Amandine 2 free porn video

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I will not hide that this idea did not upraised any moral conflict. But I believe that after death, it is all black and nothing, no matter what you did in your life. I dealt with this conflict by saying to myself that moral was unnecessary, and that I wanted to enjoy my life.
As for Amandine’s address, this was a little more complicated. For security purpose, I did not have access to it with my job, and her name was surely an alias. I had to find it thanks to the camera. But I already told you that she was always aware of the camera. In one week, my hope had been crush: she had been very careful with the camera and she had never showed anything giving an hint on who she was and where she was living.
After one month I had nothing. I had one month left to find where she lived, or else… I would have ended up with evidence to control a gorgeous women life but without the opportunity to use it. But I am a lucky man. From the beginning, Amandine had done one mistake with the camera: she did not warn her daughter about it.
Thanks to this mistake, I ended up with the video of the two of them fucking together. Thanks to this same mistake, her daughter was not as caution as she was. She gave one opportunity to find their address, just one, but I did not miss it.
One day, as I was alone at work a Sunday, deep down hopping for Amandine’s show even though she had stopped them, the daughter walked into her mother room. Amandine was reading a book (thankfully, that was not Twilight…).
- Hey mom, I opened one of my letter but there has been a mistake and it was for you. I put it on your desk ok? Oh, and I am going with my friend for a walk this afternoon.
- Okay, have a good day.

Unfortunately for me, the desk was on a blind spot for me. But the daughter had waved the envelop of the letter. Thanks to our deer technology, I took a screen shot of it and zoomed on the address on it. I could barely read the name and the state on the image.
This is how I learned the daughter first name: Jennifer. As for their last name and their state, I would not give them away, sorry guys. This was not perfect, but it was a beginning. I searched for homonym on the name: 356 people were living with this last name on this state. As Amandine was a single with a single child, Jennifer, I eliminated all Mr. guy names… I ended up with 78 matches, with 18 Jennifer first names. On these 78 names, I had not addresses for 2 of them.
I run the 18 Jennifer with their town’s name on the net. Thanks to linked in, Google image and most of all, Facebook, I ended up with one who might have been “my” Jennifer. She had the age of Amandine’s daughter and she was blond. But on every profile picture of hers, there was a black and white picture of her at 5 with friends.
With the same method, I checked the 60 other names during the following week. I ended up with 5 more possibilities for the mother. I asked to Pete, my boss , for a week of time off. He gave it to me happily, I had worked every Sundays for more than 4 months and helped as a technician with our system: he was more than happy with me and had no reason to decline my request.
I took a plane for Amandine’ state and then a bus to the town of my best guest, the Jennifer one. I rent a car and went to the address. I parked and I waited. If it were them, I wanted to be unnoticed. They would notice me soon enough… It was the first time that I spied a house, but it was obvious that if I waited too long in my car, I would raise suspicions. I decided to lay down my seat and waited two hours. If someone would ask me what I was doing, I would just pretend to be lost and exhausted: I parked my car and take a nap before taking the road again.
At 3:00 pm, after an hour and a half of waiting, a blond girl arrived at the door of the house. My heart jumped into my chest: it was no doubt Amandine’s daughter! My hands were shaking of excitement. I quickly ignite my car and drove off. I had what I wanted, I did not want to stay more, afraid of being noticed by the neighborhood. As I was passing Amandine’s house, I stopped. There was a sign on the door: “Renting a studio with room, bathroom, kitchen and furniture at the back of the house: call XXX…”. I took the number and drove out of the neighborhood.
I did not want to rent the room, too risky that the guy who used to watch a women ended up renting a room of hers. It was just perfect to take an “innocent” contact with Amandine. I stayed the week on the motel of the house, making acquaintance with the town, its people and must of all, Amandine and Jennifer habits. It was the beginning of the summer. Jennifer were beginning her summer holidays, and I did not found what was Amandine doing for her living. I also find a local store looking for a part time computer technician.
When I went back to my job, I went directly to Pete’s office.
- Hey, so how was your holidays?
- Hi. Well… quite instructive. I have to ask you a favor Pete.
- You just came back for your holidays and you want something more?
- I don’t want to abuse your kindness but… how can I say it. This week was not holidays for me.
- What do you mean?
- As you know, I am studying to become an engineer. In order to reach my goal, I need more time for myself. After the project on which I am right now, I would like to work part time… at home.
- Wow… I surely did not see this coming. I… well I understand of course; but I can’t give you an answer right now. I will try to work something out for you. Give me one week and I’ll let you know. Okay?
- Sure, thanks.

One week later, I had Pete’s agreement. Three weeks after that, the project on which I was was finished. Two weeks after that, I was working part time. I move out of my studio and went to a motel in Amandine’s town.
I called her on a Wednesday.
- Hello?
- Hi. I am calling about the room you are renting. Is it available?
- Hi, well it happens to be. Are you interesting?
- I would not know. I need to see it first…
- Of course, I’m sorry. I am not really comfortable on the phone. When could you come and see it?
- How about tomorrow at six?
- It’s fine by me. Do you need directions to come?
- No, it won’t be necessary. I’ll see you tomorrow then.
- Just a minute! I am sorry but you are…?
- Oh Jesus… I mean… I am obviously not Jesus! I just feel stupid to not introduce me. I’m Jack.
- Alright Jack. See you then.
- Good Bye.

