Opus OneChapter 20: Passacaglia free porn video

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"So what do you think of the piano sound?" Dave asked Richard.

Richard stood up from Jarrett's chair in front of the speakers. "It's really rich. I'm used to hearing this piano from the piano bench, so it sounds a little different. But still nice. Really nice."

"Good. I'm happy with it too. Man, I just love this concert hall. Jarrett, what do you think?"

"Smooth work, Dave. Let's record some so Irina can hear it," Jarrett replied.

Richard sat in his chair, to Jarrett's left, and double checked that the tapes were cued and ready. "I'm ready to go," he announced.

Jarrett pushed the button on the talkback microphone. "Irina?"


"We will record a sound check. Please play for a few more minutes and then we will listen."

Richard started the tapes and wrote the take information on his log sheet, while Jarrett did the same. Dave sat in Jarrett's seat one last time and closed his eyes as he listened to the sound of the instrument.

So far, the recording session had been hard work, but lots of fun as well. That afternoon, Dave had rented a truck and Richard had helped him load up road cases with the needed equipment. The hall they chose for the recording was only twenty minutes from the conservatory, but the equipment would have been impossible to transport in a car, so the truck was chosen.

Since Richard had only worked in the Wexford control room, which was permanently set up, it was interesting to see how the recorders, speakers and microphones were all connected from scratch. Richard gained new appreciation for Dave as he explained why he set things up a certain way. The microphone preamps were set up on the stage, for example, which Dave said made for a quieter noise level.

Upon arrival at the hall earlier that day, Richard had been surprised to see Irina's piano, the one on which he took his lessons in her studio at the conservatory. The old worn instrument had been delivered earlier in the day, and had been tuned up before they arrived.

Richard figured that Irina was most comfortable with this instrument, but the piano also sounded incredible in the hall. Once the microphones were up and working, Dave had had Richard play the piano so that Dave could start working on the microphone placement. Freed from the confines of the small room at Wexford, each note sang out purely, supported by the reverberant space. Richard quickly lost himself in the playing, only snapping out of it when Dave would come out to adjust the microphones or preamp levels.

"That's great playing Richard. Maybe we should record you!" Dave said.

Richard chuckled modestly, and offered his assistance with the technical aspect of the setup.

"Nah, just keep playing," Dave said, waving a hand.

Once Irina had arrived, things became more businesslike. Dave stressed to Richard the importance of keeping the artist happy, and that meant being invisible as much as possible. Dave did say that having Richard play earlier had sped up the setup process significantly, and he was appreciative of that.

As Irina played for the sound check, Richard wondered if they'd really need all five evening sessions. It seemed like a long time just to record an hour of music.

When Irina finished playing, he paused the tapes, and cued up the main tape so Irina could listen to the playback. There seemed to be so many things to remember, what with the time sheets and playbacks and levels. I hope I don't screw this up!

Irina made the short walk from the stage to the makeshift control room, and Jarrett invited her to sit in the listening chair. When she was ready, Richard started the tape. While Jarrett and Dave took turns standing behind Irina, Richard sat still in his seat, not wanting to distract his teacher.

Irina listened closely to the sound check, and then nodded when it was finished.

"Yes, that is very nice. But something is not..." She paused.

"Yes?" Dave urged.

"I don't know what it is. What do you think, Richard?" Irina asked, turning to him.

"I like it," he said, concealing his surprise at having been asked his opinion. "On that last playback, though, I was wondering if there was a little too much ringing. Some parts seemed slightly washed out. Like here," he said, flipping to a spot in the score.

"Yes, that is what it is," Irina said slowly, nodding thoughtfully.

"I didn't know if it was the pedal or something," Richard said.

Irina frowned. "I could change that, but here I do not use the pedal and it still sounded that way."

"Let me make a microphone adjustment," Dave said. "It may be that the sound has a touch too much reverb from the hall. We can try it and listen to it."

Richard followed Irina and Dave out to the stage. Irina sat and played again, as Dave moved the microphones slightly lower and closer to the piano.

"Play for a few more minutes and then we'll listen."

Richard hurried to the control room to start the tapes, not needing to be told.

After Irina finished the same section, the verdict in the control room was that it was an improvement.

"Is that better?" Irina asked, as she came in.

"Listen and see," Dave said evenly, not wanting to color her opinion.

Irina smiled and sat in the chair. Again she listened intently.

Dave had explained the importance of getting the sound just right to Richard as they had adjusted the microphones and settings for the past few hours. Any regrets would be easier to fix now rather than later, he had explained. Richard was glad they were getting close to having things set.

"Excellent," Irina proclaimed as the section finished. "That seems to help, and I also will be careful not to overplay on those parts. I think that this is even better than our last CD."

"Good!" Dave said.

"A short break, and then we'll begin?" Jarrett suggested.

"I am ready now," Irina countered.

"Even better, then!" Jarrett said.

Richard took his place, and readied the tapes as Jarrett flipped the score back to the first movement. There was a sudden optimistic excitement in the room, as the session prepared to start in earnest.

"Richard, if you hear anything amiss, just say so," Jarrett said. "Don't be shy."

Dave laughed from his chair on Jarrett's other side. "Yeah, Jarrett needs all the help he can get!"

Richard tried not to laugh, out of respect. Even Jarrett chuckled a little, however, so Richard did as well. Dave and Jarrett were very laid back, and constantly cracking jokes. Even Irina seemed less formal at the session, Richard thought. Then again, we haven't started recording.

After checking that everything was ready for the last time, Dave gave Richard the go ahead, and he started the tapes. Jarrett checked with Irina to see that she was ready, and then spoke into the microphone again.

"Sonata, movement one, take one."

Here we go, Richard thought, a rush of excitement flashing through him.

Being tired from the first two late night recording sessions didn't mix well with Dr. Dobra's class, particularly with Richard seemingly called on to sing every in-class sight singing example.

