St. Searle's Academy: The New Class - Part 2 free porn video

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When the Federal Witness Protection Program placed mobster Salvatore 'Big Sal' Buscemi in an all-girl private school he never dreamed he was about to become one of the girls. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 2 by BobH (c) 2017 - 3 - "It's Virginia Chapford!" said Sal, not quite believing what she was seeing. "The headmistress in these school photos all the way back to earliest ones taken in Victorian times is Virginia Chapford. And she hasn't aged a day!" "Welcome to the biggest mystery of St. Searle's Academy for Young Ladies: our headmistress herself," said Kathy Cardinelli. "Not only don't we know why she hit thirty and stopped aging, but she doesn't either." "Really? You're sure?" "Positive. She let it slip during a conversation years ago with the then head girl. It's one of those bits of information that gets passed down." "*Head* girl?!" said Sal. Kathy laughed. "It's what the English call the head of the school prefects in one of their girls schools, a prefect being something like our hall monitors only with more power. But yeah, it is a funny title, particularly since most of our head girls probably *have* loved orally pleasuring their girlfriends." Sal had always frowned on any lesbianism that wasn't two hot chicks getting it on for guys. Now she wasn't a guy anymore she would have to reconsider that position. "Does much of that sort of thing go on here?" "Like you wouldn't believe. A lot of pussy is getting eaten at St. Searle's." "Makes sense, I suppose," mused Sal. "We all used to be men and I'm guessing most of us were straight, so of course we're still attracted to girls." "It's not quite as simple as that, I'm afraid." "What do you mean?" "I think I'd better leave that until the orientation talk you first years will be getting tomorrow morning. Now come on; I'm supposed to be taking you to your room." They proceeded to the main lobby, receiving curious looks from passing girls who recognised Sal as a new arrival. This made her very uncomfortable and, to her horror, she started to blush. She might be female now but this was the first time she had ever worn a skirt. She felt like a man forced to wear drag and it was humiliating, despite everyone here being in the same boat. Reaching the lobby they climbed the impressive staircase to the first landing. There were more stairs leading to the next level but it was here they stopped. "In plan the school is basically a giant letter 'E' with the three legs at the rear and garages attached to both ends, one for cars and one for the school bus. At ground floor level most of the rooms are classrooms. At this level and the one above they're residential. The doors directly in front of us lead to the middle leg of the 'E', which is both longer and wider than the two outer legs, the east and west wings. On this level it houses the library. On the level above it contains the apartments where the teachers live, the doors to which pupils are strictly forbidden to pass through without permission. Both of these sit directly over the Great Hall at ground level, which is where we all eat. The corridor to our right leads to the east wing. The rooms off both sides of that corridor and in the east wing itself were occupied by those of us who were first years last year and are now second years. The corridor to our left leads to the west wing. The rooms off both sides of that corridor and in the west wing itself were occupied by those who were second years last year. Now that they're third years they've moved upstairs to the second floor, releasing those rooms to you new first years. Third years and fourth years live on the second floor. Now for your room." The room was larger than Sal had expected, certainly larger than the dorm room her daughter had in college. It contained two beds, two desks, and two closets, with a chest of drawers beside each bed. Both had a clock and a night lamp on top, and one a plate of sandwiches. Sal looked at Kathy questioningly. "I'll be sharing with someone?" "Probably. Everyone does. At the moment you have the room to yourself, but if Flash brings us anyone else before Monday they'll be your roomie." Kathy showed her around. First she turned and pointed to a speaker mounted above the door. "For announcements and your morning wake-up call," she said. "Believe me, there's no way you sleep through it." Next she went to the desk. On it were a laptop and a hairbrush, on the wall behind it a mirror. "Your desk doubles as a dressing table," she said. "Having been men before, most of us don't have experience of managing and maintaining long hair. You'll find a tutorial on your laptop, along with the school rule book. Read and internalise both of these before you retire tonight. You'll use the laptop during lessons and for recreational web-surfing, of course. What you won't use it for is contacting anyone you knew in your previous life." She opened the closet. "Hanging in here you'll find a bath robe, winter coat, raincoat, and your school blazer with the school badge on the breast pocket. We only usually wear the blazer when outside the school or for special assemblies in the Great Hall. On the floor you'll see a spare pair of your regular shoes and also sneakers. The sneakers are only to be worn for sporting activities" Next came the chest of drawers. Kathy opened each drawer in turn to display its contents. "Several sets of underwear, shirts, socks, etcetera," she said, "and also your sporting kit, which is basically a pair of shorts and a T-shirt with the school badge sewn on it. Again, these are only to be worn during sporting activities. At all other times you wear your school uniform. Drop dirty clothing down the laundry chute on the landing located next to the communal bathroom. Your drawers will then be restocked with clothing while you're in class." "Who does the cleaning, house-elves?" asked Sal, remembering those movies she'd taken her daughter Carmela to see as a child. "No, this isn't Hogwarts. There's a laundry in the basement, which is also the level where the kitchens are located. There are staff who take care of that sort of thing, though you're reposible for keeping your own room