Bosomy Bobbie free porn video

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"It's Bosomy Bobbie," I say to Anne, holding my hand over the receiver. "Tell him we're not here. Tell him we're not her... tell him whatever you want." "He's all dressed, he says. He's got that whiny tone in his voice." "That's the only tone he has!" Anne screamed. "Oh God... why hath thou forsaken me? Alright. Tell him to come over but use the side entrance." "What side entrance?" "You know, the one next to the imaginary elevator." "Oh, that side entrance... Yeah, she sez it's okay. Come on over. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Really great. See ya." "What's great?" "He's up to 52 E. It's a personal best." "Bosomy Bobbie! My, how you've grown," Anne says as Bobbie rolls in. "Did she tell you? 52 E." The three of us in unison "A personal best!" "Uh huh. But I'm not Bosomy Bobbie anymore. I'm Sweatergirl." "Uh oh. Does Bobbie know his body is being taken over by a transvestite with very bad taste." "I prefer drag queen. You know that," he sighs. Then his face brightens. "I've decided to concentrate on sweaters." "Focus, focus, focus..." "Exactly! I think I'll have more credibility if I have a 'signature'." Bobbie draws out the last word and spins into profile, narrowly missing the door jamb. "Well, the action figure will be more dynamic anyway. Bosomy Bobbie always struck me as somewhat regressive. Sweatergirl performs feats." "Yes, feats... Of... daring... do," Bobbie says swerving dramatically with each syllable. "But you... you're looking rather luscious as well this evening." "I put on an extra cup size just for you." "No, really, you are so glammalicious." "Liz, get me that Dictionary of Drag, will you?" I pause for effect. "Let's see... Glammalicious, a glamorous but taste- free clam." "Bravo, Liz!" "I'm more of a clam than you'll ever be, Liz!" Bobbie says, continuing her booby punctuation. "Take back your mink. Take back your poils..." I walk back to the bathroom to pee and check my makeup. Anne has wonderful mirror placement, one in back and one in front of the toilet so you can always look your freshest no matter how femme your feeling. I opt for the standing position so I can observe my lusciously femmed self peeing. Oh, the heavenly contrast of lipstick and cock. Such a debauched display. Lightly teased blonde pageboy wig with thick bangs falling to my eyebrows. A wig for all seasons. You have to be careful with these mirrors though. You start to get aroused mid stream and Anne has a fit. "My bathroom shall not smell like a Paris pissoir. Be a lady or use the bathtub," she's declared more than once. "What are we doing tonight?" I ask as I re-enter the room. "Well, you're glossed for action, Liz. Maybe we should order a pizza boy." "Oooh, that sounds like fun," Bobbie sex, examining her profile in the mirror over the mantel. "We've done that. Remember?" "Yes, but maybe this time we'll actually get a boy, not a Goth pincushion." "Honey, you wouldn't know what to do with a boy if you had one." "I would," Bobbie intones balefully." "Right. My two little slut wannabees, looking to get stung. I'm the only girl here who's ever been queer." "Tell us again about the rabbits, Anne," I plead. She shoots me a dirty look. "I was young..." " was he..." Bobbie and I join in. "Okay, okay... I rented a movie if anyone's interested." "Not 'The Valley of the Dolls' again." "What's wrong with 'The Valley of the Dolls'?" "Well, for one we've seen it at least four times. Two I'm so over Barbara Parkins..." "Well, I'm not," Anne says. "Clearly." Anne demurely pushed back her hair over her ears and smiled coyly up at me. "Barbara wouldn't like that tone in your voice," Anne says. I admired him for sticking it out with Barbara. One could pick worse mentors. She had a great voice and Ann mimicked it with her own dinner theater Tennessee William's flair. Sometimes I wondered what Anne was like as a guy. His intonation was so flawlessly feminine. I sound more effeminate than feminine and I always wanted to take the next step but I was afraid. Like the little boy whose face froze in a grimace, I was wary of getting back over the line when I needed to. "But we love it in yours, Anne," I say, leaning down to massage her shoulders. "Thanks Lezzy." "That's Liz to you, honey." "Liz. Lez. What's the difference?" "Well, we've ruled out the ritual Valley of the Dolls circle jerk. Any other ideas?" I say. "What about going down to The Zipper?" Anne asks. "Not unless Bobbie bobs her boobs by a factor of five," I say. "Three," Bobbie says. We're off. The Zipper was a strange little bar that, for long periods of time, would go dormant. You'd go one week and it would be hustling and filled with oddities and the next week, same night of the week, the door would be padlocked. No explanation. Anne called it "Wigadoon." What I liked about it was its sense of history. The walls were lined with black and white glossies of girls from earlier eras. Finocchios, Club 61, The Matchbox Revue. It was a world class collection and it never lost its Lost World fascination for me. Glam with a capital g. Mountainous hairdos, false eyelashes thick as black toothbrushes and all that form-fitting lame. Anne and I weren't cut from that cloth. We favored a more suburban matron gone to seed look. Not so much Kitten with a Whip as Cat with a Whisk. A wicked