XAd IncChapter 5
- 2 years ago
- 27
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For the next few days Catlin expected every stranger she saw would come up to her and say the words, "Code Green." After a week went by her expectation receded somewhat and after another few days she began to think that maybe the whole thing was some kind of elaborate hoax. Except that the five hundred dollars was real. Her bank cashed the check without question and she couldn't believe someone would throw away that kind of money on a joke.
Nearly two weeks had gone by when one afternoon right after lunch she left her apartment and headed for the library. The weather was warm and Catlin was wearing her usual summer casual outfit of cutoff jeans, a tee shirt and running shoes. The library was about five blocks from Catlin's apartment and she set out towards it at a brisk walk. She had gone about three blocks when she saw an attractive woman, about thirty with dark brown hair to her shoulders standing on the sidewalk looking at a small piece of paper or file card in her hand as though she were checking an address. As Catlin approached her, she looked up and said, "Excuse me. Maybe you can help me. I'm looking for someone."
Catlin stopped and answered, "Sure, if I can."
The woman replied, "Take a look at this and see if it looks familiar." She held the card out to Catlin.
Catlin looked down at the card and froze. It was a clear picture of her with her name printed below it. The woman took hold of her arm and said quietly in her ear, "Code Green. You are Catlin, correct?"
Catlin couldn't speak but managed to nod her head. The woman began to move her to the end of the block. "Welcome, Catlin. Come with me, please."
Catlin moved forward and finally found her voice. She started, "Where...", but the woman cut her off.
"No questions. Just do as you are told."
She led Catlin to a parking lot and to a new Ford. She unlocked the right hand door and indicated to Catlin to get in. Once she was seated the woman said, "Hold out your hands."
Catlin did as she was told and suddenly the woman closed a set of handcuffs around her wrists. She didn't close them uncomfortably tight and in fact the cuffs were padded slightly to protect her wrists. But still the shock nearly panicked Catlin and she started to try to get out. "No, it's all right. Remember this is just to help set the mood for your adventure." Catlin settled back into the seat and the woman closed the door and went around to the driver's side.
She started the car and drove off. Catlin wasn't familiar with where she was going but in about twenty-five minutes she pulled into a gate in the fence along side a small airport. She drove directly up to a hanger where a small jet was parked with a man walking around inspecting it. The plane had a label: "Farmont Express Transport." The woman said, "They usually just deliver parts or supplies which are quickly needed but will carry us as passengers. Don't worry, the pilot is fully certified and has an ATR."
She got out of the car and led Catlin up to the man doing the inspection. Catlin was intently aware that her hands were in cuffs and as the pilot looked at her, began to turn slightly red. The woman said something to the pilot which Catlin couldn't hear. He nodded and came over to Catlin. The woman went back to the car and removed a suitcase from the trunk and carried it aboard the plane.
The pilot said, "I'm Bill Farmont. Miss Smith has said that this is all part of some kind of 'mystery weekend' thing. I only want to know one thing. Do you want to go? Are you doing this of your own will?"
Catlin swallowed. "Yes. It's all part of the game. I assume it's all right?"
"Yes, but I told Miss Smith she would have to uncuff you while we're in the air. I hope that doesn't spoil anything, but I'd feel better if she does."
"I certainly won't mind," Catlin replied. The pilot gave her a slightly funny look and she quickly smiled at him to defuse any more questions.
He finally nodded and said, "Welcome aboard. We'll be taking off in about fifteen minutes."
The woman - Miss "Smith", Catlin supposed - came back out of the plane and over to Catlin. She led her into the hanger and over to a rest room. "Better make a stop now. This plane isn't equipped with a bathroom." Catlin held up her cuffed hands, but the woman said, "I'm sure you can manage."
She did let Catlin go in alone and went in herself afterwards while Catlin waited outside. Then she once more took her arm and led the bound girl up the stairs into the plane. As they got on board Catlin could see that cargo was the usual thing to be hauled. A number of boxes were strapped down along both sides of the small craft. A door separated the pilot's cabin from the rest of the plane and a second door led into a small room walled off on the right side of the aircraft. The woman opened this door and motioned for Catlin to enter.
