Opus OneChapter 11 Andante
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Only one hour, forty-three minutes and thirteen seconds to go.
This job sucks!
Richard took his watch off and flipped it face down onto the desk. Otherwise I'll just be staring at the fucking thing all night.
Strains of music drifted into the lobby from the practice rooms on the lower floor. Trumpet lines, repeating endlessly, were punctuated by bursts of percussion.
The bright fluorescent lights overhead hummed slightly. He wished he could dim them; they were making his eyes hurt.
Richard flipped through his sight singing book, trying to find something to prepare for the next class with Dr. Dobra. There were endless examples that the Doberman could pick from. I suppose that's the point. If we practiced them, it wouldn't be 'sight' singing.
He wished he had brought something better to do. It was either read The Elements of Style for his English class, or start sight singing in the lobby. Neither prospect was very appealing to him. He really wanted to be back in the dorm.
Bzzt. At last, something to do! Richard checked the monitor, and saw a girl with a violin case at the back door. Richard pressed the button to let her in, and watched her enter. Then the screen was still again. He hoped that she would walk down to his end of the hall, but it was unlikely. Usually people took the stairs by the back door to reach the practice rooms. Since Sandra and Emily had left, human contact had been limited to a few people using the front door, and one phone call. It was a wrong number.
Richard absently picked up his watch, and groaned when he looked at it. He threw it down onto the desk in disgust.
Only one hour, forty minutes and fifty-five seconds to go.
Richard had his head down on the desktop when someone spoke.
"Hello," came the voice.
Richard sat up, disoriented. Had he fallen asleep? He eyed his overturned watch greedily. Perhaps his shift was almost over. It had to be. He hadn't looked at the watch in a long time. Ten minutes, at least...
A man of perhaps forty stood in front of the desk, watching Richard with a grin. "Long night at the front desk, huh?"
"Um, yeah, I guess," Richard answered. His hand crept towards the watch.
"Do you have keys to the upstairs maintenance room?" the man asked.
"Um, I don't know," Richard said. Had Mort said anything about keys? And what time is it?
"Well, you do. They're in the drawer, there," he said, pointing.
Richard pulled open the drawer. A ring of a dozen keys hung from a hook. "I don't know if I'm allowed to give these to you," Richard said.
"Are you new here?" the man said, grinning knowingly.
"I'm Dave Stanley," he said, extending his hand. "Audio recording."
"Richard." They shook hands.
"Well, if you don't feel comfortable passing over the keys, then you should give Mort a ring. Is he on call tonight?"
"Yeah, he is. What do you need the keys for?" Richard asked neutrally.
"We're doing a recording in the hall tonight, and I need the AC turned off. Maintenance was supposed to do it, but they haven't. I can't find Wilson or Steve, and we need to get going."
"What are you recording?"
"Some solo piano."
"That's what I play," Richard said.
"Do you know Maria Patrick, then?"
The name was familiar, but Richard couldn't place it. "Is she one of the teachers here?"
Dave nodded. "She's recording some solo works for a CD."
"Cool. Here," Richard said, offering the keys to Dave. Richard didn't think Dave was all that suspicious.
"Thanks. I'll bring them back in a moment," he said, smiling.
Richard nodded. As Dave went upstairs, Richard checked his watch.
Only six minutes and two seconds to go!
Dave returned in a few minutes and handed Richard the keys.
"Thanks again, you saved me some trouble," he said. "When are you done here?"
"Um, in a few minutes, hopefully," Richard said.
"Hey, well if you feel like it, come watch a little of the recording. We're just getting our sound checks now."
"I'd love to, but I don't want to be in the way," Richard said.
"You won't. We're in the control room upstairs, room 304N," Dave said. "Just knock and I'll let you in."
"All right," Richard said.
"See you later," Dave said.
After Dave left, Richard was antsy. One the one hand, it would be cool to see the recording. But the girls ... They were waiting.
Mort knocked on the front door, interrupting Richard's thoughts. Richard buzzed him in.
"How did it go?" Mort asked.
"Um, fine. Nothing major happened."
"Good. All right, you're free to go."
Richard shouldered his pack, and stood by the stairs for a moment. Finally he turned and went up. Just for a few minutes, he thought.
He knocked quietly on the control room door. A moment later, Dave opened it for him.
"Richard, come in. Leave your bag on the desk there, if you want."