And that was it. One day and I will finally meet her face to face. My plan was not perfect, I was taking a lot of risk by doing it, but I would surely enjoy it.

The next day, she was waiting for me outside. It may sound ridiculous but I almost fell off my bike (during summer I ride a bike as much as possible: sport and green behavior… yeah, I am an ecologist bad guy, it is weird): she seams younger than on a screen. She was looking like a woman in her early 30 (I may had said younger if I did not know she had a daughter of almost 18). She was wearing a short and a white T-shirt, but damn she looked sexy on them.
After introduction, I finally learned her real name: Amanda. They sure did not put a lot of thoughts in her alias in my company… She kindly offered me a glass of water before the visit. As I was sitting in her kitchen, there were a weird silence between us.
- You sure have a big house for a single women…
- What does make you think I’m single?
- Well… no ring.
- Oh, right. Actually, I live here with my daughter.
- You have a daughter?
- Jennifer, she is a few years younger than you.
- I haven’t met her but I am quite sure that I am older than you think…
- I don’t think so. I just happened to be pregnant really young.
- Oh, I see. And the father?
- Divorced. I am renting the studio to buy his share of the house. Shall we begin the visit.
- Sure!

I have to say, the studio was nice. But I was not interested, so I will spare you the detailed. I had one thing in mind. So at the end I went for it.
- I am sorry, I have seen the TV screen and the DVD player. Are they working?
- Of course, I would not have put them here though.
- Yeah, you right. I am sorry but I watch a lot of movies and I would like to make sure that they meet my expectation. Can I ran a DVD of mines for a few minutes to see?
- Well… why not?

Finally, here we were. I put the DVD with Amanda watching behind me. I had made a compilation of the best moments of what I used to call Amandine’s shows. I still think that it took her two minutes to fully understand what was happening.
- The definition is really good Amanda. Is it HD?
- You should not know where I live.
- But I know it. You’re quite an exhibitionist, aren’t you?
- Get out…
- I am sure you would be delighted to do me a lap dance.
- Wow, you don’t have to take it like this!
- You freak! Get out or I call the police!
- What?! But… but you were the one showing me… I mean…

I was playing dumb on purpose. In order to crush her, she had to have the power in the beginning. Strangely, her response was quite calm.
- Look. I am short on money these days. If I have shown you this much, it was for you to post them on the Internet. I would have sue your company and make a lot of money out of it. If you imagined me doing anything to you, you’re wrong. I do not know you, I haven’t meet you until today. Now take your shit and get out.
- I’m sorry if I disturbed you Amanda. I thought that you would be excited by the tape and…
- Yeah, but no. Now get out.
- But you owe me…
- I owe you?!
- Yeah, you played with me to make money!
- Don’t tell me you did not enjoy this!
- Yes, but on the other hand, I am quite frustrated because of you.
- And you were expected a handjob or a blowjob from me?
- Obviously, I made a mistake…
- Yeah. Obviously. Now get the fuck off before I call the police! And be sure that I will report this to your superior. I WILL get your ass fired.
- Go ahead, call the police. I am sure you will be excited and wet to know that they will be watching this video. In a town like this, the rumor of you being a slut will spread really fast. You know what? Let’s both of us watch this waiting for them.

She did not expected that from me. I had touch a sensible point: she had a reputation to keep. Good to know. Nonetheless, she dialed 911. My heart was playing the bass of a frenetic rock in my chest but I was enjoying myself. I was purposely putting myself in danger, and I would escape from it… unless she did not care of being prosecuted for her daughter’s rape. During our discussion, the video had run. It was at that point in the beginning of her last show.
- Hello? My name is Amanda XX and I lived in XXX. I am currently alone with a man in my house and he is kinda creepy. Could you send me an officer please? No… no… yes, it may be nothing but I would be really grateful I you send me someone. No he doesn’t know… he is in the bathroom. Between five and ten minutes? Perfect. Thanks a lot. I have to go.
- Smart move Amanda. Really.
- You were right. I don’t want any rumor in this town. You can keep the video and your job as long as I do not see your face anymore. Understand?
- Cristal clear. Can we at least enjoy together the end of the video together?

For the second time, she looked at the screen and she saw herself with her daughter’s clothes, sucking her dildo. For a moment, I saw her quite uneasy. I could easily read her mind: “Oh my god, it is that day! But I turned off the camera before. I risk nothing.” A smirk grown in her face. She looked at my crotch with an obvious bonner.
- All right honey. You liked it, watching me young pervert, didn’t you?