spick and span. Right, now sit down at your desk and I'll braid your hair for you. Watch carefully because from tomorrow you'll be doing it yourself." Sal did as she was told, sitting patiently as Kathy used the brush to centre-part her hair before proceeding to braid both sides into a pigtail, When finished, she tied a bow around each end using the ribbons Miss Chapford had given her. "What do you think?" asked Kathy when she was done. Sal stared at the mirror in front of her. "I hate it," she said, "but it doesn't matter what I think, does it?" "No it doesn't. That's a hard thing to accept at first, but it's something we all have to learn to do. They know from long experience you need time alone when you first get here so they don't expect you to go down to dinner, hence the sandwiches. Alright, that's the end of my duties as a greeter for today. Good luck, Lucy." And with that she slipped out of the room. Finally, Sal was alone. Talking to Kathy, trying to figure this place out, she had been able to put off fully facing what had been done to her. Now there were no such distractions. She sat down on the bed, turning her hands over and over in her lap, not recognising them. Your body should not be unfamiliar to you but hers now was. Sal had been male for forty-six years and a girl for twenty minutes. Her hands began to tremble, delayed shock setting in. "Goddarn it!" she spat, hugging herself tightly and rocking back and forth. She was not going to have a breakdown over this, not going to dissolve into tears, no way was that happening. She took a series of deep breaths, slowly bringing it under control. Getting to her feet, she slipped out of her clothes. Then, keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the floor, she strode over to the full length mirror on her closet door. She took a deep breath and raised her eyes, determined to face her new reality head on. Which she did. For someone supposedly fourteen years old she was awfully small and could easily pass for a thirteen or even a twelve year old. She studied her reflection in minute detail from all angles, exploring every inch of her transformed body, bending, stretching and marvelling at how supple she was. She bent at the waist and touched her toes, something she had never been able to do before. Sal Buscemi had been fat even as a kid and such a feat had always been beyond him. Yet for all she had obviously gained physically it still felt wrong to be younger than her own daughter. Sal Buscemi. Staring at her reflection it was clear she wasn't him anymore. And if Miss Chapford was to be believed, she never would be again. So it was pointless even thinking of herself as 'Sal'. That was just self-denial and would ultimately probably do her more harm than good. No, she was Lucy Costello now. She needed to accept that fact. "Lucy," she said, saying the name for the first time, "Lucy Costello." Lucy donned her bathrobe and collected her sandwiches. Sitting down at her desk, she bit into a sandwich and opened her laptop. Time to check out the school rule book. Usefully, the first thing that appeared on the screen when she opened the file was a map of the school and its grounds. The lacrosse and hockey fields she had seen on her drive up to the school, but she hadn't realised the grounds stretched so far behind it. There was a lake, stables, a sports hall, tennis courts, and a swimming pool. There was room enough for a golf course, but the school didn't appear to have one. They probably considered the game 'unladylike'. The second page was a listing of school teachers alongside their mugshots and the subject or subjects they taught. All of them were female save for John Thompson, who was listed as both 'Self-Defense Instructor' and 'Weapons Master'. That last was an intriguing title, though all it probably meant was that he was in charge of archery lessons. Still, nice to see Flash was more than just a glorified chauffeur. The female teachers ranged in age from early-twenties to mid-sixties, and all of them were fine-looking women. Was it possible, Lucy wondered? Could all the teachers at St. Searle's be former pupils? It would certainly make sense in terms of keeping what went on here a secret. Could the cleaning staff be ex-pupils, too? Not everyone who passed through here was going to be bright enough to make the most of the opportunity after all, so it was certainly possible some had then been offered those jobs. If this was the case, it would mean the only person in the whole place who had actually been born female was the headmistress. The third page was a surprise. It contained Lucy's new biography. She was not pleased to discover the full name she'd been given: Lucinda May Costello. Her birthday - presumably chosen at random - was in June, and she was born and grew up in Portland, Oregon, a place she had never actually set foot in. Predictably, there was a whole file of stuff on Portland and the Pacific northwest she was expected to memorize. On the fourth page were the school rules, and beyond that associated information she had to learn. By the time she had done so, and had assimilated all the stuff on Portland, it was time to turn in. She had been supplied with a night dress but Lucy had always slept in the buff so she slipped between the sheets and, exhausted by the events of the day, was soon sound asleep. - 4 - When she was woken by the klaxon sound emitting from the speaker over her door, Lucy groggily sat up and reached down to scratch her scrotum. Startled to full wakefulness by the absence of her penis, she let out a low groan and buried her head in her hands. So it hadn't been a dream. She really was a girl now. "All first years to report to the main lobby in your sports gear in ten minutes. Tie your hair back with a ribbon before doing so. You are not required to braid it until you return." Lucy glanced at her bedside clock then glared at the speaker. Six-forty am? She never rose before ten. Grudgingly, she dressed then made her way down to the lobby, where a lot of other young girls with their hair tied back were assembled. Facing them was a formidable-looking middle-aged woman holding a clipboard and wearing a track suit, a whistle on a cord around her neck. Lucy recognised her from her photo as Jane Kraski, the