Seeing you again
- 3 years ago
- 19
- 0
We decided on a little bistro close to our apartment building. It was kind of dark, cool, and intriguing. The food was excellent. I didn’t eat much, though, as I spent most of the meal just looking at the angel across from me.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
I shook my head. “Not a thing. I just can’t get enough of looking at you. You make this dark room bright.”
“Thank you, I think.” She beamed at me.
“You’re so bright and sparkling. You just look pretty.”
“That is so nice. I’m so pleased you think I’m pretty. I didn’t get to be pretty when Jerry was alive. He and his crew liked me to look hot, you know like Sandy at the end of Grease?”
“Hot is great,” I grinned at her, “but you’re just made for pretty.”
“I can be glam, too, you know.” Her voice and look were tantalizing.
“I’ll bet you can,” I smiled.
“Can you imagine me as sultry and smooth?” she laughed.
“It’s a hard image, considering how bright and sparkling you look right now,” I confessed. “But, I saw that over the past couple of days. I never want you to be sad again, Shania, but the truth is, you look terrific in black. Very glamorous.”
“The biker boys liked black, too,” she said, looking over my shoulder into space. “But they liked tube tops, leather shorts, high-heeled boots and stuff.”
“Piercings and tattoos?” I asked.
“Just my earlobes and a tiny tattoo on my hip.”
“You have a tattoo on your hip?” I asked, amazed.
She nodded and grinned. “A little, tiny tiger. I let you see it later when we get naked.”
I stopped in mid-stroke, my fork hanging in mid-air. “We’re not doing that, Shania. I already told you.”
“That was before you admitted you loved me.”
I nodded, putting down my fork. “All the more reason not to.”
“Eric,” she said, softly but very firmly, “I want you to love me, and I want you to make love to me. You’ve admitted you love me. Tell me why you refuse to make love to me.”
“Because, Shania, there is a chance you won’t love me. If that happens, I don’t want you to feel you’ve been used, tricked, or have made a commitment beyond what you can deal with. I don’t want you ever to regret that we made love.”
She leaned forward so she was nearly in my face. Her voice was low and dangerous. “I will have you, Eric. You will be mine. I will hold you inside me and draw your love into me. I want that, and I want it tonight.”
“It is because I love you that it won’t happen tonight, Shania, not on the night after you buried your husband.”
She continued in the low, forceful and demanding voice. “I don’t give a fuck about that, Eric. That is the past. It is ancient history. He used me for his own gratification. What I want now is to share myself with you and for you to share yourself with me. I want us to be partners Eric. You can’t deny me that if you truly love me.”
“You can’t blackmail me like that, Shania. I won’t let you use what I feel for you as leverage so you can manipulate me. We will make love when you can convince me that you are in love with me, not before.”
“I don’t have to manipulate you, Eric. You already love me. You want to protect me, don’t you?”
“Yes,” I nodded.
“And, if I need anything, you’ll make sure I get it?”
“I will provide for you, if that’s what you mean.”
“Yes, that’s what I mean. And you won’t push me away from you, will you?”
“No, I won’t do that.”
“Will you let me come live with you in your apartment?”
“If that’s what you want.”
“And you’ll do damned near anything I ask of you, won’t you?”
“Within reason,” I chuckled.
“Eric, my husband is dead. I’m released. I’m free and alive. I want to celebrate that freedom and being alive.”
“You don’t need me to do that,” I said softly.
“But, I choose you,” she matched my tone.
“I’m conveniently located,” I joked with her. It pissed her off.
“You think it means that little to me?” her eyes flared and flashed. “If it was just a matter of fucking somebody, I could hook up with Stan.”
“The jerk from this afternoon?”
“Yeah. Honestly, Eric. I can’t figure out what you’re trying to do with this? Don’t you want to make love with me?”
