Han Jobs Handjob Series
- 4 years ago
- 48
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When my girlfriend Han and I started living together we struggled to make ends meet. We lived in Montreal, a city with a lot of character, but low on economic opportunities. On the upside, at least rents were cheap. I was a student with a part-time job, supplemented with student loans. Han had dropped out but still hadn’t found full-time work.
One day sitting around reading the paper I spotted an ad that perked my curiosity. At the time I liked reading personals in the local paper. Before the internet, they served as some sort of Hail Mary for the lovelorn. Most ads were basic, but some had a little pizzaz, like ‘Batman looking for his Robin’. There were phone sex ads too. Some of them offered opportunities for girls looking to make extra money. A little curious how it would work, I showed Han the ad to see if she was interested.
After convincing her that I was serious, we considered the merits. First, I had to assure her it wasn’t actual prostitution, or at least not in any serious way. It seemed an easy way to make money and we both knew that Han had no hang-ups about sex. Plus, she had a great voice for phone sex. When she wasn’t complaining, she sounded quite sultry.
After thinking about it for a few days she decided to call about the job. I imagined they would hire anyone willing, so long as they could speak with passable coherence. When Han called, all she needed to do was go over her questions and hear about the job’s dos and don’ts. It really seemed like easy money.
How it worked was people would call the number of the sex line and it would forward to one of the girls on call at the time. When Han picked up the first thing she had to do is get the caller’s personal information. She had to collect the caller’s name, number, and address. Han would confirm the number listing and then call them back. The payment was collected by check, so there was always a risk of non-payment. There were occasionally women who called too. While the ladies were always an exciting twist, they were the worse deadbeats. Not one of them ever paid.
Initially, it was rather exciting, but it didn’t take long before the bloom wore off. It was fun to listen and on occasion, I even joined in. Not on the phone, but instead secretly doing to Han what the callers said they wanted to do to her. It gave Han’s moans a greater authenticity.
One guy was particularly impressed and said it was the best phone sex he’d ever had. I could hear him through the phone in disbelief asking Han if she was really getting off.
“I really am,” she breathlessly assured him as my cock thrust into her pussy. Then getting caught up in things she volunteered, “Actually, my boyfriend is here with me and he’s helping.”
“What, for real?” he exclaimed.
“Yes, his fat cock is inside me right now,” Han said, as her voice quavered with my penetrations.
“No way!” he said. “If it’s true tell him to say something?”
Han held the phone to me and I reported, “I'm here and I really am fucking her.”
“Wow, this is incredible,” he said. “Tell me exactly what you’re doing.”
“We’re on the living room floor. I’m lying on my side and my boyfriend is behind me, fucking me,” Han shuddered.
“Is your description true too?” he asked.
“Yes,” Han claimed.
“Can you have your boyfriend describe you?” he asked.
“Sure,” Han said holding the phone towards me.
I looked at Han with a questioning smile.
Understanding that I wanted to give the caller her real description Han shook her head no.
I stuck with Han’s phone sex persona. “She’s 5’ 9”, perfect tits, long blond hair, and blue eyes.”
Not only was the description part of protecting Han’s anonymity, but as a five-foot Asian, she tended to enjoy the fantasy of being taller.
Then I truthfully added, “Whatever you’re thinking, she looks even better in person.”
“So, is there anything you’d like him to do to me?” Han asked her client.
He had a few suggestions, but in all honesty, they were pretty pedestrian. He had Han suck my cock and asked me to slap her ass when I fucked her. He was mostly interested in hearing us describe what we were doing.
Han told him that she had a girlfriend too and she liked to eat pussy even more than she liked sucking cock. Han had told me the same story when we started dating. Like much of her stories, it always seemed a little dubious. It was something that I was still waiting for her to prove. Though hearing it did excite our caller.
I’d been moving my cock between Han’s pussy and mouth. It demonstrated her love of oral and the taste of pussy on a cock. Our caller did like hearing the sounds of our sex, but Han still needed to talk. It seemed like an ideal time to fuck Han’s ass.
I headed to our room for some lube. Once back Han exclaimed on the phone, “Oh, he’s lubing my asshole! It feels so cold.”
“Is your boyfriend going to fuck you in the ass?” Our caller excitedly asked.
“Yes,” Han moaned. “He just lubed his cock too and he’s pressing it against my tight little butt.”
“I can’t believe this,” he said. “Does it hurt?”
Han confessed, “Sometimes at first, or if it goes in too deep.”
Hearing the hint of concern in her voice I couldn’t help but suddenly drive my entire cock into her ass.
“Oh, ow!” Han flinched, before relaxing.
“That sounded painful,” he commented. “Do you actually like it?
“It hurt a little, but feels good too, and when I orgasm there nothing makes me feel so filled up inside."
We could hear him beating his cock through the phone. It inspired Han to ask where he’d like to cum if he were here.
“That would be amazing! I think I'd like to cum on your face and tits.”
“Would you like it if I took you in my mouth when you came?” Han asked.
“Oh, that would be so hot. I’ve never had a girl let me cum in her mouth before.
“I’d let you,” Han promised.
No doubt she would. I’d never met a girl who enjoyed consuming sperm more than Han. It’s a story in itself. On our second date, she sucked me off four times in less than twelve hours and then added a wake-up hummer the next day. I think I might have only fucked her once over that period. In fairness, the last three were given surreptitiously at the home of her very unwelcoming parents. She lived with them and against my better judgment, I let her convince me to go home with her. No longer with the same latitude to fuck, Han endeavored to carry on with stealth blow jobs. Coming in a girl’s mouth is one of my favorite things to do and Han had already shown herself to be a sperm epicurean. So all things considered, if we had a chance to fuck at her folk’s place, I likely would have finished in her mouth anyway.
It was just about when Han was promising to swallow the caller’s load that she realized the time. “Oh, sorry John, I just noticed the time. You’ve gone well past your half-hour. Do you want to pay for another half hour?"
“Um, I guess so,” he agreed before chuckling, “Man I wish I could be there instead.”
“Ha-ha,” Han laughed. “I think that would cost you more than another fifteen dollars.”
“I’ll pay, I’ll pay!” he said continuing the joke.
Then Han whispered to me, “It’s funny, he doesn’t know, but he’s not that far away.”
Pushing my cock deep enough into Han’s ass to make her hiss through teeth, I paused to think. I don’t do my clearest thinking at times like this, but a few inspiring ideas have occurred. “If he wants to watch and jerk off, why not invite him over,” I shrugged.
“If he comes, I don’t want to charge him,” Han whispered.
“Why not?”
“It would be too much like real prostitution,” Han protested.
I reached around, grabbed Han's pussy, and whispered in her ear, "It might be fun to do it once. At least charge something."
“What are you guys talking about,” he interrupted.
“Oh, nothing. I just mentioned to my boyfriend that you don’t live too far from us if you actually did want to come.”
“Really, you’re in Montreal too? I had no idea. I assumed you were in the States somewhere.”
“Nope, the calls are all local.”
“Does this mean I could come there?” he asked.
“I’d love it baby, but I think it might not be such a good idea,” Han demurred.
“Alright, but out of curiosity how far are you?” He said, sounding let down.
Han showed me the address looking to me for an estimate.
“About a five-dollar cab ride or two metro stops.”
“Did you hear that?” Han asked over the phone.
“Yeah, and I have a car. If you’re that close, I bet I could be there in ten or fifteen minutes.
Seeming to waver, Han looked at me and said into the phone, “I haven’t changed my mind, but if you come how much would you pay?”
“Um, I don’t know. How much do you want me to pay?”
“If we’re going to do this I’d like you to name your price,” Han countered.
