Countermove Ch. 02 free porn video

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Summary so far:

Day 1- Onyx vs. Tyger: Onyx loses her first match ever and pays the price.



By: Chrystal Wynd

Day 2

Alright, I was royally pissed. After being the undefeated champion for 3 years running, I had been beaten handily in the first round of the tournament by Tyger, some unknown wench who just happened to have the same powers of ‘mental persuasion’ I have. Now I had a shaven pussy just like the other girls in my wrestling federation and my fingernails and toenails were an embarrassing shade of bimbo fucking red. I wasn’t going to take this lying down, dammit.

But what the hell could I do? She could match me on the mat and she could counter everything I threw at her mentally. It was like trying to attack a fucking brick wall. If I had known she had the same power I did I wouldn’t have taken her so lightly, but…

I paused for a moment thinking about that. I had never really been that curious about my ability outside of how I could use it to give me an advantage, but I suddenly realized that my ability might be the key to this whole thing. Tyger had won because she had thrown me off-balance mentally, not because she physically overpowered me. Looking back, I could have reversed every wrestling move she had used on me, but I hadn’t because I had been too surprised at what she could do. Alright, so I couldn’t learn anything about Tyger’s abilities, but I could learn more about mine.

It was time to do some research. I wasn’t exactly an Internet geek but I knew what a computer was and Marty had one in his office. It was time to get to work.

The next morning I took over Marty’s office and set Bambi to work making coffee. A night’s sleep had settled me somewhat, although my newly shaved pussy still tingled and gushed, embarrassingly arousing sensations left by Tyger, no doubt. Marty had sputtered when I ordered him out of his own office but after one look at my expression he stopped bitching and left without further adieu or whatever it is people leave without. I settled in at the desk and fired up the computer, then began running keywords through different search engines. The results were interesting to say the least.

My ability apparently wasn’t quite as rare as I thought, though it manifested itself in different ways. There were people who could read minds, people who could move things without touching them and even people who could take over other people’s thoughts and actions. Many people had abilities and never knew, as these abilities were often latent unless they were tapped in moments of absolute stress- like a mother lifting a car off her child- but more often they were realized at the start of puberty. I was a late bloomer, as I didn’t discover what I could do until just after high school…although looking back, I realized that I had shown signs of it before then. In fact, a lot of unusual incidents that I assumed had nothing to do with me suddenly took on a whole new perspective. Like when a group of cheerleaders got real sarcastic about my clothes (I wore all black then too) and I had a mental picture of them all getting pregnant…and 3 months later laughing about a school bulletin posting dates for cheerleader tryouts due to the squad being short-handed. The very same cheerleaders that had given me a hard time had all managed to get themselves pregnant. In hindsight I understood that I must have unconsciously raised their fertility levels to such that their bodies were able to overwhelm any birth control pills they had been taking. I had just thought it delicious irony at the time. Heh.

Several hours of web page and link trolling exposed me to various obscure tomes of information. A great deal of it was crackpot shit, like the passage telling me I could strike down my enemies by carrying oregano spice in my mouth while painting the name of my enemy on my breasts in alternating colors. Yeah, right. Or the passage telling me I could defend myself from my enemies by forming a ‘reflection’ of their mind that would trick my enemies into attacking their very own mind. That really sounded plausible. And of course sage advice instructing me to always boil cabbage in a copper pot to prevent penguins from sitting on my television. I was getting some real insights here.

I finally turned off the computer and leaned back in the chair. I glanced at Bambi. She rarely spoke to me since I had taken the championship from her three years ago and turned her into a blonde sex toy. I had a feeling she wanted to say something, so I said, ‘So, ex-champion Bambi…what do you think about Jewel?’

Her eyes widened at my words and I could almost see her brain turning over and over. She seemed to struggle with it, then finally she giggled and said, ‘Welllll…she’s, you know, really tough! She did really good at first against that gweat big girl, ummmmm…’


She giggled and nodded. ‘Yeah! Chaos! But she got…you know…tired? So I bet if you like, you know, got her really tired in the beginning you’d totally win the match and stuff!’

I snickered at her analysis. When I bimboed someone they were definitely bimboed.

