BodyGuards III Cyber AssaultChapter 1
- 3 years ago
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"I think it's time to pay a visit to our hacker." Wei told the others. "Now that we've fortified ourselves with food and drink."
"You might as well make yourself comfortable, Liam." Darren told his bodyguard. It still amused him that the US Government felt he needed one.
Wait a while, will you? Sun projected from somewhere high over the Pacific Ocean. This one is smart and already she's got to know that someone's on her trail. If you tip her off that you know her homebase, she may just pull up stakes and disappear, then it will be harder to find her.
You've got a point. Darren replied. I've got a couple of telltales watching her place, and we'll know if anything goes in or out. Maybe we don't have to do any direct investigation yet. The simulation didn't show it, but is it possible to get the name of her ISP and trace her through them?
You still have a few things to learn, don't you Darren? Jun laughed. Since the simulation shows her place as standing alone, and individually protected, this bird is her own ISP. She's probably got a small Linux machine acting as her server, and from the protections she's got on it, she's probably done most of the programming herself.
Okay, but even if she's got a T1 line hooked up directly to her server, Darren replied, unembarrassed. He was a good student, but he knew there was still much to learn. she still needs someone providing the bandwidth and allocating the address or block of addresses that go with it. Somewhere, somehow, the IP address I found should give us, at the very least, a physical location.
You're right about that. Mei chimed in. Some good old fashioned detective work should get that for us. We'll get on it and hopefully will have something for you by the time you land.
It didn't take long. Half an hour later, Sun and Jun were copying the address in Tsim Sha Tsui where the TI line terminated, according to the provider's records.
Darren, in his capacity as First Gentlemen, had a meeting with the directors of several charities which his assistant set up for him in the Rose Garden at the White House. As important as this meeting was, it chafed Darren to sit and drink tea with overperfumed church ladies and overweight gentlemen who clearly were not suffering at the same level as those their charities purported to help. It didn't help that, every time he felt like telling one of the pompous idiots that he would match every dollar he or she deducted from their salaries for their cause, Stephanie or one of the girls would jerk him up short and make him promise to behave.
At the far end of the table, a young woman whose clothes did not fit very well sat and quietly sipped her tea, listening to the pleas of the others but saying nothing.
Wei, Darren thought at his wife's mother, can you get me some information on a Ms. Althea Resnick and her charity?
Sure, Darren. Let me just open another window here... Wei replied from the G/WSS office across town. Hmmm. It's small, but very well thought of. According to their own records and everything I can find about them from other sources, almost every dime they take in goes to paying for medicines, medical supplies and transportation for doctors who provide care for the displaced victims of unrest in Somalia and other places. Apparently they're all volunteers who recieve no salaries or other compensation. Ms. Resnick coordinates their efforts and sees that supplies and people get to where they are most needed. She has almost depleted her personal inheritance trying to make up for shortfalls in donations, and for her own travel to raise money for their cause. It's kind of like Doctors Without Borders, but smaller. They haven't even given themselves a name. You can read the financials here for yourself.
Thanks, Mom. Darren teased.
I'll 'Mom' you, 'Son!' Wei laughed as her daughter's husband returned his attention to his guests.
"Ms. Resnick - may I call you Althea?" Darren asked, startling the poor woman into spilling a few drops of tea on herself. "I'm so sorry, Ms. Resnick. I didn't mean to startle you. Please have the cleaning bill sent to my attention at the White House."
"Quite all right, Mr. Winchell." She smiled. "And please, do call me Althea."
He gave her a few moments to dab at the small stains, then continued. "Can you tell us something about your charity? What is it called?"
"I, uh, that is, we, uh haven't chosen a name for it yet." She smiled self-deprecatingly and continued. "We've been busy with other things, so at the moment it's simply the names of some of the doctors and myself. We have been meaning to come up with something catchy, but haven't got around to it."
"I've done a little research on the charities represented by the others here today, and it seems they're holding staff compensation to anywhere between 30 and 50 percent of income." Darren continued, as if complimenting the others on keeping their overhead down. "How much does your charity spend on salaries."
"Well, um, nothing, sir." She blushed a bit and he immediately regretted putting her on the spot like that. "We, that is, the doctors and myself, are volunteers. We don't get paid."
Darren shuffled some papers, pretending to find the one he sought as he pulled a sheaf at random from the stack. "But according to my research, you took in some twelve million in donations last year. What did you do with all that money?"
