Opus OneChapter 33: 104' 33" free porn video

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Drei Morike Lieder (1888) ... Hugo Wolf (1860 — 1903)

I. Auf ein altes Bild

Allison had gotten there early, wanting to take in the atmosphere of the conservatory. She had called to let Emily, Sandra, and Richard know that she had arrived safely, but she rejected the offer of lunch, not wanting to distract them before their recital. We'll have fun the rest of the week, Allison thought. Right now they should focus on themselves.

She wandered around on the lowest floor, passing by the practice rooms which were all full of students. Recitals and concerts must be happening nonstop at this time of year. She paused beside some of the doors when the music caught her attention. Amazing. The density of musicianship here is astounding...

This could have been me. Maybe...

She found herself in a seat ten minutes before seven. Already, there were a number of people in the concert hall. What a beautiful place... ! It must be amazing to get up there and play, she thought, looking at the dimly lit piano. It stood there on stage, waiting expectantly to be touched.

She imagined herself standing in front of the curve of the instrument, holding her flute as she looked out at a full house. What a thrill... !

She glanced around at the growing crowd, taking in the details. Many carried instruments. They've made some friends this year...

That must be Richard's parents, speaking Italian ... A young man with a cowboy shirt on ... Must be from Sandra's family, here to see her.

Who is this striking woman speaking Russian to the American man? Richard's teacher is Russian, I think, but this woman is way too young to be a piano teacher. My age, I'd say ... She's intense...

And the older man with the young woman? Are they together? They talk like they are, but they must be twenty years apart in age...

Who is the man with the red-haired woman? A few musicians have gone up and shook his hand. Probably someone important here at the conservatory.

She turned. Here come more people. They look like random concert goers. Lots of older couples, music aficionados ... And why not? Free concerts almost every night ... It's a gift.

What an interesting crowd ... Then again, I came all the way from Australia for this...

She turned back to the stage as the lights dimmed in the hall, and people quieted and took their seats. The performance lights were raised, and then the hall settled into silence over the next few seconds as the air filled with expectancy.

Allison smiled a big smile as Sandra appeared from the left. She almost didn't see Richard behind her, so taken was she with Sandra's appearance and carriage. What a beautiful dress...

The audience applauded as the two of them took their places on stage.

She's a natural, up there. Captivating...

As the applause ended, Richard shared a smile with Sandra, and then he began. Allison listened to the first melancholy phrase of his playing, and it instantly set something new vibrating inside her. It's really begun...

Sandra entered soon after, with a delicate melody. I thought I remembered how she sang, but ... This is beautiful...

The mood she felt surprised Allison. She had been living on excited enthusiasm for the past week, waiting to fly across the globe and sit in this chair with almost pounding heart. Now, she was suddenly transported somewhere completely unexpected, as the haunting and subdued song that Sandra and Richard performed made her insides reach towards them in longing.

How quickly music can make us love ... And miss ... And cry...

Allison let herself be carried away by the sound of Sandra's voice and Richard's piano chords.

It's a world of art, and beauty, really. Nothing compares to this. Nothing.

When the song approached the end, Allison sat still, wishing for it to continue. She didn't want to let go of the place she now occupied. The song had been a little jewel, and she still wanted to hold it in her hand and feel its soft light on her.

No one coughed or even shifted as Richard damped the last chord in the piano and turned the page in his music.

Then Sandra smiled slightly, catching sight of Allison in the audience.

Allison realized there were more jewels to come. With a last pang of longing, she let the feelings go and looked forward to the next selection.

Sandra nodded at Richard, and he began the accompaniment for the second song.

She turned back to the audience to sing, and the first note caught in her throat.

Richard looked up at her, for a second pausing.

She had missed the entrance. He repeated the introductory figure, unsure of what else to do.

Allison watched nervously as Sandra stared out over the audience towards the back of the hall. For a moment, she seemed frozen still.

Then her face took on a serene quality, and she began to sing.

Allison relaxed, glad Sandra had recovered, and she let herself be drawn in by the music again.

II. Verborgenheit

Eugene sat perfectly still in his seat. He kept his face unmoving as he listened.

