Chantilly Brown free porn video

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President Brown’s daughter Chantilly disliked being jobless and socially isolated on the allegedly sun-drenched tropical island of breeze-caressed coconut palms and mile-long white-sand beaches that tourist brochures label unabashedly, ‘A Romantic Dream Destination’ and ‘Fantasy Island Is One Credit Card Zap Away’.

Only yesterday a 7-year old runaway from school endeavouring to escape harsh discipline was hiding between ‘breeze-caressed palms’ and had his head split open by a falling coconut. That put the concept of breeze-caressrf coconut palms into sharper perspective.

Chantilly sniffed and wondered how could one’s body become sun-drenched when the 8840 square mile island was shut down by 120 mph hurricanes? And when those frightening big blows ended, decaying fish, diesel from sunken fishing boats and the washed up huge lake of rotting sewage from the sanitation pumping station pipeline outlet two miles off the coast would for weeks if not months trash the ‘mile-long white sand beaches’ on the tourism-favoured northern coast.

Actually the longest beach was a mere 781-yards long and white shells crushed by tidal action gave the impression the grey sands were white. It was never stated in tourist brochures that on average sharks catch seven tourists a year or that twenty or so tourists a year die in fights, dynasty, food poisoning, any one of seven deadly fevers or are gored by a wild boar.

The brochures had pictures of green turtles but made no mention of giant and deadly spiders, or the world’s most venomous sea snakes, giant bats or huge biting ants that a few years ago reputedly surrounded a copulating couple on Lulana Beach and in the morning all that was left were bones. The story never surfaced because the newspaper reporter who reputedly gathered evidence of that incident of world news status, mysteriously disappeared on her way back to her newspaper.

* * *

Chantilly, a 23-year old with a masters in marine science, rubbed purest medical grade lanolin cream into her nipples to inhibit cracking in the corrosive climate of salt laden air, heat and the periodic drying winds off the inland desert. She, her mother and sister, spent a small fortune on skin protection that their husband/father willingly provided because of his fondness of beautiful women.

The president of the democratic-ruled nation of 260,700 people was entitled to travel abroad with his/her family every 12 months for three weeks and the Browns had just returned from Canada, their choice of country to visit this year. For Chantilly, the joy of going abroad was offset by the despair of returning to ‘paradise’. She’d tried unsuccessfully to find employment in Canada that would have allowed her to stay behind but none of the interviewers, unfortunately all female, could bring themselves to recommend employment of a dazzling beauty who had no work experience and arrogantly required a high salary.

So she returned to the island and sulked, lost weight and lost her humour. She was such a pain that her father had his official motor yacht stocked with fine food, fine wine and a female hospitality crew of loose morals and invited the government’s Minister of Tourism to join him to cruise away the weekend. The result was Chantilly was offered a position in London as the Republic of Kissock’s tourism representative, a position usually taken by a near retiring big-wig.

Chantilly went personally to thank the ugly Minister of Tourism after signing her two-year contract, and happily allowed him to have sex with her. It was worth it, bent painfully over his desk while he toiled for twenty minutes before climaxing. Well it was a prestigious position that included an apartment above her office in High Street, Marylebone plus secure parking and a self-drive black Mercedes coupe.


Chantilly arrived at her new home mid afternoon and that evening held a party in her office for some old friends she’s made over the years when receiving her secondary and university education in London. In the report she sent back to her Ministry, her guests had fictitious names and fictitious occupations such as Mr Basil Perkins, managing director of Vacations International Inc and Miss Shelia Chessman, managing editor of Exotic Holidays Magazine.

‘Oh darling how lovely to see you again,’ cooed Felicity d’Drum (named in the report as Miss Sheila Chessman), festooned with expensive jewellery because her father was awash with money, being a dark beer baron.

Three hours later Chantilly found Felicity being shafted on the kitchen table by the Rt Hon. Steven Wright-Higgins (named as Mr Basil Perkins), Minister of Litter Control in Her Majesty’s Government. Enterprisingly, she slipped off her panties and climbed on to the table and made it a threesome.

Three of Chantilly’s girlfriends stayed on to clean up the offices but then, finding themselves too tired for sex with Chantilly, they staggered off.