sports mistress. As Sal, Lucy had once opined that all female sports coaches looked like hard-faced dykes. Not at St. Searle's. No, though more heavily built Miss Kraski bore a striking resemblance to Charlize Theron. It was ridiculous how attractive everyone here was. "Good of you to finally join us, Miss Costello," she said, ticking Lucy's name off on the clipboard as she took her place with the others. "Right, now we're all here we can begin. You've all read the school rule book so you all know who I am. Good morning, girls." This was greeted with a few mumbled 'good mornings' in reply. "No, that won't do. I expect a full-throated response. Let's try again. Good morning, girls." "Good morning, Miss Kraski!" they chorused in response, compelled to do whatever a teacher requested of them. "That's better. Now I'll shortly be taking you for your morning run, but before we get to that I need to give you your orientation talk." Morning run? Was this something they'd be expected to do *every* morning before breakfast? Lucy groaned inwardly at the prospect. "Though we refer to this as an orientation," began Miss Kraski, "it's more accurately the new 'birds and the bees' talk you now need. After your transformations you each found a set of clothing waiting for you. Some of you may have wondered how we knew your correct size beforehand. There's no great secret to this; you're all the same size." This caused a murmur of surprise, with girls looking at those around them to confirm the truth of this. "You won't stay that way, however. As you grow some of you will get much curvier with larger - in some cases much larger - breasts. Others won't. Some of you will develop into the tall, leggy, small-breasted young women favoured by the modelling industry. Indeed, half the top fashion models in the country were once pupils here, whatever their official biographies might say. Another change that will happen is you will become attracted to boys." "No way!" said someone. "I'm afraid so. While those who created the figurine did so at a time when consent wasn't something they worried about, it's obviously better to have females who have the potential to become willing sexual partners. The speed at which that attraction develops is different for everyone, but it *is* everyone. Which is why here at St. Searle's we strive to turn you into young ladies and make you ideal potential wives. In fact once upon a time, when such things were more fashionable and women's options more limited, the school operated a marriage bureau." There was a lot of uneasy murmuring at these revelations. Lucy's heart was racing, and she felt faint. This couldn't be true, it just couldn't. The idea that she would ever willingly have sex with a man, let alone marry one, filled her with revulsion. "However," continued Miss Kraski, "it's not as if you forget what it was like being a man and being attracted to women. When no males are available, every girl here is happy to have sex with other females. So in that sense everyone at the school is bisexual." That was something, at least. It also explained all the 'eating of pussy' that Kathy Cardinelli had claimed went on here. "You will all have monthly appointments with the school nurse, who as well as checking your general health will take your measurements as you grow. You will be issued larger clothing as necessary. In the event of injury or illness requiring more treatment than is available at the school you will be taken to a clinic a few miles from here secretly owned by the school and staffed exclusively by doctors who are ex-pupils. Something you may not have noticed is that none of you has any city or regional accents anymore. There's no such thing as unaccented English, but you all now speak with as close to a generic American accent as it's possible to get. Why does the figurine level out accents like that? We don't know, but from the school's point of view this is extremely useful in that it makes it even harder for any of you to figure out where the others are from and who they may have been in their earlier lives. Now, as well as making up their own beds and tidying their rooms, first years are also required to perform that service for fourth years - being spared that task is one of their privileges. So as soon as we get back from our run you will shower, put your uniforms on, return here to the lobby, and be assigned a fourth year room that will be your responsibility for the next twelve months. Last one back here gets the room of the pair known to be the untidiest. Alright, everyone outside. When I blow my whistle fall in behind me. We'll be jogging around the perimeter of the estate." Lucy didn't like the sound of that. From what she could tell the estate was about a mile across, which meant the perimeter would be in the order of three miles or so. She hoped they were doing no more than one circuit of it. It was only 7am but it was early Fall, so while the sun was up it was still a little chilly as they assembled outside. Miss Kraski blew her whistle and they set off on their run. A redhead fell in beside Lucy. "Hi, I'm Meghan Delaney," she said. "I got in the day before you did. Even though classes don't start 'til tomorrow, most of the other first years had been here a week or two by then so they'd already started to form cliques." "Lucy Costello," said Lucy, holding her hand out as they jogged. Having not met any of the other first years yet she had no idea whether or not this Meghan Delaney was someone it would be useful to know, but you had to start somewhere. "So I see Kathy Cardinelli was your greeter, too," said the other girl. "Uh huh. Seems nice." Oh, she is. Probably why they gave her the job. A year ago she was in the same position we're in now, probably just as resentful about it too. I mean, what gives them the right to do this to us, anyway?" "Power," said Lucy. "They can, so they do. That's how the world works. That's how it's always worked." "I suppose," said Meghan, shrugging. "Anyway, if Kathy was as resentful as us a year ago, she's certainly started to embrace it now." "What makes you say that?" "Because I got in really late my first day, I got to see her twice. The second time there was something different about her. It took me a few seconds to realise what." She paused for dramatic effect. "And?" said Lucy, irritably. "What was it?" "She had plucked her eyebrows. Apparently you're allowed to do that when you're a second year. 