whisk to be sure. Bobbie, of course, was from her own particular fashion planet, presumably the one where Ubu Roi lived in bulbous splendor with his wife, the Michelin Man. But these girls... Jackie Mayes, Lavern Cummings, Kim Christy and the youthfully plump Chrysis before she went International... such style, they were the shadow of 50s and 60s Hollywood. Inspired by Gina Lollabrigida and Diana Dors or was it vice versa. Everyone was a drag queen back then. And the pedestals were pure papier mache. Sally the bartender said, "Whaddaya want, girls?" Blonde with a sort of Jabba the Hut after glow, Sally looked like she'd made it half way through her sex change and either ran out of money or inspiration. Her breasts dribbled down her chest like a pair of runny eggs. She didn't seem to care. She was safe in her sinecure and pretty handy with a sewing needle too. "I'll have what Meg Ryan's having," I said not expecting her to get the joke. She didn't. "You'll have to refresh my memory, baby. Meg doesn't come by much anymore." "She'll have what I'm having. Vodka tonic please," a husky contralto intoned from the behind us. I turned to find Elly May walking up to the bar. "Hi girls." "Well, Miss Elly May, don't you beat all," Anne said. "Most but not all." Elly May was a piece of work. Her dead on imitation of Elly May from The Beverly Hillbillies was stellar: tight flannel shirt knotted at waist, tighter blue jeans and big blonde haystack tied into a ponytail that wrapped around her neck most fetchingly. But she claimed never to have seen the show...even once. She said when her mother died she inherited a trunk full of old TV Guides and found Elly May's look there. Who were we to judge her? She obviously had none of Elly May's cloying mannerisms so maybe it was true. We all noticed she never lacked for attention. Reviving an old masturbation fantasy from the vaults of 60s TV was a surefire way to get dates among a certain well- heeled section of the baby boomer contingent. Still our Elly May had difficulty getting beyond the first drink with most admirers. They all wanted that eyelash batting innocence and she definitely didn't have that. But she did have the look. I found it rather compelling from afar myself. Up close and personal she seemed more like a time traveling cheerleader from a mythical Midwestern college. "Ever do the cheerleader thing, Elly May?" I asked her. "Never. I hate sports." Well, there goes that fantasy. The tranny chasers were stationed around the room like CIA moles. They came in two flavors: the regulars, who attended the bar on a regular basis, were on a first name basis with many of the girls and provided their own backs for the pedestal they put the girls on and the one- nighters, in from a foreign country where the language of their kind of sex wasn't spoken. It was a toss up as to who was sadder. Both radiated a kind of downbeat eunuch energy. The regulars would flirt like mad but they never got anywhere without paying up front. The one-nighters mostly sat and furtively admired from a distance. Anne loved to thread her trips to the bathroom through the tables of these solitary admirers. She claimed she could feel their compass points spinning in her wake. There was north, their wives or girlfriends or a stack of old Playboys for the especially misbegotten, and there was true north, Anne's padded hips in her now vintage Gloria Vanderbilt jeans or Bosomy Bobbie's bulbalicious sweater filled with the idea of large breasts rather than real flesh. These were guys who loved to eat the menu not the food. It was hard not to be contemptuous of them. At the same time they were better than mirrors for reflecting our glory and they hardly ever let their levers get the better of them. They were our perpetually fawning suitors knocked into a swoon before a word was spoken. They were ours and, to an extent, we were theirs. "How's it going, Elly May?" "Too early to tell, Liz. Too early to tell." "I love those little pink ribbons." "Yeah, they do the trick, don't they?" "Yeah." "Aw... am I turning you on, Liz?" She was toying with me. She knew I'd heard the rumors about her cock. According to Anne who'd seen the "Thing" in the bathroom it was positively "centurion." Just imagining it held captive in those jeans brought me into focus in a way that few things did. I caught her smiling at me in the mirror as I drifted into a big dick reverie. "Cockteasing again, Elly May?" "You're so easy to tease. I can't help it, Liz." She glanced around the room. "Let's leave this place and go find some real action." "What do you mean?" "I mean you're cute and I'm cute and we can do way more damage at a straight bar than we can here, ministering to the lame and halt." "I don't know. I came with Anne. She'll be hurt." "She can come too if she wants." "I doubt that she would. She likes the safety." "Come on. Don't you want to see how good you are?" "Yeah but..." "Yeah but you're chicken." "No, I just don't think I pass." "Of course you do. Just think: you'll be a real girl in the real world for a change. Believe me, nothing does it for your ego like cockteasing in a straight bar." "Frankly, I can't believe you pass with your voice," I said expecting her to take offense. "You have no idea just how versatile I am," she said, her voice shifting into ultra honey-drenched femme. "Wow, I'm impressed." "Yeah, I rarely