Every second this women was surprising me! A moment before she was calling the police and now, she was teasing me.
- I am sure you were waiting for my orgasm like the little virgin you are. And it was quite an orgasm, wasn’t it? Oh, I’m sorry… you wouldn’t know.
- If you change your mind about the handjob. I am staying at the little motel outside the city. Room 5. I will be waiting for you Sunday at 3 pm. Your call.
- I might change my mind…. Mmh, I feel hot right now. As I was saying, I might change my mind and call the police to arrest you, and your bosses.
- As I said: your call.

And we stayed like that in silence. I was watching her and she was watching the TV. She had begun to move her hips and breath heavily, like a women in need. She was even whispering little moans.
- … I am going to cum! Do you hear me up there? I am about to cum! In just a few seconds. It will be so fucking great don’t you think? AAAahhh! But… mmh… but… fuck yeah… I won’t let you see it.
- Aaaaand, the end.

Amanda looked at myself. With the victory in her eyes. She was really good at faking to be horny, she almost caught me.
- Now get out before the police arrive. They should be here in any minute now.
- I am going to take a showeeeh… Mom! What are you doing in my clothes?!
Hearing Jessica’s voice liquefied Amanda’s face. She turned and looked at the screen. She was horrified. I came really close to her, and I whispered in her left ear:
- I was almost as shock as you when the remote did not work. In your excitement, you mustn’t have push hard enough the button.
I placed myself behind her and rubbed my dick on her ass. I continued to whisper:
- You know, all I want is a handjob. Maybe a blowjob. Right now, right here. I think you should call the cops to cancel them. I am sure now that you don’t want them to see your beautiful daughter fucking you.

As she was calling 911, I was licking the lob of her ear while rubbing my cock on her ass. When she hanged off, she was livid.
- They won’t cancel them. Procedure. They’ll be here in 3 minutes…
- Too bad for you. Don’t worry, I will visit you in jail.
- NO! please… I will do anything.

I had to play in thigh: in less than 2 minutes, I had to be out of the house. But I took 15 seconds, as I was thinking about something.
- Alright. Like I said earlier: Sunday, 3 pm, motel, room 5. You will give me the best orgasm of my life. The first one will be the decisive one. If you don’t show, it will understand that you prefer to play with the police.
- Okay, thanks. Anything…
- What?! Oh no… don’t get me wrong. I do not want to rape you: you will take the initiatives. And relax, I have only been with inexperienced young women. Just watching you gave me my best orgasm. I am not a complicated man, you know.
- Madam?

Someone was calling from the garden. The police was arrived earlier than expected. Shit.
- If they caught me, I will give them the tape. Are we clear?
- Please no!
- Then help me! Are we clear?

She nodded.
- Tell it.
- We are clear.

I heard footsteps on the stairs.
- Ma’am?
- Do not forget to bring back my bike Sunday.

I bite her ear, get my DVD, turned around, and jumped from the window. This may seem “heroic” but I did not exactly jumped. I let me fall… and I hurt my ankle, the right one. I am not in bad shape but I spent most of the time in front of a computer and in the rushed, I made some bad move to reception myself. I knew there was a door at the back of the garden (Amanda had shown it to me: “your own entrance”): I ran for it and took off. Luckily, I had not been caught.

During my preparation for this day, all I was thinking was: crush her will, fuck her and then live your life. If I was planning to move in the town, it was to remind her of my power I had once on her. But I did not want to play too much with my luck. I would not last long in a jail.
She had shown herself with more willpower than expected: she had called the police. I did not expect that. And as my plan was ruined, a new one, more perfect, appear at the same time. It was so perfect that I still think this was my real plan, I just did not confess it even to myself until this point.
The three next day were the longest of my life. I had a constant hard on, and all I could focus on was: Sunday, Amanda, the feeling of my cock on her ass or the taste of her ear.
Sunday, as every other Sunday, arrived after Saturday (I am sure I blew your mind with this Truth!). I was boiling with excitement. At 2:47 I heard a car parking. I had kept my curtain closed (with the “no disturb” sign on the door) but I gave a fast look outside. I recognized a car from Amanda’s neighborhood. She was more than 10 minutes early.
I was so boiling with excitement that I began to rub myself. I am a little ashamed of it but I cum in no time, without wanting to. If I confess it, it is because it helped my plan: it allowed me to cool myself.
At 3, she was not knocking on my door. At 3:10 neither. She was chickening out. This could be really bad or just great… If she was not going to come, it was obviously bad. But if she was going to come… she was likely to be timid. Timidity was good for my plan.
At 3:15 I finally heard knocks on my door.
- Finally. I was about to call the cops. Come on in Amanda.
- No.
- What?!
- We need to talk, first.
- Then come on in and let’s talk.
- I’d rather not.
- Okayyyy… I’m listening.
- What will happen if I go in this room?
- It depends…
- Of what?
- Well, the correct question if of who? Or whom? I don’t know… Never mind. It depends of you.
- You promise me you won’t…
- Okay, let’s cup the crap. I already told you that I do not want to force you of anything… All I want is the best orgasm of my life. If you give it to me, I will let you in peace. It don’t matter if I have it right here, right now, or by watching you dance or thanks to a blowjob or the more bestial fuck a man can think of. I want you to make me cum really hard. Just once. You decide what you do and what you want. Any question?
- No
- So come on in.
She was wearing a loose pull as well as loose pants.
- I was expecting a little more daring clothes…
- You don’t like them daddy?
A single word and my cock woke up from its sleep. Have you ever been called daddy by an older women with her child voice? There is no word for the feeling. And then she began to rip off, literally, her pull.
- I won’t wore them any more if you don’t like it. I am really sorry for my mistake. Please forgive me? (I was speechless) Do you forgive me daddy?
- Huh?... yeah, sure.
- How am I now?
- Wow… I mean, fine.