While Dobra usually spread the torture around the class, keeping meticulous track in that annoying ledger of his, this week he had been focusing only on a few students. Richard noted with some disgust that he was in a select group that included Ethan Deerfield, who came to class about fifty percent of the time, and usually late at that. Richard had no idea how Ethan was still in the class.

Richard groaned as Dr. Dobra called him to the board.

"I guess it's 'Pick-on-the-class-retards' week," he whispered to Sandra, as he slowly got up.

She just offered him a sympathetic smile.

"Richard. Please write up on the board what I play on the piano," Dr. Dobra said.

Richard grimaced, tempted to write up 'What I Play On The Piano'. While the class would probably find it funny, he doubted Doberman would.

Usually everyone was allowed to work at their desks and then put up their work when called on. It was only when Dr. Dobra felt like making an example of someone that he had them go through the whole process in front of everyone. If he wasn't so tired, Richard might have been angry.

Despite a general fuzziness in his ears from the hours of intense listening the evening before, he made sure to listen carefully to the starting note and key that Dobra offered. Not doing so was deadly, as he had learned on his midterm.

Unfortunately, Dobra chose a difficult example, and Richard struggled with the melody. The three plays of the melody flew by before he could grasp at the notes. His memory of the tune faded quickly amid thoughts of sleep.

Blinking and looking at the board, he stifled a yawn as he tried to fill in the gaps in what he had written.

At last, he put the chalk down. "That's all I can do," he said.

Richard didn't have to look at Dobra's face to know that he wasn't impressed.

"I see," Dobra said simply. "Sandra, can you help Richard out?" he called to her.

Sandra came up to the board, and picked up the chalk from the tray. She gave Richard another sympathetic look, before fixing and completing the melody he had started. In a few places she hummed to herself, checking an interval or rhythm. She didn't even bring her paper up.

Richard didn't even know if she was right. He had forgotten the melody already.

"Yes, yes. Excellent, Sandra. You even caught the triplet rhythm there, yes," Dr. Dobra praised.

His tone of voice with her is always so different. Bastard... Richard thought.

Dobra stood a moment longer admiring her work as if it were a fine painting.

It's just a fucking dictation, man!

"This is the type of thing we will be seeing on the final," he announced. "It's a little trickier than what we've been doing so far, so please examine it carefully. We will have a quiz next week. See you on Wednesday."

As Richard and Sandra started towards their seats to collect their things, Dr. Dobra signaled to them.

"Richard, Sandra, I need to speak with each of you for a moment. Er, do either of you have class right after this?"

"I don't," Sandra said.

"I do," Richard said.

"Would you mind waiting outside while I speak with Richard first?" he said to Sandra.

"Sure," she said.

Richard felt his stomach knot up. Richard stood idly while the class exited the room. At last the door closed and all was quiet.

Dr. Dobra turned from his ledger and looked at Richard seriously.

"I won't keep you long. I am strongly recommending that you find someone to help you with your ear training and sight singing. I never see you come to my office hours. Your performance since the midterm has not been that great."

"It's only been a week," Richard said. "I'm working on it."

Dr. Dobra seemed to see through Richard's words. "Only a week ... Only ... How many weeks are left in the semester, Richard?" Dobra made a show of counting the vertical lines in his ledger. "Five. In five weeks, you will be taking your final. I think you should consider the importance of each week that passes. You are running out of time."

Richard just nodded. It was all he could do to stay on his feet. "I'll find someone to work with. Maybe Sandra can help me."

Dobra frowned. "Perhaps. But you should probably choose someone who is..." He paused, and then waved his hand vaguely. "I am giving you as many opportunities to practice in class as I can. Clearly, you need to put more time in than that."

"Okay, I will."

Dr. Dobra gave Richard a long stare, and then nodded. "Please tell Sandra to come in, when you leave."

Richard gathered his things, and then left the room without a backward glance.

Sandra stood up from the chair she was waiting in. "Everything all right?" she asked, concern on her face. Richard's face was drawn, and his eyes were heavy.

"Um, not really. He says I need to get help with ear training. Sounds like if I don't get my act together I'm not going to do well in the class. As in not pass the class."

"Oh no. Do you have to go to his office hours?"

"No way!" Richard said quietly, showing what emotion he could muster. "Let's talk later. You better get in there, or he'll be pissed."

"Okay. I'll see you after your English class?"

"No, I'm cutting, and going to go sleep. I'm about to pass out."

Sandra looked at him for a long moment, and then caressed his arm. "Okay."

"Come find me after you talk with him," Richard said.

"You'll be sleeping."

"No, you probably won't be in there long. Just come, please?"

"All right, I will."

Sandra smiled and slipped into the classroom, closing the door. Dr. Dobra was seated at the piano, playing some chords.

"You wanted to see me?" she asked, approaching the crook of the piano.

"Yes, Sandra."

"Is it about Richard?"

Dr. Dobra frowned. "Richard? No, no. It's about you. I was really impressed by your dictation skills today. Well, all semester really, but today's example was challenging, for sure. You seemed to have no trouble with it."

"I guess."

"You're too good to be in this class. I wanted to see if you were interested in moving up to the higher level class I am teaching."

"Um, I don't know. Don't I need to take the four semesters consecutively?"

Dr. Dobra smiled. "No, not necessarily. Did you take a theory placement exam when you came to audition?"

"I think so."

"Odd. They should have placed you in a higher class from the start. Well, it doesn't matter. You could still move up now, if you want to. You would finish your theory requirement a year earlier, which means you could go on to higher levels, or pursue other classes. It's a good idea; I strongly urge you to consider it."

"But ... won't I be missing a year of the basics?"

"I don't think you need it. Here, let's try something, just to be sure. Write down this melody. Key of A flat, in four-four."