I leaned back in my chair and looked at her. “You have no idea how much. But, what I really want, Shania, is to hold you close to me. I want to feel you breathe, touch your skin, caress you and enfold you. What I want is to wake up next to you. I want to know you are close to me, that I can reach out and touch you. I want your kisses and your touch. I want to know who you are, what your next thought will be, the desires of your heart and be the love of your life. That’s what I want. And, even more important, I want you to know that you can trust me to think of you first and always. I want you never to doubt that you are more important to me than life itself. Making love, sex? I want for you to be thrilled, exhilarated, energized, and delighted. I want you to be overwhelmed with pleasure. What I want is for you to feel the synergy of the two of us being existentially more than just you and I joined. I want my life to be about you, Shania. And if that doesn’t scare the crap out of you, and I imagine it will, I want for you to commit to sharing that vision of unity and togetherness for the rest of our lives. I want to celebrate being alive and being together, mystically joined into a single entity from this day forward. I want our lives to intertwine, to interweave and become one life that matters more to us than either of our lives individually. That’s what I want.”
Shania sat absolutely still. She appeared stunned. She raised the linen napkin to her lips and dabbed gently.
“Take me home, Eric,” she said. Her voice was barely audible.
I nodded and signaled the waiter for the check.
As we stepped out into the night air, I felt distinctly uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, Shania. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you with all that.”
“Shut up, Eric,” she said, not unkindly. “I just want to go home.”
“I’ll walk you back to your apartment”.
“To our apartment, Eric,” she whispered. “Where you live is where I live.”
“Oh,” I said. “I thought you wanted to go back to your place.”
“Your place is my place, if you will have me.” She put her hand on my arm at the crook of my elbow to stop me. “What you just said.” She looked into my eyes. “That’s the vision.”
“Well,” I responded uneasily, “it is my vision.”
She shook her head. “It’s our vision, Eric. Now I know why Jerry never understood. You’ve been the keeper of our vision. Jerry and I were never meant to have it. It belongs to us, to you and me.”
“Okay.” I was at a loss for words.
Shania slid her hand down my arm until she grasped my hand. We started walking toward our complex.
“I don’t know if you believe in fate or whatever,” she said, “But this is it. We’re fated to be together. When I heard you lay it all out like that, I was astonished. I don’t know why, really. I’ve known we belong together for a few days. Tonight it just became absolutely crystal clear.”
“Well, you already know how I feel about you, my love. All that remains is for you to decide.”
“If I love our vision, can loving you be far behind?” she asked lightly.
“I hope you will,” I chuckled. “Unrequited love is a bitch.”
“I’m nobody’s bitch, Eric. I already told you. But I’m going to love being your partner.”
I pulled her hand up to my chest and pressed it to me. “I’m going to love having you as my partner.”
“And,” she said confidently, “as far as tonight is concerned, I going to sleep with you in your bed, in our bed. I am going to be naked and you are, too.”
“Shania,” I started with a cautionary tone.
“Hush!” she ordered. “I will hold you and you will hold me. If we make love, it will be. If we don’t, then we will be together. Frankly, at this point, I don’t really care. All I want is to be with you. If you love me then I will love you in return. If you enter me, then I will welcome you. If I need you, then I will take you and you will give yourself to me. It doesn’t matter, Eric. All that matters is that we begin, right now, this night, to live into our shared vision, together.”
“So you are coming into my bed in spite of everything?” I laughed.
“Our bed, Eric. From now on, there is no yours or mine. Everything is ours. Our apartment, our bed, our relationship, our love, our life. It was meant to be and I can prove it.”
“You can, huh?”
Shania sounded dead serious. “You are in 2B and I am in 3C. Do you know what you get when you multiply them?”
“Uh,” I stammered, “Algebra? Not one of best subjects. I don’t know. Is it like 6BC?”
“Exactly,” she said. “The beginning of time.”
“Honey,” I said, as gently as I could, “I don’t even know if the calculation is right. But I do know that 6BC was not the beginning of time.”
Out of the corner of my eye I could see her grinning wickedly. “Well, crap!” she said. “You seem to need empirical evidence that we should be together. I’m grasping at straws over here. You want to go with it for me?”
I laughed aloud. “You are incredible! Bright, beautiful and a really quirky sense of humor, too. How could I not love you?”
Shania directed me into the shower first. She collected our glasses, wiped down the table, and washed the glasses out, leaving them in the strainer while I showered and shaved. I came out from the shower wrapped in a towel around my waist. She gave me the once-over.
“Not bad for an old man,” she remarked.
“Just got to keep driving the knife in, don’t you?” I asked, only half-kidding.
She stepped up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She planted a blistering kiss on my lips. When she pulled back, her eyes searched mine.