I made a mistake, and we both knew it. Without my “wow”, she would have put off her pants to. She had prepared her play to give me just the necessary. But when I realized that she was naked under her pull, I lost contact with reality. She had her daughter’s breast but heavier. They did not need any bra, were perfectly round and pale with dark pink nipples pointing outside. In my hast, I was rushing over her to feel heavens. I was finally seeing her boobs, and I could not wait any longer to feel them. She grabbed my hands before they could reach their goal. She snaps her personality and push me against the door of my room.
- You naughty boy! This is not the time for you milk. Mama knows better. But you’re hot! You must be sick. Let me help you with your shirt.

She dropped on her knees, her mouth almost on my obvious hard on. She grabbed my shirt and push it up, rubbing her body against mine. On the way, she stopped at my belly button to lick it as her breasts were against my pants. I would have cum if I did not ejaculate earlier. I told you, the time she gave me had save my afternoon. After that, I finally felt her breast on my chest. They were the softened thing I ever felt, with hard on nipples. She could say otherwise, but her body was turned on, at least a little. But this afternoon was for my pleasure, not hers.
I raised my arms to help her with my shirt, but she stopped before putting it off entirely. She licked my lips. As I opened my mouth for a kiss, she pulled off. She began to rub my body with hers. She had also raised her hands to keep mine on the door. Her stretched breasts were massaging my torso. While rubbing herself on my body, she said with a mad voice:
- Hey! You should behave yourself boy, or there will be consequences and… Oh my gosh! You are ridiculous. Don’t you think that I know that you put a coke bottle in your pants? I have been a kid before becoming a teacher, you know?

I do not know how she did it. I had already been her daddy, her son and now her student. She was realizing every dream of a man in seconds! Most of all, she was performing them well…
- You know what boy? I will let you go with it if it is a diet coke. I am dying of thirst.
She ran her right hand on my forearm, caressed my chest and my belly and put it in my pants. Firm but gentle, she took my shaft in experts hands and began to stroke it.
- You played me a trick!
- No, I…
- Shut up! This is not diet coke, not even regular coke. I wanted to drink and I find in your trousers a sausage.

And now it was the dominant women. I am not really into this (I am a dominant, not a submissive) so it cooled me a little. She pinched my nipple, hard, for a second. I almost lost my hard on.
- This is your punishment! It should be worse but I am also a little hungry.

Her right hand were back on my shaft, the left one was on my pants, taking them off. With this position, she was pushing her breasts on my chest. I am sure this was not a coincidence. She had prepared for this moment. She licked her lips, mine and then bite my lower lips. She then whispered into my ear: “don’t worry. I will not bite it. I prefer letting my sausages melting in my mouth.”
And once again, she dropped slowly on her knees, putting my pants down. I must have had a ridiculous look with my pants around my ankles and my shirt around my wrists. Totally naked but with clothes not really off. But as a breast was touching my shaft (barely, but it brushed it… again: not a coincidence) I did not care of my look.
I was feeling her breath on the tip of my cock. And then she did to it what she used to do to her dildo for me: she kissed it, licked it and then put her lips around it and began to suck it. Only one women had given me head before so I was not really an expert. Her lips were soft and moist, her mouth full of saliva and her tongue was licking the back of my dick. It was really fucking good but during less than a second I thought I wish she would use more her tongue.
The pleasure was too intense and I felt myself ejaculate. I did not even had the time to warn her but she had felt it coming. She put off her mouth, took my dick in her right hand and rubbed up her all body against mine. She was stroking me hard and as I was ejaculating she whispered in my ears:
- How is it?

Quickly, she let me go, went to her purse, took in it a shirt and put it on. I was still in heavens when she said:
- Keep your word. I gave you your orgasm so let me alone now.

I looked up on her with an obvious grin on my face.
- I am an honest man. And I can tell you this was a really good one. Almost as good as the one I had watching your daughter fucking you.
- What do you mean almost?
- I mean that you made several mistakes: I blackmailed you for this, so you should have known better that I was not in the submissive trip. Your blowjob was great but I am sure you usually use more your tongue when you give head. You did not put any intention on my balls. And most of all, you have been obviously avoiding my semen.
- What does that mean?
- Let me put it in simple word: I asked you for the orgasm of my life, you just gave me the second one. I would have keep my word if you had performed your part of our deal. You did not.