Chantilly was relieved about that because her butt was tender became Steven hadn’t used lube. She thought that evening of drunkenness and mild debauchery ought to have re-established her on the social scene and she could now return to being a lady… well as near as she could get.

She met her staff of three in the morning. Oliver was a computer graphics and design expert who also looked after electronic communication and maintained the office’s computer system.

Young Mavis made tea and looked after the mail and courier deliveries/collections and did things no one else wanted to do.

Elegant Ivy was Chantilly’s PA.

‘What do I do?’ Chantilly asked.

‘Your hair and nails, answer the calls I put through to you and attend luncheons and return to the office in time to leave for the day.’

‘Are you sure about that?’

‘Well that’s what your predecessor did before he was recently recalled and as did the woman before him.’

‘And what do you do Ivy?’

‘Everything you are supposed to do in respect of administration. You have to host dignitaries and plan the marketing of any promotion the Ministry sends us in a Diplomatic bag.

Chantilly yawned and said she liked it and Ivy said she thought Chantilly would.

‘Doesn’t this office originate promotions to publicized Kissock’s tourism potential?’


‘And why not?’

‘Because it’s never been done.’

That told Chantilly her middle-aged PA had been trained within the socialist bureaucracy.

She stretched and yawned when Ivy left and thought she should go up to her luxurious flat and sleep till evening so she would be fresh when she hit the bars to find a suitable guy to take her clubbing.

Chantilly opened her handbag and took out her contract for filing and paused to glance through it, looking for any clues about job specifics but found none. She came to the last paragraph and read it carefully: ‘I Chantilly Margaret Cinzia Brown solemnly swear to serve my country with honour and dignity while officially representing the Republic of Kissock. I promise to work diligently and effectively to promote the tourism attractions of my Indian Ocean homeland.’

Slowly a veil of responsibility shrouded Chantilly. She called Mavis and asked for tea and replied no iced bun or chocolate biscuits.

Sipping Bronson’s Mid-Morning Blend in a bone china cup, Chantilly called Ivy and asked how much annual budget was available from this month’s budget. The answer was $349,729 in Kissock dollars or about £210,000.

‘You’ll get a quite a few parties out of that,’ Ivy said icily and Chantilly said stiffly, under influence of her new cloak of responsibility, that she wasn’t a party girl.

Chantilly made an international call and a sleepy voice said, ‘Who the fuck is phoning at this hour of night.’

‘Oh my apologies? I’ll call some more convenient hour. What time do you usually jerk off?’< br>
‘Chantilly, Chantilly Brown?’

‘Yes Uncle Dick.’ she said to Billy Brown, her father’s youngest brother. On her 18th birthday Uncle Billy had taken Chantilly’s virginity because none was lining up to do it and from then on he became her Uncle Dick because on that infamous night in the cellar he’d said dribbling, ‘Here comes your uncle’s dick’.

They talked about his fishing operation and he said well if he pulled finger out he could make two fishing trips a day, taking a maximum of 40 fishermen per trip. He became really enthused when Chantilly said he probably could charge each person $200 with nothing to pay if they didn’t catch a fish.

Chantilly sipped more tea thinking about the photo she’d taken only last year when she’d gone down to the fishing wharf as she liked to do to buy fresh fish from Uncle Dick. He was just returning after being out to catch the 5:00 am start of the incoming tide and returned four hours later with 400 hastily gutted fish hanging on lines above the deck and already putrefying in the tropical heat. But that was okay because they would be ground up for garden fertilizer. The edible fish would be down below on ice.

Chantilly had her camera with her and took the phone of Uncle Dick and his strung up fish. He waving at her, dressed in filthy shorts, filthy armless white Polo and was unshaven. It certainly was no tourist picture.

She went upstairs and returned with that photo from her collection of favourite memorabilia to weep over when she felt homesick.

‘Hi Oliver,’ she said to the IT man and graphic artist. ‘Ivy tells me you are in a gay relationship?’

‘Yeah. Want me to resign?’

‘I call that a preference, not a disgusting unholy act Oliver.’


‘Oliver can you work with me to produce an advertisement that will be a quarter page in magazines and will adjust easily to requested size in newspapers?’

