XAd, IncChapter 3 free porn video

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The men, as well as Anne and Linda, dressed, but the four other girls remained completely nude. The wrist and ankle cuffs were put on them again and all four had their hands fastened behind their backs. Robert took Catlin's arm to steady her and led her back up the stairs and on to the second floor. Here was a long hall with several doors opening off of it. A couple of lamps on the wall provided dim lighting.

Catlin and Tyra were led to a door where their cuffs were unfastened and they were told to go inside. When she entered Catlin saw that this was another well lighted modern bathroom and guessed that she and Tyra were to make use of the facilities. "I guess we'd better," she thought to herself. "We probably won't get a chance again all night."

When they came out their cuffs were once again refastened and as Mary and Meg went into the bathroom, Catlin and Tyra were led to another door. This time the door revealed a bedroom, eighteenth century in style, with two large, four poster beds. Each was turned down with only a smooth - probably satin! - sheet showing. Each girl was placed on her back and her wrists and ankles bound to the four posters. Catlin realized she wasn't tightly stretched, so her muscles wouldn't get too strained, but it was enough so she couldn't move very much.

Robert and James kissed each of them goodnight - long, deep, highly arousing kisses while their hands roamed over bare flesh. Then they stood up, blew out the lamps, and left the two girls squirming in frustration.

As the door clicked shut and the room was lost in total darkness, Tyra said, "Damn! I wasn't ready for them to leave. I can't believe how hot I am, even after the last few hours. This whole thing is incredible."

"I'll say," Catlin echoed. "I've been soaked since I arrived. Right now I would really like some more good, hard loving. I'll bet we're going to be awfully sore tomorrow, but I'm still horny as hell right now. And tied like this I can't do a thing about it."

"Exactly! Let's just hope he wasn't kidding about us not getting to sleep through the night."

After a few more minutes the girls let their conversation drift off and soon, against all their expectations, were asleep.

Some time later Catlin blinked her eyes open, not sure if she had heard something or not. Soon she found she had heard something - probably the door - for there was someone else in the room. The darkness was total, but she was able to discern that there were, in fact, two someones moving about. She heard the other bed as a weight was placed on it a second before she felt her own bed sag slightly and a hard male body press down on hers. A tongue began to explore as fingers found her creases and other sensitive places. She felt instantly aroused and when a couple of minutes later she felt a hard cock slide into her and a mouth covered her own with a deep kiss, she was already straining to respond. She wasn't sure which man it was. He hadn't said a word or done anything else to give himself away and anyway Catlin was soon beyond caring. He drove her over the top twice and then worked her up even higher before she felt him spurt inside her and she screamed into a third climax. He lay heavily on her, his breathing slowing a little, as she felt him begin to soften inside her. Then he slipped out and climbed off the bed. He bent over and licked her breasts and sucked hard on each nipple, bringing a good hurt to the battered nubs. Then he stood and moved to the door where he slipped out without giving Catlin any clue to his identity. A minute later the other man left Tyra's bed and exited just as silently.

Catlin whispered, "I have no idea who they were, do you?"

"Not in the least," Tyra answered. "But I hope they come back."

Twice more during the night Catlin was awakened and fucked with no more idea who was doing it than the first time. And one other time when the nude body came down on her own, Catlin was surprised to find that it was female. From the height and the feel of the full breasts, she guessed this was Linda. Tyra sounded as though she was similarly involved and as a hot tongue descended on her slit, Catlin quit worrying about who and what was happening and just began to respond. For several minutes the tongue played in and out of her slit and across her clit while feminine fingers played with her tender nipples. Then the body shifted position and Catlin felt a pair of legs move on either side of her head and a hot pussy move above her mouth. Without thinking Catlin stuck out her own tongue and began to lick at the wet slit presented to her. Their hot sixty-nine lasted for a long time until finally, nearly exhausted, Linda - if that's who it was - left and Catlin fell almost instantly back to sleep.

When next she awoke, it was light outside and Catlin guessed it was late morning. She and Tyra talked for a few minutes and then Edward and William, dressed in robes, entered, released them from the beds, and removed their cuffs. The girls were led to the bathroom they had used the previous night. When they went inside they found Anne and Linda, also dressed in robes. The room was large with two enclosed stalls which Catlin and Tyra were now allowed to use by themselves. But when they emerged the four all looked at them with grins that indicated they were hiding something. Edward spoke. "We've decided that although you two are definitely beautiful the way you are, we think it would be better if you were weren't wearing so much."

For a second both girls looked completely confused. After all they were already completely naked. Then Catlin's eyes suddenly opened as she guessed what they meant. She had noticed that when Mary and Meg had served them the previous evening, not only were they nude, but both had had their pubic hair removed. And later in the dungeon she had found that both Anne and Linda also had bare pubes. She glanced at Tyra and saw that she seemed to have guessed also.

Edward and William led the two over to a long table at one side of the room and had one of them sit on each end. They lay back along side each other with their asses just on the table ends and their legs dangling off. The men bent over and did something and a pair of stirrups, just like at the doctor's office, appeared at each end of the table. Their feet were placed in these, knees bent, legs spread wide. Then soft rope was used to tie them there. Next, Linda and Anne moved between their spread legs with a hot washcloth and a can of shaving cream. Soon both girls were as bare as they had been as kids. As Linda and Anne applied warm oil to the newly shaved area, Catlin thought that it felt really sexy to be bare there also. She had almost done it the summer before when she shaved for her bikini, but had chickened out at the last minute. She was also glad, she thought, that they had used disposable razors instead of the straight razors which would have more properly gone with the eighteenth century.