My muscles were tight and I knew I had to do some stretching before tonight’s match against Jewel. Normally I wouldn’t have bothered…’Jewel’? Pfffffft. But the loser of this match was the first elimination of the tournament and I didn’t have any wiggle room…I couldn’t afford to lose. Yes, Jewel had lost her first match as well but she had been fighting a monster of a girl, one of the favorites to win the tournament, and Jewel had actually made a match of it. Initially, anyway. It wouldn’t do to underestimate her. I was learning.

Marty was waiting for me when I arrived. The locker room was empty and smelled like someone had used way too much Pine Sol, but hell, at least it was clean. I walked to my locker with Marty trailing me like gossip.

‘You do know, Shannon,’ he said, ‘that if you lose tonight you’re out of the friggin’ tournament, right? And I think you have enough math smarts to know that forty percent of nothin’ is nothin’, right?’

I rolled my eyes. I knew damn well he was referring to the forty percent of the gate I pried out of him every night during our regular matches. He was convinced that me losing one match would cost him my marketability. He worried too much about stuff like that.

‘I’m aware of the situation, Marty,’ I said with exaggerated patience. ‘It was only one loss. Your faith in me is touching.’

Marty grumbled, obviously irked but smart enough to leave it alone. Then his eyes narrowed slightly. ‘Is it me or are your tits getting bigger?’

He was being a smart-ass and I had had enough. ‘Marty, get the fuck out of here. Now!’ I said. He waddled out and I changed into exercise tights. I shuddered slightly as the stretchy material hugged my smooth sex, making my nipples harden. Grrrrrrr.

I made my way into the quiet gym…such as it was. It was really just a re-allocated storage room that Marty had stocked after enough of us bitched. A few scattered nautilus machines, some old free-weights in the corner and some mats rolled against a far wall. It was enough if you were serious about working out…but just barely. There was one other person there…one of the waitresses who walked around taking orders from spectators. All the employees were allowed to use the gym, though the wrestlers and the strippers who worked in the bar that shared our building were usually the only ones who did.

I felt better as I went through my stretching routine. The rote movements allowed me time to think. I was learning more about my abilities but nothing useful yet. I realized my self-confidence might be lacking a bit and that it wouldn’t hurt to make sure my ability was still functional. My gaze fell upon the waitress, who was lying on a nautilus bench press machine pressing a moderate number of slotted weights up and down as she lay on her back. S
he was a pretty little thing, short blonde hair cut in a bob, cute if you like the type. I let my gaze rest on her and concentrated until I could see her mind clearly in front of me. I looked around her mind casually until I found what I was looking for. Then I squeezed her mental button and locked it into place.

She had just released the benching bar and was still lying on the bench catching her breath. I watched her nipples harden, pressing through the stretchy material of her workout bra. Her hips started to wriggle and her eyes closed, her lips slightly parted. Her arousal button was locked on full and she was becoming oblivious to everything but her heat. She slid a thumb into her mouth as her other hand slipped between her unconsciously parting thighs. She pressed on her pussy for a while but wasn’t getting the results she needed so she slid her hand under her elastic waistband. She moaned and wriggled the moment her fingers slid inside her pussy and touched her clit. Her hips began to buck from the electric sensations and her blonde hair bobbed as she worked her clit, her thighs wide apart. Finally, satisfied that my power was still functional, I took pity and released the arousal button in her head. Her back suddenly arched on the workout bench as she shrieked around the thumb in her mouth. Still in her head, I could feel the waves of pleasure flowing through her belly as her climax peaked and held for several heartbeats. At last her body relaxed, her thumb still in her mouth as she dropped into a barely conscious state. She looked so cute lying there with her thumb in her mouth that I made a few adjustments in her head. She could no doubt feel the fluid changes in her mind but she was far too out of it to resist…not that it would have done her any good. She didn’t know it yet but the only way she could orgasm now was when she had something in her mouth. A cock would give her the most intense orgasms but her thumb would do in a pinch. I’m sweet like that.

Satisfied with the results, I turned and left the gym, heading back to the locker room. It was nearly time for my match against Jewel.