She began to take off her shirt.
- Then I will give it to you this time.
- No. I told you that I am a man of my words. I told you that you would give me one orgasm today and you gave it to me. This is over.

She began to shake.
- Please do not call the police… not the video… my Jennifer she…
- Shhh… shhhhh… I will give you a second chance.
- Oh thank you. Thank you. I will do better I promised. Just tell me when and where.
- I will, but before that…
- Before that… what?
- You need a training before I give you this second opportunity.

At that moment, she understood that this was just the beginning. She agreed, she had to, and I told her that I would be at her place the next day at the same hour.

To be continued…


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Mark (Gemma’s Fiance) was the oldest and tried to dictate what we would all be doing, but was quickly told we would decide as a group. Quite liked seeing him put in his place to be honest. He is 51 which is 20 years older than Gemma ( well I think that’s his age, give or take a year or so) and due to his age he prefers quiet things and more relaxed activities. We on the other hand were thinking of away days at adventure parks etc. Now Gemma looks similar to Kay but not quite as pretty. Her...

2 years ago
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AWU Abused Women Unite

AWU - Abused Women Unite By Jennifer Allison "Janet, you have to read this," said Holly. "What?" replied Janet. "This ad I received in the mail today." The ad Holly handed Janet read: Abused Women Unite or the AWU The next line read: If you do feel that you have been wronged please contact us we might be able to help. All we ask is for you to be sincere and really need our help. We want you to call us. We can help if you are: Physically Abused by husband...

1 year ago
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CumSwappingSis Angel Gostosa Zerella Skies We Need Your Baby Batter Stepbrother

Angel Gostosa and Zerella Skies are planning to move out of their parents’ houses and move in together. The girls are chatting about their lives together when Angel tells Zerella that she’s been thinking about having kids. Zerella is okay with it, so they discuss who will donate sperm to their cause. Eventually Angel asks about Zerella’s stepbrother, Oliver Faze. Oliver is in his bedroom practicing guitar when the girls corner him. Zerella tells Oliver that Angel wants to have...

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BeC Clothing Company Jeremys story

Jeremys' mother finished tidying up after a visit from their neighbour, Mrs. Gonzales. Could it really work? Could Francesca Gonzales be telling the truth? She had heard of those tiny machines lately, noonites or whatever they were called, being able to change people, but a whole catalogue of clothing with the little what-nots embedded into them? Mind you, Francesca certainly proved herself when she called for young Alberto to come over and say hello; that boy had sure changed over the...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 24

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. ***** 116. Tying Up...

3 years ago
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What the Future May BringChapter 21

Kathleen Lehrer was awake within seconds of hearing the clock radio that she had set for 5:45 A.M. Feeling refreshed after six and a half hours of much needed sleep, she was ready to get on with the business of learning about the other issues with which she would have to contend as President. She had set the radio to National Public Radio, and sat in bed listening to it as she gathered her thoughts. The major story, as expected, was the aftermath of the Capitol catastrophe. The most recent...

2 years ago
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Mrs Lee Part 3

We all sat and drank wine on the back deck. It was a perfect night for it: warm summer breeze, not a cloud in the sky. Amber and I sat on a bench, and Mrs. Lee was on her husbands lap. I guess this is what they looked like when they acted to be one big happy family. I chuckled to myself thinking about it and about how Mrs.Lee probably still had my load inside her.We made small talk about our summer plans and Amber said she was excited about starting college. Mrs. Lee made a sarcastic remarks...

2 years ago
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The UpgradeChapter 11

I snuck up behind her in the office; Shirly was right behind me, knowing what I had planned, and wanting to participate. “Everything OK, hon?” I asked Jane. “Yes, Sir. Master, the implant didn’t come out. She said it was almost gone and it would be better not to cut it out. Julie or I probably mentioned that before, but I didn’t buy any condoms, and I don’t think I will. Sir, I have another question. A very serious one. Am I still your lawyer?” “You are one of my lawyers. I have three,...

4 years ago
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WillowChapter 13

Carl guided Page and Willow to the left side of the crowd. Master Lobo was speaking loudly to a slave owner at the far side of the group and did not notice Carl and the girls moving away. Just as they were disconnecting from the crowd, they heard Lobo proclaim that everyone was invited to see the slave in the tube, the one that was gasping at the bottom of the container recently drained of water, expire by drowning in about three hours. Carl decided they would be gone before that portion of...

1 year ago
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An Unwanted AliasChapter 4

I felt a fleeting sense of relief as my feet touched terra firma once again, on yet another small airport runway. That feeling faded quickly as I remembered the gravity of my current state of affairs. It appeared to be late in the morning; the sky was overcast. It was rather warm and humid, but by no means was it unbearably hot. Before I could get too wrapped up in my new surroundings, two men grabbed me by each arm. I was roughly dragged over to a waiting automobile, which looked like an...

