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Chapter 1

'What you need, Alice, is a good regular shagging!'

Alice Mavers stared at her friend in amused shock. 'Carol! That is shocking! I'm not going to have an affair! That's a recipe for disaster.'

The two life-long friends were having their weekly coffee morning, and as usual Alice had been having a moan about her boring life as a suburban housewife, a role she had now filled for over six months, ever since she had packed in her teaching job after a terrible term with a horrendous class of spoilt cheeky children.

Alice and Carol had been friends since childhood. Both had married in their early twenties: Carol to a now very successful banker, and Alice to an oil rep. Both women were in the last year of their thirties; Carol had had only one child, Gemma, but Alice was childless, a matter of great sadness to her. Gemma was away for her first term at Uni and Carol and Alice met regularly, as both women, now with time on their hands, sought to adjust to a new life-style.

They were quite unalike, these two boon companions: Carol Dempster was a tall willowy blond of about 5'9", with slim hips and a biggish bust that she liked to display in tight sweaters - sweaters that Alice always thought were at least two sizes too small for her friend. Her face, framed by her shoulder-length honey-blond hair, was very attractive, with cornflower blue eyes, a sensual mouth and a rather suggestive smile.

Alice on the other hand was smaller -about 5'4" - and gave an appearance of plumpness, particularly round her hips. Her bust was rather indeterminate, due to the loose blouses and dresses she favoured. She did have nice shapely legs though, with plump rounded thighs - features her friend Carol urged her to show off by wearing shorter skirts.

'My bum is too big', Alice had protested, 'besides I am not going around as mutton dressed like lamb!'

Alice had a wide mouth usually set in a rather serious grave expression, with greeny/brown eyes and dark hair cut in a short page-boy style. On not a few occasions when they had been out for a drink together, people had assumed they were lesbians. An observation that gave Carol great amusement but annoyed Alice intensely.

'Who said anything about an affair?' Carol leaned forward on the settee, her long legs curled under her.

'An affair's far too problematic. All those secret meetings - and looking over your shoulder all the time in case somebody sees you. I'm simply saying a good fucking once or twice a week would do you the world of good.'

Alice laughed, 'Carol, I think you're incorrigible. It's a good job I know you. Anybody else would think you were serious'.

Carol drank her coffee and looked at her friend over the rim of the cup.' But I am, ' she said solemnly, ' I recommend it.'

Alice stopped smiling and drew her own legs under her, gazing at her friend in puzzlement.

'Are you saying that you're involved with somebody else? That you're cheating on Eric? I don't believe you!'

Carol finished her coffee and put the cup down on the glass top of the table.

'I'm not 'involved with somebody else' as you put it, darling. And as for 'cheating on Eric' I'm not doing anything that in any way deprives him. I cook his meals, I wash his clothes, I keep his house, and he fucks me whenever he wants to - usually once a week, nearly always on a Saturday night unless he is too drunk and can't get it up, and sometimes on a Sunday morning when he wakes up with a hard-on... So there!'

Alice was laughing again after her friend's frank and amusing description of her married life. At the same time she thought, 'She's got a much better sex life than me, if Eric's doing her as much as that. I get it once a month, if I'm lucky - and it's not that good, even then!'

'I don't' understand. What are you saying then?', she queried, 'you implied that you were having sex with somebody else. '"I recommend it"'.you said.'

'I am - and I do', said Carol.

Alice stared at her friend. 'Are you really telling me that you are having an... af... that you are... '. she stuck, lost for words, then: 'that you are screwing somebody... regularly?' She put emphasis on the last word.

'Yes, I am', Carol leaned forward, resting her chin on one hand as she surveyed her friend. 'I've been dying to tell you for a while, I really have. But it never seemed right. Then today when you were so obviously unhappy about your life and about Morris, I just decided that I wanted to tell you that it can be different. That you can have fun - without it destroying all the things marriage gives you.'

There was a long silence in which they both looked at each other.

'Who is it?' Alice wasn't smiling. 'It's true', she thought, 'Carol is having sex with another man. My God!' Then out loud, 'Is it somebody I know?' Is it... ?