Sandra hurried to the board and translated the details into music symbols.

"First note is middle C."

Dr. Dobra played a melody. It was longer and much more complex than the example from the class, and at first Sandra felt a little lost.

Instead of rushing to guess at the melody, though, she considered it carefully in her head. She replayed it, feeling the intervals and how they led through an imaginary accompaniment.

Dr. Dobra watched carefully. "Do you need more time before I play it again?" he asked, after she hadn't written more than the starting note.

"No, I just need to hear it once more."

Dr. Dobra nodded and played the melody again. This time it clicked for Sandra and she started to write. In a few moments, she had the first phrase notated. The second phrase started the same way, but then ... She needed the third listen.

Dr. Dobra played it once more, and Sandra finished writing the melody on the board. He watched as she put the last note in place, and nodded slowly.


"Is that even close?" Sandra asked.

"Oh yes, very close. There is just one mistake. Completely trivial, but you forgot a flat on your key signature."

Sandra frowned, and then laughed. "Oops." She added the fourth flat to the staff.

"Which is, of course, irrelevant," Dr. Dobra added, his voice excited. "Amazing. You are completely wasting your time in this class. That's an example of the melodies we do in fourth semester theory classes, and the students in there find it difficult."

Dr. Dobra sat at the piano again, with some excitement. "Here, try this harmonic dictation. Er, B-flat. Four-four. Four voices." He looked at Sandra with narrowed eyes.

"Um, okay, I'll try, but..."

She drew out the double staves with clefs and two flats on each, feeling a little nervous.

Dr. Dobra played the progression slowly. Sandra split her listening up between the voices, trying to capture the music and transform it into a chorus singing their parts. The bass part rises there, contrary to the melody ... The inner voices are in parallel here ... Ends on the ... five chord? Yes, there's a lack of resolution...

"Is it too..." Dr. Dobra began to say after she stood still for a long moment without writing anything.

"Shh!" Sandra reacted before thinking. "Oh, sorry!" she squeaked, realizing she had just shushed a teacher.

Dr. Dobra waved her apology away and pointed to the board eagerly.

"I need to hear it again," she said.

"Well, of course!" Dr. Dobra said, and he played the chords again.

Sandra began to write. It was like she had a chorus at her command inside her mind. She told each section to sing its part a few times, and she merely copied down what they sang.

Dr. Dobra rose up from the piano bench slowly, and stood by her side as he watched her place the notes along the staff.

Sandra felt a little strange with him standing so close, but she finished the notation, filling in the last few gaps in the inner voices.

Dr. Dobra was speechless for a long moment as he examined the work. At last he turned to her.

"You've never had theory training?" he asked quietly.


"You got it right," he said simply. "I don't know how, but with only two listens, you got every note correct, even here. Do you even know what this chord is called?" he asked her, pointing to the penultimate beat.

"Um, no. I guess it's ... F-sharp seventh?"

Dr. Dobra laughed gently. "Well, yes and no. I can tell that you haven't had training. You have the notation of someone who has not been trained. Which is to be expected, of course! But your ear is exceptional."

"So if it's not an F-sharp seventh, then what is it?" Sandra asked, ignoring Dr. Dobra's praise.

"It doesn't matter for now. The terminology will be something you need to learn. But in a way, you don't need it."

"What do you mean?" Sandra asked.

"Many people learn to recognize things through the terms they have learned. We spend weeks at a time here at Wexford drilling into people what this and that chord, interval, progression, et cetera, is ... What they sound like. The hope is that they when they hear that same chord later, whether on the final exam or in their careers, they will say, 'Ah! A such-and-such chord! I know how that fits in this key.' And then they can spell out the notes."

Dr. Dobra pointed out the chord they had just been discussing. "Most students in my fourth semester class will hear this progression, and recognize that there's an augmented sixth chord there. Then they will back out, and think of which notes spell an augmented sixth chord in this key. They'll write it down. Sometimes ... But there's a big separation between the music and the product, see? Since they learned exactly what an augmented sixth chord means, once they recognize it, they don't need to hear the individual notes. So in a way, they are regurgitating things from rote and repetition."

"That's not really what I did," Sandra said slowly. "I don't even know what that chord is."

"Exactly! Which shows me that you have a really good ear. It makes sense that you are a singer, since you wrote down everything in melodic fashion, rather than each chord at a time."

"I guess I do hear these things as melodies that are intertwined," Sandra said.

"Yes, yes. Now, I think with a little extra catch up work, you could easily skip two semesters of theory. Basically, you just need to learn some of the conventions, and then you'll be right on track." Dr. Dobra said. "Ahead of track, to be honest," he added, pointing to the board.

"Like what conventions?"

"This chord we were talking about should really have a G-flat in the bass, rather than F-sharp."

"Isn't that the same thing?" Sandra asked, frowning.

"Ah, no. If you were singing in the key of C, would it be the same if all the Cs were written as B-sharps? Same note, of course, but..."

"Hmm. I guess ... But in this case, the note isn't even in the key, so how do you even decide?" Sandra asked.

"I know, Sandra," Dr. Dobra said, chuckling. "In some ways, the music transcends all this nonsense. Like I said already, you don't really need it. Terminology serves to bridge the gap between music and notation for us lesser mortals. But it also serves to let us talk about music on common ground. As you encounter more complex music, terminology can make a difference in interpretation. A C-sharp going up is not the same pitch as a D-flat going down, unless you play the piano."

"Mmm..." That made sense to Sandra, from her singing experience. She took a deep breath. "So would I switch classes now, or next semester?"

"I think now would make sense. Otherwise you will waste your time here for another month. Are you free from three to four during the week?"

"Um, yes, except Friday."

"Perfect. The class runs Monday through Thursday."

"Oh ... So it's twice as many classes?"

