Coup de Grace
- 3 years ago
- 22
- 0
Shane climbed the stairs up to the sortation floor, taking advantage of being out of sight for a while to relax since he was at a slow, tedious point of the day. He couldn't resist a quick glance toward Grace's computer station when he hit the top. He'd hardly ever seen her until she bid into the operator job, and wondered how in the hell he'd missed her in the couple of years she'd worked in the warehouse.
Good timing, he thought as he caught sight of her.
She was bent over, looking at the label printer, showing off her incredible ass in a pair of tight jeans. When she stood up, he caught a glimpse of cleavage through the neckline of her sweater. The material stretched over the large, golden brown globes, which seemed ready to bust free at any moment.
She pushed a few strands of midnight hair out of her eyes and muttered, "Damn."
"What's up?"
"Can't get it to print," she called back, making an exaggerated gesture of irritation at the printer.
He headed toward her station. "Maybe somebody else changed the printer while you were on break, or it booted back up under somebody else's login. You have to back all the way out to get it to reset, but there's a trick to print the one you need now, if that's what it is. Which one do you need?"
She pointed at the screen and he right-clicked it, bringing up a menu.
"The right-click menu overrides the default. When you print from there, you'll have to choose the printer every time. You can set it to this one, and then back all the way out to set a new default when you've got some time." He printed the tag and bent over to pull it off the printer.
"No problem." He turned to leave, but she grabbed his arm.
In a rush and under her breath, she said, "Hang on. Don't leave."
Shane turned to see someone coming up the stairs. Neil was a crewleader down on the floor, and thought he was god's gift to women. Even out of the corner of his eye, Shane could tell Neil wasn't amused that someone was at Grace's station.
"Whew," Grace sighed as the other man wandered off across the sortation floor toward a mezzanine. "That asshole creeps me out. Always staring at my tits and trying to touch me and shit."
"Doesn't take a hint, either. Jill had to report him before he left her alone."
"He keeps that shit up and I'm gonna report his ass too."
"Grab the phone and act like you're talking to one of the other pre-sorts whenever he comes up," Shane suggested.
She smiled. "Good idea."
"Well, I'm going to go check with Jill and see whether there's any hope of the East module getting its act together."
"I hope not, or you're gonna catch my ass."
He laughed and headed across the floor, thinking, I'd love to catch your ass - and everything else, too. Then he sighed and shook his head. Wishful thinking, white boy.
Another day at the salt mines over, Shane headed for the door. Having snuck out a little early, he was walking out at the same time as Grace. She nodded as they both left their lockers. "That phone thing worked. He came back after you left, and that got rid of him."
"Good. Now, if he'd only fall down the stairs..."
Grace let out a laugh. "Oh, damn, I'd love that."
"See you tomorrow."
"Yeah," she answered, and headed toward her boyfriend's car.
Shane flagged down another coworker to exchange cell numbers, as the company had a bad habit of delaying start-up, and the only reliable way of finding out short of showing up was for everyone to call everyone else they knew. It had happened again this morning, leaving a lot of people sitting around off the clock.
Once he started across the main drive toward his car, a horn sounded. When he turned to look that way, Grace's boyfriend leaned his head out the window and yelled, "Get the fuck out the way, cracker!"
"You hadn't even moved yet, asshole," he muttered. The car's engine revved and it flew past him when he was barely out of the way. He wondered, What the hell does she see in that fuckhead?
Shaking his head and wondering why all the hot girls were with arrogant douchebags, he headed to his car, and to home.
The next day was the same old grind, but fortunately, it was the last one before the weekend. Shane headed home with no plans, figuring that he'd just watch the tube and goof around on the internet. The weather was too cold to make leaving the house a welcome prospect. He wasn't ready to deal with the whole bar scene anyway, having just dumped his girlfriend when he caught her cheating on him a month before. Knowing his luck, she would be at whatever bar he went to, making it even worse.
Along about midnight, he got an urge to have a beer or two while watching a comedy show he'd recorded. The problem was that his mental tally of how many he'd consumed in the previous week was off, and only a lone brown bottle greeted him when he opened the fridge.
So, it was off to the convenience store.
With two cold six-packs sitting in the passenger seat, along with a few snacks, he headed for home. Much to his bewilderment, his headlights shined on someone walking alongside of the road. As cold as it was, she - he could tell it was a woman as he drew closer - had to be nuts.