Carol cut in, 'No! It's no-one you know. He's my insurance man. He comes to collect my premium every Wednesday and he fucks me. There, now you know.'

Alice looked at her friend in disbelief, 'Your insurance man?! What insurance man? People pay their insurance by cheque or through direct debit. How can you have an insurance man coming to your house every week? You're winding me up, Carol. This is a game.' Alice was annoyed. Carol had led her on and it was all a lot of nonsense.

Carol laughed, 'Look darling, please calm down. I'm going to make some fresh coffee and then I'll tell you the whole story. Honestly.'

They sat sipping the hot coffee, then Carol began to speak:

'Do you remember when old Mrs. Edmonds in the church got out of hospital and you and I took turns to visit her?' Alice nodded.

'You remember you went on a Thursday and I went on a Tuesday afternoon. Well, it was the second time I went and she had somebody there when I arrived. I was a bit earlier than we'd arranged and she was sitting chatting to this young man when I let myself in. She introduced us and that was how i first met Roger'.

Alice started to interrupt but Carol put her finger to her lips. 'No, let me tell it. You can ask me afterwards.' She reached for the biscuit barrel and held it out. Alice took a chocolate mint.

'Roger didn't stay long, and after he had gone, I asked Mrs. Edmonds about him. She explained that she had a little annuity policy and Roger came every week to collect her premium. When I asked her why she didn't pay it through the bank, she laughed and said she enjoyed him coming, and that he stayed for about half-an-hour each time and had a cup of tea and a chat.

''He's such a nice young man", Mrs Edmonds said, "Not a gossip you understand, he doesn't talk about other clients but he is so well mannered and he cheers me up. And don't' you think he is so good-looking with that dark curly hair? I do enjoy my Tuesdays.'

'Well, Alice, I made a point of going at the same time on the next Tuesday and I again arrived just as Roger was leaving. We chatted in the hallway as I let him out and there was something in his manner that made my pulse race. He held my hand for a bit longer than was necessary and I felt his eyes were reading my thoughts. As he turned to leave, I just asked him on impulse if he could give me some advice on insurance. He gave me his card and suggested i call him on his mobile any morning between 9:15 and 10:00 a.m. to arrange a meeting.'

Alice took a long drink of her coffee, ' This isn't true, is it, Carol? You're making it up, aren't you? It's one of your wind-ups.'

'No, darling, I'm not.winding you up, I assure you' Carol smiled at her friend, then grew serious. 'Anyway let me finish:

'I thought about it and thought about it over the next few days, then on the Saturday at that awful party at Linda's for her fortieth, Eric got very drunk and we fought all the way home and never spoke on the Sunday

I phoned Roger at 9:30 next morning.

I was so nervous, Alice! I could hardly speak. Anyway he said he'd call about 2 p.m. that afternoon. I don't know how I put the morning in - the clock just dragged by. I couldn't settle to anything. I could hardly eat any lunch. I nearly called him up twice to put him off. But I had a long soak in the bath after lunch and then I got dressed.'

'What did you wear?' Alice, despite her disapproval and her doubts, was beginning to be intrigued by the story, and she leaned forward, her eyes searching Carol's face.

'I wore that little black suit - you know the one you like. You always said it contrasts so well with my hair and colouring.'

'And it shows off your long legs, as well you know.' Both women laughed, and leaned forward to give each other a friendly pat on the thigh. 'Go on then, tell me.' Alice was now agog with curiosity.

'Roger arrived at two on the dot. It was pouring with rain and I was so anxious to get him into the dry that I quite forgot to be nervous. I remember as he gave me his raincoat to hang up, he asked if he could take his shoes off because of the rain. He never waited for an answer, just slipped them off and walked ahead of me into the lounge in his stocking soles, carrying his brief case. He seemed so at ease. And so sexy.