"No, no, you'll switch out of the analysis class too. They go hand in hand. I think that is the class where you will actually need to make up more ground, since it is more technical in nature. You'll need to learn the chord names and inversions and such. I don't anticipate any problems at all in the ear training and sight singing class."

"Oh, okay. How will I make up the material, though?"

"I'll be happy to meet with you weekly to catch you up on what you need. A little work now, and you will save yourself a year of theory classes," Dr. Dobra said.

"What about the final exam?" Sandra asked. "I mean, I only have four or five weeks. All the material will be new."

Dr. Dobra smiled. "Don't worry about the final. I'll take into account the switch, of course. Besides, five weeks is a lot of time. I'm sure we can cover plenty of ground in that time."

Sandra nodded. "Wow ... So do I need to do anything with the registrar?"

"I'll go down there now and switch you over, so don't worry about it. Just come to class here at three instead of one, from now on."

"And what about meeting for review?"

"Let me look at my schedule and I'll let you know tomorrow."


"Good. Are you okay?" he asked.

"It's a little overwhelming," Sandra admitted.

"Don't worry. You will be fine. I promise," Dr. Dobra said.

Sandra pushed the door open to her room. Emily was at her desk, working out chord progressions.

"Hey. How was class?" Emily asked.

"Fine. Dobra picked on Richard again."

"That sucks. Is Richard all pissed off?"

"No," Sandra said. "He's sleeping. I just went to his room, and he was out cold. Too many late nights at the recording session."

"And not with us," Emily lamented. "But I know how much he wanted to do this, it being his teacher and all."

"So Dobra wants me to move up two semesters in theory classes," Sandra announced.

"Really? That's way cool. How did that happen?"

"He gave me a little test after class, and then offered. He said I was too advanced for first semester theory."

"That's pretty sweet. You'll be done with theory after this year then. Wish I could do that!"

"It's going to be work, though. I have to learn all this extra stuff I'll be missing in the jump."

"Still, you take a year of those classes off your requirements."

"Yeah, that's what Dobra said too."

"Richard will miss you, though," Emily said. "Sounds like you're the only reason he still suffers through the hour."

"Yeah, I thought of that," Sandra said with a sigh. "But Dobra said I was wasting my time, and if I switch now, I can get credit for the upper level class right off the bat. Well, I'm going to go practice, so we can hopefully all eat dinner before Richard heads out to the recording tonight."

"I can move downstairs if you want to practice in the room," Emily offered.

"Nah, I'll go find a room in the building. Thanks, though. See you later."

Richard wiped the sleep from his eyes as he tried to figure out what that noise was. As his ears opened up from sleep, the whooshing sounds became soft raps on his door. He glanced outside, surprised to see that it was getting dark. He shot up in panic, worried that he'd slept through the time when Dave was going to pick him up.

"Who is it?" he called frantically, peering at his watch as he pulled his pants on.

"It's us!" Emily said.

Luckily there was still a half-hour until he was meeting Dave in the lot.

"Dinner time," Sandra added.


Richard threw on his shoes, grabbed his keys and stumbled to the door.

"Good morning," Emily said cheerily.

"Yeah, right," Richard said. "I wish it was morning. I still feel beat."

"You probably need some food in you," Emily said, and pulled him out of the doorframe.

"I thought I overslept."

"We wouldn't let you do that!" Emily said.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks."

"Come on. There's not that much time."

Richard nodded and followed the girls to the stairwell. On the walk to the cafeteria, he noted that Sandra was rather quiet.

"Sorry I fell asleep," Richard said to her once they had found some food and a table.

"You looked like you needed it. I figured you'd be out before you hit the bed," Sandra said.

"Yeah, I was. Man, this recording thing is a lot of work! Mostly we just sit there and listen, but it's still intense. I have to concentrate to make sure everything gets notated, and the tapes are working, and Jarrett also has me helping him keep an eye on the music, and ... Well, I've told you all this already."

"Are you still enjoying it?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, it's really interesting," Richard said. "It's a little hard to see the final product, just because there's so much jumping around covering different sections of the music. It seems like a weird way to record, but that's the way it's done, I guess."

"You seem really tired, though," Emily said.

"I am. I could barely stay awake in Dobra's class today. Hey, what did he want with you?" Richard asked Sandra.

Sandra hesitated a moment. "He wants me to move up to a different class."


"Yeah. He thinks this class is too easy for me."

"Hmm. Are you going to do it?"

"I think so."

"Oh no! You're leaving me alone with him?" Richard exclaimed, trying to laugh.

Sandra slumped a little. "I know, I know. But he thought I should move to the third semester class. I'd finish my theory requirement a year earlier that way."

"Third semester? Whoa! How are you going to learn all the stuff you are skipping?"

"He's going to help me learn it outside of class."

Richard frowned at her. "What?"

"Like in office hours. He'll teach me what I need, from the two semesters I am skipping."

"That sounds weird."

"Why?" Sandra asked him.

"Because he's doing nothing to help me. But with you, you know..." Richard shrugged dramatically.

"With me what?" she pressed.

"I don't know. All I remember is what Jenna said about him and pretty girls."

"You think he's doing this because of that?" Sandra asked, frowning.

"I don't know. I mean, either you're ready to move up, or you're not. But now you have to have all these teaching sessions with him? Sounds like he's up to something. Do you think you can handle the material, anyway? That's a lot of stuff you have to cover. Just today he was telling me how little time is left in the semester."

"He promised that I wouldn't have to worry about the grade on the final. He said he'd help me out."

"God, that sounds like such a set up!" Richard said darkly.

"Richard, come on! He thinks I can do it," Sandra said. Her voice was a bit heated. "I don't see why you think this is about my looks."

"How come he's only nice to you? He has this total reputation for being a dick. Everyone knows it. Everyone says he's got a soft spot for good looking female students. I mean, what happens when you get to the end of semester and you can't do well on the final? Is he going to get weird on you? Blackmail you for a good grade?"