The noise from the crowd was almost a physical presence. It was a very good Saturday night crowd, standing room only and then some. Marty would be pleased. There had been several matches between girls from my wrestling federation but the crowd was there mostly to see the Day 2 action of the tournament. There were four tournament matches tonight but two of us would be eliminated by the end of the evening. Two more matches Sunday night and two more of us would be eliminated, leaving four of us for the last three days of the tournament next weekend. I planned to be one of those four.

I made my way into the locker room to change. I pulled out my wrestling bikini and shut my locker door, then froze. Tyger was standing there. I hadn’t noticed her approach and it nearly unnerved me, but I wasn’t going to let her know that. I looked at her with as much disdain as I could muster and muttered, ‘What the hell do you want?’

She gave me a confident smile. She was wearing a leopard pattern bikini and matching boots with fur on the top. With her dark hair it gave her a very Sheena of the jungle look. She said, ‘Oh, sweetie, you really don’t want to talk to me like that. I just wanted to give you a little suggestion. If you lose tonight you’ll be eliminated. You really might consider doing that. The next time you face me I won’t be so nice when I beat you.’

I wanted to snarl but all I could do was look away and mumble. Dammit. I hated how this bitch affected me. I mustered up what little bravado I could and snapped, ‘Don’t be so sure next time won’t be different.’

She just smiled and I jumped when I felt the fluid changes in my mind. It was just a tap. Just letting me know I was open to her, that she could take me any time she wanted. My heart racing, cheeks flushed, I just looked at Tyger without being able to say a word. Tyger handed me a tube of lipstick and patted my cheek. ‘Whatever you say, sweetie. Good luck tonight.’ She turned and left the locker room.

I wanted to scream. That bitch had me so on edge it was difficult to even get dressed. I slipped into my black bikini and, as if I didn’t have enough problems already, it wasn’t fitting right. My boobs were pressing together and the bottom was tight across my hips and ass. Great. The damn thing had shrunk in the laundry. Whatever. I didn’t have time to mess with it now so I just took the lipstick Tyger had given me and applied it generously. It was a hot slutty shade of red that looked devastating on my cock-sucking lips. I nodded in satisfaction and, after a final look at the mirror to make sure my lip color was perfect, turned and made my way toward the ring.

I walked through the waves of beer and popcorn smells, my thoughts on the upcoming match. Instead of the raucous cheers I usually received the crowd actually got quieter as I neared the ring. Even the referee looked at me strangely. I was at a loss until someone in the crowd snickered and said, ‘Nice lips, honey.’ My breath caught. I was wearing bimbo red lipstick. I never wore lipstick but here I was displaying cock-sucking lips in front of everybody.

Tyger. That bitch.

It was too late to do anything about it now. I got in the ring and stepped up to Jewel, my opponent, meeting her gaze squarely. She had tied her green-streaked blonde hair back in a ponytail and she wore the same deep emerald green bikini I had seen her in last night. I gave her a nod but she didn’t give an inch, knowing whoever lost this match was eliminated. Fine. I could be a hard-ass too.

The bell sounded and I walked toward Jewel. I smirked and reached for her wrist with what I thought was a lightning fast move but Jewel grabbed my extended wrist, spun around and flipped me over her hip. She put too much into it and I slid across the mat away from her, preventing the quick pin but serving to shake me up. I scrambled to my feet just in time to receive a two-footed drop kick to my chest, knocking me backwards against the ropes.

Holy shit. I was getting my ass kicked. Granted, Jewel was using moves that weren’t usually part of the repertoire used in our wrestling federation but she had obviously decided that she wasn’t leaving any bullets in the gun. She was all over me and I was scrambling to stay free of those grasping hands. I managed to shove her away from me and I backed away to catch my breath. Jewel was screaming, ‘C’mon, Onyx! You’re supposed to be so tough! Fight me!’

I could feel despair starting to take hold of me. Tyger was having her way with my mind and Jewel was beating me physically. I was losing on all fronts. And then, of all people, Bambi’s words came back to me. ‘… So I bet if you like, you know, got her really tired in the beginning you’d totally win the match and stuff!’

I had mocked her but Bambi was dead-on right. Jewel was throwing everything she had into the match right now. She wasn’t pacing herself. She was risking everything for a quick win against a bewildered opponent. Jewel had hit me so hard and so fast I hadn’t even had a chance to use my ability. It had almost worked. But now I knew what I had to do.