Richard followed Dave into the control room after dropping his bag.
The room was dimly lit, and alive with sound. Coming from two rather large speakers was the feed from the concert hall. Every little noise from the hall could be heard, echoing reverberantly. A window looked out onto the stage from the back of the concert hall. A woman seated at the piano was talking with a man who stood down in the first row of seats. Richard felt an odd disconnect at seeing their bodies over a hundred feet away, and yet hearing their voices like they were right beside him.
"That's Maria, of course, and Jarrett, the producer for the CD," Dave said. "Ever been in a recording control room before?"
Richard shook his head as he looked at the equipment. "No. Pretty cool," he said.
Jarrett and Maria had finished their discussion, and Maria ran some warm up figures on the concert grand.
"Wow, that sounds really good!" Richard exclaimed.
Dave grinned.
The large speakers filled the room with piano notes, each one almost tactile. Dave sat himself at the mixing board and listened intently, occasionally looking at the tape machines on the rack to his right, during the louder moments.
"Good evening," someone said behind Richard. It was Jarrett. "You are?"
"This is Richard," Dave said. "He helped with the blowers, so I invited him to observe for a bit."
Jarrett nodded and extended his hand. "Jarrett."
"Nice to meet you."
"How does it sound?" Jarrett asked Dave.
"Pretty good. Take a listen. I need to make one more adjustment. Richard, come with me."
Richard followed Dave out of the control room, and they went down to the hall.
"Maria should know you are here, so she's not surprised."
"I actually have to get back to the dorm soon," Richard admitted, although the few minutes he had spent in the control room had been fascinating.
"What, homework on the first day?" Dave quipped.
"Nah, I need to, uh ... go to bed," he said. That was as close to the truth he would say. At least he hoped it was the truth.
Dave and Richard walked down the aisle silently as Maria played. Richard had not heard music in the Wexford concert hall yet. It was quite reverberant for its size.
Two microphones were on stands in front of the piano, and four other microphones were suspended from the high ceiling on long cables. Dave hopped up onto the stage, and Richard watched as he lowered the stand microphones an inch and pushed them slightly towards the piano. Richard wondered what the point of such a small change was, but he didn't dare ask.
Maria stopped playing, and stood to stretch.
"We can record a sound check now, and then you can come listen," Dave said to her.
"That sounds good," she said.
"Oh, and this is Richard. Is it all right if he observes for a little while?"
"No problem," Maria said, smiling at Richard.
On the way back up to the control room, Richard gave in to the question nagging in his head.
"So does a change like that make a big difference in the sound?" he asked.
Dave laughed. "A big difference? No. But a difference? Yes. It's pretty easy to make a good recording. Not as easy to make a great recording. A subtle recording."
Richard understood the principle, but still didn't believe moving the microphones two inches could make an audible difference.
Back in the control room, Jarrett had the score laid out on the desk facing the window that looked out over the hall. Dave sat in his chair, and talked to Maria via a microphone on the mixer during a break in her playing.
"Okay, we are good to go for the sound check, whenever you are ready."
"I'm ready," she said.
Dave started two tape machines, and then told her she could begin.
Richard didn't recognize the piece. It was modern, and rather atonal. Richard couldn't hear any difference in the sound due to the microphone change, but Dave seemed to be satisfied. Dave stood and offered his chair to Jarrett, who sat and listened intently for a few minutes. When he stood and nodded approvingly to Dave, Dave looked at Richard, gesturing to the chair.
Richard shrugged and sat. At first his attention was captivated by the numerous controls on the mixer, but then he turned his attention to the music. He closed his eyes, and it sounded like he had been teleported to the stage and was listening to the instrument from a few yards away.
Not wanting to overstay his welcome, he stood up and moved out of the way.
"What do you think?" Dave asked him.
"Sounds like I'm in the hall," Richard said.
Dave smiled and nodded. "Well, that's good, I suppose. How is the balance across the range?"
"Um..." Richard hadn't even listened for that. "I guess it's balanced."
"The bass may still be a little heavy," Dave mused.
"Let's see what Maria says," Jarrett chimed in. "She indicated that she would rather have the power down there, than not."
Maria finished the short movement, and Dave invited her to come up to the control room.
"Richard's a pianist," Dave said to Jarrett.
"Really? Wonderful!" Jarrett said. "Do you know this piece?" he asked.