My heart was wearing a hole in my chest. He complimented me on the house and on my taste. Then he said how elegant i looked in my suit. And you know, Alice, he just seemed so laid back and, well, as I said, so at ease. He slipped his jacket off and then sat down, here on the settee, and began to take papers out of his case. I'd made coffee and, after I'd poured it, I went to sit in the armchair. He immediately asked me if I'd mind sitting down beside him on the settee so that he could go over the papers with me.

I felt my heart racing as I sat down. He moved quite close and pointed to the brochures he'd spread out on the coffee table and he began to talk about the types of insurance. I hadn't a clue what he was saying.All I could think of was how the fine black hair on his wrists contrasted with his white shirt and how lovely his hands were.

I don't know when I became aware of it but i suddenly realised that his knee was pressing against me and his toes were touching my foot. I wanted to look at him but I daren't. I didn't move away though and he gradually leaned closer with his elbow pressing against my boob. I could feel the heat of his thigh against me and I felt myself getting... well... you know... turned on.

Then he asked me a question,

'Have you thought about what exactly you want, Mrs.Dempster? ' I looked at him. His stockinged foot was between mine, his toes touching my ankle and I was practically sitting on his thigh but his face showed no sign of what he was feeling.

'You see, Mrs. Dempster', he said, looking straight into my eyes, ' I'm sure I can provide you with what you need but I have to be sure that you are quite clear about things. I don't want to offer you something that you don't really want or that you might regret later. Do you understand? I think I've made things quite clear. '

He was gazing into my eyes as he spoke, Alice, his mouth seemed so sexy and I just wanted him to to kiss me.

I looked straight at him. He must have seen by the pulse in my neck and from the way I was breathing that I was really excited but he just looked at me as calmly as if we were really negotiating insurance. The tension between us was electric and I suddenly decided that I was going to do it.

" I'm quite clear about what I want, Roger ", I said. " Quite sure. I'd like something for me. Something that would be... personal. Just mine. If you see what I mean. I... I'd really like you to take care of it. Of me. Personally, I mean. Could you call once a week in the afternoon? I would be ready for you... like Mrs. Edmonds." I cocked my eyebrow and gave him what I hoped was a sexy look...

Just after I'd said those words, some papers sort of dropped off the coffee table and landed at our feet. Roger reached down with one hand to retrieve them. As he did so, his other hand slid up my leg and came to rest a little above my knee. He at once reached over with his other hand and took the papers and spread them back on the table using just the one hand.

He then began to point to them and as I leaned forward to look, his hand very very slowly moved from my knee and inched up my thigh, stopping every few seconds - as if he was waiting for the all clear before proceeding. After what seemed to me to be an eternity, his fingers touched the bare skin at the top of my stocking.

And all the time he kept talking about my insurance while I struggled with my breathing and my heart pounding in my throat. Wanting him to touch me. Willing him to. Yet frightened to do anything that would scare him off... And then I felt his finger touch my panties. I was soaking by now and when I felt that finger press into my wet knickers I lost it. I flung myself at him and kissed him.'

Carol paused and looked at her friend. Alice gazed at her, eyes wide. Her friend gave a great stretch then bent to brush some crumbs from her lap

'Well tell me. What happened next? What did he do then?' Alice gasped.

'And then he fucked me, of course', Carol said in a matter-of-fact tone. 'Just there on the rug. And I liked it. Very much. And he's been fucking me every Wednesday since the third of March.'

Chapter 2

Alice lay in bed. The radio alarm showed 2 a.m... She couldn't sleep. Morris's snoring wasn't helping either. For the umpteenth time she pushed at the portly form of the man sleeping next to her and once more he rolled on to his side and his breathing settled to a gentle wheezing.

'God!' Alice thought, 'I wish he would get more exercise' Almost immediately her mind turned back to Carol: 'She's getting plenty of exercise', she thought wryly. And again she thought of their conversation the previous morning:

'But didn't you feel guilty... afterwards?' she had asked, ' how did you face Eric when he came home?'

'I gave him the fuck of his life almost as soon as he got in the door', her friend chuckled.

'Carol! Be serious! You don't expect me to believe that you had sex with your husband an hour or so after you were unfaithful to him. You couldn't do that.' Alice was outraged.