“Is fifty dollars enough?” he asked.
“Han looked at me and shrugged, “Fifty just to watch and jerk off, but seventy-five if want to touch me.”
“Really, okay!” he excitedly replied. “I’ll pay seventy-five.”
“Alright that’s the deal for the visit, but you still need to pay for your first half hour. That goes directly to the company.” Then she added firmly, “What we’re doing is separate and if you call again you can’t request anything like this from any of the other girls, understood?”
“Alright, but can I request you?”
“Yes, as long as I’m on call at the time. But meeting like this will only be a one-time thing.”
“Understood,” He agreed.
Han gave him the address and told him that I’d let him. Now, all we had to do was wait.
We took quick turns cleaning up a bit in the bathroom. After freshening up Han’s asked what I thought she should put on?
“I think under the circumstances naked would be good.” Then I added, “Kinda just catching up where we left off.”
“I see you’re dressing,” Han protested.
I was putting sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Yeah, but he's not coming here to jerk off on me, plus I have to answer the door.
“So now he’s going to cum on me too?” Han smirked.
“Well you already told him he can touch you and he’ll be jerking off. I think that will be a likely result. It’s what I would do,” I replied.
Then Han added, not so much for permission than for agreement, “What else should we let him do? Anything off-limits?”
“I don’t know. Maybe just see what happens. If either of us doesn’t like it, we can just say no.”
I could tell that Han was just checking to make sure I wouldn’t get jealous. I was wondering about that too.
“One other thing, when I let him in should I break it to him before he comes up that you’re not really a blond amazon?” I asked.
“Oh no, I forgot to tell him.”
“I know, that’s why I’m asking.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before I hung up,” Han complained.
“I didn’t think of it until after,” I said.
“Should I call him back?”
“You could try,” I said.
“No, it’s too late,” Han replied, sounding slightly annoyed.
“It’s okay, I’ll tell him at the door. I can’t imagine anyone not preferring the reality of what you look like to your phone character,” I assured her. For every Han pretending to be a tall blond, there were probably plenty of people posing as petite Asian ladies. I thought this guy was going to be in for an unexpected treat.
We went back to our couch to wait and I ended up going down on Han. It served as a good way to pass the time, keeping her both naked and relaxed.
I was deep into Han’s pussy and asshole when the doorbell rang. Coming up I licked Han’s juices from my lips and asked, “Ready?”
“Yes,” Han said as she sat up on the couch.
Rather than buzz him in, I went down to the door to give him the once over before opening the door. I’m six foot and he looked almost as tall as me, but on the skinny side.
I opened the door and we did the preliminary introductions. I also let him in on what Han really looked like. “Look, when you meet her if you don’t like what you see you can just leave if you want." Then added slyly, "But I doubt that will be a problem.”
When we got upstairs Han was casually sitting cross-legged on the couch. She reached her hand out in introduction, “Hi John, I’m Leah. Nice to meet you in person.” Even if her fake description was surrendered, there was no reason to give up on her alias.
I sat down beside Han and gestured toward the stool for our guest. We made some small talk to get comfortable, which included John's appreciative admission that Han was even hotter than he had hoped.
I think any other conclusion would have been unimaginable. Especially with Han sitting naked in front of him. Her jet-black hair falling past her shoulders framed her beautiful face with its luscious mouth. Her shapely breasts and her dark pert nipples begged to be touched. The perfect skin of her midriff and legs meeting in a baby smooth triangle offering an irresistible view of her tawny pussy lips. It must have been hard for him not to stare, especially since it was explicitly what he was there to do.
As we chatted Han casually slipped her hand into my sweatpants and began stroking me. Knowing what our guest and I wanted she leaned over, pulled out my cock, and began licking it. Without a hint of shame, she went down on me as if our visitor wasn’t there. Licking the head of my cock, she replaced the sheen of my pre-cum with her warm saliva, before engulfing me.
I could see our guest was now unabashedly staring. Normally Han would flip her hair away from me because I liked to watch her work. This time she flipped her hair the other way to give John the best view of her sexy mouth working up and down on my shaft.
Our guest had become increasingly quiet as he stared. I could see his hand tentatively moving toward his cock. He absently rubbed it, then stopped as if catching himself.
Han must have caught sight too because she stopped and turned her head to him. Looking him in the eyes as she began suggestively running her tongue up and down my cock before sitting back up. Perched on the edge of the couch with her legs apart, her velvet voice invited him, “Come over here John and let me help with your jeans.”
Raising from his stool he stepped up to Han. Standing with his hands on his side, his posture looked a little jackknifed. His shoulders were forward, not in a slouch, but looking like he was making the world’s smallest bow. The discomfort and futility of concealing a hard-on were apparent.
Han rubbed her hand across his noticeable bulge making him shudder. She undid his pants and gently pulled down his zipper. He moaned when she reached into his underwear to retrieve his cock. Han slowly stroked him, her eyes studying his shaft. Then looking up as if she wanted him to do her a favor she asked, “Is alright if I suck your cock?
“S-s-ure,” he stuttered. “It’s okay.”
I felt a knot of pain inside but was too turned on to object. I couldn’t help but watch while casually stroking my dick.
Han pulled his pants down further to free his balls. Turning her head sideways towards me she smiled before taking each nut into her mouth. She watched me as she ran her feline tongue up the base of his shaft. Her gaze returning to our guest as she licked the head of cock before taking him in her mouth.
No sooner did Han have his cock in her mouth than John began to lose his footing. "Oh no, I’m sorry,” he said as he wobbled.
He seemed to be pulling away from Han. She was reacting too. Han looked like she was registering something unexpected. When his cock sprang free shooting ribbons of sperm in Han’s face, the surprise was revealed to me too.
Having been splashed in the face and tits, Han still had her arms around John’s butt. Holding on to stop his escape, she grabbed his shaft and redirected his spewing cock back into her mouth.
John probably thought his sudden ejaculation might not have been appreciated, but he didn’t know Han. She loved cocks in her mouth, but at no time more than when they’re shooting off. In fact, no matter where sperm may land, her mouth was always ready to perform clean up.
Han kept sucking our guest until the last drop. Once he relaxed and accepted that it was alright, he even rested his hand on the back of her head while she worked. As she liked to do, she kept sucking until his cock softened in her mouth. When she let it slip-free, she used a finger to lift the cum splattered on her tits to her mouth. Han tried to use John‘s cock to gather in some of the sperm on her face but ended up asking John for help.
Sheepishly he tried to use his cock to push some cum from her cheeks to her mouth. Getting more into the spirit, he began taking the initiative. He used his fingers to gather more errant splashes. He scooped from her cheeks, from the bridge of her cute nose, her forehead, and even her hair. It was quite a mess. Collecting what he could, he offered it to Han who licked his fingers clean.
I could see that Han appreciated the help and had begun fingering herself as she fed on our guest’s sperm.
Han leaned back on the couch, her torso flat on the cushions and her head titled up against the backrest. Her little body fit perfectly on the couch in that position and it offered our guest a perfect view of her pussy as she worked on getting herself off.
John sat and watched Han for a bit, but his earlier discomfort seemed to be returning. Then just as Han’s free hand found my cock again John asked if he could use the washroom.
“Sure, it’s right around the corner,” I directed him.
Once I heard the door close, I whispered, “He seems a little skittish.”
Han answered with a frown, “He just shy. I think it’s cute.”
“Is that why you decided to suck his cock?” I said with a hint of pique.
“I was just trying to loosen him up. He seemed nervous,” Han said sounding defensive. “And you don’t have to be sarcastic.”
“Well, you went from not wanting him to pay to jerk off on you to making sure you didn’t waste a drop.”