I’ve never been all that keen on strategy…I rarely needed it. But I needed to win this match on the strength of my wrestling ability, not my mental ability. If I copped out and used my power I’d never regain my confidence in my physical skills, and against this level of competition- and Tyger in particular- I couldn’t afford that. So I was ignoring my power and following the strategy of a bimbo. I had reached my low point.

I stopped trying to pin Jewel and concentrated on restraint holds, any hold that required her to work hard to get free. I grappled with her, then backed off, then went after her before she could catch her breath. I lingered in some of her holds…a dangerous strategy but she had to work to maintain the hold and I would break free at the last second. The crowd was booing in
waves, as this type of match was boring to watch, but at last, with the both of us drenched in sweat, I realized the momentum had shifted. Bambi was right. Jewel was tired.

After that it was easy. We were both still fully dressed at that point but that didn’t last long. Jewel found herself topless after an electrifying spin flip, then naked less than 60 seconds later. Finally, face down on the mat, naked, her legs stretched apart painfully, she submitted for the final time. The bell sounded and Jewel was the first elimination of the tournament.

I acted casual but inside I was elated. This was a good win for me…the kind of win I needed. And I was going to celebrate.

I strapped on the belted dildo and pulled Jewel to a kneeling position. I held the base of her blonde ponytail as I slid the dildo between her lips and began to fuck her mouth with it. She was not happy about it but she knew as well as I did that the winner got to choose how the loser got fucked. I stroked that fake cock back and forth in her mouth for a minute, her lips wrapped tight, then I pulled out and pushed her onto her back. I kneeled between her knees and lifted her legs, her slim smooth calves laying against my shoulders, then slid that thick dildo into her pussy. My hips stroked that cock into her as I fucked her silly, her bare feet in the air, her naked hips wriggling as she got closer and closer to a helpless involuntary orgasm. Finally, just before my time was up, I looked into her lovely green eyes and pushed my will into her brain. Her eyes widened as she felt the fluid changes in her mind and her hips wriggled even more as intense itching signaled her need to shave her pussy the moment she was out of the ring. My victory complete, I smiled and let her orgasm.

She came with a long squeal that brought the crowd to its feet. The applause doubled when I finally stood up and I realized I had them again. Yes, crowds were fickle but damn, it felt good. I left the ring feeling like a queen, the cheers trailing behind me. Jewel still lay on the mat shuddering as erotic aftershocks trailed through her belly, although I knew from experience the moment she could stand she would be heading straight for a razor and some shaving cream, then a bottle of bimbo red nail polish.

I made my way back to the locker room. I wanted to watch the next match- an elimination match between the bipolar chick FireNIce and the muscular but plodding Whirlpool- but I needed a quiet moment to myself first. I stood by my locker and let all the tension from the match drain out of me.

I finally realized I wasn’t alone in the locker room. Bambi was there. She must have watched my match and then slipped in here while I was doing Jewel. I knew I should say something but I wasn’t sure what. Finally I smiled and gave her a wink that was as close to a ‘thank you’ as I could manage. From her giggle I realized she understood what I was trying to say and I found myself strangely glad that she did. Though I was humbled by the fact that a bimbo had determined my strategy I had to hand it to her…she had nailed Jewel exactly.

Bambi walked a few steps closer and began to look me up and down. She seemed to be struggling with something. I bristled slightly…yes, she had helped me but looking at me like I was on display wasn’t her place. I opened my mouth to let her know that but she spoke before I had a chance.

Bambi giggled. ‘You know, you’re looking, like, really pretty, you know?’ she said.

‘Hey,’ I said, ‘Watch it.’

She giggled again. ‘No, I mean, like, really pretty, you know, like, your lips and stuff!’

I bristled again. ‘Bambi…I’m warning you…!’

She was obviously distressed, which didn’t make sense. ‘I mean, like, totally pretty! Like, you know, Bambi!’