“I don’t care how old you are, darling,” she whispered. “You’re mine. I own you, and you own me. It was just a joke.”
“I’m sensitive about that topic. It’s the weak link.”
“I will love you for who you are, my darling. All this other junk is just crap. It doesn’t matter.”
“You kiss me like you love me,” I observed.
“You could feel that, huh?”
“Do me a favor,” I asked her. “Don’t decide tonight. Wait until tomorrow, at least.”
“Or next Tuesday?” she teased.
“That would be fine.”
“I like feeling your warmth. Do you know that your love for me just flows out of you?”
I shook my head. “Maybe it’s just the desire.”
“Oh, God,” she said breathily, “I hope so!”
“So you do want me to love you, then?” I kidded.
“Go get in the bed. I’ll shower and join you shortly. Oh, and lose the towel,” she ordered.
“This is not a good idea, Shania,” I repeated.
She put a finger up to my lips. “Shoosh,” she whispered. “When you feel me take you inside me, you’ll know its right.”
She twisted out of my grasp and stepped into the bathroom. I turned toward the bedroom, turned on the bedside lamp, pulled the towel off and scrubbed my hair one last time before sliding between the sheets. I felt the cool comfort of the bedding against my skin and the easy support of the bed smoothing the tension of the day from my muscles. I turned on my side and looked at the street lights beaming their glow into the night.
I must have dozed off, because my next conscious thought was the realization that a warm body was pressed against mine. My arm was wrapped around her waist and my hand was full of her breast. The aroma of fresh flowers gently reached into my nostrils and I could feel one of her hands smoothing the skin along my thigh. I released my handhold on Shania and turned onto my back.
“You were sleeping when I came to bed,” she whispered in the night. She twisted around so she was facing me. Her hand rested easily on my chest.
“I guess so,” I answered softly. “A lot happened today.”
“Yesterday,” Shania corrected me.
I looked at the projected numbers on the ceiling. It was 1:12 in the morning. “Huh,” I observed. “It’s tomorrow already.”
“That’s right,” she said, nuzzling her lips against my shoulder. “And I don’t regret anything I said yesterday.”
I chuckled.
“You still want me to love you, then?” I asked.
“I do. So, if you don’t mind…” Her hand slid down my body to capture my manhood.
“Not much going on down there,” I laughed.
“Don’t be so impatient,” she whispered. She raised herself up on an elbow, leaned in to kiss my lips. It was tender, gently sucking, with tiny licks of her tongue at my lips. “You kept your promise, though.”
“What was that?”
“You didn’t make love to me last night.”
“But you did come into my bed,” I reminded her.
“Our bed, my darling, remember?”
“Hmmm,” I hummed, feeling her fingers beginning to trigger my arousal.
“Oh, that’s starting to feel better,” she said. She changed the motion from pattering her fingers on my manhood to stroking it.
“You’re just intent on doing this, aren’t you?” I whispered hoarsely.
“I am. I want to feel your love inside me.” She leaned in to kiss me with increasing passion.
“What about you? Are you going to ready?”
She hummed an affirmative. “A couple more of your delicious kisses, darling,” she whispered. “I’ve been ready for you.”
“You haven’t slept?”
“A little. I curled up and let you spoon me. Do you know what you did in your sleep?”
“Tell me.”
“You actually said the words. It was clear and exiting. You said, ‘Oh God, Shania, I love you so very much.’”
“The truth is out,” I chuckled.
Her hand continued to stroke me, in spite of my full arousal. “I wondered how many times you’d said those same words in the privacy of this room over the past weeks and months.”
“Constantly,” I chuckled. “I told you I’d loved your forever.”
Shania launched herself astride me. I felt her hair swish across my face. She leaned down and kissed me, this time tugging at my lips with her teeth.
“I want to feel you inside me,” she whispered.
“You’re in control.”
Her lips went to my ear. “That’s right,” she whispered into my ear. “Tell me what I want to hear.”
“That I want you?”
“Uh-uh,” she said, sliding her body down until my rod contacted her flesh. “Not that.”
“That I need you?” I teased.
She raised her hips until the tip of my manhood was just lodged at her entrance. “I can tease, too, you know.”
“Oh,” I said as if in revelation, “I think I know, then.”