“I still don’t want him to pay and I didn’t know he was going to cum so fast,” Han contended. “What was I supposed to do?”
“Never mind. It just went further than I thought." And I had to admit, "Seeing you suck his cock like that was a twisted turn on.”
"Don't worry I'd rather suck my baby's cock," Han reassured me while leaning over to take it in her mouth.
No sooner did Han start sucking my cock than John came back from the bathroom. He had his money out too. “Hi guys, thanks a lot. Here’s the seventy-five.”
“Aright, the…,” I started to say when Han cut in. I suppose she likely would have spoken first if she didn’t have her mouth full.
“You don’t have to go yet John,” Han said.
Then standing up and taking his arm, “I know I probably surprised you, so you never had time to relax and enjoy. Stay and watch and just consider what happened before a bonus. This time we’ll all take our time and enjoy.”
“Ummm, okay sure,” he said still holding out the money for Han. It’s hard for a guy to resist when a completely naked girl is snuggled against them. Especially one as gorgeous as Han, who just sucked your cock and swallowed every last drop of sperm – and was the first girl to ever do it for you.
Han led him back to the stool and thankfully took his money. She meandered by our bookshelf on the way back to the couch and slipped the cash into a ceramic jar. Then almost diving, Han bounced down on the couch. Her legs invitingly splayed and her head in my lap to take on her special vocation.
Before taking my cock back in her mouth she looked over to our guest and said, “Come closer, John. You’ll see better and you can touch me if you want.”
Obediently he scooted his stool up to the couch. All he had left to do was to reach over and Han’s pussy was there for him to play with. He was tentative, but our guest accepted Han’s invitation. He started in the middle of Han’s back and slowly worked his way down. He ran his hand all over Han’s smooth bum, feeling down the back of each thigh. Eventually, his hand slid between her legs, which caused her to release a small appreciative moan. He played with the moisture he discovered on his fingers, then slide them inside Han.
Spitting out my cock for a moment she cooed, “Yes John!”
Han’s hips rose and fell in growing unison with our guest’s hand. Han's cock sucking technique may have become unfocused, but she more than made up for it with enthusiasm. Her breath felt hotter on my cock and she seemed to be taking me in deeper than usual. It took my constant attention to keep Han’s hair out of the way. I’d taken to holding her hair straight back in a makeshift ponytail so that both John and I would have a view. John's view would have been better, but his attention was divided with the work he was doing on Han's pussy. Even from my vantage point, I could easily see all the pre-cum infused saliva drooling from Han's mouth.
Han raised herself up on her knees, pointing her ass in the air. If I were in John’s position, I would have had my tongue up her pussy and ass by now, but our guest wasn't taking the initiative. Fortunately for him, Han was there to give direction. This time with more guidance still to come, “John, please lick my pussy.”
Wasting no time our guest got down behind Han and started licking. He was losing his reservations.
Our guest must have been doing a good job because Han lost almost all her cock sucking focus. She never abandoned my cock, but more often she was burying her face in my thighs, often taking a bite out of them. Han would still intermittently pump my cock, but at the moment John had her attention. Then as if to confirm my observation Han suddenly called out, “John, fuck me!!”
Once again, I didn’t anticipate this happening. Whatever John’s firsts were tonight, for me it was the first time someone fucked my girlfriend right in front of me. If it weren’t for the weird combination of arousal swirling with my jealousy, I might have tried to end it. I wanted to, but it seemed irrational considering my initial encouragement. Then again, Han had a way of manipulating me, though I didn’t fully realize it until we broke up.
Our guest quickly stripped and mounted my girlfriend from behind. He grabbed Han’s hips and began slowly fucking her.
As much because of nervous energy I changed positions. I kicked off my sweats and lay with my back down on the couch. John was standing on one side of the couch pumping from behind my girlfriend’s raised ass. My head was on the other end and my legs spread-eagled in front of Han’s face.
Han took my cock back in her mouth and I was so close to cumming at the sight of her getting fucked. The warmth of her mouth was enough to push me over the edge. Unable to resist the urge I felt the sperm surging through my cock. Much like our guest did earlier, I found myself suddenly gushing into Han’s mouth. It didn’t feel like a normal orgasm either. Instead of repeating shots, it was a series of long lethargic surges.
Han drank the flow as usual and lapped up anything that dribbled from her mouth.
I stayed under her and she continued sucking my softening cock until John's pace quickened. Then all she seemed capable of doing was moaning against my cock. I could tell my girlfriend was being fucked to orgasm in front of my very eyes.
Once that it seemed John was getting close Han pulled away.
“John, I want to get on top of you.”
She stood aside and I got out of the way too. When John was on his back Han climbed on top. She reached between her legs and guided his cock back into her pussy. I moved over to the stool and watched as my girlfriend ground her hips, moving John’s dick around inside her. After just a few minutes I could see Han shaking with another orgasm.
Once the wave passed Han looked to me and said, "Where's the lube? Would you find it for us?"
The knot in my stomach tightened because I knew what had to be coming. “Really?” I asked.
"Yes. It's beside the bed," Han said as she ignored my note of discontent.
“It’s right behind you on the shelf,” I said, gesturing toward it as I moved back to the stool.
Showing a crease to her brow Han leaned toward the bookshelf. Han had to raise off John’s cock allowing it to spring free. Coming back with the tube, Han squeezed out a dollop and rubbed all over John’s shaft, lathering extra over the head. Then she squeezed out another glob and her hand reached back behind her body for a second application. Moving a little higher along our guest’s body she reached behind herself to again find his cock. With his shaft in her hand, she held it steady as she lowered her ass down on it.
Han took it nice and slow. She subtly adjusted her posture as she worked him in. Once it seemed she had him all the way inside her, Han’s body softly relaxed and she released a sigh that sounded like honey, “Oh Johnny, have you ever fucked a girl in the ass before?”
Sounding more excited than overwhelmed he said, “No. I didn’t ever think I'd ever meet a girl who would do it. No one will ever believe me about this either.”
As I watched them fuck my anger never diminished, but it began taking a back seat in my thoughts as my cock hardened.
We were covering a lot of firsts, but this time there was a possible second. I was the first to fuck Han’s ass, so that made John the likely second. Han told me I was the first, but her word couldn’t be trusted on its own. It could only be confirmed as certain when I read it in her diary: ‘M introduced me to AI last night…’ Han’s shorthand for anal intercourse was 'AI'. It left me left forever unable to think of artificial intelligence without my mind suggestively wondering.
Han also knew how much it turns me on when a girl takes the initiative with anal sex. Han had certainly requested that I fuck her ass plenty of times. Since I was the first overall to initiate ‘AI’ though, part of me always wondered what portion of Han’s requests were based on a willingness to please versus pure desire. I’d always wanted to be with a girl who took the lead in first introducing anal. Even though it wasn’t with me, I was witnessing Han do it.
Han began moving the same way as she did when she had him in her pussy. In languid motions, her hips rotated and canted forward and back over our blissful guest. She was taking it nice and slow, which I think was working for them both. Considering John's earlier exuberance I couldn’t believe how well he was doing. His hips were rising into her as they increasingly worked together. I knew Han was getting close to cumming when she pulled his hand up to her tits. When he squeezed her nipple she let out more feral sounds distinct from her moans. She reassured him as her body let loose, “Ohh yes Johnny! Ohooo!”
After gathering herself again Han changed positions, squatting up on her feet like a catcher. Longer legged girls can struggle with that position and can lack the endurance needed to make a guy cum. For pint-sized Han though the squats weren’t so deep. Plus, at about 100lbs. it’s easy to grab her hips to help. Like this Han could fuck at a wild pace while her ass applied obscenely tight pressure.