‘Sure Chanty, piece of cake.’

‘Great and if you wish to shorten my name the preferred choice is Tilly you fag.’

He laughed and said she would be refreshing to have around. He invited her to sit down and she handed him the photo to scan.

A few days later Chantilly grabbed all the national dailies off Marvis who yelled, ‘Hey Tilly we share them.’

‘My first ad is in these newspapers today.

Everyone gathered around and when they gasped, Chantilly and Oliver looked at each other and grinned.

‘Gawd that fisherman looks like a pirate,’ Ivy sniffed.

‘He probably has a big dick,’ Chantilly said, and Ivy leaned forward to take a closer look at the illustration.

‘He looks like a genuine fisherman,’ Mavis said, but who would pay two hundred bucks to catch a fish?’

Chantilly the authority said, ‘A fisherman who rarely catches fish and thinks when eyeing this ad he’ll catch up to 400 in four hours and will be photographed with his catch and will be able to keep as many fish as he wishes.’

‘Go on, he can’t fly home with food, especially smelly fish.’

‘Well he won’t be thinking that when he books to go to Kissock, but if he is a thinking fisherman he’ll extend his stay to give him time to eat through his catch.’

Just as Oliver had done when composing the advertisement to Chantilly’s instructions, Ivy and Mavis looked at Chantilly in awe.

Within three days all available aircraft seats from Great Britain for the 11-hour flight to the Republic of Kissock had been taken and a national UK travel agency had chartered a cruise liner with 2700 beds to sail to Kissock for a week’s stay in port to accommodation the overflow of bookings.

Uncle Dick called Chantilly.

‘Fuck off caller, it’s 2:00 am.’

‘Hi Big Cunt.’

‘Uncle Dick, you know that’s your intimate name for me is not something to be used on an international phone call.’

She was ignored.

‘The boys and me of course wish to thank you. Ten of us solo owner-operators have formed a consortium to cope with the deluge of fishermen already arriving. Because we have no charter fishing operations on the island, we’ll establish some because we are out to make hay while the sun shines. You are a whiz darling and we have all got our wives or girlfriends to write to the Minister of Tourism congratulating him on his wisdom in appointing you to your position.’

‘Why didn’t you guys write, it would appear more personal?’

There was silence.

‘Oh god, you bums can’t read or write?’

‘Yeah but we can fish and screw brilliantly,’ her uncle snarled and cut the call.

Ivy came in, white-faced.

‘You have been summoned to our London Embassy at 2:00 this afternoon.’

‘Oh what for and don’t they know I might be busy?’

Ivy turned green and clutched the door-frame. ‘Chantilly a no-show will be regarded as treason. Punishment for that ranges from a rap on the knuckles to death by firing squad.’


‘So you can go?’

‘Yes but you come with me.’

Ivy flushed with pleasure and said she would confirm. ‘The office cleaning account has a healthy surplus. Let’s raid that for hair-dressing and new dresses and shoes.’

‘Good idea. I’ll sign the chit authorizing the purchase of new carpeting. The auditors will never know this is not new carpeting.’

‘God Chantilly, you are brilliant at financial screwing and I bet the other kind as well.’

‘Oooh back off darling.’

Ivy’s face turned brick red.

The Embassy of the Republic of Kissock was a converted pub in Lambeth on Westminster Bridge Road. Chantilly parked the Merc on no parking lines outside the Embassy and an official came out, checked her identity and affixed temporary diplomatic plates over her plates to keep traffic wardens and tow-away truckies at bay.

Ambassador Irene d’Rocke greeted them warmly and admired Chantilly and Ivy’s dresses.

‘What is your designation Mrs Smallbone?’


‘Ivy is my PA Your Excellency.’

‘Oh excellent. A young woman of your astonishing green-eyed beauty ought not to venture out in the City of Sin unescorted. Shall we get the ceremony over and then hit the liquor?’

‘Yes please,’ the visitors chorused.

Floodlights were turned on to brightly illuminate the small wine velvet lined area of the drawing room and a guy arrived with a tripod-mounted video camera and hanging off his neck was a large Canon digital camera.