“Say it,” she ordered.
“Shania,” I whispered. She pushed until a tiny bit of my shaft penetrated her.
“Almost!” she encouraged. “What does Shania mean when you say it?”
“I love you, Shania.”
Her warmth enveloped me completely as she sank her hips down on me. “That’s it,” she hummed as she enveloped me. “And I can feel your hardness and your love filling me up.”
It was paradise. Shania held me inside her, tiny pulses moving through her and transferred into me. She hummed and moaned, “Oh God! That feels so good, so right.”
“I’m not hurting you?” I worried.
“Oh, fuck no! It’s perfect!” she purred. “I knew it would be. Oh, God, Eric. Love me!” She leaned down and planted her lips on mine. I felt her sucking my lips with hers and plunged my tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it as her hips wiggled on my shaft. She released my lips and raised her head. “Oh, baby,” she moaned. “Tell me,” she pleaded.
“I do, Shania,” I groaned. “I do love you.”
“Oh, my love,” she whispered, “this is perfection. We’re going to do this a lot, baby,” she moaned.
I chuckled.
“You’re laughing at me,” she accused.
“No, no,” I replied quickly. “It just feels so good, like you said.”
“You do love me, don’t you?” she asked, working herself into a rhythm of hitches and thrusts on my rod.”
“You’ve known it all along,” I answered.
“I did,” she said, with a small gasp. “I knew you loved me.”
“And now you’re loving me,” I whispered.
“Yes, I am. I want you to fill me with your love seed.”
“Are you sure?” I asked, concerned for her gratification.
“Please, baby,” she groaned. “I came when you entered me. I’ve come again since then. I want to feel your come inside me. Flood me with your love,” she pleaded.
“Soon, baby,” I moaned. “God! You feel like fire and velvet.”
“Yes, velvet,” she hummed. “Like when you say my name.”
“Shania, my love,” I said, feeling the beginning of my own release approaching.
“Hold me, darling,” she demanded. “Hold me close and fill me with your love.”
“Yes, baby,” I groaned, clasping my arms around her and feeling the unmistakable burn that started above my knees. “Now, baby. Now.”
“Yes, my love,” she whimpered. “Me, too. Oh, God! I love you!”
Her lips sought out mine as our bodies heaved and we groaned together into each other’s mouths. Our tongues tangled and roamed against each other. We held each other and shuddered together. Shania pulled her head up and away and took a huge gasp of air.
“Good?” I asked, barely able to breathe myself.
She laid her head on my shoulder. “We are incredible together,” she said softly.
“Yeah,” I agreed, “and I didn’t even have a chance to make love to you.”
“I can’t imagine,” she said, still panting.
“Isn’t it great we still have that to look forward to?”
“Hmmm,” she hummed, snuggling against me.
“Shania,” I whispered. “You said it.”
“I know,” she said gently. “I do because I want to.”
“I’m okay with writing it off to the passion of the moment.”
“I don’t think so, my darling.”
“I’m an old man, Shania,” I said quietly.
I could feel her chuckle. “You held up pretty well.”
“No joking, my dearest. We really need to address this.”
“You’re still inside me, Eric. I’m holding your love inside me. I don’t ever want to let it go. As of now, you are my love and my life. Nothing else matters but the two of us being together. Put it behind us, my love. I am yours and you are mine.”
“There will be comments, innuendo, and nasty insinuations.”
“I don’t care, Eric. We have our vision. We have our love. I’ll be your trophy wife. I don’t care. Love me and let me love you. That’s all we need.”
100% fiction! Im in quite a reasonable family of 5 mum, dad, sister, brother and me. Im the youngest of all and the oldest being my brother who lives away from home. My sister is a young 22 year old with a hot body and still lives home with me. I often had fantacies of doing things to my sister and when she was away i would look through her draws for her sexy bras and toys. I had found her stash of 3 dildos one being a vibrator and the other 2 large rubber ones. Most days i found myself home...
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Elizabeth Grey - Part 06: Better get used to it. By Carmenica Diaz We decided to go to Jeremy's place in Notting Hill in jeans, boots, woollens and jackets. Every time I woke and had to decide what to wear, I wondered how it had all changed. It was so new still, so strange but, at the same time, so real. This was me! 'We'll come back here and change clothes,' Angela said, 'once Jeremy tells us what's expected for his dinner party. Who hosts a dinner party at a...
