Opus OneChapter 17: Serenade free porn video

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"Those are some big speakers!" Sandra exclaimed, as they entered the recording control room.

Richard grinned. "So size does matter then?" he asked suggestively.

Emily and Sandra just gave him a look before peering through the window to the concert hall. A cellist was practicing with a pianist.

"Wow, the view is really good from up here!" Emily said.

"Yeah. It sounds good, too," Richard said. He flipped on the power amplifiers and then brought up the faders for the hall microphones. The cello and piano music streamed into the room.

Richard gestured for Sandra to sit in the sweet spot in front of the mixer.

"Close your eyes," he said gently, his hands gently massaging her shoulders.

After a moment, Sandra said "Mm, that feels good."

Richard pulled his hands away abruptly. "You're supposed to be listening!"

Sandra turned and gave him a little pout, but Richard just pointed to the speakers with a stern look.

Sandra listened for a while. "You can hear every detail of the cello playing," she said at last. "It's really rich."

"Box seat view, front row sound, as Dave likes to say," Richard offered.

Emily took a turn in the seat. "Can we watch concerts from up here from now on?" she asked, after listening to the music.

Richard chuckled. "If I'm recording, maybe. Dave probably wouldn't mind. As long as you don't distract me from my job."

"Oh, we would never do that," Emily said innocently, sidling up to him.

Richard looked at her levelly. "Right..."

"Are these the tapes where you found your teacher's concert?" Sandra called from the anteroom.


Emily and Richard joined her in front of the stacks of tapes. They scanned the spines, every now and then pointing out a famous name.

"Hey, look, here's a recital by my teacher!" Sandra said.

"Want to take a listen?" Richard asked.


Richard pulled the DAT tape from the shelf and brought it to the machine in the control room. He handed the J-card to Sandra, and she scanned over the program printed on it.

"Ooh, go to track eight!" she suddenly exclaimed.

Richard skipped forward on the DAT, and then turned up the volume on the mixer as the music began. Richard recognized it as the piece he had tried to accompany Sandra on when Allison had listened to them play.

Sandra sighed as her teacher made the first entrance sound so easy. "I wish I could do that..."

"Beautiful voice," Emily said quietly.

"Mm hmm," Sandra concurred.

When the piece finished, Sandra turned to Richard. "This is amazing, Richard. It's like being right there!"

"I know," Richard said. "It's cool to have access to all these tapes. Do you want to hear more?"

"Not now. I want to go play Emily's piece."

"Okay." Richard rewound the tape.

"Good evening," Dave said, startling the trio. He was grinning at them.

"Oh, hey Dave! Do you need to use the room?" Richard asked as he carefully replaced the tape in its case.

"No, no, I was just on my way home. I thought I'd see how your guests like the control room."

"Very neat," Emily said.

"Oh, Dave," Richard said suddenly, "this is Emily ... and Sandra."

"Nice to meet you," Dave said, nodding. "Have you played them the CD I lent you?" he asked Richard.

"No, I haven't yet," Richard said. He dug through his bag and pulled it out.

Dave loaded it in the player. "There are some great stories about this CD," he said, as he brought the volume up.

"The 1812 overture?" Emily said, recognizing the opening theme.

"Yeah. It's one of the CDs people use to 'test' their high-end sound systems," Dave said. He pulled the grille off one of the speakers.

"Why?" Sandra asked.

Dave fast-forwarded into the CD some, and then let it play. "The cannons," he said simply, and pointed to the speakers.

As the music reached the final climax, the cannons started going off. Sandra instinctively reached for her ears. Richard watched as the speaker cones stretched to accommodate the sharp transient and ensuing low frequencies. The whole room shook from the blasts. Richard noticed everyone bracing themselves against the onslaught of artillery.

Dave turned down the volume as the final chords sounded.

"Damn!" Emily exclaimed. "That was a little loud."

Dave laughed. "Yeah."