Ambassador d’Rocke and Chantilly took up their positions and Chantilly was asked to show a bit more upper breast line.

‘Are you right Sid?’ she called to the camera guy who turned out to be her husband.

He nodded.

‘Chantilly Brown,’ the Ambassador began, ‘I have been instructed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kissock on the approval of Parliament to honour you for brilliant service to our country’s flagging tourism industry. Almost overnight you have sent tourists streaming into our beloved country to go fishing. Those promotions you devised will be run periodically to keep the inflow coming.’

Ambassador d’Rocke then performed the investiture after asking Chantilly to nominate her area of affiliation for her title. She chose Augustine.

‘Under the authority invested in me I declared you, Chantilly Margaret Cinzia Brown, the Republic of Kissock’s First Baroness,’ she said, placing a royal blue velvet cape around Chantilly’s shoulders and then taking an ornate eight-inch wide gold star from a footman, she pinned it over Chantilly’s left breast.

‘Congratulations Chantilly, Baroness Augustine.’

Her husband, the footman and Ivy clapped.

The spotlights turned off and the ambassador kissed Chantilly and said, ”Normally you would be been recalled home for a parliamentary investiture. But when this matter was referred to the Prime Minister, he said it would be more economic to state a parliamentary function for you when you return home on furlough.’

‘That’s fine, I
wasn’t expecting anything other than verbal commendation because I an aware I had stimulated the inflow of tourists.’

When they returned to the tourism promotion office, Ivy carried the large leather case into the inner office and closed the door behind Chantilly. She dressed Chantilly in her cape and then opened the door and said, ‘Please stand Oliver and Mavis.’

They stood obediently.

‘Oliver and Mavis,’ Ivy said grandly. ‘May I present Baroness Augustine.’

Mavis and Oliver looked agog as Chantilly walked out.

‘Omigod,’ Mavis said. ‘I’ll get tea.’

Small announcements under a large and glorious photo of the Kissock’s new and only baroness, showing handsome cleavage, appeared in national newspapers throughout the UK. Thereafter social invitations regularly flowed into the office for Chantilly and she made it to coveted social lists, crudely known as the A-lists by the unwashed.

Oliver had said, ‘Ma’am how do we address you?’ and Chantilly replied, ‘As Tilly silly.’

Ivy said primly, ‘And what about formal correspondence?’

‘In general correspondence I shall simply be Chantilly Brown with no reference to title. In reply to formal invitation or our sending of formal invitation I wish to be referred to as Lady Augustine and underneath that my title as Director of the London Office of the Republic of Kissock Tourism. In legal documents I shall be the Right Honorable Baroness of Kissock. Formally I shall be introduced as Chantilly, Baroness Augustine. I have been briefed that Kissock’s peerage is not officially recognized in the UK but my briefing from home says we should use our titles honourably in the UK.’

The first invitation Chantilly accepted was to have Saturday night dinner with Ivy and her husband Jack and three other couples.

Chantilly arrived in high heels, tight jeans and a tight top and the diamond necklace her ecstatic mother, Lady Brown and her father Sir Cyril, had sent her when news of Chantilly’s ascent into the peerage was announced by the Prime Minister and reported widely in the media in Kissock.

A girl of about thirteen answered the door and asked scathingly, ‘Where’s you tiara?’

‘Sorry darling, no one has bought me one. You must be Jane. Lead me to your mother please.’

‘Mummy has bought a new dress in your honour.’

‘Oh very nice.’

When Chantilly reached the drawing room she saw Ivy was wearing the dress they’d bought for the visit to the embassy.

Ivy’s husband and the six other couples stood nervously until Chantilly eased the tension by kissing Ivy and then handing a bottle of red wine from the office cellar and kissing Jack, she and saying, ‘Hi Jack, you’re quite a hunk.’

Ivy introduced the other couples, Chantilly kissing the women and shaking hands with the men.

‘The cabbie bringing me here told me this awful joke about female condom pouches,’ Chantilly began.

‘Just a minute,’ Ivy called, racing off with Jane.

Thanks to Chantilly the evening was a great success, a laugh a minute and the Smallbone’s and their friends all hugged Chantilly affectionately when she prepared to leave.

