My Daughters Dildo Part 2 free porn video

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“My God, girl,” I chuckled. “Are you ever not horny?”

“I’m only like this when I’m around you.” She rolled toward me and gave me kiss. “Morning, Daddy.” She pressed the tip of her vibrating cock against her clit and moaned. “I missed the school bus.”

“I got up and rescheduled my meeting earlier while you were still asl**p.” This brought a big smile to her lips.

“So we’re having a naked day together?”

“Looks like it.”

“Have I told you that you’re the best daddy ever?”

“Yes, but not enough.”

“I want to see you cum at least, like, ten times today.”

I had to laugh. “Don’t get your hopes up, kiddo. Your old man isn’t one of those teenage studs that your used to.”

“We’ll see.” Nicole teased her hole with the head of her dildo. “Here, you do me,” she said, handing me the vibrator.

I propped myself up on one elbow and directed the toy between her wide open legs. I touched the end of it to the area just above her clit.

“And how many times am I going to see you cum today?” I asked.

“A hundred…at least.” She groped for me and grabbed a hold of my cock. “I love how hard you always are in the morning.”

I continued caressing her pussy with the buzzing toy. She arched her back, and stretched her lithe nakedness under my tender manipulations. Her grip on my cock grew tighter. She wasn’t jerking me, as she liked to do, but rather just holding onto it, possessing it.

“Almost there,” she breathed.


“I was pretty close before you woke up. And it’s so much better when you do it.” She squeezed one her breasts roughly with her free hand. “Yes, right there, Daddy. Ooo, you’re going to make me cum…”

I held the dildo in place, jiggling it ever so slightly. “Uh huh, uh huh…” Her body was rocking in time with a beat that only she could hear. “Uh huh, right there…” Her hand clutched my shaft, relaxed, clutched again in rhythm with the pulsating approach of her first climax of the day. “Uh huh…ooooh, fuck, Daddy, there…”

Her body jerked, snapping her hips upward against the dildo. A string of girlish grunts signaled her pleasure as the spasms continued to fire. After several seconds, she had to let go of my cock and push the vibrator away from her clit. I threatened her pussy with it a moment later and she screamed, clapping both hands over her crotch to protect her sensitive girl parts. She drew her knees up and lolled from side to side with a gratified noise that was half giggle, half groan.

“Did you see that, Daddy? Did you see me cum?”

“Of course I did. What the Hell else would I be looking at?”

She grinned and hugged herself. “I love cumming in front of you. It’s ten times hotter when I know you’re watching me.”

I turned off the toy and set it aside. I once again marveled at my daughter’s naked body. It seemed impossible that I would ever get enough of the sight of her. My mouth watered at the thought of those soft, puffy nipples of hers against my tongue. She noticed where my attention was and brushed her fingers across her pink little mounds.

“Now I want to see you.” She bit her lower lip in contemplation. “I think you should cum on my tits.”

I wanted to jump at the invitation, but I knew I shouldn’t. “Well, maybe that’s a bit too…how about if I just do it like usual?”

“Oh, c’mon, you’ve cum on me before.”

“Not on purpose…really.”

“Stop being a wuss and do it.” She pushed her titties together, making them look twice as big as they actually were. “I know you want to.”

“Since you put it that way…”

She squealed with delight. “Alright, get up on your knees…good, like that…turn this way…perfect. God, your cock looks huge this morning.”

Once she had me positioned the way she wanted, she settled herself in front of me. I was up on my knees in the center of the bed facing to the side; Nicole was lying in front of me on her back, feet toward the headboard, her chest just below my jutting cock. She was laid out before me like a virgin sacrifice on the altar of my incestuous lust.

Her eager eyes looked up at me, begging for me to soil her body with my spilled seed. I couldn’t disappoint her, could I?

I gripped my shaft and began stroking. Her eyes fluttered in fascinated anticipation. It was an alien prospect to me that someone could be so entranced by seeing me play with my dick. None of my past lovers had let on that they were the least bit interested in witnessing my exclusively private act of self-pollution. Performing in front of my daughter like this was in itself a distinctly demeaning experience, but at the same time it was somehow liberating. I’d never reached a point where I could let myself be this vulnerable with another person. With Nicole, I felt safe. Her unconditional acceptance of me as her father gave me the freedom to indulge my perverse whims without fear of judgment or criticism. Maybe this was all wishful thinking. Maybe she would end up recognizing me as the degenerate pig I really was one day down the road. Even so, I was going to enjoy the moment while I could.

“Cum on my tits, Daddy,” she cooed beneath me, smashing her small breasts together as a kind of carnal offering. “Jerk off all over me.”

I jacked my hard dick in my fist. My balls swayed freely with each stroke. I feared they might still be empty after last night. That didn’t stop me from admiring my daughter’s naked body spread out for my private gratification. I’d seen that cute face of hers every single day for my entire life, and yet it had a special glow about it when she had no clothes on. I’d never noticed how sexy her neck was. Her shoulders were masterful sculptures of sensuality. I wanted to fall upon her belly and make love to that pure expanse of smooth softness. Even her knees had become a source of lascivious attraction for me. How did my sweet innocent little girl turn into this embodiment of sexual allure? She could have any guy her own age, and here she was playing daddy’s little slut with her old man. I needed to stop thinking and just enjoy it while it lasted.

“Look at how your balls are flopping around like crazy,” she said, reaching for them.

She formed a cage around my loose nuts with her fingers and let my sack rattle around inside of it while I jerked my cock. It gave me a warm feeling to be able to see her discovering and experimenting. I knew she wasn’t some clueless virgin, but there was still a lot she hadn’t had time to experience yet.

The cage closed around my balls and she held gently, tugging and kneading my scrotum with just the right amount of tender pressure.

“You have great balls, Daddy. I love how they feel. Nice and big and manly.” She fondled each of my testicles lovingly. “I can’t believe that this is where I came from. I started right here in these sexy balls.” She looked up at me with one of those wicked smiles of hers.

God damn, she really knew how to get to me. I let out a gruff bark of satisfaction as my orgasm suddenly burst free and I began spattering my daughter’s chest with cum. Watching my filthy spunk coat her tits in a series of ever-weakening spurts while she stretched my scrotum made it all far better than anything I could have achieved on my own.

“Oooo,” she gushed happily, “so warm and slimy.” She swirled a finger around her far nipple, spreading my cum evenly over the pink of her areola. As I watched her do this I wasn’t paying attention to what her other hand was doing until I felt her pulling my hard-on downward and rubbing the head of my cock against the nipple closest to me.

Holy fucking shit that felt good! I couldn’t move for a few seconds as the sensation held me suspended in a moment of unadulterated bliss. I was barely able to regain my senses.

“Okay, missy, let’s not get carried away.” I eased my cock out of her hand. “I’m going to hit the shower. I’m feeling a bit crusty this morning for some reason.”

“Aww, you’re no fun,” Nicole pouted.

“Or maybe the problem is that you’re too much fun.” I gathered up my robe and underwear from her floor.

“You have to at least kiss me before you leave me like this.” She was still fingering the cum I had deposited across her chest.

I leaned down and gave her soft kiss on the lips. Her tongue sought out mine and it was all I could do to pull away before it developed into a full-on make out session. I would have never guessed that my girl could be so insatiable. I was starting to worry that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her.

Despite the extra few hours of sleep, I was still feeling somewhat drained. The hot shower went a long way to revitalizing me, and hopefully restoring some of my potency. How lame would it be if she wore me down to the point where I couldn’t get it up for her? Maybe it was time to start thinking about some pharmacological assistance.

I stepped out of the shower and began toweling off. I felt a cold draft of air and looked up to find Nicole leaning against one side of the open doorway in nothing but the button down shirt I had worn to work the day before. She was biting the tip of her thumb in the most adorable way as she watched me drying off.

“Nice shirt.”

“I always see women in movies and magazine ads wearing their man’s shirt, so I wanted to try it.” She lifted the collar to her nose and drew in a deep breath. “I like it.”

“You have my dirty underwear on also?”

“Nope.” To prove it she lifted the shirt tail high enough for me to see her naked pussy. That lilting giggle of hers seeped right into me. “Are you going to shave?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Can I watch?”

I wrapped the towel around my waist. “You haven’t wanted to do that since you were a little girl.”

“God, I must have been such a pest back then.”

“Back then? How about now?”

“Yeah, how about now?” The sultry way she said that gave her an air of sophistication way beyond her years. I don’t know how she did it. One second she’s a gawky kid, then the next she’s a seasoned seductress.

I got out my razor and shaving cream. She put down the lid of the toilet and sat, hands tucked between her knees, happy as could be. I wiped the fog from the mirror and lathered my chin and cheeks.

“I forgot how much I loved this,” Nicole was leaning forward enough for me to get a good look down her (my) shirt. I was only able to get a partial glimpse of one of her nipples, but it was clear from the sticky sheen covering her chest that she hadn’t bothered to clean my cum off of herself. Such a dirty, dirty girl.

