Just A Bit Of Fun Part 5 Maddie Brown free porn video

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Just A Bit Of Fun Part 5 Maddie Brown.

Maddie Brown, aged fifty, didn’t like going out in the daytime. Never married, left university with a degree in literature but never had a job. When a name from her past died and left her his collection of books and a yearly allowance, it opened a long lost and painful memory. This led her to be something of a recluse, her groceries were always delivered and if she needed something in a hurry there was always someone willing to pick it up from the shops, that’s how Billy’s mother came to become acquainted. Maddie had knocked on Nora’s front door one evening, she introduced herself, Nora invited her in for coffee and that’s how her and Nora became friends. Of course it was Billy who was invariably tasked with fetching the things she needed, but she always gave him a pound or two for his trouble, sometimes inviting him inside for a lemonade. It was then he saw some of the large collection of her books. He had asked if he might borrow some, but she told him they were too expensive to lend out.

After the incident at Nora’s house, Maddie felt somewhat ashamed and kept herself to herself. It was only when she discovered that she needed some odds and ends from the shops that she rang Nora and asked if Nora would be willing to get them for her.

“Of course Maddie, tell me what you need and I’ll send Billy straight away.”

Naturally Billy moaned, but eventually agreed to go. His mother gave him enough money to cover the cost of the shopping and off Billy went.

While he was out, the phone rang, so when he arrived home, his mother was out and there was a note on the table, it read.

Dear Billy, had to go round to your aunt Mary’s as she’s not feeling very well, can you take the shopping over to Miss Brown’s and try not to make Miss Brown feel embarrassed.

Love mum.

Mary was Nora’s sister. “Damn,” exclaimed Billy, he didn’t want to go over to Miss Brown’s, but he knew his mother would be displeased if he didn’t.

Knocking on the door he waited, then he saw her coming to the front door.

“OH,” she exclaimed when she saw it was him, “I thought your mother was going to bring it over.”

“No, mum had to go to my aunts as she’s not very well. Can I bring this in as it’s very heavy?”

Maddie seemed uneasy but said it was okay for him to come in.

Now the reason for Maddie’s unease was that she had been drinking some of the fruit juice that had been the cause of the occurrence at Billy’s house. “How much do I owe you for the shopping Billy?”

He looked at the till receipt, “it’s seven pounds fifty pence Miss Brown.”

Opening her purse, she took out a ten pound note.

“Oh, I don’t have change Miss Brown.”

“That’s alright Billy, you can keep the change for going.” She was about to find a way to steer him to the front door, when the pill juice mixture started to work and the same feeling she experienced the night of the fashion show flooded over her.

“Would you like a drink Billy?”

He was about to decline but he remembered what his mother had written in her note.

“Yes please Miss Brown.”

“I only have some of that pomegranate juice.”

“That will be fine.”

Maddie poured him a glass and topped up the glass she had been drinking, this adding more fuel to the fire of the effects of the juice with the tablets she was taking.

Billy tried to think of some way to start a conversation, “have you managed to read all your books yet Miss Brown?”

Maddie gave a somewhat c***dish laugh, “no, not yet, there are a lot more in boxes in the loft.” Then as if this prompted a reminder. “I wonder if I might ask another favour?”

“Yes, if I can help.”

“Well would you mind helping me to bring a boxful down from the loft?”


They made their way upstairs, Billy had only ever been in the kitchen and sitting room before now.

Maddie used the pole with a hook on the end to release the loft ladder and pulled it down. “I’d better go up first as you won’t find the light switch, can you steady the bottom of the ladder as it wobbles a bit.”

As she started to climb the ladder, he stood on the bottom step. Her head and shoulders disappeared inside the loft entrance. He stood there looking up, it was then that she lifted one leg to allow her to reach the light switch.

Billy was now treated to an unrestricted view up between her legs. The memory of the time he had seen her naked came to mind and to his horror he found he was getting aroused. All thoughts of the vow he had made about not bothering with older women was now forgotten.

“Are you there Billy?”

“Yes Miss Brown,” his mouth suddenly felt dry.

“If I pass the books down a few at a time, you can stack them on the floor as I think the box will be too heavy even for you.”

Try as he might, he could stop himself from looking when she was reaching for the books.

Eventually she told him, “that’s the lot Billy.”

He was treated to one last look as she reached to turn out the light. Having returned to the floor she put the ladder back in place, Maddie said, “can you help me to put them in here please?”

Opening the door, Billy saw it was her bedroom.

He picked up some of the books and followed her into the bedroom. There was a bookshelf along one wall. “If you let me take them off you, I can put them on the shelves.”

“You certainly have a lot of books Miss Brown, how many do you have?”

“I wish I knew, I should catalogue them but I’m useless using that computer.” She pointed to a computer in the corner.

“I could write you a database that you could easily use.”

“Could you? That would be really handy, of course I will pay you, but for the time being let’s get the rest of the books on the bookshelf.”

Taking two at a time she placed them carefully on the bookshelf. It was when she took the next lot that she saw the lump in Billy’s trousers.

The memory of when she had seen Billy’s erect penis came back to her.

Waiting until the last of the books were on the shelves, she said. “Can I speak to you about something Billy?”

“I suppose so Miss Brown.”

“It’s about the evening of the fashion show.”

Billy nearly laughed, it wasn’t really a fashion show, more an excuse for six horny old women to undress and expose themselves to him, oh and of course to get him to show them his penis.

“Okay Miss Brown, what about it?”

Maddie sat on the bed and patted the duvet indicating for him to sit down as well, which he did rather nervously.

“I want to tell you something very personal.”

“What is it?”

“Well, before that night apart from my doctor, no man has seen me naked.”

Billy wondered where this was going. “Miss Brown, if you’re concerned that I might talk about this to anyone then please be assured I won’t.”

Maddie shook her head, “no Billy it’s not that, I couldn’t help noticing that when we were getting the books down from the loft that you were aroused.”

“Oh sorry about that Miss Brown.”

“No please don’t apologise Billy,” she seemed to struggle to find the words she wanted to say. “Look, I want to tell you something, when I was a girl of thirteen, my father had a friend named Tommy, they had been in the army together, anyway it was normal in those days to call an older person either as Mr or Mrs, or if they were a close family friend then it was Uncle or Aunt, so it was I always called dads friend Uncle Tommy.”