go into warp speed in this place. What's the point? So... ready to go?" "You're going in your Ellie May drag? Isn't that a little over the top for the real world?" "True. We'll go back to my place and go into full 'LBD' mode." "LBD?" "Little Black Dress." "Ah... Got one for me?" "I think so." I told Anne I was going. She looked stricken for a moment. "You're leaving me with the dim bulb?" "You can come too. But not Bobbie." "Oh come on. You're not interested in guys anyway, are you? I thought you were here to cruise the girls." That was true for the most part but the idea of going into LBD mode with Ellie May had grabbed my purse. "It's something new," I said. "Yeah, for you it will be," She looked as though she were going to say something else but she just smiled and waved us on. Fifteen minutes later we turned down Elly May's suburban street. Her face clouded over immediately. "What's the matter?" "Umm... my wife's here." "Is that bad?" "She's not alone." "Uh oh." "Yeah. Uh oh." "We don't have to do this now." "Yes, yes we do. Come on." She parked a couple of houses away and we got out and walked toward the house, heels clicking on the sidewalk without the usual frisson of arousal. Elly searched silently for the keys in her purse. I looked around to look at the neighborhood. It was dead except for the blue glow of the tv sets. She put the key into the lock and turned it like a safecracker. The door opened and we walked into the darkness, stealth queens on assignment. The muffled sounds of voices came from the back of the house. Elly took off her heels and I followed suit and we made our way across the hardwood floor of the living room and soon stood at the end of a darkened hallway where the voices became audible. "Fuck me, fuck me fuck me," a women's voice moaned. My heart sank as I watched Elly's shoulders collapse as the sounds registered. "Harder, harder... Ooh like that... yeah, like that, like that." Elly turned in the darkness. She tried to speak but nothing came out. "You fuck me so good, baby." Pushing past me I could feel her voluminous hair brush against my face. I reached out to touch her, forgetting I had tucked my purse under that arm. It fell like a lead weight, the chain handle rattling against the hardwood floor as if it were shouting an alarm. The sounds of furious whispering followed by the bedroom door at the end of the hallway flying open. A brunette in a thigh-length bathrobe, hair tumbling over one shoulder and dramatically backlit by candlelight, appeared in the doorway. "What the fuck..." I turned to run but suddenly the hall light went on and I froze. "Look at this, Bruce. A couple of cockroaches in drag. Hi honey. Who's your friend?" A bare-chested man appeared with her in the doorway and she quickly threw an arm around his waist. "Don't worry. It's not a burglar. It's just my sissy husband and one of his queer little friends." The guy's jaw dropped. "What's going on?" "I told you, Bruce. The girly girl in the big blonde wig is my sissy husband. Isn't she adorable? Elly May, Elly May...this is Bruce, honey. He's just been fucking me soooo good. Turn around and look at him, you little sissy. You too, little faggy friend." Like errant school girls we did as we were told, turning in unison to face Elly's wife and her lover. Even in the dim light of the hallway she was striking as she folded herself comfortably into Bruce's arms and smiled, placing her hand over his crotch and squeezing it gently. "Bruce has it here, honey. He fills me up. Mmmm, it feels so good when he fucks me. It's so nice to have a maaaan again," she purred, oozing the word "man" into five painful syllables. "What are you girls doing here anyway? I thought Elly was gone for the evening." Elly was silent, staring down at the tops of her heels peeking out from beneath her bell bottoms. "I asked you a question, darling faggot hubby." "Gloria, please..." Elly said plaintively. "Oh, Jeezus...I just asked you a question and you come back with that whine. Were you and your little girlfriend going to have sex, darling faggot hubby of mine?" "No, Gloria, it isn't like that," I heard myself say. "What's your name, girly?" I hesitated then said, "LLLiz." Gloria and Bruce burst into laughter. "LLLLiz," she mimicked. "Were you going to fuck my little sissy husband, Liz or was he going fuck you?" "No, no, nnno, it's not like that," I said, realizing with each step our drama became more absurd. "What is it like, Liz?" In for a nickel, in for a dime. "We came here to change." "To change... ah... I see... Change dresses? "Yes." "Well, please, don't let us stop you." "Gloria, don't do this..." "No, I'm serious. Bruce and I will take a break while you and Liz freshen up. I'm sure Bruce would love to see you girls getting ready for... Wouldn't you, Bruce?" "Yeah. Hey, no biggie." "C,'mon, we'll go lie down and you girls can do your thing. We're all adults here, right?" She grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the bedroom. "C'mon, Liz. We won't bite. We just want to watch." I looked over at Elly. She couldn't look at me or at her wife. "Elly," I said, instantly regretting it." "Elly! Is that what HER name is? I never knew. Elly... too much. C'mon, Elly," Gloria said, dragging out the name. "Elly and Liz! I love it," she said, dragging me back into the bedroom. Elly followed reluctantly. "Okay, Bruce and I will