“I don’t know what you get out of this.”

She considered this for a moment. “It’s just nice to be around you this way. Like you’re letting me peek behind the curtain of your secret man-world.” She shrugged in that cute way she had. “It gives me a good feeling inside to be with you like this.”

“I suppose it won’t hurt to admit that I liked those Saturday mornings, too. There was something special about those times. Why did you stop?”

She was quiet for a long while. I scraped my razor up my throat, rinsing it in the sink after each stroke.

“Remember that giant stuffed giraffe you won for me that time at the carnival?”

Okay, new topic. “The ball throw game, right? We were barely able to fit that stupid thing in the car. Didn’t you name him Jeffery, or something like that?”

“Jeffy, yeah.” She went on in somewhat shy manner. “I loved playing with him. Anyway, one day when I was about ten I was pretending like I was riding him and I got a funny feeling down there. I didn’t know it at the time, but that’s when I basically figured out how to masturbate.” She waited anxiously for my reaction.

“When you were only ten years old?” It didn’t seem possible.

“It just sort of happened. I had no idea I was having orgasms, or something close to it at least, I just knew it felt good.” She looked down at her bare toes wiggling on the cool floor tiles. I realized I was frozen in mid-stroke and tried to get back to shaving without cutting myself. “I probably humped Jeffy like ten times a day those first couple weeks. God, I was such a little nympho.”

“I had no idea that’s what you were doing in your room all the time. I was just happy you were being quiet and keeping yourself busy.”

“I was so afraid you were going to catch me. Remember the sign I made?”

“Keep out. Private Property!” I shook my head, the pieces were falling into place. “I thought that was just normal tween stuff. I had no idea what that sign on your door was really about.”

“Well, now you know. I was in there having unprotected sex with wild animals.” She gave a nervous laugh. “I did it with all my clothes on at first, or sometimes my PJs. Then I tried it with nothing but my underwear on and found out that was way better. I was afraid to try it with nothing on because I thought that would be the ultimate sin. A week later I was buck naked and humping away like a crazed little sex fiend.”

“Jeffy must’ve loved that.”

“God it’s embarrassing to be admitting all this to you.”

“Seriously? After this morning? After last night?”

“That’s different.” Her nipples were now poking up from beneath my dress shirt in the most provocative way. “The thing is that I eventually realized that the good feelings I got from riding Jeffy were the same sort of nice feelings I got when I hung out in the bathroom with you and watched you shaving, or combing your hair, or putting on cologne.”

I shaved my upper lip, not sure how to respond. Not sure if she wanted me to respond at all.

“I finally put two and two together in my tiny brain and figured out that the nice feelings I was getting in my tummy, and other places, when I watched you in the bathroom were something sexual. I didn’t completely understand it, but I knew there was some kind of connection and that it was something dirty.”

“Geez. I had no clue.” I tried not to let on how shocked I was by these revelations. “So that’s why you stopped hanging around with me during my Saturday morning shaves?”

She shrugged one shoulder. “I thought you would be mad at me, or hate me, for having sex feelings about you like that. And it was just too weird for me to deal with when I was that young.” She smiled wistfully. “I swore I’d never ride Jeffy again, but that only lasted about two days. It’s funny, I thought that he was the only thing that could get me off that way, like Jeffy had some sort of magical power. I eventually figured out that I could straddle my teddy bear or one of my stuffed unicorns and get the same feeling. After that, I started humping everything. My pillow, the arm of the sofa, the footboard of my bed, the corner of my toy box. I even used to take all the clothes off of my Ken doll and put him on the floor, then I’d get naked and lie on top of him and grind my pussy up and down against him. Sometimes I’d set Barbie up and make her watch. Damn, I was one sick little bitch.”

I joined in with her nervous laugh this time, feeling uneasy about picturing my pre-pubescent daughter lying face down on the floor naked, fucking herself against a plastic doll.

“God, I remember lying awake at night trying to think up new things I could grind on. You know your black leather coat? When I was home alone I would bunch it up in a big ball and hump it like crazy. As soon as I came I would get scared you would know what I did and hurry up and clean off the wet spot and put it right back in your closet.”

“I still wear that coat sometimes.”

“I know.” She gave me a look that let me know she’d been privately enjoying that dirty secret for some time. “And did you ever notice that I always say how hot you look in that jacket whenever you wear it?” Nicole pinched one of her nipples through the shirt, apparently feeling a bit less shy than earlier. “I was so dumb back then that I thought humping stuff was the only way to masturbate. That’s the only way I did it for almost like five years before Becca showed me how to use fingers.”

“Showed you?”

Nicole’s mouth hung open, suddenly realizing what she’d just said.

“I said told me.”

“I’m pretty sure I heard showed.”

“They say the hearing is the first thing to go.” She reached out and tugged at my towel, letting it drop to the floor and leaving me standing there naked. “Mmm, I knew you were hiding a big juicy hard-on under there.”

I decided not to press the issue and let her change the subject. I shaved off the whiskers on my chin, and touched up a few spots.

“I could just stare at you like this all day,” Nicole said while gazing at my cock. “It’s nice to know that I can see it whenever I want now.”

“I don’t remember that being part of the deal.” I ducked my head and rinsed my face. When I opened my eyes again Nicole was no longer sitting on the toilet. I looked down and found her kneeling next to me, her face about even with my erection. “What are you doing?” There might have been a note of panic in my voice.

“Just want to see it close up.” She put a hand on my hip and turned me toward her. Her other hand ran up the outside of my thigh and settled on my opposite hip. The head of my cock hovered inches in front of her face. “Wow…look at it.”

It almost seemed like she was in some kind of trance. I stood still, letting her look. It was despicably vain of me to take so much pleasure from the way she admired my cock. She must have fetishized it for years, and now she finally had it. I was perfectly aware of how dangerous this position was, but I convinced myself the boundaries I’d set down would hold. That conviction lasted for about more three seconds.

Nicole suddenly leaned forward and took my cock into her mouth and began sucking. My knees all but gave way and a rush of adrenaline swept through my body. I felt instantly lightheaded as I pushed her head back and pulled my prick from between her lips.

“What are you doing?” I demanded a little too harshly.

“What does it look like?” She licked her lips enticingly.

“We’re not doing this. I’m not going to let this happen.”

“It already happened, Daddy. You put your cock in my mouth.”

“I? You…” I tried to compose myself. I was still close enough to feel my daughter’s warm breath on my dick — which was harder than ever. “You agreed that we were only going to masturbate together.”

“That’s right. And that’s all we’re doing.”

“Oral sex is not part of the deal.”

“All I’m doing is jerking you off with my mouth. How is that any different from using my hand?”

“It just is. I can’t think straight right now, but all I know is that there’s a big difference.”

“Can I at least lick it?”

“Nicole, please, you’re killing me here.”

“Just let me suck it once and I won’t ask again.”

“Don’t do this.”

She tried to push her head forward, but I held her back.

“I’ve been told I give a pretty good blowjob.”

“How about we go back to your bedroom and play with your dildo?”

“This could be my early Christmas present.” She looked up at me with her best puppy dog eyes.

My resolve was weakening by the second. Would it really be any worse than letting her give me a handjob?

“I want to suck your cock so bad.”

Her head moved a little closer.

“I’d let you cum in my mouth, Daddy.”


“Think of how good it would feel.”

Her tongue reached out and grazed the tip of my cock.

“I want to taste my Daddy’s cum.”

She was close enough to kiss it.

“I’m going to suck your cock and swallow all your cum, Daddy.”

Her lips wrapped around my cockhead, and in the next moment she was taking me deeper into her mouth.

“Mmmm,” she moaned around my throbbing shaft, and began bobbing her head.

This was insane. This couldn’t be happening. I was letting my daughter suck my cock. She was on her knees in front of me, willingly sucking me like I was the rock star of her fantasies. This was too much to comprehend.

One thing was for certain, she wasn’t exaggerating about being able to give a pretty good blowjob. In my experience, she was administering a damned good blowjob. I had to hope she was a natural at it because I didn’t want to think about how many dicks she had to suck to get as skilled at it as she was.

My daughter’s lips formed a tight seal around my shaft as her head moved smoothly forward and back on my shaft. Her tongue was a warm, wet pillow gliding along the underside of my hard penis. I only felt her teeth at the precise moment that she wanted me to, and that was only when they skimmed lightly over that most sensitive spot just beneath my cockhead. During all this she managed to supply the perfect amount of suction. She’d suck as she took me into her mouth, then release as she pulled back. The fluctuation between one sensation and the other elevated this blowjob to a whole other level I didn’t know there was.

“That’s it, baby, suck Daddy’s cock.” I felt a pang of guilt for talking to my daughter like she was some kind of a street whore, but I knew she liked it. Her yearning moan confirmed it and she began working my cock even more intently.