2076 a.d. Judgment Béla was back aboard the great ship, confined to unfamiliar, cramped quarters under house arrest after turning herself in for killing a landowner. The Bard Geoffrey and two of her sisters, Dawn and Jolene, were currently managing the estates that she'd acquired from Robert LaCrosse, whom she was accused of murdering with her mind. Over the last month, the daughters of Sibilius had gone down to the surface and, following Béla's example of representing themselves as...
The interviewAfter having to take an early retirement from my job, and enjoying a little time off, it was time to get out and find another job. Although I needed the income, I was not happy about having to go through the whole process, after so many years. Being over 50, I knew it wouldn't be an easy task. I did have the advantage of still being in pretty good shape. I am 6'1", 185lbs, salt and pepper hair, and blue eyes. My first interview was to be at 11:00 with a warehousing and distribution...
Everybody remembers their first time. Some people aren’t too fond about it, others end up marrying that one person and having that one penis to themselves for the rest of their lives. My experience was different. Way different. At 18, i was still a virgin and proud of it. My friends were in serious relationships and of course, having sex, but here I was, single and sexless. On the one hand i couldn’t wait for my prince charming to come around, sweep me off my feet and make sweet love to...
I was running through the mansion, being chased by something so horrifying that I didn't dare to turn around and see what it was. I tried to find my room, but the once familiar hallways were now disjointed and strange, as if the building had be rearranged and some pieces had been replaced with imitations that had a sinisterly artificial look to them. My pursuer was getting close, its hot, rancid breath scalding the back of my neck. I kept running, even though I knew I'd never escape. Even...
Having nothing better to do, I decided to pay a visit to the mall. Walking around, stopping into stores here and there, I did my best to kill the time. I suppose I was just decompressing before heading home. Browsing through the stores just happened to be a convenient way to wind down after my day. While I was walking I kept careful watch for enticing ladies. Like any young man my age, I considered myself quite the connoisseur. Careful not to stare for too long, keeping my gaze from...
It had been a long day. I had spent most of it avoiding the immagration officials, as a Bengali girl of 16 all on my own and with no papers I knew if I was caught I would be deported. It had rained most of the day and I was wet and to top it all I had had a run in with Steve and his mates, Steve was 18 a right hard nut who ran a gang of teenage thugs, all were racists. They had seen me in a carpark where I was begging and gave me the uaual racist taunts I had managed to slip away when a lorry...
Aeva scoffed at the notion. ‘I have the Ultiplex. I am invincible. What could possibly worry me?’ ‘Mistress, with all due respect, you are not invincible. Verily is your sword legendary, boasting powers both destructive and protective, but it is only one part of the set. In addition, you are not a learned Sorceress, and your ability to wield the Ultiplex is…limited, there is doubtless more that it could unleash, were it handled by one of greater experience.’ ‘Perhaps, I often find my evil...
Heather and I had issues in our marriage, primarily due to our own insecurities and the new challenges of being parents. We did not handle it well. I let myself go and didn't care for her emotionally or physically. Heather, on the other hand, sought to reclaim and keep up her amazing body after the kids were born.She had come to realize that she could no longer live without attention, whether it was from her husband or someone else. Some soul searching caused Heather to recognize that she...
Wife LoversI rang the bell and a woman of 26 years of age opened the door. Heard a sound inside the house “ulla vaa da”… “ come in “.. Then the woman who opened the door smiled at me and said please come in. I entered inside and there was my friend kritika sitting with a baby of her sisters. Yes, the woman who opened the door was her sister. I and kritika have been very good friends for years. She once said that she had a sister in pune and would visit some time. Now she was in Pune and I went to see her....
Delighted to see her beautiful daughter her foremost emotion, so many others spun around it creating a dust devil of confusion in Mrs. Emily Jones's mind. Her daughter witnessed the twists and turns reflected on her face when Emily approached and stood in front of the beautiful trio of women. "Hi Mom. This is my girlfriend Sophie." "Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Jones." Sophie's left hand continued to thread fingers through her daughter's fingers while the right lifted for the shake....