'Darling. Why are you so upset? I am serious. Eric loved it. Of course I hadn't planned for it to happen. After Roger left I had another long soak in the bath. Do you know, Alice, I felt so ALIVE. And so randy. Now don't look like that! I just did! I couldn't sit still. After my bath, I polished the furniture and then I hoovered - and after that I made the meal. And when it was in the oven, I just frittered around cleaning things.

Eric came in as usual at six 'clock. I was in the kitchen and I didn't know he was in the house till I heard him shout hello, just as he always does. He shot upstairs to change before I caught even a glimpse of him. We don't make a thing of greeting each other, anyhow.

A few minutes later I went upstairs and into our room. He was standing with his back to me in his boxers. I crept up behind him and put my arms round him. And grabbed... well you can guess how I grabbed him. He laughed and protested and tried to push me away. We don't usually do that kind of thing at that time of day. But I persisted. I wouldn't let go and all the time I kept kissing his neck and his ears and nipping him with my teeth -and, well, he began to get... you know... aroused. And we had good sex. Not as exciting as with Roger but good.

And when we went to bed that night we had sex again. I think Eric thought he'd died and gone to heaven. I... we... that is I... did stuff I'd never done before... not with Eric.'

For the first time Carol had looked embarrassed, then she tossed her head and continued, 'So darling, I'm afraid I don't feel guilty at all. All I know is our relationship is better than it's been for years. Maybe better than it ever was. Eric is happy; Roger is happy. I'm happy - and nobody is getting hurt. And there's no reason why they ever should. I recommend it, darling. As I said, you can't beat a good regular shagging. Or better still a regular good shagging!'

She laughed and stroked Alice's cheek fondly, "don't look so worried. I've not become a charity case. I've got an insurance policy to boot!' They both laughed...

'Now let's talk about something else - unless you have a dark secret you want to tell me.' Carol looked at her friend with amusement., And they had laughed together and things went back to normal. Or as normal as they ever could be again...

... Morris turned on his back and began to snore again. Quietly Alice slipped out of bed and went through to the bathroom. She slipped off her nightie and looked at herself in the long mirror.

'What's wrong with me?' she asked the woman in the mirror. The woman who stared back at her - although Alice would have laughed at the idea - was the type of woman men of an earlier century found very desirable, she stood about five foot four with powerful shoulders and strong upper arms; her breasts were more the size of melons than grapefruit with brown aureoles and big nipples. No child had ever suckled at Alice Dempster's boobs and they showed no hint of sagging; nor was the swell of her round tummy marred by any stretch marks.

The pubic hair on the plump prominence of her mons veneris was a luxuriant black curly bush that hid the secret of her cunt. Her thighs were well muscled and shapely while the twin white globes of her biggish bottom thrust out firm - 'No heading South there', she thought to herself as she tightened her buttocks and turned sideways to admire her bum...

There was nothing thin or angular about Alice. She herself thought she was somewhat overweight - but in those parts of the world which have not succumbed to the hype of Western advertising, Alice would have been prized indeed. Only her hair, short and boyish in its style, paid any service to modern fashion. Alice held up her breasts with her hands and jiggled them. She pictured her friend Carol tall and willowy with small peach-like tits, and once again in her mind, she saw Carol with her legs around a stranger's back as he thrust fiercely into her.

'My God! I've got to stop this', she thought. She donned her nightie and returned to the bed room. But as she lay with her head under the pillow vainly trying to shut out the trumpeting snoring, she could not rid herself of the images of Carol and her lover.

Chapter 3

The interior of the coffee-shop was cool and dark and Alice thought how fortunate she was to have found such a uniquely peaceful refuge from the bustle of the town. She wondered where Marcia had disappeared to. For five weeks now she and her new-found friend had come here after the gym but today Marcia had not turned up, nor was she answering her phone.

They had met for the first time at the gym that first Wednesday morning when Alice just couldn't get Carol and Roger out of her mind... The young Italian girl had started chatting to her when they had been on adjacent bikes in the gym and had invited her for coffee afterwards.