Before the girls were released, each man ran his tongue over their bare pubes causing Catlin to shiver and experience a sudden flood of heat to the area. Then they were taken down to the dining room where they joined the others in a light breakfast. All the lords and ladies were dressed, either in robes or period costume, but Meg, Mary, and the two of them were totally naked. Catlin was surprised to find that in less than a day this had ceased to bother her. She just felt constantly turned on by the whole thing.

There were no clocks visible anywhere, but when they had finished eating Catlin guessed it was probably ten thirty or so. The lords and ladies who were wearing robes disappeared to dress and everyone was allowed a trip to the bathroom, a smaller one located on this floor. James then suggested they go out onto the lawn and so Catlin soon found herself, totally naked, standing in warm sunshine on the soft grass. The air was warm enough so she wasn't uncomfortable and again she was surprised that she wasn't embarrassed by her nudity. Tyra looked a little uncertain at being naked outside, but Mary and Meg seemed not to notice.

They stood around in the sunshine for a while, the men sometimes feeling up the four girls, and then Lord John said, "Perhaps I might suggest a contest. A small match of wickets." Catlin didn't know what that meant, but it was met with enthusiastic response. One of the men went back inside and quickly returned with what looked like croquet mallets, a couple of wood balls and a bag of other items. They were divided into teams: Catlin, Meg, Linda, Robert, Thomas, and James on one side; Tyra, Mary, Anne, John, Edward, and William on the other.

Catlin wasn't too surprised when cuffs were removed from the bag and placed on her wrists and ankles along with those of Tyra, Meg, and Mary. They went to a level part of the smooth and grassy lawn. Catlin and Meg were told to lie down on their backs, side by side. They did and then the men drove stakes into the ground and tied their hands above their heads and their legs to widely spaced stakes. Catlin now lay, stretched tightly and very exposed, with her ankles a good four feet apart. Several feet to her left, Meg was in the same position.

Now the men repeated the process with Tyra and Mary who were placed in front of the first two bound women. When they were finished the two pairs of girls were opposite each other with their feet facing and spaced about twenty feet apart.

Next William reached in the bag and produced a bottle of something and four shafts. These were plastic, about eight inches long and an inch and a quarter across. One end was smoothly rounded and the other flared into an oval about three inches by two. Catlin thought they looked sort of like dildos and soon found her guess was correct. William knelt next to her and opened the bottle which turned out to be baby oil. He spread a generous amount over her bare pubes and rubbed a quantity into her vaginal lips, lubricating her inside as well as out. Next he covered one of the shafts with oil and slipped it inside her. He slowly moved it inside all the way, meeting no resistance because of the oil. He moved it in and out a couple of times and then pulled it out so only about two inches were inside. The oval base of the shaft rested on the grass between Catlin's spread legs. Then he went to each of the other three and repeated the process.

Lord John moved between them and explained the rules for all to hear. "The four wenches are goal tenders and the object of the game is for the opposing team members to sink the shafts to the hilt. Each member will in turn drive a ball towards the goal from a distance of eight feet. The goal tenders will try to keep the shafts from going all the way in. The game will continue until each team member has had four tries at each of their opponent's goals."

Four tries each! That meant that with four members left on the other team, there would be a total of sixteen times the wood balls would come rolling at her. Catlin wasn't sure if she was going to like this game or not.

Lord John went on. "Score will be kept with these." He held up a cluster of small colored flags attached to clothes pins.

"And I'll just bet I know where those are going to go," Catlin thought.

"Each time a goal is made, a flag will be added. At the end, the team which has planted the larger number of flags will be the winner. Goal tenders for the winning team will be, shall we say, rewarded. Goal tenders for the losing team will be flogged."

Anne stepped forward and said, "If our team should happen to lose, I will take Mary's strokes for her."

The two teams moved aside and made practice strokes for several minutes and then lined up at the eight foot marks which had been placed on the grass. Catlin could see John, Edward, William, and Anne facing her. Her team members were lined up facing the other two "goal tenders."

John said, "Let the contest begin," and placed the ball on the ground. He stood beside it and readied his mallet. From her prone position Catlin could see him, but could not see the ball well. But she heard the sudden sound of wood mallet on wood ball as he swung and before she was expecting it felt a sudden shock as the ball struck the end of the dildo, driving it hard inside her. First stroke and she hadn't even slowed it!

A cheer went up and John went forward. He bent over Catlin, pulled the dildo back out to its original position and then snapped one of the flag pins on her left nipple. As he returned to the line, Edward was lining up for a stroke at Meg. He also completed his - Catlin heard a sudden gasp from Meg as the dildo slid home and another as the flag pin was applied.

The team members alternated between Catlin and Meg. She couldn't tell what was happening with her team, but occasional cries and squeals as well as cheers indicated that at least some were making goals.

By the time each team member had had two tries at her, Catlin had been able to stop the dildo three times. Actually she had stopped it twice and one of the balls had missed entirely, slamming into her thigh with surprising force. A short halt was called and John announced the score: Each team had sunk a total of nine goals. That meant that Meg had stopped four to Catlin's three, but they were only half done.

The second half began and the first four tries at Catlin each pushed the dildo hard inside despite her efforts to use her vaginal muscles to hold it. And she felt herself tiring. Of the remaining four tries, Catlin stopped two. When the final scores were announced, Catlin's team had sunk a total of 20 of the possible 32 goals, but the other team had scored 22 against Catlin and Meg. Since Catlin had eleven of the flag pins clamped on her breasts, Meg must also have allowed eleven.