Once on her feet, I knew it would be over soon. Especially because I was already surprised our guest had lasted as long as he did. Han started pumping slowly but driven by excitement her pace quickly built. Han’s eyes were closed as she worked harder and faster. Looking under her, I could see our guest’s glistening cock appear and disappear as Han pistoned up and down.
When our guest started breathlessly convulsing, I knew he was pumping my girlfriend's ass full of cum. Han slowed her pace as he came, but kept milking him until he seemed spent. He let out a big sigh and Han lay down on him and gave him a long deep kiss, before resting her head on his chest.
Looking bitterly at the intimacy I thought to myself, ‘I thought whores didn’t kiss.’
I had a raging hard-on and I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. I squeezed a line of lube along my cock and massaged it in as I stood up. Kneeling on the couch I pulled Han back towards me so I could fuck her without getting tangled up with our guest.
As I pulled her to me Han softly said, “Just let me rest for a minute.”
I did sit down for a moment to give Han a little time to catch her breath. To keep myself entertained I started playing with her pussy and running a finger around the rim of her dilated ass. It looked inflamed and gaped open enough that I could see some sperm pooling inside. Once Han’s hips started to move and she placed a kiss on our guest’s cock, I figured she had recovered enough.
Getting up behind her I placed my cock at Han’s raw opening. I wasn’t completely surprised when Han grunted a plaintive sound. Han generally wasn’t resistant towards anal sex, which I always found remarkable considering her size and how often I wanted it. I think it’s possible that I fucked her ass as often as I did her pussy. Over time she developed two AI policies that I usually followed. The first was no sex on top of sex. That was Han’s term for multiple AI in a single session. The second was no AI when out in public. This meant if we were out somewhere and let’s say for some reason we ended up in an alleyway, parking lot, or maybe a peepshow, she preferred that AI be avoided. The reason in both cases was Han's comfort. Already having a butt full of sperm when getting fucked or riding the metro home made her feel overly messy. There were always exceptions though and this certainly qualified.
I grabbed Han’s hips and in one slow thrust, my policy override slid smoothly into her ass. There was another plaintive moan, but it tailed off into an accepting sound. Han still felt fantastically tight, but her pain points seemed to have vanished. Normally if I fucked her ass too hard or deep she would flinch or hiss in reaction. This time Han seemed beyond any resistance. Resting her face against our guest's waning penis, she accepted every thrust into her greasy ass.
Han seemed to be enjoying being the recipient of anal sloppy seconds. I could tell by the way she was treating our guest’s cock. I knew Han had a big thing for sucking soft cocks, especially when they’re spent and covered with a mixture of post-coital love juice. This time she didn’t even mind that the cock had come freshly from her ass. As I pounded her butthole, Han went from a dreamy cock snuggle to a lazy tongue bath before taking it in her mouth. I had to slow down a bit to watch.
I had a pretty good view. I just had to keep Han’s hair out of the way. I slowly pumped her ass, fixated on the sight of her slobbering all over our guest’s cock. He was laying back watching, but he looked like he was fighting sleep. The sight of Han’s pornographic mouth might have been the only thing keeping him conscious.
I’d always thought of pulling my cock from Han’s ass and offering it for her to suck. I never considered it likely that she would do it. When it came to sex, she was always open to anything I could think of and dreamed up plenty of ideas of her own. Outside of sex though she was so fastidious that it seemed unimaginable that she would ever accept a cock straight from her ass to her mouth.
There was one example that suggested otherwise. Early in our relationship Han cheated on me and agreed to drink my piss to earn another chance (see When Life Gives You Lemons). It was a hastily conceived idea designed to drive her away, but she went along with it. There were some lingering resentments and disgust in its wake that showed that there were some things that Han wouldn’t like. Sometimes though I wondered if it was just a question of circumstance. Instead of anger and coercion, if I’d suggested it without condition or related to other events things might have been different. Han did agree to do it quite readily. If drinking piss were done for fun instead of punishment maybe Han would have enjoyed it. Maybe it’s wishful thinking, but after seeing Han suck a cock fresh from her ass I wondered.
My cock was sliding with silky smoothness in and out of Han’s ass. With her ass in the air, it felt like I could fuck her forever. The sight of the dirty blow job she was giving was enough to make me eager for some of the same. Normally I would have been doing everything I could to fuck Han longer. This time the sight of Han's mouth cleansing a cock from her ass and the other filthy memories it triggered, had me racing toward an orgasm. It all felt so urgent in my mind. If it weren’t for the fact that I’d only recently cum, I’m sure I would already have been pulling out from Han’s ass to fill her mouth. Lasting was definitely better. Better for Han and better for us both to savor the moment. I suppose better for John too. He might have been having a direct impact on Han's pleasure, but for me, that just made him an unsettling living prop.
I kept fucking Han from behind like that, until she shifted her position. Lifting her head up, she released our guest's cock. Han's mouth had completely restored its vitality. She turned onto her shoulder, grabbed his shaft with one hand, and lowered her mouth to suck his balls. Han really did enjoy pliant tissue in her mouth.
When Han rolled onto her shoulder, I let her hips follow. I straddled her lower leg with her other one bending up out of the way. Whether in her pussy or ass there were no positions that I could get my cock deeper inside Han. I had a friend who called that position the baby maker. In this case, I think we were one hundred percent safe.
With Han on her side, our guest got up on his knees beside her face. Han's mouth kept busy working between his cock and balls.
I was getting deep in Han’s ass and she responded with moans and a quivering orgasm. It was our guest's turn to have his cock neglected. All Han could do was press his shaft against her face as she came.
Han lay back recovering as I continued to pump her ass. Once she regained her composure, she started sliding her head between John’s legs. His balls rode across her face surprising me as she pushed past them. Han guided him to move his knees square with her shoulder before she pulled his hips downward. When I saw the startled look on his face, I knew that Han was giving him his first rim job.
Han’s rim jobs were every bit as enthusiastically performed as her blow jobs. When Han wanted to get me going or get me off a deep rim job was usually on the menu. Again, having a girl with a face and mouth so beautiful pushing her tongue up your ass goes a long way.
To make her position more comfortable I shifted Han flat on her butt. I pushed her ankles up by my shoulders, rolling her ass up a bit in the process. With her raw gaping hole in plain sight, I directed my cock back inside.
Han was reaching around to stroke our guest’s cock and while her tongue probed his ass. I loved it when she got me off like that and it was an even more amazing feat to see her do it while having her ass fucked. Han was a good multitasker, but everyone has their limits. She gave great hand jobs too, but her hand had lost some coordination.
“You can help her John,” I advised.
“Oh, sure,” John said sounding unsteady.
John put his hand over Han’s and began guiding her up and down his shaft. He started with long steady strokes, but his pace soon quickened. Experiencing a first-time rim job restored our guest. It seemed no more than fifteen minutes since he filled Han’s ass. The way he was pounding his dick he seemed ready to shoot again.
Knowing what was coming I commanded, “On her tits!”
Just in the nick of time, before potentially blowing his load across Han's body onto me, he aimed his cock down and shot over her tits and belly.
Our guest milked himself dry before raising off Han’s face and pushing his cock into her mouth. As she sucked the sperm from his dick, he wiped the cum from his hand on her tits. He was really getting the hang of how to use her.
Seeing all this had me ready to cum too. I had wanted to cum in Han’s mouth, but I couldn’t resist pushing my cock deep into her ass for the first blast. Pulling out I grabbed my cock and pumped a shot on Han’s stomach, before jumping around her legs.
“Move!!” I demanded to John.
Before he jumped back, I shot stream along her chest. With him out of the way, I pushed my cock into Han’s mouth before she had a chance to even consider saying no.