Once close enough, he thought he recognized her, and slowed down. Sure enough, as he pulled up next to her, there was no doubt that it was Grace walking along the road in the freezing cold after midnight. He pulled to a stop a little ahead of her, but she stopped walking.
Realizing she had no idea who he was, he rolled down the passenger window and yelled, "Hey, you need a ride, Grace?"
She hurried up to the door and said, "Damn. Scared the fuck straight out of me. Didn't know it was you."
"Get in. It's too cold to be walking anywhere."
She opened the door and he quickly moved everything out of the passenger seat so she could slide in. Once she settled into the seat, she shivered violently from the sudden change in temperature.
He turned up the heat and put the car back in gear. "Where you headed?"
"Home. You know where the Crestview Apartments at?"
"Sure. No problem."
She sounded a little distant, and the look on her face bespoke more than just a walk through the cold. "You okay?"
"Hell no." She sighed.
"Nah, it's okay. Not mad 'cause you asked."
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's cool."
"Oh, I want to scream about it." She let out a disgusted sounding hmph. "That mother-fucker Jaymal started doing blow again and I bet he's fucking around on me. Knew he hadn't changed."
Recognizing the name of her boyfriend, Shane winced on her behalf. "Damn..."
"Tossed my drink straight up in his face when he walked out of the bathroom with powder under his nose. Big man acted like he was gonna slap me, but I smacked his ass first."
"At least you found out before it got any worse."
"And I ain't making that damn mistake again." She shook her head and looked over at him. "You don't wanna hear all this shit."
"Nah, it's all right. Kinda like hearing about him getting slapped."
She chuckled and a hint of a smile crossed her face.
Shane turned down the road that led to her apartment building, and slowed down as he approached the drive into the parking lot. All of the sudden, Grace ducked down in the seat.
"Go on by. Go on by."
In the process of reaching for his turn signal, he let go of it and asked, "What?"
"That mother-fucker's car is there."
"Maybe you should call the police?"
She shook her head as she straightened in the seat again. "He ain't done nothing yet. Probably all crying and shit. Gonna beg me to take him back."
"So, what do you want to do? Somewhere else you can go?"
"I don't know. What you doing tonight?"
"Just sitting around watching TV."
"Want some company?"
Holy shit! Somehow, he kept the excitement out of his voice. "Sure, but the place is a mess."
"Bachelor pad?"
"I don't care. Share some of that beer and I really won't give a damn."
He laughed. "Sounds like you need it worse than I do."
"So, where you stay at?"
"Just outside of town."
"Well, let's go. That beer's calling my name."
Shane tried to keep his imagination under control, but it was difficult. With her sitting in the passenger seat next to him, going to his place, it was hard not to fantasize about things unlikely to actually unfold. Even bundled up in a winter coat, she looked hot as hell.
He pulled up at the house he rented and grabbed the beer from the back seat. When he unlocked the door and let her in, she looked around for a second and said, "Hell, this ain't so bad. You had me thinking there would be pizza boxes and beer cans everywhere."
"Nah, just clutter."
Shane took off his coat and tossed it over the back of a chair. She did the same, revealing a fitted sweater that hugged her ample curves to incredible effect. Somehow, he kept his eyes in his head and passed her a beer before putting one down on the table for himself and taking the rest to the fridge.
"Hey, did you hear what that dumbass Ray did today?" Grace asked when he walked back in the room.
"No. What?"
She laughed and told the story of yet another boneheaded decision the supervisor had made, resulting in someone else having to clean up his mess while he made excuses. That led to Shane telling a story, which in turn led to Grace relating another as well. Before either of them knew it, the first six-pack was gone, and a couple of hours had passed.
"Where's the bathroom at?"
He pointed. "Right side of the hall."
When she walked back out, she was wearing a crooked grin. "Interesting reading material."
Shane felt his face burning, knowing that she had to be talking about a couple of nudie magazines sitting on the back of the toilet. "Sorry about that."
She laughed and sat down on the couch next to him. "Nah, it's good to know. I was wondering if Wendy had turned you gay."
"Why would you think that?"
"You're the only man in the building ain't constantly staring at my T n' A."
"Not exactly subtle, are they?"
"Ain't nobody as creepy as Neil, but they're all doing it. So what? You ain't into black girls?"