"You're welcome to examine our books, Mr. Winchell." She replied without indignation. He could see she suspected where he was going. "All of that money went to medicines, medical supplies, and transportation for the doctors."
"But it says here that you treated over six million people last year." Darren pretended astonishment. "Are you telling me you treated all those people at only two dollars per patient?"
"Actually, it was closer to seven million, and yes, we make do with what we can get." She was playing the game with him now, fully understanding his purpose.
"But how can you do that when it costs these others so much more to operate?"
Darren... ! Stephanie's thought, projected from the Oval Office, held volumes of warning.
I'll be good, but this is too good to pass up! They won't dare go to the press with any stories about how I was rude to them, because then they'd have to tell how I was rude to them. Darren could barely suppress a laugh.
You're incorrigible! Stephanie did laugh, startling her chief of staff who was waiting to talk to her.
"I'm sure their expenses are legitimate, sir." Althea smiled deprecatingly. "We've just been lucky enough to find people who really believe in what we're doing, and are willing to sacrifice a little themselves to help others."
"I see." Darren's smile teetered on the edge of politically incorrect before he got it back under control. "Well, I must commend you on that. Does anyone else have anything to add?"
The others were silent, as well they should be, and Darren called an end to the meeting. He spoke to his assistant, Agatha, as they were leaving. Discreetly, without letting it be known to the others, Agatha led Ms. Resnick to a small, unoccupied conference room.
"I'm sorry to have put you on the spot like that." Darren said as he entered. "Agatha, could I have a cup of coffee, please? And perhaps something for Ms. Resnick?"
"Coffee will be fine." Althea answered. "What can I do for you Mr. Winchell?"
In private, she turned out to be much more self-assured and Darren nodded his approval.
"As you may be aware, the Federal government, especially during my wife's administration, does not contribute to individual charities. Nor does it recommend any particular charity over others."
"I had a feeling that was the case, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to come here." She replied.
Agatha brought the coffee and started to leave, but Darren called her back.
"Please stay, Agatha." Darren told her. "We may have further need of your services."
Darren sipped loudly at the black, bitter brew. He had insisted that his staff learn to make decent coffee, and while it wasn't quite as strong as she had become accustomed to in her travels, Althea nodded her own approval as she took a somewhat less noisy sip from her own cup.
"Pardon my manners, Ms. Resnick." Darren said as let out a satisfied sigh. "But I like to let my hair down a bit after having to be nice to people I dislike."
"That's quite all right, Mr. Winchell." She smiled. "In the camps in Africa, when we can get coffee, we drink it from tin cups, usually on the run. This is a pleasant change."
Darren smiled back. "I don't have much time, since I do have another appointment, so to make matters brief, while I cannot donate to your efforts on behalf of the Federal Government, I would like very much to make a personal donation."
"That is very kind of you, Mr. Winchell..." She began, but he cut her off.
"It's nothing of the sort. I donate to charities which I believe to be making a difference and not lining their own pockets. Yours has been operating on a shoestring for some time, and while that's commendable, I wonder how much more effective you would be if you had a bigger budget. What I propose to do is make a substantial donation, and let that fact be leaked to the press. Hopefully, it will set an example to others, and will make it a bit easier for you raise other funds."
"And you get nothing in return?" Althea asked skeptically.
"Unfortunately," Darren sighed, "my wife and I will probably get some grief from the press in return, since they seem to find only the bad in most actions taken by those in the public eye. Other than that, I may gain some personal notoriety - something I would willingly do without. My wife is the politician, I merely support her, but we agreed long ago that we couldn't let our public lives dictate how we lived in private. If I didn't believe in what you're doing, I wouldn't be doing this."
Darren glanced at his watch, took a last sip of his coffee and stood to leave.
"Agatha will get the pertinent information from you, Ms. Resnick." He said, taking her hand. "Have a good day!"
"I will, now." She smiled as Darren made his escape.
Sun taxied the Lear Jet to the designated spot, completed the shut-down and post-flight, then joined Jun at the hatchway. Except for some surprise at their expertise in flying the expensive private jet, Customs and Immigration gave them no trouble in their guises as the 'employees' of a Mr. Willy Chan. The G/WSS office in California had been in touch with a branch office in Hong Kong, and a new Mercedes Sedan, right-hand drive, of course, awaited them in the parking structure.
Sun and Jun finished their reconnaisance while Mei, Wei, Darren and Liam scouted the narrow strip of cliff-top between the Guard barracks and the Ocean. As Sun and Jun returned to Xue at their starting point, the girl started to head back toward the Land Cruiser. Jun held her back. "We will go in tonight. Sun and I can disable or spoof most of the sensors. We will be in and out before the guards know we're here." At the same time, a mental discussion was taking place: Darren, you know...