Inside Catlin found four seats in sets of two, facing each other - two looking forward and two looking back. There was a small space between them and a fold down table which could be lowered from the wall. Catlin was surprised when Miss Smith closed off the only two windows, shutting out the outside view entirely. She looked at Catlin and said, "You really don't need to know where we're taking you."
Catlin felt a shiver up her back at the words, but also a slowly building feeling of excitement. This was really happening! The woman indicated for Catlin to sit in one of the forward facing seats. When she was sitting, the woman unfastened the cuffs. "The pilot insisted we take these off during flight."
The woman sat in the seat facing her and both of them fastened their seat belts. A few minutes later Catlin heard the plane door close and shortly afterwards the engines began to start. The pilot made a quick statement over a hidden speaker: "Please keep your belts fastened. We'll be taking off in about three minutes." The plane began to taxi to the end of the runway and in just a couple of minutes began its run and was soon airborne. A little later the pilot announced they could remove the belts, but when Catlin started to, the woman shook her head.
A couple of times Catlin tried to ask questions, but was stopped each time. The woman had taken her watch when they arrived at the airport so she had no way to accurately judge the flight time, but Catlin thought they had been airborne for about two hours when the woman broke the silence. She unfastened her own belt and retrieved her suitcase from a closed compartment. She opened it and pulled out what looked like a long, dark green, velvet hooded cape. As she shook it free, Catlin stared at it. She had seen similar capes in some of the mail order gift catalogs but they weren't cheap. She thought they ran about three or four hundred.
The woman turned towards the compartment door and reached down to lock it. Then she turned back to Catlin. "You will put this on. Please remove all of your clothing except your shoes first."
Far a second Catlin's heart seemed to stop. The whole thing so far had seemed fantastic but this was her first real reminder that it was all about sex. Then she thought to herself, "Well, I wanted an adventure." Slowly she unfastened her seat belt, stood, and just as slowly pulled her tee shirt over her head. Catlin had a good figure. She was nearly five seven and carried no extra weight, but she wasn't skinny. Her breasts were firm and rounded if not huge and now stood proudly from her chest.
The woman took the tee shirt and placed it in the suitcase. She continued to wait as Catlin unzipped her cutoffs and pulled them over her feet, leaving her in only a pair of high cut panties. She hesitated another second but it was obvious the woman had really meant all of her clothes, so with a shrug she stepped out of the skimpy garment and handed it to Miss Smith. Her blonde hair fell to below her shoulders and the small patch below her waist showed it was her natural color.
The woman handed Catlin the cloak. Catlin pulled it around her, and at the woman's nod, closed the fastenings down the front. The cloak fell to her ankles and the color highlighted the intense green of her eyes.
Catlin had to admit that the cloak made her feel sexy as hell, especially since she could feel even the slightest movement of the fabric across her bare skin. The woman nodded approval and said, "Please be seated again. We should be nearly there."
Before much longer the plane began to descend and in a few more minutes touched down on a runway. As they taxied to a stop Miss Smith had Catlin unfasten her seat belt and once again used the handcuffs to fasten her hands together in front of her. Then she removed a black silk scarf from her case and proceeded to carefully blindfold the bound woman. Catlin's vision was completely cutoff by the smooth material. She found that this enhanced the helplessness she felt at being complete naked under the long cloak.
After the engines had shut down, Miss smith opened the door and Catlin heard the pilot come back and begin to open the doorway of the plane. His voice suddenly cut through to her. "I hope you had a pleasant flight." Catlin replied that she had and thanked him. The pilot took her arm and started to lead her towards the doorway. Quietly he whispered in her ear, "You really do want to be here, don't you?"
Catlin suddenly realized that she did indeed. "Yes, it's all part of the game. But thank you for asking."
At the door Miss Smith took her arm and helped her to slowly descend the stairs to the concrete below. She guided her over to a car and opened the door for her, helping her to get inside. A few seconds later she entered the car and they drove off.