I had no idea what she meant. I wasn’t ‘pretty like Bambi’…Bambi was a bimbo sex toy. Okay, my lips were, but still, that hardly…

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A BIG night out

Walking home alone one warm, humid evening, after a few drinks at the bar with some girl friends, I could feel him following me as I walked down the alleys and back roads. I could see no one but a stray cat and a few birds returning to their nests for the night, but could hear distant footsteps and the fading noises of the city… and someone a little way behind me. I knew it was a man, as the steps were far apart and heavy, and there was no clacking noise as though from high heels on shoes. He...

2 years ago
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Underneath Her and her proposal

I was a freshman in college on a basketball scholarship at a state university. I signed up late for classes, but seeing I was pre med taking a jr. level science class seemed undaunted. I soon learned this wasn’t high school anymore. I was always in the gym, a red shirt freshman gave me time to add some weight to my 6ft 180 lb frame. Women’s volleyball practice always coincided with men’s basketball practice. Drinking fountains were shared, so as my face was stuffed sucking water from the...

2 years ago
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The Goon Show

Preamble – a delivery. The six foot, 210 pound guard dragged the captive blonde across the room. "Takeyour hands off of me, you goon." She yelled as she raked a heel down the shinof her assailant. He manhandled her towards the small dark room that was tobe her home for the next weeks. "Hey you great lunk, be careful with the merchandise," herkidnapper admonished. "We don't want this one bruised." Chapter 1 : He Ain't A Heavy …He's My Bother Just listen to that, will you? That's the sort of...

3 years ago
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Majbur Ya Shaukeen 8211 Chudai Ki

Mai apni bed pe baith ek novel padh raha tha. Achanak door bell baji, khola to dekha didi thi, wo jhat se andar ayi aur jake sofe pe baith gayi. Mai darwaza band kiya aur bola kya didi kya hua surprise? Didi pareshaan dikh rahi thi. Akhir usne bola-vai bahut badi musibat aa padi hai.Maine muskurate hue pucha kya jija fir naukri chhodne ki baat kar rahe hai… Didi-mazak nahi, wo avi hospital mai hai. Mai-kya!! Kya hua? Didi-lambi kahani hai, dhyan se sun …. Yad hai maine unke boss ke bare me kahi...

4 years ago
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The wife over drinks at a party

I have a hot wife who is graced with awesome big tits and a big round well curved and booty body. But I always seem not to be satisfied with just her. I have fantasized about her all the time: mainly getting fucked by other men in a variety of settings.My wife is 5”6, big tits with nice round nipples that get so hard when she is horny. Anyway, one of my dirty fantasies was about part of my fantasies is seeing her getting fucked by other men without her knowing, because I know if I brought up...

3 years ago
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Training Of A Husband 8211 Part II

By now, all of you are aware how Sunita Mam enjoyed harassing me as a girl. From that day, she very often made me dress as a girl as and when she liked. I had no choice than to fulfill her desires. Only hope was getting a job. Going to work was the only way I could get rid of all this. But after doing all the house work, there was hardly any time left to search for a job. Moreover, she had other plans for me. There was more to come. One day, during the winter holidays, she called me, “How do...

1 year ago
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My first threesome

I was having a party one night to celebrate my friend visiting from out of town. She was only going to be staying the weekend so I went and bought loads of booze, smokes and food. She arrived on the friday afternoon and we were joking about giving my fuck buddy a joint blow job. She seemed pretty keen and I knew he hadnt had any experiences with multiple women and would LOVE the idea! We were getting ready for the party and I pinched her ass and told her to hurry up, with a wink. She just...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Jewelz Blu Covered In Cum

Beautiful Jewelz Blu is horny and ready to play with a fat cock as her pussy gets wet in her cute blue bikini. She has been dreaming abouta thick cock between her lips for a while, and now she gets to show off her incredible dick sucking skills for the whole world to see. She meets up with our stud and bats her gorgeous blue eyes before getting on her knees and wrapping her fingers around his girthy shaft. Then, she gets into what she does best, sucking fat dick. She opens her mouth wide and...