To Liam, being part of the President's detail was the pinnacle of his career. It was also much more difficult than he had thought it would be. Working with other agents, knowing where to be, what to watch out for - all of those were, by now, routine activities, and he was even better at them now that he had the abilities that came with being linked to the others. The difficulty was that President Winchell, under the severe business suits she wore in public, was a very desirable woman, even...
"Oh my God!" Stephanie cried, as, with a whuff of displaced air, her husband appeared in the room beside her. "It worked!" I'll be damned! Darren agreed, So it did! Back at their private training facility in Virginia, Master Sung, having watched Darren disappear, hopped up and down, squeaking, "Did it work? Did it work? Is he there?" "Yes Master," Jun could barely suppress a laugh at such antics from the usually super-cool Master Sung. "It did, indeed, work." "Hah! I knew...
Stella wiped the sweat from her face with the towel offered by Mei, then sniffed and made a face. "Damn!" she exclaimed. "I need a shower! How long was I in that thing, anyway." "About three hours," Mei replied. "So, I take it you like our little simulator?" Stella's face brightened as she replied "Oh, that was fun! I'm not quite sure what all that was about, but I had a ball doing it! I mean, it's not quite like real life because there are certain limitations and restrictions...
Mei and Wei drove up in the Land Cruiser as lights began coming on in the Monastery. An old gentleman wearing saffron robes and rubbing the sleep from his eyes shuffled slowly across the compound followed by a gaggle of similarly dressed men as Darren knelt beside 'Althea Resnick' and began feeling through the leather on her leg for the break. "What's your real name, and who do you work for?" He asked as he gently probed around the fracture. "Sorry," She replied through gritted...
A quick stop at the Grand Hyatt for a change of clothes, and they were soon back on the expressway headed past the horse racing course at Happy Valley and over the hills toward the southern side of Hong Kong Island. On the way, Darren took a moment to communicate with his wife who was just waking up, half a world away. Hey, sweetie, he thought to her. How goes the world? I'm surviving, she replied, but I'll be glad when you're home. Shouldn't be too much longer, he answered. We're...
The city of Hong Kong was still mostly in shadow, but Kowloon shone brightly with the rising sun as the Land Cruiser, in caravan with the sleek black Mercedes, headed north, then west toward Lantau Island. The Mercedes, occupied by Sun and Jun, continued on into the airport as the Land Cruiser headed once again for the Po Lin monastery beneath the big Buddha. The drive was slightly less hectic this time, and the monks were courteous as they led their visitors to the small guest hut where...
"How was your meeting?" Mei asked, delivering the first line of their impromptu script as Darren walked into the office. "Mostly stuffed shirts and over-perfumed church ladies." Darren answered truthfully. "There was one young woman whose charity showed some promise, though. I decided to make a personal donation." "Oh?" This from Wei. "What was the name of the charity?" "The young lady's name was Althea Resnick." Darren replied. "The charity doesn't have a name, per se, but...
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First time cyber sex and it’s with my Dad For the last two months I have been hinting and hinting to my parents that I was wanting a new laptop for my 16th birthday. Unlike most kids my age, I wasn’t worried about a car. I already had my older brother’s first car, since he used most of his tuition money to get a new car when he went to college. So all I wanted for my birthday was a new laptop so I didn’t have to use the family computer anymore. I needed my freedom to explore a secret world that...
IncestPlease read this story which was happened 11years before and send your comments and I will for your mails. Hi Friends, I am Suresh I have moved from Mangalore to Bangalore. I came to Bangalore in 2000. I’m searching for job in Bangalore. Days passed on I am staying with one of my B tech friend he is working in MNC Company and am searching for job. i got Job in IT Co. Now I want to tell you another interesting story how I have seduced a mature woman who have cyber centre near to my house. I...
IncestSir Rube and I are both in happy marriages; however, our spouses do not understand our kinkier sides. Sir Rube has always longed to dominate a woman. And I, Penny, have always fantasized about giving a man total control over me. Sir Rube and I met over the internet and decided to play with each other... in the cyber world. Our games have been going on for almost 2 years now. Sir Rube calls me sweet nicknames, and I, of course, always call him Sir. We speak almost daily via emails, chat and...