"Did you see the speakers moving?" Richard asked.

"Is that bad for them?" Sandra asked.

Dave shook his head. "Not unless they get damaged. That's about as loud as I'd go, though."

"What happens if you turn it up more, besides making us deaf?" Emily asked.

"Funny you should ask," Dave said, grinning. "I was at a party once, a long time ago, and the host decided he wanted to show off his new stereo system in front of fifty people. He played this CD, and got a little ... overexcited with the volume."

"And?" Richard urged.

"And when he got to the cannons, it was interesting. The speakers took the first few without problem, but then the woofer ripped out of its frame. A few more hits and it stopped moving altogether."

"How embarrassing!" Sandra said.

"Yeah, a little. The CD does have a warning on it, see," Dave said, pointing. "The host was a little ... dismayed. But after the fact, we all had a good laugh about it."

"I saw this piece live once, in a park concert by the Hudson River," Richard said. "They had some of the cannons firing from a barge out in the river, and they had to fire those early since the sound would take a few seconds to get to the audience. It was pretty cool. Like a real battle."

"That must have been fun to see. Pieces with cannons in them don't get performed very much, I'd guess," Dave said. "Well, I need to get home. Nice meeting you both."

"See you around, Dave," Richard said.

"By the way..." Dave said, turning back to the girls, "we're always looking for people to help record concerts."

"Oh, I don't think so," Sandra said, pointing to the mixing board. "Just looking at that thing makes my head spin."

"You'd learn. If Richard can do it..." Dave gave Richard a wink.

The girls laughed.

"Thanks, Dave," Richard said.

"I better go before I get in trouble," Dave said, smiling mischievously. "Goodnight."

Dave slipped out of the room.

"He's pretty laid back," Emily observed.

"Yeah, I like him. He's easy to work with," Richard agreed.

"Well, should we go try this new piece out?" Sandra asked.

Emily put her horn to her lips, and blew the opening notes of the Serenade. The first section was a horn solo.

Richard watched closely as she sounded the notes, restarting a phrase a few times when she messed up. What was fascinating was that she never depressed the valves on the horn for the entire melody.

"Cool!" Sandra said, when Emily finished the call and took the horn from her lips.

"How do you play that without pressing the keys?" Richard asked.

"Well, Britten indicates that it should be played naturally, which means all harmonics."

Richard frowned.

"Here, listen," Emily said. She played a low note on the horn, and then by adjusting only her lips and breath, she changed pitches, ascending through the natural harmonics of the instrument.

"The high ones are close together and hard to hit cleanly," Emily said, raising a brow.

Richard nodded appreciatively. "Play the prologue again," he said.

Emily shrugged and raised the horn.

We need more space, Richard thought. Her horn playing was beautiful, but it filled the small practice room too quickly, pressing in on his ears. Unfortunately the large piano room was occupied. Richard suddenly remembered that the concert hall had gone dark as they were listening to the 1812 overture with Dave. Maybe...

"I'll be right back," Richard said, as Emily finished the prologue. Before the girls could question, he was walking down the hallway.

A quick peek into the hall showed that it was still dark. Richard looked around backstage and found the light board. A few tests of the switches gave nothing, but then one switch threw on a few stage lights. Richard grinned and ran excitedly back downstairs to the practice room.

"Bathroom break?" Emily asked.

"No, change of practice room."

"Is the big piano room open?" Sandra asked.

"Not quite," Richard said, gathering his music. "Let's go."

Emily shrugged and grabbed her music and case. They followed Richard upstairs and into the stage door.

"Oh, sweet!" Emily said. "No one is here?"

"Not for now," Richard said.

"Are we allowed to be here?" Sandra asked.

"I don't know. What's the worst that can happen?"

The three of them slipped through the gap in the curtain and onto the illuminated stage. The wooden floor glowed golden and their footsteps on it echoed into the dark and empty audience seating. It seemed like every sound was amplified as they set up stands and turned pages. Emily and Sandra stood facing Richard and the piano, rather than the audience.