Here before him were two of his students performing. It's been over a year since I've attended a student recital, he realized with surprise.

He used to attend more of them, before he had become head of the theory department and paperwork had invaded his life. Usually when he was in the audience, he found himself working out the theory of the music, and critiquing the performance.

That part hasn't changed...

Did they analyze the piece? He found himself doing so at certain moments, sighing in satisfaction at the brilliant use of harmony by Herr Wolf.

"Seine Wonne, seine Pein."

A classic Romantic cadence...

They play well together, Eugene thought. There's a certain calmness to their playing that I don't remember hearing from many freshman students. Most are too nervous to play with anything approaching calmness. Most don't even do recitals, though.

He could tell Sandra had command of the performance. I can even follow her from the back row. He wasn't sure how much of the accompaniment was Richard's doing, and how much was just Sandra guiding him inevitably through it.

Richard seems to have a good touch on the piano, but he's obviously a concert pianist, he thought, when they reached the animated section of the song.

He overplayed there somewhat. Too much, for how Sandra chose to sing it. An understandable mistake, since he probably hasn't done much accompaniment. And they are first year students, after all...

But what students... He looked at each of them.

Sandra's statement on my behalf could be no one else's. She has so many talents...

And one letter was surely Richard's, just from the references to weekly meetings. No one else coming to me outside of class would have written anything.

For someone who seemed ready to start fights with me last semester, Richard has certainly changed his mind about theory.

And the other ten letters were likely spawned by their efforts...

It probably made the difference, in the end ... Without them, I might not have returned...

What students ... This is one recital I wouldn't have missed for anything.

The piece ended quietly by repeating the classic Romantic cadence, and Dr. Dobra sighed deeply. It was his only outward show of emotion, but since he was in the last row, no one saw it.

III. Das verlassene Maegdlein

If Billy had been sitting in the audience, he would have been watching Sandra with wet eyes.

He had heard Sandra sing for most of his life. He knew how much it was a part of her. He could no more imagine her not singing than he could imagine his father not being out in the fields of their farm in the morning.

He would have been amazed, however, at seeing her on the stage at Wexford. In his mind, during lonely nights at his college, he would wonder what she was doing at school. He would always picture her practicing like she did at her house. Perhaps playing with a faceless man named Richard, or alone ... But it was nothing more than what he had seen countless times when they were together. The background had changed, but she was always ready to go out on the town with him after she was finished.

Now, she was elegantly and stunningly dressed, singing with her heart under the bright lights. This was real. She would be gaining more and more followers, as she collected people's hearts with her moving performances. No longer was she only Billy's to admire from afar. The brook they used to play in as children had swept her far away to the ocean, now.

Even with his untrained ear, Billy would have felt the musicality in what she did. It consumed anyone who was really listening and watching.

It was part of her. He could no more imagine her not playing music than he could imagine ... himself without her ... She was a part of him.

But Billy was not in the audience. Instead, he listened from somewhere immeasurably distant, yet also within her. With no time or air there, notes and sounds had no meaning in that place. But the emotions with which Sandra sang ... They vibrated and shook his entire existence.

He supported her, and through her memories he changed her. He imparted her with strength, grace and radiance. He at last succeeded in having her let go of him, even though he would never let go of her.

He listened.

Morgen! Opus 27, No. 4 ... Richard Strauss (1864 — 1949)

With Suzanne Wright, violin

As Suzanne walked out onto the stage, she smiled at Sandra.

She looks ... radiant, Suzanne thought.

As she did every time she looked at Sandra's eyes, Suzanne felt a spark inside of her. It was doubly pleasing tonight, since they were about to perform together.

After a last lingering look, she turned to Richard. She had met this interesting trio just two weeks ago, and yet it felt like she had known them forever. What would have happened had I met them earlier?

With a slight movement, she cued Richard for the start of the piece, and she projected the richly languorous notes of the opening melody out into the hall. Richard supported her with gentle chords and harp-like arpeggios.

She looked at Sandra several times during the introduction. Sandra kept her eyes on hers, and Suzanne again felt the musical connection she always did.