Alice had never known of the little coffee-shop down one of the old winding streets near the High Street, with its mysterious gypsy-like owner. She, the owner, fascinated Alice with her tall buxom frame, the strong tanned hands and the deep black eyes set in a proud almost cruel face... Alice felt she was drowning in those black pools when the woman stared at her, and she found herself held by a kind of magnetic attraction. Marcia had obviously been coming to the coffee-shop for a while because she and the owner were on first name terms.

'Rosa', Marcia had said that first time, 'This is my new friend, Alice. Isn't she lovely?'

And while Alice had blushed and protested at the compliment, Rosa had reached out and, to Alice's astonishment, had raised the surprised woman's hand to those sensual lips of hers, and kissed it, her great eyes gazing all the while deep into Alice's until the latter felt her very soul was being read.

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It all kind of fizzled out when they realised that as nice as it would be to have another go, both of them had to go to work and it was with no small measure of regret that Chris rolled his stockings down his legs and off, placing them with his suspender belt and wishing that he could just call in sick or something. Stood in front of the mirror, he tried to remove the breast forms and try as he might, he couldn't. They were firmly stuck in place and wouldn't budge, except to take the real...

2 years ago
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Me And My Aunt

Hello, Dosto mera naam rohan kumar hai main gujarat ka rehne wala hoo yeh meri pehli story hai, mein apni story shuru karoo isse pehle mein apni kuch feeling apke samne rakhna chata hoo. Mein iss kaafi salon se pad raha hoo jo padne mein kafi maza aata hai kyonki ismein aapko kafi category mil jatai hai desi,incest,virgin, or kai sari meri sabse favourite category hai incest kyonki ise padne ka maza hi kuch or hai. Incest ka matlab hota hai family members ke saath sex chahe wo behen ho maa ho...

3 years ago
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Change Part Two of the Brandt Family SeriesChapter 11

Rockie and JR had gotten into a routine of meeting on his patio each morning after he returned from surfing and before she left for work. He had given her a spare key to his front door so she would bring her computer bag and everything she needed for work over to his condo and drink a glass of juice while waiting for him to arrive. Their kisses were still relatively platonic, but they were occurring more frequently and were no longer just being delivered by her. She couldn’t talk him into...

2 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa The Beginning Part 4 of 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa - The Beginning (part 4 of 4) Kristie was wheeled back into treatment room 5 through the back door. Julie and Bri were waiting. The intern slid Kristie back into the treatment chair, naked. Nobody would recognize Kristie. In the last 7 days, her entire body had been transformed. What had started as just a sweet duplicate of Julie's hair had turned into a completely transformed sex pot. Kristie had huge tits - at least double D's. Julie...

4 years ago
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She Made An Amazing Three

My boyfriend referred to her as his “royal cock sucker”. She had been his regular cock sucker when he lived in PA. She was a swinger who loved pussy and cock and she was at the forefront of almost all of our fantasies. I wanted to eat her out and make her moan on his cock. I wanted to see her suck his cock like she did before I was around. So many nights of wanting ‘the royal cock sucker” to join us in bed. We got her on cam once and I gave him a massive blow job as she watched. She was...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Man with a smalltiny cockpenis

Intended for the person who believes and knows for a fact he has a small penis. You are not ALONE.......................................................................I’ve been married for more than 2 years now. I consider myself to be really lucky to have a loving and supportive wife. She backs me up on everything whether it may be a crucial decision for my career to as simple as picking the right toaster at Walmart. She is more than what I deserve as I am not the perfect husband, I have my...

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Jackson Hole Resort

There’s nothing quite like looking out the window – first thing in the morning – and seeing a blanket of fresh snow that dumped during the night. This definitely could be a ‘fuck my life’ moment if you hate winter and the snow that accompanies it. And, for Cale, it definitely was, but it was also a nice reminder about his upcoming skiing trip with a group of friends to Jackson Hole Resort in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The four of them – Rachel, Kelsey, Cale and Brian – had planned the trip for...