On Monday morning when Ivy bought in the mail she said, ‘You were sensational on Saturday night and this morning Jack reminded me to tell you that was our best dinner party ever.’

‘No problem. Jack’s cute and you have really nice friends.’

On of the letters was from Shelley Irons whom gone through primary school on the island with Chantilly.

‘Hi sweetheart, congratulations in getting the big gong or whatever it’s called. The Republican Magazine ran a full frontpage photo of you with you in your regalia. Yummy those tits! All our all classmates I’ve spoken too can’t believe you have been honoured so substantially at your young age. Enclosed are some photos of the Basil Lane Markets. I asked Pete Lane, now a professionally photographer, to take them and he agreed provided he could shaft me. I agreed but hadn’t realized he meant once a week but it’s fine, I can service two men easily. Mom thinks if you can do for the markets what you did for those fishermen down at Port Augustine, then there would be money to spare from increased turnover to provide new roofing for the market without spoiling the old world charm of the markets that we all so love. What do you say babe? Counting on you. Shell-the-Girl.’

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Tuesday, New Years Day, January 1, 2008 The 8:00 AM alarm was rude. Maria had fixed a large egg and sausage casserole and tater tots, and sweet rolls. The coffee was ready and we had six gallons of OJ. There was also a large fruit salad for our vegan friends. The men cleaned, deflated and folded the air mattresses. Then they set up tables to eat at. I went and got the cat's plates. Fred D. handed me five giant shrimp. We would have happy cats. Then I got plates for Cynthia and me. We...

2 years ago
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Holly Her Halloween Brownies

Even though it was only 45% outside beads of sweat dotted Art’s brow as he shouldered his way through the early evening crowds. “This is crazy!” He said to himself as he turned off the neon brightly lit Vegas Strip onto one of many side streets that radiated out from the famous landmark. I have a wife at home who loves me. I shouldn’t be doing this!” Even though he said the words over and over again, he did not turn around and head back in the direction of his Mandolin Bay Hotel Room. While...

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Mr Chocolate Brownie

Amelia Sachs, was a thirty-five year-old woman from Kent, England who had been a workaholic at a top firm company in London, but she had been in a car accident that had left her temporarily paralyzed. Six months later, she was gaining the strength back in her arms and legs, no thanks to her gorgeous personal trainer, Usher Wilkins. He was patient with her and never got angry when she was slowing down. He just encouraged her to believe in herself that she could achieve anything if she put her...

Straight Sex
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The Corruption Of Denise Brown

I graduated from high school in the spring of 95 and the following September I started to College as a drama major. College years are often looked back on as the best years of a person’s life. There is so much more freedom than in high school and you meet a lot of new friends with like values and goals. I stayed in a domitory where I learned to be independent and to pace my own homework schedule without my parents nagging me. It was during my second semester, that I met Robert Douglas who was...

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Dan watches his mum go brown

Daniel an 18 year old London teenager was just about to leave his home address, when his mother Karen entered through the door. Dan was surprised to see his mum had a young asian guy with her. Karen was 49 years old and had an eldest daughter around 21 years old aswell as Dan. Karen was around 5 foot 4 curvy build and shirt blonde hair and had been married for over 20 years. Karen had introduced this unknown guy to Dan as Chris. Karen had stated that Chris was here to help her with computer as...

3 years ago
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Honor MattersChapter 5 Red and Yellow and Black and Brown

It was official — as official as documentation could make it. I was a retiree. My pension would be deposited annually, just a few thousand credits but enough if I didn't demand too much. I was released from duty — officially. The old-school term was "sheep dipped." I was a deniable asset. My mission, since at least the moment that Minister Sunday passed me a coded message and handed over custody of "Concubine Yums" (aka Agent English, currently going by the name Ashley Londoner), was to...

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Tanks For The Mammaries

SUMMARY: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All scientists in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart...

4 years ago
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Erotic Rainy Evening 8211 Part 1

Sumit is a young, good looking, sexy guy with a charming persona and qualities. His looks are sufficient to kill a girl for the want of physical satisfaction from him. He is working as a accounts in-charge in a private firm in Kolkata. Though he had many affairs in the past, but he never got physical with any girl.Either he is too sanskari or he doesn’t find any of the girls attractive enough to lend his dick. To describe him, he is tall, dark, handsome, intelligent with a good sense of humor...

