Twins Part Three The Finale free porn video

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Twins Part Three Chapter Fifteen Christmas and New Year came and went. Shannon, Alexis and I were on a select soccer team and our season went from just before Christmas until March. After that came tournaments almost every weekend. With practice and games, I barely had time to think about baseball. I had to make a decision as to whether I was going to play again this year. I would have to give up one sport or the other. I remembered how my production had fallen off last season and decided to remain on the soccer team. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make, as Dad was one of the coaches on the baseball team. The three of us held a special bond as the season progressed and I would miss the time with Ted and my father. The only saving grace was that I was bonding with girls now as opposed to trying to be one of the boys. My hormones were kicking in big time. I was finally developing the breasts I was so impatient for a year earlier. It was like the titty fairy was making up for lost time, as was the case with my girlfriends. We were becoming young women. My growth had slowed to a crawl. I just reached five foot five and it had taken me at least six months to grow an inch. Maybe I would stop soon and just be a little taller than most of the other girls. Big news, Anders kissed me. It wasn't like a run off and smooch kind of kiss, but I found out later his friends all dared him to do it. Erik had kissed Alexis several times and Ander's friends teased him until he said he would kiss me. It happened at lunch on a Thursday. We were all sitting at a table in the cafeteria, Shannon, Alexis, Erik, Ted, and Anders. The conversation was the same as it had been every day we were in school; gossip. We had just finished eating and I knew something was up because one of the boy's tables was watching us like a hawk. Every time Anders looked toward the other boys they would motion to him like get on with it. He would blush every time they did. Did I mention Anders is painfully shy? "What are they doing?" I asked. "Nothing." Right! Nothing was the standard answer boys gave when they had something planned so I went on my guard but it's not like it did any good. The next thing I knew Anders had his lips plastered against mine. I jumped back not knowing what I should do, slap him or laugh. My face turned red with embarrassment before the giggles came. Anders turned as red as me before looking at his friends who gave him a thumbs up. "What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly. He couldn't answer me. How was he going to tell me the reason for our first kiss was a dare? The thing that surprised me more than anything was that the kiss did nothing for me. We could have shaken hands and had the same effect. "Anders, what are you doing?" Shannon screeched, at the same time I asked the same question. His fair skin turned the darkest red I had ever seen when a person blushed. "Uhh, uhh," he stammered before continuing, "Roger and Lane said I wouldn't do it." Now I was insulted. "You mean you kissed me because those boys said you wouldn't?" "Umm, kind of." I felt my face turning the same color as Anders, but with rage. "How dare you?" I screamed. "I don't ever want to see you again," I said and rushed to the girl's room with Shannon in tow. I don't know what Alexis said to Anders' brother but she soon joined us with a scowl on her face. "Can you believe Anders would do such a thing?" I asked. "Maybe Roger, but not Anders. I thought he would be too shy to try something like that," Shannon exclaimed. "I asked Erik what that was all about and he said he's trying to impress those other boys," Alexis said. "Well he could have done something else than what he did, ewww," I groused. "Didn't you like it a little bit, I mean being kissed?" Shannon asked. "Are you serious? It felt like his lips were all wet and I know he had some of his lunch still in his mouth." "Ewww," both girls answered in unison. "If he wanted to kiss me all he had to do was ask, but not in front of the whole class." "What are you going to do?" Alexis asked. "Just ignore him. He'll see that trying to be a big man was a mistake." We returned to the lunchroom and our table. Anders had made his way to the table with Roger and his group. They were still congratulating him on his show of masculinity. He looked at me with a sheepish smile on his mouth and I glared back letting him know that he had made a very serious mistake with me. Alexis sat next to Erik and they whispered for a bit before he left to see his brother. After Erik said something to Anders, he got a sick look on his face. I knew what was being said and Anders realized what a fool he had been. So much for my first kiss. Winter soccer season ended with us in first place and we won almost every tournament we entered. The one loss was during a tourney in Gilroy. Samantha, one of our defenders came down with the flu and had to miss the trip. Carla, one of the new girls on the team, filled in for her. Carla tried her best but wasn't as fast as Samantha and a team from Monterey was able to score three goals against two for us. It was our first loss of the year. Carla felt really bad for letting us down but we told her it was okay and that we would beat them next time. We also explained to her that it was the team's fault and not hers. She felt better after that. The play was West Side Story, which is a very difficult play for middle school. Grades seven and eight were allowed to audition. As expected the best parts went to the eighth graders. One surprise was that Melinda landed the part of Anita. After the terrible incident with Ted, I thought she wouldn't even try out, but she did and surprised everyone with her singing ability. As practice progressed, you could see her growing out of her shell. I'm so happy for her. All of us girls landed parts, me as a Shark and Shannon as a Jet. We only had dancing parts but being in the play was just about the most fun thing I did. I almost forgot, Ted was also a Shark. I guess it's because of our dark complexion. It was decided the team was going take a break after the last tournament. We had been playing non-stop since August of the previous year. There were school activities coming soon like the annual school play. Several girls on the team wanted to try out for some of the parts, me included, so we put our cleats away for a while. Since I wasn't playing ball with Ted I joined the softball team in Sutter Creek. The team was composed of girls from the surrounding area that were under fourteen years old. I was two months from my thirteenth birthday, so I decided to try out for the team. Tryouts were the second Saturday in March at Amador High School. I was the only twelve-year-old student there. I recognized Jennifer Barnes and Kathy Rundle from school but I rarely spoke to them as they were in the eighth grade and I was in the seventh. I was taller than half the team and my skills from baseball paid off big time. I wasn't used to playing with a larger ball, which made fielding a bit more difficult, but it helped when I had to bat. I might have not kept up with the boys but I certainly shone with the girls. I was able to hit two home runs and made contact with almost everything pitched at me. Needless to say, I made the team with practice starting on the next Tuesday. Our games would run from April until June and would be played half at home and the rest on the road. The league consisted of teams from Sonora, Lodi, Elk Grove, two from Stockton, Oakdale and Placerville. We would play each team twice, once at home and once on the road. There would be twelve girls on the team if we could find that many. Unfortunately only eleven girls tried out so everyone made the team. Our team was called the Lady Miners obviously from all the mining that went on in our area. Our team had traditionally been one of the weaker teams in the league, but coach seemed to like the team we had put together. Our practices were twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday and we were coming together as a team. I played shortstop because of my speed and ball handling abilities. Our first game was with Sonora, another weak team. I was glad to start with a team we would be pretty much even with, if the previous years were any indicator. I was wrong about us. We won the game in a blow-out, twelve runs to one for them and that one was scored on the only error our team made. I had three hits and two walks. The coach had me hitting clean up because I was the strongest player on the team even though I was the youngest. The season progressed and we started to make waves. Winning games from the weaker teams didn't cause a stir, but when we beat a team from Stockton the word was out. Sutter Creek was a team to worry about, but until we beat another strong team we were still an anomaly. Lodi was our next game. Lodi's team was expected to win the league as they had three of the last five years. We won, three to two and the word was out. Sutter Creek was strong and it was no fluke. We became very close as a team and Jennifer and Cathy even asked me to join them at lunch. I agreed but only if Shannon and Alexis could join to. They agreed and that's how we started eating with the eighth graders. The older girls were fun and a bit raucous, the three of us younger girls certainly had our ears full especially with regard to boys. What a difference a year makes as we learned who already lost their virginity, three girls, and who was a tease. My ears turned red more than once. Ted and I turned thirteen during April. We were teenagers, yay. Ted was growing like a weed. He was five one and showed no signs of slowing down. He was the strongest player on his baseball team and I was very proud of him. I thought of the wonderful time we had shared playing ball and I missed being on the same team as my brother. Ted has been treating me much better than before our last visit to Stanford. I guess the session with the doctor helped him come to terms with me. I knew he had changed because when Anders kissed me I thought Ted would beat the you-know-what out of him. The only reason he didn't was that his friends told him he would be suspended if he got into a fight, but he let Anders know if he ever did that to me again he was dead meat. I'm not going to dwell on the softball season except to say we won the league and I won the most valuable player award from the league. My teammates were beside themselves as the awards were handed out. Each girl received a trophy and I got two, one for our team winning the league and the other for best player. The season ended a week before I had to return to Stanford. Stanford was an easy visit this time. All that was done was a new implant and the usual measurement of my body. I spent an hour with Dr. Montgomery and she was pleased that I was becoming more at ease with myself. I had truly become a young woman and she reminded me that next year at this time the final operation was to take place and to think very seriously about it because once it was done there would be no turning back. As they say, the sale is final. I giggled at that, as I had no doubt as to what I wanted done. Chapter Sixteen Summer vacation was the best ever this year. Softball and baseball seasons were finished so Ted and I had the summer off until August when soccer and select baseball began which meant we could spend as much time with our friends as we wanted as long as our chores were finished at home. Shannon and I spent a lot of time swimming while Ted spent his time with his friends. Thank God he no longer associated with Donovan and his creepy friends. Spending time at the pool had become a different experience for me. As I mentioned, my body was finally filling out. There was no longer any doubt that I had a figure even though it was an athletic one. My bust measured thirty- three, my waist twenty-four and my hips thirty-two. I was ready to graduate to a B cup bra in another month. I only wore a one-piece bathing suit because of my boy parts, but I still seemed to garner more than my share of attention from boys. "Shannon, did you see that boy looking at me?" I asked when one boy so obviously stared at me that I felt as though I was being undressed. "How could I miss it? What a pig!" "Why do they stare like that?" Being girls who were just going into the eighth grade and, to be perfectly honest, very self conscious about our developing bodies, our new gained attention from boys was more than a little disconcerting. As a young woman, I was still learning the fine art of being female and even though my journey