"Now try the prologue," Richard said to Emily.

Much better! The horn filled the hall, bathing them in rich reverberation. It was a significant improvement over the claustrophobic tightness of the practice room.

Emily responded to the setting, and played a more sensitive rendition of the opening.

"Man, it's really hard to get that right on first reading," she said, staring at the music like it was a puzzle. "But let's move on," she finally said. "I don't want to be the only one playing all night."

"It sounds great, Em, especially for a first run," Richard said. Sandra agreed.

"Thanks," Emily said. "Pastoral, or another movement?"

"Let's just read through it, and see what's in here," Richard said. He stretched, and looked at Sandra. "Ready?"

She chuckled. "Um, sure..."

Richard began to play the opening chords of the Pastoral.

None of them noticed the figure slip into the concert hall and sit in the back corner.

The rehearsal ended with Emily playing the epilogue.

"You're supposed to be offstage for that part," Richard said, pointing to the score.

Emily looked at him levelly. "I'm not moving now. Next time."

Sandra yawned. "It feels late."

Richard checked his watch. "Damn, it is late! Eleven. We should go."

"This was really fun," Emily said sincerely, as she packed up her horn. "Much more fun than my ensemble class."

"We should do a recital and play this," Sandra said suddenly.

"I don't think we give recitals in our first two years. We just have juries," Richard said.

"Yeah, I know, but we could still do a joint recital," Sandra said. "Gwen gave a recital last year and she was just a sophomore."

Richard pursed his lips. "Hmm. We could each do one piece and then do the Serenade together."

Emily nodded thoughtfully. "It would be a lot of extra work though."

"Not so much," Sandra countered. "We have juries anyway. We can each do something from that. Richard can play one of his fancy pieces..."


" ... and you could play the Hindemith you are working on, and I could do some songs, and then we play the Serenade." Sandra was clearly excited about the idea.

"But Richard will have to learn the accompaniments for us. Plus the Serenade is no easy piece," Emily said.

"Do you think your teacher would let you work on accompaniments?" Sandra asked Richard.

"Um, I don't know. I do have some ensemble requirements but I don't know if this would count."

"Can you ask? I mean, if you even want to. I know you are really busy with your regular practicing. Oh, well, maybe it is a bad idea..." Sandra finished glumly, as she remembered Richard's situation with his technique.

"Hold on, hold on," Richard said. "I'd really love to do this."

"Really?" Sandra said, brightening.

"Yes, definitely. But, let's see how things go. It might mean we have to spend more time in the practice room than in the dorm room together."

"That's okay," Emily said.

"Will you ask your teachers then?" Sandra asked them.

Richard and Emily looked at each other, and then nodded. A big smile spread across Sandra's face.

Back in the dorm room, Sandra was walking on air.

"I'm trying not to get my hopes up," she said, although it was clear that it was too late for that.

"You really want to do this, huh?" Richard noted, as he sat in the desk chair.

"Can't you tell?" Emily said, smiling at Sandra.

"My two favorite things right now are hanging out with you two, and singing. Why wouldn't I want to do both together?" Sandra asked.

"Aw, isn't that sweet!" Emily teased.

"It's the truth," Sandra said simply.

Sandra got out a piece of paper and pencil, and wrote 'Richard, Emily and Sandra's Recital' across the top.

"What would you play on it, Richard?"

Richard laughed. "Didn't know we were having the programs printed tomorrow..."

"Trying not to get your hopes up, Sandra?" Emily said.

"I can't help it!" she admitted. "At least I can pin this on my board and look at it. It will keep us motivated."

"How long is the Serenade, anyway?" Richard asked.

The girls looked at each other and shrugged. Sandra pulled out the score and started skimming through it, humming parts. Between the three of them they figured it to be perhaps twenty-five minutes long, depending on the final tempi.