As incredible as her technique was, it couldn’t match the decadent thrill of seeing my cock disappearing into my dear daughter’s mouth again and again. She had been fantasizing about this for who knows how many years, but I had done everything in my power to avoid thinking about her in any overtly sexual way. The sudden developments over the past days weren’t a matter of me finally realizing a longtime forbidden appetite, but rather a complete upending of my reality. In a very short time I had gone from responsible protector and role-model to unprincipled violator. I rested my hands on Nicole’s head to better feel the tempo of her oral worship of my cock.

“You want my cum?” I croaked, sounding like a common back-alley pervert.

“Mm hm,” she hummed her ascent.

“Are you going to eat Daddy’s cum?”

“Mmmm.” This seemed to get her going more than anything.

I couldn’t see, but I could tell she was fingering herself as she sucked me. How she was able to play with herself and deliver a world-class blowjob at the same time was beyond me. She was quite the accomplished little multi-tasker. Her face wore an expression of serene elation, like that of someone who was getting exactly what she wanted. I always tried to give her everything; I never would have imagined that shoving my cock down her throat would be one of those things.

“God, Nicole, you look so pretty. You look so beautiful with Daddy’s cock in your mouth.”

She whimpered around my dick without slowing and began finger fucking herself faster. Her free hand went to my balls. She massaged my heavy-hanging sack in perfect concert with her cocksucking. I began to sense that the end of this singularly exquisite experience was quickly approaching.

My daughter was sucking my cock. My own fucking daughter. The sweet little girl I had tea parties with; held on my lap while we watched Disney movies; made funny faces to when she was sad; and tucked into bed with a story that always ended with the princess living happily ever after with her prince. This was the girl I was face fucking. I was such a piece of shit.

She was taking me as deep as she could as fast as she could. Every few strokes I could hear her trying to suppress a gag. That somehow made it even hotter for me. She wanted to take every inch of me that she could handle. She wanted all of me.

“You like that, don’t you? You like sucking Daddy’s hard cock.”

Her acknowledgement came in the most arousing way possible. Her eyes flicked open and she looked up at me. Those big, beautiful eyes so full of lust and passion. She wanted nothing more than to please me. My daughter was in the midst of fulfilling an adolescent fantasy that she’d secretly nurtured for years, and yet her main purpose was to give me the most mind-blowing orgasm I’d ever known. I was pretty sure she was about to achieve that goal.

Our eyes stayed locked as I generously fed my cock into Nicole’s mouth over and over. She accepted each thrust readily and seemed only to want more. I couldn’t hold out any longer.

“You ready, sweetheart? Ready for Daddy’s cum?”

She managed the barest of nods without breaking eye contact. I’d never seen anything as divinely sinful as what I was doing to my daughter’s angelic face with my infernal appendage.

“Suck it!” My balls tightened. “Suck my cock!” The tingling started at the base of my spine. “Take it, Nicole!” Saying my daughter’s name broke open the floodgates. “Eat Daddy’s cum!” My cock swelled and unleashed a forceful blast at the back of her throat. I could tell she was struggling with the sudden rush, but she stayed with it and continued sucking without missing a beat.

“That’s it, baby, swallow it.” My cock convulsed and I poured more and more jism down my daughter’s throat. “Swallow it all.”

She went still, holding my cock in her mouth during the last weak pulses of my fading orgasm. I had to hold the edge of the sink to keep my balance. No woman had ever made me feel like that using just her mouth, much less any other body part. It was all I could do to come back down to earth and focus once again on Nicole’s smiling face.

When she was sure she had my attention, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. There I saw a substantial portion of my own creamy load. Just one more sight I never expected to witness as her father. She withdrew her tongue, swallowed with an exaggerated motion, then presented me with a clean tongue. If I was capable of cumming again right then, I would have.

“Best Christmas present ever!” She exclaimed wiping a bit of drool from the side of her chin.

“Holy shit, Nicole, where did you learn to suck cock like that?”

She gave me one of those I’m-not-telling shrugs and took my cock back into her mouth. She sensuously massaged my head and shaft with her tongue and lips. It took me a second to realize this wasn’t for me. She was busily masturbating herself with both hands as she lost herself in the sensations of suckling her father’s cock. I couldn’t imagine anything more precious.

I held myself steady while she sucked, and fingered, and moaned. She was humping her hand and rubbing her clit at the same time while savoring my slightly wilted erection. As her bouncing cadence increased, and she was about to cum, she sucked as much of me in as she could take until I could feel the head of my cock pressing against the back of her throat. Her face was flushed, and I wondered if she could even breathe.

Her body clenched and her back hunched. She let out a scream of triumphant ecstasy that was muted by my cock plugging her throat. This was followed by a string of laughing yelps of unrestrained jubilation. She’d gotten what she wanted. Something she’d apparently been wanting for a long while and never dared to believe she would actually get. I was profoundly ashamed of myself, but also supremely grateful that I was able to play a part in making her as happy as she was in that moment. She sucked my cock as hard as she could as she rode out the final waves of what had to be an orgasm almost as intense as the one I’d just had.

“God, you look beautiful when you cum,” I said with sincere reverence. I stroked her cheek with the back of my fingers as she reluctantly released my cock.

“If that’s true, then you should know that I plan on looking beautiful a lot more today.”

Nicole stood up, unbuttoned the shirt she was wearing and let it fall to the floor behind her. She pressed her naked body against mine and kissed me. This wasn’t a daughter kissing a father; it was a woman kissing a man. Her tongue was still thick with the flavor of my semen. That would have normally been repulsive to me, but with her I didn’t even consider balking. If she wanted to share the flavor of my own cum with me, I wasn’t going to deny her that. After a few seconds of mental revulsion, I realized it wasn’t all that bad. Actually, I could probably get used to it.

I sucked Nicole’s probing tongue, wrapped my arms around her small body, pressed my flagging cock against her warm belly, and tried to convince myself that this was as positively as far as I would allow things go between us. I was also distressingly certain, however, that my insatiable daughter had a plan of her own that didn’t have anything to do with my wavering limits of propriety.

I stood leaning against the bathroom wall, naked, fondling my cock and balls leisurely as I watched my daughter in the shower. The frantic lust of my previous encounters with her wasn’t overwhelming me this time only because I knew that I would have her all to myself for the whole day. I marveled at the natural sensuality of her movements as she caressed her soapy body and let the warm water sluice over the contours her recently developed curves.

Nicole stepped out of the shower, her bare skin glossy wet. I could see the slight hint of her swollen inner lips peeking out from the womanly crease between her legs. Her small, firm breasts sat high and proud. She noticed my wolfish leer and smiled.

“I don’t know why you bothered making me wash off all your cum, Daddy” she said as she patted herself with a towel. “You’re just going to end up jerking off all over me like twenty more times today.”

“For starters, I wanted the chance to watch you in the shower.” I stepped to her and took the towel. She turned away so I could pat her back dry, along with her ridiculously perfect ass. “I also wanted to start the day with a clean canvas.” I hugged her from behind, kissing her slender neck.

She giggled and cringed, but didn’t pull away. “Mmm, I love the feeling of your penis on my skin.” Nicole pressed her ass against my erection and shifted slightly from side to side. “So, I guess you’re not upset at me anymore?”

“Upset at you?”

“For sucking your cock earlier.” She moved my hand up to one of her breasts. “I know you didn’t want me to, but I couldn’t help it. I had to know what it would feel like in my mouth, and what your cum would taste like.”

“Well, now you know.” I lightly twisted her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. “I’ll forgive you this time, but we can’t let that happen again. Understand?”

“I promise to be a good girl from now on.” She shivered in my embrace when I combed my fingers gently through her fine tuft of moist pubic hair. “As long as I can masturbate with you, Daddy, I’ll be happy.”

I heard her tummy growl. “Sounds like someone’s ready for breakfast.”

“I’m starving,” she laughed, then patted my hand as it tickled its way closer to where I knew her clit was hiding. “But first, someone has to leggo my Eggo!”

After that comment, we were both craving toaster waffles. I got out the dishes and forks, Nicole fetched the gridded disks from the freezer, along with the butter, and the maple syrup. It was impossible for me not to ogle my daughter’s lovely naked bits as she moved around the kitchen. It seemed that she was just as preoccupied with glancing at my swinging dick every chance she got. We made a perfect pair.

“You know what would taste good?” Nicole asked as she filled her mouth with a gooey forkful. “If you jerked off on my waffle for me. Mmmm.”

“I think you’ve eaten enough cum already this morning, young lady.”

“Aww, no fair,” she pouted, licking the sticky syrup from her fork. I’d seen her sit at the table Indian-style a thousand times, but it had a much different effect on me seeing her sitting cross-legged while naked.

“Maybe you can have some after dinner for your dessert if you behave yourself today.”

Her eyes lit up and she licked her lips in anticipation. It was despicable for me to be playing along with her like I was, but I couldn’t deny that I was having fun doing it. My instincts that had once guided me toward being a responsible father were being increasingly supplanted by my animal lust for the desirous woman my daughter had revealed herself to be over the past weeks. It wasn’t so much acceptance on my part, but more a matter of surrender.