Maddie stopped for a moment, as if it was difficult to continue.

“Well on this particular night, Uncle Tommy had just called round to collect dad as they were going down the pub. I had just had a bath and was ready for bed. It was then that they got a phone call, it was my Gran, mums mother, she had a heart attack and as mum couldn’t drive dad had to take her to the hospital, because I was only thirteen I couldn’t be left on my own. Uncle Tommy offered to stay until they got back from the hospital.”

Maddie got up from the bed. “Do you mind if we go downstairs as my mouth’s dry and I need a drink?”

“Of course Miss Brown.”

Downstairs she poured a glass of fruit juice, Billy declined, he was more interested as to where this was going.

Draining half the glass, she continued. “After my parents had left, he sat down beside me on the settee, he told me I was going to be a beauty when I grew up, of course I was flattered. He kept stroking my hair and telling me things I suppose I wanted to hear. Then he asked me if I was ticklish, I said yes, so he started to tickle me. It was when I started to squirm and try to get away that I must have bought my legs up. As I had got ready for bed, I only had my nightdress on, so I suppose I was showing more than was decent. He asked me if I knew about the birds and the bees, I did know the odd thing I had heard from some of the girls at school, so I told him I did. He said that I could have fun without getting into trouble and did I want him to show me. I guess all the flattery was to soften me up.”

Maddie took another drink. “I was curious what he meant so asked what sort of fun. It was then that he got me to lay down on the settee and pull up my nightdress, my heart was thumping in my chest. He moved down my body and before I knew it he was kissing me down there,” Maddie pointed to her lap. “I was experiencing all manner of strange feelings, I couldn’t see what he was actually doing, then he started to climb on top of me and that was the first time I saw his….”

Billy saw that this was difficult, so he just nodded to save her having to say it.

“He was trying to put it up inside me and I started to feel afraid and tried to push him off, in the end I had to scratch his face and told him I was going to tell my parents. He stopped and started to cry as he did up his trousers. He begged me not to say anything and said he was sorry and he promised that it wouldn’t happen again.”

Billy asked, “how was he going to explain about the scratches to his face?”

“We concocted a story that he was playing with the cat and it scratched him. I went to bed and in the morning things were normal.”

“Did you ever tell your parents?”

“I did, but much later when I was in my twenties, since my experience with Tommy, who by the way moved out of the district not long after, anyway I wasn’t interested after that night. I overheard my parents talking, dad was saying it was about time I got married and had c***dren, then suggested I must be one of those lesbians. I couldn’t stand it any longer and told him exactly what his best friend had done. The next thing I knew was him slapping me across the face and told me I was spoilt attention seeker and how dare I tarnish the name of one of the finest men he ever knew.”

Maddie made another drink of juice and resumed her story.

“I packed a bag and walked out, eventually ended up here. The books and the money was left to me by a unknown person, but I could only assume it was from Tommy, perhaps it was his way of trying to atone for what he had done all those years ago.”

“So you never found out?” asked Billy.

Maddie shook her head.

“I promise I won’t repeat this to anyone Miss Brown, but can I ask why you’ve chosen to tell me all this?”

“I wanted you to know something about my life before I ask you something.”

“Okay Miss Brown, ask away.”

If Billy didn’t know better, he would have thought Miss Brown had alcohol in the glass as she seemed to be drinking from it to get some sort of Dutch courage.

“Not to put too fine appoint on it, I couldn’t help noticing that when we were upstairs you were excited.”

“OH, sorry Miss Brown.” He felt himself redden up.

“No, please don’t be embarrassed Billy, and don’t apologise, I wasn’t offended, I assume it was due to when I was up the ladder?”

All Billy could do was nod.

“I’m not a young woman Billy and I doubt I will ever have a man take interest in me like that, but since I saw you that day, instead of being offended, I was excited to the point that when it was suggested that we allow you to see us undressed, I actually wanted you to, well you know?”

“I see, but I don’t understand why you all suddenly changed your mind.”

“I wondered that myself, but for some reason I’m finding that the same feelings I had then I’m feeling now.”

“I see and are you saying you want to resume where we left off.” His newly found confidence allowing him to ask the question.

Maddie nodded, “I was wondering if we might just touch each other,” lowering her voice she quickly added, “of course I’m not talking about intercourse.”

Maybe the time he was taking made her think he was going to turn down her request, so she said, “I understand Billy, you wouldn’t want to touch an old woman like me.”

It was at that moment the phone rang.

Maddie picked up the receiver, “yes.”

She handed the phone to Billy, “it’s your mum Billy.”

Taking the phone, he said, “yes mum.”

“I’ve been trying to ring you at home, I didn’t think you’d still be at Maddie’s all this time.”

“I was helping her sort out her books, she wants me to write her a program to catalogue her books, we were discussing that.”

“Whatever Billy, I called to say that I’m at the hospital and I want you to come to the Royal, we’re in A and E.”

“Okay mum, I’ll be as quick as I can, is aunt Mary alright?”

“We don’t know yet, but I think you should be here just in case.”

He handed the phone back to Maddie. “It’s my aunt, she’s in hospital, so I have to go.”

Maddie nodded, “of course Billy, and I hope things turn out alright.”

As she showed him to the front door, he turned and said. “I know that this isn’t the time, but later when we know how my aunt’s going to be, if you want an answer, then I’ll tell you then.”

After Billy left, Maddie went to the kitchen, she tipped the remainder of the juice down the sink and put the kettle on, what she needed now was a nice strong black coffee.

Maddie sat nursing the coffee, why had she told Billy about the most personal details of her life, then invited him to…. Maddie was unsure what, she had stipulated that she didn’t want intercourse, but given the feelings she was experiencing, would they stop at just touching?

As her system absorbed the coffee, her mind started to become clearer. it was the juice, something in the juice, perhaps a combination of that and something else, but what? It could only be the tablets. Going to the cabinet where she kept her medication, she saw the most recent d**g she had been prescribed. Frantically reading the information leaflet, she looked for anything that might conflict with the d**g. All that was shown was alcohol. Maybe the pharmacy company had missed something.

It took some time before she was able to get in touch with someone from the d**g company’s press office. Outlining her concerns, they took her details and said that someone would get in touch quite soon.