I shot a couple more blasts into Han’s mouth and loved seeing her lips wrapped around my cock. It was glistening with a patina of ass sperm and she was cleaning it just like she did for our guest.
Han sucked my cock for almost five minutes. Taking as much time as needed to let my cock go soft in her mouth.
Standing up I said, "Wait here, I’ll be right back." I didn’t think they were going anywhere, but I especially didn’t want Han to move.
I ran to the kitchen and pulled a pair of tablespoons from the drawer. Returning I handed one to our guest and declared, “Time to feed Leah.”
Taking a seat beside Han I demonstrated what I had in mind. I spooned a scoop of cum off her tit, lifted it to her lips. Han readily opened her mouth accepting the cloudy broth. After the first scope, our guest and I took turns spoon-feeding her. We worked down her body. From her tits, across her belly, and taking up what looked like the last dash on her smooth pubic mound. Then when I spread her legs, I saw a stream running from her ass, puddling on the couch. Scooping what wasn’t absorbed in the fabric, I then ran the spoon up the line issuing from her ass. “Last one Leah, enjoy!”
Han swallowed the final spoonful and then rubbed the remaining film of drying sperm on her tits and stomach into her skin. With her head on our guest’s lap, Han had a satisfied grin on her face. The way she was rubbing her belly made her look like she had just enjoyed a nice meal.
Before enjoying herself too long, Han popped up and excused herself to use the bathroom. Commonly after sex, particularly AI, Han liked to take a quick shower.
“Maybe I should go,” our guest suggested to me.
“Okay, but just wait a sec. Leah won’t be long,” I said. Even though it would have been fine with me he left, I knew that Han would have wanted to say goodbye.
“Oh sure,” he said indicating he’d wait. “Would it be alright if I smoked?”
“Sure, no problem, as long as I can bum one,” I said getting up to find our ashtray.
Han finished her mini shower by the time we lit up. Coming out of the bathroom with a towel around her midriff, seeing us smoking she asked, “Oh, can I have one too?”
Before John could respond Han darted back to the bathroom. After hearing the tap run for a couple of minutes Han came back. She was bouncing a pair of streaming hot facecloths in her hands. It wasn’t a complete surprise to me, because I was used to her post-coital services. But John must have been wondering what was up.
“Just sit back and enjoy the smoke,” I advised.
Without dropping the facecloths Han unwrapped her towel, folded it in half and put it on the floor in front of the couch. Kneeling on it, Han continued to play with the facecloths until she was satisfied with their temperature.
First, she placed a hot cloth over my cock and let it rest there. Then she did the same thing to John, letting it sit for a moment before using the cloth to gently wash his cock. Once she finished Han leaned down and began sucking his soft cock and balls.
I was used to Han doing this for me, especially after AI. I was a little surprised this time though for a couple of reasons. Han had already sucked our cocks straight from her ass, so I wasn't sure why bothering with her wash routine. The wash was usually a prelude to more sex and since I was thinking it was about time for our guest to go, I was wondering what else Han had in mind.
I waited patiently as my girlfriend sucked this guy’s dick, while the cloth she brought for me cooled on mine. Finally, Han released our guest’s cock, satisfied in her work returning it to full size. Keeping hold of him with one hand, she turned at least part of her attention to me. Using her other hand, she damp mopped my cock before taking it in her mouth. Maybe it was because I was already hard, but my wash and suck seemed rather pro forma. Especially by comparisons to cock care she had just lavished on our guest.
Ideally, I wanted our guest to leave so I could have Han back to myself. She obviously had other ideas and was either missing or ignoring any hints I sent her way. Instead of our visit wrapping up, Han was starting a new round on her knees. Her mouth busy going back and forth between our cocks.
Seeing Han down between us stroking one cock while sucking the other was a sight to behold. She was so beautiful and seemed to be in her natural element. Her juicy lips glistened as they slide up and down one cock as a dexterous hand slowly pumped the other one. The only sounds in our apartment were Han’s slobbers and her irregular gasps for breath.
When she was getting me off, she would look up at me as she sucked and licked my cock. Enjoying the sight of her face and mouth as she worked was no small part of Han’s appeal. When she really got into sucking a cock it could almost seem she’d lost interest in where it was attached. Han just loved the sensation of a cock in her mouth that much. Watching her suck our guest’s cock, confirmed that her enthusiasm wasn’t restricted to my cock either. In fact, just like our first time, Han seemed particularly intrigued by new cocks. The more she sucked him, the more I was reduced to a moderately attentive hand job. I was experiencing a disturbing combination of anger and exhilaration.
Considering I’d wanted to play pimp, anger didn't seem anything I had the right to express. Instead, I went with exhilaration. Han might have been fixated on sucking John’s cock, but she had other fun parts I could use. Any irritation could be dealt with once we were alone.
I pulled Han’s hips up onto the couch. Getting her up onto her knees I drove my cock into her pussy as she sucked on our guest. Han was so wet that her tiny pussy offered little resistance. I was at least relieved that my cock momentarily broke her sucking fixation.
Regaining herself she reached for the lube and ran a line on the underside of her index and middle fingers. Reaching underneath our guest she began working her fingers up his ass. I know I was hesitant the first time a girl did that to me, but John inundated by a night of firsts passively accepted. Her mouth on his cock surely helped.
I slowly fucked Han as I watched her suck off our guest’s cock. No doubt she was hoping her probing would earn her more sperm. It took John some time to acclimate to having a pair of fingers in his ass. Once he was used to it though, it seemed more than he could handle. With his body shaking he grabbed the back of Han’s head to let loose another torrent in her mouth.
Han’s mouth never left our guest cock in what appeared to be a prolonged orgasm. She swallowed everything that filled her mouth and kept sucking him even as he fell asleep leaning back on the couch.
Knowing Han had just swallowed another load had me ready to cum too. My hips pumped into Han from behind filling her pussy with its first load of the night. That was my last thought as I leaned back on the couch and nodded off too.
I’m not sure how long I was asleep, but when I woke up, I was alone on the couch. The light was still on, but both Han and John had disappeared. I looked in the jar and saw the cash was still there. I wasn’t alert yet and I was thinking Han might have given it back to him when he left. Just when the thought that Han might have left with him crossed my mind, I began hearing noises coming from our bedroom. I didn’t have to let my imagination run wild, because the type of sounds was obvious. Our guest and my girlfriend were fucking in there. There was a rhythm penetrating the walls capped by Han’s suppressed, but still audible moans.
Feeling pangs of jealousy, I took his payment and hid it in a book. I did it because I was afraid she might reconsider and want to give the money back. Since she was fucking her ‘John’ in our bed, I wanted to make sure Han would always have whore on her resume.
After taking a moment to calm down, as quietly as possible I made my way to our bedroom. Opening the door, I interrupted, “What the fuck!”
The light from the doorway fell on them. Han was spread wide on her back with our guest between her legs fucking her. Her legs were curled up with her knees by her shoulder in her little fuck ball position. Our guest rolled off, looking nervous and apologizing, “Sorry I thought it was alright.”
Han was apologetic too, but not as nervous. She always had ready-made excuses or cover stories. “I’m sorry. You were sound asleep, so we didn’t want to wake you.”
I’m felt pretty sure that Han was more than happy to take advantage of my post-coital snooze to enjoy a new cock unfettered. I had to remind myself that it wasn’t exactly like I’d walked in on them after coming home unexpectedly. Still, this wasn’t supposed to be about Han getting a free pass. This was supposed to be a shared experience.
“Yeah, well this wasn’t the deal,” I said. Then glaring at Han, still sitting spread-eagled on the bed, I added, “If you want to fuck her, I want another seventy-five.”