Suzanne used a heavy vibrato in her left hand, trying to draw the sweetest sound out of her violin. It wasn't enough for her, as she still found herself lamenting the limitations of her instrument. After meeting and playing music with Sandra, she knew she could do so much more.

Then Sandra entered with the first line of the song. Suzanne let out a shuddering breath as she intertwined her violin with Sandra's voice. Behind them, Richard continued his delicate accompaniment, increasing its intensity only slightly.

She followed Sandra closely through their duet, reveling in the sound of the notes they struck in harmony. Their lines moved separately, but like two perfect ballet dancers, completely together. Suzanne could feel her touch as they lifted each other through each graceful phrase.

All too soon their delicate and loving conversation was over. Suzanne was left alone for a moment, and she descended quietly and slowly through the end of her violin melody.

Richard held the uncertain chords as Sandra sang the last part of the text alone.

Suzanne thought back to that night in her apartment two weeks ago when Sandra had escaped out of her depression by singing this song with her. Even though the moment had been magical, that night Suzanne hadn't known what the German text said.

Sandra's voice turned fragile. She once again looked at Suzanne's eyes and finished the vocal melody with a hopeful cadence.

Now Suzanne knew the words, and knew Sandra, and it made her very soul resonate...

Suzanne gave everything she had to her last six notes. She hoped Richard would wait for her, since she held the second of each ascending pair of notes for what seemed like a minute each.

She yearned for Sandra's voice to return to sing with her, but like a sunrise, the unique moment of beauty had passed, unattainable ever again except in memory.

The final chord faded into silence before the audience broke out into enthusiastic applause.

"Brava!" came a man's deep voice.

Suzanne and Sandra moved closer and shared a smile. When Richard was beside them, they bowed twice. Suzanne stepped back, and she and Richard let Sandra take a bow on her own. After smiling at the appreciative audience for a few more moments, the three of them walked off the stage.

Once out of sight, Suzanne immediately turned and embraced Sandra, kissing her.

"Beautiful!" she said softly.

"Oh, you too!"

Suzanne felt Richard wrap his arms around them both.

"That was incredible," he said, breathing deeply. "You two must share the same brain, or something."

They laughed, but didn't dispute the idea.

Suzanne stepped back as Emily also gave them both hugs.

"That was unforgettable," Emily whispered, as the hall had quieted. "I was crying."

Sandra smiled emotionally and hugged her again. "Thanks. For everything. I love you so much, Em."

Suzanne watched as they shared a chaste but emotional kiss.

Emily sighed, and then shook loose her arms. "My turn, I guess." The nervousness was apparent in her voice.

"Go out there and just play, Emily," Suzanne said, giving her another hug. "Have fun. You won't have this day again."

"I know. I hope I can live up to that last song."

"You will, Emily. I know you will," she whispered.

Richard came up and put his hands on Emily's shoulders from behind.

"Are you ready?" he murmured.

"Almost. Just give me a second to calm down."

Sandra wrapped her arms around Richard's middle. "You were right there for me, Richard. Thanks."

He kissed the top of her head, and then her lips gently. Then he gave a little smile and went to wait with Emily. They stood near each other as they watched the stage manager walk back towards them. The stage was set.

"Good luck, both of you," Suzanne whispered. She gave them each a confident pat on the arm, and then she and Sandra moved deeper into the darkness of the side stage, finding some chairs.

Sandra took her hand and squeezed it gently. "Thanks, Suzanne, for playing."

"Any time. I love playing with you. I just wish I'd met you sooner."

"We'll play again, someday," Sandra said, searching her eyes.

"I hope so."

They quieted as applause started. Emily and Richard were walking out onto the stage.

Suzanne saw Sandra smiling as she silently sent support and love out to her two lovers.

Sonata for Horn in F and Piano (1939) ... Paul Hindemith (1895 — 1963)

I. Massig bewegt

Joel knew he would enjoy the Hindemith, as Emily and Richard confidently started the first movement. He knew from years of working with Emily in orchestras that she would give a good rendition of the cerebral piece. Besides, as a horn player, how could he not enjoy it... ?