started five years ago, I was still learning. Much to my surprise so was Shannon; only she was learning how to cope with the new attention she and I were on the receiving end of boys entering puberty. Boys our age were still at the between stage where they would just as soon play with toys as look at a girl. The boys paying attention to us were well into their puberty, boys in high school. If I didn't admit to being flattered by the attention from these boys, I'd be lying. What they did with their actions was to confirm what everyone had told me since I reluctantly became a girl to help our family hide from the Russian Mafia. The biggest surprise was discovering that I like being a girl even more than the boy I had left behind. Boys had been the farthest thing from my mind, but as my puberty took hold, my feelings changed. I no longer viewed boys as being some dirty bit of humanity put on earth to make my life miserable, but as funny and cute. What a difference a year makes. Needless to say, my mother didn't overlook my sudden interest in boys. Much to my concern she wanted to have a conversation about it. I was in my room selecting what I would wear after our trip to the pool. Mom called to me from the kitchen. "Cindy, may I have a word with you?" Ah, the magic phrase, may I have a word. "Yes Mom, I'll be right there." I walked to the kitchen wearing just my bathing suit and a pair of flip- flops. My mother looked at me with an appraising eye and a look of concern. "Honey, you look very nice," she said, trepidation oozing from her mouth. "Thanks Mom, but you didn't have to call me in here to tell me that." "I know sweetheart and that's not why I called you. I've noticed your recent interest in boys when you go to the pool and I'm a bit concerned. You're a young woman with no experience whatsoever with boys and I'm afraid you're going to get hurt." "But I'm not doing anything, Mom." My mother rolled her eyes at that. "I'm not saying you are, Cindy. What I'm saying is that you're a very pretty girl and when I've driven past the pool, I've seen more than a few boys talking to you and Shannon. If I'm not wrong you two weren't trying to chase them away either." "We were just talking." "Talking to you is flirting to them and I could see they were several years older than you." "They're in high school." "That's what I thought. Cindy, boys that age have a lot more experience with girls than you have with boys. It would be very easy for you to get carried away trying to impress an older boy, but if you did, you could really be hurt." "Why, we're just having a little fun?" "Because you're still a boy and no one around here knows you are. Depending on the decision you make this year, next year won't be a problem. You will either become a woman or you can become Marcus again." "I don't want to be Marcus again, this is who I am. I love being a girl Mom and I wish I could have the operation today." "I'm sure you feel that way now, but you still can change your mind." "I won't change my mind. I've never been so sure of anything in my life." "You feel that way now, but something might happen to change your mind, a boy or girl, some incident at school, even wanting to play baseball again. Next year will be the most important in your life." "I know Mom and I'm sure I won't change my mind. I'm Cindy now. If you had asked me the same question four years ago, I'm sure I would have loved to become Marcus again, but now with my friends and the way I'm becoming a woman, there's no way I'd want to go back." Mom smiled before she said, "That doesn't change the fact that you're attracting boys and all I'm asking is that you be careful, and I would have been having this same conversation if you had been born a girl." "Yes, Mom." After the conversation I became much more wary during the time I spent at the pool. I had to share my mother's talk with Shannon, not mentioning my real sex to her. "My mother talked to me about watching out for the boys when we swim," I said. "Oh God, not the 'you're too young and they're older and more experienced and you don't know what you're doing' talk?" she asked, giggling lightly. "How did you know?" "I got the same talk the first week we went to the pool. Sometimes parents are so stupid. Things are different for us and I'm sure boys were different when they were our age. God my mother's thirty-three already." "I know, I don't think my mother has a clue what high school boys are like. Oh well, I guess we just have to be careful." As our time at the pool continued, Shannon and I fell predictably under the spell of boys, hormones, and feeling popular. I could hardly believe the ease that a boy could gain enough trust to steal a kiss from us. These kisses certainly felt different than the rushed mashing of lips Anders had succumbed to, to prove a point to his friends. The most disturbing thing about the kisses was the feelings of turmoil they cause inside of me. There were little things too that did things I didn't know were possible; an inadvertent brushing against my breast or a breath of air against my ear, tiny things that made my blood boil. As the summer progressed, I finally knew what my mother had said to me, be careful because you have no idea of what you're getting yourself into. Luckily, the only place Shannon and I had interaction with boys was at the pool. I'm sure if we had been somewhere more private much more than kisses and an occasional wandering hand would have taken place. As it was, just the interaction with the boys brought us to a place I wouldn't have even thought of; shaving. Yep, Shannon and I took the big plunge and started shaving our underarms and legs. We knew it would happen at some point in our lives, but more than anything it was to impress the boys. What bigger draw than pretty legs on girls who were still inadequate in the chest department? Oh we had breasts, but not the ones that drew attention like the fourteen and fifteen year old girls had. We used what we had and it was enough to draw attention. Our mothers said we were too young to wear makeup, like that was going to stop us. Somehow Shannon was able to buy some mascara and I bought a soft pencil to line our eyes and draw our eyebrows a little for definition. We weren't good, but it seemed to work on the boys. I'm not saying we were boy crazy, but I guess we were, but as I said, all we did was hang out at the pool and if we attracted boys, then so much the better. My mother finally asked the inevitable question, after a day at the pool. "Have you been wearing makeup?" she asked, realizing that Shannon and I had botched the removal of same. My face turned red as I tried to form a lie as to why my eye lashes would be darker than normal. "Oh, we ran into a girl from our class whose mother allows her to wear makeup and she wanted to see what we looked like with a little mascara. I didn't think you would mind?" I answered softly. "Cindy, I said no makeup. You're too young and too pretty and all you'll do is draw boys who have nothing good in their mind when it comes to young girls. Maybe when you start school I'll allow a little lip gloss and a touch of mascara, but until then I want you to behave." "Yes Mother." Our pool activities lasted for a little over a month but ended when soccer season started. August first is the first day practice is allowed in AYSO soccer and when that day came Shannon's father started practice. His love was soccer as he had played in college and was on scholarship so after he graduated he continued to play. He still played in an adult league while coaching us. Needless to say, when we didn't have team practice, Shannon and I had drills in her backyard to improve our skills. She and I were the two best players in the league while Alexis was almost at our skill level. Luckily we only had enough players to make one team or Shannon and I would have been on separate teams. As the years progressed, more and more girls dropped out of sports and found other interests. Liz, one of our best defenders, quit because she became interested in dancing ballet as did several other girls on other teams. Some just decided they were playing to please their parents and said no, they wouldn't play anymore. The thing I liked best about our team was that all the girls wanted to be on it and play soccer. Our season went as expected and we won the league. The teams were from all over, with three being from Stockton, two from Lodi and the rest from various towns in the area. Our hardest competition was from Stockton and we won by one goal. Shannon and I found our grades were very good. Alexis started helping us with our weakest subjects and it helped. Alexis is the brains of our group and maintained a straight A average. Shannon and I would get an occasional B. My brother though was a disappointment as far as school was concerned. I think his mind was somewhere else as he had more than his share of C's. Shannon was still the soccer player and I was the all- around athlete and because of that, I tried out again for a girl's basketball team at the local Catholic Church. I had shot baskets with the boys in the neighborhood as had Shannon. I wasn't very good, but we didn't really do it very often. Luckily, when I tried out for the team they didn't care what my skill level was but accepted me with open arms. Apparently not many girls were playing basketball in our area and I would have made the team if I could barely walk. The team ended up with seven girls so if one or two didn't show up we had no substitutes. I won't bore you with a running description of the games, but I ended up as a defender because of my speed and my poor shooting ability. The best part of being on the team was that I made new friends from Sutter Creek as four girls were from there. Christy, Rachel, Sherri, and Monica had been friends since they started school in kindergarten and naturally ended up on the same team together. I was welcomed as if I had been their friend for my whole life. The tallest girl on the team was Monica, being five foot-seven and I was next at five-five. As with girls at my school, the conversation started with basketball and ended up with boys. "Did you see that boy watching from the visitor's side of the court?" Christy asked. Christy was the pretty one of the group, having long blonde hair, big blue eyes and a figure to die for. She drew attention wherever we went. "You mean the one with dark hair and the black T shirt?" Sherri responded. "Yes, he's the one. God he was so cute, I could hardly concentrate on the game," Christy giggled. "He couldn't stop staring at Cindy," Monica said. "Me, you're not serious?" I blushed. "Serious," Monica answered in a clipped tone. "Why me?" "Because you're the prettiest girl on the team." "Christy is," I said. "Are you serious? Every game we go to, all the boys watch you, even if you aren't on the court. You might not know it Cindy, but you're seriously good looking." "Thanks," I said not knowing what else to say. "Speaking of good looking, could you introduce me to your brother someday?" Christy giggled. "My brother, eww, you can't be serious?" "He's as cute as you are pretty. I'm sure you've noticed?" "How would I notice, he's my brother. I barely talk to him." "I don't mind if you talk to him as long as he would want to talk to me?" "I'll ask him, but eww," I said, as we all giggled. The basketball season started in November as soon as soccer ended. I had to miss one game because of my implant replacement. My appointment was always two weeks before Christmas and was the FBI's gift to me; thank you FBI. As usual I was measured and had my blood sucked from my body and then the implant was placed in my arm. I had grown a little, a very little but I was now five foot-five and one quarter. I was definitely slowing in the height department. My biggest surprise was that I was now officially a B size cup and my hips had grown an inch. Remarkably, my waist had shrunk a half of an inch. I guess all the sports had paid off. I went to see Dr. Montgomery for the last time before my surgery. She had asked me to think about what was going to happen in June, but what with summer and my sports I really hadn't give the operation much thought. "Good morning Cindy, my, don't you look pretty," she said. "Thank you." "I just realized this will be our last meeting until after your surgery in June. Have there been any issues you would like to talk about?" "No, not really." "The last time you were here you mentioned that you had a boyfriend?" "I don't anymore." "And why's that?" "He kissed me." "He kissed you? I would think that would be something to be happy about?" "He only did it to show off to his friends. I didn't like that, so I