'Allowed' you'll note; it's not compulsory. Can you imagine doing that to yourself?" "Fudge, no," said Lucy, with feeling. "Me neither. A year from now we may - heck we almost certainly *will* - feel different. I also got talking to her about music and she started gushing about this boy band I'd never heard of whose pictures she has all over the wall in her room. When she mentioned their lead singer she smiled and sighed and stared dreamily into space. Not much doubt there as to what she fantasizes about when she's alone in her bed, don't you think?" They were both silent for a long time after that. As their run progressed, Lucy estimated the number of first years at something over thirty. Assuming similar numbers in the other years that made for around one hundred and twenty pupils. Small, but possibly not too unusual for a private academy like St. Searle's. To Lucy's surprise she found exercising exhilarating. As a fat child and an even fatter adult she had never seen the appeal, but with younger limbs and being skinny for the first time in her life she felt almost as if she was floating so effortless did it seem. The fact that they were doing a circuit of the estate was also useful since it enabled her to get the lay of the land. A map was one thing, but seeing what things looked like and how they related to each other on the ground was important, too. It was a beautiful estate, there was no denying, with plenty of trees and well tended flower beds, lawns, and sports fields. At one point a couple of fourth years in full riding gear galloped by on horses, clearly enjoying themselves. At the end of the run, panting and sweating, they made their way to the communal showers on their floor of the school. Lucy was self-conscious about being among all these naked teenage girls despite now being one and tried to avert her eyes as much as possible. That this was something she was going to have to get over became clear when it resulted in her taking longer than everyone else. She was the last to exit the showers, the last back to her room to braid her hair and get dressed, and so the last down to the lobby where Miss Kraski awaited her, frowning over her clipboard. "Last again, Costello," she said, handing her two keys to add to the ring holding the key to her own room. "Rooms 223 and 224, Shondra Prentis and Laura Cole. Hop to it." *Two* rooms," thought Lucy, as she reluctantly climbed the stairs to the second floor. That didn't seem fair. Then again, she'd always believed in never giving a sucker an even break. In allowing herself to be last down she was the sucker, so she deserved this. Oh well, it was early days yet. She would learn from her mistakes. When she knocked on the door of 223 it was answered by a vision of loveliness who took Lucy's breath away. Tall, black, stunning, she was dressed in the school uniform but it looked so much sexier on her. It wasn't just the addition of heels and dark pantihose either, but the way it hung on that curvacious body, the tiny skirt accentuating her long, shapely legs. "Ah, you must be our maid for the year," she said, smiling as she opened the door wide. "I'm Shondra Prentis." "L..Lucy Costello," croaked Lucy. "I remember having to do this when Laura and I were first years," she said. "We resented it then, but when you're the ones getting maid service it doesn't seem so bad, as I'm sure you'll discover yourself in a few years time." The room's other occupant - a brunette - was sitting at a dressing table, finishing up her make-up, a cigarette smouldering in an ashtray amid a large array of cosmetics. "Laura Cole," she said, not looking around as she applied her eye-liner, "glad to finally have you here to tidy up for us, squirt." Her make-up done, she nodded in approval at her reflection and stood up. "All done," she said, taking a last drag on her cigarette before stubbing it out. "Time for breakfast, babe." She headed for the door, giving Shondra's ass a squeeze, and the pair left the room hand-in-hand, giggling as they made their way to the stairs. Lucy watched them go, listening to the tapping of their heels on the wooden floor slowly recede, sighing wistfully when they were out of sight. Was that what the future held for her, she wondered? Would she become as giggly as that pair, who clearly revelled in their femininity? It didn't seem possible. The room was certainly untidy, with discarded shoes, underwear, and hosiery everywhere. To Lucy's surprise it held not two single beds but a double one. Nor was that the only surprise it had in store for her. When she checked out the closets they contained not just the same school clothing Lucy's did but also an array of expensive looking dresses, and lots of shoes, most of them high heels. Lucy opened a box on one of the dressing tables and her eyes went wide. In it was money. A *lot* of money. She counted it. Ten grand. How on earth had two schoolgirls managed to accumulate such a sum? The answer lay in the room next door. After Lucy had made up the bed, put everything away, and dropped dirty clothing down the laundry chute, she locked the door behind her and went into 224. This too had a double bed, one surrounded by scarlet wall drapes. On a tripod, pointing at the bed was a small video camera and several lights on stands. Behind the camera were dressing tables containing a number of wigs, a lot of make-up including what appeared to be facial prosthetics of the sort designed to change your appearance, and a variety of sex toys. Hanging from a rack adjacent to the dressing tables were a lot of different costumes, including some serious S&M gear. This explained the money. Shondra and Laura were running an online sex show business! This was incredible. Did the school know about it or not, Lucy wondered, realizing as she did so what the answer must be. They had to know, which meant St. Searle's wasn't the sort of school she had assumed it was. No, it wasn't that sort of school at all. ********************** To be continued.... ********************** Note: We shift focus next time when the school acquires two new pupils who become twin sisters.