"No," Richard admitted.
"Well, I would have been surprised if you did."
"What is it?" Richard asked.
"It's a piano sonata by Candace Kramer," Jarrett said.
"She's the composition teacher here," Dave added. "Maria is making the premiere recording."
"What do you think of the piece?" Jarrett asked.
"Um, I was paying attention more to the sound, sorry."
Jarrett nodded.
There was a knock, and Dave let Maria in. He offered her the hot seat, and she sat to listen to the replay of her sound check.
Richard paid more attention to the music this time, and found the piece interesting, if a bit abstract at times. One section was particularly beautiful, a feat which most modern atonal works rarely achieved, to Richard's ear at least.
Maria was pleased with the sound. When Dave suggested there was a bit too much bass, Maria disagreed, saying she could change her playing a little where it had sounded inappropriate.
Maria was ready to start. "It sounds great. That can be take one," she said.
"Ah, sadly it cannot," Dave said. He reached over and turned up the volume to the live sound from the hall, and Richard heard faint trumpets and snare drums. The sound from the practice rooms was bleeding into the hall.
"We still have to wait another twenty minutes until the building closes," Dave said. Richard looked at his watch, blinking in shock. Forty minutes have passed?
Maria chuckled. "Dave, you're just too good at what you do. You said sound check would take an hour at least."
Dave just shrugged.
"I guess I'll just have to play a little more," Maria said. She went back down to the hall, and Richard stood to go as well. Hopefully the girls wouldn't be mad at him for not coming to the room right away.
The moon was overhead when the first hint of eastern glow touched the horizon. Jupiter was close by, accompanying the hemicycle as it fled from the coming sun. Closer to the earth, strains of music tentatively began to sound; quiet hours were coming to an end. All around, the Wexford dormitory was stirring. The banal sounds of students trudging to the restroom to bathe were merged with the footfalls of early risers, who were already headed to the conservatory to find a better practice...
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Seven-thirty came too soon. Richard fumbled for his alarm, at last silencing the wretched noise. He was about to doze off when he remembered the morning plans, so he sat up quickly before he lost the battle with the snooze button. Jer wasn't in his bed. Weird. He doesn't seem like the early rising type, Richard thought. Bathroom? After Richard showered and put on some clothes, Jer hadn't returned, so Richard just left a note saying that he had to take off. Richard hurried down the...
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Movement I. Practice was difficult for Richard the next morning. Besides having somewhat of a headache, he had trouble finding a practice room. The piano in the one he finally secured was mediocre. It sounded somewhat muffled no matter how he tried to coax any tone out of it. Usually he could have dealt with the limitations of the instrument, and made progress on some technical passages or finger work. But unfortunately his mind was continuously drifting off. The events of the previous...
Richard thought his heart had stopped. To his right, Emily was watching him with a slight grin, and in front of him Sandra was looking at him like she was about to collapse on the bed. It was hot in the dorm, but that hot? Suddenly Emily pushed Richard into the room. Richard turned to her and watched as she reached to close the door. Is she leaving me alone with Sandra? he thought, as Emily stepped back out into the hallway, pulling the door shut. "Emily, wait," Sandra called out as the...
Sandra poured the last of the second wine bottle into Emily's glass. She thought it would help slow Emily down, but she seemed to get better at playing games the more she drank. The game of choice for the evening was admittedly puerile. Emily had voted for Trivial Pursuit. Sandra had voted for Spit. She was in the mood for something less cerebral, and mention of it the night before had stuck with her. Richard broken the tie in Sandra's favor. After the vote, Emily rolled her...
Richard woke up quite late, and he was the first to stir. For a moment, he was startled by his location. He figured he would have gone back to his room last night after a brief snooze. Instead, it was late morning. Emily was still beside him, but Sandra had moved to Emily's bed and was sleeping soundly. Richard grinned as he saw the remains of the evening strewn about the room. Playing cards were scattered on the floor, clothes sat in little piles, and two empty wine bottles stood on the...
Dr. Eugene Dobra was everything rumor made him out to be. He walked in at exactly one o'clock. Richard and Sandra had just found two seats in the back corner together, hardly having greeted each other when he asked for silence. "Take out some staff paper," he said. He sat at the piano in the front of the room as people shuffled through their bags for the paper. Richard borrowed a sheet from Sandra. When the rustling and whispering had settled down, Dr. Dobra nodded. "Please write...