I collected the dirty dishes and took them to the sink. “What’s next on the day’s agenda?”

“This,” she answered cryptically.

I turned to see her leaned back in her chair with two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. She upended the syrup bottle and poured a drizzle of maple sweetness onto each of her nipples. Mrs. Butterworth appeared unmoved by the lewd act she was being forced to participate in.


“Oops, I made a mess, Daddy.” She flashed me those puppy dog eyes of hers. “How will I ever clean this all up? Maybe you could help me…”

“You’re not going to earn that dessert you wanted by behaving like this, young lady.”

“Fine,” she stuck her bottom lip out, “I’ll just do it myself, then.”

Nicole pushed one of her small breasts up and craned her neck down. Her tongue stretched out. I was surprised to see that she could actually reach her nipple. I stood in stunned amazement as she licked the maple syrup from the puffy tip of her breast. Meanwhile, her fingers were working quickly in and out of her wet hole. I didn’t waste any more time and quickly began taking advantage of the erotic sight being offered to me right there at my kitchen table. I grabbed my hard-on and started jerking.

The kitchen was silent except for the sounds of my balls slapping against my stroking fist and the liquid staccato of Nicole finger fucking herself. It didn’t take long before she was moaning her way through a sumptuous orgasm while I released a stream of fresh cum onto the floor between us. My daughter smiled coquettishly at me as she watched me squeeze the last remnants of semen from my cock.

“This is going to be the best day ever,” she declared before she flounced off, leaving me to clean up my own mess.

She came out of the bathroom half an hour later after blow drying her hair and doing whatever other maintenance girls need to do in there. I was sitting at my desk checking e-mail. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, pressing her breasts against my back. We were both still happily naked.

“That better not be for work,” she warned, and began nibbling on my ear lobe to distract me. “Look, you’re not even hard right now.”

“I’m sure you’ll find some way to remedy that very soon.”

“For sure.” She tickled the back of my neck with each of her nipples as I signed out of my e-mail. “Though, your pee-pee does looks cute when he’s all scrunched up and droopy. It’s like he’s taking a nap on your balls.”

“He needs his rest.”

“I know what’ll wake him up! Let’s watch some porn.” The glee in her voice was the same as when she was little and was trying to entice me into watching one of her princess movies with her.

“You’re not old enough to watch porn, young lady. Maybe when you turn eighteen.”

“Don’t be a poop.” She pulled up a chair next to me. “I watch porn all the time.” She pushed my hands away from the keyboard and typed in a web address. In a few seconds the screen was populated with preview images of dozens of hardcore porn videos. “Oh, Daddy, don’t act so shocked. I know you do it, too.”

“Maybe, sometimes, but…”

“So what’s your favorite?” She moved the cursor down a list of kinks and fetishes. “Amateurs, Asians, Big Boobs?” She looked down at her small tits and shook her head. “Hmm, let’s see…Cumshots, Grannies, Lesbians. You probably like seeing two girls do it, don’t you?”

I shrugged noncommittally. I wasn’t entirely prepared to share my preferences of jack off materials with my daughter.

“All guys get off on that, don’t even try to lie. What else…MILFs. No thank you. Masturbation. You don’t need porn for that with me around.” She opened her legs and diddled her clitty to bolster her argument. “Teen. We already know what a perv you are about that. Shemales, Squirting, Watersports. What’s watersports?”

“Um…I think it’s people peeing on each other, or something.”

She looked at me with mock surprise. “I can’t believe that’s what you’re into, Daddy. Are you going to try to pee on me?”

“I didn’t say I was into it, you little brat.”

“So then it’s shemales?” Her devilish grin gave away how much she enjoyed teasing me. “You like chicks with dicks, is that it?”

“How did I end up with such a sicko for a daughter?” I took control of the mouse and clicked on threesomes. I spotted one in the third row that I’d seen before and selected it.

It was one of the classier ones with good lighting and quality photography, not to mention some smoking hot actresses. The two women were already in the big bed when the guy entered the scene. The girls pulled him into the bed with them and they were all naked in short order.

“Ahh, so this is what Daddy likes to jerk off to.” She reached over and began stroking my cock. “Have you ever been with two girls before?”

“No.” It was weirdly wonderful to be watching this with Nicole. “I don’t know if I could handle two women at once, but I don’t mind watching it.”

“I always thought it would be hot to do two or three guys at the same time.” She stared attentively at the action on the screen, playing with both of us as she did. “Three cocks, three mouths, hands all over me everywhere. Yes, please.”

I couldn’t bear the thought of my baby girl taking on three guys at once, but she had apparently given it quite a bit of thought.

“Another girl would be pretty cool, too.” She had my cock at full attention. “You’d like that, huh? Two young girls doing sixty-nine together while you fucked one of them from behind and the other one sucked your balls. Is that what you want, Daddy?”

“Uh…sure.” It was difficult to think straight while I was picturing Nicole as one of those two girls, preferably the one I was doing doggy style.

“Here’s one that I like.” She let go of my dick and typed “pussy bukakke” into the search box. As soon as she hit play, she sat back grabbed my cock again, and resumed stroking. At the same time, the fingers of her other hand were teasing up and down her very wet slit.

The video started with a cute Asian girl slouched low in a big black office chair. She was naked except for a pair of red thigh-high stockings. Her legs were spread wide, and she was holding her hairy pussy open. It was already much more vulgar than what I would have guessed my daughter might gravitate toward as far as erotic materials were concerned.

Soon, a man stepped up. He was jerking his cock, and after a few seconds he deposited his load onto the woman’s open pussy. Moments later, another man came in from the other side and spilled his spunk in the same spot.

“Mmm, look at it running down over her ass,” Nicole pointed out, never taking her eyes away from the screen.

One by one, masturbating men approached, blasted the woman’s pussy with more semen, and then backed away only to be replaced by another. Her gaping privates were all but obscured by the mounting flood of pearly spunk from a dozen different men. I’d never seen anything like it.

“So much cum,” my daughter marveled. “It must feel amazing to have all that gooey stuff just covering your pussy everywhere and dripping down all over the place.”

Her hand was now actively busy between her legs as she stared at the increasingly messy scene in front of us. My attention shifted between her enthralled face, her pussy, and the porn clip. I stroked my cock steadily, but not enough to bring myself off. I was pleasantly surprised by how gratifying it was to be able to sit and watch porn with my daughter in this way. I had always been f***ed to be so secretive and paranoid about it in the past that it made it impossible to completely relax. Now it could be something both Nicole and I could do openly without fear, either together or alone. I was almost looking forward to her “catching” me one of these days while watching porn alone and jerking off.

Nicole swiveled her chair so she was facing me, scooted down, lifted her legs, and spread them wide. She reached around the outsides of her thighs and held her pussy open with her fingers. It only took me a second to realize that she was mimicking the girl’s pose in the video. I looked up at her to make sure she wanted what I thought she wanted. She just smiled and nodded with a wicked gleam in her eye.

I stood and started jerking with purposeful intent. If my little girl wanted me to bukakke her pussy, then I was going to do my best to give it to her. I stared down at her gorgeous young cunt and was in awe. How could I have gotten so lucky? Her cute tummy and tits were bunched together in her curled position, and her adorable face peeked out from between her shapely calves. The Japanese girl’s high-pitched dolphin-like moans provided the backdrop to the sound of my frantic fapping. It only took about a minute before I was ready to deliver.

I crouched down until the tip of my cock was only inches from my daughter gaping pussy. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss my target. I aimed for her clit and slowed my stroke to insure my spunk didn’t go flying all over the place. With a dozen more controlled strokes that shimmering sensation of sexual fruition infused my whole body. My daughter and I watched my cockhead with anticipation as it swelled just moments before release. The first spurt was a direct hit, landing on her stiff nub.

“Cum on me, Daddy,” she pleaded. “Cum all over my slutty cunt.”

I didn’t need any further encouragement, but I enjoyed hearing it nonetheless. I continued pumping my cock and milking out more cream onto her pussy. It wasn’t my most impressive load in terms of quantity after having already gotten off twice that morning, but I’d managed to give her a respectable dousing of my cock sauce.

“Oh, Daddy, that’s so fucking hot! Better than the video.”

She strained her neck so she would watch my jizz trickle down her pussy lips toward her open vagina. Thank God she was on the pill. This would be a lot less fun if I had to stress out over the possibility of getting my daughter pregnant, no matter how remote the chances might be.

When she couldn’t hold back anymore, she began smearing my spunk all over her pussy. Nicole began fingering her clit and her hole at the same time. I just sat back and enjoyed the show, fondling my expended dick as I did.

“Your cum feels so good on my cunt, Daddy. God, this is so fucking nasty. I love it.”