"Hardly," he said with a little more enthusiasm than he'd intended. When her crooked grin resurfaced, he quickly added, "Just figure you get enough people creeping on you."
"Ain't that the truth."
A ring tone went off, and Grace reached over to pull a cell out of her purse. She scowled as she looked at the screen and muttered, "You mother-fucker. You ain't even seen dissin' you yet."
A different tone sounded, and she rolled her eyes. "Now he's trying to call." She turned off the phone and tossed it back in her purse. "What the hell was I doing with him? Here I was all ready to get busy tonight and he pulls this shit."
Oh my god, Shane thought. He'd been half hard ever since he picked her up, and her talking about sex was on the verge of eliminating the half part.
"He can do a Michael Jackson and Beat It now. He ain't getting no more of this pussy." She was smiling at him, and he had the impression she was looking for a reaction.
Shane nodded, trying to keep it together. "You want another beer?"
"You trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me?"
"No. No." He laughed, hoping it didn't sound as nervous as he felt. "I was just going to get another one." He tipped back his bottle for the last drink.
"Well, why not?"
The beer went straight down the wrong pipe, sending him into a coughing fit. As he sat down the bottle and caught his breath, she scooted a little closer.
"Wendy told some stories on you. Said you love to eat the pussy, and you're damn good at it. Said you're packin' too." Her hand settled on his thigh.
Blood surging into his manhood, he thought, Please don't let this be a dream.
"She lying?"
Shane shrugged, not able to form a single word in his brain between the hand on his leg and the sexy look on her face.
"Guess I'll have to see for myself."
She popped open the button on his pants with one hand, and then reached for the tab of the zipper. He already felt as if he were going to bust straight through that barrier, and it parted into a wide V around his erection as she tugged it down.
Grace ran a fingertip over the bulge in his briefs and said, "She ain't lying."
Even though part of him was screaming to shut up, he said, "You sure you want to do this?"
"Mmm hmm. I been waiting all day to get fucked. You want to, don't you?"
"Fuck yes."
She laughed and tugged down the front of his briefs, letting her curl her fingers around him. "Oh yeah, you're hard as hell. You know what I want to do?"
"That mother-fucker was always trying to come on my face, but I wouldn't let him. I want you to do it so I can send a picture of it to him and make him lose his damn mind."
Shane groaned from her fingers rubbing over the head of his cock. "I think I can handle that."
"Mmm. Get them pants off."
She released him, but it was to grasp the bottom of her sweater, so he hardly minded. She pulled it over her head while he jerked at his shoelaces to untie them and kicked off his shoes. He kept his eyes fixed on her as she reached behind her back to unhook her bra. While he kicked the denim away from his feet, she tossed the bra over her shoulder and cupped her breasts in her hands.
After so long of fighting his eyes gravitating toward them, he finally had the opportunity to look as long as he liked. If anything, they looked even bigger and more glorious bare. Large, chocolate brown ovals surrounded her nipples, which were easily as big around as his pinky tip.
"You ain't gonna just look, are you?"
"Oh, hell no." Shane leaned in, wasting no time in curling his tongue around one of the stiff buds.
"Ah yeah," Grace moaned.
He teased her nipple with the tip of his tongue, then suckled it between his lips. She settled her hand on the back of his head, tousling his hair. A long moan escaped her when he released her left nipple and switched to the right.
"Mmm. I like that. You're making me all wet."
Only the slightest bit of experimentation revealed that she liked it soft, exactly as he'd started out. More than willing to oblige, he caressed her nipples with his lips and tongue, making her squirm beneath him. While one hand remained on the top of his head, another snaked between their bodies to wrap around his cock.
Shane was far from ready to stop when she slipped a hand beneath his chin and pushed. He gave her nipple one last, harder suck, letting it snap from between his lips and causing her breast to jiggle.
She sucked in a sharp gasp, and then moaned. Her eyes locked with his, and she licked her lips. When she gave a tug on his cock and twitched her eyebrows, he broke into a grin and slipped off the couch.
Grace moved to recline on her side against the arm of the couch, her hand guiding him until his cock was twitching right in front of her face. She looked up at him and her tongue darted out, flicking the head of his cock. When he groaned, she chuckled and did it again - several times in rapid succession.
"Fuck, that feels good," he said while reaching out to give her right breast a squeeze.
"Oh, I can do better than that."