4 years ago
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Horny Indian Wife Fucks Husband8217s Handsome Cousin

Chandni is a 27-year-old married woman. She is very beautiful. Her husband is working in an MNC. She shared her story a few weeks back and asked me to write down her story and share it with you all. I thank her for asking me to write on her behalf and I would like her to know that I really enjoyed writing this story. Everything was fine until one day her husband Sameer received a call from his cousin Mohit. Mohit had to come to the city for some work and had decided to stay with them for a...

4 years ago
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Motorway Services

With the arrangements sorted out I made my way to my room, flung myself on the king sized bed and allowed myself to doze. I felt much better after about twenty minutes and made myself a cup of tea from the provided facilities. My accommodation was to quite a high standard. I had tea and coffee making facilities, some biscuits, a nice big TV with integral video recorder with and an ensuite bathroom. No need to leave the room till morning apart from getting something to eat, if I could stand the...

3 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 71

Crew is both singular and plural ‘She is crew ... she works as an ordinary maid and line handler’ “Who? Them? They’re crew. They work the boat. Far be it from me to get my hands dirty.” “Seventy-five ... a season,” Bea said. “But ... I have certificates ... and a degree in Hotel and Hospitality Administration.” “What does a ‘regular’ crew make?” “Forty-five, room, board and tips,” she said. “Tips?” I had a look. “Generally, a crew doesn’t get tips from an owner. When the owner has...

1 year ago
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seeing my auntie naked when i was younger

In the school holidays when I was younger, around the age of 7 or 8 I used to stay at my aunties house to play with my cousins. In those days the summers always seemed long and hot. Anyway she would often take us to the local swimming baths, and as she took us on her own we all had to go in the womens communal changing rooms, because she thought we were too young to change on our own in the mens. There was my auntie, and my 2 cousins, one girl and one boy. I remember the first time we went,...

4 years ago
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Wiped Clean

"Unlock it," I told the Guard. He swiped an electronic card over the reader, and with a click and a light chime, the door opened. I entered, finding you standing at the barred window, looking out upon the world three floors below you. I knew there wasn't much to see: this side of the hospital looked out upon nothing but flat, arid land that stretched clear to and beyond the horizon. You turned to me with a surprising lack of emotion or concern in your face considering that you were fully naked....

Mind Control
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Trucking for Charity

I was 18 when I fell in love with my best friend. His name was Tony and we’d known each other since we were 5. And I wanted him from the first moment I met him. Yes, at five I knew what sex was, and it took me 13 years to get it. Every Friday night my dad would go bowling, and every Friday night from the time I was thirteen I would sneak off somewhere, so that we could make out. But once I turned 18, everything changed. One Friday we were coming back from my Uncle Dale’s house, and my parents...

2 years ago
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Jharna Amar Bou Holo Part 8211 1

Amar nam surojit & amarbouernammou. Amader sukhersansar .Amra eke oporkeonekbhalobashi. Khub sex kori daily. Amader eekti chele ache. Eibhabe amader sansar chole jachilo. Kichu bochor pore amar bou asushto hoye gelo aramader sex kora bondho hoyegelo. Amar bou khub sad hoyegelo. Kintu kichukorar nei. Amader barite ekta kajer bouchilo jar naam jharna. O khub sundor chilo. Or fig 36-28-24 , sob somoysaree pore ashto. Or protiamarektulobhchilo, kintukichukorarchilona.Bhabtam o kibhabbhe. O jokhon...

3 years ago
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Christy’s Homecoming I had been away at college for about eight months when I decided to pay a long over due visit home. Since leaving the comforts of my family it had been a very lonely time for me. I had always had the love and the shelter of my family, growing up as the only girl in a house where five men ruled was not easy, but all that changed the night of my sixteenth birthday, for it was on that night that I became my family’s sex toy and the dynamics of my family changed forever.I had...

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E117 Subject I

It is early evening by the time Emma and Donald have cleaned up from their dinner.  Donald is just making drinks for the two of them when the backdoor rings and Karen and Julie walk in with a warm pie.  They are both in robes, which are a bit open, so Emma and Donald being completely naked are not that different in appearance.  Actually, all four of them have been becoming more and more used to being undressed around each other, whether from massages or just being together, especially of late...