2 years ago
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Cum Diaries Escapade in Venice Part 1

Few places are so mystical they almost give me the creeps. This place is one of them. I outright refuse to do any hard stuff when she asks me, a gentle high or tipsiness is all I could afford in these windy humid streets. There is a reason why locals vacate in the tourist months and it’s not only to do with the tourists. Those in the service industry just bite their upper lip, just like Sorena. She’s biting her upper lip looking at me from across the lobby and I look at her through the tenants...

2 years ago
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After the FallChapter 6

When he’d marked off thirty days on his calendar on the kitchen wall, they walked back to Devonsville, and went to the store. They used most of the last of their cash to buy some butter and cooking oil that they really needed, and another dozen fertile eggs. He thought at some point maybe he should get a rooster for fresh blood. They saved enough for one last dinner at the diner. Clipper had some ideas about going up the mountain a ways and panning for gold in the creeks and rivers that...

1 year ago
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ChameleonChapter 3

The little town that we lived in had so little crime that the attempted robbery of the gas station was their first crime of the year. The cops were happy to have the perps and a reliable witness, so they were not worried about finding the good Samaritan who had broken the thing up. Therefore, I was not bothered by this little escapade. I continued to rock along, taking seriously only the driver's ed class I was enrolled in. The teacher was very impressed with my grasp of the details of the...

1 year ago
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Forbidden Surrender

She knew she shouldn't be here. There was someone waiting on her athome that loved her and she loved in return. She wondered why his lovewasn't enough. Why she couldn't be happy with the tender way he loved her.Why she yearned for a Master's touch. They were happy, or at least hethought. How could he understand the cravings she felt to be d****d over aman's knee, to feel the warm fire of heat that a spanking gave her. Or howbeing suspended and flogged made her feel more desire than she...

2 years ago
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The Bells of TanahChapter 19

"So, this is a human bed..." Daium slowly walked up to the wooden bed post. She wanted to saunter. Oh, by the Tree, she wished she could saunter. Alicia could do it. Probably took no effort. Whenever she walked, there was a swing of her hips that made Daium, and all so inclined, stare helplessly in lust. Tammy, Hannah, they all had the gift. But not Daium. Maybe it was a human thing. Luckily, such deficiencies didn't seem to matter to her wife and husband. She could feel their eyes on...

4 years ago
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Meister T Hilla Art Nouveau vs Gothic

Meister – T – Erziehungsplattform Mann – Frau – Sissi – Paare Frau und Mann Aus dem Leben eines MeistersHilla und das Art Nouveau vs. Gothic - Leipzig 2017 - Das Hochzeitskleid Hilla goes Gothic 2017 - Leipzig - "Brautkleid" - und nun des "Meisters Braut"Hilla liebt - das Art Nouveau – das ist schön – sie sagt es so – wünscht sich Bilde – nur von ihr – das ich zeige – gerne hier. Dieses Bilde – führt tief im Sc***de – ein Geschenk – für ihren Meister – der...

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Sophies Feet

I've known her since she was 13 and from day one I always wanted to see the soles of her feet, but I'd never ever come close really. Anyway her parents were away on holiday/vaction and she invited me around for a few days as she was bored and I swiftly accepted. I was looking forward to hang out as friends, but obviously I couldnt stop thinking about her feet. I knew I would finally get to see them for the first time ever. I will skip the boringness... It was late we were both pretty tired and...

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My Main Maiden 12 Juicy Jane Hot Helen

JUICY JANE IS MY FIRST EVER GIRLFRIEND FOR FEW YUMMY YEARS - HOT HELEN SWEET SISTERJUICY JANE ENORMOUSLY EROTICALLY ENJOYS TO MODEL FOR ME - EVEN FULLY NUDE AS ABOVEJane is first to offer me access to her Private Parts at an almost daily base Whereas my young sis is first LOVEJane is first to come from my kissing hissing whispering before fingering to heaven from first to sixth or seventhJane is first to make my warm wet wooden Mighty Manhood wet her hands our pants and front-seats of my...