Over the next couple of weeks two things happened, firstly Billy’s aunt underwent surgery which was successful, secondly the d**g company got back to Maddie to confirm that they had investigated her concerns and found that there could be an issue with high concentrations of citric acid when taking that particular medication and that an update to the advice when taking it would be sent out to radio, television and newspapers.

They were kind enough to send her a letter pointing out the results of their investigation.

So now Maddie knew why she had behaved in this way. The next problem was that Billy was going to be coming to see her and telling her his decision to her proposition.

Maddie picked up the phone when it rang, she had a good idea who it was.

“Hello, Miss Brown?”

“Yes, is that you Billy?”

“Yes, I was wondering when it might be convenient for me to call on you?”

Maddie took a deep breath, should she just tell him over the phone or tell him face to face?

“Perhaps you could come over tomorrow evening?”

Billy was hoping that she would say to come over there and then.

“Very well Miss Brown, would seven thirty be okay?”

Maddie confirmed that it would and hung up.

All the following day her mind was in a turmoil. What was she going to say to him? How would he react?

Finally in the afternoon she came to a decision. Two glasses of fruit juice later, she took a shower, and put on clean clothes, then waited for his arrival.

After Billy and his mother had finished washing up the dishes from their evening meal, Billy said, “by the way mum, I spoke to Miss Brown and she asked if I could make a start on the database for her books, is it alright if I go over this evening?”

“Yes of course Billy, I have a load of ironing to do, so I can do it down here and watch the television while I do it.”

With his heart thumping in his chest, Billy rang the doorbell. The door opened and Maddie stood there, her face was impassive and he wondered if she had changed her mind.

“Thank you for being prompt Billy.”

He followed her along the hall and she led him into the kitchen.

“Before you say anything Billy, I have had a crisis of conscience, I have to tell you that I know why I and the other women behaved the way we did.”

Maddie explained about the fruit juice and the tablets.

“So my mum behaved like that because of the pills and juice?”

Maddie nodded.

“So I suppose that now you know, you won’t want to… you know?”

Maddie pointed to the table where there was a bottle of juice and a half empty glass.

“If you want to change your mind, then I’ll understand.”

Billy shook his head, “no Miss Brown, I still want to if you do.”

Maddie took his hand and led him to the stairs, when they reached the top, she steered him to the bedroom. Once inside, she said, “I suggest we just get undressed and just look at each other to start with.”

“Okay, whatever you think Miss Brown.”

“One thing Billy, would you call me by my first name?”

“Okay Maddie.”

They soon stood there naked looking at each other, Billy’s penis was already erect and Maddie swallowed hard as she began to feel the throbbing start between her legs. It was still light outside, so Maddie didn’t bother putting the light on in the bedroom.

“Shall we sit on the bed?” Maddie asked.

“Okay, that’ll be more comfortable.”

Maddie realised that he was waiting for her to establish how to proceed.

“That night, you know when we had the clothes party, I wanted so much to ask you if I could touch your….penis.”

“I was disappointed when Mrs Haslett called a halt, I know you think I’m only saying this but I gave you five out of five for your…” he was unsure if he should call them breasts or titties, “your breasts.”

Maddie blushed a little, “did you really think they were the best?”

“Yes.” He thought that this would make her feel a little more comfortable.

“I didn’t think I would score very high for my pubic hair.”

He gave her a quizzical look, “why not?”

“Well all the others had lots more than I do.”

“Yes, but that let me see the shape of you more easily, I think it had to be in the top three.”

“How would you have decided who was the best?”

“Well, I was waiting to see whose felt the best.” Billy was hoping this would prompt her to offer that he could have a feel now.

“I could let you have a feel now, but you wouldn’t have anything to compare it to.”

“I know, but that would make you the winner by default.” He gave a little laugh.

“Billy, if I let you touch me down there, you have to promise not to try and put your finger inside, I’m a little dry.”

‘Damn,’ thought Billy, he was hoping that if he could get her excited enough, then she might let him eventually have sex with her despite her stipulating they would not have intercourse.

He recalled what she had told him about Tommy, in her own words she described how she became wet and was having strange feelings. Maybe if he? The guys at school had talked about oral sex, there was two opinions as to what it was like, some reckoned that it smelled like fish, or stale pee, others claimed it tasted sweet and salty at the same time. He knew she had taken a shower as her hair was wet when he arrived and she told him that was from the shower.

“Maddie, do you trust me?”

She hesitated for a moment, then answered, “yes Billy I do.”

“Then would you lay down on the bed and close your eyes.”

It was a moment before she replied, then she said, “yes, okay, but please don’t hurt me Billy.”

He guided her down so that she lay on top of the bed, then softly said, “just relax Maddie and spread your legs.”

With some uncertainty, Maddie slowly spread her legs apart. As soon as she felt his breath on the top of her thighs she knew what he intended to do. The memory of what Tommy had done all those years ago came back to her, but this time she knew that Billy wouldn’t hurt her.

Taking a tentative sniff, he was surprised that there wasn’t an unpleasant smell, he pressed his tongue in the crease where her clitoris was, although he didn’t know at the time that’s what it was called. As soon as she felt his tongue touching this most sensitive part of her anatomy, her hips pushed upwards and he knew he was doing it right. He eased her legs further apart so that he could go lower and get to her vagina. As he licked harder, he thought for a moment that she was wetting herself, then remembered how the other women had become wet as they were having sex. The guys at school who said it was salty sweet were right, it was.

Raising his head, he asked, “Maddie, may I try and put a finger inside you?”

“No.” he felt so disappointed, but she continued with, “if you promise to go slowly you can try and put it in me.”

He moved up so his penis was aligned with her pubic area. “Just relax Maddie, I promise I won’t try and push it in too quickly.”

Maddie felt it touching the outer lips of her vagina, Billy just let it rest there for a while until he thought it was safe to push a little harder. He did this little by little until he felt the end just pop in and Maddie gave a little cry of surprise.

“Do you want me to stop Maddie?”

“No Billy, you can push a bit harder if you want to.”

Finally he was fully inside her. He began the see saw motion he had learned from his encounters with the other women.

“Oh yes Billy, oh yes it feels so good,” then all of a sudden her voice rose several decibels, “oh my god, what is happening?