4 years ago
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My first sex

Hello iss readers am a regular reader of this site. But i always thought of publishing a story here,Am from a tamilnadu doing my engg final year. This happened to me about six months back. I was virgin at that time and asusual like other teen boy i just use to surf all the porn movies and watch movies too. Me too a member in orkut searching for a real date.But am using it for more than a year i just found fakes more than real peoples there. So i stopped my frequent visit there.. This was after...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Harley Haze Sensual Sex With Naughty Masseuse Harley Haze

Petite cutie, Harley Haze, is a naughty masseuse who loves using her body to give her clients the best massage experience ever. The gorgeous hottie with perky tits and pierced nipple can’t help but tease Oliver Davis while giving him a massage. She gently runs her warm hands against Oliver’s tired muscles before grabbing his cock to give it a pleasing blowjob. She continues giving head to the lucky customer while letting him eat out her pussy in 69. After the simultaneous oral sex,...

3 years ago
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Overwhelming Reality

********** There is no explicit sex in this ‘snapshot’ in time. I wish to thank the people who helped contribute to and edit this story, per their wishes, they remain anonymous. This story is totally fictitious, any resemblance the characters might have to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. No part of this story may be published at any other site without the express permission of the author. © January 18, 2008 ********** He was doing his best to see past the crowd, trying to...

4 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 20

“Dorothy Shaw, Director of the Lucky Jim Historical Society provided the first ‘official’ verification of the Lucky Jim credential,” The President continued. “Dorothy, are you still sure about your authentication?” Dorothy was next to Jim and stood up. “I am even surer today than I was the day I originally agreed that he was Lucky Jim. Before meeting him, I’d met with numerous claimants to the title Lucky Jim and none of them met the standard. When I met with Jim, he made no claim to the...

3 years ago
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Best Served Cold

Best Served Cold By Bill Hart Erica stood outside the fence that surrounded the pool. She, like so many others, had gathered to watch the swim team's practice. While most of those gathered cheered and whistled, Erica stood quietly. Her feelings were different. Inside she was seething. Had she been a volcano, there would be an eruption watch in progress. And while she watched, memories of the last few weeks assaulted her. Up until last week, she had been a member of the...

1 year ago
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Helping out a friend

Helping out a friendWhere do I start?Maybe with myself, and the truth is, I am Mrs Jones, Tina Jones, I am 49 and married with two grown up sons.Throughout my life I have never been highly sexed, just not important to me.As a teen and throughout my 20s I hardly ever masturbated and was a late starter in the sex department. I had a very sheltered upbringing, I was an only sibling, went to Church every Sunday with my parents and that is where I met my husband at the age of 25.I must admit that I...

2 years ago
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Going Shopping

Going Shopping. The sunlight streaming in the window wakens me from my sleep. I lay there for a bit and stretch. I look down to the bottom of the bed and see the cage. Inside there is a black pet, curled up under a black blanket. I was not dreaming. I smile to myself and stretch some more. I look out of the window. It will be a sunny day today. It is a perfect day for going downtown. I throw back the comforter and latex sheets. I crawl out of the bed and pull the sheets from the bed. I take...

2 years ago
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Dans Story part 2

Dan, Sharon, Ann and Tia set off late that day, as Dan wanted to carry on searching for more people and, if possible a reason why everyone else had disappeared. He was convinced they weren’t the only four people left on earth. He wanted, no needed another man to help him with these three females, in fact he would need an army of men just to keep Sharon satisfied, God knows how many men he will need to help him keep the three of them satisfied. Dan was sure that the fog had something to do...

2 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 53 The Journey Not The Destination

I stood and paused for a moment to take in the atmosphere of the small hospital chapel. There was a small crucifix on the front wall and three small pews. I sat in the back pew and then shook my head and chuckled at my choice before moving to the front pew. I sat in silence for several minutes and then I knelt and bowed my head. “Lord, I know I don’t take the time to talk to you as often as I should. I guess I’m one of those that only remembers you when I need help. But today, was a...

2 years ago
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Andrew Loses It

Andrew walked home from the party. No, he didn’t really walked, he stumbled and staggered, legs held as wide apart as he could, nursing an asshole that only a few hours earlier had been the virgin bud of a true stud, and was now gaping obscenely. Even as he walked he felt it throb and pulse… and he felt the warm liquid leaking down along his inner thighs – liquid that could only be Thomas’s cum. His mind kept going back to the party – a party to which he had been specially invited and to which,...