She slipped one hand behind him, squeezing his butt and pulling him closer. At the same time, she wrapped her other hand around the root of his cock, tilting it down a little. Her lips parted, and she took him in.
Shane groaned, the sound warbling as her incredible lips sucked back up about half of his shaft toward the head. Her cheeks were concave from how hard she was sucking, and when she reached the tip, air rushing in at the corner of her mouth made a loud, sharp sound before she engulfed him again.
She took him deep - and fast - keeping the pressure up. After all the times saying and hearing the old line about sucking the chrome off a trailer hitch, he finally knew what it was like for real. She was relentless. Her hair bounced and her tits quivered as she sucked him, prompting him to reach out for her breast again. She moaned around him when he gave her nipple a pinch.
The hand wrapped around the base of his cock moved, until only a finger and thumb remained. The other three fingers tickled his balls while she kept at the most incredible blowjob of his life. Shane grunted and growled, feeling the itch in the tip of his cock growing with every stroke of her lips.
Grace's fingers pressed tighter into his butt, pulling him forward. He shifted his hips in response, and then watched in amazement as she swallowed his cock. She croaked a little as the head pressed into her throat, then pulled back all the way to the tip with agonizing slowness.
"Holy shit," he said as she let him pop free of her lips, trailing thick strands of saliva.
"You like that?"
"Oh yeah."
She swirled her tongue over the head. "Your little girlfriends never took it all, huh?"
"Not even close. Fuck, that was hot."
Her chuckle vibrated through his cock as she wrapped her lips around it again. After a couple of sucks, her lips slid down all the way to the root again, and this time she even moved her fingers to keep him in her throat for a second or two before making a little gagging sound and quickly pulling back.
"That's how a real woman sucks a dick," she said as she wiped saliva off her chin and parted her lips again.
Over and over again, she would suck him for a few quick strokes, and then nestle her nose in the curly hairs at the base of his cock again. She squeezed and caressed his balls in her hand all the while, keeping him just below the point of urgency that would send him surging toward an explosion.
Finally, his hips twitched forward just a little too far while his cock was in her throat, and a much louder gagging sound preceded a pair of coughs once she pulled away. He reached down to swirl his fingers through the trails of saliva that had dripped onto her breasts. The resulting shine on the dark globes prompted him to let out a growling moan.
Having caught her breath, Grace pushed her breasts together and asked, "You wanna fuck these big ol' titties?"
He had already swung a leg over her body before he answered, "Oh yeah."
She rolled over onto her back as he settled above her with one foot slipping between the cushions and the back of the couch and the other on the floor. As soon as he pushed his cock down between her breasts, she squeezed them around it.
"Yeah, fuck them titties and come all over my face."
The warm, soft nest of her breasts almost completely surrounded him, only letting the head escape when he started thrusting. Waves rippled through the large globes as he pumped his cock between them, and the contrast of the purple head poking out from between them drew his eyes.
Grace's tongue darted out, lapping the head when it was within reach. She leaned her head forward a little more, allowing her to suck or kiss it every so often as well. The itch of impending climax intensified, spreading down his shaft and tingling within his tight balls.
Furiously pumping her quivering breasts, he grunted, "Fuck. Gonna come."
"Oh yeah! Gimme that cum!"
Shane thrust forward one last time, pushing an inch or so of his cock out from between the valley of her breasts. A loud, inarticulate grunt burst from his lips, as his cum erupted into her face.
Grace squealed and pinched her eyes shut as the first spurt trailed along the bridge of her nose and up into her hair. The second was harder, decorating her right eyebrow, forehead, hair, and even hitting the arm of the couch.
"Ah shit!" she cried out as another rope of cum spattered on her nose and upper lip. She laughed as he continued to growl, pumping out cum onto her face.
The last fitful contraction of his muscles dribbled cum onto her neck as she carefully blinked her eyes open. The thick white globs of cum stood out sharply on her golden brown skin.
"Damn," she said as she let her breasts fall away from his throbbing organ, and then laughed again. "You just kept coming."
In a weak voice, he responded, "Fuck. Yeah."
"Get my phone out. Take a picture, and make sure that big white dick is in there."
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So I was a twin. I hesitated a long moment as I considered what Grace had just told me. "Are there other siblings I haven't met yet?" I wondered. Grace just sat there patiently watching me as she waited for me to respond. "Nicky?" I finally asked. "Of course!" she exclaimed with delighted glee. "And I think she's wonderful! She has been so worried about you. Almost every evening after I got off work, she was here. She was afraid of losing you too." I frowned at that. I really...
Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black; a...
TabooAs this is my very first story post, please bear with me but all feedback would be gratefully welcome - please, please comment. This is based on a true story that happened to me and my reason for posting is to demonstrate my resultant love for ebony women.A few years ago I took a holiday in Kenya – principally to go on a safari, but the last few days were spent at a beach resort near Mombasa. The hotel was right on the beach which was frequented by the usual groups of hawkers selling local...
It had been 3 satisfying months since I first made Grace my mistress and I craved her as badly as I did before I fucked her. Because of her age and school restrictions I didn’t see as much of her as I liked but I made sure she regularly got flowers and gifts and I arranged for her to have a car at her disposal. I don’t think this would’ve been possible had her family been just a little more observant but she went to boarding school and her parents trotted her out at dinners and social functions...
Grace’s unhappiness didn’t have a name. It was a shapeless, faceless thing. And yet, it was a feeling that had lain inside her, dormant or otherwise, for her entire life. It was never far away, even in the better times. She berated herself for giving it houseroom. She had it lucky, had it easy, compared to many. She had a job she was good at, that paid enough. She felt her colleagues liked her. She was fairly healthy, and more attractive to men than she would ever admit to herself. And yet…and...
On the continent of Aerent, life was simple and uneventful to most - maybe not exactly safe, depending on where they lived, but simple all the same. Barely developed, most settlements kept to themselves, smaller villages littered throughout the continent of lush greenery, with only the occasional traveling peddler keeping villages informed of what was going on outside their limited scope. Every so often, a kingdom or empire would spring up somewhere far away, but by the time news...
“Grace, that’s lovely. Let me have a look at you, Grace.” She pulled my hood back and took off my hat she pulled down my bun and ran her fingers through my ratty red hair. “When we get back to Chicago we are taking you to the Spa! Do you have a Family?” “I had a brother.” “Had, I’m sorry my little sugar plumb. Why don’t you close your eyes and lean on me and we will be home in no time.” I did as she said. I had not slept so well in years. I woke up to sunlight in my eyes, a reflection off...
His hands slowly moved from my waist down to my ass and he began to gently rub. “You’re not supposed to be doing that.” I knew he could hear me, even over the loud, thumping music the DJ was playing. Still, he refused to answer me for several seconds. “C’mon, I just want to get my money’s worth, I’ve been watching you dance all night and I just wanted a little feel.” There was only about a minute left in the song and the lap dance would be over. It was just easier to be a trooper and get...
Grace sits in her car, looking at the diamond encrusted “Gracie” pendant around the white gold necklace that Ryder had given her. She plays with the pendant between two of her leather gloved fingers, absent mindedly, like she always does when lost in deep thought. Tonight was going to be different, a change, something new and hopefully exciting for both her and Ryder. She steps from her car and softly closes the door. Grace feels like a new woman, different, being clothed in all black, a...
I remember when I first started to pay attention to my pussy hair. It was many years ago, when I first began seeing Evert. He was a few years older than me and liked everything to be ‘just so’. He had encouraged me to wax my bikini line and trim my pubic hair into a neat little triangle. Of course, I had been too shy to think about going to have it done professionally, back then, but Evert was already experienced in manicuring his own ‘bits’ and applied the strips of cloth to the wax and ripped...
ReluctanceFallen from Grace Synopsis ? Left in charge of the mansion, the young daughter and her friend delight in severely punishing the servants. When his Lordship returns unexpectedly, they have to pay an unwelcome price for their misdeeds. ? ? Fallen from Grace ? by obohobo ? ? Warnings ? Please take note! ? The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. ? MF NC. Spanking ? If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is...
Strolling around Harrods on a Saturday John milled about with the multitudinous and variously garbed tourists from Russia, China, the Gulf and miscellaneous credit card laden shoppers from virtually every country in the world. Wandering between the aisles most people can’t help being impressed by the copious amounts of completely unnecessary and excessively expensive shit piled high—the excrement of a “consumer society”. As John moved from floor to floor in the garishly decorated store he just...
PROLOGUE PROLOGUE ??????????? The State of Grace was a new colony, formed after the second civil war of the UnitedStates had almost destroyed everything.? The State was lenient as far as laws go.? Many of the more frivolous laws were removed from the books, especially ones that were based in the theocratic form of government that eventually led to the war.? Prostitution was legal but heavily regulated and as long as all of the adults involved were consenting, they could do just about...