The other team was declared the winners. Catlin and Meg were unfastened from the stakes and led over to a couple of large trees a few yards away. A rope was fastened to their wrist cuffs and tossed over a branch on the far side of each tree. The two girls were pulled up on their toes, their breasts and thighs pressing against the rough bark.

From the place on the lawn where Mary and Tyra were tied, Catlin could hear the beginning sounds of sexual excitement. She guessed, correctly, that their reward would definitely involve getting laid. Then her attention was drawn back to her own condition as Thomas slashed the cat of nine tails across her exposed rear. Each of the four team members gave each of the two "goal tenders" five hard lashes and when they had finished Catlin found that, despite her burning rear, she was dripping wet and very aroused.

She and Meg were released only long enough to turn them around so they were facing the action on the lawn and then their hands were once again stretched high above them pulling them back on their toes, this time with their backs and now red bottoms against the rough bark.

For the next twenty minutes they watched as Mary and Tyra were licked and ravished by one team member after another. When all four of the girls were released, Robert suggested that everyone might want to take a nap... "so they would be ready for later activities." Edward took Catlin's arm and led her back upstairs to one of the bedrooms. She could see the other three, each with an escort, following behind as well as Anne and Mary who seemed to have paired with William and John.

Inside the bedroom, which had the same kind of four poster bed and satin sheets, Edward used a five foot length of light chain to fasten her left ankle cuff to one of the foot posts of the bed. She sat watching as he undressed and came to join her on the bed. The two were soon locked in passionate activity including oral as well as regular sex. Catlin had always enjoyed both sides of oral sex and didn't hesitate to kneel before Edward and suck his hard cock into her mouth, playing her tongue over the head, into the small opening, and around the hard shaft. Once, as she was sliding her mouth up and down the firm flesh, a thought of something she had read flashed into her mind. Without stopping to think about it she wet her finger and pushed it deeply into Edward's rectum. He appeared to love the sensation and Catlin herself found the feeling of his muscles clamping around her extended finger pretty hot.

The two of them fell asleep with their arms wrapped around each other and they slept soundly until a quiet knock sounded at the door. Edward stretched and, to Catlin's questioning look, said, "Just a wake up call. I think it's getting time for some more activity. Tell me, what did you think of our little game this morning?"

Catlin thought for a second and then replied, "Well, my lord, maybe the best way I can describe it is to say I found the experience... penetrating."

Both of them broke up in laughter, but when he could speak again Edward said, "That, Wench, will cost you. Such smart remarks will surely earn you some punishment."

Catlin lowered her eyes and said in a little girl voice, "Does that mean I'm going to get a whipping?"

"Oh, I'm sure it means at least that." He slapped her on the bottom and Catlin gave a small cry. "You seem to like getting whipped, don't you?"

Catlin turned slightly more serious. "I like everything that goes with it. Just being whipped doesn't turn me on by itself. Not the pain, I mean. But the pain as a sexual stimulant is unreal. I love being whipped because it makes me sexually excited. I'm not saying this very well, but what I mean is that it's not that I'm turned on just by pain. I wouldn't want a real whipping - not any real pain. But a little - maybe more than just a little - does really make me hot."

Edward was nodding. "I understand. It's pretty much the same for all of us. None of us are into real pain or, for that matter, real master-slave relationships. But the games - including the whippings and such - really turn on every one of us."

They went down stairs and joined the others in the library where glasses of juice were waiting. After a few minutes Thomas spoke up. "I think we should take these girls back down to the dungeon. I, for one, can think of a number of things I'd like to do with them." Everyone quickly agreed and soon Catlin found herself in the dungeon and, like Meg, Mary, and Tyra, once more wearing wrist and ankle cuffs.

Mary was led to one of the tables where she was soon stretched out on her back and Catlin started hearing sounds of wild laughter as several of the lords and ladies began to tickle her.

As she was being led over to the end of one of the padded benches, she saw that Meg and Tyra were being placed face to face and stretched towards the ceiling by their wrists. Catlin could see their breasts squash against each other. Then she found herself being bent forward over the end of the bench and tightly tied. The bench looked a lot like a carpenter's saw horse except that the cross piece was a heavy four by six timber and was thickly padded and covered with smooth leather. Her legs were spread and the cuffs clipped to the bottoms of the A-frame support at that end and her wrists pulled forward to be clipped near the bottom of the A-frame legs at the other end. This left her ass exposed and both of her private openings spread and available. Her breasts hung down against the smooth surface on either side of the beam and she could feel the leather rapidly warming against them and against her belly.

A hand slid over her taut ass and a finger teased her anus. In the last twenty-four hours Catlin had discovered that her anus was far more sensitive than she had previously suspected. Before arriving yesterday she had never had anything bigger than a finger inserted there, and even that only rarely. But the first time a butt plug had been pushed home, Catlin discovered a host of new sensations, all of them to her liking. Now a lubricated finger began to push inside and then twist round and round as it worked its way back out and then in again, spreading the slick lubricant.

Catlin loved the sensation and expected a butt plug to follow, but when the finger was removed, nothing replaced it. She was about to try to twist around to look when a searing line of pain crossed her tight backside. She squealed and another lash of the cat crossed her ass from the other direction. A glance around showed her that Edward and Robert were applying the whips. After about ten strokes the men stopped. They each began to tease a nipple and soon both were hard as rocks and sticking out from her breasts. As she guessed they would, each man hung a small clamp on a nipple, but then they added small lead weights to the clips, causing her firm breasts to stretch towards the floor. Another half dozen lashes followed.