1 year ago
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AntonioChapter 7 Bridget

“When you get your pure-as-pure girlfriend into bed, will you wait for her?” Bridget asked. “Or will you take her without a thought for anything but your own lust? I wouldn’t advise that. I’ll tell you why.” And this is the story she told: The reception finally over, they fled together under a shower of rice. Jim handed her into the passenger seat of the Reo and climbed into the driver’s seat. Fred already had the crank in his hand. At the third rotation, the engine caught. Fred threw the...

3 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 1Part 2 John and Mary Sexual Discovery

01.18 John, Mary, Performance Suite: 01.19 John, Mary, Oil Massage: 01.20 Mary, John, Shower, Deep Throat: 01.21 John, Mary, The Mating: 01.18 John, Mary, Recovery Suite: Ruth and the audience saw the door open and then Mary and John walked in. They closed the door and Mary drew close to John and kissed him on the forehead. "Let's go into the bedroom." When they entered the bedroom, she adjusted the lights over the bed to a soft glow, then turned on the sound system so it played...

4 years ago
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Vicky vs Lola The Toughest Choice In The World

It's hard to choose, almost impossible. Why do I have to pick myself? Why do I keep finding myself in places like this? I'm trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea. Between a rock and a hard place. Between Vicky and Lola. Lola's on the right. Her tight blue cocktail dress covers most of her hips, though exposes a thin layer of pale skin in the shape of a piece of underwear. Her back is arched, like a stretching cat, her arms flat on the floor before her. I can't see her face,...

1 year ago
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Felicity Ch 53

I was an Environmental Biologist and she was a Chemist for a large company. She was tasked with making sure her company did not release toxins into the environment. My job was to turn them in if they did. An ‘Unexplainable Event’ was what brought us together. We had worked together for two months investigating the event. We were working on opposite sides for the hearing but worked well together and got along nicely. The two sides and the federal judge had agreed that a compromise was...

3 years ago
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The entire family was gathered at Gramma's house for Thanksgiving 1995. k**s were running everywhere and the game was on TV. Our team was beating the pants off the other guys and lots of beer and wine was flowing. I had my glass of red and was settled out of the way of the k**s, watching the game and watching all the beautiful young girlfriends that came with the cousins and brothers. One sweet thing came over to introduce her self and we got into a very long conversation about medical school...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Waltz 6 25 Years of Foreplay Is Just About EnoughChapter 2

Paula got through the ceremony somehow, but she was rattled. She could think about nothing but sex. Her hallucinations continued. When they were at the altar with the new minister, Paula even thought she smelled sexual musk. She spent the whole time sniffing. It so distracted her that when time came for the renewal of the vows, Steve had to poke her before she blurted out her "I do." I do? I might as well, she thought. She had married Steve because it seemed about time. She stuck out the...

4 years ago
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A guy helps his neighbor8217s pregnant wife out when she reveals that her husband won8217t have sex with her while she8217s heavily pregnant

Neighbors. Everyone has them. Sometimes they get along with them, sometimes they don’t. My wife and I are fairly lucky. We live in a suburban neighborhood full of tract houses. Front and back, our house contacts four others; our two next-door neighbors and two that adjoin our backyard. We’ve never had any major problems with any of them but our relationships with each vary. On the right rear we don’t know the people. On the right, next door, we’re cordial with them,...

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Walters Huge MistakeChapter 16

After school I gave Audrey a ride home and then went over to Mr. Michael's car lot. My father had already called him to tell him that I was coming. The first thing that I noticed was this bright red Camaro. It had a special wheel package, and looked like it was going fifty miles an hour when it was parked on the lot. For me, it was love at first sight. Mr. Michael's must have seen the look on my face, because he asked whether I wanted to drive it first, or just write it up and drive off...