“Am I hurting you Maddie, do you want me to stop?”

“No, oh god don’t stop, please do it a bit harder Billy, I can’t describe the feeling, it’s incredible, urghhh.”

He kept up the pace as long as he could, but inevitably he felt the tingle that signalled he was close to coming.

“Maddie, I’m nearly there, do you want me to take it out before I finish?”

“Oh no Billy, I want to feel what it’s like when you…..come inside me.”

Billy groaned, this felt different to when he fucked the others, there was no filthy language, just nice comfortable sex.

They lay there for a while, Maddie took her knickers and placed them between her legs to stop his semen leaking out.

“Billy, even if this is the only time, I will remember it for ever, thank you so much for making me a proper women.”

“No I want to thank you Maddie, it was pretty amazing.”

Billy looked at his watch, he had been there for nearly an hour, he wondered if his mother was wondering where he had got to.

“I’m sorry Maddie, please don’t be offended, but I think I need to make a move.”

“Oh yes, of course Billy, I don’t want your mother to think I’ve k**napped you.”

Billy got his clothes and placed them on the bed so he could get dressed. Maddie got up and saw it was dark outside. As she walked to the window she was about to close the curtains and at that moment Billy switched on the bedside lamp.

Nora was climbing the stairs with the basket of ironing, she just had to put it away, as she entered the bedroom she switched on the light. The light didn’t came on, but there was a popping sound of the bulb blowing, also the hall light went out. “Damn, that bloody fuse.” She cursed.

There was enough light coming from the street lamp outside, so she was able to make her way to the chest of drawers, as she opened it, she saw the light had just come on in Maddie’s bedroom.

It was at that moment that Nora saw Maddie was naked, and then she saw Billy was also naked.

Nora dropped the washing basket on the bedroom floor and sat back down on the bed. Glancing across at the window, she now saw that the curtains were closed.

What was she going to do, her son was obviously having sex with Maddie, what was he thinking of, she had to be three times his age.

At first she was all for going across the road and having it out with them, but with the way she was feeling, Nora was unsure what she was feeling. No, best wait until she had calmed down and speak to Maddie in the cold light of day.

When Billy returned home, his mother was in the cupboard trying to locate the right switch in the panel for resetting the lights upstairs.

“Hello mum, what’s up?”

“The blessed lights went upstairs, I’m just trying to find the right one.”

“Do you want a hand?”

“NO, sorry, no it’s alright, I think I’ve got it.” Having satisfied she had reset the right one, she went and saw the top hall light was on.

Back in the kitchen she said, “I’m sorry Billy, it’s just that I have a headache.”

“That’s alright mum, can I get you a paracetamol?”

“Please, then I think I’ll have a bath and an early night.”

The following morning Billy said, “is it okay if I go swimming?”

This was ideal, “yes of course Billy, are you going to the outdoors lido? It looks like it’s going to be a nice sunny day.”

“Yes, I think I will.”

Nora was glad that Billy was going to the lido, this meant he had to travel the distance by bus and would be gone for some time.

After he had left, Nora waited for fifteen minutes, then put on her coat. Crossing the road, she walked up to Maddie’s front door.

“Oh, hello Nora, what brings you here?”

“Can I come in? I need a word.”

Maddie invited her into the kitchen and asked, “would you like tea, coffee or perhaps a cold drink?”

Nora shook her head, “no thank you Maddie, it won’t take long for what I have to say.”

“That sounds mysterious.”

“I came over to say that I know you have been having sex with my son and you can’t see him again.”

The blood drained from Maddie’s face and she sat down heavily on a kitchen chair.

“From your reaction I see you’re not going to deny it, and I think in future it might be best if you ask someone else to get any shopping you need.”

As Nora turned to leave, Maddie said, “it’s the fruit juice.”

Nora turned back, “what?”

Picking up the bottle on the table and said, “are you taking these Nora?” she handed her the bottle.

Looking at the label, Nora said, “yes, but what about it?”

Maddie handed her the letter she received from the pharmaceutical company, Maddie had highlighted the section that dealt with the reaction of the d**g with high levels of acetic acid. The part that read, ‘can cause increased libido, this can be counteracted by drinking strong tea or coffee.’

“Oh, the juice.”

“Yes Nora, that night we had the clothes party, you had jugs of fruit juice, we all had some and I bet that as well as you and I, the others at the party are also taking the same tablets as you and I.”

Nora sat down at the table, “I will accept that offer of tea please Maddie.”

As they sat drinking the tea, Nora said, “you’re saying that as a result of the pills and juice you were so excited that you seduced my son?”

“Please don’t be offended Nora, but the night of the party, when we stripped naked in front of your son and allowed him to fondle our breasts and were close to letting him touch us between the legs and that after he had fondled your breasts, weren’t you were going to let him touch you down there until Ellen Haslett called a halt?”

Nora swallowed hard, she knew that what Maddie had asked her was true, she couldn’t explain it, but at the time, she would have let her son touch her sexually.”

“Yes Maddie, I was totally confused why I behaved like that, now I know and I apologise for being too quick to criticize you without knowing the truth.”

“So what do we do?” asked Maddie.

“Well the first thing I need to do is ascertain if Billy has been having sex with any of the others.”

“How will you find out?”

“Well going by the way you reacted when I confronted you, I expect it will be a matter of just asking them.”

“Sooner you than me Nora.”

Nora shook her head, “no, I’m not going to ask them one by one, I intend to invite everyone from that evening and that includes you Maddie.”

Maddie dropped her head, “do I have to?”

“Yes, I’m afraid so.”

Maddie reluctantly agreed.

They agreed not to say anything to the others if they bump into them. Then Nora said something that surprised her.

“If I can arrange for the women to come round tomorrow, I’ll call you, before you come I want you to take your pills as normal and just one glass of fruit juice before leave.”

“Why do you want me to do that?”

“Because I noticed that the effects of the juice and pills make you more sure of yourself and I want you to be as confident for what I have in mind, but don’t worry, I will take a pill and have juice as well as I need to be confident as well.”

Maddie agreed to Nora’s request wondering what she had in mind.

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Maddie grew up in a small village and has lived nineteen years of her life being a good girl. Unlike all her peers she rarely went out and almost never got drunk. She tried cigarettes when she was sixteen but she saw no fun in the coughing and smelly breath that followed. So it was her first and last time.Having been accepted to her first choice university, she has been studying towards becoming a teacher. She even went to church every Sunday with her family. Not because she believed in any of...