She watched Richard open-mouthed. "I can't believe this!"

Emily was quiet until then. "Richard, maybe you should..."

"Emily, stay out," he said. "I just think this is a bad idea. It just seems really convenient for him. I don't see Jonathan, or whatever his name is getting asked to move up, and he does just as well as you in class."

Sandra was distraught. "Richard," she pleaded.

"What? I'm just saying ... It sounds really weird."

He took his last bite of food. Emily was just looking at him. Sandra appeared on the verge of tears, as she fidgeted with her utensils and stared at her plate.

"I just think it's strange," he added, a little less excited. "That guy is a dick. I don't trust him."

"Maybe if you spent some time actually working on the class material, you'd feel differently," Sandra said quietly.

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Opus OneChapter 7 Theme and Variations

Sandra poured the last of the second wine bottle into Emily's glass. She thought it would help slow Emily down, but she seemed to get better at playing games the more she drank. The game of choice for the evening was admittedly puerile. Emily had voted for Trivial Pursuit. Sandra had voted for Spit. She was in the mood for something less cerebral, and mention of it the night before had stuck with her. Richard broken the tie in Sandra's favor. After the vote, Emily rolled her...

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Opus OneChapter 8 Allegro

Richard woke up quite late, and he was the first to stir. For a moment, he was startled by his location. He figured he would have gone back to his room last night after a brief snooze. Instead, it was late morning. Emily was still beside him, but Sandra had moved to Emily's bed and was sleeping soundly. Richard grinned as he saw the remains of the evening strewn about the room. Playing cards were scattered on the floor, clothes sat in little piles, and two empty wine bottles stood on the...

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Opus OneChapter 9 Gigue

Dr. Eugene Dobra was everything rumor made him out to be. He walked in at exactly one o'clock. Richard and Sandra had just found two seats in the back corner together, hardly having greeted each other when he asked for silence. "Take out some staff paper," he said. He sat at the piano in the front of the room as people shuffled through their bags for the paper. Richard borrowed a sheet from Sandra. When the rustling and whispering had settled down, Dr. Dobra nodded. "Please write...

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Opus OneChapter 10 Courante

Only one hour, forty-three minutes and thirteen seconds to go. This job sucks! Richard took his watch off and flipped it face down onto the desk. Otherwise I'll just be staring at the fucking thing all night. Strains of music drifted into the lobby from the practice rooms on the lower floor. Trumpet lines, repeating endlessly, were punctuated by bursts of percussion. The bright fluorescent lights overhead hummed slightly. He wished he could dim them; they were making his eyes...

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Opus OneChapter 12 Sarabande

(A few days later... ) Fuck! Not only had Jer been obliviously loud when he woke up to go wherever the hell he went, but now Jer's alarm was going off. And he was long gone. Rock music was trying to squeeze out through the small speakers of his clock-radio. Did he not see me sleeping in my bed? Fucking idiot. Richard felt around on his desk, found a hefty book, and lofted it across the room. It hit the radio with a clunk, and for a moment the thing spat a curse of static at him....

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Opus OneChapter 13 Quartet

Allison was falling in love. Over the last few hours of being with Emily, Sandra and Richard, she had started feeling something she hadn't felt for many years. It had always been there, but now it was thrust into the forefront of her thoughts. As she drove her rental car back towards the city, she took a glance at Richard. He looked tired as he stared out of the passenger side window at the dusky fields. Allison cast her mind back to a warm summer day eight years ago. "Allison, look,...

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Opus OneChapter 14 Duets

"I'm going to do some theory homework down in the lobby," Emily said to Sandra. The two of them had just returned to their room after seeing Allison to her car. Richard was stopping at his room for a moment before coming up. There was talk of getting together again with Allison, but she was flying back to Melbourne in a few days. In case it didn't work out, they had said their goodbyes. Allison had seemed sad to leave them, but she had to get up early to start some...

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Opus OneChapter 15 Mit inniger Empfindung

Irina took a deep breath, wondering where to begin. It wasn't that he was doing something wrong, but rather that he wasn't progressing like he should. This was his fourth — no, fifth lesson now, and over the last few weeks he seemed to be less ... prepared. He had gained some expression in certain aspects of his playing, but technically he seemed underpracticed and a little sloppy. She had checked with Eric in financial aid to see that Richard was not somehow being asked to work too much...

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Opus OneChapter 16 Langsam

Richard had a dull headache. It was the last thing he needed today. He was late to his meeting with Dave, having fallen asleep after turning off his alarm. Five minutes ago, he was supposed to take his last training test. If he passed, he would be ready to record student recitals on his own. As he ran down the stairs, buttoning his shirt, he paused on the second floor landing. I did say I'd come find them for breakfast, he thought. He really didn't have time, though, so he continued down...

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Opus OneChapter 17 Serenade

"Those are some big speakers!" Sandra exclaimed, as they entered the recording control room. Richard grinned. "So size does matter then?" he asked suggestively. Emily and Sandra just gave him a look before peering through the window to the concert hall. A cellist was practicing with a pianist. "Wow, the view is really good from up here!" Emily said. "Yeah. It sounds good, too," Richard said. He flipped on the power amplifiers and then brought up the faders for the hall...

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Opus OneChapter 18 Intermission

"Valery, get the door, will you?" Boris bellowed from his office upon hearing the bell ring. Valery took his time as he wound his way through the stacks of furniture and frames. Reaching the front entry of the shop, he pulled open the heavy door and then spoke across the bars of the security gate. "Can I help you?" Valery said. The man smiled slightly. "I don't speak Russian." "No English," Valery replied. "Eh ... name?" "Harvey Mitchell." Valery held up his index finger to...