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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 37

LTD, MA, 37 By" Malissa Madison I sat at my vanity, the events during and after our School Field Trip still playing in my head. Something just didn't feel right, not that I thought it was harmful. It was just that something was off about Donnie's meetings. Why all the cloak and dagger secrecy? I already knew almost everything about the PTRVs being used by our planetary police force. Were they planning some new upgraded version? Had they discovered a flaw in the Neural Uplink?...

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Lust Academy

Lust Academy, by Bear in the Night Games, is arguably one of the most highly regarded porn games out right now. While most adult video games are thrown together by some lone pervert with a stray fan or two before being given away on the free porn game archives, Bear in the Night has managed to build up a sizable following who are willing to pay for their games. They've got around a thousand Patrons right now. And given how many cheapskate weeaboos live in their mom's basement and spend their...

Free Sex Games
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Living the Dream Malissas academy 8

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 8 I felt like I'd slept for an entire day, slowly I made my way to the shower seeing Donnie's dirty clothes in the hamper I knew he'd at least been home. Then just before I stepped in I heard the voices of my younger girls as they raced through the house playing. "Slow down, you'll wake up Momma," Rachel said. "Who are your new friends?" "My brother and Sisters," I heard Norrish answer happily. I hurried to finish my shower wanting to meet...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 11

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 11 By: Malissa Madison The celebration lasted long into the next day with people coming from all over. Not just from the other Academies and in town. But from the Tribes and even the Terraformers as well. I was happy to see the Orchid again as Bounder, Shorty and Midge rushed happily to greet their parents in the Tank transport habitat. Soon we began the task of cleaning up. At first I thought it was just getting late, but then I realized as I stepped out...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 4

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 4 By: Malissa Madison Walking toward the grade school classrooms I heard the clash and ring of steel on steel. Curious now that there was no music I hurried toward the sounds to find what looked like a real fight in progress. There were four of the bodyguards ringing Juliet, all covered in sweat, their Vershang making Whirring sounds as they spun before the next strike. "Try again," Layla said. "You're too angry." "Let it go or you'll lose...

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Tales From The Academy

Tales from the Academy by Robin Cardinal The Caribbean is home to several small, remote, privately owned islands which appear to the uninitiated to be uninhabited and desolate. One such island is owned by a private corporation whose shares are controlled by a discrete group of aristocratic women who believe in absolute female supremacy and have inherited or acquired enough wealth to put their beliefs into practice. Through clever landscaping, this island conceals a number of...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 32

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 32 By: Malissa Madison Waking up on Christmas morning was as usual a very exciting time for everyone. Seeing the littlest ones with their new toys brought back so many memories. Of course Tammi and Nova were like I was at that age, more interested in the boxes and pretty wrapping paper. The older children were trying to get them to play with the actual toys though. Then Becca opened her special gift from Santa Clause and I gasped seeing it. It was the...