3 years ago
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Mad At Maddie

I had been planning this revenge for years. You see, when my wife, Julie, and I were dating she still lived at home. We would, on occasion, enjoy a quickie after her parents went to bed. I'd bend her over the living room couch and lift up her skirt. She rarely wore panties when I was visiting, on the off chance that we could steal a few moments of horny bliss. Sliding my stiff cock up and down her wet slit, I would rub her pussy until she hissed her need to me. "Don't tease me," she...

1 year ago
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The Madness of Maddie

Maddie, as Madeleine was known to all her friends, walked down the street brooding. She was a feisty little thing and she had had a bad day. She was in a bad mood; and only one thing cheered her up when she was in a bad mood. Cock. Nothing cheered up a girl, she thought, like the sight of a good cock. She was a girl; she was in a bad mood; and she wanted a cock to play with. A pair of nice firm round balls would be nice too, but what she mainly wanted was a cock; and what Maddie wanted,...

2 years ago
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I'd known my friends Matt and Julie for almost ten years. Through that time frame, I'd watched their behavior get stupid, I'd seen them cheat on each other repeatedly, I'd seen and heard about the lies and I'd watched as their family fell apart. I wasn't sure when it started but having heard and seen it all through the years, I knew the outcome was not going to be good. The worst part? Seeing how their kids had to live through their bullshit. Matt's wife Julie had multiple boyfriends,...

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Maddie in a bad mood

She went into the little coffee shop on the corner of the street where she lived. Joe gulped when he saw her come in, and then blushed scarlet. The memory of the last time she had found him there came flooding back to him. She had somehow got him to take off his clothes, all his clothes, and then with her friend had spent an hour teasing his cock before getting him to fire unerringly out the window. The memory of it still made him shake with shame and embarrassment. And here she was...

2 years ago
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Treating Maddie

I’m a nurse, 48, married with two c***dren, and I help chaperone a cheerleading team that was in the state finals. The team captain, Maddie, had a hip injury, so we decided I would room with Maddie to make sure she got the necessary treatments. For her last treatment before bedtime, Maddie changed into a snug football jersey that reached mid-thigh.“Ready?” I asked.“Yes Mrs. P, I’m all yours,” Maddie said.“Please, Maddie, you can call me Laura,” I said. Maddie smiled. “OK, nurse Laura, I’m...

1 year ago
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Maddie by: Stacilynn Brown [email protected] Please feel free to email me with your comments! CHAPTER ONE Maddie walked into her bedroom, inhaling the flowery fragrance from the dozen roses she had received Friday afternoon from Jeremy. Standing there she felt right with the world..., almost. So much in her life had been groomed for who she was today. A young woman with a wonderful attitude about life..., and love. Yes, love. Jeremy had swept her off her feet the moment...

1 year ago
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My favorite step-cousinI've always admired my step-cousin Madeliene. She's sweet kind redhead with a beautiful smile and an incredible body. She's about 5 feet tall with nice legs and great breasts. For a girl her height she had amazing breasts and I couldn't help but take a look every time I saw her. Her butt was nice,,firm and tight you could give it a good slap if you had the chance. She usually kept her hair long so it flowed down towards her breasts. Her voice was very sweet and gentle and...

1 year ago
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Maddie Part 1

Madelyn walked through her front door and immediately threw her keys as hard as she could against the couch that sat opposite of the doorway. Pissed off, a little tipsy and rather horny, she made her way to her bedroom before ridding herself of the dress that she selected for Him – the modest sun dress with a hint of sexy added in. She made her way to the bathroom to relieve her aching bladder before slipping into the safe confines of her warm bed. She didn’t want to succumb to the horniness...

Straight Sex
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He lay on his bed, lost in his thoughts. Should he go to her and try to win her over or should he be the honorable gentleman? She had a family she loved… a husband and two boys. He didn’t want to take anything away from her, or take her from anything… but he wanted her. 17 years ago he had wanted her. Since then, he had never NOT wanted her. For the last 15 years, with no contact between them, he had never stopped thinking about her, no matter how much he wanted to. They had never been lovers...

4 years ago
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Matt likes his porn with big boobs but his sister Maddie shows him that real is better

You never know where things will lead in life. That sounds all grown-up and I’m only eighteen but that is sixteen years of life, too. So here are the facts: My name in Madigan (Maddie to just about everybody), five foot, three and a half inches tall, “dirty” blond, brown eyes, considered “cute” by most and “hot” by my boyfriend, I weigh-in at one hundred and seven pounds, my boyfriend’s name is Jordan and we’ve been together for seven...

1 year ago
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Maddie Exposed

When Maddie woke up it was completely dark out. It had to be well after midnight, there were no sounds except for the snores of her roommate. She looked over blearily at her phone and almost exclaimed in shock, she had gotten well over a hundred Instagram notifications since she had last checked her phone. She opened her phone to look and what she saw made her start to tear up and cry. She had several messages from an anonymous account. She had never seen the account before in her life, but...

1 year ago
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Maddie Hayward

Maddie Hayward sat in the breakroom at work, contemplating the five men in there with her. Though they worked at the same facility and n the same shift, she knew not their names. I shall briefly try to paint you a picture of them starting with Maddie herself. She is aged 33 years and of average height, weight, size and shape. The first of the males was overtly younger than Maddie, short, stocky, hirsute and Hispanic. He wore a red Angels cap and matching shorts. The second was just as young as...

4 years ago
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Saving Maddie

Rescuing a damsel in distress pays off in pussy and head like you cannot imagine!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I walked out of the crowded club and debated just going home. It was hot, the place was packed and after two hours of striking out and consuming more alcohol than I should have I figured it was time to walk the three blocks in the shopping district to the apartment that I had leased after I made senior partner at the prestigious accounting firm that I work for.I turned to walk down the...

2 years ago
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Maddie Chapter Two

Maddie: Chapter Two by: Stacilynn Brown [email protected] Please feel free to email me with your comments! CHAPTER TWO "Maddie, go clean up young lady, while I take care of a few things," Patricia instructed her daughter. Patricia watched as her little one, not so little anymore..., a wedded bride to be..., got up from the bed, straightening herself as she walked to her private bathroom. Maddie's cute little butt swinging back and forth as she walked in stocking'd feet....