She's always been into the details of the music, and this piece needs that.

It's such a contrast from what Sandra sang. Almost jarring ... And yet, so Emily.

He wondered how the audience was liking the piece. He looked around; everyone was focused on the stage.

Well, that's good. She's keeping them in it.

Joel looked back at Emily, watching her facial expressions as she shaped the phrases.

She's still a cutie ... It was almost three years ago that we got together. She was so young, then ... So was I, even though I was through my first year at Wexford.

Those were crazy summers...

She's changed, especially this year. She's still irreverent, but she's also found something new. There's a ... delicateness in there, that I never saw before. Maybe it's due to this Richard guy. Or her roommate...

He smiled, reminding himself that the rumors about her trio were probably true. Most things you hear around here are, he thought, grinning.

They stayed together, even after what happened between us at my place. I wonder if Richard and Sandra know what really happened...

Joel cringed slightly at the memory. Even though the police had never bothered him again, it was still a rough situation to deal with.

And I then had to go be a dick to Emily about it. Richard's been cool ever since we talked, though. So has Emily. Much better than the cold shoulder I got at the end of last semester...

The opening theme returned, played faster now. Joel leaned in, waiting expectantly for the powerful cadence. Emily delivered, sounding the final notes with a clear tone that filled the hall.

Nice job, Emily.

II. Ruhig bewegt

Kyle realized he was leaning forward in his chair.

This is strange music, he conceded, as Richard started playing the second part of the piece. Nothing like what I listen to.

But it's still cool to see Emily play ... She's so into it. I can't imagine concentrating that hard for so long.

He sat back some, calmed by the slower pace of this movement. At times Richard's playing reminded him of running water.

Emily's horn, like the breeze...

As the movement progressed and became more evocative, Kyle threw his thoughts back to the day Billy had died. He glanced at the empty seat next to him.

He would have been sitting here with me.

Kyle's throat momentarily grew tight, as grief suddenly flooded through him. But he allowed it to pass on without letting it consume him.

In those dark hours, it had been surprisingly comforting to have Emily there.

I hardly know her, really. But, it was like she knew me. She knew what I was feeling. I wonder who she lost, when she was younger.

It's strange how she ended up being there, that day. It had to be more than just a coincidence...

No, that's all it was. She's got her man, there, on stage with her.

Emily and Richard pressed into a more dramatic section, exchanging a glance for a cue. Richard smiled as they played together.

You're an idiot, Kyle, thinking you could come tonight and impress her with your stupid surprise.

Kyle thought the movement was ending, but he couldn't really tell with this music. Despite the general uneasiness he felt at the strange surroundings, he also felt hope and light when he looked at Emily.

The movement did end.

She's beautiful...

III. Lebhaft

Clark watched his daughter as she began the final movement of the Sonata. Her friend is a formidable pianist, he thought. It will be interesting to hear him play the Etudes. We'll have to move to the other side of the hall at the intermission, to watch his hands.

As the movement reached the pensive second section, Clark listened attentively. When he used to play the Sonata, long ago, he always enjoyed this section the most. There was a beauty to the horn lines that supported all that had come before, but also moved the piece in a new direction.

She really has grown into a strong musician... Clark felt a pang of remorse, wondering why he was noticing only now.

Years lost ... and now she's grown. I had very little part in shaping her musically. Even though he felt a resonance in her playing, knowing they had similar working styles, he also heard an approach to the music which was different than his. She plays smoother than I did, despite using the same instrument.

Perhaps tonight I can start to mend the rift between us.

He glanced at Audrey, sitting by his side and smiling as she watched Emily. She too watched her grow up. I hope she's right about tonight.

Even though I should have reached out to Emily years ago, perhaps it is not too late. What would it be like to talk of music with her now? When I last was close with Emily, the only music we could talk about were children's songs.

Look at her ... A woman, now. Interpreting some difficult music, and very well. That was wonderful phrasing...

Clark felt some long lost feelings welling up, as he began to realize that he could hear some of Emily's mother's playing in the performance. She also had smooth phrasing. Elizabeth played for her constantly. Emily still remembers her ... Maybe she still remembers what I told her back then...