Love Stories
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Price of Power 4Britneys Big change

Price of Power 4 Britney's Big change Near the middle part of the 21st century, several cosmic events occurred at the same time-a massive solar flare, an extra solar comet with a tail of unknown radiation passed near earth, and an experimental power source being developed in the pacific area went online. The results were unexplainable-almost seven million people (out of a population of seven billion) developed some sort of superhuman ability. Some of these were physical, others...

1 year ago
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A Night Worth Waiting For

Brian had told Connie that she was beautiful. That she was the only girl in the world for him. That he thought he loved her. Everything Connie had heard before. None of this was new, she knew what sorts of things guys would say to get her into bed with them, or at least try to, but this time it was different. She knew they were lines, but she didn't care. Connie actually knew she could do better than Brian, but she didn't care about that either. Though she was far past puberty at age 19, she...

First Time
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Arlene and JeffChapter 361

The Prison Planet Whenever he had the chance, Morales had sawed out boards, and dug more shelves into the cave wall to store his jerky and other items. Next on the agenda was building something more or less permanent to store the salt in so he could free up the rolling case. He thought about using the big resupply case he had found in the stream, but decided it was far too big for what he needed. Resolving to build something suitable, he delved into the giant database on his computer....

2 years ago
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Manali Trek Gives Unforgettable Memories

Hello Readers! This is my first story on this platform so I request you to share your feedback. To describe myself, I am a 23 year old male working in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have been hitting the gym for a few months. I have developed a decent physique now and am working on my way to get 6 pack abs. So this story happened a couple of years back when I had gone for a trek to Manali in June. We were a mixed group of around 30 people who had signed up for it. We all met at the railway station...

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Andreas Two Connections

"Excuse me Miss, but…blah, blah, blah" a man spoke to me as he grabbed my wrist as I walked past him. "I'm sorry?" I replied, turning to face him. The music in the club was so loud; I couldn't hear everything that he was saying. Still holding my wrist, he bent forward and whispered in my ear, "I said that you have amazing breasts!" Stunned, I smiled and replied, "Thank you!" He let go of my wrist and lent forward again. "I didn't know how you would respond. You might have slapped me." The tall...

4 years ago
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Helping Aunt Joy

Davie and his Mom Kate had barely talked about what had happened a few days ago when they had gotten so carried away having sex, she had forgotten her sister, his Aunt Joy was coming over for a visit. She caught them as he had his come running from Kate’s pussy. The two of them standing there panting and naked. Tongues in each others mouth. Most people would have been repulsed by what they were up to but Aunt Joy took it in stride, even slapped him on the naked ass and hugged her sister...

1 year ago
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The Concubine

The Concubine Warning: this story features multiple hangings of females and strong sexual content. If you are too young or simply don?t like this kind of things stop reading now.  After you read it please sent your comments to [email protected] . The author thrives on feedback! ???????????????????????????????  THE CONCUBINE  A week before her seventeenth birthday Desi was brought to the capital and, together with thirty other promising young girls, presented to a court official. She was...

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Selena and JoeChapter 22

After a whirlwind few hours Selena sat alone in the home she and Joe now called ours. Joe had packed, ransacked their bags for his personal items, drove to her parents house, visited with them, and drove back to meet the van, and her Joe was off. Their goodbye was tearful, but Selena was determined to be more grownup about the situation so Joe could leave with a good mindset. Selena drove to her dorm and gathered all of her books and returned to the place she called home now. After setting...

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One Last Orgy

It was the end of the Mayan long count calendar. With less than forty-eight hours to go, emotions were really high; will the world really end? Will the Nibiru prophecy come to pass? These were the questions that were running through my mind. I come from a little village in Oyo state in Nigeria. My father is the village school headmaster and easily the most educated man in the area. He is over six feet tall and has an incredibly commanding presence. He always seems to be towering over everyone....