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Grove Academy a story of the New Republic

It began as a Birthday party for a 15 year old girl. In Latin America, that party is known as a Quince, somewhat similar to a Sweet 16 right of passage, only a year earlier, perhaps because Latin girls feel they mature a bit earlier. It was a somewhat formal event. The girls were mostly between 14 and 16, and were dressed in evening party dresses. Most were low cut, in order to reveal whatever cleavage the girl had; and were tight in order to show the girls waists, asses, and legs. The boys...

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The Sweet Academy Part 2

THE SWEET ACADEMY (Part 2) By Lisa Lovelace I woke up late on Monday, disoriented until I remembered where I was: in the Sapphire dorm at my new school, The Sweet Academy, on the first day of fall term. My gorgeous roommate Parvaneh was already up. I rose, showered, did my face, put on my schoolgirl's uniform, remembered to put my hair in pigtails. I finally opened the envelope that contained my class schedule. It was weird. A bunch of girly subjects, nothing like what you'd study in...

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Orbital AcademyChapter 14

"Jackson, why'd you bring us to Pivot? What about Orbital Academy?" Preston reached across Missy and flicked the cruiser's autopilot off, beginning to manually pilot their cruiser in line with the other squadmates'. "Rookie Preston, please cut the comm chatter, we wouldn't want to crowd Orbital Pivot's comm channels," Jackson's voice crackled into the small space. The message was clear; We're being listened to. I can either trust Jackson or come up with my own plan. Preston and...

1 year ago
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Waifu Academy

How many times have you played an XXX game that had the name ‘Waifu’ in it? Probably more than you can fucking count. Most of the time, these games task you with fucking these women. Typically, they are the kind of women that you would want to fuck for the rest of your life.Marry? Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Fuck on repeat? Now you’re getting the idea. The shining example of a fuck buddy that will let you do whatever the hell you desire without saying no, a guy would be lucky to have a...

Free Sex Games
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St Searles Academy The New Class part 8

Twins Jessica and Jennifer's visit to the home they last set foot in when they were father and son continues, while a theft at the school puts everyone's life in danger. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 8 by BobH (c) 2017 - 15 - Jessica Smith surveyed the scene before her and smiled wistfully at the men in their tuxedos and the women in their evening gowns. She knew them all, both those dancing and those seated at the tables around...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 2

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison It's the beginning of the first full school year, as Malissa begins to prepare for the arrival of new students as well as the return of older students. There are a few surprises in store as things get underway. Summer break had come and gone, and Malissa and Donnie were spending much of their waking hours in their offices preparing for the beginning of the next school year. Nona sat at her desk sorting through all the student...

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Living the Dream Malissaa Academy 14

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 14 We were busy making sure everyone got back safely to where they were supposed to be. My feet were beginning to ach from my four inch heels, and finally I was able to stumble through the closet into my own room at a little past 2AM. I'd taken off my shoes as I entered Donnie's office and I found Sophie's just inside his office door. There was another pair, clear, laying just inside my closet. 'Hmm, I guess Maleeza decided to use the doorway...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 52 The Academy

January 2008 - March 2008 When I went back to work, I let Captain Carson know about meeting the Gorsky family, and that I was sure that a lawsuit was on the way. Both he and Lieutenant Brownell quizzed me on what I had told the Gorskys and I swore six ways from Sunday that I hadn’t said anything that could be construed as an admission of guilt. Their general feeling was that we would be named in the suit, but we could dump any responsibility onto the Sheriff’s office, since they ran the jail...

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The Birch Academy pt 1

THE BIRCH ACADEMY AUTHOR'S NOTE: This started off as a meandering serial on Melissa Daniels's 'Locked in Lace' site, which, if you haven't checked it out, is a dream come true for Forced Femme sissies to be, and it happens to be the reason I took the incredibly scary step of dressing as a girl in the first place (long story, will tell you another time). I can honestly say I owe my all my wonderful Emma experiences since 2010 to Melissa's web site, which is no small thing, as dressing...

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Trisha And The Academy

TRISHA AND THE ACADEMYPart 1 – Introduction     Trisha was so worried.  Semester report cards were coming out today, and she knew that she was going to be in trouble.  She just didn’t know to what extent. In the past, she had always been able to talk her way out of any trouble with her dad.  After all, she was ?Daddy’s Little Princess?.  And, although daddy would get pissed off at her at times, all she had to do was pout, cry a few tears, give daddy a big hug while telling him how sorry she...

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Living the Dream Malissas academy 7

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 7 By: Malissa Madison With the departure of my sister and her command group I began to feel as if I needed to know more about the things I hadn't ever considered before. Like the parallel universes like Earta Prime. I knew that Calista was from one, called the Kaidran Quadrant. Her husband while being a Cheetah Furry was a Kaidran rather than a Terrellian like those in this Universe. So I began looking into those, then I realized that both...