2 years ago
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Bengali Mom Becomes A Whore

I am a guy living in Mumbai, we moved here when we were very young. This story is about my mother, and for better or for worse I felt like sharing it. She got married when she was very young and had me when she was 19. Now that I am 18 myself she is 37 years old and is still a typical Bengali bombshell. We moved here in search of better opportunities, and it was good for a few years until my dad became an alcoholic. After that, he contributed little to the household. My childhood was not spent...

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New Neighbors Lessons 2

This work is 100% fiction and there is no one or life experience I am basing this on. Donna had told me that her daughter Dawn was going to ask me some questions about sexuality. surprised but I accepted the responsibility because she didn't have a father to talk to about such things. Long story short, she wanted to see and feel a penis. Now she wants to continue her lessons and her mother just told me that she wants to learn more ...We finally came up for air and then she said, "Now,...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Athena Rayne Case No 1122187

January 16, 4:38 PM. Case #1122187 – Suspect is a blonde, adolescent female. She has been caught stealing small, low priced items from the storefront. As the value of stolen merchandise does not exceed twenty dollars, standard catch and release protocol is followed. However, while in custody, the suspect attempts to steal the Loss Prevention Officers wallet. An extensive strip search is conducted, and the items are recovered using advanced retrieval methods. Evidence logged on January 16, 2019.

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Having intercourse with my neighbor

A lady is not happy in her sex life with her husband, her pussy demands more and that’s when she decides to turn to her neighbor, who loves fucking horny sluts…My name is Samantha. I’m a tall sexy slim and beautiful to my age woman, with sun tanned skin, round large boobies and good sexy but. I have always kept fit going to gym classes wherever I lived, so it was not wonder that I looked very sexy and juicy then. I am a good looking blonde; I have long white locks, with a sexy figure even since...

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My First Her First Our First Time

My First, Her First, Our First It was an August morning. I got up early. I put on a tee shirt and Levi’s and was barefoot. I went outside with my dog, Audrey, a mixed breed. Her great passion was chasing her tennis ball. We went out into the street where there was plenty of room for her to chase it. I would laugh at some of her antics as she caught it. There were times it would bounce and on the rebound, Audrey would leap to catch it. She would do a summersault as she landed. After a while, Mom...

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Fun In Cabo

The sun, the beach, the pool and the ocean mixed with some drinks are just the perfect combination for a weekend of fun. Cabo, two years back, I took a trip with my girlfriend with only two objectives:-1. Have lots of fun; 2. Fuck as many guys as we can. This story is about the best fuck of that three-day trip. I fucked six different guys over that weekend, once with three of them together in the room.  His name was Peter. He was from Amsterdam and in Cabo with his friend to have fun. He was...

Straight Sex
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My Akka

Hello everybody! It is Rahul and I am a regular reader of stories in this section. In this section, I want to include my incest affair with my elder sister, Bhavani which was held one months back. Now, let me describe about me and my sister. I am 21 years old working in a office which is 50 kms away from Chennai, medium complexion, weighing 65 kgs. My sister is 30 years, married (widow), having a male child of 2 years old, medium complexion, sexy body, big breast and weighing 60 kgs. After my...

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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter14

The two giants suddenly moved like greased lightening to step in front of Craig and held one door open each as he walked into the plush but neutral office. The décor was totally non-de with no personal items anywhere, just a large desk in the corner, with two monitors and a large leather swivel chair with its back to him. The back two corner walls were pure glass and looked out over the evening view of the city and the lights in the distance picked out the various landmarks of London. ...

2 years ago
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The Good Neighbor Chapter 1

Lucy Andrews was in a bind. She had been given an assignment to go to a conference up in Sacramento to try and get the state government to release some money for a project her company was working on. Ordinarily, she wouldn't have minded the hour and a half flight, she'd been up there before for other matters, but this trip came at a most inopportune time. Lucy's daughter Anna was coming home from college for the summer and this trip meant she wouldn't be there to greet her plane or for the...