(A few days later... ) Fuck! Not only had Jer been obliviously loud when he woke up to go wherever the hell he went, but now Jer's alarm was going off. And he was long gone. Rock music was trying to squeeze out through the small speakers of his clock-radio. Did he not see me sleeping in my bed? Fucking idiot. Richard felt around on his desk, found a hefty book, and lofted it across the room. It hit the radio with a clunk, and for a moment the thing spat a curse of static at him....
Allison was falling in love. Over the last few hours of being with Emily, Sandra and Richard, she had started feeling something she hadn't felt for many years. It had always been there, but now it was thrust into the forefront of her thoughts. As she drove her rental car back towards the city, she took a glance at Richard. He looked tired as he stared out of the passenger side window at the dusky fields. Allison cast her mind back to a warm summer day eight years ago. "Allison, look,...
"I'm going to do some theory homework down in the lobby," Emily said to Sandra. The two of them had just returned to their room after seeing Allison to her car. Richard was stopping at his room for a moment before coming up. There was talk of getting together again with Allison, but she was flying back to Melbourne in a few days. In case it didn't work out, they had said their goodbyes. Allison had seemed sad to leave them, but she had to get up early to start some...
Irina took a deep breath, wondering where to begin. It wasn't that he was doing something wrong, but rather that he wasn't progressing like he should. This was his fourth — no, fifth lesson now, and over the last few weeks he seemed to be less ... prepared. He had gained some expression in certain aspects of his playing, but technically he seemed underpracticed and a little sloppy. She had checked with Eric in financial aid to see that Richard was not somehow being asked to work too much...
Richard had a dull headache. It was the last thing he needed today. He was late to his meeting with Dave, having fallen asleep after turning off his alarm. Five minutes ago, he was supposed to take his last training test. If he passed, he would be ready to record student recitals on his own. As he ran down the stairs, buttoning his shirt, he paused on the second floor landing. I did say I'd come find them for breakfast, he thought. He really didn't have time, though, so he continued down...
"Those are some big speakers!" Sandra exclaimed, as they entered the recording control room. Richard grinned. "So size does matter then?" he asked suggestively. Emily and Sandra just gave him a look before peering through the window to the concert hall. A cellist was practicing with a pianist. "Wow, the view is really good from up here!" Emily said. "Yeah. It sounds good, too," Richard said. He flipped on the power amplifiers and then brought up the faders for the hall...
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"I can't believe finals are just a week away," Richard said, as he walked to the conservatory building alongside Sandra and Emily. "I know. This semester just flew," Sandra agreed. "That also means we're just a couple of weeks away from break," she added, pouting. "I know. Too bad we can't find an excuse to all stay here," Emily said. "We thought a few days at Thanksgiving was tough..." "I'll probably be coming back a week before classes start," Richard said. "Really?"...
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Kenna James, who is still glowing from just having sex with her step-sister, Carolina, is excited when her step-dad, Eric Masterson, returns home. He’s just as excited to see her since she’s only home from college for a short while. Yet, Kenna doesn’t waste any time getting down to business, telling him she’s heard that he and Dee, her step-mom from a previous marriage to her biological dad, have been having a hard time lately. Eric is flustered as he insists that he...
xmoviesforyouIt was a nice warm spring day in Northeast Pennsylvania, and Kyle had just gotten home from football practice. He has beautiful blue eyes, blackish-brown hair, and was about 6 feet tall. He wasn't pure muscle, but he was pure fat either. He was what a lot of the girls at his school looked at as the guy they wanted. As Kyle walked in the front door of his house, he was greeted by a big hug from his lil did Samantha. She was a young girl, age 14, who was as innocent as an 8 year...
In the middle of the week before Christmas, Andy’s Dad asked him whether he’d sent the Christmas packages to California. “Weeks ago. This would be too late.” “And did you get a present for your young lady?” “Dammit, no,” Andy said “Well, I know you think me an old fart, but I suggest you do so. Do you know her well enough to select a book?” “Not really.” Although that would be his first choice. But she didn’t read SF, and she had any literature that he knew would interest her. “I’d...
We start this week’s show, as we start every show, with a shot of the UK of Zoo map of the British Isles with all its sparkling little lights ... And then a new light – brighter and larger, indicating this week’s location – down south, way south - to the south-east of London, sharpening down to a point over (as the caption tells us) - “MAIDSTONE”. Then we dive into the map and cut through to an establishing shot of a boring housing estate. Low green hedgerows, little green lawns, grey brick...