just lie back on the bed and you girls can put on a little show for us. Okay? Elly? Is that okay with you?" I turned to Elly and whispered, "Listen, let's just change and get out of here." She looked up at me and nodded. "Go get the lbds." She went into her walk-in closet. Gloria and Bruce, nestled together on the bed. "Don't be shy, Liz. Bruce has seen a naked woman before, haven't you, Bruce?" "Yeah, but this is special." "Isn't it though? Go ahead, Liz. Elly will back in a second. Get started." I unbuttoned the pearl buttons on my sweater and pulled it off, letting it drop to the floor. Then I unwrapped my skirt and let it fall, leaving me standing in my black panties and brassiere. "Ooh la la, Liz. Very sexy. Please continue." Then it happened. I didn't want it to but I couldn't stop it. As I stood before them in my heel, hose, panties and bra a tidal wave of eros flooded over me. I felt so utterly helpless and so completely feminine. My sex rose unassisted, clumping up as my hardening cock dove downward into my panties. I could not straighten myself out without calling attention to my state of arousal, something I was desperate not to let Gloria see. I turned away from the voyeurs on the bed and, as artfully as I could, tried to free myself. I knew how successful I'd been when laughter erupted from the bed. My attempt to remain ladylike while extricating my swollen member from its nylon snare must have been particularly ridiculous. But the laughter, far from cooling my ardor, seemed only to spur it on. It was the crucible that my femininity had been born in, the humiliation of wanting to be something so clearly I was not. Having my own body betray me was so improbably delicious. It was as though the looking glass had opened and I had emerged from the reflection as a woman at last. My Ann Jillian page boy was no longer dynel but my own hair, my gel-filled inserts became one with my flesh, my cock, its tumescence fully delineated behind my flimsy panties, was now my shimmering pussy and my powerlessness as a humiliated male in drag was now my towering strength as a woman in heat. I had never felt quite so feminine as I did in this moment and the sheer deliciousness of it all sent spasms of joy through my blood. The chemistry of the moment had shifted and I knew I wasn't the only one who felt it. When Elly returned with our dresses, Gloria now seemed anxious to end the little dumb show she'd asked for. "Why don't you girlies go dress in the living room. Bruce and I have bigger fish to fry," she said, aiming for a level of confidence that had already slipped from her grasp. The use of the word "girly," for example, meant to wound and punish, missed its target completely and only seemed to emphasize the very qualities that Elly and I possessed and Gloria did not. We were girlies. The girliest of girlies. In the shadows of our most private moments we would take our girliness out and let it possess us. Behind three locked doors in a vacant house, in the bathroom, in the shower, our voluptuousness safely erupts beneath the falling sheets of water, we step behind the waterfall to the girly world and coyly sponge off our pendulous breasts, feel the weight of our hair piled Gibson girl high and speak aloud in sibilant phrases the girly talk that self- seduces us. "My breasts are sooo big," we might coo like a Penthouse bimbo. "I'm such a girly girl," we say to the falling water as though to a boobstruck suitor. In the safe house of our solitude, girliness, girly girl girliness, extreme bimbosity reigns and our inner Anna Nicole runs bouncing through the shuttered rooms, wicked in her wanton babydoll femininity. Gloria had released that solitary creature into the ether, made her flesh corporeal and in the dim halflight of her nightstand lamp the power of my 38 C cup silhouette trumped her shrill barked demands. I turned to Elly, who had let loose her hair from the Donna Douglas pink ribboned pig tails and let its thick mane cascade over her naked shoulders. "We're girly girls, aren't we, Elly Mae." My voice had found its voice, not falsetto or effeminate but mining a deep vein of confident hyper femininity. I glance over at Elly and catch her sharing a discreet laugh with Gloria, who, in turn, is grinning widely. Suddenly the whole dumb show crashes down around me. Bruce and I are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, foils for an act that has had many, many productions. Now they are howling with laughter but it's no longer the sort of humiliation that I'm interested in. Even Bruce is laughing though I'm sure he has no idea why. This is Gloria and Elly Mae's play. Later on, when the bit players have left they'll relive the moments for their own teaspoon of pleasure. In a way, I feel badly that they didn't make it to the third act but perhaps they never do. Then again, maybe that was the third act. I drive back to The Zipper and find Anne sitting at the bar, chatting up one of the sad tranny chasers. He looks like a life insurance saleman. She gives me a look and I know that she knows. "You need a drink. Go fix your face and Larry here will buy you a vodka tonic, won't you, Larry?" In the bathroom, Bosomy Bobbie is entertaining a gentlemen in one of the decrepit stalls. "Yes, Mommy is very happy with her little man," she says to him as his mouth glides back and forth over her sex. "Very happy."