1 year ago
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Sweet Maddie Grandpas Dream Girl

I saw their car pull into the driveway and I stepped out to greet them. My youngest daughter Anna and her husband Jeff stepped out of the car and I gave her a long hug and shook his hand. I hadn’t seen them in years. They had been living overseas. They had moved to France for his job. Now they were back. I looked eagerly for my granddaughter to get out of the car. She stepped out and I gasped. She was beautiful. Madelyn was tall. She had her father’s golden skin and her mom’s blonde hair. It...

2 years ago
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Maddie and Connor

Connor wanted it so much, but he was nervous. He'd been fantasizing about it for so long but now that it was actually about to happen he felt afraid, he didn’t know if he could handle it. "Don’t worry Connor baby, I'll be gentle", she told him in a reassuring tone as she ran her fingers down his spine and sides. The sensation of her fingertips against his bare, oversensitive skin made him shiver and grunt in response. He was naked and on all fours on Maddie's bed as she stood behind him. She...

2 years ago
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Maddie and Drew Chapter Two

The next time I wake, my first thoughts go to the familiar hangover that is still lingering, but I figure that it is a safe bet that this is the type that could be persuaded to dissipate with a stomach full of food. My second thoughts go to a persistent itchy spot on my face, an itch which, upon further investigation with my fingertips, my mind is sharp enough to recognize as dried cum. That realization reminds me of Drew, which makes the warm body behind me and the arm draped over my waist...

2 years ago
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Maddie and Drew Chapter Two

The next time I wake, my first thoughts go to the familiar hangover that is still lingering, but I figure that it is a safe bet that this is the type that could be persuaded to dissipate with a stomach full of food. My second thoughts go to a persistent itchy spot on my face, an itch which, upon further investigation with my fingertips, my mind is sharp enough to recognize as dried cum. That realization reminds me of Drew, which makes the warm body behind me and the arm draped over my waist...

Oral Sex
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Maddie Part 3

Madelyn woke up to a sun filled room without the pounding head and aching body like she had the previous morning. She wasn’t hung over, but she did have that lingering tiredness. All the sex and sweating must’ve took care of the alcohol that was going through her system. Wait, the fucking? I really hope I wasn’t dreaming… She turned to see if Shane were still in the bed with her and much to her relief, he was. It had not been a dream and she felt more relaxed about the situation. A smile...

4 years ago
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Maddie Part 3

Madelyn woke up to a sun filled room without the pounding head and aching body like she had the previous morning. She wasn’t hung over, but she did have that lingering tiredness. All the sex and sweating must’ve took care of the alcohol that was going through her system. Wait, the fucking? I really hope I wasn’t dreaming… She turned to see if Shane were still in the bed with her and much to her relief, he was. It had not been a dream and she felt more relaxed about the situation. A smile...

2 years ago
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Maddie Part 2

Slight trepidation began to set in as the clarity of the words hit her. What did Shane have in mind? And would she be up for anything too drastic? The thoughts swam through her head as another orgasm snuck up on her. She forgot his hand was still busy in her cunt as she was thinking about the possibilities that lie before her. She began rocking her hips with his hand, increasing the stimulation he was providing. She didn’t want the feeling to go away and he surely wasn’t going to let up either....

2 years ago
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Maddie Part 2

Slight trepidation began to set in as the clarity of the words hit her. What did Shane have in mind? And would she be up for anything too drastic? The thoughts swam through her head as another orgasm snuck up on her. She forgot his hand was still busy in her cunt as she was thinking about the possibilities that lie before her. She began rocking her hips with his hand, increasing the stimulation he was providing. She didn’t want the feeling to go away and he surely wasn’t going to let up either....

Group Sex
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Maddies First Time In the Locker Room Shower

The warm water of the locker room shower trickled soothingly down my bare skin as I rubbed soap on my breasts in the open air of the large bathing room. Being naked in front of the rest of the cheer squad always turned me on a little, though none of the other girls knew that I was thinking of them sexually. I did my best to hide it, but could not resist peeking and admiring the beauty around me. I took my time as the other girls filed out one by one, leaving only Maddie and me. She was recently...

1 year ago
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maddie and me strap on sex

ok i was ten then and at my friend maddie's house. I was feeling very horny at the time.we were playing dolls when maddie told me to turn around and so I did,and when she told me to turn around she was butt naked(did i tell you she had some big tits)she had a strap on dick on her.She fucked me so hard. there was real cum in the dick and the cum was in my ass. It was the best day of my life.

2 years ago
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Maddie Part 1

Madelyn walked through her front door and immediately threw her keys as hard as she could against the couch that sat opposite of the doorway. Pissed off, a little tipsy and rather horny, she made her way to her bedroom before ridding herself of the dress that she selected for Him – the modest sun dress with a hint of sexy added in. She made her way to the bathroom to relieve her aching bladder before slipping into the safe confines of her warm bed. She didn’t want to succumb to the horniness...

3 years ago
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Justins Descent Part 1

This is my first try to write an erotic story so the story draft may seem raw. I welcome comments from everybody and you can write to me of what you thought at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------- JUSTINS DECENT by hfernandez1983 ---------------------------------------------------------------- It was a nice summer morning. Justin had just woken up and went straight to the window. He opened it and could feel the fresh breeze of...

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Dagabaz Babita Ka Bura Haal Honey Wala Hai 8211 Part 2

Iyer sitting in his drawing room watching wall clock again and again and trying to call babita again and again but her no. Is keep on switch off mode from last 12 hours , He already visited police twice but cops keep telling him that they can’t do anything until 24 hours of missing her not completed… It is almost 23 hours completed where iyer don’t have any clue for babita.. Suddenly door bell rang and iyer furiously open the door and its babita not walking properly enter the house , because...

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Maddies Morning Surprise

I wake to a warm ray of sun filtering through the dusty window blinds onto my face and within an instant am struck by the fact that maybe those last couple shots from the previous night were not a good idea. A need for water and aspirin is immediately apparent, but hasty movements are out of the question as well. Better to ease into a hangover. I stretch my body out and that’s when I become aware that I’m not alone in bed, as my foot finds skin behind me. Dammit. Drew. Quickly replaying the end...