told him I didn't want to be his girlfriend anymore." "I see. What about other boys, are you attracted to them?" I couldn't help blushing as I answered, "Yes, kind of." "Kind of?" "Well Shannon and I spent lots of time at the pool this summer and a lot of older boys paid attention to us and even kissed us." "How did you feel about that?" "I liked it a lot." "Was it different than your old boyfriend's kiss?" "Very different. I was shaking after one boy's kiss." "I see." "How are you and your brother getting on?" "We're fine. We still have our moments, but so do every other sister and brother I know." "Has he finally accepted who you've become?" "I think so. He doesn't say hurtful things anymore." "I'm glad. Now, have you given anymore thought to your operation?" "No." "And why's that?" "I don't know." "It could be that you're avoiding what you're going to do in June." "I don't think it's that. I've just been so busy that I haven't had a chance to think about it." "Well we might as well discuss it now so you will have a chance to think more about it between now and next June. Are you even aware of what's going to take place?" "Of course I know, I'm going to become a real girl." "Cindy, there's more to it than that. Yes you'll become a girl, but has anyone taken the time to explain what will be done?" "Not really." "I didn't think so. Looking at you I can see your body is ready to become a woman, but I wonder if you're mentally ready for such a journey. Let me ask you a very important question, do you want to have children?" Have children? I'm a child myself, why would I even think of having children? "I don't know, I haven't even thought about it." "Cindy you do realize you'll never be able to have children of your own unless you adopt. To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure you could even father a child now after the hormone treatments you've had administered to you. We could stop your hormone treatments now and let you return to being the boy you once were, well almost. You would have to have surgery to remove your breasts and you probably won't grow as tall as your brother, but you could be a boy again, the Marcus you left behind when this decision was made for you." "I made the decision to become Cindy, no one made me do this," I exclaimed, raising my hands up and down my body as reference. I had loved talking to Dr. Montgomery when I came here, but now I was seeing a whole different person as our conversation continued. "Are you certain no one tried to influence you, your mother of father, just a little?" "No, I volunteered to become the girl. I'm sure Ted would have done the same, it's just that he could never make a decision, and we'd still be boys if I didn't say something first." "Why did you say you would do it before he did?" Why did I volunteer first? At the time, Grady could have just as well said something before I did. It wasn't as though I said something a half of a second after the idea was put forth. I remember a long pause before I said anything. Why, I wondered, and why did I love becoming a girl? There had to be something else I was missing, and why had I embraced this whole lie with open arms? "I don't know, it just seemed the right thing to do." "The right thing to do at the time is one thing, but becoming a girl is something else again. Why didn't you become a boy again after you moved to Jackson? You could have very easily changed your clothes, cut your hair and be done with it, but you didn't, why?" "Because I had become Cindy and I loved who I was. Is that so wrong?" "No honey, that's not wrong, but you could have become a man like your brother is going to do. Won't you miss that?" "No. It would be like asking Ted if he missed growing breasts and flirting with boys. This is all I've ever known. I barely remember being Marcus. I know I was that boy once, but he's only a memory and one I don't want to become again." "How can you be so sure?" "Because I'm a girl. I think I have always been one but just didn't realize it. Even though Ted and I are twins I just know we are different enough to be brother and sister." "You're identical twins, you know, from the same embryo." "They explained that in school but I know for sure Ted and I aren't the same. It's just small things, we have different eye shape, not ones anyone would notice, but I do. I remember seeing picture of a face split and then the left and right side were put together. The faces looked like two different people. I think it's the same with Ted and me, we might be identical, but we aren't, if that makes any sense." "I suppose it does." "My mom and I were talking a while back and she wondered why I had taken so easily to becoming a girl and mentioned that I might have had some girl genes none of us knew about and told me a story. When we were living in New Jersey, we went to visit my Uncle and his wife, they had two daughters, one three like Grady and me, and the other four. Mom said she and my aunt thought it would be a real cute joke if the boys were dressed as girls and the girls as boys. They would take a picture and then change us back again. The fathers grumbled a bit but since the boys would be girls and the girls boys, they relented. We were all about the same size so the girls just put on our clothes, but our mothers had a different idea about what we should wear. My cousins had been wearing jeans and girl's T's but weren't overly feminine. They decided Grady and I should wear their Easter Sunday dresses instead. Their reasoning was why do this if they couldn't do it the right way. Mom dressed me and then went to dress Grady. All Hell broke loose as she tried to put my cousin's clothes on him. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him? I liked the way the clothes felt and I loved feeling like a girl, if just for a moment. 'Grady, it's fun', I remember saying and that calmed him down but just enough for him to dress. The pictures were taken and we changed back into our clothes again. The thing I remembered most was the sorrow I felt when I had to remove the dress. I can still remember the swishing sound of the petticoats when I moved and sat. Seeing my legs covered with white tights and white Mary Janes on my feet seemed so right at the time, but being three years old the memories left me pretty quickly. Even when I became Cindy, I felt guilty liking the girl I was portraying. It wasn't right for a boy to enjoy being a girl, least of all when all I had to do was look at my twin brother to see what kind of boy I was supposed to be." I had rambled on for what seemed like ages and the emotional memories brought tears to my eyes. Dr. Montgomery handed me a box of tissues to repair my face. "You felt guilty even after you were asked to pretend to be a girl?" Dr. Montgomery asked, when I had composed myself enough to continue. "I think I did, in fact I know I did. I volunteered to be the girl and when I discovered I liked being the girl, I felt guilty. I was a boy and I shouldn't have liked dressing up like this, but I did. When we moved to Jackson there was no way for me to back out of what I was doing unless we moved to a different town. I met Shannon and everything I was doing just felt right. There was no guilt except for not being able to tell my best friend I really wasn't a girl, but even that changed, as I became the person I was portraying. Cindy had become a real person and Marcus became a memory much like the girl in the dress five years before. Dr. Montgomery, I love who I am and even though I can't give birth to children, I'm still a girl through and through." "Yes, I imagine you are," she said, a wistful smile on her lips. "Are we finished?" I asked as the pause lasted longer than it should. "Maybe just a few more questions, Cindy. How did you feel when you were thrust into femininity after you moved to Jackson? I'm sure it must have been a shock to your mind?" "Not really. Shannon and I bonded from the minute we met and I still had baseball." "Baseball?" "Yes, baseball. When we were living back east, Ted and I played baseball whenever we could. We even played in the back yard and broke more than one window. I still played when we moved, in fact I was a better player that Ted, but don't tell him I told you so. I played until last year and only quit because I was the only girl on the team and I noticed I wasn't gaining strength like the boys were. I mentioned it to my other doctor and she said it was my hormones and that girls didn't have the strength of boys. I decided to play softball instead on a girl's team and I've met new friends because of it. I play more sports now than Ted does. I'm on a select soccer team and played basketball for the first time just this year. I had to miss a game to be here." "So you like sports? Do you think it helped you to become a girl?" "I think it did. I found girls could play sports as well as boys. It's just when they got older there were problems. Playing baseball let me keep a part of Marcus in my life but that part became less important as I grew older. I think it was when I began taking hormones that holding on to Marcus was no longer important to me. I became much more aware of Cindy and who I wanted to be when I grew older." "And what would that be?" "It may seem silly, but I think I would like to be an FBI agent and help people like they helped me." "It's not silly and I think you would be a very good agent if you carry through with that dream. You might change your mind by the time you graduate from college, but that's a long way away. From what you've told me this afternoon I have no concerns as to whether or not you want to become a woman, Cindy. If you don't change your mind between now and June, I'll recommend the surgery for you. You're going to be a lovely woman and it's been a pleasure talking to you these last few years. I'm looking forward to seeing you in June." With that Dr. Montgomery stood and left the room. I think she had a tear in her eye, but I can't be sure. We played two more basketball games before Christmas and then started up again after the New Year. I was still one of the benchwarmers but my shooting had improved since I started on the team. Being the second tallest girl, I was able to play for about a quarter of the game, knowing if my shooting improved my time on the court would too. Shannon and I spent hours at the school while I practiced my ball handling skills and shooting eye. I reminded Shannon I did the same when I practiced soccer with her when she occasionally whined about being a ball girl for me. I talked her into shooting too with the hope she would join the team with me. "I'm too short," she would lament, returning the ball to me. "But it's fun. I'm almost the tallest girl on the team and I don't play that much. You should try out next year." "This is the last year for girls our age. There's no way I'd qualify for the girls team in high school." "You could try?" "No I couldn't. Basketball is the same time as soccer and there's no way I'm going to miss being on the soccer team." "I didn't know that. I guess this will be my only chance to play basketball then. There's no way I'm going to pass on playing soccer with my best friend in the whole world," I laughed. "You're a bitch," she giggled. I finished the season and played in one whole game as two girls were home with the flu. I even made two baskets but blocked three shots. I was pretty full of myself until I learned the team we beat was the weakest in the league. Oh well, so much for my WNBA contract. Softball began right after basketball ended. We hadn't played soccer since November so our coach decided to put together a select team to play the spring tournaments. I now had conflict in my life. I loved playing softball and I had grown to love soccer and playing on a team with my best friend. I needed someone to talk to. "Mom, I have a problem?" "What's that sweetheart, too many boyfriends?" she laughed. "Mom, I'm being serious. I can't decide whether I should play softball or soccer this year? What do you think?" "Which one would you rather play?" "I don't know, that's why I'm asking you." "I can't tell you which one to choose, which would you rather play? You love baseball and softball is as close to baseball as it gets. Your best friend is on the soccer team and I've seen how well you play soccer. I think Shannon is the only player who's better that you. You've gained new friends playing softball but you also have friends that are much closer on the soccer team. I know Shannon is your best friend but Alexis is also very close to you. Your softball friends are new friends but your soccer friends have been your friends since we moved here. I don't think it's a matter of