Nicole fingered, squeezed, and rubbed herself. She was trying to take it slow and prolong the decadent titillation of wallowing in her own father’s cum, but her youthful exuberance soon got the better of her. I watched with loving delight as my girl masturbated herself to a breathtaking orgasm. I’d never tire of hearing the sounds my daughter makes when she cums.

“Now just imagine how good that would’ve been if you had ten more guys doing it on you.”

She was slumped in the chair, looking about as contented and relaxed as a person could. “All I need is you, Daddy.” She licked some of my cum from her fingers, then blew me a kiss.

We both lazed around for a while after that. I needed time to recover, and Nicole needed to clean up (again). I lounged on the sofa and read some of the book I’d been chipping away at over the past month. My daughter caught up on all the vital events happening on Facebook. At the end of each paragraph, I couldn’t help glancing over at her sitting naked at the computer. You’d think I’d eventually get used to seeing her in the nude, but every time I caught a glimpse of a bare nipple, the cleft of her ass, or the fuzzy triangle where her smooth thighs met it gave me a shivery thrill.

When she got bored with the computer she went to my easy chair and sat with her feet pulled up and her arms wrapped around her knees. All her sexy bits were concealed, and yet she looked as hot as ever. When I glanced over she was staring at my limp cock and slack balls without any effort to be subtle about it.

“How many times do you think you’ve jerked off in this chair?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Once, maybe twice.”

“Yeah, right,” she scoffed. She knew me better than that. “I probably made myself cum in this chair at least a hundred times. Maybe two hundred.” She ran a hand along the armrest. “It smells like you. I would hump myself right here on the corner.” She patted a worn spot at the end of the armrest. “Or I’d sit like this and finger my pussy.” Nicole let her knees fall apart and caressed her inner thighs provocatively. “I’d imagine you coming in and catching me. You’d be mad at first, but I would keep on masturbating because I was so horny by then. This would get you all hard and you couldn’t resist pulling your cock out.”

“Then what would I do?” I could feel my dick stiffening in small pulses that matched my heartbeat.

“Sometimes you’d watch me and jack off. Once in a while you’d shove your cock in my mouth and make me suck it.” She licked her lips. “But usually you’d put me over your knee and spank me, and then you’d make sure I’d learned my lesson and fuck me really hard.”

I could tell how much she enjoyed seeing my erection grow to full strength as she talked. “I never spanked you in your whole life, even when you deserved it. How did that make it into your dirty little fantasy?”

She shrugged. “I guess I liked the idea of being a bad girl and getting punished for it. I told you I was weird, Daddy. After you spanked my ass and made me cry, you would always kiss it and make it better.”

“Maybe I should take you to the psychiatrist after all.”

“You should,” she agreed with a devilish grin. “I could tell him about how my father’s cock gets really hard when I tell him about my kinky sex fantasies.”

I looked down at the irrefutable evidence of my excitement. “Well, he’d probably have a hard-on by then, too, so he wouldn’t blame me.”

Nicole watched me from between spread legs as I half-heartedly tried to get back to my book.

“Let’s do massages!” she proposed excitedly after another minute. “I’ll do you first.”

“I don’t know. That sounds a little risky.”

“How is a back rub risky?”

“The only reason the back rub was invented is because it almost always leads to sex.”

“You really think I’m trying to trick you into fucking me?”

“I wouldn’t put it past you.”

Nicole pulled the lever that extended the foot rest. She set her feet on it and spread her legs wider. I had an unobstructed view at her darling pussy. All the markers of her own excitement were clearly evident there between her legs.

“I’m not going to lie and say I wouldn’t totally have sex with you if you wanted.” Her fingers absently stroked her wet slit. “But I know you think that would be a bad thing for us to do, so I’m not going to ‘trick’ you into doing anything that you don’t think we should do.”

“Yeah, but you’re a bad girl, remember? Who knows what you might try?”

“If you think I’m being bad,” she slipped a finger into her opening, “then you’ll just have to punish me.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

The only response I got was one of her seductively tempting smiles and the addition of a second finger into her sopping wet pussy hole.

“I guess I’ll just have to trust you,” I said, putting my book aside. “Where?”

“Your bed.” She pulled her fingers out and hopped up from my chair. “I’ll get the baby oil.”

Once I was face down on my bed, Nicole mounted me, straddling my hips. She rubbed the oil over my back. I could feel her pussy against my ass as she wiggled around. Her small hands began kneading my muscles and I was instantly propelled to heaven. My daughter was apparently a natural at all things sexual. That would have scared me if I wasn’t the main beneficiary of her instinctual talents just now.

“How’s that?” she quizzed me.

“Perrrrect,” I groaned.

She worked my shoulders, then moved down to the muscles under my shoulder blades. I almost wept at how good it felt. Her hands made their way down to my lower back and began untying the knots there. I felt guilty for not paying her for such a fantastic service. And all the while her hot little pussy slid this way and that over my butt.

“So, Daddy, when was the last time you had sex?”

Her question came just as I was about to doze off. “Huh? Oh, I guess that would be this morning.”

“No, that doesn’t count. That was just a blowjob. I mean how long has it been since you got laid?”

“I don’t know. A couple years now.”

“Holy crap! No wonder you decided to take advantage of me and turn me into your sex slave.”

“Hey, you’re the one–”

She pinched my side. “Calm down, Daddy, I’m only teasing. We both know you’re my sex slave.” Nicole pressed her thumbs up along either side of my spine, sending waves of pleasure through my whole body. “Tell me about this lady you banged. Was it good?”

“It was okay. I met her at Uncle Marty’s barbeque.”

“Was she the one with dark hair and big boobs?”

“That was her. Charlene, or Charlotte, I don’t remember now.” I was feeling more relaxed by the minute. “We went out a few times, but nothing was clicking.”

“Something clicked enough for you to put your dick in her hoo-ha. My guess is it was those huge knockers.”

“They were quite nice. But I like yours much better.”

“Oh, please. I hardly have anything. I probably couldn’t even give a decent titty fuck even if you wanted it.”

There was a loaded statement. “We’ll have to see about that one of these days.”

She was up to my neck and shoulders again. Her crotch had settled over my lower back and she was pressing her mound against the base of my spine.

“Did you make her cum?”

“As far as I could tell.”

“Did you eat her pussy?”

“I did.”

“Lucky bitch.” She was no longer just pressing her pussy against that spot, but instead she was grinding against it. “You’re probably really good at pussy licking, aren’t you, Daddy?”

“Never had any complaints.”

“Did you use a condom?”

“Wow, you are a nosy one, aren’t you? Yes, I used a condom.”

“Because you didn’t want to get her pregnant, or because of all her skanky diseases?”


Nicole began lightly pounding her fists down along the center of my back.

“See, that would be the good thing with me. You wouldn’t have to use any condom at all.” She pressed her pussy harder against the spot she’d found. “You could just slide your big cock into my tight, clean pussy whenever you wanted and not have to worry about anything. You wouldn’t even have to pull out. You could fuck me as hard as you wanted and cum right inside my cunt just like that.”

She was an evil child. “Let’s not go there, sweetheart.”

“I’m just sayin’…”

She moved off of me and pushed against my side. I rolled over onto my back. Nicole didn’t hide her delight at seeing that I was hard as a rock once again. She re-mounted me and poured oil onto my chest.

“You’ve got just the right amount of hair.” Her oily fingers worked up and down my chest and belly. “Steven hardly had any hair at all. It was a little weird sometimes.”

“Why weird?”

“I don’t know.” Her slippery hands brushed past my hard-on and slid briefly around my balls. “I guess from seeing you I got the idea in my head that a man is supposed to have a nice, hairy chest.” Her thumbs found my nipples and worked around them in small circles. “With Steven, I sometimes felt like I was with a little boy instead of a man.”

“You two probably fucked a lot, I suppose?”

She gave a one-shoulder shrug. “Maybe two or three times a week.”

“So, pretty much every time you saw him.”

“Pretty much.” She couldn’t hide her guilty grin. “It was fun, but he wasn’t very good at it. I had to play with my clit while he fucked me if I wanted to cum.”

I didn’t know if I’d ever get used to hearing my daughter talk so explicitly and openly about her sex life.

“Why did you two break up?”

“Mostly because I was bored of him.” Nicole had managed to work herself into a position where she was straddling my waist so that the slit of her pussy was nestled along the length of my erection. It would take only the slightest motion for me to be inside her. “Partly because there was someone else I wanted.”

“I hope that someone wasn’t me.” The idea that everything that had happened in the past weeks was part of a deliberately orchestrated plan on the part of my calculating daughter gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. If it was, I had too easily fallen into her trap. Her soft, slick pussy slid up the length of my pinned shaft. Then again, if I had it to do over, would I have done anything differently? “You should be out fooling around with boys your own age, not wasting that hot little body of yours on an old man. Especially when that old man is your father.”

“Sex with you is better than anything I ever did with Steven, and we haven’t even fucked yet.” She angled her hips as she spoke so that the tip of her stiff clit pressed against my hard-on.