Even though the Hindemith was not an overtly emotional piece, he still found himself feeling so.

He squeezed Audrey's hand as the piece came to a strong conclusion, and then was the first to applaud.

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Chapter 33: 104' 33" Videos

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"He's actually going to come," Emily said distantly, as she replaced the receiver. "Oh, that's great!" Sandra chirped, giving her a little hug. Richard just smiled through a mix of emotions. Every positive thing would help Emily. It was easier to smile than he thought. Last night, when he had reached the point where he had to decide what he would do about Emily's confession, he was distraught. It would have been so easy to give in to the feelings of disappointment and betrayal that...

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"I can't believe finals are just a week away," Richard said, as he walked to the conservatory building alongside Sandra and Emily. "I know. This semester just flew," Sandra agreed. "That also means we're just a couple of weeks away from break," she added, pouting. "I know. Too bad we can't find an excuse to all stay here," Emily said. "We thought a few days at Thanksgiving was tough..." "I'll probably be coming back a week before classes start," Richard said. "Really?"...

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Opus OneChapter 26 Rhapsody

The morning was bright and quiet when Richard woke up. The muted sound of a car passing made him wonder if it had snowed over night. From the kitchen, he heard his dad answer the phone. He couldn't figure out who it was at first. When he heard him talking about music, he realized it was Sandra. He considered getting up, but decided to wait for the phone to come to him. He checked his watch, surprised at the lateness of the hour. I guess I have to get up, he realized. He made his way out...

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Opus OneChapter 27 Romanza

"Surprise!" Richard stood in the doorway, dumbfounded. His mouth moved, but he made no sound. Then he ran out and hugged her, lifting her off the ground and swinging her around on the patio. When he started feeling dizzy, he let her down gently and kissed her long and hard. She giggled when he finally let her breathe. "Happy to see me?" "Am I ever!" "Told you I was sending you something." "But ... How did you get here?" "My dad had some business at Lincoln Center. He chose...

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Opus OneChapter 28 Interlude

"Bob, come away from that goddamn thing!" Betty called out from the back door. "Just another minute," he said. "The light is on again." Bob grinned as he heard Betty's footsteps tapping across the patio stones. "What's happening?" she asked. "Nothing yet." "Let me see," she urged. Bob moved aside. "Lights out," she said, straightening up. Bob crouched down, confirming her observation. "Oh well," he said, and started putting things away. He turned to find Betty...

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Opus OneChapter 29 Rondo

"So what's the plan for this weekend?" Emily asked, startling Richard. She had been napping. Richard looked up from Emily's desk. Sandra was also stirring. He had imposed a mandatory nap the last few days, since sleep had been minimal. It was appearing to work, since moods were shifting towards the positive over the past few days. "Well ... Arlene gets here tomorrow..." Richard said vaguely. "We know that!" "Sorry. My head is still in this chord analysis." Richard closed the...

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Opus OneChapter 30 Recitative and Aria

Sandra took another drink of water as Mr. Menlos reprimanded another hapless student for not cueing her in during the aria. After forgetting Mr. Menlos's instructions about being strict to the conductor's indications, Sandra had finally started being particular about following all cues. She would enter incorrectly when given the wrong beat, and not enter at all when the cue was missed. Between that, and the thrill of singing with an orchestra for the first time, she was enjoying herself...

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Opus OneChapter 31 Lacrimosa

Richard shook himself out of his stupor as he saw Emily taking Sandra into her arms on the floor. "What happened?" Emily asked repeatedly, but Sandra just stared off wildly in shock, breathing in ragged spurts. She was barely able to breathe, let alone talk. Richard picked up the phone from the floor. "Cosa sta succedendo?" his father asked, coming closer to Sandra. Richard ignored him. "Hello?" "Hello? Who is this?" the voice asked urgently. "This is Richard." "Oh, Richard...

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Opus OneChapter 32 Schwer betont

Gary Menlos scanned the rehearsal room from his usual back corner spot. "Mark," he said, nodding his head at the principal cello player. "Go ahead. Take it from the beginning." Mark set his cello aside and walked up to the podium with his baton. Gary waited as Mark flipped the score back to the first page. He looked around again, surprised at the turnout. A number of string players had shown up for the practice orchestra. He had hinted yet again, at the last full orchestra rehearsal,...