Then she once more felt a slick finger penetrating her rear. This worked in and out for a minute before it was removed to be replaced with a rounded plastic tip. Pressure forced the object into her rectum until a rounded area popped inside. Catlin thought that it was probably a slightly larger butt plug, but suddenly she felt warm, almost hot, liquid begin to flow into her. She was being given an enema! Catlin had read of enemas used in sex but had never really thought of them as sexy, but now, as the hot liquid began to fill her and as Robert and Edward ran their hands over her, tugged at the nipple clamps, and occasionally lashed her bottom with the cat, she found the sensation a real turn-on unlike anything she had felt before.

The stimulation continued, her bowels filling and her arousal increasing, until Catlin came, shaking and pulling at her bonds. She began to calm down but the flow of liquid continued and she began to feel uncomfortable. Just when she thought she would have to call a halt, Edward said, "That's two and a half quarts. Let's see if you can handle another pint."

Catlin gritted her teeth and decided to try. At last the flow was ended. Edward did something at the end of the plug sticking in her ass and she saw him remove the hose. But she was still bound, still plugged, and beginning to cramp. "Now just hold it for five minutes and we'll let you get some relief. In the mean time..." His voice trailed off and then the cat struck her once again.

Catlin held on and took the whipping, constantly aware of the clinching spasms her full belly was producing. She was surprised to find that despite the discomfort she was beginning to become aroused once more. Finally the whipping stopped and the two men unsnapped the clips on her cuffs. They pointed towards the bathroom door in the corner and Catlin hurried as fast as she could in a bent over, sort of crab-like walk. They let her go by herself and as soon as she entered she went as fast as possible into a stall. Bending over and standing in front of the toilet, she removed the plug and a flood followed it, bringing her instant relief from the cramps. When she had emptied, she took a quick shower and dried off. Then thinking what the men might want, she washed the plug and brought it back with her to where they were still waiting beside the bench.

Edward took the plug and smiled at her. "Did you like that, Wench?"

"Yes, my lord," Catlin answered. "I wouldn't have expected it, but yes I did."

"Good. Now let's get you back in place." With that the two once again bound her in the same position over the bench. Some more teasing, some more lubricant, and then Catlin once again felt some large rubber probe begin to push into her rectum. She was still stretched and somewhat excited, but yet some force was required before the large intruder slipped inside and her muscles closed around a smaller part of its shaft. This didn't feel quite like a butt plug and Catlin was wondering exactly what it was when she heard a small sound like air being squeezed out of a bag. Simultaneously the object inside her seemed to come alive and start to move.

More pumps caused it to grow larger and Catlin realized that it must be one of the Bardex devices she had read about on the net. Actually the sensation of the growing rubber ball inside her ass felt very sexy. Edward broke into her thoughts with, "Tell me when it's all you can take."

He gave another squeeze and the object grew again and began to feel a little uncomfortable. A couple of more and Catlin finally said, "I think that's all I can handle, my lord." Edward stopped squeezing and screwed a valve shut. He pumped at something else and another part inflated outside her anus so that Catlin now had her rear opening squeezed from both sides.

Edward wiggled the device sticking inside her and said, "Since you liked the last experience so well, we're going to give you another. This time there will be no worry of you spilling so you can hold it longer. I think maybe three and a half quarts." With this he opened a valve and Catlin felt hot liquid begin to flow again. But this time it wasn't water, but something much thicker, like a hot, thin syrup.

The flow continued slowly with Edward and Robert rubbing her stomach to shift the liquid (and rubbing her tits and thighs for other reasons) and after nearly ten minutes Robert said, "That's it. Now let's have her hold it for twenty minutes while we take her mind off it."

Twenty minutes! She'd be screaming with cramps by then. She already felt more full than she ever had and was constantly aware of the intense pressure inside her. But then, just as Robert had said, they did something to distract her. The something was in the form of six more lashes with the cat, but much harder than before. This was followed by more nipple clamps, this time with a lot more weight pulling at them. There were several more minutes of teasing and torment (which was actually exciting her quite a bit) when Catlin suddenly felt a hard cock begin to push against her pussy lips. It made its way inside and began to slowly move out and back in when Robert appeared in front of her with his hard cock moving towards her mouth.

Catlin began to suck the cock at her lips while Edward began to pound her from behind, occasionally adding a sharp lash to her back or thighs. Catlin could feel the mounting excitement of the men - to say nothing of her own rising excitement - but before either came, both pulled out. Catlin was frustrated and became instantly aware once more of the incredible pressure inside her as the cramps grabbed at her insides. But she had only a few seconds to notice this before Robert and Edward, having exchanged places, resumed where they had left off. Before too much longer Edward exploded in her mouth and she began to swallow and suck at his cock. Then Robert flooded her from behind and Catlin started her own orgasm. When she began to come down she was instantly aware of the cramps and strained against her bonds, moaning at the uncomfortable sensations.

"You still have two minutes to go," Robert said. "But we'll help you to make it." With that the two men began to lash her once more. When the two minutes ended, Edward released her and she made her way as fast as possible to the bathroom to obtain her relief.

When she returned, Robert took her over near where Meg and Tyra, their asses a bright red and criss-crossed with darker red lines, were still hanging from their wrists, but were now being fucked from behind by John and James. Mary was still tied to the table with William eating her pussy, Thomas feeding her his cock from above and Linda and Anne licking and sucking at her nipples. Catlin's hands were pulled overhead and Edward and Robert continued to tease and feel her up while she watched the other action.