So I knew my stepmom would be really horny after a while. ”see you soon Jon im heading to Chicago for 3 Weeks”. Ok bye dad I hugged him and left to my room. after about half an hour my stepmom grace walked in. ”hey Jon” . I looked up and said hello. This is going to be the first time your father leaves us alone and I think this will be a good time for me and you to get to know each other. Yea I think so to. ”good well im going to order a pizza for us to eat im to lazy to cook today. Ok. All I...
Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Coupon BoobieI rolled into the news paper plant, around 9am. I had overslept again. I hate Monday mornings. I had party the whole weekend. I had just passed my 2nd semester of college. I was interning for a small news paper in my home town. A college professor had gotten me the job. I was her pet project for the semester. She gave me good grades. I gave her my big cock after class. It was a win, win, for me. She was very voluptuous. I had been attracted to...
I rolled into the news paper plant, around 9am. I had overslept again. I hate Monday mornings. I had party the whole weekend. I had just passed my 2nd semester of college. I was interning for a small news paper in my home town. A college professor had gotten me the job. I was her pet project for the semester. She gave me good grades. I gave her my big cock after class. It was a win, win, for me. She was very voluptuous. I had been attracted to skinny girls before I met her. I changed after...
The clouds raced by. The wounds where my wings had been burned off halfheartedly tried to flap and control the fall. The peerage of angels called it a fall from grace, and surely there was nothing graceful about the twisting burned nearly naked figure I made falling back to earth. I was still convinced that it would be worth it in the end. She had made quite the convincing case; getting caught trying to steal the crow of minds from the heavenly throne was just a small wrench in the plan. Now...
FantasyI originally posted this on another site but re-posted here for the enjoyment of more readers.Growing up in small town on the Canadian prairies during 1950s, held a vast storehouse of lust filled fantasies for many young men and women. It was an era when the young married ladies of the day hardly dared to set foot outside of the house without looking or trying to look like the glamor models that they read about in Life magazine. The only time this cardinal rule was broken was when there was an...
Bound To Grace Carmenica Diaz The Beginning Henry groaned as Virginia skilfully stroked his rigid cock, bringing himto the edge of orgasm yet again. As his body began to stiffen and tremble,just when he thought Virginia was going to let him finally come this time,she removed her hands. 'Poor baby,' Virginia whispered and smiled. Groaning in frustration, Henry turned his head as tears pricked his eyes. It's too much, I can't stand it! Lashed down and naked, Henry had been in that position...
"Adams?" I perked my head up hearing the call of my last name. A small, pale blonde woman In a white coat peaked her head out of the waiting room door and gazed into the crowd looking for a response. "Here,” I replied and grabbed my phone next to me and walked through the door. She lead me through the back offices "You'll be seen here, just go ahead and sit and the nurse will see you shortly, " she explained. I nodded with a simple reply and thanked her before she closed the door behind her....
IncestFrank and Grace lay naked in the most comfortable bed together. She was on her back, and he was propped up on one elbow, his head resting on his hand, enjoying her beauty, while his other hand made lazy circles on her skin. He leaned over, kissed her fully on the mouth, parting her lips, and letting their tongues meet. His hand stopped making circles and moved up to her face as their tongues slid over and around each other erotically. While still kissing, he caressed her cheek with the back of...
"This is so unfair!" "Life is unfair Mikey, live with it and stop acting like Kevin the teenager from the Harry Enfield sketches, it's only one night." My Dad said firmly. "But I was going out with Angie to Jenny's party tonight!" I said loudly, not quite daring to yell. "Well you'll have to cancel, your Mum and I are going out for the first time in over a year and we need you to look after your Gran while she's here on respite from your Mum's sister." Dad said. "But ... but...
© Copyright 2002 It is rare for me to revisit a cast of characters, generally once a story is completed I move on to the next. However, in this case there has been such a demand for a follow on story that I felt compelled to attempt it. I'm afraid it is a little long and starts very slow. Scorpio00155 It had been two months since my wife Sam's fall from grace with the man Steve in a night club. That night had been one of shock, guilt and inexplicable excitement for both of us. In...
Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – The Black Tide, The Nimborgoth I stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the nixie crew moving about. I stared at the stark coast of the Halani Desert....