which game to play, but more of which friends are more important to you." "I see what you're saying. I love Shannon more than words can say and I wouldn't feel right abandoning her and Alexis and the rest of the girls to play softball. I know the girls on the softball team will be upset, but I can't let Shannon down. Thanks Mom." I wouldn't play softball again until I entered high school. Shannon's dad was a taskmaster with the new team. All the girls were out of shape, even me. Basketball wasn't soccer and our sore muscles let us know we had a lot of work to do. We would be playing in our first tournament in four weeks. The first tournament was a blast. It was held in Sacramento, so we stayed overnight. Needless to say, fifteen girls in a hotel room at the same time was more than the other guests could bear. The manager shut us down at nine-thirty so we split forces and had a slumber party in two rooms. We had lost one of our games already from lack of playtime during the year and we knew the team we would play Sunday was the strongest in our flight hence we decided to make this a fun weekend instead of worrying about the games. Our decision cost us the game big time. We lost five to two with Shannon and I each scoring one goal. Shannon's father wasn't pleased at our performance. Luckily he waited until our first practice to let us know just how disappointed he was with us. "Girls, you really sucked last weekend. You weren't passing the ball like you did last year and I could hardly believe what I was watching as the game continued. You've been working out for four weeks but you look as though all you did was sit and watch television. I tried to take it easy on you, but look what it got us, embarrassment. I won't let this happen again so no more mister nice guy. Girls by next week I expect to see an improvement, now get off your butts and let me see you run, sixteen laps, now go," Coach yelled. All fifteen of us took off running. Our usual number of laps was ten, which pretty much wore us out, but now we had six more to do. I wondered how well I would do? I was the second best runner on the team behind Alexis and even I was winded after seven laps. We pushed on and finally completed the exercise with most of us almost falling across the finish line. "Drink some water, but don't overdo it or you'll get sick," Coach said. Pamela, one of the defenders didn't listen to what coach had said and was soon throwing up her lunch, yuk. Next came ball-handling skills. We thought we were pretty good but coach threw in some twists that made most of us look silly, even Shannon. The next exercise was passing with accuracy. We all knew how to pass, but our layoff had made us lazy, which showed during our games. More than once we lost a breakaway because of a poorly placed ball. By the time practice ended our skills had improved dramatically. Coach also added two more days of practice. Every other day would be for conditioning and the other two for skills. He was right; we were in the best shape we had ever been in. Our next tournament was in Lodi so we didn't stay overnight Even though the drive was an hour long we didn't want a repeat of our party time during our games. We won, barely beating the other team in the finals two to one. Shannon made both goals with assists from me. Our next big tournament was in Davis. Davis is the biggest tournament of the year and we felt we were ready for the challenge. The level of play in this tournament is like playing the final game of each regular tournament we had entered. Our conditioning had paid off as we won our first game by three goals. The next was much more difficult and we squeezed out a one to nothing victory. Sunday we had to win our first game by two or more goals to be in the final. We did, winning by three. The final was against the team that had made us look so bad in the third game of our first tournament. Our team couldn't help but notice the smug looks on the opposing girls' faces. The game was one of those grinding marathons where no one scored. Regulation ended with the score tied at zero. An additional fifteen minutes was added to the end of the game and we scored a goal at the eleven-minute mark. We normally use two forwards, four mid-fielders and four defenders. Coach moved Alexis to the middle, which threw their defenders off. Shannon was playing right wing, I was on the left and Alexis was in the middle. Shannon crossed the ball to me, which drew the defender from the middle. I dribbled the ball toward the goal and at the last second passed the ball to Alexis who tapped it past the keeper into the net. You would have thought we won the World Cup from the celebration our team engaged in. The referee almost carded Coach for having too many players on the field. The game ended with us in the lead. Our team had become a force that continued through the summer into the fall. Chapter Seventeen School was no big thing and I didn't have a boyfriend after what had happened with Anders. Lots of boys asked me to go steady but I thought doing that would be really stupid since they couldn't take me on a date, so why bother? I think the biggest thing to happen was graduation from middle school. It was a scaled down version of what a high school graduation should be. We had cap and gowns and walked into the auditorium and were seated in front of the stage. The principal and someone from the district offices made a speech, Alexis was given her award for best student, we were handed our diplomas and our school year was over. Mom and Dad had a party for us and I was able to invite five friends, as was Ted. When I say five friends that included parents of those same friends. Dad grilled burgers and hot dogs and to be honest the party was a wonderful time, as none of the kids could get too crazy with their parents there. The following week I made my final trip to Stanford. It was time for me to become a girl for keeps. I had thought about what was to be done to me and I couldn't think of anything to change my mind. I guess Ted and I weren't as identical as I thought because I think I may have wanted to be a girl for as long as I could remember but even those thoughts might have been wrong and just been wishful thinking because I had been living as a girl for so long. Six years doesn't sound like much, but it was almost half of my life. If you consider that I have no memories of my first three years then those six are more than half my life. I can't say for sure if my disguise had changed me or if I've always been a girl? The only thing I'm sure of is my desire to finish this journey. My first visit was to Dr. Montgomery's office. "So, Cindy, tomorrow's the big day?" she said. "Yes, I can hardly wait?" "No doubts as to whether you want to go through with it?" "None. I'm a girl Dr., there's no doubt in my mind at all and I need is to have my body match my brain." "I thought you would say this to me," she said. "I knew after our last session you wouldn't change your mind, so I won't waste your time. I've already drafted a letter of approval for your surgery and I'll send it to your primary doctor here at Stanford. You might as well have your parents take you to the surgery center and check in. Tomorrow will be a long day for you and good luck Miss Crane." Dr. Montgomery smiled as I stood and let myself out of the room. Mom and Dad were waiting to bring me to the surgery center which was located about a half of a mile from where we were. Dad registered me at the check-in and left Mom and me to find our way to the third floor surgical center. Much like the first time I was here at Stanford Hospital, I was given a room and asked to remove my clothes and put on the dreaded gown so my tests would be easier to do. I was poked and prodded, measured from my head to my feet, jabbed with needles to draw blood and had an IV needle stuck in the back of my hand. I learned that I had gained an inch on my hips and chest and lost another half of an inch on my waistline. The nurses teased me, saying if I wasn't careful I'd have boys lining up around the block. I just rolled my eyes. I almost forgot, I grew another half of an inch and am now five foot five and three quarters. I think five six is plenty tall for a girl and I hope I don't grow much taller. After all was said and done, they put me in my bed and hooked a bag of solution to my IV. It had antibiotics to get rid of any bacteria I might have swimming in my system the nurse said. Time had passed quickly and it was already six PM. My high-end meal was served, mmm, mmm. Well done beef with a dark liquid they claimed to be gravy, mashed potatoes directly from the box, just add water and grey string beans right from the can. Dessert you ask, green Jell-O and apple juice to wash it down. I wasn't hungry when I finished. My nurse said I wasn't to eat anything else until after my surgery and no liquids after midnight. The only nice thing was having Mom and Dad staying with me. Because of my age, they were allowed to sleep in my room with me, which helped greatly to quell my nervousness. I tried to put on a brave front but there were more than a few times I wanted Mom to hold me. I guess I'm a baby after all. My nurse came and woke me at six AM to prep me for surgery. I was tired having slept restlessly during the night. They drew blood one more time and rolled my bed to the prep room. My IV bag was changed to a saline solution, I was shaved and swabbed with disinfectant where the operation would take place and then my parents were allowed in the room. They stayed for an hour until the anesthesiologist came into the room. He was a tall man with an infectious smile and really handsome. "Good morning Cindy, I'm Dr. James and I'll be administering your pain medicine during your operation. I'll be with you the whole time during the surgery and you won't feel a thing. Do you have any questions for me?" "No," I answered with a dreamy look in my eyes. Mom recognized the look on my face and stifled a chuckle. "Good. I want you to say goodnight to your Mom and Dad and then I'm going to give you a shot to relax you a bit before we go into surgery." Mom came to me and held my hand as Dad stood behind her. "Are you sure you want this?" she asked. "You know you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to?" "I want to Mom. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Mom hugged me and whispered, "I love you, little girl." "I love you too." Mom moved out of the way and Dad took her place and said, "I'm so proud of you Cindy. You're my hero for doing what needed to be done, I love you." "I love you too Dad," I said with a smile. Mom and Dad left the room. Mom tried to hide it but I could see the tears running down her cheek. I wasn't sure if she was crying because because she was sad that I was going to become a girl, or happy because I was going to become one? She was in a quandary I didn't envy. Either way it was too late to turn back, not that I wanted to, but I would always wonder if I was doing the right thing. Dr. James returned and I got the same dumb expression on my face as my heart rate increased with his presence. "I'm just going to give you a little shot to help you relax Cindy. All you'll feel is a little pinch, there' all done." It took all of about ten seconds for me to relax; right, liar, liar pants on fire, and the soft fuzzy blackness enveloped my body. Ping, ping, ping, ping, what is that noise? Let me sleep and while you're at it take the cotton out of my mouth. Ping, ping, ping, ping, oh God, it's my alarm. I'm supposed to play in a tournament today. My eyes fluttered open enough to see a bright light directly over my head, yuk turn it off. I moved to turn on my side so the light would go away. "Ugh," I groaned as pain shocked me back to reality. "She's awake," a familiar voice announced. "Where am I?" I croaked. "Honey, you just had surgery," the voice answered. I knew that voice. I had heard it before, who was it? Think, Cindy, think, what do you remember? Oh yes, that oh so handsome doctor told me he was going to help me relax and injected me with something. It would feel like a pinch, but why don't I remember anything else? That voice, I know, it's Mom. What happened to me and why won't my brain work like it's supposed to? "Mom?" I asked, my voice ragged. "Cindy, it's over and everything went perfectly," Mom said. "Perfectly?" I asked, my brain still muddled. "Yes sweetheart, you're a girl now." A girl, a girl, I'm a girl. Of course I'm a girl, I've been a girl for, for, for six years. Then it hit me, I had surgery and I really was a girl. A smile crossed my lips. I was officially a member of the club. My eyes opened and Mom was hovering over me