This was exciting !! i had to travel overseas on business, and i was making a weekend stop in a very special place. in this place lived a couple i had met online and we had swapped pictures and videos and some very hot fantasies.....we had arranged to meet when my work was concluded, i made damn sure that got wrapped up quickly !!! No promises had been made but there was no doubt where we would all like the week end to go. and at least it would be fun to meet a couple i had shared so much...
The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman By Dr. Phil This is the story of an 18th century English nobleman living in the Caribbean. He is hated by a local pirate governor. The Englishman refuses to sell a small piece of land to the governor who has wanted it for a long time. The Englishman has been protected by his friendship with the captain of one of the pirate ships. Even the governor fears this ruthless captain. One day the pirate ship arrives in port with...
We were camping out in my back yard. I was 15 and he was 14. I got him to play strip poker, and when we were totally naked, we were covering our stiff, hard cocks so we weren't showing them to each other. Then Todd got a glimpse of my hard dick standing straight up and asked if I had a hard-on, I said yes, and showed it to him, he pulled away the pillow that he had covering his dick to show me his erection, and said "So do I". I moved across the floor of the tent towards him, and he...
Bella Rolland and Tallie Lorain are the closest kind of girlfriends, and they’re always looking for a man to help them out with a night of true pleasure and plenty of cash afterwards. Today they’ve brought home Codey Steele, who can hardly believe his luck that two hot numbers like Tallie and Bella want to have their way with him. Codey knows these two hotties want more than his dick, but that’s okay with him. The girls lead Codey into the bedroom, where the push him down onto...
xmoviesforyouPia headed for the showers, her hair mussed with sweat from her intense workout. As she entered the empty locker rooms, she could hear a faint moaning from the showers at the back and she paused in her footsteps. Could someone be hurt? She made her way to the showers and stepped into the steamy room to look for the source of the sound and immediately found what she was looking for. A man, water rolling down his broad chest, stood under the stream in the far corner pleasuring himself. Her...
I walked into the kitchen and saw Craig and Connor sitting down eating breakfast, and thankfully could smell coffee. "Good morning, guys. Is your mom awake?" I said as I went to pour a cup. The boys were quiet, almost as if in deep thought, before Craig finally said "yeah... she made breakfast.. and now she's taking a shower". Emily's infamous long showers, I thought to myself, as I noticed both the boys were staring at my chest... obviously noticing I wasn't wearing a bra. I was...
Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real life incident and just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick ;) It happened in San Jose, USA and is still happening. I was a 27-year-old bachelor, good looking, 5’8 and 6-inch dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed. Heroin of the story(Ramya), 36years old then and I met at a common friend’s birthday party. Met her, her husband and her then 5.5 years old kid. She looked charming,...
It was summer time and I was well into puberty. I wacked off every chance I got like most boys this age. I have two sisters, Sophie who is eleven months older than me and Sadie who is ten months older than Sophie. My mom is in her mid thirties and dad is a little older than that. This day I had been at the pool with my buds and came home to jack off after watching all the women in their swim suits. I got to my room and had a real nice boner in my swim trunks and was ready to get after it...
CAUGHT WEARING MY UNDIES. Having recently been left quite a large sum of money by my late aunt in her will, I decided to buy my own house, and start my own business as a handyman. Because I was bored with my present location in the north of England, I moved down to the midlands and bought a very nice isolated cottage about 20 miles south of Birmingham on the outskirts of a small town, and after a few weeks of settling into my new home, I put adverts in several of the more rural papers, in...
CrossdressingChavez had been a thorn in Igwanda's side for most of the voyage. He'd never worked with the sergeant before, but had been given a strong recommendation back on Earth that this was the most able second-in-command available. The reality, however, had proved otherwise. Chavez' manner toward the colonel was brusque and sometimes even verged on insubordination. To the troopers he was alternately harsh and inattentive, and also played obvious favorites. His sexual interest in the attractive...
It was early rush hour in Detroit. The afternoon glare was just an annoyance to most of the people on the freeway heading west on the way home. As far as I was concerned, I knew I’d have another three hours of sunshine, and I was happy about that. And I was about to get happier. I touched his name on the contact list of my phone and hoped he would pick up. He did. “Hey, babe, how is your day going?” I asked. “Surviving,” he said, sounding mentally exhausted, if not annoyed. “I will be so happy...
Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than...
Grass is Greener On the Other Side 2: Learning Can Be Fun By shalimar Steve woke up in a fog and felt pains all over his body. All of his bones felt as if they were crushed. His insides near his groin felt like they were gouged out. He had a sore throat. He felt soreness on his chest. His face felt like it was pushed around. Except for his head above his ears his skin felt like every hair on his body was pulled out one at a time the most painful way. And through all this pain...
In Which Innocence is restored to Purity, the beauty of Innocence is immortalised on film and Purity and Innocence are exposed to the virtues of great wealth and proportion. Dodie and Innocence were staying at different resorts on opposite sides of the mountain where they met, so despite Dodie’s entreaties that they stay together and further what she said was potentially a beautiful relationship, Innocence returned to her hotel room to spend a few more uneventful days in the shadows of Les...
Jason Becomes Joanne By: Joanne Marie Andrews [email protected] Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a woman, I hated being a man. Woman we're so much more elegant, more slender, and of course beautiful. And finally I had my chance to experience womanhood. I had just finished highschool, and was going to take a year off before going off to college. My parents took this opportunity to take their dream "around the world" trip. They had saved up for this...
We walked about two miles. He insisted we go to my favourite restaurant in the city, despite the fact that I didn’t mind where we went. We held hands all the way and sometimes he would lean down and kiss my hair. I felt him breathing in and out, sighing occasionally. I wondered why on earth he was so curious about me and why I had followed a man I don’t even know out of a bar and through the city at night time. It was definitely not like me, but maybe that’s why my hands and feet tingled, and...
.a{fill:none;stroke:gray;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:3px;} Bottom Wolves and Dragons of the Blood: True BeginningsChapter 35Copyright© 2015 by Mike Cropo
--So this is a dedication story, I wrote fro a charming friend of mines. He sparked me back up to wanting to write again, only for his pleasure kindof. so yay- ------------------------------------------I wanted to say that I have no clue on how i got into this situation. Currently, I'm blindfolded,gagged and suspended in the air in some kind of sling with my legs widely spread. revealing to the world my pretty black pussy and all of its secretions. Whereever I am, the place has a chill to it,...
It was a cloudy Friday afternoon when we pulled up the driveway that led to Becca's parent's house. "We're here," Becca announced, as she parked her car and unbuckled her seatbelt. I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to get out of the car, but Becca grabbed my left shoulder and motioned for me to remain in my seat. "Hold on," Becca said. "There's something that we need to talk about first." "A couple family rules?" I wondered. "For the most part, we don't have any rules," Becca replied. "But...
EroticMy wife sanjana and i are broad minded persons form rich family. Sanjana aged 29 and had sexy figure 38-26-38.i am 31. We are married for last 6 years and our was love marriage. My friend sanjay always visits at my house and we are free with him. He is not married and staying alone. He is working at studio and is professional video grapher. Last year in summer night we ware watching xxx movie i said “sanjay sala english blue film mai wo maja nahi atta hai jo indian blue film me atta hai” but in...
Over the rest of the semester Daisy taught her much. She explained philosophy as well. "It's a secret. It must be, the way society would view it. But you will know when it's time to reveal yourself, and to whom. You will instinctively trust them. Because they will have told you with their eyes that you can. They will look at you in a certain way. As you looked at me. Don't bother looking for it from the glamour queens. They will never love anyone but themselves. Look for the quiet, shy...
Prologue Ethan Smith was miserable. It was the end of summer term and once again he had done little in his time, "Home". Home was a joke to his family. he didn't really have one. His dad always dumped him on his grandparents and took the first flight away to some exotic location while Ethan, "Got to know" his grandparents. He hadn't been to his, "Real" home in three years, ever since he started infant school at his expensive private boarding school. Don't get him wrong. He loved his...
BY; Blue Heat 2011 It all started with a simple motorist assist while on routine patrol for the Sheriff's department...... As an 11 year veteran of the sheriff's department, I have learned to expect the unexpected, danger can lurk around every hill or bend in the road just waiting to rear it's ugly head. As being dubbed "The shit magnet" by my fellow officers, very odd things just seem to happen while I am on patrol. I had many situations arise from "routine"...