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Opus OneChapter 19 Mazurka

Richard was in the middle of practicing sight-singing for his midterm exam when someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Sandra pushed the door open and came in smiling. "I got our recital slot!" she said excitedly. "Oh, sorry, are you studying?" she asked, noticing the open book. Richard folded it closed. "I guess. I'm done though." "Are you ready?" Richard shrugged. "It's sight singing. Who the hell knows? It depends on what he picks." Sandra nodded. "You usually do all...

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Opus OneChapter 21 Canon

Richard was painfully nervous when he knocked on Sandra and Emily's door. He heard talking as he leaned close to the door, but there was no answer after he knocked. Only silence. "Sandra, Emily. Open up, please. I need to talk to you," Richard called through the door. There was another silent moment, and then Richard heard the door unlatch. Emily pulled it open, and slipped out into the hallway. "She's pretty upset right now," Emily said quietly. "I know. I feel really bad. I...

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Opus OneChapter 22 Traurig

Emily woke up suddenly out of a miserable dream. The quiet of the darkness was loud in her ears. Where am I? She tried to flex some of the tension out of her crooked-feeling body. Stiff muscles complained at being asked to relax. For a few moments, she was still in her dream. The horn studio had been filled with people practicing right next to each other, each playing louder and louder to hear themselves. She was looking for someone. She couldn't remember who that was, after a while, and...

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Opus OneChapter 23 Moderato

"He's actually going to come," Emily said distantly, as she replaced the receiver. "Oh, that's great!" Sandra chirped, giving her a little hug. Richard just smiled through a mix of emotions. Every positive thing would help Emily. It was easier to smile than he thought. Last night, when he had reached the point where he had to decide what he would do about Emily's confession, he was distraught. It would have been so easy to give in to the feelings of disappointment and betrayal that...

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Opus OneChapter 25 Hymn

"I can't believe finals are just a week away," Richard said, as he walked to the conservatory building alongside Sandra and Emily. "I know. This semester just flew," Sandra agreed. "That also means we're just a couple of weeks away from break," she added, pouting. "I know. Too bad we can't find an excuse to all stay here," Emily said. "We thought a few days at Thanksgiving was tough..." "I'll probably be coming back a week before classes start," Richard said. "Really?"...

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Opus OneChapter 26 Rhapsody

The morning was bright and quiet when Richard woke up. The muted sound of a car passing made him wonder if it had snowed over night. From the kitchen, he heard his dad answer the phone. He couldn't figure out who it was at first. When he heard him talking about music, he realized it was Sandra. He considered getting up, but decided to wait for the phone to come to him. He checked his watch, surprised at the lateness of the hour. I guess I have to get up, he realized. He made his way out...

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Opus OneChapter 27 Romanza

"Surprise!" Richard stood in the doorway, dumbfounded. His mouth moved, but he made no sound. Then he ran out and hugged her, lifting her off the ground and swinging her around on the patio. When he started feeling dizzy, he let her down gently and kissed her long and hard. She giggled when he finally let her breathe. "Happy to see me?" "Am I ever!" "Told you I was sending you something." "But ... How did you get here?" "My dad had some business at Lincoln Center. He chose...

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Opus OneChapter 28 Interlude

"Bob, come away from that goddamn thing!" Betty called out from the back door. "Just another minute," he said. "The light is on again." Bob grinned as he heard Betty's footsteps tapping across the patio stones. "What's happening?" she asked. "Nothing yet." "Let me see," she urged. Bob moved aside. "Lights out," she said, straightening up. Bob crouched down, confirming her observation. "Oh well," he said, and started putting things away. He turned to find Betty...

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Opus OneChapter 29 Rondo

"So what's the plan for this weekend?" Emily asked, startling Richard. She had been napping. Richard looked up from Emily's desk. Sandra was also stirring. He had imposed a mandatory nap the last few days, since sleep had been minimal. It was appearing to work, since moods were shifting towards the positive over the past few days. "Well ... Arlene gets here tomorrow..." Richard said vaguely. "We know that!" "Sorry. My head is still in this chord analysis." Richard closed the...

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Opus OneChapter 30 Recitative and Aria

Sandra took another drink of water as Mr. Menlos reprimanded another hapless student for not cueing her in during the aria. After forgetting Mr. Menlos's instructions about being strict to the conductor's indications, Sandra had finally started being particular about following all cues. She would enter incorrectly when given the wrong beat, and not enter at all when the cue was missed. Between that, and the thrill of singing with an orchestra for the first time, she was enjoying herself...

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Opus OneChapter 31 Lacrimosa

Richard shook himself out of his stupor as he saw Emily taking Sandra into her arms on the floor. "What happened?" Emily asked repeatedly, but Sandra just stared off wildly in shock, breathing in ragged spurts. She was barely able to breathe, let alone talk. Richard picked up the phone from the floor. "Cosa sta succedendo?" his father asked, coming closer to Sandra. Richard ignored him. "Hello?" "Hello? Who is this?" the voice asked urgently. "This is Richard." "Oh, Richard...

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Opus OneChapter 32 Schwer betont

Gary Menlos scanned the rehearsal room from his usual back corner spot. "Mark," he said, nodding his head at the principal cello player. "Go ahead. Take it from the beginning." Mark set his cello aside and walked up to the podium with his baton. Gary waited as Mark flipped the score back to the first page. He looked around again, surprised at the turnout. A number of string players had shown up for the practice orchestra. He had hinted yet again, at the last full orchestra rehearsal,...

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Opus OneChapter 34 Nocturne

Richard was grinning ear to ear as he stood next to Sandra and Emily in the green room. The audience had been larger than any of them had expected, and so was the crowd that lined up to greet them. Many Wexford students had come, including the violinist Jeff, for whom Sandra would be conducting in the fall. As promised, beside him was a mischievous looking friend who asked her to conduct for his recital as well. Sandra politely declined, eliciting a victorious fist from Jeff. Richard grinned...