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It began with a cold wet April late night knock on my door. Bedraggled, wet, and wretched, clutching a small satchel, Bobby stood at my door. “I’ve been kicked out; can I come in?” Of course I let him in. He was a young man, whom I had tutored before his university admission tests. Bright, articulate, personable, but he did lack focus. Decades younger than I, I was never tempted by him, although there was no doubt he was attractive. He just seemed too young, although he was legally an adult. He...

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Bobbi - New Girl in Town(TV, Transsexual, Prostitution, Gay & lesbian sex, Anal, Oral)[Note: the original author of these stories prefers to remainanonymous]Margo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon.His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens inNew York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother's and sister's clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I hadnever been in public as a woman. Margo lived now as a...

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A story of one of my night dreams am Me as Bobby

Bobby Stevens flew down the Hemsedal mountain side, his skis gliding over the powdery snow. The sky was a brilliant blue and the air was fresh in his face. Somewhere far away he could faintly hear someone calling his name but he paid it no attention. Ahead trees loomed but he confidently navigated the slope changing direction effortlessly with a shift of his weight from side to side, the voice in the distance grew louder and seemed strangely familiar. Bobby was picking up speed now as the...

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Margo sat next to me in the coffee shop late that Saturday afternoon.His real name was Mark, but he was one of the loveliest Drag Queens inNew York City. I had been dressing secretly at home in my mother's and sister's clothes for just over three years, but at 18 years old, I hadnever been in public as a woman. Margo lived now as a female, and couldpass anywhere. I complimented "her" on it, and "she" said, "You coulddo just as well, you know." I was flattered, but not as sure as shewas. "Come...

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Z Facing the World and Getting PaidChapter 28 Title Z and Bobby

If you have just started reading I’m Z. I post in an online directory under the “personal service WSM” heading. That heading is code for women (read: hookers) seeking men. The online site forwards messages. Many messages are vile. I laugh and delete them. Example: “Repent Sinner or suffer for eternity in Hell. Jesus loves you.” I get at least one of those a week. Oh wait, here is something interesting. The message reads: From Bobby14: Dinner for two. You pick the place. We talk while eating....

3 years ago
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I had my "secrets" we all have them. I guess on the one hand we are terrified we will be discovered but on the other, there is that little part of us that wants to be discovered. At least that's the way it was for me. Meeting Ms. Anders changed all that. Somehow, from that first meeting, she could see all the way through me. She could see that dark secret that I always thought was safely hidden away.I should start at the beginning and maybe this will all make a little more sense. My names...

4 years ago
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Bob Becomes Bobbi

This story deals with sexually explicit material. If it offends or your not 18 or older do go any further. BOB BECOMES BOBBI by TIFFANY [email protected] I was just turning 10 years old the summer I met Marshall. I lived in a small rural town and keeping busy during the summer vacation was always a problem. That's why when Marshall a 14 years old and his 12 year old sister came to visit there Grandparents who lived just up the street it was an opportunity to escape some...

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Little bobby

"Who's your friend," Jake asked while discarding two of his cards and asking the dealer for two more!?! "Uh, this is Bobby Reynolds, my best friend from high school" Peter replied, "he's just here for the weekend!!!" The five boys playing poker in Jake's dorm room all nodded their hellos to the slightly built young man before returning to their game! Peter and Bobby sat down in the corner to watch, but before they were even settled in their seats Jake piped up, "You know the rules, Pete, anyone...

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Baby Sitting Bobby

Now that I am 30 and happily married to you Rick, I now have the confidence to tell u how I lost my virginity. It all started in a small town called Lake Forest in Ohio. . . I was 16 and I was still living with my fucking parents! Ive already told you about 10 times how big of assholes they are! Well enough about them, to earn some money for a car or a new handbag I baby sat. Amazingly I was the only baby sitter for a 3 block radius, so almost every night I was baby sitting babies...