smiling from ear to ear. She had a daughter and it showed on every surface of her beautiful face. She was excited and she looked proud because I was now like her, female. "How do you feel?" she asked. "Umm, fine," I lied. I felt weird. My stomach was upset and my body felt like it was wrapped in cotton. I moved my hand to where my last bit of male parts had been and felt tubes coming from the bandages. Other than that, nothing. My IV was still attached and I watched the liquid drip into the line leading to my body. The only thing I noticed that I now had more plastic tubes running from my body. My nurse walked in the room followed by my surgeon. My surgeon smiled and asked, "How are you feeling Cindy?" "Fine I guess." She lifted my covers and asked, "Any pain?" "No." "Good. You still have anesthetic in your body so you won't notice anything for a few hours. After that you might feel a little discomfort. If you do ring for nurse Chambers and she will give you something for your discomfort." The surgeon covered me back up again. And I rested. I felt tired and sleep came easily. My eyes opened again and now I knew what the discomfort the doctor was talking about, only I had another word for it, pain. My mother was sitting next to my bed watching as my face contorted into wakefulness. "Did you rest well sweetheart?" "I hurt," I said, as an answer to her question. I shifted uncomfortably to help with the pain, but all that did was make it worse. Mom had pushed the button for the nurse so she came into the room quickly. "Are you alright, Cindy?" she asked. "I hurt down there," I answered, pointing at the operation site. "Your drugs must be wearing off finally. I'll give you something to help take the pain away," she said and injected something into my IV tube. I was asleep in minutes. The rest of my day went like that. Wake every four or five hours, have the nurse give me pain meds and sleep again. The next few days followed the same pattern. My operation had turned into discomfort rather than pain by the fourth day of recovery. It was nice not to take the meds and stay awake. It was also time for me to get out of bed and walk. I don't care what anyone says, but getting up the first time isn't fun. I had to fight the dizziness from my medication and the increased discomfort from the operation. I felt like a little old lady. Mom was on one side of me and my nurse was on the other as they guided me down the hallway around the floor. My hands were full holding the rolling stand with my IV dripping fluid and my other hand holding my catheter bag. We walked around the floor twice before I returned to my bed as long as I promised to do the same this afternoon. The following day, my catheter and IV were removed which meant I now had to go to the bathroom to make sure my new plumbing worked; it did. I had been sitting to pee ever since I started my journey but had to aim my penis with my fingers so the stream would go in the proper direction. Out of habit, I reached to do the same and was surprised to not find anything to aim anymore. All I had to do was go. The first time took a bit of time, as I had to learn how to make myself go. This function became easier each time I did it. I won't bore you with my time in the hospital. I stayed for two weeks before they let me go home. I won't think of Jell-O in the same way ever again. I also had another hormone implant before I left. There were instructions given to me that I had to follow religiously. One I couldn't run for another two weeks and when I started again I had to take it easy. No soccer for a month after I got home to be sure everything was healed and not likely to tear with the exertion. Finally I had to dilate. When I was shown what to do in the hospital I had never felt so vulnerable and embarrassed in my life. My nurse apologized for making me uncomfortable but it had to be done or I would close up which would be a very bad thing. Lastly I was shown the care and maintenance of my new part. I had to keep it clean because infection was now a very real threat. I found being a girl wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. Two days before I was discharged, my personal FBI Agents came to visit. I thought they came to visit to be nice, but I was wrong. It was for a very different reason. Agent Groves entered the room first followed closely by Agent Martinez. My Mom and Dad were both there. Ted had been staying with one of his friends during this whole thing so he was still back in Jackson. "Hello Cindy, It's nice to see you again. My you've certainly turned into a lovely young lady," Agent Martinez said. "Thank you." "I was wondering where this journey would end when it started? To be perfectly honest I didn't think it would end like this, but I'm glad it did. If you had changed your mind we would have had to drop you from the program and let you take care of yourselves on your own. It's good you followed through because I have some things to talk to you about. As you know, the man you sent to prison had escaped four years ago. As we told you his Russian Mafia friends ambushed the vehicle he was riding in and killed two marshals during his escape. He just dropped off the face of the earth so to speak. We hadn't heard or seen anything about him for two years. He may have been doing what he usually did for the Russian Mafia during that time, but nothing could be linked to him directly. The assassinations had continued but we had no real evidence it was him. Two years ago a website was opened called American Twins. Basically it was a registry of twins in the United States. Its premises were to put twins in touch with each other for conventions and other events throughout the states. As more names were gathered schools and towns were being visited by several different men, all of them Russian. One was the man you sent to prison." "The way we found out about them was one set of twins was threatened by your man. His description was the same with the same scar under his eye. The boys and his parents were threatened but after the family proved they weren't the twins he was looking for they left with the threat that if they said anything he would be back. Lucky for us they called the local police who in turn called us. We determined that the only way our guy could have found out about the twins was through the web site. After looking into the registration process it was easy to figure out what they had done. When you signed up one of the questions was whether you were fraternal or identical. After listing sex and age the work had been done for them. We contacted many of the twins listed and over half had mentioned some sort of contact with the group. No one has been hurt as of this moment, but I must warn you that there is a set of twin boys your age listed that live in Jackson." "Erik and Anders," I said. "You know them?" "Yes we're in the same grade. I umm kind of liked Anders last year," I blushed. "I see. First boyfriend?" "Yes." "Well getting back to our problem, the group seems to be working its way from the east coast. We've had reports of harassment from Utah just last month. If your friends are on the registry like we think, then you can expect a visit from your killer. You won't be in any danger because you're now a girl and your brother is a boy. Your friends however might be." "I don't think so. They have blonde hair and blue eyes." "Then I don't think you have anything to worry about. It appears your family has made all the adjustments to live a normal life since the relocation?" Agent Martinez said to my father. "Yes I suppose we have, I think It may have been the best thing that could have happened to us. We live in a lovely community, we have new friends, our children have more friends that I can count on my fingers and best of all we have a beautiful daughter." "She is that," Agent Groves said. "We'll be checking back with you every now and then just to be sure there are no problems but I doubt there will be. The doctors here at Stanford are the best and I'm sure all the steps with Cindy were for the best. I'm glad we were able to help assist you. It has been a pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Crane. The best to you and Cindy, you're a lovely young woman." Chapter Eighteen We returned home and the first thing out of Shannon's mouth was, "what did they do to you?" I knew she would be curious about what had taken place during my absence. I had told her I had to go to the Bay Area for medical reasons and I'd tell her all about it when I returned. "I had some cysts that had to be removed. It was worse than they thought and after my operation they said I can't have babies anymore." I knew I was lying, but that would explain why I had been operated where it was done. We both shed tears and hugs. God I'm so lucky to have Shannon for a best friend. My recovery went well. I started running with the soccer team and playing after six weeks as the doctor instructed. It felt good to be with my team again and finally really being one of the girls. School started for us and now we were entering our first year of high school. I was never so nervous in my life as we entered school. We were the freshmen, bottom rung on the pole. Upper classmen were rushing here and there, some teasing us about being young and new to school. We had all worn jeans and a blouse so as to fit in with the older girls and to be honest not to be noticed. We pretty much succeeded at that, the first day anyway. Shannon, Alexis and I had signed up for the same subjects, all college prep. Unfortunately we found out in high school we wouldn't always be in the same classes with each other. Shannon and I shared three classes and I shared two with Alexis. The three of us agreed on one thing that we would sign up for team sports after school. The only thing that interested us was cross-country during the fall season. The three of us joined the team and being already in top shape from soccer, our running was almost the best on the team. Thankfully we were able to continue with soccer because of daylight saving time. Our practices didn't start until six and we were done with running by five. We still maintained our high grade point average with Alexis carrying a four point oh. I forgot to mention the second day of school. I hadn't noticed the upper class boys during our first day of school but apparently they had noticed us. I found out later the boys liked to hang out near the entrance on the first day of school to watch the freshman girls on their way to classes. Several of the girls in my Algebra class were sophomores and one sat next to me in class. "Hi, I'm Traci," she said to me. "I'm Cindy." "Nice to meet you. You're a freshman aren't you?" "Yes." "Have you met any of the older boys yet?" "No, why would you ask?" "Because you're so pretty. Just wait, you'll be the first." "The first for what?" "To be asked out by a junior or senior." "Why would they do that, they don't even know me?" "They might not know you, but they know of you by now." "I'm sorry Tracy, but I have no idea as to what you're talking about." "Didn't you see all the boys lingering around the front entrance to school yesterday?" "Yes, how could I miss seeing them, some were really cute," I giggled. "Us girls call that running the gauntlet. Every year the boys line up to see which freshman they will want to ask out. Only the cutest girls are asked. It's kind of a badge of acceptance and popularity to be asked by an older boy. The higher the class, the bigger the prize. A senior is the highest prize for a freshman girl." "I don't think my parents would allow me to date anyone that much older than me. I've never even been on a date." "I can't believe that. You're too pretty to be sitting at home." "I really don't have time to date anyway. I'm on a select soccer team and my friends and I are going to sign up for the cross-country team. The rest of my time is spent on homework." "I should have done the same thing as you, but I like boys too much which explains why I'm a sophomore in Algebra one." Class was simple as we reviewed the math we learned last year in eight grade. I was on my way to second period when a boy stopped me in the hall. He was very cute, probably a ten on the cute meter. "Hi," he said. "Hi," I blushed in return. "You're new here aren't you?" "Yes." "I'm Gabriel Manning." "Cindy Crane." "It's nice to meet you Cindy. Look we don't have much time between classes and you're the prettiest girl I've ever met and would really like to know you better. Would it be okay if I drove you home and maybe we could stop for a Coke or something?" Holy cow. This is only my second day here and a boy, a very cute boy is already asking me o