SpankingMy name is Sarah, for chatting purposes anyway. I have been writing erotic stories for my own web site for some time. I love sharing my most intimate fantasies with the world. I've always been a dirty-minded girl and this is the ultimate outlet.One day in mid October I logged on to the net. I needed to check the stats for my web site and do a little research. Occasionally, I visit a chat room, just to watch and learn from the conversations of others. Some people in those places can become...
Straight SexHi friend is site ki stori padne baloko welcome , mein app logo ko meri peheli sex ki bare mein kuch batana chahati hun, mein umeed kartahun ki mera yea stori app logo ko bahut achha legega. Abb mein apni ye stori lekh rehi hun.dear friend, main ekk cyber cafe mein hardin chating karne jatihun. Aur wahan bhi bahut sare ladke aur ladkia atte hein aur wahan cabin facility hey aur us system mein bahut sare blue film video clip reheta hey but mein darwaja khula rakhke bethta hun kyunki mein aate...
Hello readers of this great site. I am now 25 male handsome and good looking guy. It’s really nice to share your sex life anonymously with someone else. I’m not professional writer of porn stories. So, this is not story. This is real world experience that I want to share with you. Let me introduce myself first. I’m Sachine currently working in Noida. The time, when these incidences happened, was final year of my university. I’m good looking, handsome, well educated and from high middle class...
Several months ago, I received an email from a high school girl named Sunny, who was in search of daddy/daughter incest cyber thrills. She'd read my stories and reached out to me. She's a very sweet, very pretty and insanely sexual girl. We quickly established a relationship and she's been sending me the hottest emails I've ever read. She also sends me pictures of her and her girlfriend, who she not only has a sexual relationship with but with whom she shares their mutual fantasies about...
After having broken up, Tigana and I tried to get back together. This final cyber was the only good thing that came of that attempt. Several subsequent meetings took place but they were filled with heated words and bitter accusations. Seeing that the relationship was at an end, we went our separate ways, and have not spoken or had any contact since. Looking back, I can honestly say that the time she and I spent together changed me greatly. I think I am a better person now, more understanding...
Forward by 'Lexi'Hi guys and girls, it me again, Lexi!! First, I have loved all the comments you've been leaving on Parts I and II of my story... thank you all!! Now my love DizzyD had intended on making Part III the finale, but it would have just been too long because Diz has a way of making my sex life read like a beautiful, erotic epic, so their will be a Part IV. For now, here is Part III, and I don't mind telling you all that I masturbated twice while I was proofreading it, and it's my...
Book III, Decisions, is the third and final part of Dani's coming of age trilogy. Book I, Awakening, dealt with the initial 48 hour period where our heroine comes to terms with her sissy-self. Book II, First Days, covered the next 72 hours of Dani's vacation as she became more deeply involved in her new persona, if not her true self. Book III completes her excellent holiday experience as she contemplates and then decides her future. Although each Book is intended to stand on its own as...
DAY AND KNIGHT VOLUME III Chapter # 1 by Lewis Chappelle Note: this is a very long, multi-volume, story beginning with ?Day and Knight Volume I? published in early March 2007. A LOOK BACK and A LOOK FORWARD? In volume I of this story, two dancers were introduced; Patti Day who was white and Susan Knight who was black. The girls were professional dance partners in point of fact, but were as different as their last names. They were now the featured act at Clairet?s Musical Review...
Another flash genius struck while I was in the shower the next morning. Paint over the damn light. Simple solutions work best. I also decided to control the power to the camera through my own control panel. I didn't want the girls turning off the radio and ruining my show. I incorporated the change into the Mark III PEEPER. It worked flawlessly. The fixed camera still bothered me. I looked up small servomotors on the Internet. I found a place that sold a two axis movable platform with...
Fortunately for me, Sun/Jun and Mei/Wei enjoyed sex with their counterparts as much as with me! With each girl having three possible partners with whom they didn't share a mind, I didn't wind up as a fuck toy for four very horny ladies, as I had feared I might. I still got my share of attention, but it was kept to a tolerable (actually, a very enjoyable... !) level. For the week following Sun/Jun's joining our team, we were busy planning the trip to the convention center and my survival...
The little 'fishing' boat, showing no lights, slipped quietly into the estuary. All my previous visits to England had been to London and points East, where the land is mostly flat. I was a little surprised, then, to see the rugged Devon coastline with its jagged rocks, emerging in huge, slanting slabs from the black water of the English Channel. The lights of Plymouth, to the west, were suddenly blotted out by the rocky bluffs at the mouth of the inlet. As we rounded the bend in the river,...