Catlin guessed the ride took about forty-five minutes, but without sight she had no idea where they went. All she knew was that the air had been warm when she left the plane and she had still felt sun on her face. The longer they drove the more the traffic noise diminished until Catlin heard no other cars for some time. The car slowed and turned onto a gravel road and continued to follow a curving path for several minutes. Catlin could smell pine trees.
Finally the car pulled to a stop. The driver rolled down the window and must have pressed a button for a couple of seconds later Catlin heard a voice over a small speaker say, "Yes?"
The woman answered, "Miss Smith and passenger." There was a sound like a gate opening and the car drove on.
After maybe a quarter mile the car came to a stop and the woman turned off the engine. She helped Catlin out of the car and then removed the blindfold. Catlin looked around her. The sun had just set but it was still light enough to see clearly. She was standing in front of a large - a very, very large - house. It could have been a manor house from the eighteenth century. There were groomed grounds around it with many tall trees and in the distance Catlin could see a surrounding fence topped with iron spikes. Beyond the fence she could see only forest. The front door which stood closed about thirty feet in front of them was of massive oak. A gigantic brass knocker was centered on it. Looking up at the windows of the three story building Catlin saw that several were lighted, but the light looked like candlelight or oil lamps. In fact the car was the only modern thing within view.
The woman turned to Catlin and said, "I will be leaving you now. First, let me have your shoes. Then when I drive off go up and knock on the door." Then she smiled and added, "You are about to have an adventure you'll not soon forget. I think you'll love it." With that she knelt to remove Catlin's shoes then turned, entered the car, and drove off.
Catlin hesitated only a few seconds and then made her way up to the door. She lifted her bound hands to the brass knocker and knocked twice. Within ten seconds the door swung slowly open and Catlin found herself looking at a liveried servant from the seventeen hundreds. He spoke,. "Catlin, I believe. You are expected." He gave no notice to her bound hands and turned to lead the way into the building. Catlin followed him on bare feet, vividly aware that much more than her feet was bare, down a hall and to the closed door of a room. He knocked once than opened the door and ushered her in. Catlin saw the room was populated with young men and a couple of women all dressed in eighteenth century garb of a type Catlin suspected would have been worn by the minor nobility. They were talking and many were holding glasses. They turned towards the door as it opened and the servant announced simply, "Catlin."
One of the men looked directly at her and said, "Welcome, Catlin."
On a hunch Catlin replied, "Thank you, my Lord," and was rewarded by a wide smile of pleasure that she had caught on so quickly. There were six men and two women and as she glanced around the room she noticed one other girl about her own age dressed in a similar cloak, only a dark wine red in color. She also had her hands bound. Their eyes met for a second and a minute look of understanding was exchanged.
The man who had spoken to Catlin now turned towards the others and said, "Now that both of our - guests - have arrived I think we can go into supper." He took Catlin's arm and guided her back out to the hall with the others right behind him. They went a short distance farther down the hall and then through a closed doorway on the opposite side. Catlin found herself in a period dining hall, or maybe a banquet room. A long polished wood table was set with silver and china and dozens of candles in polished silver holders threw sparkles from silver serving pieces. The man guided Catlin to a seat near the center of one side of the table and the others arranged themselves around it. She noticed another man was guiding the other cloaked girl to the seat directly opposite her.
As the guests settled Catlin thought that this could have been a scene from a good historical movie. The first hint that this was something a little different came with the two serving maids who brought in the first course. Both were completely nude. Even their pubic hair had been shaved. Both were about Catlin's age and very good looking. As they were pouring drinks into the goblets - Catlin decided the drink was plain water - one of the girls spilled a small amount onto the table cloth. She immediately dabbed at it with the napkin she carried, but the man beside Catlin said, "Have you made a careless mistake, Mary?"
The girl turned towards him, but before she could answer the other maid approached and said, "Mary is but a serving wench, My Lord. I am responsible and will accept what you think I should."
The man looked at her and said, "Three, Meg?" The girl nodded and he said, "Fetch it please."