Same as Twins Part Three The Finale Videos

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

3 years ago
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TwinsChapter 3 The Party

Now it's the night of the big party, and time for Tracy's plan to go into action. Will Willy get the girl? Read on. Clifford was standing naked in the twin's bedroom. Normally he would be delighted to be in this position but this was bordering on embarrassing. He stood perfectly still as the two young blondes circled him, inspecting his body and making comments on what they saw. "Well that will have to go," said Stacy. "Yes I agree." Tracy reached up and took Clifford's thick...

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TwinsChapter 24

The twins put their arms around each other and walked over to the lift. This wasn’t exactly a ride but more of a way to get from one end of the park to the other while getting a bird’s eye view of the park. Allie wondered if she spread her legs a little if anyone on the ground could see her pussy. Alex didn’t try to do anything with her except put his arm around her. He didn’t want her getting too aroused before their evening of love making. As they were descending, Allie slowly pulled up...

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Morning After the Night Before Part Four Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween. Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to...

3 years ago
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Twins have fun

Scott and Luke Pascal had just celebrated their shared 17th birthday. The twins were physically identical in every sense - they had the same electric blue eyes, the same short dirty blonde hair, the same devilish grin when they got away with something wicked. But their similarities didn’t stop at their faces. For the two had well sculpted bodies which they had worked on together for many years. Hours every week were spent in the gym, giving them perfection in their physiques. In truth, Scott...