Finally, after the room sounded with a number of climaxes, James said, "I think it must be nearing dinner time. Let's give the wenches something to keep their minds in the proper channel during the meal." He held up some objects and with noisy agreement several of the men went and took them from him. They went to each of the bound women and Catlin saw that the objects were a butt plug - her sore ass! - and a pair of Ben Wa balls. Catlin knew about these and had even worn a pair she had borrowed from a girlfriend once. Soon each of the women had both of their openings filled. Their cuffs were removed and everyone took a quick shower, with the lords and ladies dressing once again, but the other four remaining naked.

They headed upstairs and just before they got to the dining room, James stopped everyone. "They should also have some jewelry," he said and held up what looked like silver chain necklaces. But as Robert brought one over to her, Catlin saw they weren't to be worn around the neck. Each ended in a padded clamp and soon these were affixed to Catlin's nipples. Then everyone proceeded into dinner.

Dinner was served by two men and two women, all in their twenties or thirties, and all dressed in period costume. Except as necessary to serve they didn't speak and paid no attention to the fact that four of the diners were completely nude. Catlin and Tyra looked questioningly at them and after a while Robert explained. "They work for the company. They're paid to be here just to cook and serve and so on and will not take part in any of our activities. However, both couples are also into BDSM and have use of the facilities when we're not using them. There are two other couples here who also help out with the work, but sometimes participate to the extent of putting on a show for the guests. I believe you'll meet one of them after dinner."

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Equal Shares Ch 29

When Denise walked into The Firm’s reception, she gave Elaine a peck on the cheek and went off to make coffee. It was still a good fifteen minutes before most of the staff would arrive, and before Denise would normally have started, herself. She brought the coffee through to Elaine, and soon the two were sipping coffee, just contemplating the events of the previous night, and what they would mean. Again. ‘You know Laney, when we were together I’d thought of a threesome, fantasized about it I...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Alexis Avery White Out

Stunning newcomer Alexis Avery gets four white men for her pleasures in this new white out scene. Only in the biz for a few months, Alexis decides to do her first ever gangbang and boy does she do it with a bang! This debutante gets introduced to lots of anal and double penetration. Her holes are spread wide and pleasured with piston-like pounding of long dick white boys. It’s fun for everyone watching this young girl get her pussy pounded to sweet oblivion and her asshole opened up for...

4 years ago
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Homeschooling My StepsonChapter 3

My feet were apart as he lay over me and I could feel the head of his cock pressing at my opening so I just moved my hips from side to side and felt him slide into me while we kissed. He began to slowly move in and out of me as I widened ever further for him and soon he was taking long, smooth strokes in and out of my upturned pussy. "Oh, this feels so good, you're really okay with us doing this? You don't mind?" I pulled him tighter and whispered in his ear, "I'm not just okay with...

1 year ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 3

Thursday, April 19th. A day I will never forget. It started out great. School went well. Julie and I managed to make out a little in the hallway between classes. Football practice went smoothly. My sprained ankle was pretty much healed. The doctor had said I could start running and training after three weeks. That was tomorrow. The day was a great day, until dinner time. My family and I were eating dinner when the phone rang. Dad answered it. Normally he asks whoever calls during dinner to...

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Shades of Dorian Gray

‘Henry! Henry, over here!’ I’m normally a quiet and patient man, but the welcome sight of my good friend Henry entering the hotel rendered me incapable of containing my excitement. I gazed over the heads in the crowded lobby and held up my hand so he could find me. It seemed an eternity before our arms met in a strong handshake and bumping of chests. In my excitement, I nearly crushed my dear friend. ‘I’m sorry, Henry, but it’s so good to see you! Are you all right?’ It takes more than an...

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The Shopping Spree

The Shopping Spree Will was coming out of the Kenneth Cole store at the mall in Boca Raton, the bag with his purchases under one arm while his hand held his cup of Starbucks. As he swung the door open he caught sight of one of Florida’s beach bunnies. He turned to watch her backside rotating in something that resembled a tennis skirt. He sighed and stared at her as she wandered away through the crowd of shoppers. Florida during spring break, what a place to be and what tight, naked wonderful...

Oral Sex
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A Slut is born

There I was, one week before the end of high school. Going to college in the fall. Nice car, good family, friends. I had it all. So, what was I doing on my hands and knees in a video booth on the wrong side of town,dressed as a cheerleader with a cock in each hand, one in my ass and one buried in my throat?It had all started a few months ago. I was locked out of my house in the pouring rain, and I went over to our neighbor’s to see if I could hang out with him until my parents got home. He was...

1 year ago
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Sexual Fantasy World

Days blend into each other when you stop caring, You find out. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a “failure” or anything. Just, well I don’t have much time to do much of what I enjoy. I checked my watch, almost 9pm. It’s a little depressing dwelling on it for too long, but honestly I knew that this is what being an adult is about. Sleep, work, eat, existential dread, repeat. I guess I was neither smart nor brave enough to break out of the mold that most adults fill into as they grow up. On that note,...

3 years ago
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BtVS Rainy Day Distraction

“B, get the popcorn!”“I’m getting it, it doesn’t pop itself… Well it does, but.”“We get it B, damn! I thought Red babbled.”“Hey leave me out of this,” Willow poked her head around the corner and tossed some sleeping bags. “Since the rain is bad, your all spending the night,” Willow plopped down on the couch and smiled. “So what are we going to do?”“How about some movies?”“Sounds fun,” Tara smiled.“Got just the ones too, saving them for a rainy day,” Faith smiled and pulled out a few DVDs, Tara...

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Three Square MealsChapter 50 A showdown with the merc company the Armoured Cobras

The girls looked at him attentively and waited for him to continue. You could have heard a pin drop in the room, as they all leaned forward to hear John lay out his plan to take down the Armoured Cobras. “We’re going to form three teams,” John said decisively. “I’ll lead Team One, taking Dana and Rachel with me on a ground insertion into the base. We’ll rescue the kidnap victims, and sabotage the base’s generators. When the generators go down, that’ll knock out their planetary defence...