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Grove River

Charlie hated doing chores, she knew she'd much rather be out playing in the fields, running through the tall grass, or swimming down in the river, what she envisioned a normal fourteen year old girl should be doing. However she also knew they had to be done. Even before the sun was up Charlie was. She had to feed the chickens, milk the cows, and collect the eggs needed for breakfast. So was life on the farm along the banks of the Grove River and she accepted it, most of the time that is....

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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 12

By about 8pm, I woke up. I looked at imad, who was still asleep. I got off of him and thought for a while. This day is about to end. A whole another day awaits in front of us. He does not mind spending for me, but he minds my pain anyway. I was so happy to have him. I smiled at him and palmed his cheek. I knew he did not see my smile and almost not feel my palm but I did it because I loved the time I had spent with him already. I then kissed his lips once and laid by him again. As you know, I...

3 years ago
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Its Practically What Uncles Are ForChapter 16

The menial tasks of clearing up had naturally made George's dick soften, but the sight that met him in the bedroom returned so much blood to his groin that it threatened to rip open his trousers. Hannah was lying on the bed naked, clean and inviting after a shower. Her sex was swollen and glistening with secretions. "That is the prettiest pussy I have ever seen," George said. "It looks yummy - good enough to eat!" "Does it?" Hannah asked nervously. "I've never tried that." "You...

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getting started

driving towards your old house, im excited and horny. its been a while since we've been there but the opportunity presented itself for us to meet there. we're texting back and forth before i arrive, teasing and getting each other worked up. u say you're going to wear a sexy outfit for me and its a surprise. i love that. thinking about your hot body and how its so soft is getting me harder as i drive faster. i pull up and see you in the front door, and i quickly get out and head in. as i open...

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My story

This story as seen and experienced through the eyes of HildaAs I lay there in the car trunk, bound and gagged, my most immediate thought was that I had really screwed up. My mindis story continues from Pt 2 as seen and experienced through the eyes of HildaAs I lay there in the car trunk, bound and gagged, my most immediate thought was that I had really screwed up. My mind was screaming run! But my heart was telling me that Gary was just going to take me somewhere, have guys **** and use me,...

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The week that followed my exciting night of babysitting with Cathy and Steven seemed to pass very slowly and I thought about the things we had done that night frequently. The memories were vivid in my mind and they made me so horny. When I was alone in the house I would get naked and masturbate as I imagined Cathy stroking and sucking my hard cock as Steven watched.As the weekend drew near I hoped and prayed that Mrs. Waters would call for me to babysit again. Finally on Friday the phone rang,...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Farm

I am a very methodical person and live an ordered existence. I am not totally anal but love structure in my weekly routine. Mondays to Fridays I work hard, visit the gym after work to de-stress, then make supper and do the dishes. I only allow myself an hour or so of television before retiring to bed. Being an avid reader, I then lose myself in one or another book before falling asleep. On Saturdays, I clean house and do my washing, after which I do my weekly grocery shopping.On Saturday...

Gay Male
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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 1

I must admit, I was more than a bit surprised when a new guy at work, a middle-aged, moderately overweight and mostly bald guy named Bill invited me to come over on an upcoming Saturday morning to his attend the birthday party he was throwing for an exchange student from California who was staying with him and his wife. First, I hardly knew the guy. And second, he was giving me 3 weeks’ notice; that just seemed far too ‘planned’ to me. Feeling a tad suspicious, I told him I might ‘pop by’ if I...

3 years ago
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Sex With Naghma Garam Aur Mast Maal

Hi Friends this my first story my sex experience share with u mera naam vicky hai mai 25 saal ka hu 5foot 8 inch meri height hai slim body and good look naghma jiske sath mera sex exp hai wo us waqt thi 20 saal ki gajab ka maal thi garam ek dum hot ha mai roorkee ut se hu Ye aaj se laghbhag 4 saal pehle ki baat hai jb mai ek govt project pe kaam krta tha pehle hum bhi wha operator ki job krte the baad me hume wha supervisor bna diya gya jb sight humare hath me aa gyi tb humne ek ladki ko kaam...

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