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Opus OneChapter 34 Nocturne

Richard was grinning ear to ear as he stood next to Sandra and Emily in the green room. The audience had been larger than any of them had expected, and so was the crowd that lined up to greet them. Many Wexford students had come, including the violinist Jeff, for whom Sandra would be conducting in the fall. As promised, beside him was a mischievous looking friend who asked her to conduct for his recital as well. Sandra politely declined, eliciting a victorious fist from Jeff. Richard grinned...

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Mistis Adventures Part 104

Everyone in the circle of friends gathered at the hospital to visit Misti. Mike was so filled with love and the pride of having his two daughters with him, could hardly contain himself. He and Misti had waited so long for this time, that at times he had wondered if it would EVER arrive. Now that it had, he savored every second of it. Sam and Ben were almost as filled with pride as Mike was. Ben would stand outside the nursery, and point out, regardless of who it was, that these were HIS grand...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 104

We didn’t actually start the planning that day. Brent and Emma had decided on a summer wedding and that gave Jess plenty of time to arrange things. As it happens, Jess and I planned both the bachelorette party and the bachelor party. Both of those were slated for July, ahead of their August wedding day. Jess, Emma, and I sat down with Brent in early spring to discuss his wedding needs (i.e. the bachelor party. Guys don’t really have ‘wedding needs.’) Brent had chosen his best man, a friend...

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Learning CurvesChapter 104

Saturday night found Phil and Hailey sitting alongside their friends at the summer opening of the Civic Light Orchestra – with Molly Kelly as third-chair cellist. Tiffany, of course, was there to support her girlfriend with Scott and Lisa Finley, Katelyn and Bob and Terrence Williams in attendance. Outside of Katelyn, none were knowledgeable about what the orchestra performed but they dutifully sat in the audience anyway. Just as Molly was the youngest member of the orchestra by a decade...

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Deputy PorterChapter 104

"I'm Sylvia Porter," I said to the two men who had asked Joan about me. They were obviously cops. "Are you armed?" the younger of the two asked. I looked up and saw Rodney, shift his weight uncomfortably. "More or less," I answered. I have permits for everything and i am licensed as a private protection agent," I said. "Which don't mean dick," the cop's older partner said. "Well, let's see. Am I under arrest for something?" I asked. "Not just yet, we are investigating a...

1 year ago
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 104

"When did you decide to take me out on a date?" Sandra asked Veronique. "Last Wednesday," Veronique answered. "Last Wednesday?" Sandra responded surprised. "So, it's not a spur-of-the-moment thingy?" "No, I just wanted to do something special to celebrate you getting your clothes back!" "Then ... Why are you taking me out naked?" Veronique laughed and said, "That's something I decided on today. After what happened yesterday, I thought you would like it this way...

2 years ago
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BethChapter 104

December 10, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Heather texted out: Competition parameters for 10-16 Dec: button-down, preferably interesting; lots of leg. As Liya, Heather, and I approached the kitchen table for breakfast, Sandy looked up and said, “Please tell me that we’ve got the ToC denouement on video. I was so absorbed in feeling Charlie’s cock with my tongue as each of you rode it that I didn’t think about anything else.” Liya replied, “We did. Heather told us quietly, and Rhee and I traded...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 104

On Monday things were back to the normal grind. Be at the college at eight to deal with a normal day. I needed normal days for a while. I was worn out every night when I left the gym. I had no doubt that we were going to have to hire additional people unless we were experiencing a true holiday run because of the tanning booth. The days were going so fast that they were almost a blur. Patti and I worked almost the full day on the first two of the scheduled away rape seminars. The first was at...

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My Little VentrueChapter 104

~~Eric~~ They took a trip to a club. Eric was kind of sick of the club scene, working at Bloodlust all the time; not that Bloodlust really counted as a club, more of a night lounge thing. Bloodlust had the music, the low light, and the people, just less of them. To go to a proper nightclub was not how he wanted to spend the night, but Matthew and Arturo assured him it was temporary. They didn’t need to convince the bouncer to let them in. Natasha wrapped them in her Kindred powers, and...