"So that's perfect, if we have three other things on the program," Sandra said.

"I'd probably play my Liszt piece, then," Richard said.

"That would be awesome!" Sandra exclaimed. "How long is it?"

"It runs about seventeen minutes," Richard said.

"So does the Hindemith," Emily said.

"Well, perfect! I'll do a few songs, and that will be it. Who goes first?"

For a few moments, they considered the options.

"How about you, Sandra," Emily said, "then me, and then Richard after intermission, and then the Serenade last."

"Good, that way I'd get a break between singing," Sandra agreed. She wrote down the program.

Richard couldn't help smiling at her enthusiasm. Still, you have to start somewhere to plan a recital. Might as well be tonight.

"And also, Richard doesn't blow us all away right off the beginning," Emily added.

"What?" Richard exclaimed.

"If you are going to play the Liszt first, I wouldn't want to go right after that," Emily said matter-of-factly.

"I guess..."

Sandra passed the mockup program to Richard. He looked it over, and then laughed. "You know, Sandra, I don't think the programs that Wexford prints up have little flowers and smiley faces on them..."

"Don't give me a hard time! I'm too excited for that!" Sandra cried.

"And you're too cute not to tease right now," Richard replied with a grin.

He passed the program to Emily, who nodded in approval.

"Do you think we can do it?" Sandra asked.

"Yeah, if Mrs. T. lets me," Richard reminded her.

Sandra looked at Emily expectantly. "I'm going to be playing the Hindemith for juries anyway, so why not?" Emily said.

Sandra pinned the program up on her corkboard, and then gave Richard and Emily each a firm kiss. After turning off the room lights and switching to the dim corner lamp, she turned to them, and unbuttoned her shirt. "Get up," she commanded.

"Me?" Richard said, not moving.

"Both of you." The shirt slipped off her shoulders as Emily and Richard watched.

Sandra's shorts fell to the floor, and she stood expectantly before them in her black underwear and bra.

"Why are you both just sitting there smiling at me?" she asked.

"You're just too cute," Emily said, echoing Richard's earlier comment.

Sandra rolled her eyes and went to Richard. "Come on. Do I have to do everything tonight?"

Richard laughed richly. "Not so fast. Before I get out of this chair, it's my turn to watch."

"Your turn?" Sandra said, frowning at him. "What do you mean?"

Emily giggled in the background at Sandra's confusion.

"You two are always taking turns watching me," Richard said. "Now it's my turn."

His meaning dawned on Sandra, and her mouth fell open. "You mean, you want to watch Emily ... and me?"

Richard nodded with brow raised, a smile creeping across his face.

"Doing ... doing what?" Sandra said, voice quiet.

Richard just stared at her, unmoving. She knows, he thought to himself.

Emily, meanwhile, had moved behind Sandra, and was grinning at Richard. When she placed her hands on Sandra's bare back, Sandra jumped slightly.

"I don't know..." Sandra said.

"You don't want to?" Richard asked her gently.

"No, I do. I'm just shy."

"Shy? Why?"

"I've never done this before," Sandra said. She fluttered her eyelids as Emily ran her hands over the front of Sandra's bra cups.

"There's a first time for everything," Richard said quietly.

Sandra was already relenting under Emily's touch. She stood perfectly still with her arms at her sides, as Emily's hands traced down her tummy. Tingles exploded under her fingers, leaving a trail on her flesh.

"I don't know what to do," Sandra said weakly. She held her eyes closed, partly to avoid Richard's look, and partly in early ecstasy.

Emily's hands continued south along Sandra's smooth skin. Is she going to go all the way down and touch me? Right now?

Emily was moving so slowly ... Sandra started to tense up in anticipation. Just as her fingers crossed Sandra's bellybutton, pleasure suddenly exploded across her middle.

Richard, no fair! Sandra opened her eyes wide and looked at him.

"I'm sure you'll be all right," Richard said, grinning. "You are obviously very excited," he added, removing his hand.