4 years ago
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Dagabaz Babita Ka Bura Haal Honey Wala Hai 8211 Part 1

Hello friends this story is totally about fantasy. Aap sab tarak mehta ka olta chasma to dekhtey hi hongey , aur jethalal ki babita ke barey mey bhi jantey hongey , To ye story hai babita ki bewafai ki jo ussey bht mengi padi , jissey ussey puri goguldam society ki randi banna pad gya , Jaisa aap jantey ho babita ek model type hai ek din wo apney chutiye se iyer ke 7 ke saath hotel mey gyi khana khaney wo ek 5 star hotel tha waha khana khaney ke baad babita washroom jana pad gya kam se , to...

2 years ago
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Rabbits Foot Keychain part 3

RABBIT'S FOOT KEYCHAIN pt. 3 By CCE CHAPTER 8 "And coming up next, a story about what you can do to save big money on your power bill!" "And we're out," the stage manager said from behind the camera. Darcy Johansen sighed loudly as her make up artist ran out and began to touch up her painstakingly applied eyeliner and lipstick. "Watch what your doing!" she said snippily as she batted her hand at the small woman who had the unfortunate assignment of doing the hair and make up...

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Fun At Exhibition 8211 Part I

Hi friends This is my 1st story, so if you find any mistake please ignore. My name is jay and I live in new jersey USA. I am 5’9” and my age is 38 with average body and I am working with a big multinational in sales department and traveled across the country. you can mail me your response on Anybody in USA can contact me for my services. This story is a real incident happened few days back when I was attending an exhibition in New York. I was representing my company over there and we have an...

3 years ago
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Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns

Halloween Pool Party Part 2 Maddy Returns by Brenda I noticed Miss Maddy getting dropped off at the main house around 10 am. I did a quick final check of the pool room and my "pink" room just in case I forgot anything and around 11 Miss Maddy came in. She greeted me warmly with a light peck on the cheek and asked, "How's Ronnie doing today? I have missed our time here in the pool house. Why don't you show me what you have done before I take a swim dear?" Ronnie again, and "dear,"...

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Trying It With Maddie

My nose pressed into the soft pubic hair growing above my best friend Maddie's vagina. I had never tasted a girl before and I savored the fact that hers was the first. The blissful sounds she made filled my ears as the musty sweet flavor of her juices flowed onto my hungry tongue. I wanted to take it slow, make the moment last. So, I licked slowly, the flat of my tongue traveling up and down her spread lips, tickling the V at the bottom while my upper lip rubbed back and over her clit. The...

2 years ago
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Maddies Awakening Chapter One

I haven’t always been this confident about my sexuality. Nowadays, I get it: I’m attractive and desirable and I can have just about any guy I want, at least for a night. But it’s been a long road to get here. It’s not that I was a late bloomer, maybe just that I wasn’t interested in sex throughout junior high and even into my freshman year of high school. I wasn’t a tomboy, per se, but I definitely wasn’t – and still am not – a girly-girl. Aside from hanging out with friends and school stuff,...

3 years ago
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TMKOC Babita aur Sodhi ki mast chudayi

Sexual frustration ne Babita ji ko bohut hi jyada frustrate kar diya hai. Iyer ki napunskta aur uske chote lund mein ab unki is hawas ki aag ko bujhane ka dum nahi. Iyer waqt ke sath kafi unromantic ho gaya aur Babita ki sex life bilkul dull. Par jo hota hai achche ke liye hota hai. Ek raat aise aayi jo ki Babita ko humesha ke liye badal ke rakhne wali thi. Us raat badal tezzi se garaj rahe the aur sath hi garaj rahi thi Babita ki hawas ki pyaas. Usne apni favorite pink satin gown pehni jisme...

1 year ago
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Tmkoc 8211 Sex Series Babita Special

Ye kahani bas ek fantasy hai…! But bahot enjoy karege aap log… Myself saifullah khan came herw to write a fantasy this time… ;) Ye based hai tmkoc jo ek tv series hai… Jo log ye dekhte hoge unko yaad hoga ke ek baar golkhuldham wale kachh gujrat ghumne gaye the… Jisme jethalal babita daya sodhi champak roshan tapu goli gogi bagha & iyer gaye the… Aur baki log gokuldam me hi ruk gaye the…Train me jab sab chhade to apne apne comportment me chle gye… Pehle compartmnt me the jethalal babita daya...

3 years ago
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Babita Aur Jetha Ki Chudai

This is a incident between Babita ji aur Jethalal when Daya went to Ahmedabad. Baarish ka mausam tha. Jethalal baarish mein bhigte hue ghar jaa raha tha. Tab raaste mein auto mein usse Babita ji ne dekh liya. Aur Jethalal ko apne saath auto mein bitha liya. Dono Gokuldham pahuchte hai tab Jethalal ko yaad aaya ki woh apne ghar ki key dukan mein bhool gaya. Bapuji aur Tapu kutch gaye hue the. Babita ji Jethalal ko unke saath ghar aane ko bolti hai. Iyer bhi koi meeting ke liye Delhi gaya hua...

2 years ago
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TMKOC Tapu ki MILF sena 8211 Tapu aur Babita ki shadi

Ab tak aapne padha ki kaise Tapu Babita ji se apni virginity kho baitha. Aur dheere dheere Gokuldham Society ki saari mahilaao ke saath sex karne laga. Kabhi Baita, toh kabhi Anjali. Kabhi Madhavi, toh kabhi Sonu, Tapu har roj kisi na kisi ko pelta zaroor tha. Aur unn sab ko bhi kafi maza aata tha. Aise sex karte karte paanch saal beet jaate hai. Inn paanch saalo main kafi kuchh badal jata hai. Bapuji Gokuldham ki chudai dekh pareshaan, hamesha ke liye gaav chale jaate hai. Dr. Haathi heart...