2 years ago
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I was just turning 10 years old the summer I met Marshall. I lived in asmall rural town and keeping busy during the summer vacation was always aproblem. That's why when Marshall a 14 years old and his 12 year oldsister came to visit there Grandparents who lived just up the street it wasan opportunity to escape some of the boredom. Marshall and his sister,Jennifer, were from the big city. To them we were all hicks.Marshall was quick to start up an association with me only because I...

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Sexy affair with bobby

Hi i am santosh, i was 21 & just appeared my final graduations exams & was Waiting for my results. Which was in the first week of aug till then i was Biding my time with share mkt earning adequate with my friends dad firm. I am going to narrate my real sex experience with rathibhabhi 28years of age she Was married early at 17 ( i love to call her bobby it excites me more ), & Having a daughter named dimpy,she lives in with her husband and her in laws in An apartment above my college friend on...

2 years ago
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Geeks Never Get Any Bobby

Bobby was daydreaming again about being the captain of the starship Enterprise, practicing interstellar diplomacy and defending the Federation against the collective Borg menace. In reality, he was sitting in his cubicle gazing into an ancient 3277 TSO terminal waiting for the billing system to complete its daily cycle. Transmission glitches had plagued the SNA network all day, and JES was bottlenecked with batch jobs waiting to run on the mainframe. Now that it was 6:15 on a Friday night,...

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Maria Thersa Bobby and LuzChapter 2 Bobby

This chapter written by my brother Ric Join the Army – See the World – Meet Interesting People – And Kill Them! This story is not about world politics, governmental policies, religious hatred or anything like that. The heading is merely to explain why Dad is thousands of miles from home, meeting interesting people and trying to kill them. And why I'm the only one left in the house available to put my lips on Mom's clit and suck it until she screams and screams and screams. Let me set...

3 years ago
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The weekend sex spree with Bobby

This weekend has been the best ever, Bobby and I had spent it fucking in every corner in my house, cuddling up next to him every night felt so natural like I’ve been doing it all my life. I walked into the bathroom and sat at the edge of the tub watching him in the shower; his body all lathered up was just literally porn“No free show babe, how are you paying ma’am” He said“How would you like to be paid” I said walking towards him“I think we can figure something out” He said pulling me inside...

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I met this guy Richard about 5 months ago through a friend of mine. I was working 2 jobs at the time and needed a little pick me up from time to time and well, he was the guy to go to for it. He was a great connect in more ways then one really. He was cheap and well, there was a reason for working 2 jobs so I needed cheap. He was not your normal connect in that he was no gang banger, shit head. He was a pretty cool down to earth guy who had a family of his own. And finally he lived just a few...

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Controlling Bobbi Ch 01 Bobbi

My name is Bobbi. Men seem to find my 5′ frame topped with long red hair quite attractive and I get my fair share of looks and propositions from men, none of which I am interested in pursuing. I was a bit wild during my high school and college years, but my husband Joe is quite conservative and at 28, I am satisfied to share a quiet conservative life with him. Joe and I live in a large apartment complex while we save for a down payment on our first house. We pretty much keep to ourselves and...

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I Caught My Wife Downstairs with Bobby

Due to a severe winter storm my wife and I were trapped at our friends house for several days last winter. We all got along well and enjoyed each other's company but this was the first time we had spent time together this closely. After putting our k**s to bed each night we would sit around and play board games while having a few drinks and chatting about all sorts of things.The atmosphere was very close and friendly by the third night and after a few too many drinks my wife Sarah went down...

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Merry Christmas Bobby

The holidays suck man; they suck big time. Everything bad that has ever happened to me has happened during the period that stretches from Thanksgiving to New Years. It started when I was fourteen. The family was going to Hawaii the week after Thanksgiving for a two-week stay. God, but was I ever up for it. Two weeks on sunny beaches that would be wall to wall with gorgeous babes in bikinis. A true masturbator's paradise, except that I didn't go. Two days before we were scheduled to leave I...

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Jerry and Bobby

“Those cucumbers are huge! – What high school dude would have a cock that big?” Bob asked. “Um…. Like most of us! – Your dick doesn’t get that big when it’s fully hard dude?” I said. “Uh no it doesn’t. – Are you serious? – Yours gets that fat when you’re hard?” Bob said nervously. “Hell no! – I was just fucking with you man! – You should see the look on your face. – If I really had a cock that big, do you think I’d be here at the game with you’re dumb ass?” I said. “I don’t know?...