Richard sat back again, and took in the sight before him. His arousal was tremendous, and nothing had really happened yet. All day he had been wondering if the kiss was just a tease, or if it was the beginning of a new facet to their relationship. He resisted the urge to join in any more, tempting as it was.

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Opus OneChapter 28 Interlude

"Bob, come away from that goddamn thing!" Betty called out from the back door. "Just another minute," he said. "The light is on again." Bob grinned as he heard Betty's footsteps tapping across the patio stones. "What's happening?" she asked. "Nothing yet." "Let me see," she urged. Bob moved aside. "Lights out," she said, straightening up. Bob crouched down, confirming her observation. "Oh well," he said, and started putting things away. He turned to find Betty...

3 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 29 Rondo

"So what's the plan for this weekend?" Emily asked, startling Richard. She had been napping. Richard looked up from Emily's desk. Sandra was also stirring. He had imposed a mandatory nap the last few days, since sleep had been minimal. It was appearing to work, since moods were shifting towards the positive over the past few days. "Well ... Arlene gets here tomorrow..." Richard said vaguely. "We know that!" "Sorry. My head is still in this chord analysis." Richard closed the...

2 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 30 Recitative and Aria

Sandra took another drink of water as Mr. Menlos reprimanded another hapless student for not cueing her in during the aria. After forgetting Mr. Menlos's instructions about being strict to the conductor's indications, Sandra had finally started being particular about following all cues. She would enter incorrectly when given the wrong beat, and not enter at all when the cue was missed. Between that, and the thrill of singing with an orchestra for the first time, she was enjoying herself...

4 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 31 Lacrimosa

Richard shook himself out of his stupor as he saw Emily taking Sandra into her arms on the floor. "What happened?" Emily asked repeatedly, but Sandra just stared off wildly in shock, breathing in ragged spurts. She was barely able to breathe, let alone talk. Richard picked up the phone from the floor. "Cosa sta succedendo?" his father asked, coming closer to Sandra. Richard ignored him. "Hello?" "Hello? Who is this?" the voice asked urgently. "This is Richard." "Oh, Richard...

3 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 32 Schwer betont

Gary Menlos scanned the rehearsal room from his usual back corner spot. "Mark," he said, nodding his head at the principal cello player. "Go ahead. Take it from the beginning." Mark set his cello aside and walked up to the podium with his baton. Gary waited as Mark flipped the score back to the first page. He looked around again, surprised at the turnout. A number of string players had shown up for the practice orchestra. He had hinted yet again, at the last full orchestra rehearsal,...

4 years ago
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Opus OneChapter 34 Nocturne

Richard was grinning ear to ear as he stood next to Sandra and Emily in the green room. The audience had been larger than any of them had expected, and so was the crowd that lined up to greet them. Many Wexford students had come, including the violinist Jeff, for whom Sandra would be conducting in the fall. As promised, beside him was a mischievous looking friend who asked her to conduct for his recital as well. Sandra politely declined, eliciting a victorious fist from Jeff. Richard grinned...

3 years ago
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Sweet Summer Serenade

As I sit at my patio overlooking the gardens and the sunset shimmering off the pool, I sit with my guitar against my body and reflect on all the passionate feelings I have had through the day. Smiling warmly, I twirl the smoke around my cigarette, breathe the smoke in deeply, and exhale as I crush it out in the ashtray. I lift my hands to the neck and strings and release myself to the music inside of me. I always speak best without words. This is my first language. As I begin a...

2 years ago
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Moonlight Serenade

It had been a long day. Bailey was tense, worn, and couldn’t sleep. She lay in bed listening to the sounds of the house. The whirring of the fan above her bed, the distant hum of the dish washer from the kitchen, and what sounded like a little storm beginning to rumble in from somewhere outside. She couldn’t stop thinking about the day. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. Maybe the day would have been okay if it hadn’t been combined with mixed feelings about David. Things had been going...