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brother sister Threeway

family means a lot to me. I'm basically the only man in the house because my dad is constantly working. So its just my mom and my two almost identical twin sisters. Ever since I saw one of them naked when I was 13 by accident I've wanted to fuck them both. They do everything together even though they don't seem to like each other. They are constantly trying to out do the other often in the strangest way. There are all sorts of rumours at school about how they were dared to make-out on camp and...

3 years ago
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With My Hot And Cute Anni

Hi folks, I am dazzler I am a regular reader of iss and mainly for the incest stories now the time for my second story.This story is about my elder brothers wife (anni in tamil).My family is a typical south indian family. Dad, mom, sis, brother all are elder to me.I am the last one.Now my parents made decision to arrange marriage for my brother the whole family was in very happy mood when they got a girls photo and brother also liked her.So marriage has been completed. At first I didnt get any...

1 year ago
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The Presentation

Stacey hurriedly began placing copies of the report around the conference room table. She and her boss Martin had spent the entire morning setting up for this meeting. This presentation was the small company's biggest opportunity to date, and as the accountant, she was a major part of the sell. She had spent even more time preparing her appearance, making sure she looked totally professional while still managing to display her beautiful face and gorgeous blonde hair in a manner pleasing to...

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Crushed By Stranger 8211 Part 2

Hi guys and girls, after your good response on my first part, I want to reveal little more of my secret to all of you.After the first hot session with that stranger, I found his name – Rahul, how does it matter, what matters is what next after that session. After I got my first ever fuck with a stranger I was very confused next morning, didn’t know what is going to happen and was feeling guilty as I should not have done with a stranger and mainly another person than my husband. Next morning I...

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Private Sata Jones Anal Debut

We have the pleasure of introducing you to Sata Jones, a unique beauty with a nice ass and big natural tits who has come to Private Blockbusters, The Love Hotel for an appointment with her long-term crush, Erik Everhard. Filled with excitement, Sata can’t wait to get the fun started as she spreads her legs in the bath for a pussy eating before returning the favour with a sloppy blowjob. Then watch the rest of this busty new girl’s sensational debut as she goes on to enjoy a hard anal pounding...

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Wifes surprise when i got home from work

I arrive at home, park the car, and unlock the house door, which is unusual as I know my wife is at home. As I enter I notice it is quite dark and all the blinds are closed. Then I hear it, the distinct moaning sounds of a man and a woman. Thinking the worst but being a bit curious as well, I walk inside and that is when I see it. Thank Christ it’s only the computer with some porn playing on it. Next to the computer is a note and various sex toys my partner owns, and the note says, ‘Pick what...

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Daddyrsquos favourite gurl 3

I’d dressed in my black short leather skirt and white mohair top that just covered my new breasts and showed my slim tummy off. Daddy had paid for me to go private to Transform in Manchester and a gorgeous Italian surgeon had vetted me to make sure I was sure about the op. It took five minutes! I wore my little black dress and high heels and did my make up perfectly. I have a young girl Aimee come to the house once a week to do my hair and nails and am now happy to be a very convincing female....

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The Next Town

On a hot afternoon day a young man with short black hair named Michael was on a long drive to a city, miles upon blazing miles away. Although the air conditioner in his car worked fine the bright sun was searing through the windshield against his shirt and long shorts. Despite the day’s conditions Michael had his travel planned out just like many times before. The trip was long and would take two days just driving during the day. His next destination was a small town with an inn that he’s...

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Back in Skirts Part 4

Back In Skirts Part Four: In my last week of school I found little James, the next door neighbour's prepubescent kid, trying to peer up my skirt. He had his mobile phone in his hand and had managed a fairly revealing shot up my skirt which showed my semi opaque white pantyhose and my petticoat but you could not quite see the boxer shorts I was wearing. I had always worn a petticoat under whatever skirt or dress I was wearing as I was quite thin and my petticoat always helped to give...

4 years ago
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My first time bi M2M

Meeting someone online was exciting! Here’s my story of when I met “Jeff” We first started chatting on a website for bisexuals I believe I had posted an ad and he responded, I was just getting comfortable with finding my sexuality and we talked a lot about that, he had some experience and I was full of questions, I told him all about myself growing up from being a dirty hamper raider to eventually enjoying wearing women’s clothing on occasion, we talked about everything we were like a couple of...

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