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Speaking With Your Demons13 Revelation Fallout

“Well, Mr. Walker,” the Commissioner said, spreading his arms to include everyone in the room, “you’ve certainly convinced me that we can finally change our pervasive anger-management issues. You’ve also won over the most skeptical of opponents by convincing these cops, for whom traditional talk therapy has never helped. But we’re all interested in something a little more concrete. Say maybe a real-life demonstration?” “I was hoping I could treat Officer Waters, but his berserkers seem to be...

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Alien The BeginningChapter 2 Building a Family

Jim Bronson woke slowly Monday morning and judging from the light through the windows it was just after sunrise. He was normally an early riser but this morning he just lay in bed thinking. He needed to do a recap of the weekend just to see if he was nuts or if it was some crazy dream. In his mind Jim walked through the steps after he had exited the canyon to the camp site again. Yep, everything was still the same. He reviewed all the poking and prodding at the army base then the threats from...

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An Unexpected Development Part 4

On Friday, Michelle and Ted both arrived at work as they would have on any other work day. She arrived at 8:30 and he strolled in at 9:15. While on the outside they both appeared to be in a “business as usual” attitude, neither of them was feeling normal on the inside.Ted had spent the previous evening preparing things in his home for his session with Michelle the following day. He made certain he had clean sheets on his king sized bed. In fact, he dug around in his linen closet until he found...

Wife Lovers
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Ikea… che palle!Katia mi aveva talmente stressato, tanto da cedere e soccombere ad una Domenica in quell’ immenso capannone alla ricerca di un divano per il suo appartamento; e la sera non si è nemmeno concessa a me.Effettivamente trovammo ciò che faceva al caso suo, e pure in offerta.Problema n1: in macchina non ci sta.Il loro servizio di trasporto era troppo costoso allora ripiegammo sulle amicizie.Mi accordai con un mio amico e il sabato pomeriggio successivo partimmo in tre (io Katia e...

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Adult Baby Mary

Me: Mary its time for a diaperingMary: ok let me get naked!Mary: Hops on the changing table Me: Grabs the diaper bagMe: grabs a diaper, thermometer and baby wipesMary: why do you have the thermometer?Me: so i can take your temperature in your rectum MaryMary: oh Me: sticks the thermometer inside your ass and checks your temperature 98.9 perfectMe: takes the thermometer out and grabs a baby wipeMary: i like to be wipedMe: goes to wipe Marys pussy and see's she has lots of hair!!!!! Grabs razor...

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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part Two

It was noon when I woke up. Looking for Master I ran down the stairs, catching him at the bottom step. ‘We need to talk, Ceres,’ he said. I didn’t know what about. I didn’t mean to run down the stairs but I woke up late and wanted to get my choirs done. ‘Yes Master. Did I do something wrong, master?’ ‘No, you did not, Ceres. Turn around and go to your room. I’ll be up there in a minute,’ he said. I did as I was told, returning to my room, kneeling by my bed for my master to come through the...

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Sexy Surprise

Geoff pulls into the garage after a long day, closing the garage door after her with a click of a button. Getting out of the car, he’s surprised to find a note taped to the door with his name on it. Opening it, he scans it to find a request for him to leave his stuff downstairs, including his clothing, and go upstairs and sit in the dining room. Intrigued, he does so, leaving his clothes in a neat pile over his shoes and walks up the stairs, and after knocking on the pocket door like the note...

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Sleeping Sister Adventure 2

Beth had been torturing me ever since our first encounter. She had been wearing shorter skirts with sheer panties making sure that when she bent over my eyes were the only ones spying her goodies. Beth really has some nice goodies. Let me explain just how brazen she was and give you a better idea just how lucky I am to be sampling her goodies. Beth was lying in her bed doing her homework. She knows exactly when I get home every day, so displayed for me was my baby sister wearing the tiniest...

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The Rambling Bard

The roommate is up before I am, watching morning television, a cigarette hanging from his chapped pink lips as he loads the dishwasher. We’re not supposed to smoke in the apartment but he does anyway. I join him on enough occasions that I’m guilty of breaking the rule instead of bending it. Almost a year now he’s been this slouched, hairy, somnolent, depressed man living in my home, barking at the cat in the middle of the night, loud enough to wake me and our upstairs neighbors. The building...

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Curious Friends

When I was f******n me and my buddy would watch porn together at first we would just watch and laugh or comment. Time went on and it became more frequent and once in a while I or he would bring a movie over with good sex scenes. We did this so frequently we became very comfortable and eventually we couldn't help but make jokes about each other when we would get boners. Eventually you couldn't help but make the joke of wiping out your dick and swinging it around. Inevitably you couldn't help but...