2 years ago
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Hello. Allow us to tell you the story of how we met, D’aunne and I. A story so fanciful that one would think it impossible. But rest assured, it is quite a reality. It begins and ends in Rome, upon a star-filled night, within the walls of the House of Nicolae… I came upon her in the moonlight, three stories up, overlooking the illumination that is the city. The balcony was wide and statued, and standing as she was, she fit well into the surroundings, as the only clue to her mortality was her...

1 year ago
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Octopus Man

Octopus man was a freak or nature. A very strange freak of nature. When he was born he was normal. Two arms, legs and a normal body. As he became older he discovered a strange and scary power he possessed. When he became aroused he turned into a horny eight tentacle octopus monster. The mere thought of fucking a girl could cause him to grow eight tentacle arms. The arms could grow to whatever length he wanted. They were strong. Each one capable of lifting a woman by her leg or arm...

1 year ago
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Octopus Man

Introduction: He looked around for new prey….. What girl would you want to be ladies? I like the jogger…..hehehe–(guys what girl would you do?) Octopus man was a freak or nature. A very strange freak of nature. When he was born he was normal. Two arms, legs and a normal body. As he became older he discovered a strange and scary power he possessed. When he became aroused he turned into a horny eight tentacle octopus monster. The mere thought of fucking a girl could cause him to grow eight...

4 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 34 Serenading

Look what they've done to my brain, ma! Look what they've done to my brain! Well, they picked it like a chicken bone, And I think I'm half insane, ma. Look what they've done to my song. - What Have They Done To My Song? (Melanie) It turned out that Sherry had her mother's car--she got her driver's license a few weeks earlier. Merry agreed to go with Sherry before I could offer any objection. The two girls hopped into the car and took off to the Swift residence. June noticed me...

1 year ago
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Pakathu Veetu Aunty Udan Semayana Sex

Hi friends, indru kama kathaiyil en pakathu veetirku puthithaaga kudi vantha aunty udan eppadi ellam sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vishal vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan oru kama veri piditha paiyan eppozhuthu entha pen kidaikum antha pennai nandraaga ookalam endru kathukondu irunthen. Naan salem gramathil vasithu varugiren, thinamum kama kathai padipen. En sunniayi adithu adithu athai 8” varai perithaaga valarthu vaithu...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 97

On the way to school, Jill said that she wanted to go furniture shopping on Saturday. I agreed to go out with her to see what was available. I had an idea that furnishing the bedroom, living room and getting a kitchen table as well as all the linens, dishes, silverware and all the other stuff that goes with moving into a new place was going to overtax my meager funds. It had seemed like a fortune when I got my ebay payoff, but I was beginning to realize that with the plans I had for her...

2 years ago
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Milking Time B2 Chapter 4 Ebony Jordan Part

Chapter 4: Ebony & Jordan Part 3Jordan collapsed onto her stomach after Ebony pulled out of her ass, and lay gasping, trying to catch her breath and recover, after Ebony's onslaught. Ebony reached over and spun Jordan around, so that she stood right in front of Jordan's face with her dick right level of with Jordan's mouth. Jordan screamed as Ebony pushed her huge cockhead against her lips. "No please! You can't," Jordan wailed, her cries cut short as Ebony forced her huge cock into her...

3 years ago
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The Dairy Godmother

The Dairy Godmother by Throne Artie was crashing at his buddy Joe's apartment. He had been living at his girlfriend Belinda's place, but she had tossed him out the night before. First, she accused him of being too bossy. He didn't have any good defense, mainly because it was true. Then she told him she was tired of his focus on her boobs. She said it was as if she didn't exist, above the neck, for him. Well, those knockers were magnificent, not only humongous, but also so round,...