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First Time In The Train With A Bomb From Indore 8211 Mumbai

Hello guys , Its priyesh from indore , I am a huge fan of iss , reading stories on here since 3 years .I’ll not bore you all much ill just come straight to the incident Any girl , aunty , lady wants sex / oral in indore / mumbai , do email me at () I will make sure that our relationship is secret and no one would get to know They can also kik ( instant messenger ) me at – priyesh0110 Its a real story based on my sexual experience named nidhi (name changed for personal reasons ) . The story is...

2 years ago
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So there I was on the bed on my hands and knees with one guy behind me, his cock balls deep in my ass and another guy in front of me balls deep in my throat and my wife standing in the doorway, jaw wide open. Her eyes were bugged out with the deer in the headlights shocked look on her face. My wife had always loved watching male-male action. Over the years when we have had guys come over for fun, she had always commented on how she loved to watch. She would sit and masturbate while watching...

3 years ago
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Locked and Mysterious Part 3

The morning finally arrived... I got up earlier than usual. I had to get up and do something to get my mind and body off anything to do with my new, awkward situation.The shaft of my penis was slightly sore from straining most of the night but felt okay. It was more the aching in my testicles that had me worried. The device kept them separated and outside everything else and they felt full and large. I'd just had an orgasm yesterday, but it felt like my body had already pumped them full again...

1 year ago
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Degradation of slave Day 1

Degradation of a Slave – Story 1 “Down slut… on your knees, bend forward with your forearms on the floor. Lift your ass higher… I want to see your hole. Good slut. Now stay in position, do not move.” He reaches for the crop while telling her what he plans to do to her. Discipline her, command her, fuck her hard in all her holes. “But first,” he says as he walks to the far side of the room, “you will crawl.” He hears her moan softly, then sees her moving forward. Coming closer, crawling nearly...

2 years ago
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The Obsidian Monkey

This is the second story in my Monkey Gods trilogy. The Obsidian Monkey By Morpheus Alice frowned slightly as she walked through the small garage sale, carefully scanning the various clothes, toys and miscellaneous nick- knacks for anything that she might be able to use. She had always enjoyed coming to various garage sales and swap meets, knowing that she could find incredible bargains. After several more steps, Alice came across a large mirror that was leaning up against a...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 3 The Crystalline Dildo

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Three: The Crystalline Dildo By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Chapter Seven: The Crystalline Dildo Princess Ava – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch I gasped in shock at the Valyan acolyte kneeling before me. Why did she call me “Masterwork Craft”? What an absolutely unflattering thing to call me. Why not your highness? Or my lady? Or even your beatific? Masterwork...

1 year ago
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A trip on the train with mum turns horny

It was a saturday morning and me and my mum was heading up to scotland via train to meet up with some distance relatives. We was getting a train and had this booked for a few weeks. Boarding the train i couldnt help looking at mum whos 51 and still in good shape. Carry her bags on board i let her go infront of me to look for our seats. I didnt mind walking from bedhind as she was wearing tight deniem jeans with a white tight top showing off her big 34dd tits, and a navy cardigan. I loved it...

3 years ago
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My Cruise From HellChapter 6

When she did the paperwork setting up the sign and sail card, she used my American Express credit card for both of us. After her escapade with Wes at the hotel and ship restaurant, I went down to the customer service desk and had them remove my credit card and set the sign and sail up as a cash only account. I was told that I could put a cash balance on the card and when it was almost depleted, I would need to put more cash on the card to use it. This would stop her from running up a large...

2 years ago
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Crosswinds 2 Dark CurrentsChapter 8

***Author’s Note: Series contains graphic imagery of incest*** Her baby was crying again. Maddi groaned as her eyes opened. She was at a loss for how many times she had woken up this ungodly hour. All she knew is she was dead tired and was looking to pass this one-off. “Eden,” Maddi mumbled as she blindly swiped at the lifeless figure in bed aside her. “Eden, go check on your sister.” “No,” Eden growled without moving a muscle. “Eden,” Maddi repeated bolder. “Please go cradle your baby...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Vienna Black The Price Of Pussy

Vienna Black has borrowed her stepbrother’s credit card, allegedly to buy stuff for school. Too bad for Vienna that the credit card statement has revealed that she spent thousands of dollars on plenty of stuff with no educational value. Her stepbro, Tony, confronts her about her lavish spending. All Vienna can do after she thinks about the situation is offer to give Tony a lap dance in exchange for him being cool about her shopping spree and not telling their parents, who will kick her...

2 years ago
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Mile High Slut

Shelly clicked her ruby red heels through the International Terminal, her tight pinstripe mini skirt accentuating a firm, rounded ass. The blue, curve-hugging cashmere sweater with plunging neckline displayed her ample assets. Meticulously manicured nails were lacquered in red, and her honey blonde hair curled over straight shoulders. Rounded, innocent looking eyes looked out of a beautiful face. The thin, black, leather choker with the gleaming silver wings was slightly out of character. She...

4 years ago
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The Ministers DaughterChapter 2

The doctor hadn't been enough, but he had whetted her insatiable sexual appetite. He had also given her freedom with the pills. Freedom to fuck whenever and whomever she wanted. And fuck she did. Almost every boy in her class at school had her at least once. She was so intense in her needs and in her sexuality that few of them ever came back for more even if she had wanted them. Usually she didn't. They disappointed her. On any given night she could be with one boy or a dozen. One night...

