled he looked up from his bible. "Oh, Katie. It’s only you. You scared the daylights out of me," he said. "Everyone is at home. Today was a mandatory meeting for the teachers. It's over now so I'm the only one here." Katie's face slowly changed from surprise to aggravation. "Why wasn't I told there was no school today?" "Well," Matt said, "since you've been absent for the last two days, and you...

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Shaving Grace

I remember when I first started to pay attention to my pussy hair. It was many years ago, when I first began seeing Evert. He was a few years older than me and liked everything to be ‘just so’. He had encouraged me to wax my bikini line and trim my pubic hair into a neat little triangle. Of course, I had been too shy to think about going to have it done professionally, back then, but Evert was already experienced in manicuring his own ‘bits’ and applied the strips of cloth to the wax and...

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Lorelais Fall from grace

I heard so much about Chuck. Lucie was so excited about him. It has her first real relationship. She had a boyfriend before but it didn't really last. It seems she was head over heals all over Chuck. I haven't had a chance to meet him yet, but I'm glad to finally get to meet the man that's having such an impact on her life. Lucie is everything I wasn't in my teens. Smart, intelligent, driven with a bright promising future. My daughter is everything I wasn't and being a polar opposite to me, I...

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Elizabeths Fall From Grace

....and here IS the story as recounted to me by the delightful old lady, Bettina.The early morning spring sunshine lights up a pretty country scene. Whitewashed cottages line a neat and tidy village street. ElizabethSchmidt is in the local shop to buy provisions, but times are verydifficult, and even though she trims her shopping list to the bare minimum,she finds that she doesn't have enough money. Prices seem to be rising bythe day and her account at the shop is already too much for her to...

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Velvets Fall from Grace

I gave up porn during my pregnancy and after giving birth to another baby boy, I became a housewife for about 4 months before accepting a job doing old man fetish porn in Europe. Mikey stayed in the US as I toured France, England, Germany and Russia, fucking old men that ranged in age from 65 to 85 for the next 6 months. It was the only steady porn job I could get and my addiction wouldn’t let me turn it down. I shot over 120 different films during that short period and returned home pregnant...

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A Fall from Grace

Anne-Marie was dressed as neatly as she could be; just back from work she had decided to make her request whilst she still felt business-like and efficient. Now after having removed her jacket she stood in just a pale lemon silk blouse and the short pin stripe skirt which terminated a good three inches above her knee. Her hand shaking just a little she reached her right index finger - it's nail expertly French manicured - to press the door bell. There was a dull uninteresting electric...

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Barbs fall from grace

       "Hey Barb," Colin said over the phone, "how's it going?"It had been five days since that night, that intense, orgasmic, traumatic, horrible night where they'd fucked me, made me beg and whimper, had stripped away my illusions, and reduced me, as they had so many other times, to sodden, satiated, fucked out cumholes.   But that last time had been different, intensely different.   They'd known.Here's the thing.   Colin was a scumbag.  One night, he'd tried to slip me roofies.  I'd spotted...

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