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The ladies all loved it laughing along as it went. As it quieted down, I released them all except Peter and Charles, but most stayed to listen. “I’m officially going to release you from the ‘Every Little Piece’ number, gentlemen. I will recast that later. Turn to the song called ‘You and Me (But Mostly Me)’ look it over for a moment. Johnny Carter and James Allen, you will be learning the PETE’S DRAGON numbers during our next day off.” Joan gave James a kiss, Geena gave Johnny a kiss on the...

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Family LettersChapter 104

Dear Willow and Family, I've been told I must keep this note short so I shall endeavor to do so. I would say that my job has given me a proctologist's view of the exercise of concubinage as practiced in the diaspora. I know that we, Marissa and I, have worked hard at becoming a family. I know that whenever a sponsor is willing to approach me on the issue of failed compatibility I always tell them that the concubine is their family member now, and that while the idea of marriage may have...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 104

British Humour is Different These are classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K. Newspapers: FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old, Hateful little bastard. Bites! FREE PUPPIES 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbor's dog. FREE PUPPIES. Mother is a Kennel Club registered German shepherd. Father is a Super Dog, able to leap tall fences in a single bound. COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale. JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer £100. WEDDING DRESS FOR...

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Unforgettable WeeksChapter 104

Regan came awake and reached behind her only to find Andy gone. She heard water running in the shower and shifted slightly. She sat up with a frown. The night hadn't gone as she'd planned and she worried that Andy had grown tired of her antics. She had meant every word of her vow before they entered the boat. She was willing to anything Andy wanted to try. She had whiled away her time during the boring speeches at the gala by thinking about every sexual act two people could try that...

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Making It WorkDay 104

I woke up being kissed. It's my favorite way to wake up. John was in the shower and Jules was rubbing her hands over my stomach as she kissed the corners of my mouth. I had to stretch for a second, then I drew her into my arms to kiss her back. "Morning," I said as she nibbled on my chin. "Yes, and a very nice one. Thank you again for the wonderful day yesterday." "I believe it was my pleasure at least twice." She rested her head on my shoulder and continued to tickle my navel and...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 104

As it turned out, no one but her extended family got to see Erin swim. She was eliminated in her first individual heat race and her medley relay team was disqualified when their backstroker false started. She was done before Adam, Shelly, Leslie and Trinity finished their 10 a.m. class. She was somewhat dejected to see her scholastic swimming career end with her standing quietly poolside but she was gratified that Sean, Nora, Rachelle and Mike were there to console her. Sean sent a text...

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Undercover RoseChapter 104

When he parked in front of our homes, Bart asked, "Do you have any antibiotics?" "I have all I need. That antibiotic ointment will work fine at the site. It should take care of any infection at that point. My blood will handle anything inside my body. In spite of all that jungle shit, I have the immune system of a thirty year old virgin," I replied with a tired smile. "Well take your thirty six year old worn out ass to bed. We have been up almost forty eight hours straight," he...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 104

Laura was shopping in Macy's when she saw Rina. She nearly dropped the dress she was holding, feeling momentarily faint. Oh god! How could it be? She knew people sometimes resembled one another, but this was completely uncanny. The woman actually was Rina. She looked like she had put on five pounds, maybe, but there was no mistaking that angelic face, that spectacular body. Laura knew she was staring, but she couldn't stop. The woman didn't seem to notice. She was browsing through...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 104

With only a couple of days to go before Christmas, Spearfish Lake was really getting into the holiday spirit. It was snowing merrily, if not heavily, and all hopes for a white Christmas seemed to have been answered. The town was dressed for the season, and spirits were high with anticipation. The children had been out of school for a week on their Christmas vacation, and perhaps their anticipation was running the highest of all, with hopes of a big haul from Santa Claus. Certainly Tiffany...