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TWINS by Roy Del Frink A worried-looking John Spalding walked down the snow-coated streets of the big city one mid-December evening. He just couldn't stop thinking about his twin sister Joan. They did everything together while growing up. They even looked somewhat alike: long, flowing brown hair with blue eyes, both tall, and both skinny as a rail. John was now an accountant, while Joan was a top-notch real-estate agent. But John became unhappy when puberty brought the...

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Christmas Wedding Part 11 Honeymoon and thereafter Finale

In contrast to the blockbuster revelation by Julius Stoner, over at the Finn home things were much calmer for all. The twins managed to sleep in for the first time since they were a year old giving their parents time to get the last of the hidden gift from the office, the one room in the house they had no access to. As they walked downstairs they saw more gifts out, ones that said "From Santa" causing the twins to look up at their parents in shame over making him make a second trip to...

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TwinsChapter 4

As the days and months went by, the twins made more trips to the library and read the book they looked at before. They learned more and more about sex including what incest was. They realized why their parents wanted them to have separate rooms. They also understood the reasons why incest was taboo and the playing around that they had done could be considered incest. But they figured that as long as they didn’t have intercourse, they couldn’t have children so what they were doing was OK....

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

3 years ago
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Twins Ties Trouble

Twins, Ties, & Trouble – Part 1 Trish placed $3.02 into the teenager's outstretched palm. "Here's yourchange...thanks for coming in." She looked past the girl's reddish brownhair and saw Kelly, her best friend, go into the Videos for Hire Rental storeacross the mall walkway. Trish suspected that Kelly was interested in Jeff,her boyfriend, because this was the 4th time this week that she had seen Kellycome in to rent videos. Trish didn't have any more customers so she busiedherself by...

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TwinsChapter 6

Fast forward. Chelle and I both graduated and went off to State. We managed to talk the folks into letting us get an apartment together. Mom was opposed because of the cost but Chelle turned Dad into a pretzel, just like she always could, and we had our apartment. It was great, just the two of us and no longer needing to worry about being caught. No more having to sneak into each other's bed. We were just like any couple. I was taking Psych 101 in the morning. One day we had a discussion...

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Twins Share My Virginity

This is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...

First Time
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Twins Share My Virginity

This is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...

First Time
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Twins By Julie O Edited By Robert A Meals By Jenny V (My Sister!) This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of...

1 year ago
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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

2 years ago
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The twins had been hard to handle since they were young. They had tried every thing and since they reached eighteen they had got into sex. They loved to seduce men and have a 3some. They loved to fuck and loved it kinky. Tonight they were meeting a forty year old man for the first time. He was thrilled to be with two sexy young girls. He loved kinky and anything would go with him.They went to his apartment at eight o'clock. When he let them in he was surprised that they had come naked. They...

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On Her Own Part 5 Finale

The gravity of having two people that she had wished were her own parents want to do exactly as she had wished hit her hard. Anita had a mother and a father to love her, a brother to talk to and be there for when things were tough, and a husband who was infatuated with her. She had everything that she ever wanted and was feeling like she had won the lottery in life. Anita needed a while to recover so the Marshalls moved on to Pierre and his gift. He just laughed at the gift they were...

3 years ago
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To The Matt Part 7 Finale

Taylor's bombshell hit the family hard. Betty saw Taylor was in tears and explained her reasoning to the family, "She knows her abilities better than anyone and she knows just how you'd all react. You know that she was going to retire anyway, this is why she wanted to retire. She could still perform, but she would be taking a spot from a deserving woman and wouldn't be at the same level she was before. Don't try to talk her out of it, it's for the best and we both agree that she is ready...

4 years ago
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Twins theesome and Motherinlaw

This happened during my single days many years go.I think I might well have been the luckiest guy alive. I had been seeing Evelyn for 18 months by the time of this story and Evelyn has an identical twin sister Lucy and they are identical in every way as far as I know. Evelyn and I had a great sex life and we planned to get married but we fell out of love. We had just rented a house together and we couldn't been happier. Evelyn was and still is the most gorgeous babe alive. She was 20 years old...

Group Sex
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Twins Do Homecoming

The Tucker twins' social life was so constantly busy, they were both getting laid at least three times a week that fall, that they had almost forgotten the prep school boys they had met at the beach when they spent a rather frantic weekend with the principal and his buddies. (See "A Pair for the Principal") Then Madison got an e-mail on her cell phone, a question. She showed the message to her sister when Kimberly was through sucking her current best boyfriend and sent him home,...

3 years ago
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Twins found love Part1

Introduction: Inbox me if you want more or if you want story request enjoy I will start by describing myself I am suzanne im 15 years old and have a twin brother. I have long wavy red hair and emerald green eyes. I have pale skin and bright pink lips which are full and soft. I am about 51 and weigh about 102 lb. I have a slim but curvy figure I have a big bouncy round ass and my tits are a 36c and I have big aureolas and my nipples stand hard at about 1.5cm. I have a hairy pussy but it trim it...

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Becoming Anthea Part 2

My name is Anthony; I am twenty-two years old and live with my beautiful girlfriend Zoe. As you have read I have dark hair and dark eyes and I am clean shaven. Zoe is older than I am by a couple of years and is the driving force of our relationship. I am what many call a cross-dresser: a guy that gets great sexual satisfaction from dressing in women’s clothing.Of course, my girlfriend knows all about my cross-dressing. In fact, she encourages me to cross-dress. Once a week, generally on a...

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This is a continuation of the 'Coming Home story Introduction In all there were four sisters. My mother and my aunt Betsy were the two oldest. When their twin sisters came along almost twenty years after Betsy the whole family was amazed. But it happened. Grandma had been fifty four when the twins were born. What I'm about to tell you isn't going to be easy for me. I've thought it over and the best way is to confess right up front. My relationship with my mother before her untimely...

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TwinsChapter 4 Cheerleader Blues Part I

Stacy was in lust. She watched him go up for the mark, his muscles rippling under his tight football jersey. He gathered the ball in, despite all those hands trying to knock the ball free. Angus was the best football player that Piedmont High had ever seen. His grace and skill put him way out in front of anyone else. It was only a matter of time before he was called up to the AFL. Almost every girl in school wanted him for themselves. They could see a way to fame and fortune if only they...

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Thelma and Me Summer of 65 part 2

After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...

4 years ago
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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 9

Carolyn awoke with the vivid memory of the evening before imprinted upon her brain. She blushed once more as she thought of the passion her old school friend had brought out in her. It was so strange, and so upsetting. Still, Carolyn could not deny that the experience had been something completely out of the ordinary... something completely special that would haunt her for a long while to come. She was thankful that only she and not Shirley had seen the twins tiptoeing from the living room,...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 14

Miss Appleton was not seen for several days and the substitute teacher was not nearly as pretty as she. Tim and Bennie began to grow restless. Perhaps something had gone wrong with the formula. Perhaps Miss Appleton was seriously ill. They knew that she would have had no recurrent action from the formula, not after the last one, the drug working itself away after a period of roughly twenty-four hours. It was difficult to decide what to do, and the boys finally asked Mr. Boyse after chemistry...

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TWINS THIS MORNING She lay back as far as she could, head almost against the headboard, back arched in regular jerks of acceptance of his need, her moistness way past the need of lubrication; she had come so many times already, it was impossible to know the number, exactly. And she was well past rational thought in any case, caught in that never-never place where pleasure is so painful that even the pain was ecstasy. Oh this womanliness, this woman's body she was in, so...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 13

Anxiously, the Larsen twins looked at the clock. It was early morning--8:45 am to be exact, and according to their calculations their English teacher, Miss Appleton, should have experienced recurrent flashes of the formula they'd given her in a carefully dosed glazed apple. If all went well, Miss Appleton ought to be appearing for her class and then just after the class was over, the formula would reactivate within the pretty brunette's system. Tim and Bennie waited in the classroom. They...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 15

Alice lay sprawled on the soft grass, anxiously waiting the return of the twins. She'd sent them off to get a cold drink for her in hopes that the spell she felt coming on would have passed by their return, but now Alice knew that she wanted them to return for another reason, to assuage the yearning she felt, that insistent desire that erased all other considerations from her mind with its pulsing madness! In her mouth, the drugged young teacher could still taste the raspberry flavored...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 18

Emma Worthington sat dismally over her tasteless tuna fish salad. The slices of hard boiled egg on her plate seemed to stare back at her with hateful eyes. She'd been down in the lunchroom for about ten minutes now, having left her office shortly after Mrs. Stilton's arrival. She would stay for the entire hour she decided, until that awful woman had left, and then perhaps she could find something... some small favor perhaps that would put her back in Brad's good graces. The thought gave...