2 years ago
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It Happened In KathmanduChapter 3

Sunday, 21st May (continued): 'Theek hai lakin apna laurda dheere se meri gaand main gusserdna kyon ki woh bahut mota hai (All right but insert your cock gently in my asshole because it is very thick.' 'Of course, ' I said. She got into gaand fuck position. I applied vaseline on her asshole. Then placing my cock on her back door I lunged forward. 'AAAAYYYYYYYIIIIIEEEEEEEE, ' she screamed as my cock was buried to the hilt inside her butt. 'SAHEBJI, I SAID GENTLY, ' she...

1 year ago
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A Dom Lets His Slave Play Pt 1

Introduction: My wife and I wrote this together. Authors Notes: This is my first story. If it is tagged improperly, I am sorry. Im new to this. Character Descriptions: Matt: 510, Average Build, Hazel Eyes, Brown Hair, 10 Cock Hanna: (Matts Beautiful and Loving Wife)5 8, Chubby Build, 220 lbs, Green Eyes, Auburn Hair, 38DDD Preface Finally, after days of dominating Hanna and telling her what to do, Matt comes to a decision. He is going to give one last command to his submissive. For the...

1 year ago
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Social Distancing Journal Entry March

This whole Coronavirus thing sucks. Working mostly from home means I see my husband way too much. I mean, we’re having awesome married couple sex — but that’s like eating pizza every day. I love it but I need variety.As readers know, I’ve also been seeing Dan too often recently. We have our adventures and we text all the time. Yesterday, I even told my guy I was going into work in the morning — but that was a huge lie as the office is closed. But I wanted to see Dan. I drove straight to his...

1 year ago
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The Moonlit Cellar

My breath caught in my throat, hearing the moans. I had been walking through the forest to clear my thoughts--I had been so horney all week!--yet it seemed I had just passed from horney to delirium. My shaft strained against my jeans.I was so sex-starved that I was hearing the soft whimpers of a woman making love, out here in the middle of a forest. By myself.My extended family came to visit and were staying in my house. I hadn’t been able to jerk off at all, with all of them buzzing...

4 years ago
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Tales From Helena Ch 4

As Staci reviewed the details for her next appointment, she couldn’t resist looking down her long, slender, tanned legs to what she considered her ultimate demonstration of how she had finally turned the corner. Gleaming up at her from her dainty (euro) size 36 feet were her first ever pair of “Jimmy Choo” shoes. The beautifully sculpted, 4 inch heeled, Amada leather peep-toe pumps made her feel deliciously decadent and, to her, were well worth every penny they had cost. Even the figure...

3 years ago
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My MILF Neighbor

One of my best friend’s mothers is about 42 or 43 years old and is absolutely gorgeous. She is about 5′ 7″, with long, smooth legs, and perfect breasts that are not too big not too small. They are natural looking, so they look perfect. She is the typical blonde stacked soccer mom who everyone wants to fuck in the neighborhood. She is a gardener and takes extra care of her bushes in front of her house and her gardens in the backyard.What was odd was she was such a knockout people never...

2 years ago
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The Birthday

She was naked on the bed with a man and his son. Both were naked and it was the son's birthday and dad wanted him to be fucked by a nasty whore. She was willing to fuck this son every way she could and make his birthday special. They each had a tit in their mouth sucking as she rubbed their cocks and felt them get hard. The son had a nice big nine inch cock and dad was blessed with a much bigger one. She loved to fuck a big cock. She also loved sucking cock and making them cum deep in her...

2 years ago
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The IRoom III

And so the debate continues as to what and who I am. Many consider me a madman, a debauched villain or a new form of evil. Mayhap I am, although I embrace the fact that all great innovators have shouldered such criticism. I prefer the term pathfinder or counselor, seeking out truth and guiding those in need to it…to allow them to grasp their true destiny and become the people they were meant to be. Picture if you will the simple place of enlightenment. A room of minimal possessions…twelve feet...