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IGP Academy Terrellia

IGP Academy, Terrellia By: Malissa Madison Dorian Gorre, Vikki Terrn and Terrence Ponder stepped off the Lyconian Academy shuttle together. All three had been surprised when they'd reported for the new year as Seniors in their home Academies, only to discover that their summer aboard Talon had given them the credits needed to graduate early. Now the trio of close friends was reporting in for their Freshman year as actual IGP Cadets at TIGA. They were...

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St Searles Academy The New Class part 3

Criminals in the Federal Witness Protection Program were being secretly placed in an all-girl private school where they became one of the girls. Now the school was about to get more new arrivals...only these weren't criminals. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 3 by BobH (c) 2017 - 5 - As soon as the medevac helicopter touched down on the asphalt of the Ronald Clinic car park, medical staff rushed out to greet it with gurneys. With...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 1

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 1 By Malissa Madison Walking around the campus, I spoke to as many students and faculty as possible. Whenever I spotted a good secluded place I would go to it, take out my notebook and jot it down before setting the next location in the time saver setting. I toured the Dorms, making sure that everyone was getting settled in. Then I spotted someone backed into a corner, and hurried to find out what was going on. "Look you shouldn't be here,...

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Clara Bows Academy For WouldBe Ladies Part

Peter had had no choice in the matter from an early age. As he car drew up to the huge ivy clad castle-like building, having entered through electronic gates in a ten foot wall, he felt doomed yet excited. His cock was erect in the tight panties his Stepmother has chosen for his introduction, his anus tingled and gripped the soft rubber plug she’d also chosen for his first day. His stepmother had allowed his soft ginger hair to grow to shoulder length already, and his dosage of hormones had...

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St Searles Academy The New Class part 10

It's the day of the big Spring Fashion Show at St. Searle's, but the past of Lucy Costello, once the mobster Sal Buscemi, comes back to haunt her when Sal's former associates launch an armed assault on the school. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 10 of 11 by BobH (c) 2017 - 19 - "How do I look?" asked Shondra Prentis nervously. "Absolutely stunning," said Jessica Smith. "Now get out there and wow everyone." "We've done all we...

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She Male Academy

She-Male Academy ? by: Christina Shelly Chapter One As the van moves slowly and anonymously through dense city traffic, its carefully and very tightly restrained cargo struggles angrily and squeals with increasing desperation into his soft but highly effective panty gag. Alan, soon to be Alice, lies face down on a leather bench bolted to the floor of the van. His slender, always girlish frame is sealed from neck to toe in a tight, skin hugging cocoon of pink rubber and thick...

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Dark Shadow Grantham Academy

Grantham Academy was proving a good fit for Juris Kristaps. It was located in upstate New York and was a four year high school. Plus, a portion of it was set aside as a preparatory school for college. Juris was teaching in the preparatory portion of the academy. Grantham was set in the countryside on one hundred acres of land that had been donated by the wealthy Grantham family. They had long contributed to the school, which easily explained the name of the academy. Juris had a small bungalow...

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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected; it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special “guests” realize their full potential. None of us work full time at the academy, we have two lives; one we show to all, the other...

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The academy Chapter I Separation Anxiety

Introduction: Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to select our very special guests and realize their full potential Prologue People do not choose to attend the academy, they are carefully selected, it is a true science, an elegant game. The academy is a place where behavioural science, neurochemistry, bioengineering, and synthetic biology are utilised to test the limits of pleasure and despair. Only the most elegant and devious minds are allowed to work here, to...

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The Academy

Chapter One: The Sex SchoolJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. His surroundings were dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting; and even then, a minuscule amount reached where he stood. The clock that hung behind him ticked at an unsettling pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache.If...

Group Sex
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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 382

Living the Dream, Malissa's Academy, 38.2 To our fans; We are sorry that this story didn't get put in at the middle of LTD, MA 38 where it was intended. This short piece belongs between the Academy Star's return and the outbreak of Dragon Fever. I was thinking back to the first time that I had met the Arachnid Drider Queen, Tilliani. She was going to be our guest speaker for the upcoming graduation this year. It was nearly four AM when someone knocked on the front door of...

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Iridani Kitten Academy

Iridani Kitten Academy, 1 By: Bernice 14 Standing in her office Mistress Gwendolyn peered out her window over the courtyard in front of her School. The kittens had begun to arrive for the new school year, and she had three IGP Transports due to arrive, two in the next two hours, the third in another three days. Plus on top of it all she was embarking on yet another first, she was opening two lower grades to Kittenettes in the last two years before...