The girl left the room and returned within a minute carrying a short riding crop. She carried it to the man beside Catlin and offered it. He stood and took it from her motioning her towards a pillar at one side of the room. Meg went to the pillar and placed her hands around it a little above head height. Then she spread her feet slightly and arched her back so her bottom was sticking up. Catlin watched in fascination as the man struck three sharp blows across her defenseless rear. The girl gasped at each but did not cry out and three red lines appeared across her white skin. As she stood and took the crop from the man Catlin thought she looked like the strokes had aroused her sexually. Then she realize they had also aroused her.
The man returned to his place beside Catlin and the serving continued.
The meal was light but Catlin was too excited to feel really hungry anyway. She was constantly aware that under the cloak which remained fastened to her throat she was as bare as the two maids. This combined with the whole unreal atmosphere to keep her at a high level of sexual excitement.
While they ate Catlin spoke little and then only in response to direct questions, addressing each questioner as "My Lord" or "My Lady." The other cloaked girl, whose name Caltin learned was Tyra, behaved similarly. The man who had escorted Catlin in appeared to be in charge and was addressed as Lord Robert. The two ladies present were named Anne and Linda. Of the other five men she heard the names John, James, and William, but except for Lord James who was the escort for Tyra she didn't associate a name and face. She didn't catch the names of the other two men.
The two girls, Mary and Meg, continued serving and the men frequently would run a hand over a bare backside or along a thigh, but there was no other sexual activity. When everyone had finished Lord Robert suggested they adjourn to the library. He turned to the two maids and said, "You may join us, Mary and Meg." They acknowledged with a slight bow of their heads and, still nude, followed the others back into the large paneled room where Catlin had first met everyone.
Robert and James took the arms of Catlin and Tyra and led them to one end while everyone else turned to face them. Robert began, "I would like to introduce Catlin and Tyra. These lovely young women have decided to join us as our unique - guests - for the next week. I'm sure each of you will make a more intimate acquaintance with them before that time is over and I'm sure each will find that being our guest - or maybe I should say captive - is a, shall I say stimulating, experience. Now I believe you might like to see them a little more closely."
With that he turned to her, as James did to Tyra, and unfastened the cuffs which they still wore. Catlin had managed to eat with little trouble and had become quite used to the bindings, but now flexed her wrists at their removal. Once the cuffs were removed the two moved behind them leaving them facing the others. Despite the fact that Catlin was sure what was coming she was still startled when Robert reached around her shoulders and began to unclasp the cloak. In seconds it was undone and he slipped it from her shoulders, leaving her completely naked. Catlin was proud of her figure and knew she had no reason to hide it, but still suddenly being bared in front of strangers caused a red blush to move from her face down past her breasts. But she stood straight with her shoulders back and managed to smile at her audience. A quick glance showed Tyra was doing pretty much the same. Tyra was an inch or two shorter than Catlin, with amber eyes and dark brown hair cut just above her shoulders. She was slender but her very narrow waist made her slightly rounded hips and ass appear more curvy than they actually were. Her breasts were firm and actually slightly larger than Catlin's, but Catlin decided she compared well. Both of them were very good looking.
For that matter everyone she had met was very attractive, both men and women. As she had been told most were in their late twenties or early thirties. One or two of the men might have been a couple of years older but they were all in good physical shape, muscled and no extra fat. Lady Linda was in her late twenties and had light brown hair and light blue eyes. She was about five four and had a curvy figure with fairly large breasts that still looked firm under her tight fitting blouse. Lady Anne was older - probably about thirty or thirty-two - and much taller, probably about five ten. She was a blonde with short hair and dark blue eyes and a slim figure. Her breasts, revealed, like Linda's, by the deep cut of her blouse, were small for her height but not for her slim build. Her narrow waist flared to slightly wider but still narrow hips. Her legs, though, seemed almost too long and ended in a nicely rounded ass. Her body looked younger than thirty but looking closely at her eyes Catlin decided her first guess was probably about right, but she was still an astonishingly attractive woman.