“Oops, did I say that? My bad.” Nicole raked her fingernails down the length of my torso. “Ready for your happy ending?”

My daughter wiggled down until she was kneeling between my legs. Her oiled hands began working my cock and balls with expert skill. I could only imagine how good she was going to be when she was older and more experienced.

“Fuck, that feels nice,” I moaned.

“I was about to say the same thing,” she giggled and continued to work me.

Nicole took her time. She knew she had all day, so there was no need to rush. She stroked my shaft, squeezed my cockhead, fondled my balls, and experimented with different techniques. I just lay there and gave myself over to her completely. The only downside was that I couldn’t see her naked body the way she was crouched down there between my open legs.

“Do you remember when you came in my mouth this morning?”

“Oh, I remember.”

She gripped my balls firmly and tightened her fingers around my shaft.

“Did I suck your cock good, Daddy?”

“So fucking good, baby.”

“I swallowed all your cum, didn’t I?”

“You sure did.”

Her pumping hand moved with a steady rhythm. She’d decided it was time to get me off.

“Remember when I fingered my pussy in the kitchen this morning?”

“Uh huh.”

“You like watching me finger fuck myself, don’t you, Daddy?”

“I do. I really do, sweetheart.”

“You were jerking off your cock while you watched me. And when I made myself cum you shot a big load of sperm all over the floor.”

“I had to. You look so fucking sexy when you cum.”

Her hand was moving faster. The squelching sound of oil against skin came in a rapid beat.

“Remember when we were watching porn together?”

“I’ll never forget that.”

“Do you remember what I did?”

“You spread your legs.”


“You spread open your pussy.”

“My what?”

“Your cunt.” I was quickly descending into delirium as I edged inevitably closer to Nirvana. “Oh God, Nicole, you spread your beautiful fucking cunt wide open for me.”

“And what did you do, Daddy?”

“I came on it.” My body began to tighten up more with each stroke of her hand. “I came all over my daughter’s sweet little cunt!”

“Your sperm went right into my cunt hole, didn’t it, Daddy?”

“Yes. Yes! Fuck, yes! Right in my baby’s wide open cunt hooooole!”

My mind was scrambled and almost all of my awareness became centered on my cock. A single spurt fired straight up in the air, and the rest of my jizz bubbled up and dribbled down over my daughter’s knuckles. She jerked me until I couldn’t take it anymore, then eased up.

“I love it,” she squealed in girlish delight, inspecting the results of her efforts with undisguised glee. “I can’t get over how awesome it is to see you cum, Daddy.”

Nicole leaned forward and licked the head of my cock. She then began lapping up my semen from wherever she could find it. I watched her from my euphoric stupor in silent amazement. No woman had ever been willing to swallow my cum before, much less devour it like it was a rare delicacy as my daughter did.

“You are quite the little cum puppy,” I teased, patting her on the head as she slurped up the spunk that had landed on my belly. “I bet you ate a lot of Steven’s cum back in the day.”

“Ew, yuck,” she reacted instantly. She wiped the goo on her knuckles onto my cock, and then began licking it off with tiny swipes of her tongue. “I always spit his out.” She sucked the tip of my dick, drawing out whatever was left in there. “It’s different with you for some reason. Your cum tastes so good to me that I just want more and more of it.”

If I could have given her another load right then, I would have. How did I get so damn fucking lucky?

“I’m glad to be of service, milady.”

She smiled, gave my balls a loving smooch, then flopped face down onto the bed next to me. “My turn!”

My body felt like a warm puddle of jelly, but I knew I was obligated to return the favor. I slowly managed to get myself into position on top of my daughter. I straddled her thighs, being careful not to put any of my weight on her, and began massaging her back. My cock settled naturally into the cleft of her succulently curved butt.

“Oh, that’s nice,” she said, wiggling her ass to make sure I knew what she was referring to. “I might not be able to give the best titjobs, but I could probably do a good assjob, don’t you think?”

“I’m certain you could, sweetheart.”

I rubbed her back, letting my hands wander freely up and down her naked skin, feeling the vitality of her young, athletic muscles. I hadn’t been at it for more than a few minutes before she twisted beneath me until she was facing up.

“I’m more interested in getting a front rub than a back rub.”

I shook my head in resigned acceptance at yet one more demonstration of how sexed up my daughter was at all times. I drizzled a bit of oil over her tits and began massaging her breasts. The points of her nipples stood up prominently, leaving no doubt about her level of arousal. She was unable to lie still below me. The soft fur of her pussy grazed the underside of my balls with each writhing turn of her hips. My touch roamed all over the front of her, and my heart ached with a mounting desire that I knew I could never allow myself to fully quench.

“I can’t believe how you’ve grown.” My fingers pinched her nipples lightly before gliding down to her luscious tummy. “It seems like only yesterday you were a skinny tomboy, and suddenly you have the body of a woman. This amazingly sexy body that any man would kill for.”

I couldn’t tell if the blush on her cheeks was a reaction to my words, or simply a result of her sexual arousal, but she looked adorable whatever the cause.

“Any man?”

I nodded. “Even your own father.”

“Daddy, I’m ready for my happy ending now.”

As soon as I moved off of her she opened her legs. I lay alongside her and let my hand drift in a slow serpentine path down toward her waiting pussy. She grabbed my cock with one hand and began playing with her tits with the other. As my fingers dawdled in the curls adorning her feminine mound, she raised herself to bring my touch down to her restless slit.

“I never imagined I?

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Black Dildo to Real BBC

I never been gay nor had gay fantasies but that all changed my junior year of college. I was living off campus with a friend from my hometown named Jimmy. We rented a duplex that had three bedrooms and two baths. The master bedroom was vacant at this time. During the school year I worked on campus at the library for my spending money. I had worked there the last two years in the periodicals room, which was a room most people avoided unless they needed a journal for a paper. It was pretty...

4 years ago
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Black Dildo to BBC

I never been gay nor had gay fantasies but that all changed my junior year of college. I was living off campus with a friend from my hometown named Jimmy. We rented a duplex that had three bedrooms and two baths. The master bedroom was vacant at this time. During the school year I worked on campus at the library for my spending money. I had worked there the last two years in the periodicals room, which was a room most people avoided unless they needed a journal for a paper. It was pretty...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 3 The Crystalline Dildo

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Three: The Crystalline Dildo By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Seven: The Crystalline Dildo Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I gasped in shock at the Valyan acolyte kneeling before me. Why did she call me “Masterwork Craft”? What an absolutely unflattering thing to call me. Why not your highness? Or my lady? Or even your beatific? Masterwork...

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Black Dildo Blacked

This is the story of my wife of 10 years finally making my fantasy come true and her realizing having a large black cock inside of her was an amazing feeling that she had been missing.I am sure that our story is similar to many married couples out there. Our sex during our dating years was amazing but now after years of marriage, it had become pretty mundane and repetitive. During our dating years, Jody and I came to found out that we had a similar fetish that neither of us even realized that...

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1st time double ended dildo

We found a 12 inch PVC double ended dildo and got one in a nice blue colour. It was not any thicker than a normal cock but got a bit thicker towards the middle. It was textured towards the ends. And of course at each end was a bell end. My friend thought it would be a good idea to do it in the bath. I guess normally you would do it on the bed. But it might be nice to do it in the bath. So we ran the bath. I guess we don't want it too deep checking the temperature as it filled up. I did...

1 year ago
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The Dildo

Marie cursed for the umpteenth time that day quietly to herself as she dragged the mop bucket in the bedroom of her mother."On a Saturday morning to clean the apartment instead of times really good sleep is anyway already a silly idea, but with such a big head like me it just makes it even more not fun"She cursed again that they still had two more cocktails last night of the cute guy in the bar can invite, even though they had actually already at 11 clock go want to be fit for their mother's...

3 years ago
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the Dildo

Marie cursed for the umpteenth time that day quietly to herself as she dragged the mop bucket in the bedroom of her mother. "On a Saturday morning to clean the apartment instead of times really good sleep is anyway already a silly idea, but with such a big head like me it just makes it even more not fun" She cursed again that they still had two more cocktails last night of the cute guy in the bar can invite, even though they had actually already at 11 clock go want to be fit for their...

3 years ago
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Her First Dildo Experience

Her First Dildo Experience Cherie and I had been together going on ten years. Our sex life was great, at least as great as it could be at times. Having children can sometimes limit our experiences and adventures, but we tried very hard to keep the fires burning in little ways here and there by trying to be spontaneous and playing in new places in new ways. Strangely enough, we had never managed to include toys yet. But we had had conversations frequently about it, just never really gotten...

1 year ago
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Bought Mom a Dildo

100% fiction! About two months ago I was on my weekly call to my mother. She had been reading a magazine article about women over 40 masturbating so that became the topic of our weekly conversation. She mentioned that some of the articles mentioned women using dildos and she wondered where would they ever get them. I told her it was simple. The internet. She said she would never dare order one so I told her I would order it for her. I asked her who big and there was silence on the phone. I...