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MagicianChapter 104

Oberon’s appearance and speech was the final nail in the coffin of Oonagh’s claim to be ruler of the Sidhe. The Daoine Sidhe were forced to commit to fighting a retreat in the few areas in which they retained control. Those that they did hold though were held strongly and with an iron fist. They did manage to hold onto a few of the fortresses including Niðavellir as well as the ancient Sidhe capital of Keldravan. Elsewhere though the lands reverted to the throne of house Skarlett and there...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 104

“Come inside with me. When we leave the ASCS office I want you to meet Elizabeth - Former Sheriff Brent Jones’ - niece - and former girlfriend of Ronny Davis... “That reminds me too. I called Mona and she’s already notified the FBI and the State Police. They will probably be at the farm when we return, or Sheila will be calling us on the radio, looking for us.” “I hope they don’t stumble upon that basement.” “Me too - but even if they do - we don’t know anything about it and we damn sure...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 104

Say thanks to dorsetmike‎ for the following. Rules for the blues 1. Most Blues should begin, “Woke up this morning.” 2. “I got a good woman” is a bad way to begin the Blues, ‘less you stick something nasty in the next line, like “I got a good woman with the meanest face in town.” 3. The Blues is simple. After you get the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes ... sort of: “Got a good woman - with the meanest face in town. Got teeth like Margaret Thatcher - and she...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 104

The door of the limo slammed shut as the vehicle accelerated. I was thrown back against the seat, as was Tamara. Surprisingly enough, she didn't scream, as you would assume most women would. I turned my attention back to the gunman. He still hadn't said anything. He seemed to be squeezing the pistol, like he was afraid to get it knocked out of his hand. In doing so, his arm was trembling. I glanced out the side window to see the limo speeding toward the guard gate. I tried to quickly...

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Sheriff PorterChapter 104

Again it's complicated. If I can get it cheap, and I might before the Hotel conversion starts, maybe we can afford to take it down and turn it into a park. That city maintained dock would be a great draw for boaters on the inter coastal waterway. You did know the bay was part of it?" I asked. "Of course I knew that. I just don't know that high class apartments with short term leases would appeal to boat owners on the waterway. I also doubt that they would buy a condo here." he...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 104

After the rather late night / early morning of the Valentine’s Ball, and the chatter and champagne at lunchtime, I dozed on the train most of the way to York. We arrived at nine o’clock, half an hour late due to having to go slowly through engineering works on the line, only to find that the Darlington to Middlesbrough line was closed and all Middlesbrough passengers were having to go via Northallerton and Yarm, which meant an additional change of trains and more delay. It was well gone ten...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 104

Friday morning I went to Washington - as much as I didn’t want to. I knew there was going to be music that I didn’t want to hear. Last night’s news - that I only listened to for a few minutes - was video of yesterday’s UN confrontation with the pundits in screaming mode. This morning’s version was no better, only now they had gone into full speculation mode. Would I or wouldn’t I carry out what I had said, was I out of control? I swear the media had someone watching me. There was an army of...

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Double TearsChapter 104

“Life is the dancer and you are the dance.” —Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose WE WERE TAKING two vehicles to Kansas. The five of us could have piled into either one but Rachel, Livy, and Brittany would be returning Monday. Desi and I were staying through the following weekend. And, of course, Cindy and her mother were traveling and living separately. Most of the cast working the show slept on the grounds, at least over the weekends. The first weekend was set...

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06 HomeChapter 104

Flashback – Masha and Tatiana – Secret location I ordered, "Tatiana stop the taxi on the side of the road." So far the directions had been perfect and there were only a few more turns but it was obvious which building housed the stupid Major. I pointed and commented, "What a devious building to function for holding the captured Major. We would have never discovered it without the precise directions from the Major. Yes, the last few turns indicated the Chechens had defiled an abandoned...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 104

Crow Valley August 3, 1889 “Would you just look at this? The vaqueros have already finished the entrance gate and connected the fences,” Pike said as they saw the wide double gates across the wagon road leading into their property. The main gateposts were tall and connected across the top with a long timber. Suspended from the center of that timber by chain links was a large Longhorn steer skull and horns, affixed to a heavy board. Hanging below the skull and horns on two more chains, was a...

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