1 year ago
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Taking Over For Mom

Chapter 1 I guess, first, I need to tell you something about my mother. Now, all I have to do is figure where to start. So, let's see, my mom. Well, she's blond, no, not natural, good figure which probably mostly means big boobs, what would be considered a 'hot ticket' in a man's world. My mom was not shy around men. She was flirty and loved to party. My father divorced her when I was three and he came home early. Do I need to explain? Thought not. I really don't see or hear from him much...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The best night in a hostel

Krista rolled over in her sleep and heard voices. “Shh” a female giggled. “I think we’re waking her up.” There was a pause. Krista kept her breathing even and her eyes closed, curious what was going on while she slept. “No” a second female whispered “I think we’re fine.” Krista waited a few seconds, her heart pounding at the idea of eavesdropping on whatever her roommates in the hostel were up to. When she had arrived at the hostel she was exhausted from traveling and had barely had time to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 454

Say thanks to HarryCarton for this one:???? Back in the early 1800s, there were several competing kingdoms in what is now the state of Hawaii. One King, Kam’ha, ruled over the island of Oahu. He had a very large palace, made of reeds, and grass and covered with palm fronds. He was very rich. Naturally he had a very ornate throne made for himself. His major opposition, King Ha’kam, ruled over the island now called Hawaii -- the big island. He, too, had a fancy palace. To outdo his adversary,...

3 years ago
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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 9

I promised the end to my first fun with Frank and Bill. Frank was at the door collecting the take away we had ordered and I was sat opposite Bill, giving him a blatant view up my skirt as we watched the DVD. As Frank walked in I thought he was going to drop the food on the floor! He saw me sitting in the chair with my legs spread wide enough to give Bill a clear view right up my skirt. "Jesus Anna" he said as he re entered the room..." Bill can see your knickers love!" "I have no...

1 year ago
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Caught and the Consequences Part 2

Part 2   While sitting there I went through the usual stages, despair that I had been caught, fright as to what would happen next, would she still want me as her husband or was this going to be a third divorce, and that made me feel very sad as it suddenly dawned on me how much I loved her and I quietly resolved to do anything I could to save my marriage.   It also made me realise that our relationship was already a sub/Domme one, in subtle ways I had not...

3 years ago
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More for Rena

After the encounter with the gang, Fred turned up. He was found floating face down in a marshland at the state park. His death was ruled an accident. The rest of the gang knew better, and they were gone within twenty four hours of Fred's discovery. Rena and I were still going strong with her living at my house. I spent every opportunity fucking her and she seemed to love the attention that I heaped upon her. She had a character flaw though, she became addicted to being bound and raped. I...

1 year ago
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Wives of Africa part 3

Introduction: sarah finds out just what it is like to be fucked by a huge black cock. Hi Sarah this is Ulu. Sarah was delighted to hear from her clanswoman. Im good except for that stupid white bitch. Shes driving me crazy. She looks down her nose at us as though we were something nasty on her shoe. Except when shes staring at Simons crotch or Andrews. Thats what I wanted to ask you about. Ulu arranged everything with Sarah then Ulu rang back. Hello Kelly. Listen I wonder if you could do me a...

3 years ago
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owyn Book 1 The CageChapter 5 Dressed

[ Setting the scene: the events of this chapter take place before the arrival of Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli. Elfhid was King Théoden’s wife. Théodwyn was his sister, and the mother of Éowyn and Éomer.] 24 February 3019 (Third Age), Edoras Éowyn knew she was dreaming. How she knew, she couldn’t fathom; she’d never before been aware of her dreams while still within them. Nor did she understand why she couldn’t just force herself to wake. Still, it was comforting to know that her current...

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Girl Just Wants to Have Fun

As Lily awakened she squinted at the sunlight breaking through her bedroom curtains. Stretching out along her bed the sheets felt way too comfortable to get out of just yet. It was Friday though and Lily knew she had to get up and ready for school eventually. Grumbling a little to herself she threw off the blankets and stared at the ceiling, urging her body slowly into action. One of her parents would come and force her out of her comfy mattress anyway if she didn't do it herself. Walking over...

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Scrolller 3D Porn

Scrolller is one of my favorite porn sites in general. No matter what you are into, you will find a great selection here. The name Scrolller says it all. They make it extremely easy to scroll through pics and videos. The amount of porn one can absorb on Scrolller in a short time is incredible. Often, I’ll lose a whole week to Scrolller before I notice it happened.The Cogs and Pulleys of Cock PullingAt the top of the site is a small menu with the options Photos, Videos, and notifications. The...

3D Porn Sites

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