Caught in mid-fuck, they were both hesitant to object and anxious to resume.
Han sat silently, so I looked over to John, “Well?”
“Alright, Umm, my pants are out there.”
As he started to get up I said, “You can get it later.”
When he went to resume his position I interrupted, “Let Leah get on top.”
Looking at each other they both shrugged. Our guest lay on his back, while Han nimbly mounted him and guided his cock back into her pussy.
I sat back watching while stroking my cock. Before Han got carried away, I stood up beside her so she could suck my cock. In her Pavlovian fashion, she welcomed it into her mouth. Wrapping her arms around my butt she anchored herself as her hips gyrated. Doing my part, I grabbed a handful of her hair to face fuck her.
Most of my three-way fantasies revolved around two girls, but one thing that I wanted to try if I ever tag-teamed a girl was double penetration. Han being my girlfriend aside, it was hard to imagine a more ideal participant. Filling a sexy body so small with two cocks couldn’t be passed up.
I wasn’t about to discuss my plan with them. I just pulled away from Han’s mouth and moved behind her. I pushed Han down on John's chest and they began to kiss. Trying to minimize my contact with our guest was a little awkward. Though with Han’s tongue in his mouth, it would be hard for him to complain.
When the head of my cock touched Han’s back door it sent a shudder through her body. Realizing she was feeling the same sense of anticipation was pleasing as I pushed into her ass.
Han was always tight, but this time it was a struggle to force in my cock. She was tensing and ineffectively pushing a hand back against my thigh. Her moans that always played in a pitch-perfect harmony while being fucked now had a strain of discord. There was a struggle in her tone as she was filled inside like never before.
Han’s ass felt slick inside with the residue of lube and a variety of sperm. It took a little time for her to get used to being so completely stuffed. Once she was, Han became a pliant ragdoll between John and me. The pushing was a little harder, but my cock still slid nicely inside her.
Our guest was thrusting slowly, necessitated by his position underneath. I could feel his thrusts against mine, meeting inside of Han. She may have been more passive than usual sandwiched as she was between us, but I don’t know if Han ever felt wetter between her legs. Even from above I felt drenched by her flood.
My pace increased, but I was constrained by the mechanics of incorporating another body. The lack of recovery also slowed my build toward a third orgasm. Despite living a real-life porn scene, I still had a great way to go before filling Han one more time.
When I finally got close, I didn’t need to worry about restraint. I had to concentrate and work hard to cum. Fucking Han’s ass with a violent ferocity had her body convulsing even in her near-catatonic state. I pumped her ass until my final dregs were inside her. I would have collapsed on her right then if it weren’t for the guy underneath her. Rolling off, I left her raw asshole agape and spent body on top of our guest.
With Han too weak to take much initiative our guest rolled her on her back to finish fucking her. Han’s moans seemed almost pitiful. She sounded like a damaged kitten as he drove into her. When he came in her, they kissed before Han curled up between us.
I woke up to a blow job the next morning. Unfortunately, it wasn’t being performed on me. In a queasy way, it brought me back to my early days with Han when she often woke me up like that.
Maybe because I was still half asleep, instead of reacting I quietly watched. Anytime either of them seemed to check on me I’d be careful to not let them see me peeping.
When our guest tried to pull Han up for something more, she silently shushed him as a warning to keep from waking me. It took a while, but Han sucked and stroked him until his hips showed the telltale signs of a budding orgasm. Grabbing the back of her head, he pumped a morning load into her mouth. She kept sucking well past his orgasm letting his cock shrink in her mouth.
Han crawled back up between us facing him. I could hear him whisper to her that he better get going.
They both got up as quietly as they could. As if woken by their movement I muttered, “Don’t forget to leave the money.”
Han made a sour face, but John said, “Sure, no problem. I’ll give it to Leah.”
There wasn't much conversation while he dressed, but I could hear them whispering by the door. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I heard Han say that she would give him a call. She denied it when she got back to the bed, but initially, she wouldn’t even admit to her wake-up blow job either.
I was always a little suspicious that Han might have given him a call to get together. She always said I was too jealous, but it was never baseless. Han really did cheat. And not just a slip with a guy or two. By the end, it was just untenable. The final straw was when I called her at home when I was out of town. She picked up while she was getting fucked. She tried to claim she was just doing lunges. The breathless lunges sure had a sexy sound to them and I’m sure the ridiculous story was good for a laugh when I hung up on her.
When we were breaking up, she continued to deny everything. Then through happenstance, I slept with a girl who had only recently had a threesome with Han. It would have been nice if the revelation was just a case of it being a small world. Unfortunately, the truth was indicative of just how busy Han was. It might have been funny when the ‘Dawg Father’ caught his girlfriend getting gangbanged in the movie ‘Old School’, but it feels pretty shitty in real life. It was only after I confronted Han with that girl that she gave up on getting back together and partially owned up.
It was partly out of bitterness and partly out of unhealthy fascination that I asked her what her record was for sucking cocks in one day. Maybe out of mercy she was reticent to say. Not so much compassion that she didn’t make an allusion to a pair of interns she met when she got a job at the hospital. She went as far as to say the three of them found their multi-racial hookup amusing. They thought they would have made a good X-rated Colors of Benetton commercial. Benetton, being an early adopter of multi-cultural imaging in advertising.
If the humor didn’t seem lost on me Han might have continued. Maybe she would have gotten to the times she went to visit John. Maybe she would have told me about entertaining John and his roommates, though apparently just one at a time. At least she hadn’t yet gangbanged them along with a few of their friends when we were together. That was their reward for helping pick up the TV she left behind when she had to move out. It was a one, maybe a two-man job to lug it down the stairs, but for one more kick, she brought a team.
Anyway, those are different stories. It took a number of years to pass, a chance meeting with Han, and lots of alcohol to get her to tell them.
This is part of the 'Bettina and the Picture Book' series of stories included in the 'Polheim Chronicles'. Hans and Hannah Hans was annoyed. His watch, a gift from his mother, had stopped. Itwas fully wound, and he could see no reason for it to not work. But workit would not. Dependent on it for timekeeping at the school, he had nooption but to take it to a watch repairer. The only one that he knew ofwas in Frankfurt, and so, the following Saturday, he caught the early trainto the city,...
ONCE upon a time, deep within the great forests of Germany, dwelt a widowed mother and her two children. The boy was called Hans and the girl, Greta. They were twins, blessed from birth with tremendous beauty and born of the same tall, trim build with fair skin and hair of gold, like their mother. In fact, they were both so hot that throughout high school they had to put up with a lot of jokes and rumors about incest from their classmates about incest. Oh, it was true that the brother and...
The winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...
IncestThe winter in the mountains had been harsh that year.Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...
IncestThe winter in the mountains had been harsh that year. Greta still clung to the belief that everything would work out if they just remained patient and let the winds of fate decide their future. Hans scoffed at the idea just like he had rejected the inclination to trust the dreaded witch. He loved his adopted sister more than life itself but sometimes she was so irritatingly “good” that he left her to her cleaning in the tiny hut and he visited the Gypsy girls in the nearby camp next to the...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyana 19 vayathu pennai usar seithu matter pota kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal avaluku vayathu 19 aagugirathu. En thangaiku oru thozhi irupaal aval peyar saranya vayathu 19 aagiyathu, vayathu thaan siriyathu aval mulai periyathu. Soothu miga sexiyaaga irukum, en veetil adikadi vanthu poval. Ennai adikadi sight adipaal, avalai enaku migavum pidikum. Naan pesinaal en idam sirithu pesuvaal, en amma ilatha pozhuthu thaan...