The first indication I had that something was wrong came when the two security cameras at the cabin showed someone was poking around. The cabin cameras were low priority. Alpha monitored them, but just barely. One of her security systems would spare a few milliseconds of attention every five minutes or so to make sure nothing had changed. One camera's field of view included some of the driveway and the spot where we would leave our DC superheroines to wake up. The other camera showed the...
Hi All, This is Jasmeet name changed. This is a true story about me and my mom Shabana’s relationship. I know incest is considered as taboo in our country people who do not like incest stories please ignore this story. What I am going to share with you all is the true happenings between me and my mom Shabana (shabu in short form). My mom shabu age 38 is fair in complexion, with a toned body and sculpted ass. She was married to my dad Sujad at a very young age. My dad is a business man, he...
IncestMarch 15, 1982, McKinley, Ohio “Is it OK if I interrupt?” Clarissa asked on Monday evening. “Sure,” I replied. “What’s up?” “I wanted to check on class schedules for the Fall. I’d like to take the same classes. It’ll help with our study group.” “Sure. Pete, Kurtis, Jason, excuse me for a bit.” Clarissa and I went to my room and sat down with the course catalog. “We need O-Chem, the second semester of cellular biology with lab, a humanities course, and a language course,” I said. “Do...
Wife Swapping By Rachel J. Badger It was a typical 4th of July: not quite 70 degrees out, rain falling in a deceptively light mist which nonetheless still managed to soak me to the bone. Here in the Pacific Northwest, you work with what you get, and not grilling wasn't an option. Mick Gunderson took a swig of his beer while I flipped the patties. My wife Molly, her flaming red hair nearly incandescent against the gray sky, sat on a lawn chair beneath the pergola where it was...
Hi guys and girls! This is Manmathan and I from Trichy. I am currently 23 years old and I am brown in colour. Ladies willing to have sex contact me through my mail I fucked only my busty cousin till now. First sex experience is very memorable in everyone life. My first and only sex experience was with my cousin. This is my real life sex story. I had sex with my cousin when I was in 12th standard. My cousin was married at that time. Initially my cousin and her husband were enjoying their...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Liz pulled into the parking lot of the Angel Motel as she had on many occasions. Her job in the last year had been taking her further and further a field, bringing with it the difficulties of travel. She had tried different transport options in that time and now she regularly made the eight hundred mile journey back home by car; having lost faith with the airlines for a number of reasons. This had its advantages and disadvantages. Although she now felt...
EroticCame Home To Find Wife Fast Asleep Covered In CumI’ve just returned home after a long day at work to find the builders working on our extension leaving later than usual, all smiling and happy looking.“Bit of overtime lads,” I asked“Yes but we won’t be charging you” the bosses son said while laughing at his workers.I went to see the progress of the extension out back and saw that my wife had her better underwear hanging on the washing line, the underwear she keeps for special occasions. Lacy...
I open my eyes and everything seems blurry at first, I soon realise where I am, in an aeroplane. Wow, had time flown so quickly that I was here already? The last 12 hours have flown by and now it’s nearly time to meet him, I’ve just travelled half way around the world to meet someone I have never met. But he is so special, sincere, heart-warming and heart wrenching simultaneously. We’ve spent a long time talking online, growing as individuals and together and today I am finally taking that leap...
Straight SexNext story Me, my boyfriend, JD's girlfriend, and JD was at a carnival. We had so much fun that we got sick on the Zipper. And then JD's girlfriend left so it was just me, JD, and Jonathan (my boyfriend). So our parents drove us home and then left to go eat for 3 hours. I got hungry and made all of us food. We ate then I got horny watching Scary Movie 2. So I asked if jonathan wanted to have sex and he said, "yea why not." So I got my thong on and took my bra off. I walked out of my...
Hi, my name is James. The first time I had incest was when I met my cousin Tiffanie last year. It was the school holidays and Tiffanie came over to stay for a couple of days before she will leave for Texas to visit her grandma. I was playing video games when I heard the doorbell. I got up and opened the door to find a very in front of me. I was rooted to the ground htne I realized that it was Tiffanie. My parents had told me she was coming before they left for work. She was dressed in a small...