As the group looked over the two women, there were murmurs of approval and they began to move closer. Catlin hadn't noticed but Robert and James had picked up padded leather cuffs from somewhere and now began to fasten them around the women's wrists. The cuffs were sturdy, but well padded with soft leather, and had a strong D ring attached to each. When they were on, each girl had her hands pulled behind her back and a snap was used to fasten her wrists together. They had little choice but to stand and allow the group to examine them closely, including much feeling of tits and ass. In fact, even if Catlin had had a choice she would have so chosen. Her level of excitement had been constantly rising and now she could feel her juices beginning to escape and moisten her legs. Whether from her thoughts or from the frequent handling, her nipples were standing out large and hard.
After a couple of minutes Robert spoke. "I know Lord Thomas and Lord John have said they had some private plans for our two serving wenches, but I would suggest that the rest of you accompany me to the rooms below and we shall introduce our two lovely captives to their fates."
There were several loud calls of agreement and Robert and James each took an arm. They led the girls back out into the hall and down to a doorway at the far end. Just as she entered the door and began to descend the stairs, Catlin noticed two of the men, who must have been Thomas and John, bringing Mary and Meg out of the library. Both of the maids now had their hands fastened behind their backs also.
With her hands bound behind her she was glad of Robert's firm grasp on her arm as he steadied her descent. The stairway was made of stone and followed down alongside a stone wall. The air cooled slightly and as they reached the bottom Catlin felt cool stone flags beneath her bare feet. She was urged down a short hall way lit by flickering candle sconces to a heavy oak door bound with iron straps. Lord Robert produced a key, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. Catlin and Tyra were led inside followed by the four lords and two ladies.
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Who’s up for some perverted comics about naughty schoolgirls getting into trouble? How about some dirty manga about chicks with cat ears getting fucked really hard? Would you like to see a French maid giving a blowjob, a warrior bitch getting fondled by tentacles, or a parody of Sailor Moon where Sailor Venus gets fucked by a monster? Well, you might be in the mood for nHentai.Some of you manga perverts are probably already thinking, “nHentai.net? I jerk off to that all the time!” This is...
Hentai Manga SitesTips 'n Toes: And Then There Was Chrissy by CCSondra I need to set the stage for this next installment by telling you some of the general things that were happening in my life. Only then does my relationship with Chrissy make any sense. I've mentioned before, there was nothing sexual going on between mom, her girlfriends, and me, but that didn't mean that is wasn't extremely sensual. Mom, loved men, but she was really enjoying the growing sense of control she had over me. I...
Chapter 7 – Evelyn “Aleeeeeeeeex.” I looked around, startled from my contemplation of the idol by the voice, a female voice, whispering my name; soft, sweet and enticing. “Aleeeeeeeeex. Come to me.” Breathy and sexy, it seemed directionless; all I knew for sure was that it wasn’t any of the men around the table calling me; they couldn’t even hear it; they all remained absorbed in Johanssen’s narrative. He had closed out his Bridge night adventure with Evelyn and was now explaining how Adley...
SupernaturalA TRIBUTE TO THE OUTSIDER SITE FOR ALL IT'S WONDERFUL STORIES AND CAPTION IMAGES. The Outsider 2 By Paul G. Jutras "Have a good day at work," Harriet said as she kissed her husband good-bye. As he pulled out of the driveway, the pre-school bus pulled up. "Kids, hurry up or you'll be late for school." "Bye mom!!" Jennifer and Philip said at the same time as they hurried out the door. Harriet stood in the doorway and waited for them to all go before she made her move....
That night I again dreamed of having sex with my little sister. I woke up in the morning to a mess in my bed from the wet dream. I still felt guilty but convinced myself that no harm had been done. I changed my bedding and cleaned up the mess. After going through my morning routine I went down for breakfast. It was a repeat of the day before. Jen was looking relaxed and happy and Mom was busy with breakfast. I had an early class so I wished Jen good luck on her test and left for school. I...