En peyar srithar naan kalluri irandam aadu padithu varugiren. Naan diplamo padithu mudithu vitu b tech kalluriyil sernthen. Naan diplamo paditha pozhuthu en udan entha penum padika villai. Pen vasanaiye en meethu patathu kidaiyathu, naan kalluri padithu mudithu vitu b-tech sernthen. Niraiya pengal en vagupil irunthaargal, avargalai paarkum pozhuthu en manathil niraiya kama ennangal vanthathu. Athil oru pen peyar thaan mathi, aval paarka sexiyaaga irupaal iru mulaiyum kaiku adakamaaga...
Hi friends and this is my first story mera nam Sameer hai our mai Mumbai ka rahnewala hu. Ye mere pahle sex ki real storie hai agar apko pasand aye to khaskarke bhabi to muje jaroor reply karna mera email id hai to jyada bore na karte hue apne kahani suna ta hu. Yebat pichale sal ki hai mai Mumbai mai rahta hu mai jaha rahta hu wahase najdik mai hi hamare gaon se shadi hokar sadhana aeye thi uske shadi ko 6 sal ho chuke the gaon se hone ke karan sadhana aur hamare Pahlesehi acche talukat thy...
Hi readers, this is Atul from Mumbai once again and it was an incident happened about 2 years back, when we all friends went to Pune to attend the marriage function of a sister of one of my close friends. We started for Pune early morning at 6:30 am and reached Pune around 9:00 am once we got down from the bus and we straight away went to marriage hall near Kothrud. We were 6 friends and everybody was in a cheerful mood when we entered in the hall, I saw Bhanu aunty there immediately I went to...
IncestHello, everyone. This is Farhan (name changed) from Guwahati, Assam. I have been a regular reader of ISS since the last five years and this is my first story to be published. I hope you guys like it. Any feedbacks are welcomed. My email The story is about my girlfriend (name changed) who is busty and is currently with me. She encouraged me to publish this story in Indian sex stories dot net. She’s bi, so any girl interested may contact me through my mail. So coming to the story, it’s half...
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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil urangaum thevidiya thangaiyai naan eppadi oothen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Ithu oru kudumba kama kathai enbathai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Pragadeesh vayathu 22 aagugirathu, naan oru boys collegelil padithu varugiren. Enaku oru thangai irukiraal aval peyar priya vayathu 20 aagugirathu. En thangaiyai patri sola vendum endraal aval oru super figure, iru mulaiyum perithaaga pazhuthu iurkum. Soothum miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum, neengal avalai...
Hello all! I am relatively new to this site and since started visiting here, it has excited me tremendously to be a regular here and share my gay sex stories with all those who appreciate reading such fictional and true write ups and not only drive pleasure from it but also learn the worthy information as a guidance for their gay practices and experiences. Now sit back and enjoy the story W.A. Chohan. It was unfortunate that he had to get his bicycle fixed three times this week, first there was...
Gay MaleI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Hello all. I am Ubaid from Tral, Kashmir. I am a big fan of iss and have been reading stories for past 6 years now. I am 24, well-built Kashmiri male with a thick and 9 inches long circumcised cock. I am going to share my true experience with my elder sister with you guys. This is my first story, so kindly ignore my mistakes. My family consists of four people; my father, mom, me and my didi Shani. My father is an engineer and mom is a house wife. Shani didi was the sexiest girl i had ever laid...
IncestShanna woke up. Delirious, she looked around and noticed lights, monitors, and other medical equipment that filled the intensive care unit where she lay. Then she saw Kyle's face. He held her hand, faithfully keeping vigil by her side as she recovered. He took her hand and raised it to his mouth, giving her a kiss. "Hi Shanna," he said. Shanna was confused, having no memory of the events that led her to his place. All she remembered was being in that dark alley, turning a trick with a band of...
TransDhanya lay in bed, wide awake, the digital clock on the table on the left side of her bed read 2:20 am. In a matter of hours, she would have to reach the school campus. It was the time of the year when the junior college students were to be taken for their final year school trip. She knew it would a headache, especially with the students who were repeating the junior year. But she knew it would be her responsibility and the principal trusted her. “I might as well get this done with,” she...
“Ma’am, is this the paper you are looking for?” Kiran exclaimed holding up a letterhead. Dhanya was barely listening. She had Tony’s hands on her breasts, He held her right nipple between his thumb and index finger. The bliss she was experiencing was exhilarating as she slowly started losing a sense of her surroundings. “Ma’am, is this the paper?” Kiran repeated the question. Dhanya turned around disinterestedly and in a feeble voice, she replied, “Yes, Kiran, that is the document I was...
“Who is playing that song this early in the morning??”, Dhanya muttered to herself, trying to cover her ears with her pillow. The song kept playing away, battering her semi-conscious mind. “Oh crap!! That song is my alarm!”, she woke up startled, took the vibrating phone in her hand. It took her a moment to realize that it was the first day of her vacation. Ten gruelling months of rigorous teaching, correcting exam papers and internals and dealing with the lazy students had made her mind used...
“Are you fuckers done?” Her soft sweet voice stunned both the men on either side. They felt a chill run down down their spine. The momentary silence made their heartbeats feel as if it was being played on loudspeakers. In what felt like an eternity, Rajesh and Arun stared at each other. They did not dare to look up. They sat there, between the seats, scared, worried, with sweat running down their face. Rajesh could feel his hands trembling, he took his hands off his sexy co-passenger’s exposed...
Hello everyone, en peyar Sunthar, vayathu 22 aagugirathu naan engineering padithu varugiren, en kalluriyil pengalai athigamaaga sight adipen athilum engal English teacher miga sexiyaaga irupaargal. Avargalai oru naal paarka villai endraalum en manasu ketkave ketkathu, teacher mulai miga sexiyaaga pazhuthu irukum. Aval soothu irukum azhagai paarthu rasithu konde irukalam, kalluriyil yarukum athu pondru soothu irukave irukathu. Idupu sirithaaga irukum soothu perithaaga irukum, teacher paadam...
Yeh bilkul sach story hai jab main sal ka tha aek din main bus main ja raha tha aek pathan mery peechy aakar kar khara ho gaya bus main kafi rash tha aksar bus ko jhatka lagta wo pathan ka lund seedha meri gand par aa lagtakafi der pathan rash ka faeda authaty hooy apna lund meri gand par pherta raha kuh der baad pathan nay mujs say poocha tum kahan jati hai main nay main sadar watch khareedny ja raha hun pathan kaha hamra watch ka dukan hai hum tum free mai watch day ga tum hamary saath chalo...
‘Hi’ my name is June. My dream has and will always be to become the best teacher the world has ever seen. When I finished school I decided to first gain some hands on experience as a private tutor at a school in my neighborhood. I was excited that day. I really wanted to make an impression on my students. So, I wore my favorite black dress with pink straps and with a pink bow under my boobies. My friends always say I look young and cute in that dress. Hopefully, this way the students would feel...
Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Ramanan vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en thirumanam aagatha thangaiyai yaarukum theriyaamal eppadi usar seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, en veetil enaku oru thangai irunthaal, aval peyar kayal vayathu 24 aagi irunthathu. En thangai parka miga sexiyaaga irupaal, aval mulai irandum perithaaga pazhuthu irukum. Aval soothu thukalaaga irukum, sonal nama maatirgal avalai nane niraiya murai sight adithu...
This story happened a long time back – my first encounter with a maidservant. I was 18 years old at that time, and had erotic thoughts all day and night long, and had discovered masturbation. I used to live alone with my parents in a ground floor house.They both used to work, and I was in school. At that time however I had exam preparation leave before my board exams, and used to stay home. We had one small boy working for us, and a part-time maidservant Chandni who used to come morning and...