1 year ago
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TMKOC 8211 Tapu ki MILF Sena 8211 Babita kare Tapu se vivah

Ab tak aapne padha ki kaise Tapu Babita ji se apni virginity kho baitha. Aur dheere dheere Gokuldham Society ki saari mahilaao ke saath sex karne laga. Kabhi Baita, toh kabhi Anjali. Kabhi Madhavi, toh kabhi Sonu, Tapu har roj kisi na kisi ko pelta zaroor tha. Aur unn sab ko bhi kaafi maza aata tha. Aise sex karte karte paanch saal beet jaate hai. Inn paanch saalo main kaafi kuchh badal jata hai. Bapuji Gokuldham ki chudai dekh pareshaan, hamesha ke liye gaav chale jaate hai. Dr. Haathi heart...

3 years ago
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TMKOC Episode 1 Jetha Aur Babita Ki Chudayi

Hi. Love pirate here. This is my first story on ISS. Its a series based on pretty famous TV. Show, Tarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma. If any girl in Chandigarh aur Panchkula wants real enjoyment or only friendship can reach me out on my gmail: . Also please do not forget to comment on the story.You can also give me your feedback on the above stated email. Now let me begin my story. Most of you would be knowing about the society and the characters, so I am skipping that part. The rest of the story...

2 years ago
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Sabrina Tabitha Teen WitchesPart 2

I. Sabrina awoke with a smile ... then stretched and yawned as she basked in her blissful love of Tabitha, much like she did every morning for the past year. The only thing that could have been better on this particular morning was if Tabitha had been in bed with her. Sabrina slowly climbed out of bed and pranced naked to her full-length mirror. She just loved looking at her reflection much like she did in her prior life, but instead of popping in and out of her various outfits; she simply...

1 year ago
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Sabrina Tabitha Teen WitchesPart 3

I. Tabitha fumed as she paced her mansion. Despite having spent the entire night trying to track them, she failed. Now, she feared she might be dealing with forces even greater than her own. Tabitha walked down the hallway to where she had left Salem and glared at him. Salem stood there - stark naked - a stone statue. "Damn you," she shouted at him, blaming him for this mess. Then she snapped her fingers and brought him back to life. "Tabitha, please, this isn't my fault ... let me...

2 years ago
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Rabbits Foot Keychain

Rabbit's Foot Keychain By CCE Chapter 1 Taking his mail off the kitchen counter, Larry noticed a small package. "What the hell is this?" he thought as he walked up the stairs to his bedroom and sat down in front of his computer. The return address was from "Magic Rabbit's Foot Online". He tried to think if he'd ordered anything recently but the name wasn't ringing any bells. Inside he found a small business card labeled Magic Rabbit's Foot on line store... maybe he had...

2 years ago
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Bitched Out by a Bitchmaker II The Fuck Puppet

Bitched Out by a Bitchmaker II (The Fuck Puppet)By Cy BlackI opened my door and saw this little slut as she stood there with this sheepish look on her face. “Hi Simba” She stated as she stared down at my bare feet.I could have taken a victory lap, but I preferred to let this little broken bitch squirm for a while. “What the fuck you want here faggot?” I snapped. “You said I should come over at 5:45 pm.” She stated meekly.“And you said like that’s gonna happen. So, let me guess…you’ve had a...

3 years ago
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Sabrina Tabitha Teen WitchesPart 1

I Sabrina was excited. This was the last day of school and her boy friend Harvey had promised her that he wouldn't go away this summer to visit his father. She wanted this summer to be especially memorable. As like she did every afternoon, as soon as she got home she answered her e-mails and surfed the net a bit. It was then that she stumbled upon a chat room called the WITCHES COVEN. Sabrina giggled when she read a warning where admittance was only for witches and clicked on the 3D icon...

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Rabbits Foot Keychain Pt 2

Rabbit's Foot Keychain Part 2 By CCE Chapter 3 LarryS212: You gotta' get over to my place right now! The IM popped up on my screen and I read it with annoyance. I had to finish this final term paper before I could even consider doing anything, and I'd already told Larry that earlier in the day. That guy could be so annoying sometimes. SJones616: I told you, I have to finish this fucking paper. Besides, I don't...

1 year ago
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Tabithas Bimbo

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is not intentional. Ditto for the situations. You, the reader, should be of legal age of consent (usually about 18 years old) for the location from where you are connecting. I am not responsible for those who choose to ignore the above and read the story below. This story may not be reproduced or posted on another site without the express permission of the author. Tabitha's Bimbo By Jamcd Sean sat in front...

2 years ago
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Maddies Gift

New Abbey, Scotland, 1914 CHAPTER ONE One. Two. Three. Four. Four steps would bring Madeline Welby to her brother’s bedroom door. Maddie’s heart pounded painfully in her chest and her body trembled, teeth chattering as she stared ahead of her in the dark hallway. With each step, she could feel the brush of the carpet under her bare feet. A late winter rainstorm was approaching outside, and the rumble of the thunder matched the rumble inside her being. Maddie took the first step. I’m barmy!...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 23B Tabithas Big Mistake

Dumbjohn wandered upstairs to the kitchen of his cabin and made himself a sandwich, stripping off the rubber gloves and disposing of them. The cabin was located midway between the town where he'd collected Tabitha and two other fairly good-sized metropolises, and was Dumbjohn's favorite working location; while he traveled when called for, he liked to operate out of this part of the country, whenever possible. Sometimes it turned shipping a victim into a serious road trip to get here, but...

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Bagal Wali Babita Nikali Randi 8211 Part 2

Jaisa ki maine apne pichli story me btaya tha ki kavita mere ghar aai thi,,mere ko pta tha wo kyu aai hai,but mai anjan bna raha,,wo mere drawing room me baith gai,aur merese bat karne lgi,wo bar bar mere lund ko dekh rhi thi,mai bhi uske boobs ko dekh rha tha,tabhi usne apna ek pair apne dusre pair ke upar rakha,chuki wo shorts pehni hui thi so uska chut dikhne lga meko bcoz wo panty nai pehni hui thi,mai bar bar uska chut ko dekh rha tha ,mera lund khada ho chuka tha,usne bhi ye notice...

1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

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Author of THE SATYRICON - Gaius Petronius Arbiter (c. 27 - 66 AD) was a Roman courtier during the reign of Nero. He is generally believed to be the author of the Satyricon, a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54-68 AD). Tacitus, Plutarch and Pliny the Elder describe Petronius as the elegantiae arbiter (also phrased arbiter elegantiarum), "judge of elegance" in the court of the emperor Nero. He served as suffect consul in 62. Later, he became a member of...

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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

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