Pure fiction, Hazel is actually my wife but she loves me write stories like this and read them to her in bed as a form of foreplay. Growing Old Together (Disgracefully) One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, sitting at one of the tables. She was on her own so I went over and asked if she minded if joined her. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was...
One afternoon last week, I was in the cafe of my local super market when I noticed my neighbour, Hazel, so I went over and asked if she minded if I shared her table. She smiled up at me and nodded. When I was settled, I noticed she seemed to be down in the dumps so I asked her what was wrong. She smiled at me again, this time with a sad look on her face. “Well Mike,” she said, “if you must know, I’ve realised I’m getting past it. While I was getting dressed this morning I looked in the mirror...
I'm asked how I got 'into' dogs, or they 'into' me, so here it all is, why they still excite me. Despite it now being years since I had full sex with a dog I do still dream about it regularly. I've been divorced for several years now but in my marriage in the eighties and early nineties my husband and I were then active swingers. We experimented with all kinds of kinky sex. I was bisexual, liked threesomes and eventually our sex games led on to me letting a dog fuck me too. I was only...
Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...
The owl hooted softly, gliding through the trees. It saw the great black cat seated below and descended. It perched itself on the branch nearby the panther. The panther looked at it with it's flashing eyes, and nodded in acknowledgement. Some silent word passed, but no one knew. Suddenly, the panther growled in a reassuring way, turned, and pounced through the trees, it's shadow growing fainter as it approached the jagged line giving away the huts hidden in the trees. Teylyn burst...
Each year we took an annual holiday with our friends. There were eight of us who went each year and we have done for the past seven years. We’re a very close group. Three of us have known each other from our school days and the rest were friends and partners that we have met along the way. Most of the eight now have kids but this is an adults-only holiday, for fun laughs and recuperation that is always needed.As soon as we arrived, all eight of us settled into our large four-bed villa in during...
SwingersThe autumn rain hammered down onto the darkened skylights above him as he wandered down the hallway. As he went through his evening routine of checking that all the lights were off, he locked each office door as he went along, listening to the wind and rain as his cock stiffened. The closer he got to her room, the more excited he felt, his fingers began to fumble on the locks. Reaching the end of the corridor, he turned towards the open cubicles, glancing around to make sure that no one was...
I would like to say I'm sorry in advance for my Grammer I have to be drunk to write these stories otherwise I'm too embarrassed . So picking up from part one of the craziest story of my life , I am looking at these papers and everything is negative and his name Is josh and as I am just scanning other things to be sure he breaks my concentration and says can we continue and I look up and him and Mike are in front of me and I couldn't help but to compare and Mike was thicker but josh was a lot...
I was tired of my same old friday night flings so I decided to spice things up on Tinder. I scrolled through a few hotties until one face came up that looked familiar. I swiped right and waited. After a few minutes I heard from her. She sounded like she was down to fuck so I wasted no time and asked her where we could meet. She mentioned a gas station that was down the street from me. I said yes and told her I could be there in a few minutes. As I pulled in I saw her step out of her car and...
When Rebecca and her cUXbOI first came walking toward me from the arrival gate I knew right away they would be begging in minutes to be collared and leashed as I had told them to if they wanted/craved to have me break them into the Master / SlaveWhoreCuck lifestyle.cUXKbOI hgad contacted me on line and told me he craved to be collared and leashed with his smokin' hot tiny slutwife who had already been in several 4 somes with other men and now she wanted him to be trained to beg to watch her...
HeteroFlexiblecouple’s FantasiesChapter 1 - Big Black Cock Suck And Fuck Have you ever been with a couple? Well how about a couple where the wife wants to sit and play with her pussy in front of you and her husband? How about one that wanted to play with her pussy while watching you and her husband sitting on the couch next to each other? I bet you have never been with one that sat playing with her pussy while she watched her husband reach over and start stroking your nice thick cock for...
Reddit GWCouples, aka r/GWCouples! You’ve all seen subreddits that have the ‘gone wild’ idea to them. Now, get ready for something in that category that’s completely different. Thus far, it was usually just the same old pattern of chicks going wild and showing off their tits, ass, pussy, and so on, but the categories were just different as in which kind of girl is going wild. Sometimes it’s teens, sometimes it’s MILFs, and at other times it has to do with weight, cosplay, hair color and so on....
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