When Dee did not return that evening, Penn was desolate. He was convinced that she had been taken, and expected his memory of his sister to be washed out, at any time, with that strange sense of calm. It never happened. Was Dee still safe? He went with Madeleine to her room, and they asked assistance from the mirror. "Dee Fillis" Dee's face appeared. She was sitting naked against a tree, next to a road. Her legs were splayed, and there was blood on her thighs, and those strange...
From Urban Dictionary: “Catfish — A fake or stolen online identity created or used for the purposes of beginning a deceptive relationship.” Enter Alex Coal. She’s one horny slut, and she swipes right almost all the time! She uses all the different “hook-up apps” on her phone to satisfy her insatiable desires; and tonight, Alex is extra horny. I mean her cunt is soo wet. So when she realizes the dude she’s supposed to meet isn’t really the dude...
xmoviesforyouAdele was so happy and animated during our short car trip from the airport to the house. I drove the Mustang convertible whilst she babbled excitedly about the countryside, and how much she enjoyed getting away from her mundane job. "I hate the way that I have to dress ... I have to use nipple shields to cover my beauties, and I have to remove my rings" she explained. "For two weeks I am free ... no one will recognise me, and that's beautiful ... and it's a bonus to have a young stud...
(This is the second part of a three part series. Please read the first part before you read this. Any and all constructive criticism is most welcome.) * Jessica woke up in Jim’s bedroom as the light of the early morning slipped between the venetian blinds. The simple décor was much the same as the rest of the house and spoke of a man who needed just a touch of feminine style in his life. Somewhere there was a lonely seabird calling and a fresh sea breeze smell lingered in the room. Jessica...
"What's the matter, dear," Kate Jefferson asked her eighteen year old bad, tell mom all about it, I promise you I'll understand!!!" After finally regaining her composure, Wendy dabbed at her tears and said, "I just know you've never had this problem, mom, and I just don't know what to do about it!!!" "Well why don't you start at the beginning and we'll just go from there," Kate replied, "you know I'm a pretty good listener!!!" "Okay," she replied between sniffles, "it started a couple of weeks...
EroticTuesday, July 21, 2015 I got out of bed at 0600, but I hadn’t been asleep. I had slept fitfully at best all night, and I just gave in and got up. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, so the water would warm up, and then started brushing my teeth. “Can’t sleep?” asked Kelly, from our bed. “I need to get to the station early,” I told her. Any further discussion was ended when we heard a cry from the hallway. Kelly groaned and got out of bed. I smiled and shook my head and...
A young lad from Sydney, Nova Scotia goes off to University, but halfway through the semester he foolishly has squandered all of his money. He calls home. ‘Dad,’ he says, ‘you won’t believe what modern education is developing. They actually have a program here in Antigonish that could teach our dog “Jiggy” how to talk.’ ‘That’s amazing!’ his Dad says ‘How do I get Jiggy in that program?’ ‘Just send him in here with $1200,’ the young lad says, ‘I’ll get him in the course.’ So his father sends...
Forward: This story is a tribute to Tomboy Han. She is a real girl and has her pictures post on various websites all over the Internet. I do not post too detailed description of her, as this story is meant for her primarily, and she knows what she looks like. This is a fantasy I wrote about her and the ways I would wish to dominate her. It is playful and fantasy, but that is what we are all here for. Enjoy.?The Domination of Han?The meeting was arranged. The road has been traveled. And the trap...
She smiled at me looking at her. I came near her put my strong hands on her legs. Lifted her petticoat langa till her thighs and started massaging her. She closed her eyes and started to make low moans. I took her hands in my hands and began to press them slightly, rubbed her fingers, arms and shoulders. Took some good amount of butter, applied it on her waist and legs. Now applied some pressure while massaging her waist and legs. Now moved her bottom coat till her pussy and applied some butter...
My wife and I occasionally check into some upscale downtown hotels on Friday or Saturday nights to enjoy the cities nightlife. By doing so we don't need to be concerned about driving drunk. My wife loves to wear outfits that show off a very nice backside and C cup bust. This usually means tight fitting jeans and a low cut blouse or a tight fitting pull over dress. One weekend we decided to check in one of our favorite hotels to enjoy the revived downtown social scene. As we were enjoying a...