2 years ago
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Octopus Man

Octopus man was a freak or nature. A very strange freak of nature. When he was born he was normal. Two arms, legs and a normal body. As he became older he discovered a strange and scary power he possessed. When he became aroused he turned into a horny eight tentacle octopus monster. The mere thought of fucking a girl could cause him to grow eight tentacle arms. The arms could grow to whatever length he wanted. They were strong. Each one capable of lifting a woman by her leg or arm...

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Octopus Man

Introduction: He looked around for new prey….. What girl would you want to be ladies? I like the jogger…..hehehe–(guys what girl would you do?) Octopus man was a freak or nature. A very strange freak of nature. When he was born he was normal. Two arms, legs and a normal body. As he became older he discovered a strange and scary power he possessed. When he became aroused he turned into a horny eight tentacle octopus monster. The mere thought of fucking a girl could cause him to grow eight...

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Chandigarh Ki Bhabhi Ko Bnaya Randi

Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...

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My maid Sheetal

I stay at Mira Road in Mumbai, which is distant suburb of the city and I am 26 years of age working for a financial firm in the city. We never had a problem getting maid servants for household work since there were many of them in this place. So much so, that there was competition and quite a few of the women were left without work. Two years ago when I moved in, I spread the word that a servant was required at my house, I got many ladies who were interested in coming and working. I was clear...

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First Semester Grad School new placenew roommat

The last few weeks before graduation everything seemed to be coming unglued and to be falling apart all around me as I was trying to study for finals, not lose my boyfriend (& to a different college...not a different girl), and keep my sanity after our place was robbed in the midnight hours as my roommate and I slept in the next rooms of the house.I got good scores on the finals and last thesis. I lost my boyfriend in that last week of school, he decided to take the scholarship-grant...

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Pussy Tales

That was a very difficult decision, but at that moment, common sense failed me and I became lost as I thought about Lorenzo’s offer          “You don’t have to have sex unless you want to.” Explained Lorenzo smiling and caressing my hands softly.             I was still speechless, and thought that possibility this was something that I could do. Finally, I decided that I would open my mind to the possibility of becoming an escort. This was unlike me. I was a wife and a mother. But none of...

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Super Sex with SM 1 First Fingering

MY TRUE SEX STORIES OF STUDENT LONG LASTING LOVE, LATE SEVENTIESFirst super sex I had as a student going steady with freshman slender sensual sexy Stella Maris.It took me a few weeks before she let me finally fondle and finger her secretly at a s1eep-over with many more students and freshmen. I didn't break her hymen, but it did break the ice. Stella Maris started to spend most nights at me. For convenience, as I lived in a dorm in old town, and for some super sex together at a regular...

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Lightning in a BottleChapter 67 Premarital Craziness

May 5, 1986 Most weekday evenings, when I didn't have to work late, I got home before Inez did. Even if she didn't have a late class, she normally got together with her study partners during the late afternoon and early evening. Jason and Valerie (who had just gotten engaged themselves) continued to be wonderfully accommodating, and gladly went along with Inez's preference not to have any late-night study sessions. This evening, I arrived home ahead of her as usual, and started to get...

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First Edition

Thanks to the Hip and Knee Doctor for editing assistance. It was four years since my wife died and three years since my kids started working on me to move. It was their contention that the family home, where they were all raised, was too big for a single man, alone. I held out for as long as I could, but knew that in the end they were right. I had no desire to live with any of my offspring and they didn't really want me any way. I have to admit that as I got older, I got more ornery. Most of...

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4 My Sisters KeeperChapter 3

When Sharon left the house without a warning or a note, I assumed it was related to the bills she'd left opened on my desk. But even if I'd guessed right, I had no idea where to go looking for her. It was too soon to call the cops... It was as I waited miserably for her to return that I realized with a start that it was Mom's birthday. The thought of losing Sharon after losing Mom, of being completely alone in the world without her, was physically painful. Waiting for her to come home was...

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Pulled Over The Road to ArmageddonChapter 7

11th of June 2017 - Old Farm Barn, Unknown Area: It was late afternoon, and William, Gabrielle, Jessica and their mother Catherine, were in shock as to what happened that morning. Gabrielle was in her mother’s arms, rocking back and forth, unable to believe that her brother could rape her like that. She couldn’t bear looking at her brother, not only because of what he did, but because he somehow made it, so her body enjoyed it. At first she hated him, but that was until her mother whispered...

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Basic TrainingChapter 4

I got to Lori's about eight-thirty the next Monday, not knowing when the two boys might show and about nine-thirty, here they came walking up her sidewalk. Lori swung the door open and they came in with the usual hellos and stuff. "So, you two've been hanging out with Greg while I was gone?" he asked. "Yeah, we kept him busy so he wouldn't feel lonely while you were setting new baseball records," I told him. "What did you do while I was gone?" he asked us. "He kinda said to ask...

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Sex Encounter At Industrial Visit

Hello, guys. This is me Rajat from Pune. I’m 21 years old. My height is 5’11. Fair complexion. So this is a true sex story which I’m gonna tell you today. It was the day when our college went to an industrial visit in some big company(I won’t mention the name) for a visit. We were excited to go there. As we reached there, I could see my sir and a Ma’am. I knew my sir but the Ma’am who was standing there wasn’t known. We all went down. Sir introduced her to us. She was the guide who would show...

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The Girl from the Diner

My name is Jeff. I am a 40 year old father of three beautiful daughters. Before you ask, I have never and never intend on having sexual relations with either of my daughters. I am Captain in my home towns Fire Department, on my off days, I run a pretty successful landscaping business, so my family and I live a pretty comfortable life. My wife left us a couple years back. She was destined to succeed in the big business world and my girls and I stood in her way. Although she didn’t completely...