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Shawnarsquos new job

Shawna had had a rough month. Her job as a secretary had gone due to the pandemic and new positions were very hard to come by- firms simply weren’t hiring. Bills and rent were piling up and the savings she had put aside were dwindling fast.At her old job Shawna had been well respected and seen as maybe a little dull. She was a quiet person who wore cardigans and rimless spectacles. No one really ever thought of her as a sexual being.But appearances are deceptive. What no one knew was that her...

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Delhi Me Aurat Ki Cudai Ki

Mera naam delhi boy hai…aur mere taraf se sabhi iss ke readers ko nav varsh ki dher sari badhai..Yeh meri pehli kahani hai and real bhi..Chaliye ab sidhe story pe aata hun. Ye baat tab ki jab mai apne final year me padh raha tha…final semesters thi..actually I am a graduate in eee branch of engineering…ok ye sab chodiye. Han to hum thhe mere final semesters me…tjabmere exams khatam hue the aur final semesters shuru hue.. tabhi mujhe 1 bar kahin message aaya..kuch wish type ka. Maine call kiya...

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Baited Trap

The Baited Trap - by: Trish Shaw Prologue. Stepping into the last stretch of woods before the top of the hill Jane Asked, "Sure you want to do this love?" "If it goes wrong, then better me than some other poor fucker!" Nick said hiding his concern with a stilted laugh. "What about you?" "So long as I've got you, I'll be fine," Jane giggled giving him a confident hug as they walked towards the sunlit meadow at the hilltop. The Baited Trap Marie St. Claire, stood in front...

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Hump Club Barts Odd PropositionChapter 4

Two o'clock came -- and slowly went, taking the occupants of the main room with it. At least one other occupant got dosed with the 'hangover cure' in the trio's presence -- and one actually got smelling salts to make her more alert. The dancers wandered in -- naked -- and started making out with the 'latecummers' and some wit had dubbed them. The 'medic' waved the dancers off the blonde, explaining, "She likes does, not bucks. Chubby, there, can keep her happy -- tell her she's...

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My friends dad 19

“But do you ever wanna see your mom again?” I asked. “Well she's my mom. So I guess I do, why do you ask?” Jeanette asked. “Well, nothing I guess. I mean, I don't know how you are feeling exactly, well because I haven't been in that boat, but I can't imagine anything that would make me never wanna see my mom again,” I replied. “I wanna see her again, I'm just pissed right now I guess. I don't know how long I'll be pissed off exactly, but still this is bullshit,” Jeanette...

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Beware the RoasburiesChapter 11

Wednesday 4th to Friday 6th November 1970 Towards the end of October, Harriet became depressed again. “Three months since Kieran dumped her,” said Zena in the car on the way home. “He did it on the sixth of August.” “Hiroshima Day?” I glanced at her, “I hope the date wasn’t intentional on his part.” “I don’t think Harriet knows about Hiroshima Day. She’s still not over him. Mind you, I’ve seen him around and he’s looking thoroughly miserable as well.” I thought about it, as I parked...

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MILF 12 one

You`ll read this and think, “This old guys got a vivid imagination.” Well let me assure you, i`m leaving stuff out and simplifying. I had known her three days. I had met her from the airport and an hour later we were in bed. We had stayed there ever since. I had lived on coffee and pussy and been blown away by this American woman ten years my elder. Amber was 45 but looked seven years or so younger. Close up she was a stunner with just perfect, astonishing dark brown eyes and good...

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A world divided

Female´s and futa´s rule the planet, and are divided into 3 factions. Male´s have been hunted almost to extintion, they fight back against the female´s and futa´s. There are some females who belive that males have to right to live and be part of society. Land facton are diveded into 2 groups, the ones that belive female, futa can exist together, and the ones that belive that female and futa´s should rule the plant. The male side of the land faction is ruled by Jack. The famale side is ruled by...

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A Woman Waiting to Happen Part TwoChapter 2 Carrie

I really, really didn’t want Sarah to go. I recognized the signs in Carlos. He was hung over, needing alcohol in the worst way, and it made him irritable as hell. But Sarah went with him, hanging her head. We went back to the camper. Mike was outside, checking the tie down straps, making sure we were safe. When we went inside, I crawled into his lap, snuggling as we watched the storm get worse. The camper, huge and heavy as it was, started swaying. Mike got up, moving around, looking for...

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Private Kiara Gold Fucks The Neighbour

Kiara Gold is new to the city and to, however this teen sure knows how to fuck like a veteran! Watch Kiara’s debut scene right here in Private Specials, Irresistible Anal Teens where she meets her new neighbour Oliver Trunk and gets a true Private welcome with an intimate night of anal that she’ll never forget. Kiara shows off her perfect tits and lures in her man for a taste of that sweet pussy before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob and a quality anal fuck that has...


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