3 years ago
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Steamy Afternoon With My Ex

Walking out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me and thinking of what happened a couple of hours ago. A Casual Meeting with my Ex ended up with us together on a steamy afternoon. We were always best of friends, even when destiny had parted us away. But due to various reasons after both out marriages we were not much in touch with each other. I am an Average height guy 5’ 8” , with an Athletic build, and my Ex was a girl of desire for every guy during her college days, and even now after...

3 years ago
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Haileys favorite class

I love school. Well, not really the classes but being with my friends. Today, I really am interest in health class. We get to start learning about sex which I am so excited about. No one has really explained the details to me or even mentions the word around me before. I can't wait!! We are put in a room with all the girls and the boys go in another room. They want us to be able to ask questions without worrying about what the boys think. Our teacher Mrs. D seemed a little...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 268

Compliment of DomAbrazo ‎ A US Marine enters the Catholic Church confessional booth in Hendersonville, NC. He tells the priest, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. Last night, I beat the ever-living crap out of a flag burning, Cop hating, Jihadist.” The priest says, “My son, I am here to forgive your sins, not to discuss your community service.” ✧ ✧ ✧ Compliments of a Friend of J & G. Vive la difference Bookseller conducting a market survey asked a woman – “Which book has helped...

2 years ago
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A Coworker and Best Friend Part 1

This is the first part of a three part story about a special couple of nights with my best friend. Rene is a very sexy 40 year old woman who works for the same company and on occasion we travel together to the same locations across the country. Because of some events in our mutual past, she earned a level of respect and admiration that only a few people have ever earned with me. As with any other best friends we could talk to each other about any subject and know we would not pay a price for...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Fucking Maid Led To Fucking Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, I am coming directly to the story because I know you all are horny and don’t wanna read bullshit To mai pehle apne bare me bta du, mai ek 19 sal ka ladka hu height 5’9″ hai. Mai regular football khelta hu aur gyming bhi krta hu jisse meri body ekdum shape me hai. Meri girlfriend to hai lekin uske sath kbhi sex nhi kiya Maine. To iske bad kahani pe ate hai. Mera ghar bhut bda hai, is me 3 floor aur 7 kamre haihai. Mai 1st floar PR apni bdi been Ke sath rehta hu. Mere mummy-papa ground...

1 year ago
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Cam4 Mature

I know I’m not the only one out here fucking MILFs and mature bitches here. Oh, fuck you, don’t turn your nose up at me. I bet most of you cucks haven’t had action since fucking Y2K, and you only got it then because some dumbass babe thought the world was going to end. Well, I, on the other hand, have been fucking bitches left, right, and center, including mature bitches. And let me tell you, mature sluts know how to fuck like it’s nobody’s business. Don’t get me wrong; I’ll take some sorority...

Live Mature Sex Cams
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Kissing CousinsChapter 5

About 20 minutes later they pulled up so we finished our ice cream and went across the street. After some good natured ribbing about them being late we went into the theater. We sat about in the middle of the theater and watched the coming attractions and the movie. About a half hour into the movie, my phone went off as planned. It was on vibrate so it didn't make any sound. I looked at the phone and excused myself. I walked all the way to the back of the theater and took a seat in the...

3 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 23

Thanks again for all that have patiently waited for each chapter to be posted. The comments on the reviews are always appreciated, even if I don't get to each one with a response I always read them! Just a reminder for anyone new this story you want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense. If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created...

1 year ago
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My How Youve grown up

Her face was beautiful, letting itself relax as the moon shined itself over it's softened features. A mean girl, she was. In times of waking she'd often times have a sarcastic expression, which, she still seemed to hold that flare of life which I had grown to love. The way she would softly smile at something she'd like, a face which reminded me of what I saw now as I leaned over her sleeping figure. Then, that smile to be dashed away as quickly as if it'd been being chased, as soon as you...

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Southern TrampChapter 5

"Oh, BRUTUS! FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARD!" Melanie screeched, oscillating her hips and lifting and falling on the big black stud's long, stiff pecker. The brawny brute had his hands clamped around the white girl's middle and he was slamming her down savagely on his lap, grunting like a bull in rut as he pumped his hips lustily back and forth, ramming all eleven inches of his iron-hard poker deep inside Melanie's tight, clutching glove-like abyss. The black limousine creaked and bounced on...

3 years ago
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First Time I Take My Slave

First Time I Take My SlaveBy: Fireman527We met on line and chatted for weeks before I convinced you that it was safe to exchange phone numbers. After that we talked for weeks and continued to chat on line as we got to know each other.? During this time we shared our deepest and darkest fantasies with each other and slowly you bent to my will and became my long distance slave, both pleasuring and punishing yourself at my command.? Eventually I convinced you that it was time we met in person to...

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Detention sucks

I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...

4 years ago
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The Pump

My mother died at the age of eighty in 2002 and now, at the tenth anniversary of her death, I feel free to reveal the details of our weird relationship. It is an example of the strange twists of terrible misfortune and luck which may befall the family member. There is no doubt that Virginie Rosehay was my biological mother, but exactly who she was remains for me an unsolved mystery. I was unable to find her birth certificate at the Central Registry in London, nor the entry of her birth or...