Well, I've been in Santiago for almost two months now and my life is finally starting to feel manageable. Work has been fine but so hectic. I'm involved with a whole basket of interesting projects with the Santiago branch, and the hedge fund hit the ground running, racking up quick sharp profits; way beyond what I was expecting. The performance is attracting a lot of new money. We have $157M under management now and prospects for much more. My one outing with Carlotta was sweet but...
I thought long and hard about what my girls had told me about Janet. Making love to her would just be too risky in that I could not only loose my daughters but my freedom if anyone found out about it. With that in mind I called Kim and Tammy to me. "Girls," I said "I need to talk with you about Janet." "What's up dad?" asked Kim. "I have come to a decision that I cannot make love to Janet no mater how much she wants it. It's just too risky to take the chance right now. Maybe in...
Petite cutie Mackenzie Mace is tanning out by her pool when she notices her married neighbor Nade Nasty peeking over the fence. They exchange pleasantries and pretty soon Nade makes it clear that his wife and kids aren’t home and he has some time to spare, which is great news for Mackenzie because she’s always wanted to try his huge cock. Nade hops over the fence, bringing more tanning oil for Mackenzie and its doesn’t take long for the two of them to move things to the bedroom where Nade fully...
xmoviesforyouAt the newsagents, Simon decided to buy GQ and Esquire magazines. He hadn’t looked at the prices and was momentarily stunned when Amjad, the newsagent, asked him to part with the best part of a tenner. That was nearly half a week's college money gone in one swoop.Simon paid with a twenty-pound note, put the change in his wallet and, taking the magazines off the counter, hoped that this was going to be a small price to pay in his pursuit of pussy.Over the next week, Simon devoured the magazines...
MILFJill’s arms strained under the weight of the wavering stack of books she held as she made her way down the narrow hallway. With each trepiditious step, she struggled to prevent her grip from giving way while maintaining the precarious balance of the teetering pile. As she reached the closed door of her dormitory room, she firmly planted her chin against the top of the stack and lifted her knee from the bottom to help support her tired, shaking hands. As she fished into her pocket, rummaging for...
I was very lucky to go to a film studio that I had been in touch with over the years and the told me that they would be filming when I was out there . They told my to ring them up them a checked into my hotel and they would arrange transport to me to get to the studios . I was eager to contact them when I checked in and I rang them after I had unpacked my bags . The person on the phone asked who I was and when I told them I had to talk to the person I emailed , they told me that he had just...
The Battle Cream was a town in the small country known as Cumalot. It was home to the sex battle sport The Fuckings. The Fuckings were the most popular adult’s only sport in all Cumalot. It would feature 2 or more combatants known as fuckers who both male and female would fight naked and would try to defeat the other by making them cum to hard or cumming or squirting in their face. The Fuckings resembles wrestling but matches are full of very rough fucking going on in the crowds. The sex battle...
I called Kathy while I was at lunch. I was back at school and my parents were back at work or in dad’s case, going back to work this evening. Kathy answered on the first ring. Niceties were brief. “How’d it go?” She asked almost breathlessly. “I’d really like to see the video. Can I?” I was surprised by her enthusiasm. I’d thought that to her, as a BDSM porn star, a gang bang video would be kind of blasé. I didn’t know she was even aware we’d HAD the gang bang on the weekend. I was pretty...
Copyright 1974, 2001, swl all rights reserved. Permission is given to download a copy for personal use. Permission is given for Fictionmania to post a copy at its website. A spring Day Fantasy a poem by shalimar We walk along the beach as the surf crashes ashore, Above us the sea gulls cry out for more. Other birds run on this side of the water, A snail or crab is their food for slaughter. Helen finds a bottle, one of the old ones from Coke. As she pries off the cap she said as...