Shania Twain was walking toward one of the barns on the estate she and Mutt had in Switzerland. She was going to feed her horses. She was dressed in loose sweat pants and a tee shirt. When she was away from the public she dressed as comfortable as she could. One of her dogs was cavorting around her as she made her way to the barn, the others were off on the estate somewhere. This dog was her favorite, he was a big German Shepherd, Tan and black, weighed about 110 pounds. His name was Tim and...
My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...
CrossdressingShania Twain was riding in a helicopter passing over the hot California country side, headed for a remote location for a Photo shoot. One of the Top European Magazines was paying her good money for her time. They wanted to do an edition on the hot country music stars from America, They had their own photographers doing the shoot but had hired an American company for the production, the producer decided since they were hot stars he would shoot them in a hot location. Shania had a four day break...
Julie Stevens almost fainted when Shania Twain picked her to be her new personal assistant. She was just twenty-one years old and had already landed her dream job. She was a huge fan of Shania and had always wanted to meet her and now she had the chance to work with her every day. Julie arrived in Shania's hotel room about an hour before the country star was due and made sure everything was in place for Shania to be comfortable before her concert tomorrow night. Julie's cell phone rang and she...
Motherless.com! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesHello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...
Chapter One “Now can we go to the mall” was the first question as soon as I got in the car, rapidly followed by “Are we gonna stop for lunch?” and by “Did you like our show and blow!?” which provoked gales of laughter out of the two of them. “Slow down,” I replied “I don’t know where you girls come up with this stuff, but yes, I loved your show and blow. Who wouldn’t like getting a blow-job from one of you!? And I’m guessing that you two have had sex together before, ‘cause that was so...
We decided on a little bistro close to our apartment building. It was kind of dark, cool, and intriguing. The food was excellent. I didn’t eat much, though, as I spent most of the meal just looking at the angel across from me. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I shook my head. “Not a thing. I just can’t get enough of looking at you. You make this dark room bright.” “Thank you, I think.” She beamed at me. “You’re so bright and sparkling. You just look pretty.” “That is so nice. I’m so pleased you think...
We decided on a little bistro close to our apartment building. It was kind of dark, cool, and intriguing. The food was excellent. I didn’t eat much, though, as I spent most of the meal just looking at the angel across from me. “What’s wrong?” she asked. I shook my head. “Not a thing. I just can’t get enough of looking at you. You make this dark room bright.” “Thank you, I think.” She beamed at me. “You’re so bright and sparkling. You just look pretty.” “That is so nice. I’m so pleased you think...
Love StoriesThree months later, the sound of laughter made Thea Barton look up. The now twenty year -old blond-headed beauty was in the living room reading when she heard it. Recognizing the voice of Uncle Dan, she smiled as she waited to see whom he was going to be with. When the laughter grew louder, she smiled. Ah, yes! It was Irene, her now very good friend! Uncle Dan seemed to prefer her to the others. Her being married seemed to make no difference to all concerned parties. Thea smiled to herself,...
Shania Taylor was too damned young to be a widow. But, that’s what she was. Her husband had been killed in one of those idiot drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, he’d been the one drunk. Fortunately, he’d lost control and slammed his truck into a tree. He didn’t kill anyone else. The impact broke his neck, and left his 27-year-old wife a widow. She looked stunning in black. Her blonde hair and pale skin contrasted with the dark fabric. As much as I pitied her situation, the vision of her in...
Shania Taylor was too damned young to be a widow. But, that’s what she was. Her husband had been killed in one of those idiot drunk driving accidents. Unfortunately, he’d been the one drunk. Fortunately, he’d lost control and slammed his truck into a tree. He didn’t kill anyone else. The impact broke his neck, and left his 27-year-old wife a widow. She looked stunning in black. Her blonde hair and pale skin contrasted with the dark fabric. As much as I pitied her situation, the vision of her in...
Love StoriesChapter One I awoke to the wonderful feeling of my cock encased in a warm mouth, reveling in the feeling of Chantelle giving me a slow and noisy blow-job. She stopped and looked up at me. “See, I told you!” she said, excited as usual to have her mouth stuffed with cock “I told you I would wake you up with a blow-job!” “Don't stop,” I warned her “you keep going 'til I'm done.” “Oh yeah” she said, returning to the task at hand “I’m gonna make you cum lots of times today.” After...
Hi to all the iss readers, after a very good response from my earlier story about “shonali and seema”, i am going to narrate to all of you the incidents that took place between me and my maids. After shonali and seema had moved to us, i was left without a pussy to fuck. This was getting on to me and i really wanted to pound some pussies and that too quickly. As days went by my urges grew stronger and i being in 3rd year college had several girl friends, but after a stint with mature aunties...
Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...
Her head had been on the brink of falling onto my shoulder for the past 15 minutes. Every time, I thought I’d feel her soft locks brush against my skin, the train would rattle and she roused herself up again. It was torture. I could clearly see she could barely muster the energy to sit up straight again, and I could no longer bear the torture of anticipating the sensations to come and still not feel her on my shoulder. I couldn’t help but let out an exasperated sigh when the train suddenly...
Introduction: A Christmas skiing holiday that changed everything Chantelle I suppose it started with how she was interacting with the guy who was with her. She was French, I could hear since I was standing right behind her in the ski-lift queue. She looked somewhere around my own age of twenty-two, and a similar average height too, while the guy looked in his late thirties and was only a little taller. She held a LOT of eye contact with him, really listening and responding to him, and he was...
Cameron slowly started to wake, his mind struggling to clear the drowsy fog of morning. He smiled as he felt the warmth of his girlfriend's body pressing against his back and the weight of her arm draped over his side, hand resting on his heart. This was more or less the same position in which they always woke up together; however, as Cameron groggily opened his eyes, he looked down at himself and remembered why this was not a typical morning: Last night, Shannon had spanked him for...
Chapter One I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off at 6 AM, feeling refreshed, after a deep and dreamless sleep and ready for the day. I had decided to join my buddies for our regular Sunday morning round of golf after all. Neither girl stirred from their sleep; they were obviously exhausted from all of our sexcapades from the day before. They looked so cute, lying cuddled up together in my bed. Chantelle was spooning Kaylee and had her arm draped over Kaylee’s hip; I pulled the...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Shana: Shana: I first met him when I moved to Seattle. He was in my economics class my freshman year of college, and I noticed him from the first day. I was completely overwhelmed by the experience of starting a whole new life in Washington. The only reason I was there was financial...I was simply offered a scholarship to the college that I could not afford to refuse. He was sitting in the back of the classroom, simply observing the comings and going of the students trickling into...
Jo koi girl ya bhabhi mere sath sex krna chahti h,upar meri id par message kare.Mujhe sex bahut pasand h aur isk sath hi main sabhi females ki respect bhi krta hu. Hi friends,mera naam varun h,colour fair aur main 23 saal ka hu.Main aapko apni chanchal bhabhi k saath ki first chudai k baare me to apni first story me aap sabhi ko bata hi chuka hu ki kaise maine apni sexy hot bhabhi ko choda.Ye story meri aur meri chanchal bhabhi ki doosri chudai ki h.Maine unhe first time 21 ki age me choda tha...
I stood on the landing, looking at the “C” in brass on the door for a few moments. I hadn’t had anywhere near as much bourbon as Shania had, but felt my head swimming. This was not a good situation, I thought. Still, maybe she’d go inside, fall into bed and go to sleep. That way I’d be spared any further emotional havoc this particular day. As I moved away from her door I shook my head to clear it. This had all been a bit much. As I reached the landing to my own place I decided I might as well...