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St Judes Shemale Academy

My name is Amanda Johnson and I am a 38 year old post operative transsexual and owner and headmistress of a rather unique school, a school that turns troublesome and reluctant boys into shemales. This is the story of St Judes academy for shemales. My own transformation happened over 10 years ago when in my mid twenties I decided to transition from male to female. Being the son of a world famous actress, my gender change was largely kept secret and only a select few of my parents...

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Total Woman Academy 03

Ned opened the car door and Brooke alighted in the driveway of a standard structural design Academy facility. He escorted her through the entrance into the hallway. Mrs. Frank approached them. ‘Brooke, my dear, you look so lovely and so grown up since we last saw you two years ago. Our teaching suits you. Your ride to the event will arrive at 6 PM. You will be returned tomorrow by noon. You can use your old room to prepare yourself. Just ask any student for help if you need anything.’ Mrs....

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Iridani Kitten Academy 2

Iridani Kitten Academy, 2 By: Malissa Madison As more young kittens began to arrive the school grounds came alive with their chatter and the gossiping that always occurs after long separation from friends. Mistress Jinnee had gotten up early and the Academy's shuttle was just leaving to pick up local Cougars and Kittens for the first week of school and I wanted to be there to meet it when it returned. I slipped out of bed. "Come along Kitten, time to shower and...

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IGP Academy Terrellia 2

IGP Academy, Terrellia 2 By: Malissa Madison It had been a long grueling first week, both morning and evening conditioning exercises. And long classroom hours spent studying both regular College level classes as well as Intergalactic Law. Most the Delphinian Cadets had never used a Vershang however and sought out those who would become the leadership Cadre. Each night after they were released for the day they found themselves in the practice yard...

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St Searles Academy The New Class part 9

She was now a society madam supplying call girls to the rich and powerful, but for decades she was the most feared man in America. Here it is: the secret history of J. Edgar Hoover. ST. SEARLE'S ACADEMY: THE NEW CLASS - part 9 by BobH (c) 2017 - 18 - Unlike many of her colleagues in Congress, Senator Abigail Carson had never before set foot in the establishment discreetly housed in the beautiful 19th century town house in Washington's Georgetown...

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Black Slut Academy

Jean felt a little scared. It had been two years since she had started dating black men exclusively. Now her boyfriend had talked her to into taking it one step further. She was going to a school to learn about as he said "the culture." "This will complete you," Bill, her boyfriend, said. Jean's lover was a six-foot, four-inch black stud that Jean had been living with. She left her white wimp husband two years ago. What Jean especially did not miss was her ex's four-inch pecker. She blinked and...

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The Academy

(Note: There is a lot of mention of different technologies in this story. I have entered them in bold, and there is a glossary at the end of the story to help you through anything you can't figure out through context. I didn't want to spend too much time extrapolating on things that the characters in the story would take for granted) Chapter 1 I stared out the window as the green English countryside swept past. Raindrops glittered on the window, the pale sunlight sparkling. It...

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White Slut Training Academy The Arrival

My Wife's First Day at the Academy My wife Julie when in her 20s had been obsessed with the internet, and all the possibilities of kinky sexual encounters that this new wonderful medium presented. She, at the time was a very attractive dark headed girl that looked much like a young Liz Taylor. She had 36”DD breasts, a 23” waist and an over indulged full 37” and very ripe round ass, the kind exactly like J'Lo's that would be just perfect to abuse. But her real...

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Lovebright Academy The Real Story

Some of you may remember a wonderfully funny story by Downing Street a while back called "LOVEBRIGHT ACADEMY." Now Downing Street is one of my favorite authors, but he has his squiks and this made him to pull a few punches in his tale. I happen to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of Lovebright Academy, so I know the whole story. I don't want to call too much attention to Downing's omissions, so with his permission, I've decided just to re-post his story, inserting the needed additions...

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The Academy

Chapter 1: The AcademyJasper Coleman, who was still adjusting to consciousness, stood with an absent stare just a few feet from the front door of his apartment. The apartment was dark, only the light of the outside city illuminated the dull setting, and even then a minuscule amount reached where he was standing. Jasper's clock ticked at an unsettling steady pace, violating the silence of the early morning. Each tick pinged against his brain, which was currently fragile with ache. If a person...

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Living the Dream Malissas Academy 36

LTD, Malissa's Academy, 36 Things were running smoothly, the FJ's and Nexies were mixing in and getting along with everyone else. And our later than usual Spring Break was just a few days away. I decided to drop in on Miss Tandy's fifth grade class just to observe. Then I remembered this was also Skitter Hearts classroom. I'd slipped Tandy a note at lunch so she wouldn't be surprised when I slipped into the back of the room. Sapphire lay curled up under Skitters desk in plain...

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