Cahoots By Wanda "So, it's a trick," he asked. "Sure, you tell me what you're going to write on your piece of paper, Greg, and I'll say that's what the first one says. And you'll say that that's what you wrote on your paper," she explained. "Then I'll open one of the other pieces of folded paper, not yours and pretend it's yours and wave it like it really says what you said you wrote on your paper." He frowned for a moment imagining how this would work. "But really,"...
The drive home was uneventful. My wife sat up and put on her seatbelt, per my request, yet stayed in the backseat. The car was very quiet until about two blocks from our house."I imagine that it's pretty messy back there?" I said knowingly. "I put my panties back on" she replied, "but a lot was already running out of me.""So you're a drippy mess?" I added, "Yes baby" my wife replied, lowering her head away from my sight in the rearview mirror, "I am...""Once in the garage" I continued, "go...
"How'd you do that?" Cindy demanded. "I've been trying to catch that little beast for the last three days! Now you get out of the car and have him ready to play dead at your feet." The kitten did exactly that when Beth bent down and scratched his chin. The little black ball of fur rolled onto his back, waving all four paws in the air as she scratched his belly. I couldn't blame him, I'd been known to act the same way. "What a cutie!" she said as she reached down and picked him up....
It is advised that you read the previous chapters for an understanding of the characters and their character development. I was thrilled when I found out that CJ, along with her roommates Rick and Stephanie, would be moving into the apartment complex. My friend Mick and I shared an apartment there, and CJ would be sharing an apartment with her roommates Rick and Stephanie. Mick’s younger brother Jesse had come out from the mid-west a few months earlier and was temporarily sleeping on our...
Cuckold*BUZZZZ* BUZZZZ* I reach into my pocket to pull my phone out. It’s a message from Daddy. “Go into the bathroom and hook up your enema tube to the shower.”My stomach dropped. And immediately my pussy began to tingle. I did as he said and hooked it up to the shower. I messaged him back, “ All done Daddy! What next?” I waited for a few moments and finally received a text back. It read, “Strip your clothes off Princess. Grab the Vaseline out of the cabinet. Then I want you to lube up the...
Chapter 1 'What you need, Alice, is a good regular shagging!' Alice Mavers stared at her friend in amused shock. 'Carol! That is shocking! I'm not going to have an affair! That's a recipe for disaster.' The two life-long friends were having their weekly coffee morning, and as usual Alice had been having a moan about her boring life as a suburban housewife, a role she had now filled for over six months, ever since she had packed in her teaching job after a terrible term with a...
Im not sure how long I slept or even if I did. But I found myself pinned under daddy, by his breathing I could tell he was asleep. His weight felt good, reassuring. I know that might sound odd to you, but then again you might be a man, but a woman will understand what I mean but that. Lovingly I ran my hands up and down daddys back. At some point daddy had removed his clothes. I was disappointed I want to watch him strip. Maybe even strip him. But to be honest I could not be that disappointed,...
On the first day of Christmas, I handed my true love a piece of paper with the heading, divorce decree! On the second day of Christmas, I gave my true love two black eyes and a bloody nose to go along with that divorce decree. Why, because he called me a lazy ass bitch, adding the divorce was my fault. I'm usually not a violent person honest. On the third day of Christmas, I told my true love, three curse words in French words. He still had two black eyes, and the divorce decree! On the...
I first met Shelby three years ago at a nightclub. She was with a girlfriend that I knew from high school and they had been club hopping. I got an introduction courtesy of my high school acquaintance and fell head over heals for her the moment she opened her mouth to speak. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, but I knew that I loved her the moment we met. I also knew that she was way out of my league. She was like a goddess walking the earth. Shelby has a body that is perfect in...
Hi friends, this is again Ramvijay,I hope you guys you liked my previous part of my story and thank you for your feedbacks! If any girls and unsatisfied aunties in coimbatore can contact me via In my previous story I said you about my girl friend but I am worried that I didn’t have complete session with her because my sister and cousin reached home since my sister had half yearly examination. In this season I will say that how I enjoyed with cousin. After I sent off my girlfriend and sat near...