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The Cave

I was lonely after having to leave town quickly to avoid some people who were not happy with me and wanted to hurt me. Normally, I would have stayed and faced these people, but under good advice and harsh punishment, I decided to get out of town. But in doing so, I had to cut ties with the very soul of my existence....everything that I existed for....my fellow worshippers!i wound up in a very rural town, hiding out in a cabin my grandmother had inherited in the mountains. There was not much to...

2 years ago
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The Twin Peaks Leverage

Introduction: Emma finds leverage on Amy Authors Note: Thank you for the feedback, everyone! I made sure to try and make some more sense in this one and hopefully you like it a lot better then the first one I wrote! Amys face rested between both of her hands as she sat directly across the table from me. Occasionally, she shifted between her hands until a small red blotch appeared on her cheeks from the pressure. Her legs were crossed delicately, whereas mine were spread apart slightly as I...

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In Love with Anthony Part 3

He started to stroke the sides of my body with his gentle touch and it was sending shivers up and down my spine. I broke our kiss and moved my lips to his neck as I gently nibbled on him and placed sweet kisses there. I heard him let out a little moan as I did this. I smiled at that knowing that I was getting him excited too. He started to move his hands lower toward the edge of my skirt and I felt myself get wetter the closer he moved. He reached the edge and worked his way up and underneath...

Love Stories
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Dear Girl from Art class

i really wish i had the courage to approach you, but then again that probably would have freaked you the fuck out since you got me so fuckin hard..it was those tight sweatpants you were wearing. You can see the outline of that thick round ass perfectly! and i can just imagine that juicy pussy your hiding from me. i played this scenario out in my head as i stared at your sexy body..just right in the middle of the teachers boring ass lecture i would walk up to you and tell you exactly how i want...

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TeamSkeetXOG Vina Sky An Aggressive Asian Fuck

This scene features petite babe Vina Sky and I hooking up for the first time. We have really fun and intense chemistry. We fuck aggressively all over the couch in a bunch of positions with my hand around her throat and spanking her at times. She cums multiple times while using a hitachi on her clit while having sex. There’s POV shot during the blowjob and when she’s riding my cock with her butt facing the camera. We then move to the bed and have sex in a few more positions before I...

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Broken In

Even though I may say it myself for a woman of forty-five I was very attractive, my figure was still 'hourglass', my breasts didn't sag, my hair contained very little grey and my face still turned men's heads. Though I had managed to stay single I had plenty of lovers for I liked sex and all my men friends knew it. It was rare for me to be alone at the weekend, but on this weekend I was alone, my current lover having been put under house arrest by his wife. I took advantage of the time to...

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A sleepover to remember

Becca, Kelsey, and Vikki have been best friends since the 3 rd grade. Even now as juniors in high school and 17 years old, they still stay the night at each other’s houses. This weekend, Kelsey and Vikki are staying over at Becca’s house. Becca’s mom had left for the weekend letting the girls have the house for the weekend. Kelsey and Vikki arrive carrying small bags with their clothes in them. Becca is a 5’6 redhead. She wears shirts that just barely hug her 34B breasts and shorts that don’t...

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Man Of The House

I was only fourteen years old when my father died in an automobile accident. My grandfather took me aside and told me that I was the man of the house now. I had no idea what that involved. I told him that I would do my best and he smiled at me. A couple of days after the funeral when things had calmed down I asked, “Mom am I the man of the house now?” Mom thought about it for a moment and said, “Yes dear! You are the man of the house now!” Being fourteen I thought that I knew...

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10 October 2008Chapter 12

Susan kissed Dan then stood, her breast slipping back into her dress and walked towards the men. Five pairs of eyes had her stripped naked and already fucking her. “Hi boys, I hope you’ve been enjoying the show that my husband and I have been showing you. Today is our fifteenth wedding anniversary and to celebrate our sexy marriage, his gift to me is giving fifteen men a blow job.” “You have a very thoughtful husband!” one said, who appeared to be the leader of the group. “Why don’t you...

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A Date With Priapus Pt 1

Jake and Hesta Banner had been married for two years, but having been so occupied with their clothing business, which was now booming, they were taking this chance to have a real honeymoon. They had promised themselves a whole four weeks of driving through Greece, a country they both wanted to see.They had never been to Greece, but both had grown up hearing about the history and the mythology. An evening class had taught Jake a workable use of the language. “The scenery alone will be worth it,"...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Pool HustledChapter 5

David Since August, I had Jimmy under surveillance. It seems that Dee is not the only girl which he is blackmailing. My team got addresses and names of the girl who lives there. Some of the girls were married and others just had boyfriends. It looked like Dee was one of his first victims. They seemed to run only a couple of girls at a time. Once Jimmy was done with them and moved onto his next victim. He would blackmail the girls out to his friends, like he did with Dee. Best we could tell,...

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Butler No MoreChapter 6

“I was told it was a Kathleen Malone. Rank, I am not sure; it wasn’t mentioned and I neglected to ask.” “Ah,” John said knowledgeably. “Kathleen? She is a disabled lady, so let’s not be too harsh on her, Elizabeth.” “What? You know her?” “Not really. Colonel Kempe asked me to sort out a different fitness test for her, because of her disability. I got that task transferred to you, my love.” “Eh? You passed a job to me, did you? And you still expect to make love with me tonight, do you? Are...

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A Girl Who Loves Sex As Much As Boys Do

I also absolutely love it when they play with me too. I'm not the 'drop dead' gorgeous type, but I'm not ugly either. I'm just a little bit chunky, but not a fatty. I have smaller breasts but sufficient to hold and fondle. So it seems that I’m just a girl who enjoys sex and fucking as much as boys do. Maybe even more so? The question I have is why does society point fingers and call a girl like me a ‘slut’? That word has a very negative connotation to it. So I ask you, isn’t that kind...

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