3 years ago
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Erotic story of BINITA 01

Chapter 01: A Thakur Challenges Her WomanhoodThe marriage preparations were abruptly stopped. As usual, there was no provocation for it beyond a sharp exchange of words, and egos were bruised on all sides. The boy's father, Thakur Hari Singh, flew into a rage when his plans for the young couple's future were challenged by the girl in front of her father and other family elders.But what really set the stage for what happened next was the way in which the disagreement became a war of words. In...

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Eurotica 20 The beach the sun ndash the cave

I wrote this for a ladyfriend whom I went on to have a wild weekend with - ish!After reading it, she claimed to have rushed to her nearest pub, picked up a man and then fucked his brains out! See what you think! The sand was so white and pebble-free it could have been snow, but for the intense heat from the cloudless blue sky. The Mediterranean Sea was crystal clear, very warm and very welcoming.Mandy marvelled at the view, she was a week into her holiday with her partner and her tan was...

2 years ago
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Little Halfsister

One day me and my family went to the beach. Once there we rented out two rooms at a hotel. One room was for my dad, his girlfriend and k**s. The other for me and my older and younger sisters. My youngest sister is only my half-sister because we don't share the same mom. She was bitch and rude and one day she needs to be fucked. Now she is only 3 years younger then me and she pretty hot for her age. She has nice B-cup breast and nice hips. She isn't fat about 120 lbs and 5'4 and Mexican. ...

3 years ago
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Trip to San Diego

My wife and I were spending a winter down at Yuma, AZ at our friends' place. They had their motor home parked in their front yard and we stayed in it. It was very comfortable and saved us lots of money not having to rent a place. Even though we were getting older my wife had taken care of herself and had a great body; a nice set of 36 D breasts and a cute little ass, compared to my friend's wife who had put on lots of weight, and wasn't interested in having sex any more. My wife Maggie still...

1 year ago
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Czech VR! Step into a new world with the wonderful new bit of technology that is VR. If you haven’t tried it, then you are seriously missing out on an awesome, sexy experience when it comes to VR porn. You can be right there in the action. Hell, if you have the money you can even get one of those interactive sex toys that jerks you off in time with the videos, but even the regular experience is leagues better than those regular. boring porn videos that you’re probably still watching. And you...

VR Porn Sites
4 years ago
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A Bed Big Enough

Eric gets a call from his old friend, Joel, 55, who invites him for a visit to his rural home near Mount Shasta in Northern California. They were hippies together in the old days, with free love for all. Joel has three young girls, ages eight to ten, with his young second wife, Daisy. Joel mentions he and Daisy believed in the family bed, and Eric was free to join them if he wanted to. Eric finally found Joel’s house, at the end of a twisty long road in a very small community near Mount...

2 years ago
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Incestuous LoveChapter 7

Ray fell back on the pillow, momentarily exhausted from all the sexual activity, but he stared in awe at the blonde woman, Linda, as she licked the last drops of semen from his deflating cock. Quite a transformation had taken place, as she wasn't at all like the woman Valerie had described when calling that afternoon. Valerie knew how to pick them all right. The sexual potential had been there, and they had all succeeded in bringing it out. Linda was wild and wanton and wonderfully sexy. And...

3 years ago
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Revenge With Friends

I met Kat at work two years ago. She was 22, 18 years younger than I, but we had a connection from her first day. I was the owner at a small ad agency, and she enjoyed flirting with, and later dating the boss. She was so pretty and alive, with an amazing body. She didn't dress slutty, but her curves were never hidden in the sundresses she wore all summer or the sweaters she wore in the winter. Things moved fast, she had moved in with me after four months, and I married her 6 months after...

1 year ago
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The Interview

I've had a few kinky adventures in my time, I once went for an interview which was arranged through a friend of ours. It was for a small firm and the job I was applying for was supervisor. I was really fed up with the job I was in so I wanted to make an impression. Our friend had told me that the manager of this little company fancied himself as a lady’s man, and if I wore the right type of clothes, the job would probably be mine. He had a little office just off the M61, about 18 miles from...

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