3 years ago
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The Thank You Gift

Tommy opened the door to find a striking, black-haired beauty with glossy, pink lips in a white satin jacket. In her hands was a large square box, barely two inches high."But I didn't order a pizza.""It's a gift from Mr. Belmont. You helped him a few weeks ago when he had car trouble in the middle of the night. It's his way of saying thank you.""How nice of him, but he really didn't have to!""He says it's good cold, too.""Wait. You delivered a cold pizza?""No, it's not cold. But it will...

1 year ago
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My First Sexual Encounter With Aunt Flora

Hi, Guys. It’s me Arun. It’s been quite a while I wrote to you all. But in the meantime I thank you all for the incessant mails and replies you eagerly wanted for the “school Tour’ series. I will very soon put pen to paper on that matter. But for now I bring to you a series of small encounters with my friends, colleagues and neighbors. And as always I would love to begin share my experience with a special aunt of mine, Flora. Flora is a dynamic woman, who is my uncle’s widow with two kids...

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Not just another business trip

I work in marketing and have to travel a fair bit for my job. Now our son is older and has left home it’s not so problematic with home life. Most of my business trips were to our other office in a small town a few hours from where we lived. It wasn’t the most glamorous location but I always got to stay in a really nice hotel which had a good gym and pool/spa area which helped pass the time while away from home. Anyway, it was just a normal day of working away from home for me, finished in...

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Sharing my wife with a huge black guy

Ana and I had decided to escape from the NYC’s cold winter, going to spend some days at the sunny southern beaches. We rented a nice cottage about four blocks from the sandy beach.The place had its own pool so we spent some time there.On the fourth day we decided to walk to the beach and spend our day there. We found a great spot, where Anita removed her green lime bikini and we laid there chatting and enjoying the sun…As I went for a swim into the sea, an attractive young black guy asked Ana...

2 years ago
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It just happenedAgainAnd Again

Wife: Lucy Daughter: Cathy Lucy’s Brother: David FOREWORD You learned in part one: IT JUST HAPPENED, that Jim and Lucy have three grown daughters; all of them beautiful, and all of them married to older men. Each daughter had initially married someone their own age, only to replace them after a couple years with someone closer to their Dad's age. Everything had gone smoothly over the years in Jim and Lucy’s life until Cathy decides to divorce her second husband and move back into her old...

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Helpless His First Time

I can’t even remember how long I’ve been sitting on the edge of her bed - funny how time slips by when your fingers are laced with those of a beautiful girl. Her beauty is so intense that my eyes are repeatedly drawn away from the view of a sparkling city under the night sky. It was, admittedly, a bit awkward at first to be sitting with her on her bed, but awkward silence quickly turned into lustful energy at the sound of her voice, so disarming and tender. What started as a semi-casual...

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my wife pregnant

hi im a 45 yr old male my wife is 35,i work as a eletrical contractor erecting power lines , im away from home most of the time. in jan 2020 my wife and two other girls that work with her were asked to arrange a fair well party for one of the specilist doctors that is imigrating to austrailia they booked out a holiday resort in the mountains of kznall was set for the weekend of 25 jan, my wife and the two black girls went to the resort on the friday to make sure that all was in order, as there...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Erotic Experience With My Old Friend

Hi guys, about me…this is Vishwa from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu working for a reputed MNC(software). I did my UG also in Coimbatore tat also from a very reputed college. There was a girl in our college, of another department, Ishwarya. She was literally a sex bomb right from our college days. About her figure, she was so lean tat u can hold her hips wit one hand but wit voluptuous boobs and ass. It was 32-26-32. She was lean, not so fair wit a wheatish color and straightened hair. She enjoyed all...

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Ima freak in the nicest way....the GULF got skills to make punanny spray...the big man put in work...my main mission ..to please a woman 1st....make her squirt...gettin nastier than joe dirt.....super negro vision can see what's under your skirt..gemini flirt...stickin em wid that dagger as if my name was dirk...nervitski....hands an mouth never idle they always stay busy...fluent in clitorish....labia minora an majora...rub ya skin with my beard to see if your tickleish explorein....it s not...

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The Devastation of a Cute TwentySomething

       Drunk, well-dressed men and women had paid outrageous amounts of money for the opportunity to witness what was about to happen. Many wore hats and sunglasses to obscure their identities. The crowd muttered, restless and electric, while up in the VIP boxes suited management execs shuffled and cleared their throats, conferring in low, analytical tones. The organizers had already made a pretty penny tonight, but there was a lot riding on this event. It hadn't been cheap finding and...

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brother Caught Peeking at sisters

Growing up as the only boy in a house with three older sisters and a mom can be a real drag. Every aspect of family life is female. Shopping, talking, even what they watched on television or what music they listened to. The girls got all of the easy inside chores while Norm was left with mowing the lawns, trimming the shrubbery, raking leaves, etc. He often wondered if life would have been different for him had his dad not been killed by a drunk driver when Jim was only 3. He barely remembered...

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Tinks training a sequel

Chapter 2 Tinkerbelle’s training Early on the morning of her second day aboard the Jolly Roger, Tink awoke to the first glimmers of sunlight peeking through the panes of the great stern cabin of the brigantine vessel. With a yawn and a stretch and a flutter of her wings, Tink arose and padded over the rough deck planks to the windows and peered outside. The sky was still purple with specs of blue and a yellow-gold stab of sunlight. Neverland’s two moons were visible on the horizon. Tink smiled,...