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Nerd Sex

Dave was able to essentially name the price for his new job, but they wanted him to move across the country from his home in New York to a new place in San Diego. Dave decided it was worth it for the amount of money he would be receiving and the warmer weather he would be experiencing in California. So with his mind made up Dave moved out West to San Diego in hopes he could repeat the success of his last game. When he arrived in San Diego he discovered that the house the company had bought...

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April Fools Prank

They walked along the beach, two of them -- one white-blonde while the other's hair was the colour of a raven's wing. Using the old pervs' trick, which was simply pretending not to look, I tracked them as they approached. The ruse probably had nobody fooled, but I couldn't help ogling.The pair drew level with my position and then passed by, the East Vietnam Sea swelling benignly just beyond them. I ignored the blue water and Cham Island in the distance because the view was much better close-in,...

2 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 3

The next few days were pure bliss. Douglas came over to my house and we watched movies together. I cooked for him and we asked each other questions, so we could get to know each other more. I hoped I wasn’t dreaming. I don’t know what I would’ve done if it turned out to be a dream, but I couldn’t tell reality from dreams anymore. It felt like my dreams were reality, and reality had turned to dreams. Douglas had just left a few minutes ago. He came over in the morning, with his school bag and...

1 year ago
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Picking up my daughter from school

I picked up my daughter after first classI waited nervously in the car. At a small fast food place I waited for my daughter. I watched her grow from c***d into a stunningly hot teen. I had dropped her off earlier in the morning and I told her that I wanted to talk to her after her first class…In the last year she really blossomed, and I began to think of her differently. Started when I was watching her get ready for school one day, and she was now wearing thongs under her uniform, and multiple...

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Chloes Frustration

'Talk soon xx', and with that he signed off and was gone. Chloe felt the same way she always did when Jack disappeared, slightly giddy and wanting more. It was late. She should really go to bed – if only she could be going with him. They'd been chatting online for a few weeks now and had some amazing conversations. Once, he'd turned her on so much that she’d stripped off from the waist down as her clothes were rubbing her closer to orgasm, only to find that without clothes was worse, much...

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Lover To My Widowed Aunt Pt 2 Fingering Aunty

Dear friends, I am writing a story about my past after a very long time. By the way, I am Rajesh (changed) aged 45 years and currently residing in Bangalore. This incident happened when I was studying Engineering and was around 19 years old. My dad asked me to go to Madras (now Chennai) to his sister, Mandhira aunty’s house to give her company for a few days. Still blushing, Mandhira aunty turned to move away from me, but I just moved closer to her and held her hands and I could feel the heat...

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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 32 More Newbies

Samantha stood in front of the room with a marker in her hand. She was a little nervous, but trying to laugh it off. “OK, everyone, imagine that you are a Circle member. What kind of a situation might occur that would really worry your decision to join up?” Dave sat at the back of the room, trying to fade away and not be a dominant force for the Circle 101 class. About thirty people were in attendance. Samantha had done a good job of going around the room and getting people to introduce...

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It happened one night1

I like I said have got one brother whom I see maybe once or twice in a year. Fine by me as he became a right ass after university and even his wife is a bit of a bitch, and don’t get me started on their spoilt ignorant as hell kids. My wife has got a single brother and unlike my own brother we get on really well, as close as my own brother used to be. He is only 26 years old, always between jobs and until recently, women. He has managed to hold down a small flat closer to town than myself and...

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My slutty married bitch

The first time I fucked a married woman was the most incredible experience of my life. She was in her mid 20's, about 5'6, 120lbs, Blonde that was married with the nicest pair of titties and juiciest cunt you can imagine. I am a 17 year old male thats 6'2 about 190lbs medium built and have a average size cock thats about 7 inches. When I first laid eyes on this woman I was struck by her beauty, she had curly blonde hair and was wearing a nice sun dress. It was in the afternoon when I was...

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Forced Inc In a Hot Hole

Michaela gave a yelp of surprise and at the same time dropped her mobile phone into her lap. Her gut churned as she realized the next few seconds were already predestined and the only option she had left was to slam on the brakes in desperation. Within seconds her open top Camero had come to a spinning, crunching halt. The big grey box wagon in front of her car had crumpled the fenders and lights without even shuddering. Her car had bounced to one side and now its damaged nose pointed...

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Anjali The Amazing Doctor

Anjali was a c***d psychiatrist living in a posh area in Mumbai along with her live-in partner Amit. They weren’t married but in a live in relationship almost like any other couple. Her patients were usually teenagers who were involved in crime and she worked in a government hospital by day dealing with juveniles and then spent her evening in her own clinic at home, dealing with c***dren brought in by anxious parents so her evenings were usually turned into counseling sessions.She was in clinic...

3 years ago
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ManiPedi Part 2

As we left off, I found myself becoming more and more feminine and submissive as LaKeisha and her mother, Ms. Parker, began controlling my entire life. As a 40 year-old unemployed man, I had hopes of one day returning to the work force in the world of finance--hoping to make a six figure salary. My college degree and experience would surely carry the day. But that is no longer possible. I am now virtually the property of Ms. Parker and her 19 year-old daughter LaKeisha. They have...