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Twins in a Vineyard Insertion

******* Aaron lay on his bed, feeling surprisingly relaxed and contented. His sister’s actions tonight had opened the floodgates to his imagination. He pulled down his pants a little, to let the cool night air caress his now flaccid penis. He looked at it. He marvelled at its newfound use and relevance to his life. But what he was most amused by was the fact his sister could play such a big part in its use. Ariel finally exited the bathroom, wiping her lips with...

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Twins in a Vineyard Insertion

So we’re back with part two of The Twin’s in a Vineyard trilogy. We previously left off at part one after Ariel gave her brother a blowjob and got cummed in her mouth. Part Two continues with Aaron lying back on his bed. His head filled with new thoughts about his sister. Again, if you find incest stories disturbing, do not continue reading. If you have yet to read part one: Ariel’s Discovery, please do as this story continues from that one. Once again, I thank you all for reading and I hope...

2 years ago
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Twins Blust

It was a late night. The twins were alone at home; their parents went out for a “special” night out. The twins knew what their parents went out for and knew that they won’t be back until late the next morning. Sumit had just come back from college at FSU for the holidays and was also back from Florida State.”What’s on for tonight Sonal?” Sumit asked like he normally did.”Oh, I went out and bought a new movie.” Sonal responded”It’s not a porno is it?” Sumit asked scared”No! Don’t be silly.” The...

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TwinsChapter 2

The twins had problems concentrating on their school work that day. They were filled with anticipation for their trip to the library. Alex’s cock got hard every so often - especially when he looked at or thought about Allie. During math class Allie went up to the board to solve a problem. Alex looked at his sister in her blouse, plaid skirt and white stockings and his dick got hard again. After Allie solved the problem, she noticed Alex staring at her and his hands in his lap. She figured his...

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TwinsChapter 21

The twins walked arm in arm through the mall when they came across a department store. “Oh, Alex, let’s go in here. I wanted to get some new panties.” Alex frowned. Even though he was with the woman he loved, he wasn’t very interested in accompanying her when she went clothes shopping. Of course Alex was smart enough to realize that it was something guys did for their women. “I promise I won’t take too long,” Allie reassured him. Alex smiled and literally dragged his feet as Allie led him...

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TwinsChapter 31

When they awoke the next morning, Alex’s hardon was pressing against Allie’s butt. Allie giggled and said, “You will have to take care of that yourself, Alex. We have to get ready for school.” Alex whined but knew she was right. Allie took the shower first and Alex lay in bed stroking his erection. He thought about just cumming in bed but he heard the shower turn off and he went into the bathroom. He found his sister naked and drying off. She looked glorious when she was wet and blood...

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Paris Theater Slut Part 4 Finale

As told by a real hotwife:I waved Ted, or Fred or Red...still couldn’t remember his name, up to the platform. It was a well designed play space, about the same elevation as a pool table. I know this because I have been bent over a few in my younger days. Perfect for sitting on the edge and spreading my legs, or bending over doggy style, this, of course, depends on your suitor being of average height.He had to push his way to the front and I had to remind a few that I was in charge. The others...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 5

"Well, what kind of day did you all have?" Don poked at the overdone hamburger on his plate while eyeing the lifeless and limp frozen string beans. A lukewarm dish of instant mashed potatoes was his only solace. He wondered if Carolyn would be insulted if he suggested hiring a cook, maybe just someone who'd come in to do the dinner. He hadn't had a decent meal in weeks! Carolyn fiddled nervously with her wine glass. She'd insisted upon serving the cool white wine despite the decidedly...

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Twins theesome and Motherinlaw

This happened during my single days many years go. I think I might well have been the luckiest guy alive. I had been seeing Evelyn for 18 months by the time of this story and Evelyn has an identical twin sister Lucy and they are identical in every way as far as I know. Evelyn and I had a great sex life and we planned to get married but we fell out of love. We had just rented a house together and we couldn’t been happier. Evelyn was and still is the most gorgeous babe alive. She was 20 years...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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I lived alone for a few years, getting older all the time. The house I lived in was in a suburban development. The houses were close together. My house was only the width of a driveway and a smidgen of lawn from the house next door. The houses were all the same cookie cutter, so my bedroom window was across from a bedroom in the house next door. The neighbor’s house was empty for a long time, but then a family moved in. There was a husband and wife and two young women, who looked like twins i’d...

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Twins Against VirginityChapter 2

When we finished the preceding chapter, our heroines had sold their business and with their shared “husband” Jim decided to take a world cruise for some long overdue recreation. Not wanting to deal with bratty kids, they were with some effort able to book adults only cruises. It also meant that revealing your body is less restricted and there were a lot more risqué activities permitted than on family-friendly cruises. That suited them just fine. They’d had plenty of business sex so it was all...

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TwinsChapter 23

When they reached the park, the twins and their parents made plans to meet for lunch. Alex and Allie took off to go on a few rides before they looked for a place to fuck. Alex tried to feel up Allie’s pussy on a couple of the rides but she pushed him away with a smile. “Wait, baby, OK?” she pleaded with her brother. Alex was a bit frustrated but knew Allie had a good reason. After they finished their third ride, good fortune smiled on them. One of the workers at the park was walking along...

4 years ago
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TwinsChapter 25

Alex was a little tired but he wasn’t ready to sleep. If fact, he was pretty horny. Allie wanted him to be inside her but there was no way he was getting to sleep without cumming. Another time he wouldn’t have minded staying awake as long as he had his dick in his sister’s pussy; but he knew he’d be a wreck tomorrow if he didn’t get any sleep. He couldn’t sleep in the car so that wasn’t an option. Alex moved his hips back and forth taking small strokes. Allie was still fast asleep but by...

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TwinsChapter 26

Alex didn’t sleep - he rarely slept in the car. He just closed his eyes and relaxed. The feel of his sister’s breast helped relax him. His thoughts turned towards his relationship with Allie. He felt that after college they would end up in some new place where no one knew they were brother and sister. He thought they might not to have to ever tell their parents about their relationship. They could always claim they were living together until they found spouses. Of course they wanted children...

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Lady Tether and the Three Little Discards

Lady Tether and the 3 Little Discardsby A. P. Damien28 paused to pour another cup of coffee. "I really don't think age is important. Looks are. But I think my skin is getting dry. One year, maybe two. Then she'll discard me." The brunette did look a little more mature than the other two. Her only clothes were bright red vinyl boots, gloves, and a bikini bottom. "And your life will be, too. Doesn't that matter to you?" 272 was a brand new slave and seemed fascinated by 28's upcoming death. "Yes,...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 4

Taboos have been broken a long time ago. It existed with the gods and ended with human beings. We may have intentions to a particular person. A woman perhaps. Precisely we wanted to know more about having an intercourse with a woman. Be it your sister, mother, MIL, SIL, step-sister, step-mother, Aunt, Relative, Cousins or girls who want to get fulfilled. There are at times women in brothels who intend the same but for money. I have an intention too. Bethesda. Well previously I told you how...

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 3

Well, it was on January 7, 2017, on a perfect Saturday morning that Bethesda received a call from her colleague stating they found something new this time and want her to visit her office which is like a museum to me. She called me as I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and told me to be alone for some time because she has to go to an urgent work in her office. I on the other hand, didn’t want to leave her and told her to give me 10 minutes to freshen up and that I too will be coming with...

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Twins Part 4 Sophomore Year

Twins Part 4 - Sophomore Year (Alex buys a few pieces of girl's clothing, has sex with Allison for the first time, gets a new hairstyle and begins wearing makeup.) I had mentioned to Allison that I needed to shop for a few new clothes before school started - Mom hadn't given me all that much money and I had to be careful about how I spent it - so I wasn't unhappy when Allison volunteered to help me pick out the clothes. A new pair of sneakers, a backpack and two pairs of jeans were...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

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Twins Jane

Jane knew she had made a mistake as soon as she got home when she picked up the pile of her clean underwear from the ironing board in the utility room.  Her panties, bras, slips and suspender belts were all there except one, her new red panties. They had been on top of her pile.  What had she done with them? She had been in a rush before she went out to work at a hair salon in town and only had time to take Benjie’s pile of clean clothes upstairs.  She must have split the piles in the wrong...


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