1 year ago
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Big Black Dildo Pt2

It had been a long week and a half. The work trip to the east coast was fun but tiring. I got in late Friday at LAX and it was an immediate reminder of one of the reasons I don't like LA. The Traffic. Covid was coming to the end and the days of open freeways were quickly coming to an end. I planned on having a blowout session Sunday evening. I was going to get myself all riled up, get myself to the point of horniness where you are jumping out of your skin. Sunday finally came around. After a...

2 years ago
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Dildo Mobile Club 8211 Part 4

Honey, Raima and Selina all three mobile engineer sat for a meeting and this time they have included Munna as she is an intelligent and bold enough to come to a conclusion. Three engineers took the following decision:- 1. All mobile control will be seized from now onwards. 2. No cunt ring and cock ring for couple. If there is any true love then the sex will remain otherwise no need. 3. All the bondage of sex between them through mobile conrol ends from now onwards. Munna: Now what you three...

2 years ago
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Mother and her daughter and a giant dildo

The continuing story of Paula and her daughter LorraineLorraine knocked nervously on the door of the hotel room. Room 618. Her shoes were sinking into the deep pile carpet. She had butterflies in her stomach. She tried to dismiss them. She had been working for John for over a month, well a month since she had tumbled what he had been up to. In that time she had been paid to sleep with a different guy almost every day or night, sometimes both, mostly with her mother as well. They were a popular...

1 year ago
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The Dildo Board Game

Loosely based on a dream I once had "Shawna and Jake are coming over right?" Felix asked his sister. Felix was a man of average height and build with short blonde hair. 'Yeah, tonight is game night after all," his sister, Jenna, responded. Jenna was a pretty redhead with C cup breasts. "What do you want to play?" Felix asks. "I don't know, any suggestions?" Jenna asks back. "Not really, whatever works for me," Felix says, "Hey you think Jake will ever confess to...

3 years ago
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Using A Dildo

Using A DildoBy: Londebaaz ChohanWhat Bull Shit? Why gay boys are so age conscious than anybody else. Younger gay men think, touching 40 or even mid 30’s was old or at least over the hill. Dominick was 46, in perfect shape, fit and had more sex in him than any 20 years old. His cock could drill a hole of his own in the gay boys but if nobody was willing to give him a chance to at least show his special 10 incher, 10 pounder cock and still very tight and snugly ass; he could not have a cock to...

4 years ago
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Randee Kee Chut Mee Lund Aur Dildo Ek Saath 8211 Part III

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot (mail id: ) se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sach haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa. Bahut puchnee par bhee usnee apnaa naam Randi batayaa haa. Uskee pahlee chudaee kee story mee – meree pahlee chudeeyee courier boy nee kee naamak...

3 years ago
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Double dildo Please

In my mind, there are two types of closeted cross-dressers.  One dresses strictly for themselves in the confines of their home or other completely private area.  The second, ventures out into public or semi-public for the thrill of being dressed as a woman in front of others, but still keep their cross-dressing a secret from those who know them.  Many in the second category, also engage in sexual activity.  I fall in the enhanced second category. However, due to limited time and resources, my...

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Shagging My Partners Boss 4 The Black Dildo Sessi

She had been off ill for sometime so i decide to pay her a visit and see how she was.The door was answered,surprisingly,by her husband.He said she was upstairs,before saying he had to go to work.When i went upstairs i found her lying on the bed.She was wearing a see through white blouse with a skimpy pair of knickers on underneath.She seemed surprised to see me,which probably explained the big black dildo lying on the bedside table next to her.Having asked how she was,she said,"I am beginning...

4 years ago
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A Taste Of My Girlfriends Dildo

I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing than sneaking into my girlfriend's wardrobe while she's out and trying on her lingerie. The moment she leaves the house, I head for her garter belts, bras and knickers. I don't have anything to put into her 36C bra cups, and my cock barely fits her panties but all that silk, satin and lace is irresistibly sissy and feminine. On the day in question, I'd waited for her to go to work, before racing to the bedroom. I opened the drawers, and...

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Linda the Computercontrolled Dildo

Bill Cochran had been in the sex store business since before it was legal. He had started out with a book shop which had a full selection of sex related books in the back room. His inventory had grown over the years, and, when sex shops had finally become legal, he was able to offer a full range of products from day one. As owner and chief salesperson of The Love Box, he was sure that he had seen everything, but his biggest surprise in the business had come just a few weeks before when a...

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Dildo Shift Knob

My sister obviously knows that I am taking auto technology in high school, that’s why she asked me to put a really big silicone dildo onto her transmission gear shift stick. Her car has the shift lever on the floor with five forward speeds and one reverse speed. I said, “That thing is huge!” Ashley said, “Yes it is!” Then Ashley smiled. I had seen that smile before and knew that she had fucked herself with it already. I asked, “Does it really fit in your pussy?” Ashley said, “Oh...

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Melody and The Mall and the dildo pants

“I'm so glad you've come along to see what we have here in our city. We're very proud of it, its extremely innovative and very, very popular. I'll tell you about the concept and then show you around. The concept came from a group of us who have been in the sexual services industry for many years, we were looking for a way to tap into spare capacity in the market, and, of course, make ourselves a lot of money! We hit on the idea of quickie sex for men, without any problems of them having to...

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dildo surprise

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!Many, many years ago, long before the internet allowed us all to discover ‘things’ in the luxury and quiet of our households sex education consisted of talking to mates (god help...

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Wife orders new dildo

Linda used to have a couple of dildoes but when we had moved house they got misplaced or as she said they really never got used so what were we missing. We hadn't had sex in a while either but one day just after dinner Linda said Honey I have somehting to tell you. i ask her what, with Linda continuing well you know we haven't done it in a while, I thought that l'd pick up a new dildo, maybe we could have alittle fun when it arrives. I was looking out for the post every day. I had't noticed any...

1 year ago
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Daughters Coworkers 2

100% fiction! This all started 3 months ago when my 18 year old daughter Tanya, came to live with me. She wanted to be treated like and adult so I made her get a job and pay rent. In exchange I agreed to treat her like any other adult and she stipulated "and her sex life too". Long story short, she started fucking a big dicked black guy she worked with named Aaron. Within days she fucked him and 2 more of her co-workers on the living room floor as I watched from my bedroom. One of those guys, a...

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The Realistic Dildo The Warm Apple Pie

Hello, and welcome to my little story. My name was Jennie Box, a nineteen year-old still in high school. I had been in my senior year for the past couple of years as I had failed to keep my grades up to graduate. But hey, it's difficult being a teenage girl growing up, especially one who is different and weird. That's me in a nutshell.I don't socialise much, I wear make up but its hardly noticeable. I've never had a boyfriend even though I am developed up there. I'm just invisible. You know how...

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Laurens Dildo Session

- An old draft I found. I've clearly improved since then. Hope you still like it -Lauren's Dildo SessionLauren never got along with her two older sisters. Cindy and Maureen were three and five years older than her and treated Lauren as a millstone round their necks ever since. They never wanted to play with her when she was a toddler, and later on they never took Lauren along when they were out and about."You're embarrassing", they always picked on her. "You're a nuisance ... We don't want to...

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The Double Ended Dildo

We bought he double ended dildo at Noosa and we played around with it while we were up there but Maddy didn't like it. She loved the idea of it but it's a bit too thick and she didn't like it inside her. We tried it but we were both far more interested in the feeldoes at the time, so we tried it once then forgot about it.One night when we were cuddled up under the blanket on the couch Maddy said something about us being joined together but I didn't catch exactly what she said. She got up and...

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MotherInLaws Dildo

Okay, it all started 6 months ago about 5 years in to our relationship. It was your average Sunday afternoon of just lounging around watching the telly, recovering from a hangover from the night before and dreading the thought of work the next day. My fiancé was in the shower and my mother-in-law was about to leave to meet up with her new partner.After about an hour I realised that my fiancé was still upstairs and I was beginning to get bored with only the telly for company. I lifted myself off...

4 years ago
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Daughters Breast Milk

Alyssa and Zelda are my sixteen-year-old twin daughters. Two children were all my wife and I ever wanted so when we knew it was twins we picked out our names. We decided on A to Z. If it were to be one or two boys it would have been Allen and Zachary. The first one born became Alyssa and of course the last one became Zelda. Last being only three minutes later. My wife died in a car accident when the girls were twelve years old. She hit her head hard on the steering wheel and was pronounced...

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Dildo Fucking Story

Dildo Fucking StoryBy: Londebaaz Chohan How unlucky! Jackoff had at least 5 married fuck buddies and 1 guy who was unmarried. He always thought at least one of them shall be available to fuck his ass if he called them until today. He was out of job, home bound and had nothing much but to beat his cock and drain his balls couple of times a day. The fuck buddy who lived the closest and was enjoyed the most by Jackoff, had been away on a company trip for a sales meeting for another about 3 days at...