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My Beer Buddy

Despite us calling it "boys night out," most of the time Tony and I would hang out in his finished basement on our occasional evenings. Basketball season was our favorite. Tony's wife, Marsha, would order us up a couple pizzas, stock the basement fridge with beer, and let boys be boys.I don't think that Marsha knew just what kind of boys we were being in the comfort of his plush rec space. Once we got down there and settled, Tony would have me strip for him. I'd get down on all fours and be his...

Gay Male
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All for cum and Cum for all

"One of you two is gonna get shoved into the road, you know that?" Vince laughed and pushed Michelle again saying, "Better her than me!" Christina shook her head and smiled. The three had been friends for a few years now, and they were off on another escapade. For just finishing a large pizza between the three of them, they had more energy than they knew what to do with. They began pushing and shoving each other playfully. Vince and Michelle met a while back and had dated for a time, and though...

Group Sex
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BangBus Sawyer Cassidy Left in the Rain

Sawyer Cassidy was walking through the streets of Miami when a white van stopped next to her. The guys were offering her a ride, they were offering money but she kept resisting. But somehow they looked like fun. Sawyer was on vacation from California and vacations are for fucking and fun. Money to show her panties, money to show her tits. She knew where this was leading to. In no time she was on the bus. In no time she was naked. To not waste too much time she asked to see Peter Green’s dick....

2 years ago
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Roommate Romance

“Where are they sending you this time?” Grace asked her roommate Hailey as she noticed her stuffing a suitcase.“New Orleans,” Hailey quickly responded.“What happened down there?” Grace probed trying to pry for more information.“Just a routine software upgrade, shouldn’t be more than a couple days,” Hailey replied, continuing to pack without averting her gaze.Grace slumped a little with a slight nod. Hailey had become somewhat distant recently and it was becoming increasingly apparent. She no...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 458

Thursday morning the task force got off to a much better start. First off, the Assistant Director on the team from the FBI received a VCATS from the forensics lab and sent it to the big screens. “We have a shot up and wrecked 2015 Ford Expedition that was delivered a few minutes ago with a rush tag on it from the Director and you are the contact person, Ambassador Jones. What do you want us to look for?” “What everyone else has missed; first thing, it is new enough to have GPS factory...

2 years ago
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Solomon His Discontent

[For the 'real' Solomon, wherever he is now days!]Once again, Maraza had provoked yet another outburst of anger and invective; and Solomon had, also once again, sought out the only true solace available to him: Me!As I let him into the apartment, we didn't slowly segue into the cock sucking part as we generally did on other occasions; and instead, almost before the door was closed, Solomon was fumbling with his zipper, and unfastening his belt buckle and there was that fabulously warm...

1 year ago
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Friendlier Fire

Two weeks had flown by since Justin and I had first had sex, and just like J had said, we had done it again and again and again! My cock was literally so exhausted that I was even having a little trouble pissing, not that I would trade anything for the relationship we were sharing. During our classes, Justin and I held hands and loved on each other. Not that I could hide my sexuality, Justin was known as a homosexual, and the fact that I shared a room with him, made everyone assume that I was...

3 years ago
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An opportunity I couldnt pass up

Growing up I had one of those cool uncles, always had the latest car, traveled and hot chick he would bring to family events. He wasnt strick. He was in the music biz and opened up a studio in my home town of L.A. It was so cool watching him engineer music plus having hot chicks just hanging out in the studio. Diamond was one couldnt forget, red head, curvier then most black and latin women, her booty was massive, she out of the chicks was nice to me, called me lovey dovey names, would keep me...

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Valerie paused in the stairwell to shift the heavy shopping bag. She had gone out late so had had to park her car right at the top of the multi-storey. And of course today the lifts were out of order!The day had been hot so she was glad she had flung on the light shirt and short skirt. Even so, she caught a whiff of her own sweat as she toiled up the stairs; she looked forward to a nice shower when she got home! The clip of her light sandals echoed in the dim stairwell. She was sure she was...

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Double DaddiesbyWhisky7up©This follows on from 'Reach For The Star' and 'Bound To Happen Again'. Thanks as usual to LadyCibelle for the edit...especially as she caught a 'continuity' error I missed!*It had been a few weeks since she was last here, playing with herself as she watched him masturbate at his desk after he'd got in from work. The tree house needed a bit of a clean up since then and Chantal was glad of the distraction as she tidied some magazines and picked up a couple of candy...

3 years ago
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17th BirthdayChapter 3

It was a Saturday, and Mom and Dad were waiting to talk with me when I returned from the beach. I went in, took a quick shower, and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt before meeting with them. Mom started the discussion, "Don, your father and I are really proud of your success at your new job, but we wanted to talk to you about what your plans for the future are." I just looked at her, and she continued. "Right now the minimum wage is under five dollars an hour, and many adults with...

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