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When Two Souls ConnectChapter 5

Wednesday afternoon, Erin's off day, they played basketball in the park and had a picnic lunch. She had played basketball in college, as had he, and they were equally matched. One of the games ended up being so physical Jack ended up with a nice erection. Noticing the bulge at the front of his denim shorts, she proceeded to tease him mercilessly by deliberately bumping her butt into him. He ended up losing the game by ten points. Reading to him on Sunday night had seemed to help her. She...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 248


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Honey sweet Honey pt II

Honey had just finished releasing her ecstasy, covering my face with the evidence of it. My husband, Tommy had emptied his hot seed on my ass. Reaching behind me, I wet my fingers with my husband’s cum. I rolled off the bed and kneeled in front of Rob’s enormous cock. I wrapped my moistened fingers around his shaft and sucked the bulbous head into my mouth. If he couldn’t cum by his own hand, or by the pounding he’d delivered to Honey, I was going to make damn sure he came by mine. I pressed...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Chloe Cherry Jane Wilde Untouched

Jane Wilde is in her room reading when she hears a knock at the door. Chloe Cherry walks in and introduces herself as the new roommate. Jayne jumps to her feet and hugs her and they sit back on the bed and talk about school. When Chloe confesses to being overwhelmed at being an only child and not being used to being around so many people, Jayne reassures her that she’ll grow to love it; after all, it is college! When Chloe leaves Jayne’s room to continue unpacking, Jayne feels like...

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Getting hot

Her name was reshma (not exactly somewhat near to that) and i was studying with her for the past 4 to 5 years. In fact i was very serious in that affair but she doesn’t seemed to be interested as she considered me just as her friend. But i used to see her stealing a glance at me very often. Maybe it was my imagination. She was tall and a little chubby but she was really fair-looking. She had very attractive body shape with nice round boobs,curved soft buttocks and a very very pretty face. I’m...

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Postcards Ch 04

Author’s Note: This section contains an attempted mugging, with the possibility of of rape. This passage is non-erotic. If violence distresses you, use caution. Chapter 4 Depart: 9:15 a.m. Thu., May. 31, 2014 Kwajalein, Marshall Islands (KWA) Arrive: 6:42 p.m. Wed., May. 30, 2014, -1 day Honolulu, HI (HNL) Flight Time:6 hr 35 mn Travel Time:7 hr 27 mn 1 Stop. Time on the ground is 52 minutes. Distance: 2,446 miles Flight: UA1655 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Q)...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Gianna Dior Lusty Gianna Dior Tempts a Married Man

While vacationing at a resort, Gianna Dior and married man Derrick Pierce had been eyeing each other, and finally with his wife away, the bikini babe makes her move in this racy premium porn flick. The brunette temptress and cheating stud make their way indoors to continue their naughty tryst and their hunger for each other is apparent as he gloms on to the stunning Penthouse Pet’s mouthwatering natural tits and she envelopes his cock with her lusty mouth and pussy until he cums on her...

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Watching the Duplex Driveway

Chapter 1 "Damn!" John Watson, popular young college professor, groaned as an errant ribbon of cum arched over the safety net of toilet tissue in his lap and landed directly on the mouth of a big-breasted Penthouse magazine model whose picture had been the focus of his fantasy. More and more of late, John found himself stroking his own cock in attempt to satiate his horniness. His almost perpetual state of arousal was taking a toll on his mental health. It started with the daily parade of...

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A Voyeur Story

Donny sat in his rental car and his heart pounded as he waited. He had told Sandy that he was going on a business trip and would be gone until Friday. He did not know what to expect but he had to know the truth.It had all started a few weeks before when he was at home. His wife's cell phone was on the table and Donny noticed it was ringing. He saw the picture of a guy he did not recognize. Just then Sandy walked in the room and she hit the ignore button and smiled at Donny."That’s the new guy...

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The TarotChapter 4

That night and the following, Angilee tried to interest Terry in physical intimacy. He had been given two nights off and Angilee, feeling a bit guilty for even entertaining the thought of infidelity was determined to recapture the affections of her husband. The first night, after the kids were put to bed, she dressed provocatively, sat on the couch next to Terry as he watched TV and made advances. His only response was to smile and offer his arm around her shoulder. She tried again but it was...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Best Friend

My wife and I have been married for twenty yrs she is a slim and attractive woman who is always getting propositioned by the opposite sex, which although I find it flattering it can also get a bit annoying.sometimes we would argue but she would say it was being silly and jealous and that her friends should be able to joke around with her without me getting upset all the time.One night she came home and said she had a remedy for my arguing and jealousy.She pulled out a box of pills, oestrogen...

1 year ago
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Surprise Surprise

I walked through the star lit night, a light breeze rushing along my face as I walked. Toby, my black wolf, he pulled on his leash as we walked in the night. I smiled; you could always find some interesting things in these woods. Toby pulled on his leash harder, his nose and ears up as picked up on something. “What is it boy?” I asked the wolf. He turned and looked at me, his pure blue eyes looking into my green eyes. A low whine coming from him as looked off to where he knew the thing was. I...

4 years ago
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Give me your cum

I see you sitting there. You seem shy. You seem… new. Like you’ve never even been to a place like this before. Like you’ve never been with a guy before. Like it’s making you nervous, and maybe a bit scared. I take another sip of my drink and decide I need something tastier. I decide I’m going to help you feel comfortable here. Or maybe somewhere else, somewhere much more comfortable. So I approach. “Hey man.” I start. “You alone tonight?” A...

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The World With a Twist

The question of "What if" is probably one of the great unanswerable questions. A single flip of a coin can lead down a million different paths. Here is one such flip, what if the roles and natures of the genders were switched. What if women were strong and men soft? (this is an expansion of the concept of my "Prom Night with a twist" story.")

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