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Chapter 4 How my wife turned into a slutMichael and the 12 inch dildo

Over the next few weeks sex has been amazing Anna has become a sex slave to me and Michael. Michael has been coming over every weekend since that first weekend and every time he does we end up having sex all weekend long. Anna wouldn’t have clothes on at all she would walk around naked all the time she would make us dinner bring us beer suck our cocks when ever we wanted she would drop to her knees and just suck. We would tie her to the bed and just takes turns abusing her with dildos, whips...

Group Sex
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The Next Year Chapter 6 Two Girls One Dildo

Vincent and I agreed over lunch that although fun, we needed to find a new place to smoke weed and fuck, so that we didn’t get in trouble, or become the neighborhood show. After lunch Vincent dropped me off at school, and went to go replenish his stash. I gave him a long wet kiss good-bye before I climbed out of the car, and headed to my next class. “Slow down, you speed walkin’ bitch!” screamed a loud voice from behind me. “Why don’t you just hurry the fuck up, slut?” I yelled back, as Trina...

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My Best Friends Dildo

Sidled up alongside the Galaxy Fleet hospital ship "Mercy", the scout ship "Gazelle" was a mere speck--a hundred-meter arrowhead docked to a bulbous cylinder ten times longer and displacing a hundred times more mass. Of course, the single pilot of the "Gazelle"--30-year old Galaxy Scout Galina Barding--was used to the gigantic ego of the Galaxy Fleet. All spit-and-polish, the Galaxy Fleet was responsible for defense of the Galactic Empire, while Galina's agency--the Galaxy Scout...

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Anna Anna and the Dildo

I gave my old strap-on dildo to Allan, my stepson. He was a bit startled, "What the hell is THIS for?""Well, I have damn all for a sex life these days, so I thought it might as well go to some use. I've never had any complaints from any of the ladies I used it on; it's not like these things wear out."Allan examined the vinyl dildo. It wasn't the largest on the market, only about 8 inches long and perhaps one and a half inches in diameter. But it had proven more than large enough to fill and...

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The Realistic Dildo Experience

I was a thirty-four-year-old unemployed, still living at home, lonely, single, and incredibly horny woman. I watched porn on the net majority of the time. Every single day. I found hentai she-male and lesbian porn interesting and hot, lesbian porn was so hot! Especially when there's two smoking hot blonde women on top of each other rubbing their wet pussies together. Oh, man, I would rub my left middle finger up and down on my pussy and masturbate. I found tentacle porn a turn on as well. I...

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Hannahs encounter with big black dildo

My wife and I had had always discussed the idea of her taking another cock and in particular a big thick black one and while she loves the idea, and I hope it happens one day, we're just not quite there yet. In fact, I'd always been curious as to whether she'd even manage one given that Im 6" and Ive always seemed to fill her up widthwise and sometimes even bottom out on her cervix when I fuck her.Anyway, as a near second to her being fucked by a real black cock, I decided that I'd get a black...

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Sexting Selfie Condoms Dildo And Intense Orgasm

Hello reader, I am Mahesh (), Age 32. I am from Bangalore. I am happily married. This is a true story in continuation (Part-2) of my true story “” which you can search for in “couples” section, By “MaheshPenName”. But, I did provide a small recap if you have do not want to read through it. Be ready for an Orgasmic ride and I suggest read the below when you are done with days work. So that you can enjoyyyy it more. With my skills of story telling, I take enormous pride in re-igniting SEX spark...

1 year ago
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My moms big black dildo

100% fiction! The alarm buzzed, as it flashed 8 : 30. I reached over and clicked snooze and shuffled around in my bed. My mom knocked on my door and walked in with a tray of breakfast. She bent over and put the tray on my lap, i could see the cleevage of her double D tits " come on get up, your going to be late for high school ". She'd been acting really weird around me the past month, she'd been alot more flirty with me, which i didnt mind considering she was extremly hot!. She had double D...

2 years ago
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Daughters Breast Milk by fbailey

Alyssa and Zelda are my sixteen-year-old twin daughters. Two c***dren were all my wife and I ever wanted so when we knew it was twins we picked out our names. We decided on A to Z. If it were to be one or two boys it would have been Allen and Zachary. The first one born became Alyssa and of course the last one became Zelda. Last being only three minutes later.My wife died in a car accident when the girls were twelve years old. She hit her head hard on the steering wheel and was pronounced brain...

1 year ago
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From Dildo to Cock

I've had a somewhat boring middle wage desk job for a few years now for a big building company, married, one c***d. This job takes me most of my time and it usually meant i didn't have much time to be there for my wife, emotionally or physically. Not only that but since our girl was born, we had not touched each other for over a year!So much so that I started "experimenting" on myself. It started somewhat slowly, masturbating more and more everyday up to 4-5 times a day, at home, at my job, in...

1 year ago
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The Next Year Chapter 7 Two Girls One Dildo Part 2

I have to admit I was a little shocked by all this. I had known Trina for nearly seven years and although she can be a pushy bitch at times, I never expected this. As my head was forced downward I turned my body and threw my leg over Trina’s torso straddling her. I could smell the hot juices coming from Trina’s pussy. I looked down to inspect the source. Her pussy was clean shaven, her lips where a perfect pink color, enhanced by the overwhelmingly pale skin that surrounded it. As I positioned...

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Wife finds his Black Dildo Gay

It wouldn't stop. The impure thoughts wouldn't go away. Whenever he tried to ignore it, it always returned. It made him feel crazy in the head. He knew it was wrong, but his imagination continued to be more of an inconvenience in the real world.Bill had nothing to do on a Saturday morning. Susan, his wife, had already left the house to visit her friend's place. The twenty-nine-year-old husband was now alone in the master bedroom, and he wished that he would be somewhere else other than his own...

4 years ago
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Dildo Time Warp

Young Gillian McMasters uncovers an ancient dildo on an archaeological dig site. It is so beautifully crafted she has to test it out. Problem is: she has an unintended audience. Let’s just say from there: The Ancients didn’t have a monopoly on fifthly activity....Miss Gillian McMasters was so excited she nearly wet her panties. What a find...Our lass had been given the gynaeceum to excavate carefully. The women’s room of the Ancient Greek house her University was investigating this summer dig...

3 years ago
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A Dildo For Dessert

Marta is James’ eager sex slave and slut. He told her he wanted to take her out to dinner, and that he wanted her to look like a slut. She went beyond what he had asked, and appeared naked except for high heels, a dress that was three inches too short, and a white fox tail that was attached to a butt plug, and hung down to her knees behind her. Plus her dog collar and wrist and ankle cuffs, of course.As a result of the short dress, when she walked, her dress flipped up and exposed her naked...

1 year ago
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Cissy and His Dildo

When I first moved in with Barbara, it was simply to split the living costs. She was a lesbian and wasn’t interested in anything other than a casual friendship. But that didn’t stop me from fantasizing about her. I did have one secret that I tried to keep from her. I love to wear women’s clothing. I sometimes even fantasized about being a transvestite. But my female clothes wearing was done alone and no one knew of my passion. Until that one special day. There were many times that I masturbated...

1 year ago
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Daughters Boyfriend Serves an Ace

100% fiction! I was laying there in some very transparent red lace panties and Drews’ tee shirt. Head was really confused with my body and my spontaneous reactions to my conversations with this cute teenaged boy one bed over. Only hours before I was in a conservative night gown that more that covered me down to my knees. I felt both guilt and passion as I heard him sleeping on the next bed over from in our very upscale hotel room. I balled up in a fetal position with my mind on my wet crotch...

1 year ago
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Daughters Horny Urges 3

Introduction: Janie enjoys masturbation with her dad John Kelley hummed a tune as he went into the kitchen. Hi, honey, he said, kissing his wife on the lips. Gmorning, John, smiled Alicia. Ready for breakfast? Hell, yeah, he said, sitting down. Then, eyeing his wifes great body he leered, How bout a little ass, too? He-heh? His wife turned away, hurriedly snapping, Now, John, Ive told you thats supposed to be only for having a baby. Now, please. Stop bothering me about that. I let you have...

3 years ago
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My daughters dildo part 4

A day didn’t go by where we didn’t masturbate together at some point. It had become our bedtime ritual, even if we’d already gotten off together several times during the day. She loved using her dildo on herself while I watched, and would often have me work it in and out of her while she played with her clit. I was constantly surprised by my unflagging sex drive when it came to my daughter. I wasn’t so consistently horny even when I was a teenager. I suppose things might have been different...

4 years ago
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Daughter discovers moms dildo

It was a beautiful Sunday morning in early October. Sandy was awoken by the sounds of her shades being opened. Slowly she opened her eyes to she her mother in her room walking toward her. Sandy was 18 years old, a senior in high school and the only c***d to a single mother. She was a very pretty girl with long brown hair and soft, fair skin. She was about 5'6" tall, weighed 122 lbs and loved to play sports which kept her body in great shape."Wake up dear. Don't waste a beautiful day like today...

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